The End Nears

Ryu was easily dodging the attacks of a giant as it seemed to get easily frustrated.


Ryu: You know "King Zenohelm" I don't know if I just over trained for two years before facing you, or you're just too weak from old age.


Zenohelm: SILENCE!! I will not be mocked by a child!!!

Ryu: Child? I'm 22 years old.

Shojo: Well you're 23 in this life technically. And if you count the others you're thousands of years old.

Ryu: 'Really Shojo? Now is when- Time out how old is N?'

Ryu backflipped away from a sword slash asking the question.

Shojo: 'He died at 100 years old.'

Ryu: 'Then my last one?'

Shojo: 'Oh him? If I remember right at least 6000.'

Ryu: 'Wait I've been around for that long?!'

He ducked under Zenohelm's fist before catching his massive sword.

Ryu: Sheesh, persistent bastard aren't ya?

An explosion came from the wall as it was revealed to be Keith flying with Neo holding onto his leg.

Keith: Ryu, we've evacuated all of the citizens from the area. He won't be able to draw strength from them anymore.

Ryu: Good, now that your pesky trick is out of the way, I can end this fast enough.

His eyes shined as he summoned Crunch Bite.

Zenohelm: If you think a couple of brats can stop you're certainly mis-

His eyes widened as for a moment he felt absolutely nothing. That's when he realized his head was falling off and onto the ground as Ryu put the Bite Katana back into the sheath.

Ryu: All that bravado and nothing to back it up.

Neo: Like the common Remnant thug.

Ryu: Exactly.

He threw crunch bite in the air as it disappeared.

Keith: So Ryu, who exactly did you nab that Hammer Space Semblance off of?

Ryu: Oh, it was Amber.

Keith: Ah- Oh shit dude, sorry, I shouldn't have asked.

Ryu: Don't worry, I'm over it. Amber isn't coming back, but she's still with me in my memories. That's something that won't ever change.

He thought back to when he had first copied her semblance the night of the attack at Carver.

Ryu: I guess her semblance is another way I still have her with me.

Keith: Yeah. Who knows if you're lucky enough if you defeat Salem then they could bring her back as- PFFT!!

They all started laughing hearing that.

Neo: Please Keith, you know that's not happening!!

Keith: I know! It was meant as a joke but I couldn't keep a straight face myself!!

Ryu: The day that happens I'll pray to them for the rest of my life!!

As they finished laughing Ryu opened a portal to the Castle appearing in front of Kuro and Yumia.

Kuro: Welcome back guys!!

He patted her head smiling.

Ryu: Hey Kuro.

Yumia: I can tell that Zenohelm is no more. Now there's only a single kingdom that remains under the control of a tyrant. Though he's the strongest as the Ruler of the West.

Ryu: Yeah well I didn't even get hit once against the old man so I think we can just-


Their heads shot to the direction of a crash as an old man with a long beard cartoonishly slipped and slid before running to the four.

Ryu: Merlin?


Merlin: Ryu, Keith, Neo, I've found out why the process has been taking so long and speeding rapidly at points!!

Neo: Really? Well then what is it?

Merlin: Come come come!!

He ran back into the room as they all followed. They saw a large magical portal that seemed to be slightly fogged with dark mist.

Ryu: Wait a sec, there's way less darkness covering the Portal than last time.

Merlin: I was in such a stump from trying to figure it out before but I understand now! Every time one of the other Kingdoms Rulers were killed, the darkness had dispelled from the portal!! The forbidden dark magic they used was the cause of the blockage!!

Keith: What?! No joke?!

Merlin: Yes!! And if I'm right, defeating the last Ruler should allow you all to pass back to your world immediately!

Kuro: That's great news!

Ryu: Keith Neo don't unpack your bags we're going back out again.

Neo: We just got back!

Ryu: And we just found out that the sooner we kill the last ruler the sooner we can get back and save OUR world!

Yumia: He's got a point.

Ryu grabbed the two and flew out of an open window at ridiculous speeds.

Neo: AHHHHH!!!


In Remnant

Azure was asleep as Karma Erica and Aero were in a room waiting for him.

Erica: It's been a week already. How much longer will he actually be out of it?

Aero: I've got no clue.

Karma: Man, I haven't seen Azure this exhausted in a while.

Aero: When was the last time?

Karma: He and Ryu were fighting at full blast when we were 16. That's when they finally figured out how to master their Semblances. The two of them were out for at least 2 weeks. They had to have time limits on the length of their fights after that.

Azure's eyes twitched as he sat up from the bed.

Azure: *Yawn* Where am I?

He found himself being huh tackled by Erica as he nearly fell back onto the bed.

Azure: Guys? How long was I out?

Aero: About a week.

Azure: AH CRAP!!

He got out of bed grabbing his clothes looking to where a bathroom could be. After 10 minutes he came out back in his combat gear looking frantically.

Azure: If I've been out that long we've gotta move to Vacuo!

Erica: We're already there.

Azure stopped looking at her before looking outside of the window seeing they were indeed not in Patch. They were in a city that seemed to have sand blowing everywhere.

Azure: Oh right, Teleportation.

Aero: But more importantly, who were you fighting that pushed you to your limit like this?

Azure: Oh right, I killed May.

Aero: ... What?

Azure: Shot her with lightning that was too strong for her to regenerate from.

Karma: You're serious?!

Azure: Karma, you don't see me joking a lot, why would this be an exception?

Aero breather a sigh of relief.

Aero: Well, the second biggest threat is dealt with, now we've gotta focus on finding the Maiden. Erica?

Erica looked slightly hesitant before nodding. They all grabbed onto her before they teleported to the front of a room. Erica seemed to take a breath before walking in, seeing a woman that looked much like herself in a hospital bed. She looked forward seeing her before smiling.

Erica: Hi mom.

???: Hello sweetie. Looks like you went natural again.


She brought her arm up before gesturing to a chair. Erica walked to it sitting down before she noticed Azure Karma and Erica at the door.

Irina: I see you've made a few friends. You're Azure right?

Azure: You know me?

Irina: Of course, I've seen you participate in the doubles matches in the Vital tournament with along with that Ryu fellow. And besides, what kind of mother would I be if I didn't even know my own daughters boyfriend.

Azure ever so slightly jumped at this.

Azure: 'I now know how Aero felt with Kasumi.'

Erica: Mom, there's so much I wanna talk to you about, but there's something important we have to discuss right now.

Irina: Let me guess, you're about to ask me if I've ever met a rose haired bundle of energy named Summer Rose right?

They all looked at her surprised. That's when she rose her hand as earth rose from the ground beneath them. Erica was the most shocked out of the four.

Aero: You're the Summer Maiden...

Irina: Weather I wanted to be or not, yes.

Erica: B-But mom! If you really are the Maiden then-

Irina: Erica, can we talk alone right now?

Erica looked at Karma Aero and Azure before they all nodded walking out.

Irina: Erica, you know the condition I'm in. I can't walk, and I always lose energy very constantly after doing something. And your father overworked himself to find ways to pay the medical bills until he was at an early grave.

Erica: Mom there still might be a way you can live. M-My partner Ryu figured out how to regrow someone's limb by using aura and magic, so maybe-

She felt Irina's warm hand on her face as she smiled.

Irina: It's already too late for that sweetheart. I'm already approaching the end of my journey.

A tear fell down Erica's face as she heard that.

Irina: I've lived a life that was fulfilling, and filled with happiness, and I even achieved greatness. And best of all I even was lucky enough to have a daughter like you.


Ryu Keith and Neo were flying over the final Kingdom. The West seemed to be littered in destruction as people were on the ground.

Ryu: Yeah out of the Kingdoms we've been to this might be the worse.


Ryu: Yeah that was being generous.

He looked down at the castle.

Ryu: Weird. When I woke up that week I didn't expect something as crazy as this to happen.

They dropped onto the ground as they walked towards the castle stopping at the entrance.

Ryu: This is it guys. The last foe before we can get back to Remnant.

Neo: Yeah, it kinda feels... Is nostalgic the word?

Keith: Maybe full circle.

Ryu: Nah that's not it either. It's probably because we've spent so long here. I was still just becoming an actual adult when we got here. Now look at me. The three of us are friends, Neo can actually TALK and was actually a part of my past, Keith was actually Tyson the whole time, and now this.

Shojo: It all comes down to this battle.

Ryu: Welp, even if we don't make it back to Remnant at least I can say I saved the world.

Keith: Dude.

Neo: Don't make a pun like that again love.

Ryu: No promises. But hey, my new strength should be enough.

Keith: Dude you know exactly what you can do. If it weren't for immortality you could definitely kill Salem before she could even realize it happened.

Ryu smirked before walking forward with Keith and Neo following suit. He kicked down the door revealing the West Ruler.

Ryu: Man, and I thought the others were monsters. King Arsene.


Arsene: So you are the fools who have dared to disturb the hierarchy of Ares!!!

His voice echoed out as wind blew past them.

Neo: Oh no those were some other guys that were supposed to stand in front of you good sir.

Arsene: Mine will be the last face you ever lay eyes upon!!

Ryu: I doubt it.

Red and blue flames came off of his eyes as he grinned.

Ryu: The opposite's more likely though.


Azure Aero and Karma were waiting outside of the hospital room somewhat impatient.

Aero: I know it must've been a while since she's seen her mom but people are counting on us right now.

Karma: I know how you feel.

Azure: ...

Aero: Azure?

Azure: ... I'm going in.

He walked towards to door about to open it before it was opened by Erica.

Azure: Is everything ok?

He saw a fear tears had fallen from her face before she looked up with yellow flames coming off of her eyes.

Aero: Oh...

Karma: Erica, I'm... So sorry.

Erica: ...It's ok. Right now, my mother would want me to do what's right. Once this is all over, then I know that she can really Rest In Peace.

They saw the smiling body of Irina nodding.

Erica: Anyway, try and use the Relic.

Aero: O_O

Karma: O_O

Azure: Run that by me again?

Erica: Listen, you said Ryu saw into the future right? Maybe it has something to do with the Relic of Choice.

Azure immediately took the crown of his side tossing it to Aero.

Aero: What's the big idea?!

Azure: Yeah I'm not doing it. You have a better chance of surviving.

Aero: Care to explain why?

Azure: Uhhh, Vampire? Stronger regeneration?

Aero: But you have more aura!!

Karma snatched the crown from Aero's hands.

Karma: -_- You two are bitches.

She put it on and opened her eyes as time seemed to stop around them.

Karma: ... Is this supposed to happen?

Aero: Y-Yeah, this should be normal.

Right then they saw a blue genie appear above them as it seemed female while she floated down.

???: Greetings. I am Gnosis.


Azure: Huh, yeah that about sums up how the others described it.

Gnosis: So, I see the fox child has adorned the crown.

She flew over face to face with Karma.

Gnosis: What future do you wish to seek?

Karma thought to herself before something in the back of her mind.

Karma: Show me the future of my friends that are in Atlas right now.

Gnosis: Ahhh, surprising.

She let a blow of cool breath his Karma before her eyes glowed. She saw that Team RWBY Team JNPR and were fighting Cinder in a void with portals, and seemingly losing. Ruby was at the edge of the platform in the void before Cinder stepped on her foot making her fall while Winter came in flying. She jolted back to reality terrified.

Gnosis: I'd suggest you hurry. That was just a minute into the future.


Aero: Calm down, what did you see?!

Karma: Everyone is in some void and they're fighting Cinder losing!! There are portals everywhere and Winter was flying!!

Azure clenched his fist visibly angered.

Azure: Erica-

Erica: I know. All of you grab on.

They held onto each other as in an instant they were in the void Karma spoke of. They saw many people there as well with all of them being from Mantle.

Azure: The hell?

Nora: Guys?!!

They looked seeing Nora and Jaune.

Erica: What's going on here?!

Jaune: We can give a detailed explanation later! This is because of the Relic of creation, and we need to get the people through to portals to get to Vacuo!

Karma: Argh, I hate to say it, but I'll stay and help. As soon as we're done we'll come over to fight!

Azure: *Sigh* I'll stay to catch anyone that falls. Erica, Aero, go and kick some ass.

They both nodded before running in.


Cinder turned her head and was met by the MEANEST of left hooks by Aero.

Pyrrha: You're here!!

Yang: Good, cause we could use the break.

Cinder looked back angrily before noticing Erica had changed.

Cinder: You... You're different.

She walked forward as her eyes were set ablaze.

Erica: I'm angry.

Blake: They did it?

Cinder smiled wickedly as she flew fast over to Erica.

Cinder: Thanks for bringing the Summer Maidens powers and the Relic of Choice on a silver plater!!

Cinder tried stabbing her with a sword but Erica rose a knee blocking it as the blade shattered.

Erica: I'm REALLY, gonna enjoy dismantling you.

She finally threw a punch of her own grazing Cinder's cheek.

Erica: 'Shoot, I'm not used to this.'

She grabbed Cinder's hand making her drop the sword as she swung the Fall Maiden around and to Aero as she kicked Cinder into the air. Making use of her new power Erica jumped and flew after Cinder creating a blade of stone clashing with Cinder.

Cinder: You know you're just like that leader of yours. When you lose someone precious to you then you go into a rage when you see the cause of it.

Erica angered cut Cinder's blade in half before head butting her.

Erica: You shouldn't have the right to mention my partners name.

Cinder taking advantage of her anger landed a fiery punch of Erica that sent Erica back. Her hair covered her face for a moment before she brushed it back revealing she was fine.

Erica: If that's all you've got than I'm wondering if you really were the one to do him in.

She two began to fight in arial combat as Cinder seemed to have the slight edge.

Cinder: 'She must have recently acquired these powers. She's sloppy in the air.'

Cinder blinked as Erica was gone from her sight. She felt herself being kicked upside the head as she crashed to the ground in front of an angry Aero who's eyes glowed.

Aero: You're mine.

Cinder tried to fly back up but had her ankle grabbed as she got slammed into the ground viciously. Cinder scorched her hand out found that Aero wasn't bothered in the slightest as she began to punch her non stop. Eventually having enough Cinder yelled as flames blasted Aero back. A moment later she was shot in the back with cold air as Winter was there flying.

Aero: Wait, if Winter is... Than that just mean...

She looked around and saw the bleeding body of Penny which added even more to the flames of her rage, and in turn her power.

Cinder: 'Damn, if these two are here than that mean the Elemental one is too. It'll be hell trying to fight them all at once, so the only option is...'

Cinder caused an explosion of flames blinding everyone for a moment.

Erica: Argh, where the hell did you go coward?!

Ruby: AHH!!!

They saw that Cinder had Ruby in a chokehold with the Relic of choice in hand.

Winter: No!!

She tried to fly forward but stopped.

Cinder: Don't move.

Ruby struggled unable to break free but to no avail. Both Winter and Erica landed.

Erica: Let her go.

Cinder: If you insist.

Cinder grabbed Ruby by the neck with her Grimm Arm before dropping her over the void.

Yang: RUBY!!!

Yang furious got up and rushed towards Cinder. Everyone had attacked as Cinder dodged flying into the air.

Cinder: I'll be going now.

Before she could fly away Azure appeared flying in Blood Lightning Mode pissed. They were about to attack but felt an immense presence arrive. They all looked where Ruby had fallen seeing a glow rise. What they had seen made them question everything they knew.

Ryu flew there holding Ruby. She looked at him almost in disbelief before smiling.

Ruby: Ryu...

Ryu: Hey.


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