A Day Of Surprising Visits

A/N: here's chapter 9 for ya guys with some twists and some new characters as well 

A week later 

The courtyard of Beacon Academy was louder and more crowded than usual, as today was Visitarion Day where the families of Beacon students could visit for a few days."Damn it certainly is busy today". Y/N said as he walked through the courtyard looking at all the families around him."It really is, I thought that it would get busier today but not to this extent". Tiki replied as she walked with Y/N holding his hand."Hey Y/N"! Someone yelled as Y/N and Tiki turned around to see Yang and Ruby running toward them with four people following them."Yo girls what's up"? Y/N said as he looked at the group of four following Yang and Ruby."Who are they"? Tiki asked pointing to the same group that Y/N was studying. 

"This is our father Taiyang". Yang said pointing to a middle aged man with stubble on his chin and short blonde hair."Hey you can call me Tai, most people do". Tai said rubbing the back of his head."This is my mum Raven Branwen". Yang said pointing to a female with long black hair and crimson eyes."Hi". Was all Raven said causing everyone to shake their heads at her behaviour."This is my mum Summer Rose". Ruby said pointing to the other female of the group whole looked like an older version of Ruby."Hey my names Summer, Ruby said you both have really cool weapons can I see them"? Summer said as looked at Y/N and Tiki with stars in her eyes."Sure but maybe later". Y/N said as Summer nodded in response."And finally this is our Uncle Qrow". Yang and Ruby said in unison as they pointed to a grey and black haired male who looked oddly familiar."Hey weren't you the same kid who asked Oz if Neo could join Beacon"? Qrow asked looking at Y/N with suspicion.

"Yep, if your wondering no she hasn't committed any crimes since she's joined Beacon". Y/N said in response as he stared Qrow down."How do you know that"? A random voice said as the large group turned to see Weiss approaching them with another female who looked like her only older."Because as a dragon faunus my sense are more sensitive than that of humans or other faunus, plus my power also lets me see into the souls of people so I can see their past actions". Y/N said in a matter of fact tone."Wait your a faunus"! Weiss yelled as Yang and Ruby looked at Y/N in shock."Yes I am as is Tiki, Corrin and Kamui, is there a problem with that Weiss". Y/N said as he stared at Weiss."No no, it's fine I was just shocked that's all". Weiss stutters out as Winter looked at Y/N with a judgemental gaze. 

"So your Y/N L/N, I've heard a lot about you from Weiss apparently you got a bully expelled from Beacon when you were victorious in your fight against him and also helped in taking down the infamous Roman Torchwick". Winter said as she was still staring at Y/N judging him."Yeah and your point is"? Y/N asked."Weiss has also mentioned something else to me about you, however to see if you are a worthy enough to be Weiss's friend I challenge you to a match". Winter said as a crowd had started to gather around the group.When Winter challenged Y/N the crowed started to ooohhh and aaahhh as Y/N replied."Very well, shall we fight know in the area or would you like to fight later"? "We can fight now". Winter said as she walked away to prepare for the match. The crowd dispersed as they headed for the arena to get seats for the match."Well I didn't think I would get to fight today this should be fun". Y/N said as he gave Tiki a quick kiss on the lips and began to walk towards the arena to prepare for the fight. 

In the stands of the arena 

"I'm worried about Y/N". Weiss said in a sad tone."Why Y/N is really strong he's gonna win". Ruby said in her normal hyper tone trying to cheer Weiss up. Weiss then gave a side smile at Ruby's antics but then replied."Winter has the same semblance as me but she can use different glyphs than me, plus she is also stronger, faster and more durable than me"."Don't worry Weiss I'm sure Y/N is going to win plus he does have some tricks up his sleeve". Tiki said. 

In the arena 

"So are we doing standard tournament rules, first person to drop to 25 percent aura loses"? Y/N asked as he ajusted his sword on his lower back."Yes that is acceptable". Winter replied getting into her battle stance as Y/N did the same."Let's Go"! Y/N roared as he charged at Winter drawing his sword and slashing in a wild manner putting Winter on the defensive from the beginning. 

Winter parried Y/N strikes with little wasted energy and perfect timing, Winter then jumped back creating some space as she used the fire dust in her rapier's dust chamber to created a big fire ball and launch it at Y/N who effortlessly dodged and charged Winter again. Winter then switched to ice dust and created giant ice spikes that jutted out from the floor and quickly moved towards Y/N who dodged yet again and then vanished in a cloud of black smoke only to appear behind Winter and attempt to hit her, but Winter managed to get her sword up in time to block some of the damage that Y/N did but not all decreasing her aura a little bit."You are good Y/N I can see why Weiss praises you". Winter said as her breathing became increased."Likewise Winter but I'm only getting started". Y/N said as his eyes turned to a blood red colour.Winter then switched dusts again and stabbed her rapier into the ground as she summoned miniature Nevermores and sent them towards Y/N who stood there as the Nevermores hit him decreasing his aura by a lot. 

In the stands 

"Why did he let himself get hit by that attack"!? Weiss yelled as Tiki laughed slightly Weiss, Ruby and Yang turned to Tiki with a look of confusion on their faces."Because he's about to show you a new trick he learned". Tiki said as the girls turned their attention back to the match.

Back in the arena

"You are very strong Winter but I believe it is time to end this". Y/N said as his blade started to pulsate a dark purple energy."King of Yamimakai"! Y/N yelled as he slashed his sword at a diagonal angle. A giant wave of dark purple energy cut its way towards Winter who used her glyphs to try and make an ice wall to protect herself but the attack cut right through and depleted her aura to 20 percent causing her to lose the match.The crowd then roared in excitement and clapping in appreciation for the two fighters. Y/N walked up to Winter and held out his hand to help her up which Winter accepted and pulled herself up."I can see why Weiss likes you so much, I might have to get to know you a little better now". Winter said smiling slightly."I would like the chance to get to know you better as well". Y/N replied as he kissed Winter's hand causing her to blush. 

In Beacon's Courtyard 

"What was that attack Y/N, that was so cool"! Ruby and Summer yelled in unison.Y/N laughed and replied."I just stored some of my power into my sword and then realised it"."WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE"! Someone yelled catching the attention of the group."I know that voice". Y/N sighed as he ran towards the voice as Tiki, Ruby, Yang, Summer and Weiss ran after him.Y/N found the source of the voice and was stunned at what he saw, there was Sun and Neptune standing there having an argument with what looks like female clones of the two."Hey Y/N did you find who was... What the hell"! Tiki yelled getting the attention of the group of four. Sun and Neptune flinched and coward slightly when they saw Y/N but the two female walked up to Y/N and his group with a smile. 

"Hey handsome my name is Star". The female looking Sun said. 

"And my name is Venus, nice to meet you hot stuff". The female Neptune said.

A/N: and that ends chapter 9, in the next chapter is where I shall see you

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