Part 5

The first semester at Beacon had come and gone, and the next one was about to begin, but for now, team NIKL was helping Isaac out of his lemon addiction.

Leon holds up a lemon bar, which Isaac tires to grab, and Nina slaps him.

Nina: No, no.

Leon holds up the lemon bar again, Isaac moves to grab it again but stops.

Kayla: Good job Isaac, you're getting there.

A pear suddenly strikes Nina in the back of the head, causing her to pick up and throw some mashed potatoes, which causes the cafeteria to burst into pure chaos. Somehow team JNPR built a large fort out of tables, and team RWBY wasn't having any of it.


Both team RWBY and team NIKL prepared themselves for the coming battle as team JNPR started off with a watermelon barrage. Yang retrieves a pair of turkeys and punches them out, Blake then follows up with a pair of baguettes. Isaac joins with two more baguettes attached to his blade staff, Nina has a long chain of sausages, Kayla is trying to shield herself, and Leon is sitting at a table doing nothing.

Isaac: How are they constantly missing you?!

Leon: Um, they have bad aim?

Leon grabs a turkey leg and takes a bite, but is clearly disgusted, Isaac suddenly slows down as Leon deflects a pie and accidentally hits Isaac.

Leon: Oops, sorry Coonie.

The pan falls off Isaac's face as he licks his lips.

Isaac: Raspberry.

The fight drags on for a good long while, but it became clear to teams RWBY and NIKL that theirs was a losing fight when Nora launched Yang out of the cafeteria. Team NIKL takes cover behind a stray table as Leon devises a plan to defeat team JNPR.

Leon: I got it!

He pulls out the lemon bar.

Isaac: Oh no, I'm not falling for that.

Leon: You sure?

Leon holds the lemon bar in front of Isaac's face as Isaac's mouth starts to water.

Leon: Yeah, you see it, you see it Coonie?

Leon throws it at team JNPR.

Leon: Go get it!

Isaac leaps out from behind the table and chases the lemon bar, which lands on jaune's face.

Isaac: Givme!!

Leon: NOW!

The rest of team NIKL concentrates their attack, only to be stuck to the wall by a bombardment of soda cans, Isaac on the other hand was spared as he sat down and happily ate the lemon bar.

Kayla: Well that went well!

Nina: Ah shut up!

But the whole predicament was cut short by an angry Glynda Goodwitch bursting through the doors, she then resets the whole cafeteria with her semblance.

Glynda: Children please, don't play with your food.

Yang suddenly crashes through the ceiling as Ozpin arrives, everyone decided to bail before they got any punishment ideas. The day went smooth from there, but the next day everyone was baffled to see a fleet of ships from Atlas had arrived. But for now, team NIKL was in the library watching team RWBY play some game.

Ruby: Yang Xiao Long, prepare your kingdom for battle!

Yang: Bring it on!

Ruby: I deploy, the Atlesian air fleet!

Yang gasps.

Ruby: Looks like I get to fly right over your ursai and attack your walls directly!

Ruby makes airplane noises while Yang gasps again.

Yang: You fiend!

Ruby: And since Atlas is part of Mantle, my repair time only lasts one turn!

Yang chuckles.

Yang: Pretty sneaky sis, but you just activated my trap card!

Ruby squeals.

Yang: Giant Nevermore!

Yang slams the table.

Yang: If I roll a seven or higher, fatal feathers will slice your fleet in two.

Ruby: But if you roll a six or lower, the Nevermore will turn on your own forces.

Yang: That's just a chance I'm willing to take.

Team NIKL watches as Ruby grieves over her loss.

Isaac: Uh, what just happened?

Kayla: I have no idea.

Leon: Ruby just lost that's what happened.

Yang: Well Weiss, it's your turn.

Weiss: I have... Absolutely no idea what's going on.

Isaac: Join the club "dusty".

Yang: Look, it's easy, you're playing as Vacuo, which means all Vacuo-based cards come with a bonus!

Weiss: That sounds dumb.

Yang: See you got sandstorm, desert scavenge. Oh oh, resourceful raider! See now you get to take Ruby's discarded air fleet.

Ruby: Noooooo.

Yang: And put it in your hand!

Weiss: Okay?

Yang: And since Vacuo warriors have an endurance boost against natural hazards, you could use sandstorm to disable my ground forces and simultaneously infiltrate my kingdom! Just know that I will not forget this declaration of war.

Weiss: And that means?

Ruby: You're just three moves away from conquering Remnant!

Weiss catches on and lets out an evil laugh.

Weiss: Yes! Fear the almighty power of my forces! Cower as they pillage your homes and weep as they take your children from your very arms--

Yang: Trap card.

Weiss: Huh?

Yang rearranges the board.

Yang: Your armies have been destroyed.

Weiss: I hate this game of emotion we play!

Ruby: Stay strong Weiss, we'll make it through this together!

Weiss: Shut up don't touch me!

Yang: Alright Blake you're up.

Blake: Huh? Oh umm... Sorry what am I doing?

Yang: You're playing as Vale, trying to conquer the kingdoms of Remnant.

Blake: Right...

Jaune: Hey, can I play?

Ruby: Sorry Jaune, we already got four people.

Weiss: besides, this game requires a certain level of tactical cunning that I seriously doubt you posses.

Yang: Uh... You attacked your own naval fleet two turns ago.

Weiss scoffs at this.

Jaune: Bring it on ice queen! I'll have you know that I've been told that I'm a natural, born leader!

Yang: By who, your mother?

Jaune: And Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Hello again.

Jaune: Come on, let me play your hand for a turn.

Weiss: I'm not trusting you with the good citizens of Vacuo!

Jaune: Why not?! You've trusted me with way more important stuff before, I mean you told us all that Blake was secretly a fau-.

Pyrrha runs up and covers his mouth.

Pyrrha: Fun-loving person whom we all admire and respect!

Jaune chuckles as Blake and Isaac stare at him discontentedly.

Jaune: Right... that. Ladies, enjoy your battle.

Sun: Sup losers?

Ruby: Hey Sun.

Sun: Ruby, Yang, Blake, Ice queen...

Ice queen: Why does everyone keep calling me that?!

Sun: I never got a chance to formally introduce you to my old friend.

???: Uh... aren't libraries for reading?

Ren: Thank you!

Nora: Pancakes!

Leon: Pineapples!

Sun: Shut up. Don't be a nerd.

Neptune: Intellectual, okay, thank you I'm Neptune.

Weiss: So Neptune, where are you from?

Neptune: Haven... And I don't believe I've caught your name, snow angel.

Weiss: Umm, I'm Weiss.

Jaune: Are you kidding me?!

Neptune: Pleasure to meet you.

Sun: I never took you as the board game playing type.

Blake: Right... Well I think I'm done playing actually, I'll see you guys later.

Blake stands up and leaves, there was then a long silence.

Nora: Women.

Isaac: Yeah, heh heh.

Kayla: Isaac, is there something you would like to share?

Isaac's face turns a light pink.

Isaac: Uh, no, nothing at all, why?

Leon: You sure? You seem to be awfully fond of Blake.

Isaac turns a darker pink.

Isaac: I don't know what you're on about.

Nina: You have a crush on Blake don't ya?

Isaac's face explodes into a deep red.

Isaac: I-I, y-you keep your voice down, a-and don't say such things!

Isaac hurries off with an embarrassed look on his face.

Next class was Professor Port's class, and as everyone expected, he yapped on about a story they couldn't care less about, everyone was about to lose it when the class bell went off.

Port: And then I- oh, timed that one wrong i guess. Well the stunning conclusion to the story will have to wait, until next time.

Outside the classroom.

Kayla: So Isaac, what's this you said about the White Fang being at large in Vale?

Isaac: Well as you know last night, Blake, Sun, and I suppressed a White Fang operation at the docks, but I have reason to believe they're still out there.

Ruby show up and stops them.

Ruby: So, you guys are looking for the White Fang too?

Nina: Yeah we are, why don't we work together on this?

Leon: Uh I think that's the idea, let's just go.

In team RWBY's dorm.

Blake: I thought that class would never end.

Isaac: Trust me, we're all totally with you in that regard.

Ruby: Alright guys, today's that day. the investigation, begins!

Weiss: I'm glad to see we are taking this so seriously.

Yang: Hey! We got a plan that's... moderately serious.

Ruby: Right, everyone remember their roles?

Kayla: Yeah we weren't here for your plan so can you fill us in?

Wiess: You and I head to the CCT and check the Schnee records for any dust robberies, or inconsistencies. Seeing as I'm in the family, it shouldn't be a problem.

Blake: The White Fang has regular faction meetings to hand out orders and recruit new members, if I can get in, I can hopefully find out what their planning.

Yang: I have an old friend on the shady side of town that typically knows everything going on in Vale. Getting information out of him shouldn't be too hard.

Ruby: Great, we'll meet up near Yang to go over what we found, let's do this.

Nina: Alright based on what I've heard um, Kalya you go with Weiss and Ruby.

Kayla: Got it.

Nina: Leon and I will look for clues on the outskirts of town.

Leon: Whatever.

Nina: And Isaac, you go with Blake.

Isaac: Right *blushes* Right.

???: Yeah!

Everyone finds Sun hanging in the windowsill.

Yang: Sun, how did you get up there?

Sun: Ah it's easy I do it all the time.

Weiss: You do what?!

Sun: I climb trees all the time. So... Are we finally getting back at that Torchwick guy?

Blake: We, are going to investigate the situation, as a team.

Ruby: Sorry Sun, we don't want to get friends involved if we don't have to.

Nina: And what does that say about us?

Isaac: They invited us because we have the same idea, think of it that way.

Sun: Pfft, that's dumb, you should always get friends involved. That's why I brought Neptune.

Everyone looks out the window to find Neptune outside.

Neptune: Sup?

Ruby: How did you even get up here?

Kayla: Yeah it's not like you can climb like Sun.

Neptune: I have my ways, seriously though can I come in, we're like, really high up right now.

Ruby: Alright, I'll go with Wiess, Sun, you can go with Blake and Isaac. And Neptune, you can go with Yang because she doesn't have a partner, everyone Good?

Weiss: Actually Ruby, why don't you go with Yang. After all she is your sister.

Ruby: But Weiss, who would go with you then?

Weiss: Well, I guess Neptune can go with me.

Ruby: Ha ha ha. Nah.

Weiss: But,but!

Ruby drags Weiss out of the room.

Kayla: That was... Interesting.

Isaac: Sure, alright people let's get moving.

At the CCT

Ruby: Wow!, I always forget how big the transit tower looks so close.

Weiss: You should see the one in Atlas.

Ruby: That was the first one right?

Weiss: Correct, Atlas developed the cross-continental transmit system to allow the four kingdoms to communicate with one another. It was our gift to the world after the great war.

Ruby: Ooo look at me, my name is Weiss, I know facts, I'm rich.

Kayla: Was that really necessary?

Weiss: Don't be a pest! Besides, the only reason we're here is because you like the tower so much. We could have just as easily made a call from the library.

Ruby: I know but it's so cool! Oh! I'm going to take a picture!

Ruby takes out her scroll only to drop it, the scroll then lands at Penny's feet.

Penny: Oh *she picks up Ruby's scroll* you dropped this.

Ruby: Penny?!?

Penny: Uhh...

Ruby: Where have you been?! We haven't seen you since the night at the docks.

Kayla: And while we're asking, what are you doing out here?

Penny: S-sorry, I think you're confused.

Penny returns Ruby's scroll.

Penny: Uh, I have to go *she then walks away*

Weiss: What was that about?

Ruby and Kayla: I don't know, but we're going to find out *they both start leaving*

Ruby: You go make your call, we'll meet up with you later.

Weiss: Wait!

Kayla and Ruby both catch up to Penny.

Ruby: Penny! Where have you been? It's been weeks.

Kayla: Yeah, it's not like people to just disappear like you did.

Penny: There seems to be a misunderstanding.

Ruby: What?.. Penny!

Penny starts walking away, but Ruby and Kayla don't give up.

Ruby: Is everything ok?

Penny keeps walking.

Ruby: Penny, please stop!

Penny stops.

Kayla: What's gotten into you all the sudden?

Ruby: Look, we don't know what's wrong, but you have to listen to us. Those guys we fought at the docks, we think they're up to something big, something bad. We need you to tell us what happened to you that night.. Please, as a friend.

Penny: *sighs* It isn't safe to talk here

Penny then leads them to another part of town before explaining.

Penny: I wish I can help you two, but I don't know anything about those men.

Ruby: Well, what happened to you that night? We were all together and then you just disappeared, were you kidnapped?

Penny: Oh no, nothing like that.

Ruby: Well then where did you go?

Kayla: Yeah, cause I'd like to know why you walked out on us.

Penny: I've never been to another kingdom before, my father asked me not to venture out too far, but, oh you have to understand, my father loves me very much. He just worries a lot.

Ruby: Believe me I know the feeling.

Kayla: Totally with you on that.

Ruby: But, why not let us know you were ok?

Penny: I, was asked, not to talk to you. Or Weiss... Or Blake... Or Yang. Anybody really.

Ruby: Was your dad that upset?

Kayla: Seems like a brutal father, even by my standards.

Penny: No, it wasn't my father.

Nearby, the three hear someone talking on a loudspeaker, and that someone is James Ironwood, better know as General Ironwood.

Ironwood: The AK130 has been a standard security model of Remnant for several years. And they have done a fine job, wouldn't you agree, wouldn't you agree?

A gathered audience applauds.

Ironwood: But, the kingdom of Atlas is a kingdom of innovation. And fine, well that's just not good enough is it?

Two crates behind Ironwood's hologram open, revealing the robotic warriors inside.

Ironwood: Presenting, the Atlesian knight 200.

The Atlesian knights kick over the old model as the audience claps in approval.

Ironwood: Smarter, sleeker, and admittedly, a little less scary, these models will become active later this year but they won't be alone. Now, the Atlesian military has always supported the idea of removing men from the dangers of the battlefield. However, there are still many situations that undoubtedly require a, "human touch."

Penny: Ruby.

Ironwood: So, our kingdom's greatest minds, in cooperation with the Schnee dust company are proud to introduce. The Atlesian paladin!

Another hologram of a giant mech suit appears as the audience cheers.

Ironwood: Now we couldn't have them here for you today, but these mechanized battle suits will be seen defending the borders of our kingdom within the year.

Ruby and Kayla are awed by the sight.

Penny: Um, Ruby, Kayla, maybe we should go somewhere else.

Two Atlesian guards suddenly spot Penny and she runs off.

Ruby: Penny? Wait, where are you going?

Kayla: Don't run out on us again.

Ruby and Kayla suddenly see the two guards approaching and go after Penny, they chase Penny through the various back allies with the guards hot on their tail. Ruby try to deter the pursuit by knocking down some crates before using her semblance to catch Penny.

Ruby: This way!

She bolts down another alley before falling into the street, she would have been run down by a large van had it not been for penny, who stops it with her bare hands, Kayla catches up just in time to see all of this happening.

Ruby: Penny?

Penny: Are you ok?

The old man driving the van nods to her.

Kayla: Penny, what was that?!

Other people start gathering around to see what happened, and Penny flees.

Ruby: Penny, come back!

Ruby and Kayla continue chasing Penny until the finally catch up.

Ruby: Penny, please, what is going on?

Ruby: Why are you running? How did you do that?

Kayla: Yeah, people don't just stop vans with the hands you know!

Penny: I-I can't, everything's fine, I-I don't want to talk about it.

Ruby: Penny, if you can just tell us what's wrong, we can help you.

Kayla: Yeah, helping people is what I do, what we do.

Penny: No, no no, you wouldn't understand.

Ruby: Let us try, you can trust us.

Penny walks up to them.

Penny: You two are my friends, right? You promise you're my friends?

Ruby: We promise.

Kayla: Absolutely.

Penny: Ruby, Kayla. I'm not a real girl.

Penny shows them the exposed metal on her hands.

Ruby: Oh.

Kayla: This is awkward.

End of part 5.

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