Duel Between the Bro - Sun VS Neptune

A/N: Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of RWBY: The Duelist Experience! Previously, Konami had some new faces on his second day in Remnant, both good and bad. With two of them being the resident fashionista and a shy bunny girl who had a Duel with each other. Who knew a rabbit and dragon would prevail against a bunch of craftswomen with magical ability.

So....to those who had constantly message me to ask when the new chapter is coming and asking for my wellbeing. Well I would just like to say that I am happy that you all are still reading this, and you don't have to worry about my wellbeing as well.

Also sorry that I didn't reply to any of your message, but I promise, I had my reason.

Now most of you must be asking why I didn't respond to your message. Did I decided to drop this story? Did I suddenly get sick? Did I just disappear from the face of the earth?!

Thankfully It's none of that, no the actual reason is a lot more....funny, if you all wanted to look at it that way.

So as you all know I am a college student who is trying to be a doctor in the future, this is a big hurdle for my writing time but not just something I could just sweep up under the table. You need to study really hard if you wanted to make it and there is a lot of material to cover, not to mention just a few months ago I had an exam to test my knowledge and ability so studying is priority number one for me.

Now to focus on my studying I decided to just cut off all of my notification on my phone that would distract me from my studying, as for the result? I don't want to talk about it....

Don't get me wrong It's good, but it could be better. That's some good life lesson their folks: you can always do better.

So Wattpad is one of the apps I decided to turn off the notification to. After the exam was done, I was actually confused why I didn't get any notification from my Wattpad but just chalk it up to just everyone being silent or something like that.

You probably had already figure this out by now what happened. I turn off my Wattpad notification, completely forgot I did that in the first place and didn't turn it back on until literal MONTHS AFTER I FINISH MY EXAM.

I know, I know that sound ridiculous but what you need to understand about me is that my memory can be a bit....'wonky' at times. Like 'completely forgetting what video I wanted to watch on YouTube and then remember it the very NEXT DAY OR TWO' kind of wonky.

But enough about my dysfunctional memory capacity and capibility. You all wanted to see some Dueling and you all are gonna get it in this chapter, as well as some few other things as well.

Sun and Neptune will be having their Duel in this chapter and to those who had already figure out what deck they are playing, well It's either because you've read the various amount of comment in this story or you just have a hunch that happened to be correct.

Now that all that needed to be said is all done, let's get on to the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY or Yu-gi-oh, they belong to Rooster teeth and Konami respectively.


Metaltron and Tierra stared at Konami for a while when he told them about his theory of Remnants being part of the Spirit World. Both Duel Spirit eyes were widened as they could never have imagined such a thing could be possible, but from the explanation he gave them it seems to be the truth.

Tierra pinched the bridge of her nose as she closed her eyes, looking like she was having a headache with the sudden bombshell that was thrown at her. "Alright, my brain hasn't processed all of this shit yet, but are you telling me that this dimension we are standing in right now is actually part of the Spirit World...?" She said as she couldn't tell what she should feel about this whole thing.

While it was true that she was a Duel Spirit of the Spirit World, most of the memory that she could remember was within her seal where she was trapped for several millennia and her life before being sealed. So she wouldn't say that she was particularly close with the world she had been born through, but it was still her home nonetheless, especially the past few months where she could really see what her world is like thanks to Konami.

"Among other things, yes that is correct." Konami reaffirmed as he leaned back on his chair while crossing his arm over his chest. "However, the correct term would be that it was part of the Spirit World."

"It was part of the Spirit World?" Metaltron asked while raising an eyebrow at his partner. This just didn't make sense for him, whatever happened to make Remnant actually part of the Spirit World clearly didn't last, or at least that's what he thought. "I assume there is more to this revealed?"

Konami nodded his head in confirmation of the Dracombatant suspicion. "It's better if I tell you two the rest of my conversation with Lady Horakhty last night, understand?" He asked as his answer was a pair of looks from the two Duel Spirit for him to go on with his retelling.

"Alright, It was after I had told Lady Horakhty about my suspicion of Remnant being part of the Spirit World..."

(Flashback: yesterday night...)

"Remnants are actually part of the Spirit World!"

Konami shouted out loud as he stared with his eyes widened towards the Creator of Light sitting right in front of him, who didn't look bothered with his outburst as she just calmly took another sip of her cup of tea, yet her eyes still hold that same expression of guilt and grief from before.

"As always, your sharp mind is second to none, Konami." Horakhty honestly told her chosen Duelist who just looked more shocked and bewildered when his crazy theory was proven right.

"W-Wait, please hold on. Lady Horakhty, are you saying I was right?! Is Remnant actually a part of the Spirit World?!" Konami cried out as he was more freaked out than ever before, perhaps he was overreacting but the sheer fact that he was right is...well It's just not normal!

"You are correct but also not." Seeing the confusion on the young man's face, Horakhty decided to elaborate even further. "The dimension you called 'Remnant' is in fact a dimension of my own creation, but it is now Its own standalone dimension where I hold little authority just like any other dimension that is not the Spirit World."

Although he was still confused as hell, Konami decided that he should be more reserved rather than freaking out. With that thought in mind, the Red Hat took a deep breath before he flopped down onto his seat before he took the tea pot and poured himself some tea into his empty cup. He had a feeling he'd need it.

"Just...how? How can you hold so little authority if Remnant truly is a part of the Spirit World?" Konami questioned as he was growing more confused and concerned. Something was just not right, there is no way Lady Horakhty would carelessly relinquish her authority over something as important as this. The only possible reason he could think of is that she either willingly did so herself, which is highly unlikely in this scenario.

Or it was the work of someone else.

As if reading his mind through his uncomfortable expression, Horakhty gave him a reassuring smile. "Fear not, Konami. This whole mess wasn't the work of some evil force. Rather It was my own incompetence that left the dimension of Remnant as it is." Her smile immediately dropped as she mentioned her own failure, as well as the hint of anger in her eyes.

The look in her eyes surprised Konami the most. Out of the few years he had known Lady Horakhty, not once had he ever seen her emit any hint of anger towards anything. Whatever had happened must've been really bad if it had made her feel this way.

"I suppose I should tell this story from the start." Horakthy stated once she calmed herself before giving the Red Hat a look. "This might take a while, are you okay with that, Konami?"

Konami nodded his head while giving his full attention at what the Creator of Light was going to explain. If he really wants to help Remnant and his new friend that he made in said dimension, then he must know the full story of the dimension and what happened first.

"Very well. I have previously explained that the only conclusion I come up with to avoid this cycle, is for me to create a brand new dimension on my own and make it part of the Spirit World. With this, I could keep an eye on the dimensions and take action appropriately."

"With that thought in mind I went to work. It took a few years but I managed to create a new dimension and connect said dimension to the Spirit World. However, the way I designed this dimension is different as I intended to make it as close to a Human dimension as possible."

Konami, who was nodding all along with the explanation, suddenly stopped and looked confused by what Lady Horakhty had said at the end. "Please hold on, Lady Horakhty. I thought that the only living beings that you can create are Duel Spirits?"

Horakhty let out an amused smile as she heard that question. "Oh Konami, even after the years you have known me you haven't seen the true extent of what my power can truly do. Creating a human is a whole lot simpler than creating, let's say a Duel Spirit or an entirely different dimension." She exclaimed as Konami was in awe before taking a sip of his own tea, he honestly shouldn't be surprised considering who he was talking to, but it was still quite a shock to hear it in person.

"For example, if you like I could just simply create your perfect girlfriend right here and now. Whether she will be human or Duel Spirit is your choice."

Konami choked on the tea he was drinking after Horakhty had uttered those words. He managed to not drop the cup in his hand in shock as he turned his gaze towards the innocently smiling Creator of Light while blushing under his hat.

"I-I don't think that is a practical use for your power!" Konami practically squeaked in embarrassment at what Horakthy was offering to him. Who the hell would offer creating a GIRLFRIEND for someone out of nowhere like that?! "Isn't this called an abuse of power?!"

"An abuse of power would imply that I am using it in a way that is considered unfair and beyond my standing. However since I hold more authority than anyone and that this is merely an act of kindness from my part as my award for you after all that you had done. I hardly see it as an abuse of power from where I'm standing." Horakhty reasoned while resting her head on top of her interlock fingers as she giggled at the look on the Vagabond face, he looked like a gaping fish as he tried and failed to find a counterpoint to Horakhty's words.

"Can we please just move on with the story, please?" Konami groaned as he covered his reddening face with his gloved covered hand. He was extremely glad Metaltron and Tierra weren't here with him right now.

"Oh well, since you asked so nicely. Just know that my offer still stands, if you ever find the need to find yourself in need of a 'companion', so to speak." Horakhty said while still holding that amused smile on her face. Konami hardly thinks he'll ever take that offer though, not since the last time Metaltron had offered to 'help' him get a girlfriend for last year's Valentine. Without his approval mind you.

And no, he did NOT want to reminisce about that time ever again. Ever. Less he thought about it the better. Both for him and his mental state.

"Now where was I? Ah yes, as I said I wanted to create this dimension as close to a Human dimension as possible. However I thought that creating only normal humans wouldn't be beneficial so I decided to give them some...'tweak', so to speak, by adding Spirit Energy and Spirit Essence into their physical body. I assume you already know what these two are."

Konami nodded his head in understanding as he looked surprised when Lady Horakthy told him that not only she created humans but also incorporated Spirit Energy and Spirit Essence into the mix as well.

Now while Spirit Energy is simple enough to understand, being a power source from the souls that every Duel Spirit has to do many supernatural feats. Spirit Essence is a bit more complicated than that.

Spirit Essence is, essentially, the matter and essence of what the body of the Duel Spirit is made of. Basically Spirit Essence is what the Duel Spirits are composed of in order to maintain a physical form. While every single dimension has a fair amount of Spirit Essence, only in the Spirit World can the Duel Spirits can truly maintain their physical form due to the Spirit World having an unlimited amount of Spirit Essence in the dimension for them to take.

It was the main reason why Duel Spirits can only take on an astral form within another dimension. The natural resources of Spirit Essence in other dimensions are simply not enough for them to take on physical form.

Although they can convert their Spirit Energy to Spirit Essence so they can take on physical form, this method is not advised because it would take a dangerous amount of Spirit Energy in order to construct a physical form from Spirit Essence, let alone maintaining said energy usage for the duration of it.

Having two Duel Spirit fused with his own soul, Konami has both Spirit Energy and Spirit Essence within his body also. Although his fleshy body isn't composed of Spirit Essence, they do act as a sort of boost to his body. Making him more durable and stronger than the average human.

'Hold on, so does that mean Lady Horakhty just created a natural born Hybrid?' Konami thought to herself that, essentially, Lady Horakhty did in fact just make a natural Hybrid of Duel Spirit and Human. Unlike him who needed to be fused by other Duel Spirit to achieve such a state.

"With this I have essentially given them the gift of 'magic', so to speak. I also made it so that they have no knowledge of the Spirit World at all as well as the origin of their ability. To them they are just humans who have been given a gift from god." Horakhty continued on with her explanation, not at all noticing what was on the Vagabond mind as he decided to just drop it and listen closely once more.

"After that I decided to take my time and watch the dimension grow for countless years. I watched as the few humans I have created managed to populate the dimension with their own offspring. I watched as their civilization grew more and more as times continued to tick. I watched as my creation continued to become something that is truly different then the others."

As Horakhty told more and more of the dimension that she had created to the Red Hat, a joyous smile started to adorn her face. Yes, while she has created many things in her time, this dimension in particular was on the top list of something that she was really proud of creating. Having watched her dimension from the start, it was a joy to watch them grow and flourished as time went on.

"At some point I realized I couldn't always watch over this dimension forever due to my constant duty." Horakhty exclaimed sadly as she took another sip of her tea as she stared right at the Vagabond in front of her. "So I decided to enforce a watcher in place of my stead as the god of that dimension. You might have heard of their name, the God of Light and the God of Darkness."

"W-Wait, so the Brother Gods of Remnant is a Duel Spirit God?" Konami was shocked to say the least. Divine being such as God was well known around the Spirit World and for a good reason.

When a Divine Spirit was born it will be as if their existence itself was broadcasted throughout the Spirit World. Implementing themselves to the Spirit World and cementing their position as God and the one who stands above normal Duel Spirits.

So why is it that he had never heard of the Brothers God before? He had taken his time to research the God card from top to bottom if ever he needed to confront them, heck it was a task Horakhty herself gave to him so he went well and beyond because of it. So why is it there aren't any records mentioning the God of Light and Darkness?

"Yes and I can see that you are confused on why they aren't mentioned in any of the Spirit World records, am I correct?" Konami nodded his head at Horakhty's question as the Creator of Light let out a tired sigh. "The reason for that is because while they are considered a 'God', they aren't actually a Divine Spirit, at least not naturally."

'Not naturally?' Konami thought to himself skeptically as he took a sip of his own tea while narrowing his eyes under his hat. Silently telling Lady Horakhty to continue.

"Allow me to explain. This project of mine is actually kept secret from the rest of the Spirit World with only those of the Divine that know about it as I feared what would happen if words were to spread about what I am doing. I cannot create a new God without catching the attention of many Duel Spirits and the rest of Divine cannot lend their hand on this either."

"Therefore there is only one option that I have left and something that I have never done before. I would choose two strong and capable Duel Spirit...and make them a God."

Konami's jaw couldn't have dropped faster once he heard that. Although there had been some instances where a Duel Spirit managed to obtain power that would rival that of the God of the Spirit World, the fact that Lady Horakhty herself was the one GIVING the power was an entirely different thing altogether.

"Yes, by giving them the power of the Divine I have essentially created a God without notifying every single Duel Spirit in existence. I grant them a few Authority for them to use to do their task of watching my created dimension." Horakhty informed the Red Hat as she suddenly let out a heavy sigh as her eyes started to turn solemn once more. "It never occurred to me that things would go so horribly wrong."

'So something did go wrong...' Konami thought as it's kind of a no-brainer that Lady Horakhty's plan didn't go along as...well, plan. He kept silent though as he let Lady Horakhty explain what exactly had happened.

"I thought I had made the right decision. They were really promising candidates, I had put my faith in them to watch over that dimension and maintain order." Horakhty said as she clenched the hand that was clutching the tea cup while her eyes narrowed at the reflection of herself seen on the tea. "Yet with the power I had given them, they started to become more and more arrogant and full of themself. Right under my nose, they start to change the very dimension I had put my time into creating to fit to their own liking. Those vile creatures the God of Darkness created were never meant to be a part of the dimension and the God of Light sense of 'justice and order' is equal to his own hypocrisy."

"And yet I was still patient with them, I was not pleased by what they had done but I was willing to let it slide so long as they stop their foolish act and ask for my permission about something important. It was not the vision I had imagined with this dimension but I knew it will still prosper when the time comes." The Creator of Light tones turn slightly more furious the more she talks as her glare deepened. A sudden tremor was felt on the field as Konami felt it also and started to get worried.

"However that time never came, because they did the one thing I cannot ignore and that is their decision that led to where we are now. The decision to whether or not to answer a single woman's wish to revive her dead lover, and they reacted poorly to it. They fiddled with the fleeting life of said lover, in front of the women no less, and the sheer audacity of the God of Light to make the woman IMMORTAL! They made her IMMORTAL in order to teach her a lesson about DEATH?! How retarded are they?! They claimed to abide the rule of life and death, and yet they broke said rule mere seconds after by turning her IMMORTAL!"

Horakhty's expression was that of pure fury, what was once a composed and refined goddess had turned swiftly to that of an angry goddess. Said goddess was releasing a large amount of pressure with her power due to her growing emotion. The ground began to shake, the peaceful sky started to rumble, even the warm glowing sun in the distance was reacting towards the Creator of Light emotion and burning bright hot so much so that the grass almost catched on fire.

"It's behavior like this that leads people to distrust us God! And when the human starts to rebel due to their foolish decision, they have the NERVE to WIPE OUT EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM! MY CREATION, THE PEOPLE THEY SHOULD WATCH OVER! EVERY ONE OF THEM! WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!" Horakhty continues to rage as she starts to grit her teeth as her eyes seem to glow in response to her state of emotion. She then slammed her fist on the table, breaking the furniture in half with ease and sending the content on top of it falling to the ground. "And the worst part! The worst part was their sheer audacity of them to label MY CREATION A FAILURE AND CUT THE VERY CONNECTION OF THE DIMENSION TO THE SPIRIT WORLD! CASTING THE DIMENSION ASIDE LIKE TRASH! I CAN'T EVEN FIX THOSE BASTARDS MESS BECAUSE MY CONNECTION WAS SEVERED! THEY HAVE DOOMED A DIMENSION JUST BECAUSE THEY THINK THEY CAN!"

Konami...was not faring well right about now. The pressure Lady Horakhty was emitting through her rage was so great it caused him to suffocate and make it hard to breath as he grasped his throat. He was also having difficulties getting up as if the gravity of the field had just increased twenty times. He had never seen Lady Horakhty be this angry before and unlucky for him, he had a front row seat to the full effect of said anger. The Vagabond's eyes started to roll back into his head.

And he passed out.

(Flashback: End)

"And yeah, I was knocked unconscious thanks to Lady Horakhty. Thankfully it didn't take long for her to calm down somewhat and I was able to regain consciousness shortly after."

Konami exclaimed as he rubbed the back of his head and let out a sigh at the memory of an angry Horakhty. It was a scary thought to imagine as she is considered the most benevolent goddess and the one who stands above all God, being their creator and whatnot. Being up and close to the anger of her was...unpleasant, to say the least.

"...damn, so even she could get angry from time to time." Tierra muttered lowly to herself while looking away from the rest of the occupant in the room. Being a goddess herself created by Horakhty, it was safe to say that she held a certain view of the Creator of Light. Absolutely going ballistic in a fit of rage was NOT something she thought the Divine-Creator was capable of. But given the circumstances she guessed she couldn't fault her creator for being angry.

Metaltron rubbed his forehead while having his eyes closed. This was all too much to take in. Finding out that not only the dimension they were in was previously part of the Spirit World but also that the reason it wasn't was because the fault of two Gods didn't really paint a pretty picture. He knew that even the God of Duel Spirit might not be the best in everything, but he felt like this takes the cake of being one of the most screwed up things that anyone could do if even the Divine-Creator was royally mad about it, and that was saying something.

'I haven't met Lady Horakhty herself enough to know her personally, but I do know that she isn't someone who gets mad at something so easily.' Metaltron thought to himself. Master Mariamne had told him that everyone could fall victim to the ugly emotion of their existence, with anger being the more prominent one then the rest. He guessed that not even the Creator of God herself was an exception to this.

Still he guessed he finally knew now why the dimension is called Remnant, because it was truly a 'remnant' of what the creator herself had envisioned what the dimension would be. A mere aftermath of what could possibly be a promising future, that was eternally lost due to the foolish decision by the one who was tasked to watch over them.

It was so ironically fitting it's not even funny, in fact it was kind of depressing really.

Konami sighed before he took a glance at his Duel Disk, looking at the clock function of the wrist mounted device he was a little surprised how much time had passed as a sudden thought came through him.

"Well looks like we took quite a lot of our time with this. We should probably end it here for now and go and pick up the rest of the Duel Disk." Konami told his two Duel Spirit as he got up from his seat.

"Hold on, you're just going to end it on that? There's no way that's all right? You haven't even explained to us how it is that we could just assume our physical form like this." Metaltron said as he felt that there is more that the Red Hat was not telling them.

"Don't worry, Metaltron. We can continue this discussion at another day, for now let's just get the Duel Disks so that Sun and Neptune can Duel." Konami told his partner before smiling lightly at the two Duel Spirit. "Let's just enjoy ourselves for the day, alright?"

Tierra sighed as she just crossed her arms under her breast while looking at the Vagabond in the eye. "Alright Konami, but you better tell us everything she told you next time, got it?" She said while narrowing her eyes at him, just darring for him to argue with her.

Konami nodded his head in understanding, not like he had any intention to argue with her considering he was going to do that from the start. He raised his Duel Disk attached wrist and tapped the screen a few times before a swirling portal opened up in front of them which led to the Spirit World. Just before any of them could take a step into the portal, Metaltron suddenly popped a question for his partner.

"By the way, what is it that Lady Horakhty offered to you exactly that made you go silent on us?"

Konami froze the moment the Darcombatant had said that as both him and Tierra were staring at him and waiting for him to say something. The only sound coming from the room right now is the low humming sound coming from the portal.

"Ohwillyoulookatthetimeweshouldprobablygorightaboutnow!" Konami hurriedly and panickedly said before he practically nose dived into the portal not even a second later after saying that. He had left out the particular part of Lady Horakhty offering for the sole reason of not wanting to deal with Metaltron teasing and Tierra's anger. Hell this was something he would take to his grave if he has to.

Metaltron and Tierra both stared dumbfounded at where the Vagabond had just been for a good minute before they turned to face each other.

"We're going to get him to talk, aren't we?"

"Oh absolutely, one way or another."

If there is one thing that could make the two Duel Spirit ever agree on something, well that something will always involve Konami in it one way or another.


"That was some good rounds of Dueling everybody. Good job for all of us!"

Ruby cheered for her and her friends as they made their way out of the Training Room. After Konami had left, the twelve students had taken their time with Dueling each other to pass the time until he came back, well those who had a Duel Disk and those who were allowed to Duel anyway.

"Yeah...good job for all of us." Yang grumbled as she was still upset that she wasn't allowed to Duel because Konami wasn't there.

"Yeah! Me and Yang didn't Duel a single time today!" Nora argues as she was equally upset as Yang is that she wasn't allowed to Duel. She was going to take revenge on Ren for yesterday win and thanks to that stupid rule she wasn't able to.

"We'll have Konami take a look at your Duel Disk to make sure you won't cause any serious damage Yang." Blake told her partner in hope to cheer her up, which seems to work if only it was slightly.

"As for you, Nora. Maybe Konami could make the Aesir size smaller so that it wouldn't cause a problem." Pyrrha offered up a solution for her pink loving teammate.

"But that would take away the awesome and godly factor of them!" Nora argued while still having her arms crossed only now she started to pout also. Her Aesir may not be the original God card as they are, but still! She at least wants to show that they are truly a God even in the hand of her.

"Well we'll figure something out." Jaune reassured his teammate while giving a small smile at her. On his hand was the bag that held two of Konami's Deck Box. Apparently he forgot to bring it with him so the blonde leader decided to take it so that they wouldn't lose it.

"You first years are a riot, you know that right?" Coco told them as she let out a laugh. Honestly, the first year of Beacon sure does have some interesting bunch in their foster. "By the way, who has the most wins out of all of us?"

"We didn't Duel a lot of time due to the limited times given to us. But out of all of our Duels we did, Ruby, Jaune, and Velvet are tied with their win to lose ratio." Ren informed them as he had kept track of how many wins and losses all of them had.

"At least I managed to take a win in our Duel this time, Ruby." Weiss told her partner while smirking slightly. This time she took a good close look at what cards she has and doesn't disregard even one of them, she wouldn't want to repeat what happened yesterday that's for sure.

"If I had drawn one more Fusion card I would've won that Duel..." Ruby mumbled lowly at her unfortunate luck during that Duel before her expression brightened up. "But at least I managed to get back at you for our Duel yesterday, Jaune. Now we're even!"

"Ehehe, well I guess we are." Jaune laughs sheepishly as he remembers his victory against Ruby yesterday at the Cafeteria. Honestly it was a close match and if he didn't manage to draw another Noble Arms he would've lost that Duel.

"You did a good job on your Duel also, Velvet." Blake turned towards her fellow Faunus to praise her while giving her a small smile. "Still It's a bit off putting seeing you wielding a monster like Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon. No offense."

"None taken." Velvet said as she giggled as she didn't fault anyone for thinking that. The bunny and the dragon, talk about a strange pairing. "But well I'm kind of glad that Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon chose me to be Its Duelist. I just hope I can live up to Its expectations."

Seeing her rabbit-eared partner downcast expression, Coco took it upon herself to give the girl a good encouraging slap on the back which caused her to yelp slightly. "Hey now, don't sweat it Bun-Bun. I'm sure your Ace would be proud to have a Duelist such as yourself. Hell, the fact that you managed to win most of your Duel should speak something about your skill." She reassured her partner which caused said partner to smile slightly at her leader's word.

"Man, when is Konami going to come back? I really want to start Dueling after seeing you all Duel." Sun said as he really, really wants to start Dueling. Seeing his friends summoning cool monsters and having a great time made him really impatient to do so himself.

"Not gonna lie, I feel the same way as you do Sun." Neptune said in agreement with his team leader. He never was really a gaming kind of guy, especially if that game was card based. But he would be lying if he said he wasn't interested in Dueling. I mean, how many can say that they can bring out actual real life monsters by playing card games?

"Well hopefully Konami gets back soon, I mean he didn't say he'll be gone for long." Jaune said as he recalled what Blake had told them before. "So what are we going to do now?"

"Anyone up for a trip to the Emerald Forest and kill some Grimm along the way?" Yang asked curiously to the others. Since she hadn't Duel today she needed to do something to take out her energy on, and pummeling a few Grimm with her fist should do the trick.

They all turned to look at each other to see if there was any objection towards the blonde brawler idea. Seeing that there is none, the group nodded to each other as they went along with the idea as they all went their separate ways to prepare themselves before entering the Emerald Forest.


After going to their respective rooms to retrieve their weapon, it didn't take long for the group to enter the Emerald Forest. The leader of each team had also taken their time to inform Professor Goodwitch since they needed her permission to even set foot on the Grimm invested area in the first place.

"Alright people, what kind of Grimm can we expect to see today?" Ruby asked as she had Crescent Rose in her hand ready to use at the chance of an unexpected Grimm attack. Although the chance may be slim since they are in the part of the forest where there are fewer trees than the rest, it was still a possibility.

"Just the usual Beowolf, Boarbatusks, and Ursa, although there had been a sighting of an Alpha Beowolf and Ursa Major running about." Weiss informed her leader that her weapon, Myrtenaster, was strapped on the side of her waist as she secretly smiled that her partner was taking initiative like the leader she is.

"In other words, nothing that any of us can't handle." Yang commented as she brought her fist together and let Ember Celica cover her arms as she grinned in excitement.

"That may be, but we have to always stay cautious and be prepared for anything." Blake told them all while looking around to see if her Faunus enhanced sight and hearing may pick up anything with Gambol Shroud in her hand in its gun form.

"Well I'm hoping we don't run into any Ursa Major along our way." Jaune nervously said as he gripped into his family sword and shield that was given as a hand me down from his great great grandfather, Crocea Mors. Sure he managed to beat said Grimm before once but hey, who said you can't be too cautious?

"Just relax, Jaune. You managed to beat one before and I'm confident you can do it again. Especially after our rigorous training together." Pyrrha encouraged her partner as she patted him on the back comfortably with her weapon Miló and Akoúo̱ attached on her back. "Besides we are together as a team now so we will definitely come out on top if we do encounter one."

"Yeah, fearless leader! You can count on us to have your back and ready to dish out some good leg breaking!" Nora cried out in glee as she held her Magnhild with both hands as her smile was as wide as it could be.

"Let's just hope things won't get too out of hand." Ren said as the voice of reason of the group, which was fair since he was already in such a position on his own team. He held both in his hand his Storm Flower, ready to be used at any point. Although he did forget to restock more bullet days prior, so he better conserve them the best he can.

"I don't know, I kind of hope it did just for the sole reason of me to let loose a little." Coco pitched in as she patted her handbag and minigun weapon, a combination that just seems to defy physics, Gianduja. "It's been a while since I unload a few good hundred rounds of bullets with this baby."

"Coco, can I use it today?" Velvet asked her leader as she was wondering if Coco would allow her to use Anesidora for this. She had been storing a lot of pictures for her to copy and she was kind of eager to put it to good use.

"No, better save it when the time is needed. After all you have been saving up for this semester, it's better to not let it go to waste on something like this."

"Oh, okay then."

"I'm curious, what does your weapon do exactly?" Neptune curiously asked the bunny Faunus as he has his weapon, Tri-Hard, on his waist in its compact form. "I mean I see you around Beacon taking pictures with it but I have no idea on what it can do."

"That is a trademark secret of Team CFVY, Neptune. If you want to see what it can do just wait for the Vytal Festival." Coco told the blue haired intellectual while giving him a wag of a finger and a secretive smile as Velvet just chuckled lightly at her leader.

"Well that's fair, everyone has a secret they want to keep to themselves." Sun said as he had his Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang in their staff form as he hung them on top of his shoulder while having both of his arms dangling over it.

"It would've been nice to know what it could do though..." Weiss muttered quietly as she was hoping to get some info on her and her team's potential opponent in the Vytal Festival. Team CFVY had a reputation of being one of the strongest teams in the second year, so a bit of info on what they could do would be helpful.

"But Weiss, we have our own super secret team attack and we even give them code names! I'm sure that would be enough!" Ruby said in a cheery tone when she heard her partner's words.

"Yeah! They won't know what hit them when we unleash Bumblebee on them!" Yang followed up after her little sister as she was pumped up.

"Cute, but let's see what you four can really do against us." Coco said while smirking at her underclassmen. She would admit that Team RWBY was one hell of a team, especially after what she had seen at their initiation, but she was fully confident that her team could take a win against them.

"Oh man, you guys have a nickname for your team attack?" Jaune said as he thought that was really cool before he directed his attention to his own team. "Maybe we should do that as well. Ah but what would we name them? Oh maybe we could do some one liner? Pyrrha, can you help me with this?"

Pyrrha just smiled as she heard that. "Of course, Jaune. I would be happy to help you." She told him almost instantly which earned her a grateful 'Thanks!' from the blonde haired leader, feeling joy that she could help her crush while spending some quality time with him.

Unfortunately for the Mistralian champion she would later come to regret her decision once she heard every single of Jaune's terrible name for their team attack and his horrendous idea for one liner. But that's a story to be told for another time and in another series.

"Perhaps we should be focusing on what we are doing right now and not attract unnecessary attention towards ourselves?" Ren suggested as he felt like they were being too loud and a Grimm could pop out in a moment's notice.

"Don't worry, Renny! I'll give the Grimm and anything unexpected some good whacking if they come to us." Nora told her childhood friend while looking positively eager to do some smashing with her hammer. "Come on out, unexpected thing! Give us your best shot!"

As if the universe itself had answered the pinkette words, something unexpected did in fact happen.

Although it was a different kind of unexpected that they were expecting as a swirling green portal had opened up randomly in front of them. Making the majority of the group jump back in shock.

"What the hell is that?!" Neptune shouted as he immediately grabbed hold of Tri-Hard and transformed it to its gun form before taking aim at said portal. Sun, Coco, and Velvet did the same as they had taken a combat stance.

Team RWBY and JNPR on the other hand were just caught off guard at the sight of the familiar looking portal that they had seen yesterday. "Anybody else having a feeling of deja vu right about now?" Jaune curiously asked and was answered by the row of nods from his teammates and friends.




The shout of panic, exasperation, and sarcasm of three different people was the last thing that happened before Konami, Metaltron, and Tierra all jumped out of the portal at almost the exact same time. It was a pretty rough landing too as the three fell to the ground with Konami's hat coming off of him and landed near Blake's feet alongside two other items that landed not too far away from them.

After getting his bearings together, Konami immediately pushed a button on his Duel Disk which caused the portal to close in an instant which caused him to let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god that's over..."

"You said it. Damn they are just as relentless as ever." Metaltron said as he got up from the ground and dusted the dirt from his clothes, before coming to a stop as he realized he was in his physical form. "...huh, that's interesting."

Tierra was silent as her face slowly but surely turned as red as her hair, why you may ask? It's because she couldn't get up due to Konami currently on top of her, seemingly spending his time merely in his own world to notice their current position. "You can get off now..." She told him while looking to the side to hide her reddenning cheek.

Konami blinked before he finally noticed their position as he did exactly what she had told him. "Oh, sorry about that Tierra!" He quickly apologized to his red haired spirit as she also got up from the ground with her cheek still a rosy red color. "You just feel so soft and comfortable I kind of get lost in the sensation."

Let It be known that while Konami didn't particularly like the many attention he was getting from the female population both on and out of the Spirit World, he didn't actually do anything to lessen it and that wasn't for the lack of trying. In a situation like this, let's just say he's too honest for his own good.

"Who are you calling soft and squishy?!" Tierra cried out to the Red Hat, whether that be in anger or embarrassment no one could tell, though the darkening of her already red cheek might be a clue.

"I don't think he says 'squishy' you know..." Metaltron chimed in while having an ear-to-ear grin on his face at his fellow Duel Spirit 'misfortune'.

"It's the same difference!"

"I don't think it is. And you sure don't seem to be complaining a few seconds earlier being in Konami's hold."

"I am not a fucking anime body pillow dammit!"

"I was going along the line of an angry teddy bear, actually. What an interesting comparison you have in mind Tierra. Do you perhaps want one?"

"You...! You...!"

"Yes yes, me me. No need to repeat yourself like that, you're even making me do it."

"Shut up! Just shut the fuck up!"

"But we haven't even gotten to the most important question yet! Like what body pillow do you want? If it's Konami then you're in luck because there's a market for it actually."

"That's it! I'm going to fucking kill you!"

"Woah now, no need to get aggressive here just because you don't have a body pillow! I'll buy you one for your next birthday, don't worry about it!"

"Get back here so I can choke the life out of you, you fucking bastard!"

"Not really interested in foreplay from you, Tierra. I'm taken, but a certain someone may be open to the idea."


Konami sighed as he watched the two Duel Spirit arguing, quickly developing into a heated chase and run. He was just thankful it didn't turn into an actual 'heated' chase and run. Just another miracle in his everyday life, he guesses.

The Vagabond was always amazed at their ability to seemingly able to start an argument out of nowhere like this, he blame it on Metaltron smart mouthness which can push all the right button on the Infernoid Spirit without going overboard on moment notices and Tierra's anger which has a fuse that is shorter than...well he couldn't really think of anything shorter then Tierra's fuse for her anger actually.

And on an unrelated note, for the sake of his sanity he would forget ever hearing about there being a market for a body pillow with his picture on it, the less he knew the better.

A tap on his shoulder caught his attention as he turned and came face to face with Blake who was holding his hat up. "You dropped this, Konami." She said with a small smile on her face and his hand reached up to his head and finally noticed his missing hat.

"Oh right, thank you Blake." Konami told the Cat Faunus gratefully as he took his hat from her hand, his finger brushing lightly against her own which caused the ravenette to blush slightly before relinquishing her hold of the hat to him.

Konami then blinked twice once he registered on what had just transpired and that she wasn't alone. "Wait, Blake? Guys? What are you all doing here?"

"I think that's something we should be asking, Konami." Coco said as she let herself relax and brought her handbag down before she could transform it as she crossed her arms over her chest. "What are you doing popping out of nowhere like that in the Emerald Forest?"

"Sorry about that, I was kind of in a hurry and opened up a portal without really putting any real coordinates on where I'll end up. I'm just glad that It takes us somewhere near Beacon." Konami briefly explained as he smiled sheepishly with his eyes closed while rubbing the back of his head. He then took a good look around the so-called Emerald Forest. "So this is the Emerald Forest, huh? Neat."

"Why are you in a hurry anyway? You sounded like you three were running away from something." Velvet curiously asked as she and the others were wondering what made Konami sound so panicked earlier. Also her ears had picked up the sound shrieking? From the portal? All of which belong to females, she guesses, for some reason.

Konami stopped looking around as his lower left eyelid twitches ever so slightly at the mention of that, though with his eyes already closed it was hard to tell. "Ehehe, well let's just say me, Tierra, and Metaltron were being chased by...a really passionate group of people that think of me highly."

"He's talking about his fangir—GAH!" Metaltron tried to say before Tierra managed to catch up to him and deliver a hard smack that sent the Dracombatant slamming into the ground hard enough to leave a small crater in the shape of his body.

"Serve you right, Goldy boy! Now shut the fuck up and eat dirt!" Tierra shouted at him in anger as she huffed to let out some steam before turning her head towards the group. "But yeah he was right. We were being chased by a pack of rabid and horny bitches on our way here."

"That was a bit rude to call them that, Tierra."

"Hey I call them as I see them."

"Even though it was your fault we were being chased in the first place?"

"How was I supposed to know that turning left would lead us to a pack of bitches?!"

Konami sighed as she does have a point, though It was their own fault to take the more populated area in the Skyscraper City instead of trying to lay low a little. "It's alright, Tierra. Don't worry about it." He said while patting the horned spirit head.

"S-Stop patronizing me, dammit!" Tierra cried out as she smacked Konami's hand on top of her head before turning away while having her arms crossed and a bright red blush adorning her cheek.

Still being close, Blake frowned at Konami and Tierra interaction for whatever reason that she could not comprehend as she let out a sigh before walking back towards her team. She pointedly ignored the teasing look Yang was giving to her.

Having lowered his weapon, Sun looked towards the other items that Konami had dropped before his eyes widened at the sight of two Duel Disks. "Dude, is this ours?!" He cried out excitedly as he ran towards the two Duel Disks and picked up both of them.

One was yellow just like Yang's Duel Disk, only it was a darker shade of yellow, which he figured it was for him. The other one was colored with a deep blue color, which he figured was for Neptune.

"Oh yeah, they are your Duel Disk. After we are all done with our discussion we immediately went to pick up your Duel Disks." Konami said as Sun couldn't help but to grin widely before throwing the blue Duel Disk towards Neptune, who was not expecting it and was fumbling about to try and catch it, and placed his Duel Disk on top of his arm. Two metal straps wrapped tightly and comfortably around the blonde Faunus arm.

"Ohohoho, this is so sick!" Sun cheered as he inspected his new Duel Disk as Neptune sighed at his team leader's behavior before strapping his own Duel Disk and giving his arm a few swings.

He was pleasantly surprised how his arm didn't feel like it was being weighed down. "You guys were right, this thing is light." Neptune commented in amazement as his skepticism about the Duel Disk hindering his arm movement was obliterated in moments.

"Glad that you like it." Konami said while having a relieved smile before his expression turned into confusion. "So, what are you all doing in the Emerald Forest in the first place anyway?"

"Well we didn't know how long you will be gone and we have expired our time for the Training Room until later in the afternoon. So we decided to just kill some time by killing a few Grimm in the area." Ruby said in a casual tone as if killing several mindless beasts was a normal thing you do, which it actually is if you are a Huntsman or Huntress in training.

"Yup, that's what we do around here. Kick some Grimm butt and take names." Yang said as she punched her fist to her open palm as she grinned before she shrugs her shoulders. "Honestly, I would've thought our ruckus would attract some Grimm at this point."



As if on cue, a pack of Grimm come out of their hiding in front of the group. There were at least 20 Beowolf and 10 Ursa in the pack with all of them growling wildly at the group with their red eyes glaring at them. As if that wasn't enough there was also three Alpha Beowolf and a single Ursa Major in the mix.

"...you just had to open your mouth, didn't you Yang?" Weiss said to her blonde teammate while giving her a blank and cold stare.

"...well this sure seems like a 'Grimm' turn of event."

"Are you seriously making a pun now of all time?!"

"I make puns in tense moment! What do you want from me?!"

"Girls, focused! It looks like they are ready to attack!" Ruby cried out as she transformed Crescent Rose to its scythe form before taking a battle stance. The others follow suit after the red hooded girl as they take out their weapon and ready themselves for a fight that was about to break out. The Grimm on the other side continued to growl as they looked they were going to attack anytime soon.


That single word caused the group to freeze in shock as they turned towards Tierra who had uttered that word.

"This is the threat you are facing? This is the so-called 'threat of humanity'? The threat that plagued this dimension for centuries is just a bunch of mindless and pathetic animals?" Tierra exclaimed as all traces of her earlier embarrassment had vanished. Her expression was hidden from them while she had her arms crossed. "I am not impressed. Not impressed at all."

To be honest, Tierra didn't bother to listen about what kind of threat this dimension was facing the day prior, mainly because to her it was not her problem but mostly because she seriously doubted any of them could pose a serious threat for her or Konami. Still if this threat is something that poses this dimension a serious problem for centuries then maybe she will give them the benefit of a doubt and at least acknowledge their existence.

But after seeing the so-called threat right in front of her eyes right now, the Infernoid spirit was seriously starting to doubt the competency of the people of this dimension if something like this is a major threat to their survival.

When she was done saying that, the Infernoid Spirit took a step forward and just walked ahead. There was no urgency, no tense movement, if anything it just looked like she was taking a casual walk in the park. She didn't even uncross her arms while the look on her face...was that of sheer boredom.

"H-Hey! Where are you going?!" Jaune cried out in confusion as he had no idea what was happening, probably still stunned by what she had said about the Grimm.

"Since you all are seems so incompetent to deal with these animals. Just sit back on your butt and allow me to show you how to deal with this Grimm. I need to work out some aggression anyway." Tierra stopped walking as she said that before she turned her head to the side to look towards Konami. "You wouldn't mind, do you?"

Konami just stayed silent for a few good seconds before he nodded his head at her. "Alright Tierra, go ahead. Just don't go overboard and burn the entire forest down, got it?" He told her as the Vagabond put his hat back onto his head. Knowing full well of her capabilities which is why he put an emphasis on his words for her to hear.

Tierra just huffed as she continued her walk towards the pack of Grimm. The others were still caught off guard by what just happened before they got their grips together and were ready to rush forward to help the red haired Duel Spirit.

"Don't." But they were stopped by Konami who had raised his arm to block their movement. "I appreciate your willingness to help, but trust me on this that you do not want to get in her way." He told them before giving them a reassuring smile. "Trust me, she will be just fine on her own."

Although reluctant, the Huntsman and Huntress in training all eased their body as they trusted the Vagabond's words. But they still have their weapon in their hand just in case they need it.


Tierra stopped walking for a second time once she was near enough to the pack of Grimm. She stood straight, arms still crossed over her chest, and her eyes were closed. All of that and she was still looking like she was bored. A gust of wind blew which made her two coat tail flutter as well as her hair to flow back in accordance to the flow of the wind.

The Alpha Beowolf in the front lets out a howl before it starts charging towards her alongside several others of its kind and a few Ursa.

"You pathetic beasts are disgusting. No thought for yourself, no soul, just an urge to kill. A single track mind fueled only by your sorry excuse of an existence, mindlessly obeying what you can't even comprehend. You serve no purpose other than being a nuisance in my eyes." Tierra said with a disgusted tone in her voice as the Grimm were closing in on her fast. The Alpha Beowolf in the very front leaped forward and stretched out its claw, the sharp appendages were a few inches away from her face.

"That is why all of you—"

Tierra's eyes snapped wide open and revealed her glowing red eyes.

"—shall burn."


A powerful wave of Void flame came bursting out of nowhere and washed over the area in front of her. Causing the Alpha Beowolf to let out an anguish cry before its entire being had burned to ash in seconds alongside every single Grimm following behind it. The wave of Void Flame continued to spread until it stopped as wide stretches of the area was covered in the Void Flame that flared wildly.

The ground was scorched, the trees were set ablaze, and all of the minor Grimm that was caught in the flame had died instantly. And yet it was as if the spreading was controlled, with the land and tree near the burning field being untouched by the Void Flame.

Though it wasn't over, as another group of Grimm came at both of the Infernoid Spirit side and cornering her in a pincer attack. Being drawn out by the flame, they attack what they thought was the source of the threat.

"Hmph, looks like you foul beast have some brain after all." Tierra muttered to herself as she narrowed her eyes at them before she started to smirk wickedly. She looked at the flaming field in front of her while still having her arms crossed. "But even so..."

"I won't even need to lift a finger against you pathetic beast."

Suddenly, the Void Flame that covered the area began to move. As if being controlled, all of the Void Flame begin to fly towards Tierra. Leaving the ground, the tree, and the remains of the Grimm as they begin swirling around the Infernoid before the flame splits to form two tendril with a piercing front. Like a serpent, the flaming tendril lunged and wiggled away before stabbing through each and every Grimm that was coming.

Quick and precise, the tendril pierced every single Beowolf, Ursa, and Boarbatusk that was coming with no resistance in one swoop as they lifted the horde of Grimm in the air with ease. All the while Tierra continued to not move a single muscle and was still rooted to her place.

The Grimm that was stabbed began to trash around as they were being burned from the inside out as the Void Flame started to spread onto their body, they all gave one final cry before flame burst out of every single part of the Grimms body and exploded in a shower of blue flame.

After waiting for a few seconds and no other Grimm showed up, Tierra scoffed as she turned around and began walking back as the flaming tendril disappeared on her command. "Pathetic, such a waste of my time..." She said while walking away from the blackened ground, ashened tree with no leaves, and the smoking remains of everything that has been burned by the Void Flame.

The group all have their jaws dropped to the floor with their eyes widened in pure shock and terror alongside their paling skin. Every single one of them can tell that Tierra was strong, hell the one who had seen her yesterday in her true form could attest to that no problem. So the thought that she can handle herself against the Grimm was easily believable. But after seeing that?

They were both equally amazed and terrified at what Tierra could actually do. The thought of ever facing her sent shivers through the spine of every one of them, even to those who proud of themselves of being strong.

Though they all have different thoughts, they learned one lesson today: Never mess with Tierra.

Konami chuckled internally at seeing the reaction from the group. His power over the Void Flame was nothing compared to Tierra. Admittedly his control was exceptional thanks to his training these last few months, so much so that he can easily conjure up the flame to his body at will to do various things.

He can conjure up the Void Flame from every inch of his body to deal heavy burn damage in hand-to-hand combat. He can blast the flame from his hand and feet to make some fire projectile attack or boost his flying when he uses the Nekroz Armor. He can even cover his weapon in Void Flame as well to further enhance his strike.

But Tierra? She can do a lot more than that.

First off, Tierra's control over the Void Flame is not through physical means like he did. No, she controls them mentally. The Void Flame is the extension of herself which means she can easily conjure the Void Flame anywhere she wants and shape them in any form she wishes with just a single thought and without even moving a finger. Hell she could just look at a person and that person will be burned in less then a second from the inside and outside, whatever Tierra's wishes. Not only that but she can actively control how much and how long her flame will burn, so her flame could be either harmless and warm like a campfire to endlessly painful as if you were burned by the flame of hell itself.

Yes, Tierra's control over her flame was unmatched and anyone that gets in her way, shall be turned to ash in a matter of seconds.

Turning his head to the side, his eyes caught sight of something hiding. It was an Ursa Major, who is larger than the rest and seemed smart enough to not rush in like the others. That is until Tierra began to walk away that the Ursa Major roared and began charging towards the Infernoid Spirit who's back was turned against the incoming Grimm. He knew she could handle it, but just in case.


"I got it."

It was there that the group finally snapped out of their shock state and saw the incoming Ursa Major that was charging towards Tierra, what's more is that she doesn't seem to notice as she continues to walk away.

"TIERRA, WATCH OUT BEHIND YOU!" Ruby cried out in worry over the red haired Duel Spirit which actually made the Indernoid stop as she looked at the red hooded girl with a raised eyebrow. Seemingly caught off guard not by what Ruby had said, but why she had said it.

The Ursa Major takes notice of her stopping as it starts to charge faster before it was close enough that the Grimm starts to stand on Its hind legs before bringing both of its front claw down to deliver a powerful strike—


—only for said strike to be blocked by a pair of golden gauntlets covered with blue crystal.

"Really, Tierra? You turned your back on your enemy before knowing for sure they were defeated or not?" Metaltron told his fellow Duel Spirit as he effortlessly held up the claw of the large Ursa Major before he turned his head to the side and smiled playfully. "Is someone losing her touch now?"

"Please. Like I'll be surprised by such a weak animal like this." Tierra scoffed as she was ready to burn this beast the moment it got closed before Metaltron decided to interfere. "But since you're here, kill this beast will you? This thing started to piss me off."

"You are always pissed off, that's kind of a talent." Metaltron jokingly said as he spread out his arms to smack the claw away before he punched the Ursa right in the middle which caused the Grimm to be sent flying back and crashing to the ground. "Alright, I'll take care of it. Just go back to the others, Ruby is probably worried about you."

"...hmph, she doesn't need to in the first place." That was all what Tierra had said before a swirl of Void Flame surrounded her as she teleported herself towards Konami side. Earning her a surprise yelp and jumping from the rest of the group and a raised eyebrow from Konami at her entrance, to which Tierra just huffed and told him she was just tired of walking.

Ruby looked up at Tierra with a worried expression on her face as she asked her if she was okay. The Infernoid spirit turned to face the girl and stared at her for a while, making the red hooded girl shrink slightly at the gaze she was getting. Tirra then dropped her stare as she huffed and just muttered a quiet "I'm fine." before she turned her head away.

Metaltron chuckled to himself at seeing the interaction before he directed his focus towards the Ursa Major, who started to get up from the punch he delivered to it. Well since he wasn't using his full strength in that punch it was to be expected, after all if he did then that big bear would be killed instantly, but where is the fun in that?

"Alright you Winnie the Pooh knock off, as much as I love to spend my time seeing what you are made off. Tierra will probably be more pissed if I take too long so I'll have to make this quick, alright?" Metaltron asked politely and was answered by a bestial growl from the large Ursa Major before it started to charge towards him to attack him. The Dracombatant looked like he was offended as he put his hand to his chest while letting out a fake gasp. "So rude, I mean the least you could do is say 'Okay' you know or simply a nod would be fine. Talk about no manners, what would Piglet say? No more honey for you, that's for sure."

"Stop yapping and start fighting already!" Tierra shouted from her place beside Konami as she was really getting annoyed by his constant talking.

Metaltron just rolls his eyes good heartedly as he chuckles once more before he starts cracking his knuckle and grin excitedly while the Ursa Major continues to charge towards him. "Hey Konami, mind giving me a countdown?" He telepathically called out to his partner.

"You're doing that again?" Konami answered back curiously as he grinned at the Dracombatant. "Alright then, how much time do you need?"

"Start with ten. No, seven seconds should be enough."

"You got it."

Metaltron nodded gratefully as the Ursa Major was closing in on him and he prepared himself before he also charged forward in a burst of speed.


The Ursa Major raised one its front paw ready to slam its target with its razor sharp claw. Metaltron just grinned as he conjured up his sword to his hand before ducking and slicing the Grimm arm off in one fell swoop, causing the Ursa to stumble off due to Its lost limb.


The group of students turned towards Konami and looked confused on why he was counting down. Tierra though just looked at the Red Hat with a raised eyebrow as she knew what he was doing.

The Ursa Major managed to get up despite losing Its limb before it started to roar once more, which was quickly silenced when Metaltron slammed his fist on to its shin and rocketed the Grimm to the sky where it started to spin around. The Dracombatant looked up to the sky before he smirked as he threw his sword into the sky as well.


Metaltron smirk widened as he spread his hand out and caused the thrown sword to disperse into particles that surrounded the still airborne Grimm. He then clenched his hand as a single particle started to glow and change shape into a sword. Then the same thing happened to another particle as it glowed and turned into another sword. The same thing happened again. And again. And again!


This process happened simultaneously until surrounding the Grimm was about a hundred swords all pointing towards it while their sharp blade gleamed against the light of the sun. The Dracombatant then flicked his hand to the side which made every single one of the swords to launch towards the Ursa Major simultaneously and stabbing into the Grimm body in a streak of blue light.


The Ursa Major, who miraculously isn't dead yet despite the numerous swords struck on its body, starts to fall to the ground at high speed while being upside down. Metaltron watched this happening as he conjured up another sword into his hand, this time with a much longer blade, before he positioned his grip to the side and poured his Spirit Energy into the blade, causing it to be encased in a bright pulsing golden glow.


The Ursa Major was near the ground and was about to crash, before Metaltron dash forward in a blink of an eye and performed a single vertical slash which caused him to appear on the other side of the Grimm with his back turned against it. To the naked eyes, it would have been seen as if he had just teleported himself to just behind the Grimm.


At first it seems like it did nothing, until the delay effect of Metaltron attack took effect as the Ursa body jerked back slightly before a bright golden slash mark appeared that ran through the Grimm body.


The Grimm let out one last weak growl as the final strike sliced it in half completely before the residue energy from the slash was released which caused an explosion to happen.

Metaltron let out a breath of air from his mouth as he rested his sword on top of his shoulder before turning his head to look at the explosion of his defeated enemy while still having his back against it.

"Too easy." He said with a smirk, feeling satisfied that he had managed to beat it in his designated time. He starts walking away from the explosion and back toward the other, sword in hand and the other hand tucked inside his pocket.

All the while lamenting that he doesn't have sunglasses to wear to make this look so much more cooler.


"Holy shit, that was awesome!" Sun cried out in awe at how easily Metaltron was able to kill the Ursa Major, and it took him no more than seven seconds at that. "I can't believe he managed to beat an Ursa Major in just seven seconds!"

"What was with that countdown you did anyway, Konami?" Neptune asked curiously as he was confused on why the Red Hat started to countdown all of a sudden like that.

"Oh it's nothing much. It's just Metaltron's habit to challenge himself by setting up a time and see if he can defeat his opponent or not before the time hits zero. Although he only did this when he was fighting one-on-one." Konami briefly explained as he could remember quite a few times Tron had done this specific challenge.

"And what happened if he didn't manage to defeat his opponent when the time hit zero?" Weiss asked at the rather unusual habit coming from the Dracombatant.

"Then he'll train himself further so that he can do it. Honestly I think the sole reason he did this challenge is to make an excuse for more training." Konami answered with a shrug and a laugh as he knew how much his partner loved to train.

"And you know it!" Metaltron cried out as he appeared right next to Konami with a wide grin on his face. "After all, what better way to become stronger then by training? I say none if you want to truly become strong enough to face many tough opponents!"

"Tch, you're such a battle junkie, you know that right?" Tierra told him while looking annoyed by hearing his constant rant about 'training' and 'facing tough opponents' all the damn time.

"Why yes, Tierra. Yes I am." Metaltron responded proudly while still holding on to his grin. He wouldn't lie, having to face a strong opponent always left his heart pounding in excitement. Shame that Ursa Major, or whatever they call it, wasn't as strong as he had hoped it would be.

"Just how many swords can you summon, Metaltron?!" Ruby, after quite literally being shaken out of her shock by her sister, asked out loud to the Dracombatant as she was dumbfounded at the sight of Metaltron literally firing DOZENS of swords out of nowhere like that.

"A little bit late on that, sis." Yang said as she ruffled the hair of her baby sister while smiling widely at her weapon obsession. Ruby's response was to whine for her to stop as she try, and fail, to get Yang's strong grip off of her head.

"Well like I explained to you all yesterday—" Four hands were raised belonging to the two members of Team SSSN and CFVY who weren't present in yesterday's explanation as they raised a questioning eyebrow at the Vagabond. "—alright, like I explained to most of you all..." Konami corrected himself while shooting a pointed look at the four for interrupting him before deciding to just continue. "Metaltron has the ability to summon the weapons he was given through his blessing. However, while I am limited to how many weapons I can summon, Metaltron can summon as many as he wants so long as he has Spirit Energy to spare. He can also move them telepathically just like what you see a moment ago."

"And just how many can he summon exactly before he runs out of juice?" Coco asked as she was kind of skeptical about the amount of sword he can summon.

"If I use up all of my Spirit Energy...eh, I'll say I can make around two thousand weapon give or take." Metaltron exclaimed casually with a shrug, all the while ignoring the jaw dropped of the group from Remnant at hearing the sheer number of swords the golden haired spirit can summon. I mean how could you deal with a guy who can summon THOUSANDS of weapons with just a flick of his wrist!

"Do you still won't try my idea of just firing your weapon at your enemy like I told you? You know, just summoned them up by your side and fired them like a machine gun." Konami asked about the idea he had presented to his partner long ago.

"Nope. If I do that all the time then I will just lose my touch in close combat. I'm the Dracombatant, not the Dracogunner. I'd rather live up to the title that was given to me." Metaltron said with a shake of his head. Sure he can do what Konami has suggested easily, hell it was part of his fighting style. But if he just solely relied on basically firing his weapons all the time, then he would get rusty with his fighting skill and that was the last thing he wanted to happen. Plus he preferred settling his opponent up close and personal anyway, a man to man fight as they say.

Konami nodded his head in resignation, as he couldn't argue with Metaltron points. He then turned to the others before asking them. "So are we going to be here for a while longer or what?"

Being the first one to snap out of it, Pyrrha decided to answer the Vagabond's question in the place of her friends. "Well we still have some time to kill before we can use the Training Room again, about an hour and a half from now. So I think we will just spend our time on finding more Grimm to kill for now."

"And hey, after this we could go to the cafeteria to get some lunch as well." Jaune suggested as he followed after his partner's words, earning him a round of nods from the rest of the group.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Konami said while grinning as he could go along with the plan.

"So we're going hunting, are we? It's been a while since I did some good hunting." Metaltron exclaimed as he could remember the last time he had decided to hunt a few wild dragons in the Spirit World to kill some time. The Grimm here won't be much of a challenge, but he guess It'll still be fun nonetheless.

"Hmph, so long as I don't have to do anything. Killing this bunch of animals is just a waste of my time and energy." Tierra told them as she had no plan on helping any one of them with dealing with the Grimm that they will encounter. If these Huntsman and Huntress in training can't handle dealing with just a pack of wild animals then they are beyond useless in her eyes.

With all said and done, the group all venture further and deeper into the Emerald Forest.


After about an hour or so of exploring the Emerald Forest, the group had managed to kill dozens worth of Grimms during said hour. An impressive feat, sure. But considering you have twelve super powered teenagers well equipped with highly advanced weapons — except for maybe Crocea Mars — It's safe to say they had little to no problem dealing with the Grimm.

Throughout this exploration, Konami and his two Duel Spirit decided to stay out of the Huntsman and Huntress-in-training way and just observe unless a Grimm came up to them and attacked them. In which case any Grimm that came up to them got instantly burned to death by a very annoyed looking Tierra or stabbed by a flurry of dozens flying blades courtesy of a grinning Metaltron. Konami wanted to take action as well but was instantly declined by the two Duel Spirit saying they can handle it.

All three otherworlder had different reasons on why they didn't do anything to help the Remnantian.

For Konami, it was because he wanted to see what his new friends are capable off in a fight. Sure he had witnessed Yang battle prowess when she decided to challenge him yesterday, but he still wants to see what she can do as a team. Plus the transforming weapon seems really cool to him. He had seen some out-of-the-box weapons in his time in the Spirit World, but the weapons in Remnants do have a distinct taste to them.

Maybe It's because every single weapon he has seen so far is borderline a gun. The most weird among them have to be Sun's weapon.

How in the hell do you fire rapid shots from a shotgun while swinging them around like a nunchuk anyway?

For Metaltron, it was because he wanted to gauge on the fighting potential of every single one of them, something he had always been good at compared to the other members of the True Dracos. Master Mariamne had taught him to always learn from his opponent, whether they be his friends or enemy, and he took that lesson to heart.

After spending his time observing, he comes to a conclusion that Pyrrha seems to be the strongest out of all of them, at least in terms of skill that is. Her technique is really good and really fluid, though his only complaint would be that it seems a bit too flashy in his eyes. Despite how effective her fighting style is when against an opponent, it just seems to lean towards 'pleasing the crowd' rather than anything really.

On the other hand of the spectrum, Metaltron thinks that Jaune is the worst of them all. Although, maybe 'worst' was a bit harsh. The blonde leader wasn't 'bad' per say, he's doing quite well in assisting his teammate and fending on his own, though he does find himself struggling quite a few times now. If anything, he just seemed...'untrained', which is the best words he could think of to describe him, compared to the rest of them.

If the reason both of them are paired together is to get Jaune to be stronger by Pyrrha teaching him. Metaltron couldn't see it going really well. Pyrrha's fighting style is impossible for Jaune to implement as his own and while she can teach him how to fight more effectively, she just doesn't seem like the person that could push him to the limit to grow even further.

The Dracombatant mentally takes a note to speak with Konami about this. He may be coming a bit pushy when it comes to this, but Metaltron knows this is just something that needs to be done. Both for Jaune's sake and his future if he should walk down this path.

As for Tierra...well there is no real reason why she was observing them other than that she was bored out of her mind. She wasn't particularly interested in how strong or skilled they are, so long as they can kill the Grimm then that is all it is to it. She had to give them some credit for not being as incompetent as she may think when facing these animals, though it still baffled her minds that this is the threat of humanity that the so called God of Darkness had created.

'Well whatever, It's not my problem.' Tierra thought to herself as another Beowolf came running up to her, only to be stopped when a tendril of Void Flame stabbed into the beast head as she mentally made the tendril spread its flame into the Grimm body before it was burned to ash in seconds from the inside out. All the while not even looking at the direction of the Grimm in the first place. 'Damn these animals. They just won't leave me alone.'

It was official, Tierra hated this Grimm just because they annoyed her so much.

After about thirty or so minutes of Grimm slaughtering, the group decided that that's enough killing Grimm for one day. They turned to face their new friend from another dimension, which some of them embarrassingly admit that they forgot Konami was there in the first place due to their focus was on the battle, and find that said Red Hat was just leaning against the tree while Metaltron and Tierra was busy killing the many Grimm that was coming towards them, with minimal effort no less.

Even after seeing what they were capable of, it's still baffling to see how easily the two Duel Spirit managed to fend off against the Grimm. They were all just glad that the two were on their side and not against them.

Well at least Metaltron is, the Remnantian actually finds him to be kind of a nice guy actually and seems to be a kind of a jokester if his regular interaction with Konami and Tierra was any indication. He is also really strong to boot, if the earlier display of him easily killing an Ursa Major was saying anything. But all in all he seems to be a great guy to be around and most of them could see them self getting along just fine with the Dracombatant.

In Tierra's case though, that was a whole other story. Contrast to Metaltron's friendly and rather polite demeanor, Tierra was harsh, rude, and very, very quick to anger. Not to mention scary as hell if her ability to control the Void Flame was anything to go by, being burned alive from the inside out by a woman who hadn't even lifted a finger against you was not something they wanted to imagine happening to any of them.

Bad attitude aside, the Infernoid Spirit doesn't seem like a bad of a person in all honesty. Maybe they will get use to her attitude as time passes — something that the group had imagined what both Konami and Metaltron would possibly agree on considering they know her the best — but until then, they will agree to not piss her off too much less they want to be the next victim to her Void Flame.

Now that they are done battling the Grimm, they all make their way back to Beacon before going to the cafeteria to grab a quick lunch to refill their energy. When that's done, they all immediately go straight towards the Training Room, all the while Sun just can't seem to shut up on saying how excited he is to finally start Dueling.

"For fuck sake, will you just SHUT UP!" Tierra practically screamed at the monkey-tailed Faunus as she glared at him, looking like she was just one word away from shoving a fireball into his mouth just for him to shut up. Sun almost immediately jumped away from the angry red haired spirit in fright as she lit her right hand aflame.

"Now now, Tierra. Sun is just excited to start Dueling and that's no reason for you to start throwing fireballs at him now is it?" Metaltron reasoned to his fellow Duel Spirit as he decided to take the role of peacemaker once more.

His effort was rewarded by a fireball that was aimed at his head, to which he ducked and dodged the fireball at the very last second. Causing the flame to hit the wall and left said wall to be scorched by the flame before the fire dissipated and left a trail of smoke in its place on the now blackened wall.

"Tch, I miss." Tierra muttered as she crossed her arms, annoyed at her failed attempt at shutting up another annoying blonde.

"...I'm not getting burned alive, right?" Sun nervously asked Konami as he look towards the Red Hat, who just let out a sigh and shook his head.

"Don't worry about it, she won't do it." Konami confidently told the Monkey Faunus as he showed him a reassuring smile. Sure Tierra can be easily annoyed by anything really, but the Vagabond know that deep down under that tsundere like attitude that she is just a big softie at heart.

Very, very, very deep inside sure, but it is still there.

"So...who's going to be the one to tell Professor Goodwitch about the wall?" Nora suddenly asked as she and the others turned their attention towards the burned and still smoking wall.

"I vote for the leader of the team to tell her about it!" Yang cried out while raising her hand in attention. Every single team leader present went pale in their face when the rest of the group raised their own hand in agreement.

"YANGG! I don't wanna tell Professor Goodwitch, she'll be so mad at us!" Ruby yelled in panic at what the Headmistress of Beacon would do to her once she told her about the wall.

"You're gonna have to take it for the team, Rubes." Yang said as she placed her hands on both of her sister's shoulders while smiling sadly and her eyes having a small amount of tear at the edge. "I'll always remember you as my brave little sister."

"And you say I'm the drama queen." Weiss said with a roll of her eyes at Yang's overly dramatic words before she let out a sigh and directed her attention towards the still trembling Ruby. "Ruby, just tell Professor Goodwitch about the wall."

"No! Professor Goodwitch is scary when she scolds someone!"

"You're a Huntress-in-training and you're afraid of a little scolding?!"

"Then why don't you do it?! You're better at this stuff than me!"

"...because she's really scary."


"Alright, calm down people. I'll be the one who will tell her about the wall, I have something to discuss with her and the headmaster anyway." Konaki told them which earned him a curious look from the group before they just felt relieved that they don't have to be the one to tell her about it.

"You're one brave son of a bitch, you know that right?" Coco commented as she was impressed by the fearless attitude of the Red Hat at facing certain death by the infamous Glynda Goodwitch.

'After last night, I don't think I'll ever be intimidated by anything less than God's wrath for at least two weeks.' Konami thought to himself. Having been front and center of the anger of the Creator God herself, it's safe to say that nothing would ever top that. "How about we start Sun and Neptune Duel already?"

"Yeah sure we could do that." Neptune said with a shrug as his partner let out an excited whoop at hearing that.

Konami nodded his head as he brought out the two Deck Boxes from his bag, he made a mental note to thank Jaune for keeping an eye on it since he forgot to bring it with him. "Alright you two, just put your hand on top of the Deck Box please." He said while holding up the Deck Box to the two partners from Haven Academy.

Sun and Neptune both grabbed hold of the Deck Box before they put their hand on top of the device in their hand. A familiar glow came from the screen of the Deck Box as it begin to scan them. Once the light dies down, the two remove their hand from the device before the screen begins to project a holographic image of a card.

However, the card that was projected from the Deck Box wasn't what Sun or Neptune had expected.

"Uhh, Konami. Why is your Deck Box showing me a Spell Card instead of a Monster card?" Sun asked confusedly as he scratched his head to make sense of this.

"I think I have the same problem." Neptune also added with his eyes shifting to the side slightly, he looked like he was uncomfortable with something.

Konami raised a questioning eyebrow at the two of them, he had a couple of idea on what happened but just to make sure. "Well what is the name of the card you two got exactly?" He questioned them to confirm his thought.

"Fire Formation - Tenki."

"A Legendary Ocean."

The Vagabond's eyes widened considerably as he heard the name of the cards before he started chuckling. "Well I'll be, who would've thought you two would get the Fire Fist and a Umi deck." Konami suddenly said with an interested expression on his face. Well he probably shouldn't be surprised since the two decks do match their respective names.

"Fire Fist? That's actually a cool name for the archetype, what is it exactly?" Yang asked as she really likes the name 'Fire Fist', it kind of resembles her Semblance and fighting style really. Shame she couldn't set her fist ablaze just like Konami can.

"The Fire Fist are a brotherhood of warriors, or I guess Beast-Warrior would be the correct term, that can harness flame in the shape of their animal spirit. The Fire Fist work in conjunction with their Fire Formation Spell/Trap card, which I guess you can say the Fire Fist team attack if you will, to gain powerful effect as well as a power boost." Konami briefly informed them what the Fire Fist deck is before he furrowed his eyebrow in concern as he looked at Sun. "This deck is heavily combo reliant though so I'm not sure if you are up for this kind of deck, Sun."

"Hey, don't sweat it man. I could handle it, just watch me beat Neptune with my awesome Fire Fist Deck!" Sun cried out as you could practically see the fire in his eyes when he said that, which is fitting considering what deck he was going to use.

"Right..." Neptune drawled out with doubt clear on his face. Sun may boast as much time as he likes but it was clear that he was the true genius when it comes to games in their team. "So what kind of deck do I have exactly, Konami?"

"You got the Umi deck, a deck that plays around the Spell card called Umi, or cards that have the same name as that, and mostly relies on using WATER Monster to gain advantages. Most of them are mainly Aqua, Sea-Serpent, or Fish Type Monster." Konami briefly explained once more about what deck Neptune had gotten.

"W-Water?" Neptune muttered lowly as his face started to turn pale slightly, not that many of them could see since his back was facing them.

"Fish?" Blake questioned with a hidden tone of excitement in her voice as her cat ears perk up in response as well.

"Not that kind of Fish, Blake." Konami told the bow wearing ravenette with a small teasing grin on his face, causing the Cat Faunus to blush in embarrassment before she glared at her teammates for letting out a chuckle. Traitors, all of them, both her team and her stupid instinct.

The Vagabond then turned his attention towards Neptune and he took notice of his slightly uncomfortable expression. "You okay there, Neptune?" He asked while looking concerned for the blue haired teenager.

"Y-Yeah, sure. I'm totally fine, like super fine. Why wouldn't I be fine? Look at me, i'm as fine as anyone could be" Neptune told the Red Hat with a shaky grin on his face as he was being really repetitive with his words. "Well we should be making our deck now. Come on, Sun."

Neptune grabs hold of the back color of Sun's open shirt while basically dragging him away, much to the Monkey Faunus confusion as he said. "Uhh sure dude, whatever you say." He said as he felt like he was forgetting something, he just couldn't put his finger on it as he let his partner drag him while he held onto his Deck Box.

"Uhh, does anyone realize that Neptune seems...'off'? For some reason?" Jaune questioned the others and gained a confused shrug in response as they had no idea why Neptune was acting like that.

It took about twenty or so minutes before the two members of team SSSN finished making their deck and returned to the group. Both of them sported a very confident grin on their face as they were quite proud of the deck they had made. At least Sun is excited with said grin basically plastered to his face, Neptune grin was still as confident yet one could see that it was shakier if they were close enough, as if the blue haired intellectual was a little unsettled by something.

Not that this came up to anyone's mind as Konami plucked the two Deck Box from the two partners hand before punching a few commands on both of its screens, causing the Deck Boxes to eject two decks from the front side of the box.

Sun immediately takes his deck before spreading it out to check his cards. "I can't believe all of these cards are mine!" He said in glee as his eyes skimmed over the cards he has in his deck, he had played a few card games before and he knew getting this amount of freedom in choosing your deck is an absolute gold mine!

Neptune followed his leader's lead and grabbed his own deck before checking it as well. "Yup, everything is in order here." He said before letting out a slight shiver at the sight of a certain card. 'It's alright Neptune, remember It's only a hologram and not real water. Just take a deep breath and let it go.'

Neptune mentally psych himself up, he can do this. He just needs to remember that everything is just a hologram and nothing is real, and really, this Real Solid Vision system can't be that realistic, right?

"Well now that you two have your deck, let me set up the playing field first." Konami told them which confused both Sun and Neptune, as well as Coco and Velvet as the four had no idea what he was talking about. While both RWBY and JNPR had an inkling of what the Red Hat was about to do.

Reaching to his deck case on his waist, Konami pulled out a familiar card before he activated his Duel Disk. Tapping into his power as his eyes turn to their heterochromic color, the Vagabond inserted the card into his Duel Disk before a bright light engulfed them all and caused all of them to shield their eyes.

When the light began to fade, the group unshield their eyes before finding themself standing on the open grassy field of the Sogen field. Team RWBY and JNPR, who had been here just yesterday, were surprised by the fact that Konami had changed their surroundings once more. For the remaining four, however, their reaction was a bit more vocal than the two teams.

"What the hell?!"



"W-Where are we?!"

Konami can't help but let out a little laugh at their reaction. "Welcome to Sogen, this is where you two will be having your Duel." He told them while spreading his arm out, just like he did yesterday.

"D-Did you just teleported us somewhere, Konami?" Velvet asked the red hat wearing Duelist as she looked left and right in astonishment at the sudden change of scenery. Her question was answered by a nod from the Vagabond himself.

"Konami took us here yesterday for Ren and Nora Duel, since Nora's monsters are a bit...big, to say the least." Jaune stepped up to explain as Nora nodded her head rapidly in agreement with her leader.

"Yup! My Aesir are HUUUGE! You couldn't even imagine how big they are!" Nora said while stretching her arms wide to prove her point. She was then told to calm down by her best friend, which she did, as the four new Duelists stared at the girl, wondering just how big her monsters are that they need this much space.

"Okay? But why do you need this Sogen field for those two Duels and not ours?" Coco asked while pointing towards the two members of Team SSSN and raising an eyebrow at the red hat wearing Vagabond.

"Call it a hunch, but I just want to be cautious should any of the monsters Sun and Neptune summon in their Duel will be too big if I don't use the Sogen field." Konami reasoned while smiling sheepishly at the beret wearing fashionista. Truthfully he didn't have a guarantee proof that any of the monsters Sun and Neptune have in their deck will be trouble enough to warrant him to use the Sogen field, but he decided to just do it anyway just to make sure.

"Well thanks, I guess? Not really sure if any of our monsters will be a problem but hey, can't be too cautious now." Sun said with a shrug as he didn't think any of his monsters would be so big that they wouldn't fit the previous room, but he guessed he could see where the Red Hat was saying so he couldn't complain.

"Don't worry about it. You two just have fun with your Duel now." Konami told them as the two teammates looked at each other before just shrugging their shoulders as they took their place for them to Duel. Taking a good amount of distance between them and their friends, said friends give them the room they needed with all of them looking quite eager to witness the Duel.

Said eagerness was shared by both Sun and Neptune as they grinned at each other before they both activated their Duel Disk.

"Let's see who's the best Duelist is, Neptune!" Sun shouted out while his monkey tail flicking in excitement that matched his wide grin.

"You're on, Sun!" Neptune shouted back, his previous uneasiness being forgotten in the feeling of thrilled he was experiencing right now.


Sun: 8000 LP / Hand ×5

Neptune: 8000 LP / Hand ×5

"Alright let's get this Duel started! It's my turn!" Sun announced as he took the first turn as he grabbed a card from his hand and placed it to the blade of the Duel Disk as he shouted. "I Summon Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Boar in Attack Position!"

A portal opened up on Sun's field before a large and very muscular man jumped out of the portal and landed on the ground with a large thud. His frame was burly and overweight with a bushy black beard covering the lower part of his face and tattoo marking on the right side of his body. His outfit looks to be clothing worn by martial artists which consist primarily of a purple robe with orange armor on the edges, white pants, and a red sash tied around the waist. His outfit covered every part of his body excluding the right arm and his right pectoral with a black and golden belt with a purple buckle hanging in line with his robe alongside a horned helmet that he wears on his head. Boar twirled around his steel fan weapon before pointing it towards his opponent as suddenly purple flame enveloped the front of the weapon before it took on a spiritual form of a boar, hence the name.

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Boar - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Tuner/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1100/DEF: 1400)

Sun's eyes seem to grow wider alongside his grin once he sees his monster appear before him. "Holy moly, this is even better than I thought!" He said in glee before he grabbed another card and inserted it into his Duel Disk. "I now Set a card and end my turn!" A face-down card appeared behind Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Boar as the Monkey Faunus ended his turn.

"Then It's my turn! I draw!" Neptune declared his turn by drawing his card before looking at it and furrowing his eyebrow when he realized he had no way to access his Field Spell with the card he had in hand. 'Alright, not off to a good start. But I think I can work with what I have.' He thought to himself as he started his play.

"First off, I will activate my Continuous Spell: Sea Stealth II." Neptune inserted the card to his Duel Disk and watched as the Spell card appeared before him before he explained its effect. "While this card is on the field, all of my WATER Monster cannot be targeted by my opponent's Monster effect that isn't a WATER Monster. Whatsmore at the start of the Battle Phase, I can Special Summon a WATER Normal Monster or a Monster that mentions "Umi" or a WATER Normal Monster from my hand or Graveyard at the cost of destroying it during the end of the Battle Phase."

"Next I activate another Spell: Fish Sonar! This card allows me to add a Level 7 or lower WATER Normal Monster or one that mentions "Umi" from my deck to my hand, and since I control Umi on my field I can also Special Summon a WATER Normal Monster from my deck as a bonus."

"Woah woah woah, hold up there Nep! How can you activate that last effect if you don't have Umi in your field?" Sun called out to his blue haired while pointing his finger at him accusingly.

"Did I forget to mention Sea Stealth II is treated as Umi while on the field and Graveyard?" Neptune rhetorically asked with a smirk at Sun's jaw dropped expression that he did in fact forget to mention that. "Well since you now know, I will add Doom Kraken into my hand and Special Summon this guy to my field. Come, Megalosmasher X!"

A crack appears on the ground on Neptune's field before a large marine monster jumps out of the ground before hovering on the field. This monster looks similar to an extinct animal called a Pliosaur, more specifically the Pliosaurus funkei otherwise known as Predator X. It has a crocodile-like head with many rows of sharp teeth but has a tubular shaped body that is common to aquatic animals. Its whole body is colored bone-like white with black marks around it alongside two pairs of fins, several glowing blue spots can be seen on Its body which matches the eyes of the monster itself. Megalosmasher X light blue eyes glow before it lets out a primal roar at Its arrival.

Megalosmasher X - (WATER/Dinosaur) - (LV: 4/ATK: 2000/DEF: 0)

Neptune was honestly taken aback at how real his monster looked, that surprise quickly turned to excitement as he wanted to experience this more. "Well, this fellow does look fearsome but he won't be sticking on for long. I tribute Megalosmasher X to Summon Infernalqueen Salmon from my hand!" He said as the dinosaur-like monster burst into particles before they combined into each other to form a different monster, this one looked more like a huge demonic salmon the size of a full grown man. Its body is colored mostly in red and black scales with the fins around Its body is colored a dark shade of purple and red.

Infernalqueen Salmon - (WATER/Fish/Effect) - (LV: 5/ATK: 2400/DEF: 1000)

"And when Infernalqueen Salmon is Normal or Special Summoned, I can Special Summon a Normal Fish-Type Monster from either my hand, deck or Graveyard. I use this effect to Summon Terrorking Salmon from my deck in Attack Position!" Neptune exclaimed as another demonic salmon-like monster appeared beside Infernalqueen Salmon, however Terrorking Salmon is different with Its body covered in mostly gold and red scales and fewer fins compared to the Infernalqueen Salmon.

Terrorking Salmon - (WATER/Fish) - (LV: 5/ATK: 2400/DEF: 1000)

"Wow that is one mean looking salmon right there." Yang pointed out while blinking owlishly at the two salmon monsters on Neptune's field.

"Yup, they are the most feared salmon in the Spirit World and the master of the Sea of Darkness...they also taste delicious not gonna lie." Konami told them as they nodded their heads along with his words before abruptly turning to look at him in surprise at his last sentence.

"Hold up, you can actually eat those two ugly looking fish? I highly doubt that's healthy." Weiss asked as she pointed her finger towards the two salmon monsters, she had heard and eaten a few exotic foods in her lifetime but she seriously doubted the sensibility of eating, what she admittedly agreed as, the Grimm equivalent of a salmon.

"Hohoho, that's where you are wrong, Weiss. Those two salmon are regarded as one of the top gourmet delicacies in the Spirit World, and extremely rare in fact as they come in market only a handful of times in a year. Not to mention expensive as hell, thankfully Konami managed to get hold of each of them as a reward so all of us could find out what it tastes like." Metaltron commented as he could remember that day quite well, It was the best salmon he had ever eaten in his life. Gourmet food like that didn't come often so he made sure to savor every bite he had.

"So how tasty is it?" Ruby asked curiously as her earlier doubt about eating that demonic looking salmon was gone by the Dracombatant reassurance and what was left was the wonder on how good this salmon is if they spoke highly about it. Her question was then answered by Tierra, strangely enough as she opened her mouth and explained.

"It is really good. The Terrorking Salmon is arguably the best out of the two due to It having a higher fat then the infernalqueen Salmon and was a whole lot richer in taste. But the Infernalqueen Salmon stands out for having a far silkier texture and less calories yet still maintain the level of taste to them that is out of this world. I hear that the roe of the Terrorking Salmon is highly praised but I have yet to taste them myself. Personally I would have my salmon pan fry rather than baked in the oven, sure It's less healthier but the level of crispiness of the salmon skin is best done while being pan fried and the seasoning, god the seasoning is just as important. Salt and pepper may be enough to do it but adding a pinch of rosemary, oregano, and perhaps thyme will elevated it even further and"

Tierra was about to continue before she noticed that she was the only one talking and the others were silent. Looking back at the others she was greeted by a various amount of dumbfounded stares coming from the Remnants as they were caught off guard by the level of detail the Infernoid spirit was explaining.

"A-At least, that's what I heard." She muttered quietly and embarrassedly once she realized she had basically gone into a rant like some wannabe food critic. When she noticed the stare was still on her, her embarrassment quickly turned into anger. "WHAT ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT?!" That shout was enough to make them all look anywhere but the red haired Duel Spirit.

Tierra just grumbled to herself while crossing her arms as she made an effort to not look at the face both Konami and Metaltron gave to her. Whatever it is she was not going to like it so she just chose to ignore it.

Blake was too busy salivating at the thought of how good the Terrorking and Inferqueen Salmon would taste like and Tierra's description just made her made her even more curious and even more hungrier, a nudge to her side snap her out of her fantasy as she turned to look at the culprit and was greeted by a teasing smile from her blonde haired partner. Blake just blush profusely as she wipes the drool from the side of her mouth, which just made Yang snicker at her even more.

Sun and Neptune just turned towards the direction of the others before looking at each other and shrugging in unison as they agreed they didn't want to know what they were talking about and decided to just continue with their Duel.

"Now then, time for me to enter my Battle Phase. I will neglect to use Sea Stealth II effect and let Infernalqueen Salmon attack your monster!" Neptune said as infernalqueen Salmon starts diving into the ground like it was diving into the water, jumping out and going in the ground a few times as it makes way towards Its opponent at incredible speed before Infernalqueen Salmon tackle the Fire Fist monster in the gut, causing him to be knock back by the sheer force of the attack and shatter into particles.

Sun was skidded back a few feet also by the force of the attack while letting out a small grunt as his Life Point was reduced.

Sun LP: 8000 = 6700

"Man they weren't kidding when they said you could feel the attack coming at you." Sun said out loud as he was caught off guard by the sensation he felt by his Life Point being reduced before shrugging it off and starting smirking. "But this just makes me more excited than ever! I activate Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Boar effect! When Boar is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon a Level 4 'Fire Fist' Monster from my deck except himself. I Special Summon Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear in Attack Position!"

Replacing Boar on the field was another warrior clad in mostly black color clothing with gold and red lining on the edges. His outfit is short sleeved which expose his muscular arm with a pair of bracelet armor around his wrist, has a pair of boots with three white stripes on the front portion of his feet which made them resemble a claw, and a helmet that covered his head with the top of the helmet was set ablaze with fire as his face was covered in light blue color face paint. He tightened his grip on his sheathed katana on his left hand before his right hand grabbed hold of the handle, a blazing orange flame enveloped the sheat before it took upon the form of a bear which hovered over the Fire Fist monster.

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1600/DEF: 1200)

"Then Terrorking Salmon will attack your Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear!" Neptune commanded his monster as Terrorking Salmon did the exact same stunt Infernalqueen Salmon, diving into the ground and leaping out as it made Its way towards Its target.

"Bad choice of action, Neptune! I activate my Continuous Trap card: Fire Formation - Tensen! When Tensen is activated, one of my Beast-Warrior Type Monsters will gain 700 ATK until the end of this turn, as well as boosting all of my Beast-Warrior Monster ATK by 300 as long as Tensen is face-up on the field, which means Bear gains a 1000 ATK boost!" Sun declared as he activated his Trap while Neptune's face turned to shock as he couldn't believe he had fallen into Sun's trap.

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 2600/DEF: 1200)

Bear narrowed his eyes in concentration at his upcoming foe before he unsheathed his katana and performed a single slash. His flame covered sword responded by unleashing three bear-like figures made out of said flame that lunged at the demonic salmon monster and attacked it with their claws and teeth. Terrorking Salmon stood no chance as it was immediately destroyed by the assault and exploded alongside the three flaming bears.

Neptune LP: 8000 = 7800

"When Bear inflicts Battle Damage, I can now Set a 'Fire Formation' Spell card from my deck to my field." Sun said as his Duel Disk ejected his desired card before grabbing it and Set it to his field. "But I'm not done yet! Because I activate a Fire Formation, I can Special Summon Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Panda from my hand!"

"What?!" Neptune cried out in shock as he watched as another warrior appeared on Sun's field beside Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear.

This warrior is a man with dark brown hair alongside a trimmed beard and mustache with the same color. His outfit consists of a black gi-like clothing covered with gold armor with black and red color compliments on his chest, shoulder, arm, and his feet along with a golden cloth around his waist acting as a tailcoat. White fur patches are etched on the end of his armor for his arm as well as acting as a small cape on his back. He holds with him a straight double-edged sword on his right hand and a sheath on his left, white flame starts conjuring onto the blade before it takes the form of a black and white panda that hovers over the warrior.

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Panda - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 5/ATK: 2100/DEF: 400)

"Since I Special Summon Panda, I can use his effect to Special Summon another 'Fire Fist' Monster in my Graveyard. I'm going to bring back my Boar that you destroyed earlier!" Sun explained as another portal opened up that led to the Graveyard before Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Boar jumped out of the portal and landed beside his fellow Brotherhood of the Fire Fist.

"And with Tensen on my field, both Boar and Panda gain 300 ATK!"

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Panda - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 5/ATK: 2400/DEF: 400)

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Boar - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Tuner/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1400/DEF: 1400)

Neptune clicked his tongue in annoyance, not only did he fall right through Sun's trap like an idiot but the Monkey Faunus had even managed to revive his destroyed monster and make his effort worthless. Looking at his hand and seeing there was nothing he could do, he reluctantly said. "I end my turn."

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1900/DEF: 1200)

Sun: 6300 LP / Hand ×2

Neptune: 7800 LP / Hand ×4

"I have to admit, I did not expect Sun to play so well. I thought for sure Neptune would have the upper hand." Jaune admitted as he was surprised that his monkey tailed friend managed to assemble such an advantage on his opponent's turn like that.

"I have to agree. But I think that Neptune didn't have an optimal hand to start with and play a role in this as well. He didn't leave any face-down cards before ending his turn." Ren agreed as well with his team leader.

"Considering he didn't immediately play his Field Spell does tell you how unfortunate it is with his draw, the deck really draws its potential with Its Field Spell in play and it is essential that he deployed as soon as possible." Konami added his thoughts as he knew the Umi deck needed to find Its Field Spell if they wanted to get the ball rolling. Sea Stealth II may be a good alternative but the Field Spell holds more usefulness in his opinion.

"Wait, did you say that the Umi Spell is a Field Spell?" Blake asked the Red Hat when she heard him say that and got a nod from him, which caused her to facepalm while letting out a little groan as the dot connected in her head. "Oh boy, Neptune will not like what's going to happen..."

"Uhh, mind sharing with the rest of the group what you are talking about?" Coco asked the cat eared girl while raising an eyebrow at her on why she was acting like Neptune playing his Field Spell is a bad thing.

Blake's only answer was to let out a sigh before finally saying. "You'll see soon enough." And with that she returned her attention back to the Dueling. Causing them all to look confused by the girl's strange behavior before deciding to just see what's going to happen next.

"Time to show you what my deck is made of. My turn, draw!" Sun dramatically drew his card before taking a glance at it and smirking.

"Check this out, Nep. I Summon Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rhino in Attack Position!" Sun slammed the card to the blade of his Duel Disk before a portal opened once more on his field, a figure jumped out of said portal and stood alongside his fellow Brotherhood.

This Fire Fist monster is a muscular man wearing a heavy set of chinese-style silver armor with red and gold outlined as well as a single blue gem on the center of his chest armor. Underneath the armor is a short sleeve form fitting black suit which hides nothing of his physique with a pair of gloves and boots as well. Despite his large build, his weapon of choice is a katana which was enveloped in bluish colored flame which took on the form of a rhino that hovered beside the summoner.

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rhino - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1700/DEF: 1400)

"I will now tune my Level 4 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Boar and Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear!" Sun cried out as the two monsters jumped into the air before Boar turned into four green rings that aligned to a straight line, Bear flew through the rings as his body became transparent and turned into four stars before a pillar of light engulfed them.

"Assemble, brotherhood of unrivaled flames! Inherit the spirit of the mythical beast of illusion, represent the star of strength and show me the might of the Fire Fist! Synchro Summon! Flame on, Level 8! Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Kirin!"

A whirlwind of black colored flame erupted from the ground before a long red staff pierced out of said whirlwind from the inside of it. The staff was then swiped to the side with such a force that it dispersed the whirlwind in an instant and revealed the figure who was holding the staff in his hand.

This figure was a man with long black hair as well as an equally long beard. He was garbed in an expensive looking royal robe which has green and gold as Its primary color,underneath that robe is covering a full set of armor that protects his entire body which is brown in color with golden outlined as well as chainmail body armor underneath. Kirin gripped his staff using both of his hands before said hands were enveloped in black colors that began to spread and formed into a creature that looks like it has a dragon head with mane and a horse-like body.

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Kirin - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Synchro/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 2000/DEF: 2800)

"YES! Finally someone is using Synchro just like me!" Nora cheered with glee to find that she wasn't the only from her group of friends that use Synchro Summon.

"I activate Kirin effect! When he is Summoned, I can Set a 'Fire Formation' Spell or Trap card directly from my deck." Sun grabbed a card from his deck before said card appeared on his field, which lasted literally a second before said card was flipped face-up and revealed it to be a Continuous Spell. "And I use it immediately! Fire Formation - Tenki, the card that I Set, Allows me to add a Level 4 or lower Beast Warrior-Type Monster from my deck to my hand."

Grabbing a cards from his deck, Sun inserted it into his Duel Disk before saying. "Now that I have another Fire Fist in my hand, I will activate my Fire Formation - Tensu! This Fire Formation allows me to perform another Normal Summon or Set of a Beast Warrior-Type. With this, I will Summon Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon in Attack Position!"

Another Fire Fist monster appeared thanks to the effect of Tensu. This Fire Fist is a man with long brown hair with a muscular build. His outfit consists of a light green bodysuit with green, orange, and gold colored armor covering his body. All of them range from chest armor, a pair of shoulder armor, a pair of arm guard, a golden belt with a glowing orange buckle, and a pair of steel boots that covered his leg along with a helmet with two silver horns on top. He held with him a spear as his weapon of choice which he hold with both of his hand and pointing the blade downward, orange flame enveloped the blade before they took the form of nine miniature dragons.

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1800/DEF: 400)

'Hmm, I have to say Sun really thinks his play through. He Sets Tensun last turn knowing he can bring out any Fire Fist he wants using Tenki effect. I did not expect him to bring out a Synchro Monster though, that was surprising.' Neptune thought to himself as he looked at his hand and mentally smirked to himself. 'To bad for him I have ways to make my barren field into an impenetrable fortress when the Battle Phase starts. He won't know what hit him."

"Time for my Battle Phase!"

'And that's my cue.' Neptune grinned as he gestured towards his face-up Continuous Spell before shouting. "I activate my Sea Stealth II effect! I will use this effect to Special Summon Terrorking Salmon from my Graveyard!" The Sea Stealth II card began to glow before a portal leading towards the Graveyard opened up as Terrorking Salmon jumped out of said portal and curled up as it was in Defense Position.

"That's not gonna stop me, Nep! Now that I have Tensu, Tenki and Tensen on my field all of my Beast Warrior-Type Monster gains a 500 ATK boost!"

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rhino - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 2200/DEF: 1400)

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Kirin - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Synchro/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 2500/DEF: 2800)

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 2300/DEF: 400)

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Panda - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 5/ATK: 2600/DEF: 400)

"And thanks to Kirin effect, all of your Monsters lose 100 ATK for each of my face-up Spell and Trap cards which means they will now lose 300 ATK!"

Terrorking Salmon - (WATER/Fish) - (LV: 5/ATK: 2100/DEF: 1000)

Infernalqueen Salmon - (WATER/Fish/Effect) - (LV: 5/ATK: 2100/DEF: 1000)

"Panda, go and cook that Infernalqueen Salmon into a crisp!" Sun commanded as Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Panda rushed towards Its enemy while having his sword sheathed as he built up energy within it, after getting close enough he unsheathed his sword and fired a blast of flame by slashing the air in front of him. The white flame suddenly took on the form of a large black and white panda, who let out a roar before glomping on the salmon between Its teeth and chomping it down which caused It to be destroyed.

Neptune LP: 7800 = 7300

"Infernalqueen Salmon effect can now be activated! When It is destroyed, I can Special Summon any number of Vilespawn Salmon Token as I wish to my field. I will fill my entire field with them all in Defense Positions!" Neptune said as the four opened Monster Zone on his field was suddenly inhibited by what looks like a juvenile version of the Infernalqueen Salmon.

Vilespawn Salmon Token - (WATER/Fish) - (LV: 1/ATK: 0/DEF: 0) x4

Sun was caught off guard when he saw that Neptune field filled to the bone with a full house of fishes. "Huh, didn't see that one coming. Looks like I have destroyed every single one of your monsters then. Rhino, attack that Vilespawn Salmon Token!" Rhino obliged with that order as he jumped into the air before letting out a battle cry as he plunged his sword through the Token, destroying it instantly.

"Now Kirin, attack another of Neptune's Token!" Sun cried out his command to which Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Kirin obeyed as he prepared himself to lunge towards his target with his black flame flaring in response.

"Not so fast! I activate Doom Kraken effect from my hand!" Neptune suddenly announced as he revealed a Monster card from his hand and started explaining. "If I control a 'Umi' on my field I can target a WATER Monster on my field and a Monster on my opponent's field, to Special Summon this card from my hand!" The ground on Neptune begins to crack before eight black and blue tentacles burst out of the ground and dragging along with it a large squid-like kraken monster that lets out a screech as It enters the field.

Doom Kraken - (WATER/Aqua/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1400/DEF: 1600)

"Next I return Terrorking Salmon back to my hand due to Doom Kraken effect—" Terrorking Salmon turns into particles as Neptune adds the Monster back to his hand. "—and destroy the targeted Monster on my opponent's field!" Doom Kraken let out a screech before It launched all of Its eight tentacles at the charging Fire Fist with the intent to strangle him to death.

"Think again, Neptune! I activate Panda effect to send a face-up 'Fire Formation' Spell or Trap to nullify my 'Fire Fist' Monster destruction. I will send Tenki to the Graveyard and Kirin's new target for attack is that Doom Kraken!" Sun cried out as Panda absorbed the face-up Tenki card before using Its power to manifest a panda made out of flame to block the tentacles. With the absence of Tenki, all of Sun's Monster lose 100 ATK and Neptune's Monster get 100 ATK back.

Kirin jumped over the flame panda as he raised his staff over his head with the flame manifestation of the mythical beast that shares his name let out a raging noise from Its mouth.

Neptune, however, had a back up plan ready as he raised his hand towards his monster. "I activate Doom Kraken other effect! When my opponent declares an attack, I can return it into my hand to negate said attack!" Doom Kraken retreated back his tentacles from the hold of the flame panda before sinking into the ground just at the right time Kirin was about to hit it.

Sun was getting really annoyed at this point. His earlier plan of reducing Neptune Life Point to less than half is already ruined and now he can't even clear out his field as much as he wanted to. "Dragon, go attack that Vilespawn Salmon Token." He said with no enthusiasm in his voice.

But the Fire Fist obeyed anyway by channeling his power to his fist before letting out a shout as he thrust his his forward and launching a single flaming dragon at the Token, who did nothing as the flame dragon swallowed it in one fell swoop and thus destroyed it.

"What's wrong, Sun? Is this not a part of your plan?" Neptune said teasingly while grinning to himself.

"Laugh all you want, Neptune." Sun responded before he suddenly started to smirk. "But I still have one more play that I could do."

"I will Overlay both of my Level 4 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rhino and Dragon!" Sun raised his arms to the sky as the two Fire Fist both turned into bright red energy that shot up to the sky.

"What?!" Neptune cried out in shock as he couldn't believe what his partner was about to do.

The Overlay Network opened up on Sun's field as the two red colored energies entered said portal before a pillar of light came bursting out of it.

"Assemble, brotherhood of unparalleled flames! Inherit the spirit of the prince of the jungle, represent the star of leadership and show me the might of the Fire Fist! Xyz Summon! Flame on, Rank 4! Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King!"

The ground started to shake before white flame began bursting out from the ground, the flame then began to move and create two straight lines, effectively making a makeshift path out of the flame. Suddenly, a figure begins to emerge within the flame as he takes a few steady steps forward and walks on the path of flame in a calm and collective manner.

This figure looks to be an old looking man with a rather impressive physique for a man of his age. He has white hair covering most of his head and face all in a pointy but stylish manner. His clothing is a red and golden armor suit that has some resemblance to a tiger from the section on the sides of the armor that looks like black stripes as well as the golden shoulder armor that resembles that of a tiger claw. All round the armor was a red line all designed in such an intricate way as they all glow brightly in red crimson color.

Tiger King opened his closed eyes to reveal a pair of red eyes that hold within them wisdom and experience. He held with his hand a red and black steel fan which he unfolded and pointed it towards his enemy. The edge of the flame was suddenly set on fire before they began to spread around him and creating a large tiger made out the ethereal white flame of his weapon as two Overlay Units orbited around him.

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 4/ATK: 2200/DEF: 1800) - OVU: 2

The Tensen and Tensu cards on the field begin to glow as flame shot out of the two cards before they were absorbed by the flame tiger belonging to Tiger King, who let out a fearsome roar as Its power was increased.

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 4/ATK: 2600/DEF: 1800) - OVU: 2

"Woah, Sun just did an Xyz Summon on top of a Synchro Summon!" Jaune said in astonishment as he did not expect for Sun to bring out an Xyz Monster even though he just use a Synchro Monster.

"I did not expect Sun to play multiple types of Extra Deck monster. It will be interesting what other surprises he has in store." Ren commentated as well as his team leader.

"I wonder if he'll bring out a Fusion Monster as well!" Ruby couldn't help but asked as she was hype to see someone else using Fusion just like her.

"Don't get your hopes up, Ruby. From what I could gather his deck plays around Continuous Spell and Trap and I doubt that any of them could be used as a Fusion Spell." Weiss told her partner as she didn't think Sun's deck could have any capabilities of performing a Fusion Summon.

"When Tiger King is Summoned, I can Set another 'Fire Formation' Spell or Trap card from my deck. I will Set that card and another face-down card from my hand—" Sun grabbed the ejected card from his deck before placing it and another card from his hand into his Duel Disk. "—and end my turn."

Neptune was incredibly confused when he heard that. "Wait, seriously? You bring out an Xyz Monster out of nowhere like that and you're not going to do anything else but just Set two backrow?" He couldn't help but ask as he narrowed his eyes suspiciously, trying to figure out what he was planning.

"Well I couldn't really do another attack now that my Battle Phase is over now could I?" Sun rhetorically asked his friend while having his arms crossed and his monkey tail flicking from sides to sides.

"Well, suit yourself. It's my turn now, draw!" Neptune drew his card before looking at his hand and trying to think what he could possibly do. He then took a look at the card he had drawn and thought to himself that this could be something he could use. "I activate Moray Greed! This Spell allows me to return 2 WATER Monsters from my hand back to the deck in exchange to draw 3 cards."

When Neptune activates the Spell card. The infamous Pot of Greed itself appeared on his field before a green moray eel with the Pot of Greed face came out and 'swam' Its way to Neptune, who got a bit creeped out when It was just looking at him with that creepy grin on Its face.

"Uhh, here you go?" Neptune handed the two cards he wanted to return to his deck towards the Moray of Greed, who let out a rather disturbing cackle as It grabbed the two cards with Its mouth and 'swam' back into the pot. Said Pot of Greed then produced three hands and presented three cards in each hand to Neptune for his service.

"...dude, that was kind of creepy, not gonna lie." Sun commented with a disturbed looking expression on his face.

"...might have to agree with you on that one, Sun." Neptune agreed as he just draw his three cards from his deck before looking at it and smiling to himself. "At least the cards I've gotten were worth it."

Hearing what his partner had said, Sun began to feel wary of what he would do as he prepared himself for whatever is going to happen next.

"First off, allow me to play something that will help me win this Duel." Neptune announced as he grabbed a card from his hand and inserted it into his Duel Disk before shouting. "I activate my Field Spell: The Legendary Ocean!"

A flash of blue light came out of nowhere that was so bright all of the people present have to cover their eyes. When the light began to subdued, everyone removed their hand from their eyes to witness that the field had changed from the grassy field of Sogen. Instead what this new field has was the sight of a ruined city, all of them looks to be ages of years old with many parts of the building looks to be constructed using many layers of aged stones. Many of said buildings had been toppled over one another, completing the look of a true ruined city.

If it were just that then It would be fine, if not for one little thing that had changed as well when the Field Spell was played.

"HOLY CRAP, WE'RE UNDERWATER!" Nora shouted in shock as the whole scenery changed from an open field of grass, blue sky, and basically land, into a perfect recreation of being under the surface of the ocean with sand, seaweed, sea coral, and most important of all water. A lot of water. The hammer wielding girl then started to flail around before her hand went to her throat in a typical manner of someone who was drowning would do.

If she were a more self aware individual she would have noticed that she had done this after she started practically shouting her lungs out, which basically confirmed she has no need to worry about actually drowning.

But this is Nora we are talking about, her priorities are, let's say, few and far between at the best of time.

"Nora, calm down. It's just the Solid Vision, we're not actually under the ocean." Ren told his childhood friend, who blinked once and twice as she stop panicking and see that he was right. The girl could only let out an embarrassed chuckle in response which only served to further amused the green themed boy as he shook his head.

"Woah, I didn't think the Real Solid Vision system could actually do this!" Ruby exclaimed as her silver eyes looked around the new field in amazement that she is literally walking under the ocean, it's like one of her childhood dreams that suddenly came true!

"I can actually feel the water around us." Velvet said in amazement as she waved her hand and felt the small resistance of pushing water when she moved them.

"Well It doesn't fully replicate the feeling of being underwater to a point. This is just a hologram in the end so there is no chance for any of us getting wet." Konami briefly told them while chuckling to himself at their awestruck expression.

Sun just stared with his mouth gaped at the new surroundings he found himself in. "Holy moly, this is the most awesome thing ever! I can't believe we're actually having a Duel underwater! How cool is that, Nep—!"


Sun blink when he saw his friend suddenly faint out of nowhere with his eyes rolled back into his head while his mouth was opened like he was silently screaming.

The Monkey Faunus then sweatdropped when remembered one crucial piece of information about his blue haired friend. "Oh right...we're under water..."

"What the hell? Why did Neptune just faint all of a sudden?" Coco asked as she was baffled by the intellectual sudden loss of consciousness.

"Oh, no. I knew this was going to happen..." Blake muttered to herself while having her face on her palm while shaking her head.

"Blake, do you have any Idea why Neptune just faint all of a sudden?" Konami asked the ravenette while looking worried for his newest friend on the field. He didn't get an immediate answer from the Cat Faunus as he and the others in the spectator side began looking at her for an explanation. To which they got when Blake told them.

"Neptune's...afraid of the water."

Konami blink.

Metaltron blink.

Heck, even Tierra blink as well.

Everyone was silent and blinked their eyes when they heard what Blake had said, trying to process the information that had been given to them. Some of them was simply thinking the girl was just joking, they all look back at the still unconscious Neptune before back to the face palming Blake, back to Neptune, back to Blake, and so on and so forth until they practically have no other choice but to accept that the Cat Faunus had told them the truth. Honestly no one seems to know how to respond to that.

All except for one, that is.


And that was the cackling laughter of Tierra herself.


As Tierra continues to laugh all the away by the irony of Neptune's fear of water, actually doubling over and hunching over while holding her stomach, the others were giving the red haired Duel Spirit a various amount of look. More so from the residents of Beacon, as they had never seen Tierra laugh like this before so It was a real shocker for them to see It in person.

Neptune suddenly let out a groan as his consciousness was coming back to him. "Ughh, I have the strangest dream that I was playing a card game while being...under...water..." He slowly said as his eyes registered the scenery around as well as the field of monsters. It took five more seconds before the blue haired intellectual let out a gurgling sound from his mouth and passed out once more.

That only served to make Tierra laugh even louder. "BWA-BWAHAHAHA, HE FAINT AGAIN GOD DAMMIT HAHAHAHA! I-I CAN'T BREATH! HAHAHAHAHA, T-THE IRONY! MY SIDE HURT SO MUCH, HAHAHAHA!" She continued to laugh so far that she had fallen on her back while holding her side.

Konami rubbed the bridge of his nose while letting out a sigh. "Tierra, stop laughing at Neptune's fear of water..." He exasperatedly towards his female spirit, to which she just laughed even louder at the mention of that. "Well I see that coming, don't worry everyone I'll fix this."

The Vagabond activates his Duel Disk before punching a few commands on the screen as a bright light blinded everyone's vision once more before the light died out as the deep blue water surrounding suddenly disappeared. Said water looks to be stopping just at the edges outside of the ruined city, making it appears to outsiders that a hole has opened up in the ocean where the city lies.

"There. That should settle Neptune's little water problem." Konami said as he took a look around at his handy work, figuring that should help Neptune with his fear of water.

"...you know, I'm not even gonna ask how you did that actually." Jaune commented as he practically waved a white flag at trying to figure out what Konami just did to make something like this happen.

"YO, NEPTUNE! WAKE UP MAN!" Sun shouted to his friend, who startled awake with a jump by the shouting of his name being called. "Dude, can you hurry up with your turn now? You're kind of embarrassing yourself for fainting twice like that. I mean look, Tierra is still laughing at you."

Tierra was indeed still laughing at him while lying on her back and holding onto her side, Metaltron looked at his fellow Duel Spirit while looking genuinely concerned if someone laughing this hard for this long period of time is considered healthy or not. Least of all if said person rarely ever laughs like this in the first place.

Neptune just let out groaned at seeing that. "Please don't tell me this is something that is going to stick on my reputation..."

"I don't know about the others, but I'm pretty sure Tierra is not gonna let you live this down." Sun tried to reassure his best friend, keyword here being 'tried' as his words only serve to make Neptune groan even more as he gets back on his feet.

"I think that's even worse..." Neptune exclaimed before just deciding to forget about it and continue on with his turn. "I think I'll just do my turn and try to forget about it. I activate my Spell card: Big Wave Small Wave. When this card is activated, all of my WATER Monster is immediately destroyed."

The moment the Spell card appeared on the field, a wave of water rushed out of the card and engulfed the remaining two Vilespawn Salmon Token and destroyed them.

"HIIII!" Neptune instinctively jumped away when the water from the card he had played almost hit him, before realizing what he's doing and took a deep breath. 'It's just a hologram, Neptune. It's not real water. It's just a hologram, Neptune. It's not real water.' Having done mentally recited his mantra, he proceeded with his card next effect. "Anyway. Now I can Special Summon as many WATER Monsters in my hand equal to the amount I destroyed using this effect."

Neptune grabbed two cards from his hand and revealed them. "Prepare yourself for the onslaught from the titan of the sea! I Special Summon Citadel Whale and Mega Fortress Whale in Attack Position!" He raised the two cards into the air as they began to shine brightly.

Suddenly, a loud wail can be heard from the distance before two large shadowy figures from the sea surrounding the ruined city begin encircling it. It didn't take long before the two creatures began to emerge from the depth of the ocean and hover to the field, revealing themself to be a pair of titanic size whales with distinct features that made the two of them different.

Citadel Whale skin was colored blue with white on Its underside as well as having a large tusk on his head, similar to that of a narwhal. On top of Its body, the whale is equipped with a full arsenal of artillery similar to those found in a naval fleet ship, ranging from turrets to cannon of all sizes and lengths and essentially having a fortress on top of the whale.

While Citadel Whale looks to be a whale with a fortress on top of it, Mega Fortress Whale on the other hand is half whale and half battleship with Its mostly mechanical body which has a darker shade of color with Its fellow retraines counterpart, who has a far more natural appearance of a whale. On top of a metallic tusk on the whale head, the various cannon and turrets on top of Its body, Mega Fortress Whale also has part on the bottom where multiple torpedoes lie and ready to be fired when needed.

Both Mega Fortress Whale and Citadel Whale let out a loud wail that reverberated around the field, causing them all to cover their ears to block the deafening noise, moreso for Blake and Velvet with their sensitive hearing taking a beating from the loud wail.

Mega Fortress Whale - (WATER/Fish/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2550/DEF: 2350)

Citadel Whale - (WATER/Fish/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2350/DEF: 2150)

"...okay, now I see why you want to move this Duel out of the Training Room, Konami." Coco said to the red hatted Duelist as she rubbed the head of her partner, who was whimpering slightly as she rubbed her bunny ears to soothe them.

"Glad that you see it my way." Konami joked while smiling slightly at the fashionista. He then turned towards his still laughing red haired bonded companion before asking her. "You okay there, Tierra?" He asked her while raising an eyebrow curiously, wondering just when she would stop laughing.

Not saying he didn't like hearing her laugh, as hearing a genuine laughter from the girl was a rarity in itself, but he was seriously getting worried she might actually bust her gut out from laughing too much.

"Hahaha...haha...ahhh...I think I'm good." Tierra said as she managed to calm herself down before wiping her eyes off the little tears from the edges of her eyes.

"When Citadel Whale is Special Summoned, I can Set Sea Stealth Attack from my deck to my field." Neptune said as his deck ejected said card before he grabbed it and watched as the face-down card appeared on his field, which caused Sun to be wary since he had a feeling that card would be trouble.

"While Legendary Ocean is on my field, all of my WATER Monsters in my hand and field have their Level reduced by 1. Meaning I can now Summon a Level 5 Monster without any Tribute because they are treated as Level 4." Neptune explained as he grabbed and hold up a possibly Monster card in his hand before smirking. "Thanks to that, I can Summon this card without Tributing any of my Monster!" He shouted as he slammed the card into the blade of his Duel Disk which began to glow brightly in blue color.

"Ancient sea dragons born from the deep trenches of the ocean. Awaken from your slumber and show my opponent the true terror beneath the sea! Come forth, king of the ocean! Kairyu-Shin - Leviathan!"

Bursting out of the water on the outer edges of the ruined city, a large and long creature came jumping and landed on Neptune's field. This creature appears to be a large blue sea serpent with many rows of razor sharp teeth yet It has no eyes on Its head. It has a yellowish white underbelly as well with multiple spikes on top of Its upper body the same color as Its underbelly. It has two tusks on the side of Its mouth and multiple pairs of fin-like wings in green and purple color alongside Its body. Kairyu-Shin let out a roar as It spread out Its wings.

Kairyu-Shin - Leviathan - (WATER/Sea Serpent/Effect) - (LV: 5/ATK: 2000/DEF: 1700)

"Since I control a card named 'Umi', Kairyu-Shin - Leviathan's effect is now active. Now both of us can only have one face-up Monster that isn't a WATER Attribute Monster." Neptune explained which caused Sun's jaw to drop to the floor when he heard that.

"HOLD ON A MINUTE! ALL OF MY MONSTER ARE FIRE ATTRIBUTE!" Sun cried out to his partner, who only responded to smirk smugly at the Monkey Faunus.

"Well then you'll have to send all but one of your Monsters to the Graveyard then, Sun. Don't worry, you can choose which one to get to stay." Neptune told him with a rather smug smile on his face.

"Grr, just to let you know. You're sounding like one of those cliche as hell villains in a bad TV show." Sun said with an unhappy tone in his voice. Neptune just gives the guy a blank look as a response after which the blonde Faunus throws his hand up in resignation before saying. "Alright, fine. I'll choose Tiger King."

Kairyu-Shin roared before It fired a powerful jet stream of water from Its mouth which immediately turned into a large tidal wave that engulfed Sun's field, dragging along with It all of his Fire-Fist Monster except for Tiger King. All of Sun's monsters were screaming as they were getting dragged by the raging wave and were sent to the Graveyard by the portal that had opened up behind them.

'...that was mildly disturbing to look at...' Sun thought to himself as he watched his monsters getting destroyed, sans Tiger King, in such a cruel manner like that. Judging from Neptune's paling face, he can fairly guess that his partner had agreed with him.

Managing to get a hold of himself for like the third time today, Neptune let out a cough before continuing his turn. "Now then, I have no idea why you choose your Xyz Monster to stay, but It won't matter. Because I'm going to activate Mega Fortress Whale effect! If I control a 'Umi, all of my WATER Monsters can now attack my opponent directly!"

"Wait what?!" Sun cried out in shock as he rapidly began to grow pale when he heard that.

"And with Legendary Ocean on my field, all of my WATER Monsters also gain 200 ATK and DEF!"

Mega Fortress Whale - (WATER/Fish/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2750/DEF: 2550)

Citadel Whale - (WATER/Fish/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2550/DEF: 2350)

Kairyu-Shin - Leviathan - (WATER/Sea Serpent/Effect) - (LV: 5/ATK: 2200/DEF: 1900)

"This is bad! If Sun gets hit by all of Neptune's attacks then his LP will hit zero and he'll lose!" Pyrrha shouted in alarm as she knew the Monkey Faunus didn't have enough LP to survive the blue haired intellectual direct assault.

"And with Sea Stealth II effect preventing any of Neptune's monster to be targeted by Sun's monster, Tiger King's effect will be useless unless he has an effect that doesn't require him to target!" Jaune added up as he narrowed his eyes at the rather hopeless situation the Monkey Faunus had gotten himself into.

"How will Sun get out of this situation, I wonder?" Blake questioned out loud as she wondered if her fellow Faunus had a trick up in his sleeve that could help him survive this turn.

"I Kairyu-Shin - Leviathan's other effect! Once per turn, I can add a Spell or Trap card that either has 'Umi', 'Kairyu-Shin', or 'Sea Stealth' in their card name." Neptune said as his deck ejected his desired card before grabbing and showing it. "I will add Kairyu-Shin's Dark Reef to my hand and proceed to my Battle Phase! Mega Fortress Whale, Citadel Whale, Kairyu-Shin - Leviathan, all of you attack Sun directly and end this Duel!"

Obeying the order, the creature from the deep on Neptune's field begins to attack all at once. Mega Fortress Whale and Citadel Whale aimed their turret and cannon at their opponent before letting out a wail as they unleash a barrage of firepower from their various artillery on top of them with Mega Fortress Whale firing six torpedoes simultaneously. Kairyu-Shin - Leviathan on the hand merely let out a roar before firing a high pressure blast of water from Its mouth.

Seeing the large amount of attack coming right at him, Sun gritted his teeth before deciding to reveal one of his face-down cards. "Don't think you've won this Duel yet, Neptune! I activate my Trap card: Blazing Mirror Force!"

Just when the attack was about to connect, flame began to emerge from the outer rings of Sun's field before blast upward and creating a force field. The attack all made contact with the barrier before they were all burned away by the flame. The flame then begin flared wildly and blasted towards Neptune's monster before enveloping every single one of them, causing them to let out a cry of pain as they were burned by the flame

"What?! Why didn't my attack connect?! And why are my monsters all destroyed?!" Neptune shouted in shock as he practically demanded an explanation for what was happening.

"When my opponent declare an attack, Blazing Mirror can be activated to destroy every single one of your Attack Position Monsters, and if they are destroyed, half the total of the original ATK of the destroyed monster will be dealt as damage to me and you will be dealt the same damage I have taken with this effect!"

"Uhh so how much damage does that make exactly?" Nora questioned as she scratched her head in confusion.

"Well Mega Fortress Whale original ATK is 2550, Citadel Whale has 2350 original ATK, and Kairyu-Shin - Leviathan is the lowest with 2000 ATK." Konami provided them with the info they needed to figure it out.

"Adding up that in total, that would make a combined ATK of...6900." Weiss said before wrinkling her nose in disgust at the total number she had uttered with her mouth.

"Ha! Nice." Yang shouted while letting out a laugh, earning her a glare from the resident Ice Queen.

"Halving that amount of ATK, the amount of damage that would be taken by Sun and Neptune is...3450 of damage in total." Ren said to them as he did the math in his head.

Not as soon as the green themed young man had said that, the flame that engulfed the monsters on Neptune's field began to condense into a sphere that pulse constantly. It didn't take long before the sphere of flame pulsated one more time before exploding, causing both Sun and Neptune to cry out as they were flung back by the force of the explosion and crash to the ground.

Sun LP: 6700 = 3250

Neptune LP: 7300 = 3850

"ARGH! Dammit that hurt." Neptune exclaimed as he got back right up before glaring at his partner. "Really, Sun? Out of all the protection Trap cards you could use you choose the one that damages both of us!"

"Oh come on, Nep! My deck is Fire Fist, so of course I had to stick to the theme and use Blazing Mirror Force!" Sun reasoned as he also got up from where he was blown away.

"He says that but I bet he has plenty of cards that aren't fire themed in his deck." Neptune muttered to himself, low enough so that no one could hear it but him. "Whatever, I will now activate Mega Fortress Whale effect. When It is destroyed, I can either add or Special Summon a WATER Warrior-Type Monster from my deck. I will choose to add It into my hand."

Neptune took the card from his deck into his hand before looking at his field empty of monsters, the blue haired intellectual frowned while looking unhappy at the state of his field before grabbing the last remaining card in his hand and inserting it into his Duel Disk. "I will Set a card and end my turn."

Sun: 3250 LP / Hand ×1

Neptune: 3850 LP / Hand ×1

"Oh man, how is Neptune going to withstand Sun's next turn without any monster on his field?" Ruby asked worriedly for her blue haired friend.

"Ruby, did you forget about Neptune's Sea Stealth II Special Summoning effect?" Weiss asked her team leader to which the response she got was the red hooded girl letting out a little 'oh!' in realization as she softly slammed her fist into her open palm. The white haired heiress just let out a sigh at seeing that.

"I'm actually more worried about his Sea Stealth Attack and Kairyu-Shin's Dark Reef card. We have no idea what they do but Neptune seems to want the Dark Reef card so it must be something powerful." Pyrrha told her friends her thoughts with a curious expression on her face.

"Well whatever it does he better hope Sun doesn't just destroy it before he can even activate it." Nora chimed in as she figured the Monkey Faunus must've had a Spell or Trap removal somewhere in his deck.

"Hmm, what do you think of the Duel so far, Konami?" Metaltron mentally asked his partner through the shared mind link, he also let Tierra in so she could discuss it with them.

"Neptune is doing okay. His first turn was a bit questionable but I can see where he was going, and for his second turn he did better. Perhaps he was lucky but the fact he has all the card he needed to end the Duel if it were not for Sun's Trap card is really impressive." Konami told the Dracombatant his thoughts about the blue haired young man play so far. "Sun on the other hand..."

"Let me guess, Monkey Boy messed it up on his second turn?" Tierra asked as she figured that that was the case.

"I wouldn't go that far. He started out well with all things considered, and while I know how useful Tenki and Tensu are as a combo. In my opinion, the better play would be to replace Tensu with Fire Formation - Yoko."

"The Fire Formation that let you destroy a face-up card by discarding a Beast-Warrior Monster?"

"Exactly. If Sun uses Tenki to add a Fire Fist and Yoko to destroy Sea Stealth II by discarding the added Fire Fist, Neptune's option would be more limited. Not only will Neptune lose his targeted protection, Doom Kraken effect won't even be able to activate due to him not having a Umi face-up."

"I see. And correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon have an effect to revive a Fire Fist from the Graveyard?"

"All for the cost of just sending two Fire Formation to the Graveyard, from there he could possibly extend his play even further. I admit Sun probably still wouldn't manage to deal a lot of damage at that turn due to Infernalqueen Salmon effect. But I think he could easily get rid of a lot more of the Vilespawn Salmon Token if he just play more smart."

"Hmph. He said that he could handle the deck but he played poorly in the end. Go figure."

"Now don't be too harsh on him, Tierra. I think there is a valuable reason why Sun chose to do the play that he had done those play in the first place."

"Because he's an imbecile?"

"...you're never going to drop that attitude of yours, are you?" Metaltron deadpanned asked his fellow Duel Spirit who only responded was to just scoff at him and turned her head away. "But anyway, It could be that, Or — and I'm just saying or — he could have possibly succumbed to the kind of mindset that every new Duelist has."

"High damage monster attack goes brr?" Konami guessed humorously and amusedly while cracking a grin as he knew where his partner was going with this.

"You got it, buddy!" Metaltron confirmed as he let out a rambunctious laugh within their shared mind link which was followed by Konami's own laughter.

"...I'm surrounded by idiots." Tierra said with no emotion in her voice while looking up to the distance, wondering just what she had done in her life to deserve this.

Aside from her time as the Goddess of Destruction before her sealing, but that was beside the point.

"And who's the real idiot here? The idiot themself or the one who follows them all the time?"

"The idiot who admitted himself to be an idiot to prove an idiotic point and idiotically forgot that I'm stuck with you idiot because our soul are fused and It's you two idiot idiotic idea in the first place, you idiot."

"....only you would be the one to use so many idiots in one sentence to insult someone."

"It's a talent."

"Like your nasty attitude?"

"Why you little—!"

Konami just chuckled to himself as that was the cue for him to cut off the connection as he figured they were going to start arguing again. Although he had to agree with Metaltron that it was kind of impressive that she can cram a lot of 'idiots' in one sentence like that.

"It's my turn. Draw!" Sun cried out as he drew his card, hoping for anything that could help him in this turn. Taking a glance at the card he had drawn and letting out a sigh of relief that it was something playable.

"Alright, I'm going to Summon Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Raven!" Sun shouted as a portal opened up and a figure jumped out of it.

This Fire Fist is another man with long black hair tied to a high ponytail style. He is wearing a black short sleeved undersuit, over that he is wearing a black armor with gold and orange outline that cover his chest and a long waistcoat tied by a belt with a yellow buckle. He also wears a pair of leg armor and boots with the same color as his chest armor. Two vambraces are attached to both of his arms while he wears golden headpieces on his forehead as well as a short cape. Raven took a fighting stance as golden yellow began to dance around him before they took on the shape of a flaming raven.

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Raven - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 200/DEF: 1800)

"You won't believe what's going to happen next. From my hand, I activate Fire Formation - Ingen!" Sun declared as he activated the card he had drawn by Pot of Greed and watched as the Continuous Spell appeared on his field. "When this card is activated, I can Fusion Summon a Beast-Warrior using the Monster I have on my hand or field as Its Fusion material!"

"Now you're Fusion Summoning?!" Neptune cried out in shock as he did not expect for Sun to play three different kinds of Summoning method in his deck.

"I will perform a Fusion Summon using Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Raven and Tiger King!" A Fusion Vortex materializes on top of Sun's field before the two Brotherhood of the Fire Fist jump into the vortex and begin to fuse into one.

"Assemble, brotherhood of unyielding flame! Inherit the spirit of the elegant avian with white wings, represent the stars of prosperity and show me the might of the Fire Fist! Fusion Summon! Flame on, Level 8! Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swan!"

An orb of white flame fell from the sky before crashing to the field, sending a shockwave and dispersing the white flame at the same time around in every direction, which in turn revealed the figure inside the orb.

This figure is a man with a full black beard and hair that was covered with a green, white, and golden colored helmet. He is wearing black shell-like armor that covers his upper body, over that armor is a robe with wide sleeves and having the same color as the helmet as well as having shoulder armor on top of the shoulder. A hexagonal crest with a golden frame and white in the center is attached on Its chest. His lower body is covered by loose fitting pants mostly in white color as well as a pair of steel boots that covered the legs. Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swan spins his spear in his hand before pointing it downward, white flame surrounds the spear head before it begins to grow and form into a large swan.

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swan - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 2600/DEF: 2200)

"EEEK! SUN IS PLAYING FUSION SUMMON TOO?!" Ruby shouted in glee at seeing the Fusion Monster on her monkey tailed friend's field.

"And this is the third time you are wrong about something in a Duel, Weiss. You sure have been slipping these past two days." Blake took a jabbed once more at her snow haired teammate, earning her an ice cold glare of hidden fury to which she responded by smiling like a Cheshire cat.

"I activate Swan effect! When he is Special Summoned, I can deal 200 damage to my opponent equal to the number of 'Fire Formation' Spell and Trap cards I have on my field. Since I have Tensu, Ingen, and Tensen that means I can inflict 600 damage with this effect!"

The moment Sun finishes explaining, the three Fire Formation cards begin to glow before they each fire two large fireballs that are all flying towards Neptune. The blue haired intellectual crossed his arm in front of him before he felt the fireball all made contact. Causing a small explosion that made him slide back a bit as his LP was reduced.

Neptune LP: 3850 = 3250

"Now I activate Tiger King effect! When he is sent from the field to the Graveyard, I can send three Fire Formation to the Graveyard to Special Summon two Level 4 or lower 'Fire Fist' Monsters with the same ATK in Defense Position. I will send Ingen, Tensu, and Tensen to Special Summon Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon and Snake!"

The three Fire Formation burst into particles before two portals opened up and out come two Fire Fist from the portal. The first is the familiar sight of Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon, with nine of his flaming dragons hovering behind him.

The other one is a new face. This Fire Fist is a rather skinny looking man with long black hair styled in a long thin braid on top of a bun. His clothing is on the lighter side with a no sleeves dark blue bodysuit with black shell-like armor on the abdomen and an orange hexagonal crest in the same place. Around his waist is a sash with a short waist coat and a cloth hanging in the center of the groin. He wears light blue pants with dark blue, gold, and orange on the outer side of it as well as a pair of dark blue boots.

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Snake let a wide smile adorned his face as he held his polearm with a wide double-edged almost sickle like blade with his right hand and under his armpit. Flame surrounded the tip of the polearm before the grow and took on the form of a snake, who slithered Its way around the Fire Fist leg and under his arm before hissing loudly.

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Snake - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1800/DEF: 600)

"I'm not done yet. Since Raven was sent from the field to the Grave, I can now Set a 'Fire Formation' Spell from my deck to my field. And since Ingen is sent to the Grave as well, I can add Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Panda back into my hand from the Grave." Sun grabbed the card from her deck and Set it before he returned his chosen Fire Fist back into his hand.

"Gotta admit, that was a nice recovery, Sun." Neptune praised his friends while crossing his arm over his chest. 'Not that It's going to matter much once I activate my Sea Stealth Attack and Dark Reef.'

"Thanks, bud. But you might not like what I'm going to do next. I'm activating my Continuous Spell: Fire Formation - Gyokkou!" Sun shouted as he revealed the card he had Set using Raven's effect. "When this card is activated, I can target one of my opponent's Set Spell or Trap card and as long as this card remains face-up on the field, that Set card cannot be activated. I will target your Set Sea Stealth Attack!"

"What?!" Neptune shouted in shock, if he couldn't use Sea Stealth Attack effect then he would be at a huge disadvantage. He could not let that happen. "You think I would just let you do that?! I will activate my Sea Stealth Attack before you could—!"

"Nope, you can't do that! Because Gyokkou prevents you from activating the targeted card in response to this card activation!" Sun cheekily explained while grinning wide at seeing Neptune's expression when he told him he can't do anything to stop his Spell card effect.

Fire Formation - Gyokkou began to glow before two tendril made out blue fire came bursting out of the card and making Its way towards Neptune's Set card. The flame then wrapped itself onto the Set card in a cross shape, locking it in place and preventing it from being opened face-up.

"And since I activated a Fire Formation, Dragon and Panda effect can now be activated! I will Set a 'Fire Formation' Trap from my deck thanks to Dragon and Special Summon Panda in Attack Position as well as per his effect, I will Special Summon Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Kirin from the Grave!" Sun grabbed and Set another Fire Formation to his field before Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Panda appeared on the field before he swung his blade in a circular movement and conjured up a portal to which Kirin jumped out of the made portal and stood beside his fellow brotherhood.

Velvet was amazed when she saw Sun's field was full of monsters in a matter of seconds. "Incredible! He managed to not only lock away one of Neptune's Trap but also fully filled his field with powerful monsters!" She was impressed by how skillful Sun was with the way he used his card.

"Looks like Sun will be the one who takes the win for this Duel, unless Neptune has something that can save him in this situation." Yang said as she had a good feeling that her fellow blond had got this Duel in the bag.

"Well he still has that Kairyu-Shin's Dark Reef Trap card, I'm sure that card has some really powerful effect if Neptune added it to his hand for himself." Jaune reasoned as he still had some faith for Neptune to make a comeback despite the clear difference in the amount of monsters on the field.

"Now I will Overlay my Level 4 Dragon and Snake to construct another Overlay Network!" Sun shouted as the two Fire Fist turned into orange colored energy that flew towards the galaxy-like portal of the Overlay Network.

'Another Xyz Summon?! Is he Summoning another Tiger King or something else entirely?" Neptune pondered in his mind as he be on high alert on what kind of monster will come out of that Overlay Network.

"Assemble, brotherhood of unparalleled flames! Inherit the spirit of the spiritual avian with vibrant wings, represent the star of freedom and show me the might of the Fire Fist! Xyz Summon! Flame on, Rank 4! Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Cardinal!"

Another whirlwind of flame comes bursting from out of the ground, only the flame is different then Kirin with this one being white rather than black. A shadowy figure can be seen within the whirlwind of white flame before the figure raised his weapon to the sky and brought it downward which caused the flame to be cut in half and dispersed which fully revealed the figure.

Cardinal is a man with a strong build and seems to be a bit old due to the slight wrinkle on his face along with the fully gray hair that covered most of his head. He wears a large white robe that reaches halfway to his thigh with a golden outline and black shell-like armor. His bottom wear is a loose white pants with a dark green and golden belt with a red hexagonal buckle and steel boots that cover his legs. Other additional articles of wear include a pair white and golden armor that covers his arm, a headpiece on his forehead that resembles a flame, and a flowing white cape that is dark green underneath.

Two orb of energy orbited Cardinal as he held his double-edged ornamental sword with both of his hands as white flame began gathering on the blade, the flame then began to form into a cardinal bird with white body, red head, and black beak all made out of fire.

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Cardinal - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 4/ATK: 1800/DEF: 2200) - OVU: 2

"I activate Cardinal effect! By detaching 2 Overlay Units from this card, I can target two of my 'Fire Fist' or 'Fire Formation' from the Grave or face-up on the field along with two of my opponent's cards from the same place and return them all into the deck! I'm returning Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Boar and Bear in my Grave to return your Legendary Ocean and Sea Stealth II!""

Cardinal absorbed all of his Overlay Unit as he raised his sword to the sky and made the flaming bird let out a loud chirp. A portal opened up that led to the Graveyard after which Boar and Bear jumped out of it. Boar then proceeded to ram into the Sea Stealth II card on Neptune's field before the two cards dispersed into particles as they were returned to the deck.

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Cardinal - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 4/ATK: 1800/DEF: 2200) - OVU: 0

Neptune's eyes widened in disbelief at what Sun was trying to do. He gritted his teeth before shouting at the monkey tailed young man. "Not so fast, Sun! I will now activate my Trap: Kairyu-Shin's Dark Reef!"

'He's using it now?!' Sun thought to himself in shock as he was really confused why Neptune would reveal his Trap now of all time when he didn't even touch it with any of his effect.

"By sending Umi from my field to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon up to 2 Monsters with different names that mention 'Umi' or a WATER Normal Monsters from my hand or deck in face-up Defense Position. In addition, If my opponent controls a Monster then I can Special Summon as many Level 6 or lower WATER Normal Monsters from my hand or deck as possible!"

Neptune then goes silent as he was pondering on what Monster should he Summon. While he is capable of Summoning up to five monsters using this effect, if he is not careful with his choice then this could lead to a disaster when he starts his turn.

An idea comes to his mind on what Monster he should Summon. 'This maybe isn't a smart choice and a huge gamble that If I don't get the right card in my next draw I would lose, but I've gotta take the chance!' Having done steadying his resolve, Neptune began to proceed with using Dark Reef effect. "I will send my Legendary Ocean to the Graveyard, to Summon these Monsters to my field!"

Kairyu-Shin's Dark Reef begins to glow before the scenery begins to revert back to the grassy field of Sogen due to A Legendary Ocean no longer being on the field. Just then, five geysers of water burst out of the ground onto each of the Monster Zone on Neptune's field. Before they were dispersed and revealed the five Monster Neptune had Summoned with Dark Reef.

"First off, I'll Summon Terrorking Salmon in Attack Position!"

The first one is the only familiar one among the group as Terrorking Salmon had made a second debut from being returned to the deck when he used Moray Greed. The fiendish looking salmon jumped into the air and performed a backflip before landing and hovering on the ground.

"Secondly, I'll Summon Giga Gagagigo also in Attack Position!"

The second one is a new monster that looks to be a humanoid reptile. This creature has a human posture but his skin is a sickly shade of green and has four finger claw-like hands, a hind reptilian leg with three claws on the front and one on the back, as well as a large reptilian tail on his tailbone. His entire body is covered in a menacing steel armor that has various sharp spikes jousting out from everywhere on his body. The creature opened up his jaw and showed his sharp teeth while his eyes glowed brightly in red color before he let out an animalistic roar.

Giga Gagagigo - (WATER/Reptile) - (LV: 5/ATK: 2450/DEF: 1500)

"Next off, I Summon Aqua Madoor in Defense Position!"

The next monster is a man with long blue hair that was spiked up so high from his head that it actually gave him an inch more of height from his hair alone. His face is covered in a white mask with two red slits on the part where his eyes are and two teardrops above and below the 'eyes' in yellowish color. He wears a long sleeved bright blue shirt, black khaki pants, and a golden belt. All of them were tight fitting which made his muscular form highly visible. He also wears an aquamarine cloak with a yellow popped out collar. Aqua Madoor grabbed hold of his cloak before holding it in front of him as a means to defend himself.

Aqua Madoor - (WATER/Spellcaster) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1200/DEF: 2000)

"For my fourth monster, I will Summon Yorishiro of the Aqua in Defense Position!"

Neptune's fourth monster looks to be a young maiden with short blue hair, round aquamarine eyes, and a rather...voluptuous figure underneath her clothing. Said clothing consists of a white dress with gold lining and blue frail that covers the majority of her body with puffy shoulders and wide sleeves, the center of the dress has some cut on them that revealed that she is wearing a brown fishnet-styled undersuit with a black bra over them. Several ornamental accessories like the many colorful pearls that adorned her as well as the sea-shell necklace on her neck. Six strands of cloth are stitched to the dress as they flail in the air making them appear to be floating. Yorishiro of the Aqua grabbed her weapon of choice, which in this case is a trident, with two hands and positioned it in front of her.

Yorishiro of the Aqua - (WATER/Aqua/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 700/DEF: 2000)

"Finally. Come forth! Fearsome dragon lord from the deepest trench of the ocean! Levia-Dragon - Daedalus!"

Finally the last geyser dispersed to reveal Neptune's final monster. This monster was a sea dragon that was both larger and longer than Kairyu-Shin. It has yellow eyes and sharp teeth with four plating of blue exoskeleton armor on Its head adorned with green jewels on the center of the front plate and three red jewels on the back. Its long body is blue in color with a pinkish pale underbelly and running along the top of Its body is many rows of red fins. Instead of fin-like wings, this sea dragon has four legs with three sharp claws. Daedalus coiled Its body around before letting out a fearsome roar.

Levia-Dragon - Daedalus - (WATER/Sea Serpent/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2600/DEF: 1500)

Konami narrowed his eyes in suspicion at Neptune's choice of monsters, specifically at the Monster he had Summoned that mentioned 'Umi' in them. After thinking it over, he had an inkling to what the blue haired intellectual was planning. 'Even still, he is taking a huge risk going this route. Let's hope he can get the card he needs when he starts his turn.'

"Huh, that's strange." Ruby suddenly said out loud which earned her the attention from the others.

"What is it, Ruby?" Weiss asked as she was wondering what it is her partner is talking about.

"Well, if Neptune can Summon Monsters that mentions 'Umi' using his Trap card. Why didn't he just use it to Summon Doom Kraken?" Ruby pointed out while looking confused. Her words made the other recently made Duelist to ponder for a moment.

"You know....you're right. If he Summon Doom Kraken he could negate one of Sun's attacks and spare his LP from going down even further." Jaune said as he agreed with his red hooded friend.

"Maybe he has some plan with the Monster he had already Summoned? I mean that Daedalus dragon thing looks really strong to me." Nora said as she figured that that was the reason Neptune didn't Summon Doom Kraken.

"But it won't do him any good if that Monster is destroyed when Sun enters his Battle Phase. With just 1500 DEF, I doubt he will just ignore such an easy target." Coco argued with the pinkette reason as she crossed her arm over her chest.

"So what is Neptune planning then?" Velvet asked out loud as she and the other wondered what the blue haired intellectual was thinking with his choice of monsters.

Sun's eyes narrowed as he stared intensely at Neptune's field of Monsters. One might assume that he was also starting to get suspicious of his friend's aim of Summoning these monsters while knowing that Doom Kraken does have a more reliable effect on stopping an attack.

And to those people who think that, they are partially correct. While these thoughts registered themselves in Sun's mind, his attention was drawn towards one specific monster on Neptune's side of the field.

"So....I knew I shouldn't be surprised considering it is you, Nep. But you sure do pick some rather....interesting monsters to put in your deck." Sun exclaimed while his eyes were dead set at the direction of Yorishiro of the Aqua, more specifically her rather filled out figure.

Neptune's response was to get confused on what his partner was talking about but he then followed his line of sight towards Yorishiro of the Aqua before scowling at him. "Oh haha, very funny, Sun. For your information I put her in my deck because she has a really useful effect that could help me win this Duel."

"You sure it wasn't because how....busty, she is?"

"No! Just how shallow do you think I am?!"

"I mean it is you we are talking about, and you do have that collection of—"

"First off, just because I'm a flirt doesn't mean I would just make a decision based on how a girl looks. Secondly, I THOUGHT WE AGREE TO KEEP THAT A SECRET!."

"But you do find her pretty, right?"

Neptune opened his mouth to argue with what Sun had said, before slowly closing his mouth once he figured he couldn't deny his point. Leading him to just sigh before saying. "Yes she is pretty, her blue hair is gorgeous, and her nice rack is just a bonus of all things. Now can we just go on with this Duel?"

"Well if you want so badly to lose then who am I to argue?" Sun said with a grin with his golden monkey tail swishing back and forth as he heeded his partner's word and resumed his turn.

Unbeknownst to everyone, except for Konami and his two Duel Spirit, Yorishora of the Aqua face had quickly started to heat up in flustered flattery once she heard the compliment coming from her Duelist. She turned her head to try to look at him, before shying away at the last second and decided to just focus on the battlefield. Even with her cheek still having a bit of red in them.

"And by the way, if you think putting your Monsters in Defense Position will save your LP then you're sorely mistaken! I activate my Trap: Fire Formation - Kaiyo!" Sun announced as he flipped open his Set Fire Formation card before explaining. "Now when this card is activated, all of my Beast-Warrior Monsters can inflict piercing damage when attacking a Defense Position Monster!"

Neptune winced when he heard that. 'Okay, now I am REALLY glad I put Giga Gagagigo and Terrorking Salmon in Attack Position to bait him. Otherwise I would've lost this Duel in an instant.' He thought to himself while feeling relieved at his choice.

"It's time for my Battle Phase! Since I have Kaiyo and Gyokkou, all of my Monsters gain 400 ATK and with Kirin effect, all of your Monsters lose 200 ATK!"

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Panda - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 5/ATK: 2500/DEF: 400)

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Kirin - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Synchro/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 2400/DEF: 2800)

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swan - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 3000/DEF: 2200)

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Cardinal - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 4/ATK: 2200/DEF: 2200) - OVU: 0

Terrorking Salmon - (WATER/Fish) - (LV: 5/ATK: 2200/DEF: 1000)

Giga Gagagigo - (WATER/Reptile) - (LV: 5/ATK: 2250/DEF: 1500)

Aqua Madoor - (WATER/Spellcaster) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1000/DEF: 2000)

Yorishiro of the Aqua - (WATER/Aqua/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 500/DEF: 2000)

Levia-Dragon - Daedalus - (WATER/Sea Serpent/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2400/DEF: 1500)

"Let's start off with Panda, go and turn that Terrorking Salmon to fish stick once more!" Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Panda gathers flame into his sword before he thrust forward with the sword while letting out a shout, a black and white panda materializes itself from the flame before it begins to rush towards the fiendish salmon monster. Like a predator catching his prey, the flaming bear grabbed the salmon with his teeth before swing its head wildly and intensifying its hold, It wasn't long before the salmon let out a cry of pain before being devoured by the bear and thus was destroyed,

Neptune LP: 3250 = 2950

"Cardinal, burn that Aqua Madoor!" The Xyz Fire Fist heeded the command by charging forward with his sword being lit with white flame. Aqua Madoor raised his hand forward before a barrier made out of a thick layer of ice materialized in front of him. This defense quickly gave away as It is fire against ice after all. Cardinal swung his blade downward and quickly shattered Aqua Madoor defense, cutting him in half in one quick succession and destroying him.

Neptune LP: 2950 = 2750

"Kirin, take down Yorishiro of the Aqua!" Kirin twirled his staff while charging forward to battle. Seeing the approaching enemy, Yorishiro of the Aqua raised her triadent as she conjured up five orbs of water around her. She narrowed her eyes before thrusting her weapon as the five water orb fired water projectiles at the Fire Fist. Kirin then began to twirl his staff in front of him so fast that it managed to block all of the water projectiles coming at him while still running forward, he then swung his staff to the side which dispersed the water. The tip of the staff was lit by black flame as Kirin swung his weapon once more before the projection of the mythical beast he shared his name with made out of black flame coming charging towards Yorishora of the Aqua with a roar. The maiden of water didn't have any chance to react before she was engulfed by the flame and was destroyed.

Neptune LP: 2750 = 2350

"Finally Swan, go and destroy Daedalus!" Sun commanded his final Fire Fist to attack, to which he happily obliged by rushing towards his foe. Daedalus roared before firing a condensed jet of water from Its mouth at the Fire Fist, to which the Fusion Fire Fist responded by raising his spear and conjured up a huge flaming swan from the weapon. The flaming white swan let out a honk before It crossed Its wing as a shield for protection when the water hit it, causing a large amount of steam to enveloped the two monsters. Daedalus growled as It lost sight of Its prey, a loud shout can be heard from the above but the dragon lord of the ocean couldn't react fast enough before Swan stabbed Its head with his spear. Daedalus cried out in pain as Swan let out another yell as he poured his white flame to his spear, causing the sea dragon to burst into flame and explode. Neptune also let out a cry as he was blown back by the explosion.

Neptune LP: 2350 = 850

"I'm not that yet! I activate Swan effect! Once per turn during the Battle Phase, I can send a face up 'Fire Formation' to destroy a card my opponent controls. I will send Kaiyo to destroy your Giga Gagagigo!" Sun announced as the Fire Formation - Kaiyo turned into a stream of blue flames that came flying towards Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swan, to which he absorbed them onto the tip of his spear before firing them at Giga Gagagigo who let out a cry as he was destroyed by the flame.

"I end my turn! Good luck getting through me now, Neptune!" Sun exclaimed as he spread his arm wide towards his many rows of Fire Fist monsters as he smirked widely.

"Oh my Oum, that was awesome! It's like something out of a movie!" Nora cried out in amazement at the way Sun's Fire Fist battled Neptune's monster, especially the way Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swan killed Daedalus like a warrior killed a dragon in one of those fantasy-like movies.

"Honestly, I am truly amazed at how these monsters battle each other. I don't think I will ever grow tired of seeing them with my own eyes." Pyrrha said as she was equally as amazed as her high spirited teammate. Maybe this is the feeling of when others see her as the 'Invincible Girl' in a tournament.

"Indeed, and it seems that Sun has this Duel in the bag." Ren commented as he felt that Sun would win this Duel based on the state of the field.

"Seeing as he only has one card in his hand and a Set Sea Stealth Attack he can't even activate, I highly doubt Neptune has any means of achieving a comeback against Sun." Weiss agreed with that statement as she also saw no play Neptune could do to win.

"Well....there is something Neptune could do to possibly turn this around in his favor." Konami suddenly said which earned him the attention of the others.

"Wait what? What can Neptune do at this point with basically nothing?" Coco questioned while raising her eyebrow at the red hatted Duelist.

"You are probably wondering why Neptune chose to Summon Yorishiro of the Aqua and Levia-Dragon - Daedalus instead of, as you all guess, something like Doom Kraken." Konami said as the group all nodded their heads as that was what they were thinking about. "Well, I think It was because he was hoping to use their effect, more specifically he was aiming on using Daedalus special ability."

"What kind of ability does Daedalus have exactly?" Velvet asked as she was questioning if a single Monster effect could turn the circumstances around in the blue haired intellectual favor.

"Daedalus has a rather simple effect. While face-up on the field, Neptune can pay the cost of sending a 'Umi' to the Graveyard...to destroy every other card on the field except Daedalus." Konami revealed to them to which they all stared at him wide eyed when they heard what effect Daedalus possessed. "And before any of you say anything, I should tell you that Yorishiro of the Aqua has the ability to banish herself from the Grave to return a 'Umi' card from the Grave to the hand. Meaning Neptune can easily fulfill the condition to activate Daedalus effect."

"Hold up, if what you're saying is true then why does Neptune Summon it when he uses Kairyu-Shin's Dark Reef?" Nora pointed out as she was confused on this particular question. If Neptune has a Monster that can nuke the field and he has a reasonably easy way of fulfilling the condition for it, why did he deliberately Summon it using Dark Reef knowing that It is an easy target for attack?

Konami didn't answer the question, mainly he wanted to see if they could figure it out themselves. Seeing that he wasn't going to respond, the group took it upon themselves to wrack their brains on why Neptune would do the play he had done earlier. It didn't take long before one of them figured it out.

"AHHH! I think I know why Neptune did that!" Ruby cried out as she drew the attention of everyone to her, including both Sun and Neptune who stopped to look at her.

"What is it, Rubes?" Yang asked her sister as she was curious if she really figured out what Neptune was thinking.

"You see, I think Neptune realized that he needed to use Daedalus if he ever wanted to turn things around. However, Daedalus is a Level 7 Monster and if you use Legendary Ocean effect it would only decrease it to 6, which means if Neptune wanted to Summon Daedalus he would need a tribute either way. Which is not possible with the few cards in his hand nor with Sun's capability of destroying every Monster he has as we see." Ruby started to explain before she held up a finger while letting a small smirk grace her face. "BUT! If Neptune could get Daedalus into the Graveyard, then there is an easier way for him to bring Daedalus to the field."

Jaune widened his eyes in realization of what his red hooded friend was implying. "Of course! If Neptune uses a card that can Special Summon a Monster from the Graveyard then he can use Daedalus and Yorishiro of the Aqua to destroy everything on Sun's field!" He shouted to which Ruby eagerly nodded her head in confirmation.

"But wait, does Neptune even have a way to access to such a card?" Blake said as she realized the flaw in the blue haired intellectual plan.

"He doesn't and that is the point." Kknami replied while smiling slightly that they had managed to figure it out before he started explaining. "Perhaps you're all correct that there are other Monsters Neptune could Summon using Dark Reef effect to let him survive even longer in the Duel, however that option would not guarantee him a victory. That's why he decided to do this instead, because he is putting everything on the line that he would draw the one specific card to let him win this Duel."

"A gamble, a high stake one at that. If he didn't draw the exact card he needed then he would lose the Duel." Pyrrha exclaimed as she realized how much of a risk Neptune is making right now.

'That's not the only thing Neptune has to worry about. He must have thought of Panda destruction protection effect, he wouldn't just carelessly send out Daedalus knowing he wouldn't destroy any of Sun's Fire Fist.' Konami thought to himself as he narrowed his eyes at the last remaining card in his hand which he had using Mega Fortress Whale effect. 'If the monster he added to his hand is what I'm thinking is right, then there might be a way for him to get out of this dilemma.'

Sun looked towards his best friend when he heard the talking from the others before raising an eyebrow at him. "Seriously, Nep? You're seriously going to rely on luck to beat me? Gotta say that's not like you at all."

"Hey, when my back is against the wall, relying on luck could be a really solid strategy." Neptune told his leader while letting out a smile, although on the inside he was feeling nervous at the next draw as he felt like it would be his last.

Looking at his deck and his hand, he can confirm the idea from the others of him using Daedalus effect to destroy everything on Sun's field to be true. However, he didn't forget about Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Panda effect and actually came up with two plans for his next turn.

Two of which need a specific card in his hand so he was hoping to every gods above to let him draw one of those cards, both of them would be nice but he needed to be realistic.

"My turn." Neptune started his turn as the others began to feel the tension in the air as he raised his hand towards his deck. Will he manage to draw the card he needs to win this Duel?

Wordlessly, he drew his card and looked at it before pursing his lips as he used it. "I activate Pot of Avarice to send back five Monsters in my Grave into my deck to draw two cards." Now everybody's nerves were skyrocketing as Neptune returned five of his Monsters to the deck before preparing himself to draw his two cards. Closing his eyes and bracing himself for a few precious seconds, he finally drew his two cards.

Slowly opening his eyes, he finally took a look at the two cards he had drawn before widening his eyes and grinning like a madman. "HAHAHA, YES! Just the card I needed!" He shouted in joy to which everyone reacted with a shock expression on their face.

"No way, did he really get the card he needed!?" Sun shouted as he couldn't believe his buddy could possibly get the card he needed at this exact moment.

"You better believe it, Sun! I activate Yorishiro of the Aqua effect! By banishing her from the Grave I return Legendary Ocean back to my hand and activate it!" Grabbing the Field Spell from his Grave, Neptune then immediately inserted it into his Duel Disk as the field turn back to sunken ancient city of the Legendary Ocean.

"Now that all of my WATER Monster Levels are reduced by 1 thanks to Legendary Ocean effect, I will Summon Legendary Fisherman II from my hand!" Neptune cried out as a portal opened up before a man riding on top of an orca appeared on the field.

This man seemed to be in his twenties. He had wild spiked long hair that was dark blue in color and his body is covered in tattoos. He also wears a minimal amount of clothing consisting of a torn cloth around his waist with an undergarment underneath, a pair of cuffs on his wrist and ankle, and an orange headband. The orca he is riding has black and purple skin with a white underbelly as well as a red gem on Its forehead and red eyes.

Legendary Fisherman II held in his hand a crossbow which he held with both of his hands as he aimed it ahead while narrowing his eyes at his opponent.

Legendary Fisherman II - (WATER/Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 5/ATK: 2200/DEF: 1800)

"Wait, what is Neptune doing? Why did he Summon a monster if he planned to bring out Daedalus?" Yang questioned as she felt that it was pointless for Neptune to Summon another Monster if it is going to be destroyed by Daedalus.

Sun was also put off by what Neptune is doing right now. "You lost me, Neptune. Why would you bring out a Monster now off all time if you have a way to bring out Daedalus?" He asked his partner while having his arm crossed.

"You're crazy if you think I would just use Daedalus effect with your Panda's effect on the field." Neptune rhetorically said while rolling his eyes to which the Monkey Faunus responded by blinking in confusion.

"Panda's effect?" Sun asked once more with a different question, a question which caused the blue haired intellectual to facefault when he heard his partner's words.

"You know...Panda's effect....the one where you send a Fire Formation to the Graveyard to prevent your Monster destruction....?"

It took Sun literally three seconds before his mind caught up with what his card can do to which he responded by saying. "Oh yeah! I completely forgot that my Panda could do that!"

Cue the mother of all facepalm coming from Neptune and the rest of the group on the sideline.

"YOU FORGOT WHAT YOU'RE OWN CARD CAN DO?!" Neptune shouted in disbelief at what he was hearing right now. Here he was worrying over the odd of getting around the ability that would prevent him from taking the game and here is the idiot who completely forgot he has that ability in the first place!

Sun just rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment while letting out a chuckle. In his defense, he had to activate so many effects if he wanted to play the best that he could for the last few turns that he completely forgot about some of them. Okay that was a rather flimsy defense at best, but he will stand by it.

"I can't believe we forgot about Sun's Panda destruction protection effect...." Jaune lamented at his own blunder of forgetting a key component that would shatter Neptune's plan of winning the game; the same could be said about the rest of his group of friends from Beacon.

"At least we aren't the only ones who forgot about it." Ren reasoned with his leader while letting out a sigh.

"And yet the same person just happened to be the one who used the card in the first place." Weiss lamented as she still has her face in her palm while shaking it in exasperation. "At least my mistake was simply that of ignorance, who the hell would forget what their own card can do like that?"

Metaltron opened his mouth and was ready to answer that question before Konami slapped the Dracombatant mouth shut with his hand. "Not another word, Tron." He told his partner in a whisper that only the both of them could hear it, knowing full well what he was about to say. He didn't even turn to look at him to know that the Duel Spirit was grinning at him.

Dragging his hand downward over his face, Neptune just decided to let it go and continue on with what he was doing. "Whatever, It's not like It's going to matter. Now that I have Legendary Fisherman II on my field I can tribute him to Summon this card from my hand!" He holds up the card he added with Mega Fortress Whale effect into the air as it begins to glow brightly in blue color.

"Tale of the marine life's greatest hunter passes on generation by generation, seeking the biggest prey in the vast blue sea. Inherit the skill passed on to you and let your legend be known to all those who hear it! Come on out, Legendary Fisherman III!"

The shirtless man jumped off of the orca he was riding on top of as he roared to the sky while his body was encased in light. When the light faded out the man had undergone some changes. The man had grown older and his muscles also grew more bigger and refined, his previously blue hair turned into a burned reddish color and was wilder and longer. The new addition on his clothing is just a white cloth wrap around his waist just on top of his shorts and around his left shoulder is a net.

The orca did a backflip before diving into the floor as if it was water, the ground began to shake as a large shark with blue skin, white underbelly, and large red gem on top of its forehead came bursting out of the ground. The man landed on top of the shark before twirling with one hand his harpoon gun and swinging around a large fish net on the other.

Legendary Fisherman III - (WATER/Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2500/DEF: 2000)

"...huh, so your monster just went up in numbers for his name change? Seems kind of lame, Nep." Sun told his buddy as he found it rather underwhelming at the name and the appearance of the new monster compared to his previous version.

"Laugh all you want, Sun. But if you know your math right then three is always better than two." Neptune replied before he started to smirk. "And that applies to ability as well. I activate Legendary Fisherman III effect! When he is Special Summoned, I can banish all of my opponent Monsters in exchange for giving up attacking with this Monster during this turn!"

"So that is how he is going to avoid Panda's effect, he is going to banish Sun's monsters instead of destroying them!" Ruby pointed out as she figured out now what Neptune is planning.

"Honestly he is really lucky he managed to top draw that card, if he hadn't then Neptune would have immediately lost this Duel." Blake said as she was really caught off guard by the blue haired intellectual luck.

"So this is the Heart of the Card you mention to us, Konami." Yang couldn't help but say as she was both equally impressed and equally miffed by Neptune drawing just the card he needed like that, where the hell was the Heart of the Card when she and her teams were facing Konami? She calls hax on that.

"I still think that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard...." Weiss muttered as she wasn't a huge fan of the so-called 'Hearth of the Card' Konami had mentioned to them. It just sound so stupid.

Legendary Fisherman III let out yell as he swung around his net like a lasso before he threw it towards the opposing field. The thrown net expanded so wide that it managed to captured all of the Fire Fist in one swoop. The fisherman monster then reeled the net back with the monster inside as a portal opened up ready to swallow them whole.

However, much to everyone's surprise, just before the net full of monsters entered the portal. Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swan was suddenly emitting green colored flame from around his body, not only that he also managed to gripped the net before snapping them which allowed for his escape. The same couldn't be said for his fellow Brotherhood though as they were swallowed by the portal and banished from the field.

"Phew, thank god I have Dragon Set this card during my turn." Sun said in relief as he revealed the glowing Continuous Trap. "Let me introduce to you Fire Formation - Tenken. I can only use this card during the Main Phase 1, but once I activate it I can target a Beast-Warrior Monster on my field. Sure that Monster effect is negated, but until the phase change that Monster is now unaffected by any other card effect other than Tenken."

"Tch, so you do have something set up after all." Neptune clicked his tongue in annoyance, he was suspicious of what Fire Formation Trap Card Sun had Set with his monster effect and looks like his suspicion is on the right that it was something troublesome. "However, you're Swan won't be sticking around much longer if I have anything to say about it. I activate the Spell Card: Monster Reborn! Now I can Special Summon a Monster from the Graveyard to my field."

"Return to me, Levia-Dragon - Daedalus!" Neptune inserted the card into his Duel Disk which materialized itself to the field, the Monster Reborn card then turned into a geyser of water that shot up to the sky and dispersed to reveal Daedalus itself.

"I activate Daedalus effect! By sending Legendary Ocean to the Grave I can destroy every single card on the field beside Daedalus!" Responding to the command, Daedalus unleashes an earth shattering roar that causes the ground to shake and a whirlpool of water to appear, ready to destroy every single card on the field.

'Hehe, Neptune might not notice but I have a little precaution if he ever brings out a really strong monster. Tenken isn't the only Fire Formation I had in my sleeve, I also have another Tensen to raise my Fire Fist ATK!' Sun thought to him mischievously as the whirlpool was coming towards him, or more specifically his field, at an alarming speed. 'With Tenken my Swan won't be destroyed by Daedalus effect and with Tensen boost he can easily overpower that large sea snake of his.'

'Now to just activate my Tensen and....' Sun pressed the screen of his Duel Disk to activate his Set card, before an error message popped out of nowhere which startled him. The error tells him that his action cannot be done optimally, to which the Monkey Faunus starts to remember one crucial flaw in his plan. 'OH SHIT! I forgot that Swan is under Tenken effect which means Swan is unaffected by other card effects INCLUDING MY OWN! GAH I'M AN IDIOT!'

As Sun mentally rages over him being an idiot, the whirlpool begin sweep away every single card on Sun's field — except for Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swan who is still under Tenken effect — and destroy them before going over Neptune's field end doing the same towards Neptune Set Sea Stealth Attack and Legendary Ocean which caused the field to revert back to the Sogen field.

All that is left on the field is Swan, Daedalus, and surprisingly the unscathed Legendary Fisherman III.

"HUH?! Why didn't Legendary Fisherman III get destroyed as well?!" Sun called out at the presence of the fisherman monster on the field, who was craning his neck to the side trying to relieve the stiffness and also looking unbothered by the apparent destruction around him.

"I told you three is always better than two. Legendary Fisherman III here is not only stronger in terms of stat compared to his previous form, but he also cannot be destroyed by card effect, battle or even affected by any Spell and Trap card." Neptune explained while smirking to himself. "But enough of that, I will enter my Battle Phase! Daedalus, go and destroy Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swan!"

Daedalus roared once more before lunging forward with his jaw wide open to attack. Swan retaliates by jumping back and causing Daedalus to crash to the ground. Upset that it missed, the ocean dragon got back up before unleashing a blast of water from its mouth. To which Swan responded by blasting white flame from the tip of his spear and clashing it with the water.

Before the clash would escalate like previously, Daedalus cut its blast short causing the flame to make its way toward the ocean dragon, who lunged itself down to dodge the flame before opening up its jaw and managing to catch the Fire Fist between its teeth. Swan cried out in pain as half of his body was being crushed, knowing he wouldn't last he grabbed his spear and set it ablaze with white flame before plunging it into the serpent dragon's eyes.

Daedalus roared in pain which in process caused it to let go of the Fire Fist before the two monsters suddenly exploded in unison as they were both destroyed by their battle.

"I end my turn!" Neptune declared as he see the destruction of his monster once more, still feeling confident that he has the upper hand with Legendary Fisherman III on his field that is nigh indestructible.

Sun: 3250 LP / Hand ×0

Neptune: 850 LP / Hand ×0

"Oh man I can't believe Neptune would destroy Daedalus to take out Swan like that. But I guess it makes sense if he wanted to clear Sun's field completely." Yang said as she sees the reason for her goggles wearing friend action earlier.

"I mean he has to. If Sun manages to get a Fire Formation onto his field then he can just destroy Daedalus with Swan's effect. It's better to just let the two monsters be destroyed by battle rather than leaving it on the field." Jaune reasoned as he can see the logic of why Neptune let Daedalus battle Swan, knowing full well that Daedalus would be destroyed in the process.

"And now only Neptune controls a monster. A powerful monster in fact since Legendary Fisherman III has so much protection on himself including battle protection." Ren exclaimed before adding up with a question. "How will Sun turn this around with zero cards in his hand?"

"I don't know, but this is some really good back and forth between the two of them so I'm certainly entertained." Coco said with a shrug as she was sure hooked by the interaction in this Duel.

"Alright, time for the mother of all draw. Otherwise I'll lose if I don't get anything useful." Sun muttered to himself in an attempt to pump himself out as he started his turn, because he is really in a pinch right now. "Here goes the come back of the life time. Draw!"

Sun drew his probably last card and took a good look at it. As soon as he did his lip pursed in thought before his expression turned into an unreadable one that made Neptune grow cautious by what he had just drawn. After a full minute of silence, Sun had made his move.

"I'll Set this card face-down and end my turn." Sun declared as a Set card appeared on the Spell and Trap zone on his field.

"Then It's my turn." Neptune said as he draw his card and took a glance at it, before looking up to stare at his team leader right dead in the eyes. "You know, Sun. I think It's about time we end this Duel."

Neptune flipped the card he had drawn to reveal it while smirking. "I activate Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy your Set card!" As soon as he inserted the card into his Duel Disk, a large typhoon of wind came rushing towards the remaining card on Sun's field. Just when the typhoon was about to destroy the Set card...

...Sun let a smirk graced his face.

"Fat chance, Nep! I activate my Trap Card right now!" Sun immediately pushed the screen of his Duel Disk and the Set card flipped open on command. A burst of flame erupted from the Trap that was shot towards the typhoon, causing the violent flame and wind to mix together and resulting in a fiery cyclone.

"What the hell?!" Neptune shouted in shock while taking a step back and covering his face with his arm once he saw his Spell card effect turn into a swirling flame when Sun activated his Trap card. The flaming tornado then burst to reveal the glowing Trap card on Sun's field.

"Meet my personal deus ex machina. The Ultimate Fire Formation - Seito!" Sun announced as he pointed his hand towards the glowing Fire Formation Trap that he had revealed. "By banishing 7 'Fire Formation' from my Graveyard, I can Special Summon as many 'Fire Fist' Monsters as possible from my Graveyard and Set 'Fire Formation' directly from my deck equal to how many 'Fire Fist' is Special Summoned!"

"Brotherhood, assemble!" Sun cried out while raising his hand to the sky. The Seito card begins to glow even brighter before it fires seven orb of flame with the color of the rainbow into the sky, which aligned themself into the constellation of the Big Dipper.

The constellation of the seven flaming orbs begin to burn brightly as they all begin to combined into each other before splitting into five streaks of pure white flame that crashed into the ground, the flame dispersed and reveal the five warrior that was summoned which was Dragon, Rhino, Snake, Swan and Tiger King all in Defense Position.

Four out of the five Fire Fist lift their weapon before plunging them Into the ground or just placing their hand to the ground. They all let out a battle cry as four pillars of flame erupted from behind them, to which the flame turned into four Set cards.

All of the Remnants jaw was dropped and wide opened after what they had just witnessed. Just a mere second ago Sun's field was completely barren with just a single Set card on his field, which Neptune decided to destroy using one of his own cards that he had drawn.

Now they do not only see that it was ineffective by Sun activating the Set card before it was destroyed. But now they see that he had also managed to replenish his field for the SECOND TIME in this Duel with just a single card to boot!

"Huh, looks like the Hearth of the Card favors both of them in this Duel." Konami commented while grinning at the slim chance of Sun's actually drawing Seito out of all of the cards in his deck. Less shocked like the others but was still impressed nonetheless.

"Sure seems like it." Metaltron added his thoughts while having his arm crossed as he agreed with his partner's words.

"Hmph, at least it was Monkey Boy who will win this Duel instead of that other guy." Tierra exclaimed with an uncare tone in her voice, not at all interested in who will win this Duel but feeling slightly glad that It is at least Monkey Boy.

"Wow you didn't even have the decency to give him a nickname, Neptune really must have pissed you off huh?" Metaltron gives an amused look at his fellow Duel Spirit blatant disrespect of the blue haired intellectual by not even giving him a nickname, something that she does when she wants to act slightly nice to someone or at the very least polite. After all, it was rare for her to address someone using their actual name.

Tierra's response to the question was to just roll her eyes to the side which was accompanied by a laugh coming from Konami himself beside her.

Neptune just continues to let his mouth agape while trying and failing to close them up to let out a response. He then managed to move them in order to grit his teeth in frustration that he was outplayed once more. Knowing he couldn't do anything else, he decided to just end his turn. "Dammit, I'll end my turn."

"It's my turn! Draw!" Sun drew his card and it was another Fire Fist monster which is the Bear that he had possibly returned to the deck. "I'll switch all of my monsters to Attack Position!" The Brotherhood of the Fire Fist on the field all stood up while they took a battle position.

"I will flipped open all of my Set card to activate Fire Formation - Tensen, Tensu, Tenki and Kaiyou!" One by one all of Sun's Set cards were flipped face-up to reveal the two Spell and the two Trap Fire Formation that all glowed brightly upon their activation. "By activating Tenki and Tensen, I add Boar to my hand and grant Tiger King 700 ATK until the end of my turn. With all of these Fire Formation on my field, all of my Monsters gain 800 ATK!"

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 4/ATK: 3700/DEF: 1800) - OVU: 2

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swan - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 3400/DEF: 2200)

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 2600/DEF: 400)

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Snake - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 2600/DEF: 600)

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rhino - (FIRE/Beast Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 2500/DEF: 1400)

"This will the final Battle Phase! Tiger King, attack Legendary Fisherman III!" Sun commanded his monster, to which the leader of the Fire Fist nodded as he do just that. Running at full speed towards his opponent with his steel fan unfolded and the flaming white tiger roared beside him.

The shark that the Legendary Fisherman III was riding on retaliate by charging forward as the man himself jumped off of the shark and let it deal with the flaming tiger while he deal with the Fire Fist. The tiger and shark begin to fight with each other with the tiger clawing and burning its prey with its claw and the shark biting the surprisingly solid leg with its sharp jaw.

Tiger King and Legendary Fisherman III do their own battle with the later spun his harpoon gun around and use it as a staff to attack his opponent by smacking or thrusting with the sharp harpoon that was loaded to the gun. Tiger King countered the attack by deflecting it with his armor and a well-time swung of his fan that caused the attack to bounce off of his weapon, he then folded his fan before making a fist with the hand and punching the gut of Legendary Fisherman III that sent him sliding backward.

The two beasts that were fighting on the side were struggling with each other biting and clawing. The shark then change its tactic by letting go and quickly twisted Its body around and smacked the tiger's face with Its tail. The white tiger growled in displeasure before opening up Its jaw and fired a stream of white flame at the shark and burning It for a heavy amount of damage.

The tiger then jumped back a few feet before straightening up Its body and launching forward, spinning around rapidly to imitate a drill as the flame grew bigger as It continue to spin. The shark had no time to react before a literal drill of flame came at It and punctured right through Its body with the tiger skidding to stop behind it.

With a gaping hole on Its body, the shark was defeated as Its body exploded in the destruction as the flaming white tiger let out a roar to the sky to signify Its victory.

Seeing the destruction of the shark, Legendary Fisherman III scowled as his attack turned more aggressive while Tiger King was the opposite and retained focus and concentration as it continued to black each of the attacks coming at him. Frustrated, the fisherman then jumped back before taking aim at the Fire Fist and firing his harpoon at him.

Seeing this, Tiger King unfold his war fan once more with his arm raised to the side, before spinning round the fan in a full circle to create a shield of white flame which blocks the harpoon. Folding back his fan Tiger King then will the flame in front of him into the tip of his weapon and created a blade out of it as he jumped and launched himself to his opponent.

The Legendary Fisherman III had no time to react as Tiger King swung his fan horizontally at him before landing to the ground with his fan poised to the side. The fisherman monster let out a cry as the flame cut right through him and was destroyed in an explosion of white flame.

Neptune also cried out as the shockwaves of the explosion traveled through him and caused him to fall back flat to the ground as his LP dropped to zero.

Neptune LP: 850 = 0

With the winner concluded the field returned back to normal and all monsters vanished as the Duel had ended. Sun let out a sigh of relief as he flopped to the ground and sat back with his leg sprawled out. Holy cow was that something, who knew you could get such a rush playing card games?

'Well this isn't really like any other card games but still.' Sun thought to himself while laughing to himself before eventually getting up and making his way towards his partner, who had gotten up to a sitting position, before holding out a hand for him to take. "Good game, Nep. Looks like I was the one to take the win."

Neptune looks up at the grinning Monkey Faunus for a moment before just letting out a laugh as he grabs his hand. "Good game to you too, Sun." He replied and got back up with the help from his partner. "Gotta say, never expect you to play so strategically like that. When was this side of you when our team was playing games together?"

"Who knows, maybe this is just a side of me when I am Dueling." Sun answered the question while shrugging his shoulders. Even he was surprised at his own capability at handling his card. "Perhaps I had my mind set like It was when I was in a fight? That would explain it."

"So you're telling me you are better at a game that is on the field then sitting down?" Neptune said while raising an eyebrow before sighing and let out a smile at that. "Make sense, you've never been the one to like staying in one place for a long period of time."

"Aww, you know me so well buddy." Sun said while openly grinning wide with his eyes closed and Neptune's response was to just roll his eyes goodheartedly.

"Unfortunately." Neptune said as he take a jab at his leader before telling him. "Let's just get back to the others and see what they think of our Duel."

Sun nodded his head in agreement as the two walk back towards the group in the sidelines, who greet the two with various amounts of things to say to them.

"Sorry you didn't win the Duel, Neptune." Velvet told the intellectual with sympathy, although she doesn't really have any stand to say anything since she doesn't lose her first Duel, something that she is fully well aware off and feel bad about that she couldn't sincerely mean her words fully.

Neptune still appreciated it nonetheless as he smiled at her. "Thank you Velvet. It's fine though I'm not mad or anything, Sun played the best that he can and so do I. I just needed to adjust my deck for future Duel."

"Well good for you on seeing the upside of things." Coco complimented him while patting her underclassman shoulder, she then starts smirking at him. "So....scared of water are you?"

Neptune's posture turned rigid as he tried to hide his face into his open palm and groaned at the mention of that. "I'm guessing this is going to stick for a while huh?" It was a rhetorical question but he knew the answer to that already.

"Probably, don't worry about it too much. No one is going to make fun of you, we all have our own fear that we had yet to conquer to this day." Coco told him while giving out useful and truthful advice. After all she still has her claustrophobia from her childhood that she still hasn't taken care of as of now, but she will keep that information to herself.

Neptune looks better after hearing that while letting out a sigh of relief that no one is going to make fun of his water problem.

....except maybe for Tierra, he had no doubt she would still bring that out against him. Especially since he had tried to flirt with her earlier. 'Great. Now both my balls and my dignity are going to hurt for today and for the considerable future thanks to me pissing off a goddess in disguise.' He solemnly thought as for once, he regretted ever trying to flirt with a girl.

"That was some awesome Dueling you two. Especially with you Sun." Yang was the first one to congratulate the Monkey Faunus while greeting them with her sister at her side. "Really bring the fire in this Duel. Literally."

"I can't believe you use multiple Summoning methods just like Konami!" Ruby gleefully said as she was amazed that one of her friends managed to use multiple Summoning methods, especially Fusion Summoning.

"Wait, really?" Sun asked in shock when he heard that.

"She's right, my Zefra mainly use different Summoning Method as their primary playing style." Konami said as he inserted himself to the conversation when he heard his name being said. "Although my deck was made for that purpose in mind and is a lot more versatile than your Fire Fist."

"You're kidding me." Neptune said in shock as this new news for him and the other new Duelist today. The two team didn't mention what kind of deck he use, so hearing it now that he use multiple Summoning method as well like Sun was really a shocker.

"You really should have seen his Duel yesterday with Pyrrha." Jaune said as he still remember that Duel like it was yesterday....mostly because it was yesterday. "He brings out every single Summoning method in just a single turn, it was something else I tell you."

"I agree, even when I was facing him I couldn't help but be amazed at how he use every single Summoning method in one quick succession like that." Pyrrha added and while she was still feeling a bit down for her lost against the Red Hat, she was still glad to have a chance of Dueling against him yesterday.

"Probably one of the many surprises we got when we witnessed that Duel yesterday." Blake said to her fellow Faunus and now fellow new Duelist.

"I prefer that over him defeating our team in a single turn when all four of us are against him." Weiss grumbled and yes, she was still not happy that her first day of Dueling had ended in her defeat. Twice.

"Wait what?!" Sun shouted in shock when he heard that. How come they never mention that Konami was that good at Dueling. He had to see this skill first hand. "In that case I challenge you to a Duel, Konami!"

Everybody turned to look towards the open shirt wearing blonde in shock that he had issued a challenge to Konami out of nowhere like that.

"You win just one Duel and suddenly you think you're some kind of big shot, huh?" Tierra sarcastically told Sun while having her arms crossed and her eyes narrowed at him.

"I think It's fine. Personally, I like the confidence in his voice when he said that." Metaltron argued to his fellow Duel Spirit while having a smile on his face as he could respect another person's confidence in their ability.

"I mean we've got time to kill and while I do want to Duel with the others, I really wanted to see what I am capable of against a pro." Sun told Konami his reason, although he really doesn't have much more reason other than to just wanting to Duel him. He was a simple man after all.

"Gotta admit, that sounds really tempting to try. Count me in as well." Coco said as she was curious on how good the Red Hat is at Dueling.

"I would like to try Dueling with you as well, Konami. Just like my leader said, we've got time to kill so let's make the best of it." Neptune jumped in as well at the chance of Dueling Konami, perhaps facing a different deck would help optimize his own deck adjustment.

"I-I would also like to try to Duel with you, Konami. If it isn't any trouble." Velvet said a bit shyly that she had asked the question. If he doesn't want to then It's fine with her, she wouldn't want to bother him.

Konami and his two Duel Spirit just stared at the four for a while while having an internal debate about their wish to Duel him. He also took note that the other two team of RWBY and JNPR we're also looking like they wanted to take a chance at him, either for a rematch for yesterday or simply for the same reason as the newest four Duelists had.

"Good grief, how can I say no when you're all looking so eager like that?" Konami said with a sigh while tipping his hat down, but he was smiling all the way at their enthusiasm at wanting to Duel with him. "Alright then, I'll take you all on." He accepted the challenge and they all look ecstatic at hearing.

"You better not hold anything back against us, Konami."

Konami's smile turn into an excited smirk when he heard that coming from his challenger. "Oh trust me, I won't." He said before raising his hand.

And snapping his finger.

Metaltron grinned as he knew that was the cue that they had agreed on. He jumped high into the air before blue crystals began to grow out of his body and encased his entire form from head to toe. The crystal continues to grow in size and takes on a humanoid shape that crosses with a dragon, before a pair of golden wings burst out of the back of the crystal alongside with a golden tail which causes the rest of the crystal to break open and reveal Metaltron in his true Duel Spirit form.

Metaltron landed to the right just behind Konami with a downward force that's enough to leave a crack on the ground. "I'm ready for the next battle!" He cried out in excitement while materializing his sword into his hand and swung it to the side as his grinned widely behind his helmet.

Tierra begins softly chuckling to herself which slowly turns into a full blown cackle as she starts floating high into the sky. With a large grin on her face she swiped her hand to the side and conjured up a tornado of Void flame around her. As the Void tornado continues to grow in size something is starting to emerge from within, suddenly a large light and dark wing comes out of the side of the tornado alongside a single mechanized arm in the center. The arm was then swung to the side which dispersed the Void flame and revealed the colossal size of Tierra true Duel Spirit form.

Landing on the ground and causing the very earth itself to shake, Tierra roared to the heaven while her hands and mouth were set ablaze by the Void Flame. "I'll burn you all to ash and bone!" She cried out while looking down and snarling on the supposed challenger that stood against Konami.

Konami looked back at his two Duel Spirit for their entrance before looking back to the paling and not so equally as confident Duelist of today. "Now then...." The Red Hat started as he flicked his finger and tipping his hat up to reveal his glowing heteromatic eyes before smirking and asking them.

"Who wants to go first?"


A/N: And that's a wrap! So, what do you guys think? Is it good? Is it bad? Please leave a comment if you like.

So which one should we talk about first. How about the reveal from Horakhty?

Yeah, if you have any doubt if this is going to be an AU story or not, there is your answer. Remnant is the Creator of Light creation and the Brother God are Duel Spirit that was given the task of watching over Remnant. Needless to say, they have royally fuck up with their shenanigan. There is still going to be a lot more to be reveal in future chapter about the Spirit World and Remnant connection so be sure to check it out.

Next we have Tierra and Metaltron displaying what they are capable off. Konami may be strong with having access to both of their power, but he only has a part of them and not the full capability. Honestly, I have no reference on what character who has the ability to mentally control flame at will so if any of you all can give an example that would be great. Also if you're wandering on what control Konami has over the Void flame, he is basically a fire bender without all the fancy martial art move necessary if you wanted to simplify it.

As for Metaltron, yeah he is basically Gilgamesh with Gate of Babylon if Gil decided to actually use his weapon as their intended purposes and not as a bullet in a machine gun. Though Metaltron could do that as well but merely decided to just prefer close combat over anything. Kind of ironic since his face is that of Arthur Prototype....probably not going to be the last Fate reference that will be included in this story.

Finally we have Sun and Neptune Duel. Yeah Sun gets Fire Fist and Neptune gets Umi, and no It's not going to be Umi control, at least not at first or all the time. Honestly this chapter Duel isn't that long in term of turn, but I'll be damned if the amount of card being played isn't a hassle to write. Especially Sun, Fire Fist is a combo heavy deck and there is a lot of cards being played in just a single turn if they got the ball rolling. Thank god I decided to not include Link Monster in this story, the amount of combo being played in that kind of deck....would be a nightmare to write.

I won't reveal what's going to happened in the next chapter, other than continuing Konami and Horakhty conversation, but a Duel will be involved in the next chapter that's a guarantee.

Once again I apologized about not replying to any of your message, for the past month and possibly for the future. I'm still going to be focusing on my study because I seriously cannot slack off on this, but I'm still going to write the next chapter when I have the free time. So if any of you message me and I didn't respond for an amount period of time, just know that I am merely busy and not going hiatus or something like that.

But that is all from me and I hope you all like this chapter. All in all, I really hope you all like this story and I'll upload the next chapter when I got to it. Thank you!

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