The Pancake Duel - Ren VS Nora

A/N: Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of RWBY: The Duelist Experience! Now is the time for the final duel of the day between Ren and Nora, the final member of team JNPR.

Before that, i would like to say sorry for the long update. I've been having a case of a writer's block for a while, i have a new sense of appreciations for all of those writer of the fanfic i like to read. Seriously, now i know how hard it is to write a fanfic.

But hey! Here is the chapter some of you are excited for. Now without  further ado, let's get on to the story!

Disclaimer: i don't own RWBY or Yu-gi-oh, they belong to Rooster teeth and Konami respectively.


"That was an awesome duel Jaune!" Ruby said as she and the rest of her friends approached the two team JNPR member.

"Yeah Vomit Boy that was awesome, who knew you had it in you." Yang commented as she grinned.

"Way to go fearless leader! I knew you would win the duel!" Nora shouted as she congratulated her team leader.

Jaune just bashfully rubbed the back of his head as he grinned nervously. He wasn't used to being praised so much by his friend for something that he had done. 'It's...nice actually, being praised like this.' He thought as his grin widen a little in happiness.

Pyrrha smiled as she watched her partner, she knew he had confidence issue and maybe this game could help him be more confident of himself. 'He sure seems different when he dueled.' She blushed when her mind conjured up an image of his smirking face before the duel end. It's a good look for him she can agree to that.

"That was an amazing duel Pyrrha. The way you played your Gladiator Beast deck is not something i would underestimate lightly." Weiss said as she approached the red hair girl with Ren by her side.

"O-Oh thank you Weiss. But Jaune played his card better than i could, it's still a fun duel though." Pyrrha responded.

Ren chuckled a little. "Honestly, i'm not surprised that Jaune can played that well even though all of us are just beginner. He always been the best at thinking up strategy out of all of us." He said making the Mistral Champion laugh also.

"Hmph. I'll believe that when i duel with him myself." Weiss said a bit haughtily. Don't get her wrong she doesn't hate the blonde - greatly annoyed yes, but not hate - but she won't be entirely convinced until she duel with him personally. Perhaps it was her pride talking, but the idea of Jaune of all people being better than her at something was simply inexcusable.

Konami was staring at his friend from his position with Blake and all of the adults in the room. He was truly impressed with Jaune and Pyrrha duel earlier, but he was most impressed with Jaune most of all. He remember the card that was shown by the Deck Box earlier and take a note to himself to visit an old friend once all of this is all over.

"You're being quite again." Blake voice manage to get him out of his train of thought. He turned his head to the ravenette girl beside him and smiled apologetically.

"Sorry, i was thinking about something." Konami told the Cat Faunus making her gaze at him wondering what he was thinking about. He then notice the questioning gaze he was getting from a few of the adults and he knew it was not about what he was thinking earlier. "Hey Blake, can you call the others so we can continue on with the duel? There is something i need to do first."

Blake look at him weirdly before nodding her head and walk to where the others are. He gaze at her for a moment before turning his attention to the other group. "So, i'm guessing you want to ask me something?" He asked with slight smile on his face.

Ozpin share a look with the rest of his colleagues before he sigh and look at the red hatted vagabond. "Konami, it has come to our attention that before the duel started we suddenly sense a strong presence coming from you when you activated that barrier. We were hoping you could tell us what that power coming from you is." He said cautiously.

Konami smile didn't falter, but on the inside he was shock that someone can manage to actually sense something when he activated the Field Barrier. 'Well that was unexpected. Then again this dimension is different than any other dimension i had ever been through, i suppose i could tell them after Ren and Nora are done dueling.' He thought before he smiled a little wider at the him.

"I'm surprised all of you notice, i guess being experienced Huntsman and Huntresses makes you more aware than any normal person would." He chuckled before he noticed that a few of them was still giving him a questioning look for his nonchalant responses. "But in all seriousness, i already gave you all my word that i will answer all of your question when this duel is over and i'm not planning to break that promise. So i will tell you only after this duel end, understand?"

That seems to satisfied the Beacon Headmaster. "Very well Konami, we will wait until this duel is over." He said as he nodded his head.

"Great. Now if you'll excuse me, i'm going to prepare everything for the next duel." Konami said as he grabbed the two Deck Box and separated himself from the group.

"I still think we should've interrogate him right here and now." Ironwood complained looking slightly displeased with Ozpin decision.

"Lay the kid some slack Jimmy. He already told us that we'll get our answer after this next duel is over, stop being a strict bastard for once." Qrow rudely exclaimed as he take another swig from his flask.

"You will not speak of the General in such manner Qrow!" Winter yelled and was prepared to draw out her sword. His response was to smirk challengingly at her as he also ready to bring out his weapon.

"Both of you stop this! Honestly, you're acting like immature children!" Glynda shouted before she take off her glasses and rubbed her eyes irritatedly. She was not going to clean up after their fight again after the last time they argue.

Qrow just shrugged as he was the first of the two of them to retracted his hand from his weapon. Truthfully he wasn't planning to have a brawl with the Schnee Specialist, but who would pass up the chance to rilled up the ice queen enough until she is truly pissed? Surely not him.

Winter continue to glare at the drunkard before she grumbled slightly as she also stand down.

Ozpin just sighed and was just glad that the two of them had stop fighting. 'Honestly, when did flirting start to be so complicated?' He idly thought.


It didn't take long for the Beacon Student to finished congratulating their friends duel and went back to where Konami and the adults are sitting.

"Is it finally time for me and Ren to duel!?" Nora asked as she jumped up and down excitedly with a large smile on her face. Seeing all of her friends duel just made her want to start dueling immediately.

Ren was by her side with a small smile on his face. He was also excited to start but was more calm about it than his childhood friend.

"Alright Nora, calm down a little. Now here is the Deck Box and you should know by now how this goes." Konami said as he held out the two Deck Box, which one of them was snatch quickly by the pink loving girl while the green themed boy just take the device in a more moderate pace.

The two long time friend glanced at each other for a moment before smiling and placed their hand on the screen of the device. As usual, the screen lit up as it scan their genetic code. It last for a few more seconds before the light begin to die out.

They removed their hand from the screen knowing that they just have to wait. A few second passed before the screen begin to glow and a holographic image of a card was projected.

"Oh oh! Ren! What kind of Monster did you get!?" Nora asked as she leaned over his shoulder to get a better look on the card he got.

"Bujintei Susanowo, looks like i got an Xyz deck just like Jaune." Ren said as he read the name of the card, not minding at all that Nora had practically droped her entire body on top of him. "What kind of Monster did you get Nora?" He asked as he turned his head to where her head was resting on his shoulder.

Nora jumped back as she take a good look before looking ecstatic. "Oh this guy is so cool! He has a hammer and seems to use lighting like i do! And his name is so cool too!" She shouted in excitement at the awesome card that she had got.

"That sounds great Nora. What is the card name?" Pyrrha asked wanting to know what kind of Monster her friend had gotten.

"It's called The Lord of the Aesir, Thor!"

Konami immediately froze when he heard the name of the card. The others noticed it and look at him wondering what's wrong with him.

"N-Nora, could you possibly repeat the name of the card?" Konami asked with a slight stutter in his voice at the beginning, which the other pick up and was more concerned.

"Um it's Thor, Lord of the Aesir? I mean that's what it said on the card, here look for yourself." Nora said as she turned the Deck Box so that Konami can look at the card.

The red hatted vagabond was still silent as he look at the card with his mouth agape before he palm his face into his hand and leaning back his head in mild exasperation.

"Oh sweet mother of Horakhty, Nora of all people was chosen by the Aesir..." He muttered lowly under his breath, though not enough as they can still hear him clearly.

"Konami, you better explain yourself." Weiss warned him as she narrowed her eyes suspiciously. If there is one thing she couldn't stand; it's a secret. Call her paranoid but she just couldn't stand the fact that someone keeping secret from her.

'I'm going to have to explain this, don't i?' Konami asked to no one in particular in his head. "Okay, you all remember when i said that all of the Duel Monster card are originated from the Spirit World, right?" He asked which earned him a head nod from all of the people in the room.

"Now i'm going to ask you all a simple question, so bear with me on this one for a sec." He said before sighing a little and look at them with his face looking serious and ask them his question.

"Tell me, do you all believe in god?"

Konami immediately notice Ozpin tensed form the moment the word left from his mouth, but decided to held his tongue for now. Most of them was primarily confused with the question itself, while the rest was confused on where is this question going.

"Well, we do have the story called 'The Tale of the Two Brothers'." Pyrrha said she she tried to recall all that she know about it. "It's about two deity brother, one younger and the other is older, who both filled Remnant with life and destruction. The God of Light, who is the older one, created life from the planet like water, plant and wildlife. While the God of Darkness was said to be the one who created the Creature of Grimm to destroy his brother creation."

Her friends look at her surprised. "Wow Pyrrha, didn't take you for the religious type." Yang said in shock.

"Oh no, i'm not really religious. I just really like fairy tale and that was one of my favorite story." Pyrrha sheepishly confess before she said. "Besides, i'm not so sure that the tale was true or not. The part of the origin of the Grimm seems to be believable but i can't say for certain with the rest."

'If only they knew...' Ozpin thought as only he and Salem was the only one who knew the true tale of the Two Brother.

'Hmm. Well, looks like i have something to look up after this is done.' Konami thought as he was intrigued with this story before he decided to continue. "Well the thing is, god also existed in the Spirit World. Though unlike here they are not just a mere fairy tale. The Spirit World gods are the most powerful monster who rule all of the monster in the whole Spirit World dimension, in fact they are so strong that not even the strongest monster can even match up to a fraction of their power."

Everyone was shock hearing that such monster existed in the Spirit World. Then again, they are talking about gods so they are not completely taken of guard.

"But what does that have to do with the card that Nora gotten?" Jaune asked as he was still confused on why all this has to do with the card his teammate had gotten.

Weiss seems to think about all the thing that Konami had informed them before her face turn pale, or at least paler then it already is, when she begin to put the pieces together. "You've got to be joking...." She muttered as she look at the red hatted boy with her eyes widened in disbelief.

Konami look at her expression and nodded his head, looks like someone manage to figure it out. Her friends and sister look at the white haired girl, whose eyes were still widen at the revelation she had come up with, and begin to feel worry.

"Weiss, is something wrong?" Ruby asked worriedly at her bestie shell shock face.

"What did you find out with Weiss?" Winter asked softly as she moved closer to her little sister side and gazed at her worriedly.

"Think about it." Weiss said as she begin to share her theory. "If what Konami said is true about every Duel Monster card originated from the Spirit World and the gods are part of the monster in the Spirit World... Doesn't that mean that the gods can also be used in a duel?"

Everyone took a moment for the information to sink in into their brain before they stared at her in disbelief. Ozpin turned his head to look at the red hatted duelist and ask him the question that is probably inside the mind of the others in the room.

"Is what Miss Schnee said true?" He asked looking deadly serious and was answered by a nod of the head.

"The God cards. The strongest card in all of Duel Monster history and even to this day. Of course, they are so strong that only one copy of the card existed. But if you manage to get your hand on it, then the power of the gods will literally be in your hand." Konami replied with as much seriousness as the Headmaster.

"I'm too sober for this shit." Qrow said as he drink all of the content in his flask. Ruby didn't even call her uncle out for cursing due to her being too shock.

"So, is this one of the God cards you mention?" Glynda asked as she looked at the card her students had gotten, a little bit unsure what should she feel about the hammer loving girl wielding the power of the god.

"Yes and no." Konami said making her and everyone else stared at him. "While the Aesir God are a real God cards. The one you have Nora, is a considerably weaker copy of the original. The real one already found their true owner so i can't give you that." He exclaimed making them wonder who had the real Aesir God card.

"Wait, i thought you said that only one copy of the God cards exist. So how did Nora get to have another copy of the card if there is only one?" Blake asked confused.

"That's because i had....permission, so to speak, to make a weaker version of that specific God cards. Even then, it still hold some power from the original, so only the duelist chosen by the Aesir themselves can use them." Konami answer seems to satisfy the Cat Faunus.

Nora, who had gotten out of her shock state after being told that she now wield the power of a god - a weaker version sure, but still! - ,was excited to start making her own deck.

"Enough chit-chat! Come on Ren, we're going to make the best deck ever!" She grabbed his hand and begin to drag him away from the group while the green themed boy just sighed as he was being dragged away.

The others just look at where the two of them went to make their deck, not saying a word. Most of them was still stunned that there existed such card that contain the power of the god, the rest was more intrigued and want to learn more about them.

"So this God card, can anyone use such card?" James questioned wanting to know if he can possibly use such powerful card.

"Not anyone can use it. Just like i said with the Aesir chosen Nora, only the duelist worthy of the cards can use them. Though if you you try to force yourself to use them, then you may not like what'll happen next." Konami said with a bit of a warning tone in his voice which the general pick up easily.

"Exactly what will happen if those who are not worthy use the cards?" Winter asked.

"You will either be crippled, lost your mind, or die the moment you use the card." Konami said bluntly with a straight face, making their eyes widen in shock, horror, or both.

"P-People d-die playing Duel Monster?" Ruby whisperdly asked as she couldn't believe people actually die from playing the game she was beginning to love.

The red hatted boy sighed solemnly. "Sadly yes, the history of Duel Monster aren't exactly all good. There are some bad one also." He said as he remember some of those bad history before shaking his head and put on a smile. "But enough about that. A new dimension means a new history, so let's hope this dimension won't be as bad as the other."

The others just glanced at him and begin to worried with his wording. In the back of their head they begin to question themself what had they just stumbled into with this game.


Apparently Nora and Ren took their sweet time on building their deck. Almost an hour have passed and they still haven't come back. Just when somebody was about to protest, the two childhood friend return with the two Deck Box in their hand.

"Finally! What took you two so long?" Yang cried out as she was pissed she had to wait for almost an hour to watch a duel.

"Sorry. I had to help Nora build her deck, seeing as her deck had no synergy whatsoever when she showed me." Ren said as Nora just crossed her arm and pouted beside him.

"You won't let me have all the cool Monster..." The pink loving girl grumbled.

"We've been over this Nora, your deck won't work with just Monster. You need to have a solid strategy in mind when building a deck." Ren explained for what he feel to be the tenth times to her. The green themed boy just sighed as he handed his Deck Box to the red hatted duelist.

Nora just continue to grumble as she give back the Deck Box in her hand.

Konami just laughed at her expression before he tap the screen a few times before taking out the two deck and hold it out for them to take. Nora face completely brighten up when she see her deck and she immediately snatched it from his hand while Ren just calmly take his on a more modest pace.

"Can we start dueling now!?" Nora asked excitedly.

"Not yet, i have to set things up first before you two duel." Konami said as he pulled out the deck he used earlier and begin to search for a certain card.

"I assume you're gonna used the barrier from the previous duel?" Glynda guessed but was surprised when he shook his head.

"Actually no. Now that i know Nora used the Aiser, i decided to use something....different." Konami said as he take a card and return the deck back into its case.

"Different how exactly?" Blake asked.

Konami didn't answer as he grabbed the card in his hand and both his eyes glowed their respective color again as before under his hat and he inserted the card into his activated duel disk.

"Field Spell: Sogen activated."

A bright light engulfed them as it also blind them. All of them closed their eyes when it suddenly happen, Some of them cried out in surprise while the rest just stayed silent but still in shock with what just happen.

A few moment passed and the light begin to simmer out. They blinked a few times when their vision begin to return, they begin to open their eyes only for them to widen as dinner plates when they take in their surrounding.

They were not in Beacon Academy training field anymore. Instead, they were now in a large grassy plain that stretches out for miles and they can also see a few mountain in the distance. The sky was above them was a clear blue color and with a few clouds drifting about.

They also realized that they were all standing, but that was really unimportant compared to what just happened.

"W-What the!? Where are we!?" Weiss asked loudly as she looked around the area with her eyes widened in disbelief.

"The field where warriors and alike battle, or in other word the Sogen field." Konami said as he spread out his arm, catching their attention and managed to calm them down. "This is where we will have the duel."

"Is this one of the function of the Duel Disk?" Qrow asked as he kneeled down on the ground and feel the grass. He was surprised to find that it felt so real, far too real for it to be just a hologram.

"Well let's just say that it's special only for me to use." Konami said rather cheekily, again not bothering to response with a straight answer.

"Why do you need to change the field for Ren and Nora duel?" Ruby asked curiously, she was a bit bummed she didn't get to duel in a special field.

"Trust me, you'll find out soon enough. Now how about it you two? Ready to start?" The red hatted duelist asked the two said people.

"You got it!" Nora said as she zipped past him and take position a few distance between them. Ren just chuckled at her antic before he also take position on the opposite side of his friend.

The spectator take a few step back to give them some room for them to duel. Ren and Nora activated their Duel Disk and shout out the word at the same time.


Ren: 8000 LP / Hand ×5

Nora: 8000 LP / Hand ×5

"Oh! Oh! Ren, can i have the first turn?" Nora asked as she waved her arm to get his attention.

"Be my guest Nora." Ren said as he didn't mind with going second.

"Thanks Renny! Now it's my turn!" Nora said as she looked at her hand while wiggling her fingers, wondering what she should play first. "This should be good. I Summon Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts!"

A goat with heavy coating of white fur appeared on her field as its lifted itself on its hind legs and let out a cry.

Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beast - (EARTH/Beast/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 1200/DEF: 800)

"I also set a card and end my turn! Come at me Renny!" She said as a face down card appeared on her field.

"Alright Nora. It's my turn." Ren said as he draw his card and take a look at it before he placed it into his hand. "I Summon Bujin Yamato in Attack Position."

A armored warrior made out of light red energy appeared on his field. The armor acted as a vessel for the monster and was colored red, white and black. The top of the helmet seemed to resemble somewhat like a hair as the back of the 'hair' was spiked up.

Bujin Yamato - (LIGHT/Beast-Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1800/DEF: 200)

"Now i discard Bujingi Swallow from my hand to allow Yamato to attack twice this turn." Ren said as he discarded said card from his hand.

A swallow made out of bright yellow armor and energy came flying from the sky and letting out a cry before the armor detach itself from the body and combine together to form a sword. The body of energy was absorbed into Bujin Yamato body as the monster grabbed the sword and make a few swinging motion with it.

"Did that bird just turned into a sword!?" Ruby asked as she was star struck with the idea of an animal that can turned into a weapon. That would make the best pet ever!

"It seems so Miss Rose, and that Bujin Yamato also absorbed the power of the Bujingi Swallow so that it can attack twice this turn." Glynda said.

"It's time for the Battle Phase. Bujin Yamato, attack Nora Tanngrisnir." Ren commanded as the armored warrior jumped high into the air before delivering a downward slash at the goat like monster and destroying it.

Nora grunted a little as the damage hit her also, only for her to smile when her monster was destroyed.

Nora: 8000 = 7400

"Tanngrisnir effect activated! Since you destroyed it by battle Ren, i can Special Summon 2 Nordic Beast Token to my field!" Nora declared as two grey wolf with yellow cross shaped marking on their forehead appeared in Defense Position.

Nordic Beast Token - (EARTH/Beast/Token) - (LV: 3/ATK: 0/DEF: 0) ×2

"I also activate my Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beast effect. I can Special Summon Tanngnjostr from my hand when a Monster i control is destroyed and sent to the graveyard!" A monster similar to Tanngrisnir appeared on her field but its fur was jet black and has a red marking around its eye. The monster take a defensive position as it enter the field.

Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beast - (EARTH/Beast/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 800/DEF: 1100)

"Hehe~ what do you think Ren? I just Summon 3 Monster in a single turn." Nora said looking pleased with what she had accomplished. "Now you can't damage me anymore since all of my Monster are in Defense Position."

"Then i guess i'll have to destroy your Monster then. Yamato will attack your Nordic Beast Token." The Bujin warrior monster begin to charged at the wolf monster before slashing the beast upward causing a slash mark to appear before the wolf was destroyed.

"Since it's my Main Phase 2, i can discard my Bujingi Peacock to add a 'Bujin' Monster from my deck to my hand." Ren send the card into his graveyard before he take out the card his Duel Disk ejected and place it into his hand.

"I set a card and end my turn. Now Yamato effect also activated. Once during each of my End Phase, i can add a 'Bujin' Monster at the cost of discarding another card." His duel disk ejected another card from his deck, which he takes before discarding another card to the graveyard.

Ren: 8000 LP / Hand ×3

Nora: 7400 LP / Hand ×2

"Looks like they are starting out well, don't you think so Konami?" Ozpin asked the red hatted vagabond, wanting to know what he think of the duel so far.

"I agree. Though i think you all should be prepared for the next turn." Konami said which make them look at him in confusion and worry.

"What is it that we should be prepared of?" Winter asked.

Konami crossed his arm as he chuckled a little. "Well Nora has all she need to Summon IT." He said before turning his head to look at the older Schnee. "Just want to let you know and all, after all you know what is coming."

His word doesn't make much sense as they were all still confused with what exactly is coming. Jaune took a moment to think before he come up with a conclusion.

"Do you mean....Nora is going to Summon the Aiser?" The blonde knight question was enough to remind them that they are going to see a god being summoned.

"Well like i said she has all the card she need. I think it'll be best for us to just watch what will happen." Konami said as they took his word and decided to do just that.

"It's my turn! Draw!" Nora draw her card with more than enough force then she needs to. "Alright Ren, i'm going to go all out and bring out the big gun!" She said while grinning gleefully.

"I switch Tanngnjostr to Attack Position and activate its effect! Now i can Special Summon a 'Nordic Beast' Monster from my deck in Defense Position!" Nora shouted as she take out the card she wanted and begin to jump up and down in excitement. "It's here! I Special Summon the Tuner Monster: Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beast!"

A portal opened up as a large black horse with golden mane and red marking on its face come out galloping across the field before jumping into Nora's field and standing on both of its hind legs and neighing loudly.

Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beast - (LIGHT/Beast/Tuner/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1600/DEF: 1000)

"Tuner?" Ren muttered surprised for a moment before chuckling. "I see, so that's what kind of card the Aesir really is." He said as prepared himself for what's to come.

"I tune my Level 4 Guldfaxe with the Level 3 Tanngnjostr and Nordic Beast Token!" Nora shouted with a mad grin on her face.

Guldfaxe jumped into the air before turning into four green rings that align itself into a straight line. Tanngnjostr and Nordic Beast Token fly through the rings and their body became transparent with orange outline before turning into six stars. A beam of light envelops the stars and went through the rings.

"Powerful God of thunder and lighting. Swing around your almighty hammer and smash my opponent to oblivion! Synchro Summon! Come on out! Lord of the Aesir, Thor!"

Just then, the once blue sky begin to darken with huge storm cloud as the sound of rumbling thunder echo through the field and flashing lighting illuminate the darken sky. It look like the sky itself was alive.

Everyone eyes was focused on the storming sky as they watch with various expression on their face. Suddenly, a huge lighting bolt crash to the ground and blinding them again with the bright light as they close their eyes inctinctly and thinking that this is the moment they are waiting for.

When the light begin to fade, they open their eyes before looking at the field and saw....nothing.

"Um what?" Even Nora was confused when she see nothing appeared on her field. "Did i do something wrong? I'm sure i did everything right." She said as she inspect her Duel Disk, thinking that something is wrong with it.

Ren was as confused as she is. He was expecting to see some kind of grand like monster to appeared on Nora field, but was surprised that nothing happened. He wonder what went wrong. He took a glance behind his friend—

And immediately froze in shock.

Oblivious to the frozen boy, the spectator was just as confused, and a bit disappointed, as the orange haired girl.

"Alright, what just happened? One minute there is this crazy lighting storm, and the next POOF! Nothing happened." Yang said feeling disappointed at the rather anti-climactic moment.

"Maybe Nora did something wrong on the Summoning?" Ruby said not really sure what just happened.

"Doubt it. We all see the Summoning sequence happening, so that means she did everything right." Weiss exclaimed.

"Then why did nothing appeared on her field?" Jaune asked just as confused as the other.

Pyrrha just shrugged at him and kept quite. She doesn't really know what to say as she didn't know why nothing appeared on her friend's field.

Blake decide to ask someone who'll likely have the answer. "Uh Konami, why did nothing appeared when Nora Summon it?" She asked.

Said red hat turned his glanced from something he was looking to the Cat Faunus and give her a deadpanned look from what she could guess from his mouth expression. "Seriously? You all not seeing this?" He asked incredulously.

"Seeing what exactly?" James asked as he and others eyes are still focus on Nora's empty field.

Konami shook his head in disbelief before gazing on to Nora who was shaking her arm up and down rapidly in an effort to try to fix what is broken with her Duel Disk.

"Nora!" He called out her name catching everyone's attention, except for Ren who is still in his frozen state. "Try looking behind you!"

Although confused, they all decided to do just that. They turned their attention to behind Nora.

And their jaw completely dropped to the ground.

Standing behind her was a muscular man with orange eyes and dark green colored hair and beard. The figure was wearing a heavy set of helmet, chest armor, shoulder pad, fingerless gauntlet, and steel boots all colored in dark brown and gold with a golden colored lighting bolt shaped as the three spikes on each of the shoulder pads and the two horn on its helmet. A long blue cape flow from behind him as his lower part was covered in a cloth the same color as his armor. There was also a puffy white cloud on top of it chest armor, the cuff of his boots, and around his waist acting like a belt. Finally, he wield a large war hammer the same size as he is on his right arm.

While the look of the monster was intimidating enough, that wasn't what made their jaw drop and eyes widen in shock.

No, it was more the fact that the sheer size of the monster itself was MASSIVE! It was easily the same size as Beacon Academy, if not larger than the academy itself!

Thor, Lord of the Aesir - (EARTH/Beast-Warrior/Synchro/Effect) - (LV: 10/ATK: 3500/DEF: 2800)

Needless to say, their reaction was understandably reasonable.






Konami just fall on his back as the sound of his roaring laughter was accompanied by the shout of shock and disbelief of his new friend and  acquaintance.

"Bwahahaha! Oh man that was absolutely priceless! Hahaha!" The red hat laughed out as he laid on his back and holding his stomach in slight pain from laughing too much.

"I-Is this why you didn't held the duel in Beacon?" Ozpin asked with a slight stutter in his voice. While he wasn't shouting like the rest of his student and Qrow, he was still a bit shaken up by seeing this Duel Spirit god up close.

He wasn't a stranger to seeing a god up close and personal, but there was something about this Aesir God that made it different than the two Brother Gods. He just couldn't put his finger on it.

"Yeah, that's mostly the case." Konami said after calming down from his laughter. "When you duel inside a room or building and Summon a Monster that is....relatively larger than the room itself, then the Summoned Monster will appeared outside of the building you are dueling in. I don't think you're other students would like to see a gigantic monster appeared out of nowhere." He pointed out which made the headmaster nod his head in agreement.

"Are all other God cards this big when Summoned?" Ironwood couldn't help but ask as he was seriously taken back with the size of the monster.

"Well more or less. Though there are some that is smaller and/or bigger than this one." Konami exclaimed with a shrug.

"BIGGER!?" Weiss shouted as she pointed at the hammer wielding Aiser God on Nora's field. "You're telling me there is something even bigger than THAT!? How is that even possible!?"

The red hatted duelist snickered as he watch the Schnee heiress lose her composure. "Well yes, but that's something you should be getting used to when you play Duel Monster." He said as he continue to snicker.

Nora was speechless for what appeared to be the first time in her life. She did not expect for the Monster to be this gigantic. The shock on her face quickly turned into a big grin as she is literally vibrating in excitement.

"This. Is. Amazing!" Nora scream caught the attention of everyone. "Now that i have this AWESOME Monster on my field, it's time for battle! Go Thor! Attack that Bujin Yamato!"

Thor raised his hammer as it begin crackling with lighting before the lighting shoot out to the sky and it begin to darken again as storm cloud begin to gather. The god of thunder and lighting swing down its mighty weapon and a gigantic thunderbolt crash down on the Bujin warrior, who didn't even have a chance to scream as he was destroyed and leaving behind nothing but a large deep crater and the remaining smoking ashes on where its once was standing. Ren just grunted as he felt a surge of pain went through his body from the attack but otherwise still standing.

Ren: 8000 = 6300

The students, who was watching from the sideline, turn considerably pale when they see the display of power and what happened to the monster it battle. Jaune even went so far as to fainted and fall down to the ground with a large thud.

"Jaune!" Pyrrha cried out worriedly as she rushed to her partner aid when she saw him fall down and was unconcious. Although she couldn't really blame him for his reaction.

"S-S-So t-this is the power o-of a G-God...." Ruby meekly said as she was a bit terrified at the display of power.

"And this isn't even the real one..." Blake pointed out as her eyes were glued wide open and her cat ears straighten up in fright.

"Oh dear Oum, i completely forgot Nora is using a freaking replica...." Weiss couldn't help but cursed as she couldn't believe that this is the power of a copy of the real God card. She didn't even want to know what the real one can do after seeing that.

"In the off chance that we have to face this monster outside of a duel. All in favor of NOT fighting and ran with our tail between our legs, raise your hand and say 'i'." Surprisingly enough it was Yang who had said that as she raised her right hand. While she love a good challenge, she wasn't stupid enough to face a freaking god.

Needless to say, it was a unanimous vote for team RWBY.

While the adult were faring much better than the students, they were still in shock and it took them a moment to process what just happened.

"Konami..." Glynda slowly said as the red hatted duelist turned his head to the Beacon Professor who had called him. "I would like to say thank you for not using the training room for this duel." She said in flat tone as she was really grateful that this duel was not on Beacon ground.

If this is what happened after only just one attack, she don't even want to know what kind of mess will happen if the duel continue. She was just glad that she won't need to clean up after this duel was over.

"No problem." Konami said with a smile on his face as he looked rather laid back at the situation in hand.

"Why do i have to run out of drink now." Qrow exclaimed before sighing a little. "Oi Jimmy, got some booze on you to spare. Something tells me i'm going to need it." He asked as he turned his head to the Atlas general.

Ironwood reach in through his suit before pulling out a flask similar to Qrow. The general looked contemplative for a moment before sighing and tossed the container to black haired Huntsman, who catches it and nodded his head in gratitude.

"S-Sir!?" Winter cried out as she couldn't believe with what she had just saw.

"It's okay Schnee. Let him have this one." James said as he wondered if he should also pulled out his own flask.

Ren just stared with his poker face at where his monster had been destroyed. 'Honestly, i'm just glad i won't be receiving any real damage in a duel.' He thought before deciding to continue with the duel.

"Since a Beast-Warrior type 'Bujin' Monster was destroyed and sent to the graveyard, i can Special Summon Bujin Mikazuchi from my hand." Ren exclaimed as he Summoned a similar monster to Yamato only with silver and blue color scheme and the 'hair' of the helmet has a more floppy spike then Yamato.

Bujin Mikazuchi - (LIGHT/Beast-Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1900/DEF: 1500)

"Hmm not bad Ren, but i'm not finished just yet. I activate my Trap card: Divine Relic Mjollnir!" Nora said as she flipped open her face-down card. "This card can target an 'Aesir' Monster i control and give it the ability to attack twice on this turn! Go again Thor! Break Mikazuchi leg with your hammer!"

Thor hammer begin to morph into a different hammer made out of stone with a bright orange orb on the face. The Aesir monster then channel electrical energy into the hammer before swinging it down with the intent to smash its opponent.

Ren though has another idea. "I activate Bujingi Crow effect from my hand! When a 'Bujin' Monster i control is targeted for an attack, i can discard this card to negate it and inflict damage equal to half of the attacking Monster ATK point!"

"What!?" Nora screamed in shock.

A loud caw was heard as a crow made out of bright blue energy covered in armor come soaring and intercepted the attack. Just before the attack hit, Bujingi Crow armor detach from its body before combining to form a shield with circular mirror in the center and the body of energy turned into a force field around the shield.

The electrified hammer impacted the shield with an intense force that cause a shockwave and a large gust of wind to blow around the field. When the attack was finished, the energy force field was absorbed into the mirror of the shield before it fire the gathered energy at Nora who recoiled slightly.

Nora: 7400 = 5650

"Wow Uncle Qrow, you didn't tell us you had a cousin that can turned into a shield." Yang jokingly said to her uncle.

"Yeah! Why didn't you tell us!?" Ruby asked with a pout on her face, she seems to be taking her sister word seriously.

"There are things you still don't know about me girls." Qrow said also jokingly before he chuckled and ruffling his younger niece hair, much to the said girl annoyance and embarrassment.

"Uggh..." Jaune stirred as he wake up from being unconscious. "What just happened? Where am i? And why does my pillow feel so soft and warm?" He asked confused.

"Jaune! Thank goodness you're alright. Oh by the way, you fainted after Thor use his first attack to destroy Ren's monster. We're all in a field where Konami teleported us for Ren and Nora to duel. A-And it's because your h-head is on my l-lap." Pyrrha exclaimed feeling relieved that her crush was alright and feeling her face burned for his head was rested on her lap.

"R-Right, sorry about that." Jaune said as he stand up from his position. "Wait did you say 'first's attack? You mean that thing can attack twice per turn!?" He questioned with his voice filled with disbelieve.

"Well not quite. Nora use a Trap card that allow it to attack twice per turn, but Ren counter it using his card that negate the attack and deal Nora damage half to Thor ATK point." Pyrrha explained making the blonde nodded his head in understanding.

Nora was a little bit peeved that her attack was negated. "Rennn! You can't just negate my attack AND deal me damage like that!" She complained.

"If the card say i can, then i can Nora." Ren sighed at her friend antic. "By the way, are you done with your Battle Phase?" He asked.

"Umm yeah, i was just about to end my turn." Nora said confused on why he was asking that.

"Before you end your turn, i would like to play another card. I activate my Trap card: High Speed Aria." Ren said as he revealed his face-down card. "I send a Normal Spell card from my hand to the graveyard and this card effect become that card effect when it is activated. But i can't activate any Spell card during my next turn."

He then revealed the card in his hand. "The card that i'm going to send is Ties of the Brethren. This card effect is for me to pay 2000 LP and by targeting a Level 4 or lower Monster i control, i can Special Summon 2 Monster with the same Type, Attribute, and Level as the targeted Monster but with a different name from each other and that card from my deck."

Ren grunted in pain as electricity run through his body and shock him as he pay the LP requirement for the effect.

Ren: 6300 = 4300

"Mikazuchi is a Level 4 LIGHT Beast-Warrior Type Monster, meaning i can Summon the same kind of Monster from my deck." Ren said as his Duel Disk ejected two card before he grabbed them and placed them on the blade of the Duel Disk. "Answer the call of your brethren, Bujin Yamato and Bujin Arasuda."

Appearing beside Mikazuchi was Bujin Yamato and another Bujin warrior monster with a yellow and silver color scheme and the 'hair' of the helmet was styled almost like Yamato only with more than one spiked in the end.

Bujin Arasuda - (LIGHT/Beast-Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1600/DEF: 1900)

"Wait, i don't get it. Why did Ren use his Trap card just so he can use a Spell card that he can easily use in his next turn?" Ruby asked confused.

"It's because of Ties of the Brethren has a risk when activated. Not only do you have to pay 2000 LP to activate it, but you also cannot Special Summon any other Monster nor can you conduct your Battle Phase the turn you activate that card." Konami explained.

"I see. So that's why he use that Trap card, so that he can avoid the risk of activating the Spell card and gather up more Monster for his next turn." Winter exclaimed.

Nora though was not intimidated with the amount of Monster on his field. "Well you can Summon all the monster you want, but you won't be able to scratch me with Thor on my side. I end my turn." She said confidently.

"At this moment, i activate and chain my Bujin Mikazuchi and Arasuda effect during the end phase. First is Mikazuchi. Since i discarded a 'Bujin' Monster from my hand this turn while i control this card, i can add a 'Bujin' Spell or Trap card from my deck to my hand. Next is Arasuda effect. When a 'Bujin' card is added to my hand from my deck while this card is face-up on my field, i can draw another card and discard one more card from my hand."

Ren's Duel Disk then shuffled his deck before ejecting out a card which he take and draw another one from the top of his deck. He take a look at the card he had drawn before smiling lightly before discarding said card to the graveyard.

Ren: 4300 LP / Hand ×1

Nora: 5650 LP / Hand ×3

"Did he just discarded the card he had just drawn?" Yang asked wanting to make sure on what she had saw.

"Seems like it. Maybe the card wasn't any good so he discarded it?" Blake guessed.

"I'm not so sure that's the case. Hold on a sec, i want to check something." Jaune said as he turned on his Duel Disk before using the Card Database program on it and begin to type.

"What are you doing Jaune?" Pyrrha asked as she leaned a little closer to get a better look on what he is doing.

Jaune was silent as he continue to type before he stopped and his Duel Disk screen showing a good amount of information with the title 'BUJIN' on the top.

"Ah there it is! I was wondering what kind of deck Ren is playing with so i tried to search it with my Duel Disk." Jaune told her as he read out what is on the forum. "Says here the Bujin specialize in using the 'Bujingi' Monster as support for the Beast-Warrior 'Bujin' Monster by sending them from the hand to the graveyard and/or banishing them from the graveyard."

"Banishing from the graveyard? So that's why he didn't seems upset when he discarded a card from his hand with that effect." Weiss exclaimed now  knowing more about how Ren play his card.

"Oh! i wonder if all of the Bujingi monster can turn into a weapon too. That will be so cool!" Ruby cried out in glee wanting to see more animal-turn-into-weapon monster.

Glynda smiled slightly. "Well it seems like the students are enjoying their self." She said earning a little laugh from her boss.

"They certainly are." Ozpin said before his tone turned into a sad one. "It's good thing they are having fun, because that won't last forever." He muttered lightly under his breath.

Konami turned his head slightly at the Beacon Headmaster direction when he heard that last part. The red hatted vagabond raised his eyebrow under his hat as he stared at him questioningly.

'What exactly are you hiding Ozpin?' He questioned wearily in his head before turning back his attention to the duel. Perhaps he'll have to keep an eye on the headmaster for now, there's just something....different about him that Konami can't figure out.

"It's my turn." Ren called out as wordlessly draw his card before smiling slightly. "Nora, allow me to give you a little gift."

Nora beamed  when she heard him. "Really Renny!? What is it!? Is it going to be an infinite supply of pancake!?" She asked excitedly.

"Not quite, but this will benefit the both of us. First i set a card, then i activate the Spell card: Card of Sanctity. When this card is activated, both of us draw until we have 6 cards in our hand." Ren said as he draw 6 cards from his deck while Nora draw 3 card.

The pink loving girl grinned when she looked at the card she had drawn. "Thanks Renny, this cards we'll be so useful." She said in gratitude.

"I'm glad." Ren said. He knew the risk of using Card of Sanctity, but he didn't regret using it after he glanced at his hand. "But it looks like my hand is as good as you are. I advise you to prepare yourself Nora."

"Bring it on!" Nora shouted as she is ready for whatever her friend is going to throw at her.

Ren smiled before grabbing a card and show it to Nora. "I activate Bujin Hirume effect. This Monster can't be Normal Summoned or Set, but i can Special Summon her by banishing a 'Bujin' Monster from my graveyard. I banish the Bujin Yamato from my graveyard. Come on out, Bujin Hirume."

A portal appeared before a Bujin Hirume came out of it and stand beside her fellow Bujin companion. Unlike the other Bujin warrior, Hirume is clearly a female as one can see from her sleek and feminine form of pure white and gold armor with the 'hair' of the helmet seems to reach her back.

Bujin Hirume - (LIGHT/Beast-Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 2000/DEF: 1000)

"Now for the main event. I Overlay the Level 4 Bujin Hirume, Yamato, and Arasuda!" Ren announced as he stretched out his arm to the sky. The three Bujin warrior let out a cry as they turn into bright yellow energy that shoot out into the sky.

"I build the Overlay Network using these three monsters!" Ren declared as the Overlay Network appeared above him and the three monster enter the galaxy like portal before a pillar of light came out of the portal and slam into the ground.

"Divine warrior who fall to the clutches of darkness. Harness the vessels that corrupted you and be reborn as the goddess who eclipses the sun! Xyz Summon! Manifest yourself, Bujinki Amaterasu!"

Appearing out of the light was Bujin Hirume, but her form begin to change. The bright energy inside her armor begin to darken and change into a menacing purple energy that flared up uncontrollably as her armor also change into a deep black color. Suddenly, four Bujingi monster all with the same purple energy with dark black armor come flying from the sky towards the corrupted Bujin monster.

The Bujingi that appear are similar to a raven, a horse with horn, a peacock, and a wolf like monster. The wolf attached itself to Hirume becoming the body armor of the monster. The raven came flying before merging with the back of the armor becoming its wing and helmet. The peacock enveloped the lower part as it become the skirt of the armor. Finally, the horse armor detach from its own body before combining to form a large sword.

The now named Amaterasu grabbed the sword and held it vertically with her right hand while the left hand was placed on the flat part of the blade. Three bright yellow orb orbited around her body as she emit a strong menacing aura around herself.

Bujinki Amaterasu - (LIGHT/Beast-Warrior/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 4/ATK: 2600/DEF: 2500) - OVU: 3

"So Ren also play Xyz Summon?" Jaune asked a bit excited seeing another person using the same Summoning method as him. 'Huh, so this is how Ruby feel like when she see another Fusion user duel.' He mused in his head.

"Didn't you check out the Bujin using your Duel Disk Jaune? Why are you surprise Ren played an Xyz Monster?" Pyrrha questioned.

"Oh that's because i only search the playing style of the Archetype. I didn't search any of the card cause i want to see it in action first rather then in the database." Jaune said getting a nod from the red haired girl.

"Ren monster look so cool! Look at her armor and sword, they're all made out of different Bujingi monster!" Ruby cried out in glee before slumping and pouting a little. "I wish Crescent Rose could do that, why can't Crescent Rose do that." She muttered depressedly.

"Is no one going to mention just how...ominous Ren Summoning chant sound?" Weiss said getting a bit uncomfortable from feeling this monster aura.

"You better get used to some of these monster. You all have been lucky so far to not seen any of the evil looking or....outright disturbing monster." Konami told all of them.

"I activate Bujinki Amaterasu effect. By detaching 1 Overlay Unit, i can activate one of her two effect depending on whose turn this effect is activated. Since it is my turn, i can target one of my banished Level 4 'Bujin' Monster and Special Summon it to my field. Return to my side, Bujin Yamato."

Bujinki Amaterasu - (LIGHT/Beast-Warrior/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 4/ATK: 2600/DEF: 2500) - OVU: 2

Bujinki Amaterasu absorbed one of her Overlay Unit into her sword as its begin to glow. The corrupted Bujin then swing her sword on the space beside her and opening up a portal as Bujin Yamato came out of it.

Qrow flinched a little. The way Bujinki Amaterasu use its effect remind him way too much of his sister for his liking.

"Next, i Overlay my Level 4 Bujin Mikazuchi and Yamato!" Ren shouted as the two monster turned into bright yellow energy and enter the galaxy like portal in front of him before a pillar of light shoot out of it.

"Thundering warrior who wander the mortal plain. Harness the vessels who hold your true self and be reborn as the god of the eternal flame! Xyz Summon! Manifest yourself, Bujintei Kagutsuchi!"

Bujin Mikazuchi come floating out of the portal with his energy like body flaring up like raging fire. He let out a cry as four Bujingi monster come to him from the distance, two was on the ground while the other two came on flying from the sky.

The Bujingi monster was Bujingi Crow and three more Bujingi monster that resemble a boar, a centipede, and an ibis bird. The boar detached its armor which combine with Mikazuchi own armor. Bujingi Ibis and Crow turned into a sword and shield respectively. The centipede armor split into four part and combine with the back armor.

The now named Bujintei Kagutsuchi equip the sword the sword on his right hand and the shield on his left. The Bujin warrior body burst with blue flame coming from under his armor as the flame also created a wing with the centipede part of the armor.

Bujintei Kagutsuchi - (LIGHT/Beast-Warrior/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 4/ATK: 2500/DEF: 2000) - OVU: 2

"Bujintei Kagutsuchi effect activated. When this card is Xyz Summoned, i send the top 5 cards from my deck to the graveyard. If the cards is a 'Bujin' cards then Kagutsuchi gains 100 ATK for each card sent." Ren said as he pick up the top 5 cards in his deck before revealing it to be 3 Monster card and 2 Spell card.

"All the card sent is a 'Bujin' card, meaning Kagutsuchi gains 500 ATK." Ren send the cards to the graveyard as Bujintei Kagutsuchi flame flared more wildly as he is powered up.

Bujintei Kagutsuchi - (LIGHT/Beast-Warrior/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 4/ATK: 3000/DEF: 2000) - OVU: 2

"While your monster look absolutely AWESOME! It still can't beat Thor Renny!" Nora said as she grinned confidently with her hand on her hips.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that Nora." Ren exclaimed causing the pink loving girl to be confused. "I activate the effect of Bujingi Boar from my graveyard."

"What!? Since when did you have that Monster in your graveyard!?" Nora asked loudly.

"It was one of the card that is sent by Bujintei Kagutsuchi effect." Ren told her before he proceed with the effect. "Regardless, i banish Bujingi Boar from my graveyard to switch one of your monster to face-up Defense Position with its DEF point change to 0. That Monster is Thor!"

An astral figure of Bujingi Boar came out of a portal before ramming the Aesir monster with, surprisingly, enough force to knock him down and forcing him to take a defensive position.

Thor, Lord of the Aesir - (EARTH/Beast-Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 10/ATK: 3500/DEF: 0)

"Oh no! Thor is literally defenseless!" Nora panickedly yelled.

"Battle. Bujinki Amaterasu attack the Lord of the Aesir, Thor!" Ren commanded and the Bujinki monster obeyed as she fly into the sky before she traced her finger over her sword causing it to glow following to the movement of the finger. When the sword was fully glowing, she held the weapon with both hand before charging at the weakened Aesir and slash the monster in the mid-section causing a big explosion as the monster was destroyed.

"Go Bujintei Kagutsuchi, attack Nora directly!" Kagutsuchi body begin to heat up as he gather flame around his sword before he fly towards Nora leaving behind a trail of blue flame. The Bujintei monster twisted his body and slash Nora across the chest causing her to cry out and was thrown back by the force of the attack.

Nora: 5650 = 2650

"Wow, Ren not only beat a God but he also deal a lot of damage to boot." Jaune said impressed with his friend dueling.

"You know, i was surprised that Thor was so easily defeated just like that." Ruby commented.

"Perhaps we should continue watching Miss Rose. I have a feeling something interesting is about to happen." Ozpin said to his student as he took another sip from his mug.

"I Set one more card and end my turn." Ren said as another face-down card appeared on his field.

Nora was still lying on the ground before she chuckled softly which caught the attention of everyone. She continue to chuckled for a while, each time getting louder and louder, before it turns into a full-blown laughter. She then jumped back to her feet with a large grin on her face.

"That was awesome Renny! But don't count out my monster just yet, because he's going to make a grand re-arrival!" Nora exclaimed before she held out her right hand to the sky and shouted. "Come back to me, Thor!"

The ground began to shake and the dark storm in the sky begin to make itself known once again. The ground continue to shake violently as everyone tried to regain their balance from the sudden earthquake that is happening.

"What is going on!?" Weiss shouted panickedly as she tried desperately not to fall from the sudden earthquake. She was really getting annoyed with the shaking that is happening while playing this game.

"No idea! But whatever it is, it's definitely an earth shaking experience!" Yang joked loudly trying to lighten the mood while struggling to keep standing.

"Now is seriously not the time Yang!" Blake shouted at her partner while also trying to stay on her feet.

"G-Guys, look behind Nora!" Jaune panickedly yelled while pointing at said direction.

The ground behind the pancake loving girl was cracking and before they know it, the ground itself was split into two creating a large chasm between them that doesn't seem to have an end. Suddenly, a large glowing figure begin floating upward from the deep chasm. It didn't take long before the figure came out of the chasm and reveal itself to be the Aesir God of thunder himself. Thor standing tall and mighty with his hammer in his hand as he came out of the chasm before the ground began to close in on itself leaving a slightly deformed earth but otherwise no chasm.

Ren was taken back when he see that the monster he had just defeated suddenly appeared out of the ground. "H-How? I thought i destroyed it?" He couldn't help but asked and his friend couldn't help but answer with a big smile on her face.

"You did! But Thor has a really useful little ability. On the End Phase that this face-up card was destroyed by my opponent card, i can banish a 'Nordic Beast' Tuner Monster from my graveyard to Special Summon him from my graveyard!" Nora explained before she grinned again as she warned. "And heads up. Because he dealt 800 damage when ever he is Summoned this way."

Ren eyes widen when he heard that. The horns on Thor helmet begin to emit electrical energy before firing it at the green themed boy and electrocuted him making him cried out a little in pain.

Ren: 4300 = 3500

"Isn't that effect a little...overpowered?" Ruby asked finding the effect of Thor was a little too powerful.

Konami snorted loudly at that. "You seem to forget that it was i who made these effect and trust me, that effect was not even close to be as broken compared to the original."

"What is the original effect actually?" Blake asked curiously.

"The ability to return to the field after being destroyed with no cost to pay whatsoever. They are literally immortal, you can't beat the original Aesir without banishing them or returning them back to the Extra Deck." Konami said as the current duelist from Remnant, including Ren and Nora who heard him, jaw dropped when he told them the original Aesir effect.

"....Okay now that is just BROKEN! Seriously, how is that supposed to be fair!?" Yang cried out indignantly. Her deck focuses on destroying monster and inflicting damage, what was the point of destroying them if they just come back in the end.

"Like i said, the God cards are among the strongest card in Duel Monster. And the Aesir are not even the most strongest of the God card." Konami said.

"What exactly is the strongest God card?" Glynda asked curiously. While she and the other adults understood the game, they were not as affected as the students due to them not having any experience in dueling.

"I'll tell you all after this duel is over." The red hatted duelist said which earned him an annoyed look from a few people for dodging another question thrown at him.

Nora was quick to recover but was a little peeved that she wouldn't get to use such powerful cards like what Konami had said.

"It's my turn and i draw." Nora said as she draw her card. She look at the card she had before grinning excitedly, she has all the piece she needed.

"I Summon Mara of the Nordic Alfar!" Nora cried out as she summoned a small floating black spirit like creature with wavy hair and a long tail. The spirit cackle mischievously as it float around Nora while swinging its tail around from one direction to another.

Mara of the Nordic Alfar - (DARK/Spellcaster/Tuner/Effect) - (LV: 2/ATK: 1000/DEF: 500)

"Awww. Aren't you just an adorable little creature." Nora cooed as she tried to pet Mara on its head only for it to dodge her hand while still giggling mischievously.

Ren gazed at the small monster on Nora's field before he realize that it was a Tuner Monster. 'Another Tuner? How is she going to Summon another Synchro Monster with no other Monster on her field besides Thor?' He thought confused.

"Now that i have this little guy over here, time to bring out the second big gun of my deck." Nora exclaimed before she pointed her hand towards her Nordic Alfar monster. "Mara effect is a bit special. When i want to Synchro Summon using it as the material, the other material must also be a 'Nordic' Monster from my hand!"

Ren eyes widen in shock as she take two card from her hand and show it with her grinned widen even further.

"Now i tune my Level 2 Mara of the Nordic Alfar with the Level 4 Ljosalf and Alviss of the Nordic Alfar from my hand!" Nora declared as Mara fly towards the sky before turning into two green ring as Nora throw the two cards and they aligned before turning into six bright star and a beam of light envelope them as they went through the rings and shoot out into the sky.

"Mischievous God of whimsical trickery. Spread your magic and fancy trick to the world and let your laughter be heard even to the heavens above! Synchro Summon! Come on out! Lord of the Aesir, Loki!"

The dark cloud begin to swirl and form a hole on the storm before a flash of bright purple light come from the sky as a figure come descending down from the sky and floated besides Thor.

The figure was smaller than Thor but was big nonetheless and has a skinny dark green colored body with wild black lock of hair on his face and head and a long pointed ears and nose. The figure was dressed like warlock with a dark purple color scheme and a few yellow, black, and red on them. Loki also had a large shoulder pad that has a cloth hanging on it and a large witch hat on his head. The God of mischief giggled almost maddeningly and he grinned which show his razor sharp teeth as he stared down on his opponent with amusement in his red eyes.

Loki, Lord of the Aesir - (DARK/Spellcaster/Synchro/Effect) - (LV: 10/ATK: 3300/DEF: 3000)

"A second God!? How many Aesir are there!?" Ruby cried out in shock at seeing a second Aesir monster.

"Three actually." Konami exclaimed as he kept his eyes focuses on the duel in front of him.

Ren gazed at the two Aesir God on Nora's field and can't help but feel nervous seeing now that he'll have to face two powerful monster. 'Alright, i got to keep a cool head. Nora may have two Aesir but she still only have two attack, meaning i can use Bujintei Kagutsuchi effect to negate any of my Monster destruction. I may have lose a few LP after this but at least i will still have all of my Monster.'

As if hearing his thought, Nora grinned again as she thrusted her arms to the sky and cried out. "I activate Thor effect! Once per turn, Thor can negate all of my opponent face-up Monster effect on the field until the end of this turn!"

"What!?" Ren yelled in shock, which is something that is quite out of his character since he is usually the quiet one of the group.

Thor raised his hand and fired two lighting bolt from his palm that hit the Two Bujin Xyz Monster, paralyzing them as they kneeled in exhaustion as their effect was negated. Bujintei Kagutsuchi fire begin to weaken as his effect was negated and his ATK dropped.

Bujintei Kagutsuchi - (LIGHT/Beast-Warrior/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 4/ATK: 2500/DEF: 2000) - OVU: 2

"It's time to Battle! Thor, attack that Bujinki Amaterasu!" Nora declared as the Aesir God of lighting raised his hammer high in the air and begin to gather electrical energy before swinging it down towards his target.

Thinking quickly, Ren pressed the screen of his Duel Disk and revealed his face-down card. "I activate my Trap card: Lumenize!"

Nora, though, was having none of it. "I counter that with Loki effect! Once per turn, i can negate a Spell or Trap card that is activated during the Battle Phase and destroy it!"

Loki raised his hand towards the revealed Trap card as dark energy begin to gather through his arm to his palm before he fired a bolt of black magic at the card. Ren shielded his face with his hand as his Trap card was struck and shattered into a bunch of particle. Seeing the attack was about to hit, he activated another effect.

"I activate Bujingi Hare effect! By banishing this card from the graveyard, i can target Bujinki Amaterasu with this effect and she can't be destroyed once during this turn!" Said Ren as a bright yellow hare with white armor jumped out of a portal and block the incoming attack, protecting the Bujinki monster from being destroyed.

Ren: 3500 = 2600

"Then Loki will attack that Bujintei Kagutsuchi!" Nora shouted as the Aesir God of mischief gather dark magical energy in through his finger tips before creating a dark sphere of energy on his index finger. He then make a finger gun gesture towards the Bujintei monster and he grinned maliciously as he fired the sphere. Kagutsuchi screamed as he was obliterated by the attack and was destroyed.

Ren: 2600 = 1800

"I activate Bujingi Raven effect from my hand! When a 'Bujin' Monster i control is destroyed by battle with an opponent Monster and sent to the graveyard, i can discard this card and destroy the attacking Monster!" Ren discard his card and a darker version of Bujingi Crow with sinister purple energy for a body and pitch black armor came flying with a loud caw. The Bujingi Raven came flying straight towards the Aesir God of mischief as more energy begin to envelop its body before it pierced through the chest and destroyed the second God.

"Alright! Ren defeated another Aesir!" Jaune cheered seeing Loki being destroyed.

"But won't Nora be able to revive it again during her End Phase?" Pyrrha asked thinking back to when Thor was revived by banishing its corresponding Tuner Monster.

"Most likely. I wonder what effect will it have when it is revived..." Weiss wondered out loud with her hand cupped on her chin.

"Uh guys? Why is Nora laughing again all of the sudden?" Yang asked as she looked at the laughing girl weirdly.

Ren was also confused on why was Nora laughing. He knew that Loki would probably be revived on the End Phase but he had a feeling that wasn't the reason she was laughing.

"Hahahaha! Thank a lot Renny! Now that you have destroyed Loki, i can Summon my third and final big gun!" Nora exclaimed while still laughing as the other looked at the laughing girl in shock at what she had just said.

"She's going to Summon a third God?" Qrow asked incredulously. Seeing just two God was enough to leave him in shock, but seeing three? Yeah, he has a feeling he's going to need that flask soon.

"Seems so. But i wonder how'll she Summon it." Ozpin wondered out loud.

"Time to get this show on the road." Nora said as she grinned excitedly before called out her move. "I activate my Alviss of the Nordic Alfar from my graveyard! When an 'Aesir' Monster i control is destroyed by my opponent and sent to the graveyard, i can banish this card and Special Summon a different 'Aesir' Monster directly from my Extra Deck!"

Nora's graveyard then begin to shine as a green spirit like monster similar to Mara only a bit chubbier came out of it. Alviss then fly towards the sky while its eyes begin to glow bright white as it then fly passed through the dark storm cloud before a large pillar of light came down and nearly blinded everyone's vision. Nora was unaffected by the light as she continue to chant with a large smile on her face.

"Almighty God of the all-seeing eye. Rise from your throne on the higher plain and show us who is the king of your castle! Come on out! Father of the Aesir, Odin!"

As Nora finished her chant. A figure rises from the pillar of light and stand behind the two other Aesir God and the size of the figure easily beat the two God combined.

The figure was a old looking man with a long white hair that like he had lived for more than a hundred year but was still an imposing figure nonetheless. His right eye was blue and pupiless while the left is covered in a some sort of metal eyepatch. His attire is a overall red and white colored robe with brown and gold armor on parts of his body. He has a gauntlet that have three green gem on each one and a long golden spike on each of his large shoulder pad. His head gear is also large and regal looking helmet, acting as a crown to show his stature. His weapon is a large golden staff with three edged on the top with cable on the two edge on the side that is connected to the handle.

Odin, Father of the Aesir - (LIGHT/Fairy/Synchro/Effect) - (LV: 10/ATK: 4000/DEF: 3500)

Everyone was entirely gobsmacked with the appearance of the third Aesir God. They thought that Thor was the largest monster they had ever seen, but Odin completely towering over the two Aesir God like it was nothing. Plus his attire and look made him the most akin to what a god would appear like.

"Odin, Father of the Aesir..." Yang repeated as her eyes are still drawn towards Odin as she smile a bit crockedly. "I guess god does get laid, huh? Wonder if it's a divine experience."

And just like that, the shock atmosphere was shattered by the innocent, or not so innocent, comment from the blonde brawler.

"YANG!!" Ruby cried out to her sister while her hood was pulled over her head as she blushed greatly in embarrassment over what she had said.

"I did not need to hear that!" Weiss shouted as she glared at her blonde teammate with her hand over her ears as she blushed.

Blake also blushed at her partner word as she can't help but imagined such scene happening. She shook her head quickly and blushed harder when she realized what she had imagined. Maybe she should cut back on reading some of her book for the moment.

Jaune and Pyrrha both turn bright red as they heard the blonde word. Pyrrha take a short glanced at her crush before her face turn even more shade of red.

"Miss Xiao Long, that is highly inappropriate!" Glynda scolded her student as she give her a stern glare which make the younger blonde chuckled even more nervously.

Qrow just let out a single laugh as he open up the flask James had given him and drank the content. He find it a bit amusing watching the reaction from his niece word.

Ironwood just groaned at the horrible joke and take a page out of Qrow's book by pulling out his own flask and drinking it.

"S-S-SIR!?" Winter shouted at her boss in shock. She can't believe the general would just take out a flask from his suit and drink it, in public no less!

"Winter, just let me have this one." James sighed as he told his second-in-command and took another drink before putting it back into his suit pocket.

'Now that's a horrible mental image.' Ozpin thought as he took another sip from his mug to hide his grimace.

Nora ignored what Yang had just said, mostly because she was grinning ear-to-ear for having Summoned all of the Aesir God onto the field.

"Hehe~ now that i have all of the Aesir God, you'll never beat me Ren! I set two card and end my turn! At this moment, i banish Mara from my graveyard to revive Loki!" Nora called as two more card appeared on her field.

Suddenly, space itself appeared to be distorted as there was a large rift appearing on the sky. Two hand emerges from the rift before stretching and widening it and showing behind it to be Loki who jump out of the portal he made and came floating beside Thor while also cackling lowly.

"Loki effect activated! Since he is Summoned this way, i can add a Trap card from my graveyard to my hand. I add Divine Relic Mjollnir back to my hand!"

Ren: 1800 LP / Hand ×4

Nora: 2650 LP / Hand ×3

"Gotta admit, i'm impressed Nora manage to bring out all of the Aesir God." Konami said.

"....Are we seriously ignoring the fact that Loki just rip open the fabric of space!" Weiss screeched in disbelieve.

"Honestly Weiss, i advise you again to get used to it. You'll be seeing absolute weirdness when it comes to playing Duel Monster. It just how the game goes." Konami exclaimed telling her and to the rest of them to just let it go and enjoy the show.

Blake just sighed. "I don't think we'll ever get used to some of the stuff that's happening while dueling." She said with conviction. She had thought she could handle all of the thing that is happening while dueling, apparently she was wrong.

The red hatted duelist just shrugged and continue to watch the duel. He won't deny that, there is something even he would be shock at when it comes to Duel Monster.

"Still, Nora has all of the Aesir God on her field and i have to admit, it is a one of kind sight to see." Pyrrha said as she was slightly mesmerized at seeing the three God on the field.

"You think Nora would win this duel?" Ruby couldn't help but asked, wanting to know what the others will think.

"I don't know. I mean, maybe? But i don't think Ren is out of the game yet." Jaune said as he believe that his only male teammate still has a chance.

"Well we're about to find out. Look, he's about to start his turn." Yang said making them look back to field.

"My turn." Ren said as he draw his card. The green themed boy look at his hand and he couldn't help but frowned a little, seeing as he doesn't have the right card he need that can take down all of the Aesir God.

'I don't have all the card i need to defeat the Aesirs. For now i should play on the defensive. Gotta stall her long enough until i have a way to win this duel.' Ren thought as he decided on his next move.

"I switch Bujinki Amaterasu to Defense Position and activate her effect to Special Summon Bujingi Hare to the field, then i set another monster and another face-down card. With that, i end my turn." Ren said as Bujinki Amaterasu absorbed one of her Overlay Unit and opened a portal for Bujingi Hare to jumped out of before the two Bujin monster switch into Defense Position. Two more card appeared on the field in face-down position as he end his turn.

Bujinki Amaterasu - (LIGHT/Beast-Warrior/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 4/ATK: 2600/DEF: 2500) - OVU: 1

"He's playing on the defensive. I can't say i don't agree though, the odds are not in his favor right now." Glynda commented.

"Against this many powerful monster, it will be foolish to charge ahead without having any strategy in mind." James said.

"My turn! Draw!" Nora shouted as she draw her card and put it with the rest of her card in her hand.

"No more dilly dally, let's battle! Thor, attack Bujingi Hare!" Thor heard the command as he raised his hammer high before swinging it at full force that crushed the Bujingi monster and cause a large gust of wind to blow around the field and the ground to shake again.

"Loki, blast that face-down Monster!" Nora cried out as Loki spin around before making another finger gun gesture and firing a ball of highly concentrated dark energy towards the Set Monster. The card flipped open to reveal Bujingi Sinyou, a horse like monster made out of purple energy and armor covering its body. The Bujingi monster didn't stay long though as it was obliterated by the attack.

"Finally Odin, destroy Bujinki Amaterasu!" Odin raised his spear before pointing the weapon towards the Bujinki monster. The Father of the Aesir then thrust his staff and pierced through Amaterasu body causing her to scream as she was destroyed.

"I activate Burial from the Different Dimension and Foolish Burial! The first card let me return Mara and Guldfaxe back to my graveyard and the second let me send a card from my deck to the graveyard." Nora explained as she take out a card from her deck and show it. "The card i'll be sending is a Tuner Monster called Vanadis of the Nordic Ascendent."

She send the card to her graveyard as a black coffin came out of a portal that appeared up on her field before it open to reveal the two previously banished card. The two card then glowed before they returned back to the graveyard as the coffin went back into the portal and disappeared.

"You know what that means Renny?" Nora eagerly asked with her face grinning again. "Now with all of the Nordic Tuner Monster in my graveyard, my Aesir Monster are immortal! I Set a card and end my turn!"

Ren: 1800 LP / Hand ×4

Nora: 2650 LP / Hand ×1

"Things are not looking good for Ren. Now that Nora has all of the Nordic Tuner in her graveyard she can revive the Aesirs if they are destroyed, plus she still have the Mjollnir Trap to allow one of the Aesit to attack twice and two other unknown Set card." Jaune commented as he was slightly surprised that Nora managed to corner Ren in a duel like this.

"Looks like he's in a pinch right now, i wonder how he'll make it through this." Pyrrha said curiously.

"My turn, draw." Ren draw his card and took a glanced at it. Not yet, the card he need is still not here. He need to survive the next turn and hope that he draw the card he need.

"I Set a Monster and another face-down card. That is all i can do for now." Ren said as two more card appeared on his field.

"Time to end this Renny!" Nora cried out as she draw her card and take a look at it. The card is not really useful to her, but she's about to win anyway so it's not really a problem.

"Loki, attack that face-down Monster!" Nora pointed at the card as the the God of mischief fired a ball of dark magical energy towards the Set Monster, who flipped open to revealed it to be Bujin Mikazuchi.

"I banish Bujingi Hare to negate Mikazuchi destruction!" Ren said as a portal opened up and Bujingi Hare jumped out before it take the incoming attack and was blown away into oblivion.

"But now you can't use Bujingi Hare effect again! Thor, crush Bujin Mikazuchi with your hammer!" The God of thunder obeyed the command as he swing his hammer towards the Bujin monster and destroy it.

"This is the end! Odin, direct attack Ren now!" Nora cried out as Odin raised his staff and gathering energy at the tip before sending a series of bolt of energy towards his target. The green themed boy eyes was locked at the incoming attack and his face remain blank even as the attack crashed with the ground near him and encasing him in a large plume of smoke.

Everybody was watching and waiting for the smoke to clear out. Most of them was expecting the boy to be kneeling or lying on the ground with his LP depleted to zero by the attack.

So it came to no surprise to find that they are shock when the smoke cleared out and Ren was still standing with a small smile that graced his face. What's more that his LP hasn't decreased one bit and remain unchanged.

"W-W-What!? Why didn't your LP turn to zero!?" Nora asked loudly as she was in complete shock that he was still standing right now.

"Bujingi Fox effect. During either player's turn, i can banish it and another 'Bujin' Monster from my graveyard to prevent me from taking any damage this turn. In other word, you can't drop my LP to zero no matter how much you attack me this turn." Ren explained as he continue to smile slightly.

"Since when did you have that card in your graveyard!?" Nora loudly asked as she couldn't believe what she is hearing.

"When i use Bujin Arasuda effect a few turn earlier." He responded with a slight chuckle at her reaction.

"Awww, that's just not fair Ren!" Nora whined lightly before decided to just pout and crossed her arms. "Fine! I end my turn, but don't think you'll survive the next turn Renny!"

Ren: 1800 LP / Hand ×3

Nora: 2650 LP / Hand ×2

"He sure dodge that bullet, but i don't think he has any other way to survive Nora next turn." Qrow commented.

"I agree, unless he end it all on this turn then his chance of surviving the next one is close to zero." Glynda exclaimed.

'Hmmmph! Just when i thought i would win this duel!' Nora continue to grumble in her mind. 'Well whatever, i've still got this duel in the bag. Not only i have Mjollnir ready to use, i still have my other two card Nordic Relic Laevateinn and Brisingamen. With all of these card my victory is guaranteed!'

'I survived the last turn, but unless i manage to get the card i need then it'll all be over.' Ren thought as he began to frown and gazed at his deck before taking a deep breath as he prepared to draw. 'Here goes nothing.'

"My turn." He announced as he draw what he believed to be his final card. Glancing at the card he draw, his eyes widen as he smiled once again.

'It's here.' Ren cheered slightly as he gazed at the card and the rest of his card. He finally found his winning strategy.

"When my opponent control a Monster while i don't, i can activate the Spell card: Bujincarnation from my hand." Ren said as he inserted the card into his Duel Disk and the card appeared on the field. "This allows me to target a 'Bujin' Monster that is banished and in the graveyard and Special Summoned both of them back to my field. Revive, Bujin Yamato and Bujin Arasuda."

Two portal opened up on the field before the Bujin warrior monster both jumped out of it before standing beside the black haired boy.

"Now i Overlay my Level 4 Bujin Yamato and Arasuda!" Ren cried out as the two monster turn into bright energy and shoot high into the sky as the Overlay Network portal opened up in front of him.

"With these two 'Bujin' Monster i build the Overlay Network!" The two energy then enter the portal before a large pillar of light emerges from deep inside the Overlay Network.

"Brave warrior who wander the mortal plain. Harness the vessels that hold your true self and be reborn as the god of the raging storm! Xyz Summon! Manifest yourself, Bujintei Susanowo!"

The light dissipated and reveal Bujin Yamato who float in the air as his energy body begin to glow brightly. At the same time, five Bujingi came flying from different direction all towards the Bujin warrior.

The five respective Bujingi resemble a wolf, a snake, a turtle, a horse with horn, and a crane. All of the Bujingi armor detached from their body as Yamato absorbed their body of energy. The wolf armor combine with Yamato own body armor. The turtle armor attached itself towards his left shoulder becoming a shoulder pad. The snake armor connected with each other before becoming circular headpiece that attached itself towards the back of the armor. The horse and crane armor both combined to form two swords, one was wide double edge blade while the other is thin single edge sword.

The now named Susanowo grabbed the two weapon and swinging them both before a new helmet materialize and attached itself with his head and completing the transformation as he flared up his energy and unfolding his wing from the circular piece on his back and two bright yellow orb of energy orbited around his body.

Bujintei Susanowo - (LIGHT/Beast-Warrior/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 4/ATK: 2400/DEF: 1600) - OVU: 2

"It's in Attack Position?" Ruby asked confused. "Why did he do that? His Monster ATK is way lower than any of the Aesir."

"He has a plan i bet. No way would he leave himself vulnerable like that." Weiss said with certainty.

"No matter what Monster you Summoned Renny, you'll never be able to defeat my Aesir Gods!" Nora confidently boast as she placed both of her hand on her hips while grinning widely.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Ren said and his respond caught the pink loving girl off guard.

"Huh?" She said confused on what did he means by that.

"I activate my Spell: Bujin Regelia - The Mirror! This card can only be activated during my Main Phase 1 while my opponent control more Monster and i control a Beast-Warrior Type 'Bujin' Monster. Until the end of your next turn, you cannot activate anymore Spell or Trap effect."

"What!?" Nora cried out in disbelieve. Her entire row of Trap has just been rendered useless by just one card! That was so not fair.

"Next i activate my Trap: Bujin Regalia - The Sword! I use this card first effect to add Bujingi Wolf from my deck to my hand. And i activate my second Trap: Bujin Regalia - The Jewel! I equip this card to Bujintei Susanowo and he gains 300 ATK for each Overlay Unit he has, plus i activate its second effect to attach Bujingi Wolf from my hand as Susanowo Overlay Unit, with this Susanowo has 3 Overlay Unit meaning his ATK is increased by 1200!"

Ren two face-down card then flipped open as the the first Trap card glow as it turn into Bujingi Wolf before the 'Bujin' Monster turn into an orb of energy and orbited around the Bujintei monster. The second Trap turn into energy that was absorbed into Susanowo body as he let out a loud cry as he is powered up.

Bujintei Susanowo - (LIGHT/Beast-Warrior/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 4/ATK: 3300/DEF: 1600) - OVU: 3

"I activate another Spell: Overlay Regen. This card can attached itself to an Xyz Monster and became that Monster Overlay Unit, and with another Overlay Unit added Susanowo ATK increased even further!"

Bujintei Susanowo - (LIGHT/Beast-Warrior/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 4/ATK: 3600/DEF: 1600) - OVU: 4

'That much ATK can destroy either Thor or Loki, but he only has one Monster meaning he can only destroy one of them. Plus with all of the Nordic Tuner in my graveyard i can easily revive any of them during the End Phase. So why did he said that he'll beat all of them?' Nora was still confused on why her childhood friend had said such a thing that she was caught completely off guard by his next move.

"I activate my final Spell card: Bujintervention! This card allows me to target a 'Bujin' Monster and that Monster gains this effect. Each time it destroy a Monster whose ATK is equal or greater than that Monster original ATK and send it to the graveyard; those Monster are banished and every copy of the card from your hand, deck, Extra Deck, and the graveyard is also banished by this effect!" Ren said as the card appeared on the field before also turning into energy which Susanowo absorbed and his body begin to glow a vibrant red color under his armor.

"What!?" Nora cried out in panic. 'I won't be able to revive the Aesir if they are banished! But wait, he still only have one attack, meaning i could still use my other two Aesir to—'

"Susanowo effect activated! He can attack all of my opponent Monster once each, meaning that i will be attacking all of the Aesir God!"

'CAN'T YOU JUST GIVE ME A SENSE OF RELIEF FOR TEN FREAKING SECOND!?' Nora cried out in dismay in her mind.

Pyrrha was amazed by Ren's strategy. "It's ingenious, he not only rendered Nora's Set card useless but he also managed to find a way to defeat the Aesir that nullified their revival ability. Even if Nora survived this turn then she will be in a serious disadvantage on her next turn."

"But even then, Nora still have Odin, the strongest of the Aesir, on her field. Unless he also destroy Odin she can still turn things around on her next turn." Weiss responded.

'Oh you won't need to worry about that.' Konami thought as he continue to watch the duel. He already has an idea what Ren strategy is, now is just to see if he was right or not.

"Battle. Bujintei Susanowo, attack Loki!"
Susanowo fly towards the Trickster God as he responded to the command. Loki raised both of his arm before shooting two bullet of dark energy from his fingertips at his opponent. The Bujintei of Storm continue to dash forward as he dodged the incoming attack by twist and turning his body in the air making the bullet exploded as it makes contact with the ground below.

Snarling in annoyance, Loki rapidly fired a barrage of energy bullet towards  his target, but Susanowo continue to dodge the bullet with ease. As he get closer, Susanowo ready both of his blade before X-slashed the Trickster God on the chest making him scream in pain as he faded away from top to bottom as he was banished from the game by the effect of Bujintervention.

Nora: 2650 = 2350

"Next, Susanowo will attack Thor!" Ren shouted as Susanowo begin to dash forward towards his new opponent. Seeing his incoming enemy approaching, Thor gather electrical energy to his hammer before raising it high and swinging it down at full force. The Bujintei warrior see this and crossed his weapons in front of him and block the attack, he manage to hold back the hammer despite its larger size before pushing the hammer back which disorientated the Thunder God and leaving an opening. Taking advantages to this, Susanowo gather energy into his swords and perform a two opposite-directional diagonal slash that cause a slash mark appearing on Thor before he also fade away from the field.

Nora: 2350 = 2250

"Finally, Susanowo will attack Odin!" Ren command surprise Nora as Susanowo begin to charge again towards the last remaining Aesir God.

"What!? But Susanowo ATK is lower than Odin!" Nora yelled in shock.

"I activate Bujingi Sinyou effect from my graveyard! When a Beast-Warrior Type 'Bujin' Monster battle an opponent Monster, i can banish it so that Susanowo gains ATK equal to the current ATK of the Monster he battle and deal half of the damage during this battle only!"

A spectral image of Bujingi Sinyou appeared beside Ren before Susanowo raised his double edge blade into the air and absorbed the Bujingi into the blade making it turn from red to dark purple. Susanowo pointed the blade towards Odin and energy begin to sip out of the Allfather God body and was suck out by the now empowered weapon.

Bujintei Susanowo - (LIGHT/Beast-Warrior/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 4/ATK: 7600/DEF: 1600) - OVU: 4

Odin raised his staff and fired a energy bolt towards the sky before lighting begin to rain down on his smaller opponent. Susanowo though continue to evade the barrage of attack coming towards him as he got closer and closer,  few of the lighting bolt was rather unavoidable so he deflected them away with a swipe of his swords. As the Bujintei Warrior begin to get close enough, Odin pointed his staff at him and fired a large golden energy beam from the tip with the intent to finish things off. Seeing the attack was coming straight towards him, Susanowo discarded his thin blade before he grabbed his enhanced sword with the both of his hand and speed up his charge with his sword pointed at the beam coming towards him.

Odin attack has no chance. Susanowo swords manage to cut through the large energy beam causing it to flew past the Bujintei monster who continue to charge at the Father of the Aesir. Susanowo let out a cry as he plunged through the beam and pierced the staff and Odin body itself causing the staff to break and shatter and leaving a large gaping hole on Odin's chest, who let out one last anguish cry as he fade away from the field. The disappearance of all of the Aesir God have affected the field as the dark stormy sky begin to clear out and the sunlight shine again on the bright blue sky

Nora: 2250 = 450

To say that they were shock at the spectacle would be a big understatement. They were captivated, shell-shock, astonished, and many other kind of emotion was raging inside their each individual person. The scale of intensity of the battle in front of them was unlike anything they have ever seen before in their life, not even Ozpin who had lived over a millenia has ever seen anything like what he had saw right now.

Nora was also in a state of disbelieve as the other but for a different reason. Her entire field was completely ruined, not only had she lost all of her Aesir Gods but her Set card are completely useless since she couldn't use them. But she won't give up, even if she was in a disadvantage she will continue to duel until her LP turn to zero.

"You may have destroy my Aesir Renny, but just you wait! On my next turn, i will turn this whole duel around!" Nora exclaimed loudly as she grinned with determination.

"Trap card: Bujinfidel." Ren said as he revealed his final Set card. "I tribute a Beast-Warrior Type 'Bujin' Monster from my field to Special Summon a 'Bujin' Monster from my graveyard."

Nora determination quickly diminished as she stared jaw wide open as Bujintei Susanowo send his armor flying off of his body and Bujin Yamato take his place beside Ren side.

"End this, Yamato." Ren commanded as Yamato cupped his hands to his side and gather energy between them before thrusting his hands forward and launching a powerful beam of energy at Nora. The girl didn't do anything as the blast was coming closer, she just stood there and let herself be thrown back by the attack as her LP drop to zero.

Nora: 450 = 0

With the duel ended the field begin to revert back to normal as all the card on the field disappeared. The only thing that remain from the duel was the resulting damage done to the field from the various attack and effect that happened during the duel.

Ren lowered his arm down as he de-activated his Duel Disk, he let out a light sigh of relief as his posture begin to slouch a little in exhaustion. He didn't think that dueling can take that much out of him, now he understand why his friends was so exhausted after their duel.

He begin to walk towards Nora who was just lying on the ground, staring at the sky with a pouty expression on her face. Once he was near her, he kneel down next to her and look at his long time friend with a slight smile on his face.

"Looks like i win." Ren proclaimed and Nora just look away from him as she continue to pout in displeasure.

"I would've won if you didn't pulled out that combo Renny." Nora glumly said, still a bit upset that she had lost the duel. The green themed boy just chuckled light heartedly at that.

"Come on, let's get back to the others. I'll make pancake after this if that's what you want." Ren offer seems to work as the pink loving girl expression immediately brighten up as she look up to him with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Five stacks with extra maple syrups?" Nora asked as she continue to stare at Ren with that hopeful look on her face.

"...Fine." Ren concede, knowing it was pointless to argue with her if it's about her favorite food. He should really check the team food budget after this just in case.

He get up and begin to walk back towards the others, before he had to balance himself when something just suddenly dropped into his back. He turned his head to see that Nora smiling face as she had just jumped to his back and basically force him to give her a piggyback ride.

"Nora, what are you doing?" He couldn't help but ask, even though he didn't actually mind.

Nora for her part just hummed a little as she gaze up to the sky before giving her best friend her signature grin.

"I'm queen of the castle?"

Ren just laughed at her, why did he even had to ask. "Yes, you are Nora." He said softly as he continues to walk with Nora on his back singing 'I'm queen of the castle~' multiple times. "Yes, you are."


A/N: And thats about wrap it up for the last duel for team JNPR! So is it bad? Is it good? Please leave a comment if you like. Damn, this is by far the longest chapter i had ever written, maybe i overdid it? Who knows.

Anyway, this is the last duel for team RWBY and JNPR first time dueling. The next chapter won't feature any dueling since it'll be mostly talking about Konami origin and ability. Since there's not much info about him i'll have to make up my own version of his background, let's hope i don't mess it up.

By the way, there will be a surprise about Konami that i don't think any of you will ever expected. So keep reading and you'll find out what that surprise is.

That is all from me, again i apologize for the long update. All in all, i hope you like this story. Thank you!

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