Chapter 22: Battle Scars
In the middle of the night I was awoken by a loud bang in the distance. I looked out the window and saw a huge fire in the distance. With I could hear the screams of the people running from the flames.
Soon there was a knock on my door.
Ruby stood in the doorway with full battle gear. I looked at the clock and it was four AM.
"What's wrong." I asked.
"Someone attacked a small village outside of Atlas." She explained, "We are all going to check it out."
"Ok I'll meet you guys outside." then closed the door and got changed.
The others were standing outside by and armored van arguing about seating.
"Alex!" Jaune called as he waved me over, "We need advise."
"Why me?" I asked.
"Because," Winter stepped in, "We can not agree."
"Ok." I urged.
"The van only has eight seats so three of you will have to walk, or wait for the driver to come back which might not even happen." Winter explained.
I thought for a moment then had and idea.
"Ruby," I started to explain, "You have your semblance so you won't need a ride you can get there just as fast and I don't mind running."
"What about the third." asked Pyrrha.
"I can carry whoever is the lightest." I looked at Ruby, "Other than you."
I knew I was faster than a lot of my friends because I knew my legs were a lot stronger than theirs since I came back to Beacon.
Winter considered it for a moment. I knew Jaune and Ren were out of the question, Yang too and I figured Winter wanted a seat in the car. So it came down to Blake, Nora, Pyrrha and Weiss.
"Nora with her Weapon will be to heavy." Ren pointed out.
"Weiss." Winter said, "How much do you weigh?"
"What a rude question!" Weiss seemed hurt.
"We don't have time for this!" Winter scolded.
"110" she said nervously.
"Weiss it is!" Blake said, "Good luck!" then everyone loaded into the van and drove off.
"No arguments just get on my back." I said to Weiss.
She sighed and reluctantly hopped on my back. Ruby was already gone so I started to
run down the field and through the woods.
I felt good running in the forest, it was exhilarating. The wind blew through my hair and Weiss was lighter than I remembered, but I didn't really care, I was having fun. I told my legs to move faster and they obeyed.
Now things got weird (or cool depending on how you look at it). It didn't take long for me to notice Ruby and I were now running side by side. She looked at me with a confused look but kept running.
I looked up at Weiss who was clinging to my shoulders. Her head was rested on my shoulder with her eyes shut as tight as she could get them.
I smiled as the three of us made it to the village. There were a lot of grimm, more than there should be in one area.
Ruby and I stopped while Weiss jumped off my back.
The three of us drew our weapons and looked around to see if the others had arrived yet.
There were a lot of people who were obviously at the ball. They were dressed in tuxes and dressed with a weird combination of armor. We looked around for our friends but must have beat them so we went to assist the other huntsmen and huntresses. There were bodies of villagers and guests from the ball lying on the ground.
The people with weapons were guarding the defenceless from the attack.
"Ok Ruby," I said, "You're the boss, what's the plan."
"Her?" Weiss asked.
I shrugged, "She is your leader."
"True." Weiss sighed, "Ruby?"
"Spread out," she said immediately, "Help the huntsmen who are overwhelmed or fighting alone."
Weiss and I nodded and we split off.
I fought through the grimm and spotted a familiar face fighting to protect a mother and her child alone. He kept rotating around them to fight multiple grimm at the same time. I spotted and ursa running toward him at top speed and somehow I knew he couldn't dodge it.
I used a beowolf as a launchpad and shot myself into the air. As I came down I sliced the ursa in half and landed on the opposite side of the mother and child as Grant attempted to fight off all of the grimm.
"Alex." he said as he shot a beowolf in the face, "Glad you could make it."
"You looked like you needed help." I said as I sliced and ursa.
Grant fought much like Yang but had metal claws instead of gauntlets and his weapons looked way cooler. On one arm was a silver katar with one curved blade stopping about an inch in front of his fist and two side blades stopping at a similar place on either side of his knuckles. the bar on the katar was connected to sheet of metal on top of his arm. near the back of the weapon was and ammo belt wrapped around his forearm over a leather strap. It was connected through a long , thick piece of metal which was concealing the parts for a shotgun, when he clicked a button on the bar in his hand, he fired a bullet.
On the other arm, grant had another katar but this one was like Wolverine claws. The four were attached to a thick metal plate that covered half of his forearm and went over the top of his hand, with grooves in the top so the blades could retract. When he pressed the button on the handle, the blades shot from the katar with wires attached to it so when he pressed the button again, the blades retracted into their usual position.
We fought side by side and easily predicted each other's movements. Though we were doing well, the grimm seemed to increase as the fight went on, soon it was near impossible to protect the mother and her young. We ended up merely deflecting the attacks.
"What are we going to do?" Grant asked.
Just then, several of the grimm were taken down within seconds of eachother. Yang was now visible and fighting with us.
"Yang!" I yelled over the chaos, "We need to get these people out of here!"
"Blake and the driver are standing by the Van behind us!" She said.
I looked behind me and sure enough I could see the top of the van over a pool of grimm.
"How are we going to get them there." Grant yelled while hacking at the grimm.
"Alex," Yang said, "Can you use you portals?"
"You can use portals?!" Grant said excitedly, "That's so cool!"
I turned to Yang, "I need to see where I want to send them."
Grant smiled, "Yang was it? Give us 2 seconds."
Grant gripped my sheth and used his wolverine claws to lift us to a nearby tree branch. I could clearly see the van now. It was a little bit out of town but not too far. Blake and the driver fighting the few grimm that were over there, but it wasn't overwhelmed like the rest of the village.
I made a portal behind the woman who looked at me as I smiled down at her as she mouthed the words 'thank you' and went through the portal and came out another portal beside Blake who ushered them into the vehicle. Grant lowered us into the ground then retracted his claws and continued the fight.
The three of us pushed through the the grimm until we reached the other huntsmen, huntressed and friends who had created a human barrier around the remaining villagers, guests and injured warriors. The more Grant and I fought together the more I thought how familiar he was to me. I got the same feeling when we were talking earlier.
The battle drowned on until daylight filled the blue skies. Once we cut down the last of the grimm, we watched as their bodies disappear. Jaune and Ruby lead everyone back to the Schnee mansion where everyone could rest.
The village was in ruins and a lot of lives were lost. Blake and the driver were in pretty rough shape after they had gotten the mother and child out of danger and joined the fight.
Everyone who had semblances in which they could make evasive maneuvers like Blake, Weiss, Ruby, and myself, had to stop using our aura's all together within the last hour of our fight so we had wounds all over our bodies. Blake had fractured her wrist and I had gotten a gash from my right shoulder to just below my right ear. Ruby, well, let's just say she might be prone to back injury. Weiss seemed pretty OK though.
We all walked back to the the mansion together. Yang ended up carrying her sister and Jaune helped me along the path because I was a little dizzy from blood loss but I was glad everyone was alright.
Back at the mansion, Winter had called in some doctors from the city to treat the wounded. Yang and Jaune had helped the Schnee's' set up the ball room so the villagers had a place to stay.
After we were all set up one of the doctors patched me and my friends up and we all went to sit in the family room.
"Well that was fun." Jaune said sarcastically.
"Are you two alright?" Blake turned to me and Ruby.
Ruby gave and energetic thumbs up.
"Yep." I smiled, "Are you?"
"I'll be fine." She said.
"I'm kinda tired." I yawned.
"Well we didn't really get much sleep." Weiss pointed out.
"I think we deserve a well needed rest." Pyrrha offered.
"Agreed." Jaune yawned
I got up and stretched, wincing at the pain in my shoulder, "I agree, we all need it."
Everyone yawned and exited the room.
I looked over at Yang, Ruby and Weiss on one of the couches. They were all leaned up against each other, fast asleep. I smiled, for someone who's so tense all the time, Weiss sure looked peaceful. I figured that wasn't good for their necks so I lightly shook Yang awake.
"You take Ruby I take Weiss?" I offered.
She looked at the two sleeping girls and smiled.
"Awww," she said quietly, "They're so cute."
I let out a small laugh and picked up Weiss. Yang picked up her sister who wrapped her arms around the latter's neck.
We smiled at the smaller girl's again and walked to their rooms.
Ruby's room was closer than weiss's who's room was at the end of the hallway. I took her scroll out of her pocket and opened the door. I set her down on the bed, covered her with the blankets and left the room.
It didn't take me long to fall asleep.
I was eating in a field with my friend's laughing and talking. I was so peaceful.
Then, clouds filled the sky. There was very little sound, only the sound was the muffled voices of my friends. Then there was a scream.
I looked up and saw a dark figure holding Yang by the throat. She struggled as blood oozed from her neck.
I wanted to help her but I couldn't move. I watched her go limp and cried out a silent scream. I looked around and my friends were all dead. On the opposite side of me the figure was crouched beside Weiss a giant sword drawn. I could see it smiling as it stabbed her through the chest and left the sword planted.
Weiss looked at me with her blood on her face and tears in her eyes. I stared in horror as the figure brought his foot down on her head and I looked away, I refused to see what had happened.
It walked over and crouched in front of me. I stared at me with golden eyes and a wide smile. I was staring into the eyes of my self.
I could feel the anger and sorrow building up inside me and I let out a violent roar and tackled the other me, claws around it's neck choking it.
The other me looked terrified as it clutched my neck.
"Alex stop." It gasped, "Alex! You're hurting me!"
My eyes widened as the dream dissolved and saw Yang trying to get my hand from around her neck.
I saw a flash of the dark figure choking Yang to death and quickly released her. I looked at her in absolute horror.
"Yang." I said under my breath as I pinned myself against the side of the bed.
Yang sat up rubbing her neck staring at me. If I hadn't woken up she would have died. She stopped rubbing her neck and sat on her knees. I didn't move a muscle.
"Alex." she said softly, "Are you ok?"
I couldn't respond, but I was breathing heavily.
"Alex you need to breath." She said inching toward me, "You going to pass out."
I still couldn't move and I started breath heavier.
"Alex!" she yelled then she punched me in the stomach.
I flopped over her fist and caught my breath. I sat up grabbing my stomach, tears started to swell in my eyes realizing what I had almost done.
"Are you ok?" Yang rested a hand on my shoulder.
"I almost killed you." I said fighting tears.
Yang sat beside me, "What was it about?"
"Your nightmare."
I could feel my tears run down my face, "I watched myself brutally murder everyone."
My voice was high pitched and barely audible but I couldn't help it.
Yang reached over and held me in her arms as I started to cry. Man, I must look like a blubbering little kid. I never cry!
We sat there for a good ten minutes.
When I could talk again I spoke, "Why are you acting like this?" I asked, "I almost strangled you."
"I know how you feel." she said, "It was your first real battle with casualties."
"How did-" I said
"I did the same thing my first time." She said.
"To Ruby?" I asked.
"Yeah." she nodded. "All huntsmen and huntresses go through it, not many react like that
though. I had a feeling this would happen so I insisted on waking you up."
"I'm sorry." I said.
Yang let out a huge grin, "That's what sisters are for!"
I laughed as she ruffled my hair and went to the dining room where the others were waiting for us.
"How did he react?" Ruby asked.
"Same as me." Yang said.
"You knew?" I asked.
"We all knew." Blake said, "It's completely normal."
I took a seat between Weiss and Yang and helped myself to bacon and eggs.
When we were all done eating we headed down to thevillage to help rebuild.
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