Red and blue

(A/n... Ok so I haven't seen the first volume of rwby in almost a month but I remember it pretty well after halfway with the first fight against Roman torchwick. So here goes nothing I guess)
Ruby's pov]
I had just got done beating up some of Torch-whatever's men and climbed up to the building he was on only to see him get picked up by a bullhead. ( I know this isn't in the show but I want to use the line cause it makes sense to)
Roman:"Its over lil red I have the high ground." He quickly sets up the sight at the end of his cane and fires I wait for it to connect but it never does instead it just disappears for no reason. I look over to my right and see a blonde haired women with glasses, a white shirt and a black skirt( was it a skirt idk but whatever) at first I was a little confused at what happened till I saw her battling someone on the ship I quickly grab my scythe crescent rose and put the tip of the blade into the roof of the building and fire at the ship. The person melts all the bullets and turns them into a large dagger and sends it towards us I suddenly feel someone push me to the side and we dodge the large shard I look up and see the bullhead pull away but also what looks like a shooting Star heading in my direction. I close my eyes and make a wish, I hear a loud crash coming from my left and see the building right next to me leveled with a large crater where it lied. I use my semblance to quickly get down there and investigate. When I get down I see what looks like a boy about my age with blue hair with a sword and sheath on his back, He's wearing a blue torn up blazer with a white tank top under neath, he has a black pair of jeans on with black and white shoes along with these white bands around his wrists. I crouch next to him and give him a light poke to see if i could get any reaction sadly I get none. I then check him for a pulse to see if he was even alive and surprisingly I find one, then being the weapon geek I am I reach for the sword and the second I grab the hilt the boys hand shoots up and grabs my wrist.
???:" I wouldn't do that if I where you." I fall back a little bit and see the boy roll himself onto his back. I look at him examining his face cause it has all these bruises and a recent gash over his right eye going towards his ear.
???:" I have no idea what happened but with the feeling of blood on my face it must have been awesome. Hehe-hehehe, ow." He mumbled most of that but from where I was sitting I could hear it all and I chuckled a bit as well getting his attention. He opens his eyes long enough to get a good look at them before closing them cause of the blood in his eyes.
Ruby:" Oh here let me help." I say as I take part of my sleeve and reach to wipe the blood off his face.
???:"Don't worry I got it." He says as he sits up and grabs the sword out of its sheath. He holds the blade near his face as he just looks like he's concentrating on something on it. I then see some dirt rise up along with some stones then look back at the boy and see he's enveloped by a light blue aura.
???:"You might want to take a couple steps back cause this is going to get hot." He says while using his other hand to point at his sword. I take a few steps back just before the sword ignites into blue and purple flames. I block the heat from it using my hands but it just felt like my hands were on fire. Suddenly the flames disappear and I see him scrape off the dry blood on his face with the tip of the sword.
Ruby:" That was awesome how did you do that!?" I asked all excited he looked at me once he was done and stood up.
???:"Well all I did was focus my ki into it and it happened." He said. I raised an eyebrow and tilted my head a little bit.
Ruby:"What's ki do you mean an aura?"I ask him he just looks at me and nods no.
???:"Well unless an aura also means energy then it's a confirmed no." He says, he looks around as he puts the sword back and touches the scar over his right eye. "So um where am I and who are you?" He asks.
Ruby:" This is vale one of the four kingdoms of remanent, and my name is Ruby Rose."
Vexon:" Nice to meet you my names Vexon, Vexon Andreas." I see him get lifted up into the sky and a soon follow. I turn around and see the huntress from before holding us up with her hand.
Huntress:"Your both in big trouble."She said sending us a stern look.
Vexon:"Hey what did I do!?" Vexon yelled a little bit which made me chuckle.
(Time skip brought to you by Yang and Vexon arm wrestling)
Vexon pov]
So after meeting Ruby and this Blonde lady we go to some building with some guy with silver-ish hair.
Silver hair dude:"Greetings my name is professor Ozpin"He said as he sat down in a chair "and this is Miss Glynda Goodwhich." He gets right in Ruby's face looking directly into her eyes as she slowly backs away then he looks at me not as close as he was with Ruby.
Vexon:" Is there a problem sir?" I ask when I do he sits back on his side of the table and starts to talk again but this time about how Ruby's eyes were silver and the fact that she had great power blah blah blah....
Vexon:" Hold up did you say something about Ruby having a ton of power hidden inside her!?" Orpington just stares at me as Ruby jumps a bit at how I just randomly showed interest, Glynda raised her riding crop and was about to hit my head with it till I grabbed it with 2 fingers.
Vexon:"You do know that's not a nice thing to do right?."I say as I slowly turn to her and see her look of pure shock. "Any way Ozpin could you go deeper into telling about the silver eyed warriors like how much power they poses." I said as a turned back towards him and let go of the riding crop.
Ozpin:"Sadly no one knows the full extent of the silver eyes power so no, but why is it that you showed more interest then before when we got on the subject related to combat?" He asked me I looked to my left and Ruby looked like she wanted to know as well.
Vexon:" Ok I'll tell you this, I am not human I am an alien from another dimension or something like that but I'm a good guy not a bad guy. Anyway I am part of a race of warriors called the sayians and anything combat related we show immediate interest in."
Ozpin:"I knew something was off when I looked at you but I will get more into detail on that another time. For now I would like you two to join my academy to hone your skills."He says I look to Ruby and see her mouth has pretty much hit the floor.
Ruby:"You mean Beacon academy?! I've always wanted to go there!"
Vexon:" Um whats so exciting about a school?." I say and Ruby sends me a death glare.
Ruby:"Only the best school ever! It's the place where warriors become hunters and huntresses." I shoot up  out of my seat and throw my fist into the air.
Vexon:"You had me at warrior now where can I sign up!" I say now excited for some reason probably from all that monster energy I drank before going on that mission.
???:"Vexon can you hear me."I freak out a little bit at the voice in my head till I remember who it is.
Vexon:"Oh hi king kai wait how are you able to contact me?"I ask and king Kia just makes the idk noise her normally does then I hear another voice of in the background.
Goku:"Hey king Kia who you talking to?"
Vexon:"Oh geez here comes crazy grandpa Goku."
Goku:"Hey who you calling grandpa I'm only 39." ( I guessed on his age cause why not)
Vexon:"Hey king kai do you have something that can let me see you and you see me next time we talk so I don't look like a crazy person like I am right now." I say as I turn and see Ruby , Glynda and Ozpin looking at me weirded out.
King Kai: "Actually yeah just hold out your arms."  I do as he says and a giant coms device lands in my hands, I put it on the table and turn it on to see king kai and Goku.
Kai:" Listen I called to tell you that Broly is most likely there in that world." All the gears in my head seize up and I start to get goosebumps just thinking about meeting Broly here and having to fight him alone.
Vexon:" Can't you send someone to help me out?"
Kai:"Sorry but we can only send you inn animate objects otherwise it doesn't work." I sit down in the chair behind me and rub my aching temples."
Vexon:"Shit. Then I guess I'm screwed. We'll talk later Kai I need time to process this info."
King Kai nods and Goku waves before the connection is lost.
Ruby:"so who's Broly?" I look at her with a look of terror.
Vexon:"Someone you should never meet."

(Me: Guess what you got a cliffhanger but it just goes to the next chapter where there getting on the bullheads and that shit anyway I decided to do the cliffhanger cause I noticed the dbz and dbs ( dragon ball z and dragon ball super) are infamous for there cliffhangers so I wanted to do it anyway hope you enjoyed and don't worry about the aot story it will update eventually but the thing is I'm just doing a filler chapter so your not missing anything. Anyway have a good day/ night or whatever. Until next time my amigos. * goes super sayian 3* ok yang get over here let's see who's hair is longer now you little cocky fuck. * dodges a chair thrown at face* I'm kidding I'm kidding geez take a chill pill.

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