The Final Duel
A/N: here's chapter 46 for ya guys and we're closing in on the end of this story.
In Bherna
Y/N wondered through ruined village where he spent his childhood with Cinder and Robin. "Now isn't this a familiar sight huh sis". Y/N said out loud as a female with long white hair that had one braid on the right side of her head with the rest of her hair being pulled into a high messy ponytail."Welcome brother, I'll ask you again. Are you sure you wish to do this"? Y/N just began to laugh as his eyes changed into a blood red colour as he stretched out his right arm and opened his right hand with shadows forming around Y/N's right palm.
The shadows began dissipate as Y/N's katana was now in his hand."It's too late to back down now Robin"! Y/N yelled in response as the two siblings rushed towards each other as the sound of clashing metal rung throughout the abandoned village.
Back at Beacon
Corrin was chilling the courtyard with Weiss and Ruby sitting beside him while the three of them were sitting under a tree."I wonder how Y/N is getting on"? Ruby asked out loud but before either Weiss or Corrin someone got their attention by yelling."Corrin"! This caused the group of three to turn towards the voice only to see all of Team NDGO standing there.
"Hey Nebula, Dew, Gwen and Octavia. How are you girls doing"? Dew stepped forwards as she replied. "We're fine, Shade Academy is allowing students to have a few weeks break while they fix a few things in the academy. So we thought let's hang out with you and Y/N while we wait for the repairs to be done". Corrin nodded his head as Gwen chimed in."So where's your fearless team leader"? Corrin quickly replied."He's dealing with a very personal issue at the moment so he's currently not at Beacon at the moment". Every member of Team NDGO nodded their head but Weiss turned to Corrin and asked."Corrin, who are these girls"? Corrin apologies to Weiss and then introduced Team NDGO to his two queens.
"So how have you girls been since the Vytal Festival"? Corrin asked as Team NDGO has now joined him, Weiss and Ruby under the tree."Oh you know, just the usual training and studying". Nebula replies with a small blush coating her cheeks. Corrin then let out a small chuckle as he responded."You know when someone says that they've also been up to something". Every member of Team NDGO blushed heavily and looked away as Corrin let out a full blown laugh, when the white haired male faunus stopped laughing he then asked Team NDGO."Do you girls wanna hang out in Vale"? Everyone nodded as Corrin, Ruby and Weiss stood up and the group left to wander the streets of Vale.
With Y/N and Robin
The two vessels of Grima jumped backwards as small amounts of sweat began to roll down the foreheads of both siblings as the sounds of clashing metal all but ceased for a brief moment."I see you have been training well brother". Robin said as she panted slightly with Y/N had a small smile etched onto his face while he replied."Thanks sis, you're pretty good yourself. So how about we kick it up a notch". As Y/N finished talking his arms began to turn black as pitch black scales coated his arms, hands and face, Robin cackled as she began to do the same. As both finished their transformations they disappeared faster than the eye could blink as the sound of clashing metal once again began to ring throughout the abandoned village.
Y/N slashed his katana in a vertical fashion but Robin easily dodged it by jumping backwards and as soon as she landed on her feet she lunged forward but Y/N sidestepped while also spinning in a clockwise manner and then kicking Robin in the side of her body sending her crashing into a ivy covered building. Robin quickly shook of the kick and raised her right arm and opened her right hand as dark purple almost black energy began to form in front of her palm. As the energy finished gathering Robin released it and fired it directly at Y/N however Y/N just managed dodge it but the energy collided with a building behind Y/N causing it to explode.
Robin the appeared in front of Y/N in a puff of dark purple smoke and stabbed him in the gut but Y/N replied by punching Robin in the face then trying to slash her across the chest but Robin swiftly dodged and held her left hand out recalling her sword. Y/N let out a short grunt as the sword left his gut and flew back to his sisters hand."Having fun brother"? Robin questioned with a rather sarcastic tone as the back of her dark purple hoodie ripped as black leathery wings sprouted from her shoulder blades. Y/N let out a deep chuckle as he replied."You have no idea how much fun this is for me". 'Shit I'm nearly at my limit here, gotta think of something and fast otherwise I'm fucked '. Y/N thought but before he could come up with a plan he was snapped from his thoughts as Robin flew towards him at incredible speeds and kicked Y/N as hard as she could sending him crashing through a fountain in the centre of the village and the front door of a house at the far part of the village.
"Shit definitely feeling that one, guess I got no choice". Y/N groaned as he stood up and said. "Come on big guy I'll co-operate with you just this once". However before anything could happen Robin appeared in front of Y/N again and grabbed him by the neck and threw him outside and appeared behind him and drew her sword and slashed him across the back and then appeared in front of him this time and quickly slashed her sword twice, one to Y/N's face and the other to his chest. Y/N was unable to fight back as his sister was just to quick for him and his body just wouldn't move. Robin looked at the blooded body of her brother as a couple of tears formed in her eyes as she said with a remorseful tone."I'm sorry brother I take no pleasure in doing this but this is something I must do so you can have a better life". Y/N groaned as he shakily stood up and looked his sister in the eye and replied with croaky and exhausted tone."I know and I take no pleasure in harming you either but freeing you from this pain is all I care about doing right now". Y/N then let out a guttural yell as twisted yellow horns grew from his temples, his fingernails grew and sharpened to look like small dragon talons. His teeth grew sharper and had a serrated edge to them, how the most feature was Y/N's pupils had changed to look very much like a vipers eyes while his eyes were still a blood red colour there was no visible emotion in them.
"So you finally accept him when it matters least huh". Robin said as she went to rush Y/N but she had only take two steps when she was sent flying backwards at such speed she didn't know what had happened until she hit the floor."What the hell happ...". Robin couldn't finish as Y/N appeared in front of her and grabbed her leg and threw her high in the air, Y/N then appeared above Robin as he then slammed his right foot into the torso of Robin and kept his foot on the torso of Robin as the two crashed into the ground. Robin then uncoiled he tail that had a sharp blade like tip to it and attempted to stab and slash Y/N but she failed. Y/N uncoiled his tail and picked his sister up by the neck using his tail, the pincers gripping Robin's neck, Y/N then pulled Robin towards him as he placed his hand on Robin's forehead with tears running down his cheeks he said."Squaess sor'ca". Robin's eyes went wide as she knew what this meant however before she could reply Y/N then said."Tearth aep cleanse saov y evil an return aep normality".
Robin let out an ear piercing scream and Y/N drained Grima's power from his sister, seeing his sister in pain hurt Y/N immensely even more so since he was the one who was causing her pain but once the screaming stopped Y/N looked to his sister and saw that the blood red markings, the black leathery wings and black scales that coated her body were now gone all that remained was his sister with no trace of Grima's power. Y/N gently place his sister on the ground began to walk away but Robin yelled out."Y/N! Why would you do this to me"! Y/N turned his head towards his sister and replied."When we were young I promised that I would shoulder any burdens that life threw at you so you can live an easy life, this is no different". Y/N then turned and walked away but something pierce his shoulder, Y/N looked down to see the blade part of his sisters tail piercing his shoulder. Y/N sighed as Robin retracted her tail while yelling."You have robbed me of everything! You haven't given me an easy life, you've ruined it"! Y/N was taken aback at Robin's words but he was quickly shaken from his thoughts when Robin ran towards him but Y/N easily dodged her attacks and swept her legs out causing Robin to kneel down. Y/N look his sister in the eyes as he said."I'm so sorry Robin". Y/N raised his tail as he placed the pincers on either side of Robin's neck and squeezed severing her head.
Y/N took one last look at his sister, he then picked up her body and walked towards the village graveyard. He then dug a grave for Robin next to their father, after a small prayer to both his father and his sister and left towards Beacon to be with his loved ones.
A/N: and that concludes chapter 46, hopefully ya guys enjoyed this and now we only have two or three chapters left. Also Squaess sor'ca roughly translates to Apologies sister. Tearth aep cleanse saov y evil an return aep normality roughly translates to Time to cleanse the soul of evil and return to normality.
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