Chapter 31: Dude. Seriously?

The last two weeks were horrible. Ever since that movie, Weiss had been avoiding me like the plague. Well, she acted more like she did when we first met; I was just there. We don't spar anymore, we don't hang out, we don't anything! I'm not sure if we're even friends anymore and it's frustrating.

However, I had other problems to deal with. I've been angry at everyone and everything lately. At first I thought it was the Weiss thing but I never lost it on her once, everyone else however, wasn't so lucky. I even knocked Cardin out cold the other day just for walking in front of me in the hallway. Yang's been trying to get Wiess and I to talk to each other but no luck for either of us.

"So Weiss," Ruby said as we sat at our table eating lunch, "Isn't Winter coming down tomorrow."

Weiss swallowed her food, "Yes," She said, "Ironwood has business with Ozpin and she's accompanying him. She also wants to see all of you again."

I swallowed so hard I ended up choking.

"Are you alright?" Grant asked.

"Yeah," I coughed, "I'm fine."

Winter knew I liked Weiss before I did. Before we came back to Beacon she threatened me about Weiss. Though I didn't actually do anything, I think Winter would be a little ticked that Weiss and I weren't speaking. However, she might understand. It's better than seeing her father.

"My father will be coming on business tomorrow as well." Weiss added

Of course he is! I'm so screwed. I thought.

"Weiss." I said nervously, "Can I borrow you for a moment."


"Now." I Interrupted, "Please."

Weiss must have understood the seriousness in my tone because she didn't argue any further and followed me out of the dining hall.

"Your sister's going to murder me and I'm just as afraid of your father." I said immediately when we got outside.

"Pardon?" She raised an eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes, "Before we left your house your sister didn't talk to me about techniques. She threatened me if I ever hurt you."

"So?" Weiss asked, "You didn't do anything."

"I know!" I exclaimed, "But you won't even say hi to me anymore, Weiss. She's just going to think it was me who did something wrong."

"Then why would you be afraid of my father?" She asked.

"I-" I started but was interrupted by a tall man with white hair come up behind Weiss.

"Yes," The voice said, "Why would you be afraid of me?"

Weiss slowly turned around to see her dad standing over her flanked by two guards.

"I thought you weren't coming until tomorrow." Weiss said, more than a little surprised.

The man looked at her with a hardened expression, "As did I but I wanted to meet the people you have been spending all your time with." He turned to me, "Who might you be?" he asked.

"Alex Ozpin sir." I said and held out my hand, "Nice to meet you Mr. Schnee."

He sneered, "I don't shake hands with faunus. I can live with the fact that you and another faunus is on her team but outside of battle and classes, Schnee's don't fraternize with such...things."

Ok I was pissed. He was acting like I wasn't even a person and how did he even know? I don't have very many features besides my fangs and... wait a minute, my eyes. My frustration must have triggered them when Weiss and I got outside. I looked over to Weiss who was almost as irritated and shocked as I was.

"Weiss," Mr. Schnee continued, "I would like to take you and-" He looked at me in disgust, "Your human friends to supper tonight."

"Hey!" I yelled, "You can't say that!"

"Excuse me?" he sneered, "I don't believe I was talking to you."

"I don't care!" I growled, "First off, I have a name, Alex not thing. Secondly, I am a faunus but I am also a living breathing person. I'm no less human than you."

"Well I never!" He said, shocked at my sudden outburst.

Standing right in front of the man I said, "One last thing, your daughter is friends with at least one faunus and that's Blake. Don't you forget it."

I didn't realize I had extended my claws and started to near the man until a shot fired and my side erupted in pain.

"Alex!" Weiss called as the high pitched static rang in my ears.

I tried to get up but two more shots fired and landed in my stomach and shoulder.

"Why would you let them do that!" Weiss yelled angrily.

"He's an animal and needed to be taught a lesson." Mr. Schnee said sternly.

"He's not an animal! He's my best friend!" Weiss screamed furiously at her father as I struggled to stay conscious, "I haven't talked to him for weeks to keep him away from you!"

"Weiss!" Her father growled, "You're coming back to Atlas! I would never have agreed to let you come here if I knew just how childish you would act."

"No!" She yelled, tears started to sting her eyes. "Just leave!"

Mr. Schnee took out a small dust pistol and fired a shot in my leg. When it healed over I realized there was something wrong with the previous shots.

"Weiss!" He yelled.

"Don't do it Weiss." I warned as I tried to stand.

"Come," Mr. Schnee ordered his daughter as he held the pistol to my head as I got to my knees, "Or I will..."

"Mr. Schnee!" a voice boomed from the entrance.

Glynda and Ozpin came out with the rest of team RWBY and Grant. Weiss relaxed and kneeled down beside me.

Ozpin continued, "I suggest you leave now Mr. Schnee, before I call the authorities."

Mr. Schnee turned and walked towards the landing pad, "This will not be the last time you see me here."

"Oh, I believe it will be." Ozpin told the man.

The white haired man turned, "Excuse me?"

"As I see it," Ozpin replied, "You were too busy to sign the paperwork for your daughter's enrolment. Her sister did."

"W-well...I" Mr. Schnee stuttered angrily.

"Therefore," Continued Ozpin, "You have no jurisdiction on Miss Schnee while she attends Beacon."

With nothing else to say, the elder Schnee made his leave with his guards close behind. Weiss visibly relaxed as she kneeled next to me and looked at the holes in my chest.

"Alex?" She asked with concern, "Wouldn't you have healed hose over by now?"

I nodded, "If they had've been dust bullets." My vision was starting to blur, "They were regular steel bullets."

Blood was now visibly staining my close, skin and the ground below me.

"Professor Ozpin!" Weiss called.

"Yes Miss Schnee?" He asked.

"Alex needs medical attention!"

He said something to Ruby and she disappeared into the school.

I could no longer support myself on my knees so I started to fall forward. I would have kissed the pavement too if Weiss hadn't have caught me and layed me down gently on the ground, facing her.

"I'm so sorry Alex." Weiss said, "I should have told you."

"Ruby warned me." I assured her, "I just couldn't take what he was saying."

Weiss smiled with tears in her eyes.

I finally let myself blackout when the medics arrived. I remember the relieved look on Weiss's face when Ozpin kicked Mr. Schnee off campus. I also know that Weiss probably won't ignore me anymore.

Before my dream even started I was pulled back into that black and white world. There wasn't much black now though.

"You've been through quite a lot haven't you?" Axel said, "As for your brother you need to keep away from him, he's dangerous."

"How come?" I asked.

"Trust me, he's not what you think he is." He stated blantly before casting me into my horrible nightmare.

This time I heard a crack. I don't know how much longer I can put up with this.

The next day I woke up in the campus infirmary early in the morning, judging by the way the sun came into view by the window. The bullet wounds had healed over once they had removed the bullets. After a few checks, they let me leave.

In the infirmary waiting room, team RWBY, Grant and even Winter was waiting for me.

"Are you feeling better?" Blake asked in her usual calm voice.

I smiled, "Yep. It will take more than a few bullets to keep me down." I looked at Winter, "I thought you weren't coming until this afternoon."

"Weiss called me so I came early." Winter said, "I'm sorry for my father's behaviour."

"It's alright." I told her. Then a thought occurred to me, "Is he really going to try and take Weiss back to Atlas?"

"He can try but Ozpin and I have made it clear he has no jurisdiction on her about her studies." she said. Though after the thought of Weiss's independance, a thought occured.

I smiled, "Can we leave now?"

Everyone sighed in relief which told me they had been there all night.

As we were walking Weiss was in the back of the group playing with her scroll so I slowed down until we were walking side by side.

"Hey Weiss?" I asked.

She looked up, "Yes?"

"Are we cool?" I asked.


"Are you still going to ignore me or are we actually going to act like we're friends." I clarified.

She smiled, "What do you think."

I pretended to think, "It depends."

She raised an eyebrow.

"Do you want your scroll back?" I smirked.

"What-" She tried but I snached her scroll.

"Hey!" she protested as I held the scroll just out of reach.

I flicked through her scroll until I found the camera and took a picture of me smiling with Weiss trying to reach for the scroll then set it as her background. Not long after she gave up and swept my feet from under me and grabbed her scroll and smiled.

"That makes us even." Weiss said as she rejoined our snickering friends.

I watched as our friends kept walking down the hallway laughing and seemingly forgetting my attitude for the past couple weeks. So did I, almost.

Eventually everyone split up to do their own thing, even Weiss had to run an heirend so, I was stuck with Winter alone in the team RWBY dorm.

I sat awkwardly in the chair across from Winter who sat on Weiss's bed.

"So," I searched desperately for something to say, "How are you doing?"

Her icy stare sent shivers down my spine, "Very well thank you. How about you?"

"Good good." I answered, not trying to sound bothered by the death stare.

Winter sighed, "Weiss told me what happened."

"I'm fine." I said.

"That's not what I meant." She said flatly.

Oh, she's talking about after the movie. I thought.

"Yet," She continued, "You still stood up for her even though you thought she hated you."

"I think she stood up for me more than I did her." I told Winter.

She nodded, "Perhaps. However, she also tried to distance herself to protect you knowing that our father was coming to town."

"What are you trying to say?" I urged the white and grey themed specialist.

Her expression softened, "Why haven't you two gone on a real date yet?"

I could feel my face start to burn, "W-what?" I choked out.

She gave a definitely out of character look, a mischievous glare, "You heard me."

"We're just friends." I said.

"You like her don't you?" she went back to her usual even tone.

My face started to feel hot again, "I-"

I didn't finish before the usual calm woman burst out into childish giggles causing my face to become a deep shade of crimson.

"Seriously though," Winter said when she finally collected herself, "I'm Weiss's sister and I am pretty sure I know her better than most."

I gave the white haired girl a questioning look causing her to roll her eyes.

"You really are dense, aren't you?" Winter took a deep breath, "You and I both know she likes you and according to your brother, you do too."

My eyes met hers then I looked away, "Yeah but if what you said was true, which it's not, won't Weiss keep trying to push me away in fear of your father?"

I surprised myself when my tone became calm and collected, it kind of reminded me of how Ozpin talked.

Winter forced me to meet her eyes as she studied them. After a few long moments she leaned back in her chair and smiled, "I think if you fight for her you'll win. She just needs to know that you'll be safe no matter what happens."

I nodded.

The room was silent as I collected my thoughts. Winter was right, everyone was right, I know Weiss likes me and I like her. It's amazing that we haven't started dating already. After that movie in the park, I was absolutely positive that I had fallen for the white haired heiress. Now that I've fully accepted it, I needed to do something to prove that I can handle myself and ask her out.

"Winter." I broke the silence.

Winter snapped her head up from her scroll to look at me.

"" My nerves were getting the better of me as I stumbled over my words.

Winter sat patiently on her sister's bed as she waited for me to form an actual sentence.

I took a deep breath and spoke slowly, "What do I do to prove that I can handle myself around your father?"

Winter smiled as she voiced her opinion, "It's not what you do," She placed a long pale finger over my heart, "It's what you say."

I let off a wide grin before looking out the window to see Weiss returning from her heirand. I started to make a break for the door before I stopped myself and stood in front of Winter.

I straightened my posture and put on a professional facade and looked down to Winter. I was nervous about what I was about to ask but I didn't show it, even though she already answered it. I just wanted to be a little more respectful. Winter looked at me and stood as if she knew what I was going to say.

"Winter," I tried to sound professional but nervousness tinged my voice, "I would like your permission to ask out your sister."

Winter sighed and shook her head, "Honestly, I don't know what she sees in you. Just remember, if you hurt her, I will kill you."

My will abandoned me as I smiled at Winter widely and ran out of the room.

I was running so fast that I almost didn't notice that I almost ran into Ozpin.

"Sorry Professor." I apologized. My grin never leaving my face.

"Where are you of to in such a hurry, Alex?" The green clad man asked.

"I-uh..." I tried to find the words but they left me with a goofy grin on my face.

Ozpin gave a knowing smile and sipped his coffee, "Well," He started, "I do believe I saw Miss Schnee walking around the back of the building. She could use some company don't you think?"

My smile grew wider, if that was even possible, then waved to Ozpin and ran outside and around the back of the school.

Sure enough, when I peeked around the corner, Weiss was slowly walking through the garden with her hands behind her back. She was looking up at the sky with a small smile on her face. It was one of the few times I've seen her with her guard down. Her shoulders were relaxed and walked as if she were walking on a bed of marshmallows.

At this moment she was perfect but I knew very well that as soon as I made my presence known she would stiffen up and her happy expression would fade.

I stepped out from the corner I was hiding behind and walked up behind the icy girl. As soon as my footsteps came into earshot, Weiss straightened out and turned to greet me but her serene smile remained on her face.

"Alex," Weiss said happily, "I thought you were with my sister?"

"I was bu-" I stopped, "Crap!"

I forgot about Winter! In all my excitement I just ditched her in RWBY's dorm. I turned to go back to her because as much as I like Weiss I didn't want to leave a bad impression on her sister. Before I could take off Weiss grabbed my arm.

"It's ok Alex." Weiss said, "She won't mind. Besides, she texted me that you were looking for me." She held up her scroll and I could see she didn't change her background.

Winter. I thought irritably. Ah well, she wasn't wrong.

"So," Weiss continued, "Why were you looking for me."

"I...uh..." I tried but nothing came out. Then I said something real smart, "Just wanted to know where you went on your heirand."

Great job Alex! You come out here to ask a girl out then you chicken out!

"Oh." Weiss's smile wavered for a moment, "I just went to order a new shipment of dust."

I raised an eyebrow, "Wouldn't your father just send you some?"

Weiss shook her head, "I haven't asked my father for anything since I started attending Beacon. Even though it's his money, I rather not talk to him if I can help it."


"Besides," Weiss looked at the sky again before smiling at me, "I don't think he'd even give me the time of day after meeting you. So I need to stock up now before he cuts me off."

It was my fault. If I hadn't said anything to her father...

"Weiss," I said, looking into her eyes, "I'm so sorry."

My voice was quiet.

"It's fine Alex." Weiss said, her smile still gracing her face, "My father and I have been walking on nails for years. It probably wouldn't have gone much better anyway. Actually, other than my father trying to kill you, I think it could have gone worse."

"Oh." I said then grinned, "At least he can't touch you while at Beacon!"

"Even if he wanted too Ozpin and my sister would stop him." Weiss smiled back.

"Only if he can get through me." I said pointing my thumb at my chest.

Weiss and I laughed and started walking down the path. After that conversation I don't think I should ask her out. Well, that and all of the confidence I had left me as soon as I turned the corner and saw her walking.

We walked for a while and every time we finished discussing something I tried again to ask her but all I did was strike up another conversation.

Eventually Weiss and I ended up walking inside a deep, secluded part of the garden. Neither of us realized just how big the garden really was. It was pretty though. Weiss and I eventually ran out of things to talk about so, we were contented to just walk in silence to admire the flowers.

Weiss was fawning over a patch of lilies in front of a bush filled with red and white roses. I couldn't help but watch her and smile and smell the flowers. Her white hair was in her usual lopsided ponytail, not much different to how she looks any other day but this time I'm really paying attention. The sun made her hair look silver and the scar over her right eye just seemed...right, as if it was just meant to be there. The imperfection made her seem more human rather than the icy heiress I had met over a year ago

"Weiss?" I asked without thinking.

"Hhmm?" she looked at me.

"I..." I tried but nothing came out.

C'mon Alex! I thought to myself, She's your bestfriend, you can do this! You know you like her. Just do it!

Weiss turned and walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"What is it?" she asked.

It's now or never. I thought.

"Will you, um..." I stuttered but I was determined to get it out now, "I know your dad hates me so I kinda talked to Winter, and believe me that was stress enough..."

By now I was just rambling on the entire story of when I was brought to Remnant but I was semi-intentionally avoiding telling her I liked her. Seriously, the entire thing, and she listened to most of it until she just gave up.

"Alex!" Weiss yelled.

I froze, "Uh yeah?"

"I was there for most of that so I know what happened." Weiss said, "But honestly, I don't think that was the point of this conversation. If you want to ask me something just do it."

I shut my eyes and spoke, "I wanted to ask you out on a date."

When I opened my eyes it looked as if every inch of her body was frozen in shock.

I spoke quickly, "I know that you're worried about your dad but it's OK. I can handle myself though your dad might get roughed up a bit but nothing will happen. I promise. I even talked to Winter about asking you out on a date. Do you have any idea how hard it is to talk to your sister? Not easy! So..." I was practically tearing out my hair, "Please go on a date with me."

We stood there in silence and I was sweating through my shirt.

Finally the silence was broken when a big grin appeared on her face, "I would love too."

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