Chapter 27: From Another World

I woke up on the bed in the guest room. Looking out the window and seeing that the sun was rising, I noticed something that kind of surprised me. Weiss and Yang were sitting on the ground under the window snoozing away with Yang against the wall and Weiss leaned up against her.

I smiled then sat up in the bed. My head was fine, just throbbing a bit. When I stood up I was a bit off balance, so, I crouched on the floor until I could focus, then slowly rose to my feet.

I crouched in front of my friends and shook Weiss's shoulder until she woke up.

She opened her eyes and froze.

"Weiss?" I asked, "Are you Ok?"
She didn't answer, instead she looked like she was about to cry.

Her lip was slightly quivering as she fought her tears, attempting to keep her composure.

"Hey," I asked worriedly in a soft voice, "Why do you look like you're about to cry?"

Weiss sat on her knees and before I could do anything, she grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug, wrapping her arms around my neck and resting her forehead on my shoulder. I kneeled there in shock for a moment, then returned the hug by wrapping my arms around her waist tightly.

"Are you ok Weiss?" I asked, "This isn't like you."

"You were out for two weeks." Taiyang said from behind me, "A severe concussion with possible brain damage and deafness. Your eardrums were shattered."

"Two weeks." I said under my breath.

"I think Weiss was afraid she'd never get to talk to you again." Taiyang said with a smirk, then left.

Taiyang must have been right, after he said that, she hugged a little tighter.

"Weiss," I said as she let go, "I'm fine, really."

"I know," she wiped away a tear and smiled, "I'm just glad your alright."

I looked down at her as she buried her head in my chest and squeezed me tighter.

"Please don't do that again." She quietly.

I was taken aback at how small and innocent her voice sounded. It was almost broken. There was no evidence on her haughty attitude. She was kind of cute though.

I hugged her tighter, "I'm just glad you weren't riding with me. I'm sorry.

Weiss pulled out of the hug and wiped her eyes. They were all red and puffy from crying and the bags beneath them told me she didn't get much sleep.

I smiled, "You think I should wake up Yang and get some food?"

"Do you want a crushed rib cage?" she asked, her usual demeanor returning.

"She'll give me one when she wakes up either way." My stomach growled, "But food would be nice too."

Weiss nodded and we both got to our feet and quietly headed into the kitchen.

I think I ate like half of their pantry before I was full. Soon after, Blake and Ruby wandered in. They were a little surprised to see me but each gave me hugs and struck up some conversation, none of us were sure how to act at that point so we just sat in the living room.

When Yang came out she gave me almost as long a hug as Weiss. When that was over we all just wanted to not think of what happened though I wasn't even sure what happened.

I vaguely remembered a loud screech and waking up in the back of some sort of vehicle for a moment.

That's when I remembered that creature and he wanted me to tell them about where I came from.

"Hey, guys?" I said.

My voice was small and laced with nervousness. It's now or never.

"Don't get all sappy on us." Yang joked with a smile.

"No," I said, "I just wanted to tell you something I should have told you a while ago."

"Ok." Ruby urged.

I wanted to break it slowly but couldn't figure out how so I just stared at my feet and spoke.

"I'm not from Remnant." I said quickly.

Everyone just stared.

"What?" Weiss said skeptically, "You're from the moon?"

"What? No." I said, "I'm from Earth."

"You came from the ground?" Ruby asked, cocking her head to the side with a confused look on her face.

"Wrong again." I sighed, "Planet earth."

Everyone gave me stupid looks.

I rolled my eyes, "I think it's in another dimension."

"Prove it." Weiss demanded.

"You saw me pop out of the floor in Ozpin's office." I said as I rolled my eyes again.

"Valid point." Weiss admitted.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Blake asked.

"It never really occurred to me." I said honestly.

"It never occurred to you to tell your friends your not even from this WORLD!" Yang said furiously.

"Well I'm sorry, I was a little preoccupied almost getting killed! Oh and not to mention the fear of you reacting like this!" I yelled back.

Yang's eyes turned crimson, "A friend would tell us as soon as he could!"

"Yang!" Ruby yelled at her sister, "You're over reacting!"

Ruby's words seemed to calm her and she took a deep breath.

"You're right, sorry." she said, "I...I just don't like when people just leave and don't come back. I just assumed-"

"I wouldn't just leave." I assured her.

"Yeah." Yang nodded, "Do you ever try to go back?"

"Nope." I pursed my lips, "Like I said, have little memory of home. It's pretty hard to want to go back to something you can barely remember."

Yang smiled at my comment and patted my head.

"You guys are taking this oddly well." I said.

Ruby smiled, "We don't really care where you came from." she gestured to the others, "We care that you here now."

"Now look who's getting sappy." I joked.

Ruby smiled and scratched the back of her head and smiled. Yang laughed and soon the others joined in to.

Now, I will sound incredibly insane, but after seeing the reactions of my friends, I think I will follow the dark figures advice. For now anyway.

"Oh!" I remembered, "I actually regained a memory too!"

"About what?" Yang asked.

"I have a brother." I said, "He was sent here the same way I was about thirteen years ago."

"Why did you just remember this now?" Weiss asked. "And how could you know he was here?"

I panicked, not ready to tell them about the people in my head, "I had a dream and Next told me before my memory was wiped."

Weiss nodded.

"I was a toddler when he disappeared," I continued, "My parents just let me forget." I went over to my coat and got out my little blue and silver whistle, "In my dream he gave this to me for my birthday, right before he disappeared."

Thinking about it, I used to blow it a lot that year then just stopped, I haven't blown it since.

"Ok," Blake said, "What does he look like?"

"In the dream he looked like me but that was over thirteen years ago."

"You want to find him don't you?" Weiss asked.

"Of course," I said, "But it's like a needle in a haystack."

"But you could still find it if you look hard enough." Ruby said optimistically.

"I could find some records of people popping up out of nowhere." Weiss said.

"Really?!" I said excitedly.

"Of course." She said in her usual Weissy tone.

"Awe you really do care." Yang teased, earning her both a blush and icy stare from Weiss.

"Guys!" Ruby jumped from her seat, "We leave the day after tomorrow."

"Oh yeah," Yang said, "School."

I sigh, It was a very interesting summer, I wish I didn't have to end.

The next day we all packed our things. When the girls were getting sorted out after Ruby knocked Weiss dust bag over, sounds familiar, Taiyang and I were sitting in the kitchen chatting.

"Thanks for lending me the bike." I said.

"Lending?" He questioned, "It's yours."


The blonde man shrugged, "Yang asked me to grab it."

"Oh, thanks sir."

"Not a problem." Taiyang smiled, "Yang had it resprayed after your accident."

"Resprayed?" I asked.

The man chuckled, "You'll see."

Just then the girls joined them in the kitchen. Ruby and Weiss had bumps on their heads as Yang draped her arms over the smaller girl's shoulders, Blake following close behind.

"We're all set!" Yang said cheerfully.

"Good." Taiyang said, "You should all get some rest, your flight leaves at nine."

I looked outside and felt tired just looking at the setting sun. Everyone else nodded and reluctantly all went to bed. Though the terrifying dream was yet to fade, I found it almost difficult to close my eyes at the Weiss part now. It seemed that the more the white swallowed up the darkness in that room, the harder it became to not see the last scene of my dream.

I woke up grasping at nothing as Yang stood at the side of the bed.

"C'mon!" She said, "We have ten minutes to get ready."

I nodded my head then hopped out of bed after Yang left, loading my pajamas in the suitcase and heading out to the truck where Taiyang was loading our bags into the back.

"All set Alex?" He asked.

"Yep." I said heading into the garage.

Yang and the others were talking as Ruby and Yang gassed up their bikes.

On the far side of the garage, next to Ruby's, was a ocean blue bike, my bike. Other than the obvious change in paint job, My symbol was painted on the frame.

"You like it?" Yang asked.

I let out a huge grin, "It's the most beautiful thing I ever saw." I pretend to cry, earning me a laugh from Yang.

"What you going to name it?" she asked.

"A name?" I questioned

"Like your weapon, your bike needs a name too." Ruby explained, "Like I have Cresent Rose, and my bike the Red Streak."

"You haven't named your weapon yet either." Weiss thought.

"You too?" I exclaimed.

I would be lying if I said I thought Weiss would be all for naming her weapon. She just didn't seem like the type. The more I get to know her the more she surprises me.

"Of course! It truly becomes yours when you give it a name." Weiss told me.

I could see her point, so I immediately blurted out a name that I thought of while looking at my bike, "Blue Bullet."

Yang smiled, "Cool, what about your weapon?"

This I had actually given some thought to. Ruby had Cresent Rose, Yang had Ember Celica, Blake had Gambol Shroud and Weiss had Myrtenaster. Other than Weiss, their weapons names seemed to come from their semblances. I thought about my semblance and how the portals are in the form of grey and brown fog, and that my weapon was a dark silver color. I thought about it hard for a good few minutes, then I got it.

I took my gun out and held it out, "Argent Fog." I smiled.

Argent is a greek word for silver and fog came straight out of my semblance.

The girls clapped.

"That's an awesome name!" Ruby said.

"So is Crescent Rose." I smiled.

"Ready to go?" Taiyang called.

Yang yelled, "Yeah!" then we mounted our bikes.

"Weiss?" I said nervously, "Maybe you should ride with Ruby."

Weiss looked at me in understanding. After almost getting killed I was a bit nervous about letting her ride with me. I don't know if I would be able to live with myself if she got hurt riding with me.

Weiss climbed onto my bike and wrapped her arms around my waist, "You'll be fine." Then the white haired heiress rested her head on my back

Somehow, Weiss's words gave me some reassurance and I roared my engine to life.

"Ok," I smiled, "Back to Beacon."


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