Enter the Hero

A/N: here's new RWBY story for you guys as you can guess it'll be RWBY crossover with Yugioh GX hope you guys enjoy and let's get on with the story. 

In the Emerald Forest 

A teenage boy wearing white hoodie with dark blue accents was walking through the forest when a loud primal growl could be heard catching the boys attention. A pack of 10 beowolves came running out of the trees and attacked the boy with their teeth and claws, the boy jumped over the pack and began to attack. He slashed at the beowolves at the back of the pack with a pitch black steel sword with a black and gold handle. After about a minute the Grimm were defeated but then the sound of trees crashing could be heard as a deathstalker came charging at the boy who dealt with the Grimm without too much difficulty.

At Beacon Academy 

The video stopped as a man in a green suit jacket and black shirt sat down in his chair and faced the two trainee teams in his office. "This is why I have called you here I would like for you two teams to find this boy and bring him to me". The man said. "Okay Professor we'll be back here with him in no time". A short black and red haired female said as she jumped up and down. 

In the Emerald Forrest 

"I think we're at the place in the video". Yang said as Teams RWBY and JNPR looked around for any sign of the boy in the video. Suddenly a loud primal roar was heard and the sounds of trees snapping and falling over, the two academy teams prepared their weapons as two alpha beowolves appeared and began to circle the group, as one alpha charged at the group a white light flashed passed the group and sliced one of the alpha's arms off. The two teams looked in awe as a boy in a white hoodie with dark blue accents appeared seemingly from out of nowhere. 

"You guys need to be careful around here". The boy said in a slightly deep voice but quickly added "Can you help me take these guys out we can talk afterwards". The teams nodded and the alpha beowolves were quickly taken care of. The boy turned to the group and removed his hood revealing a boy with handsome features, dark green eyes and auburn hair. Team RWBY and Pyrrha blushed at he sight of the boy. "So may I ask why you are here"? The boy asked snapping Team RWBY out of their daze. 

"Yes, well you see Professor Ozpin of Beacon Academy would like to speak to you". Ruby said as she turned away to try and stop herself from blushing again. The boy nodded and replied "Sure I'll come with you to Beacon". The two teams introduced themselves then walked to a bullhead to take them back to Beacon. 

On the Bullhead

The boy was sitting down on a bench looking at several different coloured gems almost as if he was inspecting them. Weiss looked over and was intrigued, she then got up and walked over to the boy. "Excuse me but could you please introduce yourself as we do not know your name"? Weiss asked in a formal manner as the boy looked up and smiled as he rubbed the back of his head. "Sure Princess must of slipped my mind, my name is Y/N L/N". Weiss blushed at Y/N nickname for her. "Hey Y/N what are those gem things for"? Yang asked as she joined Weiss in questioning Y/N. "Well Yang these are for my semblance, they fit into the slots on the handle of my sword". Y/N replied as he showed Yang the handle of his sword where the the gems fit into. 

Beacon Academy, Professor Ozpin's Office 

The elevator doors opened and out stepped Teams RWBY and JNPR with Y/N behind them looking around and taking his surroundings. "Ah Team RWBY and Team JNPR I see you have brought the young man I asked you to find". Professor Ozpin said, he turned to Y/N and said "Greetings young man I am Professor Ozpin may I ask your name and your semblance"? Ozpin asked Y/N who looked at him and said "My name is Y/N L/N and my semblance is called Spacial Fusion". Y/N finished slightly bowing to Ozpin as everyone looked at Y/N with confusion but Ozpin asked first "So if you don't mind me asking what is this Spacial Fusion because I've never heard of that semblance"? Y/N chuckled and replied "Well I can use specific gems and change my form giving me different abilities". Y/N finished as Ozpin looked at Y/N with intrigue and told Team RWBY to help Y/N find his dorm. 

The next day 

Y/N was walking to the cafeteria with Team RWBY after Professor Port's class. "Damn that class was kinda boring". Yang laughed where as Weiss huffed and replied "Well if you paid attention you would understand that he was giving us useful advice". Y/N shook his head and replied "Weiss his story involved him slaying two beowolves and seducing about half the female population in the village". Weiss sighed before answering "Well that one is the exception". 

Team RWBY and Y/N sat down in the cafeteria and began to eat their lunch and were soon joined by Team JNPR. The two teams and Y/N talked away until they were interrupted by loud scream, Y/N looked over to see a tall muscular boy pulling on a female rabbit faunus's ears. "Who's that bastard". Y/N seethed shocking everyone at just how angry he got. "That's Team CRDL they are the bullies of Beacon, they bully anyone that they think are weak as well as the faunus of the school". Jaune said in a sad tone. Y/N then got up and walked to where Team CRDL were standing and punched Cardin in the jaw knocking two of his teeth out. 

"Who the fuck do you think you are"?! Cardin yelled trying to intimidate Y/N but failed to do so. "My name is of no importance to you I suggest you leave the girl alone". Y/N said in a very serious tone and anger his eyes, his voice and the look in Y/N's eyes causing the other members of Team CRDL to look at Y/N with slight fear. Cardin then laughed and said "All faunus are freaks and for getting in the way of my business I'll make you pay in Goodwitch's class and the loser gets expelled from Beacon". "Fine by me". Y/N said and turned around and began to walk away but Cardin ran at Y/N and tried to sucker punch him but Y/N flipped him over his shoulder and walked towards the rabbit faunus.

"Hey are you okay"? Y/N asked with concern on his face and in his voice. The girl nodded and replied "Yes thank you, my name is Velvet what's your name"? "My name is Y/N nice to meet you Velvet, do you wanna come and eat with my friends"? Y/N asked as Velvet who nodded and the two walked over to the table where Y/N sat. "That was brave of you Y/N, but Cardin is really strong". Pyrrha said with concern on her face. "Yeah are you sure you can beat him, I don't want you getting expelled after only being here for one day". Ruby said with the same look as Pyrrha. Y/N smiled and replied "I'll be fine, I've got plenty of tricks up my sleeve". Everyone looked at Y/N with confusion and a little bit of curiosity. 

In Professor Goodwitch's Class

"And that is why you should properly take care of your weapon, next time we shall talk about different ways you can repair and enhance your weapons. But before we end today's lesson is there anyone who would like to have a match today"? Professor Goodwitch asked, Cardin's hand went up. "Mister Winchester and who would you like to fight". Cardin pointed to Y/N "Him with the condition that the loser has to be expelled from Beacon". Cardin said with a smug grin on his face as the whole class gasped and looked at Y/N. "Mister L/N do you accept the challenge and these terms"? Professor Goodwitch asked as Y/N nodded and stood up to get his weapon. 

In the arena 

Cardin stood in the middle of the arena with his large mace and his shoulder and chest armour waiting for Y/N. Y/N appeared wearing his white hoodie and white and blue jogging bottoms, Cardin laughed and said "You really think you can survive against me with no armour on". Cardin continued to laugh as did his team. "Yeah I do so are you going to stand or are going to do something". Y/N taunted causing Cardin to become angry. Cardin charged at Y/N and swung his mace down with all his might but Y/N easily dodged and slotted a bright white gem into his sword with what looked like an outline of a slime on it. 

In the stands 

"What is Y/N doing he hasn't attacked at all". Weiss said as she was concerned that Y/N would lose. "I dunno Weiss but he must have a plan". Yang said with the same amount of concern as Weiss. "I'm sure he does, he just slotted one of those gems into his sword. I wonder if we'll get to see his semblance". Ren added in his usual calm manner.

Back in the arena

Cardin was panting slightly were as Y/N was fine and looking at Cardin with a massive smile. "Well Cardin it seems you missed again, this has been fun but I think I'll end this now". Y/N said as a bright light enveloped him "Glow Fusion"! Y/N yelled as the light blinded everyone in the stands and Cardin. When the light faded Y/N stood but his body had completely changed. 

"Well let's have some fun before we end this shall we". Y/N said with a huge smile. 

A/N: that'll end chapter 1 of this new fan fiction I shall update sometime next week, but as for now I shall see you in the next chapter bye. 

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