Romans return

(What up its me The author, there is a change that's going to happen, I apologize to all those Black sunshine shippers((Blake and Sun)) but that won't happen Vector will be dating her, his creator finally decided on a character after I asked one question. Finally when you look at the image after looking at the song just replace Freiza ((fuq u spelling)) with Broly, and a special dragon ball guests will show up but I won't say who, and I got a surprise that will change the way Vexon fights forever. anyway onto the story. )
Vexon pov]
Vexon:"I think I went with the team that had it the easiest." I said aloud as me Ruby and Weiss made our way to the communication center in the middle of vale.
Weiss:"I didn't think you'd complain over something easy."
Vexon:"Weiss, where I grew up you got people who could level a city with a snap of there fingers, nothing's ever easy. So yeah I'm complaining."
Ruby:"How do people even get that strong?"
Vexon:"I have no idea all I know is some races are born with great power while others need to work for it. Anyway I think we're here." I look up at a very tall building that has com's center in big neon white letters sitting above the entrance. There were guards along the outside but they didn't seem to pay much attention. We headed inside and went straight for the elevator. Weiss pressed the button for the top floor and we slowly made our way up, in my opinion it was the most awkward silence ever till Ruby asked a question I wish she never did.
Ruby:"So since sayians are aliens and there not from this planet called earth then where are they from?" I stand there in silence for a second before finding the words I want to say to her.
Vexon:"That's... a subject for another time, a time when our teams are together. Now let's just get on with the mission."
Weiss:"You seem stressed, what's wrong."
Vexon:"Heh... You've met Broly and seen a portion of his power yet you ask what's wrong. I will say this if he decided to kill everyone and everything here, we would have a repeat of the sayian home world." Just as I finished the elevator doors opened and we walked into this large room that had a ton of computers, a lady walks over and greets Weiss and walks us over to a computer. Weiss was talking to some lady getting info on the next dust delivery while me and Ruby just chilled behind her before I sensed an energy that felt familiar but I couldn't figure out who then there was another, much weaker then the first but still rather strong. I quickly lower my ki to as low as it could to hide from the two new energies in case they were evil.
Ruby:"What's wrong?"
Vexon:"Hm? Oh it's nothing."
Ruby:"Your as good of a liar as Juane."
Vexon:"Well at least I'm not as dense as him." We both chuckle a little as Weiss finishes up and we make our way outside. " So now that that's done I should get going, Broly won't defeat himself."
Ruby:"Vexon." I turn around to find Ruby right in my face kissing me."Please be safe." I nod and hand them an old device I used before I learned how to sense energy.
Vexon:"Its set to only track mine, it should let you know if my energy gets to a point where I need help, but don't go to my location send my team instead. They've proven they can hold there own against him." With that I walk off.
Ruby pov]
Weiss:"I don't get it."
Ruby:"What do you not get Weiss?"
Weiss:"Why he feels like his team can help against Broly better then us and his team."
Ruby:"Weiss you heard how strong he is, if he wanted to he could destroy the entire world."
???:"Wait who can destroy the entire world?"  Me and Weiss turn to see a man with black oddly shaped hair wearing a orange karate gi with blue wristbands and boots.
Ruby:"Oh, uh nothing we were just talking about some movie we saw."
???:"Oh ok then. Have you seen a boy about my height with blue hair and a sword?" He described Vexon really well could this be his dad?
Ruby:"Um what's your name?"
Weiss:"And how do you know our friend?"
???:"Oh sorry I haven't introduced myself, my name is Goku and I'm your friends grandfather."
Weiss:"Prove it."
Goku:"He's a sayian like me, his full name is Vexon Andreas."
Ruby:"You hit that nail right on the head."
Weiss:"So what are you doing here?"
Goku:" I'm here to help him beat Broly, and bring him back to earth." My heart sank when he said those words, hearing that he would have to return to his home was the worst thing I could hear. " Well unless he doesn't want to go, but Trunks might drag him back."
Ruby:"Then I'll convince this Trunks guy to let Vexon stay!"
Weiss:"You seriously forgot who Trunks is!?" I just chuckle a bit and rub the back of my head.
Goku:"Trunks is Vexon's dad, but he's very understanding so he might let him stay if he's convinced he's liked here."
Ruby:" Oh trust me he is very liked here he's got his own team of friends and me and my team as well, along with team JNPR and other students at beacon."
Goku:" To me it sounds like he's really liked, but the decision is still his fathers."
Weiss:"So where is Trunks anyway?"
Goku:"He's on the other side of town looking for Vexon or Broly. I just realized I never got your names?"
Ruby:"My name is Ruby Rose Vexon's first friend here in remnant."
Weiss:"My name is Weiss Schnee, Heiress to the Schnee dust company, and Ruby and Vexon are more then friends at this point." My face turns bright  crimson as she says that but either Goku didn't hear her or he doesn't really care.
(Time skip to nightfall brought to you by Goku and Trunks watching Vexon fight Ash.)
Vexon pov]
At this point I was about to give up. I couldn't sense Broly's energy at all but I still sense those two familiar energies from before but I couldn't remember who they were. I was about to head back to beacon when I got a message from Ruby.
Ruby's message:"Help! Romans attacking and we could use some backup also Broly's here waiting for you." I quickly reply and put my scroll back in my pocket and fly over to the others as fast as I could I rose my ki as high as it would go and arrived to see a giant mech attacking the girls and my team. I was about to go help them when Broly kicked me into a support beam holding up the freeway above us.
Broly:"I would kill you now but my ally has a request for you."
Vexon:"I don't give a damn about your bosses requests." I push my self out of the support beam and get in my fighting stance." All I care about is my friends, my family, and taking your ass to hell even if it means I have to go with you!"
Broly:"Heh very well then." He charged at me but I pushed him back by going super sayian 2 and I started to attack him. I was landing hit after hit on him but it seemed to barely even leave a bruise, he ended up countering my attack and sent me flying almost sending Ruby into the mechs attack. He charged at me again and I was going to try and block it but a guy in a orange gi came and kicked Broly away. Then another came up in a leather jacket with jeans on and sliced at him with a sword, I quickly realized who they were.
Goku:"Come on you weren't this sloppy in training!"
Trunks:"Get your head in the game Vexon if we attack together we can win this!"
Ruby's pov]
Ruby:" Freezer burn!" Weiss froze the ground in front of roman in the mech and Yang used her shot gun gauntlets to make the ice explode.
Ruby:"Firy rose!" Me and Ash charged at him and started slicing at the mechs legs removing a little bit of metal. "Bumblebee!" Yang and Blake teamed up and Blake sent Yang flying at the mech punching it hard where the stomach would be sending it off balance.
Weiss:" Were barley even denting it!"
Crimson:"We need to up our attacks."
Vector:"We need to uncover where the limbs are linked to the chassis then we can tear it apart."
Ruby:"Right let's go!"
(Back to Vexon's battle.)
Vexon pov]
Vexon, Goku and Trunks:"Kamehameha!!!" We shot probably the strongest kamehameha in history at Broly but once the smoke cleared it seemed like it had no effect at all. I went super sayian two and went to attack Broly only to get slapped away. My dad went super sayian and kicked him in the back of the head while he was distracted but he just grabbed him and threw him at another beam. Goku went super sayian blue and kicked Broly away a good 30 feet before he recovered but it wasn't enough. Broly charged for Goku and vis versa and they were both at a standstill till I remembered an old technic that has gone unused for so long. Broly grabbed Goku's face then threw him at Trunks who was about to attack him. I charged up my ki and ran at Broly while he was still distracted.
Vexon:"Kioken x3!" I flew at Broly with speed matching Ruby's and sent Broly into the air with an uppercut, then I kicked him up higher. He recovered and was about to strike me when I appeared behind him and slammed him down towards the ground, I quickly flew after him and sped up his decent by flying into his back. I teleported to the side of where Broly would land then took out the sword and put every last bit of ki I had in it to end Broly hopefully once and for all. The sword ignited into its blue and purple flames but I knew this alone wouldn't work against him. I returned to my base form so the sword could have most of my ki what ever I had left I used to keep my kioken from knocking me down, Broly managed to recover quicker then I anticipated. "Kioken!!!" The sword also started to emit a red glow under the flames, if I missed this attack then who knows what would happen. I charged at Broly as fast as I could making sure he didn't have enough time to dodge. "This is the end of you!"I slashed at him 3 times in a row each one sending out a giant energy slash that hits him, I went for one last slice trying to end him, I got about 2 feet away from his face when he grabbed the sword and broke off a piece of it and stabbed me in the stomach with it.
Everyone but Roman and Broly:"Vexon!!" My mind kept playing images from my life but stopped when ever I saw Ruby, every time I saw her face I just couldn't imagine not being there for her. I gathered what energy I had left and forced my self to keep standing.
Broly:"So the trash is still willing to fight, then how about I get rid of your allies, starting with little red." Second he said that something snapped in my head and I felt my power skyrocket. Broly charged an attack and went to throw it at Ruby, I quickly appeared in front of her. I blocked the blast without even moving but the force pushed me back just a little bit.
Vexon:"No one hurts my Rose!!!" My ki was too way past where it went before and I could feel the power coursing through my veins. "Grrrrraaaaaaaaaaahh!!!" I felt myself become stronger to the point of being equal to Broly when he's at max strength.
Trunks:"He did it he actually did it!"
Goku:"Vexon, you just unlocked your god form!"
Weiss:"Wait, you guys can become gods?!"
Yang:"I wonder if he could teach me how to do something like that?"
Ash:"At this point I'll never beat him in a one on one match."
Crimson:"I shouldn't of underestimated him."
Blake:"One things for sure its that he keeps getting stronger then no one will be able to beat him."
Vector:" Agreed."
Vexon:"Broly your fights with me! Now that you tried hurting my girlfriend," I powered up even more"You won't be leaving here alive!" I flew at Broly with my sword in hand while I was still losing blood from Broly stabbing me with part of it. I kicked him in the face and flew next to him while slicing at him making large cuts all along his body. He pushed me away to try and get some space but teleported behind him and started slicing at his back I then smacked the bottom of the handle on the back of his head knocking him down for a short bit. I then punched him threw three pillars bringing down a section of the freeway."This is the end for you! Godly galick sword!" What remains of the sword bursts into purple flames while being surrounded by my red aura, lightning was flying from the sword to the ground in front of me.
Broly:"How, How are you this strong? I should be able to beat you easily!" I chuckle and start walking towards him.
Vexon:"Its cause you tried to kill Ruby, you messed with the wrong sayian's frie- No family." I stopped right in front of him the sword raised ready to end him. " I'll make sure hell eliminates your soul personally." I brought the sword down at Broly but a Grimm appeared out of nowhere and took the hit giving Broly enough time to escape.
Weiss:"He's getting away! Someone go after him!"
Vexon:"No. By the time we battle again he should be equal level to me, he's gone too far this time if anyone kills him before I do then they will suffer the consequences."
Vector:"Oh my god he's gone full hero."
Ruby:"Vexon I-Wow I didn't know you felt that way." I turn towards them and put the sword on my back.
Vexon:"I'm not loosing my family to someone like him, I'll do everything in my power to keep you all safe." I looked back towards the mech I guess that Roman was in shock cause he wasn't moving at all. I quickly shot a ki blast at him destroying the mech entirely.
Roman:"Hey, I just got that thing cleaned!" I charged at him ready to punch him into a pillar till a girl with pink and brown hair and eyes using an umbrella as a weapon blocked me. She pushed me back then grabbed Romans shoulder and winked at me. I shot a ki blast at them but they both shattered like glass, the sound of bullhead engines filled the night sky as Roman and the girl were flying away. I started to give chase but my wound made me lose to much blood and I passed out.
Ruby pov]
Ruby:"Vexon!"I quickly ran over to his side along with the others. Weiss checked for a pulse and luckily we were able to find one.
Trunks:"He's in critical condition but he should survive if he gets to an infirmary asap."
Ruby:"We need to get to beacon fast."
Weiss:"But Vexon was the only one that could teleport."
Goku:"Actually I taught him that technic so I can do it as well."
Trunks:"He's been able to do it for as long as I can remember."
Ruby:"Enough talking, let's go already!"
(Timeskip to the infirmary brought to you by chibi Vexon with Juane learning how to sword fight better from crimson.)
Everyone was sitting down in the infirmary, Vexon was hurt even more then from when he and Ash battled. He now had a scar from where Broly stabbed him and he needed life support due to his injuries. Me and Trunks were the closest to him the others were slightly farther away. As time went on that night one by one everyone left till it was just me and Trunks.
Ruby:"So I heard that you plan on bringing him back  to earth."
Trunks:"Yeah, but after what I saw and heard I think I'll let him stay."
Trunks:"Yeah he's really loved here I can tell, and in all honesty I'm kinda jealous of you guys."
Ruby:"Why are you jealous of us?"
Trunks:"Cause it took him almost a year to call me, Goku and Vegeta, my dad, family. Yet it's only been about a month and he's calling you guys family."
Ruby:"Well trust me when I say he truly is loved here."We sat in silence for a bit before I decided to start talking again."So. Um what happened to Vexon's mom?"
Trunks:"I don't know actually, I just met him one day when I was on a mission with my dad."
Ruby:"So then your not his real dad!?" He nods and I lean back in my chair. There is so much more to Vexon then what's on the surface. "Can you tell me as much as you can about his past?"
Trunks:"Sorry but that's something he'd have to say, I don't really remember his past."
( meanwhile in Vexon's head)
Vexon pov]
Me and Broly were clashing with everything we had. We ended up attacking at the same time and he sent a punch at me to end it, I blocked last second and we both flipped away.
Ruby:"You got this Vexon!"
Vexon:"Super Galick Gun!!" I sent the purple ki blast at Broly so fast he wasn't able to counter in time and was eliminated by the blast. Suddenly everything goes black and I find Ruby in front of the dragon balls I had made for this world with tears in her eyes. I go to hug her but instead faze through her.
Ruby:"I wish Vexon was alive!"
Shenron:"Your wish is granted."
I then materialize in front of her only to see Broly revived next to me, he forces me back with a ki blast then goes to kill Ruby but I manage to kick him away. Then the world goes black again but this time stays black.

(That's the end of this chapter hope you enjoyed this is becoming a little bit more of a crossover then planned but I'll figure something out anyway in the next chapter the past shall be revealed... or will it? Anyway till next time me amigos. Stay badass.)

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