Chapter 10: Returning to Beacon
Jaune shook me awake as we reached the Beacon landing pad then helped me off the ship when we landed. I could hear students chattering amongst themselves as we walked up to the main entrance of the school. I couldn't see through the bandages so even with Jaune's guidance I still kept bumping into things. When I smacked my head off the door frame entering the school, I felt a new hand grip my arm, this one much smaller.
We walked through the school and the new hand kept weaving me around students, teachers and other obstacles.
"Ok," Weiss finally spoke, "So, we will take Alex to the infirmary and you guys go see if you can get into his room and find some clothes for him and meet us at the infirmary."
"Right." Jaune acknowledged, then I could hear a cluster of footsteps retreat down the corridor.
Me and the others continued to walk down the hall until we came to a stop. I heard the sound of large metal doors open, then I was guided inside.
I heard unfamiliar voices speak, then Yang spoke back, "Alex Ozpin."
"It says here he went MIA last month and was recently changed to KIA." A woman's voice spoke.
"Yeah well..." she paused for a moment, "Circumstances can change."
"Form KIA?" the woman questioned.
"Let me handle this," Weiss suggested, "Our friend was thought to be dead but as you can see he's not. So can you please correct the error?"
"Yes ma'am." The woman said. I heard the clicking of a holographic keyboard then she spoke again, "Please head over to emergency and someone will be with you shortly.".
"Thank you." Weiss said, then we began to walk again.
"Uh Blake?" Ruby questioned from behind me.
"Yes?" she spoke for the first time today.
"Can you take over? I have to go to the bathroom." Ruby pleaded, then the hands left my arms and another gripped them, most likely Blake's, followed by rapid footsteps and a gust of wind.
Blake lead me to a chair and sat me down.
"Is anyone going to explain more thoroughly what's going on?" I asked.
"You remember when you left with professor Next?" Yang asked. I nodded. "Well he came back a week later and you....didn't. He insisted on waiting to see if you would return on your own."
"Ok." I said, not sure how to react.
"Do you remember anything?" Weiss asked.
I shook my head, "All I remember is that Ozpin sent me to destroy this ancient grimm thing that had this hold on me. And..."
"It had a hold on you?" Yang Questioned.
"I don't understand that either." I admitted, "Anyway, I remember landing... then nothing."
A black hand flashed in my mind but decided to leave that out.
"So, where did you get that necklace?" Ruby asked. Not sure when she got back in though.
"What necklace?" I said as I reached for my neck. I found a small leather necklace and followed it down where I found a weird charm; it was a stone wrapped in a thin metal casing. I really wished I could see.
"Alex." A man said from the other side of the room who I'm guessing was a doctor.
I felt Blake grab my arm pulling me to my feet, then lead me though the room into a thin echoey space, hallway? Still can't see.
We turned into a room where Blake sat me down on what felt like a bed.
"So what's going on?" The doctor asked.
"Something is wrong with his eyes, and look at his student ID picture and you can see the rest." Ruby explained.
"Ok, let's look at his eyes first." He said.
"They were bleeding when we found him a couple hours ago." Blake said.
"What!?" I yelled but I was ignored.
"Keep your eyes closed for now and lay down" He said as he began to unwrap the bandages.
"Ok open your eyes." he said.
My vision was really blurry but at least I could get a feel for where I am. The room was mostly white with a blob of blue, probably a window, and five silhouettes who I could kind of figure out who's who; a white and orange blob that was closest to me (the doctor), a pure white blob (Weiss), a mostly black blob (Blake), a red and black blob (Ruby) and a yellow and brown blob (Yang).
The girls gasped as soon as they saw my eyes.
"Alex," Blake said as she knelt down close to me, "Are you really Alex?"
"What kind of question is that? Of course I am!" I stated, "Why?"
"Your eyes..." Blake said, "They're...Blue."
"What!" I practically yelled.
"Can you see anything Alex?" The doctor asked.
"Yeah but everything is really blurry." I told him.
"Ok, you should regain your vision by morning." He said.
I nodded as I watched his blob take out a....scroll I think.
"Uh..." the doctor said then leaned towards Ruby, "Are you sure this is the same kid?"
"I warned you, and yes he is."
"We have to redo everything." the doctor said, "You stay here tonight Alex and we will begin a full examination in the morning." He flipped through the scroll, "Ozpin and... who here is Ruby Rose?"
"I am" Ruby said.
"Your his leader?" he asked.
"He doesn't have a team." she told him.
"Says here you are his team leader and Ozpin is his guardian."
Ruby looked at his scroll then nodded, "I guess that's right then."
"I want you here when classes start tomorrow and Ozpin too."
"Ok" she said cheerfully.
The doctor sighed, "Alright girls, go get some sleep, and I'll see you tomorrow."
Soon the lights went out and the room fell silent.
"Well, it seems you have destroyed my friend." a voice spoke, "The great destroyer indeed."
"Seriously, who are you?" I sighed.
"Hmm," it said, "That's not important. However, you have foiled my plans to destroy this world."
"You snooze you lose." I mocked.
"You arrogant little brat!" It scolded.
"I gave you so much and you sided with that beast!"
"What beast?"
"Oh right, you lost your memory. None the less, you have lost your value so you must perish."
"So what? I'm in a strange place. You tore me from my friends and family. Go ahead, take my life and be done with it." I told the voice.
"Ha, you amuse me. You are brave young one."
"I won't kill you just yet. Go, live your life, be free."
"Huh?" I said sitting up, a little surprised at the voice's response.
"Don't get me wrong child, I will be back. Now sleep, a new day awaits you."
With that I closed my eyes and slept through the night.
The next morning I woke up to somebody moving around my room. I looked to where the noise was coming from and saw a tall man with a light brown buzzcut and a long lab coat. He was fussing with some stuff on a table on the other side of the room when he saw that I was awake.
"Good Morning Alex," Doctor said, "How are your eyes?
I looked around the room and realized I could see everything perfectly opposed to the extreme blurriness I saw yesterday.
"Perfect. Thanks doc." I said.
"Call me Jude." He said with a smile, "Ozpin was just here but went for a coffee run and we are still waiting on miss Rose."
I sat up and scratched the back of my head. My hair was way longer than I remembered. So for my own curiosity, I got up and walked over to the mirror on the other side of the room.
"What the-" I muttered when I looked at myself in the mirror.
I still looked like me but I didn't. If my facial features, skin tone, and build weren't the same I would have thought I was somebody else. My short dark brown hair was now pure black and hung just above my chin. I swept my hair to one side of my face exposing two deep blue eyes which looked almost electric but other than the color they still had the same glint in them. Another change was a scar on the left side of my face stretching from my temple to the edge of my eye. I also figured out why I felt so off balance, I had grown at least five inches, probably making me a solid six feet. Other than that nothing was different about my body.
I took a good long look at myself in the mirror then turned my attention to the leather necklace around my neck. The pendant was a dark blue stone with a single strip of metal loosely spiraling up and down the stone into little casings at the end of the stone.
"Are you ok Alex?" Ruby asked, pulling me away from my thoughts.
"Yeah." I told her, "Just..." not being able to find the words, I simply gestured to my body.
"Oh yeah." she said, fiddling with a brown shopping bag in her hands, trying not to look at me.
"What?" I asked.
"You're in you underwear." she said.
I looked down only to see only my godzilla boxers which were now almost too small for me. So like any other self respecting, awkward teenager, I covered my crotch and dove under the covers.
The next thing I knew, Ruby broke out laughing as I peaked out from under the blankets to see her walking towards me. She offered me the shopping bag and spoke, trying to contain her laughter.
"Jaune said you could borrow these." she giggled, "The pants might be too big so he lent you a belt too."
I then took the bag and booked it to the bathroom where I changed into Jaune's clothes while listening to Ruby laugh her heart out in the next room.
Jaune lent me fairly plain clothes; a pair of blue jeans and a white t-shirt along with a simple black belt (which came in handy).
Just as I stepped out of the bathroom Ozpin walked in the room with a fresh cup of coffee. I looked into the main part of the room where Jude and Ruby were standing over the brown table Jude was at earlier.
The doctor turned around to see Ozpin and I came up behind them.
"Good you're here." Jude said, "So there are obviously changes that need to be made to Alex's charts because of developments unknown to us and his basic check up of course."
"Ok." I sighed, "let's get this over with."
Jude nodded and gestured for me to sit in a chair by the table as he prepared a needle and vials. AKA blood test.
He slowly stuck the needle in my arm as a crunched my eyes closed. I felt like an idiot but I hate the sight of people taking my blood, it's just creepy. He took about five vials until he finally put the needle down. He then checked my blood pressure which was low so it was expected because I haven't eaten yet.
"Now, let's check your height and weight." he said leading us out to the hallway where there was a scale.
He moved some knobs and stuff around then looked at my chart then back at me several times.
"Ok then," he said, "Are now a solid six feet,"(I totally called that), "and you weigh a hundred and forty pounds." he glanced at me, "That isn't good."
"The height or the weight?" I asked.
"The height is strange but it's you weight I'm worried about." he said, "From what Ruby told me, you have been out cold for the entire time you were gone so I doubt you ate. Honestly it's surprising you're alive, much less awake and moving." the doctor looked at me then lead us back to the room.
"So you can go back to your room but no classes for the next week or so. I want you to take it easy and eat four square meals a day and drink lots of liquids so you can gain the weight you need." He scribbled something on his clipboard and handed it to Ruby, "I want you to make sure he does these things."
"Ok." She said scanning the paper.
"You can leave now and I will see you in exactly a week." Jude waved us off and exited the room.
"Miss Rose," Ozpin said, "Can you make sure Alex eats and escort him to his room please?" she nodded, "Thank you, I'm glad you're ok Alex, good day." then he left.
Ruby and I walked out of the infirmary wing and headed for the cafeteria.
When we arrived Ruby sat me down and went to get our food. She soon returned to the table with two trays; one tray stacked with things from every food group I could think of, the other with purely cookies.
I didn't hesitate to dig in and I was finished it ten minutes flat, then I chugged both of the water bottles Ruby brought me but I was still really hungry.
"Cookie?" Ruby offered through a mouth full.
She had a look that was like 'please don't eat me'. None the less I took the cookie, devoured it then decided to go back for seconds, and I swear it was twice as full as my first plate. I too devoured this one, but I started to force the food in me as I finished off my potatoes.
When we were done, we loaded up on water bottled and headed back to my room.
Ruby took my scroll out of one of her pouches and unlocked the door. We dumped our loads on the desk then she handed me my scroll and checked the time.
"I got to go to class but come down to the cafeteria at lunch." she said as she slipped out and shut the door behind her.
I flopped down in my bed and relaxed my body and set an alarm for noon, knowing I was going to sleep. I let out a sigh as I drifted off to sleep, for once, not a voice.
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