Chapter 11: Best Doctor Ever

The last few days have been incredibly boring.

All I do is lay in bed, read, eat, sleep, and watch TV on my scroll. Occasionally I get visits from my friends but other than that, the most exciting thing that happens is when I leave my room to eat. Yep, life is uneventful at the moment. I thought getting dumped in Remnant would mean I would be less board. I do kinda miss my Mom, my Xbox, Dad, my Xbox, laptop, and my Xbox. (You see where my values are here?).

I walked down the hall toward the infirmary for my check up with Ruby, who was ordered by Ozpin to go with me, though she might have done it anyway. We walked and talked about pretty much anything.

At this point in time I actually don't know what's going to happen next. After the breach in Vale the volume ended and the other hadn't been aired yet. (Does that mean I'm just apart of the show now?)

We walked into the infirmary where Jude was talking to one of the ladies at the front desk when he spotted us.

"Hey, guys." he said, "Alex, you're looking better, how do you feel."

"I'd feel better if I could do something besides lay in bed all day." I said sarcastically.

"Sarcasms a good sign." he joked, "Let's get down to business shall we." he gestured for us to follow him into a small clinic like room complete with a scale and one of those weird bed thingys.

He went over a list of questions with me while Ruby sat quietly in a chair in the corner.

"Now, the moment of truth." He said in a dorky tone, "The scale."

Ruby and I laughed at his antics as I stood on the scale and he played with the weight thingys.

"160! What have you been eating! That's twenty pounds in a week." he said, extremely surprised.

I shrugged, "Two helpings of everything, a lot of water and milk, cookies and a crap load of Ice cream. Basically all I've been doing is eating."

"Well don't do that anymore, you hit the average weight for your size. We don't want you to get fat." He sat me down and took my blood pressure, "Your blood pressure's good though." He then checked my heart, "Strong heart beat too." He wrote on his clipboard then spoke again, "Ok just exercise and your good. And since it's Thursday, I'm going to get you off of class for the rest of the week so you can go nuts and actually do something."

"Cool thanks Jude!" I said.

He walked over to Ruby and placed a hand on her forehead, "Miss Rose, I think you have a temperature," Ruby raised and eyebrow but I knew what he was doing, "I think you need to take the next couple days off." Ruby gave him a big goofy grin and vice versa, "It's probably contagious, I'm going to have to pull your team out of class too."

"Thanks Jude!" Ruby said gleefully as Jude headed for the door

Before he left he spoke, "Alex, you really need a haircut. And you go back to class on Monday!" then he disappeared around the corner.

I hopped up off of the bed and stretched my arms, then Ruby and I headed back to the dorms where we figured the rest of team RWBY would head after being pulled out of class for no reason.

We headed down the hall in silence, I was continually fighting to keep my hair out of my eyes and Ruby just seemed deep in thought.

"Stupid long hair!" I growled.

"Weiss did offer you a head band," she said, "But no, you're too cool for that."

"Whatever." I muttered as we stopped in front of team RWBY's dorm.

We walked inside to see Blake, Yang, and Weiss sitting on the beds chatting up a storm until they noticed us.

"What's going on Ruby?" Weiss asked with her usual demeaning tone, "We were pulled out of class because of you being contagious?!"

"We had this awesome doctor who is giving all of us the rest of the week off so we can actually do something fun!" I said with an excited tone.

Other than Ruby, the team stared at me with blank expressions then Yang spoke up.

"Aw yeah!" she yelled, "Mini vacation!"

"We could use a break." Blake said.

"It could be beneficial." Weiss commented.

"So what are we going to do with the rest of the week?" I asked.

Ruby turned to me and spoke, "We need to fix your hair." she said.

"Yes," Blake added, "And you need your own wardrobe that actually fits."

"Ooo, I love makeovers!" Yang said excitedly.

"Wait what!" I said, a little terrified.

"It'll be fun," Yang assured or at least tried to.

"I don't have any money. Sorry guys." I said heading for the door,

I reached the doorknob when Ruby appeared in front of me, blocking the door. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh god." I said as my head dropped down below my shoulders in failure.

We boarded the airship at the Beacon landing pad and headed towards Vale. I don't really understand why Ozpin put me on team RWBY. Wouldn't it have made more sense to put me on team JNPR where I had guy friends to talk to. Now I was on a stupid airship to Vale with a bunch of stupid girls who plan to give me a stupid makeover weather I like it or not. They did however, let me do my own thing with my hair as long as I cut it.

I can only imagine the horror of the girls outfit choices, though I might be able to book it if it gets to be too much. At least they're going to pay for it.

The entire ride consisted of the girls discussing what stores to hit today and they decided they need to fix my hair first and Weiss just kept glaring at me.

When the airship landed the girls lead me through the busy streets of Vale to a small barbershop on one of the less busy side streets. It was a nice barber shop I guess. It was in a small grey building with one of those candy cane poles attached to it.

We walked in the building and were greeted by a small ding of a bell.

"Yang!" a man said as he came around the corner, "You here for a touch up?"

"Hey Dante," Yang greeted, "I'm not here for me." she stepped back and gestured to me, "My friend here needs a haircut. He was MIA for a month."

The man was moderately sized and pretty skinny. Hair was short and blond with the sides of his head shaved and his hair fell naturally on his head. He was wearing a green and blue plaid button up shirt which was tucked in to his beige dress pants. He also wore white and blue sneakers.

When the man saw me he looked me over and then he put on a disapproving face.

"Oh dear, this is is a hair emergency!" he said as he grabbed my arms and lead me towards a washing station, "Don't worry"

"Alex." I said.

"Don't worry Alex, I will take good care of you." then he started up the tap thing.

"Oh and my sister is way overdue for a trim." Yang added.

"I am not Yang." Ruby wined.

"Kristina!" Dante called to one of the girls at the counter, "Can you please take my dual colored friend over here for a trim?"

A tall lady that could be mistaken as a supermodel, walked over as Yang took her sister's hood.

The girl ushered Ruby into a chair and got to work.

Dante finished washing my hair and lead me to a station.

"So what style do you want, shaggy, short, shaved maybe?"
"No shave!" I said quickly, "But other than that do whatever you see appropriate."

His eyes gleamed with excitement as he got to work without saying another word.

Ruby was done in no time then she watched as Dante cut my hair.

He was at it for a good half hour then got to styling it. I felt like and idiot being here with all girls and the fact that they are taking me shopping later didn't help the situation.

Dante looked like he was having fun with my hair, he tried out what seemed like ten different styles until he found one he liked. The frustrating thing is that I couldn't see what he was doing because Yang insisted on my hair being a 'surprise'.

"All done!" Dante said excitedly.

I felt my blindfold being removed then I stared at myself in the mirror in front of me.

My hair was still jet black and now back to being short but Dante had put the majority of my spiked to the left side of my head but the rest of my hair was still spiky in organized chaos. I have to admit, Dante did and awesome job.

"Do you like it?" Dante asked.

"It looks so cool." I turned to Dante and smiled, "Thanks."

He smiled back at me then turned to Yang.

"How much D?" she asked.

Dante waved his hand in front of him, "No, no, not necessary. It was my pleasure to have taken care of that..." He searched for the right word, "Disaster"

Yang grinned, "Thanks D, see you in a couple weeks!"

Yang waved as we exited the salon.

"Next up, clothes!" Yang squealed as she lead the four of us to a clothing store.

We went through several stores and we ended up picking out a lot of greys, blacks, greens and browns until Weiss stepped in. I knew she didn't like or trust me but she did have a good sense of style for me.

Our last store was a combat gear store. After so many days of doing nothing, I actually forgot I was in RWBY and was going to a combat school. So I felt like a complete idiot when I asked team RWBY why we were at a combat store.

The girls and I figured I needed actual combat gear now that I probably was no longer an immortal. Though we have not yet tested that theory, I kinda just had a hunch.

"So Alex," Ruby said, "What kind of gear do you think would work for you?"

How was I supposed to know? I usually just wore a windbreaker so, "Uhhhhh" was my oh so intelligent answer.

"What parts of your body would you be least likely to protect in a fight?" she rephrased.

I thought for a moment then spoke, "Something to protect my arms and lower legs, other than that something grey, brown and/or blue."

Ruby thought for a moment then disappeared in a cloud of rose petals while the rest of the team lead me to a change area. Ruby came back with a t-shirt, and a jacket, then grabbed a pair of jeans out of one of my many shopping bags. She shoved me into a change room and told me to get changed so I did.

My jeans were just plain old grey and my shirt was a dark blue color. The jacket was black with brown stripes running down the sleeves and was made of a hard but breathable material that I could move easily in, but I wasn't sure about how this was going to protect me until I walked out and saw a table filled with arm and leg armor.

Ruby gestured to a moderately sized round pedestal to stand on. She silently fitted different shapes of metals to my arms and legs until she found a few that she liked. then turned to me.

"Now," Ruby said, "Let's start with the leg guards and see which one you find more comfortable and moveable."

She handed me the first set of leg guards and I strapped them to my legs. These fit just below my knees, protecting my entire lower leg.

"How about something that covers my knees too?" I asked.

Ruby smiled as if she knew I was going to ask. She reached across the table and picked up some leg armour that covered my lower leg and sat over my knee. It was colored fully in silver with a darker rim, but I figured I could probably get gold or blue accents painted on later. She put them on my legs and had me walk around so I could get a better sense on how they feel.

I was honestly surprised how comfortable they felt. In the show I watched the characters fight so easily with the heavy armour not knowing how they could even move, much less fight in them.

"They're perfect." I exclaimed.

Ruby put on an accomplished smile and moved to my arms.

"Elbow or no elbow?" She asked me as she looked over my arms.

"No elbow." I answered.

Ruby and Yang disappeared around the corner and returned soon after with five sets of guards each.

They started to find the sets that fit best to my arms then, like for my leg guards, they started to have me try them on to see how they feel. I went through about three pairs before I settled on a pair of guards with a sleek, rectangular design with the same plain coloring as the leg guards. I really hope I can get the accents colored because grey may be my favorite color but there is such thing as overkill.

Yang took my armor over to a counter with a crap load of paint cans. We sat in silence for a good 20 minutes until the lady at the counter handed her back two large cardboard boxes and a piece of paper then headed over to the check out with Weiss in tail.

Weiss ended up paying for my stuff then we grabbed the rest of the bags and headed back to Beacon.

When we boarded the airship the sun was beginning to set and was almost completely dark when we got back to the school. We immediately went back to my room to drop the stuff off then headed to the dining hall to grab some food. Everyone was already eating Dinner when we got there so we just went straight to the dinner buffet.

We walked over to RWBY and JNPR's table and took a seat next to the allied team.

"New look Alex," Pyrrha complimented, "I like it."

"Thanks." I smiled then turned to my food.

We all had a fun time laughing and eating. But we were all tired and I decided to hit the hay early.

I was so tired I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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