Altercation at the Auspicious Auction
Team RWBY, CRM*, R*BL, and Glimmer overlooks the whimsical land before them from the precipice.
Crim: So let me get this straight. You think we're in some kiddy book we all read when we were in preschool?
Luke: That's pretty much it.
Crim: Okay, I give up.
Yang: So are we gonna just stand around thinking about this in silence? Or...?
Ruby: I knew this place is weird, but a fairy tale? I mean that's impossible.
Rin: Hey, we're in a land where there's two suns.
Glimmer: And cheese plants. Anything is possible from here on out.
Little nods. Blake clears her throat.
Ruby and Little look at Blake pointing her finger at Little. Ruby gives a sweat drop.
Weiss: What we've seen is improbable, but that doesn't mean we're in an actual fairy tale. Are we seriously entertaining this?
Yang: Do you have a better explanation for what's going on?
Rex: You have a better idea, Weiss? Besides, we know magic exists, you have proof right here.
Weiss: Well, let's try to be more logical, shall we? We fell from the sky. Ruby made friends with a tiny mouse.
Little: Friends!
Weiss: Rex made friends with a wild girl.
Glimmer: (offended) Hey!
Weiss: Blake, Rin, Luke, and I got caught by killer vines. (Blake cringes) And... uh... you got your arm stolen by... a... What was it that you said?
Yang: A talking raccoon riding on a purple wagon filled with trash.
Weiss blinks at Yang's predicament.
Weiss: Yes, that. Okay, I see your point of view. I am going to go over here now.
Weiss walks away, she starts to talk nonsense to herself as she tries to grapple with the team's current situation.
Crim: Okay, she's having a breakdown.
Mason: If you mean her brain, then yes.
Briana: I'm gonna pinch myself. And when I wake up, I hope we'll get to Vacuo faster.
Luke pinched her.
Luke: Your thoughts told me to do it.
Briana: 💢 I didn't need your help, dumbass!
Ruby: As crazy as it sounds, something about this is familiar.
Mason: How crazy? By seeing lollypops as far as the eye can see?
Blake: The Girl Who Fell Through the World. I... I think we're in the Ever After.
Rin: Mom used to read me that story before Rex was born. Couldn't sleep for days.
Weiss: Blake, that world is make-believe. It was just part of the story we all read as kids.
Little: It's not make-believe, it's where I live!
Glimmer: I told you, that here in the Ever After is my home.
Blake: Can you tell us all about it? Have you ever heard the name Alyx?
Glimmer: Nope, never heard of her.
Little: An "Alyx"? Is that a purpose?
Rex: No, Little, it's a name, like Ruby.
Blake: In the story, Alyx fell from the sky and met with the Hunter Mice, got trapped in vines, fought a Jabberwalker, and got her knife stolen by... A talking raccoon.
Glimmer: Wait, "Jabberwalker?" Is that what that was we fought earlier?
Weiss groans and crosses her arms.
Yang: Yeah. And then she beat the Red King at a board game, met the Curious Cat, the Rusted Knight, and finally got out through...
Rin, Yang and Blake look at the giant tree.
Rin and Blake: (off-screen) The tree.
Rex: So the tree is our exit.
Weiss: So what now? Do we go to the tree? Look for Alyx? Yang's arm? We're still missing Shane and Elena.
Briana: Rex, can you and Rin use your Semblances to get us over there?
Rex: I already tried and it led me back where I started, so no can do.
Rin: But that doesn't help us figure out how to find Elena and Shane.
Little: I'll bet the Jinxy Peddler saw them.
Weiss: (angry) WHO?!
Briana: Who the fuck is that?!
Little yelped and ducked behind Ruby.
Little: The Jinxy Peddler? That's the only talking raccoon I know.
Weiss angrily grumbles to herself.
Mason: She's doing it again.
Rin: Should we help her out?
Luke: Nah, it's funnier this way.
Blake: Do you know where he might be?
Little: Of course! (scurrying up to Ruby's head) I'll lead the way right to-
Little is once again snoring on top of Ruby's head as Team RWBY, CRM*, R*BL, and Glimmer continue trekking through the jungle.
Glimmer: So much for our little helper.
Blake: So, the town is just ahead, right?
Luke: Hoping it is.
Ruby pokes Little to wake them up. Little ignores and keeps sleeping.
Blake: I've been thinking. If we're going to this town, we need to be careful. Alyx didn't know their customs and ended up starting a war among the townsfolk. Trouble followed her everywhere she went.
Yang: Well, yeah. But she was kind of a mean person, right? She lied and cheated her way through most of the book.
Weiss: She was just trying to survive. The morals of those old stories are so simplistic.
Rin: You're right, Weiss. You'd be surprised what a person can do in desperation and danger to keep living.
Blake: Either way, we need to tread lightly.
Little almost falls as they quickly scurry back on top of Ruby's head. Little stretches.
Little: The town is just up ahead. The Jinxy Peddler always stops by our village before he goes to town.
Yang: Do they steal stuff from you guys too?
Little: Steal? Never. They just take the things we're not looking at. Fair is fair.
Little goes back to sleep.
Rex: Little, come on! It's the fourth time!
Ruby: Let him sleep, Rexy. You know, rodents are nocturnal.
Glimmer: I could sleep in paradise if I have to.
Weiss: (sarcastically) Sounds like a legitimate business person. How did they manage to steal your arm anyway?
Crim: Did you see Shane when you and him fell?
Yang: We were knocked out from the fall. When we came to, that sneaky raccoon already grabbed my arm took Shane and ran off before I could stop them.
As she says this, a thought bubble appears showing Yang unconscious with stars spinning above her head.
She then awakens, watching comically helpless as Jinxy makes off with Shane and her arm on his wagon. The thought bubble is then popped by Luke when she jumps in next to Yang.
Luke: So he had a clear opening to disarm you, huh? (Yang gives Luke a little playful nudge fight)
Blake: (giggles) How disarming. I guess we'll have to catch... I hope Shane's okay. I'm worried about him.
Briana: Don't worry, he'll be fine. I'm more worried about Elena. I hope that trash panda will give me answers.
Mason: Maybe we'll find them in the town.
Luke's and Yang's hands hold together. Weiss softly smiles at them.
Weiss: At least they're having a little fun.
Rin: Well, good for them.
Ruby: Don't worry. We'll find a way outta here and we'll go back home.
Weiss stops walking, Rex, Rin, Crim and Ruby also stop walking and look at her while Luke, Mason, Briana, Blake and Yang continue walking ahead of the other five.
Ruby: Weiss?
Glimmer: Something wrong?
Weiss: It's... It's all gone... There's nothing left for me to go back to... Just like Beacon...
Ruby: (moving Little off her head into her hands) You did the best you could for Atlas, Weiss.
Rex: We tried to save the Kingdom, Weiss. Everything we could do, we tried.
Weiss: But it wasn't enough! We hatched a crazy plan that put a whole kingdom at risk, and we don't even know if we saved the Relics from... (sighs) Maybe... Athena, Jaune and Winter were able to get them out, despite... everything... despite us...
Crim then walks right up to her, only to slap her, stunning everyone who saw it.
Glimmer: Oh shit...
Crim: Come on, Weiss! Pull yourself together! What happened in Atlas wasn't your fault. Or Ruby's, or Rex's, or mine, or any of us. It was Salem! What's so good about a Kingdom? Buildings, land, culture, and tech? No! It's people! And we saved them. Winter, your mother, and your brother are probably waiting for you to come home. So don't try to think this is on you... (Kisses Weiss forehead) And I'm sorry for the slap too.
Weiss: You're right. Ruby... Rex... Rin... I'm sorry... about Penny. I... I know that Penny... I know that was a lot to hear.
Rin: Thanks for that, Weiss. You know what she meant to us.
Rex: Come on, standing here won't get us back home.
Ruby remains silent, she simply turns around and walks away. Thunder sounds above, and Weiss proceeds to follow her teammates.
The team then arrives at a rickety bridge.
Blake: So, this is the entrance to the other... "acre" you called it?
Little: (yawning as they wake up) Yep! All we do is cross the bridge and we'll be... well, wherever over there is.
Yang: You don't know?
Little: Nope! Never been this far from home.
Ruby: Oh, uh, maybe you should go back?
Little: (still smiling) I wouldn't have any idea how to go back. Maybe I'll live by this bridge.
Upon hearing this, Team RWBY, CRM*, and R*BL and Glimmer all have various shocked expressions for taking Little away far from their home. Weiss, fed up, goes forward.
Weiss: I'll handle this...
Little then builds a makeshift home from stick, stones, and leaves.
Little: (sing-songy) Building a house, my very first house, gonna find my purpose in my first house!
Weiss: Would you like to come with us?
Little's house then collapses behind them.
Little: Yeah, that's probably for the best.
Entering the town, Team RWBY, R*BL, and CRM* and Glimmer look around at the different townsfolk, all of them resembling various toys. They pass by a pamhplet saying, "BY ROYAL DECREE OF HIS HIGHNESS: THE PREEMINENT BIRTHDAY PARTY OF HIS MOST ROYAL IS HEREBY ANNOUNCED!" The same pamphlet is placed on parts of the street. Glimmer, Team RWBY, CRM*, and R*BL continue walking by various vendors and stalls in the marketplace.
Blake: Just... act like you belong everybody.
Little: I've always wanted to be long, but I'm still just small.
Yang smiles a bit at Little's comment.
In the center of town, the townsfolk gather around the purple wagon. The name "JINXY" can be seen on it in big white letters.
Yang: (gasps) There it is! So what's the strategy? Just start roughin' him up or what?
Blake notices some toy soldiers watching the crowd, likely to keep order.
Blake: In the book, Alyx had to barter with Jinxy for her dagger.
Yang: Yeeeaah, I think I'd rather hit him.
Briana: I second that.
The wagon is shown opening up with purple smoke. Jinxy can be seen walking out onto the stage waving to the crowd.
Jinxy: Welcome, one and all!
Weiss: (gasps) He's adorable! (teasing Yang)
Blake: And a lot older than I remember from the book...
Jinxy: I am Jinxy, and these... are the finest treasures of the acre!
Jinxy taps the shelf behind him with his walking stick, a yellow scepter appears first, then a pink rabbit statue, and a green marionette-like doll shows up last. The crowd cheers while Team RWBY, CRM*, R*BL, and Glimmer looks on perceptively.
Yang: I... don't see my arm.
Crim: Or Shane and Elena...
Blake: All of Jinxy's treasures... are just other items in disguise, so that people think they're buying something extremely valuable.
Weiss: Okay... so, which one is Yang's arm?
Luke: Hell if I know.
Blake: What does your heart tell you? That's how Alyx knew.
Weiss sticks her tongue out of disgust and boredom.
Rin: I bet the staff is your arm.
Yang: I mean... (looking at the scepter) That one looks roughly arm-sized... ish.
Blake sighs before noticing Ruby stare at something.
Blake: Ruby?
Rex: Rubes, what's wrong?
Ruby: There's... (looking at the green doll) ...something about that one.
Rex: Now that you tell me...
Jinxy spins around the stage, showing off the pink rabbit statue in his hand.
Jinxy: First item! (the crowd oohs and aahs at the item) The diamond-studded rabbit! You! (pointing to a yellow toy-like townsperson before appearing on their shoulder) Jinxy's! (winks)
The townsperson chuckles and joins Jinxy on stage.
Weiss: How are we going to bid without any money?
Rin: I don't think there's any money in the Ever After. Jinxy just names whatever price he wants.
Briana: The only price I'm gonna give him is a knuckle sandwich!
Mason: (grabs Briana's shoulder) Whoa, there's no need for that, B.
Weiss: What did Jinxy want from Alyx?
Blake: Her saddest memory... and her happiest.
Jinxy: Sold! For... a hug.
Jinxy hugs the townsperson, the crowd goes "aww" in response.
Luke: Well, go see if you can get your sister for a hug, Briana.
Briana: Shut up.
Little: (gasps) Hugs are very valuable!
Yang: (smiling) Maybe this won't be so bad after all.
Jinxy: Second item! A golden scepter! You!
Jinxy points at both Yang and a Toy Soldier, who both raised their hands and said "Me!" at the same time.
Yang: Huh?!
Jinxy: The bidding starts at-
Yang: No! I was the first one to-
Jinxy: ...knowing... what it is to feel loved.
Yang gasps upon hearing this.
Jinxy: A fair price for some, I'd say.
While Yang ponders the words, the Toy Soldier has help from another Toy Soldier write something down on a parchment paper.
Toy Soldier 01: Knowing what it's like to feel loved! By royal decree.
The Toy Soldier holding the parchment paper shows it with the words printed on it, "BY HIS ROYAL HIGNESS'S DECREE, TO BE PAID IS THE SUM" followed by the written words "WHATEVER JINXY WANTS". The bottom of the parchment has a red heart with a crown above it and some signature.
Jinxy: Sold!
Yang: Wait! That's my arm!
Rin: That ain't fair!
Briana: What the fuck?! That's bullshit!
Toy Soldier 01: Whatever it is, it's royal property now. No price is too high for his majesty's birthday.
Yang huffs in anger and her eyes turn red.
Jinxy: Last item! The jade marionette!
Yang: We tried it your way, Blake.
Blake looks on nervously.
Jinxy: You!
Ruby: (raising her hand) Me!
Weiss: Ruby, what are you doing?
Jinxy: Bidding starts at... (pulls out an empty jar) Enough hope to fill this jar!
Ruby gasps hearing this, and she hesitantly lowers her hand.
Rex: Rosebud...?
Jinxy: Hm... You don't have enough, do ya? I saved the best for last to everyone! She is a beauty! Come out, beautiful, don't be shy! Give the audience what they really came for!
Grin and wave, I'll take the stage, the role is anything that I crave.
For every scheme, I'll fit the theme.
You need me to laugh? Cry? Scream? Ah,
If I make 'em real, can you call me a liar?
I know you know that there's a method to the madness, baby, better run for your life.
Team RWBY, CRM*, R*BL, and Glimmer are confusing of what's going on. The curtains open to the girl in purple dress.
Rex: Is that...?!
Rin: It's...
Crim: Hey, that's...
Blake: It can't be...!
Weiss: No way...!
Yang: B?
Briana: Elena?!
Mason: She was with him the whole time?!
Ruby: Well, we found her.
The curtain rises on a dazzling scene tonight a world of possibilities make a brilliant sight, so bright!
A story starts, play the part, experience is a work of art.
I'm addicted to the fantasies I write.
Monodrama, it's my little act, a little fun while wearing a mask.
Not the center, the star, or the king, behind the curtain pulling the strings!
Razzle, dazzle, I'll make you believe!
You'll never trust the things you know!
I caught ya, I gotcha, I'll pull ya into my show!!!
A masquerade!
She grabs the mic.
Grin and wave, I'll take the stage, the role is anything that I crave!
Every scheme, I'll fit the theme.
You need me to laugh? Cry? Scream?
If I make 'em real, can you call me a liar?
I know you know that there's a method to the madness, baby, better run for your life.
Rex: Damn, she's good.
Luke: Good?! She's fucking awesome!
Crim: Blake, wasn't this a part of the story?
Blake: No, it's not.
Rin: Looks like Jinxy found her as a bonus auction...
A villain with a thousand faces
Life of a faker, you never know what is the next mask I'll wear for the show.
I'll pick whatever's fun and go with the flow, oh!
Just blur the line of role and reality!
Life's the greatest stage you'll ever see!
Glimmer: Hey, Briana. You know that girl?
Briana: That girl is my twin sister.
Glimmer: What?! No way!
Grin and wave, I'll take the stage, the role is anything that I crave!
Every scheme, I'll fit the theme.
You need me to laugh? Cry? Scream? Ah!!
If I make 'em real, can you call me a liar?
I know you know that there's a method to the madness, baby, better run for your life.
What you see is what you get!
(What you see is what you get!)
Life's a gamble make your bet!
(Life's a gamble make your bet!)
A masquerade is what it is!
(A masquerade is what it is!)
The method to my madness!
Grin and wave
I'll paint the stage, the world is anything that I crave!
Every scheme, I'll fit the theme.
You need me to laugh? Cry? Scream?
If I make 'em real, can you call me a liar?
I know you know that there's a method to the madness, baby, better run for your life.
The townsfolk applauded and cheered at the tanuki Faunus.
Mason: (whistles) Woo!!!
Yang: Woo-hoo!
Rin: That was the best thing I've ever seen!
Briana: That's my sister, everyone! That's my sis!
Luke: Aw, yeah!!!
Weiss: That was incredible.
Blake: Even if it wasn't in the story, I'm impressed.
Crim: Ditto for me! I wanna see that again!
Rex: That was unbelievable!
Someone else was clapping slowly as every people turn to the blue hooded figure.
???: I've seen it all. Kudos. But, I think I got better music taste than you.
Elena: Oh, is that a challenge? I dare you to give me a quartet.
???: Let's see... (Points at Rex, Crim, and Mason) You boys okay with that?
Rex, Crim, and Mason: Huh?!
???: (Walks to the group) You guys can help me beat her in this competition.
Weiss: Wait a minute, you sound familiar.
Blake: Don't we know you from somewhere?
???: Oh? Come on, babe. You don't know me?
The guy walks to Blake as he took his hood off revealing...
Shane: How about a closer look?
Blake: Shane?!
Rin: Wait, what?!
Yang: You too?!
Mason: Shane, dude! How did you find us?
Weiss: We've been looking for you!
Crim: Yeah, first Elena, now you?!
Shane: I know we got a lot to catch up. But come on, guys. I need you.
Rex: Actually, I like to see the look on that raccoon's face.
Jinxy: Have you made your decision?
Shane: We'll do it!
Team CRMS walks up to Jinxy's stage as they prepare to sing.
Here I am, there you are, why does it seem so far?
Next to you is where I should be (where I wanna be)
Something I want so bad, know what's inside your head
Maybe I could see what you see
(tell me what you see)
I gotta keep on believing that everything takes time
I'll make up any reason to make you mine
If you're staying or leaving, I'll follow your lead
So why keep pretending? Open your eyes
I can be what you need
Team CRMS:
Any kind of guy you want, girl, that's the guy I'll be
Turn myself upside down
(yes I will) (2x)
Team CRMS:
Any kind of guy you want, girl, you know I'll agree
Turn your whole world around
(yes I will) (2x)
Team CRMS:
Any kind, any kind, any kind of guy you want
You decide, change your mind, I will be there
Won't you try one more time? Be my any kind of girl (be my girl!)
You decide, it's alright, I will be there (there)
You seem so hard to know, say goodbye, say hello
Then you say that it's time to go
(now it's time to go)
Changing my point of view, everyday something new
Anything to get next to you, oh-oh
(gonna get to you)
I gotta keep on believing that everything takes time
I'll make up any reason to make you mine
If you're staying or leaving (staying or leaving), I'll follow your lead
So why keep pretending? Open your eyes (open your eyes)
I can be what you need (oh)
Team CRMS:
Any kind of guy you want, girl, that's the guy I'll be (that's the guy I'll be)
Turn myself upside down
(yes I will) (2x)
Team CRMS:
Any kind of guy you want, girl, you know I'll agree (you know I'll agree)
Turn your whole world around
(yes I will) (2x)
Team CRMS:
Any kind, any kind, any kind of guy you want
You decide, change your mind, I will be there
(I'll be there!)
Team CRMS:
Won't you try one more time? Be my any kind of girl
You decide, it's alright, I will be there
Let me know if I'm getting through
making you understand
If it's wrong, I'll try something new (try something new)
Shane & Crim:
Don't look away,
Rex & Shane:
'cause I'm here to stay
Team CRMS:
If it's a game, then I'm gonna play
Any kind of guy you want, girl, that's the guy I'll be (that's the guy I'll be)
Turn myself upside down
(yes I will) (2x)
Team CRMS:
Any kind of guy you want, girl, you know I'll agree (you know I'll agree)
Turn your whole world around
(yes I will) (2x)
Team CRMS:
Any kind, any kind, any kind of guy you want
You decide, change your mind, I will be there
(I'll be there!)
Team CRMS:
Won't you try one more time? Be my any kind of girl
You decide, it's alright, I will be there
Bring it back
Team CRMS:
Any kind, any kind, any kind of guy you want (any kind of guy!)
You decide, it's alright, I will be there (there)
As Team CRMS finished their song, Elena was speechless.
Elena: I... I don't know what to say...
Rex: What can I say? It's what we do.
Unbeknownst to Jinxy, Little sneaks up on stage next to the marionette. Jinxy hears something move next to him, noticing the marionette gone from its place. He then notices Little trying to drag it off the stage.
Little: Huh?
Jinxy: Why you little...!
Jinxy lunges forward, and Little runs out of the way.
Jinxy: Leave that alone! You can't touch it until the deal is done!
Suddenly, the marionette disappears in a puff of purple smoke, and it turns into one of Penny's Maiden-powered Floating Array swords. Ruby gasps in shock as she and Rex recognizes it.
Rex: Is that...?
A puff of purple smoke appear from Elena in her normal attire.
Elena: How did I get here? (Looks to her friends) Guys?
Townsperson: Huh?
The Townsperson looks down on the diamond-studded bunny in their hands. The white mouse eating the cheese vegetable magically appears in the diamond-studded bunny's place.
Mouse: Huh?
Townsperson: (holding the false item in their hand) It's a fake!!
The townsfolk booed and shouted in outrage at Jinxy. The lead toy soldier holds their chin in suspicion, looking over to their fellow soldier holding the scepter that has now changed back to Yang's prosthetic arm. The soldier screams as they toss the arm away.
Luke: Yang, your arm!
Yang: I'm going for it!
Weiss looks on as Blake looks to the crowd holding her head between her hands making a nervous noise.
Yang and a Toy Soldier do a tug of war for the prosthetic arm, with Yang dodging out of the way of the soldier's sword swing, followed by Yang shooting them away with the gauntlet. Ruby runs towards the stage.
Little: Fair is fair!
Ruby picks up Penny's sword, sobbing and clutching it tight.
Rex: Rubes...
Yang then runs past Ruby holding her arm with her teammates not far behind.
Yang: I got it!
Blake: Ruby, come on! (runs off)
Glimmer, Weiss, and Rin simply walks away with them. Ruby picks up Little and they run after the team. Jinxy growls and shakes his fist in the air as they run away. The Townsperson from earlier approaches Jinxy with their arms out.
Townsperson: Ahem!
Jinxy groans and hugs the townsperson as a "refund".
Outside the town, Yang laughs as Team RWBY, CRMS, REBL, and Glimmer enters the red forest.
Yang: (huffing between breaths) Those people... take auctions... very seriously. (holds up her prosthetic) High five?
Blake, Briana, and Mason groans and walks past her.
Yang: High five?
Rin and Weiss scoffs and walks past her.
Rin: Not this time, Yang.
Yang: High five?
Luke however humors her and gives her a high five.
Blake: We're doing the same thing Alyx did! We're ruining everything!
Weiss: That's your biggest concern right now?
Shane: Blake, we got Yang's arm back, and you found me and Elena.
Yang reattaches her arm.
Blake: I've read so many stories. I never thought... (takes a seat on a nearby log)... I'd be the moral of one.
Mason: By the way, Shane, where were you with that raccoon?
Shane: Oh, I was in his trailer the whole time.
Elena: And I woke up, wearing a dress like I was in a concert. (Covers her face) Oh, goddamn it.
Briana: Don't feel bad, E. You killed it. The townspeople really like you.
Crim: If it weren't for us, we wouldn't have a competition.
Rex and Ruby, still looking down at Penny's sword in her hands, takes a seat next to Blake. Her teammates and friends look at her in concern.
Yang: Ruby? Rex?
Rin: What's wrong?
Rex: I knew it... I knew I saw something familiar...
Ruby remains silent for a moment.
Ruby: I couldn't explain why, but I...
Ruby: I was drawn to it.
Thunder sounds and the sky turns dark. It's raining again.
Weiss: Great, now it's raining on just us. That's it! We're getting out of this nightmare! Alyx went to the tree, right? Let's go.
Blake: I don't think it's gonna work like that.
Rex: Yeah, it's gonna bring you back here.
Blake: In the book--
Weiss: We are not in a book! And even if we were, we know how it ends: right over there! (pointing to the tree)
Rex: Alright, don't say we didn't warn you.
Weiss walks off towards the tree, and her teammates watch. They look to the opposite side of the clearing to see Weiss was walking in a loop. Weiss gasps and decides to quicken her pace. She goes in a loop one more time. Frustrated, she picks up a rock.
Weiss: Stupid tree!
Weiss throws the rock, but it just goes in a loop too and hits her head from behind, knocking her to the ground, making Briana and Mason burst out laughing, Crim gets to Weiss, helping her up.
Luke: Damn. Thanks for... giving us a tip on not to do that.
Little: Yeah, already tried that earlier. You can't get any closer to the tree that way.
Glimmer: You can't go at a straight line. It's just wash, rinse, and repeat.
Yang: Well then, what do we do now? We got my arm, we found Elena and Shane, but we still don't have the slightest idea how to get out.
Weiss is in the background talking nonsense again.
Toy Soldier 02: (off screen) This way! Somebody's sad!
Toy Soldier 01: (off screen) I'd be sad too... if I ruined the royal birthday!
Weiss scoffs hearing them.
Yang: These guys again...
Luke: Great, more bullshit.
Ruby: (still looking down at Penny's sword) Blake? What did Alyx do next?
The rain starts to suddenly clear and the sky brightens again.
Blake: She... went to the Crimson Castle... and beat the Red King at his own game.
Elena: Wait, we really have a king to fight?
Suddenly, the Toy Soldiers hop out of the bushes, riding on horse sticks.
Toy Soldier 01: Hands up! You treasonous birthday ruiners!
Yang: (cocks her gauntlets, smiling) Okay.
Briana: (draws out Galatine) Make my day.
The Toy Soldiers reel back in fear.
Ruby: (quietly) We want to go to the birthday party... (raising her voice, lifting her head up) We want to go to the birthday party! (stands up)
Toy Soldier 01: Well, too bad, because we're going to-- (blinks in realization) Oh, yes... Ahem, that's where we're taking you! As prisoners! For stealing royal property!
Rex: What if we offered you something better? Like a birthday gift.
The soldiers look with intrigue.
Ruby: The weapon of a powerful warrior... (holds out and presents Penny's sword)
Team RWBY looks at Rex and their leader with shocked looks on their faces. The soldiers get up close to Penny's sword and look with awe.
Toy Soldiers: Oooh!
Toy Soldier 01: Go on...
Ruby: Not just a powerful warrior, the most powerful to ever lived. She was touched by magic, and she gave her life for thousands. She took a message of hope to the stars, and she saw the world through better eyes. Take us to the royal birthday, and allow us to present this most precious gift.
Rex: In the end, we all couldn't have asked for a bet ally at our side. Nor us, a better friend.
The Toy Soldiers are moved to tears, some reacting rather unorthodox and comically.
Toy Soldier 01: (rubbing his eyes, still tearful) Yes... by royal decree! (takes the sword) Come on, men! You heard them! We got a birthday to celebrate!
The Toy Soldiers proceed to gallop on their horse sticks, saying "Hup, hup, hup" as they go.
Blake: Guys, are you sure about this?
Rex: That is if we can get out of this place.
Rin: I mean we're going into who knows where at this point. I say we-
Ruby: Look, we may not know exactly what's going on, but for whatever reason, this place is putting us on a similar path as a book we all read as kids. I say we follow it. (starts walking) And stop pretending we know what we're doing...
The rest of Team RWBY, CRMS, REBL, and Glimmer all exchange confused glances at each other, before joining their leader and following the Toy Soldiers to their next destination:
The Crimson Castle.
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