Contract and Order of Beacon - Ozpin VS Glynda

A/N: Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of RWBY: The Duelist Experience! Previously the Junior Detective duo have finally had their chance at Dueling. With Sun winning the Duel in the end, It shows that water doesn't always win against fire.

So...I've seen the recent Volume 9. Not really watching the episode but mostly the major point of each episode. And yeah if you're all needed more prove that this story takes place in an AU, then there you go.

Still the recent Volume 9 does give me more material to use for the future, especially the appearance of Summer Rose and her weapon, Sundered Rose. Didn't think It would be an axe and rifle hybrid, the rifle I could see but the axe? Not really.

Damn, like mother like daughter. Naming their weapon after their last name.

Well anough about that, It's time for another chapter after...months, to say the least. What can I say? I'm busy.

That's right, It's time for Ozpin himself to finally start his turn on Dueling and with Glynda as well. If you're wondering about what kind of deck they'll use, the chapter title might give you some clue.

There is probably more I wanted to say but I'll will left that on the end of the chapter. But now that needed to be said is all done, let's get on to the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY or Yu-gi-oh, they belong to Rooster teeth and Konami respectively.


Ray of the morning sunlight passed through Team RWBY dorm room window, hitting Ruby face as she blissfully slept on top of her bunk bed, causing her to stir in her sleep as she instinctively moved her hand to try to block it. "Hmm~ can someone turn off the sun? It's too bright."

"Our moon is already broken, and you want the sun to be turned off? Do you want our planet to perish or something?"

Ruby knew that sarcastic deadpan voice anywhere. Reluctantly, she opened her eyes before moving herself toward the edge and was greeted by the half lidded look of her bestie. "Oh hey, Weiss." She greeted her partner with a sleepy grin.

Weiss meanwhile was tapping her foot impatiently as she continued to look up at where her leader was. "Honestly, Ruby. I know we're on summer's break and all, but that doesn't excuse you to miss the morning by sleeping all day. It's already past 10 in the morning."

Ruby just blinked as she stared back at the heiress before directing her attention forward towards the bed on the other side. Weiss saw this and raised an eyebrow before looking at the direction the other girl was looking at.

What both girls are seeing right now is Yang who was sprawled on her bed with her limb practically going in all directions as well as her blanket covering very little of her due to being pushed to the side. To say that she is 'sleeping' would be an understatement as the blonde brawler is currently blissfully disconnected from the world with a dreamy wide opened smile and a line of droll falling from the side of her mouth.

"She won't be waking up anytime soon." A voice coming from under Yang's bed caught the girls attention as they looked down and were met with Blake, still in her sleeping clothes and was sitting up with a book on her hand which she was currently reading from. "I suggest we take turns on taking the bathroom and let her use it last. It would save us the trouble of waking her up and our time considering how long she usually takes in there." She suggested while not even looking up from her reading material.

Weiss had to fight every urge in her body not to facepalm right here and now. This is the team she will be working with for the duration of her time in Beacon? May Oum give her strength.

"I think I'll go first. I need to use the little girls room anyway." Ruby said as she jumped down from her top bed before holding on to her stomach that gurgled unsettlingly. "Probably shouldn't have eaten that batch of cookies last night!" She whispered to herself before practically blitzing with her Semblance towards the bathroom and slamming the door shut.

Blake looked at the bathroom door with concern. Yesterday she noticed that the half filled cartoon milk Ruby usually drinks with her cookies has expired by just a few days and is just beginning to spoil. She did throw it to the trash after she saw that but it looks like her leader has gotten to it first before looking at the expiration date. It's a miracle she didn't immediately go to the bathroom yesterday.

Though hearing the loud groaning coming from the bathroom she would guess that the young team leader would be in there for a while. Maybe it would be better if she did have a stomach ache yesterday.

Looking to the side from her book, the Cat Faunus caught sight of her snow haired teammate picking up her Duel Disk from the table beside her bed. "What are you doing, Weiss?" Blake asked curiously while her cat ears twitched instinctively.

"I'm trying to figure out what other functions our Duel Disk has." Weiss answered as she tap the screen of the device and watched it lit up in response to indicate that it was turned on. "If we're going to use this in the considerable future then we might as well make the best of it."

Blake closed her book before gently placing it on her bed, for once she was finding something more interesting than her book. Standing up from her bed and walking towards Weiss, she sits down next to the heiress as they both try to figure out what other things their Duel Disk can do.

So far it wasn't anything that unique. There is the Call function which allows them to communicate with each other — Weiss was slightly curious on where the signal is coming from and made a mental note to ask Konami about it — which also included both audio and video call features.

Speaking of video, the Duel Disk also has a Camera mode with a small camera placed just above the Graveyard zone. Despite the size of the camera the Duel Disk managed to capture a high resolution and high quality picture and video with it as they figured out by taking a few pics with them. Though the odd angle at the way they have to use it will take some time getting used to.

Another none too surprising function of the Duel Disk is the Message function, yeah the name is self explanatory on itself although the two were surprised that Weiss Duel Disk has all of Team RWBY and JNPR contact including Konami as well for the Message and Call function. They figured it was the work of the Vagabond himself so they thank him for it.

Weiss wondered if they can actually connect their Scroll into their Duel Disk, another thing she would have to ask Konami when she has the chance.

Next was the Database function, which the two remembered that it was the function that both Jaune and Ren had used the first time they had received their Duel Disk. Just like before it holds information about various Duel Monster cards. Although the Checkmate duo was more surprised by the amount of cards there are in this Database.

"I knew that Konami said that Duel Monster is a big game but...I did not expect It to have this many cards."

"There are thousands of these cards and I don't think It's going to stop there! How in the world does he remember every single one of them...?"

After getting out of their shock, the two finally decided to check out the one true function of the Duel Disk, the Duel function. Just as expected the Duel function is set to active whenever they are going to Duel, what was less expected however was that they found out that the Duel function was set on 'RSV Mode'. Swiping the screen reveals that there are more modes than they had thought.

"RSV Mode...I think we can assume that it stands for Real Solid Vision?"

"Probably. Though I have no idea what any of these other modes mean. SV Mode, ARV Mode, RD Mode, AD Mode, and AT Mode. Couldn't he have put on some kind of description or something?"

"Wait, what's this?"

Blake pointed out to an Icon on the Duel function before pressing it. The screen lit up before it then showed a various number of decks in an organized list on the left side of the screen and text box on the right box. However it was the name of the function that caught their attention.

"Simulation Duel?"


"Nora, It is already morning. Can you please wake up already?"

"Rennn~ I brought back a big Ursa~ Can we have some pancake now~"

"I don't even want to know what you are dreaming right now."

Pyrrha slowly opened her eyes as she was awoken from her sleep to the sound of an exasperated Ren and a sleepy yet still seems lively Nora. Once her eyes adjusted to the morning light, she got up from her bed and rubbed her eyes to get rid of the excess sleepiness from her eyes.

Once her vision was properly adjusted, she was greeted by the sight of her long haired male teammate standing with his hands on his hips on the side of the hammer loving girl's bed, who was still blissfully sleeping without a care in the world.

Giggling to herself at her teammates' antics, she couldn't help but think of them as some sort of married couple. This thought immediately caused her to blush as her mind replaced the two with the image of herself sleeping while a certain blonde knight tried to wake her up. Shaking that embarrassing — yet equally pleasant — thought out of her head, she turned towards the other bed beside her.

"Good morning, Ja—" Pyrrha said but stopped herself when she noticed that her team leader's bed was empty. Feeling slightly disappointed, she begins to wonder where he is as her eyes wander once more across the room before spotting him at the study table. Getting up from her bed, she quietly walks towards Jaune and sees what he is doing.

Once she was close enough though, she found that he wasn't reading one of his comic like she had initially thought. Instead Jaune was doing something with his Duel Disk from the looks of it while muttering something to himself while his hand was cupping his chin. Peeking over his shoulder, she sees that his Duel Disk is showing....a Duel?


Pyrrha called out in order to get his attention and ask him what he's doing. Unfortunately she was doing this while she was still hovering over his shoulder and her mouth literally positioned beside his ear. Coupling with the fact that Jaune himself was so engrossed with what he is doing that he tuned out everything around him, his reaction to hearing his name being called out of nowhere like that is....let's say more or less acceptable.

Jaune almost instantaneously jumped three feet into the air and let out a loud and startled shriek, and if anyone asked why there is a girlish sounding scream coming from his dorm he would vehemently deny any accusation thrown at him.

His action caused Pyrrha to stumble back in shock, Nora to spring up from her bed, and Ren wondering to himself why he couldn't just get a pleasant and quiet morning.

"P-P-Pyrrha?! Please, don't sneak up on me like that!" Jaune cried out with a shock expression on his face as he tried to steady his rapidly beating heart. As well as desperately suppressing a shiver from having his name being called directly into his ear like that.

"I'm sorry!" Pyrrha immediately apologized towards her partner. In hindsight, maybe she shouldn't have gotten so close to him to call him since he looked so focused on something.

"What happened?! I heard a girl scream for some reason! Never fear Nora is here!" Nora also cried out as she made a leap towards her hammer before she was stopped by her best friend.

"Nora, just go back to sleep." Ren told his childhood friend with a sigh, already he was feeling tired and the day hadn't even begun.

"Hm? Silly Ren! It's already morning! Why would I go back to sleep if It's morning?" Nora chidded her partner in a good hearted manner while smiling brightly at him. All the essence of sleepiness from the girl was all but gone at this point.

Ren can only respond by letting out another sigh escape from his mouth. Well he was the one who wanted her to wake up so he really shouldn't complain all that much.

"A-Anyway, Jaune. What are you doing with your Duel Disk?" Pyrrha asked once she had gotten back up. "And did you actually sleep last night?" She added once she noticed the lightest sign of dark circles under his eyes.

"O-Oh, well I actually woke up at like five in the morning and couldn't get myself back to sleep. So I thought I would take this time to see what our Duel Disk can do until I was tired enough to sleep again." Jaune told her before turning his head towards his Duel Disk screen and noticed the 'DEFEAT' sign plastered in the center of what appeared to be a finished Duel. "Oh man, again? How in the hell do I beat this..."

"So what did you find, fearless leader? Also, why does your Duel Disk showing a lose sign?" Nora curiously asks once she and Ren walk up towards their teammates and see the screen of Jaune's Duel Disk.

"It's a feature called Simulation Duel. Basically it lets us simulate a Duel with the various decks that are store in our Duel Disk in order to test our Dueling skill." Jaune explained before he pointed towards his deck which was placed at the deck slot of the activated Duel Disk. "You do this by choosing a deck you want to face and then insert your own deck into your deck slot, it will scan it to make a digital copy and from there you just start Dueling like usual."

"I see, and we can assume this is what Konami used when he showed us how to Duel for the first time." Ren added as he can imagine this is the system the Vagabond had used although using the Real Solid Vision. Still it was nice to know that they can use it even without having to use the arena every time.

"That being said, you spent all this time trying this Simulation Duel out, Jaune?" Pyrrha asked as she was curious what her leader thought of it.

"Ehehe, well I was eager to try it out and lost track of time I guess." Jaune rubbed the back of his head while looking sheepish before his expression brightened up. "Still this is really useful as I have tried my hand on facing different kinds of decks. Embarrassingly enough I lost a lot more time then I would've liked to admit. Though out of all the decks I have try facing, this one is probably the most difficult."

"Ohhh, what kind of deck is it? Is it some super strong deck with a really cool monster?!" Nora asked as she wanted to know what kind of deck that would make Jaune have difficulty.

Jaune responded by sitting back on his chair before pressing the screen of his Duel Disk. This action caused the screen to return back towards displaying the many rows of deck recipes. Scrolling down from the various decks, he finally found it and tapped it to reveal a good amount of info about the deck.

"The King of Game Legacy. A deck made and used by the well known King of Game, Yugi Muto. Legend told of his victory facing the most powerful Duelist of his time with this deck, growing even stronger as the times went on. A deck specializing in many different types of Monster as well as utilizing various powerful Spell and Trap in his arsenal, his bond with his card is shown in his Duel and they will always guide him to victory." Jaune read the summary of the deck out loud for his teammates to hear, who was admittedly taken aback by what they had just heard. What they had just heard doesn't sound like a deck description at all, at least not a normal one.

"Yeah, I had the same reaction when I first found this deck. The thing is this deck is...I don't know how to say this, but I guess it's controversial?" Jaune said with uncertainty in his voice while scrunching up his face in confusion.

"How so, Jaune?" Pyrrha asked as she want to hear his opinion on the deck.

"It's because I can't really point out any solid strategy on what this deck is trying to achieve and yet it manages to beat me every time. Heck I don't think this deck have any consistent Archetype base like ours." Jaune told them as he pressed the deck icon and it revealed to them the content of the deck...which outside of a few noticeable similarities with some of the cards, doesn't seem to have a consistent theme to them.

Ren blinked a few times as he registered the deck list before him before commenting. "You're right, this deck is completely random, or at the very least well mashed together. The effect doesn't look like it synergies as a whole just like our deck is. Although I admit there are some very useful cards in it."

"Who is this Yugi guy anyway? And why is he called the King of Game?" Nora asked as she was more curious on what this Yugi person was all about to merit this kind of description on his deck.

"Perhaps we can ask Konami about this Yugi person? He must have known him or was well known enough for Konami to put his deck in our Duel Disk." Pyrrha suggested as she had a feeling that Konami mist have known more about this King of Game, considering he did travel throughout different dimensions.

"I think that would be a better option. We can ask Team RWBY what they thought about it as well." Jaune nodded his head in agreement with his partner's plan. With that said the team of two boys and two girls all started getting themself ready for the day.

Although in the back of the blonde team leader's mind, he was thinking about that peculiar deck he was facing and can't help but be interested in one monster in perticular.

'I wonder if I can find out more about this Black Luster Soldier card....'


After about an hour or so, both Team RWBY and JNPR had finished getting themself ready for the day and had decided to have breakfast together in the cafeteria.

"So you're all saying that we can have a Duel without using the Real Solid Vision?" Yang asked as she was the last one to know about the particular system inside of their Duel Disk.

"If you wanted to Duel a computer generated Deck with an AI using them, then yes you could do that." Weiss said in response as she was still fiddling with her Duel Disk. The cafeteria was still busy as usual so she and the others didn't need to worry about being questioned unless they had drawn attention to themself.

"It will be a good way for us to test our skill if we can't use the training room." Ren added towards the heiress' words as Nora groaned as she sit beside her childhood friend.

"But that would mean I won't be able to see my monster in all their glory..." Nora said as she was a little bummed out that the viable way for her to Duel is to use the Simulation Duel that sadly doesn't have the same feel as an actual Duel.

"Maybe once Duel Monster starts to be more popular in our world and Duel Disk starts being a normal thing, we don't have to Duel in secrecy like we do now." Pyrrha offered her advice to her fellow female teammate while giving her a reassuring smile.

"I sure hope so. I don't know about any of you but I am kind of tired of keeping our Dueling a secret like this." Jaune told his friend his thoughts as he kind of feels restricted with the way they are Dueling right now.

"We'll just have to see what Konami has to say about this." Blake said in response as she brought her reading book with her to the cafeteria to continue her reading.

"Still I am curious on the deck you say you lose to, Jaune." Weiss suddenly said as she was looking at the deck that Jaune had mentioned when he tried the Simulation Duel. "I wonder what this person is thinking of having so many cards that don't belong to one Archetype in this deck."

"Yeah I know. Every time I tried to pin out a pattern in this deck but it just doesn't seem to have one. Yet it still works well with each other." Jaune responded as he really can't figure this deck out. Whatever this Yugi person is, he must be some kind of high level Duelist or something.

A pained groan caught the group's attention as the seven Beacon students turned towards the youngest girl of the group, who was too busy having her face planted to the table while holding to her stomach. Her stomach ache had been reduced after her times in the bathroom but her tummy was still not agreeing with her choice of late night snack.

Weiss handed her partner a tall glass of water to help her keep hydrated and ease the pain in her kidney, to which the red hooded girl graciously took and drank a large gulp of it. "Thankfully you don't seem to be having any serious stomach problems, Ruby. Just keep yourself hydrated and it should pass over time." She advised and received a nod of understanding in return.

"You should really check your milk before you drink it, little sis. Wouldn't want to repeat what happened with dad years ago now would we?" Yang told her sister as Ruby muttered a quiet 'don't remind me' before going back to drinking her glass of water.

"Hey there everybody!" A loud yell near them caught their attention as the group of two teams turned to see that it was Sun, alongside Neptune, that had called them. The two boys was also accompanied by Coco and Velvet with the four of them holding onto a tray of food.

The Monkey Faunus was about to say another thing before he noticed the oddly pale and sick-ish look on Ruby's face. "Woah there, Ruby. You're doing okay?" He asked while looking concerned for his friend.

Blake took the liberty of answering the question. "She drank some spoiled milk last night and let's just say that her stomach does not agree with it." The Cat Faunus said while Ruby gave another nod of confirmation as she finished her glass of water.

"Oh yeah that's a real pain. I remember accidently doing the same thing....I was stuck in the bathroom for a good part of the day." Neptune grimaced as he remembered that horrible day.

"Well here's hoping you get better, Ruby." Coco told her junior as she Velvet took a seat which was followed by Sun and Neptune doing the same.

"Are we going to Duel again today?" Velvet curiously asked the others, she didn't really have any plan today and she thought that having a Duel would be a good alternative then just sitting around in her room all day doing nothing.

"That was kind of the plan." Ruby said as she was well enough to hold a conversation, although she was still holding her stomach in discomfort. Hopefully her stomach ache will pass before she can start Dueling.

"I wonder if Konami would be willing to Duel today, I'm dying to get a chance to actually beat him in a Duel." Sun exclaimed as he was really hoping he can get another chance of Dueling Konami again today so he could get revenge on his loss yesterday against him.

"Considering how he actually curbstomp all of us when we decided to challenge him yesterday, I wouldn't say our chance of defeating him is high with our skill level." Neptune rationalized as he could remember quite well when he was defeated by the Red Hat Infernoid deck, was it just him or was Tierra looking really eager to actually hurt him when Konami had summoned her?

"Man, you eight didn't lie about him being able to use all of the Summoning method like that." Coco said to the two teams as she can admit, the sight of Konami actually using all of the Summoning method in his Duel against her yesterday was something else. Especially when he decided to actually become his own monster using that Nekroz card.

"Speaking of which, has anyone actually seen him?" Blake asked as she was looking left and right in search of the red hat wearing Duelist.

Her question was answered by the group all shaking their heads as they hadn't seen Konami on their way to the cafeteria. The ravenette knows that she and her team didn't see him but she did kind of hope the others would have, looks like she had mistaken.

"Do you think he got lost again like yesterday? Metaltron did say that they were lost on their way here." Pyrrha said as she was worried if her new friend from another dimension managed to lose their way to the cafeteria again.

"Let's just give him some time before checking up on him." Ren responded as he took a sip of his morning tea before letting out a pleased sigh, feeling his earlier tension melt away.

"Anyone else find it kind of funny that the guy whose nickname is Vagabond, somehow get himself lost to his destination?" Yang pointed out while grinning at the prospect of someone who is well versed in traveling, through different dimensions no less, can also got lost like that was kind of humorous. "I mean, I would like to say 'Kudo' to him I guess."

"Yang, I'm already in pain over this stomachache I'm having. I don't need to add it more by hearing your pun on top of that." Ruby complained while giving her sister the stink eye.

"Ouch, that's just cruel, sis."

"Anyway, I couldn't exactly fault him for getting lost on the way here. I mean this place is HUGE!" Nora defended the red hat wearing boy while spreading her arms out to emphasize her statement. "If it wasn't for Ren by my side I would have gotten lost more often in our earlier day here!"

"But didn't Metaltron tell us that Konami is kind of bad at navigation in a big place like our academy?" Jaune pointed out what Metaltron had told Team RWBY and JNPR when they found the Drcombatant at the entrance of the cafeteria yesterday. "Then again, the guy seems to like teasing both Konami and Tierra a lot. So he might have been just telling us that to get under his skin."

"How the hell does that guy get away with constantly teasing that woman is beyond me." Neptune mutters as he can remember quite clearly, and painfully, of his attempt of wooing the horned redhead spirit. He can STILL feel the kick from her steel boots for Oum sakes!

"And what did you do to Tierra yesterday that made you say that?" Weiss asked with a suspicious raise of her delicate eyebrow. She knew that the Infernoid Spirit has a really short temper and she had a feeling that the blue haired intellectual had done something really stupid — ironically enough — to garner this reaction.

Seeing as Neptune was too distracted — or perhaps traumatized is the right word — to answer, his oh so faithful partner Sun decided to help him out by explaining to his Beacon friend what happened yesterday. Once they did however, the two teams all looked at the blue haired boy with a variety of shock on their face.

"Holy shit, you tried to flirt with Tierra and survive?!" Yang almost cried out so loud that the other students would definitely turn their attention towards her. Thankfully she toned down her reaction, but the disbelief was still evident in her voice. "You're really dancing with the devil with your action right there, man! You're lucky you came out of it with just a case of bruised pelvis."

"How was that supposed to be lucky?!" Neptune shouted in his own disbelief that his injured family jewel was the bright side out of all of that ordeal.

"Considering what we know about her so far, I think we can all agree that she can do a lot worse things to you." Coco pointed out the obvious, well the obvious to all of them at least, before she took a sip of her morning coffee. After seeing what the Infernoid Duel Spirit can do with her power, she has no doubt that Tierra was being relatively nice with Neptune. "Not to mention she does dress like a dominatrix, I wonder if she is into S&M play."

"Coco!" Velvet shrieked in embarrassment over her partner's statement while having her face turned a shade of red. Sometimes she doesn't know how the fashionista can say things like that in public and with no shame whatsoever.

"Why don't you just ask her yourself?" Yang asked her senior with a challenging raise of her eyebrow and a smirk on her face.

"And have my precious clothes burned to ash? No thank you." Coco responded back with a wave of her hand and deep frown on her face at the thought of her clothing being absolutely wasted just to sate her own curiosity.

"Anyway, are you guys trying to find out what our Duel Disk can do?" Sun asked when he noticed Weiss tinkering with her own Duel Disk.

"That's what we are doing yes." Weiss answered the question while her focus was still on her Duel Disk. "And It seems that It doesn't look too difficult to operate the feature outside of Dueling, the Message feature is also really close to our Scroll so we can—"


The group went silent when they heard the ping sound coming from Weiss's Duel Disk. The snow haired heiress looked at the screen before she noticed a notification on her Message function. Tapping the icon she was greeted by a text message from Konami himself.

Hey guys.

I'm at the training room already if you're all wondering where I am. Don't worry, Metaltron, Tierra and I already have breakfast and that's why we are not at the cafeteria with you all. Come to the training room when you're all done, there'll be a surprise for you all when you guys come here.


Weiss read the message out loud for her friends to her, the other quickly activated their Duel Disk and sure enough, their screen was showing a notification just like on Weiss's Duel Disk.

"Huh, well I guess this confirms that the Message function actually work." Jaune exclaimed after a few minutes of silence.

"Wonder what surprise he has in store for us." Neptune wondered out loud as he was a little curious on what the red hat wearing Duelist was planning.

"We should probably finish our breakfast quickly so as to not make him wait." Ren suggested as the others agreed before he then grabbed hold of Nora's hand, which was holding on a fork near her open mouth with a full stack of pancake stabbed into it. "Not that quickly, Nora."


After sharing a laugh at the pouting pancake loving girl, the students continue eating at a quick but moderate pace. It took about fifteen minutes for them to finish their morning meal and tidy up their messes before they made their way towards the training room.

Once they had made their way towards the training room, they easily spotted their red hat wearing friend and his two Duel Spirits on the spectator seat near the entrance. That alone may not be as noteworthy but the other people in the room with the Vagabond did catch the group off guard.

Because alongside Konami was the Headmaster of Beacon Ozpin himself alongside his ever present secretary Glynda...both of which had their own Duel Disk strapped to their arm.

"Good morning, students."


(One hour earlier...)

Ozpin sat at his office desk while an exuberant amount of unchecked paperwork was what prevented him from having a relatively good morning. You think having lived countless different lives for centuries would be a pretty daunting thing for someone to went through, but clearly those people never have the displeasure of doing the ever so tedious task of paperwork.

Now adding that task to thousands of years of experiencing it whenever he was in a position of power? Then he would have to contemplate what the true evil of this world truly is. At least the Grimm had the decency to die at the end, something that couldn't be said for this ever growing stack of paper.

Not like his thought was all that focused on his pile of stacked paper file at the moment anyway. Probably the only good thing about dealing with paperwork for god knows how long, was that he sort of developed a skill to absent mindedly do his work as efficiently as possible.

No, Ozpin's mind was more preoccupied by a certain red hat wearing individual who came literally from out of nowhere just two days prior. Through some elaborate series of event, the Headmaster has now acquired possibly the most unpredictable ally in his long wars with Salem.

Not a moment of those two days did Ozpin ever stop to ask himself if he made the right choice or not. Say all you want about his shady act and less than ethical choices, he knew that if it was Salem we are talking about then leaving it up to chance is a death sentence waiting to happen.

Especially when things at the moment are not looking good for them. They had almost lost their Fall Maiden, Amber life is just barely hanging on a thread, and the culprit could be hiding under their noses this whole time and they would never notice. Adding such a wild card in Konami is like stacking weight on top of an already unstable house of cards.

His thought was interrupted when a steaming cup of fresh coffee was placed beside him, courtesy by the headmistress of Beacon herself. "Is everything alright, sir?" Glynda asked worriedly when she noticed his troubled face as she was also holding her own mug of coffee.

"It's nothing, Glynda. I was merely....lost in my own thoughts that is all." Ozpin replied while giving a simple smile to ease her worry as he took a sip from the offered hot beverage. "After all, these past two days have been a really unique time for all of us."

"I see...." Glynda said offhandedly as she felt that there is more than what he is letting on. She could hazard a guess on what he was thinking about, or more specifically who.

"Tell me, Glynda. What do you think about our new guest from a different dimension?"

'And I called it.' Glynda thought to herself before taking a minute or two to sort her thoughts about the red hat wearing young man that her boss was talking about. Once she did, the blonde combat teacher opened her mouth to answer. "He is...certainly a one of a kind young man. Especially the circumstances of what is around him for that matter."

"About this game called Duel Monster, I suppose?" Ozpin asked while looking at his secretary dead in the eyes as she nodded her head at his guesses.

"Never would I have ever thought that a card game would be so....otherworldly, is the best word I could describe it. The power it contains, the story it told, and just everything about it is so....mind boggling to comprehend at times." Glynda exclaimed while crossing her arm as she could never truly understand this 'game' that her students are currently playing.

She would never persuade them to give up something that they had genuinely started to like, especially when it times like this that having something to enjoy yourself with is good for them, but she couldn't help but worry that they are messing with things that they haven't fully grasped yet.

Glynda Goodwitch is, first and foremost, a teacher of Beacon Academy. It is her duty to look out for the well being of her student. Hunter and Huntress in training they may be, they could really get themself on situation that is out of their hand and it was her job to prepare them for the world that they are going to face.

But with Duel Monster coming to Remnant, she was nothing. She could understand her student in the eyes of an experienced Huntress but if this game were to spread to Remnant like Konami had intended, then she wouldn't be able to understand them after that. Because she wasn't a 'Duelist'.

"Hmm..." Glynda was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard the humming sound coming from the ash gray haired man who was busy lightly swirling his mug around and staring at it. "I was also contemplating about this Duel Monster as well. Although, I can see where you are coming from, Glynda. I guess you weren't much of a 'gamer', as the kids have said it, in your younger years?"

Feeling an irritated twitch in her forehead at the subtle mention of her age, Glynda turned towards the headmaster with narrowed eyes. "With all due respect, Professor." She pushed her glasses up while still glaring at him. "That is rich coming from you of all people."

Ozpin let out a chuckle escape from his mouth as he couldn't deny that claim. "Yes, well, not all of us can have the luxury of playing games to relieve ourselves from time to time." He said to his fellow faculty member with his eyes closed as he took another sip of his coffee. "But I suppose we should just follow in our students' footsteps and learn more about Duel Monster. Not just for our war against Salem, but as well as to find something that we can find some enjoyment from. After all, they're sure having a great time when they are Dueling."

Glynda looks at the headmaster in surprise at his words before she comes to an agreement with him. True she and the others of the Inner Circle may have so much muddling over their conflict with Salem and the Grimm, that they haven't really come around to find something that they can truly find themselves enjoying. Qrow may be the most laxed out of all of them, but Glynda knew that the man was much more than the drunkard that he always appeared to be.

She let a small smile graced her face as she thought that she was just overthinking things. Her students can take care of themself just fine even without her watching over them, and even if they were in trouble she could always rely that Konami would have their back. Obligatory or not about the trust the Inner Circle had shared with the red hat-wearing young man, she could see in his eyes that he truly cares about those he called his friends.

'I wonder, Konami.' Glynda idly wondered to herself in her mind as she brought her mug close to her mouth. 'When will you make do with your promise to let us Dueling?' She thought as she finally bring her mug up to her lip and took a single, long and refreshing sip of her newly made cup of joe—

—before a swirling green portal suddenly popped out of nowhere in front of her.

Glynda did an abrupt, large, and rather messy spit take at the sudden appearance of the large portal in front of her, spraying the coffee in her mouth to the floor. She was so glad that none of her students were here to see her doing that embarrassing — and horribly cliche, even for her — reaction.

Ozpin, on the other hand, was just as surprised as his secretary if his widening eyes were any indication. It's a good thing that he managed to get a hold of himself quick enough before he dropped the mug in his hand onto his desk, otherwise the paperwork he had been doing would all be ruined and would be a nightmare to recover from.

The two didn't have to wait long to figure out what the hell just happened before Konami just casually walked out of said portal with both Metaltron and Tierra by his side, both of which are being in their astral form. Konami then raised his Duel Disk and tapped the screen before the portal behind him closed.

"Alright success, the Dimension Travelling System is fully integrated with this dimension. No more random spawning points from this point onward." Konami exclaimed happily to both of his Duel Spirit and received a happy nod from Metaltron and an unbothered look from Tierra. The Vagabond lowered his Duel Disk before turning his attention towards the two people in the office while raising his hand and waving at them. "Good morning, Professor Goodwitch and Professor Ozpin."

"Well good morning to you too, Konami." Ozpin greeted back with a sigh as Glynda was too busy grumbling something incoherent as she went ahead to clean the mess she made. "That was some....unexpected way for you to greet us in the morning."

"Sorry about that, I was just trying the Dimension Travel System now that it is fully calibrated." Konami told the headmaster while giving him an apologetic smile as he adjusted the position of the duffle bag hanging on his shoulder to make it more comfortable.

"I see, and what does this Dimension Travel System do exactly?" Ozpin questioned with an intrigued expression on his face as he wanted to learn more about this technology from a different dimension.

"It does what it is named, a system that allows me to travel to different dimensions. I have to let the system be fully calibrated with the new dimension first, but when it fully does this system allows me to basically teleport between dimensions. Although I have to visit the place first in that dimension to let the system make travel easier, think of it as marking a checkpoint if you will." Konami explained as he could remember the incident two days prior where the system opened the portal up at Team RWBY's room.

"Seems like a really useful system for a supposed 'vagabond' as yourself." Ozpin commented as he took note of a certain condition of Konami's Dimension Travel System that he pointed out. "But the part where you said you need to visit the places where you wanted to teleport, doesn't that mean you are restricted to Beacon as your travel point to our dimension?"

"That's actually something I wanted to talk to you about." Konami said which earned a questioning raising of an eyebrow from the ash gray haired headmaster. "I actually planned on going traveling around Remnant after spending some time here in Beacon."

Now that caught Ozpin off guard. "Traveling around Remnant you say? That's a really ambitious goal you have set yourself for only being here less than a week."

"Please, Professor. This guy has tons of ambitious and crazy goals and ideas in his track record and this doesn't even count as the craziest of any of them. It's not even in his top ten." Metaltron said as he gave his fellow Duel Spirit a side eyed look and grinning at her. "Pretty sure meeting with you counts in those top ten craziest ideas he had ever had."

"Glad to know you two idiots barging into my seal was one of your top ten craziest ideas, really made my day I tell you." Tierra replied in a sarcastic tone while rolling her eyes at him. Though on the inside she was secretly glad that she was out of that god forsaken seal thanks to said idiots, especially Konami, but they don't need to know that.

"Be that as it may, is there any particular reason why you would decide to travel around Remnant?" Ozpin just had to ask as he wanted to know the reason for this young man to take on this goal he had set out on to himself.

Konami smiled as he happily answered the question. "Is there really any need for me to have a specific reason to explore this dimension that is entirely different from my own, Professor? After all the various dimensions I have traveled all took place in a different variant of Earth, the name of my home planet. However this is possibly the first time a dimension I traveled to, not included the Spirit World, where it is a different planet entirely. So you can't exactly fault me for being slightly curious."

'No, I guess I cannot.' Ozpin thought to himself in agreement with Konami's statement while chuckling internally. Everyone would feel a tad bit curious if they suddenly end up on a different planet entirely like that. "If I may be honest, Konami. You sound just like you're being a tourist on a vacation."

"Ha! I told you, Konami! Say all you want about being this mysterious wandering figure. At the end of the day, you're just being a glorified tourist!" Metaltron cried out with a laugh as he had said the same thing to his partner numerous times. Glad to know that somebody else agreed with him.

Konami just narrowed his eyes under his cap at the Duel Spirit. He was about to retort before Glynda came walking back from cleaning off the coffee stain and standing beside the headmaster while glaring dagger at the Vagabond.

"Next time, Konami. Be sure to notify us before entering the office, understand?" Glynda spoke to the red hat wearing Duelist with a tone in her voice that usually struck fear in her misbehaved student. At least, that was what they always said when they figured she wasn't paying attention.

Unfortunately for her, this did not have the same effect on Konami who just waved at her with a carefree wave of his hand. "No problem, Professor Goodwitch. I'll be sure to send you a message when I pop out unexpectedly like this again." He said with a reassuring smile which only served to give her more of a headache.

Not sure if it was more towards the casual way he just opened up a portal to enter the room like that or the fact that this probably wasn't going to be just a one time thing in the foreseeable future.

"Please tell me you did not come here just for that..." Glynda asked as she really hoped he didn't just come all the way here just for him to possibly pull a prank by his teleporting shenanigan.

"Well there's two reasons as to why I'm here actually." Konami said before he nudged the Infernoid Duel spirit beside him while gesturing towards the blonde haired secretary with his hand. "Come on, Tierra. Isn't there something you wanted to say?"

Tierra directed a very heated glare towards the grinning Red Hat to what he was telling her to do. Gritting her teeth while looking away from all the eyes looking at her, she took a step forward and muttered, rather vehemently mind you, towards Glynda.

"Sorry about the burn mark on the wall."

Glynda herself felt incredibly dumbfounded at hearing the apology from the Goddess of Destruction at her of all people, sure it was obviously forced but still. Having no words to respond, as well as not wanting to test if her words would upset the already pissed off Duel Spirit, she opted to just nod her head in acceptance of the apology.

Having done the deed, Tierra went back towards her place beside Konami to which she was almost immediately being nagged by the ever presently annoying Metaltron.

"Now was that so painful to say?"

"Yes, excruciatingly so."

"Deal with it."

"I'll deal with you."

"Charmed, but like I said I'm taken."

"That's not what I meant!"

"So you do understand what I'm saying. Sure is a leap and bound from how clueless you are when we first break you out of your seal."

"That was months ago, you asshole!"

"I know! You were so cute back then."

"I'll show you cute, you little piece of—!"

"Alright, that's enough arguing you two." Konami calmly told his two Duel Spirits while standing between them with his arm spread out slightly. He could never catch a break with these two, could he?

Tierra continued to grumble under her breath but instantly complied to the Vagabond's word nonetheless. Metaltron decided to drop it as well as he thought to himself that there will be plenty of opportunity to tease Tierra later on.

Ozpin coughed to get their attention back to the topics at hand. "Well, Tierra. On behalf of my currently occupied college—" He said after taking note of his currently too-shocked-to-respond secretary. "—I would like to say that we appreciate your apology and that you don't have to worry about the damage you have done. Stuff like this tend to happen from time to time and Beacon is willing to fix any damage without having to trouble the students whatsoever, assuming that they don't get too overboard of course."

"Wasn't planning on making up to you in the first place...." Tierra muttered lowly to herself, which would have been a more louder and sarcastic remark if it wasn't for the stare she had gotten from Konami that just screamed 'Be quiet'.

Fortunately, neither Ozpin nor Glynda had heard the Infernoid spirit muttering as the Headmaster of Beacon continued. "Now that that problem has been settled, what is the second reason that you are here, Konami?"

Konami just grinned in excitement as he grabbed the bag that was hanging on his shoulder to the floor, before opening up the zipper which left the two Remnants curious on what he is going to show them. Their question was answered when the red hat Duelist placed the items on the desk which is revealed to be two Duel Disks.

These two Duel Disks were differently shaped from the Duel Disk Konami had previously given to Ruby and her friends. This Duel Disk has a more slimmer and irregular shape with a circular round shape for the front half and a rectangular shape on the back half. Both the Spell & Trap Zone and the Graveyard are located in the back of the rectangular section of the Disk, with the Spell/Trap on the upper one and the Graveyard on the lower one. The back section of the back half, when the Duel Disk is activated, will reveal a hidden section for the Extra Deck in a triangular shape just like the previous Duel Disk.

What's more, unlike the previous Duel Disk, these two were more intricately designed with each of them seeming to be more tailor made for their intended user.

Ozpin Duel Disk is colored a more gray-ish silver color for the rectangular body with a floral pattern design engraved on top and about three gold colored gears attached, all of which were connected with each other. For the circular half, a golden metal gear was placed around the edges while leaving a parted space for the deck slot. Giving the Duel Disk a whole clockwork like design throughout.

Glynda's Duel Disk was a more dark purple-ish color with the rectangular part fully decorated with a series of runes on top of it made out of a more light-ish pink transparent glass. On the circular part, three long decorated spikes and two smaller ones are attached on the circular edges opposite of the user, making it look somewhat like a tiara crown when looked from the front.

(A/N: For context, think of the base design similar to those of the Arc-V Duel Disk used by the residents of the Xyz Dimension. Albeit with more accessories here and there like in the description.)

"I did promise that I will give you all a Duel Disk, might as well make do with that promise sooner than later." Konami told the two professors as he pushed the two Duel Disks while giving them a small smile. "I do hope you like them, I spent no expense on tailor making them for you two specifically. Figure such an important figure needs a more unique style of Duel Disk."

Without saying a word, both Ozpin and Glynda look at each other for a brief moment before grabbing their respective Duel Disk and placing them on their left arm. A metallic wristband automatically came out of the underside of the Duel Disk and wrapped around their arm.

The screen of their Duel disk suddenly turned on as different things happened with each Duel Disk. For Ozpin, the three gears glowed briefly before they began to turn slowly in tandem with one another, like a gear in a clock. For Glynda, the runes on her Duel Disk begin to shine underneath the transparent glass which makes them glow in a mostly mystical sort of way.

"This is...far more than I was expecting when you told us you will gift us a Duel Disk." Glynda uttered in astonishment as she couldn't take her eyes off the runes on her Duel Disk, almost transfixed by the way that it glows.

Ozpin couldn't find it in himself to disagree as he kept his eyes at his brand new Duel Disk, despite never having touched this device in his entire life, the fact the design so closely resembled that of his Long Memory installed some sort of nostalgic feeling inside of him.

It can't be a coincidence, right?

"Like I said, I had them made for you two specifically and I'm just glad you like them. Of course, a Duel Disk is just half of what makes a person a Duelist—" Konami said as he brought out his two Deck Boxes and placed them on the desk. "—the other half, is your deck, obviously. I think you know what to do next?"

Having no need for further confirmation, both Ozpin and Glynda both placed their hand on top of the device and watched as the top screen glowed brightly for a moment before stopping. Removing their hand, all of the occupant in the room waited for a few seconds before each Deck Box projected a projection of a card.

"Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic." Glynda uttered out loud the name of the card her Deck Box was showing while looking at the monster on the card with critical eyes. Taking note of a few things about the card such as the Pendulum style border of the card.

"The Endymion? I wanted to be surprised but you sure seem like the kind of person that can fit right in with that sort of group." Metaltron pointed out with his arm crossed as his words caught the attention of the blonde Beacon faculty.

"And why is that, I suppose?" Glynda questioned while narrowing her eyes at the Dracombatant.

"Well, the Endymion organization, named after the founder Endymion himself, is the government official of the Magical Citadel. They are the organization that governs the usage and development of magical ability in the city and are in charge of the place where many magical innovations of the Spirit World originated from. Their power originated from the Power Stone, a specialized stone that can enhance one's magical ability. In other words, you could say they are the deputy of the Magical City of Endymion. The one to keep order, so to speak." Konami explained as briefly as he could.

If he did have to explain from top to bottom, he would have explained about their history with the other faction within the Magical City, one of which being the Grand Spellbook learning institute. No need to get to that whole debacle.

"Also, among other things, they are quite well known for having the....let's just say, more than the needed amount of text in a single card." Konami said in an off-handed tone as Glynda took another look at her card before noticing the literal wall of text in the card. "They can sometimes be too much for an average Duelist due to the amount of text in the card."

"Konami. I can assure you that comparing to the amount of paperwork I have to check each and every day as Beacon combat teacher—" 'As well as many, many damage control' Glynda thought to herself mid sentence in slight annoyance to the second job that had seemed to be thrust upon her, that job being a glorified janitor. She sighed to calm her nerves down as she pushed her glasses up once more.

"—the amount of text on this single card, won't even compare to what I have to deal with on a regular basis." She said with a reassuring tone as she took another look at what appeared to be her ace monster. "Although now that you have explained to me what the Endymion are, I guess I could see why you would make the assumption with my job here in Beacon."

"Glad that you seem to understand." Konami said as he directed his eyes towards the headmaster, who had his hand cupping his chin in thought while looking at the card on his Deck Box. "What about you, Professor Ozpin? What card did you get?"

"Ahh, I apologize. I suppose I was a bit caught off guard by the name of the card that I had gotten." Ozpin exclaimed as hummed to himself while looking at the almost identical design of the monster with him. "Seems to be a mouthful name to say out loud."

"That's another thing about Duel Monster, having a ridiculously long name. I have met a few of those of long named Duel Spirit and even they preferred to be called by a shorter name." Konami chuckled to himself as he could remember a few Duel Spirit he had met being called by a shorter name than their longer name in their card. "What monster did you get exactly, Professor?"

"Go! - D/D/D Divine Zero King Rage."

Tierra let out a barking laugh once she heard of the name of the card. "Ha! The D/D/D! Talk about a fitting archetype for someone like you." She exclaimed while still laughing slightly.

Seeing as she wasn't going to elaborate any further, Konami took it upon himself to explain once more. "Now the D/D/D, which stands for 'Different Dimension Daemon', are a demonic-like creature that have some resemblance to my real world historical figure, no idea how that came to be but can't really complain about that historical accuracy I guess. As the name said, they came from a different dimension and how they gain power is by making contracts with various other entities, these contracts are known to them as 'The Dark Contract'."

'An archetype of demons with historical significance and made contracts with different entities....' Ozpin was in deep thought once he heard about the deck that was given to him. It was....hitting too close to home of explaining his entire existence as a whole.

After all that he had done, he held no illusion of seeing himself as a savior or something of a sort. He had changed many things in history to garner an upper edge against Salem, so calling him a 'fiend' may not be entirely wrong. As well as his contract with the God of Light was the sole reason he was even here to begin with.

So yeah, this archetype can be seen as a reflection of who Ozpin truly is. Add that to another thing this otherworldly game had made him take a good long look in the mirror to contemplate with.

"I see. Well then, I suppose Glynda and I should prepare ourselves on making our deck." Ozpin said as he brought out his Scroll before tapping them a few times and swiping it a single time. "I have granted you permission to use the Training room, Konami. I'm sure you don't want to wait in here with us for a long time where we will be pretty busy making our deck. Don't worry about anyone barging in as the Training room schedule is pretty empty today."

"Are you sure, Professor? You don't need me to help you with using the Deck Box?" Konami asked as he was worried if the two could even function on the Deck Box materializing feature.

"Rest assured we can handle it ourselves. We have seen you use it before and I think we figure out how to function with this device." Glynda reassured the Red Hat that he has nothing to worry about. Besides, she figures it would be wise to familiarize herself with the device that would surely come in handy for them in the future.

Konami was a bit skeptical but figured he should have let them handle using the Deck Box sooner than later if he wasn't here. Besides, he still needs to talk to Metaltron and Tierra about where they left off yesterday when he met Lady Horakhty.

"Alright then, If you think you can handle it I'll be on my way." Konami told them before turning towards the door of the elevator before gesturing towards his Duel Spirit and telepathically telling them. "Come on, you two. I think it's about time I finished telling you guys what happened in my meeting with Lady Horakhty."

Both Metaltron and Tierra didn't need to hear any more than that as they quickly followed after the Vagabond. It didn't really take them a long time for them to make it into the Training room without any interruption, and hey they didn't get lost on their way here this time around, so that's a good thing. With the Training room practically empty beside the three of them, they could safely talk without worrying of anybody hearing them.

Konami took a seat on the spectator seat while placing down the duffle bag, he then opened it up before pulling out three small baskets of pre-prepared sandwiches. Metaltron and Tierra's astral body begin to glow before they materialize themselves and take a seat beside the Vagabond.

"Good thing we have time to prepare some breakfast before giving the Duel Disk to Professor Ozpin and Glynda." He exclaimed with a grin as he unsealed the plastic wrapper of each basket before giving two of them to his Duel Spirit before telling them. "Dig in, you two."

"Hmph, It's not much of a breakfast but it will do." Tierra exclaimed with a huff as she took a sandwich from her basket and took a small bite. Curiously, her basket was significantly bigger than the other two, not that she minded since that just meant more for her.

"Well I'm not complaining." Metaltron said with a grin as he had no reason to say no to getting some food in his empty stomach. Taking one sandwich out of his basket, he turned to the red hat wearing partner and asked him while taking a bite. "You got some drink to go with this?"

Konami responds by grabbing something from the bag and throwing it towards Metaltron, who catches it before widening his eyes in pleasant surprise as he swallows the food in his mouth. "Is this Nutrient Z!? Man I love this stuff, nothing beats the original." He said in delight before uncapping the lid of the bottled drink and taking a swig of it, feeling the cool refreshing concoction sliding on his throat.

"I knew you liked it so I made sure to get one for you." Konami told his partner while chuckling to himself at his long-time partner's antics. He also took a bite out of his own sandwich while rummaging the bag to find something else.

"Ughh, I can't believe you like that stuff." Tierra said with clear disgust in her voice, she never was a fan of those mass-produced energy drinks that Metaltron liked to drink. "Please tell me you didn't get one for me." She said towards Konami with narrowed eyes before he responded by handing her a simple water bottle, to which she gratefully took from his hand.

Konami nodded his head to her with a smile as he also took another water bottle for himself. "Now then, where did we leave off yesterday again?" He asked the two Duel Spirit as he kind of forgot at what point of his retelling yesterday did he stop.

"I think It's at where you faint when Lady Horakhty get angry." Metaltron said in a muffled voice due to him still chewing on a sandwich, he could clearly remember that that is where they left it off yesterday.

"Oh right. Well after Lady Horakhty stopped feeling angry and I regained my consciousness..."

(Flashback: two nights earlier...)

"I apologize, Konami. That was...rather unbecoming of me."

Horakhty said to the Vagabond while her face had a look of shame over what had transpired earlier. She had gotten so angry over the Brother God's mistake and what they had done to the dimension she had truly come to love and care for, that she had lost control of her emotion and affected the area around her. What's more is that the pressure she was emitting from her anger had caused Konami to suddenly lost consciousness due to having trouble breathing.

Once she realized her mistake she immediately calmed herself and fixed everything around her to Its previous state in a snap as well as waiting for Konami to wake up. She could easily snap him awake but she already felt guilty over causing him to faint in the first place so she let him rest for a moment and waited patiently.

When he did wake up with a start by breathing heavily and raggedly, eyes widening in unrestricted terror, as well as his skin paling and coated in cold sweat. The Divine Creator guilt only increases significantly that it was her that caused him to be like he has just woken up from being dead. He did not deserve to be a victim of her anger.

"I-It's alright, L-Lady Horakhty." Konami replied with a shaky grin while holding onto his still shaking left hand with his right hand that was hidden under the repaired table, so as to not further worry the already upset Goddess of Creation.

He had never experienced such an intense surge of anger in his entire life, not even Tierra in her worst day could even come close to what he had felt when Lady Horakhty suddenly let loose her anger. It wasn't even directed at him and yet he could still feel like he was about to die in any second from nothing but just a heavy pressure of an intense emotion.

'Seriously, I almost had my soul disintegrated literally just a few hours ago and now this? What the hell is up with my luck today?' Konami thought to himself in slight wonder at how he came close to dying TWICE in the same day. He wondered if he had anger god somehow to deserve this kind of treatment and can he do something to get out of it.

Oh wait, the god herself is standing literally in front of him. Nevermind that.

"Are you sure? We can continue this another time if you like." Horakhty exclaimed as she was more worried about the young man rather than anything else at this point.

"No, no. I-It's really fine, I-I'll be okay. J-Just need t-to sit here and r-relaxed that's all." Konami said with as much firmness as he could muster as to reassure her that he could still go through with this meeting, after all that she had revealed there was no way he would just leave it all at a later time. He just needs to walk this feeling off, metaphorically speaking. "P-Please, continue. I-I need to know w-what happened."

Horakhty just continued to stare at the Red Hat, still feeling anxiety over his stubbornness. The Divine Creator let out a sigh as she reluctantly decided to move on. Not that she was happy about letting this go on but the faster she finished, the sooner that Konami could get some rest.

She raised her hand suddenly before a cup of perfectly brewed tea appeared on Konami's side of the table. "If you insist then fine, but please drink this tea while you are listening. I created this tea specifically to help calm your mind and body down. If it were up to me I would just send you back, but since we are continuing then I feel that this should be enough." Horakhty told the Red Hat, who gratefully took the cup and drank Its content with his still shaking hand. Already he could feel himself getting better the more he drank the tea, he also noticed that when he stopped drinking the cup would be instantly refilled as well. Basically granting him as much tea as he wants to drink without the need to refill it.

Being the Goddess of Creation sure is convenient for solving any problem at hand.

"Now then, let's continue. Like I said, when those—" Horakhty had to stop and take a calming breath less she wanted to lose control of her emotion again. "—two brothers abandoned the dimension now named Remnant and dared to walk up to me and tell me what they did and why they did it. I was not pleased at all by their reasoning. I berate them to no end and told themno, ORDER them to explain to me why I shouldn't just execute them this very second right here for letting an entire population of the dimension I had created to perish just because they THINK It was nothing but a failure."

"To my surprise, they were rather unfazed by my words and proceeded to apologize while saying that they had a solution to the problem that THEY had started. The fact that they just didn't seem all that sorry was just...infuriating. At that point I was in no obligation to give them any more chance of potentially screwing things up more than it already is. But, I give it to them. One chance. One final chance to fix everything or be dealt with accordingly. And so, they were off to carry their solution that they had thought would solve everything."

Horakhty's expression had steadily gotten more and more infuriated as she went on with her retelling. Konami just quietly sat and drank his tea while listening to her, his body started to calm down somewhat and he wasn't as scared as he was earlier.

"Their solution...was acceptable, at first. Using one of the Authority I had gifted them, they had managed to re-populate Remnant once more, albeit it was a significant downgrade then my original creation due to them being only able to use the remainder of what there is on Remnant but that was okay. The connection to the Spirit World was forever lost, however. As there is no way to reform them, I had come to an acceptance that my original plan for this dimension is scrap. But as long as the dimension is alive then I am more than happy."

"Although, due to the level of extinction the Brother Gods did to the previous humanity, it left some unintended side effects to the dimension as a whole." Horakhty exclaimed, which caught Konami's intention as he was wondering what it was she was talking about as a side effect in Remnant. "Because the previous humanity was born with both Spirit Energy and Spirit Essence inside their body in order to achieve their magic, when they are wiped out by the Brother Gods both Spirit Energy and Spirit Essence didn't just disappear into thin air. Judging by what you had mentioned about Remnant I could make some hypotheses on what happened."

"Let's first start with the Spirit Essence. I can only assume when the previous humanity that I created was wiped out, their Spirit Essence that remains started to bleed into the very existence of the dimension itself until Remnant was covered by it so much that Duel Spirit can take those Spirit Essence and conjure their physical form in Remnant." Horakhty explained her theory before continuing while ignoring the shocked expression on the Vagabonds face. "However, the nature of these Spirit Essence isn't natural, to say the least, and are less potent than in the Spirit World. While I can guarantee that a Duel Spirit can manifest themself in Remnant, I can't guarantee how long they can do this."

Even as Horakhty finished explaining her theory on the Spirit Essence in Remnant, Konami was still shocked by what he just heard. He made a mental note on testing this theory with Metaltron and Tierra when he got back.

"Now for my Spirit Energy theory." Horakhty started and Konami stopped thinking and continued on to listen to the Divine Creator explanation of her theory. "I suspect that just like the Spirit Essence, the Spirit Energy also started to incorporate themself into the dimension. However unlike with the Spirit Essence, the Spirit Energy seems to have mutated with the environment until they have somehow taken on a physical form. Perhaps this creation of Spirit Energy is what the people of Remnant called Dust."

"Now I say this because when the Brother Gods tried to recreate Remnant's humanity, they reported to me that they had to use the resource from Remnant to do it since they can't do it themself. With Remnant's new humanity born from Dust, It actually grants them a limited form of Spirit Energy as the people of Remnant called Aura and Semblance. I suspect this is the reason why you feel that Spirit Energy and Aura feel so similar to one another."

Now Konami's mind was truly blown away. Not only did the dimension of Remnant actually conjured Spirit Essence for Duel Spirit to take, but the fact that their power source — both for themself and their equipment — all originated from a form of Spirit Energy? That would explain the similar property Aura has with Spirit Energy, albeit it was less potent and less diverse in Its use then the original.

"However, even with the unintended side effect and just when I had thought that they had finally learned their lesson and did something right. The Brother Gods decided to do something so unbelievably outrageous that I can't believe they thought I would ever agree to it." Now Horakhty's expression was more livid than ever but was still more composed then she had before so as to not cause Konami any more trouble.

"The God of Light decided to once again go against the rule of life and death by reviving ANOTHER soul and made him into another immortal just so that he may 'guide humanity from their previous mistake as the beacon of hope'." The Divine Creator had uttered those last words with so much sarcasm that Konami was caught off guard for a moment when he heard it. "Not even taking the fact at how completely unnecessary this action is, given that I have confidence that the current humanity of Remnant will grow just as fine on their own as the previous one. Perhaps the treatment towards the Faunus was unappealing, but I had my faith that in the far future both Human and Faunus can find true peace with one another."

"But that's not what I'm upset about. No, It's the fact that the person the God of Light had revived was the lover of the very woman they had wrong in the first place! I know for a fact that this wasn't a form of apology because the God of Light had not even mentioned what truly happened when that person had died! Not to mention the horrendous state of immortality they had given him! Out of all the ways to make him immortal they choose the one where he must reincarnate into another person while still in the living?! Why would they ever think I would ever agree to that?!"

Horakhty was already seething at the thought of that. She was no stranger to the concept of reincarnation, after all there are instances where a Duel Spirit in the Spirit World has been born through the soul of a person from another dimension who went through the process of reincarnation. Heck there are even instances of reincarnation happening IN the Spirit World itself.

However, reincarnation is really difficult to achieve correctly artificially and while she doesn't see anything wrong with this phenomena happening naturally, she feels like this method of reincarnation the Brother Gods gave was just unacceptable.

Why would they purposively give that person an ability to reincarnate to another person who is still in the living? What's more, when their mind and soul are still habiting their body? Not only is this an inconvenience for both parties, but also because that is just not what a mortal soul is capable of doing. When you have two souls suddenly inhabiting a body, those souls will have to fight for dominance on who should take control of the body with the weaker one unfortunately perishing.

But what the Brother Gods did was essentially jamming this person's soul to someone whose soul that just so happened to match those with him. While this may have stopped the souls from fighting each other, the problem that it creates is that because these souls are so similar with each other, the two souls would eventually start merging with each other to accommodate.

And it wasn't an immediate or peaceful merge as well. These two souls still hold their individuality so they can coexist with each other, but over time this individuality would slowly die out to the point that they would just think as one person with the memory of both. This method essentially killed both the reincarnated and Its host in a spiritual sense while leaving out someone who can't even truly be called as their previous identity, making it effectively worse than just having one soul die in the process.

Sadly this wasn't the first time the use of reincarnation had gone wrong. She has already had problems with reincarnation in the past with one of her children misdeeds, she did not want history to repeat itself.

Konami just stayed quiet while not being sure what to say. The effect of Horakhty's tea has already done Its job of calming him down both from the mind and body, so he doesn't have to worry about shaking or stuttering like earlier.

Raising a hand, Konami decided to ask something that he has been wondering about. "Forgive me, Lady Horakhty. I can see why you are angry about both the Brother God's mistake with giving immortality to someone. But about the Relic? What does that have to do with their mistake?"

At that, Horakhty actually started to laugh. It wasn't even a joyous one that she usually does too, but a laugh from someone who is really close to going into a rant. Konami mentally prepared himself for the worst if she ever starts going angry again.

"Ah yes, the Relic. How can I forget about those Relics that those brothers gave away so casually like that...." Horakhty said while still borderline looking like she was about to lose it when the Red Hat had mentioned those damn Relic. "Let me ask you something really interesting, Konami. Do you have an idea what the Relic truly are? Do you think the Brother God created such an item by themselves? The answer is no, because the Relic is not only an object that holds a really powerful ability."

"They are, in fact, the very Authority I give them in the first place."

Konami's jaw couldn't have dropped faster the moment he heard that last sentence as Horakhty started to get angry once more. "So not only have they done the unnecessary thing by reviving the person they had wronged in the past, they also just gave away the Authority I entrusted as well?! WHAT IN THE HELL ARE THEY THINKING?! THE AUTHORITY ISN'T MEANT TO BE WIELD BY ANYONE OTHER THAN A DIVINE SPIRIT! AND THEY HAD THE NERVE TO SAY THAT UNLESS THE CURRENT HUMANITY REFORM THEIR WAY THEY ARE GOING TO WIPE THEM ALL OUT AGAIN?! HAVE THEY LEARNED NOTHING ABOUT THE LAST TIME THEY DID THIS! THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO JUDGE THIS CURRENT HUMANITY OF REMNANT! THAT IS NOT AND NEVER WAS THEIR DUTY!"

Horakhty shouted to the heaven above as her anger once more overcame her. Just when she was about to go further, her eyes caught sight of Konami for a moment before she realized she was losing her emotion again. Taking a deep breath about once or twice, she managed to not let her anger affect the space around her. Something that Konami is internally thankful for.

"Once they had reported to me on what they had done. I was absolutely livid but they don't seem to be concerned. If that wasn't enough. They actually said that when the four Relic are brought together is when they are going to judge this new breed of humanity of Remnants."

"I actually had to resist the urge to laugh when I heard that, because they are not going back to Remnant." Horakhty said with a stern expression on her face as Konami was confused by what she had meant by that. "I am done giving them any chance and decided to strip them of being a Divine Spirit, making them no longer a God."

"They tried to argue but my decision is final. The deed is done and those two brothers are stripped of everything I have bestowed to them. If they cannot take responsibility for the power I have given them, then they don't deserve it."

Horakhty let out a heavy sigh as she was looking very crestfallen all of sudden. Just remembering about those two saddened her to no end about what they had done to Remnant. It was their duty to watch over the dimension she had entrusted them, however they had killed the promising future she had hoped for her creation.

Of course, she would not turn a blind eye from the woman who started this fiasco in the first place. But the Divine Creator thinks that there are other ways to resolve the problem beside cursing her with immortality like that. Which led to a domino effect of bad decisions that led to where they are right now.

"Please go back, Konami." Horakhty said suddenly as she sat up from her seat before turning away from him. "Get some rest. We can continue this later on."

Konami was hesitant to leave but figuring he wouldn't get any information, he decided to comply. "Of course, Lady Horakhty. Do apologize if I was any inconvenience to you."

Horakhty couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "You know, you could always drop the formality when you're around me. We've known each other for three years now." She told the Red Hat while turning to give him a small smile.

Konami just got up from his seat and smiled as well. "After all that you have done for me up to this point, I feel it would be impolite for me to treat you as anything less, Lady Horakhty." He said before taking a card from his jacket inner pocket and holding it up behind him which opened a portal.

Konami then turned back before bowing towards the Divine Creator. "Well then, I'll be taking my leave now. Have a good night, Lady Horakhty." He said with an utmost respect in his voice before jumping into the portal.

Not noticing Horakhty giving him a long look before sighing at his persistent attitude.

"I wish he could just act more normal around me. That boy is just trying too much with his formality...."

(Flashback: End)

"And that's about it." Konami concluded his retelling just as he was about to finish eating the final sandwich of his basket. He was sort of sure that was the last thing he heard Lady Horakhty had said but who knows.

"Heh, so the so-called 'Brother Gods' aren't even a God anymore." Tierra exclaimed with a mocking tone in her voice while she was quickly finishing the sandwich in her hand. "Truly pathetic. They can't even done their job right and look what happened, I guess an idiot is still an fucking idiot even when you are considered a God."

Metaltron couldn't find it in himself to disagree with what Tierra was saying. He may not be at the level of a Divine Spirit and would gladly admit that there is someone stronger and smarter than him. But surely, surely he could at least have done a better job then what the Brother Gods had done for Remnant.

He would have no doubt that if Master Mariamne heard of this, she would also go into a fit of rage. Unlike her brothers, Master Mariamne actually cherished the life of others and would have gone far and beyond to protect them. Which is why she had created the True Draco in the first place as well as choosing her first champion, Master Peace.

Not gonna lie, Metaltron on the others of the True Draco was slightly jealous of Master Peace. Although Master Mariamne makes it very clear that she treats her students equally, it was obvious she favored Master Peace more due to him being her first student.

Though that didn't stop them from seeing him as a trustworthy comrade, a capable leader, and a very good friend above all else. Perhaps Metaltron more so than the others, since Master Peace was the reason he was as strong as he is today.

Shaking his thoughts out of memory lane, Metaltron took another gulp of his Nutrient Z before asking his partner. "So then, I assume Lady Horakhty didn't exactly tell you what we should do next?"

Konaki just shook his head in a clear sign of no. "No, she didn't. I'm sure she would inform us later on but for now, we should just do our current task first."

"And I assume your excuse of wanting to travel around Remnant was so that you could find Salem without raising any suspicion." Tierra guessed and was answered by a nod of confirmation from the red hat wearing Duelist. The Vagabond wasn't lying when he said he wanted to see Remnant with his own eyes, but he figured mentioning that he was actively searching for Salem may not bode well for the man and his Inner Circle.

Tierra let out a huff while crossing her arm and folded her right over the other before continuing. "Figures that was your plan all along. By the way, I can't be the only one thinking that the two lovers that Horakhty mentioned were both Salem and Ozpin?"

Konami and Metaltron shared a look at each other in surprise that Tierra had managed to get that fact down. But figure that if they say anything out loud would just piss her off, they just opted to nod their head in agreement.

After all, It didn't take too much brain power to connect the dot between the man Horakhty had mentioned in her story with Ozpin. The ability to reincarnate to another body was a dead giveaway of that. And so they can safely say that the woman cursed by the Brother God was actually Salem since it matched with what they had heard from Ozpin's Inner Circle. At least now they knew why Horakhty had given that specific codename for Salem.

The Immortal Witch.

Although, this did mean one crucial piece of information was revealed to the three otherworlder.

"Ozpin lied about his knowledge about Salem." Metaltron concluded with narrowed eyes as his earlier feeling about that man two days prior was proven correct. "In fact, not just to us but I think not even his comrade knows about Salem immortality."

"Go figure, why would they just throw their life away to kill someone that can't be killed." Tierra sarcastically said as she had no doubt that if they knew about Salem's immortality they wouldn't be so keen on fighting her. "I knew there was something off about that man, and what do you know, I was fucking right."

Konami just such while rubbing the back of his neck. "Well nothing we can do about it anyway. If Ozpin feels like it's best to keep this thing a secret then we'll just leave it be."

"You think that's the best course of action? You don't think we should just told the rest of them the truth about Salem?" Metaltron asked as he wanted to know about what his partner was planning.

"Probably not, but I also don't think we have any right to doubt Ozpin as well before hearing his reason first. And even then, I think It is better if it was Ozpin himself that informed them the truth." Konami explained to the two Duel Spirits. Whatever the headmaster's reason is for not informing the truth may not be justified for leading his comrade into a virtually unwinnable and unending war. But the Vagabond still feels like he should at least hear his side of the story first before making any decision.

"Hmph, not like any of his reasons would change my opinion of that man." Tierra said before stopping for a moment when she sensed the presence of both Ozpin and Glynda getting closer. "We should probably stop for now. I can sense those two are about to be here soon."

Konami nodded his head at Tierra words as he took the last bite of his last remaining sandwich. "Alright then. We can continue this at a later time. Not like we have much to discuss either until Lady Horakhty contacts us again." He said before taking his water bottle and finishing it all in one gulp. The Vagabond then brought up his Duel Disk and messaged his friend about his location.

"You're gonna finish that?" Metaltron asked while pointing at Tierra's basket, which still had a reasonable amount of sandwich remaining compared to his empty basket.

Tierra glared at the Dracombatant for his question while inching her basket away from his direction. "You already had your own basket, Goldy Boy. Hands off mine." She threatened the other Duel Spirit in the room, with an admittedly far more hostility than that was necessary over a sandwich.

"Oh come on, you still have some sandwiches to spare. Be reasonable here."

"Like I said, you had your share and I had mine. Get over it, you baby."

"The only reason your basket still has more sandwiches is because Konami packs a lot more for you than for him and I."

"Well that's not my problem, now is it? Now shut the fuck up and let me finished my goddamn food."

"Hmm, alright then. Must be nice being pampered by Konami, right Tierra?"

"H-H-HUH?! Who are—?! This isn't—! I am not being pampered by that idiot!"

"Oh? So you didn't deny that you like being pampered, just that this isn't considering pampering to you? Nice to know where your priority is. I wonder what sort of pampering you actually wanted from—"

Metaltron was about to say another thing to Tierra, before he was abruptly interrupted by her shoving a sandwich up to his mouth while strangling him with unrestrained anger.

"Alright, fine! You want my sandwich so bad? Well you can choke on them you asshole!" Tierra shouted as she continued to put on the pressure of her strangling hold of his throat on one hand while the other was shoving her sandwich up his mouth to shut him up.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was being asphyxiated at this very moment, Metaltron would've laughed at the red blush of embarrassment on Tierra's face. Oh wait he did manage to let out a gurgling and strangled laugh, which only prompted the Infernoid Spirit to tighten her hold on him.

Worth it, though.

Ozpin and Glynda had entered the Training room and were greeted by the sight of the red haired Duel Spirit strangling her fellow Duel Spirit while having her other hand over his mouth. Taken out of context, this could be interpreted in a very different direction.

"Don't worry about them. This is really just another normal thing happening in our daily life....unfortunately." Konami told the two Beacon faculty members as he walked up to them. Yeah he wasn't going to get involved when Tierra started to get this violent. Just say nothing and walk away, which is what he is currently doing right now.

"May I ask why Metaltron and Tierra seem to have suddenly possessed physical form?" Ozpin pointedly asked towards the Vagabond with a curious raised of his eyebrow at the unexpected sight of a non-transparent appearance of the two Duel Spirit. Glynda was also eyeing the two Duel Spirit while looking confused.

Konami was more than happy to explain to them. The three of them took a seat near the two Duel Spirit as the Vagabond told them about his little theory while also not mentioning his true finding from Lady Horakhty.

That was until Team RWBY and their friends had made their entrance and was caught off guard by the appearance of the two professors in the room. Being polite, Ozpin took upon himself to greet his student.

"Good morning, students."


"Professor Ozpin?! Professor Goodwitch?!"

Came the united shout from the twelve students as they did not expect the two professor joining them today in the Training room, whatsmore with their very own Duel Disk as well.

"I told you all there was going to be a surprise." Konami cheekily said while smirking at seeing their shocked expression.

"Well whatever we expected it definitely wasn't this!" Ruby cried out before running up to the headmaster while looking up to him while her eyes widened and shining in expectation and excitement. "Are you and Professor Goodwitch are going to Duel, Headmaster?!"

"Ruby!" Weiss called out to her partner as she ran up to her while grabbing the hood of her cloak and yanking her towards her, earning a small yelp from the younger girl before the Schnee Heiress glared at her. "Show some restraint, this is the headmaster you are talking to!"

Ozpin couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the enthusiasm that the red hooded girl was showing. "Indeed, Miss Rose. Since Konami has graciously gifted us with our own Duel Disk and Deck. Glynda and I decided to join you all in your Dueling activity today while partaking in our very own Duel as well."

"Oh man, we're about to see the Headmaster and Professor duking it out in a Duel? Talk about a lucky day, eh Blake?" Yang exclaimed with a grin as she nudged her partner's arm, feeling just as excited with her sister and wanting to see what kind of Duel will she witness between the Headmaster and Combat Instructor of Beacon.

"Probably not the word I would use to describe it." Blake said in remark with her partner's choice of words, but she did agree with the blonde brawler that she was eager to see the Duel.

"I wonder what kind of Deck they are going to use." Jaune wondered out loud as he had noticed that both of his professor Duel Disk already had their Deck inserted in their Deck slot.

"I can't wait to find out as well." Pyrrha replied in agreement as she was also curious on what kind of Deck her two professors used, and what kind of Summoning method they mainly use.

"What is up with that Duel Disk?! They look so cool!" Nora cried out while pointing her finger towards the Duel Disk belonging to the two professors, noticing at how different their Duel Disks are compared to her and the rest of her friends.

Ren took it upon himself to bring his childhood friend pointing finger down before telling her. "Nora, no pointing at other people, especially at our superior. It is considered rude to point like that." He exclaimed while the pancake loving girl looked at him in genuine surprise at hearing that. "It is?!" Her shout just made the long haired young man let out another sigh while reminding himself to teach some more manners to his partner.

"Oh yeah, I had them specially made to match their overall theme. Do you guys like it?" Konami asked as he wanted to know his friend's opinion on the Duel Disk he had personally designed. Well he didn't actually make it, but he did draw the design for it.

"Like it? Dude, just 'liking' it will be an understatement!" Sun told Red Hat with a large grin as he thinks that the Duel Disk that the two professors have is really cool. "Why didn't you do that with our Duel Disk?"

"Well I mean, your Duel Disk was kind of a last minute call and making a custom design Duel Disk takes time, so I figured I just get you guys a one of the standard mass produced that matched you color scheme and a few built in features from me." Konami explained his reason to the monkey tailed Faunus. While it didn't take him a long time to think of a design for Ozpin and Glynda's Duel Disk, It did take about a day to build a custom Duel Disk with the design he wanted to import on it.

"Don't worry about it, Konami. None of us mind about the design of our Duel Disk." Coco told in a reassuring tone as well with a wave of her hand. Truly she couldn't care less about the fact that her Duel Disk isn't customly designed like that, which is pretty ironic coming from her but just the fact that she has the opportunity to wield one is more than enough.

"I agree, personally I really like the Duel Disk we had already gotten so there is nothing to complain about." Neptune agreed with the upperclassmen's words with a nod, which earned him a sigh of relief from the Vagabond.

Velvet was about to speak up, before stopping herself when she noticed that Tierra was still strangling Metaltron on the floor and worryingly asked. "Um, Konami? Is Metaltron going to be alright?" She asked while sweatdropping as she wondered if perhaps Metaltron had gotten too far with his teasing.

"Hm? Oh don't worry about him. This isn't the first time Tierra had done this, mostly it occurs when she is really angry, or embarrassed depending which is which." Konami told the bunny ear Faunus which didn't really calm her down as she was hoping Metaltron was really okay.

"Told you she was into S&M." Velvet's face burned bright red when Coco whispered those words to her ears while grinning widely at her. She decided not to respond and just lowered her head to her open palm while wondering why her leader acted like this.

"So are you and Miss Goodwitch really going to Duel now, Professor Ozpin?" Ruby once more asked the headmaster while giving a sideways glance at her still unhappy partner, hoping she had toned down her excitement enough so that she wouldn't get another scolding.

"That is our intention. However, if you and the others want to have your Duel first then feel free to do so, Miss Rose." Glynda decided to answer as she told her student as she didn't mind having them Duel first and she knows that Ozpin feels the same way as she does.

"No way! We don't mind at all if you want to Duel first, Miss Goodwitch!" Jaune reassured his combat teacher with a smile of his own. "We already had our turn Dueling yesterday, so please go ahead!"

Ozpin hummed as he considered the offer before nodding his head and accepting it. "Very well, Mister Arc. If that is your decision then we will proceed with our Duel." He said before turning his attention toward the blonde combat teacher. "What about you, Glynda?"

"If there is no complaint then I guess it is settled." Glynda replied with a push up of her glasses, not at all arguing if it is her student's wish for them to watch her Dueling.

"Well then, shall we make our ways to the field for our Duel?" Ozpin playfully asked with a small smile on his face and earned him a nod in return as the two made their ways to start their Duel.

"Oh man, I can't believe we're about to see a Duel between Professor Ozpin and Goodwitch. Definitely didn't imagine that this is going to be a part of what we are going to do today." Sun exclaimed as he couldn't wait to see what kind of Duel he was going to see from the two professors of Beacon.

The others can agree with him. They were prepared to resume their new Dueling routine today just like yesterday, but who wouldn't want to pass up the chance of seeing their headmaster and instructor having a Duel? Not them.

Ruby was about to say something else before she felt her stomach cramping again, causing her to groan in discomfort as she held her stomach with both of her hands. Something which didn't go unnoticed by Konami.

"You okay, Ruby?" Konami asked worryingly when he noticed that his friend was clutching her stomach in what appeared to be pain.

"O-Oh, well I sort of drank some spoiled milk last night, and my stomach is not agreeing with them." Ruby sheepishly said with an embarrassed blush and a crooked smile at her own blunder before groaning once more as her stomach started to gurgling unsettlingly.

Just when the red hooded girl was wondering how she will get through today with her stomachache, Konami suddenly came up to her and placed his hand over stomach. While this made the girl blush turn brighter at the unexpected physical contact and was prepared to shriek in surprise, before quieting down as her shock grew even further when he started muttering something incomprehensible to her ear as his hand started to glow green and a familiar soothing feeling came over her stomach.

Within a minute, Konami broke contact with the girl's stomach as his hand stopped glowing. Ruby then noticed that her stomach pain had disappeared, as she touched her stomach in shock before looking up to see the smiling face of the Vagabond under his hat.

"If you're wondering what just happened, I just casted some minor Healing to help you with your stomach problem, Ruby." Konami told the red hooded girl, who looked gobsmacked as she remembered that Healing spells quite well when Mystical Elf uses it on her and her team, but she didn't expect that Konami could use it as well.

"Was that the same thing you did to me when you healed my ear?" Velvet curiously asked as she noticed the similarity of what Konami had done to Ruby compared to what he had done the same to her yesterday. Her question was answered by a nod of the head from the Red Hat Duelist.

"W-Well, thank you, Konami." Ruby says in gratitude over the Vagabond help on dealing with her stomachache.

"You mean you can use actual magic?" Yang asked in shock at what had just transpired while being thankful to him for helping her sister out.

"Well yeah, but not that much. Learning magic in the Spirit World is quite difficult when you don't have a knack for it. I myself am not that gifted with magic, so I can only use some basic spells that's all." Konami explained to the others. Not like he really needed to learn any spell from the Spirit World, as long as he has his card, Duel Disk, and his power to make the power of the card real.

"Oh man, you have gotta take us to this Spirit World place!" Nora told the Red Hat as she really wanted to know what kind of place the Spirit World is, she bet it would be something straight out of a fantasy movie or something like that!

The pink loving girl's words made Konami let out a hum in thought while looking like he was pondering on something, which he made a mental note on asking both Metaltron and Tierra their opinion on what he was planning.

Speaking of which, Konami decided to walk up to Tierra, who is still strangling the starting to get blue Metaltron, and kneel down before tapping her on the shoulder. The Infernoid Duel Spirit snapped her head towards the one who would dare interrupt her, before coming face-to-face with the smiling face of her bonded partner.

"Tierra, I think that's enough, wouldn't you say? How about we stop strangling Tron and just watch the Duel?" Konami said politely and gently as in order not to earn him her eer. Still holding onto his earnest smile so that her anger doesn't directed to him, just play nice and he'll manage to save Metaltron from his predicament.

Tierra just scowled in response to his smiling face while looking like she was deep in thought, before huffing and releasing her hold on the Dracombatant. "Fine, have it your way. But don't think I did it because you asked me to, it's just because killing this idiot would be a waste of time." She said before walking off and taking a seat on one of the spectator seats with her arm and leg crossed over each other.

Konami had to bite back a laugh at that as he held his hand up for his partner to take, to which Metaltron graciously accepted as he was hoisted upward from the assist. "Thanks man, but you couldn't have done that earlier?" Metaltron asked with a hoarse sounding voice from the choking.

"Oh get over it, Tron. You've got no one to blame but yourself." Konami told him with both of his hands on his hip and smirking at the Dracombatant. "How is the sandwich she gave you, by the way?"

Metaltron let out a laugh, still sounding a little hoarse from Tierra previous choking session. "Eh, I couldn't really take a good taste from the whole choking thing. Not my ideal way of having someone feed me, that's for sure, that honor has to go to my very precious maiden." He said with a dreamy smile on his face at the thought of his special maiden.

"We get it already, get your head out of the cloud, you lovesick idiot." Tierra called out from her seat as she rolled her eyes at his over-the-top behavior over that particular someone.

"You're just jealous that I have a girlfriend and you're still single." Metaltron countered with a grin, which grew wider when Tierra jaw dropped wide open in disbelief at his statement while looking like she was at loss for words. Not wanting to continue this subject even further, Tierra decided to just stay silent while turning her head away in order to hide her blush.

The others look at the interaction in some degree of amusement and confusion, although that confusion can be summed up with one question over what Metaltron had just revealed to them. 'Metaltron has a girlfriend?' They thought to themself in wonder on who exactly is Metaltron's girlfriend.

Everyone's attention immediately went to the field when they saw that Ozpin and Glynda had made it down and was standing at the opposing side of each other.

Glynda pushed her glasses up to reveal her narrowed eyes. She raised her Duel Disk as a blade with white lining materialized when it was activated, alongside the runes of her Duel Disk glowing as well. "I will give it my all in this Duel to defeat you, Headmaster. I hope you prepare yourself."

Ozpin just merely smiled in response as he also raised his Duel Disk and activated it. Causing it to materialize a blade with deep green lining in a more straight shape rather than the usual angular one like the other. "Very well, Glynda. Let us start with our Duel." He said as the two ready themself before beginning their Duel.


Ozpin: 8000 LP / Hand ×5

Glynda: 8000 LP / Hand ×5

"Allow me to take the first turn." Ozpin announced and got a nod from Glynda, who didn't mind that he was going first. "Very well. I'll begin by activating my Continuous Spell: Dark Contract with the Gate."

Sliding the Spell card into the Duel Disk, Ozpin's Dark Contract card materialized into the field with a glow. "Now during my Main Phase, I can add a 'D/D' Monster from my deck into my hand once per turn, I will add my Go! - D/D/D Divine Zero King Rage into my hand." Ozpin's Duel Disk shuffled his deck before ejecting the desired deck which he graciously took and grabbing another card from his hand and revealing them.

"Now using my Scale 0 Go! - D/D/D Divine Zero King Rage and my Scale 6 D/D Savant Thomas, I will now Set the Pendulum Scale!" Ozpin placed both cards into the Pendulum Zone as the blade of his Duel Disk lit up as the word 'PENDULUM' appeared in a colorful rainbow color, before two columns of blue light emerged from his field alongside two Monsters inside with the number 0 and 6 below them respectively.

On the left Pendulum Zone, stood a humanoid figure who was standing straight with his arm crossed. This figure was clad in a blue bodysuit and light gray pants, both of which are tightly fitted with his body to reveal his slim and muscular figure. Over that is a white light weight armor that consist of a masked helmet that covered his face while leaving a slanted eyelid and his white spiked hair bare, chest armor alongside a shoulder pad with a some sort of skeletal design, a pair of fingerless vambraces that covered his entire arm with black gloved covering his hand, waist armor that covered the front part, and a pair of boots. The final part is his long red cloth around his neck and two long ones acting as a cape.

On the right Pendulum Zone, this monster is more like a statue made out of gold and silver metal with a glass window on the top front. The statue had an irregular shape with a pedestal on the bottom while the top was designed with two faces, one is a mechanical looking face on the bottom of the glass panel while the other is a sculpted humanoid face behind the glass, along with a metal ring on the back and dozen of green orb adorned around the statue.

Pendulum Scale: 0 - 6

"Professor Ozpin is using Pendulum?" Pyrrha couldn't help but ask in surprise that her headmaster used a Pendulum deck. Not like she had any preferences on what deck he should use, but still it was a bit surprising.

Konami couldn't help but grin at hearing that before telling them. "Oh you guys haven't seen anything yet. I bet you Ozpin is about to go off just soon." He said which made them look at the Red Hat with a questioning gaze before directing their attention back to the Duel, to see what he had meant by that.

"Now I can perform a simultaneous Summon with Monsters between the Levels of 1 through 5." Ozpin announced before raising his hand to the sky as the ceiling started to become cloudy and dark along with a drawing of line from a swinging pendulum made out of light. He clenches his hand before starting to chant.

"Grand power that resides within my hand. Hear upon the call of the ancient soul from the past and become the beacon that shall guide the world towards Its future! Pendulum Summon! Arise, my Monsters!"

A portal opens up between the two Pendulum Zone before two streaks of purple light emerge and come crashing onto the field.

"D/D Orthros!" The first monster was a two headed dog hybrid, standing on two leg with a green snake wrap around the waist while being covered in blue metallic bonding and collar. The two dog heads bark aggressively at being summoned.

"D/D Gryphon!" The second monster is another hybrid with a more humanoid figure. This hybrid is a cross between a lion with Its body covered in yellow fur with a long tail and the right hand is lion like claw, and an eagle with a brown eagle head along with two brown feather wings and eagle like claw for the left hand. The creature is covered with leather strapped around Its body. The gryphon let out a cry upon being summoned.

D/D Orthros - (DARK/Fiend/Pendulum/Tuner/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 600/DEF: 1800) - PS: 3

D/D Gryphon - (DARK/Fiend/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1200/DEF: 1200) - PS: 1

Blake let out a little 'eeped!' and jumped back slightly at the sight of the two headed dog monster, which didn't go unnoticed by the others but she couldn't care less. She already doesn't like a normal dog, but a two headed demonic dog? Nope!

"Now because I Pendulum Summon D/D Gryphon, I can discard a 'D/D' or 'Dark Contract' card from my hand to draw 1 card. I will discard my D/D Vice Typhon." Ozpin explained as he showed the D/D monster in his hand before discarding it for a brand new drawn card from his deck.

"I will now tune my Level 4 D/D Orthros with my Level 4 D/D Gryphon!" Ozpin declared as the two monsters jumped into the air before Orthros turned into four green ring and Gryphon passed through them. Its body turned transparent with orange lining before turning into four stars and bright light engulfed them.

"One who carries upon the soul of a cursed hero, wields your bloodstained blade into battle and descends before us! Synchro Summon! Be reborn, D/D/D Cursed King Siegfried!"

Lighting crashed upon the field before a figure emerged. This figure is a man with long white hair and pale white skin and pupilless yellow eyes. His body is covered entirely in a dark purple armor and brown under suit with the only part that isn't covered is the face and hair, and a long red scarf wrapped around his neck.

Siegfried raised his large double-edged broadsword into the air with his left hand before resting it on top of his shoulder.

D/D/D Cursed King Siegfried - (DARK/Fiend/Synchro/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 2800/DEF: 2200)

"Yes! Another Synchro Summon!" Nora cried out in glee at the sight of another person using Synchro Summon. She really wants to see more people use the Summoning method she uses in her deck so this is a good thing for her.

"I activate D/D Savant Thomas Pendulum effect. I can add a face-up 'D/D' Pendulum Monster from my Extra Deck into my hand during my Main Phase. I will add back D/D Gryphon to my hand—" Ozpin's Duel Disk ejected D/D Gryphon from the Extra Deck which he grabbed before revealing it. "—and since I control a 'D/D' Monster, I can use D/D Gryphon effect to Special Summon this card in Defense Position. Next I will Normal Summon D/D Savant Copernicus from my hand."

Ozpin wasted no time as he placed the two Monsters into the blade of his Duel Disk as they appeared on the field. D/D Gryphon returned to the field with a cry before taking a defensive position, alongside a brand new monster that was Summoned beside it.

This monster's appearance looks like a metallic sphere-like frame structure with a miniature sun in the center that depicts Heliocentrism, the astronomical model in which the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun at the center of the Solar System. In particular, this monster appears to be presented as a mathematical model of the system, triggering the Copernican Revolution. One of the eye catching parts of the monster is the small mechanical face on the front.

D/D Savant Copernicus - (DARK/Fiend/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 0/DEF: 0) - PS: 1

"When Copernicus is Summoned, I can send a 'D/D' or 'Dark Contract' from my deck to the Graveyard. I will send D/D Ghost with this effect and when D/D Ghost is sent to the Grave, I can send to the Grave a copy of my 'D/D' Monster that I have in the Grave. Meaning I will send another copy of Vice Typhon to the Graveyard."

Ozpin sent the two D/D Monsters to the Grave per the effect that he had used, and now that all the pieces had been set up he can go further. "Now then, I will now activate Vice Typhon effect. Since it is the Main Phase and Vice Typhon was sent to the Graveyard this turn, I can perform a Fusion Summon of a Level 8 or higher 'D/D/D' Fusion Monster by banishing it and another Monster in my Grave."

A portal from the Graveyard opened up before two monsters came out. The first is a demonic snake and woman hybrid with blue hair, snake-like tail instead of feet and an actual snake for her right hand. The second is a block of yellow crystal with what appears to be a silhouette of a cat inside. The two were sucked into the Fusion Vortex and started to fuse together.

"Alluring creatures with venomous fangs, become one with the lost soul trapped within a crystal. Within the arcane swirl of the ancient, be the one who carries upon the soul who unify a nation! Fusion Summon! Be reborn, D/D/D Flame High King Genghis!"

Emerging from the Fusion Vortex is a four armed demon that stands on two feet. This demon has an elongated face with no face and six green pupil-less eyes from the top to the bottom of his face. His body is fully covered in brown, red, and gold armor and a flame like design spiked on the back that reached up to his head. He has four weapons in each of his four hands; the two top hands hold two large short swords, his bottom right hand hold a large great sword, and the left bottom hand holds a large great shield.

Genghis let out a roar as he was surrounded by flame that lit up his armor and weapon, before raising his great sword and pointing it towards his opponent.

D/D/D Flame High King Genghis - (FIRE/Fiend/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 2800/DEF: 2400)

"Oh! Professor Ozpin just did a Fusion Summon!" Now it was Ruby's turn to get excited to see her Summoning method being presented on her headmaster deck, before stopping herself when she started to suspect something. "Wait, hold on. Pendulum, Synchro, and now Fusion? Is Professor Ozpin going to..."

"Since D/D Ghost is banished, I can activate Its effect to return another 'D/D' Monster that is banished to the Graveyard. I'll return Vice Typhon back to my Graveyard."

"Now I will Overlay my Level 4 D/D Copernicus and D/D Gryphon!" Ozpin declared as his two mentioned monsters turned into a streak of purple light and shot to the sky. The Overlay Network opened up and the two monsters entered it before a pillar of light emerged from within.

"One who carries upon the soul of a heroic dictator. With your great knowledge and might, stand on the peak of the world and subjugate your enemy! Xyz Summon! Be reborn, D/D/D Wave King Caesar!"

A heavy dark cloud emerges on the field while lightning crackles from within the dark cloud, before a hulking figure can be seen from the cloud as It sweeps them away with a swing from Its sword.

The figure was revealed to be a large hulking humanoid creature that was covered in heavy armor in three different shades of purple, with silver coating on the back that has four large metal spikes growing out of the back. The head of this monster is featureless except for two blue eyes and what appears to be a breathing mask where his mouth is.

Caesar raised his large great sword to the sky high as blue aura covered his entire body and two Overlay Units orbiting around his body.

D/D/D Wave King Caesar - (WATER/Fiend/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 4/ATK: 2400/DEF: 1200) - OVU: 2

"He did! He actually performs an Xyz Summon!" Jaune joined his two friends in crying out when the headmaster actually performed an Xyz Summon, he had a hunch when Ozpin use Synchro and Fusion but he didn't think that it was true.

"That's the thing with the D/D/D archetype. If there is one deck that could easily bring out every Extra Deck Summoning method in one turn using their own card, it would be the D/D/D. My Zefra deck may be able to do the same thing, but the D/D/D easily mastered this more." Konami explained to his friend who looked in awe as they could easily remember when Konami would use every Summoning method when he used his Zefra deck, however the fact that he needed more than a single turn was something that they could exploit when they Duel him. That doesn't seem to be the case with Professor Ozpin's deck.

"Since I have Summoned a 'D/D' Monster, or in this case a 'D/D/D' Monster, I can use Genghis' effect to Special Summon a 'D/D' Monster in my Graveyard. I will use this effect to Special Summon Vice Typhon in Defense Position." Ozpin explained as the portal to the Graveyard opened up once more before Vice Typhon came out of the portal and landed on the field, letting out a hiss with her viper-like tongue before curling her body in a defensive manner.

D/D Vice Typhon - (DARK/Fiend/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2300/DEF: 2800)

"And that shall be all for my turn." Ozpin declared his turn with four Monsters on his field and zero cards in his hand. "Do apologize for the long wait, Glynda. It looks like my turn took quite a while."

"That is fine, Headmaster." Glynda replied while eyeing the opposing field. Three high ATK Monsters and one Defense Position Monster, said three monsters has a high chance of having a really powerful effect that might mess with her play, though that is skeptical at best.

However, that didn't mean that she couldn't out Ozpin's field. With the cards she has in hand, she could definitely deal with whatever he was going to use against her. 'I just have to play it smart. If I can do that then I can get through this turn with an advantage on my side.' She thought to herself as she prepared herself to start her turn.

"It's my turn. Draw." Glynda announced as she drew a new card from her deck and add it into her hand. Just when she was about to enter her Main Phase though, Ozpin cut her off.

"Before you start, allow me to detach one of D/D/D Wave King Caesar Overlay Units to activate his effect." Ozpin declared which caused the blonde combat teacher to widen her eyes in shock as Caesar raised his sword and absorbed one of his Overlay Unit into it, causing a bright blue aura to cover him as his effect is now in play.

D/D/D Wave King Caesar - (WATER/Fiend/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 4/ATK: 2400/DEF: 1200) - OVU: 1

"Huh? Why did the headmaster use one of his effects now? Before Miss Goodwitch even did anything?" Yang questioned in shock as she couldn't figure out why the headmaster had done that, especially when It seems like it did nothing and was just a waste of an Overlay Unit.

"Maybe It's a delayed effect? Or something? What is the term for an effect that has already been resolved but is still on during a later time anyway?" Weiss asked as she did not know the right words to describe such an effect.

"It's called a lingering effect." Konami answered the question and received a thankful nod of the head for the new piece of information.

Glynda was pondering the same question over Ozpin's action earlier, however there was nothing she could do since It was already been done so she decided to just proceed with her turn by grabbing two cards from her hand and revealing them.

"I will use the Scale 2 Reflection of Endymion and Servant of Endymion, in order to Set the Pendulum Scale!" Glynda also placed the two cards into her Pendulum Zone on her Duel Disk before two similar columns of blue light emerged from her side of the field alongside two Monsters inside with the number 2 below them.

The first monster that was placed was a woman with long light blond hair while the upper part of her face is hidden behind a mask with wings on the side. She was covered fully in a large white robe that covered her entire body with wide sleeves and a high collar on the back, revealing that inside the robe was colored a royal purple color. The robe was adorned with many intricately designed gold lining and orb, while on the back of the robe a white metallic ring with the same gold colored design was attached. Reflection of Endymion held within her hands a golden cup with crown spikes on her right hand and a two sided golden staff/wand with white orbs on both sides on her left hand.

The second monster that was placed was another woman with long blonde hair that was covered by a black and green hood over her head, while her face was hidden under a golden mask with a slitted eye hole over her eyes. The woman was garbed in a black and green with gold edges dress and armor that consist of the dress, gloved arms and hands, metallic tail coat, two gray thigh high stockings, and a pair of high heel boots. Numerous green orbs are attached around her clothing from top to bottom. Servant of Endymion wielded two wands in both of her hands where it was crossed over her chest.

Pendulum Scale: 2 - 2

"Miss Goodwitch is using Pendulum too?! Is this a Pendulum versus Pendulum face-off?!" Sun cried out as he did not expect to see the two professors using the same main Summoning method as each other.

"But both of her Pendulum Scale are the same, she can't Pendulum Summon with the Pendulum Monster that she had Set, so what's the point of using them in the first place?" Neptune questioned while in thought over what's the purpose of using the two Pendulum Monsters that have been Set.

"Both Reflection and Servant of Endymion gain a Spell Counter whenever a Spell is activated and resolved. Since Setting a Pendulum Monster in the Pendulum Zone is considered as activating a Spell, Reflection of Endymion gains a Spell Counter from me Setting Servant of Endymion."

Reflection of Endymion - (LIGHT/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 1850/DEF: 2700) - PS: 2 - Counter: 1

"Spell Counter? Does Miss Goodwitch monster have a similar effect to the Skilled Dark Magician you used before, Konami?" Blake asked the Red Hat as she remembered about the Spell Counter being a relevant thing for the monster that he had used in the very first Duel she and the others had seen.

"The similarity only extended to the fact that they need Spell Counter to use their effect. However, the Endymion deck primarily relies on them the most and probably has the most efficient way of obtaining a large amount of them in a short amount of time." Konami explained the mechanics of Glynda's deck as well as how effective they are at gaining a large amount of Spell Counter. "Although, the Endymion is more optimal when they are mixed with other cards that specialize in Spell Counter and using multiple Spell."

"I will Normal Summon Spellbook Magician of Prophecy." Glynda announced as she brought out a monster in the form of a young magician, who is a boy wearing a mainly blue magician-styled hat and robe, under that was a white shirt, light beige pants, and a necklace hanging around his neck.

Spellbook Magician of Prophecy - (Water/Spellcaster/Effect) - (LV: 2/ATK: 500/DEF: 400)

"Eh?" Ruby blinked her eyes in surprise at the appearance of the monster, specifically at the actual name of said monster. "Spellbook Magician of Prophecy? Isn't that one of your cards, Weiss?"

Weiss was also caught off guard at the sight of one of her monsters on her combat instructor field before nodding in confirmation at her team leader's question. "Yes, It is one of my monsters. Though I can see why Miss Goodwitch would decide to use my card, since my deck does play around with using many Spell cards." She said while thinking of a play she would've done by summoning Spellbook Magician of Prophecy would be worth at least two Spell Counter if it resolves.

"I activate Spellbook Magician of Prophecy effect. When Normal Summoned or flip face-up, I can add a 'Spellbook' Spell card from my deck to my hand. I will use this effect to add Spellbook of Secrets to my hand." Spellbook Magician of Prophecy eyes glowed briefly as he conjured a Spellbook in his hand. The same thing happened to Glynda as her Duel Disk ejected her desired card for her to take.

"I activate Spellbook of Secrets. This card allows me to search another 'Spellbook' Spell card and add it into my hand." Glynda explained as she inserted the Spell into her Duel Disk and watched as it was activated on the field.

"Unfortunately, that won't be happening. I activate D/D/D Flame High King Ganghis effect. When my opponent activates a Spell or Trap or when Its effect is activated, Genghis will put a stop to that by negating Its activation." Ozpin interjected calmly as Genghis pointed his sword towards the activated Spell card and fired a torrent of flame towards it, destroying the card and negating Its effect at the same time.

"Ohh, that's a pity. Wait, why didn't Reflection and Servant of Endymion gain a Spell Counter? I mean Miss Goodwitch did use a Spell card after all." Nora asked with a confused expression on why the two Pendulum cards on the blonde instructor field didn't gain any Counter.

"From what I can assume, It's probably because the Spell effect wasn't resolved. I think in order for Miss Goodwitch card to gain Spell Counter is for a Spell to be activated while Its effect is resolved, meaning by negating the Spell it prevents it from being resolved." Ren guessed from the information he had over Miss Goodwitch words, she did say that when a Spell is activated and resolved that her card gains Spell Counter.

Glynda couldn't help but let out an annoyed 'tch' from escaping from her mouth, with Spellbook of Secrets negated she couldn't get Spellbook of Knowledge to draw two card and gained two Spell Counter for her Monsters. Whatsmore is that Spellbook Magician of Prophecy is a sitting duck and is vulnerable to attack.

But she persevered, while it did hurt her hand somewhat it wouldn't stop her completely. "Very well then. It is unfortunate that you negated my Spellbook of Secrets, Ozpin." Glynda told the headmaster before she pushed her glasses up to reveal her narrowed eyes. "However, that will not stop me in my tracks. I will activate my Field Spell: Magical Citadel of Endymion!"

The moment she declared the name and inserted the said Field Spell to her Duel Disk, the field around them began to change. They were now standing in what appears to be a town with a stoned building. Four structures can be seen on the far edges of the town, with a tower-like design for the roof as the center of the structure is a magical blue orb that keeps it from falling. Finally, the most eye-catching thing is the large and tall tower in the center of the city. The city itself appears to be surrounded by a circle of magical runes from the top of the center tower.

"Oh! We're in another Field Spell." Velvet exclaimed in a delighted surprise as she took in the surrounding area. "I'm still amazed at the realism of the Real Solid Vision."

"Huh, the building in this place reminds me of the building on my Grand Spellbook Tower. I wonder if there is any relation between them." Weiss muttered while looking deep in thought at the possible relation her monster has with Miss Goodwitch monster other then just having synergy in their strategy.

"Magical Citadel has the same effect of gaining Spell Counter as my monster, and by activating it my Reflection and Servant gains a Spell Counter each."

Reflection of Endymion - (LIGHT/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 1850/DEF: 2700) - PS: 2 - Counter: 2

Servant of Endymion - (WIND/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 500/DEF: 1500) - PS: 2 - Counter: 1

"I activate Spell Power Grasp. This Spell card allows me to target a card on my field that can hold a Spell Counter and place one on that target, afterwards I can add another copy of Spell Power Grasp from my deck into my hand. I will target The Magical Citadel of Endymion with Spell Power Grasp." Glynda said as her activated Spell appeared on her field before it turned into a streak of magical energy that was absorbed into one of the orbs on the Magical Citadel. The combat instructor then added another copy of Spell Power Grasp into her hand as all cards on her field gained a Spell Counter.

Reflection of Endymion - (LIGHT/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 1850/DEF: 2700) - PS: 2 - Counter: 3

Servant of Endymion - (WIND/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 500/DEF: 1500) - PS: 2 - Counter: 2

Magical Citadel of Endymion - Counter: 2

"Next, I activate Spell Power Mastery. I will add an 'Endymion' card into my hand and place a Spell Counter on my cards that can hold them equal to the amount of 'Spell Power Grasp' and 'Spell Power Mastery' I have on the field and/or the Grave, meaning I can grant two Spell Counter to my card." Glynda explained as she activated another card from her hand before she grabbed her desired card from her deck and revealed it. "I add Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic and place two Spell Counter into the Magical Citadel. Since I activated a Spell, all of my cards gained a Spell Counter."

Reflection of Endymion - (LIGHT/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 1850/DEF: 2700) - PS: 2 - Counter: 4

Servant of Endymion - (WIND/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 500/DEF: 1500) - PS: 2 - Counter: 3

Magical Citadel of Endymion - Counter: 5

"Holy, that's a lot of Counters." Yang said out loud at the amount of Spell Counter that is on her combat instructor's field. "Wonder what Miss Goodwitch will use them for."

"We'll probably get our answer soon enough." Pyrrha answered her friend's question as she can feel that Miss Goodwitch will soon start doing her play.

"Hmm..." Ozpin hummed out loud while looking at the opposing field in contemplation over what he should do with Siegfried negation effect. 'Siegfried can negate a face-up Spell or Trap until the next Standby Phase and Glynda has three cards that I can negate. The question is which effect should I negate? Decision, decision.'

"Now then, This should be enough Spell Counter for me to use." Glynda exclaimed with a nod before she started by raising her hands towards the Pendulum Zone on her left that contains Reflection of Endymion. "I will now use Reflection of Endymion Pendulum effect! By removing 3 Spell Counter from this card I can Special Summon Reflection from the Pendulum Zone and another Monster that can hold Spell Counter from my hand, and if I do, I can place a Spell Counter on each of them."

'Hmm, that sounds worrying. I should probably negate this or else she will bring her Ace Monster out.' Ozpin thought as he decided to do just that. "I activate D/D/D Cursed King Siegfried effect. During either of our turns, I can target a face-up Spell or Trap on the field and negate their effect until the next Standby Phase. I will use this effect to negate your Reflection of Endymion."

Siegfried pointed towards the red jewel on his forehead before firing a red beam towards Reflection of Endymion, causing her to stagger in shock before slumping as her effect is negated, and since her effect is negated she can no longer hold Spell Counter.

Reflection of Endymion - (LIGHT/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 1850/DEF: 2700) - PS: 2 - Counter: 0

That was exactly what Glynda was hoping. Now that she knows Ozpin has no other interaction she proceeds by raising her hands towards the other Pendulum Zone. "I activate Servant of Endymion Pendulum effect! By removing 3 Spell Counter from this card, I can Special Summon her and another Monster that can hold Spell Counter from my deck, then place one Spell Counter on them!"

"Come forth! Servant of Endymion! Mythical Beast Jackal King!" Glynda cried out as Servant of Endymion jumped out of the Pendulum Zone and landed on the field in Defense Position. Before she raised both of her wand and conjured up a magical circle in front of her, suddenly a loud howl came from out of nowhere before a blur came out of the magic circle.

The blur then stopped moving and revealing itself to be a large four legged blue jackal. Its body appeared to have some ghostly feature with the ethereal wisp-like appearance that can be seen instead of an actual fur, signifying that this monster is perhaps nothing more than a spirit with a physical form. Its body is covered partially by dark blue and gold armor with curved spikes and orange orbs on the body part that need protection. Mythical Beast Jackal King eyes flashed bright green before howling to the sky to announce Its arrival.

Servant of Endymion - (WIND/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 500/DEF: 1500) - PS: 2 - Counter: 1

Mythical Beast Jackal King - (DARK/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 2400/DEF: 1400) - PS: 4 - Counter: 1

Blake let out another yelp of fear at the sight of another monstrous dog, only this time this dog is literally a magical ghost instead of a demonic two-headed dog. She was not sure which is worse between the two.

"You're not good with dogs, are you?" Konami couldn't help but ask when he noticed the reaction coming from the ravenette Faunus with some hint of amusement in his voice. Something that Blake picks up quite easily as her face quickly burns with embarrassment, her silence merely confirms his suspicion.

"Not to worry, Blake. We all have something that we are not comfortable with. For example, Tierra is really not good when it come to—" Metaltron didn't have the chance to finish his sentence before Tierra grabbed him by the back of his collar and yeeted him hard towards the wall so hard it left a small crater in the shape of his upside-down sprawled out body.

The group looked shocked at what just happened before turning their attention towards Tierra, who glaring heatedly at the Dracombatant before directing that glare towards them, basically daring them to say something. To which the group decided to just look away and stayed silent in hope of not ending up in the same position as the unfortunate Duel Spirit.

Glynda watches the interaction at the Spectator side with a twitching eyebrow as she knew very well it would be up to her to clean the mess up when this is all over. Rubbing the bridges of her nose and letting out a sigh to calm herself down, she proceeded to focus her attention back to the Duel. While making a mental note to ask Konami to at least kept Tierra's tendencies in check, seeing as he was the only one who can actually deal with the Infernoid Spirit due to their relationship with each other.

"Anyway. Now that one of my Pendulum Zones is empty. I can now use my Scale 8 Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic to Set my other Pendulum Scale." Glynda exclaimed as she placed said card into her empty Pendulum Zone and watched as her monster appeared inside the column of blue light with the number 8 below it.

This monster appeared to be a man with long white hair with palish looking skin. His attire appeared to resemble a warlock covered in spiky edgy armor, all of which is in black and gold color while the inside is colored red. His robe has loose sleeves and four split tail coats, while his armor covered the outer robe as well as his face that was hidden behind a helmet with two horns and golden wings. Around his waist is a large belt that was attached to a large wheel ring behind him. All around his clothing are dozens of orb that contained Power Stone inside. Endymion held with him a large golden staff with an arc that contains a Power Stone in the center.

Pendulum Scale: 8 - 2

"By Setting a Pendulum Scale, all of my card gain a Spell Counter, or two Spell Counter in Jackal King case due to Its effect."

Mythical Beast Jackal King - (DARK/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 2400/DEF: 1400) - PS: 4 - Counter: 3

Magical Citadel of Endymion - Counter: 6

"I activate Endymion Pendulum Effect! By removing 6 Spell Counter from anywhere on my field, I can Special Summon this card to my field. I will remove all the Spell Counter from the Magical Citadel of Endymion to activate this effect!" Glynda declared as the Mighty Master of Magic raised his hand and absorbed the magical energy from the entire city as his Power Stone glowed brightly with power, before he seemingly vanished from the Pendulum Zone.

Magical Citadel of Endymion - Counter: 0

"Almighty sorcerer of the magical citadel, one who has mastered the power within the magical stone. By your authority, strike judgment upon your enemy and correct the errors of those foolish enough to oppose the order! Come forth before me! The Mighty Master of Magic, Endymion!"

A large purple magical circle was suddenly drawn out to the field by a streak of light, crackling with unrestrained magical power as the circle began to pulse rhythmically. The crackling of magical power grew even more erratically as Endymion started emerging from the magical circle, rising up from within the circle with a stern expression on his face.

Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic - (Dark/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2800/DEF: 2400) - PS: 8

"Endymion effect doesn't end there! Once he is Summoned, I can count up to the number of cards I control that can hold Spell Counter and destroy up to that many cards on the field. With 5 cards that can hold Spell Counters, I can destroy up to 5 cards on the field!"

Once his form is fully revealed, Endymion summons his staff into his hand and taps it to the ground. From that single light tap, it causes the entire magical circle to break and release the massive amount of magical energy within it around the field, destroying all of Ozpin's monster and his Dark Contract with the Gate in one swoop. Endymion then raised his hands before absorbing all the released magical energy into himself.

"And now I can add Spell Counter to Endymion up to the number of cards that are destroyed, meaning Endymion gains 5 Spell Counters!"

Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic - (Dark/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2800/DEF: 2400) - PS: 8 - Counter: 5

"Woah! Miss Goodwitch just wiped out all of Professor Ozpin's field in a snap!" Jaune cried out in amazement at how quickly the blonde combat instructor had outed the headmaster field with just a single effect of her monster.

"And now with no more Monster or Spell and Trap, Professor Ozpin is now completely vulnerable for a direct attack!" Sun also cried out as he could guess the damage that was going to be dealt to the headmaster LP will be huge, needless to say It's probably going to hurt a little.

Ozpin merely stood there calmly, both of his hands gripping the pummel of his old reliable cane while he didn't look at all concerned at what just happened. "I activate Ceaser effects. When Caesar is sent to the Graveyard, I can add a 'Dark Contract' card from my deck into my hand."

"Then I will use Mythical Beast Jackal King effect in response. When my opponent activates a Monster effect, I can remove 2 Spell Counter from anywhere on my field to negate that effect activation." Glynda responded as Jackal King absorbed 2 Spell Counters from the orb on Its armor into Its mouth, before its eyes glow brightly and letting out a howl which caused a shockwaves to riverbate around the field.

Mythical Beast Jackal King - (DARK/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 2400/DEF: 1400) - PS: 4 - Counter: 1

"I'll proceed with my Battle Phase. Spellbook Magician of Prophecy, go and perform a direct attack!" Glynda commands as the young magician obeyed by conjuring a Spellbook into his open hand before using Its power to launch a small magical blast towards his target. Ozpin just continued to stay in his place as the attack went through him, not even flinching as his LP was lowered.

Ozpin LP: 8000 = 7500

"Go next, Jackal King!" Glynda continue to command her monster as the Mythical Beast monster lets out a growl before it launches itself towards Ozpin, who manages to raise one of his arms up in defense as Jackal King raises one of Its claws covered in mystical energy before bringing it down. Leaving three claw slash marks at the headmaster that caused him to stagger back.

Ozpin LP: 7500 = 5100

"You're the last, Endymion!" Glynda shouted towards her Ace monster, who complied with the order as the Mighty Master of Magic raised his staff high into the sky. The Power Stone in his staff began to glow as it released an enormous mass of magical energy, all of which is being condensed into a black and purple orb of magical energy. Endymion then lowered his staff before unleashing the magical energy from the orb into a massive blast that is coming towards the headmaster.

This time Ozpin raised both of his arms and crossed them in front of him as the magical blast enveloped him. Causing the ashen gray haired man to grunt as he was being pushed back by the attack as his LP was reduced greatly once more. Once the attack was done, Ozpin can be seen kneeling down as smoke came from his body and his surrounding area.

Ozpin LP: 5100 = 2300

"Ohhh, Professor Ozpin is not doing so great right now. With no Monster on his field and his LP reduced to less than half of Its original worth, how is he supposed to make a comeback?" Pyrrha questioned while looking in worry over what her headmaster could do to get out of this situation.

"He must have something prepared, I don't believe that he would just let his field entirely open like this." Jaune reasoned as he felt that there is something that they are missing something here. The headmaster must have counted the possibility of his Monster being destroyed with no back row protection.

"I don't think there is anything he can do at this point. No hand, no Spell or Trap, and only two Pendulum Monsters in his Pendulum Zone that could only bring out a single Monster in his next turn." Weiss pointed out the fact that they can't all deny that with no resource to recover his field there was little to no chance for him to make a comeback. "Unless his draw is impeccable on his next turn, I think this Duel would end a lot sooner than we realize."

Glynda couldn't agree more with her student as she hear their conversation, albeit barely from her position. While she only possesses a copy of Spell Power Grasp in her hand, her field is clearly superior in contrast with the barren field opposite to her. Plus she still has Jackal King and Endymion effect for the next turn should anything happen.

"It seems that I am in an advantageous position, Headmaster." Glynda exclaimed towards her opponent as she pushed her glasses up once more while her head was held high in clear dominance over this state of the Duel. "It's clear that I hold the position of power now, I'll be sure to claim my victory during the next turn."

Ozpin let out a chuckle at hearing that, something that caught the blonde instructor off guard at why he was laughing now. The Beacon Headmaster finally gets up from his kneeling position before brushing the dirt from his pants in the process before directing a look towards his assistant.

"Now, Glynda. It is still too early for any of us to claim victory in our Duel. Especially when I am still standing right here right now and ready to face whatever that is coming at me." Ozpin said with a smile on his face as he looked none too worried over his clearly un-favorable state of game.

"I truly admire your conviction, sir. But with all due respect, I don't see any way for you to claim the upper hand in this Duel at this state." Glynda responded with clear skepticism over his claim that he could somehow turn this situation around.

"Seeing is believing, as they say. And I would advise you to see with your own eyes how I would turn this hopeless situation in my favor." Ozpin declared with confidence practically oozing out from his mouth as he uttered those words. He then turned to look towards his student before giving out a smile to them.

"Remember, my students. Even if your back is against the wall and if all seems lost, do not lose hope and keep on fighting. There is always a light at the end of a tunnel, and It is up to all of you to find it. Trust in your ability and in your comrade and you will find what it is you need."

The Huntsman and Huntress in training all looked towards the Headmaster of Beacon in awe at his words. Even if he was in a losing spot the headmaster is still confident that he can achieve victory. It was at this moment that they truly remembered that Ozpin is an inspiration to all that aspire to be a Huntsman.

'Pretty words coming out of the mouth of a masked face is as good as the lie they told others...' Tierra, however, didn't buy that for a second. She was still not convinced over Ozpin's whole act, she still think that he is a hypocritical idiot who can barely shoulder the weight of his immortality. And no amount of buttered up words layered in blissful ignorance can convince her otherwise.

As always, it was always up to her to see the true face of people since the other people around her are ignorant morons. Only Konami is the one she can depend on seeing it as well, Metaltron is barely up there in her opinion though.

The clear bias in her words was lost in her own thought, if that is a good thing or not I'll leave that up to viewers to decide.

Ozpin then turned his attention back towards the Duel in hand. "Now then, I think It's time for the Contract I had made to come into play."

"Contract...?" Glynda uttered lowly in confusion as she had no idea what it is that he was talking about.

"Why yes. A Contract I had made previously this turn will be the key to my recovery, and the condition of that Contract is during the end of the Battle Phase of this turn." Ozpin cryptically said which further confused his assistant and students as he raised his cane up before suddenly declaring.

"By my Contract with the Wave King. Be reborn, my monsters!"

Slamming the tip of his cane down hard, it creates an echoing tapping sound that riverbate around the room. Just then, three pillars of light emerged onto Ozpin's field which caused everyone to black their eyes with their arms from the bright light.

"What the hell is happening?!" Yang cried out as she couldn't see what was happening from the light shining over her eyes.

"I think he's using Wave King Ceasar's effect!" Ren answered back as he can clearly hear that the headmaster had uttered out D/D/D Wave King Caesar when he mentioned something about a contract.

"You mean that effect he used earlier?! How is that supposed to help?!" Coco asked out loud as she remembered Ozpin activating Caesar effect, but nothing happened afterwards. Her question is unanswered however as none of them really know what Its effect is.

But her answer did come when the light coming from the field had subdued and they can finally make sense of what just happened, only to gasp in shock when they saw the appearance of Ozpin's D/D/D Monster on his field.

"W-What?! How did Professor Ozpin get all of his Monster back?!" Ruby cried out in shock as she could not believe her eyes that all the Monster that was destroyed, excluding Vice Typhon, could come back in a snap like that.

"That will be thanks to D/D/D Wave King Caesar effect. During either player's turn and by detaching an Overlay Unit, when the Battle Phase has ended Caesar can bring back as many Monsters as possible that were destroyed during this turn." Konami explained the effect as they all looked absolutely stunned by what they had just heard.

"That's correct. My reason for activating it so early is in order to avoid it being negated and should anything happen to my Monster as the turn progresses." Ozpin revealed his thoughts while drumming his finger along the pummel of Long Memory while his eyes were locked onto his assistant. "I hold no doubt that you will eventually manage to get rid off my Monsters, Glynda. It is simply an inevitability. So I use this effect in precaution when you manage to destroy my Monsters."

Glynda was stumped. She had not anticipated for the ash gray haired headmaster to be able to refill his field so easily like that. Though as much as she was in shock by what just happened, she could not help but felt just as amazed as well at his foresight.

"Honestly, I expect nothing less from you, Headmaster. To think that you would be prepared to this extent..." Glynda said as she could acknowledge quite easily that that was a good move on his part. "However. Even if you do have your Monster back, I'm afraid the difference in our Life Point should indicate that I am currently on top. I hope that you didn't forget about this fact. I end my turn."

Ozpin: 2300 LP / Hand ×0

Glynda: 8000 LP / Hand ×1

"I have to agree with Miss Goodwitch. She still has a full amount of LP and a field of high ATK Monsters, while Professor Ozpin LP is almost a quarter of Its original and no Monster that can go over anything on Miss Goodwitch field." Weiss commented on the state of the game at this moment. She would also feel confident if she were in the combat instructor shoe at the moment.

"Well Professor Ozpin can still turn this around, I think. It will probably be up to what he draw next and if he can play around any interaction that Miss Goodwitch has in store." Jaune reasoned as he still thinks that the headmaster still has a chance to take the win on this Duel.

"I wouldn't worry about him. I knew for sure that Ozpin can surely turn the tide of this Duel in his favor." Metaltron's voice called out to them as he had managed to pry himself out of the wall and was standing beside his partner. All in all looking none worse for wear if his easy going smile was any indication, though the bits of wall debris on his clothing might suggest otherwise.

"How the hell do you put up with that?" Neptune couldn't help but balk at the way the Dracombatant just walked away casually from being man-handled by Tierra like that.

"Oh Neptune, Neptune, Neptune..." Metaltron repeated the name of the blue haired intellectual as he casually slings his arm over his shoulder in a show of good manners, looking at him with a sideways glance and a smile that make the Haven Student slightly uncomfortable. "Let me give you some pro tips on how to handle our little fiery troublemaker. When push comes to shove, just get over it. Simple as that."

"Just get over it?! She kicked me in the ball TWICE! I literally thought I was going to die from pain!"

"Ah-ah, but you didn't die, right? Exactly. Just be glad that you almost die, it makes your life a whole lot easier. Ain't that right, Tierra?"

Metaltron called out to his fellow Duel Spirit while openly grinning at her. Tierra would have done something in response, likely throwing him again through the wall this time, if it weren't for Konami restraining her.

And by 'restraining', I meant holding both of her shoulders with both of his hand while he gave her a light massage, making her too weak in the knee to actually get out of his hold. 'That Goldy Boy should be grateful that Konami can give good massages.' Tierra thought to herself while looking away from the stare of the others as her face was turning red ever so slightly.

She'll deal with the Vagabond distracting her from her rightful beating of the Dracombatant for mocking her later, for now she would just enjoy the massage he was giving to her right now.

Not that she actually wanted to receive a massage from Konami, mind you. Because that would be stupid.

"You owe me one for this, Tron." Konami mentally tells his partner as he continues to work his finger through Tierra's surprisingly tense shoulder. Probably from her being angry all the time.

"Glad you've got my back, partner." Metaltron said to the Red Hat, also telepathically within their private link before smirking at him. "Odd choice of calming her down but whatever works, I guess."

"It was either this or a head pat. She was already tense from her anger this whole time, so might as well kill two birds with one stone."

"And you say you weren't a Lady Killer."

"Shut it."

Unaware of the two-way conversation between the Vagabond and the Duel spirit, the others was too enraptured by the sight of said Vagabond moving his hand along Tierra's shoulder. From the pleased expression on the Infernoid Spirit face, they could only guess she was enjoying it.

"Ohoho, he is also a masseuse eh? That some good boyfriend quality right there, eh Blake?" Yang nudged her partner while grinning widely, not at all being subtle with her words whatsoever. The only response she got was a heated glare as well as a heated face from the Cat Faunus.

Unbothered by what is happening at the Spectator side, Ozpin just draw his card silently as he starts his turn. Looking at his drawn card, he couldn't help but let out a smile as he was pleased by what he had just gotten.

But before he could go to his Main Phase 1, Wave King Caesar suddenly turned around to face his Duelist while his body was covered in a blue aura, seemingly glaring at him. Making the other Remnants shocked at what just happened before Ozpin let out a sigh.

"Right, of course. It's time for me to pay my part of the Contract." Ozpin declared out of nowhere while Glynda just stared at the headmaster in suspicion at what he was up to.

"What do you mean by 'pay my part', Headmaster?" Glynda questioned the ashen gray haired man with narrow eyes, to which her answer came immediately when he opened his mouth to explain.

"As I said before, I had made a Contract with Caesar in order to use his effect and now I have to pay my part of the deal. In exchange for him reviving my destroyed Monsters, I will now take 1000 effect damage for every Monsters that is Summoned by this effect during the Standby Phase."

That made Glynda's eyes widened in disbelief, as well for the rest of Remnants on the Spectator seat as they were all thinking the exact same thing at this very moment.

"Professor Ozpin is going to take 1000 damage for each Monsters Wave King Caesar Summoned?! B-But that means he's going to take 3000 damage!" Ruby cried out as she knew very well the implication of what's going to happen next.

"He doesn't have enough LP to survive such high damage! Are you telling me Professor Ozpin just barely survived the previous turn only for him to lose to his own effect?!" Velvet couldn't help but shout out in worry as well in disbelief that the headmaster's own Monster effect will be the one to end him.

Wave King Caesar slowly walks towards Ozpin while dragging his swords from the ground, leaving a trail by the edge of the blade. Once Caesar was standing right in front of him, the Headmaster of Beacon merely looked up towards his Monster before bowing his head down.

"I am ready." Was all Ozpin could say before Wave King Caesar raised his sword high on top of his head, before twisting and bringing it down to deal damage equal to the Contract that they had made.

The others merely looked away as they didn't want to see their headmaster losing by the demise of his own effect, waiting anxiously for the moment of the Duel being declared a loss.

Only it never came.

Because out of nowhere, Go! - D/D/D Divine Zero King Rage leaped out of the Pendulum Zone before landing himself in front of Ozpin. Shocking them all greatly as Rage effortlessly caught the incoming sword with his hand, stopping the damage that was supposed to end the Duel right here and there.

Ozpin then lifted his head up to reveal the grin he was hiding. "Oh? Looks like I forgot to mention Zero King Rage Pendulum effect. Whenever I would take effect damage, he can make it so that I don't take damage instead."

"That was rather mischievous of you, Ozpin." Glynda couldn't help but make that remark as she had actually believed she would win this Duel right here and there.

"Perhaps so." Ozpin replied while chuckling in agreement as Zero King Rage pushed back the sword he was holding onto, causing Caesar to stumble back before returning to his original place on the field. Ozpin turned his attention towards his Ace monster before saying to him.

"Many thanks, my friend."

Rage turned his head to look at his Duelist behind him, before nodding his head in recognition as he jumped back towards the Pendulum Zone. Ozpin was slightly surprised when Rage nodded at him but took it as a sign that Rage acknowledged him, which was nice to know.

"Phew, Professor Ozpin really gives us a scare, I'm not gonna lie." Coco said as she had genuinely believed that the headmaster would actually lose the Duel due to his own card effect. Talk about a shitty way to go down.

"Told you guys there is nothing to worry about." Metaltron boasted to the others that he was right in his claim, something which he expressed by holding his head high and grinning widely.

"Well you made a believer out of me, that's for sure." Jaune replied while laughing slightly.

"Now that we have gotten that out of the way." Ozpin suddenly said as everyone's attention snapped back to him as the headmaster started his turn. "Allow me to Summon another to my field. I Normal Summon D/D Nighthowl from my hand."

Appearing on Ozpin's field is a red skinned monster with just a head for Its body, or more exactly just a large and long jaw with yellow eyes instead of an actual head. Many rows of sharp teeth are clearly visible due to the jaw being opened wide as the monster growls and barks loudly.

D/D Nighthowl - (DARK/Fiend/Tuner/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 300/DEF: 600)

"Now that I have Summoned another D/D Monster, I can activate Flame High King Genghis effect to Special Summon a 'D/D' Monster from my Graveyard." Ozpin declared as Genghis raised his sword high to the sky, ready to use his effect as his body was covered in fiery red aura.

"Then I will activate Jackal King effect to negate Ganghis effect and destroy it by removing two Spell Counter from itself and Servant of Endymion." Glynda responded as Jackal King absorbed magical energy from the orb on Its and Servant before it let out a loud howl, causing a shockwave that not only dissipated the aura on Genghis but also sent him back flying as he was destroyed.

Servant of Endymion - (WIND/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 500/DEF: 1500) - PS: 2 - Counter: 0

Mythical Beast Jackal King - (DARK/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 2400/DEF: 1400) - PS: 4 - Counter: 0

"That won't be a problem. I activate Nighthowl effect. When Nighthowl is Normal Summoned I can Special Summon a 'D/D' Monster from my Graveyard. However, that Monster ATK and DEF become zero and if it is destroyed then I will have to take 1000 damage. Also, I cannot Special Summon any other Monster for the rest of this turn, except Fiend-Type Monster." Ozpin declared as his Duel Disk ejected a card from his Graveyard, which he rook and revealed it to be D/D Gryphon that he was targeting. "I will use Nighthowl to Special Summon D/D Gryphon."

A portal to the Graveyard opened up on Ozpin's field before D/D Gryphon fly out of it and landed on the field in a kneeling position beside D/D Nighthowl.

"When Gryphon is Special Summoned from the Graveyard, I can add a 'D/D' Monster from my deck to my hand. I will use this effect to add D/D Brownie to my hand."

"Now I will Tune my level 3 D/D Nighthowl with my Level 4 D/D Gryphon!" Ozpin shouted out as the two Monsters jumped into the air before Nighthowl turned into the rings as Gryphon passed over them before being enveloped by light.

"One who inherits the soul of the undefeated warrior. Stir up the storm of the battlefield and call upon the swiftness that surpasses a gale! Synchro Summon! Be reborn, D/D/D Gust King Alexander!"

A green gale suddenly appeared on the field before a figure had emerged from inside the gale. This figure is a tall humanoid creature covered head-to-toe in silver armor with dark red on the joint and was adorned with numerous blue orbs attached. It had a green cape on the back that was fluttering around the wind of the gale. Its head is covered in a silver helmet with a long pointed head accompanied with spikes along it, with a green gem placed on his forehead.

Alexander's red eyes glowed before It held up Its sword on his right hand and swung them with enough force to dissipate the gale in an instant.

D/D/D Gust King Alexander - (WIND/Fiend/Synchro/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2500/DEF: 2000)

"Ohh, Professor Ozpin just brought out another Synchro Monster. Wonder how that will come into play." Jaune said as he was excited to see what the headmaster will do to gain the upper hand during this turn.

"I bet you that Professor Ozpin would probably need to take some 'Gust'-y measure to win." Yang said as she openly grinned at the pun she had made, while the rest of her friends merely groaned at how horrible it was.

"I will now Overlay my Rank 4 D/D/D Wave King Caesar!" Ozpin announced which shocked the group as the D/D/D Xyz Monster turned into a streaked of blue energy before entering the just opened up Overlay Network, a pillar of light shooting right out of the Overlay Network.

"Xyz Summon! Be reborn, D/D/D Marksman King Tell!"

Appearing from the pillar of light is tall light green skin man with spiked green hair, yellow narrowed eyes, and a fanged smile that grace his face. He wears a light black armor that covers his upper body and arms, with spikes and the center of the chest armor has appeared to be a bitten red apple with three arrows coming right out of it. His lower body is covered in the same colored armor with clawed boots, over a green waistcloth and was tied by a brown leather belt. The right shoulder was noticeably longer as a scope was incorporated into it.

Tell cackled before it raised Its right hand to reveal that he was holding onto a golden crossbow in the shape of a dragon and pointed it forward while lining his sight with the scope on his shoulder armor.

D/D/D Marksman King Tell - (WATER/Fiend/Xyz/Effect) - (RNK: 5/ATK: 2300/DEF: 2000) - OVU: 1

"He performed an Xyz Summon using an Xyz Monster?!" Neptune cried out in shock as he didn't think it was possible to do that, whatsmore performing an Xyz Summon using a single material.

"I'm more surprised he didn't use any of those Rank-Up Magic Spell cards you use, Konami." Ren said to the Red Hat as he had initially thought that you would need those Spell cards to perform a Rank-Up Xyz Change.

"Well what Ozpin did isn't exactly a Rank-Up Xyz Change as it is more like a normal Xyz Summon more than anything else." Konami said back while giving a shrug of his shoulder. "And you shouldn't be all that surprised that you can Xyz Summon using an Xyz Monster. I can tell you that this will be more common along the way."

"And I suppose you have the ability to do so as well?" Weiss questioned as she raised a delicate eyebrow at Konami, having a feeling that the guy has that sort of monster in his deck.

Konami just tips his hat upwards to reveal him winking at the Schnee heiress. "Now that will be telling, won't it?" Was all he said as the snow haired girl just rolled her eyes at him, having gotten used to not getting any straight answer from him.

"Now that I have Summon another D/D Monster, I can use Alexander effect to Special Summon a Level 4 or lower 'D/D' Monster from my Graveyard. The Monster I will be reviving is D/D Copernicus in Defense Position." Ozpin said as Alexander pointed his swords to the ground while his body was shrouded in a green aura, before a portal opened up once more from the Graveyard as D/D Copernicus came floating out of the portal.

"I will use Its effect when Summoned to send D/D Swirl Slime from my deck to the Grave, and then use Swirl Slime effect in the Grave to banish it to Special Summon the D/D Brownie I've added to my hand." Ozpin said as he placed the card on his hand into the field and watched as his monster appeared.

The monster in question is a small blue demon with white hair, two red horns, slitted eyes, and sharp fang. Its body seems to have been made into two sections, with the lower body seeming to have almost swallowed the upper body. Said lower body is just a blue and black tail with an arrow head tip and a gold ring, while the upper body is the same color but with red veins running along it. This monster only has one hand on the left as Its right one was replaced by a single black bat wing, and another two wings sprouted out of the left shoulder of the monster.

D/D Brownie - (DARK/Fiend/Tuner/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 0/DEF: 0) - PS: 2

"Is he still extending?" Glynda wondered to herself as she couldn't believe that a single card that he had drawn could lead to him bringing out so many of his monsters like this.

"I will once again Tune with my Level 3 D/D Brownie and Level 7 D/D/D Gust King Alexander!" Ozpin announced as the two monsters jumped into the air and performed a Tuning with Brownie turning into green rings and Alexander passing through them before being engulfed by light.

"One who inherits the soul of the undefeated warrior. Stir up an even greater and raging storm. With the swiftness of the gale, dominate the battlefield and forged the history of the great empire! Synchro Summon! Be reborn, D/D/D Gust High King Alexander!"

An even greater storm of green wind rages onto the field, so much so that the group on the spectator seat was also affected by the raging wind. It didn't take long before a pair of red eyes shined brightly from the storm before the figure inside let out a loud cry that revealed Alexander in his new form.

This new form of Alexander is simply a more improved silver armor on his body, being a lot more stronger and sturdier to provide an even greater defense while still looking relatively the same design as to not lose mobility. The green cape on the back is now larger and longer with them looking more like a pair of wings, along it is a green high collar on the back of the neck. The final change is the sword he was wielding, where it was earlier a straight symmetrical blade with the handle on the bottom back and now it was more of a large and wide curved sword with a curved handle on the bottom back of the blade. Despite the size of the weapon, Alexander swung it with ease to the side and his other hand held up high.

D/D/D Gust High King Alexander - (WIND/Fiend/Synchro/Effect) - (LV: 10/ATK: 3000/DEF: 2500)

The group would've made some comment on the headmaster bringing out a newer version of his earlier monster and why would he do that in the first place, if it wasn't for the fact that they were looking like they had just gotten out of a fiasco with a tornado. Those with shorter hair didn't look too out of place other than some ruffle clothes, but those with longer hair — mainly the girls — were a bit of a mess due to them being extended out in different directions.

"You know...I think this whole over-the-top Summoning is starting to get really annoying as time goes on." Weiss commented with an eye twitch at the state of her hair, her side ponytail had come undone by the strong wind and forcing her hair to be spread out just like the others with longer hair.

"Trust me, you haven't seen anything yet." Konami told the snow haired girl...while his hat is still resting on his head undisturbed, even though he has both of his arms crossed over each other the entire time.

"How the hell didn't your hat get blown away by the wind?" Sun couldn't help but ask as he couldn't believe the hat the Vagabond was wearing didn't even come loose from his head.

"That's a trade secret, my friend." Was all Konami said as he tipped his hat down while giving them all a secretive smile. Not really giving them all a straight answer, though that's pretty much somewhat of a norm to the group at this point.

"Heh, fussing about your hair like that. You girls are pathetic." Tierra said to the other girls with long hair with a really smug smile on her face as her long vibrant red hair wasn't even disturbed in the slightest by the wind.

Probably because she had actually dematerialized her physical form and taken on an astral form, which wasn't physically affected by the wind as the wind actually passed through her body instead, before materializing back her physical form when the wind had died out.

"Okay now that's just cheating." Yang muttered with disdain over the unfair way the Infernoid spirit kept her hair pristine like that. Not wanting her hair to be the mess as it was any longer, the blonde brawler took out the hair brush she had with her all the time and started to fix her hair. "Anyone want to borrow this when I'm done?"

Blake, Weiss, and Velvet took that offer while thanking the blonde for the generous offer.

Glynda wasn't really affected by the wind even though she was closest to it, though she did have to block her face to keep her glasses from being blown away. "I assume you're not done with your turn, Headmaster?" She asked curiously as she had a feeling that he still had more play to make.

Ozpin chuckled at the questions thrown at him. "I do apologize, Glynda. It seems that I may have taken a lot of time with my turn." He said with a slight apologetic tone in his voice.

"However, do let me extend for a little while longer. I will Overlay using D/D/D Marksman King Tell!" Ozpin declared as the recently Summoned Xyz Monster turned into a dark purple streak of energy that shot up into the air. "Using this D/D/D Monster, I will now construct the Overlay Network!"

The swirling galaxy-like portal appeared once more on Ozpin's field before Tell entered it as a bright pillar of light shot out of the Overlay Network.

"One who inherits the soul that holds infinite wisdom. Took upon the throne of the world and be the one who shall resolve an unanswerable crisis! Xyz Summon! Be reborn, D/D/D Deviser King Deus Machinex!"

Slowly emerging from the portal is a large throne chair made out of some ancient looking stone structure, with orbs on the bottom edge that appears to be the reason why it can float like that. Not soon after that, a dark purple pillar of light descended down from the ceiling, along it came a monster that had Its arms crossed and standing completely straight as a show of dominance.

This monster is a tall, hulking demonic looking creature with a humanoid body. Its head is covered in a helmet with two prominent red horns on top, it covers the front of Its face beside the eyes, which glow blue brightly, while the back is also left exposed to let out Its long ashen hair flow freely. Its body is done with blue and bronze armor over a black under armor with a high back collar and red orb decorated along it. This demon also sports really long tentacles, two mechanical wings, as well as a flowing magenta colored cape on the back of Its armor.

Deus Machinex slowly descended down from the skies before taking a seat on his throne, his tentacles wrapping around it obsessively and wiggling behind it. The Deviser King then crossed his legs over each other before leaning his head into his fist that rested on the right arm chair, blue eyes glowing brightly as sparkling purple energy seemed to ooze out of the monster and Its throne. Two purple orbs orbited around the monster and the throne It was sitting on.

D/D/D Deviser King Deus Machinex - (DARK/Fiend/Xyz/Pendulum/Effect) - (RNK: 10/ATK: 3000/DEF: 3000) - PS: 10 - OVU: 2

"Wow, that is one really intimidating looking monster I have seen so far." Neptune commented as he could actually feel like this monster was looking down at him, even when Its eyes weren't even on him.

"No kidding, really giving the whole 'You're beneath me' kinda vibe from this guy." Coco agreed wholeheartedly with that statement as she really feels like that this monster isn't someone you should take lightly when you're fighting It.

"I wonder if he is the king of his castle, just like I'm the queen of my own castle!" Nora cheered as she really liked the look of this monster. Especially that chair! She really wants to try and take a seat on that.

"By Summoning another D/D, I can activate Gust High King Alexander effect to Special Summon a 'D/D' Monster from my Grave. Revived, D/D/D Flame High King Genghis." Alexander raised Its sword up before bringing it down, which created a riff in space that started to expand as Genghis came out of the riff as It stands beside Deus Machinex.

Glynda was not happy with this outcome. Even with just one Normal Summoned Ozpin had managed to actually fill out his field once more with powerful monsters, and while she didn't think he was going to end her this turn, It still left her pondering on how she would be able to break this board on her next turn.

"I'll enter my Battle Phase. Now would be best for me to explain Gust High King Alexander second effect, when there are three or more 'D/D/D' Monsters on the field, this card gains an extra 3000 ATK."

D/D/D Gust High King Alexander - (WIND/Fiend/Synchro/Effect) - (LV: 10/ATK: 6000/DEF: 2500)

Coco let out a whistle as the gale around Alexander started to become even more fierce. "Talk about doubling your own worth. Now Professor Ozpin could deal a lot of damage with Alexander alone."

"I just hope there won't be another strong wind like earlier..." Velvet said as she brushed her hair with the hair brush Yang had graciously lent, her bunny ear flopped slightly in her displeasure at the thought of having to fix her hair again.

Metaltron was off to the side smiling while closing his eyes as he was a bit busy singing something through the mental link between him, Konami and Tierra. One that he thinks is appropriate for this moment.

"I am the storm that is approaching~!"

"Would you stop singing that stupid song?"

"Oh, come on Tierra. This song is perfect for this!"

"Ughh. Why did you have to give him that game, Konami."

"I thought Tron would like some new inspiration for improving his fighting style, and you can't really deny the result. Besides, I also like that song."

"If by 'improving his fighting style', you mean making it so obnoxiously over-the-top? Then you did your fucking job."

Having said that, Tierra decided to just cast the still mentally singing Dracombatant an annoyed glare, which he ignored entirely much to her increasing annoyance.

"Siegfried, attack Servant of Endymion." Ozpin said as the Synchro D/D/D Monster compiled by running towards the opposing field before plunging his greatsword straight through the kneeling Endymion Monster chest, causing her to let out a pain gasp before being destroyed.

"Genghis is next. Attack Mythical Beast Jackal King." Another command of attack was made and Genghis responded by enveloping Its blade with flame before jumping towards the opposing field. Jackal King proceeded to just charge forwards to meet the opponent heads on to bite It with Its fang, before Genghis swung Its sword and sliced the Mythical Beast into two as It was destroyed.

Glynda LP: 8000 = 7600

"Go Alexander, face off against Spellbook Magician of Prophecy." Alexander heeded the command by enveloping Its blade with green wind, causing the blade to glow bright with green, before flying towards the young looking Prophecy Monster and slash him so quickly that Alexander appeared behind him in a blink of an eye. Spellbook Magician of Prophecy stumbled slightly before a green slash mark appeared on his body as it let out a cry before being destroyed in an explosion of wind.

Glynda grunted as she took the full brunt of the explosion before she was thrown back by the wind, causing her to quickly use her Semblance to correct her landing as to make her land on her feet.

Glynda LP: 7600 = 2100

"Finally. Deus Machinex will finish Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic." With that last command of attack, Deus Machinex raised Its hand before gathering dark purple energy within it. Endymion responded by gathering his own magical energy into his staff.

The two stared at each other for a moment before unleashing their blast at the exact same time, causing them to clash with each other causing the ground beneath to crack. This clash lasted for a minute before Deus Machinex overpowered Endymion as Its energy blast grew bigger and headed straight towards Endymion, who had only had a moment to look shocked before being engulfed by the blast and being destroyed.

Glynda was sent skidding back a few centimeters by the blast of energy from the D/D/D Xyz Monster. Noticing the barren state of her field as all of her monster were destroyed in a single turn.

Glynda LP: 2100 = 1900

However, she wasn't going to leave empty handed this turn as she raised her hand before declaring. "I activate Endymion effect! When Endymion is destroyed by battle while holding a Spell Counter, I can add a Normal Spell card into my hand from my deck and I will add another copy of Spell Power Mastery. Whatsmore, because a card with Spell Counter is destroyed, Magical Citadel can absorb all of the Spell Counter from them. Meaning Magical Citadel now holds 5 Spell Counter from Endymion."

Glynda added her desired Spell card into her hand as the Magical Citadel absorbed the Spell Counter from the destroyed Endymion, five streaks of magical energy came from within the smoking remains of Endymion and were absorbed into the floating orb of the Field Spell.

Magical Citadel of Endymion - Counter: 5

"Well that simply won't do. I will negate Magical Citadel effect until the next Standby Phase using Siegfried effect." Ozpin exclaimed as Siegfried fired another red beam from the gem on Its forehead, this time aiming at the top of the central tower which caused the orbs around the city to stop glowing and the rune circling the city to stop entirely.

Magical Citadel of Endymion - Counter: 0

"I will now activate D/D Savant Thomas Pendulum effect to add D/D Orthros back into my hand." Ozpin takes back the D/D Monster from his Extra deck back into his hand before resting both of his hands on the pommel of Long Memory and declaring. "I end my turn."

"Then It's my turn. I draw." Glynda started her turn by drawing her card and taking a glance at it, happy with what she had gotten she put it with the rest of her hand.

Looking up to her Field Spell, she noticed that the many orb of the Magical Citadel had been activated once more as well as the rune circling the city. Nodding in satisfaction that her Field Spell effect is now restored before taking another card in her hand and revealing it.

"I activate Spell Power Grasp and target Magical Citadel with this effect. Then I will add another Spell Power Grasp into my hand." Glynda declared as her the Spell card in her hand turned into a streak of magical energy that was absorbed in the Magical Citadel. "Since a Spell is activated, Reflection and Magical Citadel gain another Spell Counter."

Reflection of Endymion - (LIGHT/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 1850/DEF: 2700) - PS: 2 - Counter: 1

Magical Citadel of Endymion - Counter: 2

"I activate Spell Power Mastery from my hand!" Glynda inserted the card before it appears on the field and glowed brightly upon activation.

Knowing she would do this, Ozpin decided to answer her by raising his hand and declaring. "I activate Genghis effect to negate your Spell Power Mastery and destroy it." Upon hearing the command, Genghis raised Its sword before swinging it and firing an arc of flame towards the Spell card, burning it to crisp and negating the effect as well as destroying it.

Glynda wasn't surprised he would negate it, but it still irked her nonetheless. Fortunately, she had a back up plan by revealing the card she had drawn on her Draw phase. "I activate Pot of Greed that I have drawn to draw an additional two cards from my deck."

Drawing her two cards, Glynda looked at them and was satisfied by what she had gotten. As she had activated another Spell card, Reflection and Magical Citadel had gained another Spell Counter automatically.

Reflection of Endymion - (LIGHT/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 1850/DEF: 2700) - PS: 2 - Counter: 2

Magical Citadel of Endymion - Counter: 3

"Then I will Set my Scale 8 Magister of Endymion into my Pendulum Scale!" Glynda placed her Pendulum Monster to her other Pendulum Scale, causing the blade of her Duel Disk to project the word 'PENDULUM' in a colorful rainbow color.

A pillar of light emerges from the right side of the field, before another magician looking monsters appears from beneath the pillar of light as he floats in it while the number '8' was projected beneath the monster.

This monster is what looks to be a man with white hair that was covered by a mask and green hood, leaving only the mouth that wasn't covered. He is covered in a mix of armor and magicians robe that was all colored in a metallic deep shade of green with black undersuit, gloves and boots. He was also adorned with many orbs on his clothing just like the others, albeit colored orange. On the back he has two small capes flowing by the wind. Magister of Endymion has in his hand a golden staff that is somewhat similar to Endymion, albeit the arc is noticeably smaller.

Pendulum Scale: 8 - 2

"Reflection and Magical Citadel gain another Spell Counter, and now I can Simultaneously Summon Monster with Level between the Level 3 through 7!" Glynda declared as she raised her hand high while Reflection and Magical Citadel orbs lit up as an indication of another Spell Counter.

Reflection of Endymion - (LIGHT/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 1850/DEF: 2700) - PS: 2 - Counter: 3

Magical Citadel of Endymion - Counter: 4

"Great magical force governed by the rule of high standing authority. Let the higher hierarchy decide the fate of those in the wrong, and grant me the power to enforce those judgments! Pendulum Summon! Come forth, my Monsters!"

From the portal opening up between the two Pendulum Zones on Glynda's field, streaks of two dark purple lights and a single green light emerged from within and crashed to the ground of the field. The three streaks of light revealed themselves to be the previously destroyed Monsters belonging to Glynda. Servant of Endymion took a defensive kneeling position like before, while Endymion and Jackal King just stood right up and ready for attacking.

"Next, I activate Monster Reborn from my hand to revive Spellbook Magician of Prophecy and use his effect to add Spellbook of Knowledge to my hand." Glynda bring back Spellbook Magician, who conjured up a Spellbook in his hand to which the blonde combat teacher did the same as she added her desired card into her hand. And thanks to her activating another Spell, her cards gain another Spell Counters as the result.

Reflection of Endymion - (LIGHT/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 1850/DEF: 2700) - PS: 2 - Counter: 4

Mythical Beast Jackal King - (DARK/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 2400/DEF: 1400) - PS: 4 - Counter: 2

Magister of Endymion - (EARTH/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1500/DEF: 900) - PS: 8 - Counter: 1

Magical Citadel of Endymion - Counter: 5

Glynda slipped the Spell card in her hand into her Duel Disk before declaring as the card appeared on her field. "I activate Spellbook of Knowledge effect. By sending a Spellcaster-Type Monster I control, I can draw an additional two cards from my deck. I'll be sending Spellbook Magician of Prophecy for this effect."

'Well this is quite a conundrum.' Ozpin thought to himself as he cupped his chin in thought at what he should do in response. 'Hmm, let's see if this is the best answer.'

"I'll activate Siegfried effect. By targeting your Spellbook of Knowledge, I can negate your Spell card effect." Ozpin declared as Siegfried pointed his finger towards the gem on his forehead once more as it started to shine brightly.

"Hold up, you can do that?" Nora asked in confusion as she didn't think you could do that.

"Well, I mean. An activated Spell card needs to be face-up to be activated, so I guess Siegfried can use Its effect in this situation?" Jaune theorized albeit with hesitation on his voice due to not being so sure if what he said was correct or not. Judging by the Duel Disk letting it resolve might suggest that he was right.

Glynda was honestly not expecting the headmaster to do that actually, if anything she figured he would have used Siegfried effect on Reflection. However, seeing as this is her opportunity to get rid of a Monster on Ozpin field, she gladly took the chance to do so.

"I activate Jackal King effect to negate Siegfried effect and destroy it by removing two Spell Counter from It." Glynda announced as Jackal King absorbed the magical energy into Itself before letting out a deafening howl that threw back Siegfried and destroyed It.

Mythical Beast Jackal King - (DARK/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 2400/DEF: 1400) - PS: 4 - Counter: 0

Since her Spellbook of Knowledge wasn't negated, Glynda draw two cards from her deck and look at them, her lips curled upward in a small smile of satisfaction at the card she had gotten. With this she should be able to win the game.

Reflection of Endymion - (LIGHT/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 1850/DEF: 2700) - PS: 2 - Counter: 5

Mythical Beast Jackal King - (DARK/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 2400/DEF: 1400) - PS: 4 - Counter: 2

Magister of Endymion - (EARTH/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1500/DEF: 900) - PS: 8 - Counter: 2

Magical Citadel of Endymion - Counter: 6

"I activate Reflection Pendulum effect! By removing three Spell Counter from this card I can Special Summon her as well as another Monster that can hold Spell Counter from my hand to my field. Also, each of them will gain a single Spell Counter upon being Summoned!" Glynda declared as Reflection body glowed with a white aura before she teleported herself into the field. She then began to chant while raising her hands into the air as runes began to encircle her and a white glowing magical circle had opened up in front of her.

"Great magical beast born of a unification of mythical bestiary. Become the peak of magical evolution and let your mystical magistery be known to the world! Come forth before me! Mythical Beast Master Cerberus!"

Emerging from within the magical circle came a tall humanoid beast-like monster. This monster resembled that of a wolf with a light blue and grayish fur and wisp-like blue mane. Despite bearing the name 'Cerberus', this monster only possesses one wolf head with horn-like armor in black and gold metal on the back of Its head and two on each side. Its body is covered in an armor in the same color, which covers the upper chest, shoulders, arms, waist and thighs. The armor is all covered in orange orb in various places, and even the shoulder armor is also designed to look like a jackal head. It also has a long light purple cape behind it.

Master Cerberus raised Its open hand to the side, before conjuring Its own magical circle/glyph made out of blue light. A long staff emerges from it, covered by the same light to which Master Cerberus grabbed hold of it and released the light from the weapon. Revealing it to be a black and gold metallic staff with an orange orb and a decorated jackal head on top.

Reflection of Endymion - (LIGHT/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 1850/DEF: 2700) - PS: 2 - Counter: 2

Mythical Beast Master Cerberus - (DARK/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 2800/DEF: 2400) - PS: 4 - Counter: 1

"I activate Reflection of Endymion effect! When Reflection is Special Summoned, I can target a card I control with Spell Counter and one my opponent controls, and return them both into each player's hand." Glynda declared while Ozpin raised an eyebrow at hearing that, while wondering what card she would choose from his field. "I'll choose Magister of Endymion and D/D/D Gust High King Alexander to return to the hand."

Both Magister and Alexander burst into particles as they were removed from the field. However while Magister card had returned into Glynda's hand, Alexander was instead returned into the Extra deck. "Whatsmore, Reflection gains Magister's Spell Counter which adds a total of one more Spell Counter onto Reflection."

Reflection of Endymion - (LIGHT/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 1850/DEF: 2700) - PS: 2 - Counter: 4

"Alright, Miss Goodwitch managed to get rid of the most problematic monster on Professor Ozpin!" Ruby cheered for her combat teacher achievement.

"Now all she has to do is to find a way to remove Deus Machinex and she should be able to win this Duel." Weiss also commented that the opportunity for victory seems in sight.

"I will activate Master Cerberus effect! By removing four Spell Counter from my field I can target one of my opponent's Monster and banish it face-up, and Master Cerberus will gain that Monster original ATK until the End Phase of this turn!" Glynda cried out as Master Cerberus absorbed the magical energy stored in the Magical Citadel. It let out a growl as It raised Its clawed hand high before a swirl of light blue magical energy started to gather, not long it took the form of a glowing light blue orb of magical energy. Master Cerberus throws Its claw forwards and unleashes the orb hurtling towards the D/D/D Monster.

Magical Citadel of Endymion - Counter: 2

"If this effect went through, Professor Ozpin would definitely lose the Duel!" Yang cried out as she didn't know if that was a bad thing or not. Not that she minds if the headmaster would lose the Duel but she thought it was good to point it out.

Ozpin didn't look as worried as his student is, in fact he wasn't even that fazed by the incoming effect. "Very well done, Glynda. However, I have expected something like this might happen and I am prepared for it."

"What...?" Glynda muttered to herself in confusion as she had no idea what he had meant by that.

"I activate Deus Machinex effect! When my opponent activates their Monster effect, I can detach two Overlay Units from this card and attach that Monster as Deus Machinex Overlay Unit!"

"What?!" Glynda shouted in surprise for probably the first time in this Duel, and she wasn't the only one who was shocked when Ozpin had declared Deus Machinex effect.

"It can attach an opponent's Monster as Overlay Units?!" Jaune cried out as he didn't think such an effect existed.

Deus Machinex Overlay Units both shattered as Its eyes glowed brightly while Its body emits a demonic purple aura. Raising Its hand, the many tentacles on Deus Machinex throne suddenly lunged forwards and wrapped itself around Master Cerberus. The Mythical Beast struggled furiously to free Itself from Its binding, but Deus Machinex was not amused by the resistance and merely clenched Its hand and yanked it back. The tentacles obeyed the silent command as they pulled Master Cerberus in one swift motion towards the D/D/D Xyz Monster, the Mythical Beast gave one last cry before It was turned into an orb of purple light that started to orbit around Deus Machinex.

D/D/D Deviser King Deus Machinex - (DARK/Fiend/Xyz/Pendulum/Effect) - (RNK: 10/ATK: 3000/DEF: 3000) - PS: 10 - OVU: 1

That didn't stop Master Cerberus effect, however. The incoming orb of light blue magical energy continued flying until it made contact with Deus Machinex, expanding upon contact and shredding the D/D/D Monster body until It was completely destroyed. All that remains is the trail of smoke where the monster previously stood, or seated considering It was sitting on Its floating throne.

Even though Master Cerberus was gone, Glynda was at least happy that she had managed to get rid of Deus Machinex just like she had intended. 'However, the problem now is that I can't end this Duel this turn using Master Cerberus effect.' She taught to herself while looking at the cards in her hand, particularly the one she had previously drawn called Power of the Guardian. 'I could equip Power of the Guardian towards Endymion to get over Genghis, and I still have my Normal Summon which means I can bring out Magister. With Endymion and Magister clearing the field I could perform a direct attack with Jackal King, Ozpin only has 2300 LP and Jackal King 2400 ATK is enough to bring it to zero.'

Nodding to herself with her plan, the blonde combat teacher proceeds to execute it. "I activate Power of the Guardians from my hand and equip it to Endymion." She declared and inserted the Spell into her Duel Disk. Endymion was suddenly basked by a colorful light before his armor was coated by a sheen of white luminescent energy. "Power of the Guardians effect makes it so that when an attack is declared upon the equipped Monster, It gains one Spell Counter upon the declaration. The equipped Monster also gains 500 ATK and DEF for each Spell Counter on Power of the Guardians."

Blake seems to have caught on to what her professor is planning. "So that means Professor Goodwitch just needs to bring out Magister of Endymion and she should be able to reduce Professor Ozpin LP to zero by attacking with Endymion, Magister and Jackal King."

"Oh man, and there isn't anything he can do about it, is there?" Sun asked to the group but he knew the answer already and the others knew it as well.

"I Normal Summon Magister of Endymion." Glynda announced by placing the Monster card onto the blade of her Duel Disk and watched as the green robed Endymion emerged from the portal that was opened up.

Magister of Endymion - (EARTH/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1500/DEF: 900) - PS: 8

"Battle! Magister of Endymion, attack D/D Copernicus!" Glynda commanded her monster who responded by bringing up his staff and charged magical energy into the gap of the staff arc. Magister leaped into the air before letting out a battle cry and unleashing a magical blast from his staff. D/D Savant Copernicus merely stood where It lay as the attack enveloped It.

"Endymion, attack D/D/D Flame High King Genghis!"

Power of the Guardians - Counter: 1

Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic - (Dark/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 3300/DEF: 2900) - PS: 8

Endymion raised his staff high into the air as dark purple magical energy started crackling from the weapon. The Mighty Master of Magic conjured up another orb of his magical energy just like before. Endymion gaze hardened as he brought his staff down and reared It back, before thrusting forward and unleashing a blast from the large orb of magical energy.

Genghis decided to retaliate by bringing Its large shield up as the beam crashed through It. This, however, didn't last as the shield broke away from the powerful beam as Genghis was pierced by the chest and Its body was destroyed while an explosion followed suit. The explosion had reached Ozpin and damaged him while also covering him up from the vision of others.

Ozpin LP: 2300 = 1800

"End this Duel, Jackal King!" Glynda gave her final command for attack as the four legged Mythical Beast leaped forward and side to side the field. Once It reached the opposing field, Jackal King jumped high into the air before coating Its claw with magical energy and bringing it down, intending to end it with a strike of Its claw.

Jackal King claw managed to strike the figure hiding within the explosion and was immediately cleared up by the force of the Mythical Beast attack. However, It was revealed that what Jackal King has attacked was not Ozpin, but in actuality is a Defense Position D/D Orthros.

Glynda eyes widened in shock as the two headed dog monster was destroyed by Jackal King attack. "What...? How...?!" She questioned the headmaster on what just happened.

"I have to thank you for dealing me damage when you attack with Endymion, because It has allowed me to Special Summon D/D Orthros from my hand thanks to Its effect." Ozpin explained as he held a small smile at the baffled expression that was plastered on his assistant's face. "Apologize, Glynda. But I can't allow this Duel to end right now."

Glynda just narrows her eyes in displeasure in response. She would have commented on the headmaster's foresight, but she was too annoyed by the situation to do that. Having nothing else to do, she wordlessly ended her turn by lowering her Duel Disk down.

Ozpin: 1800 LP / Hand ×0

Glynda: 1900 LP / Hand ×1

"Alright, both of them are sort of on even ground if I had to guess." Weiss said as she think that while Professor Ozpin had an empty field, she thought back to how he had recovered his field earlier and came to a conclusion that he could easily do the same next turn.

"How long has this Duel lasted, actually?" Nora questioned the others as she hadn't really paid much intention to the amount of turn had passed.

"I think this is the fourth turn." Ren answered his childhood friend's question, earning him a stunned look from the orange haired girl.

"Really?! I thought ten turns had passed or something with the amount of play they've made!" Nora cried out as she was honestly caught off guard at the information.

"It sure is longer than some of our Duel, even with the amount of turns that have passed." Pyrrha agreed with her fellow teammate at the long time the Duel had gone in such a short amount of turn.

"I'm sure It won't take any longer now. Considering what we've seen so far, Professor Ozpin should be able to recover his field with a bunch of Extra deck Monsters." Coco exclaimed as she had confidence in the headmaster's ability.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Konami suddenly said which earned him a questioning look from the others.

"What do you mean, Konami?" Velvet asked curiously as to why the Red Hat had disagreed with her team leader's words.

"The D/D/D deck can easily bring out their Extra deck Monster, sure. But you have to take into account that you actually need Extra deck Monster to Summon in the first place." Konami explained as he cupped his chin in thought while humming to himself and saying out loud to them. "Considering that Ozpin had brought out 7 out of the possible 15 amount of Monster in his Extra deck. It's safe to say he is running out of options, especially since he actually has no more Synchro Monster to bring out."

"Wait, so what can Professor Ozpin bring out at this point of the Duel?" Yang asked as she didn't think about the headmaster actually running out of Monster to Summon from the Extra deck.

"Well, Synchro is totally out. Xyz is an option he could go too, but the remaining Xyz Monster he has is practically inaccessible due to the material they need. So the only viable option he only has is to Fusion Summon." Konami pointed out his knowledge of what Extra deck a D/D/D deck should have.

"Oh, I don't think It's going to be easy for Professor Ozpin to bring out a Fusion Monster." Ruby voiced out her concern as she would know how hard it is to perform a Fusion Summon without the proper card to perform said Summoning method.

'Of course, that is to assume he didn't have something else planned as well.' Konami thought to himself while taking into account all of the cards Ozpin had used during this Duel, and concluded that the headmaster wouldn't even need to Summon any Extra deck Monsters to win this turn.

"My turn." Ozpin started his turn while drawing his card and took a glance at it. After seeing It, he began to think about what he should do this turn. After about a few seconds of thinking, he had made his decision.

He is going to end this Duel this turn.

"I'll activate Dark Contract with the Swamp King from my hand." Ozpin declared as he inserted the Spell card into his Duel Disk and watched as the Continuous Spell appeared.

"And by activating a Spell card, my cards gain Spell Counters in accordance." Glynda reminded him as Jackal King and Magical Citadel gained Spell Counters by the activation of the Dark Contract with the Swamp King, all of which was indicated by the orb on them lighting up.

Mythical Beast Jackal King - (DARK/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 2400/DEF: 1400) - PS: 4 - Counter: 2

Magical Citadel of Endymion - Counter: 3

"I also activate Servant of Endymion effect. By discarding a card during my opponent's turn, I can place a Spell Counter on all of my card that can hold them. Meaning all of my cards gain a Spell Counter because of this effect." Glynda exclaimed as she discarded the Spell Power Grasp in her hand, allowing Servant to absorb the Spell power into her wands before raising them high into the air and releasing many streaks of magical energy that went into the orb of everything around the field. And because Power of the Guardians gains another Spell Counter, Endymion ATK is raised by another 500.

Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic - (Dark/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 3800/DEF: 3400) - PS: 8 - Counter: 1

Reflection of Endymion - (LIGHT/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 1850/DEF: 2700) - PS: 2 - Counter: 5

Mythical Beast Jackal King - (DARK/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 2400/DEF: 1400) - PS: 4 - Counter: 3

Magister of Endymion - (EARTH/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1500/DEF: 900) - PS: 8 - Counter: 1

Servant of Endymion - (WIND/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 500/DEF: 1500) - PS: 2 - Counter: 1

Magical Citadel of Endymion - Counter: 4

Power of the Guardians - Counter: 2

Now Glynda was thinking to herself on what she should do for Dark Contract of the Swamp King. 'Endymion can negate Its effect by returning a card with Spell Counter in my hand. I think It's best for me to return Magister back into my hand, since he is the weakest Attack Position Monster in my field.'

Ozpin was surprised at the sudden influx of Spell Counters his assistant had accumulated, however this didn't deter him from his plan. "I activate Dark Contract with the Swamp King effect. I can Fusion Summon a Fiend-Type Monsters using Monsters I control or in my hand, and since I will Fusion Summon a 'D/D' Monsters I can also use Monsters in my Graveyard as material."

"That will not happen. I activate Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic effect! When my opponent activates a Spell or Trap card or effect, I can return a card on my field that holds Spell Counters to my hand and negate that card activation as well as destroy it. Also, Endymion will gain the Spell Counter that that card holds. I'll be returning Magister of Endymion back into my hand!"

As Glynda had declared, Magister was removed from the field as Endymion raised his hand and absorbed his Spell Counter into himself. The Mighty Master of Magic then conjured a magical circle in front of him before firing a blast of magical energy at the Dark Contract with the Swamp King and destroying it.

Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic - (Dark/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 3800/DEF: 2400) - PS: 8 - Counter: 2

"Oh man, and that effect would have been a godsend If it wasn't negated." Sun said as he knew that if Dark Contract with the Swamp King wasn't negated, the headmaster would've bring out a really powerful Fusion Monster with the material he had in his Graveyard.

"I'm sure the headmaster still has something in store." Neptune told his partner while looking at the Duel in front of him.

Ozpin didn't react to the destruction of his Dark Contract as he merely raised his hand to the Pendulum Zone that held D/D Savant Thomas within. "I activate Thomas Pendulum effect. I will return Copernicus back into my hand, and Normal Summon it to activate Its effect and send D/D Necro Slime to the Graveyard."

Glynda didn't use Jackal King effect to negate that, reason being that she was waiting to see if the Monster he had sent would be a good target to negate or not. 'Considering he wanted that monster in his Graveyard, I have a feeling It would be good to negate that effect.'

"I activate D/D Necro Slime effect. When in the Graveyard, I can perform a Fusion Summon of a D/D/D Monster using It and another Monster in my Grave as material and banishing them." Ozpin declared as his Graveyard light up before a spectral form of Necro Slime appeared. Necro Slime is, as the name suggests, a slime with red color and seems to have inhabited the skull of a deceased demon, with a single horn and an almost goat-like shaped skull.

Feeling content that her patience was rewarded, Glynda immediately took action to prevent the incoming Fusion Summon. "I activate Jackal King effect and removing two Spell Counter from It to negate Necro Slime effect!" As she declared, Jackal King let out another howl that caused a shockwave and destroying Necro Slime before It can even activate It's effect.

Mythical Beast Jackal King - (DARK/Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 6/ATK: 2400/DEF: 1400) - PS: 4 - Counter: 1

'And now she doesn't have any more negation.' Ozpin thought while secretly smiling to himself as It looks like the bait he had set up had work. Now that there is no more interruption that he has to worry about, he raised his hand to the sky and declared. "With the Set Pendulum Scale, I Pendulum Summon! Be reborn, my monsters!"

Upon his cry, a portal opened up between his two Pendulum Zone before four streaks of purple shrouded darkness emerged and crashed to the field. The dust was then cleared to reveal Ozpin field had been filled with all of his D/D Monsters, that being D/D Brownie, D/D Gryphon, and D/D Orthros. All of which was placed in Defense Positions.

"Professor Ozpin's field is full of monsters now. But how is he going to bring out a Fusion Monster now?" Ruby pointed out as she remembered that none of the Monsters that the headmaster had just Summoned didn't have any effect that would allow a Fusion Summon.

Especially since Miss Goodwitch had negated both effects that would allow it to happen.

Glynda pushed her glasses up while narrowing her eyes at the row of monsters on her opponent's field. Although she wasn't worried one bit, to prove this she decided to give the headmaster a warning. "I would like to inform you that Power of the Guardians can also prevent the destruction of the equipped Monster by removing a Spell Counter from anywhere on my field."

"Wait what?! Every single card on Miss Goodwitch field has a Spell Counter on them!" Nora cried out as she stated the obvious, though this was such a shock to hear that the girl think that It needed to be said.

"So that's why Miss Goodwitch had used Servant of Endymion effect, she was filling up her resource in order to make sure her ace monster won't be destroyed." Pyrrha commented as she was also in shock after hearing the other effect of the Equip Spell. "What's more Power of the Guardians will gain more Spell Counter the more Endymion battles and make him stronger."

"It's a really well thought loop. The more Professor Ozpin tries to get rid of Endymion, the more It will be harder to do so since Endymion will gain more and more ATK and DEF as this Duel goes on." Ren exclaimed as he agreed with his other female teammate's statement.

"And considering Miss Goodwitch deck, It will be easy for her to add more Spell Counter to Power of the Guardians. I know we haven't seen every single of Professor Ozpin's D/D/D Monsters, but I don't think any of them could get over the ever growing ATK and DEF of Endymion if this Duel continues on." Jaune finished last with his team as he could see that this is a really big problem for the headmaster.

Ozpin let out a sigh as he had to agree with what his student was saying. "It seems that I am in quite a bit of trouble. I have to commend you, Glynda. This is a really strong wall you have put up."

"Even the strongest of wall can have cracks on them that could send it all tumbling to the ground." Glynda stated as while she had confidence that her board is strong, she held no delusion that It will hold forever and was still high in guard if her plan fails her.

Ozpin just chuckled when he heard that as he agreed wholeheartedly with what she was saying. "Very well then, I'll just have to find a way to get through the hurdle you had just set up for me." He said before suddenly smiling before saying out loud. "Fortunately for me, I have already found the way to do so."

Now that set up all of the alarms bell on Glynda's mind. She narrowed her eyes dangerously at what will happen next.

"I activate D/D Brownie effect. When It is Pendulum Summon from the Extra deck, I can tribute It as well as another 'D/D' Monster on field in order for me to target and Special Summon a Pendulum Monster from my Pendulum Zone to my field." Ozpin declared as D/D Brownie and Copernicus suddenly burst into particles upon being tribute as the headmaster begin to chant.

"One who carries upon the soul that holds an unstoppable will. Deny the future, accept the past, live within the present. With your power that is equal to the divine, lend me the strength to guide the world! Be reborn, Go! - D/D/D Divine Zero King Rage!"

Upon finishing the chant, Rage suddenly disappeared from the Pendulum Zone and the dark cloud began to accumulate from above. White lightning starts crackling and dancing from within the clouds while the roar of thunder is the only sound coming from the room. A massive bolt of lightning then crashed to the ground and blinded the vision of everyone.

The lightning then revealed Itself to be Rage, who had descended and was on his knee while the white lightning danced around Its body. Rage then stood up and crossed Its arms over Its chest as Its white eyes glowed with a flare.

Go! - D/D/D Divine Zero King Rage - (DARK/Fiend/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 10/ATK: 0/DEF: 0) - PS: 0

"Woah, that monster looks more impressive when It's not in the Pendulum Zone." Yang said as she could practically see the power radiating from the monster from her seat.

"But did Professor Ozpin really go through all that effort just to bring out a zero ATK monster?" Weiss said as she was baffled on why the headmaster would bring out a zero ATK monster by sacrificing two of his other monsters, whatsmore in Attack Position no less.

"We can only assume that Professor Ozpin has a plan by bringing out that monster." Blake said as she also has to agree with the Schnee heiress.

Glynda was also confused on why the headmaster would bring Rage out from the Pendulum Zone when Its Pendulum effect may be more beneficent. Not like she has any card that can inflict effect damage but still.

Seeing the many confused faces directed at him, Ozpin just had to held back himself from letting out another chuckle at their cluelessness. "I suppose I should explain my reason for bringing Rage out to the field. You see, whenever Rage declares an attack and my opponent's LP is 4000 or less, Rage ATK will increase into the same total amount as the LP until the End Phase."

"A powerful effect, I admit. However, with just 1900 ATK, your Rage won't be able to get over any of my monsters." Glynda exclaimed as she was still not sure on where he was going with this. Even with that rise of ATK, he won't be able to do anything unless he can perform a direct attack.

"Just like what you have said earlier, even the strongest wall only needs a small crack to come tumbling forward. I wholeheartedly agree with that." Ozpin responded with a cryptic tone in his voice as his words seemed to only confuse her on what he was trying to do. "However, instead of meticulously cracking upon your wall slowly but surely. I think It's better for me to just...shall we say, get over the wall entirely."

"What...?" Glynda muttered to herself as her body went tense, she didn't like where this conversation was going. She didn't have to wait long to find out before the headmaster declared his last move of the Duel.

"I will activate Divine Zero King Rage effect. I can tribute a Monsters in my field in order to grant Rage with an effect until the end of this turn. I will tribute my D/D Orthros." Rage then turned towards the two-headed dog monsters and raised Its hand at It. D/D Orthros suddenly burst into particles before being absorbed into Rage's hand, making It emit a white aura around It's body.

"Now that I have tribute one of my Monster..." Ozpin drawled out his words as he gripped Long Memory with both of his hands and closed his eyes, before finally opening them and said out loud.

"Divine Zero King Rage can now attack my opponent directly."

Glynda's heart almost stopped when she heard that sentence come out of the headmaster's mouth. Her eyes widened in disbelief and she was too stunned to even vocally express her shock.

Luckily for her, her student had her cover on the vocal part of the reaction.

"EHHHH?!?!" Was the unanimous reaction from all of the Huntsman and Huntress in training as they were not prepared to hear what Go! - D/D/D Divine Zero King Rage effect is.

"It can one-shot your opponent AND attack directly by just tributing one Monster?!" Sun cried out as his monkey tail flailed around in response to his emotion, in this case being shocked and amazed.

"And there is not even anything Miss Goodwitch can do about it either! She has no means of stopping this attack!" Neptune followed suit with the shouting after his partner at the sudden turn of the table that had just happened.

"Battle! Divine Zero King Rage, attack Glynda directly!" Ozpin shouted out his final command of attack as his ace monster obliged by leaping forward and jumping over Glynda's monsters.

Go! - D/D/D Divine Zero King Rage - (DARK/Fiend/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 10/ATK: 1900/DEF: 0) - PS: 0

Divine Zero King Rage hovered from above while the dark cloud on the sky suddenly begin to separate due the power that Rage was emitting around Itself. With his entire body enveloped in white energy, Rage eyes glowed brightly once more before it descended towards Glynda with great speed and fist reeled back to strike.

Glynda didn't have much time to react as she crossed her arms in front of her and prepared herself for the incoming attack. Which came soon as Rage came close to Its target before swung Its fist forward, which is almost as big as herself, and smashed it into the combat teacher crossed arms.

Space seems to have bent for a moment due to the power of the strike, like a section of a picture being stretched out when photo editing, before immediately reverting back to normal as Glynda was sent back flying and crying out as she stumbled around before finally stopping and was left lying on the ground.

Glynda LP: 1900 = 0

The students celebrated their headmaster victory in a variety of ways, the more vocal and boisterous of them let out a cheer at the amazing comeback while the more silent and quite nodded their head and smiled at appreciation of the smart move being made by him.

"Well that was a good Duel." Konami exclaimed toward the two Duel Spirit while grinning as he fully enjoyed it, as well as satisfied that his suspicion about Ozpin's bringing out Rage was correct.

"Sure is, and even if you don't like him, you can't deny that he played well. Right, Tierra?" Metaltron called out to the red haired Duel Spirit and gave her a side glance to see her reaction.

Tierra just scoffed before leaning back on her seat while having a disinterested expression on her face. "Hmph. I suppose that he could at least play his cards well, that's the only thing I'll give him credit for."

Glynda managed to stand up from where she had been thrown back. Still even though she had lost, she wasn't all that upset about it. Perhaps if she had played a little better and was less cautious with her choice she might've won, but she still acknowledged that the headmaster had bested her in this Duel.

Ozpin walked up towards the blonde combat teacher with a small smile on his face as his right hand was holding on to Long Memory and his left hand behind his back. "That was a spectacular Duel, Glynda. Even though I have won, you still put up a strong fight. Very well done."

"Thank you, sir." Glynda responded in a dignified manner as a smile also graces her face. "I would also like to congratulate you on your victory, sir. It seems that I still have much to learn about this game."

"I think that would apply to all of us. This is only the beginning after all and we all have much room to improve." Ozpin said as he raised his Duel Disk and eyed it for a moment before shaking his head out of his thoughts and looking back at his secretary. "But do tell me, Glynda. How does It feel to experience Dueling for the first time?"

Glynda furrowed her brows at that question, not really sure on how she should answer that before collecting her thoughts and speaking them out loud. "It certainly is something surreal to experience for yourself. However, I think I can truly see now why the students speak highly of this game. It certainly is an experience like no other I've ever felt."

Ozpin let out a chuckle as he fully agreed with what she was saying. He then turned around to face the Spectator seats before looking back at her. "Shall we go back to the others now? We shouldn't keep them waiting."

Glynda nodded as she complied. Her eyes wandered towards the Huntsman and Huntress in training at the distance, before letting her smile grow ever so slightly at seeing their expression.

She feels like she has grown somewhat closer to them now.


When they had made it back to the others, the two Beacon faculty members were bombarded by praise for their Dueling from their student. To which they thank them for their words before both Ozpin and Glynda were asked if one of them could have a Duel with one of them next.

Sadly that was not meant to be as Ozpin had said to them that he and Glynda would still have work to do after this. The Headmaster of Beacon just had to hide a smile on his face at their expression and told them that perhaps another time would come when they could have a Duel together.

With that, both Ozpin and Glynda walk out of the Training room, leaving the group alone as they were given a full day to use the room for their Dueling. Seeing as they have nothing else to do, they all just decided to Duel each other until they've grown tired. Konami just stayed on the sideline while observing them and grinning as he could see their improvement over the last few days.

After hours of Dueling and discussing their deck and strategy on their future Duel. The group all took notice of the time and decided to go to the cafeteria to have their dinner before ending the day.

"Man, If only Professor Ozpin and Miss Goodwitch could've stayed longer. I was looking forward to try go against them after watching their Duel." Yang commented as she and the others were all seated in the cafeteria with various food and drink in front of them.

"It can't be helped. They are our teachers after all, so of course they would be busy with other things to take care of to keep Beacon Academy running." Weiss reminded the blonde brawler she was sitting next to. Even if they were on summer break, someone needs to keep an eye on the Academy in order to keep It from falling apart.

"And since Professor Port and Doctor Obleck aren't even here, I think the work that Miss Goodwitch and Professor Ozpin would have to do is also increased as well." Blake said as she can remember from what she had heard that the two other faculty members of Beacon were spending their free time outside of the Academy for the time being.

Including Professor Peach, although she was generally none present most of the time even before summer break had started. So none of the students really knew where she was at this point, heck not many of them even remember what she looks like in the first place.

"At least we get to Duel each other like we had intended." Pyrrha reminded them as she was pleased by what they had accomplished today, which is improving on their Dueling skill.

"And I get to finally bring out my Aesir!" Nora cheered as well and now that Konami can provide them with a larger field, she could freely summon her Aesir out.

"I had my doubt when you said that the Aesir were giant, but holy shit you're not wrong!" Sun cried out as he could remember when he, Neptune and the two upperclassmen girls of Beacon witnessed the Aesir for the first time. Needless to say, screaming and general disbelief were involved in the reaction.

"Hahaha! Yes, my Aesir are truly the most awesome monsters there are!" Nora stated while standing right up and a big grin on her face, causing the other still present student to look at the girl while wondering what she was on about.

"Nora, sit down and finish your pancake. You're causing a lot of unnecessary commission." Ren told his partner who happily obliged before redirecting her attention towards finishing her stack of pancakes. He seriously needed to check the team budget before the week ended.

"Well take It from me but I can tell you all that you've all grown exceptionally since the first time you've all started Dueling." Konami told them all as he has both Metaltron and Tierra sitting beside him, still retaining their physical form. "Also, I noticed you've all been tinkering with your Duel Disk feature."

"You said It's like we're not going to do so in the first place. It is inevitable after all that we are going to be curious." Neptune told the Red Hat as he was especially curious on what else his Duel Disk can do.

"Yeah, especially when we found out about this Simulation duel feature. Really give us a way to practice our Dueling without using any of the physical cards." Jaune commented as he scratched the back of his head while looking at his Duel Disk with a contemplative look on his face. "Man I still couldn't get over that deck that I had tried to beat but couldn't. The King of Game Legacy, do you know that deck, Konami?"

That immediately perked the Vagabond's attention as he looked towards the leader of Team JNPR, and while his hat still covered half his face they could tell he was deep in thought over something. What that something is though, they couldn't tell.

"...let's just say I have seen the deck in action more than once during my first time as a Duelist, or at least the earlier iteration of the deck if you want to be specific." Konami said after a moment of silence as he returned back towards being quiet once more.

"Okay...?" Coco said while skeptically raising an eyebrow at the red hat wearing Duelist at his apparent silence. She decided to just ignore it and talk about a different topic. "So anyway, Konami. Mind telling us why you were with Professor Ozpin and Miss Goodwitch earlier?"

"Oh well, other than giving them their Duel Disk. I had actually told them that I am planning on going on a trip around Remnant."

Now that caused the group to turn silent instead. Slowly but surely, their brain caught up with what he was saying before turning to look at the innocently smiling Vagabond as their eyes widened.

"You're...planning on...traveling around the world?" Velvet repeated the same words that he had said, trying to make sure her enhanced hearing wasn't somehow broken. When he nodded his head though, she got her answer.

"YOU'RE LEAVING?!" Ruby practically shouted in shock, almost causing her teammate to jump back in shock. The Red Hat haven't been with them long, sure. But that doesn't mean she wants him to suddenly leave them! This is just like with Penny all over again!

"Well yes. Remnants are really an enigma to me due to It being an entirely different planet all together and I want to experience what this world has to offer. It will surely be a journey, and if there is anything that excites me more besides Dueling, It will be going on a fun journey." Konami told them while still holding onto his smile on his face. It was then that they remembered that the very guy that had introduced them to Duel Monster, was also the guy that traveled through dimensions for a living.

"When are you going to start your journey actually?" Ren asked the Red Hat, as out of everyone present, It was he and Nora who probably had more experience on traveling through the wild. The early days of their life after Kuroyuri fall was as harrowing as he could remember.

"We planned on going as soon as possible. So probably around when the week ended, although we do have to go back and get some supplies for our trip." Metaltron told them as he knew that they were severely underprepared for a long time travel, so they needed to go back and supply themself before they could start their journey. "And It's not like we're going away forever, we're probably going to be gone for just a month."

"One month? You think you could actually travel around the world and experience everything in just one month?" Weiss questioned as she actually found it ludicrous. The travel time between kingdom to kingdom takes at least one week using the standard airship, so how could just one month be enough time to experience the world?

"Travel wouldn't be a problem. Konami has a lot of Monsters that are willing to help him go where he wanted in record times." Tierra answered the question before eyeing the red hat wearing young man that she shares her soul with before letting out a huff. "At least your annoying popularity with other Duel Spirits is useful for something."

Konami just shrugged at that. It's not like he was going to deny that he was sort of a famous person within the Spirit World, but he genuinely just wanted to be left alone from time to time. The attention his popularity brings to him can be too much sometimes.

"Great, now I'm even more jealous that you are going to go on a fun and thrilling adventure." Yang muttered out loud as It was her dream to go on a big and grand adventure, living the free life and thrill coming from every direction.

Konami went silent once more as he was thinking about something, looking side to side to look at his two Duel Spirit. Metaltron suddenly shrugged his shoulders while smiling and Tierra let out another disinterested huff as she just focused on eating her dinner.

It was clear to the group that the three were having some sort of conversation with each other. Sometimes It can be weird to see them not saying anything but looking like they have just had an entire discussion.

"Can I ask you guys something? Are you all free this weekend?" Konami asked the group after about a minute of silently conversing with the two Duel Spirits. Caught off guard by the sudden question, the group just looked at each other and unanimously asked him why he was asking.

Konami just smiled even wider upon hearing that. "Well If you do have some free time to spare. I would like to ask you all to improve your Dueling skill just a little bit more for tomorrow." He said as the group just looked at him while looking intrigued by what he was planning.

"Because I'm taking you all on a field trip."


A/N: And that's a wrap! So, what do you guys think? Is it good? Is it bad? Please leave a comment if you like. That's right, I promise you all that other Yu-Gi-Oh character will appeared on this story and It's about time I make due with that promise.

Also, D/D/D and Endymion. If you're wondering why this Duel took a while to write, blame the deck I am using for this chapter. Seriously I'm trying so hard to make this a good back and forth Duel, and not — what I usually like to call — a 'Nope Nope Festival'.

Glynda using Endymion is decision I make because there is literally no other deck I can think of that would match. And considering the Endymion really is the government that hold order over magic, Glynda role can be reflected in this.

Now for Ozpin using the D/D/D. I think I need to remind you all that, while I made it explicitly clear that I am avoiding making any of the RWBY character use the main cast deck of the Yu-Gi-Oh anime, I can and will make an exception if they fit too well with the character.

And I mean, come on. Reiji and Ozpin literally look too alike for me to not give him the D/D/D. Honestly Reiji is what I imagine what a teenage Ozpin looks like. Also, Ozpin will use a mix of Reiji anime and manga version of his deck. Though Ozpin will not use any of the Armageddon card, since that is Reiji ace in the anime.

I also have two fun facts about Manga Reiji. Fact Number 1: Did you know that Go! - D/D/D Divine Zero King Rage attack name is "God Force End Ending Epilogue Eternal Rest"? Geez, with that much story reference in the attack name why not might as well just pulled out all the stop with "God Force Prologue End Ending Epilogue Eternal Rest Climax"

Fact Number 2: Just like in the anime, Reiji in the manga also has his usual scarf wrapped around his neck. But where Anime Reiji scarf purpose is only to make him look cooler by somehow defying gravity. Manga Reiji scarf defy gravity in a different way, by literally turning into a fucking wing.

No kidding, look.

Yeah, Manga Reiji just casually flying around in an Action Duel with an actual wing made out of his scarf. I knew there was a reason he was my top 5 favorite character in Arc-V.

Anyway, this chapter finally finished the three-part backstory of Remnant as a Dimension being made from Horakhty and was left to waste by the Brother Gods. I tried really hard to unite the lore of RWBY and the known lore of the Spirit World, which is to say not that much. Not to say there isn't any more secret to be revealed, but that will be for much later chapter.

But yeah, that's about it. I apologized for the long time that It took me to write this next chapter. I'm still busy with my college work and study so I can't guarantee you all when the next chapter is going to be uploaded. Maybe sooner, maybe later then this chapter. Be sure to look forward for the next chapter where we finally started going to another dimension, or more specifically the DM Dimension.

That is all from me and I hope you all like this chapter. All in all, I really hope you all like this story and I'll upload the next chapter as soon as I get to it. Thank you!

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