The New Evolution of Dueling - Sephirot in Action
A/N: Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of RWBY: The Duelist Experience! Previously, after team RWBY injuries were healed thanks to the help of Mystical Elf. Yang decided that she wanted to have a spar against Konami which he accepted. The blonde brawler put up a good fight, but in the end the red hat has proven himself to be more skilled of a fighter then the group had previously thought.
So this is a direct continuation of the last chapter, which if you all remembered is originally supposed to be one chapter but decided to split into two due to how long the original chapter is when it is finished.
Sorry for the delay for this chapter, I was having difficulties writing the Duel. Mainly at how I want the Duel to end. But I managed to come to a conclusion that I like....I think. Honestly I just hope you all like the Duel as much as I do.
Anyway this Duel will be featuring Konami's other deck against someone, who that someone is you'll find out by reading this chapter. A few heads up, some cards that will be featured in this Duel will have their anime effect instead. So keep this in mind if you feel like a card effect isn't right.
Now without further ado, let's get on with the story!
Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY or Yu-gi-oh, they belong to Rooster Teeth and Konami respectively.
All of the commotion of the group died down when Konami dropped down in front of them from the sky, in his hand was an unconscious Yang who he let down gently. Her friends and family all rush towards the blonde in concern.
"Is she alright?" Ruby asked worriedly when she saw her big sister was knocked out. A sheen of her Aura continued to flicker but was slowly diminishing over time as her Aura started to regenerate itself.
"She's fine, just unconscious at the moment." Konami told the hooded leader while flashing her a reassuring smile. "It seems like it's going to take a lot to take her out, even when I wasn't holding back she was quite resilient. I'm honestly impressed."
"She was quite a tough cookie for sure." Metaltron exclaimed as he appeared beside the red hat Duelist before looking towards the white wings on Konami's back. "Those wings though...."
"Seems familiar to you, Tron?" Konami asked the Dracombatant with a small smirk on his face.
Metaltron just let out a laugh as he shook his head while holding his head with his hand. "Leave it to you to find a way to make other powers and turn them uniquely for your own." He told his partner with a simple smile on his face.
"At least you didn't start acting like that Ice Bitch, so that's a plus." Tierra commented as she also appeared on the other side of Konami, glaring slightly at the two appendages on his back looking mildly displeased for some reason, whether because it was made out of Weiss Semblance or the simple fact that wings on his back was not hers was completely unknown.
It was then that Konami noticed that Weiss was unmoving from her spot, he walked up to her before snapping his finger to get her attention. "Oi, Weiss. You alright?" He called out to her, looking slightly concerned as to why she was not answering.
Fortunately, hearing the Vagabond voice seemed to have snapped Weiss out of her shock state. Though when he looked at her eyes that were full of frustration for some reason, he knew that she seemed to be upset about something.
" How did you do it?" Weiss muttered to him, sounding tired and frustrated. The red hat Duelist quirked an eyebrow at her, not getting on what she was talking about. As if reading his mind, the girl pointed her finger towards the white wing that is still on his back. "I mean that. How did you do it? I've been training for months and I've been getting nowhere. Yet here you are just casually using my Semblance while using the one thing I cannot use like it was second nature."
The attitude in her voice at the end might have been a little uncalled for, but she honestly didn't care at this point. This is humiliating. It's bad enough that she was inferior to her sister when it comes to their Semblance, which makes sense considering how many years she has to practice it, but to be inferior to someone who just copied her Semblance not even an hour before and he can already used the very thing she can't even do after many training? And to use it in such an unorthodox way that not even her sister can do!?
Oh yeah, this might have been the lowest point of Weiss Schnee's life at the moment. Way worse than the stunt he pulled on her earlier, if that stunt earlier had hurt her ego then this right here had hurt her ego and her pride.
Konami now knows what was bothering her, it was something that he had experienced himself. The feeling of having someone being more superior at something you had worked so hard to achieve. It was the exact same feeling Ray had when she tried to compare her Dueling skill against him or Zarc.
"I have some practice in this area, Weiss. While I do use my Duel Disk to turn the cards real, sometimes I can't always rely on them too much if they are broken. I'm as much of a summoner as I am a fighter, summoning is where I draw most of my power from. These wings right here—" He pointed his thumb towards the wing on his back. "—isn't the first time I tried something like this before. However, your Semblance makes summoning easy for you as much as it is for your sister. Your Semblance is hereditary, if she can do it then so can you. Just keep trying, not everyone can succeed the first time, or a second, or perhaps the first hundred times. Lord knows how many times I've experimented on my deck just to get it to work right."
Weiss tried to fight back the small smile that was growing on her face. It was kind of laughable actually, who would've thought she would take advice about her Semblance from someone out of her own family. But his words had struck a chord within her, she is now more determined to master the Summoning Glyphs more than ever. It was a matter of pride after all, can't let a stranger beat a Schnee at their own Semblance. It was simply inexcusable
'Looks like that cheer her up' Konami thought to himself when he saw the fire in her eyes, metaphorically speaking. "I do have one piece of advice I could give you that might help." He told her which earned him a curious look from the snow haired girl.
"What is it?" Weiss asked the red hat in front of her, wanting to know what kind of advice he would give her.
"Forgot about your frustration, your anger, your sadness, and your desperation. In the heat of the moment or when your life's on the line, sometimes a clear mind could even lead to a miracle being born."
And with that, Konami turned and began to walk towards the still unconscious Yang, leaving the baffled Schnee heiress behind to digest his words before she began to follow him closely behind. Unbeknownst to her, she was being watched by her big sisters who had a smile on her face.
"Should we wake her up now?" Blake asked her friends as she was concerned if letting her stay knocked out for a long period of time would be the best. Her Aura doesn't seem to be flickering anymore so that's a good sign that her Aura must've already recovered enough.
"I've got this." Ruby said confidently with a little mischievous smile on her face. She bent down to her sisters ears and cupped her mouth before shouting loudly. "YANG! SOMEONE IS TRYING TO CUT YOUR HAIR!"
That did the trick as Yang's eyes snapped wide open before they turned red as she jumped and started bashing her arms around, trying to hit anyone who would dare touch her golden locks. Ruby fled just in time with her Semblance so that she wouldn't be caught in the crossfire.
Her thrashing stopped as she winced when she felt the pain of the earlier fight, clutching her head while she let out a pained groan.
"Ughh, I just had the strangest dream that I saw Konami had grown wings on his back and used it to fly." Yang stated before her eyes caught on the sight of the still winged Konami and Weiss walked up to her direction. "....holy shit, It's real." She gawked at the mentioned appendages on the Vagabond back, before she started to grin. "Heh, you sure did 'fly' past my expectation. How many times did you 'winging' it in that fight?"
Her friends all let out a groan at the double pun, which in turn made her start to pout at them. Critics of all of them, they wouldn't know what good comedy is even if it was slammed into their face.
Konami just rolled his eyes at the blonde puns. "The first thing you say after you wake up is to make a pun?" He asked in amusement towards the blonde brawler.
"Hey, my pun is 'pun'tastic thank you very much." Yang told him, earning her another round of groans from her friends, which she ignored for they do not know what true comedy is. "Anyway, I'm impressed you managed to block my fist by catching it, especially when I was that angry. By the way, touch my hair again...and I'll break you."
'Better people have tried, most of them aren't actually people.' He mused to himself while letting out another eyeroll. "You're not the first woman I've known with a temper issue. At least yours didn't end up with a whole forest being caught on fire."
The Vagabond directed a half-lidded look towards the red haired horned spirits on his side, which was mimicked by his other Duel Spirit. Tierra squirmed under their gaze before simply huffing and folding her arms over each other.
"I burned a forest one time, and you two hold it against me forever!" Tierra grumbled at them. "I said I was sorry."
"Tell that to the resident of Naturias, whose forest you've burned."
"How was I supposed to know they lived there!?"
"You mean to tell me you didn't see the really decorative sign that says 'Welcome to the Naturia Forest!' In big bold red capital letters?"
"I missed the sign, okay!?"
"That sign is literally 50 feet high and 20 feet wide, the Naturias are a very welcoming people. How the hell did you miss something that big? Not to mention the gigantic Naturia Sacred Tree that was in the center?"
"I just did, alright! You've got a problem with that!? As for that tree....that might've been the reason why I want to burn that forest in the first place."
"The Naturia guardians were filing their complaint to me all day that day. And by 'filling their complaint', I meant they are literally roaring at me about their forest burning for the whole day. While I had to listen to them every single time. Sure I can understand what they are saying easily, but—"
"Alright! Alright! Just shut up! What do you two want with me!?"
"Control your temper." Konami and Metaltron both told her dryly in unison with each other, still having that blank look on their face.
"Fine!" Tierra growled while she gritted her teeth with an embarrassed blush on her face remembering that time. The two look at each other before they begin to laugh at her expression. "Stop laughing!" She shouted to them now blushing in embarrassment and anger. They were totally messing with her! How dare they!
The Remnantian all looked at the three otherworldly visitor interactions with each other. Still not used to the rather chummy relationship the three of them seem to have, mostly because one of them is technically a human and the other two is either the Goddess of Destruction or a dragon warrior of sorts. On the side note, a few of them were curious about the Naturia forest that they were talking about.
"Excuse me?"
The three other worlders all turned their head towards the source of the voice, which came from Pyrrha who raised her hands to get their attention. She was also looking kind of bashful and embarrassed for some reason.
"I'm sorry to interrupt, but do you mind if i can also fight with you, Konami?" Pyrrha asked the Vagabond, earning her a quirk of an eyebrow from the three and a shocked look from the rest of the group, mostly from her friends and teammates.
"What brings this on exactly, Pyrrha?" Konami questioned back curiously, wanting to know why the red head champion wanted to have a fight with him suddenly. Yang, he can understand, the girl looks like the kind of person that is always looking for a brawl.
Pyrrha, though? Doesn't strike him to be that kind of person, then again he doesn't really know much about the girl...or the rest of the group really, except maybe Weiss since he did visit her Soul Room after all. He's got the basics for sure, but that's about it, nothing else.
"Not much, I just want to have a chance to have a fight with you, that's all. It's actually kind of rare for me to find someone as strong as you, and I just want to test if my skill can fare against yours." Pyrrha reasoned with him, and although she was looking quite nervous when asking this. Her eyes were a different story, as Konami could see that her eyes were filled with excitement and what he could assume was hunger. Unlike the rather crazed hunger in Zarc's eyes he saw in the past, Pyrrha was more tamed, controlled, and....well, anything besides crazy actually. It was the look of someone who wanted a challenge but never seemed to get it, a desire to fight someone who could outmatch her. An equal, or perhaps a superior.
It was this familiar kind of look that led Konami to believe what the red head character really is.
'She's a battle junkie, isn't she?' He thought while sweatdropping a little at the similarities Pyyrha's eyes have with Metaltron from time to time. He turned his attention towards his two partners and was greeted by a deadpanned look on Tierra's face and a grinning smile on Metaltron's faces, the two already catching on to what the red hat Duelist was thinking.
"Well, Pyrrha. I—" Konami tried to say before his eyes widened as an excruciating pain suddenly coursed throughout his entire body, leading him to fall into his knee while clutching his chest in pain as the wings on his back shattered and disappeared. Everybody was alarmed by what just happened and they all rushed to him in worry as the two Duel Spirits eyes widened in shock.
"KONAMI!" Some of them shouted his name in panic at what was happening to him, and some opted to stay silent but were still looking panicked and confused about what was happening as they all checked on him.
Konami's face was turning deathly pale and his breathing was starting to become ragged while still clutching his chest as the pain started to get worse. But what was in a worse condition is not his body, It's his soul. He could feel his soul starting to become erratic as it felt like it was going to split apart any minute now. Even through the pain from his soul, his mind was able to figure out what could've caused this.
"Dammit...! I didn't think it would be so soon...!" He grunted his words through his gritting teeth as he reached his trembling hand towards the inside before pulling out the Millennium Key. He tried to bring it up to his chest, before he doubled over as another wave of pain coursed through him and made him lose his grip on the Key. It would have fallen to the ground if not for Metaltron catching it in time, he grabbed the Key before handing it to Konami as he grasped his partner's shaky hand and brought it and the Key up to his chest.
"Do it, NOW!" Metaltron shouted at him urgently before Konami closed his eyes and concentrated as the Millennium Key started to glow brightly, the red hat breathing turned to steady as the pain from his body and soul started to fade. A few minutes passed and the Millennium Key stopped glowing as Konami started to look better, he was panting and sweating but other than that he looked normal.
"Ha...Ha....god, that was close. Too close..." Konami managed to get out those words through his panting as he was holstered by Metaltron to stand up, his leg was a bit shaky but was still strong enough to let him stand without any support.
"What in the world just happened!?" Pyrrha cried out in shock and panic at what just happened to Konami literally seconds earlier. It looked like he was just seconds away from dying!
Tierra growled before he grabbed the hem of Konami's shirt and lifted him up. "You...IDIOT!" She shouted at him as her eyes were full of anger and distressed over what had happened earlier. "I fucking TOLD you that it was a BAD IDEA! None of this would've ever happened if you didn't copy that STUPID SEMBLANCE!"
Konami's eyes turned downcast when he noticed the worry in her voice. He didn't mind that she was grabbing the front of his shirt and almost strangling him, he knew she was just showing her concern to him in her own way. "I'm sorry, you're right. I should've been more careful. I won't do it again, I promised." He then grabbed her hand with his own, taking note of her slightly shaking hand, and looked at her reassuringly.
"Idiot..." Tierra mumbled in a low voice as she let go of his shirt and let him fall to the ground, her eyes had lost the anger in them and was only left with the feeling of upset and worry for her bonded partner.
"Could you please explain what happened to you, Mister Kudo?" Glynda sternly questioned him as she narrowed her eyes at him, looking just as worried as the others.
"I will, just give me a moment." Konami said as he got up when Tierra had dropped him, already recovered enough that he didn't need any help. "Now how to go with this. I supposed I should start with the Semblance."
"Are you saying that our Semblance is the problem?" Winter questioned, looking a bit offended by his words.
"That's the thing, the problem isn't really about the Semblance itself, but the fact that it is your Semblance not my Semblance." Konami stated as the group all looked at him confused by what he meant, which led the red hat to explain more thoroughly.
"Semblance, as you have explained to me, is the manifestation of one's soul. A unique ability that represents an aspect of someone's character, a Semblance represents who you are as a person and vice versa." Konami exclaimed as the Remnantian all nodded their heads in confirmation. "When I visited Weiss's Soul Room, I can confirm that fact and more. I was surprised by how deeply connected and rooted your Semblance are to your soul. It's like your Semblance are tailor made by your own soul which makes them compatible with your soul. I've never seen something like that in a soul before, it's really fascinating."
"How did you use Weiss Semblance anyway if you have no Aura?" Ruby asked when she stopped and thought about how Konami had used a Semblance without having an Aura.
"Spirit Energy apparently could be used as a substitute for an Aura when using a Semblance." Konami told her and probably the rest of the people who were wondering the same question. He really needed to find out why Aura and Spirit Energy are so similar to each other, it was bothering him a bit too much.
"So what exactly did go wrong? If it wasn't because of the lack of Aura, was it because of my Semblance?" Weiss questioned him as she theorized that that was the problem.
"Not exactly, the problem is not with my lack of Aura nor your copied Semblance. If anything, it's because of my soul that is the problem." Konami said and that caused the group to look at him more confused than ever. "Semblance are made to be compatible with your soul, by that I mean only your soul. Yours and Winter Semblance are hereditary meaning the connection with your soul is deeper than normal. When I tried copying your Semblance into my soul, I didn't feel anything even after I tried using it. But I guess after a prolonged time, my soul couldn't handle the stress from using your Semblance because it's not compatible with it, let alone because I'm not part of your family."
"Is that why you were in pain? Because of your soul rejecting the Semblance?" Ozpin asked as this was something alarming for him and his group, especially for the girl under the Beacon Academy.
"Yes, and being in pain is an understatement. It feels like my soul is literally tearing itself apart, piece and piece of them falling apart as my soul struggles with holding onto the Semblance. It's a good thing I removed the Semblance using the Millennium Key power quickly, otherwise I would probably be dead by now." The group turned pale at how close Konami was to death's door a few minutes ago, with most of them openly grimacing at the thought of having to see his dead body just lying on the ground.
"Well, what're you gonna do? At least I didn't die!" Konami said cheerfully with a grin on his face as he placed both of his hands on his hip, not at all looking disturbed by the prospect of how close he was to dying just a few minutes ago.
Tierra gave another good smack on the back of his head for that response. "You almost died and this is how you react!? Show some proper response, you nincompoop!" She yelled at him, feeling pissed off at his carefree attitude towards his own near death. Metaltron opted to just shake his head at his partner as he agreed with Tierra.
"Who the hell says nincompoop anymore?" Konami mumbled to himself as he rubbed the back of his head before turning to look towards the Invincible Girl herself. "Sorry about that, Pyrrha. Guess we can't have the fight that you wanted, maybe next time?"
Pyrrha responded with a nod as she understood, although feeling a tad bit disappointed she would rather face Konami when he was in full shape rather than a bad one.
Said Vagabond noticed the slight expression of disappointment in her eyes before they vanished seconds after, feeling kind of bad for letting the girl down. He then had a great idea that could possibly cheer her up, plus it's been a while since he had done this.
"Instead of a fight, how about we have a Duel instead?" Konami offered up which caused the red haired girl to go wide-eyed in shock at the sudden suggestion. But the idea of Dueling Konami isn't that bad, she did want to test her Dueling skill against him. Sure she was still a novice, but she was pretty confident with the deck she had built up on her own.
"Alright then, Konami. I accept your challenge for a Duel." Pyrrha told him as she raised her Duel Disk up, earning her a shock but excited look from the rest of her friends and a curious look from the group of adults.
"Wow, a Duel between Pyrrha and Konami. I can't wait to see it." Jaune exclaimed as he was excited to know how his partner will fare against Konami. They had witnessed Konami skilled first hand against team RWBY and needless to say, Konami was really good.
"Oh yeah! Team JNPR represent! Don't let us down Pyrrha, we'll rub it on team RWBY's face later if you win!" Nora told her fellow female teammate as she slapped her back with a megawatt grin on her face.
"Hey! Konami is just stronger than we thought, okay!" Ruby cried out in defense over her team's losses in the earlier Duel. Nora just sticks her tongue out towards the red hooded leader.
Ren sighed at his partner's behavior before smiling towards Pyrrha. "Good luck, Pyrrha. Don't underestimate him, he might've taken advantage of you if you did." He told her as the red haired girl took the advice to heart, already knowing how skilled Konami is at Dueling.
"I wouldn't worry that much, you've already seen what Konami's deck can do during our Duel. You've got the edge on him in this Duel since you knew his strategy, Pyrrha." Weiss told the Mistralian Champion, fully confident that she would take victory in this Duel.
"Sorry, Weiss. But that's not going to happen." Konami suddenly said, making the heiress turn towards him as confusion was seen on her face. "For one, I'm not going to use my Infernoid deck for this one—" He transferred his Duel Disk from his right arm to his left before pulling out the deck and replacing it with another one in his other deck case. "—I'm going to use this deck instead." He slid the unused deck to his deck case and inserted the deck he'll be using into his Duel Disk, much to the shock of the group and especially a certain horned Duel Spirit.
"WHAT!? Why don't you use my deck!?" Tierra cried out in shock at the nerve of him for not using her deck for this Duel.
"Your deck is a literal powerhouse, the Duel would've ended too quickly if I used it. I wanted to go slower and tactical in this Duel, so that I won't get rusty on my other strategy when I Duel." Konami explained his reasons before directing a small glare at the Goddess of Destruction that is part of his soul. "Besides, this is your punishment for your stunt earlier. I'm still a bit mad at you for doing that, I will refrain from using the Infernoid deck until you've reflected on your action."
"Hrk!" Tierra voiced out at his words, reminding her of her earlier action before slumping when she saw that he wouldn't change his mind. "Fine...." She pouted as she looked away with her arms folded, looking quite upset and a little bit depressed but decided to follow his order nonetheless.
"Don't worry, it's just for a few days only. I'll treat you to something nice later on if you behave." Was it wrong for him to treat this situation like he was training a pet? Probably, he's not sure. When he noticed the girl started to perk up at his words he decided to just ignore it. As long as she's happy, then that's all that really matters to him. "What do you say, Tron? Ready to fight by me in this Duel?" He asked his long time partner with a small grin on his face.
"Heh. Like you need an answer for that, my answer is always the same." Metaltron told him with a smirk of his own as the two shared fist bumps with each other. "By the way, if you win this Duel you should be able beat your win streak record."
The group — after getting over the fact that Konami had just disciplined the Goddess of Destruction of Duel Spirit — all were curious as to what the golden haired spirit had meant when he said 'record'.
Konami, on the other hand, was blinking owlishly in confusion before the realization dawned on him as he looked quite surprised. "Wait, seriously? How many wins have I gotten so far?" He asked the Dracombatant, looking quite eager for the answer, much to the group's even more growing confusion.
"Counting the last Duel you've had with those four girls...." Metaltron stopped talking as he held his chin in thought over how many wins Konami had accumulated so far. "I think you have about 99 wins so far, so if you win this next Duel you should be able achieve your 100th winning streak."
Konami grinned widely when he heard that. "Alright, that is what I'm talking about!" He pumped his fist in excitement at the thought of breaking his personal record as Tierra grumbled some more at the fact that he wouldn't be using her deck at the now rather important Duel for the red-hat wearing Duelist.
"You have a 99 in a row winning streak!?" Yang cried out as her and her friends jaw dropped at just how many wins Konami had in Dueling. They knew he was a skilled Duelist but having that much win under his belt is just baffling to hear.
"Looks like it, honestly I'm kind of surprised myself." Konami states with his tone of voice still sounding quite happy at the information. "Good thing too, because this Duel will be different then normal. A perfect time for me to show you this kind of Dueling."
"A new kind of Dueling?" Blake asked as she was curious about what kind of Dueling he was talking about.
"A unique kind of Dueling that I think will actually be something some of you will like, because it involved activities that you had practiced on. That Dueling is called...." Konami paused at the end for dramatic effect before his grin widened as he said the name of the type of Duel. "Action Duel!" He shouted rather excitedly.
"Action Duel?" Ironwood asked confusedly why the word 'Action' was put in the name of this particular kind of Dueling; he was also confused on what he had meant by the fact that they had practiced the activities on this type of Dueling.
"I'll explain it as we go. But for now, I think a change of scenery would be good for this Duel." Konami told him as he pulled out a card from the deck he previously used before he inserted it into his Duel Disk.
"Field Spell: Chaos Zone activated!"
A bright light engulfed the space around them and caused them to cover their eyes due to the harsh light as the field around them began to change.
When the light died down, the group saw that they were not in the grassy field of Sogen anymore. They were now standing on what appeared to be a large cylindrical-like field with the design of outer space covering the entire area, the height from the ground to the ceiling was about a hundred meters in height, almost as tall as a normal skyscraper. The strangest thing is that dozens of swirling portals were scattered around the field, either on the wall, ceiling, or floating on the air as they all are opening and closing up every so often.
"Wow! Where are we!?" Nora asked in surprise at the new cool looking field they are standing on right now, completely different then the rather plain Sogen field they were on earlier.
"This is the Chaos Zone, unlike Sogen this field can be quite tricky to get around. First is because the gravitational field in the Chaos Zone is weird, while it doesn't allow you to float in the air, it can allow you to walk on the wall or even the ceiling by shifting your center of gravity to the surface you are standing on." Konami explained as he demonstrated this by going to the far edge of the field before his feet touched the wall and proceeded to just walk up the wall like he was walking normally on the ground, much to the shock of the group.
"Next is the portal, they are a two-way pathway that connect two portals together so that you can use them as a means for teleportation. However the tricky part is that it's difficult to tell which portal is connected to which, they also have a duration of how long they are opened before closing, when two portals close then two new portals will open up. You could always ignore the portal if you are not going to use it." Konami explained even more about the field from his position standing sideways on the wall of the field.
He then noticed two portals suddenly appeared close to him and right on top of the group. "For example, if I went into this portal right here—" The Vagabond then ran towards the portal near him as he jumped feet first inside of it before he came out from the other portal and landed right in front of the group.
"—then I can teleport myself right here." He said and openly grinning at seeing their dumbfounded expression.
"Doesn't this seem a bit excessive for a Duel?" Glynda questioned with confusion clear on her face. Although this terrain could be a great training ground for combat — something she decided to keep in mind and discussed with Ozpin later on if Konami decided to aid them — she wasn't sure how this would be useful for Dueling, which just required the two Duelists to just stand in place.
"For a normal Duel it won't be relevant, but for Action Duel? It plays a major role in how the Duel progresses." Konami stated as he pushed the screen of his activated Duel Disk as he set one more thing needed for the Action Duel.
The mechanical sound from his Duel Disk caught them off guard just as much as when the entire area was covered in a transparent field with blue floating tiles that had been generated and scattered around the field with all of them floating in the air. Up in the sky a large sphere appeared containing several glowing cards, all of them floating inside of the sphere.
"Alright, everything is set. Come on, Pyrrha. Let's take our position." Konami said rather cheerfully as the red haired girl nodded a bit dumbfoundedly, thinking to herself why her Duel suddenly turned more complicated than the other. Nevertheless, the girl followed the Vagabond lead as they took their position to start their Duel.
"Anyone know why Konami just used a Field Spell inside another Field Spell? Also the glowing card in a sphere above us?" Weiss asked literally anyone at this point, this seems a bit too much of a bother for a single Duel.
"Talk about having a 'field' day, am I right?" Yang jokingly said, earning her a row of groans once more from her friends and also some of the adults.
"Firecracker, might want to lay back on the pun for now." Qrow groaned as he seriously couldn't take another pun from the blonde, he had heard more than enough from Tai already.
Both Duelists stood facing each other with the remaining group all watching from the sideline. Konami still had that wide excited grin on his face, while Pyrrha just had a small smile instead but was still just as excited.
"I'm ready, shall we start, Konami?" Pyrrha asked as she raised her arm and activated her Duel Disk.
"I am. But first, a little chant to start off this Action Duel." Konami said, making his opponent confused on what he was talking about. "Just get ready to say 'Duel', you'll know the signal when I say it."
"Alright, let's do this! Never gotten a chance to say it before and I always wanted to do it. Are you ready, Tron? Tierra?" Konami telepathically asked his two Duel Spirits with excitement clear in his voice.
"Ready when you are buddy!" Metaltron cheered just as excited as the red hat Duelist.
"You two seriously expect me to say this ridiculous line out loud?" Tierra asked in an incredulous tone at the thought of reciting that specific chant out loud.
"Oh don't pretend like you don't like the Action Duel chant. I seem to remember you saying the chant whenever there is an Action Duel going around." Konami teased the female Duel Spirit.
"That is beside the point!" Tierra cried out a bit embarrassed that she had been caught red handed by him. "Fine~ But don't expect me to do this again anytime soon."
"We'll see." Konami told her before focusing back on what he was planning to do next. "Alright, let's do this! Duelist locked in battle!" He cried out in an over the top fashion with a wide grin on his face.
Metaltron appeared beside the red hat looking just as excited as Konami. "Kicking the earth and dancing in the air alongside their monsters!"
"They storm through this field!" Tierra followed up the Dracombatant line, looking less excited but still had the cheer in her voice at her line like the other two.
"Behold! This is the newest and greatest evolution of Dueling!" Both Duel Spirit cried out in unison as they threw their right and left arm to the sky together, before they separated and let Konami finish the chant.
"ACTIOOOON~!" Konami yelled one more time as Pyrrha, after getting over the shock at the sudden spectacle, figured this was the signal and prepared herself for the Duel.
Konami snapped his finger as the large sphere in the sky shattered and scattered the glowing cards inside of it across the entire field.
Konami: 8000 LP / Hand ×5
Pyrrha: 8000 LP / Hand ×5
"What....exactly just happened?" Ironwood blinked once and twice as he really was confused on why the three other worlders had just done that, and the glowing cards from the sphere suddenly scattered was also just as confusing.
"I don't know what just happened, but I am so hype right now!" Nora cried out in glee at the awesome chant the three of them did before the Duel.
"That was fun, we should do it again sometime" Metaltron exclaimed as he and Tierra appeared beside the group to watch the Duel from the sideline. Tierra just grumbled lowly to herself as she swore to never do that ridiculous chant ever again, well not out loud at least.
"I'll take the first turn." Pyrrha called out as he looked at her hand, thinking what her first move should be before she made her decision. "For now, I'll just Set a Monster and a face-down card before I end my turn." She said as she placed her two face-down cards on the field.
"It's my turn now. I draw." Konami drew his cards before adding them to his hand before he decided his first move. "First off, I will Set two cards face-down.'' Konami slid two cards into his Duel Disk before they appeared on his field in a face-down position.
"Next, I Summon Stellarknight Zefraxciton in Attack Position." Appearing from out of a portal in Konami's field was a warrior covered in white and golden full body armor with a dark blue under suit. His helmet covered his entire face except the eyes and had two red orbs on top resembling the eye of a fly, encircled around him was a golden ring with a golden symbol of the Zefra with a grey orb on the center of his chest. On his back was a shining angel-like white wings and a sword in his hand as his weapon. Zefraxciton lands on the floor before he swings his sword to the side, ready for battle.
Stellarknight Zefraxciton - (LIGHT/Fiend/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1900/DEF: 0) - PS: 7
Konami then grabbed two cards using his index and middle finger before showing them. "Using the Scale 1 Stellarknight Zefrathuban and the Scale 5 Zefraath, I now Set the Pendulum Scale!" He placed the two cards in the Pendulum Zone as the two Pendulum Monsters appeared on the field in a column of blue light with their respective Scales shown below them.
Zefrathuban was a man with tan skin and short brown hair, the bottom of his face was covered in cloth making only his eyes and hair visible. His armor color scheme matches Zefraxciton but with a different design and doesn't cover the entire part of his upper body. He has a similar ring encircling him just like the other Stellarknight and the same wings but the orb in the center is red instead of grey.
Zefraath was a towering dragon-like creature that had two pairs of wings, a long hair on the back of its head, and was covered in heavy armor with a mismatched colored design. On its left side, it was white and silver colored for the armor and half part of its wing while its hair is bright blonde. On the right side, it was colored black and dark red on its armor, hair, and the other half of its wing. The large blade-like tip on its tail was adorned with multiple color orbs lined up together in the center.
Pendulum Scale: 1 - 5
Pyrrha narrowed her eyes when she saw the two Pendulum Monsters that were set on the field. 'A Pendulum deck perhaps? It's too soon to tell, I'll just have to wait and see.' She thought to herself.
"I activate Zefraath Pendulum effect. Once per turn, I can add a 'Zefra' Pendulum Monster from my deck to my Extra Deck face-up to change this card's Pendulum Scale to be the same as that Monster until the end of the turn. I sent Zefraxi, Secret of the Yang Zing, to reduce Zefraath Scale to 1." Konami Duel Disk ejected a card from his deck before he grabbed it and inserted it face-up into his Extra Deck. The Scale below Zefraath changes from 5 to 1 because of its effect.
Pendulum Scale: 1 - 1
"And with that, I end my turn." Konami said, causing the red haired girl's eyes to widen in shock as Zefraath Pendulum Scale returned to normal.
Pendulum Scale: 1 - 5
"What? Why did you end your turn without attacking?" Pyrrha questioned him, confused by his decision.
"I had my reason, I believe it's your turn now." Konami spoke calmly with his smiling faces not giving anything up for the Mistralian Champion.
Konami: 8000 LP / Hand ×1
Pyrrha: 8000 LP / Hand ×3
"Then it's my turn again. Draw." Pyrrha drew her card before she frowned as her earlier strategy was ruined when Konami decided to not attack her face-down Monster. Scraping that away, she formulates a new plan of attack for this turn.
"I tribute my face-down Monster to Summon Gladiator Beast Alexander from my hand!" Pyrrha cried out as her Set Monster was revealed to be Test Ape which caused Konami to smile even wider at the sight of that Monster.
'I knew it.' He thought to himself as the monkey monster in a tube was tributed and taking its place was a hulking humanoid lion wearing golden and lime green armor and wings with three claws on top of each wing. The beast let out a fearsome roar before taking a battle stance.
Gladiator Beast Alexander - (LIGHT/Beast/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 2400/DEF: 600)
"I activate my Continuous Trap: Echo Oscillation!" Konami called out as he pointed towards one of his Set cards that flipped open, revealing the hidden card on the field. "This card effect allows me to destroy a card in my Pendulum Zone so that I can draw a card, but I can only use this effect once per turn. I destroyed Stellarknight Zefrathuban to draw a card from my deck!" Zefrathuban was destroyed and Konami drew a new card. Pyrrha didn't expect him to do that but she chose to ignore it and proceed to her Battle Phase.
"Battle! Alexander will now attack Zefraxciton!" Pyrrha commanded as Alexander let out a roar as it took off to the sky before flying towards its opponent.
"I activate Vespasius effect from my hand! I can Special Summon Vespasius when my 'Gladiator Beast' Monster battles and since it is Summoned by the effect of a 'Gladiator Beast' Monster, all Monsters that I control gain 500 ATK!"
Gladiator Beast Vespasius - (WATER/Sea Serpent/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2300/DEF: 0)
Gladiator Beast Vespasius appeared from the vortex of water that shot out of the ground before it landed on Pyrrha's field. Vespasius raised its sword to the sky and let out a battle cry that powered up his fellow gladiator.
Gladiator Beast Vespasius - (WATER/Sea Serpent/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2800/DEF: 0)
Gladiator Beast Alexander - (LIGHT/Beast/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 2900/DEF: 600)
Konami looked around before he grinned when his eyes caught the sight of a card on one of the floating tiles. "Let me show you why this is an Action Duel!" He called out before he, much to everyone's shock, started to jump from tiles to tiles while Zefraxciton began to follow him with Alexander steadily approaching.
Just as Alexander was about to destroy Zefraxciton, Konami jumped one more time before he managed to grab the card that has a letter 'A' on the back of it and promptly used it.
"I activate the Action Spell: Evasion! Your attack is negated!" Konami exclaimed as he landed on another tile while Zefraxciton dodged the incoming attack from Alexander as the attack was negated.
Although baffled by what just happened, Pyrrha decided to continue with her Battle Phase. "Vespasius, attack Stellarknight Zefraxciton!" Vespasius began running towards the Stellarknight monster with his sword at his side ready to destroy it's enemy.
Konami also began to look around for another card before noticing two portals had opened, one near the right side of the field and the other one pointed upward towards another floating tile that had a card on it. Seeing an opportunity, The Vagabond made his move.
"Zefraxciton, with me!" Konami called out to his monster as he made his way towards the portal with his monster following him. He turned back to find that Vespasius was getting closer.
Konami looked at his monster and nodded his head before he jumped and flipped forward in the air, knowing what his Duelist was thinking Zefraxciton flew down before going up and flipping upside down with his leg bent. The two feet connected with each other before Zefraxciton thrust his leg and propelled Konami towards the portal, he entered it and came out of the second portal as he grabbed the Action Card before landing on the tile near him.
"Alright lucky! Action Spell: Extreme Sword! Zefraxciton ATK is raised by 1000 during this Battle Phase only!"
Stellarknight Zefraxciton - (LIGHT/Fiend/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 2900/DEF: 0) - PS: 7
Zefraxciton clashed his sword with Vespasius as both of them struggle to dominate the other, that is before Zefraxciton managed to land a kick at the Gladiator Beast monster before he stabbed his sword towards the Sea Serpent chest, causing the monster to let out a cry before it was destroyed. The disappearance of Vespasius also led to the ATK boost of the other monsters in her field to be gone as it was destroyed.
Pyrrha LP: 8000 = 7900
Gladiator Beast Alexander - (LIGHT/Beast/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 2400/DEF: 600)
Stellarknight Zefraxciton - (LIGHT/Fiend/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1900/DEF: 0) - PS: 7
"I...end my turn..." Pyrrha spoke a bit distractedly over what had just transpired as she ended her turn.
"What the hell just happened!?" Yang cried out in shock as she asked the question that was all in the head of the group.
"Allow me to explain." Metaltron said as he took it upon himself to take on the role of the informant. "Action Duels are different then normal Duel because it involves the player being more interactive with not just their opponent, but also the monsters and field as well. When an Action Duel begins, Action Cards are scattered across the field and players can pick it up anytime by traversing the field either by themselves or with their monster since they are tangible enough that you can interact with them. The maximum time of searching for the Action Card is roughly 1 minutes and if you continue to search when the times run out then you are automatically lose, also both players can only hold up to one Action Card in their hand and it is up to the player's decision if they want to play it right away or to keep it for later on. In layman's terms, It's Dueling mixed with some parkour if you will."
"That would explain what Konami had meant about us having some practice in it." Glynda concluded as she couldn't help but feel the similarities between Huntsman/Huntress training and Action Duel, albeit Action Duel has taken it a step further by having real monsters that you can call up to assist you whenever you need them. Sure it doesn't directly translate to combat training, but this kind of training can be very beneficial.
"So that's why he was jumping around like that! He was searching for an Action Card!" Ruby stated in amazement at this style of Dueling, she wondered if she could use her Semblance to quickly grab an Action Card before her opponent could. Or would that be considered cheating?
Having heard Metaltron's explanation, Pyrrha started to understand what she needed to do during an Action Duel. She cast a small glare towards the still grinning Vagabond. "And you were about to tell me about this when exactly?" She questioned him.
"Right after you had ended your turn, to be honest. I just want to give you a little taste of what Action Duels are like. And the rather dumbfounded look on your face was pretty hilarious if I'm being honest to myself." Konami answered as he let out a little shrug of a shoulder as his grin turned a little mischievous when she glared at him while blushing slightly in embarrassment. She kind of reminds him of Tierra a little with the way she is looking at him like that.
"But now that you know how to do Action Duels, let's proceed to the Duel. It's my turn. Draw!" Konami glanced at his drawn card before he pointed his finger towards his other Set card as it flipped face-up. "I activate my other Continuous Trap: Pendulum Switch! Once per turn, I can use this card to either target and Special Summon a Monster from my Pendulum Zone or target and place a Pendulum Monster from my field into the Pendulum Zone. I will place Zefraxciton into the Pendulum Zone using this effect."
Zefraxciton flew towards the column of blue light that is the Pendulum Zone, before the number '7' was shown beneath him signifying his Pendulum Scale.
"But he won't be there for long, because I activate the Echo Oscillation effect to destroy Zefraxciton so that I can draw a card from my deck." Zefraxciton burst into particles as he was destroyed as Konami drew his card in response, he then grabbed another card from his hand before revealing it. "When a 'Nekroz' or 'Zefra' card is destroyed while in the Monster or Pendulum Zone, I can Special Summon this card from either my hand or from the Graveyard. Come! Zefraxa, Flame Beast of the Nekroz!"
Appearing in a burst of flame was a muscular blue humanoid dragon-like monster, with two fins on his back and on both sides of his face taking the place of his ears, and the white angel-like wings as the other Zefra monster. His upper body is bare of any clothing besides the rock-like armor covering the upper chest all the way to the back held by two chains on the bottom left and right side. He wears a black leather pants on his lower body covered in brown colored armor covering his leg and a rock-like belt with the Zefra symbol with a red orb in the center acting as the belt buckle.
Zefraxa brandished his three claw gauntlet attached to both of his arms together as flames began to swirl around both claws and on his tail.
Zefraxa, Flame Beast of the Nekroz - (FIRE/Dragon/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 5/ATK: 2000/DEF: 1000) - PS: 7
"I once again activate Zefraath Pendulum effect! I sent Ritual Beast Tamer Zeframpilica to my Extra Deck to change this card's Scale to 1. Next I use the Scale 7 Zefraniu, Secret of the Yang Zing to Set the empty Pendulum Scale!" Konami sent another card to his Extra Deck before a new monster appeared in place of the destroyed Zefraxciton on the other Pendulum Zone.
Zefraniu was a grey four legged dragon with an elongated neck and body shape. It has long slightly lightish grey hair and two black cone shaped horns on its head. Its eyes are red in color as it has a nose ring attached and a long black hair acting as a mustache. It shares the same wings and the Zefra symbol as the other albeit with the orb being black.
Pendulum Scale: 7 - 1
"Finally, I activate the Spell Card: Pendulum Halt! If there are 3 or more Pendulum Monster face-ups in my Extra Deck, I can draw 2 cards in exchange for not being able to add any other card from my deck for the rest of this turn." Konami activates the Spell as he draws 2 more cards from his deck, seeing as he has no other play he continues on to the Battle Phase.
"Time for battle! Zefraxa, attack Gladiator Beast Alexander!" Konami cried out and Zefraxa heard his words as he rushed to the lion Gladiator Beast with his claw ready to strike. He then jumps down from his position and starts running around to look around for an Action Card.
"What!? But your ATK is lower than Alexander!" Pyrrha exclaimed in surprise at why he suddenly decided to attack now.
"I activate Nekroz of Decisive Armor from my hand! During either player's turn, I can discard this card to target a 'Nekroz' Monster I control and that Monster gains 1000 ATK and DEF until the end of this turn!" Konami discarded the card from his hand before he found an Action Card on the wall as he jumped and grabbed it as he is now standing on the wall. 'Hmm. Not what I was expecting to get, but this could be useful. Just got to bait her so that I can use this card.' He thought to himself as he added the Action Card to his hand.
Zefraxa, Flame Beast of the Nekroz - (FIRE/Dragon/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 5/ATK: 3000/DEF: 2000) - PS: 7
Pyrrha's eyes widened when the blue dragonoid was powered up. She looked left and right trying to find an Action Card she could use, she looked behind and caught sight of one near her. She immediately ran towards it and picked it up before frowning when she noticed it wouldn't help her in this situation.
'I'll save this card for later, for now I have to save Alexander.' She thought to herself before she placed the card into her hand and pressed the screen of her Duel Disk to activate her Set card. "I activate my Trap: Defensive Tactic! This can be activated if I control a face-up 'Gladiator Beast' Monster. During this turn, none of my Monsters can be destroyed by battle and any battle damage I would've taken is reduced to zero!"
Alexander crossed his armored covered arm and blocked the incoming attack from Zefraxa claw, he then spread his arms out to push back the Zefra monster before performing a palm strike that sent Zefraxa back to Konami's side.
"Since Alexander has battled, I can now return him back to the deck and Special Summoned another 'Gladiator Beast' Monster."
"Tag Out! Gladiator Beast Alexander! Tag In! Gladiator Beast Sagittarii!"
Alexander was returned to the deck in a burst of particles before the centaur Gladiator Beast appeared with his bow ready to be used.
Gladiator Beast Sagittarii - (WIND/Winged Beast/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 1400/DEF: 1000)
"Sagittarii effect now activated. Since he was Summoned by the effect of a 'Gladiator Beast' Monster, I can discard a card from my hand to draw 2 cards." Pyrrha discards a card before she draws 2 more cards from her deck.
"You did well, Pyrrha. I Set two more cards before I end my turn, once more Zefraath effect ends as its Pendulum Scale returns to normal." Konami praised the red haired champion as he ended his turn with another two card set face-down. He then jumped from the wall before landing back on the ground and standing face to face with her once more.
Pendulum Scale: 7 - 5
Zefraxa, Flame Beast of the Nekroz - (FIRE/Dragon/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 5/ATK: 2000/DEF: 1000) - PS: 7
Konami: 8000 LP / Hand ×1
Pyrrha: 7900 LP / Hand ×3
Pyrrha didn't say anything back as she just started her turn and drew her next card. She glanced at it before she nodded her head, feeling pleased by what she had drawn as she immediately used it. "If I control a 'Gladiator Beast' Monster, I can Special Summon Test Tiger from my hand." She placed the card to the blade of the Duel Disk and watched as Test Tiger appeared on her field letting out a snarl and growl.
Test Tiger - (EARTH/Beast/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 600/DEF: 300)
"I activate Test Tiger effect! By tributing it and returning a 'Gladiator Beast' Monster into the deck, I can Special Summon another 'Gladiator Beast' Monster from the deck as if it were Summoned by the effect of a 'Gladiator Beast' Monster!" Test Tiger let out a small roar as it was tribute and Sagittarii returned to the deck thanks to the effect.
"Tag Out! Gladiator Beast Sagittarii! Tag In! Gladiator Beast Augustus!"
Augustus entered the field with a loud screech as he swiped his sword before taking a battle position.
Gladiator Beast Augustus - (DARK/Winged Beast/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 2600/DEF: 1000)
"Augustus effect is now activated! I can now Special Summon a 'Gladiator Beast' Monster from my hand in Defense Position, but it will be returned back to the deck during the End Phase. I Special Summoned Gladiator Beast Darius! Next, I use Darius effect to Special Summon back Vespasius from my Graveyard."
Augustus let out a loud cry and Darius responded to the call as he appeared on the field. The horse gladiator monster cracked his whip and opened up a portal to the Graveyard before he sent his whip inside and yanked it back while dragging out Vespasius in the process.
Gladiator Beast Darius - (EARTH/Beast Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1700/DEF: 300)
"With these three Monsters on my field, I will now perform a Fusion Summon!" Pyrrha declared as the three Gladiator Beast all jumped into the Fusion Vortex as they started to fuse together.
"Savage dragons who crave for glorious battle, become one with your brethren on the battlefield and seize victory under the name of the great emperor! Contact Fusion! Appear now, Gladiator Beast Andabatae!"
Appearing out of the Fusion Vortex was Gladiator Beast Andabatae, all in his royal blue armored glory. The reptilian-like monster twirled his curved sword around before smashing it into his stout shield and making sparks fly as he pointed his swords at his enemy and let out a snarl.
Gladiator Beast Andabatae - (DARK/Beast Warrior/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 1000/DEF: 2800)
"There it is! Pyrrha Contact Fusion Monster!" Ruby cried out in glee and excitement at the sight of the monster in front of her.
"I activate Andabatae effect! When this card is Fusion Summoned, I can Special Summon a Level 7 or lower 'Gladiator Beast' Fusion Monster by ignoring its Summoning condition. I Special Summon Gladiator Beast Gyzarus and use his effect to destroy 2 of your cards! I destroy Zefraxa and Pendulum Switch!"
Konami narrowed his eyes at her before he responded to her move. "I activate Echo Oscillation effect! I destroy Zefraniu to draw a card from my deck!" The Echo Oscillation card on Konami's field glowed as its effect was activated before Zefraniu was destroyed and the Vagabond drew another card from his hand.
Gladiator Beast Gyzarus - (DARK/Winged Beast/Effect/Fusion) - (LV: 6/ATK: 2400/DEF: 1600)
Andabatae's sword and shield lining starts to glow as he calls out Gyzarus to the field. Gyzarus then proceeds to use his effect and fires a feather-like projectile from his wings as it destroys both Zefraxa and Pendulum Switch on Konami's field.
"Alright! Now she got rid of Konami's only monster and the Pendulum Switch, which means he won't be able to Summon the Monster in his Pendulum Zone to protect himself!" Jaune cheered as he recognized this strategy from his previous Duel with her.
"I wonder why he didn't use the Action Card he got earlier. Was the card he got a dud?" Yang asked as was confused on why he didn't activate the card he had grabbed earlier.
"It's a possibility, we'll just have to wait and see what will happen next." Ren told his friends as he continued to watch the Duel.
"Now for the Battle Phase! Gladiator Beast Andabatae, please do a direct attack on Konami!" Pyrrha called out to her monster as she grabbed the Action Card from earlier and used it. "I activate the Action Spell: Double Attack! I target Andabatae with this card and his ATK is doubled during the Battle Phase of this turn!"
Gladiator Beast Andabatae - (DARK/Beast Warrior/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 2000/DEF: 2800)
Pyrrha jumped from tiles to tiles and looking around trying to find an Action Card, she then spotted one up above her on one of the tiles. Just as when she was about to jump to another tile, her footing slipped and she let out a quick gasp when she started falling. Flipping her body onto her feet and bracing herself for the landing, she was pleasantly surprised when not only she noticed that she wasn't falling anymore, but she was also on the back of Gyzarus who had caught her.
"Gyzarus...?" Pyrrha couldn't help but ask while still in shock at the fact that her monster just caught her. Gyzarus looked back towards the Duelist on his back before he nodded his head which in turn made Pyrrha smile, now truly knowing what interacting with her monster truly meant as Gyzarus flew up to where the Action Card is and she picked it up.
"An eye for an eye as they say. I activated the Action Spell: Extreme Sword! Now Andabatae gains 1000 ATK points more than before!" Pyrrha called out as she used the cards she picked up while still on Gyzarus' back.
Gladiator Beast Andabatae - (DARK/Beast Warrior/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 3000/DEF: 2800)
Andabatae let out a battle cry as he charged forward towards the Vagabond before swinging his sword to slash his opponent. Konami crossed his arm over his chest before he grunted as he was thrown back thanks to the attack, the force of the attack managed to send him flying towards a portal that had opened up behind him as he is teleported to the portal that is on the ceiling, making him falling out of the portal and falling to the ground at an alarming speed, much to everyone shock and slight horror at how high he was falling.
Konami clicked his tongue before spotting a floating tile below him, he managed to grab hold of it just in time albeit his hand was shaking slightly from the impact of grabbing the edge of the tile. He used his other hand to grab the edge of the floating tiles before he yanked himself up so that he is now standing on said tile, much to everyone's relief minus the two Duel Spirit who had seen him having way more of a close call then this.
Konami LP: 8000 = 5000
"Phew! That was a close one." Konami let out a sigh of relief as he took a glance at how high he was from the ground, which was not that far but he was just glad that he managed to not hit the floor. Sure he'll survive, but he would rather avoid unnecessary pain if he can.
"I'm sorry! Are you alright!?" Pyrrha yelled out loud worriedly as she hoped he didn't get injured by the attack or the fall, she had no idea the portal would suddenly open up behind him like that. She might have to be careful around the portal and where they will end up at this point.
'I think I recalled from Konami that two portals will open when another two are closed. So that might mean that the portals that are connected are the one that appeared almost at the same time, that seems to be the gist if I'm not mistaken. Just to be safe, I should avoid using the portal unless I had no other option left.' She thought to herself.
"Yeah, I'm alright. Don't worry about me." Konami called out to her reassuringly. "But anyway, I activate my Action Spell: Damage Draw. When I take 2000 or more damage, I can draw 2 cards from my deck." He activated his Action Card before drawing two more cards and adding it into his hand.
"If you are sure, then I will continue. Gyzarus, please go and attack Konami!" Pyrrha cried out as Gyzarus followed his order and proceeded to fire two green tornadoes from its wing. Said red hat started to look around again for an Action card before he found it....right underneath him, literally beside his foot.
'Talk about convenience, looks like lady luck is on my side.' He thought to himself rather happily as he picked up the Action Card with a little smile on his face before he turned it around so that he could see what he got.
Before he stops smiling and his eyes twitch as the Action Card in his hand is revealed to be an Action Trap: Lousy Luck.
"Ah shi—"
He didn't even get the chance to curse as the Action Trap card subsequently exploded literally on his face, causing not only Pyrrha but also the other Remantian to jump back in surprise. Konami waved out the smoke and he coughed a few times as his LPs were reduced by the Action Trap.
Konami LP: 5000 = 4200
"Bwahahaha! I can't believe he became a victim of an Action Trap, this is hilarious! Hahahaha!" Tierra busted her gut out laughing out loud at her partner's misfortune, lying on her back floating as she would've rolled on the ground if she wasn't floating.
"I assumed Action Trap is similar to Action Spell, albeit they are immediately activated and are instead a hindrance to the user?" Blake asked as she deduced what happened to Konami when he picked up the card.
"You are right on that. The Action Trap he got was Lousy Luck, which has the effect of the player taking 800 damage. Truly, the card has a fitting name for its effect." Metaltron explained while also letting out a chuckle in amusement. The group understood now what just happened as they all started laughing also, even Pyrrha let out a giggle even as she was focused on the Duel.
"*cough**cough* Dammit, I take back what I said. Lady luck is not with me this turn I guess *cough**cough*" Konami said, still coughing a little, before he noticed Gyzarus' attack was already right in front of him as the red hat Duelist just had a blank look on his face at the moment before he let out a sigh.
"Good thing I came prepared, I activated my Trap: Counter Gate. When my opponent Monsters are attacking me directly, I can negate the attack and draw 1 card. If that card is a Monster then I can Normal Summon it in Attack Position." He said in a rather monotonous tone as Gyzarus' attack was stopped when a Metal gate appeared in front of him and blocked the attack.
Konami then proceeded to draw a card before he let out a smile at what he had drawn. "Heh. Looks like I'm not that unlucky after all. Due to Counter Gate's effect, I Summon Ritual Beast Tamer Zefrawendi!"
The metal gate opened up as Zefrawendi came out from behind them. Zefrawendi is a young girl with long blonde hair with light purple lining tied into a ponytail. She wears a long puff sleeved midriff that exposed her belly which was colored purple on the sleeves and black on the shirt, over that she wears a light blue necklace and a small dark gold colored bra. She wears a black shorts that have two feathers on the sides and gold boots on her feet.
She was riding a pink dolphin named Pettlephin, who is actually larger than her own size. Pettlephin was covered in a light blue and gold armor on its dorsal fin, both of its pectoral fin, and just above its tail. Pettlephin also has a crown of some sort covering its head with the Zefra symbol and green orb in the center. Zefrawendi let out a giggle as she raised her staff into the air while Pettlephin made a happy noise.
Ritual Beast Tamer Zefrawendi - (WIND/Psychic/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 1500/DEF: 1000) - PS: 7
"When Zefrawendi is Normal or Pendulum Summoned, I can add a face-up 'Zefra' monster from my Extra Deck to my hand, which means I can add Zeframpilica back into my hand." Konami said as his Extra Deck compartment opened up and ejected Zeframpilica, to which he grabbed and added it into his hand.
'He's having too much of an advantage using that Echo Oscillation card, I have to destroy it quickly before he can use its effect again.' Pyrrha thought to herself. "Since Andabatae has battles, I can now return him back to the Extra Deck to Special Summon 2 'Gladiator Beast' Monster from my deck in Defense Position!" Andabatae burst into particles on the command as he was returned back to the Extra Deck.
"Tag Out! Gladiator Beast Andabatae! Tag In! Gladiator Beast Sagittarii and Bestiari!"
Appearing in place of the reptilian gladiator was Sagittarii and Bestiari, the centaur gladiator with a bow and the avian gladiator who had a resemblance to Gyzarus albeit with the armor being lighter and weaker. Both of them are taking a defensive stance as they are now in Defense Positions.
Gladiator Beast Sagittarii - (WIND/Winged Beast/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 1400/DEF: 1000)
Gladiator Beast Bestiari - (WIND/Winged Beast/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1500/DEF: 800)
"I activate both Sagittarii and Bestiari effects! As previously mentioned I can discard a card and 2 more with Sagittarii, but now Bestiari allows me to target one of my opponent's Spell/Trap cards and destroy them. My target will be your Continuous Trap: Echos Oscillation!" Pyrrha discarded another card before she drew 2 more as Bestiari fired a barrage of feather-like projectiles towards Konami's remaining Continuous Trap and destroyed it.
The Mistralian champion looked at her hands in thought, she had three cards that she could Set right now. She was conflicted if she should just Set them all or Set two of them instead and left one in her hand. 'I should probably Set these two into the field and hope he won't destroy them. If push comes to shove, I could activate that card to protect me.' Making her decision, she grabbed the two cards before inserting them into her Duel Disk.
"I Set two cards face-down and end my turn." She concluded her turn while Gyzarus brought her down to the ground as she jumped off from his back. "Thank you, Gyzarus." Pyrrha thanked her monster as Gyzarus let out a cry in response.
"Pyrrha is setting up quite an impressive defense. A high ATK monster, two Defense Positions, and one Set card, although whether they are meant as defense or not is unclear." Weiss analyzed the situation of the Duel so far, given the state of the field and the difference in the LP, she would say Pyrrha's in the lead at the moment.
"We still can't forget about Konami, although his field is just Zefraath in his Pendulum Zone, Zefrawendi on his field, and a Set card, he has a big hand advantage compared to Pyrrha." Jaune pointed out to the snow haired girl, he was both cheering for her partner and feeling nervous about what Konami was about to do next.
"I also would like to point out one concern for Konami; he hasn't even Pendulum Summon a single monster so far. Given the effect of Zefraath to change Its Scale during his turn, it bothered me that Konami hasn't made any attempt to Pendulum Summon even if he could've from the very start of the Duel." Blake stated as the new Duelists of Remnant all realized that the Cat Faunus words were right. "What is he waiting for?" She questioned as probably the only one of them who actually played Pendulum, she was confused on what the red hat was doing not using them.
"His playing style sure is a lot different then when he was using his earlier deck." Ozpin observed the difference in strategy the Vagabond was exhibiting in this Duel.
"His previous style was more straightforward and exclusively quickly destructive in every sense of the word. This style, however, was more slow paced and a bit more analytical then the last one." Glynda comments as she was impressed that he can manage using two different decks with almost different styles effectively. "And this Action Duel, it could prove useful for our training exercise and adding the element of using monsters for aid is something that is truly out of the box for us."
"I'll pass, knowing my luck I'll have a better chance of getting an Action Trap instead of an Action Spell." Qrow snarkedly said as his Semblance will surely make sure of that, although the chance may not be completely zero, it is way below a hundred percent that his Semblance won't probably screw him in an Action Duel.
"All I know is that we need this Real Solid Vision technology, the many things we could achieve would be almost world changing." Ironwood said as he was trying to think up a plan on how he could make Konami cooperate with him, he'll have to discuss this later on, preferably with Winter.
Metaltron and Tierra both didn't speak up and decided to just stay silent. The two Duel Spirits already knew what was going to happen next, they figured Konami had all the cards he needed and it was just a matter of time. The two shared a secret smile to each other as they couldn't wait to watch the show unfold, both from the Duel and the audience.
"I'm surprised you didn't use Bestiari effect to destroy Zefraath instead." Konami commented to the red haired girl genuinely surprised that she had destroyed Echo Oscillation instead of his Zefraath.
"Although Zefraath is also troublesome, I figured I should prevent you from getting a new card every turn by destroying your Pendulum card. And it seems that your Pendulum Monster isn't all that strong compared to the Monster in my deck." Pyrrha told him her reason which made the Vagabond raise an eyebrow at her rather naïve way of thinking. Well she and the others are new to Dueling, so that could explain it.
"In any case, I have a feeling that you're not taking this Duel seriously enough, Konami." Pyrrha told the red hat that is her opponent at the moment with her eyes narrowing at him. "I recall that you are trying to break your record with this Duel, don't you think It's about time you start doing something about it?"
Konami just let out a small grin at her words. "Now, now, there is no need to rush. I wanted to enjoy this Duel as much as I can after all." He answered her question as he let out a light laugh at how serious she was making this Duel to be. "Besides, with everything already set up. I think it's about time for the real show to start." He exclaimed with a smirk on his face which made the Mistralian champion startled at the confident tone in his voice.
"The real show?" Pyrrha repeated his word, trying to figure out what he had meant by that as she prepared herself for the next turn.
"Prepare yourself, Pyrrha. My turn! Draw!" Konami drew his card from his deck, before he took a glance at it as he promptly used the card immediately. "I activate the Spell Card: Zefra Providence! This card allows me to add any card that has 'Zefra' in its card name from my deck into my hand!"
"What!?" Pyrrha cried out in shock at how powerful that effect really is.
"I added the Field Spell: Oracle of Zefra into my hand—" Konami showed the Field Spell he added to Pyrrha. "—and immediately I activated it!" He inserted the card into his Duel Disk and watched as his Field Spell took on the shape of the giant floating tree with the strange stone structure from Void Expansion, with the difference being that it is no longer on fire as the full beauty of the tree was seen as it raised from the ground and another set of orbs were visible on the trunk of the tree, all of them align in the same way as the one on the stone structure below. Other than the tree, the field was still the same as nothing else had changed.
"When the Oracle of Zefra is activated, I can add a 'Zefra' Monster from my deck into my hand. I will add Zefrasaber, Swordmaster of the Nekroz into my hands!" Konami grabbed the card from his deck before he smirked even wider as all the pieces he needed were all here, he spread his arm out in a dramatic fashion as he shouted with excitement in his voice. "Now, It's showtime!"
(Play Music: Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V OST: Swing! Pendulum of Souls)
"I use Zefraath effect to send Shaddoll Zefracore to the Extra Deck and change this card Scale into 7, then using the Scale 1 Shaddoll Zefranaga, I Set the Pendulum Scale once more!" Konami cried out as he placed the Pendulum Monster in his other Pendulum Zone, the blade of his Duel DIsk lit up as the word 'PENDULUM' appeared in a colorful rainbow color.
Zefraath Scale was changed into '7' and black armored warrior with angelic wings appeared on the empty Pendulum Zone, the warrior seems to have based of a snake with the shape of the helmet, the black spike jousting from the armor resemble that of a snake's tail, and the gold almost snake-like object coiled around his body with the Zefra symbol with purple color orb in the center. Below Zefracore was the number '1' which represents his Pendulum Scale.
Pendulum Scale: 1 - 7
"Now I can simultaneously Summon Monsters from level 2 through 6!"
'It's coming!' Pyrrha readied herself for what was coming, the true fight was about to start.
"Majestic power born from the swing of conflicting wills. Heed my call and connect us even through the boundaries of the world itself! Pendulum Summon! Line up and stand up, my fellow comrade!"
Konami thrust his arm to the sky as a giant portal opened up from between the Pendulum Zone before four streaks of light descended from the portal, the four streaks slammed through the ground as the four monsters were summoned.
"Stellarknight Zefraxciton and Zefrathuban!" The two Stellarknight appeared on the field before they posed together side by side with Zefraxciton having his sword pointing downward but ready to be used as Zefrathuban brought his fist up and feet slightly apart from each other.
"Shaddoll Zefracore!" A knight with Zefraath color scheme appeared on the field with both fists clenched, one part of the body looking angelic and the other part looking demonic with a multi-colored orb Zefra symbol in the center.
"Zefraxi, Treasure of the Yang Zing!" The final monster that appeared was a medium sized quadrupedal dragon made out of stone, the head resembled that of a chinese lion statue albeit with a more dragonic design with two cone shaped horns on the top of its head and a long grey mustache. The same angelic wing is on its back as the Zefra symbol on its head has a blue colored orb in the center.
Stellarknight Zefraxciton - (LIGHT/Fiend/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1900/DEF: 0) - PS: 7
Stellarknight Zefrathuban - (LIGHT/Warrior/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 0/DEF: 2100) - PS: 1
Shaddoll Zefracore - (DARK/Rock/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 450/DEF: 1950) - PS: 7
Zefraxi, Treasure of the Yang Zing - (EARTH/Wyrm/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 1500/DEF: 0) - PS: 1
"You may have summoned a lot of monsters, Konami." Pyrrha told him as she was surprised at Konami's field full of monsters before she noticed one detail about them. "But just like I said, none of your monsters are strong enough to destroy all of my monsters!"
Konami just smirks and doesn't falter as he starts talking. "The Zefra, they are the chosen warriors of the Goddess of Creation. While not very strong on their own, their true strength comes when they are together. Uniting their power to call forth powerful warriors from across the realm of the Spirit World." He narrated, getting the attention of not only Pyrrha but also the rest of the group as he was telling a story. Metaltron look excited as he knew what was about to happen next, same as Tierra although she was busy scowling at the mention of a certain goddess just like her.
"The true show has started and the cast have all gathered, now the time has come! I will now call upon those souls right now!" He declared to them all before he pointed his finger towards Zefraxi on his field.
"I activate Zefraxi effect! When this card is Pendulum Summoned, I can target a 'Zefra' or 'Yang Zing' Monster on my field and for the rest of this turn, that Monster will be treated as a Tuner Monster! I target Zefrawendi with this effect and now she is treated as a Tuner Monster!'' Konami cried out as Zefraxi let out a roar as Zefrawendi's body started to glow as she was now a Tuner Monster.
"Tuner!?" Pyrrha shouted as her eyes widened in shock as she knew what was going to happen next.
"I now tune my Level 3 Zefrawendi with my Level 3 Zefraxi!'' Zefrawendi flies into the air and she turns into three green rings that align, before Zefraxi flies through the ring as its body becomes transparent with an orange outline before turning into three stars as bright light engulfed them.
"Ancient dragon of the black flame, be cleansed by the holy light and spread your gorgeous wings as you become the new star in the sky! Synchro Summon! Come forth! Metaphys Horus!"
Appearing out of the light was a pure white wyvern fully covered in armor with white, gold, and glowing violet in some parts of its body. The monster has a bird-like feature on the head and the feathered wing while the rest lean towards the more dragon-like feature such as the long bony tail. Metaphys Horus had its wings folded in front of it before suddenly spreading them wide and letting colorful sparks fly around, Horus then let out a loud cry as it announced its arrival.
Metaphys Horus - (LIGHT/Wyrm/Synchro/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 2300/DEF: 1600)
"Yes! A Synchro Summon! This is awesome!" Nora cheered when she saw the Synchro Monster on Konami's field, feeling joy that the Summoning method she used was featured in this Duel.
"Zefraxi is sent to the bottom of the deck because of its effect, but that won't be a problem. Because I activate Metaphys Horus' effect! When this card is Synchro Summoned using a Pendulum Monster as its Non-Tuner material, my opponent must choose one of his/her Monsters and give control of that Monster to me!"
"W-What!?" Pyrrha cried out as she couldn't believe she had to relieve one of her monsters to Konami.
"Now choose, Pyrrha! Which one of your monsters will you give me!?" Konami asked while still smirking as the red haired gritted her teeth in slight frustration before she reluctantly told him her decision.
"Gladiator Beast Bestiari."
Metaphys Horus let out another cry as it flapped its wings and sent a sparkling beam at Bestiari, the avian gladiator's was covered in a white aura as it suddenly flew away from his original field towards Konami's side.
"Whenever I Summon a Monster using 'Zefra' Monster as the material, I can activate one of Oracle of Zefra effects depending on the Monster that is Summoned, but I can only use per effect once per turn. Since I Synchro Summoned, I can choose a Monster card from my deck and place it on top of my deck." Konami explained as the giant tree begin to glow white in response to the summon before his Duel Disk ejected a card before he placed the card on top of his deck face-down.
"But I'm not done yet! I Overlay the Level 4 Zefrathuban, Zefraxciton, and Zefracore!" Konami declared as the three monsters turn into a streak of two yellow and one purple colored energy as they let out a cry before shooting out into the air.
"An Xyz Summon!?" Jaune shouted in disbelief that the Vagabond had not only used Synchro but also Xyz as well.
"With these three monsters I constructed the Overlay Network! Xyz Summon!" The swirling galaxy portal of the Overlay Network opened up in the sky as the three monsters entered it before the portal twists shut and explodes with light.
"Warriors born from the unity of the three stars, connect the constellations within the starry night of the summer's sky and descend upon us with your shining brilliance! Come forth, Rank 4! Stellarknight Delteros!"
Three lights shoot into the sky before they begin to form a star that connects to each other and creates a triangular shape formation. A figure came out of the triangular formation and it was revealed to be a warrior garbed in a blue, white, and pink undersuit and over that was pure white armor with gold trimming and two golden wings on his back. In his right hand he wields a sword with upside down gold caduceus staff attached from the hilt all the way to the tip of the blade. In his left hand was an energy shield in the shape of the summer's triangle and three large golden rings that are intertwined with each other. Delteros then poses with his feet apart while his sword is up and shield is at the side.
Stellarknight Delteros- (LIGHT/Warrior/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 4/ATK: 2500/DEF: 2100) - OVU: 3
"From Pendulum to Synchro and Xyz...." Ren exclaimed as he was astounded by what he was seeing. "Don't tell me, is he also going to..."
"Since I Summon a Xyz Monster, Oracle of Zefra effect kicks in and I can draw a card from my deck while also discarding a card from my hand." Oracle of Zefra glow black in color as Konami drew the card he had put on top of his deck before he grabbed a second copy of Zefraniu from his hand and discarded it. "Let's keep this pace up, shall we? From my hand, I activate the Spell Card: Pendulum Fusion!" Konami exclaimed with a grin as he inserted the card into the Duel Disk as it appeared on the field.
"Now he's Fusion Summoning too!?" Ruby couldn't believe it, just how many Summoning methods can this guy do!?
"This card allows me to Fusion Summon a Fusion Monster using the Monsters I control. But since I have 2 cards in my Pendulum Zone, I can now also use the card in my Pendulum Zone as Fusion material. I will use the Zefranaga that is in my Pendulum Zone along with Gladiator Beast Bestiari for the Fusion Summon!"
'He's using my monster for his Fusion Summon!?' Pyrrha thought to herself in shock as she didn't expect him to use her Monster for a Fusion Summon. She watched as the Fusion Vortex appeared as Zefranaga jumped from the Pendulum Zone and into the Fusion Vortex along with Bestiari who followed suit. The two monsters begin to swirl together and fuse into one.
"Soulless warrior of snake with angelic wings, becomes one with the winged gladiator who craves for battle. By the marionette strings of control that bind you, show the world what truly lies beneath the shadow! Fusion Summon! Appear before me, El Shaddoll Wendigo!"
A shadowy portal opened and gave an ominous vibe to everyone before several thin purple threads came out of the portal and dragging with it is El Shaddoll Wendigo. Wendigo's appearance resembles that of Zefrawendi with the difference being Wendigo's body seemed to be turned into a porcelain doll of sorts with her hair tied into several buns and her color scheme being darker than before. Wielding her staff that has four small curved blades attached, Wendigo gazes at Pyrrha with her eyes blank of any emotion so much so that the red-haired girl can't help but shiver at how dead the monster eyes look.
She was riding on top of Pettlephin, who had also undergone a huge transformation as the once living dolphin was nothing more than a corrupted puppet, all the naturality of the creature was stripped in place of cold mechanical parts in dark shade of color. The purple threads are coiling around and connected to them, signifying even more that they are not a living being and just a puppet as they take a defensive position as they are Summoned in Defense Position.
El Shaddoll Wendigo - (WIND/Psychic/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 200/DEF: 2800)
"I would've commented on how Konami had just done four Summoning methods in just one turn, but the sight of Wendigo creeped me out a little too much." Yang admitted as she and the others let out a little shiver, the monsters they faced all had a degree of emotion to them one way or another. However, Wendigo's eyes were as dead as they could be and the fact that she is like a puppet made them think she was something straight out of a horror movie.
"Due to the effect of Oracle of Zefra, I can Special Summon a Monster from my hand since I performed a Fusion Summon. But I won't be needing that effect, instead I will just Normal Summon Ritual Beast Tamer Zeframpilica from my hand." Konami said as he summoned Zeframpilica to the field.
Zeframpilica is a small girl with green hair with red on the end of it and it was done in a high ponytail style, her attire consist of a small green dress with a light green mantle with fluff on the edge over her shoulder, a brown bag sling over her shoulder, a light green cloth around her waist and some brown boots on her feet's. She clenched her staff tightly while looking nervous and shy.
Just like Zefrawendi, she was also riding an animal named Rampengu. Rampengu is a large green penguin with two yellow and redish color feathers on top of its head, on the back was the angelic wing all the Zefra have along with a green and gold choker with a yellow orb Zefra Symbol in the center.
Ritual Beast Tamer Zeframpilica - (WIND/Psychic/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 1000/DEF: 1500) - PS: 1
"When Zeframpilica is Normal or Pendulum Summoned, she can target and Special Summoned a 'Zefra' or 'Ritual Beast' Monster from the Graveyard, except for herself. Return to the field, Zefraniu, Secret of the Yang Zing." Zeframpilica raised her staff with the tip starting to glow as a portal opened up and Zefraniu came flying out of it and landed on the field.
Zefraniu, Secret of the Yang Zing - (EARTH/Wyrm/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 0/DEF: 2600) - PS: 7
"To think that you managed to use four Summoning methods at the exact same turn, you are truly impressive, Konami." Pyrrha complimented the red hat Duelist as while having to fight all of these monsters would be a daunting task, she knew she should be able to survive for the next turn. "I'm ready with whatever you've thrown at me, please proceed with your Battle Phase."
Konami curiously quirked an eyebrow at her when he saw the relieved look on her face. "Now Pyrrha, who said anything about me being done?" He questioned with a tilt of his head as Pyrrha actually froze when she heard that.
"But y-you've already used all of the Summoning method there is and your field is full, what else can you do?" Pyrrha asked as she started to get nervous again. She thought he was already done with his combo but it looks like that wasn't the case.
Konami just let a smirk grow on his face at her question. "How about I show you instead." He told her as he grabbed a card from his hand before he revealed the card to be Zefrasaber. "I activate Zefrasaber effect! By tributing this card either from my hand or face-up on my field, I can tribute Monsters from my hand or field and depending on the total Level of the tributed Monster, I can Ritual Summon a 'Nekroz' Ritual Monster from my hand!"
"Ritual Summon!?" Pyrrha and the rest of her friends shouted in unison as they were dumbstruck by what they had just heard.
"I tribute the Zefrasaber in my hand to activate this effect! Now by offering the Level 3 Zeframpilica, the Level 6 Zefraniu,—" Konami's grin turned wider at what he was about to say next. "—and by offering myself, I will perform a Ritual Summon!" He shouted loudly which made everyone's eyes go wide at what he had said.
"Hold on, hold on, did he say he is going to offer himself for the summon!?" Yang cried out as she couldn't believe what she was hearing right now.
Sure enough, Zefrasaber appeared on the field briefly before crossing his two swords over his chest as he turned into particles. They flew around the field before the particles gathered together and turned into a giant mirror-like relic known as the Nekroz Mirror. Zefraniu and Zeframpilica bodies both become flames as they are separate and become nine floating flames that hover on top and around the Nekroz Mirror that is on the ground in the form of a circle. The nine flames begin to spin rapidly before they shoot into the sky and turn back around as they are absorbed inside the mirror, which starts to glow brightly.
"Mystical armor crafted from the sacred mirror. Inherit the legend of the three headed dragon of absolute zero, and lend me the power to freeze my opponent in an eternal winter! Ritual Summon!"
Konami spread his arms wide as he leaned back and dived to the ground, much to everyone's shock and panic at his action. The Nekroz Mirror below stopped glowing as a reflection of a monster can be seen on the mirror, before the monster burst out of the Nekroz Mirror and revealed it to be a silhouette of some sort of three headed dragon with scales made out of ice. The dragon roared as it started to fly towards the falling Konami, who grinned as the silhouette enveloped him and made his body glow brightly as something started to take shape on Konami's body.
When the glow died out, a figure was falling at a fast rate before the figure's wing on its back flapped as it decreased the speed of the fall and made the figure come to slow descent to the ground. But the appearance of the figure wasn't what shocked the group, no it was what the figure was wearing and who exactly the figure is.
It was Konami, gone were his normal attire as he was now clad in armor instead. His armor consists of what appears to be a dark blue bodysuit with a dragon-like tail and feet. The actual armor part was a silvery white and almost scale-like in design with spikes and wings on his back, all of them look like they resemble an icicle in design. On both of his arms was an arm braces with the design of a dragon's head and four spikes protruding from his knuckle, and finally his head was bare except for the dragon head shaped armor on his forehead.
"Behold, the legendary armor of the three headed subzero dragon." Konami declared as he opened his palm as particles began to gather before forming a sword handle with a smaller Nekroz Mirror on the hilt. Ice began to sprout from the top of the handle before it extended to form a sword made out of ice. "Nekroz of Trishula!" He cried out with a grin as he brought his sword up.
Nekroz of Trishula - (WATER/Warrior/Ritual/Effect) - (LV: 9/ATK: 2700/DEF: 2000)
(Music End)
"Pendulum, Synchro, Xyz, Fusion, and now Ritual too?" Weiss muttered as she gazed at Konami's field with her eyes widened in astonishment and amazement. "I didn't even think it was possible to perform all of the Summoning method in just one turn, yet here I am witnessing it with my own eyes."
"Forget about that, Weiss! Look at Konami's armor! He looks so cool, like those transforming superheroes I used to watch as a kid!" Ruby squealed as she couldn't believe he could do that in a Duel.
"Not really a superhero, but a warrior seems like the right term for his armor." Winter commented to her sister's partner before narrowing her eyes. "Still, I now know why he was so proficient with using wings to fly when he used the Summoning Glyph."
"Does that mean he became a monster for this Duel now?" Jaune asked as he was still in shock that he managed to perform all of the Summoning method and inserted himself into the Duel as a monster.
"Well the Nekroz armor actually has its own user, but Konami just like to be more involved with his monster instead of just summoning them and ordering them to attack. So when he uses the Nekroz Ritual Monster he will take the place of the user so that he can fight in their place." Metaltron explained briefly. "That's basically what the Zefra are known for, able to use all of the Summoning methods with proper set up."
"Ughh, the Zefra...." Tierra grumbled lowly at the thought of that archetype. She and the Zefra have some...not so good history with each other, but she knew that the Zefra are one of the most powerful decks Konami has so at the very least she will tolerate them.
Konami looked at his hand as he clenched and unclenched his fist. "It's been a while since I donned the Nekroz of Trishula, still felt as comfortable as always. What do you think, Pyrrha?" He asked her only to receive silence from his opponent. The Vagabond turned to look and found the Mistralian girl was gaping like a fish, it was such a hilarious sight he couldn't help but chuckle a little. He always gets the same reaction whenever he uses the Nekroz like this in a Duel, well not exactly the same but close enough.
"Perhaps this will wake you up. I activate Nekroz of Trishula effect! When this card is Ritual Summoned, I can banish 3 cards each from your field, hand, and Graveyard!"
"Wait, what!?" Pyrrha snapped out of her shock state as she was more concerned by what Konami had said.
Konami smiled as he flapped his wings and hovered in the air before he raised both of his fist forwards. The eyes on the three dragons head of Nekroz of Trishula starts to glow before each of them fired a small beam of laser towards Pyrrha, each hitting their target which is Gladiator Beast Gyzarus, a card in Pyrrha's hand, and the Gladiator Beast Bestiari card in her Graveyard. All three targets start to freeze rapidly before they completely shatter as they are banished, much to Pyrrha's horror.
"Next is the Oracle of Zefra effect. By Summoning a Ritual Monster, one of your Monsters is returned back into the deck. Since you only have Sagittarii on your field, he'll be returning back onto the deck." Konami said as Oracle of Zefra glow blue in color before Sagittarii burst into particles as he was returned to the deck, leaving her vulnerable for a direct attack.
'Oh no, my field is empty, and my Set card can't protect me either!' Pyrrha thought to herself in dismay before she shook her head to get rid of such negative thoughts. 'Alright, calm down. Even if they all attack me I will still have a tiny amount of LP left, a really tiny amount yes but still. I can still survive for the next turn, but just in case I need to find some Action Card to better my chances.'
"I activate my Continuous Trap: Chosen of Zefra!" Konami cried out as his last Set card was flipped open, much to Pyrrha's shock. "This card gains effect depending on how many face-up 'Zefra' Monsters I have in my Extra deck with different names. Since I have more than 3, all of my Monsters gain 100 ATK for each face-up card in my Extra Deck. With 6 face-up cards, my Monsters gain 600 ATK!"
Metaphys Horus - (LIGHT/Wyrm/Synchro/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 2900/DEF: 1600)
Stellarknight Delteros- (LIGHT/Warrior/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 4/ATK: 3100/DEF: 2100) - OVU: 3
El Shaddoll Wendigo - (WIND/Psychic/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 800/DEF: 2800)
Nekroz of Trishula - (WATER/Warrior/Ritual/Effect) - (LV: 9/ATK: 3300/DEF: 2000)
Pyrrha turns deadly pale at the ATK boost. 'Change of plan! I need to find an Action Card before he depletes all of my LP!' She panickedly thought to herself as she began to run around looking for an Action Card.
"Let's Battle, Pyrrha! With Nekroz of Trishula, get ready because I'm coming at you!" Konami cried out as he flew towards the running redhead with his sword in hand.
Pyrrha ignored his word as she looked left and right frantically trying to find something that could help her survive before she noticed an Action Card up on the tile above her. She immediately jumped upwards from tiles to tiles to get that card, she leaped when she was as her arm stretched out to get the card, before her vision was obscured by a speeding blur before she noticed the Action Card that she had meant to grab was gone. The Invisible Girl's eyes widened as she landed on the floating tiles before her eyes met with Konami's as he grinned at her with an Action Card in his hand.
"I believe you're looking for this?" Konami teasingly asked her as he looked at the Action Card in his hand. "Might've done you a favor, cause this card isn't going to help you at the moment." He told her as reeled his hand back as he gathered energy in the palm of his hand, the Vagabond let out a yell as he thrust his hand forward and fired a large beam of ice at the Mistralian girl who cried out as the attack hit her and sent her flying backward to the wall.
Just before she hit the wall though, Pyrrha noticed an Action Card on a platform in line with her trajectory. Seeing a chance, she twists her body around mid-flight and grabs the card before having a hard landing on the wall.
Pyrrha LP: 7900 = 4600
"Okay, that might've hurt a little more than I thought." Pyrrha said as she groaned a little from the pain of hitting the wall. "Thankfully I managed to get this card. I activate the Action Spell: Damage Draw. Because I took 2000 damage and more, I can draw 2 cards thanks to this effect." She drew the 2 cards from her deck before she stood up, almost tripping slightly on her own feet from the unfamiliar point of view of standing on the wall. "O-Okay, this is a bit trippy." She admitted.
'To think that she managed to grab an Action Card while she was being flung back, I'm impressed with her. Looks like she had gotten used to Action Duels at this point.' Konami thought to himself before focusing back at the Duel as he continued his Battle Phase. "Delteros! Go and attack Pyrrha directly!" He shouted and the Stellarknight monster followed the command as he started going towards his opponent.
Pyrrha clicked her tongue as she scanned the area once more before she found an Action Card stuck on top of the wall right above her. She began to run up the wall towards it with Delteros hot on her tail, she hurriedly picked it up before she felt relieved at what she had gotten. "I activate an Action Spell: Block Draw! Delteros' attack is negated and I get to draw a card!" A transparent barrier covered around Pyrrha which stopped Delteros' blade from getting to her, she then drew a card as she looked at it before her eyes widened as she smiled at it.
"It's your turn, Horus!" Konami shouted as Metaphys Horus let out a cry before it fires a large beam of light from its mouth at its opponent.
"I activate Gladiator Beast Noxious effect from my hand!" A portal opened in front of Pyrrha before a humanoid leopard jumped out of it wearing a light purple armor with green orb on it and two large claw gauntlets as his weapon. Noxious landed on Pyrrha's field before jumping towards the attack and taking it head-on with both of his arms crossed.
Gladiator Beast Noxious - (DARK/Beast Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 5/ATK: 0/DEF: 1000)
"If I'm being attacked directly, I can Special Summon Noxious from my hand and change the attack target to him. Also, Noxious can't be destroyed during that battle with the attacking Monster." Pyrrha explained as Noxious roared as he spread his arms out and split the beam of light in two and sent them crashing to the ground which created a small explosion. "What's more, because he is Special Summoned by the effect of a 'Gladiator Beast' Monster, I can send a 'Gladiator Beast' Monster from my deck into the Graveyard. I will send Vespasius to the Graveyard using this effect." Her Duel Disk ejected the card she had mentioned before she sent the card to her Graveyard.
"Not bad, Pyrrha. Looks like you survived this battle." Konami commented as he genuinely complimented the red haired girl for enduring his onslaught this turn.
"Thank you, but it's not over yet. Since Noxious has battled, I can return him to the deck and call another 'Gladiator Beast' Monster in his place."
"Tag Out! Gladiator Beast Noxious! Tag In! Gladiator Beast Equeste!"
Noxious is returned to the deck before another centaur gladiator monster appears wearing blue armor with wings and a shield for his weapon of choice.
Gladiator Beast Equeste - (WIND/Winged Beast/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1600/DEF: 1200)
"With Equeste being Summoned by Noxious effect, I can add a 'Gladiator Beast' card from my Graveyard back into my hand. I will add Vespasius back into my hand." Pyrrha said as she jumped onto Equeste back as the winged centaur gladiator brought his mistress to one of the floating tiles.
Konami watched as Pyrrha added Vespasius into her hand, not entirely worried about that as he still had one more play to do before he ended his turn. "I activate Stellarknight Delteros effect! By detaching one Overlay Unit, I can target a card on the field and destroy it. I will target your Gladiator Beast Equeste!" He shouted out as Pyrrha's eyes widened after hearing that.
Stellarknight Delteros- (LIGHT/Warrior/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 4/ATK: 2500/DEF: 2100) - OVU: 2
Delteros absorbed one of his Overlay Unit into his sword before he thrust it and firing an energy bolt from the tip of the blade, the energy bolt destroyed Equeste in a small explosion. "And with that, I end my turn." Konami said as he ended his turn.
Konami: 4200 LP / Hand ×2
Pyrrha: 4600 LP / Hand ×3
"Looks like the tables have been turned, now it's Pyrrha who is being cornered while Konami has an array of powerful monsters on his field." Ren stated to all of them.
"I still can't believe Konami had just used all of the Summoning method in that one turn alone." Jaune said as he was amazed that the red hat Duelist could actually use all of the Summoning methods like that. Still, he still thinks that Pyrrha has a shot at winning this Duel. "Do your beast, Pyrrha!" He shouted to his partner, hoping that it would encourage her.
"Come on, Pyrrha! You can still win this!" Nora followed suit after her leader as she shouted her encouragement to her fellow teammate.
"Do it for Team RWBY too! Kick his ass for us!" Yang shouted too as she wanted to see one of their own beat Konami.
"Yeah!" Ruby cheered in agreement with her sister with her fist pumped into the air. Although not as much and as audible as the two sisters, Weiss and Blake were also cheering for their red-haired friend to win.
Blake even has a small flag that she waves around which has Pyrrha's symbol on it from....somewhere. No one really questions it.
Pyrrha smiled when she heard the cheers of her friend, believing that she could win this. She would take these cheers over the thousand audience cheering for 'The Invincible Girl' at a tournament anytime, especially Jaune. "Looks like they are cheering me on." She told her opponent who is right in front of her.
"Of course they are, Pyrrha. They are your friends after all." Konami told her with a small soft smile on his face. To him, there is nothing more motivating than hearing that your friend believes in you.
"Then I better not let them down now. It is my turn, I draw!" Pyrrha started her turn as she drew her card before looking at her hand and the card she had drawn. A plan had been formulated in her head as she knew what to do next.
"I activate a Continuous Spell: Gladiator Rejection. Now you cannot target my Gladiator Beast with a card effect unless it is during the Battle Phase." Pyrrha exclaimed as her Continuous Spell appeared on her field. "Now I activate Gladiator Beast Comeback. I can Special Summon a Gladiator Beast from either my hand or deck with a different type then the one I control on my field. Using this effect, I Special Summon Gladiator Beast Laquari from my deck in Attack Position!" She summoned the bipedal tiger gladiator to her field who let out a roar as his ring of fire flared up.
Gladiator Beast Laquari - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1800/DEF: 400)
"By Special Summoning a 'Gladiator Beast' Monster, my Trap card: Double Tag Team is now activated. I can Special Summon a Level 4 or lower Gladiator Beast from my hand or deck, with this I Special Summon Gladiator Beast Dimacari from my deck. Gladiator Rejection effect kicks in also when a Gladiator Beast is Special Summoned from my deck, now I can Special Summon Gladiator Beast Hoplomus in Defense Position."
The Double Tag Team Trap opened up on Pyrrha's field before the card glowed as Dimacari jumped right out of the card. In response to the Summoned, Gladiator Rejection card also glowed before Hoplomus entered the field from the card in a kneeling position.
Gladiator Beast Dimacari - (EARTH/Beast/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1600/DEF: 1200)
Gladiator Beast Hoplomus - (EARTH/Rock/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 700/DEF: 2100)
"Now is the time, I will conduct a Fusion Summon using Laquari, Hoplomus, and Dimacari!" Pyrrha declared as the three Gladiator Beast jumped into the air as the Fusion Vortex appeared in the sky, the three gladiators entered the Fusion Vortex as they are fused together.
"Savage beast of ancient time and lost myth, become one with your brethren on the battlefield and be reborn as the champion of all champions! Contact Fusion! Descend now, Gladiator Beast Heraklinos!
A large pillar of flame erupted from the ground. A large foot stepped out of the flame before another foot came out as within the flame two golden eyes glow brighter than the flame itself. The creature within the flame unleashes a roar which scatters the flame around the creature's body.
Heraklinos is a large hulking bipedal beast with the face of Laquari but with longer hair. The armor he wore was a hybrid piece of armor that came from various other Gladiator Beasts from the chest armor, shoulder pad, waist armor, leg armor, and the wing on his back. On his right hand he wields a halberd and on the left he wields a large shield with two cannons mounted on top. Heraklinos let out a roar as he raised his halberd to the sky, as if announcing his presence.
Gladiator Beast Heraklinos - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 3000/DEF: 2800)
"Hey, isn't that the Monster that Pyrrha got when we used the Deck Box?" Ruby asked her friends.
"Oh yeah, you're right!" Jaune answered as he palmed his fist to his open palm, now recognising where he had heard that name before. "Can't believe I forgot about that. Now that I think about it, why didn't Pyrrha use Heraklinos during our Duel earlier?"
"Perhaps she didn't think Heraklinos would've helped her during your Duel." Ren told his team leader his thoughts. Jaune nodded his head as he thought that was the most likely explanation.
"Now for the Battle Phase. Heraklinos, please attack Stellarknight Delteros!" Pyrrha commanded as Herklinos followed her words as he let out a roar before charging at the Xyz Monster. "I activate Vespasius effect to Special Summon him from my hand and grant all of my Monster 500 ATK!" She followed up as Vespasius appeared once more to the field before his effect kicked in and powered up his fellow gladiator.
Gladiator Beast Heraklinos - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 3500/DEF: 2800)
Delteros raises his sword and meets with Heraklinos's halberd in a clash as the two weapons make sparks fly. Heraklinos bashed his shield onto the Stellarknight face and sent him tumbling, before the chimera gladiator aimed his shield as the two cannons began to charge up and fire two large blasts of flame. Delteros seeing this raised his shield up as the attack hit the shield, suddenly the shield started to crack from the pressure of the blast before it shattered and letting the attack blasted Delteros and destroying him which caused an explosion to occur.
Konami LP: 4200 = 3800
"When Delteros is sent from the field to the graveyard, I can Special Summon a 'Stellarknight' Monster from my hand or deck. I Special Summon Stellarknight Zefraxciton from my deck in Defense Position." Konami said that as a portal opened up and Zefraxciton appeared on his field as he took a defensive position.
Although a bit annoyed, she continued on with her turn. "Next, I activate the Quick-Play Spell: Gladiator Beast United!" Pyrrha announced as she flipped open her other Set card, causing Konami to have his eyes widen slightly.
"So that's what her other Set card is...." He mumbled to himself as he didn't think she would Set that card on her field. "If she had kept that card in her hand, then I could have banished it with Nekroz of Trishula effect in the previous turn.'' He grinned at the gamble the red haired girl had made payed off in the hand. Although he mentally scolded himself for ignoring her Set card, if he didn't he might've won this Duel earlier than expected.
"This card can only be activated during the Battle Phase. With this, I can shuffle into the deck from my hand, field, and Graveyard the Fusion Material for a 'Gladiator Beast' Fusion Monster and Special Summon that Monster by ignoring its Summoning conditions. I will shuffle Gladiator Beast Vespasius on my field along with the Gladiator Beast Murmillo and Secutor in my Graveyard back onto the deck!" Pyrrha shouted as a portal opened up before Murmillo and Secutor came out of the portal from the Graveyard; they, along with Vespasius, all vanished from the field as they returned to the deck.
"Savage serpent from the depth of the ocean, become one with your brethren on the battlefield and be reborn as the titan that dominates the seven seas! Descend now, Gladiator Beast Domitianus!"
Multiple geysers of water burst from the ground before they begin to form a giant orb of running water. A single blue eye snapped open before a deafening roar echoed through the field as the orb dispersed, revealing Domitianus in all of his glory as he let out another roar while raising his trident to the air.
Gladiator Beast Domitianus - (DARK/Sea Serpent/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 10/ATK: 3500/DEF: 1200)
"Domitianus, attack Metaphys Horus!" Pyrrha ordered her newest Summoned Monster before she jumped into Heraklinos' back. "Please help me out, Heraklinos." She asked her ace monster who nodded his head before he took into the sky with her mistress on his back. Domtianus proceeds to charge forward towards his opponent.
"I activate the Action Spell: High Dive! With this, Metaphys Horus gains 1000 ATK until the end of this turn." Konami exclaimed as the Action Card appeared in his field.
Not wanting that to happen, Pyrrha grabbed an Action Card of her own with help from Heraklinos. "I activate Heraklinos effect! When my opponent activates a Spell or Trap, I can discard a card from my hand to negate the activation and destroy the card!" She discards the Action Card that she grabbed as Heraklinos fling his halberd at the aforementioned target, destroying the card and negating it before the halberd flew back into its owner hand.
Domitianus continued his charge as Metaphys Horus fired a stream of white flame at the charging gladiator monster, who retaliated by pointing his trident at the incoming flame before the tip created and fired a blast of high pressure water. The two opposite forces clash for a moment before the water had overpowered the flame as the attack went straight towards Horus, who let out a cry as it was blasted into the wall of the field before Domitianus throw his trident at the beaten wyvern that impaled into its chest which destroyed the monster.
Konami LP: 3800 = 3200
"I Set one card face-down and end my turn." Pyrrha concluded her turn as she get off Heraklinos's back and landed on one of the floating tile as Domitianus returned to her field as the two Fusion Monster stand beside their mistress.
"Then it's my turn." Konami said as the dragon head shaped arm braces on his left arm dispersed into particles, before revealing his Duel Disk that is strapped to his arm. "Draw." He drew his card before he stopped himself from letting out a snort at the card he had gotten.
'I forgot I even added this card in my deck, who knew one of Kaiba's favorite cards would actually help me.' He thought idly as he would admit that this card is really good, but he would refrain from using it right away.
"Like usual, I activate Zefraath effect to send the Zefrathuban from my deck face-up into the Extra Deck to change this card Scale to '1'. Next I Set the empty Pendulum Scale using the Zefraxa in my hand." Konami said as Zefraxa appeared on the other Pendulum Zone and Zefraath Scale changed into '1' beneath it.
Pendulum Scale: 7 - 1
"With the Set Pendulum Scale, I perform a Pendulum Summon! Line up, my fellow comrade!" Konami shouted as a giant portal opened up between the Pendulum Zone before two streaks of light descended from the sky.
"Come, Zefrathuban and Zefraniu!" The two streaks of light dispersed before revealing Zefrathuban and Zefraniu had entered the field in a defensive position as they are Summon in Defense Position.
"I activate Zefrathuban effect! When he is Normal, Flip, or Pendulum Summoned, I can target 2 face-up cards from both of our fields and destroy them. I will target my Zefraxa and your Gladiator Rejection!" Konami announced as Pyrrha narrowed her eyes at him.
"I won't let you do that! I activate Gladiator Beast Domitianus effect! Once per turn, when my opponent Monster activates its effect, I can negate that effect and destroy that Monster!" Pyrrha countered Konami's play as Domitianus stabbed his trident into the ground before a geyser of water shot out beneath Zefrathuban as he was suddenly trapped inside a bubble of water, Domitianus clenched his hand before the bubble exploded.
However, even when the bubble had exploded, Zefrathuban still remained on the field even though his effect was negated. This caused Pyrrha's eyes to widen in confusion as to why Zefrathuban wasn't destroyed by the effect.
"Too bad for you, Pyrrha. When I have 5 different named 'Zefra' Monster face-ups in my Extra Deck, Chosen of Zefra made it so that none of my Monsters can be destroyed by my opponent card effect." Konami said with a grin which caused Pyrrha to look at him in shock at what he had said. "I activate Zefraniu effect! When this card is Pendulum Summoned or destroyed in the Monster Zone, I can search from my deck a 'Zefra' or 'Yang Zing' Spell/Trap card and add it into my hand!"
"What!?" Pyrrha shouted as she figured out what Konami had planned. 'He tricked me, he deliberately used Zefrathuban effect first as a threat to get rid of Domitianus, leaving me with no choice but to negate it with Domitianus effect which is only once per turn. But his true aim is to use Zefraniu effect so that he can set up his cards.' She thought to herself as she watched Konami add his desired card into his hand, much to her frustration.
"I Set a card on my field—" Konami inserted his added card into his Duel Disk. "—before I activate the Spell Card: Card of Demise. At the risk of discarding my entire hand five turns later, I can draw until I have 5 cards in my hand." He exclaimed as he drew 5 cards since his hand was empty when he activated the card.
"I activate my Trap: Talisman of Reversal. I think you already know what this card does, since you've drawn 5 cards then I will also draw 5 cards." Pyrrha revealed the familiar card to Konami in her field before she drew 5 cards from her deck.
"Hehe, how do you like a piece of your own medicine, Konami!? Not so good is it!" Weiss shouted at him as her friends all looked at her while sweat dropping at the grudge the snow haired girl still holds over something that is rather trivial.
Konami merely rolled his eyes at Weiss' words, not at all affected by Pyrrha's card. He glanced at his hand before his eyes widened in shock at three particular cards among them. One of them he had expected to be seen and hoped he could use in this Duel. The other two, however, weren't something he had expected to get.
'I don't even remember adding these two in my deck the last time I edited it! Well, granted it's been a while since I edited this deck. But wait, if these cards are in my deck, does that mean that...' He thought as he looked at his deck while coming to a realization that the option for his plays just got bigger, because if these two cards were in his deck then this was not his standard Zefra deck. He'll save them for later though, for now it's time to call out his other friend.
"Looks like it's time for another appearance." Konami announced which earned him the look of confusion on what he had meant by that. The red hat grabbed a card from his hand before he held it into the air. "Zefraxciton, Zefrathuban, Zefraniu. I will now tribute the three of you. Lend me your power to call upon my loyal friend!"
The three Zefra monsters nodded their heads at him and turned into particles as they were tributed before the card that Konami held up began to shine brightly in golden color much to the surprise of the group. Metaltron smiled widely as the time had come for him.
"Golden warrior of the crystalline wings, blessed by the three clans of the Spirit World. I call upon your strength from within my very soul, descend upon this battlefield and stand by my side through this endless journey!"
Metaltron lets out a laugh before he starts flying towards his partner's side as his form starts glowing while growing and changing. The spectator watched what the golden haired spirit was doing as Konami finished his chant.
"Come forth, my ever faithful partner! The True Dracombatant, Metaltron XII!"
The Duel Spirit mentioned appeared behind Konami as his form started glowing and revealing to them all his true form.
Metaltron was now larger than his human form and properly looking more like a humanoid dragon. His entire body was covered in golden armor with some red, green, and metallic parts either as a plating or as spikes on his armor, also retaining the armor part on his human form. The part of his body that isn't covered in armor is instead covered in spiky crystal that is bluish in color. The two wings on his back were also made out of crystal as his head is encased in a golden helmet with two black visors as his eyes.
"My name is Metaltron XII." Metaltron stated as he manifested his sword into his hand before resting them onto his shoulder as takes a battle stance. "And from here on out, this is my stage now!"
Metaltron XII, The True Dracombatant - (LIGHT/Wyrm/Effect) - (LV: 9/ATK: 3000/DEF: 3000)
"Wow, so this is what Metaltron looks like." Yang said as she was impressed by the Dracombatant appearance. "He really resembles more of a dragon with that armor."
"I wonder what his effect does." Ruby wondered out loud as she turned her head towards the red haired Duel Spirits that are still with them. An action which was mirrored by the others as they started to have an expected look towards Tierra.
"....what?" Tierra questioned when she noticed the stares from the group, her arm crossed like usual as she glared at them.
"Aren't you going to explain to us what Metaltron can do?" Weiss said to the spirit as they all expected her to start explaining like the other two.
"What am I? SIRI? Go find it out yourself, you're all watching the same thing as I do!" Tierra told them before grumbling to herself how she was stuck being in the peanut gallery with these people.
"Well that was rude." Winter commented with a frown on her face.
"Considering what she can actually do, this might've been her being polite to us." Qrow replied with a shrug, not really offended by the spirit's attitude towards him.
"What's a SIRI?" Nora asked confusedly and received no answer because none of them knew the answer to the question.
"I was wondering when you are going to bring Metaltron out." Pyrrha said to the Vagabond as she gazed at the Dracombatant in his field.
"Well I just got him when I used the Card of Demise, really I got lucky drawing him." Konami said as he and Metaltron shared a laugh before the Vagabond pointed his thumb at the Dracombatant. "Besides, this guy is tough to Summon at times. If I don't prepare beforehand, then he's basically a brick in my hand."
"Brick?" Pyrrha tilted her head to the side in confusion at the unfamiliar meaning of the word.
"Oh please, you know I'm worth it when you bring me out." Metaltron responded to his partner's taunt with his arm crossed, smirking at him underneath his helmet which no one can see. Nonetheless, Konami grew a smirk of his own at that.
"That I can't deny." The Vagabond admitted as he raised his fist and Metaltron responded by bumping his own fist to him. Though the size difference between the two made the fist bump a bit strange, not that the two minded. "But let's continue on with the duel. Since I now have 8 face-up cards in my Extra Deck, all of my Monsters gain 800 ATK."
Metaltron XII, The True Dracombatant - (LIGHT/Wyrm/Effect) - (LV: 9/ATK: 3800/DEF: 3000)
El Shaddoll Wendigo - (WIND/Psychic/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 1000/DEF: 2800)
Nekroz of Trishula - (WATER/Warrior/Ritual/Effect) - (LV: 9/ATK: 3500/DEF: 2000)
"Now for the Battle Phase! Tron, show them what you can do!" Konami shouted as he called out the attack of his partner.
"Roger that!" Metaltron answered as he prepared himself for battle, ready to strike his target before he charged to the Mistralian champion's field.
"Domitianus effect activated! Metaltron's opponent will be against Heraklinos!" Pyrrha declared as Heraklinos let out a roar before he also charged at Metaltron as the two monsters started fighting with each other.
The two Duelists start moving to find an Action Card, with Pyrrha running around and jumping from floating tiles to floating tiles, while Konami just flies around the field as his Nekroz of Trishula grants him far more maneuverability on his own. Thanks to this, Konami managed to grab the first Action Card out of the two of them from a floating tile that was high in the air.
"I activate the Action Spell: Take Flight! Now Metaltron ATK is increased by 600 until the end of the Battle Phase!" Konami said before the activated card appeared on his field as Metaltron felt the ATK increase as he continued fighting against Heraklinos, who was struggling from the onslaught from the Dracombatant.
On the other side of the field, Pyrrha leaped once more to a platform before she immediately grabbed the Action Card on it, seeing as it can't help her she decided to use it in another way. "I activate Herklinos effect once more! I discarded the Action Spell I got to negate your Action Spell, Konami!" She discarded her Action Card as Heraklinos leaped back and fling his halberd once more towards the card, negating the effect and destroying it before the halberd returned to his hand as he used it to block Metaltron sword that was aiming at him.
Not giving up, Konami looked around the field once more before he found another Action Card up above near the ceiling. He immediately takes flight towards it as Metaltron starts to overpowered the chimera gladiator due to having higher ATK even without the Action Spell.
"Take this! Seiya!" Metaltron cried out as he performed a vertical slash at Heraklinos which broke the shield he was using to guard as the gladiator monster let out a pained roar before he was cut in half and was destroyed. Konami managed to get the Action Card just as the destruction happened and he grinned when he saw what he had gotten.
"Ha! Just what I needed! I activate the Action Spell: Big Damage! This card will add an additional 1000 battle damage, meaning you will take 1800 battle damage from this battle!" Konami declared as the card fired a beam that struck Pyrrha who flinched as her LP was reduced greatly.
Pyrrha LP: 4600 = 2800
"Next, I will now attack Domitianus with Nekroz of Trishula!" Konami shouted as he started to fly down towards the sea serpent gladiator with his sword in hand and his Duel Disk on his arm was replaced by the dragon head shaped armor.
Pyrrha's eyes widened when she heard that. "But they both have the same ATK! That means they will both destroy each other!" She shouted at him as she didn't understand why he would do that.
"Think again, because I activated El Shaddoll Wendigo's effect! I can target a Monster on my field and prevent it from being destroyed by battle against a Special Summoned Monster. Of course, my target will be the Nekroz of Trishula!" Konami explained as Wendigo aimed her staff towards the armored wearing red hat before she fired a purple beam at him and they were absorbed by the Nekroz of Trishula, making them have a purple aura surrounding the armor.
Pyrrha was shocked, if this attack went through then Domitianus would be destroyed. She can't let that happen. She looked around in every direction to find an Action Card that could help her before her eyes spotted one on another floating tile, but it was too far away.
Just as she was about to look for another, four portals suddenly opened almost at the same time with two of them appearing on her far left and right, one of them facing away from the Action Card and the final one appearing right on top of the floating tile the card was on. Because she didn't catch which opened up first, she didn't know where these portals teleported her to.
'I have to make a choice, I need to take one of these portals to get to that Action Card. Question is, which one is it?' Pyrrha thought to herself as she didn't know which portal on her left or right will teleport her to that Action Card, or if they will even teleport her to that place in the first place. 'I hope I picked the right one.' She thought as she made her decision.
"Domitianus, please give me a boost!" Pyrrha shouted towards her monster as she began to run towards the portal on her right. Understanding what his Duelist meant, Domitianus aimed his trident at her before he fired a high pressure stream of water at the girl.
Pyrrha grabbed Akoúo from her back and jumped before bringing it up in front of her as the stream of water impacted the shield, using the force of the blast to propel her back into the portal at high speed. She entered the portal before she turned around and found herself falling on the spot where the Action Card is. She mentally cheered in her head as she landed on the tiles and picked up the card before letting a relieved sigh.
"Thank goodness. I activate the Action Spell: Miracle! Now Domitianus also won't be destroyed by battle and any battle damage I would've taken is halved, the second effect won't be relevant but now none of our monsters will be destroyed!" Pyrrha shouted as she activated the card and Domitianus is covered in a sheen of energy from the Action Spell.
"Heh, very well! Let's battle, Domitianus!" Konami shouted in an excited tone as Domitianus let out a roar in response before he charged before the two clashed their weapon against one another. Sparks fly as the two continue to swing their sword and trident respectively at each other as they were on a stalemate. Domitainus suddenly leaped back before he fired a jet stream of water at the armor wearing Duelist, who smirked as he brought his unarmed hand back before thrusting and fired a beam of ice at the attack.
The water froze instantly from the attack before Konami gripped his sword with two hand and swing it hard as he unleash a sword beam from the blade, the sword beam cutting clean through the ice and was heading towards Domitianus, who didn't look worry as he just swing his trident at the attack which dispersed it and creating a small explosion. The explosion cleared out and the sea serpent gladiator was revealed to be unharmed.
"I think that's enough battle for now. We should spar sometime, Domitianus." Konami called out as Domtianus let a small grin appear on his face which the Vagabond returned with his own as he ended his Battle Phase. "I Set one more card and with that I end my turn." THe Vagabond ended his turn with one more face-down card on his field
Konami: 3200 LP / Hand ×3
Pyrrha: 2800 LP / Hand ×5
"Oh man that was intense, Pyrrha really pulled a stunt with her monster to get that Action Card." Yang commented as she was still in shock by the red haired girl's quick thinking and creative idea with using her monster to reach that portal.
"And Konami was so cool! He went toe-to-toe with Pyrrha's monster no problem, I wonder if any of us can do that too." Ruby wondered as she started to imagine herself fighting against a Duel Spirit, or even better alongside it.
"As of now, I doubt it. The Duel Spirit isn't something we used to face or trained to fight." Weiss said to her partner as she couldn't see themselves winning a fight against a Duel Spirit. Perhaps if the Duel Spirit is human-like or more akin to a Grimm they might, but the literal monster that is just — if not more — intelligent then them will prove to be a difficult opponent. And this was excluding the spirit also having magic on their side.
"Then perhaps more training is in order if you all were to ever face such an opponent." Glunda told her student as she pushed her glasses as light shone upon them covering her eyes. "Take this as a lesson for all of you, you'll never know what kind of opponent you'll be facing in the future. So always be prepared for anything." She told her students as they all nodded their heads in understanding at the headmistress' words.
"Hey...does Metaltron's wings look familiar to anyone?" Nora questioned out loud as she had a feeling that she had seen those wings before.
"Now that you mention it, Nora. They do look familiar." Ren said to his childhood friend before he narrows his eyes trying to remember where he had seen those wings. "I think...they looked like the wings Konami used in his fight with Yang." He exclaimed with his eyes widened slightly as he realized where he had seen those wings before.
"Wait, so the wings Konami used before belonged to Metaltron?" Jaune asked as he stared at his male teammate in surprise.
"But that means, Winter...." Weiss muttered as she looked at her sister at the the sudden meaning of this revelation came to her.
"Our Semblance allowed us to summon foes that we had previously defeated in battle." Winter informs those who don't know their Semblance ability. "Which means that Konami not only had fought against Metaltron before, but also won in that fight." She said which caused them all to look surprised at the thought of Konami winning a fight against Metaltron.
Tierra huffed when she noticed a few stars looking at her as if she knew the story behind it. Truthfully she doesn't and doesn't care enough to tell them even if she knew, which is why she stays quiet. Those two had been partners far longer than even before she met Konami, or more specifically when Konami found her. There is still something which the two don't like to share with her, much to her annoyance.
"It's my turn. I draw." Pyrrha drew her card before she nodded her head as she saw that she had drawn another copy of Gladiator Beast's Comeback from her deck.
'Alright, with this I can bring back Heraklinos and he can't be destroyed by battle thanks to this card effect.' Pyrrha thought to herself as she glanced at her hand thinking of the best course of action. In her hand she has Twin Twisters, Double Cyclone, Gladiator Naumachia, Indomitable Gladiator Beast, and Gladiator Beast Respite. 'I won't be able to win this turn but I could dwindle his field and his LP with the card I have. First I must destroy Zefraath and Chosen of Zefra using Twin Twister, get rid of the most worrying cards first.'
"I activate the Quick-Play Spell: Twin Twister! By discarding a card I can destroy up to 2 Spell/Trap cards on the field. I discard the Indomitable Gladiator Beast from my hand to destroy both the Zefraath and Chosen of Zefra on your field!" Pyrrha shouted as the Spell card appeared on her field before she discarded her card and two twisters came out of the card before they blew away the two cards on Konami's field and destroyed them. "With Chosen of Zefra gone, all of your Monsters ATK are now returned to normal!" Konami blocked the wind with his hand as she said that before all of his Monster ATK was reduced to normal.
Metaltron XII, The True Dracombatant - (LIGHT/Wyrm/Effect) - (LV: 9/ATK: 3000/DEF: 3000)
El Shaddoll Wendigo - (WIND/Psychic/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 200/DEF: 2800)
Nekroz of Trishula - (WATER/Warrior/Ritual/Effect) - (LV: 9/ATK: 2700/DEF: 2000)
"I also activate Indomitable Gladiator Beast effect from the Graveyard. By returning 2 'Gladiator Beast' cards from my Graveyard to the deck, I can add this card back into my hand." Once more she returned her card into the deck before she added the Indomitable Gladiator Beast back into her hand.
"Not bad, not only have you destroyed my two most useful cards. But you managed to recover the discarded card while also refilling back your card into the deck at the same time." Konami complimented the girl for her plays.
Pyrrha smiled when she heard that. "Thank you, but I'm not done yet. Next, I will play Gladiator Beast's Comeback. Revive now, Gladiator Beast Heraklinos!" A portal from the Graveyard opened up on the field before Heraklinos jumped right out of it and landed on Pyrrha's field as he let out a roar at his reappearance.
"The Monster that is Special Summoned by this card cannot be destroyed by battle." Pyrrha informed him of Gladiator Beast's Comeback's other effects. 'With these, I should be able to destroy both Nekroz of Trishula and Metaltron. If he uses Wendigo's effect I can negate it using Domitianus and if he activates an Action Card I can use Heraklinos to also negate it.' She thought to herself as she thought that her field was complete and ready for anything. 'I should attack Metaltron first with Heraklinos, that way Konami will have to use Wendigo's effect which I can negate. Let's hope this works.'
"It's the Battle Phase! Heraklinos, please attack Metaltron!" Pyrrha commanded her monster as the chimera gladiator let out a roar as he jumped into the air while raising his halberd ready to strike his opponent. 'Come on, Konami. Use Wendigo's effect so that I can negate it.'
"I activate the effect of Nekroz of Valkyrus from my hand!" Konami declared as he revealed one of the cards in his hand which was the mentioned card.
"What!?" Pyrrha cried out in shock as she didn't expect him to use an effect from his hand, let alone a Monster effect at that.
"When my opponent declares an attack, I can banish a 'Nekroz' card from my Graveyard and discard this card from my hand to negate the attack and end the Battle Phase. I will banish Nekroz of Decisive Armor from my Grave!" Konami discarded the card before his field was surrounded by a barrier made out of lighting.
Pyrrha watched the barrier with her eyes widened in disbelief before she managed to get a grip on herself. "Originally I was hoping to negate Wendigo's effect. But it seems it's time for a change of plan." She told him as she thrust her arm forward. "I activate Domitianus effect! Your Nekroz of Valkyrus effect is negated, which means my attack will continue!" Domitianus send a sonic wave from his trident at the barrier before the barrier breaks apart.
Konami turned to look at Metaltron as the Dracombatant did the same. The two nodded their heads to each other before Metaltron took off to fight Heraklinos.
The two monsters clashed once more only this time they were evenly matched, from one swing to another the sound of their weapons hitting against each other filled the field. Heraklinos then raised his shield to block one of Metaltron slash before the two cannons on it began to charge up which caused the Dracombatant to fly back but was too late. Two blasts of flame burst out from the cannon as Metaltron folded his wing in order to block the flame, feeling his crystalline wing begin to break Metaltron turned his head to look at his Duelist.
"You know what to do, Konami!" Metaltron cried out before his wing shattered as he was engulfed in flame from the attack. The Dracombatant let out one last grunt of pain before finally being destroyed. Since the ATK of the two are the same, Konami didn't receive any battle damage.
Still, Pyrrha was shocked that he didn't protect Metaltron with Wendigo's effect. "Why didn't you use Wendigo's effect so that Metaltron won't be destroyed by battle? Isn't he your strongest monster?" She asked as she was confused about the decision made by the red hat Duelist.
"It's true that Metaltron may be my strongest monster I control at the moment." Konami said to her before he suddenly smirked. "But even when he was destroyed and not by my side, Metaltron will always help me thanks to his ability."
"Metatron's ability?" Pyrrha questioned as she began to feel wary of what he was planning.
"Yes, let me show you. I activate Metaltron's effect! When he is destroyed by my opponent card, I can Special Summon a Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz Monster with either FIRE, WIND, WATER, or EARTH Attribute from my Extra Deck!"
"W-What!?" Pyrrha shouted in shock when she heard Metaltron's effect.
A silhouette of Metaltron appeared on the field before the silhouette burst into particles as they began to swirl together forming a golden portal on the sky. Konami raised his hand into the air before a beam of light shot out of the portal and headed straight to the field.
"By the cry of my friend, come forth! The Rank 7 Xyz Monster! Gaia Dragon, The Thunder Charger!"
When the light dispersed, a figure was hovering on Konami's field. It was a warrior clad in red and gold armor, a gold muffler on his shoulder pad billowing against the invisible wind and in his hands he wielded two green lances as his weapon. The warrior doesn't have a lower body as he was connected to a mechanical dragon, who's colored matching with the warrior color red. The dragon body is serpent-like with two mechanical claw-like hand and two wings each on top the arms. Gaia crossed his lance in front of his chest as his dragon let out a roar before taking a curling position as they were summoned in Defense Position.
Gaia Dragon, The Thunder Charger - (WIND/Dragon/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 7/ATK: 2600/DEF: 2100)
Almost immediately, Pyrrha and the rest of the group were all looking at the Vagabond oddly.
"Wait, that's it? He could bring out anything and he chose a monster with ATK even lower then Nekroz of Trishula? I mean, sure it's in Defense Positions, but still." Nora said as she was dumbfounded on why Konami had chosen such a monster to summon to his field.
"Not to mention it's an Xyz Monster with no Overlay Unit, assuming it has an effect that needs it then Konami can't even activate it." Jaune pointed out as he was just as confused as the others on why Konami would do such a thing.
Tierra, on the other hand, had her eyes widened marginally when she saw that specific Xyz Monster on Konami's field which none of the rest of the spectators had noticed. She began to smirk when she realized what Konami was planning. 'Hoooh? So he's going to bring HIM out. Looks like this is going to be more entertaining than I thought.'
Pyrrha was also confused on why Konami had chosen to summon that monster specifically. However, she didn't dwell on it long as she continued on with her Battle Phase. "I don't know what you are planning, but that monster won't change anything. Domitianus, attack Nekroz of Trishula!" She cried out before she jumped into Heraklinos's back once more and flies around the field trying to find an Action Card. 'If I manage to find another Double Attack, then this Duel is as good as over, but first.' She thought as she grabbed a card from her hand and activated it. "I activate the Quick-Play Spell: Indomitable Gladiator Beast! With this, Domitainus gains an extra 500 ATK, making his ATK 4000 in total until the End phase!"
Gladiator Beast Domitianus - (DARK/Sea Serpent/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 10/ATK: 4000/DEF: 1200)
Konami didn't say a word in response as he also flies around the field to find an Action Card while having Domitianus chasing him on his back. "I activate Wendigo's effect! Nekroz of Trishula won't be destroyed by battle against a Special Summoned Monster!" He cried out as his armor was surrounded by the same purple aura as before thanks to El Shaddoll Wendigo. He caught a glance of an Action Card high on the wall, he immediately flew up to get the card as he managed to grab it and nodded his head before adding it into his hand.
Seeing Konami grabbing an Action Card, Pyrrha continues to search for one also before she finds one on one of the floating tiles high in the air. "Heraklinos!" She pointed her finger towards that direction and called out to her monster, who nodded his head before he flew up to where his Duelist was aiming as the Mistralian champion grabbed the card before looking at the card. It was not another Double Attack but it could prove useful. "I activate the Action Spell: Full Turn! Now all of the battle damage on this turn is doubled!" She announced as she inserted the card into her Duel Disk.
Konami didn't visibly react to Pyrrha's words as he soon found himself in another battle against Domitianus, only this time he was the one who was at a disadvantage. He bring his sword up to block the strike from the gladiator trident before blocking another strike. Domitianus continue to rigorously swing and stabbed his trident as the Vagabond struggle to block all of the strong blow, he then made a mistake of leaving an opening which the sea serpent gladiator took advantages of as he swing his trident at him with enough forces to send him flying back into the wall. Konami grunted when he was slammed into the wall as his LP was reduced to a dangerously low level thanks to Full Turn effect.
Konami LP: 3200 = 600
"Next, I will return Domitianus back into the Extra Deck to Summon another Gladiator Beast."
"Tag Out! Gladiator Beast Domitianus! Tag In Gladiator Beast Augustus!"
Domitainus leaves the field due to his effect before Augustus takes his place on the field, but Pyrrha isn't done yet. "With that, Gladiator Rejection's effect is now activated. I can Special Summon another Gladiator Beast from my deck. Come, Gladiator Beast Vespasius." She announced as Vespasius came out of the portal as he now stand on the field.
"I will perform another Fusion with Vespasius and Augustus!" Pyrrha shouted as the two gladiators jumped together into the Fusion Vortex as they began to fuse together.
"Contact Fusion! Come forth, one who trains the warrior of the great colosseum! Gladiator Beast Tamer Editor!"
Lighting crashed to the field as what appears to be a large humanoid deer appeared on the field. His body is brown in color as the armor he wears on his upper body is red and gold, his lower side was covered in a waistcloth with the same color. Tamer Editor raised his staff before lighting strikes the tip of the staff as he has two horns on his head and wings on his back made out of lighting appeared on him. The deer gladiators then crossed his staff over his chest as he was in Defense Position.
Gladiator Beast Tamer Editor- (DARK/Beast Warrior/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 2400/DEF: 3000)
"I activate Gladiator Beast Tamer Editor's effect! Once per turn, I can Special Summon a 'Gladiator Beast' Fusion Monster from my Extra Deck by ignoring their Summoning conditions. Come back to me, Gladiator Beast Dimitanus!" Tamer Editor raises his staff before the tip starts to generate energy which resembles a whip. He then crack the whip into the ground before a portal opened up and Domitinaus jumped out of that portal and enter the field once more
"I use Indomitable Gladiator Beast's effect once more to return 2 'Gladiator Beast' cards in my Graveyard to the deck and return this card back into my hand." Pyrrha as she added Indomitable Gladiator Beast back into her hand. She then grabbed another two cards from her hand before she inserted the three cards into her Duel Disk. "I Set three cards face-down before I end my turn."
"Oh man, Konami is not doing so good right now." Ruby said to her friends at how much of a disadvantage the Vagabond has right now.
"Wonder how he'll get himself out of this now." Blake exclaimed as she was feeling concerned for the red hat Duelist. Despite wanting to see her red haired friend win against Konami, she was actually cheering for them both.
"With his LP so low he needed to end this Duel fast, not only that but Card of Demise's effect will force him to discard his entire hand if he doesn't use them all this turn." Ozpin deduces the situation as he was intrigued by what the red hat Duelist will do to overcome this situation.
Tierra, though, wasn't worried about Konami. Not only because that the red hat had much more closer call than what he was in right now, but also because the key component to his strategy was still on the field. The moment he brought out Gaia Dragon, Tierra had already figured out what he was thinking. The fact that he also kept Wendigo on the field though? It was a sign that made her entirely confident that he would win this.
Pyrrha jumped off of Heraklinos's back before she starts looking towards her opponent, feeling quite confident that she would win this Duel. 'With this, I have a good wall of defense on my field. Even if Konami managed to bring out enough monsters, I could use Gladiator Naumachia to increase my monster ATK and force his monsters to attack if able. If that fails I could still use Double Cyclone to destroy Naumachia to make all of my monsters unable to be destroyed by battle plus destroying one of his Spell or Trap. I also Set Indomitable Gladiator Beast for another ATK boost. Combine all of that with Domitianus and Heraklinos negation ability, I couldn't have asked for a better field.' She thought happily as she smiled feeling rather proud with the board she had set up.
Konami got back up from lying on the wall, not at all in pain from the crash as his armor had lessened the impact. He then jumped forward before hovering in front of Pyrrha with his two monsters besides him. "Well done, Pyrrha. I never thought you would master your deck this well in such a short amount of time." He told the girl with a smile on his face.
"Thank you, Konami. But I don't think I've really mastered it completely, I did lose to Jaune in our Duel earlier. I still have much to learn, and perhaps Jaune is a better Duelist than me." Pyrrha told him which just made the red hat chuckled much to her confusion.
"Speaking highly about your crush I see." Konami said low enough for just her to hear. He smirked when he saw the rather prominent blush on her face. "But in any case, you shouldn't look down on yourself. All of you here have the potential to become a great Duelist, a few losses won't ever change that." He spoke this time louder so that not only Pyrrha had heard him, but also for the rest of the Duelist of the group.
"But the question remains." Konami looked at his opponent straight in the eyes with his smile widening. "How much of that potential will help you against someone?"
Pyrrha loses the blush on her cheek as her eyes narrow at him at the tone of his words, like he was confident in something. "Are you saying you could defeat me right now? Unless you break through my field then I will finish you the moment my turn starts." She told him with conviction in her voice.
"Then I will just have to make sure there will be no next turn, don't I?" Konami said with his smirk widening as his left eye changed to a glowing gold and blue as he let Metaltron's power course through him. "This is where the climax truly start! My turn. Draw!" He drew his card and left a trail of golden light which followed his arm motion and created an arc of gold light. He glances at his drawn card before he immediately uses it.
"I activate the Spell Card: Pot of Avarice! I return 5 Monsters from my Graveyard to the deck before drawing 2 cards!" Konami said as he returned his three Zefras, Nekroz of Valkyrus, and Metaltron into his deck before he drew two new cards.
"Yo, Konami. What did I miss?" Metaltron's voice rings in his head as he is out of the Graveyard which means he can communicate with him again.
"Not much, got myself in a pickle right here though. How was the trip to the Graveyard?" Konami replied to his partner telepathically.
"Heh, nothing memorable. Just chilling out with the rest of the Monster in the Graveyard, even playing some poker with the card Zefrathuban brought with him." Metaltron told him with a carefree shrug. The Vagabond starts to imagine his Monsters in the Graveyard are all sitting in a circle playing poker of all things, it was strange image but then again he never did go to the Graveyard in a Duel before so who was he to judge.
Metaltron took a glance at Konami's field through their shared vision of being linked. Once he sees Gaia Dragon though, he immediately doubles back before raising an eyebrow at his partner's choice of monster with his effect. When he saw his hand, the Dracombatant suspicion was confirmed. "You're going to summon HIM, aren't you?" Metaltron questioned his partner in a deadpanned voice.
Konami didn't respond as he just smirked while holding his hands up for the red haired girl to see the five cards in hand. "I've got it, Pyrrha. All the cards I need to defeat you are in my hand right now." He said in a warning tone which made the girl feel nervous at what he was planning.
'Just what kind of card did he get?' Pyrrha asked herself as she began to feel wary before tensing when she saw him grabbing a card from his hand.
"From my hand..." Konami said slowly as he revealed the card he was holding. "I Set another Zefraath on my empty Pendulum Scale!" He cried out as he placed Zafraath in his empty Pendulum Zone and watched as the mismatched colored dragons appeared on his field.
"Another Zefraath!?" Pyrrha shouted in shock at the sight of that dragon on Konami's Pendulum Zone.
"That's right! Now I activate Zefraath Pendulum effect! I send Zefraxi from my deck to the Extra Deck to make its Scale become '1'!" Konami grabbed Zefraxi from his deck into his Extra Deck to activate Zefraath effect.
'So this is his plan! To set up his Pendulum Monster to bring out a stronger Monster, since he sent Zefraxi that means he's going to bring out a Synchro Monster. Unfortunately for him, I'm not going to let that happen.' Pyrrha thought to herself before she made her move. "I activate Heraklinos effect! By discarding a card from my hand, I can negate Zefraath effect as its Pendulum effect is treated as a Spell card!" She discarded Gladiator Beast's Respite from her hand as Herklinos fling his halberd towards Zefraath, which struck the two sided dragons and destroyed it as its effect was negated.
"Then I activate my Continuous Trap: Gladiator Naumachia! Now all of your Monsters must attack if able and by returning a 'Gladiator Beast' Monster from my Graveyard, I can add that Monster original DEF to one of my Monster ATK." She flipped open her Set card on the field as the cards started to glow.
"Alright! She stopped him from Pendulum Summoning his monsters!" Yang cheered at her friend's quick thinking.
"Don't get too worked up, Firecracker. Konami seems to look too calm for having his main combo piece destroyed." Qrow told his niece as that made her and the others look and realized that he was right.
"I'm sorry, but I cannot allow you to use Zefraath to Pendulum Summon your monsters." Pyrrha said to him regretfully but she was relieved that she had stopped him.
"I wouldn't be so relaxed if I were you."
Pyrrha froze for a second when she heard the confident tone in his voice as she looked at him and he didn't look bothered that Zefraath was destroyed, in fact he was openly grinning at her right now. "B-But, I destroyed Zefraath...don't tell me, you had another Scale 1 Pendulum Monster in your hand?" She asked as she looked at her empty hand, suddenly regretting only leaving just one card in her hand for Heraklinos effect.
"Unfortunately no, I don't have another Scale 1 Pendulum Monster in my hand." Konami told her before his grin widened. "But then again, who said I was trying to Pendulum Summon in the first place?"
"You're not trying to Pendulum Summon...?" The Mistralian champion uttered in confusion, if he wasn't trying to Pendulum Summon then what was he planning?
Konami pointed his finger towards Gaia Dragon that is on his field. "You all may be wondering why I bring out Gaia Dragon, am I right?" He poses the question that is on the Remnantian mind. "Although he's not strong right now, Gaia Dragon is an Xyz Monster. Xyz Monster has a way to become stronger by the method of evolution."
Jaune, Ren, and surprisingly Weiss was intrigued by what the red hat Duelist had said. The same could be said for the rest of the group as they were all wondering what he had meant about the Xyz Monster.
"Let me show you what an Xyz Monster can truly do." Konami declared as he took a hold of a card from his hand. 'I'll be borrowing your power.' He thought before an image of the one who gave him this card flashed in his mind as he smiled lightly.
"Just like a friend of mine once said, I'm gonna bring it to 'em! From my hand, I activate the Spell card: Rank-Up Magic Astral Force!" He shouted as he held the card into the sky as it shone brightly in a blinding light.
"This card targets a Monster in my field with the highest Rank, and allows me to Xyz Summon an Xyz Monster that is 1 or 2 Rank higher using that Monster as its material!"
"Wait, what!?" Pyrrha shouted as her eyes widened when she heard that.
"I'll use Gaia Dragons, the Thunder Charger to rebuild the Overlay Network!" Gaia Dragons let out a cry before he turned into a green streak of energy. The Overlay Network opened up on Konami's field before Gaia Dragons entered the portal resulting in an explosion of light.
"One who rules over demise and cataclysm, the unholy being and deity of catastrophe itself. Awaken from your deep slumber to bring forth destruction and calamity upon the world! Rank-Up Xyz Change! Descend, Rank 9! The Avatar of Disaster! True King of All Calamities!"
Cracks begin to form on the space beside Konami. The cracks began to grow even more before they shattered completely, revealing behind the hole it was a dark void. Two large hands grasped the edge of the hole before a creature flew out of the crack and landed on the field.
The creature was a large dark purple dragon with an elongated neck and a long scaly tail. He has six red eyes on his face as well as multiple curved black horns and two sets of tusks on both sides of his face, dark purple tendril sprouting on the back of his head all the way to his neck. The dragon was standing on his hind leg as he had two four finger claw-like hands with black wrist blades on each arm, the body had two eyes on each side and black spike on them. On his back were six large wings; two wings on top were white and feathered in design, two wings on the bottom were black and demonic looking in contrast, and two wings on the middle were dark purple with an extra arm attached to them above the shoulder blade.
True King of All Calamities six eyes all glowed as an orb of energy orbited around him before he let out a fearsome roar that caused the field to shake violently.
True King of All Calamities - (DARK/Wyrm/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 9/ATK: 3000/DEF: 3000)
"Incredible, this is what an Xyz Monster can really do?" Jaune asked in amazement at what he had just witnessed.
"Rank-Up Xyz Change, the power to evolve an Xyz Monster into an even stronger monster." Ren said as he was just as amazed as his male teammates. "Just when I thought we had already seen everything. This game sure likes to give us quite a surprise."
"Holy shit, Konami brought out one terrifying monster." Yang exclaimed as she was more shocked at the appearance of the monster then the way the monster was summoned.
"Honestly the name is even more unsettling. 'True King of All Calamities'? That might have been the most devastating name we have ever heard so far in this game." Blake admitted as she would admit, staring at those six eyes would honestly terrified her.
Ozpin, though, was busy staring at the True King of All Calamities as he started to see the resemblance between this monster and the God of Darkness. A very uncanny resemblance to that. 'I think Salem is going to flip if she sees this monster.' He idly thought to himself in amusement, a feeling that left him quickly at the thought of her entering his mind.
Metaltron took a side glance at the large dark dragon on Konami's field. "It's been a while, Vicarius. How have you been?" He asked the dragon in a polite tone in his voice.
True King of All Calamities, or now just called Vicarius, turned his head to look at the Dracombatant as he let out a low snarl. "Metaltron." The dark dragon's deep voice greeted back accompanied with a growl. "How is my dear sister doing?"
Metaltron looked at his old enemy oddly at his question, but nevertheless he answered the question. "I haven't seen Master Mariamne in a while. But I'm sure she is still training the rest of my team so that they could protect those who needed protecting." He replied.
Vicarius let out a dark low chuckle once he heard that. "Just as benevolent as I remember. A true oddity among us siblings." The dark wyrm said.
"If anything I'm glad she is nothing like you or your sibling." Metaltron told him while glaring at the dark dragon, which just made his old enemy laugh louder.
"A shame really." Vicarius said, not offended by what the Dracombatant had said to him before he started glaring at the red haired Duelist. "But enough about that. My master has called upon me, and I shall end the life of who was foolish enough to challenge him." He growled as the Mistralian girl turned pale a little when she heard his words.
"First off, I told you to stop calling me that. Second off, stop trying to kill every single person I Duel. You're as bad as Tierra sometimes." Konami told him while letting out a tired sigh.
"I'll take that as a compliment." Vicarius said which earned him a blank from Konami and Metaltron. The two partners decide to just ignore that and go on with the Duel.
"Anyway, if you would like to take a look at my field, Pyrrha. Because I'm going to activate my Set card which you might remember." Konami told his opponent rather cheekily as he flipped open his face-down which was revealed to be...
"A second Chosen of Zefra!?" Pyrrha cried out in shock as she couldn't believe he had Set that card on his field.
"That's right! You know the drill. Since I now have about 12 face-up cards in my Extra Deck, all of my Monsters gain 1200 ATK!"
El Shaddoll Wendigo - (WIND/Psychic/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 1400/DEF: 2800)
Nekroz of Trishula - (WATER/Warrior/Ritual/Effect) - (LV: 9/ATK: 3900/DEF: 2000)
True King of All Calamities - (DARK/Wyrm/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 9/ATK: 4200/DEF: 3000)
"Time for the Battle Phase!" Konami declared as he entered his Battle Phase, before he was interrupted by Pyrrha.
"Not so fast! I activate Gladiator Naumachia effect! By returning Gladiator Beast Dimacari from my Greaverad back into the deck, I will grant 1200 ATK to a Monster of my choosing. That Monster will be Domitianus!" Pyrrha exclaimed as the silhouette of Dimacari briefly appeared before turning into energy, which Domitianus absorbed while he let out a roar as he was powered up by the strength of his fellow gladiator.
Gladiator Beast Domitianus - (DARK/Sea Serpent/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 10/ATK: 4700/DEF: 1200)
"Then I will activate True King of All Calamities effect! Once per turn, by detaching an Overlay Unit from this card. I can declare an Attribute and all Monsters on your side of the field become that Attribute for the rest of this turn, also all of your Monsters with that Attribute cannot activate their effect nor attack!"
Pyrrha's eyes widen when she hears Vicarius' ability before narrowing her eyes at him. "That is not going to happen. I activate Domitianus effect to negate your True King of All Calamities effect and destroy it!"
"Counter Trap: Zefra Divine Strike activated!" Konami shouted out as he flipped his Set card much to the girl's surprise and charging. "This Trap can be activated in response to my opponent activating a Spell, Trap, or Monster effect. I banish Zefraniu from my Extra deck so that your effect is negated and that card is also destroyed!"
"No!" Pyrrha shouted in dismay as a golden spear manifested from the card before the spear sailed through the field and stabbed Domitanus, who let out a pained roar as he was destroyed.
"With Domitianus gone the effect continues. Go, Calamity Lock: Light!" Konami announced as Vicarius chomp down his Overlay Unit before he let out a loud roar that caused a shockwave to reverberate the field, causing Heraklinos and Tamer Editor to be pushed back as they are now covered in a bright yellow aura which indicate their changed Attribute.
Gladiator Beast Heraklinos - (LIGHT/Beast Warrior/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 3000/DEF: 2800)
Gladiator Beast Tamer Editor- (LIGHT/Beast Warrior/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 2400/DEF: 3000)
"Of course, with one less face-up card in my Extra Deck, my Monsters ATK will go down."
El Shaddoll Wendigo - (WIND/Psychic/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 1300/DEF: 2800)
Nekroz of Trishula - (WATER/Warrior/Ritual/Effect) - (LV: 9/ATK: 3800/DEF: 2000)
True King of All Calamities - (DARK/Wyrm/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 9/ATK: 4100/DEF: 3000)
"True King of All Calamities, attack Gladiator Beast Heraklinos! Calamity End!" Konami cried out as he pointed towards his monster opponent.
"Begone you pest!" Vecarius roared as he reeled his head back before bringing it forward as he unleashed a stream of purple flame that was also crackling with lighting at the chimera gladiator.
Pyrrha gritted her teeth as her defense was crumbling one by one, still she wouldn't give up as she knew if she could survive this turn then she could possibly win. "I activate Indomitable Gladiator Beast to add 500 ATK to Heraklinos. Next I activate Double Cyclone! This card allows me to target 2 Spell/Trap we control and destroy them both. I will destroy Gladiator Naumachia and your Chosen of Zefra!" Pyrrha revealed Indomitable on her field as Heraklinos is powered up by the Spell card effect.
Gladiator Beast Heraklinos - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 3500/DEF: 2800)
Pyrrha's other card which is Double Cyclone revealed itself also as the card produced two small tornadoes that enveloped both Gladiator Naumachia as well as Chosen of Zefra.
"I don't think so! I activate Zefra Providence's effect from my Graveyard! By banishing this card I can prevent the destruction of cards with 'Zefra' in its name!" Konami declared as a barrier appeared and surrounded the Chosen of Zefra card which protects it; the same can't be said for Naumachia as the card was destroyed.
"Gladiator Naumachia other effects activated! When Naumachia is destroyed, none of my Gladiator Beasts can be destroyed by battle!"
"But you still take damage!" Konami reminded her as Vecarius' attack enveloped Pyrrha's field causing both Heraklinos and the girl to suddenly let our a cry of pain. Heraklinos for the attack and Pyrrha for having her LP reduced. When the attack had receded, Heraklinos still remained on the field albeit with smoke coming out of his body from the attack.
Pyrrha LP: 2800 = 2200
"Tch, stubborn insect." Viscarius growled as he failed to destroy his target, although he did manage to damage the Mistralian girl LP.
"Don't worry about it. You've already done your part, thank you for that." Konami told the dark wyrm in gratitude which earned him a low but pleased growl from the True King himself.
"Yes! Pyrrha managed to defend herself!" Ruby cheered when she saw that Pyrrha had successfully defend herself.
"And with Gladiator Naumachia's effect her monster can't be destroyed by battle. With his remaining monster being Nekroz of Trishula, Konami won't be able to deplete all of Pyrrha's LP to zero." Weiss smirked when she came to the conclusion that the red hat won't be able to beat Pyrrha this turn.
Pyrrha grunted a little before she let out a smile. "It looks like my defense hold up, no matter if you attack Heraklinos with Nekroz of Trishula my LP won't be depleted to zero. Next turn, I will turn the Duel around in my favor." She told him feeling relieved and confident, a feeling that immediately turns to worry when the Vagabond starts to laugh.
"I told you didn't I? There will be no next turn." Konami declared firmly much to the redhead's shock that he was still saying that he would win.
"W-What...?" Pyrrha muttered in confusion and wary.
"You've made it far, Pyrrha. Truly your ability to Contact Fusion has proven to be one of your greatest strengths." Konami exclaimed as he started to smirk even wider. "But I think It's about time I show you, one of the most powerful forms of Fusion."
Pyrrha looked at him while feeling more worried and confused then before, the same could be said for the rest of the group. Although she and her fellow Fusion user — that being mostly Ruby and Blake — were curious by what he had meant by the most powerful form of Fusion.
(Play Music: Yu-Gi-Oh GX OST: Sad Duel)
"I discard one card from my hand." Konami said as he discarded one of his cards before an image of one of his friends flashed in his mind, making him let out a smile as his eyes flashed yellow for a second before turning back to normal as he raised a card in his hand into the air. "Witness the invincible and ultimate power! From my hand, I activate the Quick-Play Spell card and its name is—!"
"Super Polymerization!"
A violent thunderstorm begins to rage on the sky of the field as a powerful vortex begins to appear in the center of the storm, the vortex starts to suck in the dark cloud while lightning crashes and wind blows violently. Everyone all starts covering face from the harsh wind that is blowing everywhere.
"What in the world is happening!?" Ironwood shouted alarmedly as the unnatural storm that is happening right now.
"Whatever it is, something really bad is happening, that's for sure!" Qrow cried out loudly so that his voice could be heard from the storm raging on.
"Super Polymerization, is a card that allows me to Fusion Summon one Fusion Monster to my field." Konami calmly explained as the violent storm didn't bother him at the slightest. "The Fusion Monster I'm Summoning requires El Shaddoll Wendigo and one Monster with LIGHT Attribute as one of its Fusion Material."
Pyrrha, who was struggling to keep herself grounded as she was in close range with the vortex, heard Konami's words and looked at him in shock. "But that's impossible! You don't have any LIGHT Attribute Monster on your side of the field!" She shouted to him.
Konami didn't respond as his gaze was focused on her—no, that's not right, it was more like he was focusing on something that is near her. Pyrrha followed where his gaze was at only to find he was looking at something she didn't expect.
It was Gladiator Beast Heraklinos.
Who was trying to hold on to his ground, struggling to fight off some kind of force that is pulling him in.
Coming to a sudden and horrible realization, Pyrrha turned to the Vagabond with her eyes widened like a saucer. "Don't tell me—!" She didn't get a chance to finish as Heraklinos was pulled away from her field. "Heraklinos!" She shouted towards her monster as she watched him being absorbed into the vortex.
"This is the power of Super Polymerization! Using El Shaddoll Wendigo and the Gladiator Beast Heraklinos that is on your field, I will now conduct a Fusion Summon!" Konami cried out as El Shaddoll Wendigo was also absorbed into the vortex as the lighting storm began to turn even fiercer then ever.
"Soulless tamer of the mystical beast, become one with the light of the champion of all champions. Be reborn as the marionette of the shadow and entertain the world with your sinister puppet show! Fusion Summon! Appear before me, El Shaddoll Construct!"
A purple light shone upon the storm before the light dispersed it to reveal a gigantic cocoon made out of dark purple colored energy. The 'cocoon' begins to unravel as it was revealed that the cocoon was made out of several hundreds of energy strings, as the strings move apart it also reveals the monster it is hiding.
El Shaddoll Construct was a massive mechanical puppet-like being with pale porcelain skin and dark purple, black, and gold in her outfit. Her 'outfit' resembled that of a nun outfit albeit all parts are completely mechanical in nature, same could be said for the rest of her body which had visible joints on parts that needed it. On her back were dozens of strings that were all moving, bending, and coiling independently.
El Shaddoll Construct has her arms spread out, her face looking like it was sculpted to look with her eyes closed and mouth in a thin line, as she descends upon the field as her size towering everything that is around her.
El Shaddoll Construct - (LIGHT/Fairy/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 2800/DEF: 2500)
"No way...Konami Fusion Summon using a Monster that is on Pyrrha's field!?" Ruby shouted in disbelief as her eyes were wide and jaw dropped to the floor.
"So this is what he had meant by one of the most powerful forms of Fusion." Blake muttered just as shocked as her team leader at what she had just witnessed. "Super Polymerization, a really fearsome card indeed."
"She is as big as Thor!" Nora shouted as she was gaping at the sheer size of Konami's monster, she could easily tell that El Shaddoll Construct was as big as Thor.
"Only this monster is a whole lot creepier." Weiss told the orange haired girl, feeling herself shiver in slight fright as this monster reminded her of those creepy doll at horror movie.
"Konami sure has some...unique taste for his monster." Ozpin said as he was probably one of the people not creeped out by El Shaddoll Construct appearance. He had seen far more terrifying things in his lifetime, although he would admit this monster is a bit unsettling.
"The word 'unique' is not the word I would use to describe it." Glynda admitted to the headmaster while rubbing the bridge of her nose. What is it with Konami and him using monsters that seems to either come out from a horror story or even hell itself?
"Are you surprised, Pyrrha?" Konami questioned his opponent, who was too busy staring at his monster as she was in shock to answer him. "I should thank you, your monster has helped me bring her out to my side. But it is time to finish this Duel! Thanks to Chosen of Zefra, El Shaddoll Construct gains an additional 1100 ATK!"
El Shaddoll Construct - (LIGHT/Fairy/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 3900/DEF: 2500)
"El Shaddoll Construct, attack Gladiator Beast Tamer Editor!" Konami cried out as he thrust his arm towards the direction of Pyrrha's remaining line of defense.
Snapping out of her shock, Pyrrha cast him a glare before shouting at him. "It's pointless! None of my Monsters can be destroyed by battle!" She reminded him.
"I activate Construct effect! When she battled a Special Summoned Monster, during the damage step, Construct will destroy that Monster!" Konami told her which caused the red haired girl to turn pale. "Attack, Construct! Strings of Corruption!"
Following the command of her Duelist, El Shaddoll Construct raised her hand to send her strings at the deer gladiator monster, who started to swing his staff to keep the strings away from him. One string manages to connect with him, causing Tamer Editor to let out a pained cry as a shadow-like substance begins to corrupted him. Eventually more strings begin to connect one after another, causing the corruption to grow even faster before the strings start to constrict him tightly, causing the deer gladiator to let out one week cry before finally being destroyed.
Pyrrha watched the destruction of her last monster with her eyes widened before she clicked her tongue and dashing away, trying to find an Action Card that could help her survive.
"You're not getting away! Using the Nekroz of Trishula, I will attack you directly!" Konami shouted as he flew and followed the red haired girl while gripping onto his sword tightly.
Pyrrha continued to run and looked around before her eyes caught a sight of an Action Card above her. Her eyes shines in relieve as she jumped from platform to platform before doing a final jump as her hand managed to grabbed the Action Card with her hand—
—only for the card to turn into a burst of particles, turning her relief into horror as her eyes widened in shock. She landed on one of the floating tiles as Konami appeared in front of her with a card in front of him.
"Action Spell: Action Crush. Destroy every single Action Spell both of us grabbed for the duration of this turn." Konami explained to the shocked girl as he raised his sword at her. "Checkmate." He said before he swung his sword and fired a sword beam at her, which caused the girl to cry out as the attack sent her crashing to the ground with her LP reduced to zero.
Pyrrha LP: 2200 = 0
Tierra let out a joyful laugh as she was pleased by the Duel Konami had shown to her, and from the various looks of shock the group had right now. "Never doubted you for a second, Konami." She muttered in a low voice as a fond smile graced her face, good thing they were all too busy gaping like an idiot to notice.
"And with that, ladies and gentlemen." Nekroz of Trishula sword fell and stabbed itself into the ground before Konami dropped down and picked up the sword with his left eye glowing. "The show is over." He cooly said with a smirk as he flick his wrist in the air while Viscarius let out a roar behind him and Construct strings spread out in unison.
A/N: And that's a wrap! So, what do you guys think? Is it good? Is it bad? Please leave a comment if you like. And yes this Duel is an Action Duel, something that I always want to try to write in a Yu-Gi-Oh fanfic just below Riding Duel. This is also my first time writing an Action Duel so I apologize if there is any inconsistency with the amount of Action Cards being played or something like that.
Now let's talk about Konami's other deck: The Zefra. Now there are 2 main reasons I use Zefra as Konami's other main deck. First is because Konami is a Duelist who has used many decks in his journey, so I should also give him a deck that represents that. Zefra is the perfect choice because it is both a deck that is a mix and match of different archetypes and is one of the few archetypes which are capable of doing all of the Summoning method, or at least one that is specifically designed to be able to anyway.
The second reason is a bit personal for me because I also like to use Zefra, my profile picture is even the crest of the Zefra. Now this reason is minor compared to the first one but it is one of the reasons I choose Zefra for Konami's other deck. And don't think that I just randomly choose this deck out of favoritism, the Zefra will have a role in this story. What that role is you'll find out in the future chapter, but I can tell you it mostly revolves around Konami and Tierra.
And to those who know about the Duel Terminal lore, yeah the irony is not lost on me that I had just basically put two completely opposite factions who were at war with each other into one character. But I'm a sucker for some good lore so sue me.
Next with Konami wearing the Nekroz of Trishula, to be fair this is not the first time this was ever done in the show. Valon VS Joey is some great proof of that, and probably being one of my favorite Duels in the Waking of Dragons arc. Plus, you've got to admit this is a cool idea if it was implemented in Action Duel.
Finally to those who start questioning about the two cards Konami used in his last turn, and to that? I say be patient as all will be explained in future chapters. But come on people, Konami has gone to every single dimension of the first five Yu-Gi-Oh series, He's bound to pick up something along the way, what that something is you'll find out later on.
But that is all from me and I hope you all like this chapter. Once again I apologized for the long update. All in all, I really hope you like this story. Thank you!
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