223: Leave Behind
When the gods were bound the others thought it was over, but it wasn't.
Shine and Wally looked tired, but Wally said, "What about them?" and pointed at Salem and Ozpin.
"Yes... now it comes to the fun part." Shine wiped her forehead. "Removing all trace of the gods. As they cannot do this part themselves, they will silently watch. And take their powers back with them."
"One day you will be cut down," the god of darkness snarled at her. "Your type always is."
"You be silent," Shine cut him off, and he clamped his mouth shut.
Ozma and Salem both stepped forward, looking a bit apprehensive after all that.
"Are you ready?" Wally asked.
"I don't feel ready," Ozma said. "There is... so much I feel I should apologize for."
"It's okay," Raven said, surprisingly. "I think after all we just saw, we get it."
"Enough said, Oz," Qrow said.
"And Ozpin..." Ruby said, "whatever happens... I really hope you're at rest."
Ozpin smiled faintly. "Thank you, Miss Rose--Ruby... I hope all of you will live long, happy lives."
Shine and Wally held their swords out and placed them on Ozma's shoulders.
This was it.
"I don't want to be presumptuous," Shine said quietly. "We do not kill, so I am not going to try to spell out the results. I say we remove the curses and let the Lord do as He sees fit with them."
"That sounds good to me," Wally said. "I guess we just... we release you from the power of the brothers, Ozma... Magic and reincarnation and all the rest that went with it."
"We free your soul and body, and we ask that God grant you peace and life," Shine added.
"Amen," they both chorused.
"Amen," the other said, just because they felt they should agree.
"Amen," Ozma said, closing his eyes.
* * *
Somewhere inside him, unaware of what had been going on, Oscar felt as if someone had started to pry the lid off the box he'd been sealed in.
[Putting this here partially because it fits and partially because my sister would let me have it if I didn't. She loves this song. "Taxi Cab"--21 Pilots.]
Light began to pour in, and it felt as if a hand reached in and took hold of him and said, "Be free."
And as he rose out of the dark cavern, he felt as if a huge weight that had been on his shoulders for months, ever since Ozpin reincarnated into him, went out suddenly and painlessly, and something else leapt up and blazed out, finally filling every part of his body.
Then his eyes snapped open and he was staring at everyone, who were staring back at him breathlessly.
Shine and Wally had seized hold of Ozma's own soul and pulled it out of him as if they'd physically grabbed it.
And as they did so, it became solid and glowed for a moment with Aura or some other force, and suddenly he was just there on the ground.
"Ozma?" Salem said in a very strange voice.
"Oz?" Qrow and Theo said.
Glynda shoved her glasses up and stared.
Everyone stared.
It was Ozma. They all knew what he looked like now.
He wasn't quite the same though. He looked at least 15 years older than when he'd died. He had a few grey streaks in his hair, probably from strain, and he looked a bit more worn in his expression, and yet it wasn't at all as if he was depressed.
He just stared at himself in bewilderment.
"What is this?" Cinder asked.
Glowing energy flew up from Ozma and Oscar both and then flew towards the gods and disappeared into both of them.
"The magic just left," Shine noted. "Whoa... I did not see this one coming. Ozma? I believe He just restored your entire life."
"Well, you never know what the Big Guy is going to do," Wally said. "This is very cool, I think."
"I feel strange..." Ozma said. "And yet..." He looked at the Maidens.
"Oh, yes, better not give that a chance," Shine said. "Sorry, Salem, you'll have to wait minute."
She made no response--she was too busy gawking.
"Girls," Shine called.
They all rushed forward, even Vara, who had to be helped by Theo, and Qrow (who had to come anyway).
"Who's first?" Shine said.
Cinder stepped forward.
"Just make it official," she said, holding out a hand.
"This is so weird," Emerald muttered.
The DJs put their swords on Cinder's shoulders and repeated the same words as before, almost.
The magic rose up over her head, swirling like the magic power always did.
The marking on her back--only hers was ever exposed enough to see--vanished.
Her eyes blazed up and then went out.
The magic swirled up and then went to the dark brother, where it was absorbed.
He looked perturbed.
Cinder gasped and stumbled a little, but Shine helped her stand.
"How do you feel?" Raven asked.
Cinder rubbed her chest. "Fine." She looked around. "Normal... I guess."
"Normal knees!" Ruby cheered, making Yang snort with laughter, and Weiss and Blake roll their eyes.
Oscar had finally put together what was happening, and his eyes were huge, but he seemed too overwhelmed to speak.
He had his staff again, though, and he gripped it tightly.
"All right, I'm ready." Raven held out her hands.
"Good on you," Wally said. "Let's do this."
So they did.
Magic swirled upward, and feathers burst out of nowhere, then it was also gone into the god the same as before, and Raven put her hands to her face and felt it.
"Somehow, it's almost like being lighter..." she mused.
"All right, hurry up before I faint," Vara said.
They released her.
As the magic went up and left, Vara's eyes seemed to clear of the shadow of pain she'd always had in them as long as any of them had known her.
She looked at her hands, and then she pinched herself slightly. Nothing happened.
"It's gone..." she said. "Finally..."
"It is?" Theo said.
"Yes!" Vara hugged him around the neck. "It doesn't hurt anymore!"
Theo picked her up and spun her around, and she didn't seem bothered at all.
They cheered and laughed.
"Awww," Yang said. 🥰
"Ugh." Mercury made a face.
"I suppose that just leaves me," Winter said. "I'm ready." She smiled faintly. "I had them the shortest time, but I can't say I'm sorry."
"Neither can I, Winter," Shine said. "I hoped this day would come..."
They put the swords on her and spoke.
The magic left Winter in a swirl, and she didn't seen to feel that much different... except that she felt freer suddenly.
"Don't forget me," Qrow said.
"How could we forget you?" Wally said.
"Think you'll miss it?" Raven asked.
"I might," Qrow said. "But I won't miss the curse part of it. Gotta figure out what's really a good trade."
The god of darkness made an indignant sound but didn't seem able to speak now.
They released the magic from Qrow, and, perhaps because it was the last part of it, it seemed to rush to the owner swiftly.
Qrow didn't feel any real difference except that somehow he felt more separate from Ozpin than before.
Everyone exchanged looks.
Then they looked at Salem.
Salem, for all her years of trying to get to this moment, looked terrified.
Shine slowly went towards her, and she drew back.
"Are you afraid?" Shine said gently.
"Yes," Salem said in a small voice, not at all like herself.
"That's okay," Wally said. "I'm a little nervous about this myself... but it's worked so far. It's not like we could make it worse."
That was such an odd thing to say at this moment that Salem almost had to find it funny.
"No, I suppose not," she said more bravely. "Do it."
"This is what becomes of my attempt at justice," the light brother muttered.
"Can it, dude," Wally said.
He shut up.
Shine took both of Salem's hands. "Though I can't promise this will put an end to all suffering," she said, "but... try to have faith. We'll see what happens."
Indeed, if Salem just burst into dust, Shine wasn't sure what would become of her soul, but she knew nothing would change if they didn't do this, so that was no reason to hesitate.
Wally held out his sword. He felt a little like a king dubbing knights doing this.
"We break first her curse of the Grimm," Shine said. "I order all of it to remove itself from this form, now."
"If that's what we're doing, then yeah," Wally said.
"Yeah," Oscar muttered, though he didn't suppose they needed his help.
But perhaps Salem appreciated it anyway. She cast him an odd look.
What happened next was something that everyone would have sworn would have given them nightmares if you'd told them they'd see it.
Suddenly the Grimm began to just ooze out of Salem like acid or water, only in big, black drops that became streams and began to puddle at her feet.
"Ugh," Ambrosius said. They were all still there.
Salem's eyes got huge as she watched what was happening. Then the red went out of them and they turned bright blue.
The other hadn't gotten a really good look at her even in the gods' vision, and they watched in astonishment as the red veins went out of her face and her hair went from Grimm white to a light blonde... though it had some white steaks in it, but they were normal, human white now.
It also changed shape, as whatever magic held it in the odd bun she had must have left it, so it just hung loose. After all, most of Salem's clothing was Grimm too.
The whole thing should have been disgusting, but somehow watching it was like ripping off a bandage or a scab or clearing out grime from a dish. It didn't seem disgusting when you realized it was simply purging out the bad part.
As the Grimm drained out of her, Salem's skin turned back to a human color also, right down even to her nails.
Finally the last of it came out of her feet.
Of course she wasn't wearing clothes, which it took them all longer to notice than you'd think, they were so busy watching the Grimm.
"Oh, good gracious." Ambrosius snapped his fingers, and clothes formed before anyone really had time to think of it being weird.
Apparently he was free to do this now, since he was not bound to the Staff.
"Why bother?" Jinn said. "Who needs it?"
"Well, they seem to think it matters, and somehow it's awkward after watching that... juice or whatever it is just fall off," he said with a frown.
Salem gasped, and her eyes cleared of the malice and anger that was always lurking behind them.
She looked at them all as if she was seeing them for the first time.
Who could imagine what must have gone through her mind once the Grimm was out of it?
But before she could well process it, Shine and Wally had moved on.
"Now, the curse of immortality, all conditions being met, this should be simple," Shine said. "But again, I don't want to presume anything. I command the magical invulnerability bound to this form to be released and any forced life to flee. But only the magical part."
"Yeah... I agree, just the curse part," Wally said.
There was a shimmering over Salem's form as if the power of the life pool was being drawn to the surface, and then it seemed also to break like a glass shell would have.
"And are you willing to give up magic also?" Shine asked.
Salem nodded. She didn't really think that clearly about what Shine was asking.
But Shine took no second looks at it, and they proceeded with that part.
All the power flew toward the gods.
And the Grimm juice slid itself towards one of the ponds, away from everyone else.
Salem stared at her hands. And then with a gasp, she suddenly grabbed Raven's sword.
"Hey!" Raven said.
Salem sliced it along her arm, and blood appeared... and kept going.
"Oh..." she gasped, sinking to the ground.
"Hey! You shouldn't cut yourself," Wally said, grabbing the sword hilt and giving it back to Raven. He was a little worried Salem would try to do something crazy.
Salem just fingered the cut and stared at it in amazement.
"Is that creepy or cool?" Sun asked.
"You're asking me?" Neptune had about reached his limit of weird.
"And that finishes that," Shine said, letting out a sigh of relief. "Oh my... that was exhausting. Well, you know what happens next."
She looked at the gods. "Take your powers and go."
"Yeah, go," Wally said.
"Go!" everyone else began to chorus.
The gods looked very nonplussed.
But they couldn't even seem to speak again, so they raised their hands, still chained.
The genies looked at each other.
"I think this is our cue," Ambrosius said. "Well, I'll be seeing you all--or not, maybe. I'm going home."
"Yes, I think so," Jinn said, with her characteristic smirk.
"Where is home?" Weiss asked them.
"I suppose you might call it another dimension for us," Janus asked. "Or you might not... There we're free to inspire as we please."
"It's better than here. Being bound to those insipid, little Relics was so limiting," Delilah said with a frown. "I'm not staying another moment."
She rose up and vanished into smoke.
"Well, thank you, I suppose, and I will not miss you," Jinn said, snapping her fingers.
She vanished too.
"Later, but not really," Janus said, vanishing.
"Ah, well, it's been a fun show, but rather repetitive if you think about it. Farewell." Ambrosius folded his arms and vanished.
The gods shook their heads.
Then they turned into two beams of light again, and they shot into the sky.
It was so bright no one could really look for a moment, but through their fingers over their eyes they saw the ponds around them lift into the air and get incinerated by the light, and the very dust around them seemed to change color.
Then they finally shot off the ground like rockets and went up into the stars.
The color of the sky changed from purplish-red to blue, and the air itself lost a lot of the musty smell of the Grimm lands.
Another moment and they could see properly.
Then they all gasped.
The land was no longer the color of the Grimm.
The dirt was not green grass by any means, but it was just regular brown. Bare, but only like a newly turned garden or field would be, not dead colored.
The rocks were still there, but even they looked cleaner.
And whatever Grimm you could see seemed to be scared of what just happened, for they ran from sight.
And everyone else was standing there, just as if nothing at all had happened.
* * *
In three of the four kingdoms people heard or felt a great rumbling like thunder as all the vault doors caved in. Leaving only empty tunnels with carvings that were later found.
* * *
The stunned silence lasted for a full minute at least.
"Is that it?" Oscar finally found his voice.
Ruby suddenly squealed: "Oscar!"
She then tackled him, knocking him over.
"Dogpile!" Nora cried, dashing after her.
"Oscar!" most of the teens cried and ran up to him, surrounding him.
"You're alive!" Blake said.
"You're okay!" Weiss said.
"I knew you'd be all right, ya little blighter," Meridian said, rubbing his hair.
"Guys, you're crushing me," Oscar said, though he was laughing from both relief and delight that this was happening.
"It's over?" Raven said, and she laughed oddly. "Wow... finally." She punched Qrow's arm.
"Ow!" He rubbed it, but he was smiling. "Well, how about that."
"Whoo!" Vara shrieked and kissed Theo.
"Did we win?" Emerald asked.
"I guess so," Mercury said.
"We won!" Emerald started yelling.
A lot of people started yelling that.
"Oh my gosh, it's over!"
"We can finally go home!"
"We didn't die!"
"Shine," Wally grabbed her. "I think we just won our first fight against gods and completed our first mission together."
"I think we did," Shine said. "How does it feel?"
Wally spun her around. "This is the best feeling ever!"
He kissed her. "Let's do it again!"
"Okay, babe, but I'm going to need at least a few months off after this one." Shine choked on a laugh.
"Oh, sure," Wally agreed. "But this is so great!"
"Are you really here, Oscar?" Yang tapped his head.
"I'm really here... and I'm really me." Oscar was finally just realizing it himself. "I'm... alone inside my own head. And Oz is..." He looked over at Ozma. "...apparently still alive... Huh..."
"I'm just as surprised as you are." Ozma was looking at his hands. "I thought I would die. This is... quite strange. And I don't sound normal at all."
"You sound like you used to," Blake said. "But wow... you're older though."
"I don't understand this," Ozma said.
"I think thousands of years of a curse will take a toll on you," Shine mused. "But still... how do you feel?"
"I've been trying to figure that out," Ozma said. "I feel... as if every voice that was in my head was suddenly silent... or just disappeared... I feel as if a big chain I was linked to is gone, and I'm... glad, but... also it's odd to be so alone. I don't know how to describe it."
"It might take a while to get used to it," Wally said, "probably. I mean, I wouldn't know."
"And why? Do you think I'll continue to live? Perhaps I'll just die gradually now," Ozma said.
"Aren't we all dying gradually?" Glynda said. She shook her head. "I can't believe it. After all that, the war is over. I find it hard to believe it. It doesn't feel real."
"It might not feel real for a while, I bet," Theo said. "But this is real enough for me." He hugged Vara.
"Hey, look." Vara waved at them. "It doesn't hurt, at all."
"At least she's excited," Raven said.
"I'm so pumped right now!" Nora did a fist pump. "Ren, hold me!"
"Uh--" Ren didn't really get a chance to brace himself before she grabbed him, but he hugged her back.
"Yeah, high five." Sun held up his hands and even made clones, and they held up theirs. "We so did this... I mean, we didn't exactly, but... we helped. And that was the coolest thing I've ever seen."
Blake hugged him.
Wally put Shine down. "I feel like we should be congratulating everyone," he said.
"Oscar!" Shine ran up to him and hugged him. "I was so worried that it was too late for a second there, but here you are, and I told you it would all come right in the end. Are you okay?"
"I'm really okay." Oscar hugged her back. "I... Wow... this is for real..."
"I promised myself I wouldn't cry," Weiss said. She was already crying. "Oh!" She hugged Winter. "But you're safe now. You're not going to..."
"Weiss, it's all right." Winter patted her head awkwardly. "Somehow we survived that... I don't know how..."
"I do," Hazel said. "That was... incredible."
If even Hazel was given to that kind of expression, you knew he was impressed.
"Screw it, Mercury, everyone's being all mushy and you're not doing anything," Emerald said.
"Yeah, what would I do?" Mercury said.
Emerald kissed him. "Something," she said.
"Oooh," Yang, of course, had to say.
Mercury really didn't care.
Wally clapped Qrow on the back so hard he stumbled forward. "Told you," he said. "And you thought we were doomed."
"I did." Qrow rubbed his shoulder and looked amazed. "But, you... came through. He came through..." Looking up. "I was wrong... I'm glad I was wrong though... dang..."
"Well, I better never hear a word from you about luck ever again." Winter folded her arms. "After this it would be intolerable."
"Love you too, Ice Queen," Qrow said.
Winter turned beet red and didn't seem to know which way to look.
"I'm too happy to even care that I just heard that," Raven said.
"Oh, come on, you can say it," Wally said. "You love us."
"Shut up, West," she said.
"I'll take that," he said.
Jaune and Pyrrha hugged and then kissed, and then she said, "This means we're going to be all right."
"Yeah, you're still alive," he said. "All of us are! They didn't get you."
"They didn't get me!" Pyrrha agreed.
"Or me!" Roman said.
Neo suddenly grabbed him around the neck and knocked him over.
"Neo, you've got to warn me before you do that," he said. "Frankly, for someone of your weight you sure manage to pack quite a punch--"
Neo bent down and kissed him.
He went totally silent.
"Well, there's lots of love going around," Neptune said to Yang.
"Think we should join the party?" she said.
"I mean, I don't know, but if it feels right," Neptune said.
Yang kissed him. "Stop overthinking this stuff."
"What was that?" Qrow frowned.
"Oh, you really didn't notice?" Raven said. "Well, that'll be a fun conversation later but don't kill the moment, Qrow."
Qrow gave her an annoyed look but shrugged.
"I just thought of something," Meridian said, putting a hand on Weiss' shoulder. "How are we going to get home?"
Everyone looked at him, and then they laughed oddly.
"We could fly..." Glynda pointed to the plane that they could see from here.
"Or I could take us," Raven said.
"I'm afraid we can't leave the plane here," Winter said. "We need all the functional airships we can get right now... Oh my... what are we going to tell them when we go back?"
"The truth, I guess," Qrow said. "Not that anyone will believe it."
"They might." Raven suddenly looked up and elbowed him.
Everyone glanced up towards what she was looking at, and they gasped.
Overhead, the moon was visible in the sky (and so was the sun now), but the moon was no longer broken in pieces.
"Was that those two, or... God?" Oscar wondered.
"Who knows...?" Ren murmured.
"One more thing," Theo said. "What are we gonna do about her?"
Everyone turned to look at Salem, who was standing there, staring at the team all with both fear and wonder.
There was a long pause.
Salem backed up a little.
"It's all right," Shine said. "Isn't it?" She looked sternly at everyone.
They glanced at each other.
Then Ruby said, "You know... after all we saw and did and thought... I think anything like revenge or punishment is just way out of my corner right now. I think we should let her decide."
"I can't believe I'm saying this," Yang said, "but yeah, I don't even want it... I mean... look at her, it'd be like stepping on an ant or something because you thought it offended you. She's helpless now, isn't she?"
"They took her magic and her Grimm, and she's never learned to fight," Ozma said. "I think anyone in Remnant could beat her now."
"Then we prove nothing by killing her except that we can," Raven said. "And while none of us have any reason to feel nice about it, I think that would just be an act of cowardly spite... and that seems like it would spoil this good mood we're in. Maybe we should just let someone else decide, who's not involved."
"I suppose we could turn her over to the authorities," Winter said. "Or... we could just ignore her... I confess, after all that I also don't have the heart to dole out punishment."
Hazel frowned. "There's been enough death," he said. "I don't know now what the right thing is, but I don't want to be the one to do it."
"You know what? You guys decide." Oscar turned to Shine and Wally. "You helped us, and you made the gods listen to us, and you've guided us this whole time."
"Yes," more people said.
Well, with every decision up till now a fight used to break out when someone suggested this. But this time no one had any wish to argue... and who could blame them?
Even Cinder said nothing.
Shine and Wally exchanged a look.
"Well, you know it's not our job to kill," Wally said.
"And I have no resentment towards her in my heart," Shine said, "only pity and... whatever else you call this. You know what we want."
"Fine then," Theo said. "I guess I'm okay with it... Can't believe I am, but... today had been a day to have a paradigm shift if I ever saw one. I'd really rather just go home than talk about justice. That sound good to everyone else?"
"Oh yeah," they all agreed.
"But..." Salem finally spoke, "where will I go? I... What... what am I supposed to do?"
Shine took her hand, carefully.
"I'm sure that's a question we all want answered," she said, "but answers don't always come right away. For now, perhaps you should just come with us. I suppose I feel responsible for you since I'm the one who dragged you into this with us."
"Dragged me?" Salem said oddly. "You saved me... I don't know why... and after what I did... all I did... I could never begin to repay that. I don't even know how to speak of it."
Suddenly, she started crying.
And this was something that surprised Ozma the most, because he hadn't seen Salem cry since before she was Grimm. He didn't think the Grimm had allowed her to shed tears; their eyes weren't made for it.
Salem hadn't in so long that she almost didn't know what it was for a second till she realized and touched the tears, and that just made her cry harder.
No one could believe that Salem, the Salem, was crying in front them, and they didn't even understand why.
Her tears were silent until when she murmured, "What have I done? What have I done?" over and over again.
"Oohh," Wally winced and glanced at the others. "I wouldn't want to be her right now."
"I don't understand," Blake said. "Why is she upset? What did she do?"
"Blake," Wally said, lowering his voice so that Salem couldn't hear him over her sobs, "she's sorry for everything."
Then they all understood. Salem had not felt anything like remorse in a very long time, as Grimm didn't regret anything.
And she had been too proud to before.
But, curseless and helpless and loveless now, she must see her entire millennia of destruction as one huge, giant waste, and with her human emotions returning, it must have been overwhelming to think about.
In truth, her mind really couldn't even fully follow it. She was just in some kind of daze, feeling that everything had been wrong, but even picking out the individual incidents would have been impossible for her.
What it did make them see was that this victory was going to be bittersweet. For all of them it was freedom and relief, but for Salem and even Ozma... well, there was still an edge to it.
But all human affairs are mixed, and the adults in the team knew better than to think that should strike them as unfair.
The younger ones did feel it was a little bit sad that it wasn't great for everyone, but they also knew that people are not all the same, by now.
"I don't know what to do here," Weiss said.
"We can't do anything, Snow Tiger," Meridian said. For once he sounded sage. "She's got a burden that none of us can understand, even if we tried. The most we could do is try to accept that she's got one and let her handle it. Whether she's evil or good, I can't say, but I can't say that I would care a straw either way. No one would want to be her. And no one could hate her either. Unless they had not an ounce of pity in them."
This was true. Even Mercury couldn't muster up any aggression right now. Nor could Cinder--if anything, she might have an inkling of what this felt like.
As it was, she felt pretty awkward, wondering if anyone would turn on her--but then she knew that was stupid. If they weren't going to kill Salem, they weren't going to kill her.
And then she thought how little she deserved that kindness and felt worse.
But everyone else decided it would be best to just move on.
"Let's go. I'm sick of this land," Weiss said.
"Yeah, let's go," Blake said.
"Home again!" Sun said.
They all began to move towards the plane.
Shine took Salem by the arm and led her after them. She didn't put up a fight, but she didn't stop crying.
The plane was big enough for all of them, as Atlas ships were usually made to hold at least 12 people and this one happened to be slightly bigger.
Cinder volunteered to fly it, surprisingly, but she didn't really want to look anyone else in the eyes and was only too glad to get an excuse to sit alone.
Well, alone except for Roman, who insisted on flying copilot, though there were more qualified people on board.
But no one cared.
Funny, that was how this all started for them.
Oscar moved like one in a dream and was still getting used to feeling like he was alone in himself now.
Ozma didn't really know what to do... but he couldn't stay in the Grimm lands--or what was left of them.
It wasn't quite real to anyone yet.
Salem sat as far from most of them as possible and likely would not have sat at all if she hadn't suddenly been so tired. But she was more tired than she'd been in thousands of years.
"It seems as if we should be celebrating..." Pyrrha said, once they were all seated and the plane had taken off.
"Maybe a song?" Weiss said. "Shine, I'm sure you know one for this."
Shine smiled. "I have had this going through my mind that last few minutes... It's a simple one, so I think we could follow along."
She began to sing softly.
"When the Lord brought back the captive ones of Zion,
We were like those who dream.
And the mouths were filled with laughter,
And the tongues with joyful shouting."
Once they heard it, some of them could repeat it with her.
"When the Lord brought back the captive ones of Zion,
We were like those who dream.
And the mouths were filled with laughter,
And the tongues with joyful shouting.
"We will say among the nations
The Lord has done great things.
We will say among the nations
The Lord has done great things.
"More than the watchmen wait for the morning
Our souls wait,
Our souls wait upon the Lord.
For with Him is love and kindness,
And abundant redemption.
"Those who sow in tears
Will reap in joyful shouting.
Those who sow in tears
Will reap in joyful shouting.
Those who sow in tears
Will reap in joyful shouting."
["Those Who Dream"--Kristene Dimarco. The song is taken from Psalms 126: 1-6]
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