The Vagabond Answer

A/N: Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of RWBY: The Duelist Experience! After the duel of both team RWBY and JNPR, it is time for Konami to start answering some question.

Finally! I've managed to update this story after five months! Or is it six? Well whatever.

I'm really sorry for the terribly long update, but apparently being a collage student doesn't give you enough time to write a fanfiction. I wish i could just use my time to write story, but education comes first so i won't be able to update the story for a while.

I'll try though so don't worry about this story going into hiatus, cause I'm not dropping this story any time soon.

But anyway, enough about that. Let's get on with this chapter. This chapter won't have any duel sadly, but it will give you some insight on Konami and his ability. Now without further ado, let's get on to the story!

Disclaimer: i don't own RWBY or Yu-gi-oh, they belong to Rooster teeth and Konami respectively.


'How the hell are they not a couple?' Konami thought as his eye twitched when he saw Ren and Nora earlier interaction. Sure the way those two interact with each other can be seen as a simple close friend, but come on!

After Ren and Nora made it back to the spectator side, with the pink loving girl still being piggybacked by the boy, they were instantly congratulated by their friends for their duel.

"Wow, Ren that was awesome. You actually beat the Aesir, who would've thought that could happen." Jaune said, really impressed by his male teammate's dueling skill.

"Thanks Jaune." Ren said gratefully.

"Hey! What about me, huh!?" Nora shouted at her leader. Ren had let her down and she was now glaring at the blonde leader with her hands firmly planted on her hips.

"Of course you're also great Nora! You're as awesome as Ren at dueling also!" Jaune said a bit panickedly, he did not want to get on his hammer wielding teammate bad side.

That was all Nora needed to hear as she dropped her glare and she beamed by the compliment. "Aww! Thanks fearless leader!" She said as she playfully smacked him on the back, unfortunately she still smacked him hard enough to make him crash into the ground.

Pyrrha sweatdropped at the scene before she helped her partner get back up. "Perhaps you should take Nora's work out offer Jaune, it might do you some good." She suggested to him.

"I would rather fight an army of Ursa blindfolded than went through that hell again." Jaune said seriously as he can still feel the phantom pain from said work out, and that was only the warm up!

Pyrrha just nodded at him. She wouldn't lie, Nora's work out was something that she will never, ever do again for the rest of her life.

Seeing team JNPR was busy with each other, team RWBY decided to share their opinion about the duel with each other also.

"That was an awesome duel! Don't you think so girls!?" Ruby asked the rest of her team.

"Heck yeah it is sis! Still, i would've thought Nora would win the duel though. But Ren really pulled out a win out of nowhere with that combo of his!" Yang said, equally amazed by the duel as her sister.

"Though that duel really did a number on the field...." Weiss trailed off as she and her team gazed at the ruined field in front of them. It looked like someone had just blown up a whole minefield and thrown dozens of grenades at it just for the heck of it.

"I don't think you and Nora should duel each other Yang." Blake said to her partner. "Considering how destructive you two are at dueling."

"Oh please Blake, you worry too much." Yang said as she waved off her partner concerned. "I mean, it's not like if we duel we will turn Beacon to ruble, right?"

'That's exactly what we worried about.' The RWB of the team thought worriedly as they will possibly be blamed for the destruction of the academy in the hand of their blonde teammate.

With Ozpin and his group, they were also discussing the duel that they had just seen. It still amazed them that they had just seen a god fight up close and personal.

"Well that is something we didn't see everyday." Qrow commented.

"For once, I'll agree with you on this one Qrow." Winter reluctantly said, not really used to agreeing something with the drunkard of all people.

"Well what do you know, so the ice queen heart isn't all that frozen. You should agree with me more, i'll think of you as less of a nuisance if you do." Qrow grinned at her, which earned him an icy glare from said Schnee Specialist.

"Those God cards are truly powerful, the fact that even the weaker copy version of the original is this strong then I can only imagine how strong the original is." James said as he was actually scared at the idea of these god-like monsters would actually invade Remnant, he seriously did not want to think about such possibilities happening.

"Right now, I'm more concerned by the damage done if Miss Valkyrie would ever duel." Glynda expressed her concern, she seriously did not want to think about the amount of damage her student can cause just by dueling.

"I'm sure we'll think of something to prevent that." Ozpin said to his assistant reassuredly. "But I think we still have a different matter to attend, isn't that right Konami?"

Hearing his name being called, Konami got out of his thoughts as he glanced at Beacon's Headmaster. Well, he did say that he will answer their question after Ren and Nora's duel, might as well do it now.

"Alright!" Konami called out loudly to attract their attention to him. "Now that that duel is over with, I believe i promise you all an answer to any of your questions."

Everybody's eyes were now solely focused right at the red hated duelist. They didn't actually forget that they could ask him about anything, but it did surprise them that it was he himself who reminded them about his promise.

"However, there are two things I like to point out. First, I can only answer the question I know the answer to, so if it's something I don't know then tough luck. Second, if the answer is something really personal to me then I will not go into deep for the detail about it. Understood?"

Everyone nodded their head in understanding, not seeing anything wrong with his condition. Konami suddenly walked forward away from them before he turned around and gazed on them with a smile on his face as he said.

"Now then, let's begin."


Silence. That was all there was between the group and Konami. They are all racking their head hard on what question they should ask him, while being careful not to ask something offensive. Even then, the silence was deafening as they waited for any one of them to ask the first question.

A moment passed, and a single voice broke the silence and caught the attention of everyone.

"Who are you exactly?" Weiss asked. "Despite everything you've given us, we still don't know exactly who you are."

Konami chuckled. "Very well, I guess I could introduce myself again." He said as he tipped his hat down a little and smiled at them.

"My full name is Konami Kudo. A humble duelist from a place called Domino City. I travel across multiple dimensions in order to improve myself, be it at dueling or other thing, and to search for....something personal."

Weiss nodded her head as she seemed to be satisfied with his answer, but she and the others are wondering what it is he's searching for that he needs to travel to multiple dimensions to find it.

"Alright then, who's next? How about you Ren?" Konami said which caught the green themed boy by surprise. He began to think what question he should ask before he then thought of something he wanted to know.

"You said that you're a duelist from Domino City. Is that the place where you lived?" Ren asked which made the red hatted boy let out a quiet hum in thought.

"Well I have spent most of my life growing up there, but right now I don't actually live there anymore since I have a new place to stay when I'm not traveling between dimensions." Konami told him. "Come on, is that all? This is getting really awkward for me actually."

Blake slowly raised her arm which caught his attention. Not to mention her face seems to redden a little, as if she was embarrassed about what she was going to ask.

"Yes, Blake?"

"Can us....what you look like without the hat?

Konami blink once. He blinked twice. And blink once more under his hat as he continues to stare at the ravenette Faunus in front of him. Honestly, he shouldn't be surprised someone would ask him that but he did anyway.

"Okay, I guess I can do that. Though that's more of a request than a question." Konami chuckled as Blake blushed turned a darker shade of red, she couldn't believe she let her curiosity get to her. She blamed her cat trait.

"Out of curiosity, why do you wear your hat like you were trying to hide your face?" Pyrrha questioned.

Konami gripped his google and pulled it over his hat and face and let it dangle on his neck before answering. "No particular reason, it's just a bit embarrassing for me since I'm not used to showing people how I really look." He said sheepishly.

He gripped the cap of his hat before seeming to hesitate for a second. He sighed as he removed the hat from his head.

And the majority of the females in the group, mostly the student, feel their breath hitch.

Konami brown hair was short and messy while not looking like it was unkempt with a few strands of it framing his face. Being kept under his hat for so long makes his head to be covered in a small layer of sweat which makes his hair glisten in the sunlight of the field they were in. A gentle breeze blew past them, causing his hair to wave and flow like an ocean wave.

The absence of his hat left his face wide open for them to see. Perfectly angular shape face while not looking chiseled still has a good amount of muscle on them. His pointed nose twitched slightly as his mouth curved upward as he showed them all a gentle smile that graced his face. His eyes were hazel brown in color and they were shaped not too rounded nor too narrow but just the right amount of both as he gazed upon them with warmth and compassion visible in those expressive looking orbs.

All in all, Konami's face was — in the eyes of everybody else, mostly the females — quite handsome and attractive. The girls all had a small blush on their cheeks that is steadily growing as they continue to stare at him while the guys just look surprised on how the red hatted vagabond looks like without his hat.

"So, this is what I look like without my hat on. Any other question?" Konami said as he ran his hand through his hair to get rid of the sweat on his head before he stared at them with an eye-close smile on his face.

"Are you single?" Yang asked, looking completely and deadly serious with her question.

"Yang!!" The rest of her team shouted at her.

"What!? That was a legitimate question!"

Konami sweatdropped. This was partly why he doesn't usually take his hat off unless he needed to, he seriously doesn't know why girls usually act like this whenever he takes his hat off. Heck, he once made a girl faint just by looking at her!

"Yes, Yang. I'm single." He said as he rolled his eyes. He decided to humor her by answering the question, not that he is seeing anyone in particular or has a crush on someone either.

Well okay that is not entirely true. His thought went back to a happy memory of his time with a certain blonde haired woman that he met on his travels. It still pained him that they had to break up, he still has a slight feeling for her but she just can't forgive herself for what she had done and he knew that no matter what he said she won't change her mind.

Frankly he really couldn't be mad at her for it. Although he was sad, he understood why she did it. After all, it's not her fault she wanted to see her parents again.

Yang grinned as she looked happy with his answer, though when no one was watching she nudged her partner and gave her a large smile which made the ravenette to scowl at her while looking a bit flustered.

"Now then, since this is going nowhere I might as well answer the question that's inside some of your mind." Konami exclaimed as he crossed his arms over his chest while still holding his hat on his hand. "And that is about my ability."

This got him a confused look from the students while the Ozpin and his group gave him a questioning look.

"Now, you all assume that the Field Barrier I set up earlier and this Sogen field is all because of the function that I had on my Duel Disk, right?" Konami asked and seeing the various nods of the head from them almost made him laugh. No wait, he did let out a small chuckle.

"Well that is entirely not true. My Duel Disk doesn't have the capability to perform such a feat, especially this field right here. No, it was all because I have a certain power that allowed me to do what you all had seen."

"And pray tell what exactly kind of power do you possess?" Glynda questioned as she pushed up her glasses and narrowed her eyes suspiciously at him.

The Vagabond let out a quiet hum as he pondered on how he should say it. Deciding that he needed to be as direct as possible he answered.

"Simply put, I can bring a Duel Monster card to life."

His words got him a look of surprise and intrigued from the group. Out of all the things he could've said they did not expect that.

"Explain." Ironwood said, almost demanded for an explanation from the red hatted duelist.

"Before the invention of Real Solid Vision, there wasn't any way for a duelist to use Duel Monster outside of dueling. The Solid Vision system only projected a realistic hologram, but not the real thing." Konami explained. "As far as I know, there are only two ways for a human to use a Duel Monster outside of a duel."

'For a human?' Blake thought, confused on why he chose that specific wording.

"And those two ways are what exactly?" Weiss asked with her eyebrow raised.

"The first is to be born as a Psychic Duelist. An individual that can materialize real Duel Monster cards and deal real life damage to an opponent. It's really rare for someone to be a Psychic Duelist, I once traveled to a dimension where there are a few Psychic Duelists but the conditions of them are....less than ideal." Konami's eyes became downcasted as he said that.

"What do you mean by that?" Pyrrha asked worriedly when she heard the sad tone in his voice.

The red hatted duelist sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. "Think about it. If a child, who has no idea if he or she is a Psychic Duelist, where to casually duel someone while having no control over his or her own power. What would that lead to?" He questioned as they all began pale and grimaced at the implication.

"Accident, property damage, casualties, even death can — and possibly will — happen if a Psychic Duelist should ever duel without fully capable of controlling their power. This is why the majority of them are discriminated and rejected by society for being too dangerous." Blake's eyes widened when she heard discrimination also happen in a different dimension. "Thankfully the situation for that dimension is gradually getting better, to the point that people started to accept them all into their life." She let out a quiet sigh of relief at the mention of that, though a part of her can't help but feel jealous of how unfair that the situation for the Faunus isn't the same as in that dimension.

She quickly shook her head and banished that thought. No, she should be happy for that dimension, not mopped around on what she didn't have. So caught up she was in her mind that she missed the worry gaze Yang gave her as the blond decided to just stay quiet for now.

"So what's the second way?" Weiss asked. She caught sight of Blake's expression and decided to change the subject, she had a pretty good idea on what her teammate was thinking about.

Konami chuckled sheepishly as he averted his gaze from them. "Well the second way is a bit different. But first I have to tell you all something about myself so it's easier to understand." He said which got him a look of confusion from the group.

"You see, I'm not exactly human."

Just as the word slipped out of Konami's mouth, his new friends and acquaintances froze in shock by what he had said. He had to fight back the smile that is creeping up his face as he secretly enjoyed the expression they are making right now as it was both amusing and hilarious.

'In 3, 2, 1...' He mentally counted down as he waited for the outburst that he knew was coming.


'Ha! Nailed it!'

While Konami cheered slightly in his mind, the others were gaping as they couldn't believe what the red hatted duelist had just said.

"Y-You're not human?" Ruby stuteredly asked as the shock was clearly evident in her voice.

Konami shrugged. "Well i was human, now though i'm something a bit more than that." He said.

"Then what exactly are you?" Weiss wearily asked as she glared at him suspiciously. He was hiding a lot more things than she would like.

Konami just chuckled lightly before he folded his arms over his chest and closed his eyes. When he snapped them wide open they were taken aback by what had happened.

Konami's eyes had changed from their originally hazel brown color to something else entirely. His left pupil changed into a bright golden color while his sclera turned blue as the two colors were glowing with the blue sclera began to pulsate with energy. His right pupil though changed into a crimson color while his sclera remains unchanged, but what else had changed was the blue flame like marking that seems to come out of his right eye socket and spreading out around his eye and covering most of the right side of his face.

His now mismatch color eyes gaze at the group which make a few of them feeling unnerved, not to mention that they all can now feel the strong power emitting from Konami so much that it is actually visible by the eyes as they can see he was surrounded by a mix of red, gold, and dark blue aura. The pressure he was emitting by his power actually set a few of them on edge.

"I'm what you can call a Hybrid." Konami said as his eyes continued to glow while the aura he was emitting began to flare up slightly. "For lies within my very soul is the soul of two Duel Spirit, which make me part Human and part Duel Spirit." He said which earned him a look of shock and disbelieved from the group.

Done with his explanation, Konami decided to turn off his power as his eyes turn back to normal with the flame like marking retreating back into his eye while the aura that surrounded him begin to disappear as with the pressure that he was unknowingly emitting when he activated his power making them all slumped back at ease.

"So yeah, that's basically the reason I can bring Duel Monster cards to life." Konami said as he put his hat back on and adjusted it so that they can still see his face. He left his goggles dangling on his neck for now.

"What was that!? I can feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up when your eyes glow!" Nora cried out alarmedly.

The red hat duelist honestly looks apologetic for that. "Sorry about that, one of the Duel Spirit inside of me is actually a bit....intimidating to say the least." He explained.

"Fascinating. You say that lies within you are two souls of a Duel Spirit, is it like sharing the same body while having three souls and conscious inside of you?" Ozpin asked rather eagerly, he can feel some sort of kinship to this young man he just recently met as his circumstances are somewhat the same as him.

"Something like that, but it's actually more than that. My soul and those two souls are completely and perfectly fused with each other, so there is only my soul inside of me while part of it is the two Duel Spirit." Konami said which caused the Beacon headmaster's eyes to widen in disbelief along with the rest of his inner circle.

"Impossible. Fusing multiple souls into one is unheard of, what kind of method did you use to accomplish it?" Ironwood asked in an almost urgent tone, if they could find out the method to fuse two souls together then that could be a great help for Amber and her Maiden power.

Konami raised a suspicious eyebrow at the general when he heard the tone in his voice. "Well I couldn't exactly tell you since it was someone else who fused my soul with those two Duel Monsters." He said which makes the adult in the group to frown slightly in disappointment at the lack of information.

Of course that's not entirely false, he did have someone else fuse his soul with those two but he understood much about the method for the fusion than he let on. Besides, he knew that whatever they are planning with fusing a soul it'll never work out for them because the method is something that they cannot replicate.

"Well if you can't tell us how the method works then could you at least tell us what you use to fuse your soul together?" Pyrrha asked curiously as she and her friends were oblivious to what her school headmaster and his acquaintances are really talking about.

'Now that I can answer.' Konami thought as he smirked and raised a finger as he answered. "One word: Magic."

The expression he got was a bit varied. Some of them had a look of wonder, some in disbelief, and a few of them also had a deadpanned look on their face when he said that magic was involved. What he found interesting though was the expression Ozpin has on his face. He also looked to be in shock and intrigued like the other but from the looks of it his surprised expression didn't come from the fact that magic was involved, but more like he looked like the kind of surprise a person has when someone else had just done something that only that person can do.

'It's like he's not even surprised that magic even existed, from what I can tell from this dimension it doesn't really look like the kind of dimension where magic is even considered a real thing. So why did he appear to be more aware of the existence of magic than anyone else?' Konami wondered as he racked his brain for a possible solution before his eyes widened slightly when he remembered something before coming into this dimension. 'Don't tell me, is Ozpin the one she mentioned?'

"Seriously, magic? That's highly unlikely." Weiss said dismissively, not really believing that magic even existed.

Konami held back his suspicion for a moment to give her a strange look. "You live in a world where superpowered teenagers wield high-tech weaponry and go to school that train them to fight nightmarish creatures that plague your planet for centuries, and you don't believe that magic is real?" He said.

"Because most of those things can be proven by science and history! Saying magic is real without any concrete proof is just plain ridiculous!" Weiss responded a bit heatedly as she was embarrassed that she was probably the only one who didn't actually believe.

"I swear, she reminds me so much of Kaiba that it's not even funny anymore." Konami grumbled which was heard by the entire group.

"Um, who the heck is Kaiba? And why did Weiss remind you of him?" Yang asked.

"Ah well, you see I have a friend that acts much like Weiss actually. His name is Seto Kaiba, he is a really strong duelist and old childhood friend of mine." Konami said as he smiled slightly in reminiscent.

"What kind of person is your friend Konami?" Pyrrha question curiously wanting to know more about the red hatted duelist friend.

"If I have to put it bluntly. He is rude, arrogant, prideful, full of ego, a bit self-centered, and basically a male Weiss with three times a stick up his ass." Konami's description did not leave a good impression on any of their minds.

Weiss's teammate even went as far to go pale at the thought. Two Weiss? And one of them is worse than theirs? Oh the horror, they could barely put up with one Weiss, let alone two of her.

For Weiss herself though, she was conflicted if she should feel happy that there was someone like her or concerned as she was fully aware of how she acted and if there is someone who is even worse than that could be a bit worrying.

"So your friend is an Ice King." Qrow said with a smirk as he seems to like this Kaiba person already.

Konami gives a rather loud laugh at that. "Trust me, calling him an 'Ice King' would be an understatement. I think the more appropriate title would be 'Ice Dragon' instead and he would probably take that as a compliment." He said before turning his attention to the two Schnee sisters. "His background is pretty similar to you two you know. A child of a controlling father of a big company. And no offence, but he's probably smarter and a much better businessman than you two combined."

"What!?" The two sisters shrieked in unison and in slight outrage. Being taught by their father — who was arguably the most successful businessman in Remnant despite how loath they think of him about the method he used to gain such wealth — they had a good grasp of how to manage a company, Weiss more so than her sister since she was planning to take over the SDC and change it for the better. But to hear that someone else is a better businessman than they are is a lot more insulting than they want to admit.

"Exactly how good is your friend at managing a business?" Ironwood asked as he wanted to know if this Seto Kaiba could compare with the infamous Jacques Schnee.

"Really good, in fact I can give you an example. Now before i say anything, when i said that his background is a lot similar to you Weiss, i mean it. Gozaburo Kaiba, Seto's father, and the Kaiba Corporation was once a military arms dealer and my dimension equivalent of your father Schnee Dust Company." Konami said as the Schnee heiress looked shocked that another version of her father existed. "He rigorously trained Kaiba at his studying to be the perfect heir to his company and push him to the limit no child should ever experience, he even went as far as to get rid of all things that may hinder his progress like games, toys, and such."

Everyone immediately felt saddened by this. Weiss and Winter can sympathize with him as they both are victims of such circumstances, having a father such as Jacques does not leave them a happy childhood a kid should have.

"You may all think that Kaiba would be devastated with living such a life, but that's not the case." Konami caught them off guard by what he said. "He accepted that this was his life and worked vigorously hard and was determined to excel in his study to achieve his goal. He soaked up all of his lessons like a sponge and even often studied until he collapsed on his desk."

"Then came the moment of his birthday, Gozaburo gives him a challenge: He will give him two percent share of his company and tell him he could do whatever he likes with that money, but he has to return one hundred times the amount he gave him in a year."

"Hey that's not so bad." Ruby naively said as she didn't think two percent could mean a lot of money. "I mean, how much money could he have with just two percent?"

"In your currency, about ten million lien." Konami dropped the bombshell that caused the silver eyes girl to choke as with the rest of the group.

"TEN MILLION LIEN!?" Everyone shouted in disbelief at how much money a two percent share has, even Wiess and Winter was shocked by the amount. That amount of money would probably take 15 to 30 percent share of the Schnee Dust Company! How successful is this company that ten million lien is only TWO PERCENT shares of the whole company!

"B-B-But if he has to return a-a hundred times the a-amount in a year, t-t-that means he has to make..." Blake stuttered said but was not able to finish as her mind can't comprehend the amount of money.

"HE HAS TO MAKE ONE BILLION LIEN IN JUST ONE YEAR!" Glynda, however, had no trouble finishing her sentence and she was absolutely furious. "WHAT KIND OF PARENT IS HE TO PUT SUCH A BURDEN ON HIS OWN CHILD!"

Ozpin felt like he was about to get a headache. He initially thought that Jacques Schnee was the worst father he ever met in his life — and this was coming from the literal immortal who both failed as a husband and a father — but hearing this? Yeah, nothing's gonna top this kind of bad parenting.

'I wonder how they would react if I told them about Noah and the whole virtual reality world thing during the Battle City tournament." Konami thought as he wondered if he should tell them or not. 'Probably shouldn't tell them. It'll be a pain to explain all of the events that led to that point. Plus, I don't think they need more reason to think that Gozobura is the winner of the bad father of the year award.'

"Just....just how long did it take him to return the money? Six month? An entire year?" Ren was the one who asked as he was still trying rap around the idea into his mind.

"One day." Konami exclaimed which caused them all to freeze in shock as they couldn't believe what he had just said.

"I-I'm sorry, d-did you say he made a billion lien in just ONE DAY!" Jaune cried out as he was contemplating if his hearing was broken.

"Believe it or not he did return all the money in just a single day." Konami told them with a shrug of his shoulder. "I never did find out how exactly he did it but what I get was that he bought 51 percent of a small company that was loyal to its employee and made the president buy it back or else he will shut down the company and leave the employees jobless."

"Tha-That's just cruel!" Pyrrha shouted in displeasure at the method he made to attain the money. "I know he's desperate to make that amount of money in just a year, but the way he obtained it was just wrong!"

Konami just shrugged his shoulder at that statement. "Honestly, he may be an asshole, a bastard, and maybe a bit of a dick at the same time." They couldn't really know if he was insulting the guy or not, probably the later if the fond smile on his face was any indication. "But he is a good person through and through, though he may not show it very often, and will do anything he can to achieve his goal."

Many of them felt slightly relieved by his words. Although they dislike the way Kaiba obtains the money he needs, it was good to know that he isn't a bad person.

"So what happened to your friend after that." Glynda asked curiously.

Seeing as no one would say anything else, Konami decided to answer. "Well after inventing the Solid Vision System and doing a hostile takeover of his father company at the age of 14—"

"HE WHAT!?" Many of them yelled again in shock and disbelief.

"Funny story, not mine to tell though." Konami told them before he continued on. "He turned Kaiba Corporation from a military arms dealer to an entertainment and gaming company, becoming one of the most successful companies in the world. He is currently 18 years old but he is already the CEO of KaibaCorp and surpassed his father's wealth by a large amount, heck the guy owns his own personal jet and a literal space station."

Not one of them could believe what they had just heard. Not only was this Seto Kaiba person capable of inventing a revolutionary system and taking over his own father company, but he also had done the two things both at the age of 14! And he even changed the company to a gaming company and is the CEO of said company at the age of 18!

" said you can bring the cards to life? How does that work?" Qrow said suddenly as he tried to change the topic away from the mind boggling information Konami had just given them. He didn't think his mind could take any more shocking facts about his friend anymore.

What's next, that Seto Kaiba is actually a descendent of a king from an ancient civilization where they used stone tablets to play Duel Monster? Ha! Like that is going to happen.

"Truthfully I'm still figuring that out myself, all I know is that thanks to the fusion of my soul with those two Duel Spirits I can now use a Duel Monster card outside of a duel. Though there are some....rule even I have to follow." Konami told them which piqued their curiosity.

"Rule? You mean your power has some restrictions?" Ozpin asked, wondering what more he could learn about this strange ability.

"Well these rules implied only to the Spell and Trap card only. I can use the ability of the cards in real life, but they have to at least follow with what the card effect allows them to do." Konami said before he took out the deck on one of his deck cases and grabbed a card and showed it to them. "Take this card for example."

Everyone takes a good look at the card and they see that it was a Trap card named 'DNA Surgery'.

"DNA Surgery, its effect allows the player to declare a Monster Type and change the Type of all Monster on the field by that Type." Weiss read out loud the effect of the card before looking at the red hatted duelist with a raised eyebrow.

Konami just smirked before he activated his Duel Disk, his eyes began to glow again as he activated his power and he inserted the card into the Duel Disk. A white light enveloped Konami as the other watched in wonder of what was about to happen.

The light begins to fade as they see that not much has changed with Konami appearance except for his hair which turns from his usual brown hazel color to a silvery gray color.

"Ohh! So you can change your appearance using that card!" Ruby called out as she saw the new look her new friend had gotten with his ability.

The red hat let out a quiet chuckle as he could already feel the changes on his body. "Well yes but it's a bit more than that. DNA Surgery allows you to change the Type of a Monster, so using my ability i can change my 'Type' to a new one that is different from my previous one." Konomi said, his hand went to his back as he tried to hide the thing that just came from his transformation.

"Change your 'Type'? You don't look any different than before. Except for the hair which is really cool by the way." Yang said as she couldn't really see what had changed from his previous appearance. "What 'Type' are you before and now?" She asked.

"I guess you could say that my previous 'Type' is Warrior. Now my 'Type' has been changed to the Beast-Warrior Type." Konami said and she nodded her head in understanding. It takes her and the other a few seconds before what Konami had just told them was registered into their mind as they stared at him in shock.

"Did you just say Beast-Warrior?" Ren said as he couldn't believe what he was hearing and tried to get a good look at Konami's appearance.

Said duelist let out another quiet laugh as he took off his hat which caused them all to gasp at what had really changed with him.

Sticking out on the top of his head are a pair of wolf ears which twitch slightly to show them all that they are real. Their gazes turned downward as Konami let go of the thing on his back, which they now see that he was holding a tail that is swaying slightly. All in all Konami could be mistaken as a Faunus if not for the fact that Faunus only has one animal appendage.

"So yeah, this is what I meant by changing my 'Type' to Beast-Warrior. Pretty cool, huh?" Konami grinned as crossed his arm with his tail continuing to swish around and the extra pair of ears on his head began to twitch. It was not the first time he had used DNA Surgery to change his form so he did not feel any discomfort with the extra appendages on his body.

"That is so cool!" Ruby shouted which broke the frozen state of her friends as she blurred towards Konami in a flurry of rose petals and tried to grab Konami's new, and rather fluffy, tail. Keyword being 'tried' as Konami quickly side stepped to the right at the last second which caused Ruby to run past him.

"Nice try again Ruby, better luck next time." Konami cheekily said with a smirk on his face as the red hooded girl just gaped at him for dodging her Semblance not only once but twice!

"You can turn yourself into a Faunus?" Blake exclaimed astonishingly with her eyes wide open as she continued to stare at Konami's animal appendages. She's not sure how to feel about a human, well half human maybe, who can willingly turn himself into a Faunus.

"Not exactly a Faunus. Sure I have wolf ears and a tail, but I don't necessarily have night vision built into my eyes." Konami told her as he ejected the DNA Surgery card from his Duel Disk as his form reverted back to normal. He puts his hat back on and takes the card before putting it back into his deck case.

"So if that is what could've happened if you use a Spell or Trap card, what could you do if you use a Monster card?" Ironwood's question caught the attention of everybody else as they zeroed in on the red hat duelist for his answer.

Konami just smirked again before he turned his gaze towards Ruby, who was still standing beside him as she hadn't walked back towards her team yet. "Hey Ruby, can I borrow your Gem-Knight Ruby for a moment?" He asked, getting a confused look from the girl.

"Umm sure?" Ruby was a bit confused by the request but she took out her deck and pulled out the card anyway. "Here you go." She handed over the card to Konami.

Konami nodded his head in gratitude as he took the card from her hand. "You may want to take a step back." He told them which makes them weary of what he is going to do as they did with what he said.

His eyes glowed once again as he stared at the card as they all watched him wondering what is about to happen. Konami then placed the card on the blade of his Duel Disk and a portal appeared before Gem-Knight Ruby came out of the portal and stood in front of them all with his weapon at his side.

At first they thought that he just summoned a Monster just like when a duel is happening, though that thought quickly diminished as the Monster in question turned his body towards Konami and stared at him through his helmet.

"Konami, it's good to see you again."

Ruby and the others stared wide-eyed at the Gem-Knight who just suddenly greeted the red-hatted duelist. Said duelist just smiled at the crimson knight in front of him.

"It's good to see you too, Gem-Knight Ruby." Konami greeted back as Gem-Knight Ruby nodded his head.

"Y-Y-You could talk!?" Jaune cried out as he take a step back in shock that the Monster in front of him is actually talking, while Ruby was busy trying to regain her mouth motor function as she couldn't believe that one of her monster actually spoke.

"That is correct, young knight. It is because of Konami's special ability that allowed us Duel Spirit to fully travel from the Spirit World to wherever he summoned us." Gem-Knight Ruby said to Jaune who was taken aback by what the crimson knight had just called him.

"You think I'm a knight?" Jaune asked a bit hopefully as he didn't think he was even capable of becoming a real Huntsman, let alone a knight.

The crimson Gem-Knight continues to gaze at the blonde, his eyes narrowing underneath his helmet before he nodded his head in confirmation. "Young man, I have fought alongside my fellow Gem-Knight for as long as I can remember and I know a fellow knight when I see one. I can see the potential deep within you, although you may be weak and untrained now but if you continue your training I'm confident that you'll continue to grow stronger. Your weakness right now is your lack of confidence in yourself, conquer that weakness and you'll become a great warrior that I would be more than happy to fight alongside with in battle."

Jaune couldn't believe it. A real life knight is telling him that he could become stronger and would be happy to fight with him. "T-Thank you so much, sir!" He bowed down in respect and gratitude as he couldn't contain the smile that is creeping up on his face.

His team all smiled happily at their leader, especially Pyrrha, whose smile is the happiest of them all. Team RWBY also smiled at the blonde as they are happy for their friend.

Konami also smiled at the interaction. "Alright, thanks for your time Gem-Knight Ruby. You can return to the Spirit World if you like." He said to the crimson knight.

"Before that, there is something I have to do first." Gem-Knight Ruby announced which caught the red hatted vagabond attention as well as the other.

Gem-Knight Ruby suddenly turned to look at Ruby before he raised his javelin and pointed it at the red hooded girl. Said girl froze and her eyes were wide open as she was confused and rather nervous with what the knight is doing.

"Are you Ruby Rose?" Gem-Knight Ruby spoke as his voice was loud and commanding as he asked, more like outright demanded, for an answer which makes the girl even more nervous as so with the others as they stared at the crimson knight wearilly, a few of them even have their weapons ready in case things get ugly.

The only one who isn't feeling the pressure of the situation was Konami, who raised a curious eyebrow at the knight while smiling slightly in amusement. He had a hunch on what Gem-Knight Ruby is actually doing.

"Y-Yes?" Ruby managed to squeak out an answer as her eyes were still on the weapon that was pointing at her while her hand was inches away from Crescent Rose.

Gem-Knight Ruby's gaze didn't waver, in fact it was even more determined than before when he heard her answer. "Very well then." He said as he raised his javelin before bringing it down at incredible speed.

"RUBY!" The rest of team RWBY cried out alarmingly as they brought out their weapon and were prepared to attack the knight while Qrow also took out Harbinger and was also about to defend his niece from harm.

That is not until the javelin that was about to attack Ruby was struck into the ground and the knight began to actually kneeled in front of her and looking directly at her face that they all stopped their movement. Many of them, especially Ruby, were confused by the knight action.

"It's an honor to finally meet you, my mistress. I swore by the shining gem that is in my name. I will protect, I will defend, and I will serve you until my body is worn out, until my mind is wiped out, until my very soul is diminished. I will not waver, I will not hesitate, and I will continue to follow you to whatever path you choose until the day that I die." Gem-Knight Ruby declared as he bowed down his head. "It is an honor to serve you, Mistress Ruby."

Needless to say, they were all taken aback by the knight's sudden declaration of loyalty to the red hooded girl.

Said girl's face turned full blown red at what the knight had just called her and at the full impact of his word.

"M-M-Mistress!? Wait! Please don't call me that! Ruby is fine! Just Ruby is fine! A-And what's with that 'until the day i die' thing!? P-Please raise your head! This is really embarrassing for me!" Ruby cried out as she flailed her arms around in embarrassment at the show of loyalty her monster did for her.

"My apology, Mistress Ruby." Gem-Knight Ruby said as he stood back up, completely ignoring Ruby's first few words as he turned back towards Konami. "Do come to visit us sometimes, Konami. It's been a while since the last time we fought with each other."

Konami smirked at that. "I'll see if I have the time. Say hi to the rest of the Gem-Knight for me." He said as the crimson knight nodded his head before he was engulfed in light and was teleported back to the Spirit World.

Konami takes out the card before handing it back to Ruby, who wordlessly takes it and runs back towards her team with her face still red from the knight's word. The rest of team RWBY smirk slightly in amusement at their team leader reaction.

"So...any other question?" Konami asked as he looked at the other expectedly.

"Oh! Oh! Me! I have a question!" Nora shouted loudly as she raised her hand up and waved it around to get his attention.

"Yes, Nora?" Konami sweatdropped at the orange haired girl's excitement. How can someone be so energetic and bubbly he'll never know.

"What kind of deck do you use when you duel?" Nora asked curiously which immediately caught the rest of her fellow duelist's attention as they remembered that Konami said that he didn't use his real deck when he showed them their first duel.

"The better question would be what kind of deck I don't use when I duel, cause I have used a lot of decks. You see, a duelist isn't determined on what kind of deck you use, but how skilled you are in using the deck. You can have the most powerful deck in the world but it won't do you no good if you don't know how to use it." Konami told his fellow duelist which amazed them as they didn't think he could use more than one kind of a deck.

"But if I have to choose the deck that is my favorite..." Konami drawled out as he took out the deck on his Duel Disk and the one on his other deck case and held it out for them to see. "These two would be the one that is closest to me."

"Ohh! Let me see it!" Nora immediately ran over to the red hatted duelist and tried to grab one of the decks to take a better look at it, which caused him to be alarmed as she was about to grab the deck in his right hand.

"Wait! Don't take that one or you'll—!"


"AHHH!?!?! IT BUUURN!!! MY HAND IS ON FIRE!!!" Nora cried out panickily and ran around in a circle as her hand suddenly combusted in blue flame which caused her to wave her hand frantically to try to put it out.

Her friends were taken back as they spring into action and tried to calm down the gingered haired girl and try to put out the strangely blue colored flame on her hand. The adult was just shocked that Nora's hand was just suddenly set on fire by just touching a deck.

"Alright! Everybody just calm down! Nora, get over here so I can put the fire out from your hand." Konami tells them which causes Nora to stop panicking a little as she makes her way towards him. The red hatted duelist raised his hand as his right eye glowed and the flame started to dissipate from the ginger haired girl's hand.

"Phew, thanks Konami." Nora said in gratitude as she inspected her hand. Strangely enough although she can feel the burn by the flame, there wasn't any damage or burn mark on her hand. "How did you do that anyway?"

He opened his mouth for an explanation, before he was interrupted by something. Or perhaps, two something in fact.

"Bwahaha! That's what you get, pinky! No one touches my deck without my permission!" A female voice cried out as she continued to laugh.

"Honestly, I don't know why Konami let you put that kind of security measure on your deck." A second voice, this one belonging to a male, said in exasperation.

Konami sighed at the two voices before he was surprised when most of the people in front of him jumped out of the sudden as if they were startled by something.

"Who said that!? Show yourself now!" And that surprise turns into shock as his eyes widen at James words which leave him speechless, the same goes for the two voices as the female laughter stopped when the general spoke.

"You can hear them?" Konami asked the group of people in front of him in shock.

"You can hear me?" The female voice also asked with shock evident in her voice.

"Well, this is interesting..." The male voice though was less surprised as the two and was more amused by the sudden turn of event.

Ozpin gave the red hatted duelist a contemplative look as he was relatively calm unlike the others right now. "Judging by your reaction Konami, I assume you know the source of where those mysterious voices came from?" He asked as he took a small sip of his coffee while raising a curious eyebrow.

Konami just blinked in surprise that they all could hear those two voices before deciding to just come clean with them. "Alright everybody just calm down. You two, might as well come out now, I wanna test something." He called out.

Nothing happened for a while when Konami called to nobody in particular. A few of them were about to ask him something before they stopped in their tracks at what happened next.

Two figures suddenly appeared out of thin air behind Konami. One of them is male and the other is female, both of their bodies are transparent as they seem to be floating above the ground, as if they are ghosts or spirits in this case.

The female looked like a pale skinned young woman that had long red hair that flowed behind her back and reached just at the top of her butt. She has a very pretty and beautiful face that would've caught any man's attention if not for the rather permanent scowl that seems to stick on her face and her crimson eyes that seem to be glaring at anything that annoys her. She also has two red demonic looking horns on the top of her head.

She is wearing a black color strapless leotard with gold lining on the edge and a golden chain belt with two flame like motif straps around her waist, over which she wears a black bolero style jacket with three golden buttons with a ruffled sleeve and two floor-length coattails. She is also wearing a black choker on her neck and black metallic covered gloved and gold lining that reached her forearm. For the bottom part she is wearing a thigh-length hose and a black and gold metallic high-heel boots that reach her knee.

The other figure looks to be a young man with a long and messy golden blonde hair and blue lining on them. He has an angular shaped face with blue colored eyes and gold pupils as his lip pointed upward a little in amusement at this whole situation.

He is wearing a golden long-tailed jacket with light blue trimming and a popped out collar. A blue cargo pants that was held up by a green belt which has an orange orb on the belt buckle and a pair of golden boots. He is also wearing a triangular shaped silver chest armor with green lining and two orbs on the center, a gold and green long bladed shoulder armor that pointed downward, and a pair of silver and gold forearm and leg armor which is covered with blue crystal.

"Everyone, I would like you all to meet Tierra—" Konami gestured towards the red haired woman on his left who was still glaring as her arms were crossed. "—and Metaltron right here." He gestured towards the golden wearing young man on his right who gave them all a polite smile. "These two are the two Duel Spirits whose souls I'm fused to." He explained.

Naturally they were all shocked, they never thought that they could meet the Duel Spirits that Konami is fused with, but here they are right in front of them.

"So this is the Duel Spirits whose soul you fused with." Pyrrha said in awe, when Konami told them that his soul was fused she didn't think they could ever meet them. "I never thought I could see you two with my own eyes."

"You shouldn't." Tierra exclaimed as her glare was directed to the Mistral champion who shuddered slightly for some reason.

"Now Tierra, please be polite. What she meant was we didn't expect any of you to actually meet us." Metaltron said which confused them all by what he meant.

"What exactly do you mean by that?" Ren asked curiously.

Konami decided to explain this one. "You see, a Duel Spirit spent most of their life living in the Spirit World. But some Duel Spirits can actually travel between dimensions, although when they do this their body turns into an astral form. In that form, no one could ever see the Duel Spirit and their interaction with the people from the dimension they traveled through are severely limited. While a Duel Spirits can technically maintain their physical form while crossing dimensions, it'll put a great strain on their body that could leave them weakened or on the brink of death. It was this reason that many Duel Spirit who want to cross from the Spirit World to another dimension only take on an astral form instead of their physical one."

"If that's true, then why can we see and hear those two right there?" Winter asked as she pointed at the two Duel Spirits.

"This is only a working theory but i think the reason that you all can see them is because of your Aura." Konami said and they all look at him in confusion. "No human could actually see or hear a Duel Spirit in their astral form, but there are a selected few of humans who have an affinity with the Duel Spirit that can interact with them. The higher the affinity, the more can a person interact with a Duel Spirit in their astral form. A person that has an affinity with a Duel Spirit has what's called a Spirit Energy inside of them."

"Spirit Energy?" Jaune repeated in confusion at the foreign word.

"It's the energy source of every Duel Spirit in existence." Metaltron exclaimed as he decided to take over the explanation. "All of those energy based attacks you see whenever a Monster battle is all because of Spirit Energy. It's a constant energy that is flowing in our body that is the source of our power, you could say this energy came from our very soul."

Glynda quickly caught up with what he's saying. "Are you implying that Spirit Energy and Aura are the same?" She questioned.

"They might be, but like i said this is still a working theory. If this is true then people who have their Aura unlock can see and hear Duel Spirits." Konami responded, he honestly don't know if Aura and Spirit Energy are the same or not but it seems to be the most logical answer to how they can actually see Tierra and Metaltron.

"Tch, this is just a pain in the ass." Tierra grumbled as her voice caught the attention of everybody. "It's bad enough that we have to be careful of a few people actually seeing us, but now we have to worry of being seen by possibly hundreds of people!? Oh yeah this is just great, this is just fan-fucking-tastic!" She loudly complained as she found this whole situation very annoying.

Once he was sure she was done with her ranting, Konami turned back to the rather stunt group in front of him. "Sorry about that, Tierra could be a little....feisty sometimes." He said sheepishly.

"'Feisty' and 'Sometimes' my butt, she acts like this everytime something annoys her." Metaltron muttered lowly enough so that Tierra can't hear him, less he wanted to hear her rant again which was the last thing he wanted.

'That i can't deny.' Konami thought to himself as his eyebrow twitches slightly. Being fused with two Duel Spirits means that the three of them all share a telepathic connection with each other, sadly the down side of this is that he has to hear most of her rant whenever she is annoyed or irritated by something. It's a good thing he can cut off the connection any time or else he'll probably go crazy by now.

"While I do see the problem of the situation, isn't your friend a little over reacting?" Weiss asked incredulously.

"Oh shut your mouth, Ice Bitch."

The Schnee heiress was taken aback by the responses and what the smirking red haired spirits had called her. "I-Ice bitc-? Now listen here! Just who do you think you are calling me by that insulting nickname!?" She yelled and pointed her finger at the red haired spirits in anger.

Tierra smirk went down a little at the white haired girl attitude before it came right back in full force as she let out a huge killing intent that caused everyone to be on edge as Weiss fury began to falter at the terrifying aura that surrounded the spirit.

'Oh no, not this again.' Konami and Metaltron both thought out together in exasperation as they knew where this was going.

Tierra suddenly disappeared before appearing in front of Weiss, who let out a terrified shriek as she staggered back and stared with wide trembling eyes as the spirits continue to let out a killing intent which was amplified more by the nasty smirk on her face as well with the ominous glow in her crimson eyes.

"You've got guts, I'll give you that. If it were anyone else i will probably burn your entire body with my flame, you'll live because there will be no damage done to your body but you'll have the privilege to experience what it feels like to be burned by the the flame from hell and let me tell you that it will be excruciatingly painful and i will enjoy. Every. Second. Of. It." Tierra said as her deathly aura intensified while her smirk grew wider causing Weiss to cower in fear at the threat—no, the promise from the spirits in front of her.

"But since you're friends with that idiot over there." She pointed towards Konami who just stood in his place. "I decided to be polite and answer your question. So listen well cause i'm only gonna say this once, understand?" Weiss could only nod her head as Tierra seemed to be satisfied before she called out who she really is.

"The name is Tierra, the Goddess of Destruction."

And with that the now proclaimed Goddess of Destruction started to float back to her duelist side, leaving a stunned group of people behind as they try to cope with what just happened.

"Was that really necessary?" Konami gave the red haired spirits a look as he asked her through their telepathic link.

"Eh she just got on my nerves, reminds me too much of that bastard of a white dragon. Both are too prideful for their own good." Tierra shrugged as she answered back through their link.

"Whatever you say, Past Goddess of Destruction." Metaltron interjected which earned him a murderous glare from the female spirits and made him roll his eyes while smiling teasingly at her. "Oh don't give me that look. You know you lost that title when your true power was sealed away. I don't even want to know why you said that to them knowing this."

"I would still be called the Goddess of Destruction if it weren't for that ram horned bitch! How dare she seal away my power!" Tierra cried out in anger as she remembered that moment when her true power was sealed away from her. "And don't you forget the reason I decided to join you two on this so-called journey was to find my lost power! Nothing more, nothing less!"

Konami scoffed in amusement at her statement. "I seem to recall that someone practically begged me to take her along with me out of sheer boredom of being trapped in the Void for centuries with nothing to do, that's basically one of the reasons you became a part of me in the first place. Gotta say though, for a terrifyingly intimidating demon you sure can make a really cute puppy dog face, it was adorable i tell you."

That earned him a good hard whack on the back of his head by the blushing female spirits. "S-Shut up, you idiot!" She screamed at him in outrage and embarrassment which only caused him to chuckle while rubbing his head to soothe the pain. How can a spirit apparition possibly physically hit someone that hard he'll never know.

The group are having a hard time wrapping this scene into their hand. They just saw what was once a highly intimidating demon who's killer intent would make any other Veteran Huntsman quake in their boots turn into a blushing girl who for some reason hit the person she share her soul with, even though it was supposed to be impossible to do since she doesn't actually have a physical body, on the head while said person chuckle in amusement at her and the other spirit also chuckling while shaking his head at them both.

Needless to say, it was probably one of the most bizarre things they had ever seen in their life.

"So Konami, care to share with us how you possess the soul of the Goddess of Destruction inside of you?" Winter asked wearily as she stood beside her sister's side while keeping an eye on the red haired spirit.

"I would, but if i do then she will probably kick my ass and give me a third degree burn at the same time for telling you all that rather interesting story." Konami said with a small smile and a shrug that practically said 'what can you do'.

"You goddamn right i will!" Tierra said as she huffed while crossing her arms over her chest. She looks less like the Goddess of Destruction she had proclaimed to be just one minute ago and more like an upset teenager actually.

"What about goldy over there." Qrow pointed towards the other Duel Spirits beside the red hat duelist. "What is he supposed to be?"

Metaltron smirks as he crosses his right arm over his chest while his fist is facing inward. "I am Metaltron XII, a proud member of the True Draco archetype and hold the title of Dracombatant. I am blessed by the weapons of the twelve beasts, the armor of the metal army, and the body of the crystal warrior." He declared with pride in his voice.

The Remnantians were rather confused by his declaration before looking towards Konami for clarification.

"He basically came from a group of humanoid dragons like monsters who were trained by another True Draco monster who is their mentor. Metaltron specialize in engaging combat in the battle field and is preferably the strongest of the True Draco in terms of skill and ability, hence the title 'Dracombatant'. Just like he said, he was blessed by the power of three other archetypes." Konami explained.

Yang takes a good look at Metaltron form that resembles a dragon but finds nothing. "You don't look anything like a dragon." The blonde brawler commented which earned her a chuckle from the spirit.

"That's because I'm not showing you all my real form, this is just the form I take for when I'm not in a duel or fighting." Metaltron said as he let his arm fall to the side.

"Our original form takes a lot of energy to manifest into the physical realm of another dimension, which is why we use this form to conserve our energy." Tierra explained while gesturing towards her current form before crossing her arms and letting out a sigh. "Well i'm going back for now. Call me again when something interesting actually happened."

And with that the female spirit faded away from everyone's view. Metaltron let out a small chuckle before turning his gaze towards all of them. "I guess I'll return too. It was nice meeting all of you, I do hope we can get along." He said before he also faded away just like Tierra did earlier.

"You have a very....interesting companion Konami." Glynda commented after a moment of silence after the two spirits disappeared, where they went too is a mystery to all but Konami himself.

"They're a bit eccentric, I admit. Tierra is a raging tsundere that has a habit of burning people for fun and Metaltron, while normal as he seems, is a little bit of a battle maniac on the battlefield. Even then I won't trade them for the world." Konami said with fondness in his voice.

"What does it like though? To have your soul be fused and shared with another being." Blake couldn't help but ask as Konami reminded her of a character of a book she once read.

The red hatted duelist hummed as he stared at his open hand while thinking his words over. "It feels....strange, for the lack of better terms. I still feel like myself for the most part but it feels like I'm connected to them on a whole new level. At first it was a bit unsettling, but over time i started to feel like as long as they are with me, then I'll never be truly alone." Konami clenched his hand with a soft smile on his face as his eyes glowed again this time without him knowing.

Everyone could feel the emotion in his voice and they all smiled. They may never know what it feels like to have what Konami has, even Ozpin can never truly feel the same way as him for when he also shared a body with another person, but they are happy that the young man they have just met is in peace with his strange state.

"You are truly one of a kind, Konami." Ozpin told the red hatted duelist which caused him to chuckle a little at that.

'I wouldn't say that, Ozpin.' Konami thought to himself. He wasn't the only one who has a Duel Spirit inside of him, but he'll retract that kind of information for the time being. "Well enough of that. Let's get right to the next question, anybody want to ask me something?"

Jaune raised his hand, which Konami gestures to him to ask his question. "Can you tell us more about the dimension where you came from?" He asked, wanting to know more about Konami's dimension.

That seems to silent Konami as he grip his chin in thought. Truthfully he doesn't mind telling them about his dimension, especially the fact that it was his dimension that was originally where Duel Monster originated from. But he's not sure if he should tell them the full history of his dimension or not, the amount of time that would take to explain would be too long and there are some details he would rather not inform them about.

'Well there is something I could show them.' He thought before furrowing his eyebrow. 'But is it a good idea to show that to them? I know i said that I've got nothing to hide but....'

"Just tell them already, just beating around the bush like this is just going to make them ask some more questions." Tierra told him telepathically.

"I have to agree with Tierra. It's your decision to tell them or not Konami. Just know that we'll both support your decision." Metaltron pitched in with a reassuring tone in his voice.

"Tch, you probably will. Personally i don't care if you told them or not, just make sure it doesn't come back to bite you in the butt in the end."

"Aww~ I know you care about us Tierra."

"S-Shut it! It's not like i care or anything, okay!? I just don't want to deal with something so goddamn troublesome and annoying!"

"What a tsundere...."

"Y-You-! Get back here you son of a bitch dragon so i can burn you to smithereens!"

Konami had to hold out a chuckle as he cut off the telepathic connection and effectively the sound of screaming, laughter, and roaring flame.

"Well there is something i can show you all, it's an item from my dimension and a relic from ancient times." Konami said as Ozpin and his group interest perked up when the word 'relic' was spoken.

"However, what i'm about to show you cannot and will not be spoken to anyone other than the people present. Only I decided who I should share this information about, should any of you choose to ignore this warning then I will personally deal with whoever it is who did the deeds. Understood?" His voice turned serious and with a hint of steel on it as his face twisted into a strict frown as his eyes narrowed dangerously at them while glowing again as he sip out his power a bit for extra measure and to make a point that he was serious.

Although taken aback, they all nodded their head in understanding. Some of them were actually scared with the pressure Konami is emitting as he said his warning, while others were just wary about what kind of item he is about to show that led him to put up this highly effective intimidation tactic.

Almost immediately the pressure was gone and Konami frowns turned into a bright smile. "Great! So nice of us to come to an understanding." He said cheerfully as he dug his hand inside his jacket. "Now the thing i want to show you all is this."

He pulled out his hand to reveal that he is holding a golden key in the shape of an ankh and golden necklace with a symbol of an eye in the center.

"Is that a necklace and key made out of GOLD!?" Nora cried out while gapping at the item she was shown.

Ozpin eyes narrowed at the two items. He can sense an incredible amount of magical power radiating out of them, what's more he can sense something that is....eerily similar to her, yet was so different at the same time.

"Exactly, these two items are an ancient relic from my dimension that dates back to around 3000 years ago." Konami explained which left the group dumbfounded at the fact.

"You mean that thing is over 3000 years old!? How can it still be so shiny!?" Ruby yelled as she was amazed that something that old could look so brand new.

"May i...touch it?" Weiss asked tentatively with a gleam in her eyes. So she has a bit of an obsession for jewelry, sue her. Although it's not an actual jewel accessory, one made out of gold is just as good for her.

Konami was silent for a moment, almost hesitating at the request, before he just shrugged. "Sure, knock yourself out." He said as he threw the necklace towards Weiss who was surprised for a second before catching it in the air.

The moment the necklace was in her hand however, Weiss felt a strange shiver in her spine as she touched the item. It feels like someone just walked over her grave, or more like it's just like she just walked over more than just one of other people's graves.

Deciding to just ignore the forbidding feeling, although it was still present inside of her, she began to feel the necklace and checked out the design. It was nothing like the kind of jewelry she has, the eye symbol in the center easily catches her attention. "What is this item made out of? Pure gold?" Weiss questioned.

"Well pure gold and the blood, flesh, and bone of around 99 death villagers."

Weiss let out a yelped as she immediately dropped the necklace as if it had just burned her skin while staring at the item with horrified eyes that was mirrored by the others at the vagabond words.

"Y-You're kidding, right?" Jaune hesitantly asked as he stared at Konami with disbelief and horror in his eyes.

"I wish I was." Konami said as he picked up the fallen necklace before looking towards the group. "I assume you want an explanation?" He questioned which earned him a round of nods from them all.

"Right. It all started about 3000 years ago in Egypt—"

"Egypt?" Glynda questioned, not familiar with the name from anywhere in Remnant.

"Think of it as my dimension version of Vacuo." Konami explained briefly. "Moving on. Egypt was under the threat from an invading armies, the Pharaoh, another term for 'King' in Ancient Egypt, fear that many lives will be wasted in such battle decided that he needed to take more...mystical means in order to protect his land."

"Hold up, are you saying that those two items are magical items?" Blake asked skeptically as she eyed the item Konami held.

"That is correct. To make a long story short, the Pharaoh tasked his brother to create the items, not knowing that to create them 99 human sacrifices have to be made. The Pharaoh Brother neglects to mention this to his brother and proceeds with the creation of the items by slaughtering an entire village and melting their flesh, blood, and bone with gold and casting them to create the items. With the items they were able to drive out the invading army of Egypt, but the Pharaoh learned of the dark truth of the item's creation. He then willingly offer his own soul to the gods as penance in order to spare his son from any future retribution for his own indirect actions"

Everyone was disgusted, horrified, and saddened by the story. They couldn't believe that the Pharaoh Brother would willingly sacrifice an entire village just to create an item that hold magical power, they also sympathize with the Pharaoh for having to learn that it was his own action that lead to the death of an entire village and willingly offer his own soul as penance for not only as forgiveness, but also to spare his own son.

"These items....what are they called and what can they do?" Ozpin questioned as his grip on his cane tightened a little.

Konami didn't say anything but activate his Duel Disk and tap the screen a few times. The screen then begins to glow before projecting a hologram of seven different items.

A key, a necklace, a scale, an eye, a rod, a ring, and what appeared to be an upside down pyramid. All of them are gold in color and have the same eye symbol as the necklace Konami held except for the key strangely enough.

"They are called the Millennium Items. Seven of the most powerful artifacts in Egyption history. There are the Millennium Necklace, the Millennium Key, the Millennium Scale, the Millennium Eye, the Millennium Rod, the Millennium Ring, and finally the Millennium Puzzle." Konami told them as he pointed at which items as he mentioned their name before cutting off the projection. "Each item has their own unique ability, but what every one of them has in common is the ability to invoke the Game of Darkness, or in other word the Shadow Games."

"The S-Shadow Games?" Ruby asked a bit afraid of wanting to know what it actually is. The word 'Game of Darkness' does not sit well with her.

"It's basically a punishment game that the owner of the Millennium Items can perform. When the Shadow Games is initiated, no outside force can interfere as you are transported to a dark dimension where cheating is forbidden. Should you lose or cheat in a Shadow Games then you are sentenced to a Penalty Game where the victor can inflict supernatural punishment to the loser. The Penalty Games can range from tormenting the victim with horrible real life illusion to actually killing them or destroying the victim's soul."

Needless to say that they are more horrified by the Millennium Items ability. Trapping someone in a different dimension, to play a game where the loser is punished in the cruelest way the victor can think of? Even Ozpin and his group were terrified by the Millennium Items, while the Relic are indeed powerful their power is not as sinister as the Millennium Items.

"And you're just carrying those two around with you, why?" Winter questioned suspiciously towards the red hatted vagabond.

Konami raised both of his hands in defense while having an amused smile on his face. "Like I said, I mean you all no harm. The only reason I have the Millennium Key and Necklaces with me is because I'm filling in the role of the previous guardian of the Millennium Items who had sadly passed away." He said as his smile dropped slightly and the tone of his voice turned somber at the end of his word. "He entrusted me with the Millennium Items so that it doesn't fall into the wrong hands, but since I can't afford to bring all of the items with me I decided to take only these two and have a few friends of mine to protect the rest of them."

"And is that a really wise decision to make considering how dangerous the Millennium Items is?" Ironwood wasn't as convinced as the red hatted duelist. His experience dealing with the Relic left him unsure whether to be assured by Konami's word or not.

"I trust them, don't worry. Beside they won't do anything they'll regret since they already knew how dangerous the items can be." 'Especially since two out of three of them have done horrible things with the Millennium Items power and you need to have someone that is compatible to use the items otherwise you'll probably die, but that is something I'll keep to myself for now.' Konami thought to himself, he didn't think they would approve of his chosen protector when they heard what those persons had done in the past.

Ironwood is still not convinced but decided to just drop the subject knowing he won't get any more information. He makes a mental note to keep an eye on the red hatted vagabond for a while.

Glynda eyed the general for a moment before letting out a sigh, she could guess what he was thinking right now and decided to just continue with the questioning. "You said that each of the Millennium Items has their own unique ability, what kind of ability exactly does the item possess?"

Konami dropped his smile when the eventual question was finally asked. "Alright I'm going to tell and show you the ability of these—" He holds out the Millennium Key and Necklace. "—two items only. I'm not going to explain the other items ability right now but i might tell you all if i wanted to, got it?" He asked and was given a round of nod from them all.

"Good, first let's start off with the Millennium Necklace." He gestures towards the golden necklace in his hand while placing the Millennium Key in his jacket for the time being. "The Necklace ability allows the user to see vivid images of the past or the future."

"See the future and the past!? That's impossible!" Pyrrha cried out in shock as she stared with wide eyes, not believing such items could hold such powerful ability.

"That's so cool!" Ruby, though, was ecstatic as her eyes began to sparkle at having such ability. "You can actually see the future!? Can you show my future? Maybe it will show us team RWBY being the best team in Beacon or maybe me being the greatest Huntress in Remnant!"

"No." Was the immediate answer from Konami which makes Ruby depressed at his answer.

"Aww, why not...!?" She couldn't help but whined while pouting lightly at him.

"Because I'm not gonna show you all an unchangeable future." Konami's voice was strict and left no room for argument which caused Ruby to recoil back slightly and make the others to be caught back by his words.

"What do you mean 'Unchangeable Future'?" Blake asked as she was starting to feel uneasy about what he was probably about to explain.

"It is exactly what it means. The Millennium Necklace can show me a glimpse of the past and the future, a future which will happen no matter what you do. Unless there is an intervention by another Millennium Item then your future is set in stone, no if, and, or but." Konami explained before looking towards Ruby who was still staring at him in shock. "Knowing this, will you still want to see the future? One where you could possibly achieve all of your dreams or one where you lose everything you hold dear? The future where you hold no hope of changing anything whatsoever if things should ever go wrong?"

Ruby begins to tremble a little as she looks at the ground with uncertainty in her eyes. She thought that by seeing the future she would be able to change her future for the better, but knowing that the future that she could see cannot be changed leaves her afraid of wanting to know what could and might happen.

She feels a hand gripped her shoulder gently and looks up to see Yang smiling at her. "It's alright sis. You don't need to know what could've been. We can decide our own future, so don't let any magical necklace tell you what to do, okay?" She said with a bit of joking at the end which causes the red hooded girl to laugh slightly at her sister.

"Thanks Yang." Ruby said with gratitude as she turned to look at Konami. "I guess i don't need to see the future, Konami." She said.

"That's probably for the best." Konami exclaimed as he smiled lightly at her. "Now i guess we should continue. As i say before the Millennium Necklace can show the user the past and the future, although i can't show you all the future, i could at least show you all the past instead."

That seems to get their attention. Although they have second thoughts about seeing a future that they themselves cannot change, they thought that seeing the past is just as interesting.

"So what kind of past or you gonna show us? For that matter how far in the past can you actually see?" Pyrrha couldn't help but asked the red hatted vagabond.

"Well first off, I'm not actually gonna show you all anything. The Millennium Necklace can allow others to see the image but for now I'm just going to tell you all what kind of past I'm seeing." Konami briefly clarified that they all understand, and from various nods he gets it looks like they do. "And the second one is a little bit tricky for me to answer. I can't exactly specify the date of the image I am seeing but it can give me a guess of how long ago that image is. The Necklace allows me to see a glimpse of the ancient past, so that means that i can either see a glimpse of a recent past or something along the line of about 3000 years in the past. How else did you all think I know so much about the Millennium Items?" He smirked slightly at their stupefied face.

Konami then gripped the Millennium Necklace in his hand before closing his eyes and concentrating. The eye symbol on the necklace begins to glow brightly but not too brightly that they have to revert their eyes.

"Hmm....oh, this is interesting." Konami chuckled at the image he is seeing right now while the others were looking at him strangely and wondering what it is he is seeing. The light then died out as Konami opened his eyes while smiling amusingly at two particular team of Beacon students.

"Did you eight seriously wreck the whole cafeteria using food?" Both team RWBY and JNPR had their eyes widen in shock and jaws dropped when he mentioned that. "I mean I've seen a few food fights before but that was just insane! Yang using a turkey as a gauntlet, Blake using a baguette as a sword, Nora using pole and watermelon as a hammer, heck Weiss used a freaking swordfish as a rapier! You guys sure take the phrase 'Food Wars' to a whole new meaning."

And their shock continues to increase when he continues to mention in detail of the event that they sure as hell didn't tell him even once! And to top it all off, his words were all correct!

"Is that true Weiss?" Winter questioned her sister with a raised eyebrow as she was rather surprised that she would even participate in such activity.

"I-It's true. E-Even the part of me using a swordfish...." Weiss muttered in disbelief with a shake of her head. "You really can see the past." She said, looking directly at Konami. If there was any doubt in her mind about the Millennium Necklace ability then they would all be gone the moment he opened his mouth.

"Well, I did tell you." Konami cheekily said as he chuckled a little. "But that was only a recent past, let me try seeing something more ancient than that." He gripped the Millennium Necklace before closing his eyes again and the necklace shines as it does its thing.

"Now let's see what we'll get—" Konami stopped himself as he suddenly went silent which caused the other to look at him worriedly and wonder what it was he was seeing right now. "Oh wow, this is interesting. It seems that this particular past is faaar more ancient than i anticipated."

"How far back are we talking about?" Qrow asked as he was already convinced by the necklace abilities when Konami explained the Food Fight incident that his nieces seem to be a part of, he was so proud of them for that.

"I would say....give or take several millennia years old." Konami exclaimed matter of factly.

"SEVERAL MILLENNIA!?" That didn't stop them from practically screaming in shock. Just how powerful was the Millennium Items that it has the power to see something that is over several millennia years old!

"Yup, even i'm surprised by how far back this past is." Konami mused as he continued to watch the image he was seeing. "Hmm I'm currently seeing....a blonde haired woman who appears to be stuck inside a tower of some sort."

Ozpin could feel his heart stop beating and himself stop breathing when Konami said those words. 'Impossible! Of all things he could've seen, he saw that!? He actually saw Salem!?' His mind was a mess right now and he was very thankful that no one was paying any particular attention to him right now, he didn't think he could keep a straight face after that.

"That actually sounds like a fairy tale I've heard once, I think it's called The Girl in the Tower. It tells a girl who was trapped inside the tower by her cruel father and was saved by a legendary hero." Pyrrha told them what she knew about the story before she furrowed her eyebrow in confusion. "But that can't be right, The Girl in the Tower was supposed to be just that, a story."

"Sometimes stories like fairy tales and folklore are just part of history that simply doesn't have enough facts to be considered the truth or was just lost in time. You'll be surprised at how many stories that seem to be made up can actually hold some truth to them." Konami exclaimed as he could think of a few stories he once heard that turned out to be a real event of some sort.

"Still being able to see something that is several millennia years old, it's like the ultimate items that any historian would gladly cut off their arm for." Glynda lightly mused as he began to think how Oobleck would react if he heard of such an item exist.

Ozpin managed to calm down, although barely, and he decided to keep an even closer eye on the red hatted duelist. He just knows too much to just be ignored.

"Well i think that is all i could show you with the Millennium Necklace." Konami said as he pocketed back the golden necklace inside his jacket before pulling out the Millennium Key. "Now I can show you all what the Millennium Key can do."

"Let me guess, it's the 'key to your heart' right?" Yang said with a grin as the rest of her team and friends groaned at the pun.

"More like the key to one's soul." Konami corrected it which earned him a confused and suspicious look from the others like they couldn't comprehend what he had just said.

"What do you mean by that, Konami?" Ozpin wasted no time questioning him, wanting to get his mind out of the fact that someone has just recalled his past life, or more like his first life actually.

"Well to go any further i have to explain to you all something called the Soul Room. You see, a person's soul contains a special room that reflects the person's personality. The room can change its interior according to the series of events that happened in the person's life. The room defines what that person has been through in their life and what shaped them to be the person he/she is today. What your Soul Room looks like defines who you truly are as a person." Konami explained which seems to captivate most of the people in the group. While they are aware of the extent of what one soul can do, their Aura and Semblance was proof of that, they would never have thought that the soul could actually create a construct of a room that may hold what they truly are as a person.

"Now this is where the Millennium Key came into play." Konami said as he held up the golden key. "The Millennium Key has the ability to allow the user to, to put it simply, 'enter' another person's Soul Room."

"You mean that thing can hijack someone else's soul!?" Pyrrha shouted in disbelief as couldn't believe that the key can make someone enter another one soul. That's like the most vilest violation of someone's privacy ever!

"'Hijacking' is such a cruel word to describe it, I prefer using the word 'Visiting' instead." Konami said with a shrug. "Of course, the Millennium Key doesn't only have the power to enter a person's Soul Room, it also has the ability to 'redecorate' the Soul Room."

"Redecorate? Care to tell us what that means exactly?" Weiss questioned with her arm crossed over her chest.

"Well i think it's best if i show you instead." Konami said as he closed his eyes and smiled once again, only this time it was a wider smile that held nothing but mischief as he stared directly at Weiss which honestly creeped her out a little.

"S-Show us how?" She stuttered, feeling a bit unease with his stare. The others were also confused and a bit worried with what the red hatted duelist was about to do now.

Konami didn't say any other word before, with a burst of speed that surprised everyone, he blurred away and disappeared from his spot before reappearing in front of Weiss with the Millennium Key in his hand.

"What are you—!" Said girl didn't even have a chance to finish her sentence as Konami pressed the tip of the key on her forehead.

"Sorry about this." Konami quickly apologized before he twisted the key as if he was opening a lock on a door.

The Millennium Key glowed brightly and let out a long 'ding' as everyone jumped back in surprise at what just happened as Weiss' eyes turned dull and Konami consciousness began to leave his body.


Konami then opened his eyes to find himself standing in front of a white double sided door with a golden lining and a snowflake like symbol decorating it.

"Alright, let's see what her Soul Room looks like." He said before he gripped the handle on the door and swing it wide open as a blast of cold air passed through him which made him shiver slightly before entering the room.

Weiss's Soul Room appeared to be a large ballroom with white walls and what looks like a layer of ice that acts like a floor. Decorating the walls are red colored drapes and various golden framed pictures hanging on the wall with the picture seems to be depicting someone that was probably close to her, he could recognize a few of them being the rest of team RWBY and Winter but the other was completely unknown. He also took note of a particular frame that contained a faded picture of a white haired man, from what he could see from the picture he could guess that this is Weiss's father.

'But the picture is faded, either that means she doesn't spend as much time with him or she held some sort of resentment towards him.' He thought as he decided to just ignore it and continue to observe the room, he'll probably ask Weiss what her deal is with her father later if he had the chance.

Glass chandeliers decorated the ceiling and numerous icicles were also hanging from the ceiling in such a way that it actually looks beautiful rather than dangerous. There is a section of the room that is filled with multiple shelves that hold hundreds of books which doesn't surprise him that much as she does look like the studious type of person. The other section of the room has dozens of tables that are covered with white table cloth and doilies which honestly confused him a little as he didn't know what that part of the room represented her, if he had to guess it would probably represent her fancy lifestyle or something like that. But the thing he easily noticed was every table has a vase that holds, amusingly for him, two or three roses made out of ice but was colored red instead.

'She can deny it all she wants but Weiss's own soul knows that Ruby holds a great deal of influence on her, ohoho i am so holding this over her head!' Konami grinned mischievously at his thought before looking towards the end of the room where a stage was placed and a red curtain that appeared to be covering something behind it.

And finally the room has some strange ice statues in various shapes and sizes leaning against the wall, one of them appears to be a statue of a large knight and one is the statue of a strange looking boar. From what he could guess this is the creature that they called Grimm, though why there is an ice statue of Grimm's in Weiss's Soul Room he'll never know.

"Well I think that's enough observing, time to get to work." Konami rubbed his hand together in excitement while grinning. Weiss will be so pissed at him for what he was about to do, but he'll cross that bridge when he gets there and the girl could use some humility, too much pride is not good for you.

"But first...." Konami turned back his attention to the stage and lifted the Millennium Key up towards it. "Let's see what is behind this curtain right here." He said as the item shone brightly as he activated its power.

The curtain responded with the key power and began to open itself up and reveal what it was hiding. Konami eyes widened and he couldn't help while his grin grew wider as he approached the stage.

"Oh my, I never expected to see this." His voice was laced with wonder and grinnin in excitement as he stood in front of something he never thought he would be able to see for himself.

A giant white glyph that is floating and spinning in front of him.

This is Weiss Semblance.


Konami opened his eyes as he removed the Millennium Key from Weiss' forehead who held her head feeling dizzy for some reason.

"Alright, that should do it." He said and tucked the key back inside his jacket, before suddenly leaning back to avoid the sharp blade that was coming straight towards his face courtesy from the angry Schnee specialist.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER!?" Winter demandingly roared at the duelist as she glared at him while pointing her sword at his face, who does not look any bit intimidated and more amused which pissed her off even more.

"Calm down, i would never hurt my friend on purpose nor do i have a reason to do that to her." Konami said reassuringly before breaking eye contact with her to look towards the younger Schnee. "How are you feeling, Weiss?" He asked her.

"I feel...fine actually." Weiss said in a somewhat odd tone in her voice.

"Are you sure Weiss?" Ruby asked worriedly at her partner as she placed a hand on her shoulder.

Weiss though didn't respond as she started at the hand on her shoulder before looking directly at Ruby with a blank look on her face. A minute had passed and Weiss was still staring which creeped out the red hooded girl and the rest of them, especially Winter, who was still not convinced with the Konami word.

"Ruby...." Weiss called out slowly and said the girl couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding coming over her.

"Y-Yes?" Ruby answered, avoiding eye contact from the blank stare of the Schnee heiress while bracing herself thinking Weiss was going to scold her or something like that.

Everybody was silent as they all could feel that something was about to happen. Something that would probably shock them and maybe scarred a few of them for life.

And how right they are.


Because Weiss just suddenly screeched in glee as she glomped Ruby and squeezing the life out of the poor girl while nuzzling her cheek together and smiling ear-to-ear out of pure joy and happiness. As if that wasn't enough, Weiss was barraging Ruby with compliment over compliment which went something like this.

"Oh you are just the cutest and most adorable person I've ever met! I'm so glad you're my partner! I'm so proud of you being our leader! I'm so happy that you are my first friend and we'll be the bestest of friends! And we'll be bestie westie forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever—!"

Yeah, you get the idea.

As Weiss repeated her words over and over again, her friends were frozen in shock while their staring jaws dropped by the white haired girl complete one eighty personality change. Yang, Jaune, and Nora even went as far as rubbing their eyes to make sure they are not seeing things and turns out they aren't.

Ruby herself though was frozen in shock while turning pale as her partner continued to nuzzle her check like she was a giant stuffed teddy bear. She must be dreaming, she has to be dreaming! Because there is no way that Weiss would ever act like this! It's really creeping her out! Who was this person who had stolen her cold hearted bestie face!?

It was time for a tactical retreat.

"Get away from me!" Ruby cried out as she managed to break out of the hold and ran away from Weiss, who had immediately given chase.

"Noooo! Come back here, Ruby! I just want to hug you and snuggle with you that's all!"

The others stared at the scene of two partners running and chasing each other, not exactly knowing how to react to this sudden situation. They decided to turn their attention towards Konami who was smirking amusingly at the chase.

"Konami, what the hell did you do?" Yang asked as she watched her little sister being chased around by her white haired teammate, which in itself is not really that abnormal thing between the two of them but the fact that Weiss was showing an unnatural amount of affection was really off putting.

"Oh nothing, i just give her a little attitude adjustment." Konami said off handedly.

"How?" Ren asked as he couldn't hide the shock in his tone, not even he could keep a stoic facade after seeing Weiss' change of attitude.

"As I said, the Millennium Key has the ability to 'redecorate' a person's Soul Room. What that means is it has the ability to alter a person's personality to the user's wish." Konami briefly explained.

"You're telling me that you just brainwashed my little sister!?" Winter screamed at the duelist in anger as she couldn't believe he would do such a thing.

"In a way, yes it is brainwashing and i am truly sorry about that. But it is actually more than that. The Millennium Key ability is not essentially using the method of mind manipulation but more along the line of soul rearranging. I did not change what Weiss thought of herself, but what she felt about herself deep within her very core. It basically takes the whole 'listen to your heart' kind of phrase to a whole new level, you don't exactly notice that you've changed as you feel that this is the kind of person that you are on the inside." Konami exclaimed leaving the group amazed and a little bit scared that he can basically change their very soul and they'll never think that they had been changed at all. "Don't worry, I didn't change that much of Weiss Soul Room. I simply lower her cold hearted attitude and raise her willingness to be open with her feelings so that she'll be more affectionate and a little bit doting."

"Don't run away from me bestie!"

"Weiss, this isn't you! Please stop chasing me!"

"Come back here Ruby! I just want to hang out and do all kinds of fun activities with you all day long! We'll play games, eat cookies, and we'll even wear matching outfits!"

"I'm really happy to hear that, but this is seriously creeping me out! Please snap out of it!"



"Although in retrospect, I may have taken it a little too far." Konami mused as he stared at the chase in amusement that was honestly shared with the rest of them.

"Is there a way to undo it?" Jaune asked as he seriously can't take his eyes away from the girl who frequently rejects is suddenly acting so affectionate.

"All she needs to do is to touch the Millennium Key and she'll be back to normal." Konami exclaimed as he smirked a little. "But honestly, this is just too amusing to end so soon. How about we wait for a minute or two before I turn her back to normal?"

Everyone nodded their head as they were all actually amused by the current chase by the red hooded girl and the changed Schnee heiress, even Winter begin to enjoy her sister amusing personality when she hear that it isn't permanent.

"How long do you think it would take for them to stop?" Blake asked her partner who snickered at the question.

"As much time as it would take for Ruby to realize she could've used her Semblance to get away faster, so probably a while." Yang said as she take out her Scroll as the ravenette giver her a deadpanned look.

"Are you seriously recording this? Do you want to anger Weiss again?" Blake couldn't help but said as she raised a questioning eyebrow.

"What? And miss the chance of having a potential black mail over the Ice Queen? Heck no!" Yang responded with a grin as she continue to record the chase while snickering slightly. "Besides, consider it payback for using our summer weekend for her stupid dust lecture, and i was so looking forward on joy riding with Bumblebee."

"....keep rolling." Blake said a bit eagerly as she continue to watched the chase. She held no grudge against Weiss, but well she did plan to use that time to read her books and someone had to pay for it.


A/N: And that about wrap it for this chapter! So is it bad? Is it good? Please leave a comment if you like. Honestly this chapter covered up only half of I wanted it to be, but I decided I'll do the other half in the next chapter instead so that it will be faster to update.

I feel like I honestly butchered up some of this fact, most of the fact I know came from me seeing the show and reading the fandom. I just hope you all not upset with this.

Now with Konami, my idea about him as a duelist is the kind that can adapt with whatever deck he played but still has he's preferred favorite, sort of like Yusei I guess. Plus I'm sticking to the fact that the Tag Force Konami use many deck and not just one kind. As for Tierra and Metaltron, well you could probably guess what kind of deck Tierra belongs to but Metaltron may not be what you're thinking.

Konami face is hard to describe, mainly because there is no official picture of him without his hat. I had to rely on fan-made picture to describe it but I think I did a pretty goof job! Character description are not really my strong point which is why I won't be adding too much OC in this story. It was hard enough for me to decided what Tierra and Metaltron human form would look like, but I'll manage.

As for Konami's abilities, there is actually three reason I give him these abilities. First, considering the fact that Konami travel through dimensions i don't think it will be a good idea to leave him with no power to defend himself if something should happened. Second, since the story will be mostly starting at Remnant I thought giving him an ability that involved combat is a must. And third, well it just makes him more interesting, I always like the Judai and Yubel fused state in GX and I want Konami to have that also.

But that is all from me, again I apologized for the long update. All in all, i hope you all enjoy this story. Thank You!

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