225: You Will Never Look at Anything the Same
Shine was tired like the others, but her inspiration for passing on wisdom never dulled no matter what went on, and she rather hoped the two old souls would come to her.
But as it happened, Oscar also wanted to speak to her.
"I couldn't even... begin to say how grateful I am that you both showed up for me," he said. "And you stuck it out. I almost thought it would never actually happen, but you always believed it."
"I had doubts, same as you," Shine said. "I'm only human. I felt afraid many times that we'd be too late. I even had nightmares about it."
"Really?" Oscar said. "You never said..."
"No, not to you," Shine said. "I wouldn't have wanted you to think they were omens. Gift of prophecy or insight or not Oscar, we all have demons that plague us. I'm not different than anyone else, but I didn't need to add to your fear with my own. We must show people what we believe in the most, not what we fear."
Oscar's mind was a lot clearer now that Ozma was out of it... and he realized finally that Shine was simply speaking the truth.
And he also, being a sensible boy, saw suddenly how often she must have been worried and tired and unsure since they arrived. How often it must have been hidden by her going off alone to think or pray, or by her sass, which he already knew was often a brave front.
Wally too, must have been uncertain so much more than you'd think to listen to him.
"To the end though, you faced the gods like it was nothing," he said.
"So did you," Shine said, looking him in the eye. "We both know why, Oscar. It wasn't us. Did you feel it was you against them? Or did you feel it was truth itself? And truth gives us power and courage and hope. Even with its difficulties there is a strength in truth that there is never going to be in a lie. You have the gift of knowing that better than other people, thank you for reminding me of it so many times along the way. I believe, if not for your faith in us and in who sent us, I might have felt I could never get anywhere with this mission. You gave us something to fight for."
Oscar looked somber. "I guess I did... somehow, but I still don't feel special."
Shine put her hand on his shoulders. "Because Oscar, you're not. I mean you have special gifts and personality, but you are still a human being. It's a good thing you don't feel any more so. When I go home, I'll just be myself, in my ordinary life again, and few people will ever know I was anything but that. And as it passes, few people will know or care about your accomplishments either. But remember that that is a good thing. Pyrrha could tell you that any of us who have the pressure going on too long are going to let people down, because we can't live up to it. If I was to give you one last piece of advice, it would be better to let this last year both shape you, and also to leave it to rest. You'll find your role as what you are supposed to be. A moment of greatness in life is usually fleeting. But to live out a truly excellent life, that is going to be something you will always have to choose to do. But it won't be, God willing, so difficult anymore."
She then ruffled his hair affectionately. "And you need to be able to take it easy again. The others will see it that way too. You have to learn how to be friends instead of warmates now. But that's also good. I wouldn't have it any other way as a teacher or leader, and God would have us live peacefully when we can. After all, He did make the world to be good and He made us to be good too. So the best service to Him is accepting that and making the most of the good in your life. The rest of it will come with time."
Oscar smiled faintly. "It's like you knew what I've been wondering to myself... I mean what comes next? Will I ever feel normal about this? I... do feel like me now, but it's like I told Ozma, it's not the same me as before. It never will be, will it."
"No never," Shine agreed. "But that it because once we grow we cannot shrink, only in Alicia's story, you know, not in real life. Not inside. I mean, we could live small again, but some part of us would always feel empty once it's been filled with other things. So no, you will never be the same as you were, but I think I will like the new you just as well if not better, I think we all should try to age like fine wine. Anyway, I like myself better now than I did years ago, so I hope the same goes for you. By and by, I think we'll all find parts of this adventure quite humorous. Are you still going to write it down?"
"Yeah, if I can get anyone else to talk about what they saw," Oscar said. "I know there was so much I wasn't there for... I feel like someone should record it though, just so we know what happened."
"Yeah good idea," Shine said. "I'd definitely read it if I could... Send me a copy if you ever finish, autographed and everything." She winked.
"Heh... of course," Oscar wasn't sure he'd get that far. "Hey, is... is Ozma going to be okay? I never thought he'd just appear like that."
"I don't know what'll help him," Shine shrugged. "We can do what we can. But he's not your problem anymore. I think at this point you can't do much for him. He knows you better than anyone else in one way, but you'll also be almost strangers now. Let it stay that way, these situations are usually pretty awkward for people. I think the best thing would be for him to feel he can start afresh, in his own life this time."
"I think it's kind of fitting though," Oscar said. "I know he wanted to die, but it's like he never really finished living, not as himself, I don't think the curse really counts. Same for Salem. I don't know if they feel that way about it, but if I were them, I'd feel like it's just a chance to see if I could live my life the way I chose to. Our God gives people that kind of freedom... I think that's great, honestly. Knowing that I don't have to live by some magic now..." He almost choked up. "Still getting used to it."
Shine hugged him. "I'm so, so happy for you... but I'll start crying now if... oh nevermind, I am already."
She wiped her eyes. [I can't say I don't kind of want to tear up also. Oscar deserves the best.]
"Why are you both crying?" Ruby found them right then.
"Because we're so happy," Shine said.
"Just talked about how things came right in the end," Oscar said. "Sorry..."
"No, I get it actually," Ruby said seriously. "But I think you both should be a little less miserable about being happy. Come on, Oscar, you should come with us, we're going to go out and enjoy our freedom. I mean we're not going to do that much, but maybe just hit up an arcade or something. It would be nice to do something fun after so many days of having to fight for our lives..."
"Yeah, sure," Oscar agreed.
"You go on, I don't really like video games," Shine said.
"You sure?" Ruby said. "I mean you guys could totally join us if you want. We barely hung out casually even before..."
"Maybe later," Shine said.
Ruby shrugged and left with Oscar.
"Of course," Oscar said to her as they walked away. "I think maybe she's thinking about leaving."
"Leaving?" It had completely slipped Ruby's mind that the DJs would be going home soon.
"I mean, I didn't want to think about it, but their mission is over," Oscar said. "Or almost. I know they need a break after so much danger."
"But..." Ruby looked upset. "We need them! I mean we're just getting started, we have so much we'll have to do once we're done celebrating and resting, and I have stuff I want them to teach me still, and besides, they're kind of like part of our group now. I can't imagine us without them."
"Me neither," Oscar said. "But they do have their own lives. You wouldn't want to keep them from their families and friends forever?"
"Well... no... but they seem okay..." Ruby sputtered. "No that's selfish. I wonder if they were lonely with us."
"I don't know if they had a lot of time to be, I know I didn't," Oscar said. "Plus, I had a guy in my head."
Ruby managed to chuckle at that.
"But I think they miss them same as anyone," Oscar said. "But they haven't said anything yet, so maybe it won't be for a few more weeks."
"Yeah, I guess worrying about it now won't help," Ruby tried to be optimistic.
* * *
[I don't know if I need a content warning here, but this is slightly dark and contains the idea of suicide, so be forewarned.]
Shine finally found Salem up on the wall of the school.
[You Said--Eurielle.]
"Don't do it," she startled the woman.
Salem turned to give her a stunned look.
Shine walked up to her and looked down. "It's pretty rocky down there... Sorry, I... was worried that you might be feeling sort of desperate. But it's a mistake."
"Would it really be a mistake?" Salem didn't even deny it, which wasn't a good sign. "You never should have left me alive at all. Why couldn't you all just kill me like you should have?"
"Have you been up all night thinking this?" Shine noticed how tired she looked.
"As if I could sleep after all that!" Salem said. "Do you know what it's like? I've been thinking nonstop... What I became... what I am... Oh if this was a punishment, then it was certainly an effective one. Even now death is too easy isn't it?"
"Salem..." Shine began.
"Do not say it will be all right!" Salem cut her off. "Or whatever it is you're going to say. You don't know that. I should just jump off this school. It'll work this time."
She moved and Shine grabbed her arm.
"I cannot let you do anything crazy," she said.
"CRAZY?!" Salem cried. "Do you know what crazy is? Crazy is having your mind taken over by magic until you only want to hurt people and destroy things. Crazy is trying to fight gods with magic that they gave you. Crazy is trying to be a god! But this? This is just justice. I deserve it."
"If it comes to that, putting an end to your misery is hardly accepting justice is it?" Shine said.
Salem paused, rather surprised that Shine would say this of all people.
Shine yanked her back with more force than expected--but then Salem, stripped of magic, was far weaker than most Remnant people, and Shine had gotten stronger since all the fighting and traveling here.
"Your pain will probably get worse for a time," Shine said, firmly. "But is this not what you deserve?"
"Yes... but you said--"
"I never said to harm yourself," Shine interrupted her now. "That is forbidden, for good reason. If God judges that you should live then you must live. It won't always be this way, you know. You're in shock. The curse is only just gone, your mind is going to be sorting this out for a while. I've been through the same thing with my past--even if it was smaller than yours, but still, pain is pain... but it passes. The sorting it out is the worst of it. The regrets. But there will be a change eventually."
Salem stared at her and then started to sob--maybe in frustration.
"I don't want to think about anything anymore," she said.
"It's only been one day," Shine said. "It'll get better."
"Even one day is too much," Salem said. "How would you feel if you knew you'd destroyed you're entire life?"
"I would be depressed," Shine said. "I would wonder if life could go on."
Salem peered at her through her tears with some surprise. "But then why are you blaming me?"
"Oh, I don't blame you for feeling this way," Shine assured her. "It's normal. But I'm urging you not to agree with the conclusion that that means you must give up. I know you think you have done worse things than anyone else in the world--and you would be quite right. But then, you couldn't die. Anyone might be said to do more evil if they couldn't die, just by dint of opportunity. You must not think that means you were inherently worse than anyone else. You were cursed. Try to be a little kinder to yourself."
"Perhaps I was too kind to myself," Salem said. "I blamed the gods for the destruction of Remnant once... and it was their fault, but I could have left them alone and not dragged others into it with me... I just felt they were so unfair, that I had to do something. Once I knew they could be fooled, I felt they weren't... how could they be, really wise enough to know best? But it was all just spite. You know, I think if it had been your God I'd have done the same thing."
"No, He wouldn't have been on earth like that for you to strike," Shine said. "But even if he was, Salem, listen to me, we're all guilty of killing God ourselves."
"What?" Salem was stunned enough this time to stop crying.
"Salem, that's what the Gospel is about," Shine insisted. "You won't find any other faith in the world that will admit it, but ours is very straightforward: All of us are the reason God, which to say Jesus, died. Though it was a thousand years ago in my world, it might as well have been yesterday. God is eternal. Jesus could die for us all, and for us all He did die. We put him to death by sinning, all of mankind. You too, and Ozma and everyone. Before you even met those two posers, you were guilty of the blood of the true God. And realize this, He still sent us to help you."
Salem blinked at her. "What is the meaning of this saying?" she said, not harshly like she used to. "How can this thing be?"
"Even I don't know that," Shine laughed. "I don't know a lot of things. God makes it so. I don't know how he can Love us that much. I can't love anyone that much myself. Still, by even trying to follow Him, I do see how He feels He must take care of us. We love the people best who we love freely with no hope of reward for it. The reasons why your sins seemed forgivable to us was because they were the sins of all men, just dialed to 90 percent because of time... but still... That is the big joke at the others' expense, though I never said it to them. They were all just as guilty as you were, but they could look no further than those two gods who could be appeased by you following their wishes, but our God can only be appeased by blood. Not because He is cruel, but because sin cannot be blotted out any other way. Thankfully Jesus' blood is enough. We don't need to use ours. So, I'm imploring you not to shed yours anymore to try to atone for things you cannot atone for. I can't atone for my sins either, no matter how few they think they are compared to yours. I can't even atone for one sin. And if you think life will only be misery to think of it, then you need the same grace we do. I never think about my sins much now. I still remember doing them. But it's like remembering a different woman."
She rubbed her hair. "Just as you will feel about your own, presently. You are lucky, no one else would ever consider you equal to them but a Christian. But we are all equal in Him. We'll be mocked for being so easy on you by some, but I really don't care. When they can justify their own sins, then they can mock us for seeking salvation for ours. I think it would be ungrateful on your part to throw away our help like this... please."
She was almost being pedantic but there was also care behind it.
Salem sighed and stepped away from the ledge with more resignation.
"Me asking for this salvation you speak of seems selfish also," she said. "In the end, how easy is it for me to walk away? I can't pay back the lives I took, nor can I tell you now why I took them most of the time except that I was angry. I'm still angry at the gods. But they're gone. There's no one left to punish except me."
"They'll get theirs in time," Shine muttered. "But as for you, like I said you can't make it right... So don't try. I think even at this moment the others would only find it awkward. They know now that you had reasons beyond your control for what you did."
"Some of it was still me," Salem told her. "I can feel it. It's not as if I was entirely unwilling to do those things. I killed Silver Eyed Warriors... and there was that one I turned into a hound--" she shuddered. "How could I expect to just be forgiven after that?"
"Do you think you are the first woman to ever make someone into a monster?" Shine said. "Or to kill? Or to use dark magic. But all such as these have been redeemed. I'm not just pushing this on you because it's my agenda. I'm serious. We have stories and stories of it in my world, things change for people. And it must be that way. If anyone could be evil enough not to be forgiven, there would be no hope at all. No evil can be greater than God's goodness."
Salem had to think about that one.
"No evil can be greater than God's goodness," she repeated. "If that was true..."
"It is true," Shine said. "Or we're all screwed. I can't promise you an easy life if you accept it. But I can promise, you will have more peace if you do. Life with guilt is torment. It's good that you feel it now. It's a sign that you have regained humanity."
"Do you know? I think I felt it before," Salem was more clear on this now. "It was just that it made me angrier."
"It always does," Shine said. "And you're no different than no else there... But think of this also. If you had not done what you did, we'd not have confronted the gods. Who knows how much more has been spared because of that? Who knows if they would have lost their hold on this world any other way? It's hard to displace gods. We don't know, in fact, if any other truth would have ever come here at all without what you did."
Salem gave her an incredulous look.
"It's odd to me how God uses evil to bring about good," Shine said. "You cannot stop Him. Even murderers wrote the bible and led nations of people. And harlots became disciples and ordinary men became the people who'd carry the truth to the world. And God does it that way so that everyone knows it is God and not man who achieves purity and righteousness. Now you will never get it on your own, not you of all people. But you're just a bit more obvious about it. All of us could be poisoned by grimm for the hold evil has in our hearts. Something that became all too clear on the way to your house. So I won't judge you. The important thing is in the end, you wanted out. Love got through. That's the surest sign that anyone can be redeemed. Perhaps that was a gift too. Something even the gods couldn't destroy."
Salem was silent for a long moment and Shine wondered if she would be able to see it.
She knew not everyone lets go of guilt, even if they should.
But she hoped that Salem was still able to wish for peace. Till you want something, you can't always understand more outside it.
And to not want anything at all means death.
Salem however, had little pride left. Like the woman in the book Shine had given her, she had no rebel in her now. How could she have?
Finally she spoke. "I don't know why you're trying so hard," in a low voice. "It's not as if I ever did anything for you."
"I try because it's what He would do," Shine pointed upward. "And is doing, through me. Not many people get things shown to them so clearly. What He has for you must be special. Look... evil has had so much of your life, would it be enough to let Good have the rest of it?"
Salem finally managed a tiny smile that looked wistful more than humorous.
"Whatever that's worth now..." she said. "Oh, I suppose, Miss Likstar, that I have no reason to refuse... indeed what else could I do? Whatever you asked of me I should give it to you, after what you did. And whatever He asked, I should give, I can only have a choice because of Him. But I'm... afraid that I may not be worth much now."
"Doesn't matter, whatever you are, it's enough," Shine said. "He can work with that. In fact it's probably best to be little in of ourselves to start off with. You should have seen me when I began. I never thought I'd be here... I will pray that you will have peace."
"Did you say that's what Salem means?" Salem asked.
"That's... ironic," Salem said.
"Or was it prophetic?" Shine shrugged. "Balance was not peace. Upsetting it might have been necessary. The answer was always in the question. Destroying you was never the answer. It was always making peace. So, accept it. And don't feel that it's too much for you. By and by, it will seem natural."
Salem looked up at the sky--which seemed clearer since the moon had been healed.
The wind blew past suddenly, cooler than you would think for the desert.
Shine thought it was as if something washed over her, and she seemed finally to relax.
Then Salem looked back at her and gave a small smile.
"I don't know what will become of me," she said. "But... I think I'm going to stop trying to guess for now. I... thank you."
Shine nodded.
[Becca Jackson--Hands Tied]
* * *
The teens found that even doing normal things felt strange now.
It was strange to walk down the street and not expect to see grimm around every corner, or some new trap waiting for them, or some crazy killer looking for them.
Sun joked that it would take some getting used to... but secretly they all agreed with him quite seriously.
Adding to the oddity was that people kept coming up and thanking them and saying they'd be at the planned ceremony.
At first they'd had the idea that it would be a small affair from the council, but it appeared that most of the kingdom wanted a chance to hear more about the adventure and how they'd defeated the dreadful witch.
Now that everyone knew she existed, thanks to her appearance in Mistral, they treated it like the stuff legends are made of.
Pyrrha, sweet as she was, couldn't help but feel just a little smug about their first taste of what used to be her everyday existence and told them they would "get used to it."
"I don't think I can handle being famous," Blake said, after the 5th time.
"Well, there are some perks." Ruby held up arcade tokens that she'd just gotten "on the house" so to speak. "I mean, it could be worse."
"Heh... I just don't feel like I really need special treatment," Oscar said nervously.
"Oh, you earned it." Emerald tapped his head a bit roughly.
"You all keep saying that, but it already feels like that was just a different person," he said.
"No, it was you," Jaune said. "We all know it wasn't Ozma... That's so weird. Does it feel weird? No, I shouldn't have asked that, sorry."
Oscar finally managed a laugh. Jaune's awkwardness made him at least feel a little less like he stood out.
"It actually is kind of weird," he said. "I was so used to his side comments on everything, and I thought it was annoying, but now that it's not there... it's almost... lonely. Is that completely crazy?"
"It might be," Ruby said, true to form. [See Volume 5]
"But it's understandable," Weiss added.
"I'm sure that'll go away, I mean most of us are alone in our heads all the time--except for our... issues," Blake said uncomfortably realizing that it might not be quite as simple as it sounded.
"It feels weird to be in here and not stealing anything," Mercury said. "Or doing anything else bad."
"It's Vacuo," Emerald said. "Even if you did, they'd probably just laugh it off."
"Yeah, it's no fun being a criminal here," he said.
"Speaking of criminals, what are we going to do about Cinder?" Ren said.
"Ugh, do we have to talk about that?" Nora rolled her eyes.
"I know, I know, but... still, does she just get to go free?" Ren said.
"I mean, is anyone going to press charges against someone who helped save the world, for whatever reason," Jaune wondered. "I can't see Vacuo doing it. Maybe if we were in Vale. I guess she'll avoid Vale and Mistral... but we're not going to do anything, are we?"
"After everything that happened, I couldn't bring myself to, I think," Blake admitted.
"Yeah..." Ruby looked perturbed. "Her and... the other people... I don't want to think about it, but I guess we'll have to, huh? I mean, people will expect us to decide, won't they? And how will we keep Salem and Ozma a secret? Eventually they'll need ID... Guess I thought our work would be over."
"Welcome to adulthood," Yang said dryly. "It never is, is it? But let's not talk about it right now. Geez, this is just sad, we can't even stop thinking about work for one evening after saving the world?"
"It's because it's a habit now," Weiss said. "I'm not sure I'll ever stop being serious now. This must be why Winter is the way she is. I mean, not that I mind. I love her. It's just--"
"She can't ever relax?" Yang finished.
"Yeah..." Weiss sighed. "But who could blame her?"
"Maybe she'll get some help with that now that she and Qrow are together," Emerald suggested.
"You know that too?" Weiss said.
"Oh gosh, everybody does," Emerald snorted. "We practically had a betting ring going about how long it would take them to finally get together."
"If they got hitched," Mercury said, "you and Ruby would be... cousins?"
"No, I'd be her aunt," Weiss said.
"Well, not by blood," Yang said.
"No, but yours I would," Weiss said.
Yang made a face. "No way. Ew. They cannot get together, and you're not going to be my aunt. That would be the worst."
"Why?" Ruby said. "I like Winter. She's really nice. Once you get used to her. Kind of like Weiss."
Weiss gave Ruby a glare.
"At least if I was your aunt, you'd have to treat me with more respect," she said primly.
"I wouldn't bet on that," Blake said dryly.
Yang snorted. "Yeah, not happening. I'm older than you anyway. You can't be my aunt."
"Sure, that happens sometimes," Jaune said. "One of my Mom's siblings was born super late, after my older sisters were born, so technically he's their uncle, but he's younger."
"Still, I wouldn't listen to her," Yang said. "I mean, I don't now."
"True," Nora agreed.
"I could see Weiss as an aunt though," Neptune said. "She's kind of bossy."
"What? Hey!" Weiss glared at him. "I am not."
"She's better than she used to be," Blake allowed. "But I think you're kind of forgetting the worst part."
"And what is that?" Weiss asked.
"Whitley would be your uncle," Blake said.
"Oh, ew!" Yang and Ruby both said.
"Still, I guess I could live with it," Ruby said. "Because then Weiss and I would finally be family! And then she'd never be able to say we're not close again."
"Hey, when did I say that?" Weiss said.
"You implied it," Yang said.
"I did not!" Weiss began to argue with them in full form. "You always say things like that, but it's not really true."
"It's called attitude, Weiss."
"Well, you'd know all about that, wouldn't you, Yang?"
"This is hilarious," Sun commented to Neptune and Blake.
"It's starting to sound like old times already." Blake rubbed her ears. "For better or worse."
"Is this what you guys acted like before the mission?" Oscar asked.
"Yeah, this was them all the time," Neptune said. "And Sun and I would just chill and try not to get shot by bad guys."
"Huh," Oscar said. "Maybe fighting for our lives wasn't so bad."
They snickered.
"This is just torture," Mercury griped. "Let's blow this popcicle stand."
"Yeah, I bet there's some game we can cheat at here," Emerald said.
"What about going good?" Mercury asked.
"I'll just not take the prize," Emerald said. "I don't care about it really, it's just more fun this way. And it's not stealing if I don't take it, so it's fine."
"Well, that works for me," Mercury said.
"Huh..." Sun watched them go. "You think they'll be okay with being good now?"
"I mean... that's not really worse than you," Neptune said.
"Dude!" Sun said.
"Explain this to me," Blake said. "Your mom's a lawyer, but your best friend regularly steals stuff and stows away. Is this your idea of rebelling, having Sun rebel for you and you just don't stop him?"
"Uh... yeah, pretty much," Neptune said. "Actually, Mom doesn't like him, so if you could not mention most of the stuff we did to her if you ever meet her--I'm worried she'll come to the ceremony if they spread the word. And Jupiter might too."
"Ugh!" Yang heard that last part and she stopped arguing with Weiss in order to grimace.
"If he does, keep him away from me," Weiss said.
"From us all," Yang said. "Though I wouldn't mind punching him again."
"Uh... look, if he does show up, can you not fight?" Neptune said. "It might make a scene and my Mom will get super mad."
"You faced giant grimm and you're worried about that?" Nora said.
"You don't know my mom," Neptune said.
They chortled again.
"I wonder where Meridian went..." Weiss said after a lapse in conversation. "Not that I really care..."
"Oh, sure." Yang was skeptical. "I saw you two kiss, you know."
"Yang!" Weiss was aghast. "You weren't supposed to be watching."
"Well, don't do it in front of a plane then," Yang said.
"I didn't know he--it wasn't--it's not like that." Weiss was red.
"Hey, I think it's great," Sun said. "You guys are perfect for each other."
"You think about things like that?" Blake said.
"Well, I just think that if Weiss was with a Vacuo guy, she'd have to treat me with more respect," Sun said. "And she's never really liked me that much. So that's really all I care about. But Mer's pretty cool. He kicked major butt on the mission and he's a real hype man, so I don't see what's the problem with him."
"Even if that was true," Weiss said, "he's disappeared since yesterday, so I think that he's probably going to take a nice, long break from us." She sounded miffed. "You'd think he'd want to talk more to his friends at the school and Headmaster Rhodes after all the commotion, but I guess some people just don't feel the need."
"I can see you're taking this very well," Yang said flatly. "I don't think that's it. I can't really blame him for wanting some space from the crazy."
"I think you're worried too much," Neptune said. "It's a guy thing. We like to clear our heads, plus you know he has friends here and we don't... so... wouldn't you want to catch up with them after that? Besides, you guys were all too tired. I bet he's just giving you time to rest and trying not to bother you."
"Wow, that's, like, really sensitive," Nora said. "Are you a girl?"
"What? No," Neptune said. "I just mean it's what guys do."
"In a way that's pretty thoughtful," Yang said. "Even if it's kind of lame not to be around for all this... bonding thing we're doing right now."
"Don't ever call it that again please," Ren winced.
"I'm just saying don't worry." Neptune gave Weiss a thumbs up. "He'll be back. And knowing Hamish and him, they might have gotten into scuffles since yesterday and just be recuperating."
"That would be bad." Weiss suddenly looked more worried. Meridian had told her how easily he incited fights after all.
"Nice going there," Yang told Neptune. "You had her and then you made it worse."
"I can't win," Neptune sighed.
[Oh, cheer up, Water Boy. At least this is normal.]
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