EP6: 𝐉𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐞
This chapter is Hella fucking long.
Let's begin shall we?
The scene open ups to Cardin Winchester with The Executioner perched on his shoulder and Jaune Arc opposite him with Crocea Mors drawn, leaning on his weapon as if exhausted, in the spotlight shining on the Beacon Academy auditorium stage.
He looks at Cardin, who laughs at his opponent's tiredness, and Jaune gathers his strength to charge forward and swing his blade at Cardin, only for him to jump out of the way. Jaune looks back, surprised, as The Executioner sends Jaune's shield - and himself - flying back. Now only armed with his sword, Jaune continued to try and attack, but is blocked by the mace's hilt. Their weapons locked, Cardin forces himself up, towering over a struggling Jaune.
Cardin: This is the part where you lose.
Jaune: Over my dead-!
Jaune is cut short as Cardin knees him in the gut, making Jaune drop his sword and fall to the ground in pain. Cardin raises his mace and is about to slam it down on a worried Jaune just when the buzzer rings, the lights come back on, and Glynda Goodwitch's voice causes him to stop.
Glynda: Cardin, that's enough!
Cardin relents and walks away as she comes onto the stage, tapping her tablet.
Glynda: Students, as you can see, Mr. Arc's Aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament-styled duel, this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle, and that the official may call the match.
while Jaune still lays on the floor in defeat. Pyrrha looks sad and Y/n looks Rather angry at Cardin, Glynda turns her head to look at the losing warrior as he pulls out a smaller tablet with his low, blinking stats and that of his entire team
Glynda: Mr. Arc, it's been weeks now. Please try to refer to your Scroll during combat. Gauging your Aura will help you decide when it's appropriate to attack, or when it is better to move to a more... defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowolf, now, would we?
Cardin: Speak for yourself...
to the seated and standing students, such as: Yang Xiao Long, punching the air in anticipation; Weiss Schnee, shaking her fists with an excited smile; and Ruby Rose, shaking her entire body with enthusiastic energy while squealing softly as she shakes Y/n body as he slowly getting dizzy.
Glynda: Remember, everyone, the Vytal Festival is only a few months away! It won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing! Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale!
The bell rings, and students start leaving while Pyrrha continues to frown sadly with Y/n glaring at Cardin. Jaune, still sitting on the floor, hangs his head in shame as the scene goes dark.
The episode comes back to a zoom-up of Nora Valkyrie's turquoise eyes as she tells an unbelievable story to her audience...
Nora: So! There we were, in the middle of the night...
Ren (off screen): It was day.
Nora faces Blake, paying no attention as she is lost in her book, and Yang, who is hanging on her every word with her hands cupping her face as Y/n sat at the table with burgers and fries a Soda to complete his lunch.
Nora: We were surrounded by Ursai...
Ren: (holding a coffee cup) They were Beowolves.
Nora: Dozens of them!
she screams this as she stands at the table of both Team RWBY, Y/n and JNPR, where Weiss is ignoring Nora and filing her nails, Ruby and Pyrrha are listening politely, and Jaune is messing with his food as Y/n leans over to see what Blake was reading, which the Raven haired girl didn't mind.
Ren: Two of 'em.
Nora: (while Ruby and Pyrrha now look at a distant Jaune with concern) But they were no match... And in the end, Ren and I took them down and made a boatload of Lien selling Ursa skin rugs!
Y/n: was it a dream?
Ren: (sighs) that's correct, She's been having this recurring dream for nearly a month now.
Pyrrha: (looking at her leader) Jaune? Are you okay?
Jaune: (snapping out of it, turning back toward them) Huh? Oh, yeah! Why?
Y/n: It's just that you seem a little... not okay...
Ruby: is something wrong?
Jaune: (as the others stop their distractions and stare at him) Guys, I'm fine. Seriously! Look!
he holds up a thumb while laughing nervously until his attention is focused on the members of Team CRDL, standing around a girl with brown rabbit ears jutting from her hair as Cardin laughs at her and Sky Lark holds up his hands to his head in a mock interpretation of her unusual features.
Pyrrha: Jaune, Cardin's been picking on you since the first week of school!
Jaune: Who? Cardin Winchester? Nah... He just likes to mess around! You know, practical jokes!
Ruby: He's a bully.
Y/n: More of a Fucking twat, but yea let's go with Ruby's title for Cardin
Jaune: (scoffs) Oh, please! Name one time he's 'bullied' me.
Y/n: really?
Jaune: really!
Y/n: aight, cause I happen to be an eye witness to such of Cardin's 'Practical' jokes.
Y/n begins to tell what he saw between jaune and Cardin.
Y/n: alright, it went down like this.
Jaune is seen on the way to class as Cardin is going the other way down the hall. When the two pass, Cardin knocks his arm into Jaune and makes him drop his book, then continuing on his way with his hands out as if daring anyone to challenge him as Y/n glares at the bully.
Jaune: Ah, come on!
---flashback transition---
Jaune and Cardin are about to pass through a doorway, but Cardin clicks on Jaune's sheath and extends it into its shield form as he's going out, causing him to run into his own defense and have it block the exit.
Jaune: (grunts in frustration as he tries to lift his shield back out) Come on...!
Y/n witnesses this as he grips the items that he was delivering to Prof. Peach.
---flashback transition---
Glynda is in the locker room with several students, gesturing at the devices.
Glynda: Each of you will be assigned one rocket-propelled locker to store your weapons and extra armor. Additionally, your locker can be sent to a custom location based on a six-digit code.
Hearing this, Cardin looks at Jaune - standing behind Y/n and the only open locker in the room - and the cliché plays itself out as Cardin quickly pushes Y/n away and shoves a shocked Jaune into the small dark space and closes the door on him, pressing random buttons on the pad right after that.
Jaune: What?! No, wait, wait! You've gotta get me out of here! Please! Don't! Don't! Don't do it!
It's too late to protest when the locker scrunches down and launches up with a burst of blue fire coming from its base. Cardin watches as the locker slowly soars across the sky.
Y/n: Dude, What the fuck!
Cardin: who said that? I could've sworn I heard a short kid around here.
Y/n: (clenches fist) Watch it asshole!
Meanwhile with jaune.
Jaune: (still heard from within the locker) Ahhh, coooome oooooooon...!
---flashback transition ends---
others are totally focused on him now.
Jaune: (attempts to laugh it off) I didn't land far from the school!
Pyrrha: Jaune, you know if you ever need help, you can just ask.
Nora: Ooooh! (gets up from the table and presents her diabolical plan with a not-entirely-sane grin) We'll break his legs!
Jaune: Guys, really, it's fine! Besides, it's not like he's only a jerk to me; he's a jerk to everyone.
They all looks over as the laughing grows louder, mixed in with cries of pain from the rabbit girl when one of her ears are tugged on by Cardin.
Velvet: Ow! That hurts! (stops struggling and grimaces as she says:) Please, stop...
Cardin: (continues laughing as he turns to his cronies) I told you it was real!
Russel: (still guffawing with his teammates) What a freak!
Cardin finally relents, and the girl stands up and hurries off, her head bowed and hiding her face from the watching table of heroes.
Pyrrha: Atrocious. I can't stand people like him.
Blake: (staring daggers) He's not the only one...
Yang: (sadly, leaning her head on her hand) It must be hard to be a Faunus.
The Sound of a table getting a loud bang as Y/n eyes now held a boiling anger towards the bully harming an innocent Faunus.
Y/n: Excuse me, I'm going to have a word with Cardin Winchester.
Team Rwby and Jnrp watch as The enraged Boy slowly stalked towards Cardin as he picks up a student's milk carton and throws it at Cardin's face as he let's go of the Faunus ears.
Cardin: who the fuck! Threw a carton of milk at my face!
Y/n: kinda surprised you didn't look down! You six foot fuck!
Okay, the situation would've been immensely serious if not for the height differences between Y/n and Cardin. Y/n stood about 5'0ft as for Cardin he stood around 6'6ft tall. The cafeteria erupted with Snickers at the sudden as Y/n glares at the students who were immediately silenced at the Reddish-Orange eyed boy as he changes his attention back on Cardin.
Y/n: pick on somebody your own size!
Cardin: or what? What are YOU going to do about it, shorty.
Cardin began to antagonised Y/n via throwing insults varying between him being short and just plain insults.
Y/n: one more short joke or another insult is directed towards that Girl and you are going to regret it!
Cardin looks at his goons who laugh at the threat as he bends down and puts his hands on his knees and grinned.
Cardin: regret what? Little man can't do shit.
Y/n took a deep breath... And sighed as he looks at the rabbit Faunus and smiles warmly at her. Before jumping at Cardin as a dust cloud forms between the Winchester boy and the Vermilion Boy as they begin to brawl and fight one another.
The sound of a cartoonish sound effect of someone biting was heard as Cardin yelped and screamed.
the cafeteria exploded with laughter as we see Cardin punch Y/n repeatedly and Y/n retaliating by grabbing Cardin's throat and choking him as they began to hurt themselves as they were immediately pulled away from each other, thanks to an enraged Glynda.
Cardin: (Simultaneously) HE STARTED IT! WHAT NO I DIDN'T! FUCK YOU!
Y/n: (Simultaneously) HE STARTED IT! WHAT NO I DIDN'T! FUCK YOU!
Glynda: Enough! Both of you will be serving time in detention, Or one of you will tell me who started the fight!
Glynda: is this true, Y/n? If so I would be very, very, VERY, disappointed in you.
Before Y/n could say anything, he realised that he did threw the first punch before sighing, dropping his head, not looking at Glynda.
Y/n: Ye-... (Sighs) Yes I did Professor Goodwitch. I threw the first punch.
Glynda sighs and pulls the boy away from Cardin and takes him towards the headmaster's office, Y/n looks at His friend's who didn't know what to do, Blake bow twitched at the unfairness of him trying to protect a Faunus, before a voice shouted to Glynda and Y/n to stop.
Velvet: wa-wait! He isn't at fault, Here!
The two stop and Glynda looks at the third year who shuffled shyly before sighing and pointing at Cardin.
Velvet: Cardin was bullying me and Y/n decided to intervene to stop it but, (glares at Cardin) He began to insult Y/n and degrading him for helping me.
Glynda now shifts her attention at Cardin who flinches under glynda's eyes who began trying to defend himself.
Cardin: we-well, you see Tha-
Glynda: Ozpin's office, now.
Cardin gulps and nods before heading to the headmaster's office before glaring at Y/n muttering about getting back at the Boy.
Y/n: heh, serves you right.
Glynda: don't Think your getting off the hook either Mr Vermilion, I think some punishment is in order since you did attack first.
Y/n sighs and Glynda softly smiles at him before deciding his punishment.
Glynda: your punishment is helping planting the new flowers after school. Understand?
Y/n: Yes professor Goodwitch!
Glynda: now run along, I need to know what's Cardin's punishment.
Y/n nodded before walking to his friend's as they praised him for his acts and even Blake who thanked him for standing up for the Faunus and replied.
Y/n: I couldn't stand idly by and let someone get bullied for being different and besides her ears makes her twice the more cuter.
Velvet's ears twitched and her cheeks turn red at the compliment before walking off to find her teammates.
A uniformed, sleeping Jaune Arc with his head resting in his hands while a constantly-zooming and fast-talking Professor Bartholomew Oobleck is in the middle of his hyperactive lecture, educating Weiss, Blake, Pyrrha, Velvet Scarlatina who's sitting next to Y/n, and a leaned-back Cardin Winchester directly behind Jaune.
Oobleck: Yes! Yes, prior to the Faunus Rights Revolution--more popularly known as the Faunus War--
Oobleck then zooms up to the front of the class and the map covered in papers behind his desk.
Y/n: --humankind was quite, quite adamant about centralizing Faunus population in Menagerie.
Oobleck then points at the map of said-area with his stick, then zooms off to the side for a sip of his coffee before appearing in front of the desk.
Oobleck: Now! While this must feel like ancient history to many of you, it is imperative to remember that these are relatively recent events! Why, the repercussions of the uprising can still be seen to this day!
He zooms around the classroom more, sipping his coffee again before continuing to zoom and talk.
Oobleck: Now! Have any among you been subjugated or discriminated because of your Faunus heritage?
Some of the silhouetted students raise their hands. Velvet, after a moment, does the same and Then Y/n.
Oobleck: (to Y/n) Y/n? I didn't know you are a Faunus?
Y/n: I'm not a Faunus, I'm raising my hand cause two friends of mine from back home are Faunus, so I'm just raising my hand for them.
Oobleck nods allowing the boy to raise his hand before telling everyone to lower their hands as he sips his adrenaline rush coffee.
Oobleck: Dreadful, simply dreadful! Remember, students, it is precisely this kind of ignorance that breeds violence! (takes another sip of his coffee) I mean, I mean, I mean just look at what happened to White Fang! Now, which one of you young scholars can tell me what many theorize to be the turning point in the third year of the War? (a hand is raised) Yes?
Weiss: The battle at Fort Castle!
Oobleck: Precisely! And, who can tell me the advantage the Faunus had over General Lagune's forces?
Unseen by the professor, Cardin flicks a paper football at Jaune's head, causing him to wake up.
Jaune: Hey!
Oobleck: (zooming over into Jaune's face) Mr. Arc! Finally contributing to class! This is excellent! Excellent! What is the answer?
Jaune: Uhhhh... The answer... The advantage... that the Faunus... (looks behind Oobleck's focused face at Y/n, who coughs and motions to his lips as he gives him the answer) ...had over that guy's stuff... (he sees Y/n cup his hands around his eyes and goes for the most obvious answer) Uhh... Binoculars!
While Jaune looks pleased with his answer, the class laughs at him and Oobleck (back at the front of the class) sips his coffee. Y/n sighs and slaps a hand to his forehead as Pyrrha felt bad for the boy tried to help her leader, as Cardin pounds his fist on his desk while chortling.
Oobleck: (zooming back behind his desk) Very funny, Mr. Arc! Cardin! Perhaps you would care to share your thoughts on the subject!
Cardin: Well, I know it's a lot easier to train an animal than a soldier.
Pyrrha: (as Oobleck shakes his head) You're not the most open-minded of individuals, are you, Cardin?
Cardin: What? You got a problem?
Y/n: No she doesn't but I do, I have the answer! It's night vision. Many Faunus are known to have nearly-perfect sight in the dark. (Cardin growls at the correct response) I should know, you can't win against them in hide and seek.
Blake: (adds on) General Lagune was inexperienced, and made the mistake of trying to ambush the Faunus in their sleep. His massive army was outmatched, and the general was captured. (turns to Cardin) Perhaps if he'd paid attention in class, he wouldn't have been remembered as such a failure.
Oobleck: (as Cardin gets up from his seat, fist clenched) Mr. Winchester! Please take your seat.
when Jaune laughs at his tormentor's embarrassment, zooming up to him You and Mr. Arc can both see me after class for additional readings. (takes yet another sip of his coffee)
Jaune: (shoulders slumping) Oohhhh...
Oobleck: (zooming away) Now! Moving on!
When the lesson ends, Pyrrha, Nora, Y/n and Ren come out of the classroom, only for Pyrrha to stop near the doorway.
Pyrrha: You go on ahead. I'll wait for Jaune. (they look back inside as the after-class talk occurs to the two boys)
Y/n: I'll stay as well, just to be a supporting cast member.
Pyrrha laughs at the boy's joke and slaps his back with unintentional force that he falls over with a crash.
Pyrrha: (laughing) Hahah! Oh Y/n, that's a good one hehehe!
Y/n: (groans) Ye-yep! I'm a riot and a Comic relief.
Oobleck: (sips his coffee) You two have been struggling in my class since day one! Now, I don't know if it's a lack of interest, or just your stubborn nature, but whatever it is... (takes a longer sip of his coffee) It stops now! You've worked hard to gain entrance to this school, and we only accept the best of the best, so I expect you to act like it. History is important, gentlemen! If you can't learn from it... you're destined to repeat it. Pages fifty-one to ninety-one! I want an essay on my desk by next class! Now! Run along.
With that, he zooms out of the classroom and past a waiting Pyrrha and Y/n in a green and white blur. Jaune comes out first, and Cardin emerges behind him, pushing him to the ground an emitting an "Ow!" from him that makes the bully laugh before Y/n makes a loud biting noise which causes Cardin to walk faster.
Pyrrha: (pulling Jaune back on his feet) You know, I really will break his legs.
Y/n: your not the only one Pyr.
Jaune sighs, and Pyrrha looks like she is struck by inspiration
Pyrrha: I have an idea! Here, come with me! And Y/n can you come as well.
She grabs a confused Jaune and Y/n by their arms and drags them along as she turns down the corridor
Glynda stood outside as several flower pots were resting behind her as she sighs.
Glynda: guess he forgot. Sorry port but can you com- (dodges anvil) WHAT THE FUCK!?
Port: apologies, Glynda my friend, but I thought the water bucket wouldn't work!
Glynda: so using an anvil would fucking suffice!?
A dejected Jaune, sore back Y/n and Pyrrha come onto a rooftop of one of the buildings, with a clear view of the glowing green orbs in the central tower of Beacon.
Jaune: Pyrrha, I know I'm going through a hard time right now, but I'm not that depressed. (looks over the edge of the roof, to the confusion of Pyrrha) I can always be a farmer or something...
Pyrrha: (realization hitting her with horror) N-n-no! (dashes to push Jaune away from the edge) That's not why I brought you up here!
the camera pans out to show the two on the roof as they talk with Cardin leaning in his windowsill right below them.
Pyrrha: Jaune, I know you're having a difficult time in class and that you're still not the strongest of fighters, so... I-...(coughs) Me and Y/n want to help you!
Jaune: Wh-what?
Y/n: Huh?
Pyrrha: We can train up here after class where no one can bother us!
Jaune: You think I need help?
Pyrrha: N-no! No, that's not what I meant.
Y/n: that's exactly what you meant Pyrrha.
Jaune: But you just said it.
Pyrrha: Jaune, everybody needs a little push from time to time. It doesn't make you any different from the rest of us. You made it to Beacon! That speaks volumes of what you're capable of!
Jaune: (turning away from her, lowering his head and voice) You're wrong. I-I don't belong here.
Pyrrha: That's a terrible thing to say! Of course you do!
Jaune: (turning back around, now angry) No, I don't! (sighs as Pyrrha looks bewildered and he reveals the truth) I wasn't really accepted into Beacon... (turns his back to her so he doesn't have to face her)
Pyrrha: Wh-what do you mean?
Jaune: (voice going higher and higher as he confesses) I mean I didn't go to combat school, I didn't pass any tests. I didn't earn my spot at this Academy! (looks at her again) I lied! I got my hands on some fake transcripts, and I lied!
Y/n: What? But... why?
Jaune: 'Cause this is always what I've wanted to be! (turns away again) My father, my grandfather, and his father before him were all warriors! They were all heroes! I wanted to be one, too. I was just never good enough.
Pyrrha: (approaching him, placing a hand on his shoulder) Then let me help you!
Jaune: (suddenly turning on her with mad frustration) I don't want help! I don't want to be the damsel in distress! I want to be the hero!
Pyrrha: Jaune, I-
Jaune: I'm tired of being the lovable idiot, stuck in the tree while his friends fight for their lives! Don't you understand? If I can't do this on my own... then what good am I?
Y/n: Jaune, can I tell you something?
Jaune looks at the Boy. Y/n sighs as he scratches his cheek.
Y/n: I am somewhat in the same boat as you.
Jaune was confused continue to listen as Y/n continues.
Y/n: the whole 'my weapon is getting upgraded at Atlas'. The thing is... (Sighs) I lied, I never really know how to fight...I don't know how to throw an actual punch.
Pyrrha and Jaune were shocked to hear the truth as pyrrha steps towards Y/n.
Pyrrha: but Ozpin was the one who recommended you and Ruby, was that a lie too?
Y/n: (waving hands) Wha-What!? No! Maybe but that's easy to explain, Ozpin tricked me in signing transfer papers, and told me I was signing police report paper's.
Pyrrha: O-oh, that explains why Glynda doesn't let anyone challenge you...and I thought you were some super powerful huntsman-in-training.
Y/n: wait what? Doesn't matter, I'm nothing but a coward, I don't have a semblance and my aura was unlocked the other day and...(sighs) it doesn't mean I'm weak if someone is asking if I need hel-
Jaune: so everything was a lie?
Jaune was slowly getting angrier and Angier by truth behind Y/n recommendation.
Y/n: well yes but-
Jaune: was being my friends one of your lies?
Y/n, shocked hearing immediately began denying it.
Y/n: what? No! I've always been your friend since me and Ruby first me-.
Jaune now full on enraged as Y/n took a step back before reaching a hand out to his friend.
Y/n: That's not true! I'm not that kinda person, Jaune your one of my best frie-
Jaune: Keep your lying hands...AWAY FROM ME YOU FUCKER!
Jaune reeled his fist and struck Y/n across the face as he sent him tumbling to the ground as pyrrha immediately went to Y/n's aid.
Pyrrha: what the hell, Jaune he isn't lying even I can see that!
Jaune anger went away now looked at his fist and then at Y/n who stood up and held his bruised cheek as he looks at Jaune with shock and sadness before glaring at him and walking away from the two.
Jaune: w-wait Y/n! I didn't mean t-...
Y/n gritted his teeth and glared at Jaune as he shouted at him and not even looking at the blonde boy.
Y/n: if you didn't mean it, then you wouldn't have punched me! Forget it, I shouldn't be friends with someone who faked his transcripts and hits his own friend's.
The boy is now out of their sight as the sound of his footsteps slowly disappearing. Pyrrha attempts to reach out for jaune's arm to console him, but he leans back from her touch.
Jaune: get away from me, I rather be alone right now.
Pyrrha: (head bowed, sad) If that's what you think is best...
She walks away, her footsteps getting softer and softer until she leaves the roof. Jaune paces a little until he hears a mocking laugh and Cardin appears on the roof from his window.
Cardin: Oh, Jaune...
Jaune: (looking behind him at his bully) Cardin!
Cardin: I couldn't help but overhear you three from my dorm room. So, you snuck into Beacon, huh? I gotta say, Jaune, I never expected you to be such a rebel!
Jaune: (taking on a begging tone) Please, Cardin, please, don't tell anyone!
Cardin: Jaune, come on! I'd never rat on a friend like that!
Jaune: (approaching) A... a friend?
Cardin: Of course! (traps Jaune in a headlock under his arm despite his struggling) We're friends now, Jauney boy! And the way I see it, as long as you're there for me when I need you, we'll be friends for a long time. (finally releases Jaune, who gasps as he leans on the ground) That being said, I really don't have time to do those extra readings Dr. Oobleck gave us today. Think you could take care of that for me, buddy? (leans down to rub Jaune's hair and gets up with a grin) That's what I thought. (heads back to hang onto the edge) Don't worry, Jaune; your secret's safe with me.
Cardin drops back down to his room as Jaune rubs his neck in pain and worry before the scene changes to black.
to the view of the Beacon Academy student dorms, where Pyrrha Nikos looks out the window sadly as Ren loads StormFlower and Nora is jumping on her bed in the room for Team JNPR.
Nora: How come Jaune gets home so late?
Ren: He's become rather scarce since he started fraternizing with Cardin.
Nora: That's weird... Doesn't he know we have a field trip tomorrow? We need our rest! (she proclaims this while twirling in midair so her back hits the covers)
Pyrrha: (angrily) I'm sure our leader knows exactly what he's doing.
Nora and Ren exchange glances, not knowing that Jaune himself is looking in through the crack of the door.
Nora: Mmmm... I guess so.
Jaune hangs his head and closes the door, just as a voice interrupts his thoughts.
Ruby: Hey, Jaune! (startled, Jaune turns around to see her in her pajamas, and she giggles at his reaction) Long time, no see! Did you lock yourself out again?
Jaune: Oh, uh, nope! (raises his Scroll, attempting to laugh) Got it!
Ruby: So! Where have you been lately?
Jaune: I, uh...
he tries to come up with something, but just sighs and lowers his head
Jaune: I messed up. I did something I shouldn't have, I punched Y/n, and now Cardin has me on a leash, and Pyrrha won't even talk to me, and... (breathes heavily through his nose) I'm starting to think coming to this school was a bad idea.
Jaune presses his back to his team's door and slides down to the floor in depression
Jaune: I'm a failure and a bad friend.
Ruby: Nope!
Jaune: (looking at her in surprise) 'Nope?'
Ruby: Nope! You're a leader now, Jaune. You're not allowed to be a failure.
Jaune: But... what if I'm a failure at being a good friend?
Ruby: (thinks about it for a moment, then gives her answer) Nope!
Jaune: (laughs as she joins him on the floor) You know, you're not the easiest person to talk to about this kind of stuff.
Ruby: Nope!
Jaune leans into the door some more and sighs sadly
Ruby: Jaune, maybe you were a failure when you were a kid...
Jaune groans and sinks lower to the ground and tries not to look at the silver eyed girl.
Ruby: and you might've even been a failure the first day we met! (he groans and goes lower still) But, you can't be one now. You know why?
Jaune: Uhhh, because...?
Ruby: Because it's not just about you anymore. You've got a team now, Jaune. We both do! And if we fail, then we'll just be bringing them down with us.
She gets up and places her hands on her hips as she speaks
Ruby: We have to put our teammates first, and ourselves second. Your team deserves a great leader, Jaune. And I think that can be you.
She walks over to her door and opens it as Jaune, now slightly inspired by her words, watches her wave
Ruby:Have a good night, Jaune! Oh! And Y/n told me that....well he said it differently, but still! (She goes inside)
With new energy, Jaune pushes himself off the ground and faces the door, ready to turn the knob and face his team, but his Scroll beeps and he pulls it off of his side to open it, seeing Cardin's contact relaying a message.
Cardin (on-Scroll): Hey! It's your buddy Cardin! I know you're probably busy with that Dust project I gave you, buuuut I'm gonna need you to go out and get me a bag of Rapier Wasps. (as Jaune makes a terrified sound in response) And make sure they've got some really big stingers! It's important, so don't screw this up!
Jaune closes his Scroll just when it begins to beep again. Sighing, he wearily heads down the hallway and away from his room.
An overhead shot of a forest bustling with red leaves and gray trunks is seen as the camera descends and shows Glynda leading teams RWBY, JNPR, Y/n, and CRDL through the area.
Glynda: (to the group) Yes, students, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so.
The group stops, and Jaune, grunting and carrying a large case with six empty glass jars on top, tries to catch up with them and ends up bumping into Cardin. The bully scowls at Jaune, who attempts to feign innocence by whistling tunelessly.
Glynda: (still instructing her group, holding up a full jar of their objective) Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at 4 o'clock. Have fun!
While Yang Xiao Long and her sister smile at one another, Jaune attempts to (noisily) sneak away from Cardin to his team, but the blackmailer sees this and grabs Jaune by the back.
Cardin: Come on, buddy - let's go!
Jaune miserably looks up at his team, where Nora and Ren are already walking into the forest's depths and Pyrrha is staring sadly at the scene, and Y/n sadly glaring daggers at Jaune as he heads somewhere by himself, Dropping his gaze, Jaune turns and follows CRDL, to the disappointment of a sighing Pyrrha before looking at Y/n who struggles with the jar and heads over to help.
Team CRDL is making themselves as comfortable as possible by leaning on stones, trees, and the ground while Jaune returns to the group with six full jars, setting them down just as he collapses face-down. The surrounding team gets up in response.
Cardin: Hey, great work, Jauney boy! Now that wasn't too hard, was it?
Jaune: (still on the ground, cross-eyed and sounding dizzy) I think I'm allergic to this stuff...
Cardin: Greeeeat, great, great. So, Jaune, I bet you're asking yourself, 'Why did my buddy Cardin ask me to collect six jars of tree sap when there's only five of us?'
Jaune: (nodding, still exhausted) That is one of the many questions I have asked myself today, yes.
Cardin: (as Jaune sits up) Well, come with me, and you'll find out.
Jaune moans and gulps in worry.
Now perched on a hilltop overlooking the other students, team CRDL - plus Jaune, squeezed between Cardin and Russel Thrush - peak their heads over the crest and watch as everyone is retrieving their samples of sap. Ren, kneeling to collect it from a tree, passes a full jar to Nora, who "Mmmm!"s at the gift as Ren trades it for the other jar in her care. He turns back to the tree and starts filling it up while several licking sounds are heard off-screen until the camera pans back to Nora, now with an embarrassed smile covered in red and an empty jar in her hands.
Jaune: (turning to his left) Cardin, wh-what's going on?
Cardin: (still staring at the unsuspecting group sharply) Payback.
Jaune widens his eyes in understanding
Jaune: Y/n...?
jaune watches them gather more sap from a tree as the boy is handed a jar and puts it next with the others.
Jaune: Wh-what are you-?
Cardin: (pounds his fist on the ground) That's the Short-ass. H/C haired know-it-all, thinks he's so smart and so tough. Alright, boys...
Cardin pulls out a buzzing cardboard box with a large "W" written on its sides.
Cardin: Last night, old Jaune here managed to round up an entire box of Rapier Wasps, and now, we're gonna put him to work.
Russel grabs Jaune by the shoulder, who barely laughs in nervousness.
Cardin: Now, according to one of the essays you wrote for me last week, these nasty things loooove sweets.
Pyrrha is seen finishing her sap collection, Y/n counts them and nods as the two of them high five each other.
Cardin: I'm thinking it's time we teach him a thing or two.
The members of CRDL get up. Cardin offers his hand to Jaune, only to painfully yank him up on his feet and shove the jar into his grasp.
Cardin: And you're gonna do it.
Jaune: Do what?
Cardin: Hit him with the sap! (leans in close to Jaune's face) Either that, or I'll have a chat with Goodwitch, and you'll be on the first airship out of Beacon.
Jaune looks down at the jar of sap in his hands and then up at the four grinning teammates waiting to see what happens. Jaune turns towards the group and aims his throw at an oblivious Y/n who is embarrassed, as pyrrha was checking the bruising and easing the pain by blowing on it , trying to steel his nerves and shaking hand to do the deed, but ultimately steels himself for what he's about to do.
Jaune: No.
Cardin: What did you say?
Jaune: (gripping the jar tightly) I said... NO!
He turns and throws the jar at Cardin, instantly recoiling his hands to himself as he looks at Cardin's breastplate covered in sap. The other team leader, however, just looks at himself and laughs darkly.
Jaune: I'm not letting you hurt my friend!
Cardin: Oh, you've done it now...
Jaune humorously laughs to himself once more with his hands still raised in an attempt for defense as Dove Bronzewing and Sky Lark grab Jaune's shoulders and pull him in so his terrified eyes can fill the screen as he thinks of a way to get out of the situation.
Pyrrha puts a bandage on Y/n bruise as the boy was blushing and still somewhat grumpy.
Pyrrha: There! How does it feel.
Y/n grumbles and shrugs as He picks up two jars and walks off behind Pyrrha grabs his shoulder.
Pyrrha: I know you that deep down, jaune didn't mean to punch you.
Y/n: I...I know but I can't get rid of me hating him for hitting me. All because I decided to at least tell the truth.
Pyrrha: well at least you are now at least happy to get the truth off your chest right?
Y/n sighs and nods before Pyrrha leaning down and pecking him on the cheek.
Pyrrha: I knew deep down, you aren't the kinda person to hold grudges against anyone, let alone yourself.
Y/n cheeks became a cherry red as he watches pyrrha walk off as she waves at him. He looks down at the ground before sighing and looking around.
Y/n: I should look for jaune before he makes the biggest mistake of his life.
We see Jaune Arc getting pushed to the ground of Forever Fall right after throwing the tree sap on Cardin, groaning as he looks up and sees a sap-covered Cardin looming over him. The bigger warrior picks Jaune up by his front and grins while punching him back to the ground.
Cardin: You know that wasn't very smart, Jauney boy.
He picks up a bruised Jaune again while the rest of Team CRDL watches
Cardin: I'm gonna make sure they send you back to mommy in teeny tiny pieces.
Jaune: (head hanging back) I don't care what you do to me... (looks at Cardin with fury) ... but you are not messing with my friend.
Cardin: (looking momentarily shocked) What? You think talk like that makes you tough? You think you're a big strong man now?
Jaune smiles in defiance. An enraged Cardin roars and raises his fist again, but just as the hit connects, a bright light shines from Jaune, and when the white fades from the screen, Cardin is crying out in pain as he holds his hand. Jaune, now back on the ground but completely healed, looks confusedly at his hands as they faintly glow white. While he stares, though, Sky Lark kicks Jaune in the back and gets him on his stomach, but he looks up and glares at the approaching Cardin.
Cardin: Let's see how much of a man you really are...
Just as he says this, a low growl is heard, and a surprised Team CRDL turns around and sees a large paw crash onto the scene, belonging to a huge Ursa Major with dozens of jagged spikes sticking out from its wide back. It leaps forward and stands over the terrified students, lifting its head in the air to smell the sap on Cardin's breastplate. It lands back on its forelegs and roars at Cardin while his teammates heroically flee.
Russel: That's a big Ursa!
Cardin is rooted to the spot when the Grimm swings its claws and knocks him sideways, revealing Jaune cowering behind him. The Ursa continues to sniff, uninterested in Jaune and following its nose to Cardin. He watches at it towers over Cardin, who gets his wits and pulls out The Executioner only for the monster to swipe it away to Jaune's feet. He looks conflicted, wondering whether to fight or run away.
Meanwhile, the roar of the giant Ursa is heard by the members of Teams RWBY, Y/n and JNPR, still collecting sap on the other side of the forest.
Ruby: (getting up, concerned) Did you guys hear that?
Suddenly, the remaining members of Team CRDL are seen running the other way from the roar through the other students.
Russel: (looking back) Ursa! Ursa! (he runs into Yang accidentally)
Yang: What?!
She was completely unfazed by his collision, she picks him up by the front of his shirt.
Yang: Where?
Russel is now struggling and still running in air, but points back from where they came.
Russell: Back there! It's got Cardin!
Pyrrha: (dropping her jar of sap) Jaune!
Y/n: he's in trouble!
Ruby: (going into leader mode) Yang! You and Blake, go get Professor Goodwitch!
Yang now dropping Russel, Yang and Blake nod before following the orders.
Pyrrha faces Ren and Nora as she and Ruby activate their weapons.
Pyrrha: You two, go with them! There could be more!
Y/n pulls out a small item before clicking a button as it turns into the actual spear that port was supposed to give him.
Y/n: I'm tagging along!
Cardin is attempting to run from the following Ursa, but it leaps over its prey and claws him away. He tries to get up and crawl away.
Cardin: Crap! Crap, crap!
Pyrrha, Y/n, Ruby, and Weiss come on to the scene
Pyrrha: Oh, no!
They watch as the Ursa leans over the helpless victim, raising its paw and swiping it down... only to be blocked by Jaune's shield, Crocea Mors. He struggles to defend a stunned Cardin from its attempts to lean on him, but Weiss lifts Myrtenaster as she prepares to go help.
Pyrrha: (to Weiss) Wait!
Jaune takes the shield out from the Ursa's paw and slashes at its stomach, causing it to lash out and try to crush him. He rolls out of the way and jumps over its swipe at his feet, but he is unprepared for when it launches a claw at him in midair. He lands far away, yet is immediately back on his feet and passing Cardin as he charges again. The Ursa knocks Jaune behind it when he tries for a leaping attack, and he looks at the Scroll in his shield to find out that his Aura level is in the red. He grows angry again and starts to run at the Ursa as it also begins to dash towards him.
Y/n immediately runs out to help his friend as he side steps to the right and jabs his spear into the Grimms eye which cries out in pain as it focuses it's attention on him now as jaune looks at the Serious looking boy who stands next to jaune. Who responds with raising his sword at the Ursa.
As they are just about to clash in slow-motion, Pyrrha sees that Jaune has left himself completely open to the Ursa's attack and Y/n not seeing it, and lifts her hand out to him, gathering dark red energy in her arm. Just as the Ursa is about to hit jaune, the glow surrounds Y/n's spear and makes it lift up to block the swipe. Jaune uses the surprise defensive move to lean on the ground and Looks at a shocked but still serious looking Y/n who pushes his spear back up, and Jaune takes the moment to swing his blade right through the Ursa's neck. The head falls to the ground as the body slams onto the ground.
Pyrrha's hand stops glowing and she smiles, Ruby is somewhat confused about the sudden ability pyrrha possesses.
Ruby: Uhhh... What?
Weiss: (equally amazed) How did you...?
Pyrrha: Well, Ruby has her speed, you have your glyphs. My Semblance is polarity.
Ruby: Whoa, you can control poles...
Weiss: No, you dunce! It means she has control over magnetism!
Ruby: (still impressed, whispering) Magnets are cool, too...
Weiss: (noticing Pyrrha start to leave) Wait, where are you going?
Ruby: Yeah! We gotta tell them what happened!
Pyrrha: We could... Or perhaps we could keep it our little secret?
She walks away again as Ruby and Weiss smile to each other in understanding and a bruised Jaune sheathes his weapon and no longer Serious Y/n shrinks his spear and puts it into his pocket, the two boys then head over to Cardin.
Cardin, still covered in sap, looks up at Jaune and Y/n. Jaune offers a hand. Cardin smiles as he takes it and is lifted back up on his feet.
Cardin: Holy crap, Jaune!
Jaune: (threateningly) Don't ever mess with my team - my friends - ever again. Got it?
Jaune stares Cardin dead in the eye. Cardin looks intimidated, possibly even apologetic. With his order spoken, Y/n begins to walk away as Jaune turns and follows his friend as a frozen Cardin stands there.
Later that night, on top of the dorm building, a uniformed Jaune stands on the edge and looks into the distance at the green lights of Beacon as the sound of two people walk up behind him.
Pyrrha (off-screen): No Cardin tonight?
Pyrrha and Y/n walks to his side as Reddish-Orange eyed boy smiles at jaune.
Y/n: I thought you two were best buds?
Jaune: (turning to them) Pyrrha, Y/n... I'm sorry. I was a jerk! You were only trying to be nice, and... I had all this stupid macho stuff in my head-
Pyrrha: Jaune! It's okay!
Y/n: nah, don't worry about it.
as the three smile at one another, Pyrrha adds on something
Pyrrha: Your team really misses their leader, you know. (she begins to walk to the exit) You should come down! Ren made pancakes! No syrup, though - you can thank Nora for that!
Jaune: (smiles, but holds out his hand and calls out:) Wait!
Pyrrha turns around, and Jaune looks sheepish
Jaune: I know I don't deserve it after all that happened, but... would you still be willing to help me... to help me become a better fighter?
Pyrrha turns around so a worried Jaune won't see her satisfied smile as Jaune looks Y/n who shrugs. She goes up to Jaune and suddenly pushes her leader to the ground.
Jaune: (whining) Hey!
Pyrrha is now standing over him with her arms on her hips and an evaluating tone
Pyrrha: your stance is all wrong. You need to be wider and lower to the ground.
Y/n: (Laughing) Hahahaha!!!
Pyrrha looks at the short boy, before pushing him down as well, who looks just as shock as a dog seeing no food in his bowl.
Y/n: Hey! What was that for!
Pyrrha: you left yourself wide open, you should keep your focus on your enemy at all times, remember that.
she offers them her hand, which they graciously accepts, as they are pulled to their feet they both grin at pyrrha, who smiles back at the two boy's.
Pyrrha: Let's try that again.
The camera moves above the three and on the night sky over the school before the scene cuts to black.
Ozpin is seen at his desk as he looks at recording of Y/n jumping in and assisting Jaune with the Grimm.
Ozpin: you continue to surprise me, you are truly peculiar.
Ozpin looks at his scroll before calling someone as the receiver answers.
Male voice: yes? What is it Ozpin?
Ozpin: is Y/n Weapon almost done?
Male voice: nearly we just need a strong power source and it'll be ready a week before the start of the Vytal festival.
Ozpin nods as a new voice appears.
Female voice: Sal-u-tations father! Just giving you a heads-up that the weapon is at 45.78% complete! Oh and I have now hold the record for most combatants takedowns in the history of Remnant
Male voice: that's good Penny, now is that all you needed to know Ozpin?
Ozpin: yes thank you Dr Polendina, I'm very thankful you are building Y/n a Weapon.
Dr Polendina: no problems Ozpin, have a good night.
Ozpin: you too.
The call ends as Ozpin looks out the window to see the same anvil that almost crushed Glynda as he sips his coffee.
Ozpin: this is the future that'll soon be waiting for you, Y/n Vermilion.
Whoa! I typed just about eight thousand words in this story
Well see you next time!
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