
A/N: Hey guys! This is my first story in wattpad, so i hope you guys would enjoy it. This story is basically Team RWBY and Team JNPR playing Yu-gi-oh! I always like the idea of the RWBY character playing it so i decided to make one. So without further ado, lets begin!

Disclaimer: i don't own RWBY or Yu-gi-oh, they belong to Rooster teeth and Konami respectively.

It has been a few weeks since Team RWBY stop the White Fang, the former peaceful Faunus group turned terorist and the criminal Roman Torchwick with his assistence Neopolitan from obtaining one of the Atlas Military newest machine, the Atlasian Paladin. With some help from the monkey-tailed Faunus, Sun Wukong and the blue-haired intelectual (*cough* nerd *cough*), Neptune Vasialis.

Right now, it is summer vacation for Beacon Academy. Even though Beacon is the place to train future Huntsmen and Huntress, it is still a school through and through. During this time most of the student decided to go home and take a break form their studies, while some of the student stay in Beacon to also take some rest from their studies, this also included both Team RWBY and JNPR.

Right now, both team are in the Rec Room of the building to spend their time. But after a week of doing nothing but playing the same game over and over again. The teams are quickly becoming—


Yeah, what she said.

Ruby Rose shouted which make the rest of her team and team JNPR jump back in suprise as her head banged the table she and her team were using to play Remnant: The Game. Team JNPR was also there at another table playing some poker, no betting of course.

"Will you stop doing that!?" Weiss Schnee scolded the red hooded reaper as she placed her card on the table. Honestly, her partner can be so immature sometime.

Ruby look at the snow-haired girl, her silver eyes showing great displeasure. "But Weeeiss! We've been playing the same game for the past few days!" She said to her partner as she continue to wailed. "I'm booooored!" Weiss rubbed her temple and sigh in annoyence at her partner behaviour, a scowl on her pretty scared face.

Yang Xiao Long, Ruby sister, leaned back at her chair and put her card over her head. "Lay off her Ice Queen." She said as she also placed her card on the table with Weiss glaring at her for the nickname. "I mean there's nothing to do around here, other than training and goofing around, and i was honestly getting tired of beating you all in this game." Said the brawler as her partner look at her with a dull look on her face.

"Last time i check, Weiss has more wins than you." Said the cat-eared Faunus, Blake Belladona, cooly as Yang glare at her before shifting that glare to the schnee heiress who just huffed and look away from the blonde brawler while Ruby just keep groaning on boredom.

Jaune Arc, leader of team JNPR, look up from his card to face his and his friends team. "Well playing the same game over and over again does tend to get boring." He said before looking back at his hand, which is a full house.

His partner, Pyrrha Nikos, nodded her head agreeing with her leader and her secret crush (well secret to him and public knowledge to her friends.) As she is feeling very bored from this game, but doesn't voiced it out.

"Yeah! I'm getting bored already!" Said Nora Valkyrie as she look at her partner/best friend. "Rennnnnn! Make me pancake!" She pleaded to the black and pink-haired boy.

Lie Ren sigh at her best friend attitude. "Later Nora." He said making her groan. "Well i can't say that i'm not feeling bored." Said Ren as he was also feeling bored. "By the way, straight flush." He place his card on the table showing it is in fact a straight flush, Jaune slammed his card angrily, Pyrrha right eye were twitching, and Nora....well, she just groan at the lack of pancake in her system.

The two teams at the start have been estatic of taking a break from their studies and just relax, except Blake and Weiss they're just indifferent. But that feeling came down quickly when they've ran out of stuff to do, even Blake had run out of book to read. So they decided to play some games to spend their time, of course that end up quickly too after a few days.

Ruby groaned. "I wish something interesting would happen..." She said hoping that something would happen to relieve her of this boredom. Suddenly, her Scroll buzzed and she took it out to see that she got a message. Curiosly, she open it and read.

Would you like to experience a game that is out of your world?

YES  or  NO

This got her attention. "Hey guys, come and check this out." She called to her friends as they come over and see the message.

"'A game that is out of your world'?" Weiss said incredulously as she give a look to her partner. "Really Ruby? You're going to believe this sort of thing? This is obviously a false advertisement." She said while Yang hummed at the message.

"I don't know. Maybe we should give it a chance?" Yang said as her her friends, and sister, give her a questioning look. "What? It's not like we have anything better to do. Besides, what can go wrong?" She pointed out while the others think about it.

"It does sound intriguing." Blake said as she is curious what kind of game it is.

"I think we should give it a go." Jaune said as he is also curious on what kind of game it is.

"If you say so Jaune." Said Pyrrha agreeing with her team leader. "I just hope it doesn't lead us to something....inappropriate." She blushed when she remembered opening that kind of message on accident, needless to say it was embarrasing for her.

"It it comes to that, then we'll close it immediately." Ren said, his eye focus on the message.

"While i still believe that this is a waste of our time." Weiss roll her eyes as her arms are crossed. "I have to agree with Yang." She paused on what she had said. "Ewe, that felt strange to say." She said while Yang just ignored her.

"Come on! Press 'Yes'! Press it!" Nora siad excitedly while shaking in excitement, wondering what will happen.

"I'm pressing it! I'm pressing it!" Said Ruby frantically as she pressed 'yes'. A few second later, another message appeared and she open it.

Please type in your coordinate

Although confused, Ruby did just that and send her coordinate.

Another few second pass by, nothing happened.

"Huh. Nothing happened." Blake said dully when she see another message doesn't appear like the last one.

Weiss huffed. "See? I told yo—" She was cutted off by a flash of bright light.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Yang shouted in suprised at sudden flash of light as she close her eyes on instinct and use her arm to block the light from hurting her eyes.

"Languange!" Ruby shouted at her sister choise of word as she also blocked the light using her arm while closing her eyes. The others follow the same as the two sister, thinking what the heck is going on.

The light begin to dimmer down after a few second, much to the their relief. After the light is completely gone, the two teams open their eyes and see a swirling glowing green portal appeared in the middle of the room. Team RWBY and JNPR were wide-eyed at the sudden appearence of the portal, at the back of their mind they were relief that they were the only one at the Rec Room at the moment, otherwise this could be a bigger problem.

"I-Is that a portal?" Jaune ask in shock and disbelief at the portal while the rest of his team just nodded their heads, just as supprised as he is. "Oh good, so i'm not seeing thing." He chuckled nervously.

As they were thinking on where did the portal came from. A figure came out of the portal, suprising the huntsmen and huntress-in-training. As the figure is fully out of the portal, it begin to shrink rapidly until it was gone, leaving any trace of its exixtance along with it. Team RWBY and JNPR were shock at the dissapearance of the portal before focusing the attention to the mysterious figure.

Said figure is a human boy, which looks like to be around 17-18 years old with brown hair that is a little spiked at the end. He also has a tall well build but lean body.

He wears red jacket with the inside of it being white and the end of the jacket reaches his thigh and the sleeve rolled up a little showing a little bit of arm over a black t-shirt. A dark blue cargo pants that is hold by a brown leather belt and two small red colored case on both side of his hip. He has a dark-brown finggerless glove on both of his hand and a chain necklace around his neck. He also has a black shoulder guard on both of his shoulder. On his head, he wear a red cap hat witch cover his eyes from their view with a google strap over the hat. And a strange golden colored rectangular divice with a screen on it was strap around his left arm. The figure gave out a mysterious vibe around him that make the rest of them on edge.

The red hatted figure raise up his left arm and the device screen lit up. He begin typing something on it ignoring the questioning gaze from the two team.

"Teleportion succesful. No backlash recieve. No damage taken to the Dimension Travel system. All in all everything is alright. Adjusting system for future travel." He muttered lowly under his breath as continue to type something on his device before bringing down his arm and take a look around the place. "So this is Beacon Academy, well one of its room i guess." He chuckled to himself before he notices the gaze from both team RWBY and team JNPR, he smiled lightly.

"Hello there." He waves at them while the rest of the group keep giving a questioning and confusing look.

"Who are you?" Weiss questioned the red hatted figure warily, this guy just suddenly appeared from a strange portal she and the rest of them have never seen before, if that doesn't sound suspicious she don't know what is.

"I undestand your lack of faith in me, but i assured you that i mean no harm." He said softly as the huntsmen and huntress-in-training begin to loosen their guard, although some more than other. "Good. Now how about we get into introduction, who would like to go first?" He asked as the two teams look at each other before looking back at him.

"I'm Ruby Rose."

"Weiss Schnee."


"Sup, I'm Yang Xiao Long."

"Jaune Arc."

"Hello, i'm Pyrrha Nikos."

"Lie Ren."

"Nora here!"

The red hatted figure smiled. "Then i guess it's my turn. My name is Konami, but some people call me 'The Vagabond'" He introduced himself to them. "Now i understand that one of you recieve my message?" He asked as all of the Beacon students in the room looked at the red hooded reaper who got a little embarrased from the sudden attention she was having.

"Y-Yeah that would be me." Ruby chuckled nervously, before catching on what he had just said. "Wait, you're the one who sent the message?" She asked getting a nod from the Vagabond. "So that mean you're gonna give us a new game!?" She asked excitedly at the thought of playing a new game.

Konami chuckled. "Yes Ruby, i'm going to give you all a new game. And that game—" He open up one of the case on his hip before pulling up a card from inside of it. "—is this." He show the back of the card to them as they were rather amazed at the design of the card.

"Cool card. What's it called?" Yang asked the red hatted vagabond.

"This my friend, is called a 'Yu-gi-oh' card, or 'Duel Monster' as some people called it." Konami inform them as the group take interest when they heard the word 'duel'. "It is a turn-based card game where you 'duel' your opponent using your deck of card. The objective of this game is to reduce your opponent Life Points, or LP for short, to 0 using a variety card to do it." He explained the game to the two team who are looking interested at the game.

"Cool!" Said Ruby, Yang, Jaune, And Nora in excitement while Blake, Pyrrha, and Ren just smiled in inticapation on playing it. Weiss, however, had a different reaction.

"Sounds stupid to me." Weiss said haughtily. "Its just a card game, what's so fun about that?"

Konami look at her dully, or at least that's what they think the look he is giving her cause the hat make it difficult to tell, at her rather cold reply before shifting his gaze at the others. "Let me guess, her nickname is 'Ice Queen' isn't it?" He asked with a teasing grin on his face getting a laugh from the others. Weiss just gritted her teeth at the mention of her so called nickname.

"How dare you..." She glowered lighty as she glared at the red hatted vagabond.

"Be that as it may Weiss. This game is really fun to play and can be quite a challange to master. I guarentee you that it will be a game you have never seen before." Konami assured to Weiss who just grumbled a little.

"Speaking of which, the message mention something about 'out of your world'. What does that mean actually?" Blake asked him, voicing out everyone question that is on their mind.

He hummed for a bit. "Ah yes, i did mention that didn't i." He muttered as they are waiting on for his answer. "To put it simply. This game is not from Remnant, nor am i actually." He chuckled as the two teams were shocked at what he had said.

"WAIT, WHAT!?" The two team shouted in suprised at the info.

"You're from another world!?"

"You're not from Remnant!?"

"Well this sure is a suprise."

"No kidding!"

"How is this possible!?"

"This is quite a shocking news."

"Does that mean you're an alien!? Yes! I knew aliens a real! I knew it!"

"Calm down Nora."

Konami sweatdropped at the reaction he got, looks like this world don't have access to dimension travel, he needed to take note of this later.

"Alright thats enough." He said to them as they started to calm down, although slightly. "Good. Honestly it's not such a big deal." He said casually

"Not a big deal!? You just claim that you are from another world and you expect us to think that it's not such a big deal!?" Weiss said incredulously

"Dimension actually." He corrected the snow-haired girl who was suprised.

"Wait what?" Was what come out of her mouth when she heard what he said, same for the rest of her friends.

"I'm from another dimension not world, there's a different. So no Nora, i am not an alien." He look at the ginger-haired girl fo the last part.

"Awww...." Said girl whine as her dream of seeing an alien didn't come true. Ren just sigh and smile sightly as he rubbed her shoulder.

"Moving on. As have i told you before this game is from another dimension, and while i have ask you indirectly on would you like to play it or not. I decided to give you a chance if you trully want to play it, because if you do not then i will not bother you all again."
Konami said to the two team as they look at each other before huddle together to discuss it. After about a minute of discussing, they broke the huddle before Ruby spoke up.

"We decided to play Duel Monsters."

Konami grinned, this should be fun.

A/N: And that's it. So what do you guys think? Is it good? Is it bad? Please leave a comment, i can take constructive critism. By the way, i just want to make a few thing clear on this story.

1. The duel on this story will NOT include the link format. The reason is that not only that i'm not entirely familiar with the format, but some of the deck i choose for the teams is not entirely suited for the link format. So i'm sorry if this dissapointed some of you.

2. Team RWBY and JNPR will be the main focus of the story. But if any of you guys want to add another character like Team CFVY or Ozpin inner circle, then you guys can just tell me who do you want to appear and i'll put it into a vote.

3. The deck for Team RWBY and JNPR, as well as some of the other character from RWBY, is already planed out for most of them, but there are a few character that i'm a little bit confused with. So if i don't make a desicion, i'll put it up into a vote so you guys could decide.

4. This story will feature the character from the Yu-gi-oh anime, so expect some familiar faces. Take note that some age will be altered than what it is orginally in the canon. For example, the Arc-V character will be 3 years older than in the canon.

5. Do not expect a quick update. This is my first time writing a fanfiction story and i also have a lot of work to do at school. So update may be slow, just saying.

That being said i really hope you guys like the story and i'll tray my best to keep it as real and as to the canon as it gets. That's all for me, hope you guys enjoy this story. Thank you!

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