Introduction to the game
A/N: Hey guys, i'm back! So here is chapter 2 of RWBY: The Duelist Experience. Here, team RWBY and JNPR will learn how to play Yu-gi-oh and learn a little bit more about the game. So without futher ado, let's start!
Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY or Yu-gi-oh, they belong to Rooster Teeth and Konami respectively.
Konami look up from typing something on the device strap on his arm to look at Ruby. After the group agread to play the game, he instructed them to take a sit so he can fill them in on the game. Right now both team RWBY and JNPR are sitted next to each other with Konami in front of the two team.
"Yes Ruby?" He asked the the red hodded reaper as he lower down his arm to the side.
"So i've been meaning to ask you this, but what's that thing straped to your arm?" Ruby asked curiously as she and the other had been wondering what the device on his arm really is.
"I've also been wondering about that." Weiss said as she is really curious what kind of technology that device possessed. She had a few teories about it, but she can't be to sure if those teories are right or wrong.
Konami looked at the device straped on his arm before looking back at the two team. "Sure. I was gonna show you guys about it later, but i guess i can do it now." He said as they leaned in closer to him to get a better look.
The red hatted vagabond raise his arm in front of his chest before thrusting his arm forward a little. As if by command, the right and left compartment open up and unfolded itself making a triangle like shape on each end with the right part having a slot made to insert something in it. Suddenly a red colored projection like blade in an angular like shape materialize itself in front of the device.
"WOAH!" Ruby, Yang, Jaune, and Nora cried out in suprise at the transformation of the device while Weiss, Blake, Pyrrha, and Ren just stared at it with wide eyes.
"This my friend, is called the Duel Disk." Said Konami as he grinned at the reaction he get when he activated it. "This will be the tool you will need when you want to have a duel." He said.
"SO COOL!" Ruby and Nora shout with star in their eyes as they stared at the now named Duel Disk. It was so cool!
"Fascinating..." Ren said as he look at the Duel Disk interesting design.
"Is that a blade?" Jaune asked as he take note of the 'blade' that is seemingly hover in front of the Duel Disk.
"Yes it is, but while it is technically the 'blade' of the Duel Disk, it is not as affective as a real blade does. Rather, it is made as a place to place your card." Konami explained as Jaune nodded his head in understanding.
"What are the 'blade' made of?" Pyrrha asked as she tap the 'blade' with her fingger, checking its density to find out that it's really hard. She was curious if her semblance can take control of the 'blade', though she doubted that because it doesn't look like it use any sort metal at all.
"The 'blade' is made of energy that has been solidified by the Duel Disk. The density of the 'blade' has the same density as a very strong metal would, theoretically the 'blade' can be broken but i don't know for sure because most people don't use it unless during a duel. The shape of the 'blade' can also be altered to the users liking, but this is the most common shape of a 'blade' that a Duel Disk would have." Konami said as Pyrrha was suprised that it was made entirely out of energy.
"Wait, your world can make solidified energy?" Weiss asked in suprise as she look at the peace of technology in a new light. Atlas, even for all of its technological advancement, has not found a way to turm energy into a solid form. Yet Konami is saying that this kind of thing is a common thing for him.
"Again dimension, there's a different, and the most you can get using this peace of technology is in the Duel Disk." He explained to Weiss as he de-activated his Duel Disk. "Now enough about the Duel Disk, i'll tell you guys more about it later. Now it's about time i tell you how to play Duel Monsters." Konami said as the other agree with him.
"Finally." Blake said quietly. She wasn't trying to be impatient but she was just getting really curious.
She blame it on her being a cat faunus. Not that she hated being a faunus or anything, far from it actually. But when you share the same tendencies as the animal trait you were born with, it does tend to be more of a troublesome thing than anything.
Like her cat ears for example, twitching itself under her bow. Thankfully no one notice that, except for one.
Konami look at the bow on top of Blake's head, he swore he saw them twiched for a second. "Hey Blake, not to be rude or anything. But why is your bow twitching?" He asked her, hoping to find an answer.
Blake paled when he mention her bow twitching, the same as the other as they tensed up. They looked at each other in worry, with Blake being the most worry of them all. Konami may be from an another dimension but that doesn't mean that he won't act like any other human who hates faunus.
Konami saw the look of he was getting. It was the look of worry, hesitation, and for Blake's case the look of fear . He sighed when he realized he asked something that he shouldn't have.
"Look, guys. If it's something that personal to you Blake, then i won't pry it out of you. I respect your privacy." He said and he meant every word of it, he knew the burden of keeping a secret so he will not force it out of her if she doesn't wan to.
"N-No no, i-i guess i can show you." Blake said hesitantly as her partner look at her in worry.
"Blake are you sure?" Yang whispered to her as she placed her hand on her shoulder. It was hard enough for her to tell her friends about it, heck the whole team almost had a fall out because of it!
"Y-Yeah it's alright Yang. I mean, he already give us a lot and we barely even know him. I think it's the least i can do." Blake said to the blonde who nodded her head and release her hand from her shoulder.
Blake let out a sigh as she take off her bow, letting her cat ears full out in display. She closed her eyes, waiting for any bad word and discrimination the red hatted vagabond has for her.
"Cool ears."
What? Blake open her eyes wide and stared at the grinning duelist in front of her. Did she just heard him right?
"What?" Was what she could only said in her state of shock. The rest of her friends also was in shock, though some of them is more relieved than shock on what the vagabond had said.
"I said cool ears. What did you expect me to say?" He asked the two team with a raised eyebrow....which was hidden by his hat.
"Oh i don't know. Maybe something like 'is that cat ear?', or 'are you not human?', or maybe 'HOLY SHIT SHE'S A CAT-PERSON!'" Yang said as she snickered at the last one. Blake though just slap the back her head and gave her a heated glare, which makes her laugh even more.
"I assure you that i'm no racist. Beside i've seen a lot of strange thing and you-" He pointed his finger at Blake. "-are not one of them." He grinned as he put his finger down. "Though those are some cute ears you got there." Konami said which makes Blake flustered with her cheeks having a little bit of red to them at the sudden compliment she get.
Yang smirk teasingly as she wrapped her arm around her flustered partner shoulder. "Well Blake, he thinks your ears are cute. I guess you could say that they sure 'cat'ched his attantion." She said as her partner groaned at the blonde lame pun, the same as the rest of her team and her friend team.
"Oh god she's a pun maker." Konami said in dismay as he facepalmed before snapping out of it. "Alright no more teasing or pun, it's about time we get back to the main topic." He said to Yang as she smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry." Yang said as she rubbed the back of her head. "Do continue." She said to the vagabond who smiled and nodded.
"Alright. As i have said before, Duel Monster is a game where you duel with an opponent with your card as weapon and the main objective of the game is to reduce his or her Life Point to 0 right?" He said and when he see the various nod, he continue to explained. "Now there are a few things you need to know to play the game and that is the card, the deck, the field, and the rule of the game."
It took a while for Konami to explained the two team everything they need to know on how to play, though he did leave out a few thing to suprised them with.
During the explanation, the two team listen carefully as to not miss any detail. There were so many kind of rule and mechanic that they never thought a single game would have, like for example; the different type of card, the kind of effect they had, and the rule of how to use the card. Weiss and Ren went far as to take some notes. After about a half an hour later, Konami finished his explaning the basic of the game, he also told them how to use the Duel Disk during a duel, though he did left out what happened if you duel using a Duel Disk.
"And that's about it." Konami cough as his throat was a little dry from having to talk for so long. "So, you guys get all that?" He asked the beacon student.
"Yeah i'm sure we got them all." Ruby said as she scratch her head a little with a smile on her face, she and her friend now understand what they need to do to play Duel Monsters.
"Good to know." Konami said with a smile on his face.
"Can i ask you something Konami?" Ruby raise her hand to ask a question.
"Sure Ruby." Konami said
"Thanks! I was wondering when can we start to play?" Ruby said as she can't wait to start to play.
"I've also wondering when can we start." Weiss said as her eyes show her eagerness.
"Me too actually." Blake said with a smile on her face.
"Yeah! When can we start!?" Yang said as she is getting really excited to play.
Team JNPR also can't wait to play as Jaune is smiling in anticipation and so does Pyrrha, Nora was shaking in her seat with excitement while Ren just smile lightly showing that he is also eager to start.
Konami chuckled at the group eagerness. "Alright, well get right to it. But first, how about i show you guys a demonstration duel?" He asked the two team.
"A demonstration duel?" Jaune asked in confusion before looking at his team and team RWBY who gives him various nod. "Sure, we would like to see you duel." Said the blonde knight with a smile on his face.
"But who would you be dueling with?" Blake said as she tilted her head to the side wondering who would Konami duel with.
"Oh! Oh! Pick me! Pick me!" Nora said in excitement as she raise her arm and flailing it around trying to get the vagabond attention.
"Sorry Nora, i've already had an opponent in mind. Maybe next time alright?" Said Konami with an apolegetic smile on his face.
"So who will you duel?" Weiss raised her her rather delicate eyebrow. She doubted he will pick her or anyone on their group.
"You'll see soon enough. Now is there anywhere here that resemble an arena?" He asked the group as they looked at each other.
"Well there is the training room, but we'll have to ask permission with Professor Goodwitch first though." Ruby said as she rubbed her chin.
"I'm sure she won't mind. After all, students who stayed in Beacon can borrow the training room as long as they have permission." Pyrrha told her assuredly.
"Why does your school have a training room anyway?" Konami asked the team who looked at him for a moment before they realized something, he wasn't from Remnant so that means he doesn't know anything about Huntsmen or Hunstress, the kingdom, or even about the Grimm.
"Okay. Me and Jaune will asked permission to Professor Goodwitch to borrow the training room, while the rest of you guys can inform Konami all he needs to know about Remnant, got it?" Ruby told the her and Jaune team with her 'leader' voice making Weiss smiled lightly at the younger girl.
"Got it." Was the collective agreament from the group, except Konami. With that being said, Ruby and Jaune walked out of the room to asked permission to Professor Goodwitch to let them borrow the training room. While the rest of them inform all Konami needs to know about Remnant, like Aura, Semblance, Hunters, Faunus, and most importantly Grimm.
After Ruby and Jaune return with the permission, the group begin walking to the training room.
"This is one big building." Konami mumbled as he looked around the hallway while walking the rest of the group.
"Its sure is. It's easy to get lost if it's your first time being here." Weiss said with a smile.
"Still, this is building is bigger than the Duel Academia, never thought i would see a bigger school than that actually." He chuckled.
"Duel Academia?" Blake asked.
"Ah yes. You see, in my dimension, Duel Monsters is more than just a simple game. It was view as a career, a competition, a hobby, and a way of life for some people. So there are a few school who teach you how to duel so you can get a career as Pro Duelist." Konami explained as the other was amazed on how big was the game in his dimension.
"Wow. If i can get a job just by playing card game, then sign me up right away." Jaune commented with a little laugh.
"It sure is safer than what we are doing." Pyrrha giggle.
"Yeah but i like killing Grimm! It give me reasons to use my hammer, Magnhild." Nora patted said hammer on her back. The two teams went to their dorm earlier to get their weapon before heading to the training room.
"Still, how can a simple card game be so famous?" Weiss questioned the vagabond with her arm crossed. She find it hard to believe playing a card game could be made as a career.
Konami chuckled. "Trust me Weiss, you'll see it in a moment." He said to Weiss who huffed for not getting her answer.
"Isn't Duel Monsters played on game mat like most card game do?" Yang asked
"Oh that's old school. Nowadays people duel using this." He said as he raise his arm showing the Duel Disk.
"Oh! Are you going to use the Duel Disk!?" Ruby asked in excitement at the tought of Konami using his Duel Disk in a duel.
"Come to think of it, you haven't show us exactly how to duel using it." Ren said as he remembered that Konami never show them how to duel using the Duel Disk.
"Don't worry Ren, i'll show you all when we reach the training room. Trust me, you can't use it in such a confined space like the rec room." He said reassuringly to Ren.
"Speaking of which, were here." Blake said as the group see that they are at the doorway leading to the training rooms.
Ruby then pull out her scroll and reached it out to open the door. With a ding, the door opened as she and the other walked in to see the large arena of the training rooms.
"This should be enough. You guys just take a sit while i set things up " Said Konami as he walks to the centar of the arena and begin typing again at his Duel Disk. The others, meanwhile, had take a sit at the sideline as they were wondering what the vagabond has instored for them.
"What do you guys think he need the training rooms for anyway?" Jaune asked the other as he sit by his team at the back while Ruby's team sit in front of them.
"No idea Jaune, let's just wait and see what will happen." Ren said to his leader who nodded at his words.
"It looks like he's done with....whatever it is he's doing." Ruby said when she see that he is done typing his Duel Disk still confused on what the red hatted duelist is actually doing.
Before anyone could say another word, Konami raise out his Duel Disk and blue particle begin to appear before they come together to form a person with the same Duel Disk like he had much to the group suprise.
"What the-!?" Weiss called out, supprised at the sudden appearence.
"This a Duel AI i created to help me train when there's not anyone for me to duel with, i called him 'The Vagrant'" Konami told the group as they look at the AI and back to him.
"....does the name have anything to do on the fact that he looks exactly like you." Blake deadpanned at the vagabond as the AI looks exactly like him but with a blue color scheme and that the word 'Vagrant' has a simillar meaning to the word 'Vagabond'.
"I see it as a way to surpass myself." He said while laughing a little.
Konami and The Vagrant than walk away from each other to create a distance, confusing the other even more why he needed more space to duel with. When Konami feel that the distance is enough, he turned around and the AI copy his movement as the the two of them face each other before he turned his head to the two team who are looking at him in anticipation.
"By the way guys, the deck i will be using is not my original one. Just want to let you guys know before hand." He called out as the group nodded.
Konami activate his Duel Disk and The Vagrant copy his movement before the two shouted the same word.
Konami: 8000 LP / Hand ×5
The Vagrant: 8000 LP / Hand ×5
The two teams are excited that they are finally about to see a real life duel, some more than the other.
"I'll take the first turn." The Vagrant said monotonously with a voice completely identical to Konami, the group were rather suprised how thorough he is to make this AI.
"I Summon Alexandrite Dragon."
Alexandrite Dragon - (LIGHT/Dragon) - (LV: 4/ATK: 2000/DEF: 100)
A large dragon appeared and roared in front of The Vagrant, which scare the heck out of the Beacon Students.
"WHERE DID THAT DRAGON CAME FROM!?" Yang cried out in suprise as she ready her weapon, Ember Celica with her sister and friends doing the same, drawing their weapon and preapering for a fight if need to. The only thing that keeping them on their seat is that Konami look completely calm even with the monster in front of him, so they relucantly sit down although they still keep their weapons at ready.
"I set a card and end my turn." Said the AI as a card lying face-down appeared before it dissapear as he end his turn.
"It's my turn, i draw." Konami said as he draw a card from the deck. He look at the two tensed team with a hint of amusement. "So....what do you guys think?" He asked them innocently.
"I think you gave me a heart attack you degenerate hooligans!" Weiss said in righteous anger as she glare fiercely at the vagabond with a shake of her fist.
"Jeez calm down Weiss. You guys are the one who wanted to see a duel." He waved off her rather justified anger while the Schnee heiress glowered lowly at him.
"So is this what the Duel Disk can do?" Ren questioned as he is the first one to calm down to asked.
"Why yes Ren. With the Duel Disk, Monster, Magic, and Trap can become real using the Real Solid Vision System that is stored in them, a duelist can experiance a new level of dueling with this system." Konami explained as the group lose their tensed form and was replaced with a look of amazement.
"Now if there aren't anymore interuption, i would like to resume the duel." He asked them and getting nod from them all. "Good. I discard 1 card from my hand to Special Summon The Tricky from my hand, then i Normal Summon Skilled Dark Magician also from my hand." Konami summoned a capped magician with question mark on its body and another magician wearing a black robe with a hood covering its face.
The Tricky - (WIND/Spellcaster/Effect) - (LV: 5/ATK: 2000 /DEF: 1200)
Skilled Dark Magician - (DARK/Spellcaster/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1900/DEF: 1700)
"Ren look! He summoned a wizard!" Nora pointed at Skilled Dark Magician.
"I think he's a magician Nora." Ren pointed out but the hammer wielding girl just ignored him as she keep staring at the magician.
"I activate Black Pendant and equip it to Skilled Dark Magician and he gains 500 ATK, and when a Magic Card is activated he gains a Spell Counter." A pendant appeared on Skilled Dark Magician neck as he gains a Counter.
Skilled Dark Magician - (DARK/Spellcaster/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 2400/DEF: 1700) - Counter: 1
"Battle! I attack Alexandrite Dragon with Skilled Dark Magician!" Konami said as the magician liffted up his staff and blasted the dragon and destroying it.
The Vagrant LP: 8000 = 7600
"Now The Tricky direct attack!" The Tricky attacked the AI with a blast from his hand and creating an explosion.
The Vagrant LP: 7600 = 5600
"I set a card and end my turn." Konami concluded his turn
Konami: 8000 LP / Hand ×1
The Vagrant: 5600 LP / Hand ×4
"This is probably the most bizzare card game i have ever witnessed." Weiss said as her eyes are widen at the duel she is seeing.
"But it sure is a lot of fun!" Ruby smiled as she cupped her hand around her mouth. "Go Konami!" She cheered for the red hatted vagabond.
"Yeah! Kick that doppleganger butt!" Yang follow her sister as she also cheered for him.
"....You do realize that you're basically encouraging him to kick his own butt right?" Blake deadpanned as she stared blankly at her partner who just scratched the back of her head and laugh shepishly.
"My turn, draw." The Vagrant draw a card from his deck. "I activate Puppet Plant effect, by discarding this card i can take control one of the opponent monster. I choose Skilled Dark Magician." A plant with various tool on its vine appear before it stretch its vine and wrap it around Skilled Dark Magician and pulling the monster into The Vagrant field.
"Oh no, Konami monster was stolen from him." Pyrrha said in concern.
"Don't worry Pyrrha, i'm sure he'll be just fine." Jaune smiled at his partner who smiled back and also blushing lightly.
"I Normal Summon Des Feral Imp." An imp like monster appeared on The Vagrant field.
Des Feral Imp - (DARK/Fiend/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1600/DEF: 1800)
"I activate my Trap Card: Trap Hole!"
Konami said as he reveal the face-down on his field. "When my opponent Normal Summoned a monster with 1000 ATK or more, i can destroy that monster and send it to the Graveyard!" A hole appeared under Des Feral Imp as the imp like monster fell to the hole and was destroy.
"When a monster i control is destroyed and is send to the Graveyard, i can Special Summon Interplanetrypurplythorny Dragon from my hand." A large purple dragon with a demonic like look appeared and roared on The Vagrant field.
Interplanetrypurplythorny Dragon - (DARK/Dragon/Effect) - (LV: 5/ATK: 2200/DEF: 1100)
"It looks like Konami Trap backfire on him." Ren said as he rubbed his chin.
"Now both of The Vagrant monster ATK are higher then The Tricky." Jaune said as he look worry for Konami.
"Battle. I attack The Tricky with Interplanetrypurplythorny Dragon." The Vagrant said as the dragon shot up a purple flame from its mouth into The Tricky direction.
"I activate Quick-Play Spell: Shrink. I can target 1 monster on the field and halve its original ATK, i target The Tricky." The Tricky begin to shrink as its ATK is lowered before being engulfed by Interplanetrypurplythorny Dragon attack causing Konami to be push back a little by the force of the attack.
The Tricky - (DARK/Spellcaster/Effect) - (LV: 5/ATK: 1000/DEF: 1200)
Konami LP: 8000 = 6800
"But you activated another Magic Card, meaning he gains another counter." Konami pointed out as Skilled Dark Magician gain another Counter
Skilled Dark Magician - (DARK/Spellcaster/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 2400/DEF: 1700) - Counter: 2
"Skilled Dark Magician direct attack." Skilled Dark Magician lifted his staff and fired at Konami who cried out as he is thrown back by the attack.
Konami LP: 6800 = 4600
"I end my turn. At this moment, Puppet Plant effect ended and Skilled Dark Magician returned to your field." The Vagrant said as Skilled Dark Magician return to Konami field.
Konami: 4600 LP / Hand ×1
The Vagrant: 5600 LP / Hand ×0
"Konami! Are you okay!?" Ruby asked in worry when she see that he was thrown back by the attack.
"Yeah i'm alright Ruby." Konami said as he get up. "Nothing to worry about."
"How did you get thrown back anyway!? I thought all of this was just a hologram!" Weiss questioned him as she was feeling a little bit panicked.
"Well they are more than a hologram. You see, when i said that the Real Solid Vision System make the cards real, i mean it literally. The system give the hologram mass so that means you can actually touch the monster as it were a real living being." He explained again to the two team who were wide-eye when they heard they can touch the monster.
"Now its my turn. I draw." Konami said as he look at the card he drawn before immediately using it. "I acitvate Soul Taker! This card allow me to destroy a monster my opponent control in exchange of the opponent gains 1000 LP, i destroy Interplanetrypurplythorny Dragon!" Konami said as the dragon monster was destroyed by the Spell Card.
"And since i activate another Spell, Skilled Dark Magician gains 1 more Counter."
Skilled Dark Magician - (DARK/Spellcaster/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 2400/DEF: 1700) - Counter: 3
"I activate Skilled Dark Magician effect! By Releasing this card with 3 Counter on it, i can Special Summoned a Black Magician from my Hand, Deck, or the Graveyard." Skilled Dark Magician was removed from the field and was replaced by a magician wearing a purple robe and wealding a green staff.
Black Magician - (DARK/Spellcaster/) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2500/DEF: 2000)
"Due to the effect of Black Pendant, when this card leave the field i take 500 damage."
Konami LP: 4600 = 4100
"So that's what the Counter for, he needed it to summon a stronger monster." Blake said.
"And it's another wizard!" Nora said excitedly as Ren just sigh.
"Battle! Black Magician direct attack! Black Magic!" Konami cried out as Black Magician spin his staff around before pointing at The Vagrant and fired a purple-dark colored enegy beam at him.
The Vagrant LP: 6600 = 4100
"Trap activate: Damage Gate." The Vagrant said as he reveal his Reverse Card. "When i take damage from a battle, i can Special Summoned a Monster from the Graveyard that have ATK equal or lower than the damage i took." Interplaneterypurplythorny Dragon return to the field but it curled up its body as it is Summon in a Denfense Position.
"I end my turn." Konami concluded.
Konami: 4100 LP / Hand ×1
The Vagrant: 4100 LP / Hand ×0
"Now their LP are even." Blake pointed out.
"Do you think he got this?" Ruby asked her partner.
"I don't know, Konami did say you never know what will happen in a duel." Weiss told her.
"Well we're about to find out." Yang said as she see that The Vagrant is about to start his turn.
"My turn. Draw." The Vagrant drawed. "I activate Pot of Greed, i draw 2 card from the deck." He said as he draw two more card from his deck.
"....That's it? He just draw two card and that's it!? Really!?" Jaune cried out at the effect of the card while his partner just sweatdropped at her crush as she rubbed his shoulder akwardly.
"I play Silent Doom. This card allow me to Special Summon a Normal Monster from the Graveyard in Defense Postion, but it cannot attack for the rest of this turn." The AI said as Alexandrite Dragon return to the field in Defense Position.
"I assume he summon it as a means to defend his LP, Konami monster has a higher ATK then those two monster though." Weiss theorised as she rubbed her chin in thought.
"I release these 2 monsters-"
"Or use it to Summon a high level Monster." Blake smirked as Weiss glared at the cat-faunus.
"-to Summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon." The Vagrant said as the two monster turn into a series of blue particle.
The particle gather around each other as they begin to take a from of a white dragon with blue eyes. The dragon reared back its head before letting out a huge roar creating a big shockwaves that pushes Konami back as he raise his arm to block the shockwaves, the same as the two teams and although they are sitted right now they still can feal the force this monster was letting out.
Blue-Eyes White Dragon - (LIGHT/Dragon) - (LV: 8/ATK: 3000/DEF: 2500)
"What is up with that shockwave!?" Weiss cried out as she was shocked at how powerfull that shockwave was, not even the Grimm can make a shockwave that powerfull!
"Yeah, what a 'shocking'wave." Yang joked getting a groan from the other except Konami who didn't hear her as he was busy looking at the blue-eyed dragon.
'Blue-Eyes, even without your proper master you still show that you are the strongest of all Monsters.' Konami thought as he grinned. 'Still can't believe Kaiba of all people would give me a real copy of his most precious card, i knew we bonded at all but it still shock me to this day.'
"I attack Black Magician with Blue-Eyes White Dragon." Blue-Eyes fly up as it gather up white energy in its mouth before unleashing it on the magician, completly destroying it and creating a big explosion.
Konami LP: 4100 = 3600
"I end my turn." The Vagrant said as the white dragon hover on the AI field letting out a low growl.
Konami: 3600 LP / Hand ×1
The Vagrant: 4100 LP / Hand ×0
"This is bad. Konami has no monster on his field while his opponent has that Blue-Eyes White Dragon on his field." Pyrrha said in worry and although this is just game, a very realistic game actually, she can't help but be worried for her new friend.
"I'm sure he can turn things around." Jaune said to his partner.
"Come on Konami! Break that dragon legs!" Nora shouted to the red hatted vagabond who only sweatdropped at the girl weird form of encouragement.
"Nora....the dragon has wings, i don't think it will make much of a difference." Ren pointed out to the ginger haired girl.
"The break its wings first! Then go for the legs!" Said Nora as she grinned cheerfully at her best friend who only let out a sigh.
"Ignoring that rather....disturbing advice." Konami said as he shake his head before focusing back at the duel. "It's my turn again. Draw!" He draw a card from his deck before looking at it and smile as he use it. "I also activate Pot of Greed, i draw two more card." He look at the card that he had drawn.
'Alright, this should do the trick.' He put the card into his hand before using one of them. "I activate Monster Reborn! I can Special Summon one monster from either players Graveyard. Revive, Black Magician!" Konami called as Black Magician return from the Graveyard with his arm crosses as he stare at his opponent.
"Why did he Summoned Black Magician in Attack Position?" Ruby asked as her team who only shrugged as they are as confused as their team leader.
"I set a card and end my turn." He concluded his turn with that.
Konami: 3600 LP / Hand ×1
The Vagrant: 4100 LP / Hand ×0
"My turn. Draw." The Vagrant said as he draw. "Battle. Blue-Eyes White Dragon attack Black Magician." The white dragon charge up another white energy in its mouth before firing it at the magician.
"Trap activate: Rising Energy!" Konami reveal his card before the attack reached him. "By discarding a card from my hand-" He discarded Magician Valkyria from his hand "-Black Magician gain 1500 ATK until the end of this turn!" Black Magician begin to emit energy as his ATK rises.
Black Magician - (DARK/Spellcaster) - (LV: 7/ATK: 4000/DEF: 2000)
"Counter it, Black Magician! Black Magic!" He called out as the magician jumped into the air, spinning his staff before unleashing a dark energy as it clashed with Blue-Eyes attack as the two attack create another shockwave that's enough to make the ground shake and making a series of crack on it.
"This is insane!" Weiss cried out as she gripped the edge of her seat as she feel the ground shaking from the two attack.
"But it sure is awesome!" Yang said excitedly with a large grin on her face, she can't wait to start dueling.
The two attack continue to clash before the difference in the ATK starts to kick in as Black Magician begin to push Blue-Eyes own attack and overpowering it as the attack connect with the dragon as its body is destroyed and making an explosion.
The Vagrant LP: 4100 = 3100
"Alright! He defeated the dragon!" Yang cried out as she pumped her fist.
"Now The Vagrant field is empty. On his next turn he should be able to direct attack and win the duel." Weiss said with a smile and let out a sigh of relief when the shaking has stopped.
"Turn end!" Konami called out with a grin on his face.
Konami: 3600 LP / Hand ×0
The Vagrant: 3100 LP / Hand ×0
"My turn. I draw." The Vagrant said as he draw. "I set a card. Turn end." He concluded his turn as he set a card on his field.
"Its my turn. I draw." Konami said as he draw.
"Trap activate: Birthright." The Vagrant said as the flipped open the face-down card on the field making the vagabond tensed when he hear the name of the Trap. "I target one Normal Monster in my Graveyard and Special Summon it in Attack Position." As the AI said that the ground begin to crack as Blue-Eyes White Dragon came out of it and let out a roar as it return to field.
"Damn it! That dragon is back again." Jaune cursed when he see that Blue-Eyes has been revived.
"And that's bad because unlike the last turn, Konami doesn't have the card to beat it." Blake said.
"Come on Konami! I'm sure you can turn this around!" Ruby shouted to the red hatted duelist who looked at her and smiled.
"Thanks Ruby! Don't worry, i'll turn this around." Konami said before he looked at the card he draw before smirking. "And i'll do it with this. Come out! The Magical Warrior Breaker!" He called out as he summoned another magician but this one is different, instead of wearing a typical clothing fit for a mage. The monster is wearing a red knight like armor with gold accent and a green cape as he wield a sword on right and a shield on his left.
Breaker the Magical Warrior — (DARK/Spellcaster/Effect) — (LV: 4/ATK: 1600/DEF: 1000)
"When Breaker is Normal Summoned, he gain 1 Spell Counter and his ATK increase by 300 points for each Counter on him." He said as the red armored magician gains a Counter and his ATK increased.
Breaker the Magical Warrior — (DARK/Spellcaster/Effect) — (LV: 4/ATK: 1900/DEF: 1000) — Counter: 1
"I don't get it. Why did he summoned Breaker if it doesn't have enough ATK point to destroy Blue-Eyes White Dragon?" Nora asked as she tilted her head in confusion.
"I activate Breaker effect! I remove a Counter from Breaker to destroy a Magic or Trap card on the field. I destroy Birthright!" He stretch out his hand as Breaker begin to charge up magical energy on his sword.
"Thats it!" Weiss exclaimed loudly making the rest of the group look at her in confusion.
"Whats it?" Ruby asked her partner.
"The Trap. When Blue-Eyes was summoned back the Trap didn't go to the Graveyard, instead it remains on the field face-up." Weiss explained with a large grinned on her face. "Remember what Konami said? A Trap that remains on the field is called the Continious Trap. So that means the dragon is connected with the Trap. But if the Trap is destroyed—" She started out before Konami continue on what she's about to say.
"The monster that connected to the Trap is also destroyed." He finished off her sentence as he grinned widely. "And that is exactly what i'm doing. Do it Breaker!" Breaker nodded his head as he swing his sword making a blade wave made out of magical energy as it slashed the Trap into two and thus destroying it as Blue-Eyes let out a weak roar as the white dragon also disappear from the field along with the Trap card.
"Yes! The Vagrant field is now completely empty, finish it Konami!" Yang called out to him.
"With pleasure Yang. Battle!" Konami started his Battle Phase before he pointed his finger at the AI. "Attack The Vagrant directly Breaker!" He commanded as the red armored magician jumped high into the air before falling down and slashing The Vagrant accross the chest with his sword.
The Vagrant LP: 3100 = 1500
"Finish it, Black Magician! Black Magic!" Konami cried out as Black Magician spinned his staff before aiming at the AI and firing a dark enegy blast from the tip of it as it hit the AI directly creating an explosion.
The Vagrant LP: 1500 = 0
As the duel has ended, The Vagrant body begin to dissolve into a series of blue particle, leaving the arena alone with only Konami and the two team who coninue to stare at the arena with different kind of expression on their faces. Konami then let out a breath as he de-activated his Duel Disk before looking back at the two teams with a smile on his face.
"So guys, are you ready to start?" He asked them as his smile changed into a challenging smirk.
The two teams look at each other before looking back at the red hatted duelist with a various expression on each of their faces but it all leads to one thing.
They are ready to duel.
A/N: And thats about wrap it up! So is it bad? Is it good? Please leave a comment if you like. And i appologise for the rather long update, it took me quite a while to make this chapter. I can assured you that this story will continue. By the way, regarding the deck theme for Team RWBY and JNPR, i already made my desicion on which archtype they will be using for the remainder of this story. And that deck is:
Ruby — Gem-Knight
Weiss — Prophecy Spellbook
Blake — Lunalight
Yang — Red-Eyes
Jaune — Noble Knight
Pyrrha — Gladiator Beast
Nora — Nordic Aesir
Ren — Bujin
And that's about it for the current teams deck and as for Konami real deck....i'll just leave it to your imagination, but i already have a plan for his deck.
Another thing to take note as i said before, some fact about the canon Yu-Gi-Oh anime will be altered a little to fit the story better and their deck will also be altered with the addition of the new card support, so yeah there will be some different but not to much that it will derailed completely from the canon.
If you're wondering about the deck i use in this chapter, it is the Yugi and Kaiba reloaded starter deck. Though as you have seen i've made some few adjustment to it a little but everything else is the same. Also yes Konami has made friend with pratically everyone in the whole Yu-Gi-Oh character, at least the main one, as seen in the Tag Force game, i think the reason should be enough for now.
That's about it for this chapter. All in all i hope you guys like this story. Please leave a review and i'll try to update the story in at least....3 weeks top. Thank You!
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