233: Judge and Jury
"Oh, crap," Emerald said, just as the other girls were about ready to go. "I don't think this fits properly..." She was staring at the dress.
"Did it get torn?" Weiss came to inspect it.
"Maybe. I mean, I did try to put my knives on inside it..." Emerald said.
"Yeah, you tore it all right." Weiss shook her head. "Emerald!"
"What? I wasn't just going unarmed!" Emerald felt embarrassed.
"You ripped it right next to the zipper," Weiss said. "I don't see how we can fix it... Maybe if we used pins..."
"I think it's too big for that," Pyrrha worried. "Anyone know how to sew?"
They all shook their heads at her.
"There's no time anyway," Ruby said.
"Cinder could," Emerald said. "But I don't think she would."
"Could she?" Weiss said. "Seriously? That wasn't just a joke when Alicia gave her that?"
"No, Cinder actually made alterations to our outfits for the other dance," Emerald said, "and her own. I think she makes most of her own clothes. She sews dust into them, too."
"I remember that," Ruby said.
"Huh, I wouldn't think she'd do anything that quiet," Yang said.
"Uh... actually stabbing something with a sharp object is just the kind of thing I'd picture Cinder doing for fun," Blake said.
"She is fast, though," Emerald said.
"It wouldn't hurt to ask her," Pyrrha said.
Emerald reluctantly texted Cinder's scroll.
To their surprise, Cinder actually appeared in the hallway only a few minutes later.
She didn't look happy about it, but...
"Let me see," she said shortly.
Emerald had taken it off and put on a robe instead.
"It's fixable..." Cinder said sourly. "It'll take a few minutes."
"We can wait that long," Pyrrha said.
"Just hurry," Yang urged. "I'm pretty sure we're supposed to be there right at 5 o'clock sharp. The real fun starts once the sun is down, though, but of course Theo won't let us be late for the boring stuff. He's gotta make his 'good impression'." She made air quotes.
"It's the least we can do," Pyrrha said.
"Why do we owe him, anyway? He started this off by betraying us," Weiss complained.
"Well, it's not just for him, it's for our families too," Pyrrha said.
Cinder rolled her eyes as she took out a needle and thread and started to sew.
She was fast. They were amazed at how little time it took her to fix the dress.
"So... are you coming?" Emerald said tentatively.
Cinder was wearing a dress, so it was a fair question.
"Don't I have to?" Cinder replied very ungraciously.
"You don't have to," Weiss said. "But it was recommended."
"If I don't, they'll think I'm skipping town and arrest me anyway," Cinder replied.
"Did you like the dress at least?" Emerald asked nervously. "I guess you made some changes."
Cinder had, in fact, done so.
"It doesn't matter," she said stiffly.
"It looks good..." Pyrrha said awkwardly.
Cinder shot her a dirty look, then she said, "I'd really prefer if we don't all do the 'pretending to get along' act. We all know why I'm here and that I have to be and how you feel about it. Let's just get it over with. With any luck, I'll never have to see any of you again after this."
"Luck, huh?" Yang said. "I'm not sure you'd be better off. We may not get along, but we're not out for blood. Do you think everyone else will feel that way?"
"Yang!" Pyrrha said.
"I'm just saying, that's not much of an advantage," Yang said. "And I'm just barely letting go of my grudge over Beacon because the gods and Salem are gone now. That doesn't mean I like her."
"The feeling is mutual," Cinder sniffed.
"Frankly, you've never tried to," Pyrrha reminded both of them. "I know it's always going to be weird for us to be around each other. But accepting that, we don't have to be unkind. I wish all of you the best, and I hope you at least don't grudge us that also. There is no reason to have our claws out. We did something together that everyone thought was impossible."
"That's true," Ruby said. "I've said it before."
"It sounded stupid then," Cinder said.
"You know, Cinder--" Ruby pointed at her. "--I think I've figured you out. You're just being unpleasant because you're nervous, aren't you?"
Cinder looked surprised.
"I can't blame you. I can't imagine it's more awful for anyone than for you." Weiss shrugged indifferently.
"We did some terrible things to these people," Emerald said. "But we finally did something right. Can't we just... leave it at that? You know you won't make it better by being a jerk."
Cinder seemed to deflate. "I don't know how to act any other way but this," she said flatly. "You may find that hard to accept. But I'm not like you. Being evil is all I've ever been good at. I don't know if I'd call this being good now. If I even wanted that. I don't know. I'm still trying to figure it out. This party won't change that."
"You're not the only one trying to figure out what we are now," Blake pointed out. "Ex terrorist-cult-member over here. But I'm going to face it head on."
"Yeah, isn't your whole thing being tough?" Yang said. "So toughen up."
"It does seem the only thing to do," Pyrrha said. "And think, at least no one will approach you to put your face on a cereal box that you don't even like."
That ending was so ridiculous that even Emerald and Weiss had to start laughing at it.
Cinder almost looked like she'd crack a smile, but of course Pyrrha's kindness was always bittersweet at its best to her.
They moved out of the room, and only Emerald kept talking to her.
"You chose to stay here instead of leaving the world. Why? If you hate it so much."
Cinder frowned. "Evil or good, I don't know anything about other worlds or what they might need. It made sense for Salem. She at least understands human nature. I don't even know that. If I've been more grounded by this entire hellish experience, then I can't really think it's wise for me to go anywhere new. I don't know if anyone will ever forgive me, or if I'd ask them to."
"But you're sorry," Emerald said. "Aren't you?"
"I'm a sociopath," Cinder said. "Sorry? It's not a feeling for me so much as a realization. I realized that what I did was not justifiable. I realized that I had no real reason to keep doing it. And lastly, it was too much work to keep trying. I'm tired now, but I wouldn't say I've had a great revolution of character."
"Are you really a sociopath?" Emerald said.
Cinder put a hand to her chin.
She looked so like her old self but also not at the same time.
"I don't know," she said finally. "I've never felt as bad about hurting people as people are supposed to feel. I saw everyone as an obstacle. Maybe that's not how I see it now, but I don't feel any great liking for anyone."
"Liking for you is more of just not wanting to kill," Emerald mused.
"I don't know why you bother," Cinder said. "I was horrible to you more than the others."
"Yeah, you were," Emerald said. "But I got shown by Shine that that might be because I touched a nerve. I guess I've done that without meaning to a few times. Once I stopped trying to think you cared, I realized that it didn't matter to me anymore. I wanted to be caring anyway, to be the kind of person I didn't have. At first, just with Mercury, but I got attached to those other weirdos also. That was what made me think that's what was wrong with you--I really feel more sorry than anything else. I could feel happy, at least. I don't think I'd ever seen you happy. Whatever you're missing, I wouldn't want to lose it for power. Maybe you hated me because of that. But it's a compliment in a weird way."
Cinder just gave her a weird look. "Somehow you grew stronger once you stopped trying."
That might have been the most praise she'd ever afforded Emerald in the entire time she'd known her.
Emerald didn't even feel that flattered, but she was surprised nonetheless.
Cinder rubbed her left arm. "I didn't deserve your help," she admitted. "They were right about that. I can't justify how I treated you with the same logic I used on everyone else. It doesn't matter now, but if I felt guilt, I might feel it."
"Don't you?" Emerald said. "You must. Or you wouldn't have that thought in your mind."
"I feel uneasy, but I don't know if it's remorse," Cinder mused.
"Maybe you just don't know what remorse feels like. That sounds a lot like it to me," Emerald snorted. "Maybe you did change. Hey, I'm not asking you to stick around us. I can't blame you for not wanting that. And I don't... really need it now. I'm going to be okay." She looked up. "Somehow. I guess Mercury and I will stick together. Hazel will find something to do--everyone likes him... Maybe you can get away, somewhere people won't know you because they won't be as in touch. Somewhere small... and try to start over. We won't hunt you down."
That was probably the only option Cinder had if she wanted out.
"But maybe someday," Emerald said, "if you feel like it, you could drop by. Whatever else happens, we started this thing together. I'd feel weird if I never had another word from you, but I won't count on it. Does that sound fair?"
"Fair enough," Cinder said quietly.
Who knew what would happen?
In her mind, Cinder knew how little she deserved their kindness. She sort of understood that Emerald was trying to do things differently, but what made anyone want to do that? She didn't know.
Shine had told her the answer... she just has found it too overwhelming to accept.
But... it was looking like that would have to change, or she'd go mad.
No, she was mad... probably. Maybe she was going sane.
It was nearly unbearable to be on the outside looking in with everyone else. Even if they still had challenges, they had each other, and they didn't have guilt weighing them down.
Cinder had done this to herself, and only now did she regret it.
The only thing that was keeping her from showing it was knowing that Watts would be around, and she wasn't humble enough yet to be willing to break down in front of him.
Or perhaps she was just smarter than that. It wouldn't be a good idea to give him material.
Pretty much all the guys were waiting for them impatiently.
If they felt their wait was worth it when they saw how pretty and cheerful the girls were looking, it might explain why they didn't complain that much.
Even Mercury had no snide remarks.
"Well?" Shine was daring enough to ask out loud.
Wally looked her up and down. "I think Remnant clothes work for you. Totally stunning."
"Ah, you're just saying that," Shine said.
"No!" Wally said. "Don't be like that. Really, you look amazing."
"I was just teasing you. Actually it suits you." Shine looked him up and down also. "I like the tailored fashion here, I must admit. Lost art at home."
"We could have gone with regular suits." Wally rubbed his head. "But the whole fun of having to dress up in another world is not having to wear the same boring stuff as at home. I just hope no one pranked me."
"Nah, man, it's good." Neptune gave him a thumbs up. "Though I think I wear it better." He grinned.
"Don't make me put on a bow tie," Sun muttered.
Blake took his arm. "Well, this brings back memories."
"All this fancy stuff is making me want to puke," Mercury said to Emerald. "I wish I could shove someone in the punch bowl to liven things up."
"Can you not?" Emerald said. "Come on, it won't kill you for one night."
"Yeah, yeah," he sighed.
"Aren't you going to tell her she looks good?" Jaune nudged him.
"What? Shut up." Mercury shoved him away.
"He's too scared to," Pyrrha noted. "But I'll be brave enough to say you look very handsome, Jaune."
"Heh... I tried..." Jaune said. "At least I'm not wearing a dress."
"That was the best part of the other party," Mercury said.
"I'm going to not take that in a weird way," Jaune said.
Jaune could dish it back now? Mercury frowned.
"Okay, but red alert🚨," Neptune said to Yang. She was giving him a look. "My mom messaged--she's already here!"
"So?" Yang said.
"I'm so dead..." Neptune said.
Yang crossed her arms.
"But you look really good," he added hastily.
"I don't need your charity," Yang said.
"No, no, I mean it. I'm just... nervous." Neptune tugged his collar. "Jupiter is here too. I don't mind hanging out with him, but... he gets... a little extra at parties."
"Ugh." Yang rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, I've got your back."
"That's kinda what I'm worried about," Neptune said. "I hope your punching him was enough to deter him from hitting on you. Uh... don't kill him, please. I only have one brother."
"Didn't he try to drown you?" Mercury said.
"Technically, he was trying to teach me how to swim," Neptune corrected.
"Sounds fun," Mercury said.
"Sounds awful," Emerald said.
"About as effective as teaching someone a landing strategy by shooting them off a cliff," Pyrrha noted.
Jaune laughed but then sombered. "I hope he's okay... but I'm sure he is. He's with Alicia."
"They'll be fine." Pyrrha patted his shoulder. "And I'm looking forward to meeting your family finally. You've met mine, after all. They liked you."
"Good..." Jaune said.
"All right, people, look lively." Theo walked in holding a watch. "The students will be escorting us to the main event. We found the only limos in Vacuo--they're a little chipped, but still it's riding in style, and everyone better act like it. Leave it as you found it, or I'll murder you later."
"A bit over dramatic much?" Qrow tore his eyes away from Winter long enough to say to him.
"Not at all. I'll lose my deposit on those things if we're not careful," Theo said. "And I'm not that liquid after all the added expense thanks to the war. So tread lightly. Everyone out. We'll be late at this rate."
"I guess Meridian will be there already," Weiss mused.
"Meridian's smart,"Ruby said. "He won't get swarmed. I hope there's no cameras."
"Uh... I wouldn't count on that, Ruby," Wally said.
He wasn't wrong.
The drive to the venue for the ceremony wasn't that long in streets, but with the crowds it took at least 20 minutes for them, and there were reporters from every remaining kingdom waiting outside it. How they got in was anyone's guess. Press had a way of finagling their way into any event.
Glynda had arrived early, so she was waiting for them and pushed the press out of her way with cold unconcern.
Thanks to her, they got inside without being stampeded, but there were cameras everywhere.
Emerald tried to duck. "Ugh, this is worse than having wanted posters everywhere."
"Smile and wave." Raven was putting on a pretty good act.
"Since when are you Miss Remnant?" Qrow asked.
"You pick up some things from spying on people," Raven said.
"Not so loud," Winter warned her. She already wished very much this part was over.
"What's our part in this?" Wally asked Shine.
"I don't know. I think we can't avoid it now," she said.
"Okay... but is that okay? We could end up in history."
"Well, soon it'll be the stuff legends are made of," Shine mused. "I suppose it won't matter. No one knows the rest of it."
"I bet you forgot about us." Roman and Neo were trailing behind them.
They had decked themselves out also, though Roman hadn't changed that much about his outfit.
Neo had probably just made her own outfit, but she looked cute as always.
"Oh, hey guys." Sun waved at them. "Snazzy threads."
"I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that," Roman sighed.
Glynda ushered them to the main hall of this building. The building itself was small enough, especially if you were, as Wally was, used to the government building scale of America's Capitol.
But to the Remnant people, most of whom had hardly been to any formal gatherings except the Schnees and Glynda, it looked huge.
Pyrrha tried to smile at the people.
The press was kept back for the ceremony to sectioned off areas, and some civilians were there, but mostly the people in the room were officials or the few Vacuo citizens who didn't care much about it but of course would be at any real event.
Robyn and her Huntresses and the Ace Ops were the only really familiar faces, and some of Meridian's huntsmen friends and the Beacon transfers had snuck their way in.
Velvet waved at them encouragingly.
Sun finger-gunned a few people who he recognized.
The people who'd be handling the awards themselves were some of the council members of Vacuo, Mistral, Vale, and then Camella of Atlas, who had only been included because they thought it was fitting that each official of each kingdom do the honors for their own.
The group of heroes was lined up along the center of the hall in front of their chairs.
Shine told Wally it reminded her of the first Narnia movie. [The only good one.]

["Long Live"--Taylor Swift]
Now that it came to it, all of them felt rather nervous. Though they really had no reason to be.
Cinder saw some of the officials eyeing her unpleasantly.
"There was some debate about how to treat you." Glynda was standing near her. "Rhodes, Schnee, and I all vouched for your sincerity. I couldn't say as much for your character, but an arrest would spoil the mood. The council is not overly particular here. You've been granted amnesty from past crimes, provided you make no further infractions. I wouldn't despise our generosity. It won't be repeated."
She shoved her glasses up stiffly.
Cinder had no words.
"The same goes for the rest of you." Glynda looked at Emerald, Mercury, Hazel, Roman, and Neo. "But you should tread lightly with the law if you want it to stay that way."
They nodded slowly.
"And me?" Raven asked.
"They have elected to forget that you were a Bandit," Glynda said. "As your tribe is gone and you worked for Ozpin in the past, your contribution here makes it seem as if you never truly left him. If you don't like that, I'd suggest keeping that to yourself."
Raven didn't quite like it being put that way, but she knew better than to complain about the particulars.
At least she wasn't going to prison.
"Yay, I guess," Emerald said to Mercury. "We're free."
"Yeah, I'm shocked," he said.
One of the councilwomen of Mistral, whose name was Minerva Athens, signaled that they were going to begin.
Then, once the crowd had settled into silence, she began to speak as follows:
"Citizens of Remnant, it has been a long time since this many of us have gathered in once place. We've had our differences over the centuries. I believe the last time we convened in one place, it was to end the Great War."
Some people nodded grimly.
"Thankfully, today has marked the end of yet another war. A war few of us knew even existed until last week. But one that has shaped more of history than it seems we can imagine."
She glanced towards the team. "And it seems we owe our deliverance from the witch Salem, and the influence of the strange powers behind her and the Grimm also, to this small group of adventures and huntsmen. Some of them are ones none of us would have looked to for heroism, and some are ones we've known for years. Each of them risked their lives, and sanity perhaps, in order to cross the Dreaded Grimm Lands and defeat the darkness that was in them. We may never fully appreciate how difficult it was, but we can, in some small way, strive to repay their bravery by honoring them here today. Which is why it has pleased the members of the three councils and myself to declare today the official Day of Celebration for Remnant's Divine Deliverance." (This name would later be shortened to Deliverance Day, or just D-Day by the civilians of Remnant, an irony that was not lost on Shine and Wally.)
There was applause to this. After it died down, Minerva continued. "And so we would like to call them for awards to honor them. I will allow Councilman Hiram Fisher to begin the awarding."
This man was one of the head ones of Vacuo.
Appropriate, since they'd started this mission in a way.
He stepped forward. He was an older man, and Theo knew him to be mostly indifferent to any trouble in Vacuo, but not such a bad sort if you just took him as an individual.
There was a young huntsmen team holding the medal case.
Hiram came to one and motioned the Vacuo members forward.
"Theodore Rhodes, Sun Wukong, Vara Sol, Meridian Wallace, please step forward."
They all did so.
"It pleases us to award each of you the Vacuo Sword Crest of Valor." This award was decorated with Vacuo's flag and crest of the school and was one of the highest awards, especially in this kingdom, which wasn't big on titles.
The rest of the team cheered along with the audience.
Meridian saw his teammates out there, but he tried to look calm.
"And as further repayment for your services," Hiram continued, "you will be all granted advanced status as Huntsmen, a raise in your salaries for the rest of your active careers, and full retirement from the council at such time as you choose to."
There wasn't a lot of insurance in Vacuo, and this was an honor reserved for the most accomplished of huntsmen.
Theo knew his uncle hadn't even made that status in life, and was surprised. He hadn't heard of this part.
But people applauded, and no one seemed displeased with it, so he had no complaints.
Vara even looked at him and winked like, "Well, that takes care of that problem."
Good, one less.
They all bowed, and Hiram put the medals on their necks.
Sun didn't even feel like joking right now. This was so... unreal but cool.
They then stepped to the side to wait.
Then, one of the council women of Vale stepped forward. She was known by sight mostly only to Glynda and Qrow as Violet Crest. Another example of Vales's love of color based names.
Qrow barely knew her anyway, but Glynda liked her as much as she liked any of the council. She'd been the most help in the crisis and the most cooperative with the other kingdoms.
She seemed quite happy to be here; she was the only one smiling, as the others felt it was unprofessional.
"I'd like to call Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, Qrow Branwen, Jaune Arc, Glynda Goodwitch, Roman Torchwick, and Trivia Vanille forward."
Neo gave a start at hearing her real name used, but someone must have traced it to her.
Roman gave her an encouraging look.
"Not you guys?" Emerald looked at Nora and Ren.
"Technically, we're from Mistral," Nora said. "We transferred to Beacon like Pyrrha did."
"Oh," Emerald said. She'd totally forgotten about that.
Penny cheered more for Ruby and waved.
Tai was, as predicted, crying in the background.
Qrow told himself to keep it together. He wouldn't have gotten emotional for his own end, but Ruby and Yang looked so happy it was hard not to.
It was no good for Shine and Weiss--they were already choking up.
"For your courage and determination and service to Remnant and to Vale itself in its darkest hour," Violet said, "we would like to award you both the Vale Crown Crest for Valor and the Honorable Huntsman Badge."
The Huntsmen Badge was something awarded to certain huntsmen for incredible acts of service. Ruby had actually always wanted to earn it.
She was speechless, but Yang nudged her forward.
Violet put the medals on their necks and pinned the pins on the huntsmen.
"In addition, the council has elected to grant Roman Torchwick and Trivia Vanille full amnesty from their past crimes," Violet went on, "on the condition that they never transgress the law again."
Roman and Neo exchanged a look but didn't make any objection to this of course.
"Vale thanks you for the service you provided us," Violet added. "Our financial state does not permit us to reward you as much as you deserve, but I've been told to offer you any small financial assistance you may need to get reinstated in your homes or careers and your pick of huntsmen assignments."
Ruby and Yang, taking their cue from Weiss's suggestion to them, just bowed.
Then, they all stepped aside.
Qrow stared at the medal and shook his head. Who would have ever thought this would happen?
After this, Camella stepped forward.
"Lieutenant Winter Schnee, Weiss Schnee, please step forward," she said.
They did.
Camella, who well knew of Ironwood losing his mind, tactfully spared them any mention of his death to spoil the mood.
"For rendering us and the world service above and beyond what anyone could have expected, you have been awarded the Atlas Scepter of Valor," she said, "and recognition as Honorable Huntressess." (Atlas' version of the Vale award.)
As Atlas was currently non-existent, Camella could offer no monetary support to them directly, but the rest of the council had arranged some, and she handed Winter a document.
"While it's not full reestablishment, the council of the kingdoms elected to award charge of the Argus Military base to Lieutenant Schnee," she said. "And Mistral has awarded that base a larger penchant for the coming year to continue operating."
Short of actually letting Atlas just have its property again without a fight, this was probably the most Mistral could do without starting another war. Just generous enough to look like the good guys without seeming too weak.
Winter understood this, and it was actually far more than she'd anticipated from them.
She bowed and took it.
Willow was looking on and wiping tears out of her eyes with a handkerchief. Whitley was even smiling faintly.
Weiss treid to control herself, though her eyes were glistening a little.
Finally, Minerva stepped forward again.
"I would like to call Pyrrha Nikos, Neptune Vasilias, Nora Valkerie, Li Ren, Oscar Pine, Emerald Sustrai, Mercury Black, Hazel Rhinehart, Raven Branwen, and Cinder Fall forward."
You could hear some people muttering surprise that Cinder was included in that list.
Cinder felt her legs wouldn't work, or she thought someone would kill her or she'd just keel over herself if she moved forward.
Hazel took her by the arm and, not even roughly, moved her forward.
Emerald and Mercury exchanged glances with each other of encouragement.
"Firstly, Miss Nikos." Minerva looked at her closely. "May I express our official joy at hearing your life was not lost in the Battle of Beacon after all." This was true in one way. "And your official reinstatement as a huntress by Atlas will be recognized by the rest of this council."
Pyrrha nodded.
"And Sustrai, Black, and Rhinehart, all of you have been entirely pardoned by the council," she went on. "Mr. Black, I've been authorized to inform you that your father's property has been transferred to your name as of your coming of legal age."
Mercury raised an eyebrow.
"What you wish to do with it is in your hands," Minerva said, as if she was perceptive enough to know he might not like to have it. "And Fall--" She looked at Cinder, who quivered. "--you have been pardoned also, on the condition that you never again draw a weapon against anyone other than Grimm unless it is strictly in self defense on the testimony of 2 witnesses."
Cinder swallowed.
This was to be expected.
"You will also be prohibited from entering the kingdom of Vale without express permission from the council," Minerva added. "All things considered, we felt this to be a generous offer."
Cinder made no arguments whatsoever.
"And Raven Branwen," Minerva added, "your citizenship status has been reinstated by Mistral."
This was her way of saying Raven had been cleared of Bandit crimes. Bandits were not considered citizens if they were known to be bandits openly.
"We are awarding all of you the Mistral Lamp Crest of Valor and ratifying Sustrai and Black as huntsmen," Minerva said.
Apparently, Winter's paperwork for that had gone through.
"The huntsmen will receive the Mistral Medal of Honor for Huntsmen," Minerva added, "and instatement in the council's official huntsmen, if they wish it. Or if not, the opportunity to work anywhere in the kingdom they wish, with full retirement plans."
Mistral at least could still offer this.
Blake had been left out of this, to the others' surprise.
But then she saw her dad step forward.
"We decided to leave the Menagerie awards for the Menagerie leadership," Minerva said.
Considering Mistral's treatment of Faunus, this was more of an honor than anyone had expected.
Illea, who was standing in the audience, had her jaw drop open.
Gira looked so proud, he was probably on the verge of crying himself... Kali was already, from the audience.
"Blake Belladonna," he said.
Blake stepped forward. Her friends cheered.
Menagerie had its own medals, thought frankly it was rare that any of the Faunus there ever fought often enough to warrant them, so Blake could only wonder how long this one had been collecting dust.
It had the Mengarie coat of arms on it.
"For your valor and heroism in protecting the world from its greatest threat, we award you this medal," Gira said officially.
Blake was tearing up now.
"I swore I wasn't going to cry watching this," Jaune mumbled.
"Hang in there," Ruby whispered.
Gira put the medal on Blake and then hugged her.
Even some people watching were choking up. Especially the Faunus watching.
The whole event was being broadcast anyway, though the cameras wouldn't pick up every word and would have to be subtitled.
Gira motioned Sun back over.
"Sun Wukong, Menagerie has also bestowed you a Medal of Valor," he said gravely.
Apparently, he wasn't letting Vacuo have all the fun.
"Oh, really?" Sun said.
Blake gave him a look like "be professional!"
"I mean, thank you." Sun tried to bow, not very gracefully.
But no one cared.
Minerva even smiled very faintly before she spoke again.
"And finally, we wish to honor those who were from outside the kingdoms who embarked on this venture."
Shine and Wally looked up.
"Shine Likstar and Wally West," Minerva said.
They stepped forward.
"Lieutenant." Minerva nodded at Winter.
Winter had petitioned to do the honors herself for this, which no one had objected to, since they weren't citizens in the kingdoms.
She stepped forward and lifted a medal up.
"In gratitude for all your service and guidance to us in what was perhaps our darkest hour, the kingdoms of Remnant would like to award you the Medal of Gratis for Great Service to Humanity," she said.
"What is that?" Ruby asked Qrow in a low voice.
"It's an old award, back from when the kingdoms were still ruled like kingdoms and science was just developing," Qrow said. "They used to give it to explorers and scientists who made breakthroughs. Ozpin won it also for establishing the schools. I forgot about it till now."
"That's nice," Jaune said.
Winter put the medals on Shine and Wally.
"You will always have friends in Remnant," she added in a slightly lower voice, "if you ever need anything."
They smiled and nodded at her.
Minerva then took the lead again:
"Here stand the saviors of our world," she said. "May they live long and prosperously."
This was a Remnant saying apparently, and everyone echoed it.
"Star Trek?" Wally hissed to Shine.
"It's not that uncommon of a thing to say," Shine said. "But it is an odd coincidence." [And I'm not even a fan.]
"Well--" Minerva glanced at the other council members. "--I'm sure everyone is anxious to get to the celebrations. Go in peace."
This was apparently also a saying, as it was also echoed.
And then the crowd began to disperse to head out to the parties--though some wanted to gather around the heroes.
Wally looked at his medal. "This is really cool. I never expected to win anything."
Shine smiled. "Yeah. I'm so proud of you."
"I'm proud of you." Wally hugged her. "It's nice to feel like we did it right."
"You two certainly earned it," Winter said.
Shine hugged her also.
"Catch you at the reception?" Wally asked.
"I was thinking of dropping by." Winter mostly just wanted to go anywhere less visible, and she thought it would only be gracious to make an appearance, though she didn't intend to stay long.
"I'm sure you've got business enough," Shine nodded. "But don't forget to have fun. We'll be with everyone else."
She and Wally walked away.
"But we can't keep these, can we?" Wally asked her.
"No way," Shine replied in a low voice. "Some things could be brushed off, but a medal from another world that doesn't exist in ours? It's possible it would go unnoticed, but I'm not certain enough to risk it."
"Could you put it in your hallway?" Wally asked.
"I don't know. It's not meant to hold physical objects for very long," Shine said. "But I think I know what I want to do with mine."
Wally glanced at her and then smiled. "I think I have the same idea."
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