The Vagabond Tale - Terror of the Void

A/N: Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of RWBY: The Duelist Experience! In the last chapter, Konami had answered many of his new friends and acquaintances question while also revealing more about himself in the process, but there is still more about Duel Monster that the Remnantian doesn't know about.

I kid you not, it took me SIX MONTHS for me to actually write the next chapter. How did that even happened? This chapter may be the longest chapter I've ever written and it sure give me a headache to write, but in the end I'm quite happy at what it turns out and I hope you guys like it too. Seriously, almost 50K words is in this chapter, I think I may have taken it a bit too far.

Most of this chapter will be revolving around a flashback of sort, a retelling of a backstory in the Yu-Gi-Oh anime that isn't explored further. This will be my interpretation of said backstory so i hope you all would like what i thought about this particular characters backstory.

Also this chapter will feature a duel, but not just any duel. This time Konami will be dueling with his real deck, well one of his two main deck actually. I don't know if you guys had already figure out Konami deck or not, but to those who had then I said good job to you. Also some of the card in this duel may have their anime effect, so keep in mind that if there is a card effect that you feel isn't right then it's probably because I used the anime effect instead.

By the way, I'm going to try to incorporate music at a certain scene. Some maybe came from the Yu-Gi-Oh anime and others may come from others source that I feel would be a perfect fit with the scene, do tell if this is a good idea or not.

But anyway, enough about that. Let's get on with this chapter. This chapter will give you more insight on Konami and probably his two companion so be sure to pick up on that. Now without further ado, let's get on to the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY or Yu-Gi-Oh, they belong to Rooster teeth and Konami respectively.


It took ten minutes of chasing before their amusement died out and Konami turned Weiss back to normal.

Five minutes of explaining to her what she did because she can't remember what happened.

Two minutes of her being frozen in place while blushing in embarrassment and mortification at what she had done.

And approximately less than three second for her to scream bloody murder and incase the red hatted vagabond in a thick block of ice.

Needless to say, that last part caught all of them off guard.

"Weiss! What did you do that for!?" Surprisingly it was Blake who voiced out her thoughts as she glared at her white haired teammate for her action.

"What do you mean why!?" Weiss shouted back as she pointed her finger at the frozen red hatted duelist while turning red in anger. "That-that-that hooligan just publicly humiliated me! How am I not supposed to do that!?"

"That doesn't mean you can just freeze him in ice like that!"

"Just who's side are you on!?"

While the two continue to argue with each other, the others are just staring dumbfounded as their gaze shifts back and forth from the frozen Konami and the snow haired girl who had frozen him in the first place.

"Damn, looks like Weiss snapped." Yang said as she stared at the argument in shock.

"Oh thank god, she's back to normal...." Ruby sighed in relief at having her normal partner and bestie back. The image of an overly happy and affectionate Weiss will haunt her dreams for days to come, though if she was honest to herself she doesn't know if that was going to be a nightmare or not.

"Should we....stop them? I mean, Konami is going to catch hypothermia if he stays in this state any longer." Pyrrha called out worriedly for the red hatted vagabond well being.

Jaune was about to say something, probably to agree with his partner's words, before he noticed something off when he looked towards the frozen Konami.

"Uhh guys? Is the ice melting?" Jaune exclaimed which caught everyone attention, even Blake and Weiss who had stopped their argument when the blonde knight called, as they watch the ice around Konami begin to melt rapidly as his right eye glowed with the blue flame like marking appearing on his face and his entire body is surrounded by flame inside the ice.

Suddenly, the ice began to crack as not even a second later it exploded by the blue flame that surrounded Konami form which glowed brightly for a moment and caused a few of them to shield their eyes by the intense light while others just looked away.

When the glow began to reside, they returned back to look at Konami in shock as his body was encased in a flickering blue flame that seemed to radiate an intense heat that caused the one that is close to him to step back to avoid it.

"You know, I would've probably said something like 'That's cold' or 'That's not cool', but I don't want to sound too predictable....or like Yang, for that matter." Konamo said as the flame marking began to retreat back into his eye and the flame on his body flickering out before disappearing as his right eye stopped glowing but the color stayed crimson. "Plus, I think I deserve that. So are we even, Weiss?"

Said white haired girl just continued to gape, not fully believing what just happened. "H-How...? How did you manage to get out of the ice so quickly?" Weiss muttered in shock.

"One of the perks of being fused with a Duel Spirit, beside making a Duel Monster card come to life, is that it allows me to have access to their innate ability." Konami said as his eyes glowed again before he raised his hand and manifested a small blue flame on his palm, he then made the flame move around his hand, which it did as it circled his hand and slipped between his fingers as if the flame was dancing. "And well, when one third of your soul belongs to the Goddess who reigns the hellish flame, you learned that the cold just doesn't seem to bother you as it used to be."

He crushed the flame in his hand which dispersed it as he smirked when he noticed the stunt expression of the group in front of him.

"So you're saying that is....Tierra ability? The power to control that blue flame?" Glynda questioned as she saw the similarities of the ability with the red haired Duel Spirit.

"If that is what Tierra's ability is, then what kind of ability does Metaltron give you?" Ren asked, wanting to know what kind of ability the other spirits inside the red hatted vagabond gave him.

Rather than tell them, Konami decided to just show them as his other eyes glowed gold and blue and he raised his arms with his hand open. He then clenched his hand and blue particles began to gather in his hand as it shone brightly before the light began to take shape and dispersed to reveal a blue sword in Konami's hand. What was more surprising is that the process took less than a second.

"Did you just make a sword out of thin air!?" Ruby gasped as she ran towards Konami, who stepped back a little in slight surprise, and took a good look at the weapon. The sword appeared to be a simple medium size one-handed short sword with a single edge and a horse-like design on the guard.

"Yup, with Metaltron inside of me I can access the weapons he is blessed with. Not only that, but I can also modify the shape of the weapon as long as it stays in the realm of possibilities with the weapon. So as long as it remains this exact sword I could change the shape in any way I want." Konami explained as he began to change it into a large great sword, a small sword that can be used as a knife or a dagger, and he even changed it into a long sword with a two-handed handle.

"Incredible. With that ability you could easily manipulate the distance of your attack in a fight." Ozpin said he was amazed with Konami's ability to create weapons and freely change its shape and size.

"But why do you even need that ability? I thought you were just a normal Duelist....alright maybe 'normal' is not the right word to describe you, no offence." Yang added the end as she didn't think that a dimension-traveling Duelist with two Duel Spirits inside of him counts as being 'normal'.

"None taken." Konami chuckled, not at all offended by Yang's words since he went over the line of normalcy long before he even fused with Metaltron and Tierra. "And to answer your question, well when you live in the Spirit World where various monsters roam around the place, you tend to pick up a few things along the way and fighting is one of them."

Konami nonchalantly states with a shrug as the others need to take a few seconds to process the information before all of their eyes widen in shock.

"Hold up, hold up, you live in the SPIRIT WORLD!?" Nora cried out in shock as she ran towards Konami and grabbed the front of his shirt and shook him repeatedly. "What is it like there!? What kind of thing did you do there!? Do you fight monsters!? Ride them!? TELL ME!"

"Alright! Alright! Just stop shaking me, dammit!" Konami said as he grabbed the pink loving girl's wrist and removed her hand from his shirt, even though she was gripping him with an unnecessary amount of strength that is needed.

Nora was dumbfounded. She was gripping his shirt with all her might, which she proudly admits that she has a lot of, but Konami just plucked them off him like it was nothing! 'Just how strong is this guy!?' She thought before going back standing besides Ren.

"Now, as Nora had so kindly asked." Konami gave said girl a glare which she just answered with a large grin on her face. "Yes I have been living in the Spirit World since I started my journey. I've done a lot of things when I was there but I was mostly helping other Duel Spirit whenever they needed me, like when there is a rogue monster attacking an innocent or catching some loose criminal."

Everyone was surprised by what he had said. Not only did Konami live in the Spirit World where the Duel Monster came from, but he actually fought with the monster in said dimensions himself. They were also surprised to hear that he was also helping others by fighting monsters and catching criminals.

"Wow kid, sounds like you're the Spirit World version of a Huntsman. I'm impressed." Qrow exclaimed with a smirk as he was beginning to look at the red hatted vagabond in a new light. "Bet you're really popular, huh?"

Konami was about to deny the claim before he was interrupted. "Oh you have no idea how right you are." Metaltron said in amusement as he emerged from inside of Konami's soul.

"Woah Metaltron! You came out of nowhere." Ruby said as she jumped back a little at the golden haired spirit's sudden appearance, while a few others did the same. They were still not used to spirits popping out of nowhere at any given time around Konami, it was strange enough that they had to familiarize themselves with that thought in the first place.

"Haha you know I disagree with Tierra a little. Being seen by you people makes it funnier whenever we show ourselves and spook you all." Metaltron said with a little laugh at the thought of scaring a few unexpected people out. "Anyway, Konami is actually really popular in the Spirits World. Not only is he the only duelist living in the Spirit World, but he is also the only 'human' who came from another dimension. He has befriended most of the population in our dimension to the point that only a few people don't know him. The numerous achievements he's done just increased his popularity even more, personally i like when you actually fought the Tyrant Dragon single handedly and came out as the victor"

Their amazement towards the red hatted young man just keeps growing as the Dracombatant continues to talk. When the part of him defeated a dragon by himself they all looked at Konami in shock that he had done such a feat. Said young man just rubbed the back of his head and blushed a little at the attention he was receiving.

"Aw geez, it's not that big of a deal. I'm sure there are other people who have defeated the Tyrant Dragon before I even came to the Spirit World." Konami said that he didn't think he really deserved this kind of praise for defeating something that other people had done before him. "And besides, I don't think I'm that popular of a person in the Spirit World."

"Tell that to your admirer." Metaltron said with a smirk which made the red hatted vagabond look at the spirit with his jaw dropped as the others looked at the two in confusion by the spirit word and the young man's reaction.

"What the heck Tron!? I thought we agreed not to mention that!" Konami yelled at the spirit as he couldn't believe he would even mention that to them.

"Admirer? Ohoho this I have to hear, tell us more." Yang said with a smirk as she believed she found a new teasing material for her to use. Blake though was furrowing her eyebrow at that, not knowing why it's bothering her at all.

Before Konami could even open his mouth, Metaltron immediately started to explain with his smirk still present on his face. "You see, Konami here has stolen the heart of many, many female Duel Spirits during his time in the Spirits World. Whether it be direct interaction or knowledge of his reputation, Konami here always has the tendency to unintentionally woo the female population, be it human or spirits."

Everyone was a little shocked with what the Dracombatant had just said, but when they thought about the Konami they had known at the moment they didn't think it was that big of a shocker. The females of the group began to remember when Konami had shown them his face and couldn't disagree as they actually found the red hatted young man quite attractive.

"Can we please change the subject?" Konami groaned with his face planted in his hand, not wanting to think about the many female Duel Spirits that were chasing him for his affection.

"Aww, what's wrong, Konami? You don't like being a Lady Killer?" Metaltron teased as Konami glared at him in annoyance which made him snicker. "Still you sure know your way around a woman's heart, even Tierra has a—"

"ORYA!!" Metaltron didn't get to finish his sentence as he was kicked in the face which sent him flying a few good meters away courtesy of a red-faced and fuming Tierra. "One more word out of that stupid mouth of yours, and i'll make sure that the next kick will be going where the sun don't shine! Capiche!?"

Metaltron just let out a groan from where he was laying, the red haired spirit seemed to take that as a 'yes' so she turned her attention towards the shocked group of people, even Konami was surprised by what Tierra had done.

"What are you all looking at?" Tierra growled as she glared at the group which made them all look away, not wanting to anger the already pissed off spirits.

It didn't take long before Metaltron floated back to the group, though there was a noticeable bruise on his cheek from the kick. "Dammit woman, was that really necessary?" He asked while rubbing his check to soothe the pain.

"Yes, yes it was." Tierra said before raising a questionable eyebrow at him. "Or do you actually want me to hit you between your legs?"

"No ma'am! That won't be necessary!" Metaltron laughed nervously as he backed away from his fellow Duel Spirit, he was taking no chance if she was actually joking or not, he likes his family jewels not to be squished, thank you very much.

"What's your spirit talking about, Konami?" Jaune whisperingly asked the red hatted vagabond who shrugged his shoulder in response.

"Beats me. Just because I'm one with them doesn't mean I can know what they are thinking all the time." Konami responded as he didn't think prying for an answer would be worth incurring the wrath of an angered Tierra, he learned his lesson in the past and he sure as hell won't do it again. "Besides, I'm just glad that we're not talking about my admirer anymore."

"Speaking of which~" Yang drawled out which made Konami's eyes twitch at his own blunder as he muttered 'me and my big mouth' to himself. "You have admirers huh? And you weren't planning on telling us? Not even one story with one of your admirer" She asked with a teasing smirk.

"If I do, will you please drop the subject once and for all?" Konami asked in exasperation as the blonde brawler responded with a nod and a crossed finger which made him sigh. "Fineee, I'll tell you one story. Once, I was going out to a bar when I was approached by one of my admirers who invited me for a drink. Granted I had no idea at first, but after a few rounds of drinking she began trying to, drunkenly if I may add, seduce me to 'do the deed' and since I was also drunk I wasn't putting up much of a fight myself." He blushed heavily remembering that time while his hand palming his face and groaning. "If it wasn't for Tierra's timely intervention then that night could've gone a whole lot more awkward, though the next morning I woke up with a splitting headache and a rather ugly bruise on my face. To this day I have no idea what happened but whatever it is made Tierra blushingly glared at me and Metaltron busting his gut out of laughter whenever I asked."

The others stared at him while blinking rapidly trying to process the information, they then turned towards the two spirits to see Tierra blushing red and looking away with her arms crossed and Metaltron hunching and holding his stomach while laughing and wheezing just like Konami said.

"....wait a minute, you drink?" Qrow asked as he didn't think the kid was the type of person who drinks, let alone at a bar nonetheless.

"First off, I'm 19 years old. I'm pretty sure I'm old enough for drinking." Konami said which caught a few of them off guard since he looked at least the same as the Beacon students. "Secondly, after everything I have been through I think I deserve to have some coping mechanism to get over it."

"And pray tell what have you possibly been through that led you to drinking?" Glynda questioned with a disappointed tone in her voice.

Konami went silent and the atmosphere around him turned sombre and depressing as his mouth curved downward into a frown and his head turned away from the group. Even the two Duel Spirits were affected by those words as Tierra blush disappeared in an instant and she frowned dejectedly while Metaltron had stopped laughing with his eyes turned downcasted as he gritted his teeth and clenched his fist in what appeared to be anger.

The group immediately noticed the change and began to feel worried, they were beginning to think that they had stepped on a very personal landmine.

"What I've been through, what I've not something that I would wish upon anybody. Whether you sympathize with me or not, whether you understand it or not." Konami began to laugh but there was not a trace of humor in it. "And to think that it all started with a simple card game. It was never meant as a tool for such things, it was never supposed to."

It was in a whisper but they all heard it nonetheless. Konami's hand was clenched and shaking slightly, overwhelmed by an emotion that none of them could understand, except for two spirits who were giving the red hatted duelist much needed support as they stood beside him. Metaltron's hand was on his shoulder with a comforting grip while Tierra gazed at the young man as her face softened then her usual scowl.

"I take it....this has something to do with the darker side of Duel Monster history." Ozpin exclaimed compassionately towards the troubled young man. "Do you perhaps want to talk about it?"

Konami took a deep breath to calm himself before looking towards the others with the cap of his hat covering his eyes once again. "Although Duel Monsters are just a simple card game at first glance, you have to understand that this game plays an important role in many dimensions's past and future. The fact that the origin of the game came from a dimension that is different from the others just makes it more prominent. One of those roles led to the creation of the Real Solid Vision, a revolutionary system that allows monsters to have a corporal body in a duel instead of just a mere hologram. However, such creation comes with a drawback that led to....disastrous consequences." He told them as their attention was full on the red hatted duelist words before they begin to feel worried at the end as they have a bad feeling they wouldn't like what he is going to say next.

"Come on, it can't be that bad." Yang said trying to lighten up the mood, but she was as nervous as the others on what Konami was going to say. "I mean, what's the worst thing that could possibly happen?"

"A Dimensional War."

They all froze when he said that as they looked at the red hatted duelist in shock and disbelief, their feeling of worry began to turn to fear of what he was going to explain. The word 'war' alone was enough to make their blood run cold, but the fact that Konami was implying that there was a war between multiple dimensions made the notion even worse.

"P-Please tell me you're kidding." Weiss exclaimed, her initial anger over what Konami did to her was forgotten as she was afraid of his next answer. She was hoping that he was just kidding, another prank just to mess with her again. Sadly her pleed was not answered as Konami shook him in sadness.

"How?" Was the only question Winter could ask as she couldn't believe how a card game could possibly lead to a war.

"I think it's best if I show you all instead." Konami said as he pulled out the Millennium Necklace from his jacket which made the group step back in surprise and caution over what he was going to do. "To tell you how it all happened, I must tell you all a story. A story about a man, a woman, and the four dragons."

Not waiting for their response, Konami clenched the Millennium Necklace in his hand and the eyes symbol glowed brightly as the bright light enveloped them. Amidst the cry of surprise and panic of the group, the red hatted vagabond smiled somberly as his words echoed in their ear.

"Now then, let's begin."


As the light begins to fade and their vision returns from the temporary blindness, they begin to notice that they are now standing in some sort of a park and not the grassy plain that they were before. It was a spacious park with lots of people in it that was playing, talking, or just walking by with no care whatsoever. It was actually a really peaceful scene.

"Where....are we?" Pyrrha asked confusedly as she looked around at this unfamiliar location and unfamiliar faces. A shriek caught her attention as she turned her attention towards the direction where it came from, only to be shocked that it came from Nora whose body was completely see-through from top to bottom.

Everyone also looked surprised before they noticed that their bodies were also transparent. Before any of them could panic even more, a voice called out to them.

"Calm down everyone." Konami's voice called out as he appeared from thin air with Metaltron and Tierra beside him. The three of them are also transparent, although for the two Duel Spirits it was nothing new to them. "There is no need to panic, your body is completely fine. I'm currently using the Millennium Necklace power to share with you all a vision of the past, note that we can only see the past and not interact with it. So I suggest that you all keep that in mind." He said as they all nodded slowly, still in shock that they are currently seeing the past or more like they're 'in' the past come to think of it.

"But where exactly are we? And what did you say about a story?" Glynda questioned the red hatted young man as she didn't recognize where they are right now and was intrigued by what he meant by a story.

"We are now in the past of another dimension that is different from yours. One where Duel Monster is already famous among the masses and where the Real Solid Vision system was first invented." Konami explained, shocking the group, that they are currently seeing the past of another dimension. "As for the story I mentioned before. It is the story about how it all started, how the war broke out and the cause of it starts with what I'm about to show you right now."

The vagabond words seem to unnerve some of them as they have a feeling that they are going to witness something that they are not going to like to see.

"The story I'm about to tell involves two people who are very dear to me, two people who I could proudly consider a friend, and two people whose lives should not have ended in such tragedy." Konami's words were laced with so much sadness and remorse that it made the group speechless as they had no idea how to respond to that. "And one of those two people is standing right behind you."

That made the group turn their head in surprise as they looked behind them and find a young man leaning against a tree. He had spiked up silver hair with green highlights and was wearing a blue and white colored jacket with orange border, a black undershirt, a pair of red-brownish gloves, black pants with brown chaps, and a pair of brown shoes. On his arm is a Duel Disk but was shaped differently than the Duel Disk they know.

Though there were two strange things that they noticed. One was that other than his mouth, his entire face was completely black hiding what he looked like. And the other was that he seems to be oddly mumbling something to his deck.

"Why can't we see his face?" Weiss questioned as she was confused as to why they couldn't see what he looked like.

"That's because I use the Millennium Key to block the vision of a few people's faces from your mind." Konami said as he gripped the golden key in his hand, earning him a look of surprise from the group.

"Make no mistake, I am willing to show you all the events that transpired that led to the war, but I am also going to gloss over a few details of said past if I feel like it. Also i forget to mention that the Millennium Key also has the ability to mess with the mind a little just like what i am doing right now, this power is completely harmless as it is only capable of only projecting vision into others mind. So you don't have to worry about any negative effects when I use this on you all." He explained that they all nodded their head, although some of them are more reluctant than the others.

Blake narrows her eyes as her Faunus ears manage to hear the silver-haired young man muttering. "Is he....talking to his deck?" She asked in surprise as her ears picked up an actual conversation coming from him.

Konami looked at her for a moment before chuckling to himself. "Frankly I'm surprised that you actually picked up on that, but I guess your cat ears play a big role in that. Cute and resourceful I see." Blake was caught off guard by his last words as she turned her heads away from him as her cheeks turned red a little. It's not everyday that someone compliments her ears like that, especially from a boy no less.

Yang, who was standing besides her partner, couldn't help the massive grin that was growing on her face at the Cat Faunus reaction. She makes a mental note to have a little chat with Blake later on.

"Does that mean he has the gift?" Ironwood questioned the red hatted duelist.

"Well more or less. His ability is limited to only hearing the voices of Duel Spirits, he can't physically see them but at the very least he can communicate with them." Konami explained briefly. "But that's enough of a question, for now let's just see the past played out. Let's get closer so we can all hear him." He said as they all nodded and began to walk closer to the young man and watch what was about to happen.

The silver haired young man sat behind a tree with his deck in hand. He didn't know why he always tried to talk to his deck in a park of all places, he had made it a habit of ignoring the strange glance people threw at him whenever he did this but it still made him a little bit uncomfortable from time to time.

Perhaps it was that tiny bit of hope inside of him that made him do this. The one where it was waiting for someone like him to show up, to understand him and his ability and not see him as a freak who talks to his card like a crazy person. Sadly after years of never finding that person he gave up on that dream ever becoming a reality, sure it crushed him to think that but at the very least he had his card to comfort him.

"I'm not wrong to hope, right?" He asked his four dragons, his favorite monsters in his deck. The four dragons hold a special place in his heart as they were the first ever monster he tried to contact. "Sure it might not be today or tomorrow....or the day after that and so on, but still! There's got to be at least one person out there that's just like me!"

The four dragons let out their respective roar but they all carried the same message: they were encouraging their master. The young man smiled when he heard them.

"Thank you guys. Even if I don't find anyone else, I'll still have you guys with me." He said in gratitude as he continued his daily conversation with his card.

Not far away from where the young man is sitting, a young woman was walking by the park alone. She has long maroon and dark red colored hair tied into a long pigtail style holded up by a hair clip. She is wearing a long sleeved dress with blue and light purple for the base color and white on the sleeve. On the bottom she wears a white tight pants with light purple lining and thigh straps on her left thigh while wearing a white and light purple colored boots on her feet. Strap to her arm was her Duel Disk which indicates that she is in fact a duelist.

The maroon haired young woman sighed as she strided on the park with no clear direction on where she was going. She was having a bad day today. She didn't know if it was because she woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something else, but either way she figured some alone time walking in the park would better her mood, perhaps talking with her card could help.

She didn't dare do this at her house with her father at home. While she deeply loved her father, she didn't think he would understand what it's like to be able to talk to Duel Monsters. She did try to bring up the subject to him once but he gave her a strange look when she mentioned it and she decided to just drop the subject and move on.

"Sometimes I just wish there was someone out there I could talk to about this." She said to herself but she knew that was just wishful thinking. Years of never finding anyone who could relate to her has certainly made her feel lonely. It was a sad thought yes, but she had grown accustomed to it.

As she continued to walk around the park almost aimlessly, her eyes fell on a silver haired boy who looked to be around her age who was sitting under a tree. She didn't know why but something about him seemed to interest her. His attire was different to say the least, he looked like a racer or something like that. She noticed the Duel Disk strap around his arm, perhaps that's why she was interested in him, because he was a duelist just like her. Well it could be that or that he was just talking to his card—

She stood frozen for a moment as her eyes widened. Was her mind playing tricks with her? She rubbed her eyes before looking back to find that he WAS talking to his deck! Does that mean he was just like her?

Before she could even register it, her body began to sprint towards the direction where the young man was and yelled loudly to get his attention.


The silver haired young man jumped back slightly in surprise at the loud voice. He turned towards the direction where the voice came from and found a maroon haired girl standing before him looking slightly out of breath, probably because she was running.

"Can I help you?" He asked hesitantly towards the girl as he got up and placed his deck in his Duel Disk. He didn't really know what to make of this situation, one minute he was talking to his deck like usual and the next minute this strange girl he had never met before just suddenly ran up to him for some reason.

She opened her mouth to ask him, but closed them again when she was hesitant on how she should approach the subject. The young man was still staring at her with wide blinking eyes still wondering where she came from and why she called out to him, but he was silent as he waited for her to say something. After gathering up her courage, she opened her mouth again to ask the question that was lingering her thought.

"Can you....hear them? Can you also hear the voice of the Duel Monster?" She asked, hoping from the bottom of her heart for the answer she had wanted to hear for years.

"Also?" The young man repeated the word before it hit him like a truck as he gapped at the girl, body trembling in disbelief as he grabbed the girl's shoulder with his hand looking as hopeful as the girl before him. "Does that can hear them too? You can hear their voice? That you're just like me?"

The girl nodded her head eagerly while smiling brightly at his answer. Her eyes begin brimming with tears as she is overcome with many emotions right now. The boy seeing the tears hastily let go and began searching his pocket for a napkin, when he found it he handed it to the girl who took it with gratitude and wiped her tears with it.

"Thank you. I'm sorry about that, but I'm happy right now." The girl said as she handed back the napkin while still smiling brightly. "For years, I thought I was the only one with this ability. I thought I was doomed to forever be alone with no one to truly understand me. But then I saw you talking to your deck and I was glad that you're just like me." She was trying very hard not to break down again again in front of him, it was embarrassing enough the first time she did.

"I feel the same way. I was starting to lose hope that i'll ever find someone else like me, but then you show up out of nowhere and tell me that we're the same and I was just....i'm just glad to find someone like me." The boy said with a bright smile on his face as he was overjoyed that his wish had finally come true, he finally met someone just like him. "By the way, what are you doing out here in the park?"

She sighed a little before answering. "I was just having a bad day today and I figured a walk in the park could help me." Well it did help her in a way, just not in the way she had expected it to be. Not that she was complaining.

"How about we duel? Perhaps that could help you, it works for me." The silver-haired boy suggested as he raised his Duel Disk. If there is one thing he knows for sure is that dueling could solve a lot of problems, not all problems though but it is one way to get your moods up. Plus he wanted to know how strong this girl is as a duelist.

"That could work, just don't cry back to me when you lose um...." The girl trailed off at her taunt when she realized she doesn't know his name, heck they were practically strangers before she called out to him. "I'm sorry, but I didn't quite catch your name." She said in embarrassment as she blushed lightly at her own blunder.

He couldn't help it, he burst into laughter with his head leaned back. He had a good feeling he was going to like this girl already. After his laughter died out, much to the already embarrassed girl's relief, the boy extended out his hand while smiling at her which the girl returned with her own smile as she shook the outstretched hand.

"My name is Zarc, what's yours?"

"I'm Ray. Nice to meet you, Zarc."

"Likewise, Ray."

They all watched as the newly acquainted friends shook each other's hand with a content and happy smile on their face in silence.

"That was incredibly heartwarming to see." Winter was the first to speak as she had a warm smile gracing her face at the touching scene between the two duelists. Qrow turned to the Schnee specialist beside him and stared for a moment before he turned away and mumbled something low enough so that only one person could hear him.

"You should smile like that more often, it's a better look then your stoic face." Winter's eyes widened in shock before snapping her head towards Qrow, who was looking anywhere besides the older Schnee girl's face. Her face has a nice layer of red to them as she turns away from him, not knowing why she feels happy to get a compliment from the drunkard of all people.

"It's nice to know they finally found someone they could relate to in each other." Weiss said, agreeing with her sister while Ruby nodded to her partner's words, tearing up slightly as she was touched by the scene.

Blake was smiling as she understood the feeling. When you are so different then anybody else, you tend to find comfort in the one who has the same circumstances or went to the same thing as you do. Faunus was a good example of this as she was quick to make friends with Velvet, her upperclassman and fellow Faunus.

"Is finding someone with the ability to communicate with the Duel Spirit so rare?" Ozpin questioned the red hatted duelist as he was more curious about finding out more about this strange ability he never heard of in his entire lifetime.

"It depends on which dimensions you are. And the ability awakening sometimes varies between each person. I myself awakened mine just short of 4 years ago which is not very long and I already have a friend who shares the same ability as me. However these two awakened their ability at an early age and had no one else for them to find solace with about their ability, needless to say their interaction earlier was to be expected actually." Konami explained as they begin to feel sympathy towards the two, yet they are relieved those two finally find comfort in each other.

"For now, let's continue watching. The next one I'm going to show you takes place a month after their first meeting, and the first time I meet them."

That caught their attention as the scenery around them began to fade and blur before their vision became clearer and they saw that they are still at the same park as before, only the difference is that both Zarc and Ray are now sitting under the tree together.

"It's a nice day today, isn't it Zarc?" Ray asked the silver haired young man sitting beside her. It's been a month after their fateful encounter and ever since then they have been close friends. Every day they meet up to just talk or occasionally duel with each other, which she was feeling bitter about since his winning streak far exceeded hers, and when they are not doing anything in particular they just hang out to enjoy each other's company.

It was honestly scary how close they are in just a month when they are practically strangers at first, but she didn't have any regret of ever meeting him. Zarc was a nice guy, a strong and kind guy who dueled for the sake of entertaining the crowd and to see them smile. Ray learned that when their first ever duel attracted a large number of spectators, Zarc's way of dueling was spectacular and definitely show-worthy. She was truly awe struck at the way Zarc and his monster are in sync with each other in the duel, it was like having a front row seat for a first class performance.

And although she lost at the end, Ray can't help but feel inspired by Zarc's Entertainment Dueling. Seeing the smile and cheer of their spectator face, she had no doubt that they are having a great time as well.

"It sure is, Ray." Zarc replied as he did find it to be a nice day, but honestly as long as Ray is with him any day would be a nice day for him. The silver haired young man turned to his friend and smirked. "Still, what's the occasion today? A chat or a duel maybe? I prefer the latter but I don't mind doing the former." He really didn't mind the former, in fact he enjoyed just chatting with Ray whatever the topic may be.

Ray giggled, honestly the guy has dueling for brain. Every time they hang out he insists that they duel at least once. "While I love to add another win to your winning streak." She sarcastically said while ignoring the rather smug look on his face, she was the better of the both of them in being a person or at least the most humble one. "But I have a different plan in mind."

With that Ray got up and went to the back of the tree they were sitting under while Zarc was giving the girl a curious look wondering what she had planned. His question was answered as the maroon haired young woman returned with a rather large basket and a picnic blanket in hand as she smiled brightly at him.

"I thought that we could have a picnic together! I made a lot of food so help yourself!" Ray said excitedly as she held up the items in her hand, it took her all day to make the food and she just hoped he liked it.

Zarc was dumbfounded, whatever it is he had thought what Ray had planned he did not expect this to be one of them. "Wait, you can cook?" He asked baffledly as he eyed the basket full of food questioningly.

"Yes, Zarc. I can cook." Ray said in a sweet tone which contradicts the tick mark on her forehead and the twitch on one of her eyebrows. "Are you trying to imply something...?" She said this time in a low threatening tone in her voice. It easily scared the living hell out of Zarc.

"Nope! Nuh-uh, no way! Well we better eat it before the food gone cold! Right!?" He said panickedly as he begin to sweat nervously. Over time he learned that Ray was not the most....femininely girl he knows despite her looks, the girl pack one hell of a punch which he occasionally become a victim to. He dubbed the girl 'gorilla woman', a nickname that suit her well but will never leave his mouth unless he has a death wish.

Ray pouted as she humped and decided to let Zarc off the hook, for now at least. Zarc then got up and took the picnic blanket from her and placed it under the tree they were sitting under. It was a sunny day so it's a good thing as the tree provided shade for cover. Ray then placed the basket and opened it up to reveal an assortment of sandwiches, onigiri, karaage, salad, and even pancake.

"PANCAKE!!" Nora cried out at her favorite food before she dashed towards her desired target only for her to phase right through it like it was never there in the first place, which it wasn't. "Curse you reality! Why must you be so cruel!?" She yelled out in anguish as she dropped to her knees as she cried a waterfall full of comical tears.

Ren sighed as he walked over to Nora and calmed her down by reminding her of his promise of making her pancake after this is all over. That seems to brighten up the pink loving girl as she and her best friend walk back towards the rest of the group.

"I swore that girl gave me a heart attack for a second." Metaltron muttered as he took a deep breath and placed his hand over his chest.

"I'm gonna burn that girl right now." Tierra growled as her hands lit up in blue flame while glaring at the orange haired girl.

"Tierra, no burning anyone without my permission." Konami scolded his red haired Duel Spirit who grumbled in annoyance as she put out the flame in her hand and settled with just glaring dagger at the girl instead.

"Well at least we know for sure that we can't interact with the past." Jaune pointed out as he laughed nervously while distancing himself away from the Duel Spirit who can burn him in a matter of seconds, which she can and he figured it's not intentional either.

"How about we continue watching?" Pyrrha suggested not wanting any fight to break out. Konami nodded his head as he resumed the scene.

Zarc's eyes sparkled at the various foods Ray had prepared. He grabbed a sandwich and took a small bite before his eyes widened at how delicious it was. "Ray! Why didn't you tell me you could make such good food!? This is really delicious!" He said as he ate the whole sandwich in one hand and gobbled up an onigiri in the other one.

Ray beamed at his praise, pleased that her friend liked the food that she had made. "Thanks Zarc. I'm glad that you like it." She said as she also took a bite out of the salad she had made, she was eating at a more moderate pace compared to Zarc who was practically stuffing his face with food.

The two sat in silence as they continued to eat their food, they then began to have small talk with each other which ranged from how they were doing to talking about Duel Monster. It was then that Ray posted a question to Zarc.

"Hey Zarc, are you going to participate in the tournament that is going to be held in three months?" Ray asked curiously towards her friend. The tournament was a big championship that will be held for Pro Duelist from around the world to test their skill against each other and for the winner to be granted the title of World Duel Champion, it was an exclusively an invite only event and as luck would have it, she and Zarc had been chosen to enter such event. Technically they can refuse the offer but she had a feeling that Zarc won't pass up on such one of a lifetime chance.

"You bet I'm going to participate!" Zarc said as he shoved another onigiri in his mouth and swallowed it before grabbing his deck and pulling out four of his favorite cards. "With me and my dragons on my side we'll give the people a duel they'll never forget! Isn't that right guys?"

A distinctive roar came from the four dragons as they are as pumped up as their masters are. Ray giggled again at his enthusiasm, one of the things she likes about him is his never changing desire to please the crowd and to make others smile. Plus the large smile on his face whenever he was feeling happy....was kind of cute actually.

Shaking the embarrassing thought out of her mind, Ray turned to him with her own smile. "You sure are close to your dragons huh?" 'Close' might be an understatement actually, she knows he values those four Monsters the most. It's not to say that he doesn't care about his other cards, but the four dragons seem to hold a special place in his heart.

Zarc chuckled before he activated his Duel Disk and summoned the four dragons. One by one he gave each of them a pat on their head which made them let out a low growl in satisfaction over their master's action. "They have been with me since the day I started dueling, they are the first Monsters I have ever spoken to, and they stand beside me every time that I'm alone. To me they are more than just a Duel Monster, they are my friend, my family, my kin." He told her with a fond smile on his face as he continued to pat his dragons with great care.

Zarc's words shock the group to the core. Why wouldn't they? They have been living in a world filled with Grimm, monsters whose one purpose was to erase humanity from existence. Yet here was this young man who was surrounded by his four dragons and thought of them as his very own family.

"I....have no words to describe my feelings about this." Ironwood said in astonishment. He was a Military General, he has lost many of his men in the hands of the monster known as Grimm, to him whether they are a Grimm or not there was no different kind of monster. Seeing this boy just accept those monsters so earnestly and wholeheartedly as his precious people was something the Atlas General couldn't comprehend.

Konami let out a sigh, Metaltron shook his head side to side, and Tierra just rolled her eyes at the group reaction. The three of them are in agreement that the people of Remnant viewpoint are too narrow minded, if they still can't accept something like the Faunus living among them then Duel Spirits will be close to impossible to accept.

Ray was a bit taken back by her friend's words, she knew the four dragons meant a lot to him more than she had expected but this went beyond her imagination. Just as she was about to respond, she was suddenly cut off by an unknown voice.

"Those were some touching words you said there."

Zarc and Ray both jumped in surprised at the unfamiliar voice as the four dragons let out a growl of hostility. The two turned to the source of the voice only to find a young man wearing a red cap on his head with a casual smile on his face and hands in his pocket.

"Looks like you made your debut, Konami." Yang said towards the red hatted duelist that is with them who just chuckled again.

"So is this your first meeting with them?" Ruby asked curiously.

"Yeah, it is. I'd like to tell you more but it's best if we watch it instead." Konami said, which earned him a nod from Ruby and the rest of them as they continued to watch.

"Heh. I remember this takes place before Tierra was with us, things was so much quieter back then.'' Metaltron said as he sighed nostalgically.

"You're trying to say something, goldy boy?" Tierra pointedly glared at her fellow spirit.

"You two, please don't argue." Konami told his two spirits tiredly as Metaltron gives him a thumb up while Tierra just scoffed and turned her head away.

Konami noticed the four dragons' hostility towards him. He then raised one of his hands from his pocket in a sign of peace. "It's alright you four. I'm not here to harm your master, I just want to introduce myself." He said assuredly as the dragons slowly and surely stopped growling once they saw that he was not a threat.

"Y-You can talk to them!?" Zarc shouted in surprise which was shared by Ray who stared at the newcomer with wide eyes. They didn't expect to find another person just like them so soon.

Konami chuckled at their reaction. "Well it's nice to meet another fellow duelist who can communicate with Duel Monster." He said as he tipped his hat down in greeting as he kept grinning towards them. "Nice to meet you two, my name is Konami Kudo."

Ray was the first to regain her composure as she began to introduce herself. "Nice to meet you too, Konami. My name is Ray and this is Zarc." She told him as she pointed towards the still shell shock silver haired young man when she said his name. Ray then gives Zarc a hard jab by the elbow on his abdomen.

"Ow! Uh yeah, my name is Zarc." Zarc said while rubbing his abdomen in pain, Ray's strength was nothing to laugh at, that's for sure. "Still, didn't think we would meet others just like us so soon." He was honestly less emotional than he would've thought about finding another person just like him. Unlike his first encounter with Ray, it looks like their time together had dwindled away his loneliness over the subject.

Ray was in the same boat, while she was happy to find another person with the same ability as her, she wasn't overly emotional like the first time she met Zarc.

"Honestly, I'm just as surprised as you two. I haven't even been here long and I already found two people who can communicate with Duel Monster." Konami said, which confuses the two friends.

"Are you from out of town?" Ray asked the red hat in front of her. She doesn't remember ever seeing him before, then again the city is huge and she doesn't actually remember every single face she has seen.

"Well something like that." Konami answered a bit vaguely, he couldn't really tell them that he came from a different dimension now could he? "I'm just here for the really big Duel Monster tournament I heard that was going on in this place." He told them his reason for being here which made the two of them trade a confused glance at each other.

"You do realize that that is still three months away, right?" Zarc pointed out that it caused the red hatted young man to blink blankly as he was having a hard time digesting the information.

"Wait, seriously?" Konami exclaimed in shock before he checked the information on his Duel Disk and found out that it WAS scheduled for three months away. He facepalm and groaned to himself. "You've gotta be kidding me, I thought it was one week away from today, not three months."

"Hey it's better to be early than being late, right?" Zarc said, trying to cheer up the red hat in front of him, which seems to do the trick even if it was just slightly.

"Well, I guess you're right." Konami sighed before he turned around and began to walk away from them. "I'll see you guys later."

"Wait, why don't you stay and hang out with us?" Ray said not wanting the guy to leave just yet after finding out that he was just like them, plus she feels bad that he came all the way here for nothing.

"Yeah man, we've got a lot of food over here and maybe we can duel each other if you like." Zarc said getting excited at the thought of having a new person to duel, he got the feeling that Konami was a strong duelist and he wanted to find out if that was true or not.

Konami looked at the two in slight surprise at the sudden invite and chuckled as he turned to face them. "Well I haven't had any bite to eat and i am getting hungry, why not? I appreciate the invite." He said in gratitude which caused the two to smile, the red hat paused for a second before saying in an afterthought. "By the way, I hope I didn't ruin any mood between you two with me here."

That caused Zarc and Ray to be confused as they don't know what their new friends are talking about. "What do you mean by ruining the mood?" Ray questioned the red hat wearing boy.

"I mean, aren't you two on a date right now?"

"Oh, you sly bastard." Qrow said with a smirk at the Past Konami action, knowing exactly what his intention was.

Konami innocently asked which caused the two of them to start blushing brightly and him to be greatly amused as they started to fumble with their words while trying, and failing, to come to an agreement in denying his claim.

"D-D-Date!? You think we were on a date!?"

"No no no, we're not on a d-date!"

"We're just hanging out! Like a friend! JUST friend!"

"Yeah! Just hanging out like completely normal FRIENDS!"

"Exactly what he said!"

"Besides why would I be with a gorilla woman like her anyway!"

Silence. There was deadly silence the moment Zarc's words left his mouth. He snapped his mouth shut and closed it with his hand as his eyes started to go wide in fear at his foolish action. He didn't even dare to turn to look at Ray right now.

"Oh Zarc~"

Such a sweet sounding voice, if it was any other time it would probably make his heart jump in joy. Too bad now it only makes him shiver in fright and his heart jumping up and down rapidly without any sign of stopping in a bad way. Against his better judgement, he stiffly turned to look at his clearly angered friend.

And regrets it immediately.

Because Ray right now was a visage of an angel. An angel of death, that is. Her sweet smile and voice from earlier completely contradict with the murderous aura surrounding her. While that on itself already scared the silver haired young man enough, it was what she was holding in her hand that made him truly terrified.

It was her signature Paper Fan.

Where the hell did she even get it from!?

"Zarc~ I see you found an interesting nickname for me. Do you mind explaining yourself~?" Ray drawled out still with that disturbingly sweet voice which made Zarc gulp in fear at what's to come. Seeing as pleading forgiveness is out of the question, he decided on the next best thing.

"Can I please get a head start?"

"You've got 3 seconds"

That was all he needed to hear before practically bolting away while screaming for his life as a pissed off Ray chased him while swinging her paper fan in hopes of hitting him on the head. Will he survive? Probably. Will it hurt? Most definitely. Will he regret it? Oh she will make sure he did for the rest of his life.

Konami and the still summoned four dragons watch the chase with some degree of amusement. "Well that escalated quickly, might as well make myself comfortable until they are done." The red hat duelist said as he sat down and grabbed a sandwich and took a bite out of said sandwich.


Konami winced at the loud and painful sound of a paper fan hitting someone's head. "Ohh that has got to leave a mark." He said in sympathy as the still materialized dragons let out a small roar in agreement with their master's new friend.

The scene faded out once again as they all needed a minute or two to calm down from laughing at the hilarious scene they had just seen.

"HAHAHA! Oh man, that was just so funny to watch!" Yang exclaimed as she was busy doubling over from laughing so much.

Blake, while not laughing as much as her partner, was snickering at the scene while thinking to herself that those two would make a great couple.

Konami was also chuckling as a nostalgic smile graced his face. It was kinda bittersweet seeing this memory once again, god he really misses those two. "And that is how I first met them." He said to the others.

"I have to say, you sure know some interesting people Konami." Glynda commented as she was chuckling like the others at the scene she had just seen.

"How did you even mistake the date of an event that is three months away?" Weiss asked the red hat duelist in an incredulous tone as she couldn't believe how far off he was with the date of the event.

"Don't remind me. I have to put aside all of my plans for that week only to find out that it is still three months away? I knew I should've double, no triple, check the date." Konami grumbled lowly in annoyance at his blunder before letting out a sigh and letting out another smile. "Still, that three months sure gave me time to establish a bond between those two, which I am grateful for. So I guess it's not so much of a bad thing after all."

"So are we going to watch this Duel Tournament you mention?" Ruby asked in excitement at the thought of watching a Duel Monster tournament.

"Sorry to disappoint but that's not going to happen, if I did show you the entire tournament then we'll probably be here for a whole day." Konami said which earned him a round of nod although some of them were a bit bummed that they are not going to see a Duel Tournament. "Now let's continue, the next scene takes place after three months and when the tournament takes place, specifically after Zarc won his match and is now qualified to enter the final duelists who'll compete for the championship."

"He made it into the final? He must be a really strong duelist." Jaune commented in awe.

"What about Ray? Did she make it into the final too?" Pyrrha asked, wondering if Ray was going to compete with Zarc in the final.

"Unfortunately she came up short at her last duel which means she won't be going to the final round with Zarc." Konami informed them all.

"Aww, poor Ray. I bet you she was looking forward to facing Zarc in the final." Nora said in sympathy towards the maroon haired girl.

"Well let's get straight to it." Konami exclaimed as their surroundings began to change once again, this time they were standing outside of a big dome shaped stadium which was crowded by numerous people.

"There's a lot of people here." Weiss said in surprised at how many people there is for the event. Not to mention that they all just went through her body which kinda freaked her out a bit.

Konami began to look around until he found what he was looking for. "There they are!" He cried out, making them turn their head to find Ray and Past-Konami walking side by side and they watched the event play out.

Konami and Ray are walking together trying to find where Zarc is right now. After his victory in his last duel and managing to take the spot in the final round with fifteen other duelists, he was whisked away by reporters who began to question him on his Entertainment style dueling. As they continue their search, Konami notices that Ray seems to be upset for a while now and he has a pretty good idea on why.

"Still bummed that you didn't make it into the final?" Konami asked with a friendly smile on his face. Ray turned towards her red hat wearing friend for a moment before turning her head away, looking even more upset then before....and a bit depressed if he was being honest from her expression.

"I'm not upset." Ray said rather unconvincingly, even to herself.

"I never said that." He thought of it, but she doesn't need to know that. "I'm just asking whether you are taking your loss well or not. I mean, i know that you wanted to make it into the final more than anything, but—"

"I know, I know! I'm just....frustrated that's all." Ray cut him off as her hand clenched tightly into a fist. "Me and Zarc have been practicing for three months just for this moment and I just had to lose before I could even duel him. We've been dueling all the time and sometimes you practice with us Konami, but you know how my streak is compared to you two." She exclaimed and he knew what exactly she was implying.

Over the three months that they had meet, the three had been dueling non stop to prepare Zarc and Ray for the tournament and Konami occasionally help them when they wanted to or if he just feels like it, but just like she said Ray duel piles up more losses than wins against him and Zarc. That's not to say she is an incompetent duelist or something like that, if anything it's just that he and Zarc are a better duelist than her. Something that she had realized and it frustrates her to no end, even as the two tell her that's not the case.

Still Konami had a feeling that there is more than what she is letting on. Zarc may not have noticed it, because the guy is denser than a rock sometimes, but he had a sneaking suspicion on why this is bothering her so much.

"I have to be stronger. I can't always keep losing to you two all the time, I don't want to be the weak one in our group." Ray said while frowning and rubbing her arm with her hand. She doesn't want to be seen as weak, not by anyone, not by Konami, and especially not by him. She can't be weak, she won't. Because if she is, then what was her worth as a duelist. "I don't want him to see me as weak." She mumbled softly and lowly, she didn't even register the words that had left her mouth but Konami heard it nonetheless.

Konami's smile turned sympathetic, so that was what was bothering her. He had a hunch and looks like he was correct. "You know, you were just dealt a bad hand in that duel. Even skilled duelists can't do much if they have a bad hand. You're just unlucky in that duel, that's all." He said, trying to cheer her up. "And stop calling yourself 'weak'. If there is anything you are 'weak' is not one of them, I don't think you're weak and I know Zarc doesn't think you're weak either." His smile widened a margin at the blush on her cheek at the mention of the person she was thinking of.

"So stop calling yourself weak. I hated it if a skill duelist like yourself started doubting themself after losing." Konami said in an encouraging tone, hoping that his words would be enough to cheer Ray up.

Ray was silent for a minute before she let out a laugh and let her arms fall to her side. "I never knew how you were always so good with cheering people up whenever they are feeling down." She said in a wondering tone while turning to look at him with a smile on her face. "But thanks, I guess I needed a little encouragement."

Konami grinned at her. "Hey, if there's anything I could do to help my friend, I would do it in a heartbeat. Whether it be giving them pep talk—" His grin then turned mischievous at what he was about to say next. "—or perhaps hooking them up with the person they like."

Ray's small blush just turned into a full-blown one when she realized what he was implying. " long did you know?" She muttered out her question while trying, and failing, to hide her embarrassment.

"You having a crush on the guy? The very first day we met actually, even if it was just a hint." Ray gaped at him as she couldn't believe he figured her feelings out on the day that they met. "From then I watch the subtle, or not so subtle, signs you are giving with great amusement. Oh yeah I still remember it all: taking a glance at him while blushing, trying to hold his hand and failing every time, making him lunch and getting complimented, heck I even catch you muttering him when your taking a nap and asking him to—"

"AHHH!!! STOP! STOP! DON'T YOU DARE FINISHED THAT SENTENCE!" Ray screamed in mortification and embarrassment as her face turned a new shade of red as she then hid her face behind her hand to block the world around her. People started to stare at her weirdly but she didn't care, she was busy trying to bury herself three feet underground to escape the teasing she was getting from the red hat wearing boy over her not-so-secret-anymore feeling towards her first friend. "How did you even know about that!? I arrived an hour early and you were with Zarc when I woke up!"

"Oh no, I was there way earlier before you even arrived. I just pretend to come at the same time as Zarc did." Konami exclaimed, smirking even wider than before. "I've gotten some good recordings that day."

"YOU RECORDED ME!?" Ray shouted as her face just turned deadly pale.

"Oh relax, I won't share it with Zarc. You have my word for it." Konami said reassuringly which made the maroon haired girl slumped back in relief. She was about to say something to Konami when something caught her attention, causing her to stop dead in her tracks and stand frozen like a statue.

The red hatted duelist notices that his friend just suddenly stops and all of the sudden goes quiet. Raising an eyebrow at her strangely, he turned his head towards the way the maroon haired girl was looking at. What he saw made him raise his eyebrow higher as the corner of his mouth twitched upward a little at what he was seeing.

It was Zarc, who apparently had escaped from the clutches of the media by the lack of the reporters in the area, and a young woman that looks like she's the same age as them. Konami remembered tentatively that she was Zarc's opponent from the previous duel. The two of them looked like they were talking with each other and at first glance they looked like they were just having a normal conversation, but Konami and Ray could see that wasn't entirely the case. The woman was leaning really close to Zarc and the way she was looking and smiling at him screamed that she was acting more than 'friendly'.

In short, this woman is flirting with Zarc.

Immediately Konami heard a growl from somewhere and sweatdropped when he saw that it was coming from Ray who was glaring dagger at the scene as a malicious aura surrounded her. The red hat wearing boy choose the smart option of inching slowly away from her and try to not say something stupid to upset her even more.

If there's one thing he learned from his lifetime, is that an upset woman is something you do not want to mess with. Add jealousy into the mix then you're basically asking for a recipe for an unthinkable disaster, you just can't be sure what a jealous woman might do to you.

The group watching share almost the same thought as the male all slowly back away slightly from the upset Ray, even if they know that this was just an illusion, the feeling of danger was still evident in their mind. Most of the females in the group look amused by the boys' reaction while a few just either scoffed and muttered 'men' in a low voice or just confused on why they suddenly backed away.

Zarc noticed that his friends were there and let out a big smile at that. He turned towards his female companion and told her that he needed to go which caused her to pout in displeasure before reluctantly decided to let him go. But before that she did something that would leave Zarc in shock, Ray's blood to boil, and Konami amusement to sky rocketed to new heights.

The woman suddenly hugs Zarc's arm, pressing it into her rather well endowed breast, and leans in to give a little kiss on his cheek while slipping something into his pocket while he is distracted. She then whispered something into his ear before walking away and waving at him with that same smile on her face, Zarc just dazedly waved back at her still confused about what just happened.

He just shrugged it off before walking towards his friends where he finds a pissed off beyond relief Ray and a smirking in amusement Konami.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Zarc asked a bit nervously as he was being glared at by Ray for a reason completely unknown to him. Did he make her angry somehow? He didn't remember doing anything to make her this angry. Is she upset that she didn't make it into the final? But then why is she glaring at him? He was so confused.

Seeing as Ray was busy being jealous and glaring a hole at Zarc's head, Konami decided to answer the question. "Not much, we were just looking for you after you were taken by the media, only to find that you are busy flirting with somebody. Mind telling us how that just happened now?" He said with a teasing grin on his face as Zarc's face turned red while Ray was even more livid than before at the reminder.

"Wait wait, I was not flirting! She was just my opponent at the last match I met by chance and we're just talking about our duel that's all!" Zarc said a bit panickedly.

"So the part where she kissed you and slipped her number in your pocket was part of your duel?" Konami asked rhetorically with a quirked of an eyebrow at the silver haired boy.

"SHE DID WHAT!?" Both Zarc and Ray cried out with the former in shocking embarrassment and the latter in envy fueled anger at the second part of the red hat word, the maroon haired girl was busy with the kiss in her thought that she didn't notice. Zarc quickly dug his pocket and took out a piece of paper which indeed had a contact number on it. The silver haired duelist face turned even more redder at this while Ray, in a fit of anger, snatched the piece of paper from his hand, shredded it into pieces, and stomped at it multiple times. After she calmed down somewhat, she turned to find Zarc looking in worry and confusion on why she did that while Konami was still busy grinning at her reaction.

"Ray, are you okay? Why did you do that anyway?" Zarc questioned with a tilt of his head as he didn't get why she did that. Sure it was a bit embarrassing for a girl to just kiss him out of the blue and leave him her contact number, but he doesn't understand why Ray would be so upset about it.

His response was a facepalm from Konami and a face fault from Ray, they knew Zarc was oblivious but not to this extent. "It's nothing, Zarc. Just....don't think much about it. I was just surprised that that woman just....k-kissed you all of the sudden l-like that." She exclaimed with a bit of venom in her voice at the mention of said woman and a nervous stutter at the end. She was never this jealous over someone before, it was all a new feeling for her to experience.

"W-Well sure that caught me off guard too." Zarc said while rubbing the back of his head bashfully. "But honestly, I'd rather spend my time with my best friend instead of just some strange woman I've only met once. Don't you think so, Ray?" He then hugged her as he said that. He didn't really get why she was upset but he just hates seeing his best friend look so negative. He heard that best friends hugged to comfort each other, so he just hoped that this would cheer her up.

Ray was blushing up a storm as her head was rested on the silver haired young man chest, she could hear his calming heartbeat being this close to him and she couldn't help but smile as she let out a sigh of contentment. She didn't know when this feeling suddenly came from but she would be lying if it wasn't something that she enjoyed. Now if only Zarc would stop being so dense and start to see her more than just a 'best friend', that would be perfect. "Yeah, you're right Zarc. That would be really great." She told him before looking up to him with a bright smile on her face. "And congratulations for making it into the final! I know you could do it!"

Zarc then smiled just as wide as she was. "Thanks, Ray! I'm sorry that you didn't make it though, I know you wanted to as badly as I do." He said, his smile turned into a frown at the thought of Ray not being on the final with him.

Ray noticed his sad expression and she then pinched his cheek gently but still tightly earning a whine from him. "Hey don't you go mopey on me now mister. What's important is that one of us makes it into the final and that is all that matters. So promise me that you'll give it your all on your dueling and make the crowd smile like you always do, okay?" She let go of his cheek before smiling softly at him with her hand locked behind her back.

Zarc's cheek just turned red and it wasn't because of the pinching, he never realized it before but Ray always looks so.....pretty? Captivating? He's not sure but it was the synonym of those words he's sure of. Shaking his head out of his thoughts, he let out a big grin and pumped his fist on to his chest. "You betcha, Ray! I promised you that I would do whatever it takes to make the people smile!" He said in conviction which caused her to smile wider at him as she was happy to hear that.

Their moment was broken off by the sound of a clearing throat courtesy by an entertained Konami, who just kept quiet the entire time until he felt like he needed to interfere. "If you lovebirds are done clinging and exchanging your vows to each other." The two duelists easily turned red as they hastily separated themselves. "I have something to tell you two, I don't think I would be able to watch your duel in the final." He said dejectedly with a sigh as the two friends' eyes widened at the sudden news.

"What? Why?" Zarc asked as he was saddened that one of his friends won't be there to cheer him on during the final.

"Something urgent came in and I have to take care of it as soon as possible. I have to leave tomorrow and I won't be back until probably the end of the tournament." Konami explained before he let out a reassured smile for his two disappointed friends. "But don't worry, I'll try to finish it as soon as possible so I won't miss most of your duels. Until then, just duel with everything you've got and take the championship title, alright?" He said as he stretched out his fist towards Zarc who grinned at the gesture and fist bumped the red hat duelist, happy that his friend won't be missing all of his duels.

"Don't be gone for too long, okay? I can't always keep an eye on him all the time." Ray said playfully which earned her a laugh from the red hat and an indigent shout from the silver haired young man.

"You don't always have to look out for me, you know!"

"The last time I left you alone, I found you flirting with some woman I had never seen before."

"How is that my fault!? And I told you I wasn't flirting with her! Why are you still upset about that?"

"Honestly, Zarc. Why are you so dense?"

"Who are you calling dense!?"

Konami's laugh just turned louder when the two just started bickering like an old married couple. Oh he was so going to miss this interaction between these two.

And with that another scene was done and the group watching it had enjoyed it as with the others before it. They were all enjoying seeing the interaction between Zarc and Ray, a few of them actually hoped that they would end up as a couple.

Ruby was about to question Konami what he was going to show them next, when she noticed the down hearted look on his face which left her concerned. "Konami, are you okay?" Her question caught their attention as they also noticed the red hat duelist expression and began to feel worried for him.

"Yeah, I'm just...fine." Konami tried to reassure them but his voice was telling another story with how sad he sounded. Metaltron and Tierra float beside him and start to give him a comforting thought through their link to calm him down. "I was just reminiscing the last happy memories I had with those two."

At those forbidding words, they then remembered that Konami had said that he had lost his two friends and they are watching how it happened as they speak. They questioned themselves if they should continue with these viewing if it will only hurt the vagabond even more.

Seeing their looks, Konami put on a smile on his face, although it was a little forced. "Hey, It's alright. Let's just continue on." He said as he gripped the golden necklace in his hand as their surroundings began to change again. "Now let's skip to Zarc's first match, the one that led him to a path that changed him for the worst."

If they were not nervous before, well they are now. The surroundings then stopped changing as the group found themselves standing inside the large dome arena where they guessed the duel was taking place. Only something was wrong, no one was cheering. All of the people here were just silent as if they were shocked by something that had happened.

"Why is it so quiet?" Winter questioned feeling uneasy at the eerie silence from such a massive crowd of people.

Whatever they had been thinking about the silence was quickly interrupted by the sound of a painful scream filling the arena. The group turned to the source of the sound and what they saw was horrifying.

One one side was Zarc standing completely still as if he was frozen in place and at the other was a duelist who was on the ground, clutching the gaping hole in his shoulder as blood leaked out of the wound enough to make a small puddle. The heavily injured duelist was screaming his lungs out in agony and gurgling in pain as he writhed on the ground he laid.

"Oh Oum...." Glynda muttered as her face turned from deadly white pale to an ugly shade of green as she stared at the scene with her hand covering her mouth. She was no stranger to seeing fatal wounds before, but the people she knew had Aura to help them and she knew that these people had none of those to help them heal. So she was understandably disturb by how badly the injury was and the amount of blood that was leaking out of it.

Just then, with the horrifying sight still fresh on their mind, a new sound begins to fill the arena. Drowning the painful screaming of the injured duelist was the sound that shocked them to their very core.

It was the sound of cheering. The crowd was cheering over someone getting injured, they were cheering when the duelist writhed in pain, and when the first sign of blood came out their cheering turned louder than ever before.

"What?" Weiss could only say that one word as she and the others stared in disbelief as the crowd continued to cheer louder, clapping, and chanting the victor's name over and over again in what they morbidly found one thing; enjoyment.

"They are cheering?" Yang exclaimed in disbelief as her eyes turned red in anger with her fist trembling and teeth grinding at the sheer audacity of what the crowds were doing. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? THE GUY IS IN PAIN WITH A HOLE ON HIS SHOULDER! AND THESE PEOPLE JUST CHEER AS IF IT WERE SOME ENTERTAINMENT!? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!?" She screamed in anger, knowing full well that they can't hear her but she was too angry to care.

Pyrrha's eyes widened when a sudden thought came to her. "Oh Oum, how is Zarc taking this accident?" Her question caused them all to pay attention towards the silver haired duelist, only to find him standing with his fist in the air and a smile gracing face in what appeared to be a declaration of his victory which caused the crowd cheer to reach a new crescendo much to the shock of the group.

"Is-Is he taking enjoyment just like the rest of them?" Ren questioned as his eyes narrowed sharply at the duelist.

"No. Take a closer look at Zarc." Ozpin exclaimed as they did as he said and watched more closely. "His smile is forced, his body is trembling, and if we could see his eyes they would be wide in what I could guess was terror. It's clear that what he did was an accident and he didn't mean for it to happen." The Beacon headmaster words bring them reassurance when they see the sign he had mentioned in Zarc was true.

"Wait, what about Ray?" Nora quickly looks side to side trying to find where the girl was and seeing she react to the accident.

"See for yourself." Konami said as he pointed at a direction which they follow and saw that he was pointing where Ray is.

The maroon haired girl was on her knees with her hands covering her mouth as her body shook in distraught and horror at the accident. Although they still can't see her whole face, they could guess she was as terrified as Zarc is.

Konami figures that they needed time to digest the situation, so he stopped the scene with the Millennium Necklace and made the surrounding stop frozen as if time had stopped. The group didn't complain as they were still shocked by the turn of events.

"Why...?" Ruby muttered in distraught and confusion as she couldn't believe what she had seen. "Why did they cheer? The guy was b-b-bleeding and h-h-hurt, so why did they look happy? Why did Zarc do that? How c-c-could he do t-that, they were just d-d-dueling and now the guy is..." She couldn't finish her sentence as she let out a sniffle, which Yang immediately noticed and hugged her sister to bring her comfort. The red hooded girl didn't complain and just returned the hug from her big sister while still sniffling.

Sending the younger girl a sympathetic look, Konami then turned towards the other before he answered their unasked question. "I just want you all to know that Zarc does not take any enjoyment from this whatsoever. What you just saw was entirely an accident and there was no intentional motive."

"Then why did Zarc react like what we had seen? If he doesn't mean it then why did he do something like that?" Blake asked as she didn't understand why someone like Zarc would do something like that.

"Was he...Was he pressured by the crowd somehow?" Jaune's comment caught their attention as they began to look at the blonde team leader for an explanation. "I mean, we all know that Zarc only wants to bring smiles to others when he duels. So when the crowd started cheering he felt like he needed to answer their expectations so he did what we had seen."

"That....kinda makes sense. The pressure of a growing crowd can lead someone to make a poor decision, especially in a crowd this massive." Weiss said in agreement as she felt like she can relate to that whenever she sometimes went on stage to sing for a crowd. "But still, I never expected for it to lead him to acting like that."

Qrow, though, was troubled by another fact. He had seen the expression of the crowd and the way Zarc reacted to it, from just these two things alone he could figure out what's going to happen next. "He's not going to stop even after this, isn't he?" The older scythe wielder caught a few of them off guard. While the other adults had also realized the fact and came to the same conclusion as Qrow, the student on the other hand just stared at him with their eyes widened.

"You are correct." Konami said in confirmation. "The crowd had grown addicted to the violence from Zarc's duel. So they started to demand a more brutal and exciting duel from him, and driven by the sole reason to bring smiles to others he continues to answer their demand."

The Millennium Necklace glows once again, only this time they are watching a snippet of events from Zarc's now ruthless way of dueling. They saw Zarc blasting his opponent's monster through the ceiling, they saw one of Zarc's dragon holding his opponent in its claw and squeezing it which caused the opponent to cried out in pain, and they even see his dragon rushing and destroying multiple monster while dealing damage to his opponent that caused him to coughed out a large amount of blood.

"You humans sometimes don't make any sense to me." Tierra said while watching the scene with a scowl on her face while she spoke loudly so that they could all hear her. "You claim to want peace, yet you are so eager to start war. You want to keep a sense of order, yet what you do only leads to more chaos being born. You all seek entertainment, yet here you crave for violence and brutality at the expense of others. It reminds me of how much I used to feel disgusted at you humans."

"We humans are not perfect, Miss Tierra." Ozpin words only made the red haired spirit let out an incredulous laugh.

"Please, you're 'we're not perfect' excuse just makes me want to rip out my ear so I won't have to hear it ever again. I'm sick of people saying that just because they are 'not perfect' it would justify everything, because you all damn know that people always want to achieve 'perfection' yet when they failed to do so they had the nerve to say those words as if it would make right with what they had done and the mistake they made." Tierra ranted as her tone of voice turned angrier by the minute.

"And what does that mean for you, Monster?" Ironwood retorted back, still looking professional and composed but his voice on the other hand was full of annoyance. "What do you know about us so much that you had the right to say such words?"

Tierra scoffed at the retort. "You seem to have forgotten that my soul is one with Konami who is a human, so I had my fair share of experience of what you humans acted." She pointed towards the red hatted young man, who was just silent during the interaction just like most people in the group. "And I find it funny that you call us 'Monster' but it was us 'Monster' that had the chance to gain something you humans seem to lose a lot."

Ironwood was ready to say another retort, but a raised hand from Ozpin quickly shut the Atlas general up. "And what is it that you had gains that we humans had lost frequently?" The headmaster of Beacon questioned in curiosity over what her answer is going to be. Tierra let out a smirk as she answered the question with some level of eagerness.

"I believe you people call it a 'humanity'."

She relished at seeing the dumbfounded looks from the group of people, it's a shame she didn't have a camera to take a picture of their faces right now. Just as she was about to say another word, she was interrupted by a voice she knew well.

"That's enough, Tierra." Said Duel Spirit scowled at Konami's words, he was not stopping her from doing this.

"Don't stop me Konami, I"

"I said that's enough."

Tierra then shut up at the tone of his voice that she had only ever heard a few times before. It was forceful, imposing, and mostly so cold that it even made her shiver slightly. She turned towards him and sure enough, he was looking at her with a firm frown on his face with his eyes both narrowed down to a glare. Only his eyes color had changed again, it was not his usual warm hazel brown color nor was it the color he had when he used hers or Metaltron power.

No, his eyes had turned a deadly shade of bright yellowish golden color that gave him a demonic kind of look.

Not wanting to stare at those cold and deadly looking eyes anymore, Tierra let out a 'tch' as she complies. "Fine" The Goddess of Destruction said reluctantly as the vagabond was pleased by her obedience and his eyes turned back to normal, thankful that no one else had notice the change in his eyes as he hides them from the view of others and only made it so that only Tierra had seen it. He wasn't ready to share that bit of his past just yet.

Metaltron noticed the stunned group and decided to approach them. "Sorry about that, is just that this is hard for Konami to relive his memory about the loss of his friends and he just wants to finish it as soon as possible. So how about we continue on, alright?" The Dracombatant said in an apologetic tone.

"It's....alright, you're right let's just continue to watch what happened next." Glynda answered, still a bit shaken by the sudden change in the way Konami had spoken.

"Thanks Tron, I owe you one." Konami said in gratitude to the golden haired spirit through their shared mental link. "Now that everyone has calmed down." The vagabond said with noticeably less cheer in his voice compared to before. "I guess I should show you all how both Zarc and Ray were affected by Zarc's new style of dueling."

With that said, the scenery around began to change again before they were now standing inside a hallway connected towards the center of the arena. They can see Zarc with his fist in the air as the crowd cheer for him and chanting his name, not too far away from him was the silver haired duelist opponent who was covered in bruises and was knocked unconscious. The group still can't believe how the people could be so ignorant towards the injured duelist and just continue to cheer.

It wasn't long before they noticed that Zarc began to walk away from the arena and head towards them. Of course, they all knew they can't interfere with the past, so they just stayed and watched the scene happening.

Zarc walks away from the arena still keeping up what some of his fans called his 'conquering' smile on his face. He could still hear the many people cheer for him and his name being called out in a chant. He ignored them all as he continued to walk until he was far away from the crowd.

It wasn't until he couldn't hear their cheers anymore that he crumbled.

His body shook violently as he placed a hand on the wall to steady himself and keep from falling to the ground. His other hand was covering his face as his expression was frozen in a state of horror and guilt, he could feel he was going to throw up but he held it in. His mind was a mess from all of the dueling and what he had done towards his opponent to keep the crowd happy, from all the tidal of emotion going through him only one question remained echoing in his head.

"Why....?" Zarc muttered lowly, still shaking and was not stopping any time soon. "Why do I keep doing this? Why did they smile when I hurt someone? Why did they want a more violent and brutal duel? Why do I keep giving them what they want? Just why...why...why..." He was sounding like a broken record and his voice was cracking a little at the end but he just couldn't find himself to care at this point.

Once he was calmed down for the most part, he continued to walk as his still troubled mind was plagued by guilt over what he had done to answer the crowd's expectation, to make them smile.

Imagine his surprise when he bumped into Ray on his way out.

"Ray!" Zarc cried out in surprise and slight panic at his friend's sudden appearance. "What-uh what are you doing here?" He asked with his voice raised slightly in octave and he was also feeling nervous, hoping that Ray didn't notice his little breakdown earlier.

"....I was coming to look for you." Ray told him with a strange tone in her voice and she had her head turned away from him so he couldn't see her expression. This saddened Zarc for some reason but he was more relieved that it looks like she hadn't seen his breakdown earlier.

Actually now that he thought about it, this was the first time he had seen her for a while now.

"Ray....have you been ignoring me?" Zarc asked as he tried to see her expression, but she just kept her head turned away from him which left him frustrated and hurt.

Ray didn't answer, or perhaps she didn't need to. They say action speaks louder than words, so the fact that she didn't even deny his claim just made Zarc more confused, baffled, and more hurt. After a moment of agonizing silence, Ray finally spoke.

"Zarc, I want you to stop this kind of dueling."

Zarc's eyes widen but Ray continues to speak. "The way you are dueling's not right. When will you stop doing this? T-This isn't you. If you keep doing this, then you''ll..." She couldn't finish her sentence, she was too busy trying to stop herself from crying in front of him. Seeing him just brutally beat up his opponent and taking enjoyment from it was killing her on the inside, this just wasn't right. This is not the kind of dueling she had come to admire. This was not the kind of cheer Zarc had ever wanted. This was not...this was not the Zarc she knows.

The one she had fallen for.

"What are you saying, Ray?"

Ray froze at the tone of voice Zarc had used when he said that, it was as if he didn't understand the meaning of what he had done. "I can't stop, n-not now. The crowd, the audience, they...they are happy. They are smiling and I...I have to keep them happy. They wanted more and...and I have to give them more, until they all...they..." He wanted to say that until the people were satisfied, until they had enough that they wanted him to stop. But for the life of him he just couldn't say it out loud. What was stopping him? He was right, right? The people can't be that greedy, they have to stop at some point, right?

"Ray, what...what should I do?" He questioned with his voice quivering and beginning to sound desperate for an answer, anything to justify that what he was doing was right or wrong.

Unaware of his internal struggle over his thought, Ray was trembling in her place with her hand clenching the side of her skirt, her hearing turned deaf the moment he began to ramble and most of them were lost to her. She can't take this, this is just too much for her.

"....I have to go."

Ray was about to walk away from him before Zarc grabbed a hold of her arm with his voice sounding even more desperate than before. "Ray—"


Her shout echoed through both of their heads as Ray finally turned towards him and yanked her arm from his grasp. It was then that Zarc and Ray both finally faced each other face to face and what he saw broke his heart even more than ever before.

She was looking at him with her eyes filled with anger and an emotion he would never imagine she would direct towards him, it was fear. Ray was afraid of him. His friend, his best friend, the person he cherished most in his entire life was staring at him with eyes full of fear.

"Please....just....leave me alone." Ray muttered sadly as she closed her eyes, not wanting to see the look on his face and trying to hold back her tears. But a split second was all it took for her to see his widening eyes before she took off and ran away from him. If any one of them were to face each other again they would see the expression on their face.

For Ray, it was the look of guilt and fear. For Zarc, it was the look of grief and disbelief. Unfortunately, Ray continued to run away and Zarc was frozen in his spot with his outstretched arm trying to take a hold of something, leaving them alone with their own thoughts at what just happened.

A deafening silence filled the place as Zarc continue to stare at his frightened friend retreating form, his hand outstretched trying to grab the warmth he had come to love to keep close to him and his mouth opened to call out the name that had made such a huge impact on his life and the name of his most cherished friends.

But he was still frozen in his place with no sound coming from his mouth, his mind continuing to replay the word she had just said to him. Those two sentences had convinced him of the fact that he didn't want to accept. That Ray had feared him, she hates him and doesn't want to see him again.

Something inside of him broke, he fell to his knee still with that frozen look of shock and mortification. It was in this moment of weakness that his mind could only conjure up a single word that resonated with him.

"Why?Why?Why!?Why!?WHY!?WHY!?WHYYYY!?" Zarc screamed his lungs out and pounding his shaking fist into the ground repeatedly as his tears leaked out off his eyes rapidly. "WHY DID THIS HAPPENED!? WHY!? WHAT DID I DO WRONG!? TELL ME! SOMEBODY TELL ME! I GAVE THEM WHAT THEY WANTED! I WANTED TO MAKE THEM SMILE! I WANTED TO STAY WITH THEM, WITH HER! TO LAUGH WITH HER! TO JUST BE WITH HER! TO NOT FEEL ALONE EVER AGAIN LIKE BEFORE! SO, WHY!? TELL ME WHY DID THIS HAPPENED!?!?!?!?"

He continued to cry out his emotions, all of his sadness, frustration, confusion, guilt was all released in his loud shout that it was lucky there was no one else to hear him. His fist stop pounding the ground and was just laying there and shaking just like the rest of his body. His tears continue to pore out of his eyes as he gritted his teeth. After a few minute of shouting, his sore throat finally gave out and only left the sound of crying in his ears.

"I promised to myself...that i would make the people make them smile...i promised." He exclaimed with his voice now cracking, hoarse, and strained with the additional sobbing as he continued to mutter to himself. "So why...? Why do I have to suffer...I don't want to hurt people...what's the point of that? make the people smile?...but she left me alone...alone...i don't want to be alone anymore...please...someone...anyone...tell me...what should I do? Please...I don't know what is right or wrong anymore...I can't take it."


As Zarc continued to let his feelings out, the group who had seen the entire scene was admittedly heartbroken at what just happened to him. The people's lust for violence had turned what was once an optimistic young man who only wanted to make people happy into a broken man who was abandoned by the one person he could call a friend.

Both teams RWBY and JNPR were affected the most after what they had just witnessed. Konami had told them that Duel Monster was meant to be a fun and exciting game that they would enjoy, and they believed him. The first time they had a duel against each other was the most fun and exhilarating experience they had ever done in most of their life. But seeing Zarc crumbling before them, they now know that there is a lot more to dueling than they had previously thought.

Zarc continues to weep slightly as he continues to mutter why he was like this while begging someone to answer him. But he was alone, Ray had abandoned him and Konami was nowhere to be found. There was nobody that he could talk to and he hated it. He was tired of being alone, hated it.

Just as he was about to sink deeper into his despair, a familiar set of roars reached his ears. His eyes widened as he scrambled to take out his deck and grabbed the cards that was calling him and stared at them in shock. It was his four dragons.

"Y-You guys..." That was right, he wasn't alone. He has his dragons with him, the one who has been there for him since as long as he could remember. He activates his Duel Disk and summons his four dragons, the dragons then begin to nuzzle him and try to comfort their master as Zarc just hugs his dragons while letting a few more tears fall from his face and a small smile on his face.

He wasn't alone, his dragons are there for him and they won't leave him. He could feel their emotion, their feeling for him. Sadness, compassion, understanding, and—


Zarc wasn't the only one who was surprised. Although they can't tell what the dragons are feeling directly, the threatening snarl coming from the four dragons and the unrestrained rage visible in their eyes was enough proof for the group to came to a conclusion that they are angry.

"The dragons...they're angry..." Ruby muttered, her tears from seeing Zarc break down had stopped as now she was in a state of shock and confusion at the dragon's anger.

'I have a bad feeling about this.' Ozpin narrowed his eyes as he watched the event transpire, not liking where this is going. Zarc's mental state was at his weakest and any influence right now could lead him to easily accepting any decisions, even if said decisions would lead to him doing something that he wouldn't normally do.

Zarc stared at his angered dragons in confusion. He could feel an immense anger coming from them but they were not directed at him, if anything he felt that they were angry for him. But who are they angry with? He knew they cared for him, even after all the things he made them go through. But it wasn't his fault, the people wanted a more brutal and violence duel, the people—

His eyes widened at that thought. A sudden realization came over him as the emotions of his dragons began to resonate with him. He now truly knew who it was that his dragons were angry with.

"You're the people..." Zarc exclaimed as his dragons roared as he started to feel his own anger rising at the revelation of who had truly done this to him. "It all made sense. The people are to blame, their crave for conflict and lust for violence. Their disgusting desire is what did this to me, they are the one who made me into this, and they are the one who had taken Ray away from me."

His temper continues to rise as he begins to grind his teeth and clenching his hand so hard that if he doesn't wear his glove right now then his hand will be bleeding. No matter how much he gave them what they wanted, he realized that they will never be satisfied and they will always crave for more. It disgust him how the people—no, how humans can be so greedy that they would neglect others' needs.

"If that's what they wanted, then so be it." Zarc said coldly as his dragons continue to growl as theirs and their master rage begin to synchronize with each other. "They wanted to see a bloody entertainment? Then that is exactly what they are going to get. I'll become stronger and I'll show them all. I'll give them so much entertainment that they are going to choke on them, and if they said that they had enough? Then I'll give them some more! Because humans are never satisfied, are they!? They will ALWAYS crave for more! So I'm actually doing them a favor! That was really nice of me, HUH!?"

He let out a laugh almost maniacally as he finished his rant. He knows now what he had to do, he'll make them pay for taking everything from him, but he was a nice guy so he will continue to give them what they wanted. An entertainment that will shock them to their rotten core, he already begins to crave it himself! He could feel his dragon's anger resonating with his own, it was exhilarating to feel it. It's as if they were a single united mind.

As if they are one single being

That thought made his heart throb as Zarc deactivated his Duel Disk and returned his four dragons to his deck. He then began to walk towards the exit of the stadium with a cold and nasty smirk on his face. All thought of happier memories with Ray and Konami, he throws them aside as his mind begins to fill with the desire to become stronger and show them all an entertainment like no other.

He can't wait to make them all pay.

As Zarc continued to walk away, the group stared at the retreating form of the silver haired duelist with varying degree of emotion shown on their face. The most would be the expression of shock, horror, and sadness over Zarc's complete mental breakdown earlier.

"Damn it, looks like the kid finally snap." Qrow cursed under his breath.

Konami's face was stoic as far as people can see, but with his hat covering his eyes once again it was hard to say what his expression truly is. "After that Zarc begins to duel more violently than before while growing stronger with each duel he won, the crowd are always cheering for him and continue to ask for more while he continues to answer their demand. Over time he himself began to desire for a stronger challenge to satisfy his hunger. And Ray continue to be absent whenever Zarc is dueling."

"So the crowd has also corrupted him." Glynda muttered in concealed anger at how much a person can change over the pressure of a large crowd. She didn't blame Zarc for snapping like that, but she was angry at the people for letting such violent acts be encouraged more than being frowned upon.

"You can imagine my surprise when I finally returned and found that my friend was dueling with the intent to hurt people." He exclaimed as he gripped the Millennium Necklace which glowed as the surrounding began to shift once more.

They were silent as they waited for the area around them to stop changing, which didn't take long as a few seconds passed and they found themselves at the same hallway as before. Only when Zarc came walking towards them he was sporting a confident smirk on his face and looking like he was proud of hurting his opponents.


Zarc turned towards the direction where the voice came from and found it belonged to a frantic and angry looking Konami. "Ah Konami, you made it after all. Tell me, how is my entertainment dueling? Pretty exciting, isn't it?" He said as his smirk widened at the thought of his previous duel, his opponents gave out a fight but he was easily obliterated by his dragons. The screaming of his opponent was still fresh in his mind and he relished it.

"What part of this is entertainment!? Zarc, the guy has to be taken to the HOSPITAL because of you! I don't think he'll be even able to walk for MONTHS from how badly his legs got injured because of YOU!" Konami screamed as he glared at his friend in anger over what he has done, the worst part is that he doesn't even look the slightest bit guilty. Just what happened when he was gone!?

Zarc just let out a laugh at the information. "Well that's great! He should be grateful, I gave him and the crowd an amazing entertainment! He get to experience my entertainment first hand and he should feel honored!" He exclaimed loudly as Konami took a step back in surprise at his friend's blatant disregard over the fact that he might have crippled someone all for the sake of 'entertainment'.

"Zarc...what happened to you? Why do you duel like this!? This is not what dueling should be all about!" Konami cried out.

"Oh open your eyes, Konami! You saw how the crowd reacted! They enjoy this kind of entertainment and they are not going to stop asking for more!" Zarc retorted back as he was getting angrier by the second.

"Then why do you keep answering them!? What you're doing is not worth it! What purpose do you have for constantly injuring your opponent!?"

"You know as much as I do that all I want is to keep people smiling! The moment I started hurting my opponent is the moment I realized that this is the kind of thing the people want! So I'll keep growing stronger and continue my entertainment, no matter how many people I have to hurt! THAT is what the people want!"

"Listen to yourself! You're injuring people just to please the masses!? All for the sake of entertainment!? There is nothing right about any of this, what you're doing is entirely wrong!"


Konami froze at those words as Zarc glared at the red hat wearing duelist with his teeth grinding and looking absolutely livid.

"I have been dueling this way the entire tournament, and not a single person has ever told me that I am in the wrong! No one told me why it is that what I'm doing is wrong! I begged, pleaded, and screamed for anybody to tell me why I was wrong but not even a single one answered me! So tell me Konami, why is it that I am doing wrong!?"

Zarc screams echo through the hallway they are standing on. He was breathing heavily but he didn't drop the glare he was giving the red hat.

"I won't stop. Not yet. I'm not satisfied yet, I need to keep going stronger." His hunger and thirst is not sated, those two desire had surfaced within him when he realized who it is that made him like this. It disgusts him that he begins to have the same desire as those people. But he realized that it can't be helped, he was the same as them after all—he was still a human.

"Not even she can stop me."

Konami heard his muttering and he then realized that he didn't see Ray even once when he came back. "Zarc, where is Ray? Why isn't she here with you?" He questioned.

Zarc hearing her name let out a laugh that held no amount of joy in them, it was just a hollow laugh if anything. "Oh, Ray? I don't even care anymore on where the fuck that bitch is right now."

"Zarc!" Konami cried out as he stared wide-eyed in horror at how Zarc just disregarded Ray like that. "How could you say that!? Ray is your friend—!"

"SHE IS NOT MY FRIEND!" Zarc cried out loud as his anger reached a new level at the thought of his so-called 'friend'. "Not anymore! She had the chance to talk me out of this, she had the chance to tell me why I was wrong, I asked her what I should do, and you know what she did? She just ran away from me! The one time, the one fucking time I needed her the most and she just abandoned me! It hurts! That the first friend I made in my entire life just abandoned me like that!"

His eyes began to sting as he was trying his hardest not to shed a tear, even after all this time cursing her name he was still hurt by the fact that Ray had just left him alone. Not wanting to think about Ray any longer he decided that it was about time for him to leave.

"I have enough of this 'chat'." Zarc said with an emphasis on the last word as he began to walk away from the still stunned Konami. He had no time for this useless banter, training was needed if he wants to get stronger and any second he wasted is another he can gain.

Konami bowed his head as Zarc walked past him, his fist clenched tightly as he let out a breath he didn't know he held. "Just answer me one question." He called out to his friend one more time, not turning around to face him but from the sound of footsteps stopping, the red hat knew that his friend was listening even for a moment. "All of this, what you've done and what you're gonna do next. When? When is it ever going to stop?"

Silence filled the air as the two duelist stand with their backs against each other, one was waiting for an answer and the other was looking like he was contemplating the answer. After a few agonizing seconds, at least for Konami, the silver haired duelist continued to walk only before he let out a quiet but very firm answer of declarations. If the red hatted vagabond was being honest, he didn't know who it was directed to.

"It will end when the world itself burns."

The group was having a hard time watching the event, mainly because it was heartbroken to see how far the silver haired duelist had changed from before. Seeing his argument with the Past Konami and how much he was in despair over Ray abandoning him, it was clear that Zarc is not in the right state of mind.

But when they hear those last few words Zarc had uttered, they begin to have a sense of dread at how serious he had said it.

"H-He's kidding, right?" Jaune asked fearfully towards Konami, hoping to heavens above that he had just misheard that.

Konami didn't answered and merely stood in silence for a moment before he finally responded. "Let's move on." He said with a tone on his voice that practically means he is not answering the question, which leave a majority of the group pissed that he was holding such an important information from them but figured that he was having an even harder time watching the event more then they do, so they decided to just dropped it and hoping that the next viewing will answer the question.

Plus Tierra was fixing them with a fierce glare and was daring them to argue with her as she lit her hands on fire with her unearthly (or is it 'un-remnantly'?) flame, looking like she was ready to burn the next person who forced Konami to talk when he clearly doesn't want to. Needless to say that was one of the reasons that they decided to just dropped the subject.

"After that I tried my best to convince Zarc to stop him from continuing his cruel and brutal style of entertainment. Unfortunately my effort was for naught, I even tried to find Ray so that she could talk to him but she kept ignoring me whenever I brought Zarc up and I couldn't exactly go to her place since I never asked where she lived." Konami explained as he began to feel angry at himself for letting his friend down and being unable to help when he needed it.

He felt a pat on his shoulder and turned around to find it was Ruby, who was giving a small comforting smile when she see his frustration. "At least you tried your best, if Zarc was still the same Zarc you know i'm sure he would be glad that you are helping him. You're a really good friend, Konami." She told him with certainty in her voice, before feeling slightly embarrassed because it wasn't often that she would comfort someone. It was not that she doesn't want to but she just too shy to actually do it, usually it was Yang who did it so she just hope that her words could cheer up Konami.

Konami was stunned for a moment before he let out a sigh and smiled lightly. "Well I was told that I'm just too loyal for my own good." Metaltron and Tierra both let out a scoffed in amusement at how right he was on that statement. "But thank you for saying that, Ruby. I really appreciate it." He said sincerely to red hooded girl, the next few scenes will be hard on them and him but Ruby words manage to put him at ease even if it was just for a little.

Ruby smiled happily at him, it was good to know that she managed to cheer the red hatted vagabond up.

She didn't get the chance of being proud of herself for long because Yang suddenly came up to her and hugged the ever living daylight out of her. "Ooh my little sis is all grown up! I'm so proud!" The blonde brawler cried out joyously like a proud mama bear as she continued to hug her sister.

"Ack! Yang, let go! Can't breathe! Need air, air!"

Konami and a few others crack a smile at the sight, some of them also let out a laugh at the sisterly moment between them. This went on for a while before Yang finally let go of Ruby, who was busy taking a deep breath of air from the lack of it in her system.

"Alright, let's move on to the next scene. This takes place after he had won the tournament and is officially the World Duel Championship." Konami told them as his mood turned to the somber seriousness he had before. "Be warned that this scene is when the descent for Zarc to madness begin and the core reason why the Dimensional War happened in the first place."

His words easily left the group feeling the dread they had earlier. In no time at all the area begins to change in a series of blur, before finally setting with them standing in a place within the spectator seat of the arena only it looks like it was a reserved seat as only two people were sitting here. One of the two being Ray and the other is an older man with short cropped dark blue hair.

"Oh! We're finally seeing Ray again." Pyrrha called out feeling relieved seeing the maroon haired girl again and sadden when she remembered what happened between her and Zarc.

"Who's that guy beside Ray?" Nora asked and pointed towards said person.

"His name is Akaba Leo, a scientist and the creator and inventor of the Real Solid Vision." Konami exclaimed, which shocked the group that the person who invented such a revolutionary system would be so close to them, even if it was just an image. "As for his relation to Ray? I'll tell you when the time is right." He said as the group nodded their head in understanding before they then watched the past unfold again before them.

Ray sat in her seat beside her father, being the inventor of the Real Solid Vision system her father was guaranteed a VIP spot amongst the audience and being his daughter she was given the same privilege. Normally such a thing would be a good thing, but for her it was a torture seeing Zarc ruthlessly hurting his opponent with his twisted sense of entertainment.

This duel is the final one for the tournament and was originally a four player Battle Royale with the last standing duelist win, but Zarc had declared that he wanted to duel the three duelists at the same time while they all work together against him. The tournament official had taken a liking to that idea and decided to allow it, which was met with a quick approval by the crowd. Even with a 3 versus 1 disadvantage, Zarc quickly overpowered all of his opponents in just a few turns and the only reason it didn't end in an instant is that he deliberately prolonged it to showcase his entertainment to the crowd.

Her heart clenched painfully seeing her once kind hearted friend just mercilessly dueling with the intent to harm someone. She was even more disgusted by the crowd for cheering Zarc on as he did it, why do the people find this so entertaining? This was just horrible seeing him down there dueling this way. She closed her eyes and look away, not wanting to watch anymore of this.


Fortunately, hearing her name being called distracted her from watching anymore of this horrible duel. Unfortunately, she knew the voice all too well to figure out who it is. Sure enough, when she turned around she found Konami standing behind her.

Akaba Leo, who didn't enjoy watching the dueling anymore then his daughter is, turned also to look at the newcomer in confusion at who this person is. "I'm sorry, young man. But this is a private seat and I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave."

Konami turned to look at the older man before him before bowing down slightly in respect. "My apologies, but I'm afraid I have to borrow Ray for a moment. There's some urgent matter I have to discuss with her."

Leo quirked an eyebrow at the request, he was about to say something more but he was cut off by Ray speaking first. "It's Alright. He's a friend of mine that I've been ignoring for a while. I think it's just a matter of time before this happens." She sighed dejectedly but like she said it was inevitable.

Leo looked at his daughter in surprise, he didn't know Ray knew such a mysterious looking person. Then again she had been going out more often the past few months so he guess he knew the reason now. "Alright, Ray. Don't go for too long, okay?" He said to his daughter and smiled lightly.

Ray returned the smile and nodded her head before getting up and walking out with Konami in tow.

The group watched the two of them walk away from them before looking at Konami, silently asking him what they should do. "Let's follow them, I think you guys might want to hear this." He said before walking in the same direction with Tierra and Metaltron floating besides him. In no time at all they all begin to walk also, following the figure from the past for what's about to happened.

The two walked a bit further away, making sure that no one was there when the inevitable was going to happen. After making sure that no one was going to hear them, the two stopped walking and were waiting for one person to start talking. A moment passed and not one of them was willing to start talking. Fortunately, it wasn't long before Konami decided to be the one who started it.

"Ray, why are you ignoring him?"

Ray winced at the affronted question, she took a look at Konami and expected him to be angry at her. Only the look he was giving her wasn't anger, but it was a mix of disappointment and desperation over the fact that she had left Zarc alone. She bit the bottom of her lip in exasperation at the topic she desperately tried to avoid.

"You wouldn't understand." Ray muttered loud enough for him to hear, even then it was only a whisper if anything.

"Of course I wouldn't understand, because I wasn't there when he had changed. But you were there and...I just don't get it, why? Why did you not help him?" Konami said to her, he needed to know why she didn't help him. He knew Ray wouldn't just abandon Zarc without any reason.

Ray was having a hard time considering her words, she was doing that a lot when ever she begin to think about Zarc now. "I tried." She managed to said but her voice crack a little. "I tried to stop him, to tell him that there's another way. To go back to where he make the people smile without any expense of others."

"But he wouldn't listen. Then he started to say something to justify his doing and that makes me sick to my stomach. I stop listening and my only thought was just to get away from him." Ray said her body trembling remembering that memories, in sadness, anger, or fear she doesn't know is it which one or all of them at the same time. "So I did, I starts to run away from him. I was so angry at him for letting himself fall into his 'entertainment', but...I was mostly scared more."

Konami eyes widened when he heard that but stay silent as he let her continue. "He's not the same Zarc i met all those months ago. He's changed for the worse and...and that s-scared m-me. That the k-kind duelist I-I met had b-been replaced b-by this imposter who takes j-joy at h-hurting others and e-even letting his precious dragons s-suffered for the c-crowd." She was now leaning against the wall and sobbing her eyes out as she dropped to the floor and hugged her knees, wishing that Zarc would comfort her like the way he used to when she was sad. But he was gone now, the Zarc she knew and loved is gone.

Konami looked at his sobbing friend in sympathy. He was about to say something to comfort her, but something she had said is still bugging him. From the way she said those last few words she thinks that the dragons are suffering because of Zarc forcing them, does she really believe Zarc isn't suffering on his own account? Was her feeling of fear and anger clouding her judgement?

The sound of a cheering crowd getting louder caught their attention. They both come to the conclusion that Zarc must have won his duel already. Ray got up and dried up her tears using the sleeve of her dress, she didn't want her father seeing that she had been crying. After she done that, she turned towards to look at the red hatted duelist.

"You can come watch with me if you want." Ray told him before started walking to her seat, not waiting for her friend to answer. She really wouldn't mind if he was going to watch with her, and her father wouldn't mind either since he is a friend of her.

"Ray." Konami called out, making her stop and turned around to look at him. "Do you really think Zarc isn't suffering on his own right now?" He lets the question hang as he starts to walk away, leaving a frozen Ray who was too stunned by the question before her to answer. After a few seconds, she managed to get a grip of herself and continue to walk back to her seat with her father. Konami's question is still lingering inside her head.

The group watched the event with a heavy heart, not understanding completely at how much the two had been affected by the lost of their friend they had once knew but knowing enough that it was hard for them to see Zarc continue his path of violence.

"I'm going to move us to a different place right now." Konami said to them and hearing no argument from them, he proceed with doing just that. They are now on top of the spectator corner where they need to stand to watch what happened in the arena. Something that they don't mind at this point and just watch the next event unfold before them.


As the announcer cried out the name of the victor of the tournament, four large holographic projections of Zarc appeared which caused the cheering of the crowd to grow louder. Zarc himself was holding his head high and a smirk had adorned his face. He had done it, he had won the tournament. He was now officially the World Duel Champion, the strongest duelist in the entire world. He should feel happy, proud, and satisfied now.

So why didn't he feel just that?

His hunger and thirst had not been sated, if anything it just grew larger the more time he duel. His desire to become stronger is not diminishing, but is actually growing as time goes by. When will it stop? He already is the world's strongest, who was left for him to challenge? No one, he was the strongest now and no one was going to give him the challenge he desired. Was he destined to fight for the rest of his life, or until the world itself is destroyed?


Zarc's eyes widened as his heart started throbbing at those last few words he had thought. That's it. That's the answer he was looking for. He had felt like he was given enlightenment just now! His dragon's roar filled his ears, he could feel it. Their desire and his own are becoming one. This is the way. This is how he will be satisfied!

"Is that it!? Is there no one else who will fight me!?" Zarc roared to the crowd while throwing his arm to the side, gesturing towards his fallen opponents as the hologram mimicked his movement for all of the people to see. The crowd continued to cheer at his words, more louder than before.

"I'm not satisfied yet! I want to fight stronger and fiercer!" He cried out as the entire crowd agreed with him, they wanted to see an even more amazing duel. They called out to Zarc to show them even more. Hearing their wishes, Zarc started to grinned feraly and maniacally as he leaned back and accepted their words.

"Good! Your cheers will give my monsters strength!" He declared to the people as he held his dragons in his hand, their cards started glowing in resonance with his desire. It was time, the moment for his payback was drawing near!

"And just as you wish we will continue to become even stronger! Enough that we will be able to destroy everything in this world!"

The group watching had frozen and turned deathly pale when they heard his declaration. Were they hearing him right? Did Zarc really say he was going to destroy the world?

"Please tell me he's kidding." Blake said as she looked at Konami with wide eyes in fright and begging the red hat to prove them wrong. Unfortunately, Konami wasn't responding to her and that made her even more nervous than before.

Hearing the crowd cheering turned louder than ever before made Zarc almost want to laugh. He activated his Duel Disk and raised it into the air with his dragons in hands ready to be Summoned by him.

"Yes! We will continue winning! Just as you all desire!" He slammed the card onto his Duel Disk and watched as his dragons appeared before him one by one. The crowd was awestruck by the appearance of the dragons standing side by side with each other.

And then it all turns to chaos from here on out.

The dragons started firing their destructive attack towards everything in the stadium, without discriminating whatsoever. The people's cheer turned into cries for help as the dragons continued their relentless attack. Zarc just stood where he was as his maniacal laugh could be heard among the sound of screaming and crying of the fleeing people.

"What in the world is he doing!?" Weiss cried out in panic as she stared at the destruction the dragons had caused. They weren't affected by the attack but seeing it was horrifying enough.

"Doing exactly what he said, he's going to destroy the world. As the people wanted a more fierce duel, Zarc granted their wishes. Truly, karma at its finest." Konami told them all as he once again stopped the scene with the Necklace power.

"The people don't want any of this!" Winter cried out to him as she couldn't believe what was happening.

"Do you really think he cares at this point?" Konami asked her and the Schnee specialist opened her mouth to argue but just couldn't bring herself to do so knowing that the vagabond words were right.

"He must be stopped! What about the army of this world!?" Ironwood cried out, not wanting this mad man to destroy the world just as he pleased.

"It won't work. Monsters given bodies by the Real Solid Vision are unaffected by any modern weapon. Which means not only are the army of this world powerless, but even you Huntsman and Huntress who relied on your weapon won't even leave a dent on them." Konami explained as he used the Necklace to show them various moments of the four dragons' rampage, from attacking people and destroying buildings to surviving an onslaught of the military's weapons and destroying them all in an instant.

In the time the sun has fallen and night begins, the once futuristic city is nothing more than rubble on the ground. The few buildings that still stand are in shambles with the only illumination of the night being the raging fire that is a remnant from the dragon's attack.

"N-No..." Ruby muttered as she stared at the destruction of the city with wide eyes full of terror. It was like she had woken up from a bad dream only to find herself in an even worse nightmare, except this a reality. A past that had happened and can't be changed.

"DAMMIT!!" Yang cried out and immediately went to her sister to try and comfort her and probably herself from the amount of destruction that they had just witnessed.

Weiss was on the verge of tears as she couldn't stand seeing the sight before her. She was surprised when Winter came up to her and hugged her out of the blue, a gesture which surprised her but she accepted nonetheless. She buried herself in her big sister's chest like the time when she was little.

Blake herself was feeling sick to her stomach. Her thoughts suddenly went to Adam and wondered if he is the same as Zarc and if she had stayed would he have changed? 'No, no! He's already a monster to begin with! Nothing would have changed even if I had stayed!' She told herself but she couldn't shake the feeling of the possibility that it could happen.

Team JNPR was also supporting each other. Jaune was hugging Pyrrha who would have blushed from being so close to her crush if she wasn't too horrified by what happened. Ren and Nora are also hugging and comforting each other as the scene reminds them of what happened to their village only worse.

Ozpin and his group are faring much better than the students even if it was just a little. They had a more pressing concern at the new information they had required; the Monster that is Summoned by the Real Solid Vision can't be affected by their weapon. This was something that left them uneasy, especially Ironwood who didn't like that this monster couldn't possibly be killed by any of his weapons.

"Even after all of the chaos, the destruction, the...death he had caused." Konami said with his voice wavering slightly at the end but he continued on. "Zarc is still not satisfied, he still wants to become even stronger. Strong enough to take on the entire world. He found a way to make himself stronger. And that is what I'm about to show you next."

Once again the surroundings begin to change, until it stops and they find themself in the ruin of the very arena where Zarc had won his title of World Duel Champion. In the center they saw Zarc standing in front of his four dragons, and they had a bad feeling that everything Zarc had done was just the beginning.

His four dragons were in front of him, their roar echoed around and carried within them the same message as his own desire; they wanted to become even stronger, they were not satisfied and neither was he.

"I're not satisfied yet." He said to his dragons as he looked at them with a large grin on his face. Standing on the very arena where it all started, fitting for it is the place where he had lost so many things that it will now be the center of his rise to power. "I feel the same. I'm also not satisfied! I wanted more. I want to show them all the pinnacle of my power!"

Held in his hand is the key to doing just that. The key for him to attain power in a greater height than ever before. He was ready, he positioned himself to use the card he had waited a long time to use. He was ready to become—


Zarc's eyes twitched at the interruption. How dare someone disturbed the moment he will receive absolute power! He turned around to face the annoying bug that had disturbed him and was mildly surprised to find the face of his old friend staring back at him.

"Ah, Konami! I see you survived the onslaught of my dragons." Zarc exclaimed with a grin. Despite everything that he had done, he had to give the red hat wearing boy a credit for sticking with him this entire time. The guy was loyal and he will give him that. He was also a strong duelist, dare he say the only one he can ever have a hard time beating. But not anymore, soon he'll be the strongest and no one will ever defeat him!

"Zarc, you have gone too far! Did you realize what you had done!? The city is destroyed! Many have lost their homes! Many have lost their LIVES! You've got to stop this!" Konami called out to him, trying to reason with his friend to stop this pointless need to fulfill the people's desire.

Zarc wanted to laugh so hard right now, even after everything the red hat had said about him, he still wanted him to see reason. Truly, the guy is too loyal. A true friend until the end, he can respect that. It's too bad that his words mean so little for him now. He raised his hand to motion his snarling dragons to not attack the red hat, he wouldn't mind having some little chat with his old friend one last time.

"Oh? Why should I stop? Isn't this what the people wanted? For me to duel more fiercely? More brutally? I've given them what they wanted, so why should I stop giving them so? Humans will always want more, they can never be satisfied. Isn't that something that you would agree on?" Zarc asked the red hatted duelist with a mocking smile on his face. Konami gritted his teeth and clenched his fist, but he can't exactly disagree with Zarc. He tried to stop the people from seeing violence as entertainment, but it failed and his friend standing before him is proof of that.

"And besides, you and me, Konami...we are much alike actually." Zarc told him, which caused his old friend's eyes to widen in surprise. "We both have something we wanted to sate. We wanted to become stronger, to test ourselves. To reach a new height. It was never truly for others that we have this need to fulfill our desire. No, it was for ourselves. We'll always desire to fulfill it, by any means necessary. You understand, right Konami? Don't lie to me, I am your friend after all."

Konami stared at Zarc in silence as they looked into each other's eyes to gauge what they were feeling. For Zarc, it was filled with an eager expectation to be proven right. For Konami, it was a stoic neutral in contemplation.

"You are right, I do have my own desire to fulfill." Konami told the silver haired duelist as he narrowed his eyes on him. "But even so, I refuse to do so at the expense of others. You are wrong about one thing, Zarc. My desire to become stronger is not for my own purpose only, it is for the people I have in my life. For the family I can turn to, the friends I could count on, and myself so that I can support them. These are my reasons to become stronger!"

Hearing the Past Konami words, the group was shocked by how much conviction the red hat had when they heard his reason to become stronger. They can feel their respect for the vagabond grew bigger after hearing that.

Zarc continued to stare at Konami with an unreadable expression on his face at his old friend's words. His dragon was still growling towards him but they still followed his order and did not attack. After a moment staring at his old friend's unwavering eyes, he let out a sigh in slight disappointment.

"A shame, but not unexpected. You were always the best out of the three of us." Zarc told him as Konami dropped his glare and just stared at his friend with fondness in his eyes.

"You know you're the one with the best intention out of all of us." Konami's voice almost pleaded to Zarc. He didn't want to do this. He had already faced this situation too many times before, it hurt him more that it's Zarc that he was going to face.

"You're right, all I ever wanted was to make people smile with my dueling. But they just wanted me to duel to hurt people for their entertainment. I give them what they want, but they are never satisfied." Zarc exclaimed as he raised his head upwards as his eyes glazed over hearing their demand for more violent duel from him. "They say the true definition of insanity is to do something over and over and over and over again and expecting things to change. I did just that, I answered their demand and expected them to be satisfied, time and time again. I guessed I was just crazy to think that anything would change."

Zarc closed his eyes as he said that and Konami stared at his friend in sympathy and concern. That feeling didn't stay long when he noticed that Zarc started to let out a laugh that already sounded not right.

"But something did change, and that was me. I start to feel it. The hunger, the thirst, the desire for more and more had started to grow within me. Lay dormant but continuing to grow the more I duel. It's exhilarating! So I continue to become stronger and stronger, and finally I become the World Duel Champion. But it was not enough! This meaningless title is not enough to sate my hunger! My dragons feel the same as me! We are not satisfied! We will continue to become stronger! Until we become the strongest!"

His dragon's roar filled the night as his laughter grew louder and more demonic. He held out the key to his new power in his hand, ready to use it as he started to grin widely.

"AND THAT MOMENT HAS FINALLY COME!" Zarc shouted as he raised the card with his hand into the air as it started to glow brightly so much that Konami had to block his eyes with his arm so as to not hurt his vision.

"Zarc! What are you trying to do!?" Konami cried out loudly only to be met with no answer from the silver haired duelist as he started to chant.

"Astrograph Magician who governs over space and time! With your unfathomable power, unify our shared desire!"

Zarc slammed the card onto his Duel Disk as a humanoid being made out of the galaxy itself appeared. Astrograph Magician then raised his staff into the air as two rings similar to that of a gear manifested on top of him as he was encased in a pillar of light similar to that of a Pendulum Zone.


Light shot out of the Astrograph Magician towards the night sky before it expanded and turned into a gigantic magical sphere made out of many colorful rings of light. Many people near and far could see the sphere illuminating the night and leave them dreading what is going to happen.

The group was also gazing at the sphere of light while covering their eyes with their arms due to how harsh the bright light due to their close proximity to it.

"What on Remnant is he doing!?" Yang cried out as she squinted her eyes to try to get a better look on what was happening but not having much luck.

Blake's vision was hurting more than the others due to her being a Faunus, but she managed to make out a little on what was happening and she let out a gasp as she saw the four dragons start to get dragged inside the sphere. "The dragons! The-They are being absorbed by the sphere!" She called out to the others as they stared at her in shock at what she just said.

"Say what!? What is going on right now!?" Weiss shouted in confusion as she had a feeling that she wasn't going to like what was going to happen next.

Konami just stared at the past before him with his arms to the side, the cap of his hat blocking the harsh light from his eyes but he didn't need to see to know what was going to happen.

One by one his dragons get absorbed by the sphere of light that his Astrograph Magician had created. Then the moment had come, he could feel his feet leave the ground as he started to float and was dragged into the light. Zarc let out a loud laugh that echoed around the area as he let the light absorb him too. He could feel it! Power, a tremoundes power is flowing into his veins! So much power then he could ever even dream of and it's coming from him! This is what he had been waiting for!

Dark cloud starts to emerge from the light, covering the entire sky with its ominous presence as red lighting begins to spark and crackle dangerously as some of them stray away from the dark cloud and begin to crash through everything nearby. Konami gazed at the ominous cloud with wide eyes in disbelief as the full impact of Zarc's last word hit him.

" can't be..." Konami muttered as he continued to stare at the ominous pillar of dark cloud, the feeling of dread inside of him grew as he knew what Zarc had done.

A towering figure begins to appear behind the growing dark cloud and crackling red lighting. Suddenly, two gigantic black wings emerge from the top of the miniature storm as it flaps itself downward, dispersing the dark cloud and letting the world see the menacing creature hiding behind it.

The creature is a gigantic dragon with dark grey in color with dark tan sections on its wing blades and hips, and lime green lines running down its body. Its torso is covered in dark grey scales with a glowing lime green diamond shape shine in the center that extends up to the throat and gold plating covering it. It lacks legs and instead sports a large tail with tan sections that resemble horns with shield-like sections in place of its hind limbs. The arms have large scythe-shaped wrist blades and are comparatively smaller than the rest of the body. The snout has a simpler design of a typical dragon with a beak-like look while the head has a large crest protruding from the skull that is largely green, and two sets of horns; one set resembling tusks and the other is a larger set of sharp horn that is oriented to point forward from the head. The blade of the wing is also colored dark grey with lime green lining on its back edges, and the wings have a section that extends into tan barbed horns. Atop of this section is the main wings, which has a basic design of a dragon's wing, but with its size being two or three times the size of the dragons itself.

On the torso of the dragon was Zarc, but he had gone through a drastic transformation that made him look like a mixture of human, dragon, and demon. His lower limb was gone as he was now directly connected with the dragon itself. He had lost his clothing, leaving his now gray skin body open for everyone to see with spikes protruding from his shoulder and arms with his hand turned claw-like and Duel Disk still attached to his arm. Zarc maintains his silver hair but his face is covered in veins with his ears replaced by wing-like appendages. Large black demonic pair of wings now sprouted on his back. A sinister grin grew on his disfigured face and he let out a laugh that could be heard across the entire city.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! I have finally obtained it! I've become one with the ultimate dragons and obtained the power to rival a god!"

Zarc's booming voice reached the ears of everyone in the destroyed city, the crazed tone in his voice followed by the roar from the dragon terrified them if they were not already by seeing what he had become.

"I'm grateful to all of you humans! Your desire for conflict and the joy you have for battle, this lust you humans possessed has given me the greatest power imaginable! Just as you all wish I have become even stronger and become an even greater force of power! I am power! I am the end! I am SUPREME KING DRAGON, ZARC!!!!"

The Remnantian stared at the Supreme King Dragon in terror, never in their life would they have imagined to see something like this to happen. Seeing such a once kind hearted young man turned into an abomination like this is terrifying.

"Zarc had completely fused with his dragons. Becoming one with them grants him power beyond your comprehension. He wasn't bluffing when he said that he had obtained the power to rival god." Konami exclaimed as he showed them Zarc rampage as the Supreme King Dragon. They saw him in his dragon form blasting everything and destroying them, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake as the screams of people were all that could be heard.

"How long does his rampage go on?" Glynda couldn't help but ask as she still can't get rid of the imagery of Zarc's monstrous form and the chaos he had done out of her mind.

"....not even a month had passed and Zarc had already brought the whole dimension to ruin." Konami admitted, earning him a look of disbelief and alarmed at the word that he had muttered.

"Y-You're kidding! After even a month had passed and NONE managed to stop him!?" Jaune yelled as he was terrified, he had respected Zarc as a duelist who wanted to bring smiles to people but the Zarc he was seeing now is just something straight out of an apocalyptic movie or something.

"I'm afraid so. But there is a solution on how to stop Zarc." Konami said as that got their attention. "Real Solid Vision can't be affected by modern weapons, yes. But it doesn't mean that Real Solid Vision can't be affected by itself."

He let the hint hanging as he watched their expression turn confused for a moment before turning into realization as they figured out what he was implying. But from the looks of it they are having a hard time accepting it as it is from the sheer absurdity of the realization they had come up to.

"Are you telling us...that the only way to stop Zarc...and save the whole to duel him?" Winter exclaimed slowly as if to confirm the thought of everyone else while also wrapping the idea around her head. 'A whole dimension is about to be destroyed and the only way to save it is to use a children's card game? What is the world coming to?' She thought to herself.

"Hey, this is the history of Duel Monster. So of course a duel would be a solution to everything." Konami joked a little while letting out a little laugh, he couldn't count the many times he had to resort to dueling to fix his problem. Way, way too many times. "Unfortunately, that is easier said than done. Zarc was already a strong duelist before, now with the power of the Supreme King Dragon he is practically invincible. Many duelists had stood in Zarc's way to try to stop him, none of them had succeeded."

The scene changes again and they see many duelists readying themself to duel as they are riding on top of an armored vehicle that was heading towards Zarc. But their efforts are in vain, Supreme King Dragon Zarc easily blasted them and sent them all flying away as they all cried out in pain.

"You guys should be grateful that Zarc is defeated though, if his power continues to grow he may be able to cross dimension without any problem." They all turn pale at Konami's word, not wanting to imagine what it would be like for this monster to suddenly appear before them and destroying everything while they have no method to actually defeat him. They were beyond grateful that it didn't come to that.

"But how was he defeated? From what we see so far he is truly invincible, so how?" Ren asked the red hat duelist while also keeping his emotion in check, which is a lot harder than usual considering the circumstances at the moment.

Konami was silent for quite a while as they all stared at him waiting to answer the question. He let out a sigh as he gripped the cap of his hat before answering. "Zarc power manifested themselves from the people's desire for conflict and cruel entertainment. This dark emotion is what fueled him and his power, the desire to destroy and harm others. Akaba Leo, the scientist you saw earlier, figured that the only way to truly defeat Zarc is to use the exact opposite kind of energy to counteract his power."

"Exactly what kind of energy are we talking about?" Pyrrha asked as she was still in Jaune hold, slightly delighted that she was close to her crush but more so that she needed comfort from him to get her mind out of the destruction from earlier.

"Why the very energy of Life itself, of course." Konami said as they stared at him in shock before continuing with the explanation. "Let me explain. See Akaba Leo learned that he needed to basically harness the natural energy of the planet to equal and counter the malicious aspects and energies of humans that metamorphosed Zarc into his fiendish draconic form. So he studied and analyzed the very energy coming from the living things on the planet, such as plants that are destroyed but sprout again with the seasons and animals that endure winter to survive until spring. After much research, he managed to harness that power and created four cards that contain said energy."

Konami pressed the screen of his Duel Disk a few times before it projected an image of four Spell cards. "These are the En Cards, each of them contain a specific energy within them that is coming from life itself. The En Moon harnesses the power of the cosmos, while En Winds helps the force of storms and gale. En Birds contain the life force of all the living creatures, and finally En Flowers was the very power of mother nature herself. Using these four cards Akaba Leo had effectively created the perfect counter to separate Zarc from his dragons and stop his rain of destruction."

Everyone was in awe as they couldn't believe that someone, anyone in fact, could harness the very essence of the planet itself to use it into his or her advantages, it was a bit ridiculous that such power was put into a card off all things but they learned to just accept it at this point.

Qrow, however, isn't entirely convinced about the four cards. Such power, while extremely powerful even if it was packed into such a small card, must have a drawback or something like that if it was used. "What's the catch? No way these four cards could just magically fix the problem without creating a new set of one." He voiced out his thought as the others turned to look at the black haired scythe wielder before looking at the vagabond for confirmation.

"You are sadly correct. While the En Cards are powerful, they have a major risk if used. The En Card possesses the energies that lie within life itself while Zarc was from the malicious energies coming from humans. When these two opposite energies connect they will counteract each other and the resulting effect will not only split Zarc from his dragons, but it will also split the very fabric of the universe itself. Tearing apart the original dimension and turning it into several other different dimensions that connect it to one another in a way. Example would be if it was used here, then Remnant would cease to exist and four new dimensions would be created, all of them being named after Vale, Vacuo, Mistral, and Atlas." Konami explained as they all were shocked and disturbed at how much the four cards could do to them if it was ever used, suddenly having the power to harness the natural energy of the planet in hand was not so appealing anymore. If it risked the destruction of the very place they lived in then it was not worth it in the end.

"What's more, the En Cards will not only split Zarc from his dragons. But it will also split Zarc and the user's body itself into different counterparts and erase their original existence from the dimensions that were created." Konami added as he let out a sigh as he stared at them directly in the eyes as said. "Let me repeat. The moment you intend to use these cards, you're signing yourself to your own death. This card will kill you and leave fragments of yourself with the same face as yours but having no memory of who you truly are."

The group stared dumbfounded at Konami's words as they can't imagine seeing someone with the exact same face as the person they valued the most, knowing exactly that that person is a part of who they are but having no memory of what who they really are. Konami looked as the group were starting to have many expressions appearing on their face, some of them are the same and others are different from the others. Either way he knew that this information had affected them but he needed to continue with the viewing.

"There's only a few more past i want to show you. So please, pay attention." Konami said as he changed the surrounding while the group just watched it happened before it stopped as they found themselves standing on an empty road and ahead of them was a mountain made out of crystal. At first they were confused at what they were supposed to see before they heard the sound of running footsteps, they turned to look and surprised Ray who was running towards the crystal mountain.

"RAY! Oh Oum, thank god that she was alright." Ruby said as she was relieved to find the maroon haired girl is alright before feeling confused. "Where is she going?" The red reaper asked.

"To stop Zarc once and for all." Konami told her and they all looked at him in shock once again before everything the red hatted duelist had said earlier came back to them as the realization kicked in and they stared at the running girl in disbelief.

"No...she...she's going to...sacrifice stop Zarc." Blake stuttered as she couldn't believe it, seeing Ray not running away from her mistake and instead trying to face it head on. She felt envious of not having the same courage as her but pushed it deep inside as she knew this wasn't the time for that.

Konami nodded at the Cat Faunus' words as he continued to watch the past, his past actually, once again with his own eyes. The others seeing his serious look decided to follow suit and watch the events before them.

Ray was running, running faster and harder than she had ever done in her life. She had just taken the En Cards from her father and blocked the road so that he couldn't follow her. Her eyes begin to sting at the idea of her father sacrificing himself to stop Zarc, she couldn't let him do it. The world still needs her father to continue living, she couldn't bear to lose him too. Her father wasn't guilty of what Zarc had become. No, it was her.

She tried so hard not to cry right now, but it was so hard not to. How? How did it come to this? When did it all go wrong? That was a stupid question, she knew when. It was the moment that she had left him alone. The very moment she had abandoned him. How did she not see that he was suffering? Was she so blinded by her fear and anger that she couldn't see it? She felt horrible, disgusted at herself for making Zarc suffer like this. She did this. She turned Zarc into a monster. She left him when he needed her the most. Her first friend, her best friend, her crush, she had just thrown all of that away in her fear and anger.

She wants to take it back. She wants to stay with him, be with him, just be there for him like the good times they had. But it was too late. The damage has been done. The Zarc she had come to love was gone, all that was left is the Supreme King Dragon whose desire is to just destroy everything in the world. She had read the report her father made of what Zarc had done over the past few days, from the many buildings he had destroyed and the many, many lives he had taken.

Needless to say, she cried herself to sleep when she finished reading the report.

The crystal mountain was coming closer to her view. Zarc was there, she could feel it. She was almost there. She had basically set herself on a suicide mission, the moment she confront Zarc she is gonna die. But she didn't care, she needed to do this. She needs to fix her mistake, if not for her then for the Zarc she once knew. She was not going to run away from him again. Not anymore.

Whatever she was thinking next was cut off when she noticed something coming flying straight to her direction, immediately she jumped away and let that something crash through the ground, leaving a small crater and a large amount of dust to fly everywhere. She coughed a few times due to the dust before she looked at what, or who, just came crashing towards her.

She let out a gasp when she saw that it was Konami who had come flying towards her, and now he was lying on the crater while not moving.

"KONAMI!" Ray cried out worriedly as she immediately ran towards her friend to help him. When she get closer to him, she couldn't help but put a hand over her mouth in horror at the state he was in.

Konami was in a really bad shape. His clothing was in tatters as there were a large amount of tears on many parts of his shirt, pants, and jacket. His signature hat had came out of his head by the impact and was thankfully still intact somehow. But all of that was minor compared to how much damage his body had taken. His body is covered in cuts and bruises and blood was seeping lightly out of them with some of them had dried up, blood was also coming out of his head and dripping down his face.

"What the heck happened to you!?" Yang cried out alarmedly.

"I tried to take on Zarc in order to stop him. Didn't really work out the way I wanted it to." Konami said before Tierra stared at the Past-Konami injuries before she narrowed her eyes at her present partner.

"You didn't tell me you were injured THIS badly." Tierra exclaimed telepathically to Konami who turned to look at her when he noticed the upset and angered tone in her voice.

"Can we please not talk about this right now?" Konami replied which made the red haired spirit growl lowly before she reluctantly agreed.

"Tch! Fine, but don't think you're getting away with this one." Tierra said as Konami just sweatdropped at her change of attitude. Sometimes he didn't know how she could just transition from a tsundere who had no problem with hitting someone to a worried mother hen.

Ray went over to him and checked his pulse, letting out a sigh of relief when she find it. Thanking the gods above for letting her friend live and not die. She jumped back in surprise when Konami let out a harsh cough and his eyes began to slowly open as his consciousness started to come back to him.

"Dammit, everything hurt." He muttered as he winch from the pain from...well his everything actually. He turned his head and was surprised to find Ray hovering over him. "Ray? What are you—ugh!" Konami tried to stand up but his injuries won't allow him. He would've fallen to the ground if it wasn't for Ray catching him.

"Don't move! You're in no condition to do anything right now." Ray told him as she put his arm around her to help him stand up. She grimaced lightly when the blood on Konami just rubbed on her when she did this but she endured it. "What happened to you?" She asked worriedly.

"Try to duel Zarc, make him see reason. Didn't work and he just flung me away when I lost." Konami said as he coughed again in his hand before grimacing slightly when he saw blood splatter on his gloved hand.

"How many times have you dueled him?" Ray asked wanting to know how long had Konami tried to duel Zarc. Both of them are equal in terms of skill and she hoped that Konami had managed to actually defeat him.

"I lost count after the last 20 times. Didn't win a single one of them. He's stronger now, not to mention that Supreme King Dragon is a really troublesome monster to deal with." Konami said as Ray turned pale at that notion. If Konami, who was equal to Zarc as a duelist, can't even manage to beat him, then what was the chance for her? No, she couldn't think that. She could do this, she has the En Cards with her.

"It's alright, Konami. You just rest, I'll take care of it." Ray said as Konami turned to look at her in confusion as she took out four card from her decks. "The En Cards, i can beat Zarc using these four cards and split him from his dragons. And then..."

The red hat stared at his friend when she suddenly went quiet. Something was not right here, he could feel a strange benevolent energy radiating from the card. The exact opposite kind of energy that he could feel from Zarc. Where did Ray get those cards? "Ray, what are you gonna do?" Konami asked.

Ray sighed before explaining. She tells him everything from her father's idea on how to stop Zarc using the En Cards to what will happen when the cards are used. After she had done explaining, she looks at Konami who was staring at her with wide eyes before he narrowed his eyes at her.

"Ray, give me the cards." Konami said firmly and the maroon haired girl was taken back by his word.

The same could be the same for the group as they all stared at the red hatted duelist in shock at what he was trying to do. Said duelist tentatively ignored their stares by turning his head away from them.

Not to mention he was actively trying to avoid the look Tierra was giving him. He neglect to mention this particular part when he recounted his past to her, so this is the first time she know his intent back then. It was easy to tell she was not happy at all. Nevertheless, he keep quite and just continue to watch his past.

"W-Wha—no! I'm not giving you these cards!" Ray yelled at him, but Konami was not taking 'no' for an answer.

"Ray, give me the cards. I'm going to be the one to split Zarc. Just run and hope you survive."

"Konami, you're in no shape to duel him! I'm not going to give you the cards! I'm going to be the one to duel him, not you!"

"Ray! I'm not joking around! I'm not going to let you sacrifice yourself! Give me the cards, now!"

"You don't understand! I can't let you be the one to end him! It has to be me! I'm the one who should face him! I have to!"

"Why!? Why should you be the one to face him!? Just why, Ray!? Why!?"


Ray's scream made Konami jerked back slightly in surprise as he watched her with wide eyes when she fell to her knees and started to sob in front of him. The dam she was holding on for so long had finally broken as she was now free to let out her emotion.


Ray's anguished scream was filled with sadness and despair over what she had done to the one person who had fully accepted her from the inside out. Tears leaked out from her eyes like a waterfall as the guilt she felt was immense. She had betrayed him, she left him all alone when she should have stayed with him. She should've been there for him, but instead she ran away.

She suddenly felt something warm wrap around her, she opened her teary eyes and find herself in the embrace of Konami. The gesture only made her cry harder than before as she continued to sob into his torn and slightly bloody shirt. It wasn't the same, the hug wasn't the same as the one Zarc gave. She missed the hug Zarc gave her so much, but she knew she wouldn't be able to feel the same warmth ever again.

Konami just stayed silent as he let Ray cry into his shirt. His body is aching from just moving this much and the fact that she is holding him tight isn't helping much, but he chooses to endure it. Right now Ray needed his help more than ever, he knew she was suffering which is why he needed to be there for her.

"I miss him, Konami." Ray choked out her words over her sob as she continued on letting out her feelings. "I miss him so much. I just wanted him back. I wanted to tell him that I'm sorry for leaving him. I wanted to see him duel like he used to. I wanted all of us to hang out like before. I wanted to see him smile brightly in joy like before. I wanted to hug him and feel the warmth that he gave me. But now he's gone and I...I..."

"I didn't even get to tell him that I love him!"

She had said it. She had finally said the words she wanted to say for a long time. She had loved Zarc. She just wished she had said it sooner to him, maybe that could change things. But it was too late, and she regretted never telling him ever since.

Konami just continued to stand still as he heard her rant, not saying a word as he let her let out all of her pent up feelings. When she said that she had loved Zarc he wasn't surprised, the signs were there and he would be an idiot to not notice it. But fate seems to have a different plan for both of his friends as they are now so far apart that the possibility of them being together is just nonexistent, truly fate is such a cruel mistress.

"Ray..." Konami called out gently so as not to make her more upset. "I know you are feeling guilty and I know you are suffering even more than anyone else. But please, you don't have to do this. None of this is your fault, Zarc was corrupted by the crowd's desire for violence. No one wants you to sacrifice yourself, especially not Zarc. The Zarc we know wouldn't want you to harm yourself for him, he just wants you to be happy."

Ray calmed down a little when she heard that as she knew they were the truth. However, she can't be happy, not without him beside her. "I can't leave him alone, Konami. Not again. He is still suffering right now, I need to free him from his own torment. And when it's all over, I will stay by his side, even when me and Zarc have split. I made a promise to myself to never let him feel alone ever again, he doesn't deserve that kind of feeling. So please, Konami. Let me help him." She let go of the hug and looked up to the red hatted duelist with her eyes red from her crying and dried tears on her cheeks, but even then her eyes were full of determination and conviction.

Konami clenched his fist while having his eyes shut and teeth grinding in frustration. He doesn't want this, he already lost one friend from this whole mess and he was not losing another. But his resolve was faltering from just seeing how determined she was. "How do you know it will all turn out? What if something goes wrong? I already lost Zarc, I can't lose you too."

Ray smiled at the worried tone in his voice, she didn't know what she had done to deserve having friends like Konami and Zarc. She was forever grateful to whatever gods above to bless her with such a gift.

"I don't know." Ray said and that was the truth. She didn't know what would happened after she used the En Cards, would she and Zarc be split up like her father said? And if they did, would their counterpart be there for each other like she wanted? She didn't know, but she needed to do this. "I don't know, but I have faith that everything is going to be alright. Zarc was...everyone started calling him the devil or demon, all they saw was the monster that wanted to destroy the world. But to me, Zarc was none of that. All I saw was a young man who loves to duel and like to bring smiles to everyone, a cheerful and kind guy who is trapped in his own darkness. I won't know what happened after this but I want to believe that a brighter future is still possible."

Ray then looks away from her friend as her eyes are filled with regret and sadness that she would've had to leave her friends alone again. "I'm sorry if we have to leave you all alone too, if there was any other option I would've taken it. But there was none and i understand if you are mad at me—" She didn't even get to finished her sentence as she felt a flick on her forehead which caused her to yelp lightly, the maroon haired girl look at Konami in surprised as the red hat wearing boy sported a smile on face as his outstretched hand made it clear that he was the one that flick her.

"Hey now, what makes you think that I would ever hate you?" Konami said to her playfully before his expression turned solemn. "I'm going to miss you, Ray."

Ray smiles at him before giving him a hug that was more gentle than before. "I'll miss you too, and you don't have to worry, Konami. Zarc and Ray may not exist anymore after this, but our counterpart will still be there. I know they won't be the same as us, but don't let that stop you from befriending them."

Konami managed to let out a sad smile as he returned the hug. He was just so tired, both mentally and physically. Mentally because he had to constantly fight his friend to stop him from destroying the world and to no avail. Physically because after almost a month of non stop high stake duel with said friend, his body can't keep up with the stress and was starting to give in as we speak. He was glad that it's going to be over soon, but the price that needed to be paid was too high. Still, he understood there was no other option and accepted it.

"I promise you, I'll look out for them. I'll make sure they live a happier life like you and Zarc once had, they deserve it even if they don't know it. Your sacrifice won't be in vain, I promise you that." Konami told her as he hugged his friend tighter, trying his hardest to sound like he was not going to cry. "Ray, thank you for being my friend. I'll never forget you or Zarc, no matter what you two will always be my precious friend."

Ray was starting to tear up from the touching words Konami had said. Even if this was going to be the end of her life and she had to face Zarc soon, she was forever grateful for Konami being there for her like a true friend. She almost didn't want to let go, but she reluctantly released the hug as she needed to go. Ray turned towards the mountain of crystal with determination in her eyes, she then turned her head to look at Konami with a sad smile on her face.

"Goodbye, Konami."

With that she runs off towards where Zarc is, all while letting tears fall from her face as the inevitability sinks in. But she continued to run and not look back, she was going to save Zarc one way or another. After this Zarc and Ray will no longer exist, but she prayed to the gods above to let her stay with him. Even if they were different people, even if they don't have their memories, she won't abandon him again.

Konami stared at Ray's retreating form for a while before he flopped on his back and winched when all it did was just make his body ache some more. But he doesn't care at this point as he just wants to rest right now and the ground was starting to feel rather comfortable right now.

"You're just going to let her go just like that?" A voice called out curiously to him and Konami turned to see Metaltron looking down on him from his sides.

"It's her choice in the end, I don't even know how to stop Zarc without using those cards." Konami said as he continued to lay down, he then grabbed his fallen hat before putting on and covered his eyes with his arm.

"...are you okay with this?" Metaltron asked worriedly as Konami let out a humorless chuckle at that.

"Of course I'm not, but then again it's out of my control now so there's not much I can do." Konami exclaimed in acceptance, even if he doesn't want it to end this way he'll still respect her wishes.

"Shouldn't we get out of here right now?"

"Can't. My Duel Disk broke, can't teleport without it."

"What about using your power?"

"Low on energy, too tired. I think I'm about to pass out soon."

"Want me to put up a barrier? See if that could help us survive?"

"Please do."

"...are you crying?"

"....thinking about it."

A large sphere of light suddenly appeared out of nowhere and drew the attention of both Konami and Metaltron. Not wasting any time at all, Metaltron quickly put up a barrier around them using his Spirit Energy and continuously pouring his energy to maintain it. The two stared at the approaching light as Konami just let out a small smile and a single tear fell down his cheeks as he felt his entire world going dark as he slipped into blissful unconsciousness.

The group watched as the entire scenery was consumed by the light, leaving them standing in an empty void of whiteness. Not that they care at the moment as their mind was still on the final scene between Ray and Konami. Some of them were openly crying at how much Ray blamed herself for leaving Zarc and was touched on how willing she was to sacrifice herself for him. Others were just saddened by the tragic event that they had seen just now.

"That was the most tragic and saddest thing I have ever seen!" Ruby cried out as she was still clinging to Yang while both sisters were still crying to each other. Weiss and Blake were in the same state as their teammate, making the whole team RWBY cry in unison as they were all deeply saddened by what they had seen.

Team JNPR was not faring much better. Jaune and Ren both are embracing Pyrrha and Nora respectively as the two girl were crying on their chest. Jaune himself was leaking a few tears of his own as well, while Ren was not crying like the rest of his friend but his expression did turn sorrowful instead of his usual stoicism.

"You have been through a lot, Konami." Ozpin said to the red hat wearing young man sympathetically, feeling guilty that he had to show and relive his painful past just for them. A feeling that was shared by the rest of his colleagues. "We are sorry for your loss."

Konami wiped a tear that was falling from his eyes before smiling lightly at the professor. "It's alright, it was all in the past." He said with a hint of sadness still evident in his voice.

"Did it work? Did Ray manage to...split Zarc apart from his dragon?" Ironwood asked with a bit of hesitation to use the word 'Kill' at the moment, but refrain himself from doing so considering the mood.

"She did. Ray managed to split Zarc apart, along with herself and the whole dimension. The Original dimension was gone as they are now split into four, all of which represent Zarc dragons, or the Dimensional Dragons as I like to call them, Summoning method. So the four dimensions are called the Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and Standard Dimension." Konami explained briefly as the group was dumbfounded that a whole dimension being split apart actually did happen. It was unheard of, then again they never heard of their being another dimension prior to this so it was to be expected.

"What happened to you though? Did anything happen to you when the dimension is split?" Blake asked as the others were wondering the same thing as the ravenette.

"Thankfully, I survived. I don't know if it was because of the barrier Metaltron had put up or that my existence is not part of the dimension itself so it didn't affect me, but the next thing I knew was that I woke up to find myself in an entirely different place, an entirely different dimension." Konami exclaimed as he remembered his confusion back then, he also recalled scaring a few people from how ruined up he was. It was a good thing he managed to find a place to hide or else he would attract too much attention.

"After I managed to rest for a while and replenish enough of my Spirit Energy, I teleported myself back home to the Spirit World where I took almost a week to recover. When I had completely healed up, I started to explore the four dimensions in search of both Zarc and Ray's counterpart. After a long search i managed to find one on the Xyz Dimension, as expected they have no memories of being Zarc or Ray, but the similarities on those two are there and it feels like i'm standing with those two again.'' Konami smiled when he remembered meeting them. Although the two were confused on who he is, they seem to be able to recognize him somewhat albeit vaguely, which led him to guess that some subconscious part of them must have remembered who they truly are as Zarc and Ray.

"And so, the disaster that was the Supreme King Dragon had come to an end. Many lives were lost and the dimension was split apart, but the remnants of such are at peace and remain unaware of such a disaster happening in the first place." Konami said as if he was telling the end to a story and the group begin to think that was the case.

"That peace...didn't last for long though." The vagabond suddenly exclaimed which caught a few of them off guard.

"W-Why!? Why didn't it last!?" Ruby cried out in distress, not wanting to see another disaster happening because of Duel Monster. It was hard enough for her seeing Zarc descent madness the first time around, she didn't know if she wanted to hear about another disaster.

"Did you forget that I said that the past of Zarc and Ray was only the reason for the Dimensional War?" Konami reminded them and seeing the shock expression from the group, he was most likely correct.

"Long story short. I find out that i wasn't the only one who had survived the splitting of the Original Dimension as there is also one more person, that someone is none other then Akaba Leo.'' That had shocked the group even more that there was another person who had survived the dimension splitting, and it was the creator of the Real Solid Vision no less. "From what I heard he had lost his memories and was living a new life with a new family. But over time his memories begin to return, especially his memories of Ray. After which he suddenly becomes obsessed with bringing her back at any cost, so he conducts a plan that would unite the four dimensions once more and restore Ray back."

Konami explained briefly and they all didn't expect that Akaba Leo would want to unite the dimensions again after it was split up, however they feel like they are forgetting something and it wasn't until a certain blonde knight spoke up that they realized what that something is.

"Wait, what about Zarc's counterpart? W-What will happen if they suddenly encounter each other?" Jaune asked the red hatted duelist nervously.

Konami nodded his head at the question, he was waiting for someone to ask him that. "Zarc may have been split apart, but his dragons still remain with each of his counterparts and the desire of Zarc and his dragons to become one is still there. If all of Zarc's counterparts should ever be reunited...then the Supreme King Dragon will be revived once more." He finished his sentence in a grave tone as they all stared at him in terror.

"W-Why would Leo go with his plan then!? He's a scientist, he must've known the risk if he united the dimensions! Why would he risk letting Zarc lose again just for Ray!?" Weiss cried out as she couldn't understand why Akaba Leo would go to such lengths to revive Ray if he risked also reviving Zarc in the process.

Konami was silent all of the sudden, making them confused and worried. He then let out a sigh before he said something that would leave them all speechless.

"A father would go to any length to see his daughter again."

And they did. The moment the sentence left his mouth they were all staring at the young man in front of them with wide-eyes in shock as they didn't expect him to say that. But this information helped them understand why Leo would go so far to revive Ray, because she was his daughter. A parents love for their children is something that is truly formidable, but was that worth the risk of releasing a being that could destroy the world once more?

"Look, the whole Dimensional War is something that would take too long for me to explain from top to bottom, not to mention it's not something i would like to recall ever again." Konami said as he lowered his hat again but that did nothing to hide the haunted tone in his voice. "But I'm willing to show you one moment from the war. A moment that will leave a scar in my mind for times to come. That moment is the Invasion of the Xyz Dimension."

Already from the start they had a feeling they are not going to like what they are going to see soon, the 'Invasion' part already made them feel uneasy. Konami let go of his hat before he gripped the Millennium Necklace for the last time today. The surroundings begin to change as they all now find themselves not in a white void filled with nothing, but are in the air and looking down at a bright and colorful city.

"Wow! Is this the Xyz Dimension? It's so bright and colorful!" Nora exclaimed excitedly, the bad thought from before currently forgotten as she and the group look down at the city in awe and amazement.

"Incredible. I've never seen a city like this before." Ozpin couldn't help but be amazed at how the city looked compared to Vale.

"Yes, this is the Xyz Dimension. Where the resident duelist's primary Summoning method is Xyz Summoning, the city you are looking at now is the Heartland City. Named after the heart on the tower at the center of the city, the Heartland Tower." Konami said while smiling slightly as he gazed at the city nostalgically, he was reminded of a similar city that has the same name but was a bit different. "It was a peaceful city, until it happened."

As if on cue, a large beam of energy strikes the city causing them all to close their eyes from the bright light. When they opened their eyes, they were horrified by what they saw. The once bright and colorful city had turned into a scarily accurate representation of what happened with Zarc. Building being destroyed, the city itself engulfed in flame, people screaming, the only thing that is different is that a number of giant blue robot is the caused of the destruction as it continues to fire beams from its hand and destroying everything.

"No! Not again! Why did this happen again!?" Ruby screamed as she couldn't believe that another disaster had happened again because of Duel Monster.

"Akaba Leo had gathered an army of many trained duelists that were incredibly loyal to him, with them he executed the first move that kick-started the Dimensional War. A full-scale invasion over the entire Xyz Dimension, and with no warning whatsoever the Xyz Dimension is doomed to fall. All according to the now called Professor's plan to bring Ray back." Konami explained with his voice sounding rather emotionless despite the scene happening before his eyes.

"How could invading a whole dimension bring Ray back!? Is he crazy!?" Yang screamed as she was beyond angry with the so-called 'Professor', she swore if she had the chance to see him then she would punch his face no question asked.

Konami let out a sigh as he chose to not answer that question with words, for now. Not even giving any of them a warning, the red hat wearing young man gripped the necklace in his hand again as he transported them in the middle of the invasion. The group were taken aback by the sudden change but they didn't even get a second before they started to focus on the sight before them.

To call it a war zone would be an understatement, it was more like a whole massacre with people running away screaming as they tried to run away from the giant monster that is trampling everything in sight while also firing beams of laser from its hand. The group could also see what would appear to be an army wearing similar blue militaristic-like uniforms with a Duel Disk strapped on their arms and a row of monsters behind them.

"Are those the army you mention?" Ironwood asked as he glared at them, while he sounded calm on the outside but on the inside he was seething in rage at the disgrace of an army for slaughtering instead of protecting.

"You are correct. They are called the Obelisk Force, an elite group of Duelist Soldiers and the highest rank of the Professor army working directly under him." Technically it was the highest rank in the Fusion Dimension Duel Academia, but Konami refused to call such a place the 'Duel Academia' since it was a disgrace from the very place he learned to be a better duelist.

The sound of someone screaming caught their attention. They all turn towards the source of the scream and that was the moment that they saw something so horribly surreal that they couldn't believe their eyes.

An Obelisk Force soldier was cornering what appeared to be a family. The frightened parent of the family tried to beg and plead to the soldier as the child just cried. The Obelisk Force soldier didn't care one bit and pointed his Duel Disk at them before pushing a button that caused a purplish light to cover the family. Soon enough they turned silent as their body dissolve as three cards are released from his Duel Disk, each containing the picture of the dissolved family.

Naturally, this got a quick reaction from one of the people from the too-shock-to-speak group.

"WHAT IN THE ACTUAL HELL WAS THAT!?" Nora cried out in disbelief as she was horrified that she had seen a family just been 'killed' in front of her eyes.

"It's the Human Sealing technology, a dangerous piece of technology that lets you seal someone's soul into a card. In this state you can't speak, hear, smell, or even feel anything, all you do is just be trapped inside a piece of paper." Konami explained as his tone is filled with disgust at how someone could just toy with a soul like that, sure he technically may be able to do the same and possibly more, but he would never do something like that. "Akaba Leo's plan to unite the four dimensions required a large amount of Life Energy, which is why he invaded the Xyz Dimension so that he could use the Carded resident Life Energy."

"IS HE REALLY TREATING THIS INNOCENT LIVES AS FUEL!? WHAT KIND OF MONSTER IS HE!? THIS IS EVEN WORSE THEN ZARC!" Weiss screamed in outrage, her ice cold heart burning furiously in anger at how could a person willingly sacrifice numerous lives just for one person who had willingly sacrificed her own life just so that other people could live better lives. Suddenly she doesn't know what she would rather have, an uncaring father that cares about his own daughter just as much as a grain of sand, or a genocidal father that would willingly kill thousands just to get his daughter back.

"You think that's bad? If there is one thing I could say about them, is that some of them are undoubtedly loyal. Part of them are willing to engage in this war for the sake Leo's goals all are under the belief that they are fighting for a noble cause that fills them with both pride and honor, with many of them showing almost fanatical loyalty towards this purpose and entirely justifying the genocidal campaign as a fair price to pay for the end goal." Konami said begrudgingly as he will admit that some of them are loyal to the Professor, a certain eye patch-wearing soldier comes into mind as he was by far the most loyal soldier he had ever seen.

"But there are a few who don't follow this rather, albeit twisted, chivalrous state. As several members of Leo's army decide to engage in much less noble practices, indulging themselves in inhuman 'Hunting Games' in which they assault defenseless civilians turning them into cards for nothing but sadistic joy, and being utterly uncaring of all the destruction that comes with it. Kind of like what you had seen just now." Konami explained as it was clear to see and hear that the red hatted duelist is absolutely furious, Metaltron and Tierra just stayed silent on the outside while sending comforting thoughts to him through their linked minds. But they didn't actually tell him to calm down due to how they knew that this particular past had affected him.

"THOSE PEOPLE ARE A DISGRACE TO EVERY SOLDIER THAT HAS EVER LIVED!" Winter shouted as she didn't think she had ever been this angry before. She had joined the army with the sense of duty to protect the innocent, hearing that this scum of a people are willing to endanger civilians for the fun of it makes her want to slit her saber through their throat.

'It's official, I have found the second group of people that I hate more than my Semblance.' Qrow thought to himself in disdain at the action of this so-called 'soldier'. Of course, the first place is currently being tied between his old tribe, for being nothing but a bunch of killers and thieves, and Salem and her group, for obvious reasons.

Konami feel that they had seen enough, or at the very least he had seen enough. He gripped the Millennium Necklace once more as it glowed brightly, the last thing the group see before a blinding light blocked their vision, was the sight of the giant monster destroying the heart on Heartland Tower, symbolizing the fall of the Xyz Dimension.


When their vision returned to them, they found themselves standing at the Sogen field once again. Konami sighed before putting the Millennium Necklace back inside his jacket. Thanking Horakhty that it was over, sharing the vision of the Millennium Necklace with this many people takes a lot more of his energy then he had initially thought.

"And that was part of the history of Duel Monster." Konami said as he let out a smile that was more strain then his normal smile. The usual positivity that he seems to let out is diminished slightly.

"I can see now why you don't trust the military that much, kid." Qrow exclaimed, the kid seems to have the ability to raise his respect for him, after the shit the kid had been through that was to be expected. He knew what it was like to lose a dear friend and feel like you could've done something about it but couldn't.

"Is it always that...destructive?" Ironwood couldn't help but ask, from what he had seen this Duel Monster is no ordinary game if it can lead to war and the destruction of a whole dimension.

"No, it's only for a very, very few rare cases that Duel Monster can be as bad as the one you all had seen." Konami firmly said that not much ease their tension when they realized that that was not the first time that Duel Monster had basically almost destroyed the world.

"Why would anyone use Duel Monster for such a cruel thing? I thought Duel Monster was meant for fun." Ruby said as she was feeling sad and horrified, how could anyone use such something that was meant for fun to do such a horrible thing like wage war? She just didn't get it.

Konami gazed at the young hooded girl in thought. For a second there, he could see an image of one of his close friend in her. Shaking that thought from his head, he get closer towards the young team leader which made her look up at him, since he was taller then her. The rest team RWBY and team JNPR, who were close to Ruby, all spread out so that they have some privacy.

"Listen Ruby, there are many people out there in multiple dimensions that would use Duel Monster for their own reason. Whether that be to gain unlimited power, to become famous, to rule others, or even to destroy the world. There is no truly good or bad way in what Duel Monster is to people, and some may have taken it too far in what they used Duel Monster far more than other. But I think what is truly important is to stay true to what Duel Monster means to you and never lose sight of that." Konami told her as he flashed her a comforting smile. Ruby looked at her red hat wearing friend in surprise at his word, truly taken aback before returning his smile with her own as she nodded her head and vowed to take the words of her new friend to heart.

Konami grinned when he see that. "That's good, and to cheer you up. I have a proposition for you." He said, which made the hooded girl and the rest of the group look at him in confusion when he raised his Duel Disk arm at her.

"How about a duel?"

Ruby's eyes widen when she heard that. "Really!? You want to duel with me!?" She said as she can't help but get excited to duel the person who had introduced Duel Monster to her and her friends.

"Of course. I think it's about time I show you all what my real deck are capable of, besides i want to see your skill as a duelist heads on." Konami said to her while grinning as he was feeling the same excitement as she is.

"A challenge from Konami, didn't expect to see that." Blake said as she was caught off guard.

"I know, but this is awesome! Rubes is going to go against Konami, I'm sure she'll kick his butt when they duel." Yang said with a grin as she was pumped up to see this duel.

"It'll be a good chance for us to see what his deck can do, this will help us whenever we have to duel him." Weiss said wanting to know more about the red hatted vagabond deck.

"Oh man, we're going to see Konami duel? This is going to be good." Jaune said as he couldn't wait to see this duel between the vagabond and his fellow leader.

"I agree, Jaune. I also can't wait to see it." Pyrrha exclaimed before her face turn red when she realized that she was still clinging to Jaune. Said blonde also realized this and they both let go of each other almost instantly with their faces equally red.

"Ren! We're going to see Konami duel! How cool is that!?" Nora said loudly with her usual bundle of energy.

"That's great, Nora. But could you please let go?" Ren asked as he was pretty sure he heard something break, probably his bone. Thankfully her iron grip on him was lessened, but he was still holding on to him though.

"Then let's do it!" Ruby cried out as she was just about to accept the duel when she was suddenly interrupted.

"Apologies for the interruption, Miss Rose." Ozpin called out making the two turned towards the headmaster direction. "But there is one more thing i want to ask more from Konami before you two could start your duel." He said as he took another sip of his coffee, which was starting to run out from the amount of time he had been drinking it.

"Sure, i don't mind answering one more question. What's the question?" Konami said as he let his arm fall to his side while Ruby just pouted that her chance to duel Konami was interrupted, but decided that it was probably something that the headmaster find important so she decided to stand down and returned to the rest of her team.

"I like to know more about the God Cards." Ozpin said with seriousness in his voice.

'I was wondering when someone would ask me about that.' Konami thought to himself idly. "Alright, I'll tell you all more about the God Cards." He told the headmaster as he and the others that were interested began to listen to him.

"There is not much i can say more about the God Cards that i have not said before, they are one of the strongest monsters that could be a game changer just for existing on the field.'' Konami said to them what he had told them before during Nora and Ren's duel. "However, there is a difference between a God Cards and The God Cards."

"The God Cards?" Glynda asked as she raised a questioning eyebrow, confused by the emphasis.

"There are 3 God Cards that stand above them all, they are called the Legendary God. What made them so special is that they are the original God Cards, the first Gods to be created in Duel Monster." Konami told them as they all look at him in surprise.

"What are these 3 cards?" Winter questioned as she couldn't believe that you could use the power of the first god in a children's card game.

Konami raised his Duel Disk before punching a few button, not much longer three hologram of a card was projected, all of which is positioned in a triangle with one card with yellow border at the top and the other two card, each that had red and blue border respectively, at the bottom side-by-side.

"These are the 3 Legendary Gods. The red card name is Osiris the Sky Dragon, the blue card is Obelisk the Tormentor, finally the yellow one and probably the most powerful of them all is named The Winged Dragon of Ra, with his other title called the Sun God Dragon of Ra." Konami told them as he pointed to each card that he had said in order.

"Damn, those cards have one heck of a name." Yang complimented as she really like the name of the 3 Legendary Gods. "I bet they have a really broken effect, but just how broken are they?'' She asked curiously.

"So broken, in fact, that if they are ever to be released to the public, then they would have to be nerfed so badly that it's not even worth playing in the first place." Konami said humoressly which earned him a laugh from Metaltron and a scoff from Tierra that also let a smile form on her face, the humor seems to be lost by the group from Remnant.

"Well, the Legendary Gods sound like a strong monster if what you're...strange saying is true." Pyrrha said while smiling lightly even though she was confused by his joke. "I wish we could see those cards in action.'' She said not really expecting anything when she said that.

Konami's eyes begin to shift side to side in nervousness, as if he was not sure about something. After a few seconds, he pulled out the deck from the deck case on his left and pulled out a card from among them before putting it back into the case. This action earned him a look of confusion from the group and a look of surprise from the two Duel Spirits.

"Well, about that..." Konami drawled out as he tap the back of the card in his hand with the finger of said hand. He then flipped the card and when they saw the card, they couldn't believe their eyes as their jaw also dropped in surprise.

It was the Winged Dragon of Ra.

"I-Is that..." Jaune couldn't even finish his sentence as he was too busy staring at the card with his eyes widened in shock.

"The real Winged Dragon of Ra? Yes, yes it is." Konami said casually, as if he wasn't just waving the power of the god in his hand around like it was no real big deal. "A real deal God Card in the flesh, well not 'flesh' but you get what I mean."

"HOW!?" Weiss screeched as that was really the only question she can ask right now.

"Long story. So the Legendary Gods were originally sealed away in a Ceremonial Duel, what that duel is I'm not going to explain for how long it would take me to tell you, so we'll just leave it at that." Konami said which made some of them disappointed but decided to just move on and listen to the explanation. "However, due to some...unforeseen circumstance involving a duel between a friend of mine and his opponent, he managed to call out one of the Legendary Gods from their slumber to aid him in his duel. Because of that, the Legendary God are now awake and free to be taken, I don't want some greedy people suddenly finding the card and possibly die from using it, so I decided to take the cards and give two of them to my most trusted friend while I keep the Winged Dragon of Ra with me."

As Konami explained, the group were still trying to take it all in. That Konami is now possibly holding the power of the first god in Duel Monster in his hand, the strongest to booth if what he said is true, while the other two were in the possession of his friend. Just how many friends does the guy have?

"I can't believe you still have that God Card with you when you have a Goddess like me" Tierra grumbled through their link as she was displeased by the nerve of her bonded partner. Yes, displeased. Not jealous, nope she was not jealous at all.

"Well, you do rate lower in your Divinity than the Legendary Gods. You probably rate higher than the Aesir Gods with your Divinity if only by a margin, and that was with your original power." Metaltron pointed out to his fellow spirit.

Hearing that only made Tierra more depressed as she suddenly floated away and sat in the corner, a metaphorical one since they are on a field and there is no actual corner, with dark clouds hovering over her head. Seeing this made everyone that was staring at her sweatdropped at her.

"Is she okay?" Pyrrha asked worriedly at the suddenly depressed looking Goddess of Destruction.

"I...don't think you have to worry about her." Konami said unconvincingly as he was just as confused as why Tierra was suddenly so gloomy, but he figured it's not anything serious so she'll probably get back to normal soon enough. He is worried about her though.

"So this is the Winged Dragon of Ra." Ironwood said, not really believing that a real God Card was in front of him. "You're saying that this is the strongest of the Legendary Gods?"

"That is right." Konami responded as he focused back to his explanation. "What's more, Ra is so strong that you not only have to be worthy to use it, but you also have to be able to read the Hieratic text on the card to use it."

Konami moves his finger away to fully reveal that the bottom of the card is filled with strange text that none of them could read. Not even Ozpin had seen a text like this, even with all of his years of living.

"You're saying you can read this gibberish?" Qrow said as he was already getting a headache from just trying to translate it.

"Yes, I can read it quite clearly actually." Konami said with a smirk. Perks of being part Duel Spirit let him read the ancient text, well that or because of the blessing he was given. "You all want to see me Summon Ra?" His question earned a look of shock from the group.

"Seriously? You're going to Summon a God in front of us?" Glynda asked incredulously, this was certainly not what she had expected to happen.

"Sure. Besides, one of you is going to nag me anyway until I do it." Konami said with a shrug as he activated his Duel Disk. He takes a few steps away from the group to give some space. "Now watch."

He held the Winged Dragon of Ra in front of his chest using his middle and index finger, he then lowered his head and closed his eyes.

Konami begin to chant.

Every syllable that comes out of his mouth sounds so foreign and strange to their ear, it was not like the Summoning Chant that team RWBY and JNPR had done when they summoned their monster. No, this chant sounds so hauntingly enchanting, it's as if Konami was praying to the god he was summoning. With more words spill out of his mouth, his entire form was shrouded in a golden aura, a fraction of the God Cards power radiating out of the young man and already they were getting overwhelmed by it.

With the last word leave his mouth, Konami eyes snap wide open and the group all begin tense. Readying themselves for what is about to come as Konami raised the card high into the air.

(Play Music: Yu-Gi-Oh DM OST: God's Anger)

"Answer my call and grace this battlefield. Come forth, The Winged Dragon of Ra!"

Konami slammed the card into his Duel Disk and lighting began to dance around the edges of the card, making the one that is still close to him step back in surprise, but Konami remained unmoving. Suddenly a pillar of light shot out of the ground and pierced the sky above as a harsh wind began to blow on the field. Dark clouds begin to block the once bright sky before dozens of rays of light illuminate the darkened sky.

"This is different when I summon the Aesir God!" Nora pointed out while blocking the wind with her hand.

"I think something is coming down from the sky!" Ren shouted through the wind blowing so hard that it was hard for any of them to hear.

Sure enough as he said that, a large ball of light began to descend from the sky where the pillar of light had once been. The group gazed at the sphere of light in shock and dumbfound.

"I-Is that the sun?" Ruby couldn't help but ask as the only thing she could think of when she sees that sphere of light is the sun.

Blake would have to agree with her leader, as just seeing this thing directly was already hurting her sensitive eyes. Thankfully for her and everyone else the bright glow of the sphere begins to dimmer, but when they do they are gifted with the site of a giant sphere made out of what looks like golden metal.

Not too long after, the sphere begins to open up as light seems to be radiating from what's hiding behind it, making the group close their eyes again from the light. Then more parts of the sphere begin to move, section after section begin to unfold one by one as it didn't take long before the transformation had been completed. When they opened their eyes, they were caught off guard as they were beholden by Ra true form.

Ra true form is a giant golden dragon that appears to be composed of or covered in golden metal. It has a saurian posture and bird-like features; its head and neck shape resemble that of a bird of prey, with feather-like ornaments on each side of its head and at the elbows, and a jagged cone surrounding its neck. Its wings have the appearance of being feathered. Ra has a large arch connecting its shoulder and a bony-like tail. The golden dragon of the sun let out an almighty roar that made the earth tremble and the group to cover their ears.

Now they know why Ra is the Sun God Dragon.

Ra lowered his head to stare at the small group of people before directing his gaze towards his owner. "Konami. To what reason do you have for summoning me?" Ra spoke with his booming voice and a low growl is evident in his voice. "Do these puny mortals bother you? Just say the words, and I'll burn their bone to ashes in seconds."

First impression of the Winged Dragon of Ra? A terrifying god that doesn't seem to mind killing people if they bother him. Needless to say, they were all quaking in their feet as the gods just casually said that he would kill them without a second thought, including Ozpin as he felt the pressure of the God of Light and Darkness are childplay in compared to this.

"No, that won't be necessary. I just merely want to introduce to you my new friend." Konami said offhandedly as if he wasn't talking to an almighty being that just threatened to kill them all the moment he was summoned, the group all looked at the red hat duelist in shock at how he could be so calm in the presence of a god like Ra.

"Hmm. Other friends of your journey, I see. Very well, greeting new friends of Konami." Ra greeted them curtly with a calm tone in his voice, which didn't do much to ease them due to the low growl he kept emitting whenever he spoke which still made them terrified. "I can sense that you are all more than a normal human, especially you. The one in the bow who does not have Human blood."

Ra pointed one of his claws towards a certain Black haired Cat Faunus. Blake starred with her eyes widened and her jaw dropped to the floor. It hasn't even been five minute and one of her big secrets was exposed like it was nothing.


"I am a divine being, mortal. There is nothing that you can hide from that i can't sense." Ra exclaimed as he stared directly at the ravenette, making her gulp as she was terrified from being the center of attention of this god.

Ra then looked at all of the people in the small group one by one, until his attention was drawn towards a certain particular individual; it was Ozpin.

"You." Ra said as he lowered his head to get closer towards the ash grey haired man, the others started either scrambling away quickly or walking back slowly but nervously. Ozpin, to his credit, didn't move when the god got closer to him.

"You, are not a mere mortal. I can sense something about you that seems...familiar." Ozpin froze when he heard that. Did Ra possibly sense his curse? He didn't even think that could happen.

"In any case, I found you interesting. But I think it's time for me to be on my way." Ra exclaimed as he looked towards Konami. "Do not hesitate to summon me, Konami. I'm looking forward till that day come, farewell."

Ra body begins to glow brightly before disappearing from their sight. The sky begins to clear once more as the presence of the god leaves the field.

(Music End)

"That...was probably the craziest encounter I ever had in my life." Jaune admitted, he was honestly surprised he didn't faint when Ra was getting closer to them.

"You might want to take a rain check on that." Konami told him as he placed Ra card into his deck case. If they are going to go deeper into Duel Monster, then they'll probably have a lot more bizarre encounters than this.

Ozpin was still frozen in his place for a full minute before he got a grip on himself, the Headmaster of Beacon then turned towards the red hat duelist. "Thank you, Konami. That may be not what i was expecting to happen, but it's a privilege to meet a God."

Konami looked at the headmaster and fixed him with a questioning gaze, not that anyone could see thanks to his hat. Looks like he wasn't the only one to find something weird going on with Ozpin, if what Ra had said was true then he felt like she should try to have a talk with him. Whether he be the person she had mentioned or not is up to debate.

Still, he let a smile graced his face so as not to alert anyone of his thoughts. "Don't mention it, it's just a matter of time before I show you all anyway. But I think it's time for us to start our duel, what do you say Ruby?" He called out as the red hooded leader, who had calmed down somewhat after Ra had gone, started to get excited once more.

"Alright! Let's go!" Ruby cheered as she activated her Duel Disk as she was ready to duel. When the others had also calmed down, they started to feel just as excited as the young team leader.

"Man, I wish I could also duel Konami." Yang said as she was honestly looking forward to duel with Konami first, but if her little sister wants to duel him first then it's okay for her.

Konami heard her words before he suddenly had a great idea as a large grin appeared on his face. "In that case, why don't you and Ruby take me on together?" He exclaimed, causing the two sisters to look at him in shock as well as the rest of the group.

"You want to duel Ruby and Yang at the same time? Have you lost it?" Weiss asked as she was wondering if Konami is an idiot or not for even suggesting that.

Konami didn't let the look he was given get to him. "How about I make this more interesting. I challenge the whole team RWBY to a duel against me. We will be using the Battle Royale rule, meaning each of us will have 4000 LP each, we each have our own field, and no one is allowed to attack on their first turn. Do you four accept?"

Team RWBY all look at the red hat duelist in shock. It was bad enough for him to just want to duel again Ruby and Yang at the same time, but now he wants to duel against the whole team? However, they can't deny that this is a rare opportunity to not only face Konami, but to also duel side-by-side with their teammate.

"You're on, Konami! Team RWBY will definitely defeat you!" Ruby cried out as she pointed her finger towards him.

"You're crazy if you think you can beat us all alone. We'll make sure to give you the duel of the lifetime!'' Yang boasted confidently as she cracked her knuckle in preparation as she grinned widely.

"Looks like you're more of an oaf than I thought. I'll be sure to make you regret ever challenging us to a duel." Weiss said haughtily as she flipped her hair with her hand.

"Seems like everyone is in on it, so I guess I have to join in as well." Blake said with a smile as she was probably the only one who looked moderately calm unlike the rest of her teammates.

Konami grinned at their answer. "Great! Let's get started then." He said as he made his way towards a wider area for their duel with team RWBY following behind him.

"Does he really think he could win with a 4v1 disadvantage?" Pyrrha asked as she didn't understand why Konami would do that.

"Konami isn't the kind of someone that would say no to a challenge, even if he is in a disadvantage he will always face the challenge without holding back." Metaltron told them as he crossed his arm over his chest and a smile graced his face.

"Hmph! You all underestimate him too much, he'll make quick work of those girls in no time." The now not so gloomy anymore Tierra said as she had full confidence in the red hat duelist.

Konami was standing at one side of the field with team RWBY at the opposite side, standing right beside each other in order of their team name from left to right.

"Alright, let's start." Konami said as he activated his Duel Disk which was followed by team RWBY also activated their own Duel Disk.


Konami: 4000 LP / Hand ×5

R/W/B/Y: 4000/4000/4000/4000 LP / Hand ×5/5/5/5

"I'll take the first move, if you all don't mind." Konami said as he started his turn before looking at his hand and smirking. "First I activate Pot of Greed. I draw 2 cards from my deck."

The vagabond draw two cards from the top of his deck before adding them to his hand, he then grabbed one of the cards in his hand. "Next, I activate the Continuous Spell: Future Fusion." A Continuous Spell card appeared on Konami's field as he explained its effect. "This card allows me to send Monsters that are listed in a Fusion Monster from my deck to the Graveyard, and on my second Standby Phase I can Fusion Summon that Monster to my side of the field."

"A Fusion Monster!? This is going to be so cool!" Ruby cried out in excitement to see another awesome Fusion Monster.

"Focus, Ruby! Don't get distracted." Weiss chastised her partner which made the young girl turn sheepish.

"That some card you've got there, Konami. But no matter what kind of Monster you bring, you'll never beat us!" Yang pumped her fist in confidence with her statement as Blake just stayed quiet and nodded her head, agreeing with her partner.

"We'll see. As for the Monsters I'm going to send..." Konami Duel Disk begin to shuffle his deck before it ejected a large amount of card, which he grabbed and showed them all the Monster he was discarding. "I think this 11 Monster should suffice."

"WHAT!?" Team RWBY cried out in unison as they watched as Konami unbelievably sent 11 Monsters to his Graveyard. This action also shocks the spectator watching it.

"Whoa, whoa! Did he really just send 11 Monsters from his deck to the Graveyard!?" Jaune cried out as he didn't get why Konami would make such a move. Unfortunately, no one answered him as they were just as confused as he is.

Tierra, though, was smiling widely when she recognized the strategy. Looks like her statement was correct, those girls will not last long against Konami. Metaltron also caught up with his partner's strategy and couldn't help but let out a little chuckle.

"It's a little bit too early to be surprised." Konami called out as he grabbed another card from his hand and activated it. "I activate another Spell Card: Take Over 5! I send the top 5 cards from my deck to the Graveyard." He grabbed another five cards from the top of his deck, he took a look at them before smirking and sent them to the Graveyard.

"He's still sending his card from the deck to the Graveyard!?" Weiss cried out in confusion as to why Konami would intentionally kill his deck like that.

"Next I Summon Infernoid Decatron." Konami summoned a large fiendish and mechanical looking monster that resemble a severed head of a dragon, its main body is covered in purple and gold metal and what appears to be a tusk on both side of its body. Multiple canister are attached to various part of its body, all of which contain a blue flame inside of it.

Infernoid Decatron - (FIRE/Fiend/Tuner/Effect) - (LV: 1/ATK: 500/DEF: 200)

"When Decatron is Normal or Special Summoned, I can send an 'Infernoid' Monster from my deck to the Graveyard. If I do, Decatron will gain the same Level, Name, and Effect as that Monster." Konami explained as his Duel Disk ejected a card and he grabbed and revealed it. "The card I'm going to choose is Infernoid Antra."

The canister on Decatron's body began to glow a gray color as it absorbed Antra stats and effects.

Infernoid Decatron (Infernoid Antra) - (FIRE/Fiend/Tuner/Effect) - (LV: 2/ATK: 500/DEF: 200)

"Due to the Battle Royale rule, no player is allowed to attack on their first turn. So I can't attack, but I'm not done with my turn just yet. I still have one more card to play." Konami said as he grabbed a card from his hand and smirked. "I activate the Field Spell: Void Expansion!"

The moment he inserted the card into his Duel Disk, the sky began to darken once more in response. Konami smirked as he raised his arm and, to everyone's surprise, set it ablaze in blue flame. Konami then let out a loud battle cry as he slammed his flaming fist to the ground.

And the entire field was suddenly engulfed in flame.

"HOLY SHIT!" Qrow shouted as he and the others jumped in surprise when the ground around them was set on fire of blue flame. Team RWBY was also caught off guard when the very ground they stood on was now on fire, but their shock grew even more when something began to rise from the ground behind Konami. When it fully risen, they see that it appeared to be a giant tree floating above the ground as it was also set ablaze in blue flame, they also see that underneath the tree was some kind of stone structure with multiple colored orbs all aligned in some intricate way.

"I welcome you all to the Void, basically the closest thing to hell you could ever experience without actually dying." Konami said with a little laugh at his own explanation. "I set two cards face down and end my turn." He concluded his turn as two face down cards appeared on his field.

"I'll take the next turn. Draw!" Ruby said as she draw her card, she didn't know what Konami was planning for sending so many cards into his Graveyard. But she decided to just focus on her turn then ponder on why.

"I activate Heart of the Underdog. I think you already know its effect, now whenever i draw a Normal Monster during my draw phase, i can reveal it to draw one more card." Ruby said with a grin as she activated the Continuous Spell before she grabbed another card from her hand. "Next I will play the Spell Card: Gem-Knight Fusion! I Fused the Gem-Knight Garnet and Gem-Knight Obsidian in my hand!"

Bothe Gem-Knight Garnet and Obsidian appeared on the field briefly before they were fused together within the Fusion vortex.

"Crystalize fighter with the burning red hot fist. Become one with the jet-black warrior of the shining gem, and lend me the weapon of the shining radiance! Fusion Summon! Appear now! Crimson knight who illuminates the darkness! Gem-Knight Ruby!"

Appearing out of the vortex was Ruby's ace monster. Gem-Knight Ruby stood tall in front of his mistress as a wind blew making his cape flutter and he stabbed his javelin to the ground, ready to be used.

Gem-Knight Ruby - (EARTH/Pyro/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 2500 /DEF: 1300)

"I'm not done! I activate Obsidian effect to Special Summon Garnet to the field!" Ruby spread her arms out as a portal opened up before Gem-Knight Garnet came out of it and stood next to Gem-Knight Ruby with his fists up and ready.

Gem-Knight Garnet - (EARTH/Pyro) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1900 /DEF: 0)

"I set two cards and that is the end of my turn." Ruby said as she was satisfied with what she had done in her turn. 'I think i did pretty good, I think my strategy is going to be the same as when I beat Weiss, I set Call of the Haunted and Fragment Fusion incase if anything should go wrong. So if things go like when I duel Weiss then we could win this!"

Weiss decided to take over for the next turn. "I suppose it's my turn. I Draw." She elegantly draws her card before putting it into her hand and begins to think what move should do next. After some thinking, she decided to make her move.

"I activate Spellbook of Secrets. I add one 'Spellbook' Spell Card from my deck to my hand, I add Spellbook of Power to my hand." Weiss activated the Spell and added the said card to her hand, but before she could continue Konami had made his move.

"You activated my Trap Card: Talisman of Reversal!" Konami pointed towards one of his set cards as the card flipped open in response to its activation.

"What!?" Weiss cried out in shock that she had triggered one of Konami's Traps.

"When my opponent add a card to their hand outside of the Draw Phase, I can draw until i have the same amount of card in my opponent hand!" Konami said as he fraw six card from his deck due to Weiss having six card in her hand. "Thanks Weiss for replenishing my hand for me, you've really helped me out." He said teasingly as he smirked at the snow haired heiress.

'Dammit! He played me! He wants me to add a 'Spellbook' to my hand so he could replenish his empty hand!' Weiss thought as she gritted her teeth in frustration. 'Well if that's how he wants to play, let's see if he likes me destroying his other set card!' She then grabs three cards and reveals it to Konami who he sees to be three 'Spellbook' Spell Card.

"I revealed this three 'Spellbook' Spell card from my hand, to Special Summon this card from my hand!" Weiss cried out as three cards glowed and red, blue, and green colored light shot out of them before they began to swirl together creating a portal.

"Arcane mage who governs the tome of wisdom. Harness the knowledge that binds humanity to their fate. Chant out the spell of the ancient art and share your wisdom to all those who seek it! Come to me, High Priestess of Prophecy!"

A figure begins to fly out of the portal as High Priestess of Prophecy enters the field. She was a woman with pink hair and wearing a very revealing witch style clothing that was colored light beige and yellow orb adorned on her gloves, pants, the ribbon on her chest, and also on her hat. She also has what appeared to be a half ring shaped hanger that has multiple talismans hanging from it. High Priestess floated above the ground as she took a sitting position with her leg drafted over the other and she smiled.

High Priestess of Prophecy - (LIGHT/Spellcaster/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2500 /DEF: 2100)

"I said it once, and I'll say it again. I am liking what I'm seeing right now." Qrow said with a grin before he promptly got slapped in the back of the head by a pissed off Winter, who has no idea why she was pissed off in the first place but then again the drunkard always find some way to piss her one way or another.

"Woah, Weiss. So this is High Priestess of Prophecy. She is so pretty." Ruby said to her bestie as she was awestruck by her partner's monster appearance.

"Hmph. Her beauty is only matched by her strength.'' Weiss smirked at the praise, even though it was not directed towards her but it still counted. "Observe. I activate High Priestess effect! By banishing Spellbook of Secrets from my Graveyard, I can destroy one of your cards! I'll destroy your other set card, Konami!"

High Priestess raised her arm before the Spellbook of Secret appeared in her hand. She then began to channel her energy into the Spellbook before firing a beam of magical energy that was heading towards the set card.

"You made a poor choice, Ice Queen!" Konami cried out tauntingly and suddenly as he activated the set card. "I activate the Trap Card: Ring of Destruction!"

The card suddenly turns into a ring with grenade attached before the ring starts spinning and moving forward, evading the beam and attaching itself to High Priestess neck and the grenade starts glowing.

"What!? What did you do!?" Weiss cried out in panic when she see the rather torture looking device on her monster neck.

"Ring of Destruction allows me to target a monster my opponent controls and when that monster blows up, it'll deal damage equal to your monster ATK to all of us!" Konami said as he grinned when he saw the horrified expression on his opponent's face. They don't even get the chance to react as the grenade on the ring glow brighter and High Priestess let out a scream before she exploded, damaging the duelist in the process as that made them cried out and thrown back by the explosion.

R/W/B/Y LP: 4000 = 1500

"Great job, Weiss. Should've destroyed the Field Spell instead." Yang grumbled sarcastically towards the heiress as she started to get up from being thrown back just seconds ago, she was annoyed that her LP had been cut more than half before her turn even started.

"How was I supposed to know he had THAT Trap set up to use against me!?" Weiss shouted as she was just as annoyed that not only had Konami played her again, but she had now lost her monster in the process. "At least he had to receive the same amount of damage as the rest of us."

The smoke from the explosion cleared out and when they saw Konami, the team was surprised that he looked to be unharmed and what more was his LP had changed but not in the way that they had thought.

Konami LP: 4000 = 6500

"What!? Why did your LP go up!?" Weiss screamed once again this time in shock.

"You really think I would play such a risky card without any contingency plan set up? Before Ring of Destruction effect would deal damage to me, I banish Damage Eater from my Graveyard to make it so that I gain that amount of LP instead." Konami explained as his smirk was still present on his face.

Ruby then comes to a realization. "Ahh! So that's why you willingly send your card to the Graveyard!" She exclaimed as she now knew why he did that play earlier on his turn.

"Aghh!" Weiss screamed in frustration that nothing is going along with her plan. "Fine! If that is how you want to, then playtime is over! I Summon Temperance of Prophecy in Attack Position."

Weiss slammed her monster onto her Duel Disk and watched as Temperance appeared on her field. "I think I don't have to explain her effect since you already know. Because I activated Spellbook of Secrets this turn, I can tribute Temperance to Special Summon a new Monster to my side of the field!"

Temperance began to chant as the golden cups in her hand began to glow, suddenly a large glyph appeared on the ground as Temperance turned into particles before a pillar of light shot out of the glyph.

"I Special Summon Sorciere de Fleur in Attack Position!" Weiss called out as the pillar of light dispersed to reveal a blue haired sorceress wearing a mainly orange, white, green, and red magicians outfit and she was holding a magician staff on her right hand with rose on the top it.

Sorciere de Fleur - (DARK/Spellcaster/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 2900 /DEF: 0)

"When Sorciere de Fleur is Summoned, I can target a Monster on my opponent's Graveyard and Special Summon it to my field! I'll be taking your strongest monster in your Graveyard!" Weiss declared as she motioned for her monster to use her effect, to which Sorciere de Fleur obeyed as she raised her staff before a portal opened up and two vines appeared on the rose crown of the staff and the vines began to enter the portal.

'I may not know what kind of Monster i'm going to get, but from what i could see when Konami discarded them it appears to be a strong Monster. If i could Summon that Monster to my field—' The heiress thought was cut out when she noticed the vine, that was supposed to be Summoning her a Monster from Konami's Graveyard, is suddenly caught on fire of blue flame, causing Sorciere de Fleur to cried out in shock before she cut off the vines from her staff. The vines continue to burn before they turn to ashes as the portal abruptly closes.

"What's happening now!? What did you do!?" Weiss shouted in indignation as her strategy was ruined yet again by the red hat duelist.

"Sorry to say, Weiss. But the Monster in my Graveyard does not like it when someone forces them to appear. So yeah, your effect is cancelled due to the fact that there is no Monster that exists in my graveyard that Sorciere de Fleur can Special Summon." Konami explained a bit cheekily.

"Do you have a plan for EVERYTHING I do!?" Weiss shouted at the red hat-wearing duelist.

"I'm a duelist, Weiss. It's kinda my thing to plan for everything that's about to happen in a duel." Konami responded calmly.

"Grr! Fine, I will set a card and end my turn!" Weiss concluded her turn with a set card on her field, still upset by her plan being countered every time but decided she needed to calm down for her next turn. 'It's a good thing I've got Gagagashield in my hand, with that I can survive when Konami enter his Battle Phase. I just hope the others do better than me.'

"I guess I should take the next turn. My turn, I Draw." Blake said calmly as she draw her card and taking a glance of it and her hand, she nodded her head to herself as she knew what she needed to do.

"I activate Polymerization to Fuse Lunalight Black Sheep and Lunalight Yellow Marten from my hand!" Blake declared as Black Sheep and Yellow Marten appeared on her field before they both jumped in the Fusion vortex and they began to swirl together as they fused.

"Black sheep prowling through the meadow of the night. Nimble creature of the night. Unite your power underneath the moonlight and take one the form of a beautiful beast! Fusion Summon! Come on out! The elegant feline dancing beneath the moon! Lunalight Cat Dancer!"

Appearing with the grace of a cat, because that is what she was based off, Lunalight Cat Dancer jumped out of the Fusion vortex and performed a little dance as she struck a pose and brandished the daggers in her hand.

Lunalight Cat Dancer - (DARK/Beast-Warrior/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2400 /DEF: 2000)

"Yellow Martin and Black Sheep effect activate. Since they are both sent to the Graveyard by card effect, Yellow Martin effect allows me to add a 'Lunalight' Spell or Trap from my deck to my hand and Black Sheep can let me add a 'Lunalight' Monster from my Graveyard to my hand. So with that I will add Lunalight Fusion from my deck and Yellow Martin back into my hand." Blake explained that as her Duel Disk ejected cards from her deck and Graveyard, she took both cards before she instantly used one of them.

"Next I play Lunalight Fusion! I will use Lunalight Blue Cat, Purple Butterfly, and the Yellow Martin I returned to my to perform a second Fusion Summon!" Blake declared as she inserted the card into her Duel Disk before the three Lunalight Monster appeared briefly and was sucked into the Fusion vortex.

"Blue cat strolling through the night. Fluttering butterflies flying through the night. Nimble creature of the night. Unite your power underneath the moonlight and take on the form of a beautiful beast! Fusion Summon! Come on out! Beautiful dancing sword bearing the fang of the ancient hunter! Lunalight Sabre Dancer!"

Twirling around like a graceful dancer, Lunalight Sabre Dancer appeared on Blake's field with her two talwar's swords in her hand as she clashed them together and letting sparks fly before doing a small dance and struck a pose as she smirked confidently.

Lunalight Sabre Dancer - (DARK/Beast-Warrior/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 9/ATK: 3000 /DEF: 2600)

"Sabre Dancer gains 200 ATK for each Beast-Warrior Type Monster that is banished or in my Graveyard. Since I have 4 Beast-Warrior Type Monsters, that means Sabre Dancer gains 800 ATK." Blake explained as Sabre Dancer outfit shined brightly as she was powered up by her effect.

Lunalight Sabre Dancer - (DARK/Beast-Warrior/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 9/ATK: 3800 /DEF: 2600)

"I set one card. That's all I can do, I'll end my turn with that." Blake said as she looked at her field and she was satisfied with what she had set up. She had set Negate Attack so that she could negate Konami attack, and with Cat Dancer and Sabre Dancer on her field she felt like she had a pretty good defense setup.

"And now finally, it's the Yang turn! Draw!" Yang draw her card rather dramatically before looking at said card and smirked. She didn't get the chance to use this card in her duel with Blake, but this is a perfect chance to use it.

"Since Weiss screwed us over with her stunt earlier—"

"Hey!" Came Weiss offended scream but the blond brawler chose to ignore it.

"—It's up to me to make it right for our team. So prepare yourself, Konami. Cause i'm going to turn up the heat!" Yang boasted confidently which earned her an amused expression from Konami.

"Hohh? I see, then show me what you're made of, Yang." Konami said as he ready himself for what the blonde is about to do.

"Oh I'll show you alright, with this card right here! I activated the Spell Card: Red-Eyes Fusion!" Yang cried out and the word 'Fusion' caught everyone, except Konami and his Duel Spirits, off guard.

"With this card I can Fusion Summon a Fusion Monster that uses 'Red-Eyes' Monster as one of its materials by sending them to the Graveyard from my hand, field, or even my deck!'' Yang's Duel Disk shuffled her deck automatically before ejecting two cards, which she grabbed and revealed to the opponent. "I send Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact from my deck to the Grave and Fuse them together!"

Red-Eyes Black Dragon appeared on Yang's field as it let out a loud roar, followed by a medium sized winged dragon with the body of a meteor. The two dragons roar together in unison before they both fly towards the Fusion vortex as they are Fuse into one.

"Jet-black dragon with burning red eyes. Take on the power of the dragon that breakthroughs the atmosphere and impacts the battlefield with your blazing anger! Fusion Summon! Appear now! Meteor Black Comet Dragon!"

A large burning meteor came falling from the sky before cracks begin to appear on the meteor as it completely shatters and the remains crash to the ground, revealing the dragon hiding inside of it. Meteor Black Comet Dragon bears the same resemblance as Red-Eyes Black Dragon with the scales all covered in meteorite rock as the head of Meteor Dragon is on the dragon's chest. Its whole body is set in flame with a burning glowing veins visible on its wings. Meteor Black Comet Dragon eyes light up brightly before it spreads its wings and lets out a roar as the flame on its body flared up wildly.

Meteor Black Comet Dragon - (DARK/Dragon/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 3500 /DEF: 2000)

"Thanks to the effect of Red-Eyes Fusion, Meteor Black Comet Dragon is now named Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"

Meteor Black Comet Dragon (Red-Eyes Black Dragon) - (DARK/Dragon/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 3500 /DEF: 2000)

"Wow, Yang! Why didn't you tell me you play Fusion Summon too!?" Ruby cried out in excitement as she couldn't believe her sister didn't tell her that she played Fusion Summon just like her.

"I didn't get the chance to play it during me and Blake's duel, plus I wanted it to be a surprise." Yang said to her little sister.

"I'm guessing the reason you didn't use it is because you didn't get the card?" Blake guessed as she was wondering why Yang didn't use that monster during their duel.

"Yup, shame really because if I had the card I needed then I would've probably won the duel." Yang said with a shrug that practically said 'what can you do?'.

"Just made sure you don't mess this up." Weiss said with arm crossed over he chest.

"Don't worry, Weiss. I've got this, because I'm activating Meteor Black Comet Dragon effect! When this card is Fusion Summoned, I can send a 'Red-Eyes' Monster from either my hand or deck to the Graveyard and inflict damage equal to half of the Monster ATK!" Yang cried out and picked a card from her hand and revealed it. "I discard Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon from my hand to inflict 1200 damage to you, Konami!"

The Meteor Dragon head on Meteor Black Comet Dragon chest begins to open its mouth before it starts gathering flame inside of it. Just as Meteor Black Comet Dragon was about to release it, Konami made another move.

"I don't think so, Yang! I activate Breakthrough Skill effect from my Graveyard! By banishing this card from my Graveyard to target an Effect Monster and negate its effect until the end of the turn!" Konami declared, which made Yang's jaw drop in shock as the flame that was gathering on Meteor Black Comet Dragon chest began to diminish as its effect was negated.

"Dammit! Another one of your counter!?" Yang cried out as she was beginning to feel the same frustration Weiss had when Konami had counter her play. "Let's see you counter this! I activate Inferno Fire Blast! Since Red-Eyes Fusion changed my Meteor Black Comet Dragon name into Red-Eyes Black Dragon, I can inflict damage equal to its ATK. Let's see you counter 3500 points of damage!"

Responding to the Spell effect, Meteor Black Comet Dragon opens its mouth as it gathers flame into its mouth from the fire on its body. The flame begins to condense into a large sphere as Meteor Black Comet Dragon rears its head back before firing the large fireball at immense speed.

The fireball made an impact with Konami and created a large explosion. Despite this, the red hatted vagabond stands his ground and the only indication of him being affected was the slight flinch by the damage he had taken.

Konami LP: 6500 = 3000

"Ha! How do you like that!? I set two cards and end my turn!" Yang exclaimed as she set her two set card, feeling satisfied that she had done some damage to him.

Konami: 3000 LP / Hand ×6

R/W/B/Y: 1500/1500/1500/1500 LP / Hand ×0/3/0/1

"I still can't see how Konami could win this duel. Team RWBY all have powerful monsters lined up with Spell or Trap Cards at ready, while all Konami has is a 500 ATK Monster and his Continuous Spell that won't be activated until another round of turn. He is at a serious disadvantage." Winter stated as she was wondering what the red hat duelist was thinking of dueling her sister and her teammates at once.

"Would you look at that, the Ice Queen is also Captain Obvious apparently." Qrow exclaimed, which earned him a glare from the Schnee specialist.

"I have to agree. Konami would have to pull out something really clever to get him out of this." Glynda said as she continued to watch the duel unfold in front of her.

"Is anybody going to point out that we are standing on fire right now and somehow we are not getting roasted alive?" Jaune asked as he was currently too nervous to even move from his spot due to the wild and flaring blue flame that surrounded them.

"I still can't believe how realistic the Real Solid Vision is. I can actually feel the heat and the burn of the flame around us." Pyrrha exclaimed as she tried to touch the blue flame, only to quickly extract her hand back when she felt the sensation of being burned through her hand. Thankfully her Aura seems to protect her hand from being actually burned.

The two Duel Spirits were having their own private conversation through their linked minds, though they blocked their connection with Konami so that he wouldn't hear them talk.

"He better summon me on his next turn, otherwise I will be so pissed at him." Tierra said telepathically to Metaltron, who let out a laugh in response.

"Tierra, you're always being pissed at something. I think Konami is already used to that and he probably doesn't think less of you." Metaltron told the red-haired Duel Spirits.

"Hmph! As if I care about what that idiot thinks of me." Tierra huffed in indignation at her fellow spirits' words. Why should she care for what Konami thinks of her anyway?

"I don't know, it seems to me like you care more than what you are saying right now." Metaltron let his words hanging as Tierra turned to look at him with her mouth set into a frown as her eyes narrowed sharply at the golden haired spirit.

"What are you implying?" Tierra asked with her tone of voice going dangerously low, which didn't scare him all that much as he fixed her with a smile that looked too mischievous then she would've liked.

"Is there even something to be implied, Tierra?" Metaltron asked curiously which made her frown deepen before it clicked to her on what he was trying to do and she just decided to answer by turning her head away to hide the small blush on her cheek.

"J-Just shut up, you idiot." Tierra exclaimed in a rare case, or at least she thought it was rare, of embarrassment. Metaltron just let out a laugh as he decided to drop the subject, but he swore he would make her admit it.

Weiss blinked when she noticed something when she took a glance at her team field. "Wait, am I seriously the only one on our team who doesn't play Fusion Summon?" She asked as she couldn't help the feeling of being left out by her team.

"Uhh..." Ruby said awkwardly when she noticed that her partner was correct. "Well, i guess it makes you the unique one out of our team? Is that something good?"

Weiss cracks a little smile at her partner rather awkward way to cheer her up, but she appreciates it nonetheless. "I guess that's something good. Thank you, Ruby." She said gratefully towards the red hooded reaper, which caused her to be flustered and just rubbed the back of her sheepishly while smiling.

"Hey, don't sweat it, Weiss. We won't judge you if you don't use Fusion Summon like us, what's important right now is to beat Konami." Yang told the snow haired heiress.

A laugh caught the all girl team's attention, they looked at the source of the laugh and found it to be coming from Konami. "You all seem confident that you'll win." The red hatted vagabond stated as he looked at them amusedly.

"I don't want to sound overconfident, but comparing our fields to yours it clearly shows that you are at a disadvantage right now, Konami." Blake exclaimed as her statement was shared with the rest of her team, sure they may have lower LP then Konami but beside that they feel like they got this duel in the bag.

"Perhaps, but I'm impressed how you're not holding anything back against me even though I'm at a disadvantage." Konami said with a smile showing on his face.

"Of course! Even if we are in the lead right now, we will not be holding back. We will always give it our all until we defeat you! So you better not hold anything back either, Konami!" Ruby cried out as she dramatically pointed her finger towards the red hat duelist.

Konami was momentarily silent after hearing Ruby words, he then let out a little giggle before that giggle turned into a full blown laughter that made him lean his head back. Team RWBY and the spectators looked surprised by his sudden fit of laughter; they were more surprised when he suddenly stopped laughing and started to look at the team with a large grin on his face.

"Good! This is what a duel should be all about! A duelist fighting against each other without any restraint and not holding anything back! If you four had been holding back against me this whole time, I would have found it an insult to my pride as a duelist!" Konami exclaimed as he gripped the cap of his hat before taking it off and letting them all see that his eyes were filled with excitement.

"I will answer your feeling. Team RWBY, I will not be holding anything back against all four of you!" Konami screamed as he threw his hat to the side and Metaltron caught the thrown item while letting a smile graced his face at his partner's attitude.

"My turn." Konami placed his finger on top of his deck, his right pupil turned crimson and flame like marking spread to the right side of his face as he let Tierra power course through him. "DRAW!" He cried out as draw his card while leaving a trail of blue flame, the force of the draw actually created a gust of wind that blew the Void flame on the field, causing it to flare wildly as if responding to Konami emotion.

The others just stared at Konami in shock. From that draw alone they could feel an immense pressure the red hatted vagabond was emitting, team RWBY felt this pressure the most as the confidence they had earlier was shaken slightly because of it.

Konami took a glance at his drawn card, before his grin grew larger as he pointed his drawn card towards his opponent. "Prepare yourself! For this will be my Final Turn!"

(Play Music: Vanguard OST: Power of Psyqualia)

"Final Turn?" Everyone who was not familiar with the sentence asked no one in particular. Fortunately for them, Metaltron was there to explain.

"Final Turn is Konami's favorite catchphrase. Whenever he says it in a duel, he intends to do everything he can to win in this turn or be at risk of being defeated on the next turn. A final struggle to achieve victory in only a single turn, that is the Final Turn." Metaltron explained with a grin of his own as he began to feel the same excitement as his partner. "And a little fact, Konami has never lost a duel when he declared his Final Turn."

That caused team RWBY eyes to widen in shock when they heard that. However they still held on to some confidence that they could survive this turn.

"Since it's my Standby Phase, Take Over 5 effect is activated. I draw one more card from my deck. Next Void Expansion effect also activates, during each of my Standby Phase, I can Special Summon an Infernoid Token to my field." Konami explained as he draw a card from his deck and a canister filled with blue flame appeared on the field.

Infernoid Token - (FIRE/Fiend/Token) - (LV: 1/ATK: 0/DEF: 0)

"I Summon one more Decatron to my field." Konami said as another Decatron, with a different color scheme then the first one, appeared in his field. "Decatron effect activated and with its effect I will send Infernoid Pirmais to the Graveyard so that the second Decatron gains its power."

The second Decatron canister begins to glow white as it now holds the power of Infernoid Pirmais.

Infernoid Decatron (Infernoid Pirmais) - (FIRE/Fiend/Tuner/Effect) - (LV: 1/ATK: 500/DEF: 200)

"Hmph. All that talk and all you do is just Summon the same Monster that is far weaker than any of our Monsters." Weiss stated that she didn't see how Konami could win in such a situation.

"Who said I was finished?" Konami exclaimed which surprised the rapier user. "I'll tell you something about my deck, the Infernoid are a unique bunch of monsters, unlike Decatron the other Infernoid is not able to be Normal Summon or Set. But they have a nifty effect to Special Summon themselves at a cost, that cost being the need to banish a certain amount of 'Infernoid' Monster."

Konami grabbed a card from his hand as the fout girl suddenly turned pale at the meaning of his word. "Let me show you, I banish the two Infernoid Decatron and Infernoid Token on my field!"

The two Decatron forms begin to turn into blue flame, leaving one of the canisters on their remains unchanged. Their body is absorbed into the canister and leaving three canisters on the field, suddenly the canister begins to crack and shatter completely as the Void flame contained in them begins to take shape.

"Come forth, Infernoid Onuncu!" Konami cried out as the Void flame stopped moving and was dispersed, revealing the monster it had created.

Onuncu is a large fiendish mechanical monster with the body of a serpent, its body is covered all in red, black, and gold colored armor. The head looks like a mixture of a dragon and a bird with an elongated neck covered in golden spikes with three golden horns and a small arch on the back of the horns. On the side Onuncu body it has a set of large mechanical wings and a few sets of red elongated spike-like sections pointed either upward or downward. Finally Onuncu possessed a large red and gold spiked ring attached on its back with multiple multi-colored orbs. Infernoid Onuncu slithered around Konami's field before it let out a large screech as it was Summoned.

Infernoid Onuncu - (FIRE/Fiend/Effect) - (LV: 10/ATK: 3000/DEF: 3000)

Team RWBY gazed at the abomination of machine and demon in fright, the visage of Onuncu was something that they had never seen before. Not even the Grimm could instal this much pressure in them. But they strengthened their resolve in order to survive this turn.

"You may Summon a strong monster, Konami. But that single monster won't be able to destroy all of our monsters!" Yang exclaimed as she was confident that they could survive this turn.

Konami suddenly smirked which left the team uneasy. He then snapped his finger and Onuncu's eyes glow brightly in response before letting out a deafening screech that made everyone cover their ears. But what shocked them the most was when every single Monster on the field suddenly burst into flame and screamed in pain.

"What!? What's happening to our Monster!?" Ruby cried out in panic over what was happening to their monster.

"The moment Onuncu appeared, those who are not strong enough to face it are destined to be destroyed." Konami told them a bit ominously with a smirk. "Onuncu effect destroys every single Monster on the field the moment it enters the field, so say goodbye to your monsters."

Weiss gritted her teeth in frustration before she activated her face down card. "I activate my Trap Card: Gagagashield! Now Sorciere de Fleur can't be destroyed by battle or card effect twice per turn!" The flame burning Sorciere de Fleur is suddenly gone by the Trap effect, the same can't be said for the other monsters as they gave one last scream before finally being destroyed.

"O-Our monsters...they're gone..." Blake exclaimed in disbelief that their monsters were easily destroyed by Konami just Summoning one monster.

"Not all of them! I activate Meteor Black Comet Dragon effect! Since it was sent to the Graveyard from the field, I can Special Summon a Normal Monster from my Graveyard. I Special Summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon in Attack Position!" Yang declared as Red-Eyes Black Dragon appeared on her field with a roar.

Red-Eyes Black Dragon - (DARK/Dragon) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2400 /DEF: 2000)

"I commend you for surviving that, Weiss and Yang." The red hat duelist praised the snow haired girl. "I'll award your effort with a piece of information, the Infernoid ability to Special Summon is not limited to once per turn."

"Are you saying you could just spam your monster every time you want!?" Weiss screamed as she couldn't believe that Konami is allowed to do that.

"But there is a catch, I can't Special Summon an Infernoid Monster if the total Level and Ranks of all Effect Monsters I control are 8 or more." Konami told them as they all looked at him in surprise before they saw that Onuncu Level was 10.

"Ha! Tough luck for you, that means you can no longer Summon your Infernoid monster because Onuncu Level is 10!" Yang stated as she grinned at the red-hat duelist mess up.

"Are you sure about that?" Konami exclaimed suddenly as he grabbed a card from his hand. "I activate the Continuous Spell: Void Imagination!" He inserted the card into his Duel Disk and watched as the card appeared on his field.

"At the cost of all battle damage being cut in half, as long as Void Imagination is on my field, all of my 'Infernoid' Monster Levels become 1 while on the field!" Team RWBY face turned more pale as they watched as Infernoid Onuncu Level went down.

Infernoid Onuncu - (FIRE/Fiend/Effect) - (LV: 1/ATK: 3000/DEF: 3000)

"No! That means he Summons more Infernoid from his hand!" Ruby cried out as she was in an even more state of panic than before.

"Calm down, Ruby! There is no chance he is going to Summon another Infernoid, he only has Infernoid Onuncu on his field and there is no way he will banish that powerful monster." Blake told her team leader.

"Incorrect! The cost to Special Summon an 'Infernoid' Monster can be paid from the hand, Graveyard, and thanks to Void Expansion I can also banish monsters that I control!'' Konami explained as his right eyes glowed brightly. "I banish three Infernoid from my Graveyard to Special Summon Infernoid Devyaty also from my Graveyard!"

"Wait what!? You could also Special Summon from the Graveyard!?" Yang just couldn't believe it, now he can Summon his monster from the Graveyard!? How was that supposed to be fair!?

A portal opened up on Konami's field before three canisters came out of the portal, the canisters begin to crack and shattered completely as the flame within them began to to combine together and take shape.

"Come forth, Infernoid Devyaty!" Similar to Onuncu, the Void flame surrounding the newly made body dispersed and revealed the monster. Devyaty form has a similarity with Onuncu being that of a serpent, albeit Devyaty has a more slimmer body and was covered in green, purple, black, and gold armor instead. Its head looks to be similar to Decatron albeit having green as its main color. Two sets of wings are attached to its body, one near the chest while the other is slightly far below it. Devyaty let out a roar and Onuncu let out its own screech in unison.

Infernoid Devyaty - (FIRE/Fiend/Effect) - (LV: 1/ATK: 2900/DEF: 2900)

"Devyaty effect activated! When Devyaty enters the field, all Spell and Trap Cards that don't have 'Void' in its card name are destroyed!"

"Now he's destroying their Spell and Trap Cards too!?" Nora cried out in disbelief. "Is he planning to destroy everything on the field!?"

Devyaty flap its wings and sent a wave of flame that was coming towards team RWBY. Fearing for the destruction of her card, Ruby decided to activate her Set Cards.

"I activate my Trap Card: Fragment Fusion! I banish Monster in my Graveyard to Fusion Summon a 'Gem-Knight' Fusion Monster, but it will be destroyed on the End phase. I banish Gem-Knight Garnet, Obsidian, and Ruby from my Graveyard!" Ruby flipped open her face-down card before a portal opened up and the three Gem-Knight Monsters appeared on the field before they are Fused together in the Fusion vortex.

"Crystalize fighter with the burning red hot fist. Jet-black warrior of the shining gem. Crimson gem that illuminates the darkness. Become one and lend me the blade of the shining radiance! Fusion Summon! Appear now! Supreme master of the seven colors! Gem-Knight Master Diamond!"

Gem-Knight Master Diamond appeared on the field, standing straight in front of Ruby to protect her from the incoming wave of flame. Team RWBY shield their face when the wave of flame went through them while burning their Set Card and turn them to ash.

Gem-Knight Master Diamond - (EARTH/Rock/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 9/ATK: 2900 /DEF: 2500)

"Sorry girls, that's all I can do." Ruby said sadly to her team when she looked at their barren field, she couldn't believe this happened only by the effect of just two monsters.

"Don't worry, Rubes. We'll get him back on out next turn." Yang said to comfort her sister.

"That may be harder than we thought. So far he has only banished 5 cards so far, from what we know he can still Summon more of his monsters at this rate." Weiss exclaimed as she didn't like their chance.

"He's probably going to attack me because I'm seriously defenseless right now. The moment I'm out, you three take the chance to win the duel." Blake told her teammate as she knew that she would lose soon. The rest of team RWBY nodded their heads at her.

"I banish 2 more 'Infernoid' Monsters from the Graveyard to Special Summon Infernoid Attondel!" As with the two other Infernoid, two canisters appeared on the field before shattering as the Void Flame combined together and began to take shape.

When the process is done, Infernoid Attondel spreads it's limb out to disperse the flame around its body. Attondel's form resembles that of a mechanical humanoid dragon, with the metal armor covering it is blue, black, orange, and gold in color. Its head was that of a dragon with two golden horn pointed backwards and two golden tusk on the side of its bottom jaw. Two mechanical wing attached on its back as the tail of this monster resemble that of a feather plume.

Infernoid Attondel - (FIRE/Fiend/Effect) - (LV: 1/ATK: 2800/DEF: 0)

Weiss noticed a pattern of Konami monster before she let out her own smirk when she realized what it was. "You've already Summon your strongest monster, haven't you? It seems that you don't have any monster that ATK is over 3000, while you may be able to destroy our monster in battle you won't be able to deplete all of our LP especially with Void Imagination halving all battle damage of your monster." She stated as she deduced with that fact that no matter what, Konami won't be able to defeat them all in this turn.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. I activate the Quick-Play Spell: Pot of Acquisitiveness. I return 3 of my banished Monsters to the deck in order to draw a card." Konami said as three of his banished Monsters returned to his deck before his Duel Disk shuffled his deck and he draw another card, when he looked at the card he immediately used it. "I activate another Pot of Acquisitiveness, returning 3 banished Monsters to draw another card."

"What? You're not going to Summon another monster?" Yang lightly mocked to hide her confusion on why Konami is returning his banished 'Infernoid' Monster back to his deck.

Konami just continued to smirk confidently at them as he draw his card. "Don't worry, the main player will be making her appearance." He said as they suddenly looked at him strangely when he said 'her'.

"TIERRA!" Konami shouted as the red haired Duel Spirit look at him as her name being called. "Your turn has finally come." He said as he smile at her.

Tierra starts to grin widely as she lets out a little cackle. "Hahaha! Yes! Do it, Konami! Summon me right now!" She shouted at the top of her lungs as everyone, beside Konami and Metaltron, turned wide-eyes at her word.

Konami just nodded as he stared at his dumbfounded opponents with his right eyes glowing brightly. "I activate Void Imagination second effect! By sending this card to the Graveyard, I can Fusion Summon an 'Infernoid' Fusion Monster using the cards in my hand or field!"

"Wait what!? You're going to Fusion Summon now!?" Ruby cried out in disbelief.

"Whatsmore, since my opponent controls a Monster that was Special Summoned from the Extra deck, I can use up to 6 Monster from my deck to use for the Fusion Summon!" Hearing that made Ruby's eyes widen even further when she realized that she had basically helped Konami Summon his Monster.

"Oh no! What have I done!?" Ruby cried out once more at her own mistake, she couldn't believe Summoning one of her strongest Monsters would backfire on her.

Konami's Duel Disk ejected six cards from his deck, which he grabbed and another four more cards from his hand before revealing it to his opponent. "I will Fuse the Infernoid Onuncu and Devyaty on my hand alongside 8 other 'Infernoid' Monsters with different names!" Void Imagination cards then turn into particles as the ten cards on Konami's hand glowed brightly in different colors before they were absorbed each by the ten orbs on the stone structure which made the orbs glowed brightly.

"Mechanized demon born from the flame of purgatory. Unite with your kin within the depth of the Void. Release the seal of the ancient and be revived as the entity of absolute destruction! Fusion Summon!"

"Looks like it's my time to shine!" Tierra shouted as she, to the group's surprise, started flying towards the giant stone structure with an excited grin on her face. When she got closer to the structure, she continued to move forward until she phased through the structure, which began to shake violently the moment she entered it as the orbs glow brighter.

"Come forth! One who resides within my soul, Infernoid Tierra!"

The moment Konami finished his chant, the stone structure exploded and sent the remains falling to the ground. From the destroyed structure, a large creature towers over the rest of the Infernoid slowly descending to the ground.

The creature's body is completely mechanical while looking fiendish, similar to the Infernoid, with the body all covered in mainly black and gold-colored armor. The upper body is humanoid while the bottom is that of a serpent with the tail longer than the body. The head is reminiscent of a demon with an elongated face with a sharp set of jaws, a set of horns similar to Tierra, and on the back of the head is a long trail of flame acting as hair for the monster. On the back is two wheel-like frames with sharp wings made out of light on the right and darkness on the left. The creature landed on the field before letting out a roar that caused Void flame on the field to move erratically and a pillar or fire erupted from the ground.

Infernoid Tierra - (FIRE/Fiend/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 11/ATK: 3400/DEF: 3600)

"Fuwahahahaha! Behold! For this is my true form! Tremble all of you, for my name is Infernoid Tierra!" Tierra voice booming through out the field from the gigantic monster, but the mouth didn't move. But honestly they were a bit distracted by the appearance of Tierra to actually care about how the heck that could even happen.

"Holy shit...THIS is Tierra's true form?" Surprisingly this come from Winter off all people, Qrow was too shocked to even called her out on cursing in public like that.

"...well we're screwed." Yang said as she stared at the gigantic monster with her eyes wide open and her jaw dropped to the floor. Yeah, any hope she has for a victory is completely gone just by seeing this monster on the field. Her teammates just gulped nervously as they shared the same thought but didn't voice it out loud.

"Infernoid Tierra effect activated. When she is Fusion Summon, I can apply her effect depending on how many different named 'Infernoid' Monster I used for her Summon. Since I used 10 different Monsters, Tierra can activate all four of her effects." Konami explained.

"She can use FOUR effects at the same time!?" Jaune cried out in shock.

"I'll show you my power! My first effect, I'll send 3 cards from each of your Extra Decks to the Graveyard!" Tierra declared as team RWBY stared at the gigantic monster in disbelief.

"Our Extra Deck!?" Ruby shouted in shock as her, her teammates, and Konami Extra Deck opened up and three cards from their Extra Deck suddenly floated out of their Duel Disk before Tierra opened her jaw and fired a fireball towards the cards, destroying them while causing small shockwaves.

"My second effect, the top 3 cards of each of your decks will also be sent to the Graveyard!'' Tierra raised her right arm before doing a sweeping motion and sending a stream of white flame towards them, making team RWBY blocked their face with their arms as three cards from the top of their and Konami deck was burned.

"My third effect, considered it a blessing because I will returned 3 of your banished card back to the Graveyard.'' Tierra raised her left arm as a portal opened up and all of the banished cards came flying towards her before she blasted the cards with a dark flame from her left hand, burning them like the others as they were returned to the Graveyard.

"And for my final effect, every single card in your hand is now sent to the Graveyard!" Tierra let out a loud roar that caused the group to cover their ears as every single card in the duelist hand suddenly combust into flame, team RWBY let out a yelped in surprised as they dropped their hand card, or the least the one who still had any, as they turn to ashes by Tierra's flame.

"We're not out just yet! Thanks to your effect, there are now 7 'Gem-' Monsters in my Graveyard, meaning Master Diamond gains 700 ATK making it 3600 ATK!" Ruby cried out as Master Diamond began to emit a rainbow colored energy as the gem on his chest glow brightly.

Gem-Knight Master Diamond - (EARTH/Rock/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 9/ATK: 3600 /DEF: 2500)

Konami smirked at the effort she was giving, but unfortunately it wasn't enough. "I activate Elder Entity N'tss effect! When this card is sent to the Graveyard, i can target one card on the field and destroy it. Since I sent 3 N'tss thanks to Tierra effect, I can destroy 3 cards on the field!"

"What!?" Team RWBY all cried out in horrified unison as they watched as three astral projections of a spear appeared before they all rocketed forwards and stabbed all of their remaining Monster and destroyed them in a large explosion.

"No! Our field is completely empty!" Weiss shouted as for the first time in the duel she started to panic.

"And with Void Imagination gone, the Infernoid returns to their original Level and their damage will not be cut in half!" Konami said as Onuncu, Devyaty, and Attondel all let out their respective cry as their Level returned to normal.

Infernoid Onuncu - (FIRE/Fiend/Effect) - (LV: 10/ATK: 3000/DEF: 3000)

Infernoid Devyaty - (FIRE/Fiend/Effect) - (LV: 9/ATK: 2900/DEF: 2900)

Infernoid Attondel - (FIRE/Fiend/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 2800/DEF: 0)

"Battle!" Konami declared as the all girl team can't do anything but watch as they watched as Onuncu, Devyaty, and Attondel fired blue flame from their mouth into three rings in front of Tierra, who was raising both of her arms as light and dark energy in her hand as she gathered the flame from the field itself in front of her mouth.

"This is the end! Infernoid, direct attack team RWBY! REQUIEM OF INFERNO!"

Tierra let out a roar as she unleashed the flame she had gathered and both of the energy in her hands at the exact same time, creating a swirling vortex of light and dark flame. The flame went through each ring, increasing its power and size even further until it was 10 feet tall and was surrounded by the Void flame. Team RWBY braced themselves for the upcoming attack, but the moment it hit them they immediately screamed in pain as they could feel the flame actually burned them and they were thrown back a significant distance away from the force of the attack.

When the attack subdued, team RWBY we're laying on the ground all groaning in pain as their LP depleted to zero.

R/W/B/Y LP: 1500 = 0

The spectators watching are in a state of shock right now. Team JNPR being the most shocked as they had watched their friends and fellow team being defeated in a duel all by one person, at just one turn to boot.

"One turn, four kill." Metaltron muttered as he couldn't help the chuckle that was he was holding. "Honestly, you are a strong duelist as ever, Konami."

"Another satisfying duel." Konami lit a flame on his palm before crushing it in his hand with a smirk as his right eyes glowed brightly. "And another satisfying victory!" He pumped his fist to the sky as his monster let out a cry in response and pillars of flame erupted from the ground.


A/N: And that about wrap it for this chapter! So is it bad? Is it good? Please leave a comment if you like. Also I appologize if this was a long chapter too read, should I tone it down for the next chapter? What do you guys think?

Apparently I learn at least three thing about my self when writing this chapter. One is that I am more ambitious then I had thought with the backstory. Two is that I can actually cry a little when writing a sad scene. And three is that I can't write a good reaction to save my life. Fortunately this isn't a reaction fic so I guess it's alright, but I still feel it could've been better though.

And yes, Konami does possessed the Winged Dragon of Ra, but he will rarely used it unfortunately. I feel like my explanation on why Konami had Ra is good enough but what do you guys think?

Now moving on to one of Konami deck; the Infernoid! Honestly this archetype bring back a lot of memory to me. Sure Infernoid isn't one of the meta deck out there, but I still think its a really powerful archetype if used correctly. Speaking of which, I recently tried Dueling Nexus to see how my dueling skill is compared to the meta deck. The result? I feel like I need a 300 IQ brain to understand what's going on. I mean, I looked away for at least a minute and the bot just made like 5-6 move, what the heck. I think I need a bit more practice but I probably won't be winning any duel against meta anytime soon

But that is all from me, again I apologized for the long update. Collage hasn't been kind to my schedule right now as it didn't give me enough time to write, I'll continue to write the next chapter but don't expect it to be soon. All in all, i hope you all enjoy this story. Thank You!

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