(I might not update this for awhile, My sickness is rising and I got super pain but don't worry I will keep updating the second I get better. Any to the story, Tallyho!!!)
Vexon's pov]
Vexon:" So how long has this argument been going on for?"
Ruby:"About two hours, wait don't tell me spaced out on the way here!"
Vexon:"Ok I won't." I say to Ruby as I smile at her she punches me in the arm with a pair of brass knuckles." Where the hell did you get those?!"
Ruby:"Yang bought them for me since a normal punch won't work." I rub my arm and she puts her arm around me."But it still hurt me when I punched you." I chuckle a bit before focusing on the argument getting more annoyed then when I was being ignored.
Weiss:" I'm a victim!"
Blake:" How are you a victim!?"
Weiss:"The white fang have had a target on my grandfathers factory for years, and were at war with him.War as in actual bloodshed. I witnessed family killed, friends and board members executed. Even dust mines blown up, entire dust shipments stolen and everyday my father would come home angry and that made for a very ruff childhood." Everyone just stared over taken with sadness.
Ruby:"Weiss I..."
Weiss:" No, you want to know why I don't particularly like Faunus, why I despise the white fang, it's cause they are a bunch of phsycopaths who kill!"
Blake:" Well maybe WE were tired of being pushed around!" Everyone freezes as she realized what she said.
Vexon:"Whoa." She quickly runs out the door and disappears. Vector steps outside the door to see if he can see her but to no avail.
Vector:"Nice one she ran off!"
Vexon:"You should have left it alone Weiss when someone says stop you stop."
Weiss:"Shut up Vexon, I was right and you know it." I start to walk up to her but Ruby grabbed my arm and is holding me back.
Ruby:" Vexon don't she just didn't know what would happen when she said." I look back at Ruby and sigh as I realize she's right.
Vexon:"Grr, fine but tomorrow I don't want to hear any bullshit from you Weiss. We'll go find her but for now I think she needs some space." I turn around and head for the door after giving a hug to Ruby." Oh and Weiss your not the only one who lost a family member but at least they don't come back and die 80 more times." With that I head back to my dorm and get into my sleeping clothes and fall asleep thinking of what's to come tomorrow.
(Time skip brought to you by Vexon slapping Weiss a couple of times)
Today was the day we went looking for Blake but nothing, it went on like that for almost a week, somehow she managed to hide her energy which made it even harder to find her.
Ruby and everyone but Weiss:"BLAKE... BLAKE... BLAKE WHERE ARE YOU!!
Ruby:"Weiss your not helping."
Weiss:"Want to know who could help, the police."
Yang:" No."
Weiss:"What its an idea."
Ash:" Yeah a very bad one at that." We continue trying to find her but with no luck.
Vexon:"Let's split up, cover more ground, Weiss you and Yang ask around the stores maybe that will work, Vector, Ash, and Crimson check in any dark place and the north side of the city, me and Ruby will go to the rooftops and get a better view." We nod and are about to split up when Penny appears behind me.
Penny:"Salutations friends."
Vexon:"Holy shit!! Never do that again!"
Penny:"So what are you doing?"
Ruby:"Were looking for Blake."
Penny:"You mean the Faunus?"
Vexon:"How in the hell did you know she was a Faunus?"
Penny:"Um the ears."
Vexon:"What ea... Oh that makes sense."
Ruby:"She always did have her bow on and she loves tuna."
Vexon:" K then Penny, you, me and Ruby will go up high and try to find her." I turn to where the others were and see there gone."Huh guess there doing as I said." A few hours have passed and no luck Penny keeps asking all these questions one of them asking if Blake was a man. I couldn't help but laugh when she said this earning a kick to the groin from Ruby, I immediately dropped to the ground in pain.
Ruby:" I found your weakness!" She says as though she just won a million zeni.
We keep searching for awhile, then we hear an explosion from the docks.
Vexon:" Let's go!" I fly towards the explosion as fast as I could with Ruby right behind me, but somehow Penny still gets there first. I need to find out if she can teleport or some shit but that can wait. We look towards the explosion and Ruby manages to see Blake and the monkey Faunus battling some soldiers who I guess are the white fang.
Ruby:"Its that Torchwick guy from when I met Vexon!" She points to a man with a black fedora with a cane, shooting explosive rounds at Blake.
Vexon:"Let's go!"I jump down and run towards Blake while Torchwick was shooting at her, I manage to get Blakes energy signature and appear right in front of her deflecting the shot with my bare hands.
Torchwick:" Who in the hell are you?!"
Vexon:"I'm the one that's going to beat the shit out of you." I say as I start walking closer to him, he shoots at me but when it hits it doesn't even leave a scratch.
Torchwick:"Who the hell are you!?" I could sense the panic in his voice with every word he said.
Vexon:"I guess I could tell you, the names Vexon Andreas."
Torchwick:"Oh so your that kid my ally wants to fight so much, well in that case..." I realize who he's talking about and raise my ki as high as it could go."Oh Broly!Your rival has arrived." For a minute there was pure silence then I feel the ki of him behind me as he flies through the wear house nearby.
Vexon:"Everyone quickly get out of here before you all die!" I charge at Broly and as he's about to hit me I appear behind him and kick him into the sky. I quickly charge an attack I haven't used before but heard it has a lot of power. "Final!!!" Two yellow spheres of ki appear in both my hands before I put them in front of me, my fingers out towards the city and the ocean nearby."Flash!!!" The ki turns into a giant beam and hits Broly head on, I still feel his ki so I kept attacking him, but he was too strong and managed to get to me through the attack and punched me into the ground. The smoke cleared and my body was broken but I didn't care, Broly then stood over me with his signature green ball of ki.
Broly:"Say good bye."
???:"Not if we have something to say about it!" Broly goes to kill me but something stops him and manages to push him back.
Ash:"Your not killing our leader, not without a fight. Crimson, Vector let's Break him!" My teams in front of me and begins to attack Broly I move my hand to my pocket and managed to dig out a sensu bean, meanwhile Ash, Vector, and Crimson manage to push him back quiet a bit but then he uses one of his attacks and almost kills Vector of Crimson hadn't stepped in front of him. I ate the sensu bean and jumped out of the crater, Ash was about to be hit by Broly till I had managed to kick him away.
Vexon:"Ash remember our fight?"
Ash:"Yeah what about it?"
Vexon:"The attacks let's use them against him, we might just be able to beat him that way!" Ash nods and we both prepare to use our biggest attack. Vector and Crimson are kicked and Broly focuses on me and Ash. "Now!"
Ash:" Apocalypse nova!"
Vexon;"Dragon fist!"
I fly ahead of Ash and hit Broly first getting him off balance, Ash then attacks and manages to almost cut off one of Broly's arms.
Broly:"You win this battle, but you will never win the war." With that he disappeared and the sound of Bullheads trying to escape fills the air, Penny gets a bunch of swords from her backpack and uses them to bring down some bullheads, She even uses the swords to shoot a laser.
(Time skip to when Weiss says she doesn't care that Blake was in the white fang)
Vexon:"That was one hell of a fight."
Ash:"Yeah. So what's with that guy, the one who tried to kill you?"
Vexon:" His name is Broly, he's a sayian like me but he's pure evil, he's trying to kill me so that he can destroy this world."
Crimson:"Whoa that's deep." I finish talking with my team then head over to Ruby, her back is turned so I decide to scare her a little bit. I get right behind her and grab her arms.
Vexon:" Boo!"
Ruby:" Really Vexon." Apparently she knew this was coming and was ready.
Vexon:" Aw how did you know I would do that?"
Ruby:" I just know you." I let her go and she turns around almost in tears.
Vexon:"R-Ruby what's wrong?"
Ruby:" You almost died in that fight, I don't-"She starts crying even more." I don't know what I would do if you died!" I realize the situation I put her in and hug her close, it's a little bit before Ruby hugs me back crying into my chest.
Vexon:" Ruby I'm sorry I put you through that, if there's any way at all that I could make it up to you just let me know." Ruby brightens up a little bit but tears are still rolling down her cheek I wipe them away as Ruby keeps thinking about how I could make it up to her.
Ruby:" A box of cookies would be nice."
Vexon:"K, oh and Ruby."
Ruby:"Hm what is it?" I pull her close and kiss her lips, she was shocked at first but melted into it, we were like that for awhile before the need for air forced us apart. We look into each other's eyes with a slight blush before calling it a day and heading back, but one thing has me worried. If Broly is smart enough to team up with someone then why Torchwick.
(Anyway that's this chapter I hope you all liked it so far next up will be the start of volume two and I have to dig into my memory to remember the first episode but after that I will remember it. I probably should have put this at the beginning but now Crimson won't date Coco, Omega made another oc who shall be on cinders team, her name is Titania Silvers (( sorry if I butchered or fucked up the name)) anyway I won't say anymore now until next time me amigos.)
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