Clash of the Sun and Moon - Blake VS Yang
A/N: Hey guys, welcome back to another chapter of RWBY: The Duelist Experience! In this chapter, Beacons resident ninja cat-girl, Blake will be facing the 'pun'tastic blonde brawler, Yang in the second duel of the two team.
As I've said before, more people will appear and if you had already figured out who it is, good for you then. If you haven't, then you'll see for yourself in this chapter. Now that all have been said, let us start the story!
Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY or Yu-gi-oh, they belong to Rooster Teeth and Konami respectively.
"That was an awesome duel Ruby! Who knew my little sister had it in her!" Yang said as she put Ruby, who had returned back to the spectator seat with Weiss, in a headlock and give her a noogie.
"Ack! Yang, no stop!" Said an embarrassed Ruby as she tries to free herself from her sister playfull, and rather painfull, noogie.
Ignoring the two sister banter, Blake made way to her other teammate. "That was a nice duel Weiss. Too bad you lost though." The cat eared faunus said to the white-haired girl who give her a small smile.
"I don't mind. It was my first time dueling, so i was bound to make a few mistake. Besides, i actually had fun dueling with Ruby." Weiss said as she gazed at her team leader who is still trying to get her sister off of her.
"Well i'll be. Weiss Schnee is actually having fun with somebody else, hell must be freezing over right now." Blake said playfully as she grinned like a cat, causing a blush from the Schnee heiress as she just huffed and crossed her arm.
"Be silent you." Weiss said making the ravenette chuckled at her embarrassment.
Meanwhile, team JNPR are having their own thought about the previous duel.
"It was fun to watch Runy and Weiss duel, don't you think so Jaune?" Pyrrha asked her partner but got no response from him, she turned her head to see that he was deep in thought. "Jaune?" She called again with a slightly louder voice.
"Huh? What?" Jaune was startled when he heard his name being said, he turned to who had called him and was meet by his partner concerned face.
"Are you okay Jaune?" said Pyrrha worriedly. "You seem to be deep in your thought."
"Oh, i'm fine Pyrrha. I was just thinking about the duel." Jaune said with a nervous smile on his face. "Just wondering if i could be a good duelist or not." He said nervously, questioning himself whether he could pull out a duel like his friends did.
"You haven't even started dueling yet, so why are you already doubting yourself?" Pyrrha frowned at his lack of self-confidence, it was starting to get on her nerves a bit.
"I don't know...maybe it just that i'm not great at a lot of things, like at fighting or being a good leader." He said dejectedly as he look at his feet and rubbed the back of his neck, feeling down at the reminder of his own failure. "I'm a failure."
Jaune felt his hand being gripped, not painfully but more like comfortly. He turned his head to who was gripping his hand and see it was his partner who is giving him a reassuring smile.
"Jaune, believe me when i said this that you are not a failure. You work hard, very hard, to the point i was suprised by your resolve to become better. Your fighting skill have improved from when we first met. And don't you ever said that you're not a good leader, because you're a great leader. How do i know that? Because i'm your teammate and your partner. You can be a great duelist Jaune, i know you can." Pyrrha said softly with pure honesty in her voice.
Jaune felt suprised and happy to hear that his partner believe in him so much. 'Really, what did i do to deserve such a great person to be my partner?' He asked himself with a chuckle as he held back Pyrrha hand. He blush lightly when he realize how soft and warm her hand is, he never notice that before.
"Thanks Pyrrha, i guess i really needed that pep talk." Jaune said with chuckle making Pyrrha giggled along with him. "Hey, after this next duel. Do you, uh maybe, want to duel with me?" He nervously asked.
Pyrrha smiled. Sure it wasn't a date, but she'll take what she can get to have a little alone time with Jaune. Plus, seeing him acting nervous just by asking her to duel with him was rather cute in her eyes. "Sure Jaune, i would love to."
He smiled at her answer. "Awesome." Jaune said as he get up from his seat, confusing Pyrrha who is looking at him. "I'm going to go over to Ruby and Weiss to congratulate them on their duel, maybe they have a bit of advice for when i duel. Is that alright with you?" He asked.
Pyrrha nodded her head and smiling slightly, she really love his determination to get better. "Sure Jaune. Tell them i said that was a great duel." She said making him grinned at her and nodded his head before he make his way to the girls team. The red haired girl watches him go still with a smile on her face.
"Soo Pyrrha~"
Said girl jumped slightly when she heard a voice calling out beside her near her ear and that a head suddenly dropped on her shoulder. She turned to see it was just Nora, though the wide grin on her face and the look she is giving her doesn't ease her at all.
"I-Is there something wrong Nora?" Pyrrha stuttred out as she back up a little from her ginger haired teammate.
"Did you say yes?" Nora asked still grinning ear to ear.
"W-What?" Pyrrha asked confused before she think that her teammate must of had heard of her and Jaune talk and want to confirm something. Against her better judgement, she answerd truthfully. "Yes, yes i did."
Nora jumped up and down excitedly when she heard that. "Yes finally!" She cried out before she turned to where her best friend is. "Ren! Jaune and Pyrrha are going on a da-"
She immediately regreted her decision the moment that word were about to came out of her friend mouth.
"AHH!" Pyrrha jumped and with a speed that would make Ruby jealous, she put her hand on the hammer wielder mouth while blushing furiously. "I-I-It's not what you think! A-And that's n-not what i meant! H-He just a-asked me to d-duel him that's all!"
"Sure it is~" Nora sang after she removed the hand on her mouth and give the red haired girl a large smile.
"I-It's the truth!"
While Nora continue to tease Pyrrha, whose face begin to matches her hair, Ren and Konami watches the scene from the sideline with some amusement.
"So is Pyrrha know, with Jaune?" Konami questioned as he made some arm gesture to made his point.
"If you're asking whether they're dating or not, then the answer is no. Although Pyrrha does have feeling for him, Jaune simply doesn't noticed it." Ren said as he shook his head at his blonde leader obliviousness.
"I see, but what about you and Nora then?" Konami smirked as Ren just give him a flat look.
"There is nothing between us, we are just childhood friend." He said simply and stoicly.
'Yeah, like i would believe that.' Konami thought with a roll his eye as he clapped his hand loudly getting everyone else attention. "Alright everyone. If you're already done with whatever it is you're doing right now, we could start with the next duel." He informed making nodded their head in understanding.
"Now before we start with the next duel, there's something i want to know." Konami said before he turned his attention to Weiss. "Weiss could you tell me what card do you have in your hand before you lost?" He asked which suprised the Schnee heiress before she turned her head away from the other.
"Three 'Spellbook' Spell card and High Priestess of Prophecy." She muttered but everyone could hear it nonetheless.
Konami chuckled when he heard that. "I see." He said simply making her blush slightly in embarrassment and everyone else was confused at the interraction.
"Okay i'll bite. What the heck are you two talking about?" Yang asked getting tired of their two way conversation.
"Simply put. If Weiss would've been bother to check her hand, then she would've won the duel instead of Ruby." The red hatted duelist told them making them shock at what he had said.
"What!? Why!?" Ruby asked loudly confused on how could Weiss win the duel then her.
"High Priestess of Prophecy is a level 7 that has an ability where if she is on the field, allow you to destroy a card on the field by banishing a 'Spellbook' Spell from the hand or the graveyard." Konami explained.
"But don't level 7 monster need two tribute to summon?" Nora asked.
This time Weiss was the one who explained. "That may be, but High Priestess has another effect. By revealing three 'Spellbook' from my hand i can Special Summoned her from my hand, thus allowing me to destroy Ruby set card that would counter my attack and won the duel." She said.
"Goes to show you that it only takes one card to change the outcome of a duel." Konami said as folded his arm over his chest.
Ruby nod before she turned to Weiss. "But why didn't you played it then? If you had then you would've won." She said curiosly, wanting to know her answer.
"I was...just cocky i guess. I was so sure that by using Enlightenment would've won me the duel easily, that i completely ignored the card i drew and the set card which you set up last turn." Weiss said a little bit embarressed that the reason she lost was her being overconfident.
In an attempt to cheer up her partner, Ruby rubbed Weiss back and give her an encouraging smile. "Well there's always next time right? I mean, this is our first time dueling. So we were bound to make mistake right?" She said hoping her partner would feel better.
Weiss chuckled mentally, that's exactly what she had said to cheer herself up. "Thank you Ruby. Now could you please take your hand off me?" She asked politely.
"Right, sorry." Ruby said sheepishly as she removed her hand from her partner back.
Konami smiled at the two girls, he can't help but thinking what a great friend they are despite the rough start they had from what he had heard from the teams. "Alright, now that that's taken care of. Who would like to duel next?" He asked to the two teams.
"You can count on me and Blake in." Yang said as she throw her arm around her partner shoulder and give her a sideway grin, watching her sister duel makes her really want to duel next. "What do you say Blake, want to have a duel with this gal right here?"
Blake smirked at her partner. Just like Yang she's also excited to start dueling. "Sure Yang, why not." She said as she give her a challenging grin. "I hope you'll be a challenge though, i don't want my first duel to be boring."
"Oh please, that was supposed to be my line." Yang said before she remove her hand from Blake shoulder and smashing her fist into it. "I'm going to duel with you so hard, the field will be nothing but rubble when i'm through with you."
"I do hope you don't mean it literally Miss Xiao Long."
The Beacon students jumped when they heard a familiar voice while Konami was just intrigued on who had jist walk in on them. They all turned to where the voice had come from and see a group of people walking to them.
The group consist of a grey haired man with a cane on his hand and a mug of coffee on the other one, a blonde women wearing glasses and a purple cape, a dark haired man holding a flask in his hand, a white and black haired man wearing a white military outfilt, and a white haired woman that looks like what Weiss would have been if she was older.
"Professor Ozpin?" Blake said confused why the headmaster doing at the training room.
"Miss Goodwitch!" Jaune said suprised when he see the the headmaster assistant walking beside him.
"General Ironwood!? Winter!?" Weiss said shock at the general and happy at her sister arrival.
"Uncle Qrow!" Ruby and Yang said excitedly when they see the they're favorite uncle, Ruby more so than her sister.
"Because if it isn't, then we will have a problem now won't we?" Glynda pushed her glasses as she give Yang a look of warning that made her shift nervously.
"If i may ask, what are you all doing here actually?" Pyrrha asked.
"Well Miss Nikos." Ozpin said with small smile on face as he take sip lf his coffee before answering. "We have complaints from some student about some strange noises coming from the training room, seeing as we had just finish with our meeting we all decided to see what is going on here." He explained.
"What about you Uncle Qrow? Why are you here?" Ruby asked her uncle.
"Yes sister. What reason do you have being in Beacon right now?" Weiss asked, happy to see her sister again.
"Just like Oz said, got a few to thing to report from some mission that i did and after that come to check out what's going on here." Qrow said as he took a swig out of his flask before he point his thumb over to the Atlas military general. "Same with Jimmy here, though i don't know why she's here." He said to the Schnee specialist.
"If you must know. I was assisting the general with his work when he invite me to go with him to meet the headmaster of Beacon." Winter explained as she glared at the drunk.
"Stand down Specialist Schnee." Ironwood told her not wanting a fight to broke out between those two on school ground.
"Of course sir." She said firmly.
Wanting to move things along, Jaune went up and said. "So you're saying you come to check out some strange noises?" He said nervously.
"Why yes Mister Arc. The students report sounds of explosion happening in this room following by the sudden shaking of the ground, while we normally dismiss this stuff as any other kind of training, a few student say that they heard some kind of sound of roaring or howling coming from here similar to that of a Grimm." Ozpin explained making the two teams look at each other worriedly, not expecting other students to heard the sound of their dueling.
Konami scoffed at the idea of the Grimm being similar the monster in Duel Monster. "As if the Grimm can be the same as them." He said which caught the attention of the new people that have arrived.
"Who are you supposed to be?" Glynda narrow her eyes at the unfamiliar boy standing with the two teams, she doesn't recall to have a student that wear a red hat before.
"The name is Konami, but some people call me 'The Vagabond'." Konami introduced himself as he pulled his cap down and smile. "It is nice to meet you Professor Glynda Goodwitch."
Glynda was suprised this Konami know who she is. "You know who i am?" She questioned.
"Of course. Team RWBY and JNPR here have informed me everything i need to know about Beacon Academy, and Remnant in general." Konami said making the new arrival confused at his words.
"What do you mean by 'Remnant in general'?" Ironwood narrow his eyes suspiciously at this strange boy word. "What exactly are you boy?"
Konami just sighed at this. 'This is going to take a while.' He thought as he begin to explain.
After about an hour of explanation, most of which was spent of explaining the rule of Duel Monster when they asked what it exactly is and how to play it, Konami was sure that they all get the gist of it.
"So, i expect you all to understand all that is happening right now?" He asked getting various nod from the adults in the room.
"I think i need another drink for this." Qrow said as he swirl around the flask in hand. "Honestly, different dimension? Summoning monster? Jeez what kind of mess do you two get yourself into playing this game?" He asked his two nieces.
"Hey! Duel Monster is an awesome game and don't you forget it!" Ruby cried out to her uncle who just chuckle.
"Relax i was just joking." He said making the red hooded girl pouted at him.
"I'm more interested in this concept of summoning monster from a simple card." Ozpin exclaimed with curious look on his face.
"And this duel disk device, the ability to utilize solidified energy and hologram with mass." Ironwood mused thinking that with that kind of device, Atlas military can be more powerfull. "Will you perhaps let me borrow and take it back to Atlas for research purposes?" He asked the red hatted vagabond.
"I'm afraid that would be impossible right now General. I only have the duel disk that i originaly give to both team RWBY and JNPR along with my own and each of our duel disk has a genetic lock that only allow the original user to activate it, let alone use it." Konami explained.
"Wait a minute, you mean this duel disk you brought for us has a genetic lock to them and you didn't even tell us!?" Weiss questioned loudly at the lack of information.
"I figure you'll figure it out on your own so i didn't mention it." Konami said as he turned his head from Weiss to the general. "And no offence General, but i'm not exactly comfortable on giving this kind of device to the general of a goddamn military." He said bluntly with a frown which was mirrored by James as he nod stifly showing that he understand.
"For what reason do you have not sharing such powerfull device to us?" Winter glared not liking the attitude he display towards to the general.
"My own reason, for which i'm not telling you at the moment." Konami said firmly as he 'glared', they think because the hat blocking his eyes really makes it hard to tell, at the older Schnee.
Winter was about to argued back when James decided to intervene. "That is enough Winter, this conversation is over." He order her.
"But sir-!" Winter was about to argue but he cut her off.
"No buts, if Konami decided not to share it with us then the least we can do is to respect his decision." James pointed out making her relucantly stand down and nodded her head.
Qrow smirked at the scene. His opinion on this kid just went up for standing up and talk back to the Schnee.
"I've never seen Konami so harsh before." Ruby whispered to her partner.
"I've never seen anyone talk back to Winter before, except maybe your drunk uncle." Weiss said with her eyes wide.
"Trust me, there's a lot of things you don't know about me." Konami said before grabbed the two Deck Box. "Now let's get back to business, Yang and Blake if you would mind stepping forward?"
The Bumblebee duo then get up from their seat and stand in front the two Deck Box in Konami hands.
"So we just put our hand on top of the screen and that's it?" Yang asked.
"It's as easy as that, just put your hand and the system will do the rest." Konami said as he gave the two device to them.
"Well here goes nothing." Blake muttered as she and Yang place her hand on the screen of the Deck Box.
Just like it did previously, the device begin to scan their hand as the screen lit up for a few second before it died down indicating that it is done scanning their genetic code.
"Alright, you can remove your hand now." Konami told them as they removed their hand from the device.
After a few second, the device screen lit up again before it project a holographic pitcure of a card. Which suprised the adults in the room but not the students, seeing as they had seen it before.
"Most intriguing, won't you say Glynda?" Ozpin commented as his assistant nodded her head in agreement.
Blake was actually excited to know what kind deck she will be using. Though her excitement died down a little when she read the name of the monster. "Lunalight Cat Dancer." She deadpanned at the name.
Konami coughed into his hand to hide his laughter, it didn't work though as Blake give him an annoyed look. "This better not be just because i'm a Cat Faunus." She told him.
"Can't say, though if it makes you feel any better i can guaranteed that the Lunalight is a strong deck to play." He said reassuringly with a smile on his face making the ravenette sighed.
"Fine, i'll take your words for it." Blake said with small smile on her face making the red hatted vagabond smile wider at her.
"Konami! Something is wrong with Yang!"
Konami and Blake both jumped, startled by Ruby panicked shout. The two then turned their head only to be shocked at what they had seen.
Yang was still standing with the Deck Box in her hand projecting a holographic card in front of her. She seems to be staring at the card, as if she was in some sort of trance. It was strange enough as it is, but the fact that her eyes turned from her usual lilac color to a red color that seems to be glowing lightly makes it even stranger.
"What the heck?" Konami muttered as he make his way to the blonde brawler and tried to shake her out of her trance. "Yang wake up! Snap out of it!"
Yang didn't respond as she continue to stare at the card projection, making the rest of them worry.
Weiss decided to take matter to her own hands. She get up from her seat and went up to Yang's face.
And slap her face hard enough that it echoes around the room, making the others flinch a little.
"OW!" Yang cried out as she dropped the Deck Box from her hand and rubbed her rather red cheek, completely out of her trance as she glared at her white haired teammate. "What was that for!?"
"You were stuck in a trance, i had to do something to get you out of it." Weiss said off handedly as she roll her eyes before she gaze at the blonde with worry. "What's wrong Yang?"
Yang dropped the glare as she stare at the ground uncertainly. "I'm not sure...i think i had some sort of vision? I guess?"
"A vision?" Konami asked as he pick up the Deck Box and look at the image of the card that made Yang stuck in a trance. His eyes widen underneath his hat when he recognize it.
"Yeah, a vision." Yang said as she tried to explain what she saw. "I was standing in some sort of volcanic field, there were magma and volcanic rocks everywhere but i didn't feel any heat or anything. Then i heard something like a growl coming from somewhere, i look around but there was nothing but me there. But i can still hear the growl and then it turn into a full blown roar! The roar shook the ground so hard that i have to steady myself before a pillar of freaking lava shoot out of the ground! I notice something came out of the lava and then i saw a huge black dragon."
"Black dragon? Like a Grimm dragon?" Pyyrha asked as she had read that there was a Grimm that resemble a dragon.
"No, not like a Grimm. Its body is just black with no white armor to them and its form is a lot more...skeletal than any other Grimm i have ever heard or seen, plus its so much stronger than a Grimm that i can literally feel the power radiating out of it even when i'm far away from it. The dragon then fly to the sky and roar again before it lower its head to my direction. The last thing i saw was that it was staring at me with its-" Yang tried to say before she was cut off.
"Burning red eyes?" Konami guessed making the other turned to stare at him in shock.
"Y-Yeah that's right!" Yang said before she look at him in confusion. "How do you know that?"
"Because i take a look at what monster the Deck Box had shown you and i was honestly suprise." Konami said as he show the image of the card to the rest of them and see that it was an image of a black dragon with red eyes that look like what Yang had just described. "The Red-Eyes Black Dragon. You have no idea how lucky you are to have this monster Yang."
"Why is that monster so special?" Ironwood asked the red hatted vagabond.
"Because Red-Eyes itself is a rare monster to have. Throughout my travel across the dimensions i only ever meet and duel only two duelist who played with Red-Eyes Black Dragon in their deck." Konami said.
"So does that mean i'll be one of the few duelist that get to used Red-Eyes?" Yang asked with excitement at the thought of being able to duel with a deck that only a few people have ever played.
"That's right. What i'm really suprised is that Red-Eyes actually make connection with you." Konami commented.
"Connection?" Blake asked with a questioning look on her face.
"How can a monster from a card game make a connection with a person?" Winter raised an eyebrow at him.
"That's the thing. Every single monster in the game is actually a real living being that came from a place called the Spirit World. The Spirit World is a series of alternate dimension which is inhibited by the spirit of Duel Monster known as Duel Spirits. For thousand of years the Spirit World have make connection with various dimensions leading to the creation of the game known as Duel Monster." Konami explained.
Everyone was silent as they try to digest the information. The card game they had just learned was origanated from another dimension where actual monster lived? It sound sureal, but Konami doesn't sound like he was lying.
"But what does that have to do with the vision i just saw?" Yang asked after a short while of silence.
"I was just getting to that." Konami said with a small smile on his face. "You see, while it is rare, there are some people that have some sort of mutual bond with a certain Duel Spirit allowing the person to make a connection with that Duel Spirit. This kind of bond is called a Spirit Partner, and while i'm not suprised that Red-Eyes make connection with you Yang, i'm more suprised on how quickly Red-Eyes made the connection." He said making the blonde brawler to awe'd at the fact that she had made a connection with a monster.
"So does that mean Miss Xiao Long and this Red-Eyes dragon can...'interact' with each other?" Ozpin asked curiously. In his long years of living he never heard of something like a human, or faunus really, being bonded with a monster.
"To some degree yes, though how they interact is entirely different for each person so i can't say much." Konami answered before he grabbed the second Deck Box and give them to Blake and Yang. "Now that that's out of the way, you two can go ahead and make your deck. If you're done then you can just call me and i'll come right over."
The two of them nodded their head as they seperated from the group to focus on making their own deck. Konami gaze at them for a moment before directing his attention to the rest of the group.
"Now then, seeing as it will take a while for them to make their deck. Would any of you like to watch a duel to pass the time?" Konami offered.
"And how exactly are we going to watch a duel?" Glynda asked.
The red hatted duelist just smile as his fingers fiddle around with his duel disk screen. In a matter of seconds, Konami duel disk screen shine brightly before projecting a screen which display a familliar faces among them.
"Hey that's me!" Ruby cried out in suprise when she see herself on the screen.
"And me too..." Weiss said with wide eyes as she stared at the screen.
"You see, i took the liberty to record your dueling using my duel disk. Just for the memory of it." Konami told them making them nodded their head.
"Well what are you wating for!? Play it now!" Nora said excitedly as she jumped up and down on her seat before she was calmed down by Ren.
"Well okay. Here we go." Konami said as he played the video and they watched the duel.
After a moment of making their deck, Yang and Blake went to the rest of the group and saw that they were watching some kind of recording.
"What're you all watching?" Yang asked.
Konami cut off the projection screen as the recording was about to end before turning his head to look at them. "Just watching a recording from Ruby and Weiss duel with my duel disk."
"Gotta admit, that is not what you expect when someone want you to play a card game." Qrow said with amusement when he watch the recording.
"That is probably the most intense card game i have ever witnessed." Winter muttered.
"Hey, that's like what Weiss said when we see our first duel!" Ruby pointed out before she was told to calm down by her partner.
"Well anyway, you two done making your deck?" Blake and Yang nodded as they give the two Deck Box to Konami. The red hatted duelist then materialize the deck before giving it to them.
"I can't believe you have three Red-Eyes Black Dragon in your inventory." Yang said as she take a look at her deck which contain three copy of said monster. "I thought you said that Red-Eyes are a rare card, how do you have a lot of them then?"
"While Red-Eyes are a rare card, it's not that really that hard to get them seeing as they are more copy of them. And the fact that i traveled to one dimension to another, it's not suprising i had a lot of card in my disposal." Konami answered her question.
Blake just look at her brand new deck, satisfied with it she place the deck in her duel disk. She glance at her partner and see that she had also placed her deck in her duel disk and was also looking at her. They both nodded their head as they make their way to the field.
After taking their side on the field, they activate their duel disk and took a stance.
"May the best duelist win Blake!" Yang said loudly.
"Thanks Yang, i intended to." Blake joked as she smiled lightly.
"Oh you are so going down." Yang glowered lowly.
Blake: 8000 LP / Hand ×5
Yang: 8000 LP / Hand ×5
"I'll take the first turn." Blake said as she start her turn. "I Set a Monster and placed two card face-down. I end my turn, your move Yang." She said as three cards appeared on her field.
"Huh? That's it?" Ruby asked confused at how Blake played her first turn.
"It's a basic tactic in the first turn to find out what your opponent is capable of. Not every move has to be so complicated you know, sometime a simple one is enough. You should know Ruby, seeing as you did the same thing in your duel" Konami exclaimed making the red hooded girl a little sheepish.
"So instead of taking it heads on and Summoning a Monster, Miss Belladona decided to play it defensive and let Miss Xiao Long make the first move so that she can anticipated her playing style while she prepared herself for her next turn." Glynda analyzed.
"Exactly. It's a simple manipulative move that is often used by both beginner and veteran." Konami smiled. "Let's see how Yang will react."
Yang was honestly expecting more, but after Blake ended her turn with just a Set Monster and two Set card. She can't help but feel dissapointed and a little bit annoyed. "Come on Blake, that's it? You can do more than that!"
"That's it Yang. It's your turn now, so can you hurry up?" Blake said plainly.
"Well if you're not going at me with all you've got, then i will! It's my turn, draw!" Yang cried out as she draw her card. "Say hello to my Masked Dragon!" She said as a large masked dragon with wings and a scale like tail emerge from the ground and let out a roar.
Masked Dragon - (Fire/Dragon/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 1400/DEF: 1100)
Although they had seen the recording from the previous duel, the sight of a living dragon appearing in front of them make Ozpin and his group to be even more shock more than they thought.
"Well, i guess we found out where the roaring came from..." Qrow mused as he keep his gazed on the monster.
"Never thought i felt excited on seeing a monster appear on school ground." Ironwood commented.
"Then i activate my Spell Card: Dragon's Gunfire! When i control a Dragon-Type Monster, i can either inflict 800 damage or destroy a Monster with 800 or less DEF. I choose the first option to inflict damage!"
Masked Dragon then opened up its stiched jaw and shoot out a fireball that hit Blake in the chest. She stumbled a bit as her LP lowered.
Blake LP: 8000 = 7200
"Now let's battle! Masked Dragon will attack your Set Monster!" Yang streched out her hand as Masked Dragon reeled its head back before it let out a stream of fire at Blake Monster.
The face-down card then flipped open, revealing it to be a tomato like monster with a devilish face. It cackle for a bit before being destroyed by the flame, leaving nothing but ashes.
Mystic Tomato - (DARK/Fiend/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1400/DEF: 1100)
"Mystic Tomato Effect activate. When it is destroyed by battle and send to the Graveyard, i can Special Summon a DARK Attribute Monster from my deck with 1500 or less ATK. I Summon Lunalight Emerald Bird from my deck." Blake said as a humanoid monster wearing a decorative gymnast suit with a green bird motif and a moon like mask appeared on her field.
Lunalight Emerald Bird - (DARK/Beast-Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1200/DEF: 1000)
"I also activate Emerald Bird Effect. When this card is Normal or Special Summoned, i can send 1 'Lunalight' card from my hand to the Graveyard and draw 1 card." Blake said as she revealed a card from her hand. "I send Lunalight Yellow Marten to the Graveyard and draw a card. Yellow Marten Effect also activated. I can add 1 'Lunalight' Spell or Trap card from my deck to my hand, i add Lunalight Fusion into my hand"
Yang clicked her tongue when she realised all that she did was provide Blake with more card for her next turn. 'Well i did manage to deal a little bit of damage so i guess that's something, though i have to be carefull about that Fusion card.' She thought as she take a card in her hand and inserted it into her duel disk.
"I Set a card and end my turn." Yang said as a card appeared on her field in face-down position.
"It's my turn. Draw." Blake drew her card and add it into her hand. "I activate Yellow Marten Effect. When this card is in the Graveyard, i can return a 'Lunalight' Monster i control to my hand and Special Summon it in Defense Position."
Emerald Bird vanish from the field and what appeared in her place is a similar looking monster but with a yellow marten motif instead.
Lunalight Yellow Marten - (DARK/Beast-Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 800/DEF: 2000)
"The Yellow Marten that is Summoned this way is banished when it leave the field. And then i activate Foolish Burial, this card allow me to send 1 Monster from my deck to the Graveyard. I send Lunalight Purple Butterfly to the Graveyard" Blake take out a card from her deck and send it to the Graveyard before she played another card. "I activate a Spell card: Lunalight Fusion!"
"Blake is going to Fusion Summon!?" Ruby said excitedly seeing a fellow Fusion user like herself.
"You seem to be excited Miss Rose." Glynda said as she stared at the girl strangely.
"Well Ruby does play Fusion Monster in her 'Gem-Knight' deck, so it make sense she's excited to see another duelist that use the same Summoning method as she is." Konami explained making the blonde woman nodded her head.
"I wonder what kind of Monster Blake is going to Summon..." Jaune wondered.
"I Fuse Lunalight Yellow Marten with the Lunalight Emerald Bird in my hand!" Lunalight Emerald Bird appeared on the field beside Yellow Marten before they got swirled together inside the Fusion vortex. Blake join her palms together as she chant.
"Nimble creature of the night. Song bird singing the tune of the night. Unite your power underneath the moonlight and take on the form of a beautiful beast! Fusion Summon! Come on out! The elegant feline dancing beneath the moon! Lunalight Cat Dancer!"
A red haired cat woman wearing a leotard with a dancer like accesories and moon shaped mask step on the field gracefully. The feline monster did a little dance as she brandish her two daggers before striking a pose and let out an alluring 'meow' sound.
Lunalight Cat Dancer - (DARK/Beast-Warrior/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2400/DEF: 2000)
"Well that was interesting." Ironwood said when he see the fusion proccess.
"Was she chanting?" Glynda asked.
"It's a Summon Chant. It's a chant that you say when you Summon a certain Monster." Ren said from what Konami had explained to them before.
"Blake Monster is so cool!" Ruby cried out with excitement when she see the monster appeared on the field.
"Calm down Ruby! You don't have to sound so excited everytime someone is dueling!" Weiss told her partner before looking back at the field. "Though i have to admit, that Cat Dancer monster is pretty."
"I'll say." Qrow smirked as he eyed the monster figure and can't help but whistle a little. "I'm liking what i'm seeing so far. Maybe this game won't be so bad after all."
Winter glared at him as her nose wrinkle in disgust. "Must you be so lecherous?" She asked with a hint of anger in her voice.
"What's wrong ice queen? You jealous?" Qrow chuckled as he drink his flask completely ignoring her.
Winter just glared more fiercely at him as her cheek went a little bit red, though that last part went unnoticed by anyone.
Yang take a good look of Lunalight Cat Dancer appereance from top to bottom. She then gave a look to Blake. "So is this the kind of thing you read in your book Blake, or is there something you're just not telling us." She said curiously.
Blake blushed when she realize what Yang was implying as she give the blonde an annoyed look. "If you don't mind Yang, i would like to continue with my turn?" She asked.
"Sure Blake, go ahead." Yang said with a grin. Though she is determined to have this conversation later on.
Blake sighed and just went on with her turn. "Alright. Since Lunalight Emerald Bird is send to the Graveyard by a card effect, i can target a level 4 or lower 'Lunalight' Monster that is in my Graveyard or is banished and Special Summon it with its Effect negated. Come out, Lunalight Purple Butterfly."
Appearing on the field is a another Lunalight monster with a purple butterfly motif for the outfit. Purple Butterfly fly around the field for a bit before landing beside Cat Dancer.
Lunalight Purple Butterfly - (DARK/Beast-Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 1000/DEF: 1000)
"I activate Lunalight Cat Dancer Effect! By tributing a 'Lunalight' Monster on my field, Cat Dancer can attack all of my opponent Monsters twice this turn!"
"What!?" Yang cried out with wide eyes.
Purple Butterfly was removed from the field as Cat Dancer absorbed the other Lunalight monster power making the her outfit glow brightly.
"Then i activate my Trap card: Horn of the Phantom Beast!" Blake pushed her duel disk screen and reveal her face-down card. "I can equip this card to a Beast-Warrior Monster i control making that Monster gain 800 ATK. I equiped Cat Dancer with Horn of the Phantom Beast!"
A helmet with flame like antler horn appeared on Cat Dancer head making the cat theme monster stronger by the equipment attach to her head.
Lunalight Cat Dancer - (DARK/Beast-Warrior/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 3200/DEF: 2000)
"Not only that, but every time the Monster that is equipped with Horn of the Phantom Beast destroyed an opponent Monster by battle and send it to the Graveyard, i can draw 1 card from my deck!"
Konami smirked, impressed on how Blake play her cards. "Well looks like Blake is making her move." He said.
"I don't get it." Nora scratches her head in confusion. "I mean, what's the point of attacking twice if the opponent Monster will be destroyed in the first battle anyway?"
"Lunalight Cat Dancer Effect negated the first destruction of the Monster she battle, that means Blake can attack all of Yang Monsters twice this turn." Ren explained making the other turn their head at him in suprised.
"How do you know Lunalight Cat Dancer Effect? You never heard of that Monster until just now" Weiss questioned.
Ren just lifted his arm up and show them his duel disk. The screen was on as it was showing a pitcure of a Lunalight Cat Damcer card and a description for it. "I was checking out what other kind of function our duel disk have when Konami show us that recording and then i found this. Apparently our duel disk has a card database program that allow us to check an info of a card, it even has a search and filter option to help us sort out to search for the card we want."
"Oh yeah, forgot to tell you guys about that." Konami said when he remembered that function of the duel disk. "Though i asked you not to search out a card when a duel is happening, it might spoil the suprised if you already know its effect before even seeing it in action." He said to them with a small smile on his face.
Jaune chuckled. "Well i guess this makes it easier for us to find out about a card we don't know about."
"What other function does the duel disk have actually?" Ironwood asked wanting to know more about it.
"Beside the duel mode and the card database, the duel disk is more like the Scroll device in Remnant as it allow you to communicate with each other and take pitcure like that." Konami explained.
"Everyone be quiet! Blake is starting her Battle Phase!" Ruby shushed everyone in the spectator seat. Although she find other function of her duel disk to be really usefull, she really want to continue to watch the duel.
"Battle! Lunalight Cat Dancer, attack Yang Masked Dragon!" Blake commanded making Cat Dancer rushed at her opponent ready to attack.
"Lunalight Cat Dancer Effect activate! When Cat Dancer declare an attack, she inflict 100 damage to my opponent!" Cat Dancer take out her dagger and throw it at Yang, the dagger slashes her cheek making her flinch a little.
Yang LP: 8000 = 7900
Cat Dancer then jumped high and twirled in the air before delivering a kick at Masked Dragon which cause an explosion to happen upon the impact.
Yang LP: 7900 = 6100
"Due to Cat Dancer Effect, Masked Dragon is not destroyed by the first battle." Blake said as the smole from the explosion cleared to reveal that Masked Dragon is still standing.
"Attack Masked Dragon one more time, Lunalight Cat Dancer!"
Cat Dancer obeyed Blake order. She throw another dagger at Yang due to her effect when declaring an attack. She then swing her arm in a circular motion before firing an energy beam at Masked Dragon making it cried out in pain before being destroyed as Yang grunted as she tried to hold her ground.
Yang LP: 6100 = 4200
"Masked Dragon Effect activated! When it is destroyed by battle, i can Special Summon a Dragon-type Monster with 1500 ATK or less. I Summon Exploder Dragon in Attack Position!" Yang said as she summoned a medium sized dragon carrying a bomb in its hand.
Exploder Dragon - (EARTH/Dragon/Effect) - (LV: 3/ATK: 1000/DEF: 0)
"Wait what!? Why didn't she Summoned it in Defense Position!?" Ruby cried out panickedly.
"Lunalight Cat Dancer Effect allow her to attack all Monster Yang Control, so why did Yang Summoned Exploder Dragon in Attack Position if she knows its going to be attacked?" Jaune furrowed his eyebrow confusedly.
"Due to Cat Dancer destroying a Monster in battle while equipped with Horn of the Phantom Beast, i draw a card from my deck." Blake draw her card before she narrowed her eyes. 'Why did she Summoned it in Attack Position knowing i would attack it anyway?' She wondered as she pondered on her next move.
'Come on, come on. Fell for it already!' Yang thought as she bit the inside of her cheek hoping that Blake would take the bait.
After a moment Blake had made a decision. "I attack Exploder Dragon with Lunalight Cat Dancer!"
'Yes, she fell for it!' Yang thought happily as she flinched a little when a thrown knife manage to cut her cheek.
Yang LP: 4200 = 4100
"When Exploder Dragon battled, neither player take any damage from that battle!" Exploder Dragon growled before charging at the Lunalight monster as the two monster clashed in battle before returning to their respective field.
"If i can't deal damage, then i'll just have to destroy your Monster! Attack Exploder Dragon one more time Lunalight Cat Dancer!" Blake shouted as her Monster throw another dagger at Yang due to her Effect before charging again to attack.
Yang LP: 4100 = 4000
Just when the two monster were about to clash again, Yang smirked. "You fell for it Blake! When Exploder Dragon is destroyed by battle, it destroy the Monster that destroyed it!"
"What!?" Blake eyes widen when she realized what'll happen.
"Explode and take you opponent along with you, Exploder Dragon!" Exploder Dragon then dropped the bomb it was holding as Cat Dancer eyes widen in horror behind her mask before the two monster was destroyed in a big explosion.
Blake coughed out the smoke from the explosion before she see that both monster is nowhere on the field. "Horn of the Phantom Beast Effect still activated. Since Cat Dancer destroy a Monster by battle, i draw a card from my deck." She said as she draw another card before putting it into her hand.
"Yang did it! She destroy Blake Monster!" Ruby cheered for her sister.
"That was a literal suicide tactic, taking your attacker along with you with a big explosion like that." Weiss said with her eyes wide in disbelieve.
"While i can't argue with the result, i do not approved the fact that she just sacrificed her monster like that." Ironwood said sternly. While he is a general, he would never agree to use that kind of tactic if it was with one of his man.
"You gotta do what you gotta do i guess." Konami said with a shrugged. Though he did agreed with the general with this one. 'Huh, i guess he's not the kind of guy i think he is. Maybe i should apologize when this duel is over.'
"Well Blake. What do you think? Pretty clever huh?" Yang asked as she grinned at her partner.
Blake roll her eyes to the right. "Well i guess you did manage to destroy Cat Dancer." She said making the blonde grinned wider before she smirked a little. "Good thing i came prepared."
"Uh what?" Yang face then turned to confusion at what her partner just said.
"I activate my Trap card: Lunalight Reincarnation Dance!" Blake shouted as she revealed her face-down card. "If a Monster i control is destroyed by battle or card effect, i can add 2 'Lunalight' Monster from my deck to my hand!"
"The card i am going to add-" Two card slide out of Blake deck as she takes it and show it to Yang to be a Monster card with the bottom half is colored green. "-is Lunalight Tiger and Lunalight Wolf!"
Yang tensed a little when she see the card. 'I know those cards, those are Pendulum Monster! What do they do again? Damn it, i should have paid more attention when Konami explained!"
"I Summon Lunalight Blue Cat in Attack Position." Blake said as she summon another Lunalight monster with a blue cat theme on her field.
Lunalight Blue Cat - (DARK/Beast-Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 1600/DEF: 1200)
"I Set two card face-down. I end my turn." Blake concluded her turn with another two face-down cards on her field.
Blake: 7200 LP / Hand ×4
Yang: 4000 LP / Hand ×3
"I'm actually quite impressed with Blake. She managed to not only cut Yang LP in half in just one turn, but she also managed to replenished her hand so quickly." Konami praised the ravenette.
"Yang is at a real disadvantage here, wonder how'll she turned things around." Pyrrha wondered.
"Well Yang hasn't even Summon that Red-Eyes dragon you tell us about, maybe that can help her win." Ruby said.
"I suppose. Though i'm curious how Yang would handle using the dragon of potential." The red hatted vagabond said as he cupped his chin with his finger in thought.
"Dragon of potential?" Ozpin asked when he heard his word. "Is it a some sort of title for Red-Eyes Black Dragon?"
"It's not exactly a title as it is more of representation. Red-Eyes represent potentional for being flexible in more than one playing style in a certain deck. Making it that Red-Eyes has the ability to become potentially stronger if the duelist manage to reach it." Konami told the headmaster of Beacon. "Another fact about Red-Eyes is that it also represent violance and anger."
Weiss deadpanned. "That would explain why it made a connection with Yang of all people." She said. If there was a word she would describe her blonde teammate, 'Violance' and 'Anger' will be on the top of her list.
"My turn! Draw!" Yang cried out heatedly as she draw her card. 'Alright Yang, you got your self on a tight spot here with half of you LP gone and zero Monster on your field.' She told herself in her head before looking at the card that she had drawn was Pot of Greed. 'I sure hope this will help me.'
"I activate Pot of Greed! I draw two card from my deck!" Yang said as she placed her hand on top of her deck. She closed her eyes for a moment before drawing two card.
Suddenly, she could hear a roar of something in her head, as if it was calling to her. Yang eyes widen when she recognised it.
'Red-Eyes?' She thought as she looked at the card she had drawn as a plan begin to formulated inside her head. Her eyes flicker from one color to another as she keep hearing her dragon roar.
'You want to get out don't you? Alright, i'll bring you out in just a moment.'
"I activate Cards of the Red Stone!" Yang shouted as she stared at Blake who gasp a little when she see her partner eyes turn into a red color similar to when her Semblance is activated.
'But Yang Semblance isn't on nor is she angry, so why is her eye red?' Blake questioned in her head as she kept her guard up.
"I send a level 7 'Red-Eyes' Monster to the Graveyard and draw another two card from my deck! I send Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon from my hand to the Graveyard and draw two more card!" Yang discarded a card from her hand before drawing two more card and placed it into her hand.
"I Summon The Black Stone of Legend!" A black colored egg appeared on the field which is held by a stand made out of volcanic rock.
The Black Stone of Legend - (DARK/Dragon/Effect) - (LV: 1/ATK: 0/DEF: 0)
"I activate Black Stone of Legend Effect! I tribute this card to Special Summon a level 7 or lower 'Red-Eyes' Monster from my deck!"
"What!?" Blake shouted in suprised.
Black Stone of Legend suddenly float from the ground as it begin to crack as something inside of it appeared to be glowing a vibrant red color. The egg like monster form then completely shattered as its begin to take shape while still glowing brightly.
"Jet-black dragon with burning red eyes. Bared your ferocious fang and scorch the land with your blazing anger! Appear now! Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"
When the glowing died out, hovering above them was a large and imposing looking black dragon with red eyes that glow menacingly. Its thin skeletal body covered in jagged scale and armored like skin make its appereance even more frightening then any other Grimm the Remnantian ever faced before. The dragon flapped its wing before decending and landing on its feet behind Yang as it reared its head back and let out a earth shattering roar that send a powerfull shockwave around the whole arena.
Red-Eyes Black Dragon - (DARK/Dragon) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2400/DEF: 2000)
The spectator of the duel gazed at the dragon with a mixture of awe and fear. The appearance of it make them on edge enough, but throw out the fact they can feel the anger coming out of the monster makes them even more intimidated. They can now see why this monster represent anger and violence. The only one who isn't effected by it is Konami, seeing as he had faced Red-Eyes before.
"S-So this is Red-Eyes Black Dragon..." Weiss said nervously as she gazed at the monster in front of her.
"I-It's sure is scary huh?" Ruby said as she laugh nervously before she 'eep!' when Red-Eyes turn its head towards her making her shiver a little.
Ozpin face was indifferent, but even he has to admit that he could feel cold sweat when he feel the power radiating out of this monster. 'So this is the power of a Duel Monster. The creature of Grimm got nothing on this dragon power. Still it does resemble a Grimm somewhat, though it doesn't look like any Grimm i have ever seen before.' He sip his coffee to calm his nerve before a sudden thought went into his head. 'Can these power defeat Salem though?'
Blake was actually trembling a little. Seeing as that she was standing in front of Red-Eyes and was facing this monster face-to-face, the power she felt from this dragon is even more potent than what the others felt. 'Dammit, my instincts is screaming at me to run and not fight this monster at all. I've gotta calm down before i let my guard down.'
Yang was looking up to Red-Eyes in awe. Unlike the other, she doesn't feel afraid of seeing this monster up close and personal, but instead she feel safe and powerfull when she summon it. 'Is this because of the bond that Konami told us about? Is Red-Eyes making me stronger?"
Saving her question for a later time, Yang focused back on the duel. "Alright. I've got Red-Eyes out on the field, but i'm not through yet! Now i tribute Red-Eyes Black Dragon to Special Summon Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon from my hand!"
Red-Eyes roar again as its body begin to shift and change in appearence, before the transformation was complete as a different version of the original Red-Eyes appear on the field.
Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon - (DARK/Dragon/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2400/DEF: 2000)
"And i activate my Continous Trap: Return of the Red-Eyes!" Yang said as she reveal one of her face-down card. "If i control a 'Red-Eyes' Monster on the field, i can target a Normal Monster in my graveyard and Special Summon it! Come on out, Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon!"
A pillar of fire shot out of the ground before it clear out to reveal a monster similar to Red-Eyes Black Dragon but its inner body and wing was red instead of black and it has another set of small wings attached below the first one.
Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon - (DARK/Dragon/Gemini/Effect) - (LV: 7/ATK: 2400/DEF: 2000)
"Cool! Yang has two dragon on her field!" Nora said excitedly as she and the other has calm down from the earlier reaction of Red-Eyes first Summoning.
"She should be able to even out the LP difference betwen the both of them if she attack using both dragon." Ironwood said.
"Something tells me Blake is not going to let that happen though." Konami argued.
"Let's battle! I attack Lunalight Blue Cat with Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon!" Yang command as Black Flare open up its jaw before firing a fiery stream of fire at the Lunalight Monster as she scream before she was destroyed.
Blake LP: 7200 = 6400
"Lunalight Blue Cat Effect activated! When she is destroyed by battle or a card effect while on the field, i can Special Summon another 'Lunalight' Monster from my deck! I Summon Lunalight Wolf in Defense Position!" Blake said as a wolf theme Lunalight Monster appeared on her field crouching as she take a defensive position with her arm cross.
Lunalight Wolf - (DARK/Beast-Warrior/Pendulum/Effect) - (LV: 4/ATK: 2000/DEF: 1800/PS: 1)
"Next i activate my Trap: Call of the Haunted! This card allow me to Special Summon a Monster from my graveyard. Return to the field, Lunalight Cat Dancer!" Lunalight Cat Damcer appeared once again to the field from a portal on the ground.
"Looks like Konami was right. Now Yang only option is to either destroy Lunalight Wolf or Cat Dancer, both of which won't do her any good seeing as it won't reduce Blake LP at all." Jaune said.
"Actually Yang only option is to attack Lunalight Wolf. Apparently Lunalight Cat Dancer cannot be destroyed by battle." Ren exclaimed
Pyrrha eyes widen at the meaning. "Oh that can't be good. Hopefuly Yang realize that before she-"
"I attack Lunalight Cat dancer with Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon!"
"What is Yang doing!?" Ruby shouted at her sister decision. "Cat Dancer can't be destroyed by battle and since the two monster have the same ATK, only Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon that will be destroyed!"
"Ruby calm down!" Weiss told her partner. "I'm sure Yang has a reason to attack Cat Dancer." She said reassuringly.
Blake narrow her eyes. "Lunalight Cat Dancer can't be destroyed by battle, meaning that only your Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon that will be destroyed!"
The Alternative Red-Eyes dragon shoot out a burst of flame from its mouth the same time as Lunalight Cat Dancer swing her arm in a circular motion and fire an energy beam at the dragon. The two attack went by each other before striking their respective target. While the Lunalight Monster withstand the attack due to her effect, the Red-Eyes Monster doesn't have the same protection as it exploded the moment the attack hit creating a huge amount of smoke where it was destroyed.
"You should have attacked Lunalight Wolf Yang, now one of you're dragon is destroyed leaving you with only one Monster left." Blake said to her partner.
Yang just gazed at where her monster had been destroyed before looking at Blake with a smirk. "Oh i wouldn't be so sure about that."
The Cat Faunus was confused at what she said before her eyes widen when the smoke cleared out to reveal Red-Eyes Black Dragon standing where its Alternative counterpart had been and it let out a cry as its body begin to emit a fiery aura.
Red-Eyes Black Dragon - (DARK/Dragon) - (LV: 7/ATK: 4800/DEF: 2000)
"Wait what!? When did Red-Eyes Black Dragon get here!?" Nora shouted in suprised.
"Its Red-Eyes Alternative Effect. When it is destroyed by battle or by an opponent card effect, Yang can Special Summon a level 7 or lower 'Red-Eyes' Monster from her graveyard." Konami explained.
"That explain how it get here. But what about the sudden increase of ATK being doubled than it origanaly is?" Winter asked.
"If the Monster that was Summoned by that Effect is Red-Eyes Black Dragon, then its original ATK is doubled."
Yang chuckled. "Yup that's exactly it. Though i was hoping to destroy Cat Dancer too, but i guess that's not going to happen."
"So what will you do now Yang? Will you attack Cat Dancer now?" Blake asked.
"Nah. I think i'm going to end my battle phase." Yang said casually which suprised her partner.
"Why? Just because Cat Dancer can't be destroyed by battle doesn't mean you can't deal me damage." Blake pointed out.
"Yeah maybe. But that would mean i won't be able to use this card right here." Yang grinned as she took out a card from her hand and show it to Blake.
"Let me show you Red-Eyes power. I activate my Spell card: Inferno Fire Blast!" The card appeared on the field before it turn into enegy that went into Red-Eyes Black Dragon making the dragon roar loudly.
"By paying the price of not attacking this turn, Red-Eyes can inflict damage equal to its original ATK!"
Blake gasp when she heard the effect, as well as the other in the spectator was also shock when they heard it.
"You've gotta be kidding me! That's a 4800 point of direct damage without even attacking!" Jaune cried out.
"That's right! Now go, Red-Eyes Black Dragon! Inferno Fire Blast!" The red eyed dragon gather up flame in between its open jaw, which begin to condensed making a fireball that grow bigger by the second as the flame change color from orange to a demonic red color. It let out a roar before it unleash the fireball at an alarming speed.
Blake eyes widen when the attack was coming to her before she amplify her Aura to shield herself and take a defensive position at the last second the attack make contact with her. Unfortunately, it was stronger then she thought as she cried out as the force of the attack manage to blasted her back making her stumbled a few times before crashing into the wall. She groaned as she fell face first into the ground.
Blake LP: 6400 = 1600
Everyone was staring with wide eyed at how the force of the attack manage to send the Cat Faunus into the wall and begin to feel worry for her safety. Yang, being the one who inflict the damage, feel the most worry of all.
"OH MY OUM, BLAKE ARE YOU OKAY!?" Yang shouted.
Blake grunted as she tried to stand up, which she successed but it was quite a struggle. "Y-Yeah i-i'm fine." She said weakly.
"What the heck just happen!?" Weiss cried out in panic.
Konami facepalmed in exasperation. "Apparently Yang doesn't know the meaning of 'holding back'. I might need to make some adjustment to her duel disk so this won't happen any time soon."
"Are you saying that the duelist can choose how strong the attack can damage the opponent?" Ozpin asked.
"Depend on the Monster actually, if you were dealt damage by a weak one then you'll probably just feel a pinch or something." Konami said as he sigh. "Don't worry though, the duel disk prevent physical damage done to the duelist by a Monster attack or a card effect so the only thing you feel is only the sensation of being attack."
Although feeling reasured by Konami words, Yang couldn't help but still feel worry for her partner. "Are you okay Blake? Do you want to continue?" She asked.
"It's alright. I manage to use my Aura to cushion the impact." Blake said and although she was still feeling a little sore, she give her partner a smile. "Just end your turn if you're done Yang."
"Alright i end my turn. Your move Blake." Yang said as her eyes turn back to her normal lilac color and she smile at her partner.
Blake: 1600 LP / Hand ×4
Yang: 4000 LP / Hand ×2
"It's my turn. Draw." Blake draw her card before she started to plan her next move. 'I don't have any Monster in my hand that is strong enough to destroy Red-Eyes Black Dragon. I could attack Red-Eyes Black Flare with Cat Dancer, but that won't do me any good seeing as i won't deal any damage to Yang."
She glanced at the card she set on the field. 'I still have the Trap card: Negate Attack in case Yang decide to finish it, that give me the chance to deal some damage this turn. But how do i do that?' She thought as she looked at her hand before noticing the two Pendulum card.
'Hmm this should help. But i'm not exactly sure how to use them, maybe i should ask Konami.' Blake turned her head to the red hatted vagabond and called out. "Konami, how exactly do i use the Pendulum card?"
Konami smiled slightly. "The Pendulum card are placed on the Pendlum Zones. Place the Pendulum with the lowest Scale at the far right side of the blade and the highest Scale on the left one." He explained before grinning a little. "As for the word, i'm sure you'll figure it out."
Blake smiled at him before narrowing her eyes at her partner. She took her two Pendulum in between her middle and index finger and show it to Yang. "With the Scale 1 Lunalight Wolf and the Scale 5 Lunalight Tiger, i set the Pendulum Scale!"
She placed the two card in their respective Pendulum Zone. The blade of the duel disk light up before the word 'PENDULUM' appeared in a colorful rainbow color. Two streak of blue columm made out of light shot out of the ground on the right and left side of Blake field as the cealing of the arena darken a little. Suddenly, Lunalight Wolf and Lunalight Tiger appeared inside the columm with a number beneath them that represent their respective Pendulum Scale.
"With this, i can simultaneously Summon Monster from level 2 through 4!"
Pendulum Scale: 1 - 5
"Pendulum Summon! Come out, my monsters!" Blake cried out as she raise her arm up in the air as a portal open uo between the two Pendulum Zones before two streak of light came out of the portal.
"Lunalight Black Sheep! Lunalight Yellow Marten!" The first light reveal itself to be a Lunlight monster woth a blck sheep theme wearing tux like outfit rather than a regular gymnast outfit like the other Lunalight and the second streak of light reveal itself to be another Lunalight Yellow Marten.
Lunalight Black Sheep - (DARK/Beast-Warrior/Effect) - (LV: 2/ATK: 100/DEF: 600)
"So cool!!" Ruby cried out as her eyes widen in amazement.
"Amazing, i never thought Pendulum Summoning would be something like that." Pyrrha said as she is captivated on how grand the Summoning display is.
"I activate Lunalight Wolf Pendulum Effect!" Blake announced as she pointed to the Lunalight Wolf in her Pendulum Zones. "Once per turn, i can conduct a Fusion Summon by banishing the material i need on the field or in the graveyard."
"I fuse Lunalight Yellow Marten, Lunalight Black Sheep, and Lunalight Wolf!" The three Lunalight Monster jumped into the air before swirling together inside the fusion vortex.
"Nimble creature of the night. Black sheep prowling through the meadow of the night. Ferocious wolf howling to the moon of the night. Unite your power underneath the moonlight and take on the form of a beautiful beast! Fusion Summon! Come on out! Beautiful dancing sword bearing the fang of the ancient hunter! Lunalight Sabre Dancer!"
A purple skin woman with blonde hair that is covered in a gold and yellow dancer like outfit and a moon like mask that covered her right eye appeared on the field with grace standing on her animal like feet. The Lunalight Fusion Monster did a little dance and make a few slashing motion with her two talwars sword before striking a pose as she smirked confidently.
Lunalight Sabre Dancer - (DARK/Beast-Warrior/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 9/ATK: 3000/DEF: 2600)
"Lunalight Sabre Dancer Effect activated! This card gains 200 ATK for each Beast-Warrior type Monster that is banished or in the graveyards. The total so far is 6 card, meaning Sabre Dancer gains 1200 ATK!" Blake said as Lunalight Sabre Dancer outfit shine brightly and her body begin to emit a yellow color aura.
Lunalight Sabre Dancer - (DARK/Beast-Warrior/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 9/ATK: 4200/DEF: 2600)
"Battle! I attack Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon with Lunalight Sabre Dancer!" Blake stretched out her hand forward as the Lunalight Fusion Monster obeyed her command. Sabre Dancer jumped into air before spinning and slashing the Red-Eyes Flare dragon leaving a few slash mark on its body before it let out a cry as it is destroyed. Yang was pushed back by the attack as she gritted her teeth trying not to lose her footing.
Yang LP: 4000 = 2200
"With that i end my turn." Blake said as Lunalight Sabre Dancer return to her field with twirl in the air and perform a graceful landing.
"It's my turn now! Draw!" Yang look at the card she had drawn before frowning a bit, not entirely happy with it. 'It's usefull, but i'll save it for a last resort.' She placed the card into hand and proceed with her turn.
"I activate Return of the Red-Eyes Effect! Since i control a 'Red-Eyes' Monster, i can Special Summon a Normal Monster from my graveyard. I Special Summon back Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon in Defense Position" Yang said as Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon returned to field as it folded its body and wings.
"Let's battle! Red-Eyes Black Dragon, attack Lunalight Cat Dnecer and end this duel! Inferno Fire Blast!" Yang said as Red-Eyes Black Dragon charged another fireball and fired it towards Lunalight Cat Dancer.
"I activate my Trap: Negate Attack! This card negate your attack and force you to end your Battle Phase!" A force field appeared in front of Cat Dancer, protecting her from the incoming attack.
Yang clicked her tounge in annoyence. 'Dammit, looks like this duel isn't over yet. Though i have a feeling Blake won't let me have another turn after this.' She thoight as she glanced at her hand to the card she had previously drawn. 'Hopefully Blake won't end the duel on her next turn.'
"I Set a card and that's the end of my turn." Yang concluded her turn with another Set card on her field.
Blake: 1600 LP / Hand ×1
Yang: 2200 LP / Hand ×2
"It's my turn. Draw." Blake draw her card and take a look at it and nodded her head before she immediately use it. "I activate Polymerization! This card allow me to use Fusion Summon using the card i have on the field or in my hand. I'm going to perform a Fusion Summon with Lunalight Cat Dancer and Lunalight Sabre Dancer!" The two Lunalight Monster jumped as they got swirled together inside the Fusion vortex.
"Elegant feline dancing in the night. Beautiful dancing sword slashing through the night. Unite your power underneath the moonlight and take on the form of a beautiful beast! Fusion Summon! Come on out! Gracefull hunter of the moonlight wilderness! Lunalight Panther Dancer!"
A shadowy figure is seen performing a somersault before landing on the field on its feet perfectly. The figure was revealed to be a dark tanned skin woman with black hair that cover her eyes with a panther like ear, claw, feet, and tail which is covered in a purple color leotard with ribbon attached and some few golden accesories decorating her figure. The Lunalight Monster clawed the air with her razor sharp red blade like claw before taking a crouching position.
Lunalight Panther Dancer - (DARK/Beast-Warrior/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 2800/DEF: 2500)
"Wait, what is she doing? Why is she removing her strongest Monster on field for something that is weaker?" Weiss asked.
"Maybe she realized her current Monster isn't enough to destroy Red-Eyes Black Dragon, so she use it to Summon another Monster which is capable to destroying it." Ren guessed.
"Well let's see what Miss Belladona is up to." Ozpin said with smile on his face. "Because i have a feeling this whole duel is about to end soon."
"So sure of yourself, aren't you Oz?" Qrow jokingly said as he chuckled which was followed by the headmaster himself.
Yang was confused at her partner decision. "Why did you use Lunalight Sabre Dancer as the Fusion material? You could've just use any other kind of 'Lunalight' Monster in your hand right?"
"Taking the fact that i don't have any other 'Lunalight' Monster in my hand, i have a good reason to use Sabre Dancer as a Fusion material." Blake said before she smirked a little. "And that's because i can use her Effect in the graveyard."
"Sabre Dancer Effect?" Yang asked wearily as she stared her partner with cautious.
"Yes, which i am about to use right now! I activate Lunalight Sabre Dancer Effect! By banishing this card from the graveyard, i can target one 'Lunalight' Monster on my field and that target gains 3000 ATK until the end of this turn!"
"What!?" Yang shouted in suprised when she see a spectral figure of Sabre Dancer floating above Panther Dancer. The figure then turn into a yellow colored energy which is absorbed by the panther theme Lunalight Monster as her body begin to emit a yellow colored aura as her ATK increased.
Lunalight Panther Dancer - (DARK/Beast-Warrior/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 5800/DEF: 2500)
"5800 ATK!? That's higher than Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" Yang cried out with wide eyes.
"And that's not all. I activate Panther Dancer Effect! Once per turn, this card can attack all of my opponent twice per turn!"
"It has the same Effect as Cat Dancer!?" Nora cried out in shock.
"And it doesn't need a tribute to activate it either." Pyrrha said also in shock.
Yang gritted her teeth before smirking a lottle. "Well even if you attack Red-Eyes Black Dragon, my LP will still remain!" She said with confident.
"Panther Dancer second Effect! When this card destroy a Monster by battle, Panther Dancer gains 200 ATK until the end of the Battle Phase!" Blake told her making whatever confidence the blonde had to be shot down hard as her eyes widen in horror.
"I see. If Blake manage destroy Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon first, then Lunalight Panther Dancer will gains 200 ATK which will make it into 6000 ATK the moment it battle with Red-Eyes Black Dragon." Weiss said as she nodded her head.
"And plus its Effect that allow Panther Dancer to battle twice with the same Monster, the damage that will be dealt will be doubled." Winter continued, agreeing with her sister thinking.
"Which is enough damage to lower her LP to zero. Making it that Miss Belladona will win this duel." Glynda finished the three part explanation unintentioly.
"Battle! Lunalight Panther Dancer, attack Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon!" Blake commanded as Panther Dancer fired an orb made out of dark energy before hurling it towards Red-Eyes Black Falre Dragon who exploded when the attack made contact and kicking up a lot of dust in the process.
"In the first attack of this Effect, the Monster that Panther Dancer attacked is not destroyed by that battle!" The dust cleared out to reveal that the Red-Eyes Flare dragon is still standing.
Yang begin to panic a little inside her head. 'Shit shit SHIT! What am i supposed to do now!?' She thought before she remembered her recently face-down card. 'Ah geez, i was hoping i wouldn't have to use this card. But i don't have much of a choise right now!'
"I attack Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon once again with Lunalight Panther Dancer!" Panther Dancer obeyed and dashed at her target before she enlengthen her claw and slash her target, leaving a glowing red slash mark on the dragon body as it cry out before being destroyed. And since Panther Dancer destroy a Monster, her outfit glow for a moment as her ATK increases.
Lunalight Panther Dancer - (DARK/Beast-Warrior/Fusion/Effect) - (LV: 8/ATK: 6000/DEF: 2500)
"Time to finish this Yang!" Blake shouted as she was about to ordered Panther Dancer to attack before she was interupted by Yang herself.
"Not so fast Blake! If i'm going down then you're going down with me! I activate my Trap card: Red-Eyes Burn!" Yang revealed her face-down card. "When 1 or more of my 'Red-Eyes' Monster i control is destroyed, i can target one of them and deal damage to both of us equal to its original ATK!"
"Wait what!?" Blake cried out as her eyes widen in shock.
"I target the Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon that you destroy to inflict 2400 damage to both of us!" Yang said as Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon body appeared on the field. The dragon body begin to crack as multiple energy beam came out of its body shooting everything around it.
"Everybody take cover!" Konami said as he ducked when a stray energy beam was heading towards them.
Everyone in the spectator seat followed his warning as they all ducked for cover when the energy beam went past them and blasted the wall behind them.
"What is happening!?" Weiss shouted.
"An explosion is what about to happen!" The red hatted vagabond answered her question loudly.
The dragon body continue to crack before it let out a cry as its entire body exploded, which cause both Yang and Blake to cried out as they got thrown back by the force of the explosion. The two of them landed on their back as their LP reached zero
Blake LP: 1600 = 0
Yang LP: 2200 = 0
The field return to normal as Konami and the other in the spectator seat get up and saw the destruction that the duel had done in the end.
"...Well Glynda, it seems you have your work cut out for you." Ozpin said when he see that most of the arena floor was either crack or just plain out destroyed with the wall of the room has various hole to them.
Glynda eye twitched dangerously and she growled lowly before she use her Semblance to repair all the damage that has been done to the training room.
"Wait, who won the duel then?" Nora asked confused.
"No one. The results is a draw." Konami said as he shook his head in disbelieve.
Yang get up and make her way to her partner, who is just laying there on the ground looking up to the cealing. The blonde bend and look at Blake face to face.
"You couldn't have just let me win, couldn't you?" Blake rethorically asked the blonde with a smile om her face.
Yang grinned at her word. "What can i say? I'm just that stuborn you know." She said jokingly as she offered her hand for Blake.
"That i can agree on." Blake laughed a little as she gripped the blonde brawler hand and tried stand up before she tripped and was caught by Yang.
"Sorry about the whole, you know crashing you into the wall thing earlier." Yang sheepishly said as she helped the ravenette walk to the spectator seat.
"It's alright, you were never really good at holding back in anything." Blake said before she turned her head to see the damage they had done to the field, which is being repaired thanks to Professor Goodwitch Semblence. "Though you might have went a bit too far than usual."
"Yeah, i guess so." Yang sweatdropped when she also see the state of field.
The two of them continue walk in silence for a moment before Yang glanced at Blake. "So we are having a rematch, right? Because i'm not through with you yet."
Blake just chuckled before staring at Yang right in the eyes. "Challange accepted." She said making the blonde grinned at her.
A/N: And that's a wrap! So, what do you guys think? Is it good? Is it bad? Please leave a comment if you like. Damn i finally finish this chapter, i'm sorry for the long wait but i've been busy with school lately.
And yes, Ozpin and his group has arrived! Wonder how'll they react when they find out about the myhtical side of Duel Monster like the Millenium Item or the God card is mentioned. Don't worry though, i'm planning to make them a duelist later on. Just need to find the right time to do it.
Anyway, i'm sure that Red-Eyes Black Dragon can represent Yang character really well with it being a Spirit Partner with her. It's one of the reason i choose a Red-Eyes deck for Yang to play, it just seem so obvious.
That's all from me. Again i'm sorry for the long update. All in all, i hope you all like this story. Thank you!
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