Domino Museum Tour - An Animated Encounter

A/N: Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of RWBY: The Duelist Experience! Previously, the gang had finally made it to Konami's hometown and dimension, Domino City. There they also meet up with Konami's old friend, Kaiba Seto, and after a few choices word, Weiss decided to have a Duel with him. Despite her best effort, Kaiba proves himself as superior with his Blue-Eyes.

Alright, another new chapter done and before the month even ended. I call that a win in my book...just don't mention when the last time I upload.

Anyway, how is everybody doing? I wanted to say happy new year with this chapter, but as you see I am a bit late on that count. I wanted to say my new resolution that I would upload chapter faster but realized that won't be really realistic with my busy schedule.

Now before we go further into the story. I would like to point out that I will be using the original Japanese name for the Yugioh character. Mostly because I am more familiar with those names rather than the dub. So yeah, just wanted to let you all know.

I have nothing against the dub, but just that I like the sub name better than the dub. Well mostly anyway, since the dub name for GX was rather good. Also yeah, this does mean there won't be any 'Chazz it up!' In this story sadly enough.

Also, I would like to point something out for those who tried to reach out to me with the public message — is that the right term for it? Correct me if I'm wrong. If you wanted to get in touch with me, private message me is the best way to get a response.

If any of you wonder why so, well let's just say I am a sort of a 'To me only' kind of guy. Meaning I don't really like posting my status up in public like that in any form of social media. Not to say I won't reply to you guys, but private message is the one I will priotize first and for most.

But enough about that. We are finally going to go and went into the Domino City tour arc for the story, if you wanted to call it that. We will be focusing more on the activity of Team RWBY and JNPR for about four chapter.

I do have plan on what I wanted them to do, but I do like to hear what idea you have for what activity each member can do to enjoy their time in Domino City.

Now before we started this chapter. Let's play a game, shall we?

For this chapter and the three chapter after this, I will make the title of this chapter correspond with the cameo of the character I planned on making an appearance in each chapter. Can you guys take a guess which character that would make an appearance?

This won't be anything serious, but it'll be fun if you guys can guess how many and which character that would make an appearance. Because let me tell you, there will be quite a few amounts.

But that is all I wanted to say for now. Now without further ado, let's get on with the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY or Yu-Gi-Oh, they belong to Rooster Teeth and Konami respectively.


"Are you okay, Weiss?"

Weiss turned to face Ruby and came face to face with the worried expression on her partner's face. "I...I'm fine, Ruby. There is nothing to worry about."

"Are you sure, Weiss? You seem to look...lost."

Weiss couldn't really deny that notion. But she didn't want to worry anyone for something that she couldn't even explain, or at least something that wouldn't get her being branded as someone who is seriously delusional.

In the end, she decided to just shake her head and told her partner. "It's alright, Ruby. That Duel was more intense than I had anticipated, but It's nothing that I can't handle."

"Well...if you say so, Weiss." Ruby told her partner with a smile on her face as she walked beside her partner with the rest of her friends close by.

After the Duel had ended, Weiss made her way back to where her friend is, almost hastily due to the vision she had seen still fresh in her mind. She was greeted by words of encouragement by them telling her that she had a good job in the Duel, something that she took to heart.

Not too long after that Kaiba walked out of the room, which caused all attention to drawn to him. Not that he minded as he casted a glance at Konami for a moment before walking away from the group without saying another word.

Catching the sign, Konami told the Remnantians to go on ahead without him, something that caught the group off guard as they did not expect to get free time this early, to which the Vagabond told them.

"I have something to discuss with Kaiba in the beginning anyway, which is why I suggested we go here first. I'll message you all when my business with him is over, but until then, you guys just enjoy your time exploring Domino City. We'll all meet up in the Domino City Plaza in two hours, how does that sound?"

When the group of eight all nodded their heads in agreement with Konami's plan, The Vagabond smiled reassuringly at them and told them to not worry about him. He then asked Mokuba if he could help escort them out of the building, to which the young vice-president gave a reassuring wave of the hand and said it wasn't a problem for him.

With all of his worry over his friend's well being taken care of, Konami bid well to them as he made his way towards the same direction Kaiba is heading to. Once the red hatted Duelist was out of sight, Mokuba turned towards the group before he told them to follow him so he could escort them out of the building.

And that is how both Team RWBY and JNPR, with Mokuba, are walking out of KaibaCorp without Konami with them.

"Well if you're sure that you're alright, Weiss. Then we'll stop worrying about you." Yang said to her teammate as she had a feeling that the snow haired girl wasn't telling them the whole story, but if she isn't comfortable with sharing her thoughts then she won't pry...well, won't pry 'much' anyway.

"Just be sure to tell us if there is anything we could do for you." Blake added to her partner's word, as to just let the girl know that they are there if she needed them.

"I already told you all that I am fine!" Weiss said in exasperation as she was getting a headache from her teammate being such a worrywart towards her like this. "Can we please change the topic of the conversation...?"

"Well I guess we can do that if you are feeling uncomfortable, Weiss." Pyrrha told to her friend with an understanding tone in her voice.

"Oh! Oh! What are you guys' plans for going around the city? Ren and I are going to find some places fun to go to!" Nora exclaimed with an excited grin on her face as she was visibly shaking in her feet.

Jaune put a hand on his male teammate's shoulder before giving him a thumbs up and a wink that says 'You got this!'. Ren's only reaction to that was to just sigh as he knew this was going to happen sooner or later.

"Heh. You all sure seem excited." Mokuba said with clear amusement in his voice as he could tell straight away that the eight of them were thrilled to go and explore Domino City.

"Can you blame us? Konami has said a lot about what his home town is like and we are curious to see it for ourselves." Yang said in response as she was wondering what Konami's home dimension has in offer for her.

"Well I'm sure you all won't be disappointed. Domino City has a lot of places that would make tourists feel satisfied with their time here." Mokuba said with confidence in his voice as he of all people should know about this sort of thing.

"This city is big though...I wonder if we can even experience everything in just a few hours." Ruby said as she didn't think they would be able to get the full Domino City experience with the amount of time they had.

"How long will you be staying in Domino City anyway?" Mokuba asked the group as he turned his head towards them while raising his eyebrow in curiosity.

"Ehhh, until about the end of the day. Just before night time comes." Jaune said as he quite remembered that they all came to an agreement that that would be the optimal times when they should go back to their own dimension.

"Really? You're not planning on staying in for your visit?" Mokuba asked once more as he found it quite surprising that they wouldn't be spending the night in Domino City. "I mean, if you haven't got a place to sleep then I could make a reservation for you all in a hotel."

Well that sure caught the group off guard. "Oh no no no! You don't have to do that, Mokuba!" Pyrrha said hurriedly with a wave of both of her hands. "We only met you for less than an hour at best, we couldn't possibly trouble you like that!"

"It's fine. You guys are friends with Konami so I don't mind doing this little thing for you all." Mokuba said dismissively as he wouldn't mind giving them a roof to sleep under if they are planning to stay for the night.

Perhaps he could book them with a room in a five star hotel with the highest rating of room service in town, not that that was any problem for him. With the amount of money he and his brother have, the amount needed to do that wouldn't even be close enough to be called a pocket change to the Kaiba brother.

"We really meant what we said about not needing that. We all have plans for another trip the very next day so we want to prepare ourselves the best we can." Ren reasoned to the young vice-president of KaibaCorp. Feeling that that was a good enough reason for him to drop the rather generous offer.

"...oh fine. But I'm telling you, you all are missing out." Mokuba said with a shrug as he decided to just drop the subject and move on to another topic of interest. "So, got any idea on what kind of places you are all planning to visit?"

"Any recommendations on where we should go?" Blake said in return as she figured a local point of view on their destination would be a much better solution then them just guessing around.

"I do have some recommendations. You could try the Domino City Museum if you want to learn some history, or the Plaza where you can go on some shopping spree. Really there is so much to do here that you won't get bored quickly." Mokuba said as he couldn't really point to one place that would fit their idea of a good time, mainly because he doesn't know them all that well.

"But of course, I do highly recommend you all to go and try Kaiba Land as well. Though an hour or two is not enough time to get the full Kaiba Land experience."

"Kaiba Land?" Weiss questioned the odd name that came out of the young vice-president's mouth. This sentiment was shared by the others as they all looked confused by it.

"What? You all have never heard of Kaiba Land?" Mokuba said as he looked incredulously at the group of eight. "How can you all plan on going to Domino City and never heard of Kaiba Land?!"

Judging from how personal Mokuba had seemed as he said those words, the Remnantians could hazard a guess they had probably said the wrong thing, even if they don't know what exactly is that Mokuba is talking about.

"Konami didn't really say much about his hometown attraction, so we're kind of in the dark about that." Yang said with a shrug as she and the other honestly had no idea what Mokuba was talking about.

"So what is Kaiba Land exactly? Another Kaiba Corporation project or something?" Jaune asked as he wanted to know more on what Kaiba Land actually is, and why is it that Mokuba seemed to care so much about it.

Mokuba let out a sigh as he rubbed the back of his neck, feeling slightly ashamed for his outburst earlier. That was rather uncalled for, especially towards the one Konami called as friend.

"Kaiba Land is an amusement park founded and developed by Kaiba Corporation, as well as being our company's most successful project, second only to Duel Monster. As for why It is so important..." Mokuba stranded off from his words as he contemplated whether he should tell them or not. After a moment of thought, he decided to just tell them.

"Kaiba Land is not just a representation of Kaiba Corporation also symbolizes big brother's dream."

The group immediately perk up once they heard that. "Kaiba's dream?" Ruby said in confusion as she wondered why someone like Kaiba would have such a dream like that.

"I don't know how much Konami has told you all about us, but big brother wasn't always like this. When we were kids, big brother always told me that he had a dream of building an amusement park that everyone would want to visit and children like us would be allowed in free of charge."

That certainly was not what the group had expected to learn about Seto Kaiba at the topic of his dream. Despite his earlier attitude towards them, they found it kind of odd yet nice to know that the guy wasn't all that bad.

However, something in Mokuba's words confuses Ren as he notices a particular choice of word being used. "Mokuba, when you said 'children like us', what do you mean by that exactly?" He asked as he had an inkling of an idea on what those words meant, even if he hoped he was wrong.

Mokuba stopped talking at hearing that as he looked to the side, looking rather down while the other was beginning to feel concerned and wonder if they had asked something that they shouldn't have. Though they didn't need to wait long as Mokuba decided to speak up.

"The fact you asked me tells me that Konami didn't mention this. But the truth is big brother and I...we're actually raised in an orphanage."

The Remnants's freeze in shock as they stare at the young boy with their eyes widened. "Y-You're o-orphan?" Nora stammer her words while looking less cheery for the first time.

Memories of her own childhood flash through her head, she would have made a scene of herself right here and there, if it wasn't for the strong grip of someone holding onto her trembling hand.

Nora looked towards the source of the hand and saw that it was Ren, who turned his head slightly to look at her before nodding his head with compassion in his eyes visible to her. Seeing this, she begins to calm down while gripping Ren's hand, and taking comfort in his presence near her.

"Our birth parents were killed in an accident when we were little, and our relatives took everything from their will and sent us to the orphanage." Mokuba's hand turn into a tight fist as he tried to smother his anger down before continuing. "I was too young to understand what just happened. Thinking back, I always asked myself when our parents were going back home, and so the first day in the orphanage was a tough time for me. Big brother was always there to comfort me and promised that he would always protect me."

"Mokuba..." Pyrrha said with sadness seeping into her voice as she had both of her hands covering her mouth while looking at the boy in front of her with a sorrowful look.

"How did you end up here then?" Jaune asked as he equally looked as sorrowful as his partner over what they had just heard. He just hoped that his question didn't sound insensitive.

Now Mokuba just let out a laugh, something that caught the group of eight off guard at the reaction. "It's a funny story if you think about it. It all started when Gozaburo Kaiba made an announcement in a TV show about how he was going to come to visit the orphanage we were in."

"My big brother had a plan that he believed would guarantee our future; big brother would corner Gozaburo when he did visit the orphanage and made a deal with him. Big brother would challenge him to a game of chess and should big brother win, then Gozaburo would have to adopt the two of us."

"Hold on, you're saying that Gozaburo just went along and agreed to the game? Why would he do that?" Yang asked as from what she had heard about Mokuba's adopted father, the guy doesn't seem like the one who would even entertain children like that.

"Ahh, but that is the beauty of it. You see, the reason that Gozaburo had come to our orphanage was for a publicity stunt. To make himself be good in the eyes of the people." Mokuba explained before he turned around and let them see the smirk that was growing on his face. "What would happen if he backed down against big brother in that scenario?"

" would ruin the image of his company, especially his own public image." Weiss said as she now realized how clever Kaiba's plan was.

If the public knew that the CEO of KaibaCorp would back down from a challenge from a child, it would make them look weak in the eyes of others. And since it was a publicly known event, the word would fly fast.

On the other hand, she can also see that if Gozaburo did in fact had adopted them. Then that would translate to a good public image as well, since it would make it seems that Gozabura had seen the potential of an orphan and decided to adopt them out of the goodness of his own heart, even if that is not the case.

If Gozaburo refused the challenge, then the only one losing is Gozaburo himself. But if he accepts, then both of them would win. All in all, this would mean that Seto had effectively had the upper hand in that situation.

"But wait, you said that Kaiba needs to beat Gozabura in a game of chess in order for him to adopt you. How skilled is Gozaburo in chess exactly?" Blake questioned as she felt that this was all too easy for Seto to get away with, and she didn't think he would easily get away with challenging Gozaburo.

"Well you are correct. Gozaburo isn't just a good chess player, he was the best in his time. In fact, the way big brother and I even know about Gozaburo visiting our orphanage was because it was broadcasted on TV when he won the World Championship in chess." Mokuba stated as he could remember the day the broadcast was shown when they were watching the television. "Oh, and big brother was twelve when he beat Gozaburo."

"TWELVE?!" The majority of the Remnantians shouted their shock as they couldn't believe that a twelve year old managed to defeat a world renown chess player.

"Haha, I know you guys are going to react to that!" Mokuba let out a hearty laugh when he saw their reaction, he couldn't blame them though. "Big brother spent a lot of time preparing for when he would challenge Gozaburo. Big brother was already good at chess in the first place, but he doubled down on his skill by studying his chess method. He works so hard that he even pulls out several all nighter."

Now the group was stunned beyond belief. To think that Kaiba, the same guy that had insulted them earlier, had actually done something so unbelievable at such a young age. Now only beating an adult world renown chess player, but also putting up an all nighter just so he could get a guaranteed chance at winning.

And all of that, all of his plan and training that he did, was so that he could give his little brother a better future. A future where he could achieve the dream he and Mokuba had.

"I know big brother can be difficult sometimes. I'm not saying that you should like him, that would be asking too much of you, even I knew that much." Mokuba started as he stopped walking and made them do the same. He then turned around to face them with determination on his face. "But I just wanted to let you all know that big brother is a nice person deep down. So, I hope that above all else, that you all could accept him."

He ended this with bowing his head at them, shocking the group even more at the length Mokuba would do for his big brother.

Mokuba just kept his head down as he waited for them to respond, and after a few seconds had passed, they did.

"Alright, we will."

Mokuba raised his head back up as he came face-to-face with Weiss, who was the one to say those words out loud, while a look of disbelief crossed his face.

"Y-You will?" Mokuba asked as he wanted to make sure he was hearing her right. The other in the group also turned towards Weiss in shock that she would be the one to say that first.

"I'm not going to deny that your brother is an extremely dislikeable person. From the insult he threw at us, or for the constant time he looked down at us." Weiss stated as she folded her arms over her chest as she tried to find the best word to describe her conflicting feelings.

In the end she just sighs while looking at the side before continuing. "But I suppose there is more to him than meets the eye. And if what you're saying is true, then I would be willing to make an effort of actually befriending him."

Everyone present had their eyes on her, and she couldn't blame them. Out of everyone that could walk up and say that they would try to become friends with Seto Kaiba, you would think that person would be someone like Ruby or perhaps Pyrrha.

But no, it was her. Weiss Schnee. The girl who closed her heart to everyone until recently with the start of Team RWBY. In all honesty, she has no right to be the one to do this.

She is not compassionate enough like her partner, not as easy going as Yang, hell while Blake was less social than her, the Cat Faunus just prefers solidarity while she just straight out is difficult to handle normally.

But...something was stopping her from just letting this go in the hands of others. Perhaps because she can sort of relate with him on a more personal level then the others, or perhaps because of her spitting out her emotion earlier made her feel like she should be the one to do it again.

However, she knew that those reasons were just superficial. The main reason was that those blasted images were bothering her, same goes for the aching feeling in her heart when she heard more about the man that is Seto Kaiba. For the life of her, she couldn't figure out what they mean and why does she seem to care so much.

But what she does know is that these feelings mean something to her. Something that is calling out to her, trying to tell her something.

So for the meantime, she will believe it. Even if that sound ridiculous, Weiss wanted to know what this feeling meant. Maybe then she will be able to figure out the meaning of those images.

Although clearly stunned, Mokuba couldn't help the smile that was forming on his face upon hearing that. "Thank you, Weiss! That really means a lot to me and big brother!" He said in a cheerful tone that just made Weiss smile in return.

Before she could say anything else in return, she was suddenly being glomped by her partner. "Weiss! I am so proud of you!" Ruby cheered with a big grin as she hugged the living life out of the snow haired girl.

"Who knew the so-called 'Ice Queen' could be so heartwarming?" Yang said jokingly as she went up to the girl before giving her a hug as well by wrapping her hand around her shoulder as well as grinning widely. "You really proved us wrong, Weiss!"

"That was awfully nice of you, Weiss." Even Blake joins in on her teammate's footsteps as she gives the girl a smile of her own. "Are we sure that you're not an imposter? Because the Weiss Schnee I knew was never this kind before."

Weiss' face turned red in second as she could feel just how physically close her teammate was, especially how she could feel Yang's breast pressing into her, making her pop an annoyed and irritated vein on her forehead.

"Ahh! Get off of me, you dolts!" Weiss cried out as she raised her arms up into the air, making the two half sisters to separate themself from their joint hug on the Schnee heiress. Though the reddening on her cheeks was hard to miss.

"That was really admirable of you, Weiss." Pyrrha decided to also pitch in her thoughts as she smiled at her white haired friend. Jaune could only nod in agreement, while sporting a grin and also a blush as well.

"We got to see a whole new side of Weiss! Talk about an experience!" Nora said out loud in excitement before she brought her arms out to her and smiled widely. "Can I get a hug next~?"

"No." Weiss rejected the girl with a stone-cold look on her face, causing Nora to gasp dramatically and pretend to fall back to lean against her childhood friend.

"Rennn! Weiss is being mean~" Nora 'cry' her heart out to him while clutching his front shirt and wiping the fake tears on her eyes.

Ren's response to this was to just sigh and roll his eyes, as well as smiling lightly while wrapping his arms around her. Not saying anything else as he waited for Nora to stop her unconvincing acting.

"Hahaha! You guys really are something else I tell you!" Mokuba laughed out loud as he witnessed the group of eight interaction, reminiscing the time he himself had with a few people he had in mind that was close to him.

Mokuba looked ahead of him and was surprised to find that they were already at their destination, that being the front door of the building. "Oh hey, we're here!" He called out to them and they all looked just as surprised as he was.

The Remnantians and Mokuba didn't waste anymore time as they walked outside of the KaibaCorp building. The sun was shining right above their head, which indicated that it was some time in the afternoon.

"Well, this is as far as I can take you all." Moluba told the group with both of his hands on his hip while looking at them with a smile. "You all wanted to take a tour throughout Domino City, right? Unfortunately, providing a tour guide is not my expertise, so you'll all have to figure it out on your own."

"It's alright, it was nice meeting you, Mokuba." Pyrrha politely thanked the boy for his assistance to them. It really was nice to meet such a good kid as their very first person here in Domino City.

"Don't sweat it. If you guys need anything, then you could just call me, provided I am not busy and if you get my contact number from Konami." Mokuba said as he wouldn't mind seeing them again, especially Weiss since he thought that she was a rather interesting girl, and he knows that his big brother thinks so too.

"Well then, see you all later!" With a wave of his hand, Mokuba ran back into the KaibaCorp building to meet up with big brother and Konami.

"He's a good kid." Yang commented with a grin and a hand on her hip after a moment of silence between the two teams.

"I hope we can see him again. Maybe Konami will let us visit here again." Ruby exclaimed as she was really hoping that Konami would take them to Domino City again some time in the future.


The sound of pinging of notification from their Duel Disk caught their attention. The group of eight raised their Duel Disk up while looking confused as they saw that Konami had sent them a message.

Sorry, I forgot to give you guys something before I went to have a talk with Kaiba. Be sure to check out what I send to you all, I know that this will be very useful to you all.


On the bottom of said message was a file that was attached to it. Clicking on it with a tap of their finger, the screen of their Duel Disk suddenly lit up before it began to show something else entirely; a full-scale map of Domino City.

"Oh, he gave us a map!" Nora said out loud as she looked at the map of the Domino City in her Duel Disk with glee. "And here I thought we will just be wandering around the city with no clear destination, but nope! Konami really thinks of everything."

"It even has a few landmarks marked on the map." Weiss mused over the map as she swipe her finger and saw that a few places were marked and the name of the place was in full display. "This will surely help us on how to get to places."

"Alright, so how are we going to do this?" Blake asked the group as she looked at the map and had a few ideas on where she wanted to go first off. "Should we split into groups and go our separate ways, or stick together instead?"

"I vote for splitting our group up, preferably in pairs with our partner." Pyrrha voiced her opinion on the matter with a raised of her hand. "I think it will be best if we go in a smaller group so that we won't have to argue much about where we should go." She said to the group as she felt like it would be easier if they split up to cover more ground in the tour.

Of course, while that may be her core reason for this idea, in the back of her mind she couldn't help but think that this was a good opportunity to have some alone time with Jaune. Not her main reason of course, just a nice little bonus.

"I vote for that. It would be much easier to enjoy our time if we all went our separate way to find the place we wanted to visit the most." Ren backed up Pyrrha's idea as he could already tell what she was planning, the slight reddening of her cheek and the growing smile on her face was indication enough.

"I have no objection." Jaune commented in agreement, oblivious to the way Pyrrha beamed happily just behind him. She would have thrown a fist bumped as well but the other will notice.

"Alright then! Looks like we had a plan!" Ruby had an excited grin as she was stoked to start exploring Domino City. "Remember guys, Konami told us that in two hours we will have to meet up at...uh, where is the place again?" She said as her excitement turned into confusion for a moment as she swiped her finger over the map to find their meeting point.

Weiss rolled her eyes as she reached towards her partner's Duel Disk and dragged the map before she pointed her finger at a certain spot on the map. "We'll meet up here in the Domino City Plaza, Ruby." She told her partner.

Ruby just blushed in embarrassment as she smiled sheepishly. "Ehehe, sorry I forgot. But anyway, we'll meet up there in two hours." She said to the group and received a collective nod from them all.

"Now that all is settled, have fun exploring everyone! Come on, Weiss!"

"Wait, Ruby! Don't—!"

Before Weiss could say anything else, Ruby had taken hold of her and, without thinking clearly, used her Semblance to blitz away in a flurry of red and white rose petals. Everyone could only look at their retreating form in shock.

"...she is really lucky there is no one to see us." Yang muttered while scratching the back of her head and letting out a sigh. Sometimes she and her sister tend to act more alike than anyone thinks, Ruby is as reckless as she is at times even she can't predict.

"Count our blessing that that is the case." Blake replied as she wholeheartedly agreed, she figured Weiss will have a word or two about Ruby's earlier action so she would just leave it at that.

"Since they are already gone, we should head out soon as well." Pyrrha said as she stood beside Jaune while she patiently waited for her time alone with him to come.

"I second that! Come on, Ren! We're going to have so much fun here!" Nora called out to her partner and childhood friend with a barely contained excitement visible on her face.

"Settle down, Nora. There's no need to rush." Ren told the pancake loving girl as he tried to calm her down, keyword here being 'tried' as trying to calm Nora down is as difficult as suplexing an Ursa.

He pointedly ignored the memory of Nora trying, and failing, to perform such a feat from surfacing into his thoughts. The less he remembers, the less headache he is going to have.

"Well since we are all in an agreement, then there's nothing else to discuss." Jaune exclaimed rather cheerfully as he was really looking forward to exploring Konami's hometown. "Well then everyone, let's have fun around Domino City!"

With a cheerful cheer from the blonde haired team leader, they all split up and went their separate ways. Each one of them is trying to find something that they would enjoy being here.

And so Team RWBY and JNPR's little journey through Domino City, has begun.


"Alright, that should do it."

Konami nodded his head as he pressed send and watched as his message was being sent to his friend's Duel Disk. Thank god he remembered to send them the map of the city, trying to find them all when they got lost would be a nightmare.

Konami gazed at the screen that indicated which floor the elevator he was riding on is rising steadily. He tapped his foot while crossing his arm over his chest as he listened to the elevator music playing, patiently waiting until the elevator reached the top floor of the building.

"It's a good thing you remember to send them that map, huh?"

Konami could only smile as he heard the voice of his long-time partner ringing in his head. "Hey, Metaltron. Already done with your gaming session?" He mentally said through their shared mental link.

"Eh, it was nice. Tierra isn't really much of a challenge, but it is a pleasure beating her up most of the time." Metaltron said while Konami could already see the smirk that was growing on his face as he said that.

"Ha. Ha. Laugh it up you little piece of shit." Tierra's pissed off voice joins in on their conversation. She was absolutely seething, not only because she lost most of her matches, but because that stupid Goldy Boy always rubbed it on her face every time she lost.

"Sounds like you two had a good time." Konami commented while looking amused, it never gets old between the two Duel Spirit that share his soul. "Also, yeah I was glad I remembered to give them that. Even if the timing of it was rather...inappropriate."

"You mean the fact that you remember it when you are going number 2?" Metaltron said with mirth in his voice as he already knew about that. Making Konami's face scrunched up in confusion.

"How did you even know that? I thought you were still playing with Tierra?" Konami asked as he was pretty sure that both Duel Spirit were busy with their final match to notice his thoughts when he was taking a bathroom break.

"Because I was bored of making fun of Tierra's losing all the time that I started to pay less attention to the game."

"Hold it! You mean you weren't even trying that last round?! How did you still win against me?!"

"Lucky for you, that is actually a multiple choice question! The options are either 'L+Ratio', 'Skill issue', 'You suck', or 'All of the above'! Which one is the correct answer?"

"Oh I'll give you my answer you little—"

"Alright you two, that's enough fighting for now." Konami told them as he could already feel the headache of their argument in his mind coming in. "How about we change the topic. Like the fact that I think one of my reasons for coming here is already done."

Hearing that caught the two Duel Spirit's attention as they figured which one of the reasons Konami was talking about. "So has she awakened? Kisara's soul?" Metaltron asked his partner.

"Not fully. I suspect that what happened was that her soul had started to resurface when Weiss got close to Kaiba. But I don't think it was enough for her soul's consciousness to be awakened." Konami summarizes his thoughts over the situation of Weiss being the reincarnation of Kisara. Truly he didn't expect this when he visited her Soul Room, but it was a nice surprise for him.

"I'm still not sure why you would even want to awaken her soul in the first place." Tierra muttered as she had heard a few things about Kisara, but not so much that she would know why Konami decided to awaken her soul through her reincarnated self.

"Like I said, it was merely a little experiment on whether or not Kisara's soul would react in the presence of Kaiba." Konami told her while watching the elevator digital screen, showing him that he was almost at his designated floor. "But if you want a more personal reason...I guess you could say I'm doing both Kaiba and Weiss a favor."

Both Metaltron and Tierra stayed silent as they were trying to comprehend what the Vagabond had meant when he said that, before Metaltron palm his face as he figured it out first.

"Konami...seriously..." Metaltron said while sounding tired and exasperated, which made Tierra look at the Dracombatant in confusion at what he had found out.

"Are you seriously trying to hook Weiss and Kaiba up?"

There was a silence in the small elevator, or more precisely a mental silence since no sound was made outside of their shared mind link. Konami just looked to the side as he could already imagine the blank look of Metaltron and the baffled look of Tierra.

"...yes?" Konami's voice came out more meek than he should've, even if he had just said it in his head.

"You know, in a situation like this, you were supposed to deny my claim."

"I're not wrong, right?"

"That is not the point."

"Alright, time up. What is this all about again?" Tierra questioned the two as she was incredibly confused on what it is that they are talking about.

"Figures you wouldn't know this about Konami, seeing as he had been less active even before you joined us." Metaltron started off and Tierra was already pissed at him for what he had said over her ignorance of Konami. But before she could vocally refute, he continued on. "But, basically, Konami has do I say this...a very capable individual that can make others accept one another in the art of romance."

"...what now?" Tierra questioned while looking more confused at the Dracombatant unusual description.

"Oh fuck it, Konami is a matchmaker, is what I'm saying." Metaltron exclaimed as he decided to just throw all subtlety he had previously had over the window. "Heck, forget about being a normal matchmaker, he's a goodness to honest certified shipper! One that would go out of his way to make his ship sail!"

" make it sound like it's a bad thing..." Konami muttered grumbly while pouting lightly as he looked quite offended by what he had just said about him. "And what's so wrong with it anyway? I mean I did help you get together with your girlfriend in the first place."

"And for that, I am eternally grateful." Metaltron answered earnestly as he truly does thank the red hat wearing Duelist for his help in getting him together with his lovely maiden. "But don't think that I forgot the time where you sometimes can be a little overboard, buddy. Remember the 'Duel to Threesome' incident years back?"

"In my defense!"


"...they were really cute together."

"Uh-huh, you mean all three of them?"


"I'll take that as a yes then."

Tierra could only gaped at the conversation that was happening right in front of her. She really doesn't know how to make out of all of this, so she opted to just stay quiet for now, a rare sight to be sure.

"Alright, but for the record, at least I'm not toxic. If the people I ship don't like each other, then I will just let them slide." Konami said as he knew full well that relationships aren't all that simple.

"I'll give you that one, at least." Metaltron commented as he would agree that the Vagabond, while determined, never really reached the point of going too far in his attempt of playing matchmaker. "But enough of that. Why did you suddenly want Kaiba and Weiss to be together? Is it because of their past life relationship?"

"Don't go thinking that I would do this for such a shallow reason. I knew full well that the person that they are right now is different then they were in their past life." Konami told him with a shake of his head. Reincarnation is really something that isn't simple to point out, sometimes they are the same as the person they were before, or they are completely different with similar appearance.

"As for the reason as to why I'm doing this, like I said I'm doing them both a favor. I don't have the full picture on Weiss' relationship with her father, but if there is anyone that could help her achieve her dream of taking over her family company, it would be Kaiba." Konami explained his reason before noticing that he had reached the designated floor of Kaiba's office, and watched as the elevator door opened up. "As for Kaiba."

"Having other people tying him down to the world would honestly be the best for him."


A knock on the door caught Seto Kaiba's attention from looking over his workload on his computer.


With a twist of the doorknob, the door opened up before Konami entered the room and closed the door behind him. The Vagabond looks ahead and sees that his old friend was busy typing on his computer, or something equivalent to it as it really was just a holographic screen and a keyboard.

Once Kaiba sees that it was Konami, he brings his hands out and swipes his hand to turn off the holographic screen and the keyboard to automatically sink into the hidden compartment on his desk.

"So you're finally here." Kaiba said while looking at the red hat wearing Duelist as he leaned back in his chair.

"Sorry, I was taking a bathroom break for a moment, as well as delivering something important to the eight people with me earlier." Konami said while avoiding mentioning his friends in Remnant name, mainly because he knew that Kaiba would have already forgotten their name anyway.

...actually now that he thinks about it. Other than Weiss, the others didn't even introduce themself to Kaiba, meaning he literally didn't know their name from the start.


"Hmph. Why are you still bothering with them, I have no idea." Kaiba commented with a frown as he wondered why Konami would even waste his time with those newbies.

"Now don't say that, I can guarantee you that they will be amazing Duelists in the future." Konami replied while placing a hand on his hip and a small smile on his face.

"Debatable, if you ask me." Kaiba scoffed at hearing those words. Honestly it really didn't matter to him, if they can grow to be a true Duelist than good for them.

"Speaking of which, I have been meaning to discuss something about your Duel earlier." Konami suddenly said as Kaiba raised an eyebrow at him in suspicion but didn't say anything back, which the Vagabond took as a 'go ahead' as he asked him.

"Mind telling me why you deliberately let Weiss destroy Neo Ultimate on that last turn?"

Kaiba continued to look at his old friend while mulling over the question he had posed to him. "...what are you getting at?" He asked as he narrowed his eyes slightly at him.

"You and I both know that Deep-Eyes' effect can be activated in response to any Dragon-Type Monster destruction." Konami pointed out as he folded his arms over his chest while narrowing his eyes also at the CEO of KaibaCorp before continuing. "The very moment Weiss destroyed Jet Dragon, you could've immediately brought out Deep-Eyes and ended the Duel right there. The result may have ended up the same, but I find it noteworthy that you would let Neo Ultimate be destroyed in the first place instead of ending it when you could have done so earlier."

"Get to the point." Kaiba told him with a deep frown as he was tired of hearing the recap of his Duel from Konami's point of view.

"I'm saying why did you suddenly go easy on her in the end?" Konami heeded his word and decided to just cut to the chase and ask him that question. "Why did you let Weiss lose the Duel with a sense of accomplishment, instead of outright beating her like you always do?"

A deafening silence filled the room where the two Duelists and old friends are present right now, so much so that even the sound of pin dropping would echo in this room like a loud gong. Neither had made an attempt to break the silence and just continue on staring each other dead in the eye.

Finally, it was Kaiba who inevitably ended this silence by letting out a sigh while closing his eyes. "Frankly, that Duel meant absolutely nothing to me. If it meant that that woman would shut up if agreed to a Duel, then so be it. I have no qualm of her ever beating me, and whatever way I win does not matter to me."

"So you're saying it was on a whim? I honestly found it hard to believe." Konami questioned while pressing harder on the subject, not fully convinced that Seto Kaiba of all people would do something entirely out of whim.

"Hm, if there is one thing I won't forgive is for how that woman insulted my pride as a Duelist." Kaiba's expression scowled when he remembered the word she threw at him about him being a coward. "I can say a lot about that woman. Arrogant, stubborn, easily provoked, all of the things that are just so easy to point out."

"Because they remind you of yourself?" Konami suggested and was immediately pinned down by a fierce glare from his old friend. "Oh don't give me that look, you know exactly how you acted all the time. Even after the years that passed by, you still haven't changed all that much since the time I have departed for my journey."

Konami then let out a smile as he gripped the cap of his hat and took it off, making it so that he could see his eyes when he told them this.

"You really haven't changed at all...Seto."

Seto dropped his glare once he heard his name left the Vagabond's mouth. "Still referring to me by that name huh?" He asked but the words held no hostility to it, in fact there was a certain fondness to it that is easily missed if one is not attentive enough.

"To me, you were always Seto first then anything else. The one I befriended all those times a go was a boy named Seto, before I had known the man that is know known as Seto Kaiba." Konami admitted while placing his hat over his chest and smiling sincerely. He could still remember their first reunion at the Battle City, it was one way to start a tournament for him.

"...hmph, call me whatever you like." Seto said to him while not appearing interested as he shook his head slightly at the Vagabond's tendency.

"So am I to assume that I am correct in my assumption?" Konami decided to return to their original topic of discussion by asking him that.

"Heh, if you wanted to see it that way." Seto said dismissively as he didn't give a clear answer for him as he stood up and faced the large window of the room behind his desk. "I will admit, her speeches earlier had struck a chord somewhere in me. But if you want a reason for my decision, it will be the look in her eyes."

"I have only seen those eyes before once in my life, and I have known what those eyes held." Seto exclaimed as he gazed upon the vast scenery of Domino City, before his gaze went to the reflection of himself on the glass. Provoking a memory from him at the time of his clash with Gozaburo, before it immediately went away.

"But I am a man that will look past the trace of memory that is the past for an unlimited future. Those eyes she showed me may have invoked something distant with me, but it was nothing more than a phantom that can no longer tie me down. I merely acted in accordance with my desire alone, and nothing else."

Seto then turned around and faced Konami with a fierce look in his eyes and deep frown on his face. "Does that satisfy your need for an answer?" He questioned the Vagabond as his eyes never faltered.

Konami stayed quiet for a considerable amount of time as he processed Seto's words. After a while, he let out a sigh while sporting an understanding smile. "I suppose that shall suffice, seems like I can't really get anything more direct from you after all."

"Interpret it in any way you like, it's not my problem."

"Sure. But I do hope you'll give Weiss a chance to prove herself, I can guarantee you she will be an excellent Duelist later on. Who knows, maybe even you would pay more attention to her."

"Hmph, highly unlikely but we'll see about that." Seto told him while letting out an annoyed huff before he cast another glare at Konami. "Enough of this farce. Did you bring the item with you or not?"

Konami's smile dropped at the mention of the true reason why he was meeting Seto in the first place. The Vagabond let out a sigh as he walked up to get close to him, before he bring his hands up and opened his palm up.

Orang particles begin to appear and gather in response to Konami's hand movement, before it soon begins to take shape as the item in his hand begins to let out an almost mythical glow.

It was a gray metallic cube shaped item, with many square and rectangular shaped markings etched on each side and golden plating covering the outer line. It also noticeably possesses the golden eye symbol on one of its edge tip.

"Just like you asked, I brought the Quantum Cube with me."

Konami honestly couldn't believe that the item in his hand was even real. The eight Millennium Items, something that he doesn't even know exist. How did ancient civilization of egypt manage to create an item that can forcefully send people to another dimension, he will never know.

He could still remember the time he was tasked on retrieving this item, a mere few weeks ago in fact. After the whole incident with the man named Aigami, he managed to get the item from him. Thank god he didn't have to take it by force, because the whole mess that happened earlier was already a disaster.

"But before I can give this to you." Konami said as he gripped the Quantum Cube in his hand before narrowing his eyes at his old friend. "What exactly are you planning on doing with this thing?"

"Like I told you, I have a plan on how to finally settle the score between me and Atem." Seto declared as he pointed his finger at the cube-shaped Millennium Item in the Vagabond's hand. "I have designed a machine in the KaibaCorp space station that can utilize the unique transdimensional energy coming from the Quantum Cube. Allowing me to transfer my consciousness into a subspace that goes beyond the boundary of the world, where I can finally have a proper meeting with him once more."

"And just how safe is this machine of yours?"

"My top scientists all have made a contribution in this project, as well as a personal handling by my own hand. It's still in a trial phase as we speak."

"What is the probability of you returning from this?"

"Hmph. As long as I can make it to Atem, I don't care what happened to me."

"I'm not going to give you the Quantum Cube if you can't even guarantee your own safety."

"Are you saying you're going to deny me the chance of letting the ghost of Atem rest in my mind?"

"I'm saying I'm not going to be the one taking care of Mokuba when you die over your own goddamn ego."

Those words caused a lot more reaction out of him then he would've liked. Seto clenched his fist tightly while his glare at Konami turned even more fierce, to which the Vagabond responded by doing the same.

"Seto, you of all people should know how I feel about family." Konami told him with a firm tone in his voice while walking closer towards his old friend, keeping the glare of his matching with the opposing glare from him. "So you should know how much I care about those words as I know you care about Mokuba, he is your little brother and your only real family left. You both have always been together since the first time I even met you, you two are inseparable. Would you really throw all that away for just a moment of you satisfying your own arrogance?"

Seto didn't respond immediately upon the question posed to him, looking quite displeased and also subtly bothered to his eye. Thankfully for him, he didn't even need to say another word as Konami put the Quantum Cube in his desk.

"But I will trust you." Konami said in acceptance, much to Seto's confusion as his facial expression he was showing to him reflected that. "I'm not going to stop you, god knows how that will go. Because if there is anything that is still true to when we first met; is that when you want something, you will try everything to get your hand on it. Never have I met someone as stubborn and as determined as you are. So I believe you will succeed, and me giving you this will only increase the chance of you making it out alive."

"Just promise me one thing. You better make sure to get back home. If not for you or for me, then for Mokuba. Because he still needs his brother. And when you do get back..."

Konami's expression quickly turned from serious to almost playful as he let a small smirk grace his face.

"Let's play a game of chess like old times."

Seto just stared at the face of his old friend for a while before his gaze was set on the Quantum Cube right in front of him. His mind is all racing with thoughts of the various things he needs to do to silence the Atem in his mind, but all of that is suddenly silence by a single thought. A thought about his little brother, Mokuba.

Seto let out a soft grunt as he relaxed his hand before taking hold of the Quantum Cube into his hand and holding it up.

"We'll see about that." He declared to the Vagabond, it wasn't a confirmation nor a refutation, but he knew very well it was enough for him. "Still, you really think you could beat me in chess? How laughable." Seto mockingly laughed as he pocketed the Quantum Cube into his coat.

"Hey come on now. I did help you train in order to beat Gozaburo, so I think that counts as training for myself." Konami was actually offended as he frowned at him while looking a bit peeved.

"I hardly count following a step-by-step instruction as 'training'. You really need to get a better dictionary if you can't make that difference in understanding your own words." Seto reply was followed up by a smug smirk on the rich Duelist's face, something that only make the Vagabond continue to frown before eventually smiling as he let out a laugh.

"Haha, you are such a jerk." Konami jokingly said with a roll of his eyes as he had already gotten used to his friend's attitude a long time ago. "Well then, I better get back to the other right now. See you later, Seto."

Konami made his way towards the exit as he turned away and begin to walk at a steady pace. Just as when he was about to grab hold of the door knob and open the door, he was stopped.

"Wait, Konami."

Hearing his name being called, Konami turned around to ask what's wrong, before his eyes caught sight of something flying towards him. His instinct, being honed better over the years, kicked in as he caught the aforementioned item. Coming to a realization that it was a card that Seto had just thrown at him.

Looking over to see what kind of card it is, Konami saw that it was a golden colored card, sort of like a credit card. With the carving of Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon's three heads in horizontal position displayed on the front, covering the entire front except for the small KaibaCorp symbol on the far right top and the Kaiba Land words on the bottom half just below the Neo Ultimate's heads.

"What is this?" Konami couldn't help but ask as he raised an eyebrow while looking at the weird card that Seto had just given to him.

"It is the Kaiba Land Neo Ultimate Gold VIP Ticket, only a select few was made with me and Mokuba being one of its owners." Seto started to explain as he lowered his hand down from his previous post-throwing position, before turning around to face the glass as he continued. "It allows you to enjoy any kind of ride provided by Kaiba Land from anywhere around the world without the need to wait in a line, as well as providing unlimited access to any goods sold in Kaiba Land for free. Just show that card to the worker and they'll know what to do."

"This is...quite generous of you." Konami said while looking baffled at the power this card holds over Kaiba Land. He can basically get away with anything in Kaiba Land if he has this card in his hand. "But why are you giving me this?"

"Consider it a payment for bringing the Quantum Cube." Seto said as an answer while continuing to look out the window and gaze at the sight of Domink City. "But is to fulfill the promise I made when we were younger."

Konami stared at him in confusion at what he was talking about, before his eyes widened as he remembered quite a peculiar memory when he was just a kid playing in the sand with Mokuba and Seto.

Seto had made a sand castle that looks like an amusement park, amazing both his younger self and Mokuba. He then proceeds to tell them both that this is his dream, to build an amusement park that everyone can go to.

It was there where he suddenly said that when the brothers finally build it, he should get a VIP ticket so that the three of them could enjoy it to their heart's content. It was a promise between the three of them that they would go together once they are reunited and when the amusement park is famous worldwide.

That was the last memory Konami had before Seto and Mokuba were adopted by Gozaburo and never returned until years later.

And in his hand right now is the proof of those promises they made all those years ago.

"Seto, you..." Konami was at a loss for words as he couldn't stop looking at the golden VIP card he held in his hand. Not knowing what he should say in response to this.

"Like I told you, I'm just fulfilling our promise." Seto replied as he had his face set on an impassive look, not fully expressing his feeling of having given the Vagabond the proof of their promise.

Konami turned to look at him while still looking lost and surprised, before all he could do right now was to just laugh lightly as he put on back his hat, tilting the cap down to hide his eyes like usual.

"Thank you, I'll treasure it always." Konami told him sincerely as he made to opened the door before stopping for a moment to take a side glance and give his old friend a smile.

"When you get back, let's all have a good time in Kaiba Land, eh?"

With that final farewell, Konami went out of the room as he closed the door behind him. Seto continued to look at where the Vagabond had just been for a good moment, looking like he was contemplating something.

It was not long before he let out a sigh as he pushed the button on his office phone next to him, letting it emit a loud 'ding!' as a signal of being connected to the caller.

"You call, Master Seto?"

"Isono. Call the science division to review that project of mine once more. Now that I have obtained the key item, we can begin with the testing phase. I want all diagnostic scan of the machine ready in order to make some changes and improvements to maximize the chance of success and survivability."

"Understood, Master Seto."

With the line being cut from the other end, Seto turned around while looking at the horizon. Clenching his fist tightly as his face was set on a fierce determination.

"I will finally have my closure from you, Atem."


"Are you still mad at me?"

Ruby's meek voice called out as she walked with Weiss with her head down, or more precisely she walked behind the Schnee heiress ever since she had scolded her for using her Semblance earlier.

They were now walking on the sideway of some streets, rows and rows of buildings going behind them as they continued forward with a few people walking nearby them.

"What do you think?" Weiss questioned her partner as she walked steadily ahead of her, her face was set on an irritated expression as her hair was also slightly messy from the force of the travel by Ruby's Semblance.

" still are...?" Ruby guessed as she was really hoping that she was wrong.

"YES, I AM!" Unfortunately for her, her hope was dashed away as Weiss shouted out her frustration up out loud as she turned to glare at the red hooded girl. Making her squeal in fear at her partner's wrath.

"I'm sorry! I was just so excited I forgot about our rule..." Ruby murmured out her reason quietly as she nervously poked her finger together.

Weiss let out a sigh as she rubbed the bridge of her nose to calm her nerves down. She had already scolded her earlier, there is no reason to get too emotional now.

No matter how much her partner had improved over the course of their time in Beacon, she was always reminded that Ruby was the youngest out of all of them. Literally skipping 2 years ahead straight to Beacon by Professor Ozpin intervention.

"It's alright, just...don't forget about our rule again. You were lucky there was no one to see you use your Semblance." Weiss stated with a shake of a head before she stumbled slightly when Ruby immediately ran up to her and hugged her with a big smile on her face.

"Yay! You're not mad at me anymore!"

"R-RUBY! Let go! People are staring!"

As the two partners continued their antics, a few people took notice of their presence. Some of them think nothing of it, while others smile and laugh at seeing such friendship between two girls.

After prying the younger girl off herself, Weiss let out a cough in order to hide the emberrass blush on her check at her team leader over affectionate antics. "So, where are we going now? We have a full two hours before we meet up with the other." She asked the red hooded girl while curious on which destination she would pick.

Ruby let out a hum in thought as she cupped her chin and closed her eyes. "Well...where do you want to go, Weiss?" She asked her partner after opening her eyes and looking at the snow haired girl curiously.

"I would like to go somewhere where we can learn more about this dimension. I did remember there was a museum in Domino City, so that should be the first place one should go if they want to learn about the history of the world." Weiss exclaimed as she had a faraway look in her eyes as she wondered what sort of things she would be able to see about this word in that museum.

"Okay then! Let's go to the museum then."

Weiss blink as she pointed a confused expression at Ruby's cheery expression. "Pardon? You wanted to go to the museum first? I thought for sure you would say something along the line of it being a boring place to visit." She pointed out as they both know that the red hooded girl wasn't actually the studious type, at least not as active as she was.

"Well I think it's interesting and not boring at all. Like you said, we are in a brand new and different place than Remnant itself. Who knows if we can find something cool in the museum or not." Ruby voiced out her reason as to why she wanted to go with Weiss to the museum, before she dropped her gaze and suddenly became a bit bashful.

"And partly because I wanted to cheer you up, Weiss. You have been acting strange ever since you Duel with Kaiba, so I just wanted to help..."

Weiss' eyes widened in shock when she heard. But honestly, she should have seen this coming. Even if she had told Ruby that she was alright, the girl would still worry about her being the good partner that she is.

Frankly she hadn't forgotten about those visions that she had seen. Even when she had decided to accept them for some reason, she still wanted to know more about them.

It was actually one of the reasons why she wanted to go to the museum in the first place. To find some clue as to what those visions meant. She knew this was a long shot, so much so that she had a better chance of waiting until the answer came to her. But she wasn't exactly the kind of girl that would just sit around where she could do something about her predicament.

Still, to hear that her partner was willing to go with her voluntarily was a comforting thought — even when she didn't know the reason why, it really highlighted how the silver eyed girl cared for her friend.

"...then let's get going then." Weiss shook her head and turned around to hide the smile growing on her face. Perhaps her partner was maturing after all. "If we have some time after our visit, we can go to wherever you want to go, Ruby."

"Alright then, Weiss!" Ruby cheerfully said out loud with a big smile on her face, feeling happy that she had managed to lift her partner's mood up.

Weiss nodded as she brought her Duel Disk up and the map of the Domino City was displayed when she turned it on. "Let's see...from our position, we should be able to reach our destination in about fifteen minutes or so. We could make it in ten minutes if we hurry our steps. I suppose you using your Semblance did help us after all, Ruby."

No response came from the other girl.


Weiss turned to face where her partner is — which is right beside her — to see why she wasn't saying anything, only to find that the red hooded girl wasn't there at all.

Confused, she began to look around to where har partner could've gone. Only to find her at a nearby shop with a television displayed on the front window, it was showing some sort of cartoon show that managed to make Ruby laugh.

"Haha! Weiss, come check this out! It's a cartoon about a black cat with really silly body movement doing many silly things! I think It's called Blacky the Cat or some— Oh! It just wacks a dog with a hammer! Weiss, you have got to see this! It's so funny!"

Weiss could only smack her forehead and drag it down across her face as she sighs before walking up to her partner and grabbing her by the back of her hood, dragging her along the way as the hood wearing girl complained about wanting to see more.

Never mind, Ruby was still as childish as ever.


"So this is the Domino City Museum..."

Both Ruby and Weiss could only stare at the massive building that is the Domino City Museum, with its many pillars and large glass window on the front of the building, it really left an impression on them. They also noticed a few people walking past them, either visiting or leaving the museum.

"Wow, it really looks like a big place..." Ruby said in amazement as she had never seen such a huge building like this as a museum. Neither Vale nor the island of Patch where she came from had something like this.

"Hmm, I think I remember a museum or something like this somewhere in Atlas, but I never visited it before." Weiss said mostly to herself as she really has no reason to visit a museum by herself, she had better things to do and it's not like her father would even allow her to do it anyway.

As the two made their way to the entrance of the museum, they stopped and made their way to the booth to pay the entry fee to enter the building, which cost 1000 yen for each person.

'Perhaps I should tally how much money we spend on these two hours. It'll be disastrous if we spend all of the money Konami gave to us when we needed it.' Weiss thought to herself as she made a mental note to check in on her and Ruby's money. In the back of her mind, she wondered if this is what her teammate felt when she lended them money to buy something.

"Here is your ticket. And here is a brochure to help you two navigate your way. Enjoy your stay!"

With the tickets and brochure in their hand and a farewell from the rather cheerful worker, Ruby and Weiss made their way inside the building, where they were greeted by the sight of the few exhibits in front of the entrance. But even those were already enough to made the two girl awe in wonder.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

"Ruby! Don't run off like that! Or you're going to—"


Weiss didn't need to finish her sentence as Ruby ran ahead of her and in her blind excitement, managed to crash into another person that just so happened to be walking in front of her. Causing the two to fall down and making the other person drop the suitcase that he was holding.

"Ow!" Ruby said as she rubbed her head at the impact while on the ground, before she looked up and saw the man that she had run into was also on the ground. Causing the girl to pale and immediately run up to him. "Oh my god, sir! I'm so, so, so sorry! I didn't see you there! A-And I w-was just so excited and I ran into you and—"

"It's alright, young lady. No harm done." Despite being down on the ground, the man just laughed it out as he got up and picked up the suitcase that he was holding earlier.

Ruby was about to say something else, probably to apologize some more, before Weiss ran up to her and bonked her in the back of her head. "You goddamn oaf! I told you not to run off and look what happened!" She scolded her partner with a shout as she directed a stern glare at the younger girl.

"I'm sorry! I was just so excited I couldn't help myself!" Ruby replied equally as loud and panicked over her action and the scolding she knew was coming from her partner.

Just as the two were about to start to get even more vocal with each other over the accident, the man let out a cough that caught their attention. "Now now girls. There is no need to argue over what happened, we wouldn't want to attract attention now would we?"

The two partner stop themself and take a look around to find that yes, their shouting seems to have catch the attention of the other people and visitor that was passing by. Leaving them embarrassed as they stop themself and calm down their emotions.

Now that things have cooled down, Ruby and Weiss managed to take a good look over the man that the red hooded girl had just ran into earlier.

He looks to be someone in his mid twenties or something from the look of it. He also was a rather handsome for his age and fairly effeminate man with fair skin and collarbone length white hair, said hair was also covering his right eye from view. Though his left was bare and let them see that said eye was brown in color.

He was also smartly dressed as well, wearing a double breasted red suit with white piping and gold buttons, a white frilled shirt underneath, navy blue western cravat on his neck and a pair of white shoes. Whoever he is, the two girls would hazard a guess he was probably rich from how expensive looking his clothes are.

Nevertheless, Weiss bowed her head down to the man in front of her. "I apologize for my partner. She can be...quite active when she gets excited." She apologized before giving the younger girl a look that made Ruby shiver slightly.

'Not even one minute we're here alone in this dimension and Ruby is already causing us problems!' Weiss thought to herself as she wondered if this is how Ren felt when he had to deal with Nora every day. In any case, she will make sure to treat the guy to something nice sometime in the future for his effort.

"I'm really, really, really sorry!" Ruby followed with her partner's action by bowing her head down as she once again apologized for her earlier blunder. 'Oh man, this is embarrassing! What kind of Huntress am I if I can't even notice my surroundings?! I really hope he's not mad at me!'

When they didn't hear anything coming from the man, the two raised their heads up and looked at him, as he is in fact taller than both of them. He was looking at them while holding onto a smile on his face, one that looks like he was contemplating something.

Before they could ask him what's wrong, the man just closed his eyes and let out a rather jovial laugh. "Haha! Oh there is nothing to fret. It was an accident after all. No real harm was done." He reassured them still with that same jovial smile on his face.

"Though I just have to ask." The man started out as he stroked his chin while looking thoughtful at the two girls in front of him. "Are you two perhaps not from here?"

Ruby and Weiss both look at each other in surprise at his sudden deduction as Weiss decides to respond. "What makes you say that, mister?" She asked back as she wondered how this man was able to guess such a thing about them.

"Oh I am quite familiar with a lot of faces in Domino City actually, plus you two don't appear to be your average Japanese despite your rather fluent tongue with the language, which I found quite impressive. Are you two from a different country perhaps?" He explained his reason and asked them again as his curiosity peaked, especially when he saw that the two were starting to look rather nervous.

'Damn it, I didn't think about that. Just because we can speak the language, doesn't mean that we will look exactly like the people in Konami's dimension.' Weiss thought as she now realized her own blunder. She begins to think of what they can say that wouldn't raise suspicion.

'We can't tell him we're from Remnant! He'll never believe us even if we tell him! What should we do, Weiss?!' Ruby was starting to panic as far as her thought goes. She looks to the side where her partner is, silently asking her what they should do.

Catching the silent plea from the red hooded girl, Weiss opened up her mouth as she gave out her last minute reasoning. "You are correct. Me and my friends all came to Domino City for a short vacation. We were invited by another friend of ours that just so happened to be living here. Said friend was also gracious enough to educate us in his native language so that we would fit in when we came here."

"I see, what a considerate friend you have there." He said with a nod as he accepted their answer to his question. "Although, did I do something wrong? You two seem very nervous for some reason."

"Aren't you a manager of this museum or something, mister?" Ruby asked as she inched herself closer to her partner, just to be safe. "You kind of look like one and we were worried you were going to call security on us."

Now that made the man laugh. "Hahaha! Oh good heaven. No no, there is nothing to worry about. Frankly if I can manage this spectacular museum then it would be something, but alas I am just a mere businessman myself." He said as he looked visibly amused by the hooded girl's words.

At least that cleared out some of their questions on this man, now the only question left unanswered at the moment is who exactly is this man. To which Ruby decided to speak up said question out loud.

"Excuse me, sir? Can I ask who you are? Are you some sort of famous person around here?" Ruby asked the man as she wanted to know if he is some sort of big shot in this city or something, he does look the part she'll give him that.

"Oh, where are my manners? So many things have happened that I forgot." He said with a rather dramatic sigh before smiling once more as he placed his free hand over his hearth and bowed slightly to them.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Pegasus J. Crawford. It is a pleasure to meet you two."

"So, Mister...Pegasus? Was it? Nice to meet you! My name is Ruby Rose." Ruby replied with a big smile on her face before she gestured towards the snow haired girl that is her partner beside her. "And this is my bestie, Weiss Schnee!"

"I can introduce myself, Ruby." Weiss told her partner with a shake of her head, not even going to correct her on the 'bestie' part, knowing how futile it will be. "But she is right. It was nice to meet you too, Mister Pegasus."

"Oh no no, there is no need to call me 'mister' now. You can just call me Pegasus." Pegasus told them with an open smile and his eyes showing a degree of mirth to them. His expression then turned into a confused one as he asked them. "Now then, I assume you two are here to learn some history lesson, correct?"

"You're right! How did you guess, Mister Pegasus?" Ruby tilted her head as she wondered how this man knew of their intention of them doing here. Completely ignoring the man's previous word of dismissing calling him by 'Mister'.

"Because it is the only reason why people go to the museum, Ruby." Weiss told the red hooded girl with a roll of her eyes like it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it is to her.

"It's good to make sure if you're right or not." Pegasus told them with a nod as he now knew why exactly they are here today. "In that case, would you like me to act as your guide throughout your time in this museum?" He offered to them, making the two girls look at him in shock.

"Would you really do that?" Ruby questioned as she wondered why the man she had just bothered by accidently bumped into would be so nice to them.

"You don't have to do that, Mister Pegasus. I am sure you have some other important thing than taking two strangers for a tour." Weiss tried to reason with the man over dropping his offer. Because she felt bad that they had caused him trouble — well just Ruby actually, but as her partner she was also her responsibility — and here he is trying to help them like this.

"Oh but I insist! After all, I have nothing important that I need to take care of. And not to brag, but I am a bit of a historian myself, I did travel around the world once." Pegasus told them as the two girls looked at each other in surprise that this man had just explored the entire world like it was the most casual thing there is. "So I would say that I am qualified to take the role as a guide."

Ruby and Weiss both look uncertain about the offer, but feeling that the man wouldn't budge considering how much he insists on doing this, they reluctantly agree to it.

"I...guess it's alright, if it truly doesn't bother you, Mister Pegasus." Weiss told the white haired man with her arm folded. She still wasn't comfortable with accepting his help after they had troubled him but at least he means good.

"Splendid! Now then, Ruby-girl, Weissy-girl. Let us not waste anymore time standing here!"



Before the White Rose duo could even question the strange nickname given to them, Pegasus had already made his way ahead of them, all the while smiling in his usual jovial manner.

Both girls look at each for a moment before going along with the man as they run up to catch up to him.


The Domino City Museum was bigger than both Ruby and Weiss had initially thought. If you look at it just from the front of the entrance you would have a picture on how big it is, but the inside was on a whole other level.

Thankfully the brochure that was given to them had a map on it, so it was easier to navigate their way around the building. Not that they necessarily need it as Pegasus had already memorized where each part of the exhibit the museum has to offer is located.

Speaking of him, the man was a surprisingly good tour guide with all things considered. While he does have some few choice words for explanation that was...particular, it wasn't anything that the two find hard to understand.

Well at least for Weiss, since she needed some time explaining a few words that Ruby herself failed to understand.

They also found out that Pegasus was quite a character. Perhaps 'jovial' was the right word the two would use to describe him. Being that he was always smiling all the time and that also had the tendency to drawl out his words every so often with a rather gleeful tone in his voice.

He also happened to like cartoons. Like...really, really like cartoons. To the point that he often mentions a few episodes of his most favorite cartoon into his conversation with them. Something that both of them find quite odd for a man of his stature.

"He sure is quite an...eccentric man.'

'Didn't know that Mister Pegasus can be so weird.'

"You know~ It's not nice to speak ill of other people behind their back."

'How did he find out?!'

"You two are really quite the expressive bunch, your face tells a lot about what your thinking after all~"

They weren't going to deny that, they weren't really doing much to hide their expression from projecting their thoughts. Still, at least he stopped talking about cartoons after seeing how confused they are at the subject.

Another thing they also come to realize is that Pegasus was also quite perceptive, able to notice their expression to determine what they were thinking, at least that was the only reason he could guess correctly on what they were thinking about him.

But other than that, the tour was going well, fantastic if one would say. Ruby and Weiss managed to see many artifacts of this dimension's ancient past and the history behind them. Pegasus being with them also made the experience a lot more fun than boring, something that Ruby is grateful of.

They visit many sections of the museum. First was the section that held many of the prehistoric exhibits, including and most importantly the dinosaur exhibit.

"Weiss! Come check this out! This is one big looking guy over here! I've never seen anything like this before!"

"It does possess a strong leg and a really sharp set of teeth, though that tiny arms may be a hindrance, but I guess it's sheer size would make it irrelevant most of the time."

"That is the Tyrannosaurus-Rex, or T-Rex as so many people would call it. One of the most well known and most dangerous dinosaurs that ever existed. But I am curious, have you two never seen a dinosaur before?"

"Uhh, well we do know something alike. But I think it was only a Grim—MMPH?!"

"A grimm thought that we had never seen such a beast with our own eyes! Isn't that right, Ruby...?"

"U-Uhm, r-r-right! What she said!"

"Ahh, then I am glad you two got to see such magnificent species for the first time! Truly wondrous!"

Next on the list was the museum's various art exhibits. Ranging from the one that date back a few century ago and the recent modern art. Most of it were originated from Japan, where the museum get most of its exhibit.

"I have to say, this is one impressive looking piece of art."

"Ohoho? You certainly have a good eye for the most finest thing, Weisy-girl~ I am truly impressed."

"Hmph. Seeing such high quality art isn't out of the norm for me really. But I have to say that the art in this museum has a sort of charm to it from the art I used to see back home."

"Ahh, I couldn't agree more!"

"...It's just a red canvas with a weird black square-looking thing in the center. How is it that impressive?"

"And this is why you are not an artist."

"Hey! I'll have you know, I can draw a fantastic piece of art."

"A sketch for your crazy weapon model idea is not what I considered art."


Then they went into one of the exhibits that Ruby is really excited to go to. This area contains many of the museum collection of historical artifacts and treasure that people in the past used for traditions purposes and as a means to resolve a problem.

You guessed it. It's a room filled with weapons.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Look at all of these awesome weapons! There is a wall filled with swords— ahh! That katana is sooo cool! The gold and black handle, the intricate pattern of the scabbard, and those glam on the blade?! Ahhh! This is heaven right here— OH MY GOD! IS THAT AN ANTIQUE CANNON?! EEEK!"



"...I am so, so, so sorry about my partner's unsightly behavior."

"It's alright. Who knew Ruby-girl had such an obsession with weapons."

'More than you think. I'm just glad she isn't using her Semblance to run around all over the place. I wonder what the others are doing right now...'

"Something on your mind, Weissy-girl?"

"Huh? Oh, apology. I was just thinking of the others that me and Ruby came here with."

"Oh? And how many of you are there exactly?"

"Including me and Ruby, that would make the eight of us invited to visit Domino City."

"My, what a big group you have."

And so on and so forth. The three of them continue on their tour with Ruby and Weiss learning more and more new things about this dimension's history, or at the very least the history of this country.

It really is a surreal feeling for both girls. They are in an entirely different dimension, an entirely different world then one that is their own, and they are learning history that is vastly different then their own.

It really feels like something that only happened in movies, or one of those books Blake sometimes read where people get transported to another world.

Anyway, after visiting possibly every other exhibit the Domino City Museum has to offer, there is only one more place that Pegasus wanted to show the two girls before finishing their little tour.

"And now, the exhibit that I can't wait to show you two for the last part of our tour..." Pegasus exclaimed as he build up the tension with his words, before he spread out his arms wide and smiled even wider while declaring. "I present to you, The Art of Egypt exhibition!"

Pegasus loud declaration may turned some heads towards his direction, if the rest of the visitor weren't busy looking and admiring the displayed item in said exhibition. Ranging from a few artifacts originating from Egypt itself, as well as some painting or portrait that depicts what Egypt looks like.

"Wow, all of this looks...really cool!" Ruby said as she couldn't really put into words to describe all of the things she is seeing in this exhibition. Mostly because she didn't know any fancy words like her partner did.

"Certainly all of the artifacts in this exhibit do seem exquisite." Weiss followed up with her own commentary of the various relics in the room they were in. "Our friend mentioned a few things about Egypt, but neither of us have really been there before."

"Then it will surely be an experience for you two!" Pegasus cheered in his own sense of excitement. Really, the smile on his face is starting to look more unsettling with just a hint of glee in it.

Not that the two girl would comment on it, because that would be rude and they know their manner. Yes, even Ruby.

"So, Mister Pegasus. Is there any reason why you are excited to show us this exhibit?" Ruby curiously asked as she was wondering why the white haired man was eager to show them this exhibit.

"Ahh~ You are correct, Ruby-girl~! I suppose I should explain my reason for bringing you here for the final part of the tour." Pegasus said as he turned to face them while having his hand placed in front of his chest. "Truthfully, I have visited Egypt myself and the experience I have gained there was life changing. While I can't re-create such an experience for you two, I can at least show you the history of Egypt."

Pegasus then stopped his talk to spread his hand pit from his chest, before the smile on his face turned even wider as his eyes positively brimmed.

"Not to mention, this is also the place where the world renown game Duel Monster originated from."

That certainly left an impression on the two girls as their eyes widened and their jaws dropped at the unexpected lore dump that was just thrown at them.

"Are you serious?" Weiss questioned as she wanted to make sure if what she had heard was correct or not. Based on the nod from Pegasus, this confirms that they weren't hearing things.

"DUEL MONSTER CAME FROM EGYPT?!" Ruby shouted out her surprise to everyone who is near her, that is to say, quite a few actually. All of them turned towards the source of the voice and wondered what the heck made the girl so excited like that.

This included a peculiar woman who was walking just behind the three.

"While it is not forbidden to speak up in the Art of Egypt exhibit, I would strongly advise you to not disturb the other tourists by your shouting, miss."

Ruby let out a yelp at the stern tone of the voice coming behind her, immediately imagining it coming from Professor Goodwitch which scared her so much she hid behind Weiss for protection.

Said Schnee heiress was also startled, partially from the unexpected voice and that her partner was using her as a shield all of sudden. Turning around to face the direction of where the voice was coming from, she was greeted by a visage of a woman.

This woman has long straight black hair that trails just below her shoulders and features 2 locks wrapped in gold rings coming from behind her ears and continuing in front, stopping at her neck. She is slender in build and has tanned skin along with a pair of blue eyes. Judging from the frown on her face, she wasn't entirely amused by Ruby's sudden screaming earlier.

Her outfit consists of a long ankle length dress partially bearing her shoulders featuring black patterns around the neck and the rims of the sleeves. Her jewelry consists of a gold piece of headwear circling her head and featuring an emerald where it meets at the front.

Weiss would be the first to admit that she had never seen a person dressed up like her. If Coco were here, she would no doubt the fashionista would have something to say about it.

"Ahh! Well if it isn't the curator of the exhibit herself." Pegasus joyfully said as he approached the woman with a steady pace, before bowing a little and greeting her. "It has been a long time since we last spoke, Miss Ishizu."

Ishizu's gaze immediately went from the two girls towards the man in the red suit that she was so familiar with and nodded her head curtly. "Mister Pegasus, I did not think you would have the chance to visit the museum today. I had assumed you were busy with your work."

"Oh my work wasn't really substantial anyway. My company will be able to operate just fine even without me being there. I'm just here to take some well deserved time off." Pegasus replied with a carefree smile and a sway of his hands, a gesture that is similar to shooing away something from him.

"As usual, you always find ways to do your own things. Considering it is you, I'm not really all that surprised." Ishizu's only response was to just let out a quiet sigh from her mouth. She then turned her attention back to the two girls. "And I suppose they are a part of your vacation?"

"Oh you know how the saying goes. 'Life always finds the way', in this case it led me to meet these two girls who I found quite interesting~." Pegasus said as before anyone could even ask him what they mean by that, he immediately directed their attention to another topic.

"Now then, an introduction is in order! Ruby-girl, Weissy-girl, I would like you to meet Ishizu Ishtar. She is the museum curator for the Art of Egypt exhibit and coincidentally, happened to be an Egyptian herself!"

And another surprise came to them once again. Not only did they find out that Duel Monster originated from ancient Egypt, but they even get to meet someone from Egypt as well.

Being polite, Weiss decided she would be the one to be the first to introduce herself. "It is nice meeting you, Miss Ishizu. My name is Weiss Schnee." She said with a slight bow to her head.

"A-And I'm Ruby Rose." Ruby also followed suit as she separated herself from her bestie before making a sheepish expression on her face. "Um, Miss Ishizu. Sorry about shouting earlier, I was just so surprised that I couldn't help myself hehe..."

Ishizu's response was to just shake her head and smile at the girl. "It is alright. As long as you do not disturb the other tourist here intentionally, then there is nothing to be mad about." She said to reassure the red hood wearing girl.

"Oh thank god..." Ruby let out a sigh of relief that she wasn't getting punished or anything, because that would suck. Her expression then turn into one of excited curiosity as she look at the older woman. "So is it true that Duel Monster originated from Egypt?"

"In a sense, that is correct. Although the Duel Monster in ancient Egypt is less of a game and more as a ritual." Ishizu told the two girls before she started to explain what she knows to them. "In ancient Egypt, a creature known as Ka existed in the hearts of people in the past. Ka itself is known as a spirit that reflects the nature of the person it came from. The Pharaoh and his loyal follower the High Priests would seal away the Ka of criminals into a stone tablet, where they would be stored in the Shrine of Wedju and can be used for when the Pharaoh and his Priests called for them."

"The card in Duel Monster represents the stone tablet for where the Ka is sealed into. They worked in a similar way on summoning the creature within." Pegasus chimed in with the explanation with his usual manner of speaking. "And that is where the inspiration for Duel Monster came from~ So what do you girls think about that little history lesson?"

The White Rose duo's interests certainly peaked as they heard more about the origin of Duel Monster. "But how would they be able to use the Ka in the stone tablet?" Weiss asked as the question came up to her.

Ishizu just continued to smile before she told them. "Walk with me." She said as she beckoned them to follow her, to which the three did just that as they followed the Egyptian woman.

"We have just recently been able to get hold of a relic that dates back to the time of ancient Egypt. Something that I think that you two would find interesting." Ishizu told them before stopping upon a stand that is holding an artifact inside a cube-shaped glass.

"I present to you, the DiaDhank."

The DiaDhank that Ishizu was presenting to them was a sort of golden bracelet with three feather shaped sections on the side that appears to be capable of being folded into one, as well as each feather possessing a display for something. Located on top of the bracelet is a golden symbol of an eye with the center of the eye appearing to be made of glass.

"Is this...a Duel Disk?" Weiss couldn't help but ask as she can't deny the striking resemblance this 'DiaDhank' has with the Duel Disk.

"So is this what the ancient Egyptians used to summon the Ka they sealed?" Ruby asked as she tilted her head as she also took notice of the resemblance between the DiaDhank and the Duel Disk. "Didn't know that Duel Disk originated from ancient Egypt as well. I thought it was only a card game."

"The DiaDhank is a device that allows the wearer to summon and control the Ka, up to three of them, using the user's Ba or life force. If the user's Ba isn't strong enough, then they will either faint or die upon using the DiaDhank." Ishizu explained as the two girl turned to look at her in shock, as they didn't think someone could die from using the DiaDhank.

"Only a few selected people possess that capability to use the DiaDhank fully, and a few of those people would be the Pharaoh himself and his High Priests." Ishizu continues her explanation before stopping herself as she changes the topic of the conversation.

"Another thing. While you think that the DiaDhank and the Duel Disk look alike, the Duel Disk design is not inspired by the DiaDhank."

"Wait, what? How can that be? The resemblance is uncanny! How can two items from the past and present look the same without the latter taking inspiration from the former?" Ruby immediately questioned the statement given to her, as she found it quite hard to believe that what Ishizu was saying to her was true.

"It is quite strange, isn't it?" Pegasus spoke up for the first time for a while. He was to bustly looking at the display of the DiaDhank while looking thoughtful the entire time. "How is it that two devices with such a massive time gap are identical to one another? Does the one creating it did take inspiration? Is it a mere coincidence? Or perhaps it was some sort of fate that the person creating the Duel Disk would base it off the DiaDhank."

Pegasus then let out a laugh as he shook his head and a mirthful smile started to grow on his face. "Oh Kaiba-boy, you are truly something else, I tell you~"

"You know Kaiba?" Weiss couldn't help but ask as she turned to stare at the white haired man with her eyes widening.

"Why wouldn't I know Kaiba-boy? He and I have some history together, both personal and business wise as well." Pegasus told her before turning his attention towards the Schnee heiress while looking intrigued. "Now the real question is, how do you know Kaiba-boy?"

" and my friend met him earlier before Ruby and I decided to visit the museum." Weiss said while looking to the side, contemplating whether she should have said that she had also Duel him and it ended with her defeat.

"Hmhm, I see. And perhaps, I would guess that you tried to Duel him after he insulted you and you suffered an utter defeat by his hand?"

Weiss' eyes widened in shock as she looked at the smiling man. "How did you know that?!" She couldn't hold back her shock as she immediately blurted out those questions without thinking.

"My girl, if there is anything I learned about Kaiba-boy, is that he is quite a hard fellow to get along with. After seeing how you act from our little time together, It is not hard to see that you would be butting heads with Kaiba-boy upon meeting him." Pegasus explained as Weiss shut her mouth and looked away when she couldn't really deny that claim. His expression then brightened up as he told her. "Oh but don't worry! As a fellow Duelist myself, I can tell you that Kaiba-boy is in a league of his own, so there is nothing to feel bad about losing to him."

"Hold on, you're also a Duelist, Mister Pegasus?!" Ruby quickly asked once she heard the particular part of his words. She look towards him while being baffled as he bring up his briefcase and opened it, only to reveal that inside was a Duel Disk.

"You didn't really think I would bring my work document in this briefcase while I am on my time off, did you?" Pegasus said while raising an amused eyebrow at the girl. He wasn't that much of a workaholic.

"If it weren't for the metal detector of the museum being broken, I am sure you three would have your Duel Disk confiscated right now." Ishizu said with a sigh as she did also bring her Duel Disk with her here, but she had stored them somewhere else for the time being. After all, it was forbidden to have a Duel inside the Domino City Museum.

"Well it was a good thing that it's broken then, isn't it~?" Pegasus told her with a wide smile as he closed back his briefcase, to which Ishizu just looked at the man with an unimpressed look for even saying that. "Now then, how about we continue on with our tour? There are still a lot of things in this exhibit that we can explore."

"Is there anything else that is related to Duel Monster?" Ruby posed the question out loud in curiosity, as she really wanted to know more about the ancient Egypt and its relation with Duel Monster.

"There is another piece that dates back to ancient Egypt and is related to Duel Monster. If you would follow me, I could show you what it is." Ishizu said as the two girls happily agreed and followed the Egyptian woman to where she was heading to.

It wasn't long before they made it to the exhibit that Ishizu is talking about. It was a large stone tablet, an ancient looking one at that as you can clearly see the sign of its age just by looking at it. Carved in the tablet are a series of unknown languages that both Ruby and Weiss couldn't comprehend, as well as depicting two men on each side with a familiar looking monster on top of them. An upside down triangle with an eye symbol was also depicted on top surrounded by three other monsters.

"Wow..." Ruby gazed at the large stone structure in amazement. She wasn't one that is adverse to things related to history all that much, except maybe for ancient weapons, but even she could see that these things were impressive.

Taking a good look at it, she immediately noticed a familiar looking thing depicted on it. "Hold on, is that...the Black Magician and Blue-Eyes White Dragon?" Ruby asked out loud as she was surprised to see two Monsters from Duel Monster that she had seen before.

"Well well, I see you are quite knowledgeable in your Duel Monster trivia, Ruby-girl~" Pegasus commented while eye smiling at the girl, well half eye smiling really. With his hair covering his left eye, but Ruby was already used to it with Konami's hat covering his upper face.

"Ehehe, it's just that those two Monsters are the ones me and my friend saw when we started playing Duel Monsters." Ruby admitted while smiling sheepishly. She then turned back her attention towards the stone tablet. "So why are those two Monsters in this stone tablet? For the matter, what is this stone tablet anyway?"

"This is the Tablet of Lost Memory." Ishizu once again begins to tell the history about another relic from the past of her country. "This stone tablet was created by one of the High Priests, to symbolize his friendship with the Pharaoh after his passing."

"Ahh, I do remember quite well of this little stone tablet here from my time in Egypt." Pegasus exclaimed while letting out a little laugh before he pointed his finger towards the top part of the tablet. "Do you see those three monsters on top, Ruby-girl?"

Ruby took a look at the direction that Pegasus was pointing towards. She saw three monsters surrounding an upside down triangle with an eye in the center, and she...doesn't recognize them. They sort of look vaguely familiar to her, but she just couldn't put her finger on where.

With a shake of her head to signify her answer, Pegasus just let out a chuckle in response before deciding to speak up. "I couldn't blame you. Not a lot of people would recognize those monsters just from seeing it the first time. But I'm sure you have heard of them at least once in your time as a Duelist."

"Those three are the well-known Egyptian Gods themself! Osiris the Sky Dragon, Obelisk the Tormentor, and the Winged Dragon of Ra!"

Ruby blinks her eyes a couple of times as she looks once again at the stone tablet, before her eyes immediately widen in shock as she realizes that he was right! It was the three God cards that Konami showed them!

"AHHH—!" Ruby yelled out her shock, before she immediately shut her mouth up with her hand once she remembered that Miss Ishizu was standing right beside her. Already the museum curator herself was eyeing her.

Not wanting to incur the wrath of said woman being displeased at her like before, Ruby immediately tone down her voice to not be as loud but still contain the sheer shock in her voice. "So those three monsters are the God card?! So did they come from the time of ancient Egypt as well?! I never heard of any of this!"

"Hahaha! Oh, your reactions are quite colorful indeed, Ruby-girl~!" Pegasus said while having a laugh at seeing the red hooded girl's reaction. "Indeed! The well-known God card was actually used by the Pharaoh himself, as they are his strongest servants."

"The Pharaoh strongest servant..." Ruby repeated out loud those words in awe. 'Who knew that the God card that Konami has actually came from ancient Egypt! Wait hold on, so does that mean that the Millennium Item also has a role here? Konami did say that they were created by the ancient Egyptians.' She thought to herself as she took a closer look at the tablet.

Sure enough, the strange triangle looking thing in the center in between the three God cards was very familiar to her. It was one of the Millennium Items that Konami had shown them before! She couldn't remember what its name is though. The Millennium Triangle? No that's not it. The Millennium Pyramid? She didn't think it was that either.

'...ahhh! I remember now! It was the Millennium Puzzle! Yeah that's what it's called!' Ruby thought while smiling to herself as she was happy that she managed to remember the name of it. '...still kind of strange that it's called a puzzle though. Doesn't look like any kind of puzzle I have ever seen before. And why would the ancient Egyptians make one of its Millennium Items a puzzle anyway?'

Truly the thinking of ancient civilization baffled the young Huntress-in-training. Or maybe that was just a 'You' problem for her? Considering she struggles to keep up with Professor Oobleck class. It was not her fault he was talking too fast every time he tried to explain things! She blames his coffee addiction!

"Is there anything else you wanted to know, Miss Ruby?" Ishizu's voice made her snapped out her thoughts as she looked at the smiling Egyptian woman.

"Oh, umm..." Ruby didn't know what else she should have asked. She didn't really think it would be best to talk about the Millennium Item, seeing as how Konami went his way to explain that it wasn't any ordinary item.

"Can you tell me more about the Pharaoh and the Priest in the tablet?" Ruby decided to just ask the first thing that came to her mind when she took a look at the Tablet of Lost Memory.

"Certainly. The Pharaoh in the Tablet of Lost Memory used to be called as the Nameless Pharaoh, being that any information relating to the Pharaoh's name has been lost. As you can see from this scratched off part right here where we believe his name is supposed to be." Ishizu explained as she directed the young girl's attention towards the very bottom portion of the stone tablet, where it indeed looks like it was missing a part. "In all likelihood, the Priest might have removed his name from the tablet. For what reason, we do not know."

"However, thanks to the effort of some...special individuals that have a connection with the Pharaoh. We managed to find out the true name of the Nameless Pharaoh." Ishizu closed her eyes as her thoughts went back to the last time she had met those individuals, at the ceremonial Duel. Opening her eyes once more, she turned towards Ruby and gave her a smile.

"The Pharaoh's name is...Atem."

"Atem..." Ruby uttered the name of the Pharaoh in wonder. It doesn't sound like any kind of name she had ever heard before, it must have meant something for the ancient Egyptian. But still, she really likes the name and will be sure to remember it.

"So what about the Priest in the tablet?" Ruby asked as she was now curious about the other person carved in the tablet beside the Pharaoh. Seeing the Blue-Eyes White Dragon was also part of her curiosity.

"On that, we still have no knowledge of his name. All that we know is that he is one of the Pharaoh most trusted persons amongst the High Priests, to the point we believe that Atem willingly made him the next Pharaoh." Ishizu explained as she did wonder to herself about the Priest in question. Her family task as the Tombkeeper only preserves the memory of Atem the Pharaoh should he return, so their knowledge of anything else was absent.

Weiss was unusually quiet the entire time the other three people beside her continued talking, in fact this whole time she was too busy staring at the tablet. Specifically, her eyes were solely focused on the carving of the Priest with the Blue-Eyes White Dragon by his side.

Her eyes began to lose focus as another bout of mental images came to her head. About the same shite haired woman and the man she had sworn loyalty towards. With a first person perspective, she watched as the woman approached the man with a smile.


At the same time inside of Weiss' Soul Room, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon ice statue begin vibrating gently and the eyes glowing blue upon the presence of the familiar trace of memory.

The young woman sleeping on her ice bed also begins to stir ever so slightly. Her finger twitched, eyelid clenched slightly, and her lips pursed as if she was having a bad dream.

Although that only lasted a couple of seconds before the maiden with white hair begin to sleep peacefully once more. Just before that, her mouth begins to suddenly open up as a quiet whisper of her calling out to someone could be heard through the Soul Room.



"Did you say something, Weiss?"

Weiss abruptly snapped out of her trance at the sound of her partner's voice calling out to her. She turned to face Ruby, who was looking at her with confusion all over her face, which quickly turned to concern.

"Weiss...? Are you okay?" Ruby once more asked her partner while looking even more concerned once she saw the look on her face. It was the same look she had after her Duel with Kaiba.

"I...I'm fine, Ruby." Weiss told her partner while her eyes darted back to the tablet while looking deep in thought. "I was just...getting lost in thought."

'Why did that vision come up again now? Does it have something to do with the stone tablet? So does that mean that the woman I see is from ancient Egypt? But that doesn't make sense, I'm not even from this dimension, so why am I seeing things related to that woman? Ugh, this is just so confusing...'

Unbeknownst to the two girls, while Ruby hadn't heard Weiss muttering — another set of ears near her already picked up on what she was saying, and they have their own thoughts about it.

'Was she about to say the Priest name? No that can't be right, not even us from the Pharaoh's Tombkeeper even knew about the Priest that made this tablet. But then...what is it that she was about to say?'

'Ohohoho? Now this is an unexpected turn of events. Someone who could possibly have knowledge about the High Priest? I knew these two would be an interesting duo.'

Pegasus then cleared his throat to attract the others' attention towards him. "Now then, I suppose we should continue on with the last part of the tour. Would you be able to accompany us, Miss Ishizu?" He asked the museum curator, who responded by shaking her head.

"Unfortunately, I am unable to be your guide for this exhibit. I still have some work to do, and unlike some people—" Ishizu directed a not so subtle glance at the smiling white haired man and let out a sigh. "—I simply cannot just leave it."

"Ahh, what a shame. But I understand, we all have our important role that we must do after all." Pegasus said while raising both of his hands up and shaking his head in shame over hearing that. Though his expression quickly changed after that. "But what can you do? It was nice meeting you again, Miss Ishizu. Come on now, Ruby-girl and Weissy-girl!"

"Bye Miss Ishizu! I hope we get to meet each other again!" Ruby called out to the Egyptian woman as she waves her hand before running up to Pegasus. Weiss just shook her head for her partner's action before excusing herself and following up with the red hooded girl.

Ishizu just absentmindedly waved back at the girl in response with a small smile on her face. Despite her earlier action, she found that Ruby was a good kid. She was certainly a lively one, even more than her friend Anzu.

As for that Weiss girl...there's something about her that caught her attention. She still believed that what she had heard was certainly wrong, because no ordinary person would have knowledge about the High Priest. But if it were really the case...

"Sister? Is there something wrong?"

Snapping out of her muse, Ishizu turned around towards the source of the voice that was calling out to her. Only for her to come face-to-face with her two brothers — both blood related and adopted one — Marik and Rishid.

"It's nothing, Marik." Ishizu reassured her little brother while putting up a smile for him. Marik raised an eyebrow at her before deciding to just let it be if his sister didn't want to talk about it.

"If there is anything that is troubling you, be sure to let us know so we can help you, Miss Ishizu." Rishid politely told her with a slight bow. Taking on the role as the loyal servant to the Tombkeeper heir like usual.

"Rishid. How many times do I have to tell you to stop referring to me and Marik like that." Isuzu told the bald Egyptian man as she walked up to him and gently put a hand on his face, specifically on the carving on the left side of his face. "We are all family here. So there is no need for you to address us so formally."

"The day of us living on the tomb is no more, as well as our duty to preserve the Pharaoh's memory now that he has passed away." Marik added up as he put a hand on his shoulder while smiling at the man that is his adopted older brother. "So please drop the formality and just act"

Hearing Marik calling him that make a smile grow on Rishid's face. "Very well. Apology for my behavior then." He apologized to them which caused the two Ishtar siblings to just laugh.

"Well I suppose we all have work to do. The Art of Egypt exhibit won't manage itself after all." Marik grinned as he walked ahead of the two and beckoned them to follow him. "Let's go, you two."

Rishid dutifully followed suit with his younger brother step while Ishizu just stayed at her spot for a moment to look at their back. Thinking back at how they were in the past and how much has happened between the three of them.

In life, sometimes things will always change for the better and the three relationships as family was a clear sign of it.

Ishizu followed her two brothers after reminiscing about the past. Her vision caught the glint of a golden item hanging on Marik's waist.

...and sometimes something will just stay the same. But she knew that the mistakes of the past would not be repeated. They will make sure of it.


After touring around the Art of Egypt exhibit for a good ten minutes or so, they all decided to call it a day for the museum tour and Ruby, Weiss, and Pegasus all walked out of the Domino City Museum while feeling satisfied by the experience.

"And with that, our little tour of the Domino City Museum has come to an end." Pegasus declared before turning to face the two girls as he smiled and asked them. "So? How was it?"

"It was great! Thank you so much for being our tour guide, Mister Pegasus!" Ruby cheerfully told the white haired man with a wide grin on her face. She had a great time exploring the museum and finding out more about this dimension's history, plus she even managed to take some pics with her Scroll! She's sure the others would like to see them.

"We truly are grateful that you had spent your time accompanying us on our time here, Mister Pegasus." Weiss respectfully thanked the man while having her own smile on her face, although her smile was more polite than her partner.

"There is no need to thank me, you two. After all it was a fun time for me also, being your tour guide." Pegasus told them with a wave of his hand before he then leaned forward and with an eye closed smile on his face. "But perhaps, would it be a bother if I could ask something out of you two? A little favor if you like to call it."

"What kind of favor exactly?" Weiss questioned while looking curious as she wondered what it is that Pegasus wanted out of them.

Seeing as they are willing to listen made Pegasus visibly happy as he reeled back and clapped his hand together and let out a laugh.

"Splendid! Then my favor would be If I can have the honor of having a Duel with you two~"

Both White Rose duo were in shock as they did not expect to hear that. "You wanted to have a Duel with us?!" Ruby cried out as she pointed her finger both at herself and her bestie in quick succession, before being stopped by an annoyed looking Weiss.

"Indeed I am! I have been curious on how skilled you are at Dueling, considering one of you has the guts to challenge Kaiba-boy—" Weiss flinched a little at the reminder of her loss earlier with the CEO of KaibaCorp. "—I would have no doubt that I would be getting an enjoyable Duel~!" Pegasus told them while still holding onto his eye closed smile.

They both look at each other in thought. This sure wasn't what they were expecting when Pegasus wanted a favor out of them. But then again, he is a Duelist so a Duel should be the first thing the two have guessed.

"Well we don't have any problem with that. But which one of us are you going to Duel?" Ruby asked as he didn't really specify on who exactly it is that he wanted to Duel with.

"Why the two of you of course!" Pegasus said in cheer as both girls were surprised that he wanted to face them both in a Duel. "Of course, we would be following a couple of rules for this special Duel. You two would have 4000 LP and your own field, but you'll have to share your Graveyard. You can also work together and use each other's cards on the field as if you own them, but direct communication of what card you're going to play is a no go. Meanwhile I will have 8000 LP to compensate for your teamwork."

Both Ruby and Weiss nodded their heads in understanding of the ruling, after all they were the same rule Konami set up when the whole Team RWBY faced him in the Duel. Although the shared Graveyard and the capability to use each other card is a new one.

"Well alrighty then! Let's find a suitable place for our Duel~" Pegasus told them as the three made their way to find a good place to have their Duel.

Thankfully it didn't take long for them to find a pretty large and less crowded area near the Domino City Museum. A perfect place to have a Duel without having other people distracting them.

Pegasus settled down his briefcase and opened it up to reveal his old Duel Disk. Picking it up and placing it on his left arm, he turned to face the two girls by raising his Duel Disk up. The two half of the Duel Disk blade was extended before they were connected with each other, the blade then rotated and locked in place into the shape of the typical Duel Disk.

Ruby and Weiss ready themself by raising their Duel Disk up, and let them automatically unfolded themself and materialize a Solid Vision blade. The two notice their Duel Disk screen showing a notification.

[Solid Vision Mode: ON]

Knowing that this is what Konami had meant by the Duel Disk switching system for the appropriate Duel, the two Huntress-in-training look at each other and nod as they face Pegasus. Said man just smiled as he raised his Duel Disk up in preparation.


Ruby: 4000 LP / Hand ×5

Weiss: 4000 LP / Hand x5

Pegasus: 8000 LP / Hand ×5

"I'll take the first turn!" Ruby cried out as she looked at her hand and saw that she didn't have access to her Fusion Monster right now. Although a little upset, she still has another play in mind.

"I Summon Gem-Knight Sardonyx in Attack Position!" Ruby declared as she placed her Monster card to her Duel Disk and watched as a new Gem-Knight Monster appeared on her field.

This Gem-Knight was rather bulky with his armor being a mix of a reddish-brown, lightish-orange, and a stoney green color. His helmet has a more elongated feature with green eyes and a reddish-brown gem in the center chest encased in metal framing. Sardonyx stood tall with his morningstar weapon made out of spikey gems of the same name held in his hand.

Gem-Knight Sardonyx - (EARTH/Pyro/Gemini) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1800/DEF: 900)

"Then I activate Heart of the Underdog! Now whenever I draw a Normal Monster during my Draw Phase, I can reveal it to draw another card." Ruby said as she activated her continuous Spell card before grabbing another card and setting it to her field. "I will also Set a card. That is the end of my turn."

"Now It's my turn. I draw." Weiss started her turn as she drew another card and added it to the rest of her hand. She figured she shouldn't make a big move on the first turn, but she wasn't worried as she grabbed a card from her hand. "I Summon Fool of Prophecy!"

Appearing on Weiss's field is a new Prophecy Monster. This one was a young man with reddish hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a black shirt and baggy green pants that had sash wrapped around his waist with talismans hanging on them. Over those he wears a yellow robe with loose sleeves and silver pattern and lining. A white and green scarf was wrapped around his neck and a yellow bard's hat sat on top of his head.

Fool of Prophecy let out a yawn as he had a bored and disinterested expression on his face. He rested his yellow wand on top of his shoulder while having a piece of twig in his mouth.

Fool of Prophecy - (EARTH/Spellcaster/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 1600/DEF: 900)

"I activate Fool of Prophecy effect. I can send a 'Spellbook' Spell card from my deck to my Graveyard. I will send Spellbook of Wisdom to the Grave." Weiss' Duel Disk ejected said Spell card, to which she took before putting it to the Graveyard.

The Spellbook of Wisdom appeared onto Fool of Prophecy's hand, who looked at it for a good minute before he just shrugged and with a carefree smile, chucking it over his shoulder without a care in the world. A portal to the Graveyard opened up as the thrown away Spellbook went inside of it.

"I will Set two cards face-down and end my turn." Weiss exclaimed as two face-down cards appeared on her Spell and Trap Zone. It was her usual Defensive combo of Magician's Defense and Gagagashield, with this her Monster won't be destroyed so easily.

"My turn~" Pegasus begin his turn with a jovial smile on his face. Drawing a card and taking a good look at it and his hand. "Let's see, let's see. Which card should I play to show off my deck good side now~"

Ruby and Weiss begin to feel wary. Up until this point they have only faced each other in a Duel, so they are unfamiliar with what the Duelist of the other dimension had in store. Needless to say they are not going to underestimate him.

"Ah! You should do nicely!" Pegasus said as he picked up one of the cards in his hand with an almost childish enthusiasm in his voice. "Since I control no Monster and you girls do, I can Special Summon this little guy onto my field."

Placing the Monster card into the Monster Zone of his Duel Disk, a large portal opened up on Pegasus' field before the creature began to emerge slowly and covered in a sinister looking shadow. Causing Ruby and Weiss to become even more wary about what is coming.

"Now witness the perfection that is my Monster! The sight of it should make even the toughest opponent weep in envy at its magnificent form! I Summon in Attack Position—!"

The creature has now appeared fully onto the field as the shadow that is covering its true form begin to waver and reside. The creature coiled its body around as its yellow eyes glaring at the two girls—

Before a comical pink smoke enveloped the Monster form entirely.

"Toon Cyber Dragon!"

Once the pink smoke resided, the creature was revealed to be a mechanical serpentine dragon with metallic body. That alone would be menacing enough....if not for the fact that it's size is disproportionately smaller than before and has big cartoonish yellow eyes.

"Grah!" Toon Cyber Dragon cried out with the voice akin to an upset child as it opened its mouth to reveal the clearly organic tongue inside its mouth.

Toon Cyber Dragon - (LIGHT/Machine/Toon/Effect) - (LV: 5/ATK: 2100/DEF: 1600)

Ruby blinked.

Weiss blinked.

And Pegasus just stands there with his hand out to his Monster while having that same wide smile on his face.

There are no words on how to describe the utter silence that has befallen the field at the appearance of the clearly cartoonish looking Monster that is on Pegasus' field. It even let out a snicker while coiling around its body one way or another.

" I looking right now...?" Weiss was at a loss for words as she had beheld the sight of such a...creature. Her expression was set to a blank one with her eyes half-lidded as she wondered if she wasn't suffering from hallucination from the vision she had been seeing recently.


Ruby was visibly shaking with her head down and her hair covering her eyes, she couldn't contain herself at the sight of such a Monster as Mister Pegasus. She raised her head back up—

And her eyes were visibly shining with an almost animated sparkle surrounding her.

"ONE OF THE MOST ADORABLE THING I HAVE EVER SEEN WITH MY EYES!" Ruby shouted with a squeal as she had such a wide grin that one would wonder if it would have frozen like that. She couldn't believe such a funny looking Monster even existed in Duel Monster!

"Hahaha! Exactly, Ruby-girl! Behold the glory that is the Toon Monster!" Pegasus cheered with his hand raised up as Toon Cyber Dragon jumped up and down in agreement, coiling its body like that of an actual spring to bounce. "They are the most powerful Monsters existed in Duel Monster history! For they themself have obtained the power that only one could only imagine, one could only dream off, and that is...the power of cartoon!"

Ruby let out a gasp as she heard that. Mister Pegasus' Monster has the power of cartoons with them?! Impossible! How was she supposed to defeat a Monster with the power of cartoons on their side?! Everyone knows that cartoon logic is stupid!

Weiss' held back an eye twitch as she just rubbed the bridge of her noose in irritation and annoyance. "Oh god...why must you test me so...?" She muttered to herself as she couldn't believe that Pegasus used an actual cartoon creature as his Monster. Whatsmore is that she have to fight them to win this Duel.

When did her life become so bizarre all of the sudden?

"Oh but we are not done yet. I will now Set a Monster and also two other card face-down as well." Pegasus said as he brought out three Set cards into his field before he played a card from his hand. "I will also play the Continuous Spell: Soul Absorption before I end my turn."

"Then It's back to my turn. Draw!" Ruby drew her card before taking a look at it and grinned as she revealed the Gem-Knight Garnet she had drawn. "Heart of the Underdog effect activated! Since I draw a Normal Monster that is Garnet, I can draw another card from my deck!"

She drew one more time and looked at it. It wasn't a Normal Monster, so her Heart of the Underdog won't activate. Not that it matters as it was still a good card. It still wasn't anything that would help her Fusion Summon but she'll take it.

"Alright. Time for my Main Phase" Ruby said as she pointed her hand towards the Gem-Knight Monster she had on her field. "I will Gemini Summon Gem-Knight Sardonyx!"

Sardonyx's body began to emit bright reddish energy as it let out a battle cry before swinging around the morningstar weapon as its true power was now unlocked.

Gem-Knight Sardonyx - (EARTH/Pyro/Gemini/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1800/DEF: 900)

"Oh? So Gem-Knight Sardonyx was actually a Gemini Monster?" Pegasus commentated while grabbing his chin and looking over at the powered up Gem-Knight on his opponent's field with a smile on his face. "That is quite a nice surprise, Ruby-girl~"

"Oh you haven't seen anything yet. Battle Phase! Sardonyx, attack that face-down Monster!" Ruby commanded as Sardonyx twirled around his morningstar as he charged to his opponent. With a jump in the air, Sardonyx swing his morningstar forward and send the large spikey gem flying.

The Set card flipped open to reveal a cartoonish looking robot with a purple body and cannons on top of its head and in the center of both its claw grip. This is Toon Cannon Soldier, who let out a loud yawn while rubbing its human looking eye. Upon seeing the incoming attack, it began to scream as its eyes popped out of its socket before being slammed by it. Causing it to be flatten onto the ground with a swirl on its eyes before it was destroyed.

"Oh no! My poor Toon was destroyed~" Pegasus let out a cry of — clearly fake — anguish as he lamented the destruction of his precious Toon Monster.

"Pfft! Sorry, Mister Pegasus!" Ruby had to hold back her laugh upon witnessing how really cartoonish Pegasus' Monster truly is. It really feels like she was seeing a cartoon in real life. "But I'm not going to hold back! I activate Sardonyx effect! When Sardonyx destroys a Monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, I can add a 'Gem-Knight' card from my deck to my hand."

"I will add Gem-Knight Fusion into my hand!" Upon declaring her desired card, Ruby's Duel Disk ejected the card as she gratefully took and revealed it while smiling at him.

"Fusion, you say? Now that is an interesting choice." Pegasus said as he already moved on from the demise of his Toon being destroyed earlier.

"Yup! And I will activate Gem-Knight Fusion right now! I will fuse the Gem-Knight Garnet and Obsidian in my hand!" Ruby declared as a Fusion Vortex opened up as the two mentioned Gem-Knight appear before being swirled together in the Fusion process.

"Crystallize fighter with the burning red hot fist. Become one with the jet-black warrior of the shining gem, and lend me the strength of the shining radiance! Fusion Summon! Appear now! Crimson knight who illuminates the darkness! Gem-Knight Ruby!"

Appearing out of the Fusion Vortex was the familiar form of Ruby's Ace Monster. Gem-Knight Ruby landed onto the field with his javelin held by his side, ready to be used as his mistress commanded him.

Gem-Knight Ruby - (EARTH/Pyro/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 2500/DEF: 1300)

"That's not all! I activate Obsidian effect as well! When Obsidian is sent from the hand to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon a Level 4 or lower Normal Monster in my Graveyard. Come back to me, Gem-Knight Garnet!

A portal opened up before Gem-Knight Garnet jumped out of it and landed onto the field beside his fellow Gem-Knight. Garnet took a boxing stance as his fist was encased in flame.

Gem-Knight Garnet - (EARTH/Pyro) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1900/DEF: 0)

Pegasus gazed at the sight of the three knights of gemstone on the red hooded girl's field before he clapped his hand for her. "Haha! Bravo, Ruby-girl! You have truly mastered the art of Fusion Summoning." He complimented the girl with a small applaud.

"O-Oh, It's nothing that impressive really..." Ruby muttered quietly while rubbing the back of her head and having an embarrassed blush on her face at the sudden compliment.

"However." Pegasus then said out of the blue as he let out a single clap that rang through the field. "I must thank you for providing me the need to activate my card."

Without waiting for any comeback, Pegasus pushed a button on his Duel Disk and one of his Set cards was flipped open. "I activate my Spell Card: Demise of the Land. When my opponent Special Summon a Monster, I can activate a Field Spell directly from my deck!"

"What?!" Ruby shouted out in surprise while Weiss narrowed her eyes in suspicion upon hearing the effect.

Pegasus took his deck out of his Duel Disk and searched for a specific card. Upon finding it, he picked it up and shuffled his deck before inserting it back into his Duel Disk.

"Allow me to show you the true power of the Toon card! I activate my Field Spell!" Pegasus loudly declared as a hidden section for the Field Zone from the edge of the Duel Disk blade opened up as he inserted the card into it. The Field Zone closes up as the card is activated.

"Toon Kingdom!"

A bright light shined just behind Pegasus before it resided and revealed itself to ba a big green book with a cartoon dinosaur-looking head and the word 'Toon Kingdom' on the cover. The book wriggled slightly before it opened up to reveal a medieval looking castle pop out of the page.

" that it?" Ruby tilted her head in confusion as she was expecting something...big to happen considering it is a Field Spell.

"Don't underestimate it, Ruby. We still don't know what exactly Mister Pegasus cards can do, especially now that he has a Field Spell up." Weiss warned her partner as she would not let the silly appearance of Pegasus' card distract her from winning this Duel.

"Right you are, Weissy-girl! My Toon card has some nasty surprises in store~" Pegasus teased them with a cheer before he grabbed the three cards from the top of his deck. "But first, I must pay the cost to activate my Toon Kingdom by banishing the top three cards of my deck face-down. Lucky for me my Soul Absorption lets me gain 500 LP everytime a card is banished, meaning I will now gain 1500 LP!"

Pegasus placed the three cards in the Banish Zone, in other words his pants pocket, as the Soul Absorption on his field began to glow and his LP increased.

Pegasus LP: 8000 = 9500

'So that's why he activated Soul Absorption last turn.' Weiss thought as she was wondering why he would use Soul Absorption earlier. Now knowing what its effect is.

This also caused trouble for both of them since she knew part of their playstyle is banishing their cards to use their card effect. The more they banish their card, the more LP Pegasus will gain. She should be careful not to banish too many cards.

"I will Set another card and end my turn." Ruby said while Setting a card to her field. She also came to the same realization about Soul Absorption, and she will be cautious when she banishes her cards.

"It's my turn now." Weiss said as she started her turn by drawing a new card from her deck. Taking a glance at it, she nodded her head before immediately using it. "I Normal Summon Spellbook Magician of Prophecy!"

The boy garbed in the blue magician robe that is known as Spellbook Magician of Prophecy has entered the field. The young Prophecy Monster opened his eyes to reveal his dull gray eyes.

Spellbook Magician of Prophecy - (WATER/Spellcaster/Effect) - (LV: 2/ATK: 500/DEF: 200)

"I activate Spellbook Magician effect to add a 'Spellbook' Spell card into my hand. I will add Spellbook of Knowledge to my hand." Weiss added the mentioned Spellbook to her hand before she immediately activated it. "I activate Spellbook of Knowledge and send Spellbook Magician to the Graveyard to draw two cards from my deck."

Weiss used her Spellbook of Knowledge as Spellbook Magician disappeared from the field before she drew two new cards. Upon looking at her drawn card, her eyes widened as a small smile cone across her face. With a resolute face, she began to make her move.

"I activate the Quick-Play Spell: Spellbook of Judgement!" Upon the activation of the Spell card, a metallic monument with a transparent core in the center appeared behind her. The monument starts to generate magic as it manifests six wings made out of magical energy in six distinct colors.

"Hoo? Now what does this card do exactly?" Pegasus curiously asked out loud as he looked intrigued by the sight of the Spellbook of Judgement.

"You'll see soon enough. I now activate Fool of Prophecy effect once more to send Spellbook of Eternity to the Graveyard." Weiss said as the mentioned Spellbook appeared on Fool of Prophecy, who immediately dropped it to the floor with a bored expression on his face. The portal to the Grave opened up once more to swallow the Spellbook.

"I activate Spellbook of Power to make Fool of Prophecy gain 1000 ATK. I also activate Spellbook of the Master and reveal The Grand Spellbook Tower to copy Spellbook of Power effect, using it I will make Fool of Prophecy gain another 1000 ATK!"

Fool of Prophecy - (EARTH/Spellcaster/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 3600/DEF: 900)

Two copy of Spellbook of Power appeared in front Fool of Prophecy as they gave him a power boost of magical energy indicated by the large fiery red aura surrounding Fool...who just lie on the ground while resting his head on top of his hand as he sleeps without a care in the world.

'...was he always this lazy?' Weiss couldn't help but thought with a sweatdrop as she didn't expect one of her Monsters to act like this.

Deciding not to think too hard about it, she just decided to go on to her Battle Phase. "I will enter my Battle Phase. Fool of Prophecy, go and attack Toon Cyber Dragon!"

Weiss' command managed to wake Fool of Prophecy just enough for him to let out a yawn before, without even getting up, raised his wand up high and gathered his magical energy. Upon the energy reaching a high concentration, he lazily brings his wand down and fires a blast of magical energy that enveloped the Toon, causing a huge explosion.

When the explosion died down, what was revealed from the smoking aftermath of the attack...was an intact Toon Cyber Dragon, who was covered entirely in black dust from the explosion. Blinking its cartoonish eyes, Toon Cyber Dragon shook its body like a dog would to get rid of the dirt and let out a laugh.

Pegasus LP: 9500 = 8000

"What?! Why didn't your Monster get destroyed?!" Weiss shouted in shock as she was sure that her attack had connected, Pegasus didn't activate any other card in response. Ruby was also shocked as she didn't know what had happened.

"Hahaha! My my, you seem to be in a stumped, Weissy-girl~" Pegasus jokingly mocked her with a boisterous laugh as he raised a finger up. "You see, Toon Kingdom has a nice nifty effect that lets me banish the top card of my deck face-down so that my precious Toon won't be destroyed. Not a bad price to pay, don't you think~"

After finishing saying that, Pegasus took the top card of his deck before pocketing it and banishing it to pay the cost of his Field Spell effect. "Of course, don't forget that my Soul Absorption also let me gain 500 LP each time a card is banished~"

Pegasus LP: 8000 = 8500

'So that was his aim. With the combination of Toon Kingdom and Soul Absorption, everytime we try to destroy his Toon Monster he will always gain LP.' Weiss thought to herself as she can already tell that this was going to be a difficult problem to handle. Pegasus has effectively gate keep them from actively going on the offensive. 'If we wanted to go anywhere with this Duel, we would have to get rid of the source of the problem, and that is Toon Kingdom.'

"I will also activate my Field Spell: The Grand Spellbook Tower!" Weiss said as she inserted the Field Spell card into her Duel Disk. In a matter of seconds, the arena around them begins to change to match those depicted in The Grand Spellbook Tower card.

"I will Set a card face-down." Weiss said as she Set the last she had in her hand, before she thrust her hand up to the sky. "Now I will enter my End Phase, and my Spellbook of Judgement effect can now be activated!"

The monument from the Spellbook of Judgement began to glow brightly as the six energy wings detached themself before turning a streak of colorful light that went into Weiss' deck, causing them to glow brightly in rainbow light color.

"Spellbook of Judgement let me add 'Spellbook' Spell card equal to the amount of Spell card that has been played after its activation. Since three Spell cards have been played, I will add Spellbook of Fate, Life, and Secrets to my hand!"

From her deck, three cards shoot out before they fly towards Weiss as the the three Spellbook she had mentioned was in her hand.

"And it doesn't end there! I can Special Summon a Spellcaster-Type Monster from my deck that Level is equal to or less then the amount of Spellbook I add to my hand." Weiss explained as she held up her three Spellbook Spell cards towards Pegasus. "Since I added three, the Level of the Monster I can Summon is three or lower. I Special Summon Justice of Prophecy from my deck!"

From the center of the Spellbook of Judgement monument, a silhouette can be seen inside before the core of the monument bursts open with light. Justice of Prophecy jumped out and landed in Weiss' field while raising her weapon up for preparation.

Justice of Prophecy - (EARTH/Spellcaster/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 1600/DEF: 800)

"I will now send both Fool and Justice of Prophecy to the Graveyard in order to activate their effect!" Weiss declared as the two Monsters turn into particles as they are tributed and sent to the Grave respectively to use their effect.

"Since I have activated a 'Spellbook' Spell card this turn, Justice of Prophecy allows me to add both a 'Spellbook' Spell and a Level 5 or huger LIGHT or DARK Spellcaster Monster to my hand." Weiss' Duel Disk shuffled her deck for her before ejecting two cards that she wanted to add to her hand. "I will add another Spellbook of Power and Apprentice Illusion Magician to my hand!"

"Now for Fool of Prophecy effect! Since I have activated his previous effect and have 5 different named Spellbook in my Graveyard, I can Special Summon a Level 5 or higher DARK Spellcaster Monster from my deck. Come to me, Reaper of Prophecy!"

The particles from Fool of Prophecy begin to gather together before they take on another form. Standing in place of the lazy magician garbed in yellow is the coldhearted magician with an attire similar to the grim reaper. Reaper of Prophecy brings his scythe forward and ready to be used.

Reaper of Prophecy - (DARK/Spellcaster/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 2000/DEF: 1600)

"Since I Special Summon Reaper of Prophecy, I can activate as many of his effects depending on the number of differently named Spellbook I have in Grave. Since I have five, Reaper will now gain 600 ATK and I get to add another 'Spellbook' and Special Summon a Level 5 or higher DARK Spellcaster Monster from my deck!"

Reaper of Prophecy - (DARK/Spellcaster/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 2600/DEF: 1600)

"I will add another Spellbook of Eternity into my hand—" Weiss added the ejected card from her deck to her hand, before bringing her hand forward and crying out. "—and I will Summon Wheel of Prophecy in Attack Position!"

Emerging from the portal that has opened on Weiss' field was a humanoid lion sorcerer wielding a massive shield. Wheel of Prophecy landed on the field before letting out a roar and slamming his shield to the ground.

Wheel of Prophecy - (DARK/Spellcaster/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 2700/DEF: 1700)

"Marvelous! Your mastery over your Spell and Monster effect are truly exceptional! You are truly a wizard, Weissy-girl~!" Pegasus once again clapped his hand and laughed in applause to compliment the Schnee heiress for the spectacular play she had done.

"...I'm not as easy to please as Ruby, Mister Pegasus. Your compliment won't get to me from being wary of you." Weiss stated with a blank tone on her voice as Ruby nodded her head in agreement, before blinking once she actually registered her partner's words.

"WAIT! WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT I AM EASY TO PLEASE?!" Ruby cried out in shock as she could not believe her bestie would say that to her. Her blank look that she gave her when she asked that was not helping!

"Is that so~? Well then I suppose that is a shame then, because I was being genuine." Pegasus said in a mock hurt tone of his voice which also matched his fake sad face. Though this didn't last long as his smile returned.

"But sadly your Monster will not be a problem to me whatsoever." Pegasus suddenly exclaimed as he relished the shock look on his opponent's face before he activated another Set card. "I will now activate my Trap card: Toon Mask! Since I control a Toon World, I can target a Monster my opponent controls and Special Summon a Toon Monster that Level is equal or lower then the targeted Monster!"

"Eh? But you didn't play any card called Toon World though?" Ruby stated as she was sure he didn't currently have any card on his field that is named Toon World.

"Ahh, but that's the thing! My Toon Kingdom here is treated as Toon World when it is on the field." Pegasus explained as he gestured towards the Toon Kingdom that is behind him. "But anyway~ With that misunderstanding out of the way, I will target Wheel of Prophecy and Special Summon—"

Taking his desired Monster into his hand after shuffling his deck and placing it back, Pegasus placed the Monster card in Attack Position as a portal opened up on his field.

"Red-Eyes Toon Dragon!" Upon the name of the Monster being called out, came a creature flying out of the portal...which just so happened to be a perfect replica of Red-Eyes Black Dragon, only being chibified. The cartoonish black dragon landed beside Toon Cyber Dragon before letting out a squeaking roar.

Red-Eyes Toon Dragon - (DARK/Dragon/Toon/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2400/DEF: 2000)

"Oh my god! It's a cartoonish Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" Ruby squealed with sparkling eyes at the sight of the adorable creature before taking out her scroll and taking a picture of it. Yang would not believe it when she saw it.

"...I end my turn." Weiss muttered while looking to the side to hide her own growing smile at the sight of Yang's Red Eyes being reduced to such a form. It was both adorable and funny to look at.

"Then It is my turn again. Draw!" Drawing a new card as per usual, Pegasus added it into his hand before raising his hand forward. "I activate my Toon Red-Eyes effect! Once per turn, I can Special Summon a Toon Monster from my hand free of cost and ignoring their Summoning condition, other then itself of course."

"I will Special Summon Toon Black Magician in Defense Position!" With an enthusiastic shout, Pegasus brings out another of his Toon Monster to his field.

This time the Monster that is turned into a Toon was Black Magician, being went through the same chibify process as Red-Eyes, making it smaller then its real counterpart. The color scheme was also different as this Black Magician has mostly black and red clothing and light green skin with blue eyes and blonde hair.

Toon Black Magician let out a small shout as it twirled its staff around before posing with his leg bent, staff forward, and levitating above the ground like the rest of the Toon.

Toon Black Magician - (DARK/Spellcaster/Toon/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2500/DEF: 2100)

"Wow, that sure is a lot of Toon Monster." Ruby commented as she gazed at Pegasus' field full with cartoon-like Monsters, looking less like they are ready to battle and more like they are ready to cause mischief if anything else.

"Yes indeed, aren't they adorable~?" Both Ruby and Weiss couldn't really tell if he was asking as a joke or that he was genuinely asking them, his tone of voice didn't really help them either on which is which.

"We'll...retrain from speaking our opinion out loud." Weiss responded as she really didn't know what to say to his question.

"Oh fine." Pegasus said while pouting a little before immediately turning that frown upside down as he cheerfully declared. "But anyway, I will enter my Battle Phase."

The White Rose duo were caught off guard when they heard that. "Really? But not all of your Monsters can go over all of our Monsters." Ruby pointed out in confusion as she wondered why he did that.

"Well girls, allow me to explain what makes a Toon Monster a Toon Monster." Pegasus said and before neither of them could even ask what that has to do with this, he already started explaining. "You see, Toon Monsters are pretty unique as they have a bit of a Summoning sickness, where they are unable to attack the turn they are Summoned. Of course, there are a few who are exceptions to this rule."

Ruby and Weiss were surprised to hear that. But it did explain why Pegasus brought out his Toon Black Magician in Defense Position instead of in Attack Position.

"However, they made it up with their shared effect. While I control Toon World on my field and my opponent does not control any Toon Monster..." Pegasus left the last part out for a moment to turn his head with his eyes closed and smiling wickedly.

"My Toon Monsters all gain the ability to attack directly~"

"WHAT?!" Ruby and Weiss shouted out in shock as they immediately pale as they realized that if all of Pegasus' Monster had such high ATK, their mere 4000 LP is not going to hold on for long.

"Now then. Toon Cyber Dragon, go and attack Weissy-girl directly!" Pegasus commanded as Toon Cyber Dragon let out a cry before it dashed forward towards Weiss' field. Coiling its body up and jumping over the other Monsters like a spring, the mechanical cartoon dragon opened up its mouth to fire a blast of plasma energy at its target.

"I activate my Continuous Trap: Magicians' Defense!" Weiss quickly activated her Trap card in response to the attack order. "As long as I control a Spellcaster-Type Monster, all damage I will take is cut in half!"

A transparent barrier appeared around Weiss as the attack clashed with the barrier, blocking half of it while the other half seeped through the barrier and connected, lowering her LP.

Weiss LP: 4000 = 2950

"A nice response, Weissy-girl. However, I'm not done yet. Red-Eyes Toon Dragon, go ahead and attack Ruby-girl!" Pegasus commanded another of his Toon Monster, who let out uts own roar before flying up into the air and firing a ball of flame at Ruby.

Panicking over what she could do to stop such a high amount of damage, Ruby minds thinking back to the rule that was set up for them before an idea pops into her head. "Weiss! I'm going to need to borrow your card for a while!" She told her partner who look at her in shock and confusion.

"I activate my Trap card: Call of the Haunted! I can Special Summon a Monster in my Graveyard in Attack Position." Ruby flipped open the face-down card she had Set on her first turn before bringing her hand up. "Using this card, I Special Summon Justice of Prophecy to my field!"

Weiss' eyes widened when she saw her own Monster appearing on her partner's field before she realized what Ruby was planning. "Now that Ruby has a Spellcaster-Type Monster on her field, Magicians' Defense effect now also applies to her!" She exclaimed as her Trap card started glowing and the same transparent barrier appeared around Ruby.

Red-Eyes Toon Dragon attack went the same as Toon Cyber Dragon, being that half of the attack being blocked by the barrier and the rest hitting Ruby, who grunted a little as he LP was reduced.

Ruby LP: 4000 = 2800

"Well done! You managed to survive my attack with your beautiful teamwork!" Pegasus complimented them for their achievement before he took the rest of the card in his hand and Set them. "I will Set two more cards face-down and end my turn."

Ruby: 2800 LP / Hand ×1

Weiss: 2950 LP / Hand x6

Pegasus: 8500 LP / Hand ×0

"Oh man, that was close..." Ruby let out a sigh of relief before she turned to smile at her partner. "Thanks for lending me your Monster, Weiss!"

"It's nothing, Ruby. That was a really quick thinking you did there, I am impressed." Weiss told her partner as she was genuinely impressed at how at the last minute her partner came up with a plan to avoid a large amount of damage from Pegasus' attack. "But we shouldn't rest easy. We still have a big problem on our hands."

"Yeah, I know. Mister Pegasus Toon card is going to be hard to deal with." Ruby agreed as they both know that they couldn't survive another onslaught of Toon Monster attacking them directly like before.

"I have a means of preventing him from attacking us directly." Weiss said as while the rule stated they can't tell each other about what card they are going to play, doesn't mean they can't subtly mention their strategy. "Is there anything you can do?"

"That would depend on what card I draw." Ruby mentioned as she took a look at her deck in thought at the possibility before deciding to just start her turn. "My turn! I draw!"

Ruby took a look at her drawn card, before her eyes widened as a plan came up to her using this card. "I activate Heart of the Underdog effect!" She shouted as she revealed the card that she had drawn. "Since I draw the Normal Monster Gem-Knight Lapis, I get to draw one more card!"

Ruby drew another card from her deck and took a glance at it, she nodded her head at seeing a useful card but she had a plan to enact.

"I activate Gem-Knight Fusion effect! By banishing a 'Gem-Knight' Monster from my Graveyard, I can add Gem-Knight Fusion back into my hand!" Ruby exclaimed as she banished her Gem-Knight Obsidian before picking up the Gem-Knight Fusion her Duel Disk ejected from her Grave to her hand. However, by banishing a card, Pegasus' Soul Absorption activated once more.

Pegasus LP: 8500 = 9000

But she wasn't worried one bit, because if things went well then those LP gains will mean nothing. "I will immediately activate Gem-Knight Fusion! I will Fuse both the Gem-Knight Lapis in my hand and Gem-Knight Sardonyx in my field!" Ruby declared as her two Monsters begin to fuse together inside the Fusion Vortex.

"Young blue gems that hide mysterious power, become one with the glimmering stone of strength and protection. Lend me the shine of the ancient wonder! Fusion Summon! Appear now! Gem-Knight Lady Lapis Lazuli!"

Emerging with a shining light from the Fusion Vortex, come Gem-Knight Lady Lapis Lazuli in all her glory. The nun-like Gem-Knight hovered in the air for a moment with her arms spread out before descending down and landed just beside Gem-Knight Ruby.

Gem-Knight Lady Lapis Lazuli - (EARTH/Rock/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 5/ATK: 2400/DEF: 1000)

"Oh? Another Fusion Monster, I see?" Pegasus said as he rubbed his chin while looking at the newest Fusion Monster in thought. "Now I wonder what this one does..."

"Oh you'll find out. I will send a 'Gem-Knight' Monster from my deck or Extra deck, in this case Gem-Knight Lazuli from my deck—" Ruby's Duel Disk shuffle her deck for her before ejecting said Monster, to which she grabbed and send it to the Graveyard. "—to activate Gem-Knight Lady Lapis Lazuli effect! Now I can deal 500 damage to my opponent for each Special Summon Monsters on the field!"

"What?!" Pegasus had a look of shock on his face as he let out a dramatic gasp when he heard that.

"With nine Monsters on the field that are Special Summoned, I can now inflict 4500 damage!" Ruby exclaimed before she thrust her hand forward before shouting. "Go, Gem-Knight Lady Lapis Lazuli! Diamond Storm!"

Gem-Knight Lady Lapis Lazuli heeds her mistress' words as she begins to float in the air. She crossed her arm over her chest as layers of diamond surrounded her form, before spreading her arms out and shattering the diamond into hundreds of small shards of sharp diamond.

She brings both her hands down as the diamond shards all launch themself at Pegasus at high speed. Causing him to raise his arms up as the attack rained down upon him, causing his LP to drop drastically.

Pegasus LP: 9000 = 4500

Lowering his arm and seeing the amount of LP he has on his Duel Disk, Pegasus was honestly surprised that Ruby managed to reduce his LP to such an extent without even attacking.

"Gem-Knight Lazuli effect also activate when I sent her to the Graveyard. I can target a Normal Monster on my Grave and add it to my hand. I will add back Sardonyx with this effect and Normal Summon him back to the field." Ruby's Duel Disk ejected Gem-Knight Sardonyx from her Graveyard, to which she took before placing the card onto the blade of her Duel Disk. Returning back the morningstar wielding Gem-Knight back to the field.

"I'm not done yet! I activate Gem-Knight Ruby effect! Once per turn, I can Tribute a face-up 'Gem-' Monster to let Gem-Knight Ruby gain ATK equal to the Tributed Monster. I will Tribute Gem-Knight Sardonyx for this effect!" Ruby said as her Ace Monster that bears the same name raises his javelin high into the air. Sardonyx then burst into particles that were absorbed into the javelin and caused the weapon to glow before it lit up in flame. "Not only that, but Gem-Knight Ruby can also inflict piercing Battle Damage!"

Gem-Knight Ruby - (EARTH/Pyro/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 4300/DEF: 1300)

"Battle! Gem-Knight Ruby, attack Toon Black Magician!" Ruby commanded to her Monster before she pressed the screen of her Duel Disk as she flipped open her Set card from the first turn. "I activate the Quick-Play Spell: Battle Fusion! When my Fusion Monster battles an opponent Monster, my Monster will gain ATK equal to the battling Monster until the End Phase!"

Gem-Knight Ruby twirled his polearm weapon around before he positioned himself and lunged forward with his javelin pointing straight towards his opponent, that being the stoic looking Toon Black Magician.

Gem-Knight Ruby - (EARTH/Pyro/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 6800/DEF: 1300)

"With this much ATK, Gem-Knight Ruby will be able to inflict enough piercing Battle Damage to reduce all of your LP to zero, Mister Pegasus!" Ruby cried out to her opponent while pointing her finger at him and smiling widely as she was happy that her plan came together. "How about that?!"

"My my, what you said is certainly true. My poor Toon Black Magician DEF won't be enough to save me from your attack~" Pegasus said to the red hooded girl in agreement with a flair of the dramatic in his voice, before he outright smirked out of nowhere. "But alas, do you really think that it will be that easy?"

"Huh?" Ruby uttered in confusion as she lowered her hand a bit on what he was talking about. Her question was immediately answered by him flipping open one of his Set cards.

"I activate my Trap card: Spirit Barrier~! Now with this card face-up on my field, I will no longer take any Battle Damage involving a battle with my Monsters~"

"What?!" Ruby shouted in shock as Gem-Knight Ruby stabbed his javelin through Toon Black Magician before a blast of flame went through as the Gem-Knight jumped back to his field. A transparent shield surrounded Pegasus and prevented him from taking any damage from that battle.

Toon Black Magician was left unscathed by the attack, save for the gaping hole where his stomach is supposed to be. A problem that is easily solved as the Toon placed his thumb over his mouth and blew, causing his body to inflate and filling up the hole from earlier before returning back to normal.

"And of course, we can't forget about Toon Kingdom and Soul Absorption effect now, could we~?" Pegasus playfully said as he banished the top card of his deck once more before his LP went up once more thanks to the combination of the two Spell effects on his field.

Pegasus LP: 4500 = 5000

"Mrghh...and I was so close too." Ruby grumbled as she was rather upset that her One Hit Kill strategy was foiled by a Trap that prevent Battle Damage, talk about a letdown. "I Set one card and end my turn..."

Gem-Knight Ruby - (EARTH/Pyro/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 2500/DEF: 1300)

"It's alright, Ruby. You did your best." Weiss said in order to cheer up her partner, even though she was feeling equally as upset at how close they are at winning the Duel. "Let me take care of things on my end. It's my turn, draw!"

Weiss drew her new card from her deck before adding it to her hand and raising her hand up. "I activate The Grand Spellbook Tower effect! On my Standby Phase, since I have a Spellcaster-Type Monster on my field or Graveyard, I can return a Spellbook from my Grave to the bottom of my deck to draw another card. I will return Spellbook of the Master using this effect!"

Weiss grabbed her mentioned Spellbook from her Graveyard before placing it to the bottom of the deck and drawing another card, which added the total number of cards in her hand to eight.

'The first step of beating Mister Pegasus is to get rid of his Toon Kingdom. Lucky for me, I have a way to do that.' Weiss thought as she immediately made her move by activating one of her Spellbooks. "I activate my Spell: Spellbook of Fate! By controlling a Spellcaster Monster and banishing Spellbook of Eternity, Knowledge, and Judgement from my Graveyard, I can target and banish one of my opponent's cards."

"I see. But unfortunately, Toon Kingdom effect prevents my opponent from targeting any of my Toon Monster for card effect." Pegasus told them as he revealed the other part of his Field Spell effect.

"My aim wasn't to banish your Monster, but to banish your Field Spell." Weiss told him as she smirked once she saw his shock face while holding her hands out forward. "Using Spellbook of Fate, I will banish your Toon Kingdom!"

The three Spellbooks appeared onto the field before they began to gather magical energy and fired them at Toon Kingdom. Just as the blast was about to hit Toon Kingdom—

Pegasus smirked as he flipped open his other Set cards. "I activate my Counter Trap: Toon Terror! When I control a Toon Monster and Toon World on my field, I can negate your card's activation and destroy it! I will negate your Spellbook of Fate!"

From within the castle of Toon Kingdom, a shadowy creature with a mouth comes out before it swallows the magical blast hole. Letting out a burp of satisfaction before retreating back inside the castle.

"...I should've known you had a counter for that move." Weiss said while glaring at tbe white haired man in frustration as she had failed to get rid off that troublesome Field Spell.

"But of course, my Toon Kingdom is quite important, after all. It will be in my best interest to defend it as best as I can." Pegasus exclaimed while placing his hand over his chest and smiling widely at her visible frustration. "Anyway~ Since you banished three of your cards, you know what that means right? My LP is going up once more!"

Pegasus LP: 5000 = 6500

'Great. Not only did I fail to get rid of Toon Kingdom, but now I am wasting away Ruby's play by restoring his lost LP.' Weiss thought to herself as she was feeling even more frustrated that she had thrown away a good opportunity of possible victory. "I will Set a card and end my turn."

"Then it's back to me, once more. I draw~" Pegasus said as he took a glance at his drawn card before looking positively happy. "Ohh, what luck! I have been meaning to use one of Kaiba-boy's favorite cards. I activate Card of Demise! I get to draw five cards but have to discard my entire hand on the fifth Standby Phase of my turn."

Pegasus drew five more cards due to his Spell card effect. "But honestly, as if that would ever happen. Do you know how much time Kaiba-boy has used this card and didn't even reach his fifth Standby Phase? Let me tell you, it was a lot."

Ruby and Weiss didn't really pay that much attention to the joke. They were more worried about the five new cards he just added to his hand thanks to Card of Demise effect. Meaning he had more options on how to easily defeat them if they are not careful.

"Anywho~ Back to the matter of hand. Now let me activate a card that reminds me of a certain someone from my past." Pegasus said as he picked up a card from his hand before flipping them to reveal it. "I activate Harpie's Feather Duster! This card allows me to destroy all Spell and Trap my opponent controls. Since there are two of you, this Spell can only affect one of you. And I will choose..."

Pegasus raised his hand up in a dramatic fashion, before bringing it down to point his finger towards the target of his Spell card effect. "You, Weissy-girl!" With the target selected, the Spell card did its work by manifesting a harsh blowing wind accompanied by green feathers flying at Weiss' field.

She could only cover her face as the wind blew through her as all of her Spell and Trap cards were destroyed. That being her Magicians' Defense, The Grand Spellbook Tower, and her not yet activated Gagagashield and Impenetrable Attack.

"Since Magicians' Defense was destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon a Spellcaster Monster from my Graveyard. I will bring back Fool of Prophecy in Defense Position..." Weiss said while looking anxious as the first Monster she had Summoned in this Duel had returned to the field.

"Very good. But wait, I'm not done yet! I activate Toon Black Magician effect! I can discard a card with 'Toon' in their name from my hand in order to either add a 'Toon' Spell or Trap, or Special Summon a Toon Monster from my deck." Pegasus explained as he revealed to both girls one of the cards in his hand, that is to say a 'Toon' card. "I will discard Toon Defense in order to Special Summon another Toon Monster from my deck and ignore its Summoning condition."

Toon Black Magician twirled around in his place before stopping and pointing his staff at the Toon Kingdom. With a small shout he fired a blast of magic at it, the Toon Kingdom book closed up before wiggling around as if something was going to pop out any second.

"Now then everyone, the long wait is finally over! Let us witness the pinnacle of the Toon Monster! With the power of both light and dark in his hand, gaze upon the power of chaos in Toon form! Come forth! Toon Black Luster Soldier!"

From inside the large book of Toon, two hand stretch out of it before gripping both end and opening up the Toon Kingdom once more. Whatsmore it was follow up by another Toon Monster that came out of it and landed onto the field.

This Toon Monster looks to be a cartoonish warrior in black and gold armor with a sword and shield in his hand. He was just as small as the other Toon, with his noodly arms and and leg being another form of the Toonification. The helmet of the Monster has also had its face plate raised to show his pale skin and brown eyes, said face plate also has two cartoonish eyes on them.

Toon Black Luster Soldier let out a wicked grin and a mischievous snicker as it wildly swing its sword around before making a cool pose, while the eyes on the helmet glared at the enemy before them.

Toon Black Luster Soldier - (DARK/Warrior/Toon/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 3000/DEF: 2500)

"I will switch my Toon Black Magician to Attack Position." Pegasus flipped around his Toon Black Magician's card into Attack Position before he spread his arms wide with a gleeful expression. "Now then, my Toon army has now been assembled! I wonder how you will survive the onslaught that is coming~"

Weiss was internally panicking. She was basically defenseless due to Pegasus' Toon Monsters capability of attacking her directly and having no cards that can prevent them from doing so. No matter what she couldn't see herself getting away from this—

"I activate my Trap card: Threatening Roar!" Ruby shouting make Weiss snapped out of her panicked state as she watched her partner activating her Set card. "With this Trap, none of your Monsters can attack this turn!"

Ruby's Trap card flipped open and glowed before a powerful and loud roar came out of the card that caused a shockwave and made the Toon Monster looking rather hesitant to take action.

"Don't worry, Weiss! I got your back!" Ruby told her partner while smiling brightly as she was happy that she had managed to save them from losing this turn.

"Really appreciate it, Ruby. Thank you." Weiss thanked her partner while returning her smile with her own. Feeling positively relieved they aren't going to lose the game now.

"What a shame, and here I thought I managed to win the Duel against you two." Pegasus pouted slightly at their attempt at surviving this turn. "Oh well, if I can't win this turn, I might as well make it very difficult for you two to do so on your next turn."

That did not leave a good sense of assurance as they eyed him warily at what he was about to do.

"I activate my Toon Black Luster Soldier effect! Once per turn, by having 'Toon World' on my field and sacrificing an attack, I can banish one card my opponent controls." Pegasus explained before he pointed his finger towards Gem-Knight Lady Lapis Lazuli and letting out a smile as he waved his hand. "Time to say goodbye to your Gem-Knight Lady Lapis Lazuli, Ruby-girl~"

Toon Black Luster Soldier let out a snicker as he raised his sword up before swinging them and sending a slash wave at Gem-Knight Lady Lapis Lazuli, who raised her hand to defend...only for the attack to go past her.

The female Gem-Knight Fusion Monster was confused for a moment before she felt air surrounding her was beginning to be suctioned at an alarming rate. Turning around she saw that the cause was a tear in space that led to a black void, courtesy of Toon Black Luster Soldier attack.

Who abruptly ran up to her and forcefully shoved her into the tear with a headbutt. Gem-Knight Lady Lapis Lazuli let out a scream as the tear closed up on her, making Toon Black Luster Soldier laugh and jumped up and down in cheer over his accomplishment.

"Aww, look at how happy he is. Wasn't it adorable~?" Pegasus cooed at his Monster while silently praising him for his effort, all the while both Ruby and Weiss stared in horror over what just happened.

'What part of any of that was adorable?!' Both White Rose duo internally cried out as they couldn't believe that he would find the sight of his Monster banishing a screaming victim to the void remotely adorable.

"Anyway, let's continue on. I will now activate the Continuous Spell: Field Barrier! Now Field Spell on the field cannot be destroyed and none of use can activate a new Field Spell as long as this card remain face-up." Pegasus explained as he activated the Continuous Spell before a barrier was formed around Toon Kingdom, protecting it.

"Let's see how you two plan on getting rid of my Toon Kingdom now. I end my turn." Pegasus said as he ended his turn with his four Toon Monster and his protected Toon Kingdom.

Ruby: 2800 LP / Hand ×1

Weiss: 2950 LP / Hand x6

Pegasus: 6500 LP / Hand ×2

"We really are in a pickle here, Weiss." Ruby said to her partner as she was getting more worried at the unfavorable odds they have against Pegasus right now.

"I know." Weiss replied while feeling frustrated at their effort being denied by Pegasus' Toon card. They literally can't do anything unless they find a way to destroy his Field Spell.

"Let's hope what I draw can help us." Ruby said as she drew her card and silently started her turn. Taking a look at it, she was not happy that it wasn't something that could help her right now.

But she didn't let her feelings show much on her face. Knowing how perspective Pegasus is, he would have figured out that she had nothing to defend herself and would target her for attack. She really hoped Weiss had something up her sleeve.

"I will Set a card and switch all of my Monsters to Defense Position. That is the end of my turn." Ruby said as a new Set card appeared on her field and ended her turn with her Monster all in their Defense Position, just in case.

"My turn it is then." Weiss said as she drew her new card from her deck as she started her turn. Taking a look at it, she blinked a few times as she gazed at it for a moment as her mind begin to formulate a plan.

'This card could be useful, but I don't have the necessary pieces to work it. No choice then, I have to get those pieces no matter what to win.' Weiss thought to herself as she brought up one of the cards in her hand before activating it. "I activate Spellbook of Eternity to return my banished Spellbook of Knowledge into my hand, and then activated it by tributing Fool of Prophecy to draw two cards from my deck."

Fool of Prophecy burst into particles as a tribute for the Spell card effect. Weiss placed her finger on top of her deck, closed her eyes and took a deep breath, drawing her two cards.

Peeking her eyes open to look at her drawn cards, Weiss' eyes immediately widened. This is it, this is the missing piece she needs!

"I will Normal Summon Hermit of Prophecy!" Weiss declared as she Summoned a new Monster to her field.

This Monster was an old wizard with very long white hair and beard. He was wearing a mostly purple colored robe with very wide sleeves, talisman hanging from its waist, a green sack on his back, and a wizard hat on his head.

Hermit of Prophecy raised his head up to reveal his eyes that hold much wisdom. He then bring his staff up in preparation for battle.

Hermit of Prophecy - (EARTH/Spellcaster/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 1200/DEF: 700)

Weiss then grabbed three cards in her hand before revealing them to Pegasus. "I will reveal my Spellbook of Power, Secret, and Life from my hand. To Special Summon this Monster!" She declared as the three cards began to glow three colored lights shot out into the air and formed a portal.

"Arcane mage who governs the tome of wisdom. Harness the knowledge that binds humanity to their fate. Chant out the spell of the ancient art and share your wisdom to all those who seek it! Come to me, High Priestess of Prophecy!"

Emerging from the portal came Weiss' Ace, High Priestess of Prophecy. She came flying out of the portal before hovering onto Weiss' field. High Priestess gave out a smile while posing herself in a sitting position and legs drafted over each other.

High Priestess of Prophecy - (LIGHT/Spellcaster/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2500/DEF: 2100)

"Now I will activate both Spellbook of Secret and Power. I will use Secret to add Spellbook of Wisdom from my deck to my hand and Power to let Wheel of Prophecy gain 1000 ATK. Hermit of Prophecy effect also activates as he gains two Level and 300 ATK each time a Spellbook has been activated, meaning he gains an extra four Level and 600 ATK."

Wheel of Prophecy - (DARK/Spellcaster/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 3700/DEF: 1700)

Hermit of Prophecy - (EARTH/Spellcaster/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 1800/DEF: 700)

"I activate High Priestess of Prophecy effect! I will banish Spellbook of Secret from my Grave to destroy a card my opponent controls. I will destroy Field Barrier!" Weiss declared as High Priestess summoned the mentioned Spellbook into her hand, before she gathered her magical energy into it and fired a magical blast at the barrier around Toon Kingdom, destroying the Field Spell protection.

Pegasus LP: 6500 = 7000

"Well done, you managed to remove my Toon Kingdom protection." Pegasus said to the Schnee heiress before looking at her with a thoughtful look on his face. "But I wonder, how will you manage to break my impenetrable Toon?"

"Hmph, why don't I show you?" Weiss taunted with a smirk as Pegasus look at the girl with his eyebrow raised in curiosity as she brought her hand forward.

"I will overlay both my Level 7 Hermit and High Priestess of Prophecy!"

With that command declared, the two Monster bodies turn into a yellow and orange energy respectively before with a cry they shoot out into the air, much to the shock of both her opponent and her own partner.

"Using these two Spellcaster Monsters, I will construct the Overlay Network!" A galaxy-like portal opened up on Weiss' field before the two streaks of light energy went into it and caused a column of blue energy to emerge from inside of it.

"Arcane mage who governs the common people. Harness the knowledge that binds humanity to their fate. Chant out the spell of the ancient art and become the pinnacle of moral righteousness! Come to me, Rank 7! Hierophant of Prophecy!"

From within the column of energy emerges a tall man with black marking around his eyes and cheek, with long black hair that was held by a gold pointed crown head-piece with jewels decorated on the front. He wears a mostly black undersuit and pants with a purple and black robe with gold lining the edge and a popped out color in white. The outfit was adorned by many gems of magic in turquoise color and several talismans hung from his sleeves and on his waist.

Hierophant of Prophecy opened his eyes to reveal the vibrant gray colored orb he was hiding. Landing onto the field, he raised his hand pensively before clenching them as magical energy gathered into it before it began to form into a golden staff with purple plating, silver and turquoise jewels on it. Hierophant swung his staff to the side before stabbing them to the ground, with two purple orbs orbiting around him.

Hierophant of Prophecy - (DARK/Spellcaster/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 7/ATK: 2800/DEF: 2600) - OVU: 2

"You played Xyz Monster?!" Ruby cried out to her partner in shock at the sight of an Xyz Monster on Weiss' field. She didn't hear anything about this!

"Is it really that surprising?" Weiss replied with a smug smile on her face as she looked rather pleased with herself at managing to catch them off guard by bringing out her Xyz Monster.

"My, an Xyz Monster, you say?" Pegasus muttered to himself while he stared intently at Hierophant of Prophecy, before he began to smile as he let out a joyous laugh.

"Hahaha! Splendid! I would never imagine you would use such a Monster, Weissy-girl!" Pegasus praised the Schnee heiress with his usual exaggerated tone while looking positively ecstatic.

"You haven't seen anything yet. I activate Hierophant of Prophecy effect! By detaching one Overlay Unit, I can destroy my opponent's Spell and Trap card up to how many 'Spellbook' Spell cards I have in my Graveyard!" Weiss explained as Hierophant of Prophecy absorbed one of his Overlay Unit into his staff. She brings her Duel Disk up before her Graveyard begins to glow.

Hierophant of Prophecy - (DARK/Spellcaster/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 7/ATK: 2800/DEF: 2600) - OVU: 1

"With more than three Spellbooks in my Graveyard, I will destroy all of your Spell and Trap!" Weiss cried out as light shot out of her Graveyard towards Hierophant of Prophecy before they formed into three Spellbooks. Hierophant wasted no time and swung his staff before unleashing three beams of magical energy from the Spellbooks.

Pegasus stopped his cheer as he couldn't do anything but watched with widened eyes as the four beams of magic destroyed every single one of his Spell and Trap card, including his Toon Kingdom which was destroyed in a spectacular fashion of explosion.

"Noooo! My precious Toon Kingdom!" Pegasus cried out in an exaggerated anguish over the destruction over his Field Spell, he then began to mope slightly by hanging his head down.

"You did it, Weiss! You get rid of Toon Kingdom!" Now it was Ruby's turn to cheer as she had a big smile on her face at the destruction of Toon Kingdom by the hand of her partner's hand.

"And I'm not done yet! I activate Spellbook of Life! I will banish Fool of Prophecy to Special Summon back High Priestess to my field with her Level increased by Fool's own Level!" Weiss activated her Spell card effect as a portal to the Graveyard opened up before High Priestess flew out of said portal and landed onto the field.

High Priestess of Prophecy - (LIGHT/Spellcaster/Effect) - (LV: 10/ATK: 2500/DEF: 2100)

"I activate High Priestess effect once more! I will banish my Spellbook of Knowledge to destroy Toon Black Magician!" High Priestess summoned the Spellbook of Eternity to her hand, before channeling her magical energy into it and firing a magical beam that destroyed Toon Black Magician.

"Now for my Battle Phase! Since you have lost your Toon Kingdom and Spirit Barrier, I can now destroy your Monster without problem!" Weiss loudly stated before she pointed her finger towards her first target of attack. "Wheel of Prophecy, attack Toon Black Luster Soldier!"

The lion mage Prophecy Monster heard the command as he rushed forward towards his opponent. Toon Black Luster Soldier just laughed as it also charged forwards while swinging its sword wielding arm around wildly.

Not wanting to mess around for long, Wheel of Prophecy brings his shield up before slamming the Toon Monster with it, causing its face to flatten for a second before it is flung back. Wheel of Prophecy follows up by grabbing his shield with his hand, before throwing it like a frisbee. Slicing the Toon perfectly in half and destroying it in an explosion as the shield returned back to Wheel of Prophecy.

Pegasus LP: 7000 = 6300

"Thanks to Spellbook of Power effect, since Wheel of Prophecy destroyed a Monster by battle, I can add Spellbook of the Master to my hand from my deck." Weiss exclaimed as she added her Spellbook to her hand by the effect of her Spellbook of Power.

"High Priestess, attack Toon Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" Weiss let out another command as her Ace card nodded at the order as it flew over to do the deed. When she was close, High Priestess gathered magical energy on top of her palm before aiming and fired a magical blast at the Toon Red-Eyes, who panicked as the attack washed over it. When the attack resided, the Toon was nothing more than a dust on the ground that was blown away by the wind.

Pegasus LP: 6300 = 6200

"Now Reaper of Prophecy, go and attack Toon Cyber Dragon!" Reaper of Prophecy obeyed as he conjured a shadowy portal in front of him before entering it and disappearing from sight. Toon Cyber Dragon panickedly looked around at where he was, before the same shadowy portal appeared in front of it and Reaper popped out with his scythe raised high. The Toon let out a terrified scream as Reaper of Prophecy ruthlessly chopped its head cleaned off its body, destroying the Toon.

Pegasus LP: 6200 = 5700

"Finally Hierophant, attack Pegasus directly!" Weiss let out the final command of attack for this turn to her Xyz Monster. Said Prophecy Monster obeyed by pointing his staff towards his target and gathering his magical energy into it, before firing a spiral of purple and gold magical blast at Pegasus, damaging him and cutting a good chunk of his LP.

Pegasus LP: 5700 = 2900

"I will Set a card and end my turn!" Weiss cried out as she Set a card from her hand into her field. Looking quite proud of herself on her achievement.

"Alright! Mister Pegasus LP is now closer to our own! We'll surely beat him now!" Ruby also cried out at how close they are at winning the Duel. She couldn't really hold back the wide grin that was growing on her face.

Pegasus, who had been moping the entire time he was being attacked, raised his head up and began to pout at the two girl in displeasure. "Now you two are just being rude. After all of my precious Toon has been mercilessly destroyed and you girls are celebrating." He said with his hand on his hip looking like an upset child.

Both Ruby and Weiss just sweatdropped at that. Honestly, it was quite baffling to find such a man acting so childish like that. It sure does leave an impression on them that Pegasus is quite an eccentric man indeed.

"But credit where credit's due, you certainly have made quite a play, Weissy-girl~" Pegasus dropped down his pout and decided to give her a smile while having his arm crossed. "I never expect you to beat my unstoppable Toon combo. Color me impressed."

"Hm, I wouldn't be so relaxed if I were you, Mister Pegasus." Weiss told the older white haired man with a smile of her own, one that is filled with confidence over her and her partner's victory over the Duel. "Now that you have no other card on your field, you are an open target."

"Yup! Unless you manage to have something that could stop our Monster, then victory is in our hands!" Ruby said with a grin before she pointed a finger towards him as clear sign of a challenge. "So we won't be holding anything back next turn!"

"Is that so...?" Pegasus said while looking unbothered by the red hooded girl's word while covering his mouth with his hand. He then let out a laugh all of the sudden. "Well then, if that is the case..."

Pegasus lowering his hand down, to reveal behind it was a smile unlike the one he had ever made before. Devoid of his usual jovial and mirthful expression, his smile instead look a lot more ruthless, sinister even as his visible left eye takes a glint of predatory glee on them.

"I suppose the time to hold back has now passed~"

Ruby and Weiss tensed all of the sudden when they noticed the change of tone of his voice, gone were the joking and childish manner of speaking. What came out was a more serious sounding voice, coupled with his current expression made the two girls have whiplash.

'Was...was he always this scary?' They both couldn't help but think to themself as they wondered where the previous jovial man who loved cartoons had gone. What was standing before them was something they found akin to a villian, a villian who looked like he was going to have fun playing with them.

(Play Music: Yugioh Duel Monster OST: Crawling Shadow)

"My turn~" Pegasus said as he slowly drew his new card before looking at it and immediately activating it. "I activate Graceful Charity. I will draw three cards and discard two card from my hand."

Drawing his three new cards, Pegasus' smile turned even wider as he added them to his hand and discarded two cards into the Graveyard.

"Now is where the fun truly began." Pegasus ominously said as he grabbed a card from his hand and revealed it to activate the card. "I activate my Spell card: Relinquished Fusion!"

"Fusion?!" Both girl cried out in shock at the unexpected card Pegasus had played, they did not expect him to play any Fusion related card in his deck.

"This card allows me to banish materials from my hand, field, and/or Graveyard to Fusion Summon a very special Fusion Monster." Pegasus explained with a sinister glee before he held the card up high and cried out loud. "I will banish the Golden-Eyes Idol and Relinquished that I sent to the Graveyard and Fused them together!"

Upon saying that, a portal to the Graveyard opened up before two energies in the shape of the mentioned Monster in green and gold colored respectively shot out into the sky. A Fusion Vortex appeared before the two Monsters entered them and began to Fuse together.

"Ancient evil eye that gazed the sinner upon the world of crawling shadow. Let the golden idol with the thousand eyes become the sacrifice for the ritual, witness upon the sight of the horrible creature feared only as an Illusion! Fusion Summon! Millennium-Eyes Restrict!"

The result of the Fusion Summon came out to reveal itself to be a horrible demonic creature. The creature body was mostly reddish brown with a golden vein-like outline with large fleshy demonic golden wings. The creature has golden eyes covering its entire body, individually moving on their own and blinking every so often.

It possesses a long neck with the head being a single golden eye with an organic headpiece while it also possesses a demonic face on its chest with blue eyes and circular mouth with sharp teeth. Its lower body is only a flat surface with spikes as it also has two demonic hand with sharp claw-like fingers and a long tail.

Millennium-Eyes Restrict hovered in front of Pegasus with its head glowing along with the two eyes on its chest, the mouth opening and closing as if pulsing in a disturbing manner. Clenching its claw as it grows more vicious and spreading its wings out as the eyes all over its body all move and blink.

Millennium-Eyes Restrict - (DARK/Spellcaster/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 1/ATK: 0/DEF: 0)

"WHAT IN THE HELL IS THAT?!" Weiss cried out in shock and disgust at the sight of such a horrible and grotesque Monster.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO THE TOON MONSTER?!" Ruby also followed up with her own shout of terror at the horrifying sight of the Monster that Pegasus had brought up.

"Allow me to introduce you two to my very special friend, Millennium-Eyes Restrict!" Pegasus said while holding his hand out towards his new Monster. "As for my Toon? They have served their purpose. But since you girls wanted me to take things seriously..."

(Play Music: Yugioh Duel Monster OST: Violent Tremor)

"Then I will be more than happy to do so!" Pegasus cried out with a vicious smirk on his face before he pointed his finger towards the direction of Wiess' Monsters. "I activate Golden-Eyes Idol effect! When it is banished or sent to the Graveyard by a card effect, I can target a Monster my opponent controls and absorb them into Millennium-Eyes Restrict! I will target your High Priestess of Prophecy!"

"What?!" Weiss shouted as she saw Restrict opening its mouth up before sucking in air at an intense speed. High Priestess tried to hold her ground but to no avail, she was dragged in by the suction and screamed as Restrict swallowed her whole.

"This absorption is tied to Restrict own effect, meaning it gains ATK and DEF equal to the Monsters it had absorbed!"

Millennium-Eyes Restrict - (DARK/Spellcaster/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 1/ATK: 2500/DEF: 2100)

" stole my Monsters?!" Weiss shouted out once more as she stared at the empty spot where her Ace had been, horrified at the sight of her Monster being eaten by that hideous abomination.

"And I'm not done yet~ I activate Relinquished Fusion effect from my Graveyard! By banishing it, I can absorb one more of your Monster into Millennium-Eyes Restrict! Your Wheel of Prophecy seems like a fine choice!"

Restrict once more opened up its chest mouth wide and began to suck in Wheel of Prophecy into itself. The lion mage of Prophecy held his footing for about a second or two, before he was eventually also absorbed into the mouth of Pegasus' Fusion Monster.

Millennium-Eyes Restrict - (DARK/Spellcaster/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 1/ATK: 5200/DEF: 3800)

"Now it's time for Battle. Millennium-Eyes Restrict, go and have fun attacking Reaper of Prophecy!" Pegasus ordered his Monster with a smirk as Restrict let out a ground before it began flying forwards towards the opposing field.

"Not so fast! I will activate my Apprentice Illusion Magician effect from my hand! By sending her to the Graveyard when a DARK Spellcaster Monster I control battles, I can grant that Monster 2000 ATK!" Weiss exclaimed as she discarded the Apprentice Illusion Magician she added a few turns prior as her Reaper of Prophecy gained an extra 2000 ATK.

However, Pegasus responded to this by simply raising his hand up to her and wagging a finger mockingly. "Ahahaha! You easily fell for it, I see. I activate Millennium-Eyes Restrict effect! Once per turn, when my opponent activates a Monster effect, I can absorb one Monster my opponent has on their field or Graveyard. Of course, my target will be your Reaper of Prophecy!"

Weiss' eyes widened in horror when she heard that effect. Millennium-Eyes Restrict grabbed hold of Reaper of Prophecy with its bug clawed hand, causing him to struggle to get free. Restrict then opened its mouth up before it jammed the Spellcaster into itself, all the while he screamed before being silent once Restrict closed its mouth.

Millennium-Eyes Restrict - (DARK/Spellcaster/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 1/ATK: 7200/DEF: 5400)

"That's not all. I activate Millennium-Eyes Illusionist from my hand! By discarding this card from my hand, I can absorb one more time my opponent Monster into Millennium-Eyes Restrict! Now say goodbye to your final Monster, Weissy-girl!" Pegasus said as another Monster appeared in front of the Xyz Prophecy Monster. This one has some similarity with Millennium-Eyes Restrict, albeit it looks less demonic and more like a sorcerer.

Millennium-Eyes Illusionist eyes shine brightly and blinding Hierophant vision before an eye symbol on top of his forehead. Illusionist wiggled its finger and put him in a trance, before it disappeared entirely as Restrict came to Hierophant and swallowed him into its chest mouth, absorbing and empowering itself.

Millennium-Eyes Restrict - (DARK/Spellcaster/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 1/ATK: 10000/DEF: 8000)

"Now will you look at that? You have no more Monster, Weissy-girl~" Pegasus said with a mocking tone in his voice and an even wider smirk on his face. "That's quite a conundrum, don't you think?"

Weiss didn't reply, mainly because she was visibly panicking right now. She had no other Monster, no Spell or Trap that could stop any attack, and Restrict having more than enough ATK to finish her off.

"Well it was fun while it lasted. Millennium-Eyes Restrict, attack Weissy-girl directly!" Pegasus commands his Monster as the many-eyed demon raises both of its hands up before charging towards its opponent with the intent of slicing her to ribbons.

Weiss brought both of her arms out as a means of defense over the huge amount of damage she was about to take. Knowing full well that this might be the end for her.

"I activate my Trap card: Gem-Enchantment!"

Weiss' eyes widened as she gasped in shock when she heard her partner saying that. Taking a look at the side, she saw that Ruby had one her Set card flipped open with a determined expression on her face. "This card allows me to Tribute a Gem-Knight on my field to target and Special Summon a Gem-Knight from my Graveyard."

"I will Tribute Gem-Knight Garnet—" Gem-Knight Garnet on Ruby's field burst into particles before she waved her hand towards the direction of her partner. "—and Special Summon Garnet back into Weiss' field in Defense Position!"

The particles begin to transfer themself into Weiss' field before Gem-Knight Garnet appeared in front of the Schnee heiress, protecting her with his arm crossed defensively.

Restrict immediately changes its target of attack upon the appearance of a new target, causing it to bring its claws down and jamming it through the Gem-Knight chest. Causing him to go limp before being destroyed.

(Music End)

"Ruby!" Weiss called out to her partner in shock and amazement at her quick thinking as she smiled in relief. "That was a brilliant move! Well done!"

"Oh, hehe, don't mention it, Weiss!" Ruby said in response while looking quite sheepish at the praise she had gotten from her bestie.

"I must agree. That was quite an astounding reaction. To think that you would sacrifice your own Monster to give to your partner to protect her. Truly impressive." Pegasus said while once again he complimented his opponent for their play. He even started to smile like the way he did before he brought out Restrict. "However, are you capable enough to defeat my Millennium-Eyes Restrict? I am curious to find out, I will end my turn."

Ruby: 2800 LP / Hand ×1

Weiss: 2950 LP / Hand x1

Pegasus: 2900 LP / Hand ×1

Ruby was growing anxious. Currently she had no way of defeating Pegasus' Fusion Monster who had the largest ATK she had ever seen in a single Monster. Not only that, but if she even activates a single Monster effect then he would be able to absorb her Monster, making Restrict even more stronger.

She needs to find a way to destroy Millennium-Eyes Restrict before it can absorb her Monster, otherwise they are toast. The pressure was on her now since she doubted Weiss could even do anything when her turn started.

"My turn..." Ruby placed her finger on top of her deck and with a nervous expression, drew her card while closing her eyes tightly and praying that her card could help her win the Duel.

Slowly opening her eyes, Ruby's expression quickly turned to one of shock before a smile began to grow on her face. This was it, this will be the card that could help her win the Duel!

"Get ready, Mister Pegasus. Because this card will be the one that will decide this Duel!" Ruby loudly declared as she inserted the card she had drawn into her Duel Disk as it appeared onto her field. "I activate the Continuous Spell: Scatter Fusion!"

"Scatter Fusion?" Pegasus said the name of the card out loud while looking curious on what it can do, considering how confident the red hooded girl is on it.

"Scatter Fusion allows me to Fusion Summon a Monster during my Main Phase and when my opponent controls a Monster." Ruby explained her Continuous Spell card effect before she held her hand up front at her opponent's direction. "Whatsmore, the material for this Fusion Summon used the Monster from my deck!"

Ruby grabbed two Monster cards from her Deck before she revealed them. "Using Gem-Knight Quartz and Gem-Knight Tourmaline from my deck, I will perform a Fusion Summon using them as material!" She declared as she threw the cards into the air, before the two Monsters were absorbed into the Fusion Vortex and began to Fuse together.

"Warrior of the yellow gem who manipulates the clarity of lightning. Become one with the shining pure gem of many untold fantasy, and lend me the power of the beautiful shining diamond! Fusion Summon! Appear now! Brilliant knight who bears the passionate flower! Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond!"

Jumping out of the Fusion Vortex was a female figure who landed onto the field beside Gem-Knight Ruby, kneeling on the ground before standing up and showing her true form.

The female figure looks to be a knight covered entirely, from top to bottom, in metallic cream-ish armor with silver and black undersuit underneath the armor. Said armor was also a light armor, protecting all of the important bits and providing great maneuverability for her. She was also adorned by many diamonds in every part of her armor, as well as a royal blue cape behind her.

Her face was featureless except for the striking green color of her eyes of her helmet, which had a mostly featureless pale face and golden blonde 'hair' as well. She wears a metal helmet that is extended on the front, with a long diamond growing out on the left side and a diamond shaped rose on the left side.

Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond stood tall as she raised her rapier with the same diamond rose on her helmet in front of her face, before twisting her wrist so that the guard was faced towards her opponent while her cape was flapping and billowing by the wind as her eyes glow brightly in green.

Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond - (EARTH/Fairy/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 2700/DEF: 2400)

"Oh? A new Fusion Monster?" Pegasus called out at the sight of a new Fusion Monster with his curiosity peak as he cupped his chin in thought. "Is this your trump card, Ruby-girl? Because so far I am not impressed~"

"Then you better watch out, because I'm not done yet." Ruby said in response to the taunt as her smile didn't waver at the slightest as she continued on with her play. "I activate Gem-Knight Quartz effect! When Quartz is used for a Fusion Summon, I can add a 'Gem-Knight' Monster from my Graveyard back to my hand. I will add back Gem-Knight Garnet!"

"But you know what that means? Because you have activated a Monster effect, my Millennium-Eyes Restrict can now absorb your Monster!" Pegasus let out a laugh before he pointed his finger towards the direction of Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond and smiled wickedly. "Since you have placed so much fate on that Fusion Monster of yours, allow me to take it for myself!"

Millennium-Eyes Restrict mouth on its stomach opened up wide before it began to attempt at absorbing Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond. The female Gem-Knight Fusion digs her foot down to the ground to hold her ground, clearly struggling on preventing herself from being absorbed.

However instead of despairing over what was about to happen to her Monster, Ruby only let out a smile in response.

"I was hoping you'd do that! I activate Lady Rose Diamond effect! When my opponent activate a Monster effect, I can banish a Gem-Knight from my Graveyard to destroy a face-up card my opponent control!" Ruby declared as her Duel Disk ejected a Gem-Knight from her Graveyard before she grabbed it and revealed it. "I will banish Gem-Knight Tourmaline, in order to destroy your Millennium-Eyes Restrict!"

Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond eyes glow brightly as she raises her rapier up and trace her finger along the blade, causing it to glow bright white. She then decided to not resist the pull, but instead use it to her adventages by lunging forward and using the pulling force to increase her speed.

Millennium-Eyes Restrict didn't have time to react and stop as Lady Rose Diamond became a flashing bullet that pierce through the many eyes of the creature. She appeared just behind Restrict before swinging her rapier down to the side as it let out an anguish cry before it was destroyed.

'Alright! Millennium-Eyes Restrict is now destroyed. Now all I have to do is attack Mister Pegasus and that will—' Ruby begins to think to herself at her success of defeating Restrict, before she was suddenly interrupted.

"I activate Illusionist Faceless Magician effect!" Pegasus declared with a grin, whocking the red hooded girl out of her thoughts in disbelief as he revealed the last card in his hand. "When my Millennium-Eyes Restrict, I can Special Summon this card from my hand or Graveyard. I will Special Summon this card from my hand in Defense Position!"

A portal opened up on Pegasus' field before a figure appeared out of it. This figure looks to be some sort of humanoid creature dressed in a yellow robe that covers its entire body and with an extra layer of red with blue outline designed over the robe.

What set this creature apart from being called humanoid instead of outright human, is the fact that its head lacks a face, par for its lip which was stretched wide into an open wide smile. On the side if its head just above the shoulder, there are two doll head attached from the neck up. With the right one being a girl and the left one belonging to a boy.

Illusionist Faceless Magician let out an eerie laughter that echoed around the field as the two doll heads on its shoulder also let out their own creepy laughter.

Illusionist Faceless Magician - (DARK/Spellcaster/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 1100/DEF: 2200)

"Now before you do anything else, allow me to give you a little warning." Pegasus suddenly spoked up before he started to explain his warning. "Illusionist Faceless Magician here can bring back my Millennium-Eyes Restrict when it is sent to the Graveyard. My Millennium-Eyes Illusionist also has the ability to return to my hand when my Restrict is Special Summoned."

Pegasus smile when he watched the face of his opponent turning pale at the realization. "I see you have figured it out~ If you destroy my Faceless Magician the Millennium-Eyes Restrict will come back. Couple that with Millennium-Eyes Illusionist returning to my hand, I can easily absorbed your Monster to prevent you from attacking."

"Now what will it be, Ruby-girl? Will you attack or will you not? Choose very carefully now~" Pegasus asked once more in a taunting tone as he eyed the girl with narrowed eyes and an open smile.

'What do I do? There's no way I can attack now if that means bringing back Restrict! If he absorbed my Monster then I won't be able to defeat Restrict a second time!' Ruby thought to herself as she was visibly panicking over the choice she should make whether she should attack or not. She didn't think she could afford to bring back Restrict now that Pegasus knew her Monster capability, but if she just did nothing then it would've left her open for an attack when he started his turn.

'I...I don't think I can afford to attack. I think I should—'

"Just do it, Ruby."

Ruby flinched when she heard her name being called out before she turned and face the one who had called her out, her own partner Weiss.

"Don't hesitate, if we want to win this Duel then attacking now is our best chance of doing so." Weiss told her partner sternly before she tilted her face slightly to face the younger girl and give her a smile.

"Trust me."

Ruby widened her eyes when she heard those words, stunned for a good moment before she smiled back and nodded her head. "Right! Let's win this Duel, Weiss! I Normal Summon Gem-Knight Garnet to the field!"

Ruby placed her Monster card to her Duel Disk blade before Gem-Knight Garnet returned to the field once more. "I will activate Gem-Knight Ruby effect! I will Tribute Garnet and transfer his ATK into Gem-Knight Ruby!" The Normal Gem-Knight didn't stay long as he was then absorbed into Gem-Knight Ruby javelin and empowering him.

Gem-Knight Ruby - (EARTH/Pyro/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 4400/DEF: 1300)

"Battle! Gem-Knight Ruby, attack Illusionist Faceless Magician!" Ruby commanded her Ace Monster, who nodded as he positioned himself before leaping into the air. With an eye locked onto his target, Gem-Knight Ruby twisted his body to build up momentum before throwing his javelin with brute force.

The javelin flew forward with a crimson flame surrounding it before the flame grew bigger and bigger and turned the javelin into a flaming missile. Illusionist Faceless Magician only continued to laugh as the javelin pierced through it and ignited the air, causing an explosion to occur as the Monster was destroyed.

Pegasus LP: 2900 = 700

"Illusionist Faceless Magician effect! I will bring back my Millennium-Eyes Restrict back in Attack Position!" Pegasus exclaimed as two hands from Illusionist Faceless Magician appeared from thin air and opened up their palms. A symbol of an eye flash in front of the hand, before the hands begin to spin in a clockwise motion, creating a circle around the eyes.

This action caused the symbol to glow before the hand disappeared and a golden eyeball to take its place. Flesh then started to sprout out of the back of the eye at a rapid state before it started to take shape of the previously destroyed Millennium-Eyes Restrict.

Millennium-Eyes Restrict - (DARK/Spellcaster/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 1/ATK: 0/DEF: 0)

"So is this your decision, Ruby-girl? Was it really such a smart move to bring me back my Restrict?" Pegasus questioned with a raised of his hand with his palm facing forward, before a smile began to form on his face. "Or perhaps, is this a part of your plan?"

"On the contrary, everything is going according to my plan." Weiss suddenly called out loud with a smirk while Pegasus turned to face the Schnee heiress in confusion before she initiated her plan.

Weiss moved her hand over to the screen of her Duel Disk before tapping it once, revealing her Set card that she had placed a turn earlier. "I activated my Trap card: Dark Renewal! When my opponent Normal or Special Summon a Monster, I can target one of your Monster and a Spellcaster Monster I control, to send them both to the Graveyard in order to Special Summon a DARK Spellcaster Monster from either my deck or Graveyard!"

"Impossible! My Millennium-Eyes Restrict absorbed your Monster and was destroyed along with Restrict! You have no more Monster in order to activate that card effect!" Pegasus cried out while pointing at the snow haired girl accusingly over her invalid action.

"Did you forget Mister Pegasus about the rule you set up?" Weiss exclaimed while holding onto a rather smug smile on her face before she pointed out her reasoning. "Ruby and I may share the cards on our field as if they are our own. I may have no Spellcaster Monster left, but you know who does?"

Ruby gasped as she figured out her partner's plan as she turned her attention towards the Monster she had brought back from the Graveyard using Call of the Haunted, which happens to be Weiss' Justice of Prophecy.

"I will send your Millennium-Eyes Restrict and my Justice of Prophecy on Ruby's field to the Graveyard!" Weiss declared as a coffin appeared in place of the revealed Trap card, the two Monster was then turned into energy before being absorbed inside the orb on the coffin. "With Restrict gone from your field, your Millennium-Eyes Illusionist effect has now been rendered useless!"

"Not only that, but I will now bring back my Wheel of Prophecy back to my field!" Weiss cried out as the inside of the coffin began to glow bright before it opened up. A furred claw hand grabbed hold of the outer rim of the coffin before Wheel of Prophecy sit up and jumped out of the coffin and landed onto Weiss' field with his large shield in hand.

"Ruby! Finish this Duel off!"

"Right! Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond, attack Mister Pegasus directly!" Ruby followed her partner's word and commanded her last Monster to attack.

Lady Rose Diamond heard the command and executed them. She jumped into the air before bringing her rapier up. The crystal rose on the rapier began to glow up before a similar looking but larger rose appeared in front of her.

Lady Rose Diamond eyes shine before she thrust her rapier into the crystal rose, causing it to break into several shards of crystal rose petal that launched itself towards Pegasus, who did nothing as he just stood there with his eyes widened as the attack overwhelmed him.

Pegasus LP: 700 = 0

With the Duel ended and the winner has been concluded, the field returns to normal with all of the Monster and cards that have been on the field disappearing. Unlike with the previous Duels for Ruby and Weiss, the Solid Vision didn't make a dent on the actual field due to being a hologram with less mass then the Real Solid Vision.

"We did it, Weiss! We won the Duel!" Ruby cheered and in her excitement, she rushed towards her partner and gave her a big hug with a big smile on her face.

"Agh! Ruby! Don't hug me out of nowhere like that!" Weiss shouted out in protest over this unexpected act while blushing lightly over her partner's overly affectionate action upon unnecessary time. "In fact, get off of me! I told you not to hug me!"

As the Whiterose Duo continued on with their post-victory antics, Pegasus just gazed at the two girls for a quiet moment before chuckling to himself. He then takes off his deactivated Duel Disk before putting it back into his suitcase and walking towards them.


Ruby and Weiss heard the sound of clapping and turned away from themself towards their approaching defeated opponent. "Excellent, excellent! You two are truly an exceptional Duelist! I am truly impressed, Ruby-girl and Weissy-girl! That last play was remarkable and your teamwork is simply impeccable!" He told them with his usual jovial manner.

Both Huntress-in-training were quite surprised by that, but both of them decided that they like Pegasus more like this then what he was like when he brought out his Millennium-Eyes Restrict.

"Thanks for the compliment, Mister Pegasus!" Ruby said as she let go of her hug over har partner, who let out a sigh of relief as she glared at the red hooded girl that just went unnoticed. "You were a really talented Duelist yourself! Me and Weiss have just started Dueling for a few days, but I think you're one of the strongest opponents we have ever fought!"

"Oh hush, you think too highly of me." Pegasus said as he waved off the compliment with a good natured smile and a wave of his hand. "I have been playing this game since it was first released after all. It will be embarrassing if I am not good at it."

"Playing since the game was first released?" Weiss asked in shock with her eyes widening as she didn't think that he would be that experienced in Dueling. The same could be said for Ruby who was also shocked if the way her jaw dropped was any indication.

"Why yes~ Not to brag, but you two should feel proud of yourself to defeat a veteran such as myself." Pegasus told them with a wide smile, before he then reached into his pocket and brought out his phone. "My, look at the time. I think it's time for us to part ways."

"Eh? You're leaving so soon?" Ruby couldn't help but asked while looking a bit sad that he wouldn't stick around for a while longer.

"Unfortunately, my little time off has come to an end. I do have some work I need to do, as well as a meeting with a very special friend of mine." Pegasus informed them while pocketing his phone back while looking apologetic at the two. "So I'm afraid that our little time together has now come to an end."

"But I do hope that we will have the chance to meet each other again." Pegasus exclaimed earnestly while placing a hand over his chest and having a small smile on his face. "Who knows, maybe that time will come soon."

"Highly unlikely, considering our time here will just be for today only." Weiss pointed out the truth over their time in Domino City. "But I agree it will be nice if we can meet each other again."

"Yeah, and maybe we can have a rematch too. Perhaps a one-on-one Duel since this Duel had me and Weiss working together." Ruby said also as she was rather curious if their teamwork were a huge factor that they even managed to defeat Pegasus in the first place.

"I am looking forward to it." Pegasus nods his head at hearing their word and agreeing with them. He then bowed slightly while looking at them.

"Well then, it is time for our goodbye. Farewell, girls! Until we meet again!"

With those words leaving his mouth, Pegasus walked away with them with a wave of goodbye as he walked towards the direction of the Domino City Museum. Ruby and Weiss watched him go for a moment before they began talking.

"Well, there he goes. Mister Pegasus sure is quite a character, don't you think so Weiss?" Ruby asked her partner as she wondered what her bestie thought about the man that they had just Duel earlier.

"I would say so. Though if anything I would have called him a literal man child, considering how he acts and the theme around his deck. But I digress." Weiss exclaimed as she had no doubt that Pegasus was a good person, though that wouldn't exactly translate to him being a normal person.

"Speaking of which, we never asked him what was the deal with the sudden change in his Monster earlier."

"I wouldn't really go too deep into it. Both of us know quite well how Konami's deck works with his multiple Archetypal cards."

"Huh, maybe you're right. I just find it odd at the drastic change from the funny Toon card to a horrendous looking Monster that is his Millennium-Eyes Restrict."

"...why do I feel like I am forgetting something when it comes to Restrict..."

"Well if you don't remember it, that something possibly isn't that important."

"That's not how things usually work, Ruby." Weiss sighed while rubbing the bridge of her nose as she couldn't really quite remember what it was that she was forgetting, before deciding to just give up. "Ahh, whatever. Maybe you're right and it wasn't important. I guess we should move along and spend the rest of our time together before we meet up with the others!"

"Oh! Can we go along with my idea now?!" Ruby exclaimed excitedly while looking up to the Schnee heiress with puppy dog eyes that sparkled.

"There's no need to give those eyes, Ruby. I was already going to go along with your idea anyway." Weiss told her partner while actively avoiding looking at her puppy dog eyes. Knowing full well how susceptible she is to it, like the rest of her team is. "So, where do you want to go?"

"I wanted to go to a bakery!"

"...excuse me?"

"A bakery! I wanted to try out what kind of cookies this dimension has compared to Remnant. Ohh, I hope they taste delicious~!"

"...alright fine, we'll go to the bakery. I am feeling kind of peckish anyway."

"Great! Let's go then! I'm pretty sure there is a famous bakery near the Domino City Museum. Let's go, Weiss!"

"H-Hey! Ruby! Don't pull out my arms like that! You're going to tear them apart at this rate!"

"Oh please, Aura will protect you, so there is no need to be so dramatic. Plus if we wait long the cookies are going to run out!"

"That was not the point! And how are you even sure they sell cookies anyway?"

"Because I know they do! Now come on! Let's gooo!"


With a cheerful Ruby and yelling Weiss, the two girls made their way to spend their time exploring Domino City once more.


Pegasus scroll through his phone while leaning back on the back seat of the car he was riding in. Said car being driven by one his bodyguard that has come to pick him up from the museum.

"Tell me, Mister John. What is my other agenda for the rest of the day?" Pegasus posed the question to the man that is driving the car while not looking up from his phone.

"You have a board meeting with the Japanese branch of Industrial Illusion and a few pitch meetings for a few card designs that need your seal of approval. Other than that your schedule is free, sir." The man that is now known as John answers to his boss while keeping his eyes on the road, which says a lot about him considering he is wearing sunglasses while doing so.

"Well at least I don't have much to do then. Being a president and the creator of the company that created Duel Monster can be such a tiring job. Don't you think so, Mister John~?" Pegasus posed the question to his bodyguard in a playful manner while adding a smile at that.

He didn't receive an answer however, his bodyguards were always so stiff and serious as always. It really took the fun out of things honestly when he tried to start a conversation. But what can he do, it was standard procedure after all.

Speaking of which, Pegasus' mind went back towards the two girls that certainly made his time off a lot more fun than it already is, and far more interesting.

Pegasus let out a smile that was growing by the second before his long white hair that was covering his right eye parted away. Allowing one to see his full face that was previously obscured.

As well as the golden eye of anubis that replaced normal human eyes.

'Remnant, Huntress, Aura, Semblance, and another dimension? My oh my, I would never have expected to hear such things when I read those girls' minds. You two truly are quite interesting indeed, Ruby-girl and Weissy-girl.' Pegasus thought to himself in wonder as he couldn't believe the thought that came out of those two. But that is the thing with reading someone's mind, that everything that is revealed is in fact true.

The Millennium-Eye does not allow for lying in front of him.

Now the question is, what should he do with this information? So many thoughts whirl inside his mind as he thinks about the best way to use this revelation.

Clearly telling other people is out of the question. They will quite literally see him as a lunatic and put him at an insane asylum, plus he wasn't going to rat them out anyway. He happened to like those girls after all, they are quite a Duelist.

It was a shame that one of the costs of him getting the Millennium-Eyes back from that person is that he is forbidden to use them in a Duel. Which he find a bit stingy, but he is a man of his word so he would upheld those deals.

Wait a minute.

Pegasus taps a few times at his phone screen before it reveals a particular message that he had received just yesterday. His smile turned even more pronounced as a funny idea came up to him.

"Mister John. Have you already booked me a table in Domino City's finest five star restaurant for my private meeting later."

"Already done, sir. The restaurant itself is already booked by you, Mister Pegasus. No one will be able to enter other than the worker. Is there anything else you need for that private meeting?"

"Why yes. I would like for you to increase the size of the table from just for two people only, into one fit for ten people."

"Ten? That is quite a significant jump of attendance, sir."

"Let's just call them a last minute guest of mine~ All of them are equally important."

"Understood, sir. I will notify the restaurant of the change."

"Much obliged, my good man."

Pegasus turned his attention back towards the screen of the phone, looking at a certain message he had with a certain red hat wearing Duelist yesterday.

Pegasus, are you free tomorrow? I would like to discuss something with you. Let's just say it's a good business expansion if you agree with me.

"So that's what he meant about a business expansion..." Pegasus chuckled to himself as he could already tell what it is that Konami wanted to discuss with him. Not going to lie, he was quite interested in the topic now. "I'm sure he won't mind if he brings some...extra friend with him."

Pegasus leaned his elbow at the armrest of his seat before resting his hand on the open palm of his hand. His smile grew just a bit wider as he looked at the message with the Millennium Eye that he possesses begin to glow and letting out an ethereal light.

"I'm looking forward to that meeting with you, Konami-boy."


A/N: And that's a wrap! So, what did you guys think? Is it good? Is it bad? Please leave a comment if you like.

So how did you guys do? Did you manage to guess correctly on who would make an appearance in this chapter? Because if you do, then good for you. And if you don't, don't worry there will be three more chapter after this one if you wanted to continue our little game.

But yeah, this chapter had quite a few part that need to be discuss. So let's get to it one by one.

First off, let's talk about the Kisara situation. If you're wandering when she will fully awaken, then all I can say is that it is still a work in progress. I knew I don't wanted her to awaken this early but I'm still thinking on where exactly should she awaken.

Second off, the Quantum Cube. I don't know if any of you figured it out or not, but this story in the DM dimension take place a few week after the event of DSOD. Unlike in the epilouge of the movie, Konami is the one to get hold of the Quantum Cube, as for who was the one that tell him to do so, you'll find out later on.

I also wanted to establish the bond Konami have with both Kaiba brother, mostly to Seto. I won't go too deep on the backstory in this chapter. I am planning on making a spin-off one-shot story that tell Konami's journey before coming to Remnant later on. But that is still in development.

So yeah, just wanted to lay down the foundation for later. What do you guys think of it though? Writting Kaiba as a character with a close friend — other then the main cast of the series — was quite a challenge really. I do hope he isn't that out of character.

Third off, the other Millennium Item. Yeah you can see quite well who it is that Konami had entrusted to guard the Millennium Item. Don't worry, there won't be any villain arc for them, there wasn't any motive for them to do so anyway, not in this story anyway.

By the way, can I just say that Pegasus getting back the Millennium Eye back was really a good thing. I mean he literally lose an eye to get that Millennium Item, at the very least he get a new one now.

Speaking of Pegasus, I hope I manage to capture that tone of voice he has whenever he speak. Either with the sub or the dub, I think we can all agree Pegasus way of speaking is the most entertaining.

Also, who here guess that Pegasus would use both his Toon and Relinquished card in a Duel when he appeared in this story? I think it really pay a good homage to his Duel against Yugi.

Fourth off, the Duel itself. A 2v1 Duel wasn't really that common in the anime, so the rule was a bit iffy really. I tried to implement it as best as I can, and I would be the first to admit that it turn out good. But I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do, and be sure to tell me if you wanted this kind of Duel more in future chapter.

And finally, the implication of the ending. As you can guess, I will be making Pegasus travel to Remnant in order to spread Duel Monster and is directed by Ozpin group. Frankly he is the only reasonable way that the game would be able to spread the game effetively.

Plus think of what that mean. Putting a literal mind reader in Ozpin group would be really something, plus an Industrial Illusion in Remnant would be good as well if they can compete with the SDC.

And I wanted to pointed out, Konami knew Pegasus because not only did he gave him back the Millennium Eye, but also because Konami also provide data about the different Summonjng method from other dimension.

So yes, this does mean that certain character will play Synchro or Xyz Summon as well correspending to their Archetype. I didn't include Pendulum, mainly because not many DM Archetype retrain primarily focused in Pendulum.

And yeah, that is all I think we need to discuss about this chapter. I will start writing the next chapter as soon as possible, though I will be distracted for some time.

Mainly due to college work as usual, but also partly because HSR is going to get another patch soon and I don't want to miss the newest story quest. Kind of make me want to write back my HSR story, since I plan on continuing it.

But that is all from me and I hope you guys all like this chapter. I apologize for the long update and I'll try to write the next chapter as soon as possible. All in all, I really hope you like this story. Thank you!

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