The Contract Has Been Sealed

A/N: here's chapter 3 for ya guys  

In Y/N room

Y/N sat down on one of the chairs in his room as Teams RWBY,JNPR and CVFY sat on the other chairs and coach in the room."So Y/N where did you get your powers from"? Pyrrha asked as Y/N sighed as he answered "It all happened 10 years ago...


In the distant wilderness in the kingdom of Mistral lay a village called Bherna, a calm peaceful village. This village consisted of 15 huts, the largest of which was right at the back of the village as this belonged to the village elder.Suddenly what was a peaceful day turned into an absolute nightmare when the Grimm descended on the village. Screams and cries filled the air as men, women and children were slaughtered by the mindless Grimm. The village hunters had tried their best to take out some of the Grimm but there was just too many of them and the once noisy streets of Bherna had turned silent and bloody from the massacre.Inside the main hut sat and old man with a bald head and a long white beard. He wore a large white robe with gold accents, the man had a child hugging the back of his leg scared for his life.

"Y/N my child you must run". The man said."No I'm not leaving you dad we can both leave". The young Y/N said his voice shaking and scared."No I can't come with you, you must live for me for all of us. For as long as one of us lives the village itself lives on". The man said in a soothing tone in an effort to try and calm the young boy."Okay, I love you dad". Y/N said with tears in his eyes as he gave his father one last hug."And I love you as well my child, now go and live". Y/N's father said as he rose to his feet.Y/N ran out the back of the hut and didn't look back, however when he was clear of the village he looked back and hear an ear piercing roar and fell to his knees and starting crying once again. 

"I wasn't strong enough to protect them, everyone including my family is dead. There's nothing I can do now". Y/N cried as the tears never stopped coming.Just then a pack of Beowulfs found the boy and began to circle him waiting for a time to attack him, just as one lunged for the body a mysterious man in a dark blue hoodie with strange purple markings appeared and killed all the Beowulfs with a single pulse of dark energy."You wish to be strong child, to protect those that mean something to you"? The man asked Y/N as he turned around however his face was masked by darkness so Y/N couldn't make out his features."What's the point, everyone I love is dead"! Y/N yelled still crying."You are not dead yet child, you can still find people to care for. So I'll give you my power so you can help them". The man said extending his hand."Okay, you have a deal". Y/N said shaking the man's hand.When they finished shaking hands Y/N screamed in pain as he clutched his head. Clouds of dark energy siphoned into Y/N, before he passed out Y/N looked at the man and asked."What's your name"?"I have many names but you may call me Grima". The man said walking away. 

Flashback ends 

As Y/N finished his tale he wiped his eyes clean, as this was still a very painful memory for him. But to his suprise he was enveloped in a massive group hug by all three teams, who most of the members were crying as well, this was the first time in a long time that Y/N felt welcome somewhere."That's terrible, if you ever need anyone to talk to or hang out with just ask us. Your not alone anymore". Velvet said trying to comfort Y/N.The others nodded their heads and agreed with Velvet that they would always try and help Y/N.Y/N chuckled slightly as he replied "Thanks guys, but I think it's time we go to bed in our own dorms". He said while pointing to dark sky outside."Yeah, we'll all see you tomorrow". Ruby said as everyone left Y/N's room.

In Team RWBY's dorm 

"What happened to Y/N sucks, no kid should ever have to live through that". Yang said as she jumped up to her bed."I agree, the best we can do now is be there for him when he needs us". Weiss said sitting down on her bed.

In Team JNPR's dorm

"That story that Y/N told us was so sad, I'm surprised he's remained so strong". Pyrrha said looking sad as she sat on her bed."Yeah, it's definitely not the best story in the world. You can see it still affects him from his reaction after he finished telling it". Jaune said as he sat down on his bed."I'm not surprised it still affects him, something like that just doesn't go away no matter how hard you try to push it away". Ren added as he sat on his bed.

In Team CVFY's dorm

"Man Y/N is one tough kid, go through all that and still being so strong". Fox said."I agree Fox, it proves that he has a strong character". Yatsuhashi added."I just wish there was some way we could help him". Velvet said sad. 

2 weeks after Y/N reveals his backstory

"Y/N L/N could you please come to my office please". Professor Opzin said over the intercom, Team RWBY, JNPR and CVFY looked at Y/N."What". Y/N said as he he shrugged his shoulders."What did you do this time, you've only been here for two weeks"? Weiss asked with her hands on her hips looking unimpressed."I didn't do anything today, you've been with me the entire day". Y/N said."I'll tell you what was about when I return". He added as he walked away.

In Ozpin's office

The elevator doors opened and as Y/N walked out he spotted three unfamiliar people standing in front of Opzin's desk."Hello professor, may I ask who these three people are"? Y/N asked."Ah hello Y/N meet your new team mates". Opzin said as he gestured to the three people standing in front of Y/N."This is Tiki". Opzin gestured to a female of average height with long flowing green hair with a circlet on her head with a red jewel in the centre. The woman also wore a red dress with a pink cape and a pink ribbon tied around her waist.

"Hello my name is Tiki, it's nice to meet you". Tiki said bowing her head to Y/N who blushed slightly at the sight of her."It's nice to meet you to Tiki". Y/N said bowing his head to her.'She's really beautiful ' he thought."This young man is called Corrin". Ozpin said pointing to the only male of the new group.The young male had short spiked white hair with red eyes and pointed ears. He wore a shirt with what seemed like segmented armour on it with a blue cape clipped over one shoulder. He also stood around the same height as Y/N.

"Hey man good to meet you, names Corrin". The man said extending his hand."Good to meet you to man". Y/N said shaking Corrin's hand."And lastly this young lady is called Kamui". As Ozpin pointed to the last member of the group.The woman was of similar height to Tiki and had the same pointed ears as the other two. She had long flowing white hair amd the same red eyes as Corrin, and was wearing a similar outfit to Corrin except the cape was black instead of blue.

"Hello my name is Kamui". She said shyly."Hello Kamui". Y/N said with a smile causing the long white haired female to blush."Well Y/N as I said earlier these three young people will be members of your team and you will be called DRGN (Dragon), you may leave now so you can get better acquainted with one another". Opzin said as the group of four left.

In the cafeteria 

"Where's Y/N? Somethings defiantly up". Yang said as she looked around for Y/N.The doors then opened as Y/N walked in but he was accompanied by three strangled new people."Who are they, new students"? Ruby asked as everyone shrugged their shoulders and said that they didn't know."Hey Y/N over here"! Yang yelled catching Y/N's attention. He walked over to the large group of people."Hey guys what's up, meet my new team mates Tiki, Corrin and Kamui". Y/N said with a smile on his face as he gestured to his new team mates."That's amazing that you have your own team, what's the team name"? Ruby asked."Dragon". Y/N replied."That's such as cool name". Jaune added. 

The rest of the day the four teams hung out and got to know the rest of team Dragon well, they learned that Tiki was a decendent of seers whose visions 9/10 came true, and she moved away because she wanted to see what other opportunities where out their for her. They also found out that Corrin and Kamui were siblings but were raised separately by different sides of their families and only found this out when they found each other on their tenth birthdays and after talking to each other decided to try and become hunters.At the end of the day the teams dispersed into their respective dorms. 

Team DRGN's dorm

"I know you've only been here for a few hours but how are you liking the school so far"? Y/N asked."I like it, your friends are very exhausting". Tiki stated as she flopped onto her bed face first.Y/N laughed a bit "Yes they definitely are but you'll get used to it"."I really wasn't expecting it to be this big". Corrin added."Same reaction I had when I first got here two weeks ago, still haven't explored all of the school either". Y/N said as he sat on his bed."Can I ask a question Y/N"? Kamui asked Y/N."Sure go ahead". Y/N replied."What are the classes like here"? Kamui said."They're all great, personally I like professor Goddwitch's class but that's because I like fighting, but I will warn you that professor Port's classes can be a bit boring". Y/N replied as he shut his eyes."Just how boring are we talking here"? Corrin asked."You'll find out tomorrow, now let's get some sleep". Y/N answered as everyone said goodnight to each other.

A/N: and that concludes chapter 3 for ya guys .Hope ya guys enjoyed and I'll see ya guys in the next chapter.

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