Chapter 25: Cooling Off

The next morning Ruby took my advice and talked to her father. Yang and I had our ears pressed against the door while Blake and Weiss decided to be good house guests and not get involved.

All our names came up in the conversation. Eventually Ruby said, "Thanks dad." then they both came out of the room, causing Yang and I to almost fall over.

Ruby smiled at us, "It's cool."

We all smiled back at her.

"So what do you guys want to do today?" She asked.

"Dad said he'd spar with me." Yang said.

"Is there a library or something?" Blake asked.

"Yeah!" Ruby said excitedly, "In town. I wouldn't mind reading today either."

"I would like to relax." Weiss agreed.

"The beach is your best bet." Yang said, "It's usually really quiet on Tuesday. You're going to need a ride though."

"I can only have one on my bike." Ruby stated.

"I can drive her." I offered, "Not like I have anything better to do."

Yang and her dad grinned widely. Geez, they're so much alike.

"Ok it's settled! Let's meet back here at five for dinner." Yang said.

We all dispersed and did our separate tasks. Ruby and Blake hopped on Ruby's bike and headed into town while Yang and her dad went outside and Weiss and I got dressed in our swimwear. Weiss wore a hoodie over her bikini top and wore sim shorts that met center with her thigh. I wore dark blue swim trunks that sat just above my knees, a grey t-shirt and a hoodie incase it got chilly later.

Taiyang gave us some beach chairs and towels that I strapped to the back of my bike then Weiss and I drove off. It was unbelievably hot out, so I was glad we were moving on a bike. The breeze felt nice going through my hair.

When we pulled into the beach, there was a couple people but they were close to the exit so I drove to the other end of the beach. Weiss and I found a shady tree a few feet from the water so we set our chairs up there. We took off our hoodies and sat in the chairs, laying our weapons beside us.

We just sat there for a good hour, Weiss reading a magazine and I read a book. Soon it got way too hot so I went for a swim. It was nice to just float, and if I used my golden faunus eyes I could see underwater without it stinging my corneas. It was however boring swimming by myself so I went to ask Weiss.

"Come swimming with me." I said, "You can swim can't you?"

"No, yes." She said.

"No you can't swim or no your not coming?" I asked.

"Not coming." she said simply.

"Why not?"

"I'm enjoying sitting here."

"You can't sit there forever." I said.

"Watch me." then she went back to her magazine.

Suddenly, I had a plan.

I stared out into the distance then pretended to see something, "Weiss you have to see this!" I said excitedly.

Weiss stood up to look.

"It's over there." I pointed, "It's hovering over the water!"

Weiss looked to where I was pointing, hovering in the distance was a oval shaped cloud of brown and grey smoke.

"That looks like-" She started, then her eyes widened as I pushed her in a portal behind her.

I watched her fall into the water after coming out the portal in the distance. I laughed and jumped through as well.

"You dunce!" Weiss yelled at me, "Why would you do that?!"

"Because you said no when I asked nicely." I said.

"Dolt!" Weiss said as she splashed me.

I smiled, "You're glad I forced you in and you know it!"

"Hardly." She groaned.

"You need to learn to have fun." I said.

"I know how to have fun!" Weiss protested.

"Shopping and sparing don't count."

"Your such a child."

"You're just a party killer."


"Ice Queen."

"Stop calling me ice queen!" She yelled.

"Don't call me a Dolt!"

"Stop acting like a child!" She said.

"You do know you're arguing too right."

Weiss's face was beat red. She swam over to me and put all her weight on my shoulders, forcing me under water.

When I came back up I yelled, "Why did you do that?!"

Weiss smirked, "It was fun."

I gave her a big toothy grin and pushed down on her head, sending her under.

I laughed hysterically until Weiss splashed me in the face. That of course, provoked a splash war.

Now, I would like to take the opportunity to say I totally won. Not just in the splash war but in getting Weiss to let loose and have a little fun.

Around five the sun started to set, so Weiss and I went back to shore to dry off. We sat in the beach chairs talking like we usually did until it was time to meet the others.

As we were driving back, Ruby and Blake caught up to us, so we drove back together.

Back at the house, Weiss and I changed into pajamas and waited for Ruby and Blake to get back. Taiyang was in the kitchen and by the smell of it he was making chicken.

"I didn't know your dad could cook." I said to Yang.

"Someone's got to do it." She stated, "If it were up to me and Ruby, we'd be eating out every night."

"Yeah I'd do that too." I admitted.

"So did you guys go swimming?" Asked Yang.

"Against my will yes." Weiss told her.

"C'mon Weiss." I grinned, "You had fun."

Weiss's cheeks turned red, "Well...I...shut up."

Yang laughed, "It's about time you let loose."

Yang and I both broke out laughing as Weiss crossed her arm, pretending not to care. Ruby and Blake wandered in soon after we stopped laughing.

Taiyang greeted them and had Yang and Ruby set the table and soon we were all eating a nice, simple, homecooked meal of chicken a potatoes. The table was almost too small for all of us but we managed to squeeze.

After supper we all just sat in the living room and relaxed, then went to bed.

I layed in the guest bed, and looked around the room. It felt like home the way it was arranged. I loved being in Remnant, being on earth was so boring, well, it seemed like it now, back then it was living.

I was kind of glad that...thing sent me here, the only downside is that I barely remember my life on earth. Hell, I haven't even told my friends I was from another dimension, I could even be from another universe altogether!

I looked at my necklace, it now had seven steel vines on it, coating half of the blue stone. It only had one strip a few months ago when I came back to Beacon. I'll figure out it eventually.

Then I closed my eyes.

My dream started off as usual but when I killed Yang, everything but me froze. Then I was pulled into a white...I want to say room but there was no walls it was just white. Am I in limbo? I looked behind me to see that half of the place was black, but it looked like it had been moving, devouring the world. In the Black side of limbo, there was a dark figure standing in the black I could see a single green eye staring at me.

"Hey!" I called and took a step forward but a hand grabbed my arm.

"Don't go to him!" A gruff voice said, "He'll destroy you and your friends."

I spun around to see a tall man standing behind me. He was were pitch black sunglasses and a long trench coat and jeans. He had shaggy black hair with black wolf ears sticking out. I could also see a shaggy black tail whipping back and forth behind him.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He smiled, "A friend."

I stared at him, "Well friend, give me your name."

"Your persistent." he said.

"Your name." I said sternly.

"Axel." He said after a moment of thought.

"Well Axel," I said sarcastically, "As much as I appreciate you pulling me out of that awful dream, why?"

"Because I need to tell you something very important." He said.

I looked at him, "Go on."

"Don't listen to the other voice." He pointed to the person on the dark side, "He's the one who brought you here, I've suppressed him as long as I could. He's going to try to get you to be the destroyer!"

"Dude," I said, "You're nuts."

"Just don't listen to him ok?" He gripped my shoulders tightly, "Don't listen!"

"OK OK." I said.

"Good, now, go finish your dream so you can wake up."

I was then cast into the dream again, continuing from where I left off.

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