The Dragon in love

A/N: here's chapter 8 for ya guys

In Vale 

Y/N and Neo had just left the ice cream shop that Neo dragged Y/N to. Y/N was shaking his head still in slight shock of how much Neo ate."I still can't believe you just ate 3 tubs of ice cream, do you really like ice cream that much"? Y/N asked looking at Neo who just smiled and nodded her head.

The next day at Beacon in Team DRGN's dorm 

Corrin and Kamui had left the dorm early because they wanted to train and then go into Vale with Team RWBY, Ren and Nora. Tiki was sitting on her bed while Y/N was still sleeping, a sudden and sharp knock could be heard as Tiki rose from her bed and answered the door to see Pyrrha standing there."Hello Pyrrha, come in". Tiki said with her usual smile as she moved out of the way to let Pyrrha into the dorm."Hello Tiki, where is the rest of your team"? Pyrrha asked as she looked around for the others."Well Corrin and Kamui went training with each other and then went to Vale with Team RWBY, Ren and Nora". Tiki replied as she walked to her bed and sat down. 

"So where's..."Pyrrha began as a loud snore could be heard stopping Pyrrha mid sentence. Pyrrha looked to see Y/N still sleeping and occasionally snoring very loudly."So have you asked him out yet"? Pyrrha asked as she sat on Kamui's bed so she could face Tiki."No he's been asleep the whole day". Tiki sighed as Pyrrha giggled slightly.Rustling could be heard from Y/N's bed as he began to wake up. He rolled over to see the back of Tiki and a familiar set of long red hair. 

"Hey Tiki, hey Pyrrha"? Y/N said groggily as he sat up revealing his lean and muscular torso causing both girls to blush as they stared at him, Y/N caught them looking, smirked and said "So you enjoying the view". Pyrrha and Tiki then heavily blushed and looked away causing Y/N to laugh and then said."Well I'm gonna go have a shower and leave you girls to talk for a bit". Y/N then got up and walked to the bathroom."You've really got a keeper there Pyrrha". Tiki said still blushing."Yeah, but I'm sure you'll be able to get with him soon". Pyrrha relived also still blushing. 

"You think so, what if he doesn't love me like I love him. What if he only told you to let me date him is to make me happy"? Tiki said panicked as tears started to fill her eyes. She then flinched as something had grabbed her, she looked to see Pyrrha hugging her saying."No he definitely loves you, we were siting in his dorm cuddling and he told me that there were a few girls that he loved. He then flinched as he expected me to hit him and then leave him but I didn't I just kissed him on his cheek and told him I did some research on dragon faunus and found out that the males have a harem with the queen at the top of the pecking order but the males love all of his mates the same but the queen will forever be his first love". Pyrrha said as she was still hugging Tiki who was hugging back. 

Y/N then walked in to see the girls hugging, he smiled and walked away to make Tiki and Pyrrha some drinks. After he finished making the drinks he walked back into the bedroom to see Tiki and Pyrrha still hugging. Y/N walked up to them as they saw Y/N, Tiki and Pyrrha the released the hug and took the drinks from Y/N. Tiki drank a latte and Pyrrha drank some hot chocolate. "You okay Tiki"? Y/N asked as he looked at Tiki with concern."Yeah I'm fine Y/N but there is something I want to tell you". Tiki said as she drunk her latte."Okay, what do you want to tell me"? Y/N asked having an idea of what she would say.Tiki looked at Pyrrha and then at Y/N, she then exhaled and said "I love you Y/N". Tiki sat her cup down and walked over to Y/N and kissed him which Y/N returned. After a minute of passionate kissing Tiki and Y/N separated."I love you too Tiki". Y/N said breathing heavily.

"I can see that". Tiki said as Pyrrha cleared her throat causing the two to turn and face Pyrrha.Y/N laughed and walked up to Pyrrha and kissed her on the lips with the same passion he was kissing Tiki with, Pyrrha returned the kiss and after a minute the two separated."I love you Pyrrha, you are my queen after all". Y/N said as he was trying to catch his breath."I love you too Y/N". Pyrrha replied as she was breathing heavily as well. 

A week later 

Y/N was walking back to his dorm when he saw Coco and Velvet walking towards him."Hey girls what's up"? Y/N said with a smile.Velvet blushed and turned away as Coco replied."Ah Y/N we were looking for you, we we're wondering if you would like to come shopping with us in Vale"? Coco asked as Velvet looked at the floor trying to hide her blush."Sure I'll come with you, you two are always fun to hang out with". Y/N replied as he smiled again. 

In Vale 

Y/N was sat outside the changing rooms as Coco and Velvet were trying on different outfits and asking Y/N his opinion on them."Say Y/N what do you think about this one". Coco said as she walked out wearing a short sleeve slightly baggy white t shirt with black jeans and black boots. "Looks great Coco". Y/N replied as he smiled at Coco causing her to blush slightly."Thank you I think I'll get this one and that blue dress as well". Coco said as she walked back into the changing room."Y/N is this one okay". Velvet stuttered out as she walked to Y/N wearing a sleeveless red hoodie and short jean shorts with brown flip flops on."Looking good Velvet". Y/N said putting his thumb up at Velvet as she blushed even more and ran back into the changing rooms. 

As the group of three walked back to the bullhead to take them to Beacon something hit Velvet in the back of the head causing her to yell in pain. Coco and Y/N turned around to see a group of men with glass bottles and drinking cans in their hands."Get out of Vale you freak, you as well you freak lovers"! One of the men yelled causing Coco and Y/N to look at the group in anger. One of the men throw his glass bottle at Velvet causing her to flinch before the bottle hit her Coco ran to Velvet and smack the bottle away causing to land elsewhere."So why are you throwing things at a girl who has dome nothing wrong to you, your attacking her just because she is different than you? You are pathetic"! Coco yelled as the men rushed to attack her and Velvet. Coco swung her gray briefcase hitting three of the men causing them to go flying down the street one was about to hit Velvet with a glass bottle but was sent reading when Y/N appeared in a cloud of black smoke a punched him in the face. Velvet and Coco looked at Y/N and were slightly afraid of what they saw, Y/N's eyes had turned blood red and the blood red markings they saw when they first met him appeared as pitch black scales began to coat his hands. 

"I am only going to say this once, leave now and never bother us again or you will see the underworld far sooner than you expected"! Y/N bellowed in a demonic voice causing everyone to become terrified of him and the group of faunus haters ran away.Y/N's appearance turned back to normal as he looked at Coco and Velvet who were still slightly afraid of Y/N. Y/N sighed and said "I'm sorry you had to see me like that, I just don't like seeing my friends be attacked especially for no reason". Coco and Velvet nodded as the group then headed back to Beacon. 

A/N: and that concludes chapter 8 for ya guys, hope ya guys enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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