V2 Ep1: 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 πƒπšπ² π„π―πžπ«

I'm sorry but I'll have to push the Rwby: Vermilion Movie after volume 3 cause it feels like a good idea to do it.

Anyways let's begin shall we?

A ship flies through the skies over Vale and the camera pans down to the city streets. The owner of the Dust shop "From Dust Till Dawn" is hanging a sign declaring its re-opening. As he climbs down from his ladder, he stumbles and falls. Emerald Sustrai appears next to him.

Emerald: (giggling) 'Scuse me, sorry. I'm not really from around here. (She helps him to his feet.) Would you mind pointing me in the direction of this shop?

Emerald produces a piece of paper with writing on it and the shopkeep looks it over.

Shopkeep: Hmm? Mm-hmm.

Emerald walks away from the shop owner as both wave goodbye and passes Mercury Black at a corner.

Mercury: I knew you were lost.

Emerald: Mercury, I will seriously pay you to shut up. (She produces a wallet with Lien and waves it in Mercury's face.)

Mercury: That's not your money.

Emerald: But it can be yours for 5 minutes of silence.

Mercury: Mmmm... no deal.

Emerald: Fine.

Emerald takes the Lien and tosses the wallet, turning to walk away.

Mercury: Whatever. You want me.

More of the city is shown, including a cafΓ© where two extras sit chatting. Mercury and Emerald are walking through the city.

Mercury: So, how much farther?

Emerald: A few blocks.

Mercury: Ugh... this place is so dull.

Emerald: Eh, I kinda like it. Tall buildings, diverse culture...

Mercury: And nice dopey people who are easy to pickpocket.

Emerald stops.

Emerald: That's every city.

Mercury: (Mercury play acts as a victim.) Ooh, Emerald! Master thief! Please don't take my money! I barely have enough to get by!

Emerald glares at him, groaning angrily. She then walks away from him.

Mercury: Ugh... you're no fun today.

Mercury follows behind Emerald. The scene shifts to Emerald and Mercury entering a shop full of books. The shop owner can be heard humming a tune. Mercury stops near the door to look at books while Emerald approaches the counter and rings a service bell.

Tukson: I'm in the back! Y/n take care of it will ya?

Y/n: (offscreen) Alright!

Emerald looks back at Mercury. Y/n is seen through a set of double doors carrying stacks of books as he walks backwards and out toward the counter.

Y/n: Welcome to "Tukson's Book Trade", home to every book under the sun! How may I help you?

Y/n also puts out a book catalogue that has the books, that the store might have. Although the book is open, Mercury is looking at Y/n.

Mercury: Just browsing. (He shuts the book.)

Emerald: Actually, I was wondering, do you have any copies of "The Thief and The Butcher"?

Y/n: Yes we do.

Emerald: (excitedly) That's great.

Y/n: Would you... like a copy?

Emerald: No, just wondering. (Mercury closes another book.) Oh, oh! What about "Violet's Garden"? In paperback?

Mercury: He's got it. Hardback too. (Mercury produces a book.)

Emerald: Ooh, options are nice.

Mercury: Eh, no pictures. (Mercury closes the book.) Hey! Do you have any comics?

Y/n: Near and back at the front.

Emerald: Oh, no, wait! (The music score becomes decidedly more menacing as the camera zooms in on Emerald.) What... about... "Third Crusade"?

Tukson is seen as he watches from the back as he looks at his employee just casually talk to them

Y/n: Um... I... (Mercury and Emerald are shown to be eyeing him carefully.) ...hold on.

The Vermilion eyed boy flips through the pages of the book catalogue and looks for what the girl asked before tapping his finger on it and let's out an "Aha!" And points behind them.

Y/n: yep! Right behind ya!

Mercury slams another book shut, which Y/n flinches at the loud bang.

Emerald: What was this place called again?

Y/n: Tukson's Book Trade.

Emerald: And you're Tukson?

Y/n: No I'm one of his staff members.

Emerald: So then I take it that He's the one that came up with the catchphrase?

Y/n: Yes.

Mercury: And, what was it again?

Y/n: "Tukson's Book Trade, home to every book under the sun."

Mercury: and your boss went hardcore on the catchphrase.

Y/n: and I came up with the book catalogue!

Emerald: So what's your name? (Emerald is gives Y/n a smile)...and aren't you awfully young to be working here?

Y/n: The name's Y/n Vermilion, and I'm at vale's legal age of working.

Emerald leans in,Resting her hands on her chin and looks at the boy's Reddish-Orange coloured eyes as he stares back her red orbs.

Mercury: (offscreen) Emerald what are you doi-....Oh no.

Emerald: you come here often?

Y/n: (confused, he nods) yea that's because I work here.

Mercury: (offscreen) Emmy, don't you'll regret it.

Emerald: (slight nervousness) Is that so?...(Y/n nods).... Well you look like you a beautiful future ahead, maybe with a cute Girl as well.

Y/n: (shrugs) Well my future is probably going to end up in disaster, since what situation I'm still stuck on.

Mercury: (Offscreen) Emerl, you're going to crash and burn.

Emerald now looking nervous and the camera pans to Tukson as he shakes his head in pity.

Tukson: Somebody should stop her, she's going to dig up a hole if she says something stupid.

Emerald begins to think for a moment before a idea comes to her head, smirking as she traces her hand up the Y/n's shoulder as he shivers lightly and her Red orbs lightly shines as she speaks softly.

Emerald: betcha your a cute Mama's Boy, cause she knew how to raise a cutie~

Y/n: actually my Mom's been dead for ten year's and my dad was the one who raised me, but thanks I guess?

Silence as Emerald knew she fucked up badly as Tukson jaw dropped at Emerald's words as Mercury only had one thing to say.

Mercury: 𝔼.

Y/n: is there anything else you need?

Emerald: as no, Thanks I think we bothered- (Mercury fake coughs)...I bothered you enough! C'mon Merc let's go!

Emerald runs out of the store, embarrassed and horrified at what she heard from the Boy as Mercury walks up to the counter with a book in hand.

Mercury: I'll just get this.

Y/n: that'll be Twentynine dollar's please!

Mercury drops the required money and walks out of the store. Tukson Comes out of the backroom as he scratches his cheek.

Tukson: well that was awkward, Hey you should head to school, don't want to be late!

Y/n: shit your right, Thanks for the reminder tukson!

Tukson watches the Boy run out of the store as he sighs as he thinks of a way to leave Vale.


We cut to a scene of Emerald face looking annoyed and embarrassed as Mercury began to remind her of what she said.

Mercury: (offscreen) that was stupid.

Emerald: I know Merc.

Mercury: (offscreen) terrible flirting, 3/10 wouldn't want to recommend you to a guy.

Emerald: I get it.

Mercury: (offscreen) you used the mama's boy raised you well flirting route? That is terrible and hilarious.

Emerald: let's just say that Tukson is dead okay.

Mercury: (offscreen) I'm going to tell Cinder that you pulled the mama's boy flirting route, if that's cool?

Emerald: absolutely not!

Mercury: (pans to him) absolutely yes!

Emerald groans as Mercury laughs as the camera shifts to a new scene.


A series of sketches and notes mark the next scene. These include the White Fang insignia, a possible picture of Adam Taurus, and Adam's rose. In the Beacon Academy cafeteria, Team RWBY are sitting together as Blake looks over some notes. Yang then slides up next to her partner.

Yang: Whatcha doing?

Blake: Nothing. (Blake closes her book.) Just going over notes from last semester.

Yang catches a grape in her mouth.

Yang: Lame.

Nora giggles as she continues to toss grapes at Yang with her spoon. Yang catches the fruit with ease, giving Nora the thumbs up. Ruby, giving an enormous heave, slams a binder onto the table, catching everyone off guard. On the cover of the binder is written "Vytal Festival Activities, Property of Weiss Schnee". This has been hastily crossed out with a red marker pen, and with the same pen, a new title, "Best Day Ever Activities", has been written underneath.

Ruby: (clearing her throat, She gestures to everyone at the table.) Sisters... friends...Weiss.... Husband material.

Weiss: (offscreen) Hey!

Y/n: Thanks I guess?

Ruby: Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream.

Yang: This ought to be good. (She catches another berry in her mouth.)

Y/n: this is your sister we're talking about Here.

Ruby: A dream that one day, the four of us will come together, as a team, and have the most fun anyone has ever had... ever!

Weiss: Did you steal my binder?

Ruby: (Ruby makes "peace" signs with both hands.) I am not a crook.

Y/n: is that my marker you use to scribble on said binder?

Ruby then chuckles nervously and makes a "Peace" signs with both hands sticking her tongue out.

Ruby: Bleeegh, you'll never know it's me.

Blake: What are you talking about?

Ruby: I'm talking about kicking off the semester with a bang! (She points her finger at Blake.)

Y/n: (offscreen) wait for it.

Yang: I always kick my semesters off with a Yang! Eh? Guys? Am I right?

An apple is tossed at Yang and hits her in the face. She glares at Nora.

Nora: (offscreen) Booooo!

Ruby: Look guys, it's been a good two weeks and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year, our second semester is going to be great! But, classes start back up tomorrow! Which is why I've taken the time to schedule a series of wonderful events for us today.

Weiss: I don't know whether to be proud or scared of what you have in store.

Y/n: (appearing on screen) both? Both is good.

Yang, still glaring, picks up an apple and tosses it across the room. Offscreen, an unfamiliar voice shouts "Hey!" and Nora can be heard giggling.

Blake: I don't know. I think I might sit this one out.

Weiss: Sit out or not, I think that however we spend this last day, we should do it as a team!

Nora: (offscreen, shouting positively.) I got it!

Weiss: I for one think that... (Weiss is interrupted by a pie landing on Y/n's face.)

Y/n: I've been hit! Comrade down!

Nora is shown to be the one who threw the pie, she sits down and points at Ren who has his head in his palm. Pyrrha's hand is over her mouth and Jaune simply sits staring wide-eyed while covering his ear with his palm.


Outside the cafeteria, Sun Wukong and Neptune Vasilias are walking together as Sun relates the events which took place during "Black and White".

Neptune: Man, that's harsh.

Sun: I know, we were fighting side by side. She was super fast and Y/n was hellbent on kicking Roman's ass, oh and I threw a banana at the guy, which sounds gross, but it was awesome.

Neptune: Nice!

Sun: Right? And the best part is, she's a Faunus. But that's a secret, okay?

Neptune: Got it.

Sun leans in close in order to stress the importance of this secret.

Sun: And not a, "I'm gonna go tell Scarlet the second Sun turns his back secret", I'm talking secret secret.

Neptune: Whoa, chill out, man, okay? I got it. (almost whispering) I got it!

Sun: You better.

The camera angle now shows the windows into the cafeteria where food splatters into the panes as students run around. At one point, Jaune is the one splattered into the window.

Sun: I just don't want to screw this up, you know? The people here are the coolest! No offense to you guys.

Neptune: None taken.

Sun: They're just in here. I'm really excited for you to meet them. So be cool, okay? You're gonna be cool, right?

Neptune: Dude.

The camera pans up from Neptune's feet to his face. Neptune's teeth gleam as he smiles.

Sun: Good point. But this Y/n far surpass your coolness, and I'm practically his older brother figure.

Sun and Neptune enter the cafeteria where students are heard screaming.

Beacon Student: (offscreen) Food fight!

Many students are shown stampeding out the door past Sun and Neptune, the latter of whom is looking quite worried.

Nora: Ahahahaha!

Team JNPR are shown to be standing atop a tower of tables stacked in a ramshackle manner.

Nora: (in sing-song) I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!

Ruby is seen Stomping her foot on a table and pointing at Team JNPR.

Ruby: Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful! (Ruby crushes a carton of milk in her hand.) It will be delicious!

Team RWBY: (Raising their fists simultaneously.) Yeah!

Y/n is then seen Pulling out a comically large Spoon.

Y/n: only a spoonful!

Jaune: (offscreen) where did he get that large Spoon!?

Y/n: wouldn't you like to know?

---transition Flashback---

Y/n is seen in a weapon's store as he picks up a comically large Spoon and looks at the old shopkeeper.

Y/n: how much?

Old shopkeeper: Hmm-Hmmm.

Y/n: that much really? Alright.

Y/n hands the old shopkeeper his lien as the old man nods and hands him the recipient as he salutes to the H/C hair coloured Boy and began to give him some inspiring words.

Old shopkeeper: Hmm-Hmmm, Hmm! Hmmm-Hmm! (He punches the palm of his hand) Hmmm! Hmm, Hmm-Hmmm. Hmm!

Y/n's eyes sparkled as the word's of the old shopkeeper began to inspire him, the flag of vale came into view behind the old shopkeeper as looks at the boy and puts a hand on his shoulder.

Old shopkeeper: Hmm-Hmmm! Hmmm.

Y/n: I won't let you down sir.

Y/n runs out of the store as the old shopkeeper rests his back on the counter and coughs harshly and speaks.

Old shopkeeper: had to fuck with him.

---transition Flashback ends---

Nora: Off with their heads!

Nora jumps down from the top of her tower, and the food fight begins.

Ruby: Yang! Turkey!

Yang rolls over to the turkeys and sticks her fists inside them, proceeding to block and punch the melons as they speed toward her. Y/n is seen battling Pyrrha with the large Spoon, after some fighting, Nora knocks Weiss into a pillar. The impact knocks her out and Ruby holds her in her arms as the pillar collapses around them.

Ruby: (Cradling Weiss) Weiss, Weiss! Don't leave me! Nooo!

The fighting resumes, ending with JNPR slammed against a cracked wall painted with soda and food. Team JNPR slides off the wall, leaving only their outlines.

Sun: I love these guys.

The camera pans right to show that Neptune is drenched with soda and is not pleased. The doors behind them open and Glynda enters the room growling. She proceeds to use telekinesis to re-organize the room.

Glynda: Children, please. (The camera zooms in on her face as she adjusts her glasses.) Do not play with your food!

Nora burps aloud as both Team JNPR and Team RWBY try and fail to compose themselves. A screaming Yang then crashes from the ceiling into one of the tables and Y/n breaks through a large pile of debris and smiles nervously. Glynda grumbles. Ozpin approaches and places a hand on her shoulder.

Ozpin: Let it go.

Glynda: (sighs) They're supposed to be the defenders of the world.

Ozpin: And they will be, but right now they're still children.

Team RWBY, JNRP, and Y/n are shown laughing together.

Ozpin:So why not let them play the part? (Ozpin walks away from Glynda.) After all, it isn't a role they'll have forever.


In an old warehouse, the White Fang are moving crates as Emerald and Mercury enter.

Roman: Oh, look! She sent the kids again! This is turning out just like the divorce!

Roman approaches the two from behind and wraps his arms around them in a group hug.

Emerald: (shivering in disgust) Spare us the thought of you procreating.

Emerald and Mercury pull away from Roman.

Roman: That was a joke. And this... just might tell me where you two have been all day. (Roman produces a piece of paper.)

Emerald: What!? Agh...

Roman: I'm a professional, sweetheart. Pay attention, maybe you'll learn something. (Holding up the piece of paper.) Why do you have this address?

Emerald: Wouldn't you like to know?

Roman: Yeah, I would. Now where have you been all day?

Mercury: Cleaning up your problems. One of them, at least.

Roman: I had that under control.

Mercury: Two packed bags and a ticket out of Vale said otherwise.

Roman: Listen, you little punk. If it were up to me, then I would take you and your little street rat friend here and...

Cinder: Do what, Roman?

Cinder appears on a platform above them. She steps onto an automated lift, riding it down to their level.

Roman: (laughs nervously) I'd, uh... not kill them?

Emerald: (excitedly) Cinder!

Cinder: I thought I made it clear that you would eliminate the would-be runaway.

Roman: I was going to...

Emerald: He was going to escape to Vacuo! Mercury and I decided to kill the rat, but he was already dead.

Mercury: I think he was some sort of cat, actually.

Emerald: What? Like a puma?

Mercury: Yeah, there ya go.

Cinder: Quiet. Did I not specifically instruct you two to keep your hands clean while in Vale?

As Cinder speaks, Roman points a finger at the pair while laughing in agreement.

Emerald: I just thought...

Roman uses his fingers to mime having a slit throat.

Cinder: Don't think... obey.

Emerald: (apologetically) Yes ma'am. It won't happen again.

Cinder: (turning to Roman) And you. Why wasn't this job done sooner?

Roman: (As he speaks, he points to his right, then to his left, then behind him.) Uh..? Eh..? Eh..? EHHHHH! Sorry if I've been busy stealing every speck of Dust in the Kingdom!

Mercury: You're an inspiration to every punk with a gun and a ski mask. (Emerald laughs at the remark.)

Roman: Look around, kid. I've got this town running scared! Police camping out at every corner, Dust prices through the roof, and we're sitting pretty on an old warehouse with more Dust crystals, vials, and rounds than we know what to do with! Speaking of which, if you guys wouldn't mind filling me in on your grand master plan, it might actually make my next string of robberies go a little smoother! (He emphasizes the last word by clenching his fist.)

Cinder: (Cinder approaches Roman.) Oh, Roman. Have a little faith. (She places her hand on his face.) You'll know what you need when you need to know it.

Roman seems entranced, but then looks away with a grunt.

Cinder: Besides, we're done with Dust. (She begins to walk away.)

Roman: O-okay, then what now?

Cinder: We're moving. Have the White Fang clear out this building. I'll send you details and coordinates tonight.

Roman: Coordinates?

Cinder: (Looking back at Roman.) We're proceeding to phase two.

Cinder, Mercury and Emerald begin to walk away. Roman attempts to light a cigar, but realizes Emerald has stolen his lighter. She turns back to face him and sticks her tongue out defiantly.


Y/n held a love letter in his hands, Cardin leans over and whistles in astonishment.

Cardin: whoo, you got an admirer? Lucky you.

Y/n: I've been a Beacon for six months now, who would have a crush on me?

Cardin stares at the Boy with the "you fucking kidding me" look, and groans.

Cardin: just read it dumbass.

Y/n opens the letter and reads it out as the two walks through the halls of Beacon.

Y/n: (reading letter) Roses are Red, Red like Roses, we had a great friendship, but I want to see how this goes-es....P.S: If Y/n is reading this to either Jaune, Cardin, or Ren, please knock some sense into him if he doesn't realise who it is...K thanks.

Cardin knowing who it was sighs pitifully as they seem to be bad at valentine rhymes.

Y/n: damn, whoever I have a great friendship with is going to be hard to find. Mind helping me Cardin....(looks at Cardin)...Cardin?

Cardin is seen Pulling out Executioner as he glares at the boy's as he begins to rhyme.

Cardin: Roses are Red, Violet's are blue, it's time I knock some sense into you!

Cardin then begins chasing Y/n across beacon as Ruby looks on as she sighs.

Ruby: I made it blatantly obvious it was me, guess I'll have to go back to the drawing board.

Ruby walks back to her dorm sighing sadly.

Ruby: Maybe I'll give him an even easier card.


Y/n holds a new love letter as he looks at it from back to front as Jaune is now with him.

Y/n: guess my admirer wanted to make it easier to find out who they are.

Jaune: (eating banana) damn, that's tough what does it say.

Y/n: (reading letter) My scythe is sharp, and my aim is true, I love Crescent Rose, and I kinda love you.

Jaune's eyes widened as this could mean Roseburn a ship name team Jnrp and Rwby made for funsies could potentially be Canon.

Y/n: damn, they like Rubble's Scythe and to put it in a rhyme....this one's harder now.

Jaune jaw dropped as he pulls out his Sword and Shield.

Jaune: start running!

Y/n: Shit!

Y/n is chase again by Jaune this time as Ruby deadpans at density of Y/n Being just dense.

Ruby: Okay....what the fuck.

Ruby shakes her head and heads back to the drawing board and mutters.

Ruby: third time's the charm, as they always say.


Y/n now holding his Third love letter and hesitates to open it as Ren looks at the boy.

Ren: open it.

Y/n: your not going to try and kill me, right?

Ren: I'm a pacifist towards my friends. now....open it.

Y/n gulps as he opens the letter and reads it.

Y/n: (reading letter) I Ruby Rose, the Girl who you first met back at dusk till Dawn, the girl wields a Scythe, leader of Team RWBY and I love you.

Y/n: Whoa...I can't believe this.

Ren: now you get it-

Y/n: there's a Girl who's name sounds similar to Rubble Hose.


Y/n felt fear overtook him as he looks at Ren pulling out Stormflower as Y/n steps back.

Y/n: wait! You said you are a pacifist!

Ren: there are exceptions to that rule.

Y/n immediately starts running as Ren chase's after him.


We see Nora eating a pancake in Beacons courtyard as she watches Y/n get chased by Y/n.

Ren: Nora! Stop him!

Nora nods and sticks her foot out to trip Y/n, which she successfully does as Y/n hits the ground as he grunts at the fall.

Nora: break his legs Ren!

Ren: don't need to tell me twice!

Ren leaps into the air performing a few air tricks and begins a to perform a elbow drop as Y/n tries to scramble to his feet.


but it was too late as Ren hit the ground where Y/n as the echoing boom was heard throughout the academy as We cut to Ruby Rose sighing.

Ruby: it's pointless.

Weiss: told you, boys don't know about love letters.

Blake: just tell him how you feel directly.

Yang: and if he rejects you, then I'll kick his ass.

Ruby stares at her teammates before sighing.

Ruby: I'll try and confront him and tell him about how I feel.

Yang: atta girl.

Weiss: if he ever disrespects you, I know a few people who can make him seem he never existed.

Blake: I like how there's a dynamic that we'll just casually kill people.

Yang: yea, but we are trained to kill Grimm and it wouldn't surprise me if we were tasked to kill a guy, if we became official Hunters and all that.

Blake: guess your right.

Yang: I'm always right!

Weiss: as if.

Yang got angry and the ice queen and blonde brawler began to bicker and argue as Ruby looks on with amusement as she Gets ready for bed.

Ruby: one last time, tomorrow is a new day.


Y/n is now seen walking through Vale with Ruby, the Red Cape wearing reaper skipped each step or two. She appears to be happy as Y/n Chuckles.

Y/n: what's gotten you all happy?

Ruby: oh nothing! Say, Want to grab some cookie's?

Ruby looks at Y/n as she pulls an adorable expression while saying "Please!" Repeatedly.

Y/n: (chuckling) sure, I could use some sugar in my belly.

Ruby: Yay! Let's go!

Ruby grabs the boy's hand and in a blink of an eye, Ruby was now practically rag dolling Y/n across vale to find a bakery.

Y/n: I think I'm gonna be sick!

Ruby: found one!

Ruby stops at a bakery holding to Y/n who's holding his lunch in as Ruby jumps up and down as she points at a special choc chip special.

Ruby: mini choc chip cookies stuffed inside a choc chip cookies, the double choc chip cookie is real!

The Silver eyed girl began drooling at the sweets as Y/n gets up and grabs Ruby's hand which caused the girl look down and blush muttering "We are holding hands like the degenerates we are!", Which went unnoticed by Y/n as he took her to the counter.

Y/n: two bags of the double choc chip cookie please.

Three men....no jaune, Cardin, and Ren wearing Moustaches popped out of nowhere and offer them their order.

Not Ren: enjoy your food Monsieur!

Not Cardin: it's free of charge as well!

Not jaune: Hon! Hon! Hon!

Y/n: (offscreen) uh, Thanks!

Ruby: (offscreen) Thanks!

The Vermilion and the Rose grab their orders as they walked out.

The three Moustached men then took off their mustaches to reveal to be Cardin, jaune and Ren helping Ruby out.

Cardin: Really jaune?

Jaune: what?

Ren: seriously "Hon, Hon, Hon", that's gotta be stereotyping.

Jaune: I wasn't given a line!


We cut to Y/n and Ruby at the Park, sitting under a tree as the two ate their respective cookies.

Ruby looks at Y/n, sighing she places it down and her cheeks Redden.

Ruby: H-Hey Y/n? (Y/n turns to her) I want to say something.

Y/n: yea Rubble?

Ruby: I never truly thank you for protecting me when Roman attacked Dust till dawn, you didn't hesitate To throw your own life away to save mine.

Y/n listens intently to the girl's words.

Ruby: and when we went to Beacon, you stayed by my side when Yang left with her friends.

Y/n: (muttering) who she's never been seen hanging with, but okay.

Ruby: and when we did initiation, you threw your spear in time to distract the nevermore and allowing me to kill it.

Y/n just threw the spear cause it wasn't the one he was given.

Ruby: and-and, when Weiss got mad at me, you comforted me and Gave me helpful advice.

Y/n: cause it was the only right thing to do.

Ruby: I know....but I'm thankful for it. Your strong, brave, kind, and everything that literally makes you the definition of a Hero.

Y/n: (thinking) 𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝑰'π’Ž 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒂 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒐, 𝑰'π’Ž 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 π’”π’π’Žπ’† π’Œπ’Šπ’… π’˜π’‰π’ π’ˆπ’π’• π’•π’“π’Šπ’„π’Œπ’†π’… π’Šπ’π’•π’ 𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒐𝒏, 𝑡𝒐 π’•π’‰π’‚π’π’Œπ’” 𝒕𝒐 π‘Άπ’›π’‘π’“π’Šπ’„π’Œ.

Y/n: where is this going?

Ruby arms slumps, but she doesn't look at Y/n as she says the three words.

Ruby: Y/n, I love you.

Y/n eyes widened at her confession as he stayed as Ruby waits for his response, each passing minutes cause Ruby hold back some tears as if Y/n was saying no without saying those words as She sniffles and brings her legs up to her chest and hugs her legs closely.

Ruby: (on the verge of tears) I-It's fine if you don't want to date me, we can always have an awkward friendship.

Y/n began to realise who was his secret admirer as he frowns on being an absolute idiot as he sense Ruby stand up and slowly walk away.

Ruby: We-Welp! I gotta go and get ready for class to-tomorrow....(she wipes her teary eyes) see you tomorrow Y/n.

Y/n shakes his head and watches the Girl leave.

Y/n: (thinking) 𝒀𝒐𝒖 π’Šπ’…π’Šπ’π’•! π‘­π’–π’„π’Œπ’Šπ’π’ˆ π’Žπ’π’—π’†! 𝑺𝒉𝒆 π’π’Šπ’•π’†π’“π’‚π’π’π’š 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒂 𝒄𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒉 𝒐𝒏 π’šπ’π’– π’”π’Šπ’π’„π’† 𝒇𝒐𝒓 π’˜π’‰π’ π’Œπ’π’π’˜π’” π’‰π’π’˜ π’π’π’π’ˆ.....π‘ͺ'π’Žπ’π’ π’ƒπ’π’…π’š π’Žπ’π’—π’† π’˜π’Šπ’π’ π’šπ’‚!

Y/n couldn't even move, as he watches the Girl walk away sadly as he grits his teeth.

Y/n: (thinking) 𝑰𝒇 π’šπ’π’– 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 π’Žπ’π’—π’†, 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑰 π’˜π’Šπ’π’!

And with that last thought, He sprung up to his feet and sprints towards Ruby as reaches his hand out and grabs her wrist.

Y/n: Ruby wait, I'm Sorry I didn't say anything to you....My body just...no I couldn't move and I was shocked to hear you say that.

Ruby didn't face him as He sighs and pulls her into a hug.

Y/n: I'm sorry, I'm Sorry that I didn't realise your feelings sooner, I'm Sorry that I didn't realise that you were my secret admirer, I'm Sorry that I didn't catch the hints you gave me.... If you want, I can give you some space for you to decide if you want to be friends or not....cause I don't think I deserve to be friend's with the most coolest girl ever.

Ruby didn't move nor make a sound, deciding to pull away she doesn't face him, she raised her hand and slapped him as she continues to look down.

Ruby: that's for being a Dumbass.

She slaps him again.

Ruby: that's for being dense.

Another slap to Y/n's Face.

Ruby: That's for not realising sooner.

Another slap but with a little more force into it.

Ruby: that one was because I felt like it.

Ruby still not looking grabs the boy's shirt collar with one hand.

Ruby: and this one!

Y/n closed his eyes expecting for a punch to the face...only to feel someone's lips pressed against his and pull away and seeing Ruby now looking at him.

Ruby: and that's....for apologising before it was too late.

Ruby held Y/n's hands as she smiles at him as his cheeks flushed with Red, although his cheek still stung from slapping him.

Y/n: is all forgiven now?

Ruby:Β  yep (She grins and hugs him) all is forgiven.

Y/n smiles as he hugs back, using one of his Hands to pat her head as she giggles at the affectionate Head-pat.

Ruby pulls away with a gasp as she looks at Y/n as if she realises something.

Ruby: wait, are we now dating?

Y/n: yes.

Ruby: as in like boyfriend and girlfriend dating?

Y/n: yes.

Ruby: the kind of dating between two lovers that hold hands and kiss each other?

Y/n: Yes Ruby, yes we are dating, we are boyfriend and girlfriend, yes the kind of dating between two lovers that holds hands and kiss each other.

Ruby had stars in her eyes as she stares in wonderment as Y/n laughs at her expression.

Y/n: yes, the two lover's baking cookies kind of dating.


The boy watches Ruby go off on different kinds of choc chip sweets as he folds his arms and gave a smirk.

Y/n: let's start off easy, okay Rubble?

Ruby stops going off and nervously laughs.

Ruby: R-Right! Shall we get something to eat (offers her hand) Boyfriend?

Y/n felt his heart skip a beat at Ruby's cuteness overload.

Y/n: I am quite famished lead the Ms Rose, will you be guarding me this evening?.

Ruby brought her offered hand to her mouth as she laugh as then bows and puts on a posh accent.

Ruby: (posh accent) Why of course Milord.

Y/n: (posh accent) why thank you Ms Rose.

The two look at each other before burst out laughing as the two begin To head off for somewhere to eat.


Yang falls to the ground as her back was littered with tranquilizer darts as Blake stood behind Weiss who held the tranq gun in her hands as she shook in fear.

Weiss: this will be a terrifying experience.

Blake: yep, I don't think reading books would get that out of my head.

The Schnee and the Faunus look over to see Y/n and Ruby exiting the park as the two sighed.

Blake: operation: RoseBurn is canon is now finished.

Weiss: finally, I can't think for another second without hearing Ruby talking how 'Awesome' and 'Cool' Y/n is.

Yang: (mouth foaming) urrgh.

Weiss shot another tranq dart in yang's arm out of reflex as she looks at Blake.

Blake: I'm not carrying her, You carry her, you have Glyphs.

Weiss: oh now see here...I...fine! But you owe me one.

With a swift of her hand; a glyph appears underneath Yang and carries her as the monochrome duo walk out of the park with the tranquilized Yang trailing behind on a glyph.


Ozpin is now opening a black case and pulls out an unknown Weapon, the case had lettering on it saying "Gridlock" and whatever this is, must be for Y/n as Ozpin puts it back and sighs.

Ozpin: Now, we wait, for what is to come.

Ozpin said as he pulls his scroll out as the sound of a checkpoint ring was heard as it appears that he is playing flappy bird.

Ozpin: let's see if I can get past level ten.

The screen starts to fade to black as we heard "whack" sound effect play and Ozpin groaning in annoyance.

Ozpin: (offscreen)I didn't even hit THAT! what utter bullshit!


And that wraps up for this chapter.

I really had a hard time updating it as I couldn't figure out what to do

And yes the ship between Y/n x Ruby is called RoseBurn cause it's I find it adorable!

Anyways hoped you enjoyed this chapter and what's to come!

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