Chapter 3: What the?
I've been walking for three straight hours throughout the forest. My legs weak and my breath heavy. The air chilled me as I made my way through the dirt road. Sleep, that was on my mind as the once bright sun dimmered to the shattered moon the arose, darkening the area quickly.
I wanted to rest, that was the only thing that comforted me, but I had to go, I didn't know why but I had to, as if something was calling to me to run away. The moon fully rose after god knows how long but it stood there, broken and hurt it watched the earth below.
I sighed deeply before stopping. I couldn't go on, I had to rest, my body locked up and tired. It practically forced me to lay down on the soft cold grass and close my eyes, hearing something in the darkness...laughter.
I awoke from my what seemed to be quick break to find something offsetting. I was back at Beacon again this time in a small organised. I was laying in the only bed of the room but there was also a small wooden desk and a large, draped over by red curtains
"What the hell?" I asked tired and confused.
"Good you're awake." A familiar voice came from behind the door.
The white door creaked open to reveal the tall, nicely dressed man in my presence.
"That is correct. We went to expect the plane and found only the pilot but not you."
"Then how did you find me?"
"It wasn't easy, but in the end where are specially trained Hunters and huntresses, saving people and ensuring their safety is our job."
I pushed myself up from my bed, getting hit with a large sense of and fatigue that nearly tipped me over again.
"Take it easy, we didn't spend all this time to find you just to see you die here because you were too stubborn to stay in bed."
"I'm fine." I lied weakly to the man who only shot me a unsure look.
"If that's the case then why are you supporting yourself on the desk?"
Realising that I was actually putting all my weight on the small desk, I gave a deep breath of defeat before pinching my nose with two fingers.
"There must be a reason why you take me to a dorm room instead of a hospital."
The grey haired professor only sighed before pulling out his tablet.
"You see, to get help in Remnant you need only to show proof of your birth or identification, but there's something off." I gulped at the sentence he was piecing together, "You. After filtering through every cities database, I found that they do not possess anything of that sort, no health card, no lein exchange, no mail service documents and no birth certificate, meaning that you didn't grow up in the city and that you were really just lying to me."
I didn't react, I was screwed. The most mysterious and probably dangerous man in RWBY just found a liar in his school of elite students.
"You have quite the story to you, not to mention the nerve to lie to someone like me."
Good game God it's been fun. I thought to myself before waiting for the punishment.
"You fit in with this school."
"What?" I asked not expecting that reaction.
"You'd fit in here, you're obviously great at survival and to spend the night in the emerald forest without any kind of defense, proves that you can handle yourself and it would appear that you do have courage then compare to the lightly going passive man I met before."
"You dont have to say anything right now. You'll start school today, someone will give you a proper tour and a schedule later on today, so dont leave the." He turned around and began to leave the.
"Yeah sure." I replied thinking that was some sort of joke.
"Oh and I nearly forgot." He stated before turning back around. "I never got to catch your name yet."
"Very well Alex, I'll find you later on this morning."
With that he left my, leaving me to the silence once again. I sighed before falling back to my bed.
"Beacon...I'm in Beacon."
I was happy but at the same time scared. I was joining probably the best school I knew but on the other side every one is older more experienced than me. I had no friends, I was alone in a world and nothing I could could fix that."
"Enjoying your gift?" A dark voice crawled in my mind. I jumped and flinched at the voice who only laughed slowly, "By night you are the great destroyer. By day you are nothing but a living creature awaiting death."
"Thanks for the morning motivation."
The voice only laughed again, creating an echo in my skull, "I'm curious, how much can you bare within these walls."
There wasn't a response, only the silence of the spoke. I looked around the room more, trying to find how the creature could have possibly got in here. Sadly no opportunities arrived when it came to voice but, I heard something behind my door.
Voices, three or four I couldn't tell I just knew there was four and they were guys due to the tone. I knew eavesdropping was considered not a nice thing to do, but in the end I'm just not a nice guy so I placed my left ear to the door.
"Hey, why was Ozpin in that dorm? No one lives there."
"Well then Sky, maybe there is someone living there now."
"I guess that makes sense."
"Of course it does Dove just shut it and let me think."
"Sorry Cardin."
The voice known as Dove responded, and slight hums were heard from the other voices as I began to wonder what to do.
Crap they're going to knock, then I'll have to answer it and talk to them which i guess wouldn't be too bad if they were a team of nice guys instead of bullies that loved to beat up people who are alone. Then I can ignore them! No then they either open the door themselves and see me and get mad I didn't answer or they'll have the small chance of leaving.
I began to think of solutions or escape plans or something that prevented from getting in until I heard a fifth voice.
"What are you four doing?" A feminine voice asked in a cold demeanor.
"Nothing we were just wondering why was Ozpin in the empty dorm."
"Whatever Ozpin does is not in anyway effect on you ."
"I never said it did ma'am just curious."
"Well unfortunately I don't know either, but if Ozpin wishes to keep under the radar, then by any means do not open that door understood?" The girl demanded making the boys all get up and leave.
"Sure thing." The deepest voice and leader known as Cardin said firmly before hearing his footsteps disappearing down the hall.
There was a sigh from the other side of the door before the girl spoke again, "Ozpin, what are you planning?" She asked to no one before I heard her foot steps leaving the hall. I smiled softly thanking whoever made that chain of events just occur.
I turned my back from the door before I heard a knock on the other side.
"Alex, it's me."
"That was fast." I replied before opening the door to the educated and well mannered man.
"I was gone for thirty minutes Alex."
"Really? That long?"
Ozpin simply ignored the question and began to put his right hand in his corresponded pocket. After a second, he pulled out a scroll in its closed form and showed it to me.
"I'm going to text the teachers about you. I'm also going to tell them you didn't grow up in a city so they'll go easy on you when it comes to questions and course outcomes."
"Alright." I agreed to the term by nodding. He then placed the device in my hands.
"This is for you, it's a scroll durable and easy to use. I installed a few programs like youre classes and the timeline here as well as anything important about Beacon and Vale."
"Sweet thanks!"
Opening the tablet, I saw what he meant by a few programs, due to there only having four apps on the thing.
"Class and time for Beacon is the first one, the second is info on Beacon and Vale like I said before, but the other two are a few programs that best fit the school such as a aura reader and a messaging and phoning app."
I quickly took a look at the device and scrolled through the schedule for a few moments before clicking on the aura reader.
"There's nothing here."
I blankly stated looking back up at the man.
"I'll put you in the school's database that shall allow you to use your aura so the device may calculate it."
There was only one problem with that statement, aura. A power or ability that I did not control nor have.
"Umm..." Was all I could make out to him, and he seemed to understand completely.
"You may want to find a way to unlock that then, you'll die on a mission without it."
I was about to ask the man if he could unlock it for me or at least help me but before I could ask or form any type of question he already began to shut the door.
"Follow your schedule, you have Goodwitch but today, she is going out on a field trip to the forever forest so just get to her class and dont be late, I'm sure you'll do fine without me."
With that, the door closed again, leaving nothing but the silence of the room. Opening the device again, I clicked on what I had first.
DUELING AND SPARRING 9:00 AM Glynda Goodwitch
"So I have Goodwitch first then. I guess I'll check the time and see- IT'S 8:50!"
I closed the scroll and ran out the door and down the narrow white hallway. I had no idea where I was going but that didn't stop me. I refused to be late on my first day! Not now!
I ran as fast as I could, my mind zoned out and cluttered as I ran through multiple emptying hallways looking for the sparring room. I was losing hope fast as the time on my scroll said it was turning 8:59am.
I kept on running and running before I saw someone entering a large brown door entrance. The girl was wearing a white long sleeved sweater with a pink skirt and with my knowledge on RWBY I knew it was Nora. Nora went on the trip to the forever forest with her team in Glynda's class so I made the biggest leap and decided to follow her into the class.
I stepped one foot in the classroom when the bell rang. looking around, I knew I was at the right classroom due to teams JNPR, RWBY and CRDL all sitting there in the bleachers watching walk onto the stage.
I took a random seat next to the door and another chair and looked up on to the teacher who was standing on the stage. She cleared her throat and scanned the the room from left to right.
She checked the students off from her scroll as she looked at everyone before she met my gaze.
"Are you suppose to be in this class right now, I don't recall ever seeing you." She asked, causing everyone in the class to look at me.
Feeling the tension from everyone I quickly gave an answer, "Yeah I am I'm just new."
"I don't recall getting any form of messaging fr-"
A ring from her scroll cut the well dressed teacher off from her statement. she checked what it was and then closed the object before taking a deep breath.
"I apologise for the trouble Alex, I am now informed by our lovely headmaster of your attendance here at our school."
With that she cleared her throat and began the lesson.
"As you may know, Vale is one of the four kingdoms in Vytval, cities offer protection, wealth, social opportunities and of course, food and water. It is important to know how to collect food and other supplies from nature in case of emergencies. That is why today, you and your team will be asked to fill up a jar from the trees in the forever forest and pass them in by the end of the day, once we arrive to the forest I will pass out the jars myself understood?"
Everyone shook their head in agreeance to the Women who then began to leave the room.
"Good, now children please follow me to the forest."
I got up from my seat before feeling a tap on my shoulder. I snapped my attention to see a boy like seven feet tall holding onto a mace in his left hand.
"I don't believe we met." the deep voice started sounding a lot like Cardin from behind my door. He gave a sly smile before leaning down to my eye level.
"You can call me Cardin, and I believe we can be the best of friends as long as we understand one thing."
"Oh yeah? What's that?" I responded curiously.
"You do whatever I say got it?"
The boys finger pressed against me pushing me back slightly. Before I could responded, the tall teenager pass me a taped box that by the sounds of it had some really angry wasps in there.
"Follow and carry this box for me." He demanding before moving past, nearly dragging me along as well as another student who was sighing to himself.
We finally made it to the forest. The red leaves were falling from there equally colored trees, the slight wind softly passed by me and the seven foot tall armored man chuckling to himself. Cardin picked up the jar for team CRDL and apparently me, because having no team, means I'm going to have to join one in which team CRDL loved having me on theirs so she allowed it.
She stopped in the middle of woods, said something I couldn't make out due to the angry wasps now being even more mad than before. The green haired guy named Russell pushed me along the way until we reached a hill peak, towering over everyone in our class including Pyrrha Nikos.
I was trying to hear the familiar scene take place but instead goddamn Sky and Dove kept on annoying me about the holding the box steady. So the only thing I saw was Juane stand reeled back his throw and somehow miss so badly it hit Cardin.
The other three on CRDL and I simply watched Juane get completely pummeled by Cardin before Russell went to fill up another jar of syrup. Cardin was saying something to juane but once again Dove and Sky are like team a#hole and kept on talking through it.
Russell came back with the jar and placed it beside me snickering to himself.
"Allright new guy, see that red haired girl over there?" He pointed directly at Pyrrha who was innocently wondering about her leader probably.
"Yeah so what?"
"Throw the jar at her and you'll see something funny."
"I dont know about that." I remarked rolling my eyes playfully trying to sweeten the deal.
"We'll get Cardin to leave you alone."
"And here we go!"
I agreed loudly standing up and reselling my arm. My lock was fixed on the red haired, amazon girl as she looked down onto a flower when suddenly a loud buzzing emerged from beside us.
I looked around to see Dove running away arms waving in the sky as a group of hornets chased after him. I cocked an eyebrow and looked down to see a cluster of small bug sized holes on the side of the box.
"Damn, how can this go wrong?" The green haired idiot known as Russell grumbled under his breath. As he mumbled A faint pair of red eyes glared from the bushes.
"Like that." I replied to his question.
"Like what I mean the-AHHH!"
Both Russell and Sky ran away from the scene as a large armored bear ripped out of the woods smelling the syrup on Cardin's chestplate. It then leaped upon Cardin with full force and was about to finish what was started mere seconds ago until...Jaune Arc randomly began to fight the bear with his sword.
He knocked back the creature with his sword and evaded a claw by simply jumping over it. As he jumped, the beast swung again, this time hitting the immovable Jaune, sending him back and crashing into ground.
But he never gave up, instead he charge at the monster ready to kill it for once and for all by swinging at the head. As this happened, the demoniac animal swung his final blow as well trying to kill him before he loses his skull.
I turned my head to see the red haired girl simply holding out her hand, secretly using her polaric semblance to save Jaune from the deathly blow and completing his attack. The red eyed creature simply fell to the ground as it's head toppled away from it's body.
Pyrrha gave a small smile and Juane took a deep breath before going back to her partner. Through this excitement, I didn't realize Glynda was standing next to me.
"I see at least someone did their work."
The teacher coldly remarked, scaring me. She looked at the group of people who were congratulating Jaune before staring down next to me.
"It seems both teams RWBY and JNPR have fulfilled their goal while CRDL did not."
I sighed knowing of my failure to get a jar.
"But then again you receive your own jar and didn't retreat like CRDL did. So I suppose that is full pass on the project, congratulations Alex."
She then took the jar that the idiots left behind and walked away yelling for everyone to group up with her.
I turned around to go and follow Goodwitch when another tap on my shoulder arrived. This time I simply looked back to see Cardin towering above me like normal.
"This isn't over kid."
"You do realise I still have the box of rapier wasps right?" I told him holding the box without showing him the bugged up side.
"You wouldn't dare!" He growled under his breath, to which I only gave a sly smirk.
With that I began to slowly open the boxes tape seal. Cardin didn't even wait to see if I was kidding cause by the time I opened the empty container, he was standing right next to Goodwitch.
Giggling I dropped the box and began make my way to Goodwitch when yet another tapp arrived on my shoulder. This time though when I turned around I saw Juane standing in front of me. He fixed his black hoodie slightly before actually saying something.
"So umm...I just wanted to say that umm...I'm sorry!"
"For what? Wasting my time by randomly tapping me on the shoulder?"
"No I told Cardin that I needed help carrying everything so he decided to pick on you now and because what I did to Cardin he's now going to focus on bullying you."
There was a small break of silence before I thought of what to say.
"Whatever?" The blonde asked shocked and confused, "You don't care?"
"No, not really I have a box of pretend wasps."
He sighed deeply before smiling, "For a second I thought you were going to hold this against me or something." He took another deep breath before continuing, "Still I regret for ever putting you in this mess."
"Whatever, it's going to be funny watching Cardin over-react to a box."
"I guess it will be."
He said giggling to himself before taking his hand out, "My names Juane, Juane arc."
I took the blonde knight's hand and shook it, "Ladies must love it."
"I know right?" He responded extremely happy someone noticed.
"Your names Alex correct?"
"That is correct." I nodded before continuing to Goodwitch.
"We both have lunch together after this class, wanna hang out then? I can introduce to some other people."
"Sure why not?" I shrugged to the the question now leading Juane to the objective.
We made it to Goodwitch's meeting zone and went back to Beacon academy, everyone expect for CRDL was happy and unbruised by the trip back.
Goodwitch's class was really just summing up what happen on the trip before she dismissed us to go for lunch. Before I left to lunch, Juane and I went to my dorm so I could remember where my dorm actually was.
Jaune and I, after five minutes of running around, found my dorm room simply due to the door being wide open and a strange box sitting on my bed.
"What's that?" Jaune asked pointing to the large brown box.
I didn't answer him verbally, instead I picked up the box and ripped it open to see what is was.
Jaune looked at the object with a very puzzled look on his face. I inspected the object and couldn't believe it.
"What the?"
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