Crew Expendable
The beginning of the next mission was exactly the same as the previous one. It all began with the same Beacon emblem, only this time it had Ruby's name under it. It spinned around for a few seconds, before the digital map appeared on the screen. At first, it showed the location where Ruby had her training, then it moved across the map to the more watery terrain.
"Bravo Team, the intel on this op comes from our informant in Menagerie." Yang's voice spoke up as the camera lowered itself on the large ship, "The package is aboard a medium freighter, Vacuo registration number 52775." She began explaining as the camera began moving all across the ship, showing it off. There were also the red dots which symbolized their enemies, "There is a small crew and a security detail on board.''
"Rules of engagement, captain?" Weiss asked.
"Crew expendable." was Yang's answer.
"I assume that these people are somehow involed with Cinder, otherwise why would they kill them." Ren stated, remembering that in the previous mission Cinder was introduced as probably the main villain of this story.
"We'll see." Pyrrha said.
"Do I really have to follow Yang's orders?" Weiss asked.
"Yup. She's your captain, after all." B answered.
"We all are going to die." Weiss stated, burrying her hands in her face.
"Hey!" Yang cried at her teammate.
"Believe me, Ice Queen. I was suprised myself that she turned out to be Captain Price." B said to Weiss.
"Captain who?" Qrow asked.
"Captain Price. Her character's name." B explained.
The camera lowered itself onto the chopper which was flying in the direction of the ship, before the perspective has changed, the audience was seeing everything through Ruby's eyes, once again. She was looking forward herself, at Yang who sat in front her. The thing that took most of the audience off the guard was that Yang was holding a cigar, as the small cloud of smoke left her mouth.
"Is Yang smoking?" Blake asked.
"I am." Yang said, suprised that this version of herself was smoking.
"Yang? Were you trying to hide something from me" Tai asked, turning to his daughter.
"Dad! Of course I wasn't! I know this is bad for my health!" Yang said.
As the chopper had finally reached the ship, Yang threw the cigar into the water, and covered her face with a gas-mask. Ruby quickly followed her example, and put a mask over her face as well. Then, she pulled out her MP5, and undid the safety, then Yatsuhashi who sat not too far from them for the whole time, slid down the rope, onto the ship, and was followed by Yang and Ruby.
When the three of them touched the ground, they looked over at the four men behind a control panel.
"Weapons free." Yang said as she, Ruby and Yatsuhashi pulled the triggers, and shot down all of them men down, before they could react.
"So, this universe doesn't auras as well." Goodwitch stated, finding it quite obvious, considering that it didn't had semblances too.
"Most likely." Ozpin agreed with her, taking a sip of his coffee.
"Bridge secured." Yatsuhashi stated the obvious as the three of them went over to the entrance to the deck.
"Hold you fire, Weiss stay in the bird till we secure the deck, over." Yang said.
"Roger that." Weiss responded as Yang kicked the door open and went inside the deck, followed by her squad.
"Well, that was subtle." Melanie stated.
"It's Yang, what were you excepting from her?" Miltia asked, as Yang just rolled her eyes at their comments.
Ruby, Yang and Yatsuhashi went down the stairs which were leading to the lower side of the deck and when they turned to the left, the first thing they saw was one of the men from the crew. He was walking forward himself with a bottle in his hand, singing to himself, completely unaware of the people that were in front of him. He was taken down by Yang, with a simple shot in the head.
"See, that may happen to you if you don't stop drinking." Winter said to Qrow, trying to give him another lecture about his drinking problem.
Qrow in response, took a long sip from his flask, just to annoy her, "What did you say, Ice Queen?"
Winter sighed in frustation.
"Hallway clear!" Yang said as Yatsuhashi and Ruby moved to the room on their right, and saw that two fellow crewmates of the man that Yang just shoot down, were sleeping on their beds. The two of them decided to take care of them, to prevent them from causing them possible trouble in their mission.
"Sweet dreams." Yatsuhashi said.
"Crew quarters clear, move out." Yang said, walking outside into the rain, before the squad moved to a set of stairs, and went down it as Weiss, Melanie and Miltia joined them on the ship, as the slid down the rope, "Fan out, three meter squad."
The squad followed Yang's order and began walking forward themselves, until Weiss spotted something, "Got two on the platform."
Even though, they were barely noticeably to Ruby, she saw both of them fall down on the floor, as a few shoots rang through her ears.
"Targets neutralized." Melanie said, being apparently the one who shot them down, as the squad slowly made their way to the others side of the ship, and much to her, and the audience suprise, a few people appeared in the windows and began to shot at them.
"And there goes discretion." Ironwood said, a little disappointed. He enjoyed the part when Yang's squad was taking care of everything silently, with the enemy not knowing what was going on.
"We got company." Weiss stated, as Ruby started to fire back at them.
"Yeah, no shit." Mercury said.
As Ruby continued to shot at her enemies, Yang's voice called over, "Hammer-Two-Four, we got tangos on the 2nd floor."
"Who's that?" Ruby asked.
"I assume that it's the chopper that took you there." Blake answered.
"Copy, engaging." Blake 's suspicion was confirmed as the chopper appeared above Ruby and took care of the people that were shooting at Yang's squad.
"Bravo-Six, Hammer is bingo at fuel, we're buggin out. Big Bird will be on station for evac in ten." Hammer-Two-Four operator said as the chopper turned to leave.
"Copy Hammer. Melanie, Miltia cover our six, the rest of you, on me." Yang said.
"Roger that." Weiss said as she, Ruby, Yang and Yatsuhashi made their way over to the doors, while Melanie and Miltia stayed behind. As they stood in front of the doors, Weiss took of a shotgun off her back, and turned to look at Yatsuhashi, "I like to keep this for close encounters."
"Too right, Ice Queen." Yatsuhashi said.
B chuckled, understanding the reference.
"What's so funny?" Weiss asked, confused.
"Oh, it just, Your line is a reference to one of the well known science fiction movie franchises." B explained.
"Oh." Weiss replied, now understanding why B chuckled at her words.
Yang grabbed the wheel of the door, turning it sixty degrees, "On my mark." she said, before opening the doors, "Go check the corners!"
Ruby followed the others inside and began moving through the halls. If there was going to come across the enemy in those halls, they'd think quickly, because there almost no cover to hide behind.
"Movement right." After a moment of walking through the halls, Yatsuhashi spoke up.
"Where?" Coco asked, eyeing the screen.
Suddenly, when Ruby got closer to the stairs, the audience saw the enemies.
"You got your answer." Emerald said.
"Tango down." Weiss said, once the squad took care of their enemies.
"Hallway clear!" Yang shouted as they moved forward, "Check your corners!"
"Clear left." Yatsuhashi quickly answered, as Ruby took a quick glance at the right to make sure they were clear.
The squad moved to the left, and stopped by the doors, which were leading somewhere, "Stand by, on my go."
"Standing by." Yatsuhashi said back as Weiss peeked her head through her doors to see if there was anyone there, only to get shot at by her enemies, who thankfully missed every shot.
"That was close." Weiss stated, as she saw how this version of herself was almost shot down.
"Flashbang out." Yang exclaimed, as she threw the flash-bang grenade through the doors, that exploded a second after, "Go."
The squad moved through the doors into the cargo-room, and quickly took care of the people that were shooting at them just a moment ago. At least those were all the people they saw, in a place like this, the enemy could be hiding somewhere.
"Got you covered up, move up." Yatsuhashi said as the squad began moving across the room with their guns in ready, in case if there a enemy somewhere, ready to attack them.
When the squad stopped on the other side of the room, Weiss said, "Forward area clear."
"No tangos in sight." Yatsuhashi stated.
"You know, from now I think I'm going to call our enemies "Tangos"." Yang said, sending a quick glance at Roman and Neo, who sat the closest, when it came to poeple who she wasn't a fan of.
"Yang, please no." Weiss said, shaking her head.
"I like this idea." Ruby agreed with her sister.
"What about you, Blake?" Weiss asked, hoping that at least Blake was going to take her side.
"I'm with Yang and Ruby on this one." Blake answered, as Weiss just sighed in response.
"Move up! Keep it tight." Yang said as the squad began moving forward again, still keeping the guard up by checking every corner, until they reached a doors which were leading to another room.
"Ready, captain." Weiss said as Yang kicked the doors open.
"Go." She told them, as Ruby, Weiss and Yatsuhashi walked inside. They checked the corner, to make sure there wasn't anyone who would attack them, as Yang walked through the doors.
"Move." Yang said, once she was informed by them that both sides were clear.
The squad walked up the stairs into the catwalk, and Weiss quickly noticed that there were three enemies on the other side of the room, "Movement right."
While the two enemies didn't even had a chance to fire back at Yang's squad when they started to shot at them, the last one crouched down and tried to fight back, but it didn't took that long before he joined his fellow crewmates.
As they were done with them, Yang and her squad made their way to the stairs and walked down them to the ground level, where they were met by by two people that tried to fire at them, but they were quickly took them without any problem.
"Forward area, clear." Yatsuhashi said, as they moved to the entrance which was leading to the third cargo-room. Unfortunely for them they were forced to take a cover because the entrance was wide open.
"One ready." Weiss informed her captain, hiding behind the cover.
'Two ready." Yatsuhashi added a moment later.
"On my mark." Yang said, as she threw a flash-bang grenade into the room. When it exploded, she added, "Go!"
Ruby was the first one to rush into the room, she took a cover behind a crate and took down a man that tried to shoot her down. She then looked around the room, to see where the rest was hiding only to get shot at from multiple sides.
"It seems like they finally met some difficulty." Watts stated.
"They could use the twins that they left behind to guard the door, right now." Junior added.
In the chaos that was ensuing across the room, Ruby had trouble in seeing where her enemies was, because everytime when she tried to lean out of the cover, she was met with more shoots from them. Her squad, while it didn't had any trouble in leaning out of their covers to fire back at them, wasn't doing much better than her.
Then an idea popped into her mind, she threw a flash-bang grenade at the area where she was sure that at least a few enemies were hiding, and once it exploded, she leaned out and began firing back at them, when she was sure that the enemies on this side of the room were dead, she and her squad now focused their attention fully on the enemies that were left on the other side of the room.
Even though, they had some problems with them, they managed to get rid of them, without anyone from their squad getting hurt or worse.
"Tango down." Yatsuhashi said.
"Report all clear?" Yang asked, wanting to be sure that there wasn't anyone left there.
"Roger that. All clear." Weiss quickly responded, as she made her way to one of the containers, "I'm getting a strong reading, captain."
"A strong reading from what?" Scarlet wondered.
"It must the container." Pyrrha stated.
Ruby went over her squad, that already joined Weiss by the container, who opened the container and took a look at what was inside there, "You might wanna take a look at this."
"Vacuo." Coco said, looking at the flag that was inside the container on the screen which was now fully opened.
"Hm. It's from Vacuo." Yang stated, eyeing it, before giving a report through the radio, "Baseplate, this is Bravo-Six. We've found it. Ready to secure package for transport."
The voice that replied to her, suprised some of the poeple in the audience, "No time, Bravo Six. Two bogies headed your way fast, grab what you can and get the hell out of here."
"Wait? Was that?" Qrow asked, suprised by the voice that just spoke.
"It was you." Tai replied, looking at Qrow.
"Uncle Qrow is our boss?" Ruby said, looking at Yang, before the two of them yelled out in unison, so loudly that some of them people in the audience had to cover their ears, "Awesome!"
''My ears..." Cinder muttered to herself.
"Fast movers, probably MIG', we'd better go." Weiss said, sounding concerned.
Yang, who unlike Weiss sounded very calm turned to her sister, "Sis, grab the manifest in the container!"
Ruby walked into the container, and quickly picked up a clipboard and a paper on the top of the package, before sprinting forward with her squad.
"Something is going to happen. I feel it." Neo said, still getting used to the fact that she got her voice back.
"All right. Everyone topside, Melanie, Miltia. What's your status?" Yang asked.
"Already in the helicopter, captain..." Melanie's answer wasn't finished as the part of the ship that was in front of Yang's team exploded, causing Yang, Ruby, Weiss and Yatsuhashi to fall down on the floor.
"Called it." Neo said.
"Shit! What the hell happened?" Yatsuhashi shouted, as Ruby looked over at Weiss.
"The ship's sinking! We've gotta go, now!" Weiss shouted as she got herself back on her feet.
"This is bad." Velvet stated.
"Bravo six! Come in dammit!" Big Bird called for them.
"Big Bird this is Bravo Six! We're on our way out!" Yang answered, and she ran up to Ruby and got back on her feet, "On your feet, soldier! We are leaving!"
"Ruby's my little soldier, I guess." Yang chuckled, despise how bad the situation was for her and her sister on the screen as Ruby blushed in embarassment at her comment.
"This is getting good." Nora said, feeling the adrenaline go through her veins.
"Yup." Jaune agreed with her, feeling the adrenaline in his veins as well.
When Ruby was on her feet, she and her squad were running as fast as they could, and she was doing her best to keep with with them.
"Where's her gun?" Velvet asked.
"She must've dropped it when she fell on the ground." Blake assumed.
"Get to the catwalks. Go! Go! Go!" Yang shouted as they began to run up the stairs to the catwalks.
"I wish had my semblance, now!" Ruby shouted.
"I feel like we're going to say this many times through the story." Yang added.
Ruby couldn't help but agree with her.
The situation just got worse when they got to the catwalk, the ship shook, causing the large spray of water right into Yang, Ruby, Weiss and Yatsuhashi.
"Go! Go!" Yatsuhashi shouted.
"Keep moving!" Weiss added, as a large spray of water went into them, once again, this time they fell on their knees but quickly got back on their feets.
"Come on!" Yang shouted, as the group was now really close to the last doors, when Ruby was about to ran through that, her feet got stuck in one of the railings, she quickly got it out, but it costed her some distance from her and her squad.
When they were off the catwalk, Ruby now struggling even more to keep up with them, they quickly saw that the hallway was in even worse condition than the cargo hold.
"Talk to me, Bravo-Six, where the hell are you?" Big Bird asked them.
"I doubt that they have time to answer." Ren said.
"Standby, we're almost there!" Yang quickly replied.
"Just imagine what would have happen if you were there with them." Sun whispered to Neptune who shivered at the thought of being in a drowning ship.
"Which way?! Which way to the helicopter?!" Yatsuhashi asked, as the ran up the stairs.
"To the right!" Yang replied, as they turned to the right, and saw the doors that were leading outside. They made their way to them, and ran through them.
"We're running outta time!" Weiss stated, as they squad was now outside, running along the deck.
As if the situation wasn't bad enough, the waves were smashing into the deck.
"Where is it!?" Weiss shouted, looking around for the helicopter, which appeared a second after.
While the rest of the Ruby's squad made their way to the helicopter and quickly got themselves inside of it without any problem, she quickly noted that it looked barely in reach of her when by the time she arrived.
"Jump for it!" Miltia shouted as Ruby leaped herself forward to the helicopter. She barely reached, and was slowly sliding down, but thankfully Yang noticed it the first place, and dropped her gun on the floor, and grabbed her younger sister.
"Gotcha!" She shouted as Ruby got herself on her feet, and turned back to the ship and watched how it was sinking, "We're all aboard! Go!"
"That was close." Ruby said, sighing in relief.
"Very close." Yang added, sighing in relief as well.
"Roger that, we're outta here." Big Bird said back, before he contacted Qrow again, using his nickname, "Baseplate, this is Big Bird. Package secured, returning to base. Out.''
The screen suddenly went black for second, before an inscription, "Infinity Ward presents." appeared on the screen, and it was changed a moment after by another inscription that said, "Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare"
The, the screen went black, once again, only this time, it didn't showed anything.
"I have to admit the last part was intense." Cardin said.
"I never thought that I'll agree with you, Winchester." Coco agreed with him.
"So I assume that you are liking this so far?" B asked in a very hopeful tone.
"I do. And I already like this version of myself." Yang said.
"So do I, I just I wish I could speak." Ruby asked, remembering that she was gonna get some lines in the future.
"The people who made this know how to grab people's attention." Goodwitch stated.
"I'll take this as yes." B said, as he pressed the button, which started the next mission, "This mission will be more of set up, but we'll get to know the main antagonists."
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