Of Dark, Light, and Penumbra
{Klayton pov}
"Finally I'm done"
"Speak...now" Klayon says annoyed
"thank you father" a robotic voice responds
"you are my ideal daughter. Perhaps you won't be as much of a failure as Violet....now kill all her friends and bring her to me" Klayton says with a smirk
"ok father" the robotic voice responds
She cocks her arm gun
{Violet pov}
Sigh "such a long day especially with that meeting" i say tired
"Someones watching me..." i say alerted
I look around but don't see anybody...i AM in the middle of vale so i guess its normal....
"The maidens huh?..... Cinder is the fall maiden already and raven is the spring.......cinder is the fall maiden meaning she killed the original and ozpin knows that and is just keeping quiet. He doesnt know about Raven. Raven herself is the one that told and informed me of not only there existence but also who they are..." i think to myself
As im walking through vale i see a black haired girl with pigtails who looks awfully similar to me....wait...thats the copy of me
I stalk behind her without her realizing.
"What is she doing?" i ask myself
Dark Violet walks into a candy shop and walks ouit with a bag a little later.
"Guess she is a copy of me"
I look behind me to see...a robot me?
I take a huge leap backward and rub my eyes
Shes gone...
i look behind me again and see my clone rushing me
I run as fast as i can and she is very easily keeping up with me
I run into a alleyway and climb a ladder she grabs my legs and yanks me down attempting to punch me
Hitting the concrete next to me, i kick her and continue to run
"Just leave me alone im too tired" i run into tuksons book store and hide behind his counter with him infront of me. He doesnt know whats going on but helps anyway
Dark Violet walks in and looks around not seeing me anywhere she growls angrily before walking out again
I get out from under the counter "thanks Tukson" i thank him and bow 'no problem kiddo" he replies
I walk out and sneak to bullhead going back to beacon
Once i get there i am immediately called to ozpins office
After a while i finally arrive
"Yes?" i ask confused
"Take a seat" A commanding voice says as i look up to see ironwood Ozpin and Glynda along with a few soldiers
"Is something wrong?" i ask a bit scared
"Where were you a 9am today?" Ironwood asks getting straight to the point
"I was still asleep i didnt wake up until a few hours ago then i went straight to town" i say in full honesty
"What is happening?" i ask out of concern
"People claim to be seeing a tiny white haried female with pigtails destroying buildings, and you, my Little Angel fit that description" ozpin says
"But that could be anyone" I says defensively
"Not every tiny white haired female is strong enough to destroy buildings" Ozpin says back
"But it wasnt me!" I shout defensively
"You"-Ironwood says before getting cut off
"Are dismissed" Ozpin says
Without saying a word I get up and walk out
I walk in and go to bed
(next day)
Me, Saki, and the rest of team rwby were in vale
'Lets split up to get the things we need" Ruby suggests
"Right"i say
"Violet, Me, and Yang" Ruby says
"Saki, Blake, and Weiss" Yang says
Saki jumps on Blakes back
"Alright, back in a bit" i say
{Klayton pov}
Good they split up now ive got to get them to chase me
I humbly walk to a store across from the one the yellow bitch,summers daughter, and Violet went in to
Time to show them my newest creation hehe
{Violet pov}
I stop
"...is that.....father?" i say aloud
He gets into a car
"Yang we need to chase him!"
She runs and gets on her bike
By the time she gets to me hes already driving away..damn wheres Silver when i need him?
I get on the back of her bike as she drives as fast as possible with Ruby using her semblance next to us
As shes chasing him i see him look back with a smirk....i wanna wipe that damn look of his face
We drive by Blake, Weiss, and Saki
Blake throws her sword at his car and she is hanging onto her ribbon rope thing
Weiss and Saki are jumping roof to roof
I stand up and balance myself and try to shoot his tire but miss
He slams on his breaks as yang does as well making me go flying
He starts driving again as i roll onto the street
Ruby, Weiss, and Saki still chase him as Yang and Blake stop to check on me
My...senses...are....slowly fading.....
No ive got to get up!
I cant fail....
"Im fine lets go!"
I get on Yangs bike again as she starts driving and Blake once again uses her sword thingy
"Wow im popular today...to bad it has to end ohhhhhh ViVi!!"
He claps as.....as....as a robot version of me drops down....she looks at me and grabs Blakes ribbon to throw her into Ruby she cocks her arm and shoots a bullet at Yangs motorcycle as we both fall, she jumps off and grabs a building to throw at Weiss and Saki as they go flying
"TaTa children have terrible day!" he says driving away with robot me
I get up injured
"What was that?" Ruby says standing up with Blake
"He created another version of me..." i stutter
Weiss and Saki walk back to us heavily injured
I pull out my scroll and tell Ozpin what happened
A little while after a bullhead comes by and picks us up
We walk to our dorm and they all sleep
(6 hour timeskip)
Its now midnight as im preparing to sneak out to find Dark Violet
I put on my pink hoodie grab my wallet and backpack which has my headphones. Scroll. Water,cookies,weapon, and dust
I walk to the roof because i know using the front door
I place my foot on a railing and start scaling it
I keep almost falling but when im about 10 feet i jump and land, i then take a bullhead to town
I climb the highest building to look for her
I feel someone sneaking up behind me
"W-Wait!' i scream
Its Dark Violet
She stops and scowls at me as i turn around
"Look i know you have orders to take me out but i need your help to take out a-a robot version of me" i say
"You can kill me after just help me"
"...tch fine but right after im going to kill you" She responds
I respond by hugging her to which she stands there stunned
"Alright lets do this Ayame" i say
She tilts her head
"I read it in a book it means purple flower but since your name is dark Violet and Violet is a shade of purple it works"i say enthusiastic
"Did you read that just in case you meet me? It seems like something we'd do" she responds in a mono tone voice...wait we? Yay! She said we
"Im only doing this so that i can catch you at your weakest then take you out"
"Mmmmmhmmm? Admit it you looooove me" i tease
She simply points a pistol at me
"Shut up you brat"
"Anyway were gonna find what were looking for in soleanna" i say
"Lets get moving" she says
{timeskip to soleanna}
"Lead the way" she says demanding me
"Dont backstab me" i say smirking
"Dont trip dumbass" she shoots back
And before we could walk 5 feet shes here
"Well this is quite the shock there are two of you" Father says walking out from behind robo me
"Shes got a bigger chest than you...you must be jealous" Ayame says
"Quiet" i respond
"Shes also cuter then you" Ayame provokes
"Quiet, God damnit!" I respond
Klayton laughs before teleporting away
Robot me charges at us as we both dodge out of the way
Ayame rushes her with her saw but gets kicked very easily
I shoot from afar as she looks at me and throws a chain that came from her arm
It wraps around me and she throws me far
She jumps far as hell and tries to stop me but gets kicked by Ayame at that moment
'Focus damnit!" she says to me as she runs at Robo me
We both slash at robo me from both sides but she picks us up, flies in the air, spins us around and throws us
"AYAME!" i scream for help
As shes falling she activates her semblance....wait shes a artificial being how the hell does she have one? Anyway she points herself toward the ground a puts a fist out.....shes smart
I copy her and all three of us land a huge shockwave erupts stunning robo me
We both rush her and blast her with our semblance
"Next time pick a different opponent" Ayame says
"So theres gonna be a next time?" i say a bit happy
"We have something more important to be worrying about" she says dodging the question
Robo me gets up and starts firing ton of shots at us
A bullet grazez my cheek and hits my shoulder
Ayame picks me up and runs
"Arent you trying to kill me?" i ask
"Yes i am and im getting the kill nobody else"
Of course.....
Eventually we get to a abandoned building and hide in it
"She seemed pissed..heh"
"We are doing some damage...how the hell did he build that copy of me so fast?" i ask myself
I wince in pain
"Heh...need me to put you out of your misery?" she asks with smile
"No please" i respond
"If we combine our powers we could take her out" she suggest
"Right" i respond
"Lets do it'
Ayame charges a blast as i do the same, i aim my hand infront of hers as Robo me is charging us
It sends a devastating blow
"Good.....job?' i say looking behind me as she disappeared
Robo me isnt completely destroyed but isnt moving either
I leave it at that as i try to make wings but cant so i resort to walking and using a bull head
"So in the end the robot was defeated" Ironwood says
"May i have permission to kill her?" adam asks
".....no wait until we wage war..i wanna see her suffer...we wont kill her we'll cut off her limbs and make her watch her friends die one by one, then well end this world" Klayton says
25 days
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