Chapter 15: All About Protection
I panicked. I swung myself around and launched myself at Weiss and tackled her. as the large feather pierced the ground where she was sitting. The others had dispersed in opposite directions when more fell from the giant Nevermore. Weiss and I got to our feet as more fell straight for us so we ran too.
It didn't take much to realize that there were about six of them, each chasing their own group.
Weiss and I kept dodging the lethal feathers as we ran through the forest, Weiss using her glyphs to help us gain speed. When we got cornered at the edge of a cliff it was almost dark and Weiss looked just about ready to pass out. She had used too much of her aura. The nevermore landed and went in for the final blow. We fell off the edge of the cliff.
I thought fast. I took out my gun, switched it to sword form, jammed it into the side of the cliff and caught Weis as she fell past me. We stayed quiet until the grimm assumed we were dead and flew off.
"Thanks." she told me. I think that is the first time she ever said something nice to me.
"Any idea on how to get down?" I asked.
"I may have and idea." she said. I heard ice forming and her sword being sheathed, "Ok let go of me."
"Are you nuts!" I said.
She rolled her eyes, "Just do it."
I did as she asked.
"Ok now you." she called.
I pulled my sword out of the cliff a rode and icy slide to the bottom of the cliff
"Good thinking." I complemented.
"Thank you." She said. But she didn't quite sound right.
She was leaning heavily on Myrtenaster and more looking at the ground then me. She also wobbled a bit. I walked up to her so she'd face me. There were bags under her eyes and her pupils were dilated.
"Weiss," I said calmly, "Are you alright?"
No response.
"Weiss!" I yelled her name then she went limp and passed out.
I managed to catch her before she hit the ground and laid her down gently. She was breathing normally, thank god, but we needed to get back to Beacon. I don't know much about auras but I knew using all of it with your semblance wasn't a good thing.
It started raining soon after that so I took of my jacket and laid it on top of Weiss. Then I picked up her along with her weapon and walked over the the part of the cliff that dipped over to get us out of the rain and laid Weiss on the ground.
I watched her for a while then noticed she was getting paler and paler. Well, more than usual. Her breathing was deteriorating as well. I felt her pulse. There was still a heartbeat. A few minutes passed when she stopped breathing.
"Weiss!" I yelled when my scroll buzzed. Yang was calling me.
I put the scroll to my ear, "Hello."
"Alex are you ok?" Yang asked worriedly.
"Yeah I'm fine." I rushed, "Weiss is with me too but she's not breathing."
"What happened." Yang sounded more worried now.
"She used all of her aura. I don't know what to do."
Yang left for a second then started to talk, "Ok, put your hand on Weiss and try pushing some of your aura into her, like a wave."
"I don't know how!" I panicked.
"Calm down and focus! It's our only chance. You better not let her die!" She warned
"Ok." I gulped.
I put the scroll on the ground and place my hands on Weiss's shoulders and closed my eyes. I pictured what had happened when Pyrrha unlocked Jaune's aura.
Focus Alex, Focus.
I suddenly felt the energy around me and I forced it into Weiss. Still unconscious, She gasped for breath.
"Thank you." I whispered then picked up my scroll, "Yang? She's ok."
"Thank you Alex." She sounded relived.
"How do I find you?" I asked.
"I sent you the coordinates. Use your GPS to find us."
"Ok see you soon." Then I ended the call.
I looked in my scroll and GPSed Yang. She wasn't far.
I picked up Weiss and used one of my portals to get us up the cliff, then followed the GPS to Yang's position
I came out of the woods where the other's had already arrived. They were all a bit beaten up but no one was dead so thats a good thing. The rest of team RWBY was standing away from an airship, close to where I was coming out of the woods. I stopped long enough to let Yang take
Weiss, then we all boarded the airship while some nurses put Weiss onto a stretcher.
I sat with the others on the airship while they were all talking. Jaune was in the medical station too but he hit his head on a rock on his way to meet Yang. Ruby's wrist was bandaged with a little red seeping through and from what I heard, a gash on her back too. I had cut my leg on the cliff deep enough to require gauths but other than that we all just had a few scrapes and bruises.
If that was the case, why did I feel so bad? Was it because we were only out here for my birthday? Or was it because I let Weiss deplete her aura to the point she almost died?
Probably that last one.
Ruby and Yang obviously noticed because they both gave me sympathetic looks.
Once we arrived at Beacon, Ozpin let team RWBY take Weiss back to the dorm.
I was lying in bed when there was a knock at the door. I was surprised to see Yang standing at the door. With a sad look.
"Are you ok?" she asked.
"Yeah it's just a scratch." I said.
"That's not what I meant."
"Oh." I looked away. I knew exactly what she meant, Weiss.
She knew Weiss didn't really like me but she also knew I was kinda like Yang herself, I tend to blame myself for everything that goes wrong. Then it hit me, she probably feels the same way I do. She was the one who called the grimm in the first place. Especially since her little sister was hurt too.
I don't really like to talk about feelings but Yang looked like she needed it.
"Do you want to talk?" I asked.
Without saying a word she walked in and I closed the door behind her. She sat at the side of the bed so I pulled up my desk chair and sat across from her. For a while we didn't talk. So I started.
"It's not your fault." I said.
"How do you know!" she cried, tears rolled down her cheeks.
"Because the nevermore couldn't have heard you." I said simply. She looked up at me so I continued, "We were fighting those deathstalkers for 20 minutes and just relaxed for 15. They had to have been miles away when you called. It was just a coincidence."
Yang smiled. "It wasn't your fault either." I looked at her, tear swelling in my eyes too but I held them back, "As far as I'm concerned, you both did what had to be done."
"She could have died."
I sat there looking at my feet as did Yang. It didn't matter how much facts that are fed to us, we still felt like crying. I had way more control then Yang did though, but to be fair, I had no idea how long she had been holding this in. I bet she didn't let it show because Ruby had been there.
She started to sob but it wasn't long before all the fear, anger and regret came pouring out in liquid form. She sat across from me bawling her eyes out. So I got out of my chair and just hugged her. Yang ended up crying into my shoulder while hugging me.
"You really would make a good little brother." she sobbed.
"Care to adopt?" I joked.
Yang chuckled.
It wasn't long after that, when Yang literally cried herself to sleep. I carefully laid her down on my bed, covered her in blankets and left the room.
Outside the door Blake was leaned against wall across from my dorm.
"Hey." I greeted.
"Thank you for helping both Weiss and Yang." She said.
Again, oh so smart.
I sighed, "Why did she come to me and not you, or her sister."
"Because she doesn't want to hurt the team, and because she meant what she said."
"Which was?"
"You're a good little brother."
Then she just walked away.
I slipped back into my room where Yang was curled up in the bed. I smiled and turned off the light then took a space on the wall and drifted to sleep.
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