Kitty needs some love too
A/N: here's chapter 10 for you guys
Beacon Courtyard
"Hello to you lovely ladies too, my name is Y/N". Y/N said slightly smiling 'gotta keep my guard up just in case these two are like Sun and Neptune ' Y/N thought.Star and Venus blushed and looked down while Sun and Neptune looked angry that Y/N was 'flirting' with their sisters."Hey Y/N stop trying to get with our sisters"! Neptune yelled but flinched when Y/N looked over at him with a dead panned expression."I feel sorry for them if they are related to you two".Tiki said causing Y/N to laugh and kiss Tiki on the cheek, this caused Tiki to blush and look away from Y/N."What did you say you bit...". Sun began saying but stopped when Y/N appeared in front of him and his eyes glowed a familiar blood red colour.
"Do you wish to finish that sentence Sun"? Y/N asked in a calm manner as Sun very quickly shook his head no and Y/N appeared next to Tiki again."So why were you four shouting, we could heard you all the way across the other end of the courtyard"? Yang asked the two girls who had stopped blushing and smiled again."Well we both got admitted into Beacon yesterday so we thought we'd surprise our brothers on Visitation Day and tell them that we'd be joining them at Beacon but as you heard they didn't take it well". Venus said looking down in a sad expression, Star also looked down with the same expression as Venus.They both suddenly flinched as something touched their shoulders, they looked up to see Y/N putting a hand on each of their shoulders."Don't worry about them, you can always hang out with us". Y/N said smiling as Venus and Star looked at him as tears started to form in the corners of their eyes, they then hugged Y/N and thanked him.
A few days later
Tiki and Pyrrha were walking down the halls of Beacon talking and laughing about different events that had happened to them."And that's why Yang has to make Nora pancakes for a month". Pyrrha said laughing."All because she thought she could lift more than Nora when she had a small power boost". Tiki said laughing as well, Pyrrha nodded and began laughing again. As they continued to walk down the halls they spotted a familiar set of black hair and a familiar black bow."Hey Blake"! Tiki yelled catching Blake's attention who looked at the Tiki and Pyrrha with a small bit of sadness in her eyes."Hey Pyrrha, hey Tiki". Blake said forcing a smile and a happy tone in her voice, Tiki picked up on this instantly and looked at Blake with concern. "What's the matter Blake"? Tiki asked still showing concern, Pyrrha then began to show concern as well not wanting to see her friend sad in any way."I'm fine Tiki really". Blake lied hoping that they would buy her lie which they didn't."Would you like to come up with a better lie next time". Tiki said causing Blake to go wide eyed that she had been caught lying and Pyrrha to smile at what Tiki said 'that's exactly what Y/N said to me when I was upset '.
"Well I'm having some love trouble, like I love this guy but he already has a girlfriend and I can't stop thinking about him". Blake said rubbing her arm and looking at the ground."This same guy wouldn't have to have short white spiky hair and wear a black hoodie with purple desgins on it"? Tiki said slightly smirking.Blake flinched slightly but replied."Yes"."Then you have nothing to worry about I'm sure he loves you too". Pyrrha replied as her and Tiki noticed a familiar person walking towards them and smiled."But I don't want to ruin your relationship with him Pyrrha". Blake said looking at her with tears in her eyes. She then flinched as something wrapped around her waist, she turned slightly to see the man who held her love Y/N."I love you too Blake". Y/N whispered in Blake's ear causing Blake's face to heat up and blush madly.
"But your in a relationship with Pyrrha". Blake said but didn't even attempt to get out of Y/N grip."He's also dating me". Tiki said causing Blake to go wide eyed and look at Y/N who smiled and then explained to Blake about dragon faunus and their harems. Blake stood there shocked and stunned."So your asking me if I would like to date you while your dating Pyrrha and Tiki"? Blake asked as Y/N replied."Yes but only if you..."Y/N started but was cut off when Blake kissed him on the lips, Y/N then kissed back with the same passion as Blake. After a minute the two separated breathing heavily."I love you Y/N". Blake said as she looked at Y/N blushing and her stomach began to fill with butterflies as she was still nervous.Y/N sensed her nervousness and kissed her on the cheek causing Blake to blush madly again and he said."I love you too Blake, I will love with the same amount of passion and love that I have for Pyrrha and Tiki never forget that you are all equal in my eyes". Blake then closed her eyes and smiled before kissing Y/N on the lips quickly.
"Well I must go, my team wanted to hang out today". Blake said as Y/N let go."Goodbye Blake". Pyrrha, Tiki and Y/N said waving goodbye to Blake. Y/N the walked up to Pyrrha and Tiki and kissed them for a minute each."I love you girls too". Y/N said smiling."I love you too Y/N". Tiki said blushing." I'm going to the library to study". Tiki added as she walked off towards the library."I love you too Y/N, do you wanna go to your dorm and watch a film"? Pyrrha asked slightly blushing."Sure Pyrrha sounds great, or is this an excuse to cuddle with me again". Y/N smirked as Pyrrha looked at him and blushed again but replied."I mean I do really want to watch a film and cuddling with you is a bonus". Pyrrha smirked back."You really are going to get me in trouble one day my queen". Y/N said shaking his head and kissing Pyrrha on the cheek before holding her hand. They then began walking to Team DRGN's dorm.
Team DRGN's Dorm
Pyrrha and Y/N walked in to find Corrin sharpening his weapon and Kaumi sitting on the coach reading a magazine. Corrin looked up and saw Y/N and Pyrrha he smiled and said."Hey guys what's up".This caught Kamui's attention and looked at the pair and her expression became sad and the sight of Pyrrha and Y/N holding hands. Pyrrha looked over to Kamui and saw her expression and looked sad, she then untangled her and Y/N's hands and walked to Kamui and asked."Hey Kamui can I talk to you for a minute"? Kamui looked Pyrrha and nodded. Before they left Pyrrha asked Y/N to choose a film and Y/N nodded.
With Kamui and Pyrrha
"What do you want to talk about Pyrrha"? Kamui asked.
With Corrin and Y/N
"Hey Y/N can I talk to you before Pyrrha gets all over you tonight". Corrin joked but his tone was serious."Sure man you are my best friend here, me and Pyrrha will try not to be too loud tonight". Y/N said and the two laughed."Well it's about...". Corrin began
With Team RWBY
Team RWBY were walking down Vale trying to find a cafe, Yang looked over to Blake and saw a massive smile planted on her face."Hey Blake what's got you so happy today"? Yang asked as Blake turned to her with her smile still there."Yeah Blake you've been smiling since we left Beacon, spill the beans". Ruby said as Weiss looked intrigued as well."Well let's just say I found someone". Blake said as the rest of Team RWBY looked shocked but Weiss then asked."Who's the lucky person"?"His name is..." Blake began.
A/N: and that concludes chapter 10 for ya guys, hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see ya guys in the next chapter. Thanks you guys so much for the 5k reads it really helps me keep the motivation to keep writing this story
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