Bouns Chapter: Y/N's Family Life

A/N: here's another bonus chapter for ya guys and in this one will take place after the Epilogue with Y/N's family.

Y/N's family home 

Y/N sat down on the black leather couch with his scroll to his ear."Who would have thought you of all people would take over the Schnee Dust Company or is it changing its name"? Y/N asked to the other person who just laughed as he replied."It's gonna stay as Schnee Dust Company, kinda seems weird to change the name since Weiss is actually running the company and I'm basically the mascot". Y/N and the other person let out a loud laugh as someone yelled."Y/N! Can you come help us please"! Y/N the yelled a reply."Coming"! The other person on the phone said."Seems like your life is as hectic as ever, I'll let you get back your family see ya Y/N". Y/N quickly replied."See ya Corrin"

Y/N hung up as he ran towards the person who yelled for him, he entered the kitchen to see both Blake and Kali struggling to keep five kids calm for lunch."What's going on here then"? Y/N asked with a slightly raised voice causing everyone to turn around to look at the white haired dragon faunus standing in the doorway."Daddy"! The five kids yelled as they ran towards him however Y/N gave them a disappointed look as he asked."Are you causing trouble for Mama Blake and Mama Kali"? A scarlet haired little girl stepped forwards and replied."No daddy". Y/N didn't believe his scarlet haired daughter and turned his gaze to Blake who responded."We were trying to get lunch ready for the children but they were throwing a little tantrum about having to wait for lunch". Y/N then looks to Kali who just nodded to confirm Blake's story, Y/N sighed as he turned to his children and crouched down to look them all in the eye."I know you guys and girls are hungry but its not nice to be mean and rude to people who are trying to help you, okay"? Y/N's tone was soft but harsh causing the kids to look ashamed of their actions as they all turned to Blake and Kali as they said in unison."Sorry Mama Blake and Mama Kali"! Blake and Kali both smiled at the kids as Kali replied."It's okay just make sure not to do that again okay". All the kids nodded their heads as Y/N let out a small deep roar causing everyone to turn to him in confusion. 

"Sorry about that, guess I'm a bit tired". Y/N said as he rubbed the back of his head with a grin on his face with Blake and Kali giggling slightly as the older cat faunus turned to her daughter and asked."Blake do you mind taking Y/N to relax for a little bit while I finish making lunch"? Blake just nodded as the pair left the kitchen, the scarlet haired girl turned to Kali and asked. "Mama Kali is daddy okay"? Kali crouched down to the girls level and replied."Yeah he's okay Kelly, daddy's just feeling tired because of his job". The now named Kelly nodded however she left the kitchen to go find her dad, Kelly walked into the living room to see Y/N with his head resting on Blake's shoulder. Kelly timidly walked up to her father so she was facing him and asked."Um daddy are you okay"? Y/N opened his eyes slightly as he saw his and Pyrrha's daughter standing in front of him."Yeah I'm okay Kelly, I'm just tired after finishing a mission that's all". Kelly nodded as she got closer and gave her dad a hug while saying."I love you daddy". Y/N chuckled as he replied."I love you too Kelly". The scarlet haired girl gave Y/N a smile as she went back to the kitchen. 

"Are you really okay Y/N"? Blake asked once she knew Kelly was out of sight and couldn't see them, Y/N just let out a heavy sigh as he replied."Honestly I don't even know, this whole thing about being a Huntsmen is more stressful than I thought. That last mission was a too stressful, I'm tempted to take a break for now and get my mind right". Blake hummed in response and spoke."You need to remember to take breaks, you try and do everything by yourself and that's what causing this stress. So take as long of a break as you need, I'll let Ozpin know that you won't be taking missions for a while". Y/N nodded as he gave Blake a quick kiss on the cheek while saying."Thanks Kitty I love you". Blake blushed as she gently grabbed Y/N's head and placed it onto her lap, almost immediately Y/N went to sleep with Blake gently playing with his hair. 

"Blake have you seen Y/N"? Kali asked as she noticed her daughter sitting on the couch in the living room, Blake turned her head to see her mother walking towards her with Blake placing a finger over her lips in a shush motion. Kali smiled and walked closer and peered over the back of the couch to see Y/N sleeping on Blake's lap."He's so adorable when he sleeps". Kali said as Blake just nodded while she asked."Did the children enjoy their lunch"? Kali nodded as she careful sat at the other end of the couch."Yep, their currently eating it now. Seems like they all got Y/N's stomach". Both Kali and Blake giggled as the mother and daughter duo kept talking about their memories of Y/N. 

Both of them stopped talking as the front door opened and in stepped a golden blonde haired woman, a black haired woman and a mint green haired woman."We're back"! The golden blonde haired woman yelled as Kali basically shot up and ran as quickly and softly as she could. "Yang please be quiet, Y/N is trying to sleep". The now named Yang looked guilty as she apologised to Kali with the black haired woman asked."Is Y/N okay"? Kali replied."He's a bit stressed at the moment Cinder, apparently the last mission he was on took a lot out of him". The now named Cinder nodded as the group of four walked towards the living room and as the entered Blake gave Yang a glare with Yang whispering an apology to Blake with cat faunus sighing as she went back to playing with Y/N's hair. 

After half an hour of sleeping Y/N woke up to see Blake looking down at him with a warm smile on her face. Y/N gave her a smile back as Blake said."Yang, Cinder and Emerald came back while you were asleep, with Yang yelling". Y/N chuckled as he replied."Gotta love Yang, but this is one hectic life huh". Blake nodded as she replied."It is but I wouldn't trade it for the world". Y/N nodded as he gave Blake a quick kiss on the lips as he and Blake left the living room to meet the three women who returned to the house. 

A/N: and that concludes this bonus chapter, hopefully ya guys enjoyed and the next bonus chapters will be about Corrin and his family. Once again I hope ya guys enjoyed and I'll see ya guys in the next chapter. 

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