Opening History of Imperium

As the team RWBY were seated on the floor as they going to listen to his story.

Silver: Now before we start, let me invite someone~ (Snap finger)

Suddenly out of nowhere Team JNPR showed up and landed as they were wearing pajamas

Jaune: Ouch...(groan)

Ruby: Jaune! 

Phyraa: Hello (laugh nervously)

Silver: well hello Team JNPR, I hope you all don't-

Nora: ahhhh!! a ghost!

Silver: (sigh) Zipped or you will get a pancake.

Nora suddenly shut up as he promised he cast something unexpected as an unknown portal dropped a dish full of pancakes.

Nora: (whisper) Thank you..

Silver: You welcome now back to the show~ (smirk)

Both Team RWBY and JNPR sat down as the Hologram started playing

The holograms begin to play revealing several humans praying, slowly The hologram ascends upwards "It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries, the emperor of mankind has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth" It reveals a large skeleton menacing and rotting on his throne

RWBY and JNPR were taken aback by the Corpse emperor

Weiss: (horror in her eyes) W-who or What is that? 

Silver: That is the uniter of mankind, he is our father, our savior against the miasma of chaos, He is the Lord of Terra, and he... Is the God Emperor of mankind.

Silver Announces the titles of the emperor with great power

Yang was horrified You worship that thing? He's dead!!" She cried out

Silver: Wrong!! The emperor Lives he is wounded and has been in stasis for ten millennia... He breathes with every moment of pain and agony, he sees humanity with his Angels and with his prophets. (zealotry) Now hush... There's still more.

"He is the Master of Mankind by the Will of the gods and Master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies." The scene changes to the emperor his body completely mummified and tubes jutting out of his back "he is a rotting carcass, writhing invisibly with power from the dark age of Technology."

Blake: Dark age of technology?

Silver: Ah yes... In the Dark Age of Technology or the age of technology, during the 25th millennium humanity has made great improvements in space travel, colonizing many worlds and making allies with Xenos...Sadly the Imperium has lost almost all knowledge of that time, their remnants of it... But we would call them artifacts.

Ren: What happened?

Silver:(grimly) The Warp... The Warp happened...

Jaune took note of this

"He is the Carrion Lord of the vast of man, for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day so that he may never truly... Die."

Silver: What?! You would kill people just so he can live?! That's... That's inhumane!!

Silver: (burst laughed) Says the heiress of whose company treating Faunus inhumanely as well?

This causes Weiss and Blake to wince as Silver Continues. 

Silver: Besides these people are untrained Psykers they Are dangerous... sure some live to become the Inquisition agents or just plain old Psykers... But if not..." Apollo stops and then continues the hologram

"Yet even in his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance." The emperor fades revealing many ships opening fire to the unknown enemy 

"Mighty Battlefleets cross the Daemon-infested miasma of the Warp, the only route between distant stars."

Jaune: And what is the Warp?

Silver: (sigh)The Warp or to Psykers refer it, The Immaterium. Homeplace of Daemons, Traitor legions, and the chaos gods... But those things will be questioned later.

The group took note of this information.

Pyrrha: Why would they still venture through the Warp when it is so dangerous?

Silver: Well, it is a form of faster-than-light speed travel... They call it Warp-drive It's safe so long as the Astronomican stands and a functional Geller field

Pyrrha: And if it isn't?

Silver: (small chuckle) Then do be ready for some... Side Effects and Daemons.

"Their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor's will." The scene changes once again to the hundreds maybe billions of imperial guards marching through a city waving their banners of Cadia, Kriegs, Vostroyans, etc., 

"Steel Legion Regiment"

"Death Korps of Krieg"

"Vast armies give battle in his name on uncounted worlds."

The group looked on with fear of how large the army was Silver, smiles

"This is the united force of Man... No army was ever raised at this magnitude, no other kingdom or empire has seen the glory of the Imperium of Man... Ten thousand men and women fighting for the survival of their species and the Emperor"

Weiss (mind): (scared) Not even Atlas can raise an army that large not even with machines.

Blake momentarily shakes her head at the info then looks back at the hologram 

Blake: They seem simple enough... I doubt an army that large can handle Daemons

Silver: Oh, that isn't all... This but the frosting, the cherry is yet to be placed 

This causes Blake's surprise

The scene changes to the Black Templars Fighting, their Armour carrying skulls "Greatest among his soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, The Space Marines. Bioengineered super soldiers."

The group once again looked on with Fear but In awe of how large and powerful they are

Ruby looks closely at their pouldron seeing a black cross of the Templars

Silver: This is the Legion Adeptus Astartes or a chapter of them.

Yang: Chapter? Like a single paper?

Silver: No no, on the Contrary... A chapter contains ten Thousand space Marines each having ten companies led by one chapter master, who is the leader of that chapter.

The group nodded at this

Silver: Also my favorite is the Dark Angels chapter.

Ren: Why?

Silver: Because they are the first chapter and first Legion of Astartes (smirk)

"Their comrades-in-arms are legion:" The scene changes once again to Cadian shock troopers and a space marine fighting against the Tyranids.

"The Imperial Guard, and countless planetary defense forces," the hologram shows the Inquisition "The ever-vigilant Inquisition." The hologram the tech-priest tinkering with old artifacts "and the tech-priests of the Adeptus mechanics, to name only a few."

The group looked at Silver as they were confused about the last one.

Silver: (sigh) The Adeptus mechanics are basically engineers of the imperium, they collect vast quantities of the dark age of technology and worship it.

The group makes an 'O' sounds

The hologram slowly turns black, "But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat to humanity: The aliens" A creature appears with six claws pale skin, and, ember eyes

The group except Nora looks at it with disgust

Weiss: (scared) Is... Is that-

Silver: A bug? Yes... A swarm-like bug called Tyranids.

"The heretics" a large warrior who appears similar to the space Marines but covered in red and many skulls attached to his arm, he carries a blooded chain-axe


Silver: Traitor legions... This one is known as Khorne warriors.

"And the mutant" A mutant appears, his chin stretches downwards to his waist, and his eyes are none nonexistent he has three arms jutting out from his neck, and stomach, and his chest opened out ribs and parts of the organ

Yang quickly Covered Ruby's eyes as this image was far more disturbing to Ruby trying to remove Yang's hand, Jaune on the other hand was vomiting upon seeing the Thing

"And far, far worse," the scene shows a legion of Daemons waiting, and behind those legions are four large beings

Blake: What are the four things behind those Daemons?

Silver: Those four are the chaos gods... I'll talk about them later.

"To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold Billions." The scene changes to people of a hive world evacuating as Traitor legions charge Towards them "It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of such times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be relearned"

Ren: How much has this Imperium forgotten?

Silver: (looked down) Too many...

"Forget the promise of progress and understanding." The scene fades back to the emperor slowly fading black "For, in the grim, dark future, there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of Thirsting Gods."

The hologram ends as the group looks towards the box

Silver: So... What do you think?

Jaune: Well... It doesn't sound hopeful... Or cheery

Weiss, Nora, and Ruby agreed to Jaune's statement.

Blake: it has... I don't know... Something sinister... And so much hidden lore

Silver: Well that's what is called a war without endless so yeah...and I do still have more video to show all of you more about the previous war.


Salem's council

Salem looked at the box as the hologram ended 

Salem: Interesting...

Watts: (nodded) Indeed... This box has shown us another world...

He was interested in this 'Adeptus Astartes' and how to create them maybe with... A few adjustments.

Hazel grunts at this he was silent for a time he wasn't interested in this universe

Trrian: Well... I think I found a place I can call home...what do you think my lady? Should we mold creatures such as this?

Salem: (shakes head) no... Not yet... We must learn more...

She smiles and thinks of one of these creatures tearing Ozpin again, and again and again, she laughs silently within her mind

Silver (mind): (look at her) Oh you have no idea that punny immortal old man is stupid.


Ozpin's council

Ironwood looked at the box as he didn't whilst watching, he was too busy thinking

Ironwood: What is on your mind, James?

Ironwood: This Imperium... They seem to be governed by a corpse... Or if there is a council either way... They are foolish.

Qrow: Didn't you hear the hologram narrator or something? That imperium could take us out, with the Grimm.

Ironwood glared at Qrow making a big argument

Ozpin sips coffee on his mug, he thought of how much time he tried to stop Salem from uniting mankind.

Ozpin (mind): Is that what I should have done? Unite mankind and the Faunus into an imperium?' he thought then shook his head 'Maybe... But that option is now long gone...

With advanced technology and how deeply the kingdoms distrust one another, he sighed and then looked toward the box.


Cinders dorm

Cinder was fascinated with the world she looked toward her underlings than toward the box

Mercury: Well... That happened

To him the world wasn't interesting sure there were awesome giant humans with awesome vibes to them but no action happened

Cinder: Indeed...Emerald do start the next hologram will you.

Emerald looked at the box, horrified at what she saw, aliens, Daemons, and more... She gulped then replied.

Emerald: Yes, cinder. (nodded)


On the next chapter Reaction The SODAZ collection Part 1

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