Zombie AU Part 1:
A/N: Heavily inspired by Marvel Zombies, mainly Zombie SpiderMan who had a lot of development in the story.
Also, if you wondered what they'd like in terms of Queen Songs, here's a list:
We Are The Champions: Yang, Nora, and Ruby
Barcelona: Ozpin, Glynda, Weiss, and aWinter
Love of My Life: Pyrrha, Velvet, and Ruby
Set Me Free: Illa, Blake, Coco, and Raven, all of whom laughed when seeing it.
"Will, shea tuk dat beta dan I expectid", Damian said, "Buddy, I have a friend made entirely of water, and came to me when they were heartbroken. Their tears was a literal waterfall and I almost drowned when I comforted them, they cried LESS than they did!", Zeik said. With the guests, Pyrrha and Juliet were flipping through the photo book, cooing and laughing at a few of them.
After the other world, Zeik explained Jaune's life there, from his private life, his marriage and divorce to Pyrrha, coming out, his boyfriend, and his AIDS related death. Then they had to deal with the Arc's, Pyrrha, and Jaune's team and their endless stream of tears after that, more so from the Spartan. But, with a mountain of tissues, gallons of ice cream, they had calmed down enough to listen to their new music additions to their Scrolls. Many had their favorites and have been listening to them for a while now, some even banging their heads to Bohemian Rhapsody.
(That's for you Queen fans and those who watched the movie and Wane's World!)
"Ok, wow, this'll be tougher, tougher than explaining that", Zeik said, catching their attention, mainly the Spartan and dotting mother to look away from the book. "What's this world about?", Yang asked, "Eh veri dark 'ne", Damian said, now that concerned everyone, well, except the obvious. "So, what's the big deal?", Cinder asked, irritated, "Well, for starters, the youngest and most of the Arc's will have to go in the other room", Zeik said.
This raised some alarms, mostly with the Arc family, "Why do we have to leave, why can't we stay and watch?", Janet asked. "Ess veri dark, y'all beh scured ouwt yo pants", Damian said, "But why mostly the Arc family, and who else?", Glynda asked. "Probably Ruby, but we agreed she can stay, but the only Arc's that can stay are the parents, what we'll show is too dark, even for you", Zeik said seriously. The group looked at each other, all in worry, mainly why they decided to let Ruby stay while a small portion leaves.
"Are they gonna be ok?", Juliet asked, "Of course, we stocked the room with everything you'll need; Food, games, playgrounds, everything you'll need", Zeik reassured. They seemed to relax at that, "Cool, games!", Julianna cheered as she ran towards the room, the other Arc children following. "Are you sure Ruby should stay?", Tai asked, "Don werry, belive es whin we say dat shea neads ta see dis", Damian said.
"Let's start this before I have a chance to regret this!", Ruby said, making many look at her, "What, might as well get this over with, besides, it can't be that bad", Ruby said with a shrug. "She has a point", Blake said, "By the way, we have a friend joining us for this, he's gonna help answer any questions you'll have with this", Zeik said with a wide grin. "What's he like?", Qrow asked, "Hey's got eh split persenality", Damian said, "Into what?", Ghira asked,
"One sides a sociopath, the others a psychopath, and damn if he ain't one Hell of a party!", Zeik said with joy. Now the good people were scared, "So what, how crazy could he be, especially to Tyrian?", Watts asked, pointing to the psycho. Zeik and Damian just grinned widely, unnerving many there as they just stepped out the way with a person walking forward.
(He looks just like I've mentioned him and his own face reveal on his account.)
"Everyone, meet the ProfessionalRanter!", Zeik announced with joy as the group just looked in confusion. "This is the socio/psychopath?", Salem asked in confusion, "You can say that, ya slimy granny", Professional said in a smooth yet eerie voice. 'Why do people keep calling me old!?', the Grimm Queen thought in anger as the split man looked around. "I'm assuming this side of you is your sociopath?", Ozpin asked, right before PR was right in front of him, holding him up by his clothes.
Everyone instinctively backed away in fear as Ranter dropped Ozpin in his seat and went to his own. "Holy crap", Yang said in fear, "Oh don't mind him, we just share a major dislike of Ozma and his manipulation", Professional said, the professor stiffing at the name. "Relax, as long as I'm here, he won't harm him, much", Zeik said, the last part a whisper to PR, who grinned. "Man, y'all weren't jokin' when y'all said heys crazy", Damian said, pleasantly shocked and happy at the split man's antics.
"Told Ya, now then, let's get this started!", Zeik said as the movie begin, everyone staring at the screen.
Huff... Huff... Huff...
'Crap! Oh crap! Oh crap!', thought the desperate voice in the head of a fast moving figure in the darkness. An over shot had the figure going pass a light with 4 others chasing them in a dark alley in the rain.
"Whoa, this is just like an action film where the main guy is chased by those who wanna kill him!", Nora said with rapid attention to the screen. "I don't like where this is going", Pyrrha said, "You'll like it even less with what happens later in this world", Professional said.
"Crap, dead end!", the voice, identified as male, yelled in fear as he stopped in front of a tall brick wall. The darkness cleared to show a man who was no less than 15 with light blue hair, a white shirt with a dark red jacket over it. His skin was slightly tanned and his face was full of open fear at who was after him, "Crap!", he yelled.
"He sure says crap a lot", Yang said, slightly laughing at the constant use of the word, "Wonder who's after him", Ren thought. "Say, does this guy remind you of anyone?", Coco asked, "Hey, isn't that my jacket?", Neptune asked in surprise. "Hey, I think it is, why's he have it?", Sun said, looking intently at the article of clothing he wore. "He kinda looks like you", Velvet said, looking at the kid's face, "Maybe, but not as handsome", Neptune said, making a few groan.
"Common kid, let's get this over with", one of the voices said with a deep growl, making the kid's form shake in terror. "Yeah man, I'm hungry", another voice said with a deep chuckle while he and the other unknown figures came closer.
"Aren't those Cardin's and Russell's voices?", Ruby said, remembering the team that gave the students and Faunus at Beacon a hard time. "Why do their voices sound... deeper?", Glynda asked, Zeik, Damian, and ProfessionalRanter looked at one another with wide grins.
As they stepped in to clearer light, their forms were revealed to be the group of 4 that made Team CRDL. Except...
Everyone leaned in, wondering where that narration was going.
The unknown teen was positively frozen in fear as he saw what made them different and what scared him. They wore their regular Hunter armor and had their weapons, but their armor were covered in dents, dried blood, and some areas were gone. Each of them were missing large portions of their faces, some of their skin falling off, showing their sharp teeth and jaw bones. Their eyes were blank and had no pupils with their whole faces shagging with their loose skin and wide sharp grins.
When they all saw their faces, everyone recoiled in fear and disgust at the sight of the team looking like they were put in a meat grinder. The sight of their loose skin and lack of skin made many feel queasy, Ruby and Nora looking ready to puke. "Good Oum", IronWood said in fear, "What the Hell happened to them?!", Qrow asked as Tai and Summer hugged each other in fear. "WHAT'S IT LOOK LIKE YOU DUSTY OLD BIRD!?", Ranter yelled, "It dess sem veri obious", Damian said.
"And that would be?", Weiss said, clutching her stomach, "They're ZOMBIES~~~!!", Zeik said, his voice echoing with an eerie tone, scaring the audience. "H-h-h-how are they-y like that!?", asked a scared and jittery Mercury, who was not a fan of zombie stories. "Same as they always show up, it's the military's fault", Professional said, making Winter and IronWood worry. "Did we really cause that?", Winter asked, "Mostuve eit", Damian said, "Who else was apart of it?", Oobleck asked, "We'll save that for later", Zeik said.
"Common kid, it won't hurt, much", Cardin said with a wide grin as he walked forward, the kid cowering against the wall. "I call dibs on his legs", Russell said with drool escaping his mouth, "Hey, you got them last time! It's my turn!", Sky said in anger. "No way, it's my turn!", Dove said, walking closer, "ENOUGH, I'm the leader, which means I get first dibs!", Cardin ordered.
Grabbing the kids shirt, he lifted him up until they were face to rotting flesh, the kid thrashing in his arms. "Stop squirming, this'll go quicker when you do", Cardin said as he opened his jaw so wide his jaw unhinged, showing the inside of his mouth and razor teeth.
"SOMEONE STOP HIM!!", Neptune shouted, "I know Cardin's a jerk, but this is too far!", Yang said, looking away. "SERIOUSLY, WHY THE FACE, THAT ISN'T NEARLY AS TASTY", Ranter said, everyone looking at him in disgust. "He's talking about general experience, we don't eat humans, well, not without a good reason", Professional explained. Weiss had a enough and promptly vomited to the side while Ruby fainted in shock, the info being too much for her.
The still unknown kid recoiled in shock as, from the back of Cardin's open mouth, a sword's tip came out! With a quick move, the zombie's head was split right from the middle, Cardin's body going limp and the child fell. He quickly backed away right against the wall as he noticed the other members of CRDL looking around. "Who the Hell are you!?", Dove shouted to the skies, right before he was knocked to the ground by an unidentifiable figure.
After grabbing his head, the figure brutally pulled it off his body and threw it to Russell, who only had a second to think before getting split in half by the person's sword. Sky started to run away, 'Whoever this guy is, I gotta get the Hell away!', Sky thought as he ran for his... what do you all it if your a zombie?
Sky fell to the ground as the person's sword flew through the air and impale the back of his head, sticking to the wall he was turning from.
"Thanks for the nightmares", John said, looking away in disgust at the sheer brutality this person executed to take out the zombies. While it isn't new to him since he's seen and done himself against Grimm, but these were humans, or, used to be. "Good Oum, gotta give him props for the way he easily took care of them", Roman said, slightly impressed. "Where's Jaune in this, please tell me he'll do something", Pyrrha pleaded in fear of the whole world, and it just began.
The kid was breathing heavily at the sight of the zombies get destroyed after they tried to eat him not even a moment ago. The figure who took them out walked forward to him, finally showing who, or what, he was. He was almost 6ft with white armor plates that had red stains, a brown jacket, blue jeans, and his face covered by his hood. "Always hated those guys", the man said in a deep, muffled voice as he stood before the scared teen.
"JAUNE/ARC!?!?!", the teens friends and parents said at once in shock, surprise, and relief, "Whoa, that was Vomit Boy, damn, that was brutal", Yang said. "Ooh Jaune", Juliet said in fear at what her son has been doing after what she just saw him do, and that he seemed eager to do it!
"You alright kid?", the man, who we'll call Jaune Arc, asked, the teen hurriedly shaking his head, "Y-yeah, I'm good!", he said. "You got a name?", Jaune asked, kneeling before him, "U-uh, I'm Snow Schnee Vasilias", Snow said in fear. "Huh, your Weiss' kid, didn't see that coming", Jaune said, standing back up, offering a hand, which Snow took and stood up.
"WHAT?!?", Neptune and Weiss shouted at once, the heiress blushing in embarrassment, "Oh my, it seems that Weiss and Neptune end up together in this world", Winter said with a hand over her mouth. "Far enough to have a kid around my age", Ruby said, her partner having fainted, "How far ahead in the future is this world?", Ozpin asked. "Over 20 years", Zeik said, further surprising th group, as if the world wasn't shocking enough, it's a huge time skip.
"You might wanna stick with me for a while to stay safe, some zombies have really good noses, they'll easily smell you", Jaune explained as they began walking. "I don't smell bad do I?", Snow asked, "You smell like food, that's all they care about", Jaune said, retrieving his sword. "Where can I go if they can easily smell me?", Snow asked, "Common, I have a special bunker where you can stay", Jaune said as he lead them out of the city. It took them a while since they needed to avoid the dozens of zombies walking around and making sure they won't smell Snow.
"That's always annoying to do, especially when you have other survivors with you", Professional said. "Yeah, and then there's that one a-hole that's always bitching and moaning over the whole thing, then you find out he's been infected", Zeik added. "Are we just ignore them or?", Blake asked, "If it makes this go any faster, than yes", Raven said, annoyed.
After a bit, Jaune lead Snow to a sewer drain, picking up the cover, "Get in, I'll be after you", Jaune ordered. Snow slightly gagged, but a bad smell isn't as bad as getting eaten, so he did as he was told and climbed in. Jaune took one last good look around before following, closing the lid as quietly as he could so he won't catch any attention.
In The Sewers:
"Ugh, it stinks in here, how can you stand it?", Snow asks, covering his noes, "I wouldn't be complaining if I were you. Thanks to the smell, those zombies won't be able to track you, now common, we have work to do", Jaune ordered as he began walking away.
"That's actually smart, especially if those zombies are smart enough to smell him", Ruby said, somewhat ok. "Jaune's really smart to think of that", Pyrrha said, "It's probably why he hasn't been found yet", Ren added. "You might wanna pay close attention here, cause Jaune'll start explaining some stuff", Zeik said, "Oh I'm excited. It's that part of the film where you get some serious information told that totally changes the story!", Professional said with a clap.
"Say uh, what's your name?", Snow asked, making sure to avoid any floaters in the water, "Jaune Arc, I knew your parents at Beacon", Jaune said, making a left to a tunnel. Snow was surprised at this, "Oh yeah, you're the guy that tried to get with my mom", Snow said, making Jaune groan.
"Oh common Weiss, he stopped that, why did you tell your kids", Ruby whined, "Don't blame me, blame this world's me!", Weiss said back. "I think it's more weird the fact that we named him Snow", Neptune said, making many look at him. "I thought it was cool", Yang joked, making many groan, except her father Tai, who laughed along with his daughter.
"Ugh, never mind that, care to explain how you got Cardin and his brainless goons after you?", Jaune asked, going down a ladder. Snow rubbed his head, "I was trying to get back to this other bunker, but... they got there first... I was the only one to get away", Snow said, depressed. When they were down, Jaune took a moment to look at Snow, who was really down now that he had a chance. 'Probably didn't have time to mourn when he was running for his life', Jaune guessed as he patted Snow's back.
"Don't worry about it, they're gone now, CRNL are dead and those people are in a better place", Jaune told him seriously. Snow was still sad, but nodded as the continued their walk in the sewers.
Hearing about Snow's experiences made many feel sad, mostly Weiss and Neptune, who were his parents. "That poor boy", Juliet said in tears, "It's sad to see that, especially since he's so young", Glynda said. "At least he has Jaune there to help him", Velvet said, lifting some spirits, "But for how long will they be safe?", Nora asked in a surprisingly somber tone. Hearing the normally hyper girl act not like herself made everyone see just how serious this world was.
"Well if what we've seen so far and know from our own version of Jaune, I believe they'll be just fine", John said with a smile. That made everyone feel slightly better at that, hopefully it'll last through the rest of the showing.
"Say, where are we going anyway?", Snow asked, "I have a special bunker here that I use to plan and think over my next move to stop this", Jaune said as they reached a certain door. Pulling a key out and unlocking it, Jaune opened the door to show Snow what was inside, "Whoa", the kid said.
It was fairly large with a tall ceiling and a giant light in the center area with tons of papers and pins all over the walls. The center floor had many tables full of science like equipment, chemicals, and a table with a full scale model of Beacon Academy. There was a fridge, some beds, a whole selection of armor and weapons, and a small door that has a sign that says 'DON'T OPEN'.
"Huh, looks like one of those survival bunkers you'd see in zombie movies", Oscar pointed out, many agreeing. "Dang, it looks really stalked up on all the essentials", Yang said, "You'd have to be when in a zombie outbreak", Summer said.
"There's some fresh food in the fridge and the bed's there for you to use, you've had a long day and I'm sure you're tired", Jaune said as he went to the scale of Beacon. "Did you make all this stuff?", Snow asked, heading for the fridge, "Some of it, most of it I picked up in my travels. That armor I took from an old Atlas military bunker", Jaune said, pointing to the line or expensive looking armor. Snow walked over to it, liking the designs and how awesome it looks, "Hey, why don't you wear these instead of that armor you're wearing?", Snow asked.
"It has sentimental value, besides they're made for bigger people, they're extremely heavy and mainly used for taking heavy damage. You're free to take whatever", Jaune offered as he set his sword down, unaware of the glowing face of Snow.
"What happened to Atlas?", IronWood asked the 3 immortal being's, "ATLAS WAS THE CENTER OF THE OUTBREAK, THEY WERE THE FIRST TO FALL. BUT DAMN, THE WAY IT DID SURPRISED EVEN US!", Ranter said. "That would explain how Arc got his hands on those armor, they're very high grade and made of some of the best metals around", Winter said. "That's a good plan, to suit up with any kind of armor since the zombies can turn you with one bite", Sun said.
"You'd think you'd all do the same against the Grimm instead of wearing regular clothes, Aura can't protect y'all for long", Zeik said. The teams just looked offended, "What need would we have for those, we are too skilled for that too happen", Weiss said. "Den why doo onley Pyrrha 'n Jaune weer armer?", Damian asked, "He has a point, I wear this in case of trouble with Grimm", Pyrrha added. "And you say you're too skilled to do that, yet there's a big proof of evidence contradicting your words over your eye", Zeik said, making the girl go quiet.
Snow immediately went through the amor, picking out his favorites as Jaune went to work mixing the various chemicals on the other table. 10 minutes later, Snow chose a few arm guards, boots, chest piece, and a helmet that covered most of his face. "This is so cool", Snow said, throwing a few test punches and kicks, "Real lightweight", Snow said. "I didn't say every piece would be like a hundred pounds, I meant that if you had all the armor on, like the leggings and extra arm covers", Jaune said.
Snow nodded as he looked around the place more, wondering what else he'll see, and what he found was shocking. It was a photo of a group of teenaged friends in different clothes and armor each, but in the middle was what stood out. It was a person wearing the same clothes as Jaune, but his face was covered with a red X, making his curiosity grow.
This confused a few, "Why's Jaune's face X-ed out?", Ruby asked in worry, Zeik and PR giving each a small glimpse.
"Say uh, Jaune, why's this photo of you have your face covered?", Snow asked, making Jaune stop his work and his body go stiff. Snow wondered what he did to make him like that, until saw his shoulders slump and he heard a sigh. "Come here and take a seat", Jaune said, Snow following, since he didn't see any reason not to trust him.
"This can't be good", John said in worry for his son and this kid, "What do you think happened?", Qrow asked. "Something bad enough to cause an outbreak of zombies", Emerald said, "Where are the Grimm during this?", Salem asked. "What do you think, the world is full of zombies", Professional said, "YEAH, WITH ALL THOSE GRIMM, IT'S LIKE AN ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET", Ranter added.
Snow was confused, but did as he asked, pulled up a chair and sat right in front of Jaune, who looked down. "You ever hear of the Fall of Beacon?", Jaune asked, Snow going wide eyes, "O-of course I know about it, everyone does! It's the day that Grimm attacked Vale and that the whole school was destroyed!", Snow said in shock. It was common knowledge when the fall was televised live to the whole world, especially when they saw Pyrrha Nikos die.
"WHAT?!?!?", everyone, except Salem's group and the Gods, yelled in shock at the news, mainly Pyrrha and the team. "I Die!?!?", Pyrrha yelled, "Beacon Falls!?!?", Ruby and Weiss yelled as the rest of the group stared in shock. "ZEIK, DAMIAN, EXPLAIN NOW!!", Tai yelled, the Gods looking unnerved at her shout, looking like regular people. "Just sit down and listen, Jaune'll explain, we'll explain when this is different from your own", Zeik said.
"Why should we trust you!?", Glynda yelled, "BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T, THINGS'LL GET MESSY", Ranter said with a wide grin, making them all shiver and shut up.
"Well, I'm sure you heard about how it fell", Jaune added, "Yeah, this group of undercover people posing as a team. If I remember correctly, their names were Cinder Fall, Emerald Suistra, and Mercury Black", Snow said. "Yeah, those bastards destroyed Beacon and ruined everything, more than they know", Jaune said, standing up. "How do you mean?", Snow asked, still sitting, "With all the chaos from Beacon and Vale being overrun by Grimm, it caused major conflict with the rest of the world.
Grimm started showing up in more and more, destroying and killing thousands, all because of that bitch Salem", Jaune said in anger as he glared at a torn photo of the person in question.
Everyone glared hotly at the mentioned people, who didn't seem to care at what they thought. "Don't give us that look, it was bound to happen eventually", Salem said with a grin, "Easy there albino, the story ain't over yet", Zeik said with a grin. "YEAH, AND DAMN DOES IT NOT END WELL FOR YOU", Ranter said with a grin that scared them more than Salem's.
"W-what happened after that?", Snow asked, "They happened. My teammates and your mother went out looking for answers to finally defeat her, but that wasn't the biggest issue. Because IronWood was so angered by his failed attempt for robot soldiers, he decided to go with a bigger, deadlier project. A bio-weapon that would infect the Grimm and destroy them from the inside out", Jaune said as the screen changed.
An angered IronWood is yelling at at Atlas scientists to go faster or work better, the people cowering in fear.
"The plan was to find a Salem or one of her underlings so that the virus would be brought to her fortress so it can stop the creation of Grimm",
"That won't work", Ozpin said, the general looking at him, "And why not?", IronWood asked in anger. "She's immortal, she can only be destroyed by the Relics or the Maidens", Ozpin said seriously.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!", Zeik, PR, and Damian began laughing like mad. The group all stared at them in confusion, "What, what's wrong?", Ozpin asked in confusion as the men laughed harder. "Y-y'all thought dat dose hunks of metil 'n dose weck Magic cen do de trick?!", Damian asked while chuckling. "Yes, because the", "Because the Gods said it would?", Professional said, interrupting the old man.
Everyone who wasn't in the circle were confused were confused as to what they meant. "And if memory serves, they were the same one that cursed you with that spell that makes you jump into another poor bastard's body and then you take over completely?", Zeik added. "AND THE ONES THAT MADE SALEM WHAT SHE IS AND FORCED YOU TO DIVIDE YOUR MAGIC TO HARM OTHER INNOCENT LIVES?", Ranter piled on. "Plus, weren't they the ones that forced you to make those decisions in the first place?", Zeik added with a deep glare.
Ozpin was speechless for once, not sure how to respond since they seem to know everything. "Ozpin, what are they talking about?", Glynda asked, a little lost where this was going, as with everyone else. "We'll explain later, it's best we get back to the world before we drag this on further than we'd want it too", Zeik said, calming down. There were many questions, but they did explain before, so they'll do it again when ready.
A new scene had the scientists mixing in various chemicals and samples of Grimm DNA. They then mass produced that same chemical and placed it inside a large container.
"The only problem was that IronWood's ego was so big, he just had to announce it like he did before. What's worse, he didn't test it and hasten the production of it, so it's unclear if the damn thing actually worked!",
A news feed had IronWood proudly showing the chemical in his hands, with the camera zooming out to show the scared face of Cinder Fall.
"WHAT!? WHO DID THAT TO ME!?!", Cinder yelled in anger, "That's Ruby's doing", Professional said with glee. The fire user glared hotly at the young Rose, who was shocked to hear that she's the one who scared Cinder. "Ey! No fightin'!", Damian yelled, stopping Cinder from using her powers, since she saw what happened last time.
"Thanks to him, Cinder and her pets went to stop the production, but when he saw her face, he acted out!",
IronWood stood before Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury, who had their weapons drawn all at him. The general had a smug face as he held up a detonator, scaring them as he pressed the button!
The whole city of Atlas shook as the citizens were covered in an unknown spore that came falling from the sky.
"The untested chemicals were launched into the atmosphere, sending it across the globe. Well, he'd be happy to know that it somewhat worked, it eats you from the inside out",
Many random shots had hundreds of people dead or as zombies eating everything in sight, even GRIMM!!!
Everyone stared in horror at the scenes, with IronWood, Winter, and Weiss staring in shock. Just because he was defeated, the general went so far to produce an untested weapon and willing blow himself up and half of Atlas to win!? "You wouldn't think of doing that, would you!?", Qrow asked in worry for what the consequences would be. "Never! Especially after seeing this!", IronWood, pointing to the screen, relieving many for they won't have to face the same fate.
"By the way, what IronWood does, this is very different to what actually happens, this is just an alternate scenario", Zeik explained. "I CONNOT TELL YOU HOW MANY TIMES WE HAD TO DEAL WITH THAT!", Ranter yelled.
Snow stared at Jaune's back in fear of what he just heard, that last part not as well known since hundreds died and was never released to the public. "W-what happened to my parents, what about the Hunters!?", Snow asked frantically. Jaune just turned to him, his face still hidden beneath his hood, "That's where things got worse", Jaune said.
Cut to a simple shot of Jaune with the rest of Team RJNR and RWBY, along with SSSN who stood together proudly.
"When the virus hit, over 90% of the world's population were infected, the Hunters and Huntresses being the most destructive among them, my friends for example",
The same shot as before had the group, minus Jaune, all looking like zombies, with rotting flesh and sharpened teeth.
"After their transformation, they became the most feared zombies in the world, even taking down what was left of Salem's group and even Salem herself. She was too weak to actually stop them",
A new, gory shot had the teen zombies tear into Salem, eating her like a turkey diner, spreading blood and guts everywhere.
Everyone puked, some fainted, others want to leave, and the rest just couldn't stand how dark the world was. "Oh Oum", Salem said in shock seeing herself so easily defeated, and by walking corpses no less! "Why...", Ren said in fear as Nora hugged him with all her strength as tears streamed form her eyes.
"Thanks to eating her charmed flesh, they gained her powers and control over the Grimm. So, they soon took over the whole world's Grimm and zombies, making sure they have an endless supply of food",
Snow wanted nothing but to puke, the story sickening him to his very core, more so when he hears what the fate of his parents. But, there was something that didn't make sense, "Wait, if all of them were infected, how'd you avoid it?", he asked, Jaune looking away.
"Hey, yeah, maybe Jaune's some super cool survivor that plans to take the world back and take us down!", Nora cheered. Everyone wanted to believe that were the case, which some did, "Maybe Nora, I sure hope so", Juliet said. It was very hard to watch this world, especially with how the world is and what may be happening with her son. What she'd like to know is if she and the rest of her family were ok or there to help her poor baby.
Jaune did nothing for a few seconds, except reach for his hood, "That's because Snow", Jaune said, taking the hood down. When it was down, he turned to Snow, who instantly jumped up and backed as far as he can go. His face was full of fear, his skin paler than normal with his eyes so wide his pupils shrank. Cut back to a chest shot of Jaune, who held a small scarf that went over his mouth, then panned up to his face.
There was nothing except rotting muscle fibers, bits of skin, and a darken skeleton with the remains of blue eyes. "I didn't", Jaune said, his voice more clear as his loose jaws move to show him talking, scaring the teen more.
(I really wanted to show a detailed picture of a rotten zombie without skin, but couldn't find any. They same goes for the zombie versions of RWBY and the rest, where I can't find a picture like that. If anyone knows a link I can check out, please tell me!)
Everyone reeled back in shock of how Jaune was a zombie the whole time?!?
"JAUNE!!??", the Arc parents, Pyrrha, and his friends screamed in shock, seeing him without his skin, just his bones. The mother of the boy cried openly in sadness for her child looking like he did, his experiences will be awful to hear. "How did this happen, where's his skin!?!", Ruby yelled, trying to control herself to not faint or puke again.
"He did that to himself", Zeik said, "WHAT, WHY!?!", Pyrrha yelled, "His own guilt drove him to it", Professional said. "Guilt, well, if that were the case, why aren't the rest of us like that?!", Ren asked in desperation. "THESE ZOMBIES ARE SMARTER THAN REGULAR ONES, THEY REMEMBER WHO THEY WERE BEFORE THEY BECAME WHAT THEY ARE!", Ranter said. "Iss jus dat iss cluded by hungar 'n eh need ta eat", Damian added, scaring them more.
"Jaune was different since, through his own willpower, he said no to his hunger and stopped craving flesh entirely", Zeik said. Everyone was surprised that the weakest of Beacon could do what they couldn't, and that was to overcome his own urges. "But, he was so disgusted with himself, he wanted to be a hero, but he ruined it by eating", Professional said. "SO HE TORE OFF ALL HIS SKIN TO HELP HIMSELF SEAK CLOSURE AND GET TO WORK ON STOPPING ALL THE ZOMBIES", Ranter said with a grin.
Everyone felt sick, hearing on how far Jaune went to stop himself to not eat people anymore. His own will stopping the need and the Herculean strength he had to really tear all his skin off and try to stop everyone else! It was clear there was some things about Jaune that even his friends and family don't know. They all calmed down enough to let the video continue so they can see Jaune help the world they destroyed.
To Be Continued...
A/N: Before you start the angered comments, I thought this story over a lot and saw that I can't really say it in just one chapter. For those who have read Marvel Zombies, you'll know it gets crazy, and I'm trying to change it to a RWBY setting and not just a copy and paste deal. So sorry, but this makes things easier for me, I'm stressed enough as is.
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