OVA: ๐๐ก๐จ๐ซ๐ญ ๐๐ญ๐จ๐ซ๐ข๐๐ฌ 2
The sequel to The ova
Anyways let's begin!
๐ง๐ต๐ฒ ๐ฃ๐ฟ๐ถ๐ป๐ฐ๐ฒ๐๐
We see Weiss Schnee sitting on a flight of stairs as she began to reminisce on what happened today.
Weiss: (thinking) ๐บ๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐, ๐ป๐๐๐ ๐ ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐ ๐๐๐๐๐-๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐.
Sighing, she puts a hand on her cheek and rests on it as her other hand taps the staircase wooden planks.
Weiss: (thinking) ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐ ๐๐ ๐๐, ๐ฐ ๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐. ๐ป๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐, ๐๐ ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐.
Weiss looks at the books next to her seeing as she was in a library, the section she was in was probably fantasy and fiction and her expression becomes a glare, Her ice blue eyes staring at the book side covers in annoyance.
Weiss: (thinking) ๐ฑ๐๐๐ ๐ฏ๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐.
---flashback transition---
We Weiss shoo a heartbroken Boy as Y/n was walking behind Weiss as he took a bite out of his Apple.
Y/n: I saw that Weiss...the Ice Queen is also the heartbreak Queen.
Weiss: Spying on me, eh? I see you have no manners as ever.
Y/n laughs at Weiss attempted insult of his manners before replying to her insult with a good point.
Y/n: I just got out of class, You told me to meet you here.
Weiss: Well I-... It's caus-... Oh nevermind!
Y/n lifted his arm halfway and began to put up a impersonation of Weiss.
Y/n: (impersonating) "If you think you are worthy of me, That is Laughable."
Y/n laughs at his impersonation of Weiss joke.
Y/n: (impersonating) "Step aside, you fool."
Y/n: not only that, but you shut that guy down hard.
Weiss: if that was impersonation of me, it was completely inaccurate.
Y/n: (laughing) your a princess to the bone, Weiss.
Weiss: Ngh, Am not! You said that the first time we met.
Weiss: (nodding) yes, do you remember?
The Boy put a finger on his cheek and tapped it before snapping his fingers in amusement.
Y/n: Yep! I do now, Crabby Princess!
Weiss: (groaning) Ugh, I hate that nickname, besides....I....Refuse to be a princess.
Weiss walks in front of Y/n, turning to face him putting a hand on her chest.
Weiss: especially for a boy, who can't see past my family's fortune.
Weiss: I am proud of who I am, not the Schnee family name....anyone who can't accept that...Is dreaming a fairytale that I refused to be apart of.
Y/n was silent before sighing, rubbing the back of his head as he thought of his next response.
Y/n: y'know... I'd think you were a princess even if you weren't a Schnee.
Weiss: What?.... explain.
Y/n nods and smiled at the Schnee as he pulls out a panflip that Weiss given to him when they first met.
Y/n: you'd think you were better than All of us no matter what your name is.
Weiss: Hey!
Y/n: But.....
Weiss: "but" what?...
Y/n: (looking at Sky) Team Rwby has a long way to go before getting their ending....But I hope it's a good ending.
Weiss smiles at Y/n's words as she faces the Sky
Weiss: (offscreen) and I hope you have a good ending as well, Y/n Vermilion.
---flashback transition ends---
Weiss frown was then replaced with a smile as she grabs one of the books with the title that reads 'The princess and the Dragon'.
Weiss: (thinking) ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐... ๐จ๐๐๐'๐ ๐๐๐ ๐/๐ ๐ฝ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐.
๐๐ฃ๐ ๐ฟ๐๐ฎ.
We see Y/n, Cardin, Jaune and Ren sitting at the library as they thought they could use some guy's only Studying.
But it's because Y/n and Jaune were somewhat lacking in Grimm studies and Ren forced them both to study and Cardin wanted to tag along.
Y/n: Why do we have to sit inside and study?!
Jaune: (offscreen) Y/n is right! It's a beautiful day out and we could all be hanging out and enjoying the sun.
Ren: (reading book) I think you know precisely why Y/n and Jaune... But Cardin why are you Here?
Cardin had his feet on the desk as he scrolled through his scroll as the sound of him playing happy bird was known to the group.
Cardin: thought in case one of them tried to make a break for it.
Ren: ah, that is a possibility of that happening is potential, so I'm thankful for that.
Cardin: eh, I'm just bored and got nothing to do.
Unbeknownst to them velvet watched Y/n as she hugged a basket of carrot themed chocolate treats and some apple crumble pie as she was about to approach a hand grabbed both her ears, tugging roughly at it as a second year boy who grinned cruelly.
Random Extra: hello velvet, Watcha got there?
Velvet: it's none of your concerns! Ow!
Random Extra: (tugs her ear) I think it is, you weak bitch!
Y/n was balancing a pencil on his nose as Ren went on about some Grimm pacer test.
Ren: (offscreen) the Grimm pacer test, is a multitude of tests Tha-....
Jaune: let it end....better yet! Oh lightbulb! hey Cardin.
Cardin: yea? What is it jauney boy?.
Jaune: your ugly.
Cardin stared at Jaune with a deadpan look on his face, before looking at Ren.
Cardin: hey, can you start over? I think I blank out a few sentences about this Grimm pacer test.
Ren: (nodding) Finally! Someone who appreciates the Grimm pacer test. Okay I'll start over...the Grimm pacer test is a multitude of tests tha-....
Y/n slowly looks at Jaune with an unreadable but angered expression on his face as Jaune nervously chuckles.
Y/n: lock everything in your dorm tonight jaune.
Jaune: Hehe...uhm sorry?
Velvet: (offscreen) Ow! Hey let go!
The four boy's look at the voice came from and Y/n eyes shifted into annoyance and anger.
Y/n: (getting up from seat) Are you FUCKING kidding me?! Didn't I just made a point not to bully Faunus when I'm around?
Cardin: (rubbing arm) it still itches... You don't think it's infected or?
Ren put a hand on Y/n's shoulder as the Reddish-Orange eyed boy faced the older boy who shook his head no as he mouths a 'I'll deal with it'...
Random Extra: C'mon, I bet you're just a white fang spy here to Destroy Beacon.
Y/n: oh that does it.... (thinking) ๐น๐๐๐! ๐น๐๐๐! ๐ญ๐๐๐๐๐๐! ๐น๐๐๐!
Y/n began to approach the bullying that was happening as velvet pushed the bully back only to stumble back and fall out the window.
Random Extra: Oh fuck?!
C.J.R: (Offscreen) Oh fuck?!
Y/n: Velvet!
Y/n immediately started running as he elbows the random Extra face as he leaps out of the window as he fell downwards arms reaching out to the rabbit Faunus.
Y/n: I got you!
Y/n shouted as he wraps his arms around the girls body as they were about to hit the ground Y/n activated his aura at the last second as Velvet felt a gentle warm wrap around them both as she shuts her eyes waiting for the ground to meet them both.
An loud bang was heard, Velvet opened her eyes seeing she was still alive as she looks down to see a sore and injured Y/n as he looks dazed before shaking his head as he groans.
Y/n: are you okay? Your not hurt or anything?
Velvet: (blushing) N-No, oh! I made you a thank you gift...for uh...(spots gift basket)...Nevermind it's ruined.
Y/n turns his head as he sees the destroyed gift basket as the carrot themed chocolate and apple crumble pie are destroyed and ruined.
Y/n: it doesn't matter...(wincing)...what's important is that A-OK... Alright?
Velvet nods as she slowly rests her head on his chest cheeks still Red as she closed her eyes but Y/n stopped her.
Y/n: can you take me to the infirmary...cause I think something is broken and I might be suffering from internal bleeding.
Velvet eyes widened before hoping off him and carefully picking him up with ease as she rushes to the infirmary.
Y/n: do I weigh anything to anyone nowadays?
Velvet: not really, it's like carrying a bag of grapes.
Y/n: (sarcastically) how hilarious.
We Cardin, jaune and Ren studying but back on the fucking Grimm pacer test as we slowly pan towards a beaten and bloodied Random Extra as he groans painfully and mutters.
Random Extra: I....I need a.....need...a...Medic....ugh...
Ren: (offscreen) we get You a medic after we're done studying okay? Oh great now I have to start over with the Grimm pacer test....okay the Grimm pacer test is a multitude of tests tha-....
Jaune: (eye twitches) I want this to end.
Cardin: (offscreen) if the existence of daddy long leg spiders exist....then there must be a Mommy long legs spider right?
Y/n is now currently in the infirmary as he was reported to have four broken ribs, fractured arm, and internal bleeding but thankfully with his aura and some much needed rest he'll be out of the infirmary in no time.
Velvet: (holding jelly cup) say "Aahhh~"
Y/n opened his mouth and did as he was told.
Y/n: this is humiliating but also worth it?.... Weird...
Velvet: (under her breath) it's worth it for me~....since no one can stop me from giving you, unconditional love, support and encouragement~.
Y/n: What?
Velvet: (in a singsong voice) Oh, Nothing~, just relax and say Aahhh one more time for good old velvet~.
Y/n: alright...."Aahhh~".....
Velvet giggles and gave the boy the last scoop of jelly as he eats it.
Velvet: I'm going to enjoy this, so freaking much!
๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ง๐ข๐๐ก๐๐ค๐ฃ ๐๐๐ซ๐๐ง
It was currently morning as we see a Y/n sleeping in dorm as his alarms goes off, his hand reaches towards the clock turning it off as He doesn't move for a few minutes... which is bizarre as he slowly pulls the covers away from his face as it it revealed he looked tired...No...exhausted actually.
Y/n: So...tired....too Hot...
He kicks the covers off to get rid of the heat as he lays there but shivers at the cold.
Y/n....Too Cold....
He pulls the covers back on his body as he shivers lightly.
Y/n:....what's going on?....I'm tired and I don't know if I want to be hot or cold....wait....Don't tell me....
He looks at his bedside table and pulls the drawers out and rummages through them as he pulls out a thermoniter and places it in his mouth and waits.
Ruby: Y/n isn't Here?
Jaune: nope, I didn't see Y/n at breakfast today
Yang: not like him to skip class, usually he's early and the twelfth student to arrive at Oobleck's class.
Team Rwby and Jnrp look at the vacant seat where Y/n used to be as Oobleck speeds towards Y/n's empty seat.
Oobleck: now where is Y/n?
Murmured voice's was clear in the classroom as they were confused and worried about Y/n's absence.
Where could he be...
Are you fucking kidding me....
Y/n frowns at the results and it meant that he was sick and suffering from a fever as he tossed the thermoniter back in the drawer and closes it.
Y/n: I can't believe I got sick....how is that possible?
Y/n tried to remembered back before he was sick....but it hurts to remember...or thinking as well.
The sound of his door being unlocked as his eyes look at team Rwby and Jnrp seeing him....all sickly and exhausted.
Ruby: so I guess pyrrha theory was right...you are sick.
Pyrrha: how are you feeling?
Ren: are you comfortable?
Nora: do you want me to check if your legs aren't broken?
Weiss: I can get you one of the most greatest doctors to treat you.
Blake: do you want any books to read?
Yang: hey you want something to drink?
Jaune: dude....you look like you are about to die... you aren't dying right?
Y/n frown as his throat burn as he coughs harshly and pointed to the door as a way to tell them to get out of his dorm.
Ruby: we're not leaving you until your all one hundred percent healthy!
Yang: yea, so you are going to suck it up!
Pyrrha: would you like me to fluff your pillow?
The other's began asking you if you need anything as you decline their request as you continue to point at the door to get them out of here.
Y/n: (thinking) ๐๐๐ ๐๐ ๐๐๐๐, ๐๐๐'๐๐ ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐ ๐๐!
Y/n was visibly annoyed as they were hellbent on him recovering faster as pyrrha walks back into your dorm with a ball of soup in her hands.
Pyrrha: I thought you might be hungry....and thirsty.... so eat or drink up!
Okay, maybe a bowl of soup would at least help get him to fall asleep faster.
Jaune: (offscreen) Pyrrha wait! We should check if his temperature is low enough to have soup.
Pyrrha: I don't think that's how it works Jaune.
Jaune walks over as he takes the soup away from the Pumpkin Petes mascot.
Jaune: trust me, I have sister's who get sick at Times, so I know what I'm doing!
Pyrrha snatches the soup out of her leader's hand and they both glared
Pyrrha: this would sooth his headaches!
Jaune: we need to wait for his temperature to drop!
The two glared at each other as Ren walks into the Room as he offered the Boy some tea.
Ren: drink this, it'll help you sleep easier.
Jaune: (offscreen) Hey, we need to wait for his temperature to drop!
Pyrrha: (offscreen) no, what we need to do is give him some soup!
Ren: (irritated) how about he drinks something relaxing then....he can eat.
Then another argument broke out as Nora popped in out of nowhere.
And they resumed their arguing as Y/n grumbles wanting to sleep and nothing else.
Y/n: (thinking) ๐ฐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐!
Team Rwby were currently figuring out a way to get Y/n all nice and healthy as Ruby threw up her hand.
Ruby: Oh! Oh! How about we bake him cookies and give him some glass of milk!
Yang: (shaking head) nah, what he needs is some rest and nothing else.
Blake: no, what he needs is a good book to read.
Weiss: I can always hire a doctor?
The four sit in their respective beds as they began to think how to agree on something.
Ruby: No cookies!
Weiss: hire a doctor!
Blake: Reading a book!
Yang watched her sister and her friend's argue on which method could work as she shakes her head.
Yang: (walking out of dorm) He just wants some rest...Everyone knows that.
Yang heads over to Y/n's dorm to check up on him as he spots a staggering figure approaching and using the wall as support.
Yang eyes furrowed to see who is this individual was and her eyes widened as she starts to run towards the now falling figure.
Yang: wait, is that-....
Team Jnrp now with their weapons pulled out...no thanks to Nora who jokingly escalated the situation.
Pyrrha: SOUP!
Ren: TEA!
They were circling around each other as they (except Nora) were hellbent on their method of treating Y/n's small fever as jaune glared, pyrrha grits her teeth, Ren pops the joints in his neck, and Nora drank the tea and ate the soup while watching from the sidelines.
Team Jnrp turn their attention to a Fiery Hair Red-eye enraged Yang who held Y/n in her arms as his condition looked worst.
Yang: You two were so damn busy arguing.... That Y/n decided to leave his dorm to get away from the noise!
The team (except Nora) looked guilty as they put their weapon's away as Yang slowly becoming calm.
Yang: Now I want you Guys to leave, Because I....am going to help him get better...got it?!
Jaune: But his temper-....
Yang eyes returned to a burning red as Jaune squeaked in fear before nodding and backing away out of the dorm.
Jaune: actually you help him with his fever..... C'mon guy's let's see if we can spot a way out of yang's anger.
Team Jnrp immediately ran out but Pyrrha pokes her head in the dorm.
Pyrrha: I'm Sorry!
And with that Yang and Y/n were alone as the blonde Huntress-in-training puts the Boy in his bed and tucks him in and rests the back of her hand on his head and noticed a slight increase of his temperature as she frowns and walks to his desk and grabs a chair and pulls it next to his bed and sits on it.
Yang: Now get some rest.... I want you-.... I mean...Ruby want's to see you at full health.
Yang grabs a tv remote and turns on Y/n's tv and puts on a show to watch.
Y/n's eyes fluttered open as he looks at his surroundings and to his surprise as well....he was fully awake and didn't felt sick....well Maybe a small annoying Headache but still he was able to get some rest.
Yang: how are you feeling?
Y/n looks at Yang as she sips on a juice box as she doesn't face him.
Y/n: just a small headache and feeling I can run a whole mile....but nothing out of the ordinary....
Yang: (nodding) that's progress....anyways I'm glad you aren't in serious danger.
Y/n: thanks yang.... You're the coolest girl I know!
Yang cheeks softly turn a slight Red hue as she toss the juice box into the box in the bin.
Yang: I know... I'm the coolest girl at Beacon Academy!
Y/n nods as he lays back down and ready to sleep again before unknowingly says one last thing.
Y/n: and the most beautiful as well...night.
Yang changed her attention on Y/n as the last words nearly went unnoticed by her as she brings a hand to her chest.
Yang: damn.... I already knew that. You must not know you are a lady killer.
Yang laughs at her joke as she returns her attention back on the tv and smiles.
Yang: and I'm glad that Ruby fell for the right guy.
The camera pans out the window as it faces the shattered moon as everything fades to Black.
Whoo! That's the second ova done!
Now what's next is the important stuff
And since it's now Sunday for me
I'm going to make a second chapter to teen Titans x Reader.
Hole you liked this chapter and what's more to come!
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