Volume 1 Finale - Chapter 12: A Horrendous Transformation!
Volume 1 Finale - Chapter 12: AHorrendous Transformation! Break Through Your Limits!
The five giant apes slowly start to approach, their footsteps seemingly shaking the entire island. You start hoping back to keep your distance. Of course, this makes little difference to them. They all scatter, flying up and around in all directions.
They're so fast!
You jump and fly away from Raditz's stomp then barely manage to twirl over Kakarot's fist. You land on his arm and flare up with the Kaioken. You slam your fist between his eyes then fly back and over the other apes. Vegeta bursts into the air and swats you down without any time to dodge. You flail right back to the ground only to be kicked by Nappa. You fall to the ground, sliding a few feet before stopping. Slowly getting to your feet, you sense all five of them approaching.
"Damnit... Kaioken times three!" You get up and push back off the ground, using all your speed to get more distance.
Even if I tried to use a Spirit Bomb, it would only hit one of them. Even with my Kaioken...
You bob and weave through the attacks and blasts by the Saiyans, retreating farther into the island. The thumping of their footsteps still haunt you as they get closer and closer, like death itself is at your heel. You turn around and fire a quick Kamehameha at the closest ape. Raditz brushes it off like nothing, walking through the smoke caused.
"Come on!" You moan, continuing to run. "I have to think of something fast!"
"That... power..." Krillin shivers. "All of them... their power is incredible."
"Unimaginable," Tien reaffirms.
"G-Guys... what do we do?" Yamcha nervously chuckles. "We can't do anything..."
"Neither can he," Yang clenches her fist, causing it to shake.
"Sis..." Ruby sighs.
"They're just like (Y/N) was, aren't they?" Weiss looks to the others.
Everyone stays silent, knowing what's bound to happen. If nothing changes, you're going to die.
"Hm... this is unfortunate," Ozpin notes. "I don't believe (Y/N) knows how to deal with them."
Piccolo remains silent, unmoved by the Saiyans' drastic increase in power. He doesn't have an emotional tie to you, so your death means little to him.
"He needs to cut off their tail... or..."
"Or?" Piccolo raises his brow.
Ozpin chuckles. "We give the others a role."
The forest's edge fast approaches, leading to darkened clouds and black mountains. Even the Grimm who reside in the area has retreated at the sight of the hulking Saiyans.
"What's wrong, Kail? Lost your nerve?" Vegeta laughs.
"You smile when five giant apes are chasing you!" You shout back.
If I heard them right, their power was five thousand or less when it comes to the others. If my power was ten thousand, and that ape thing boosted them by ten times.
Kakarot starts running ahead of the other Saiyans, catching up to you in no time. He jumps forward and attempts to crush your body. Activating Kaioken, you barely manage to dash to the side but you're immediately punted by Nappa.
"Little runt! Die!" He opens his mouth and releases a purple beam.
Don't fail me now!
"Kaioken times five!" You scream, resulting in an immense amount of pressure being released from your body. You quickly fire a Kamehameha to counter Nappa's attack.
The two blasts collide and cancel each other out, however, the real harm was done to your body. Your muscles are burning hot thanks to the temporary rise in power. You place your hand on your arm and wince. "Damnit... I guess that was a bit much."
"Gah!" You turn around to see Turles' furry face passing by. He, like Nappa, opens his mouth and releases a blast at point blank.
You're enveloped by the blast and carried away as if it was a rough torrent. You're unable to escape until you inevitably crash against the ground and erupt into a large, purple dome. Once it dissipates, you're left lying in the crater. You shakily start to move, body visibly damage by such an attack.
"Ack... I..." You lift yourself up with one arm and breath. "I don't even know what to- AH!"
Vegeta's massive shadow casts over you, his foot positioned right over your body. Without thought, you trigger the Kaioken and aim a weak beam at the ground to push you away from Vegeta's wrath. Unfortunately, Vegeta manages to swat you out of the sky like a bug, bringing you back to square one. You crash against the ground and slide for a few seconds. Your body burns from both the aftermath of the Kaioken and the damage taken by these overwhelming attacks. You slowly but surely get to your feet, panting heavily while barely standing. Your gaze can barely come off the ground. Your eyes are so heavy.
Nappa runs past all the other Saiyans, shaking the island with each heavy step. As soon as he's close enough he kicks you into the air, nearly shattering your entire body. You cough up blood, the small drops falling back to the ground. Raditz flies into the air, moving behind you and slapping you back towards the ground. You scream as you spin through the air. Kakarot laughs as you quickly approach him. He pulls his hand back and punches you as soon as you're close enough. You flip around and are quickly snatched up by Turles. His grip is tight without being painful.
Your eyes are barely open, muscles are heavy, mind is hazy. "It's a shame we have to kill such a powerful Saiyan."
"Don't be remorseful now," Vegeta speaks. "But... why don't we give him a Saiyan's death?"
Vegeta approaches Turles and holds his hand out. The two apes exchange you, only for Vegeta to throw you towards the shores.
Vegeta laughs at a distance while the other Saiyans gather around him. "You know what, Kail? I think I'll be a nice guy," he stops moving and ascends into the air. "You won't suffer... We'll just destroy you and this planet together!"
Your attention locks onto that, granting you the strength to look up at the now five apes in the air. Vegeta cups his left hand with his right, surrounding himself in a bright purple light. Nappa opens his mouth and gathers a large amount of energy. Kakarot and Raditz shift one hand in front of the other, and Turles places his giant palms together. All of them charge an unparalleled amount of energy within their hands and mouth, shaking the entire planet with the threat of it breaking in half. You raise shakily push yourself off the ground and hover into the air to reach the Saiyan's height.
"It doesn't matter where you move! We'll destroy this planet a dozen times over!" Raditz laughs.
"If that hits..." You slowly look behind you, knowing Vale is in the far distance. "I can't let that blast hit the planet! I'll stop you with every ounce of power I have left!" You shout with a newly sparked fire. Your power shoots up with a three times Kaioken. You slowly bring your arms in front of you and slam your palms together. "Ka... me..." You move your hands to your side, gathering a massive store of blue energy. "Ha... me..."
"You choose to die fighting like a Saiyan! For low-class trash, I, the Prince of all Saiyans, will grant you a Saiyan's end! Super Galick Gun!" Vegeta shouts, throwing his hands forward to release a purple beam.
The other Saiyans follow his lead, releasing their beams to catch up and merge with Vegeta's. They all swirl together in a grand, beautiful and deadly stream of Ki. You grind your teeth and throw your hands forward. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
You release the blue wave to collide with theirs. The two forces crashing together set fire to the forest below. Bits of leaves, bark, and even rocks soar into the air and whip around your beam clash. The planet itself can barely handle such intensity. You're immediately pushed back on impact, barely even slowing the opposing beam down. You try your best to keep steady but to no avail.
"It's... so much... I can... I have to..."
The screams of Vale can be heard even by the small crowd at Beacon. No matter how strong those people are, not even they can keep standing under this planetary pressure. They're all on their knees, grasping at the cement to keep them steady.
"My head... it hurts," Ruby moans, one hand resting on her scalp. "It's so much... I can't..."
"Weiss, make... a glyph..."
"There's so much... I can't focus," the heiress shouts back to her Faunus teammate.
"Tien... I'm scared," Chiaotzu admits, staying close to his friend.
"There has to be something... we can do," Tien grinds his teeth. "Sitting here... useless..."
"Not for long," Ozpin speaks a second after appearing, standing perfectly still as if the planet wasn't shaking. "The Saiyans have transformed into Great Apes. I believe you four are familiar with it."
Memories flood back to team RWBY – the deafening growl, the earth-shaking steps, the paralyzing fear they all felt when staring into your blood red eyes.
"They all changed... like he did?" Yang clarifies.
"Indeed, but there's a way to stop it. (Y/N) is going to need your help, otherwise..."
The dazzling flashes of your beams outmatch anything on this planet. You're pushed back farther and farther, the Saiyans' beam closing in on you every second. You're trying your best to hold your own but their strength is too much.
"Damnit... DAMNIT!" You tighten your arms and try to put every ounce of your multiplied power into it. "COME ON! KAIOKEN TIMES FIVE!" Your red aura flares to a greater extent, slowing down the beam by a minuscule amount. The pain your body is feeling surpasses anything than before. It's a miracle you're even able to stay standing.
King Kai watches from his planet, a drop of sweat sliding down his cheek.
"The kid's in trouble?" Gregory asks.
"He's pushing his body past his limit and it's still not enough," the Kai shakes his head. "I believe... it's over... why..? Why isn't Piccolo and Ozpin intervening?"
"Try all you like, Kail, your end has come!" Vegeta laughs.
Their attack gets ever close, only being a few feet away. Their colours overwhelm the blue of your Kamehameha, threatening to swallow you whole and return you to King Kai. You close your eyes, trying not to see what's about to come.
Then, your eyes closed, images flash before you. Team RWBY and their cheerful smiles. The girls all focusing to create a Ki ball. Then your friends from the Turtle School – all training together with Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, and Chiaotzu. Your sparring, resting, laughing, all enjoying their time with Master Roshi. Yet also... the people from before. Lucent, placing down a massive plate of food with a hardy smile. Crystal, sticking with you every day. Her warm smile... you swear you can feel her soft hands rest on your shoulder. Even the others, the ones you killed and the few you spared, they were always there for you... and now...
"So many people... I can't... I owe them... Crystal, Lucent, I'm so sorry for everything... but I won't let everyone else die because of my blood!" You sharpen your eyes and look toward your incoming death. "The transformation increases their power by ten times... Body, please... for one measly second... just hold up for one second!"
Their beams overwhelm you, reaching a mere inch from your palms. Suddenly, your Ki flares up beyond anything that's been seen on this planet. "KAIOKEN TIMES THIRTEEN!" Your beam widens and fills with a massive swirl of power. However, that power comes at a cost. You can feel your muscles tearing themselves apart, stiffening and reading to explode. You grind your teeth and steel your heart.
Just for one second... one second to save them all!
Your blast pushes back against the Saiyan's combined attack.
"What?" They all question in near unison.
"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" You scream in both determination to win and overwhelming pain. Despite everything, your will to win keeps your body from falling apart then and there. With your teeth on the verge of cracking and your power swirling out of control, you concentrate just enough to put every ounce into your Kamehameha. Your beam swiftly speeds towards them, not even slowed down by their attacks.
"I-Impossible! This isn't possible!" Vegeta screams, yet it's no use. They're all swept away by your Kamehameha. It blows by them and soars into the air, finding its place in space.
After that one second of victory, you release the Kaioken and are stricken by the side effects. Your body tenses up, every muscle spasming and bleeding. You fall from the sky, crashing against the earth only to scream in pain upon impact. You throw up blood only for your neck to contract and cut off oxygen. Your entire body is shaking in response to rapid movements and torn organs. Despite the pain, your body shifts each way. Your chest will lift off the ground only to slam back down and harm you even more. Your skin and eyes start to turn red, your fingers twist every way.
I... did it... I...
Your vision starts to fade along with the pain.
"(Y/N)!" Yang screams as she, RWBY, and the Turtle School land beside you. "Oh my god, you-"
"He needs a Senzu bean," Krillin remarks, quickly grabbing one from his belt and placing it in your mouth. "Come on, buddy. Chew. You have to!"
King Kai exhales, never feeling so relieved. "I thought the kid was a goner. Using thirteen times, oh, I'll give him a Kaio-lecture!" He stops and starts laughing. "That's a good one!"
Barely conscious, you somehow manage to follow commands and swallow the bean through your convulsions. Seconds later, your body returns to normal. You open your eyes as per usual and see all your friends. "Guys... you..."
"(Y/N)!" Ruby and Blake hug you first, something you and the others weren't expecting of Blake.
"Hey, come on now..."
"We felt it and you... I couldn't bear the thought of not helping," Blake confesses. "You went out of your way with the White Fang and I..."
"It's fine," you pat her shoulder. "I think... I might have been dead if you hadn't shown up. So thank you... all of you," you end with a cock of your head and a bright smile. Blake exhales, looking away. She's never been so relieved and embarrassed at the same time. "But," your face drastically shifts to a serious one. "We're not done. You better escape while you have the time. Those guys aren't down yet."
"No, we can help!" Yang kneels in front of you. "We know how to get them out of that transformation. If we cut off their tails then they'll go back to normal!"
"Really?" You place your hand on your chin and think. "They can't sense Ki without those scouters, and those broke when they transformed. Okay," you stand up and smile. "I'll distract them. You guys..." You look to your eight friends, all eager to help you. "You cut off their tails. Do it all at once or they might figure out what we're doing."
"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Yamcha asks.
"Yeah," you nod. "In fact... I feel better than ever," you clench your fist before you. "Go on, stay low to the ground. I'll fly up high and keep their attention."
With the plan in motion, you soar into the air while the others scatter. By this time, the Saiyans have recovered from your attack and are far from pleased.
"You little runt," Nappa's voice echoes through the land. "I'll turn you to putty in my hands."
"Hey, you still haven't got me!" You shout from the sky, waving. "I said I wasn't going to lose, didn't I. No matter what transformation you take, I swear I'll beat you!"
Cinder chuckles at your little speech. She can feel your power has increased after recovering. It's nowhere near the power of the apes, but...
"I believe I've seen all that's necessary. It was a close call, I must say. I almost... well," she turns away and starts walking. "I'm eager to combat you in the future, Saiyan (Y/N)."
RWBY and the Turtle School split into four groups – Weiss and Ruby, Blake and Yang, Krillin and Yamcha, and finally Tien and Chiaotzu. They each keep low to the ground and make their way to one of the apes. Thankfully, they're unable to sense their presence without the aid of their scouters. That's what'll secure victory. Each slip around, getting into position as the Saiyans focus on you.
"It doesn't matter how much you struggle, Kail," Kakarot shouts. "You may have gotten lucky, but that won't last!"
"You sure?" you cross your arms and raise your brow. "It seems you're just relying on brute force. Well..."
Ruby slides her foot back and takes a deep breath. She focuses her Ki into her scythe, giving it a faint glow. Below her, a glyph forms to heighten her speed. A few more appear to guide the young girl towards Kakarot's tail. With Ruby's speed, she intends to take both Kakarot and Vegeta. Blake's cloth is wrapped around a faraway tree, filled with tension from how strained it's become. Yang is holding Blake, ready to throw her at Raditz. Yamcha keeps at Krillin's side as he hones a Ki-based disc in his hand. Tien does the same, though smaller and less potent. They're focused on Turles and Nappa, respectively.
"Why don't we get it started then!" You shout.
Taking that as a sign, each of your allies enact their plan. Tien and Krillin throw the discs, cutting off Turles and Nappa's tail at the same time. Meanwhile, Yang throws Blake as hard as she can, flinging the Faunus towards Raditz. Before the ape even knows what's happening, Blake's cleaver makes a clean cut. Ruby bursts forward in a flurry of rose petals, moving faster than any of your other allies. Her extends her scythe and spins around, cutting through the tail like butter. She flips around and lands on another glyph before immediately speeding towards Vegeta.
Whoa, she's super fast now! Combining her Aura and Ki has done wonders for her. She might be faster than most of the Saiyans.
Vegeta quickly gathers what's occurred. All the other Saiyans slowly shrink and lose the ape-like features gained. However, Vegeta is far superior to the others. Being the last one, he's able to spot the speeding rose and slap her out of the air.
"Ruby!" Yang shouts.
You speed towards Ruby, circling around and catching her before she reaches the black mountains.
"Are you okay?" You say, holding her back and legs.
"Ehh... yeah... that really hurt," she moans, her aura flaring a bit to signify its low amount. "But he's still big..."
"And the strongest," you add. "Ruby, you're definitely the fastest one here... well other than me. You have to cut off his tail, but..." You look towards the battlefield where the Saiyans have just returned to normal. "I can't fight them all at once. We're all going to fight."
"But Weiss!"
"I know," you nod. "We'll have to figure something out. I'll handle Vegeta," you fly towards the group. "You have to help Weiss. None of you will win on your own."
You swoop around to Weiss and drop off Ruby. "Good luck," you say before flying off once more.
"Everyone," you telepathically speak. "I need you to listen. You have to fight those Saiyans in pairs. Whenever you're free, attack Vegeta. I can't cut off his tail on my own, but I can distract him. You've all been training, right? You're all really strong now. Show the Saiyans what people from Remnant can do!"
You stop in front of the hulking behemoth in armour. "Vegeta, we're still fighting."
"You... it doesn't matter how many there are, I'll crush you all!" He roars.
"Alright then, Vegeta," you shift your hands to the side and flare up with a four times Kaioken. "Come on!"
Tien and Chiaotzu stand ready as Nappa returns to his regular size. The brute tightens his fist, growling at the two men before him. "Little runts... I'll kill you!"
"His power is far less than it was when they arrived," Tien whispers to his friend. "We can do this, Chiaotzu."
"Got it!"
Tien dashes forward, taking the lead for their assault. Nappa wounds up his fist and punches, clashing with Tien's forearm. The two immediately start going back and forth with their blows, neither having the edge of the other.
"No way! You're nothing to a Saiyan!"
Tien ducks under Nappa's punch and slams his fist into the man's stomach. "Maybe so, but in your state there's no way you'll beat us!"
Chiaotzu points at Nappa's back and fires a thin beam. It collides with his back, knocking the Saiyan off balance. Tien uses this opportunity to place his hands against Nappa's chest and summon a blue ball.
The beam explodes on contact, knocking both Nappa and Tien back.
"I'm okay," he replies as he pushes off one hand and lands. "Chiaotzu, come on! We can't give him any room to breathe!"
The two friends fly at the brute, both slamming their fists in his face before the dust settles. Nappa holds himself in place and backhands the smaller fighter away.
"Runts! You won't beat a Saiyan!"
"And you won't beat us!" Tien shouts back, flaring his Ki up with determination before attacking once more.
Nappa catches his fist and slams his elbow into the side of Tien's skull. He quickly pulls the man back and lifts him a foot in the air before throwing a haymaker into the human's stomach. Tien's eyes widen in shock at the impact before he's sent spinning through the air. Nappa laughs as he chases after his prey.
"Scum," Turles wipes some blood off his mouth. "Just because I'm weakened doesn't mean I can't kill you."
"We can do this, Krillin," Yamcha affirms. "We can't let (Y/N) down."
"Right," Krillin nods. "Let's go!"
The two glide forward then split off in two directions, attacking from Turles' left and right. The Saiyan burst into the air, forcing the two to follow him. Krillin and Yamcha scream as the approach, immediately throwing a flurry of attacks at the Saiyan upon contact. The three fly over some explosions, crashing trees, and even fly over your battle with Vegeta. Turles can feel their attacks inching closer and closer. He's slowing down, getting sloppy. Even if it didn't put them down, your Kamehameha severely damaged all of them. Turles can clearly see that this is a losing battle in the long run.
Turles pushes off the two and fly back towards the ocean, trying to get some distance. Yamcha follows Turles closely while Krillin tries to circle around. Turles sneers at the sight, open his palms and firing a barrage of purple blasts at the two. They swerve through them both, though it lets them crash against the water and beach resulting in massive explosions. The two humans manage to dodge all of them and approach Turles once more. They both place their hands at their side, a maneuver Turles is now familiar with.
"Kamehameha!" They both scream, firing blue beams at the Saiyan.
Turles raises both hands and catches the two beams, struggling to hold them in place.
"Tch, as pathetic as it is, fighting us in our weakened state is smart. I believe we underestimated this planet."
Turles throws his hands up to redirect the beams upward then fly towards Krillin. This catches the bald warrior off guard, allowing Turles to drive his knee into Krillin's stomach before wrapping his hands together and slamming him down into the water.
"Krillin!" Yamcha watches as his friend is swallowed by the water. "You'll pay for that!"
"Try me," Turles retorts before flying towards Yamcha.
Blake slips through Raditz's attacks, only managing to stay away thanks to her Semblance.
"Pathetic!" Raditz shouts, dashing from one shadow to another. "What kind of warrior are you?"
"A planner," Blake replies before leaving a shadow that's almost immediately dispersed by Yang's punch.
She pushes Raditz back but not off his feet. The Saiyan brushes his chin and sneers. "I'll crush you both."
Blake walks to Yang's side and puts her weapons away. "Yang..."
"I know," the blonde cracks her knuckles. "We didn't train for nothing. We're going to beat you down!"
Yang runs forward, refraining from using any Ki to fly. Blake stays back, knowing what Yang's done with her training and how she'll fight. Raditz bursts forward and elbows Yang, nearly knocking the girl off her feet. With this moment of weakness, Raditz starts an unrelenting barrage while laughing.
"Die, die, die!" He wails, beating the young girl to a pulp.
He disappears behind her and places both hands on her back, releasing a purple beam that pushes her a dozen feet away before exploding.
"That was your plan?" He laughs. "What made you think you could defeat a Saiyan?" Raditz turns his attention to Blake. "Now it's your turn."
Blake smiles, getting low to the ground with her arms separated. "No... it's yours."
From the dust and debris, a massive wave of energy shoots up, blowing it all away. Yang stands in the middle, her eyes red and aura larger than any of her teammates. She furrows her brow and leaps forward, catching Raditz off guard with her massive increase in speed. She slams her fist in the side of the Saiyan's face, sending him flying at incredible speeds. Blake closes her eyes and focuses her Ki for the coming attack. She slides underneath Raditz as he soars, driving her fist into his stomach and then using her Semblance to propel herself over him and kick him right back to the temporary clone. As soon as Raditz lands on it, the clone explodes.
Blake glides beside Yang once more before they both enter a fighting stance again. Yang manages to keep her Semblance active, mixing it with her Ki to break the limits of her abilities.
Raditz pushes himself onto his feet, some of his armour broken off from Blake's Ki-fueled clone. He grinds his teeth in frustration at the humans before him. Without thinking, he rushes forward.
The two dash forward, clashing with the Saiyan before throwing their own punches and kicks, using their Ki and Semblances to combat the Saiyan threat. Raditz is purely on the defensive now, unable to break through their assault to start his own attacks. Any time he attempts to attack, Yang purposefully takes the blow to fuel her own power. The three traverse through the forest, all fighting for their lives.
Raditz notices Yang's tendency to take the hit and uses that to his advantage. He feigns an attack at Blake only to immediately shove a Ki blast in Yang's gut. The blonde is blown away, distracting Blake long enough for Raditz to grab the girl's face and slams her into the ground. He drags her along for just a moment before throwing her at the incoming woman. Yang catches Blake only for them both to be hit by another purple Ki blast. That entire section of the forest explodes in a fiery manner. Yang and Blake manage to keep themselves up with a combination of Ki and Aura.
"He's... so strong."
"We can do this!" Yang affirms, rushing ahead of her partner.
Ruby watches as you fly towards the giant ape, turning red before dashing at him.
"He's buying us time, Ruby. We'll help him," Weiss places a hand on her leader's shoulder.
"I know. Right now, we're going to show this guy what we can do," she says with a surge of confidence.
"Yeah," Weiss smiles.
"I remember you were all shaking in your boots when I first arrived," Kakarot speaks. "Yet now, you're standing fast against me. I can respect you, humans, but that doesn't mean I won't vaporize you where you stand."
Ruby spins her scythe around, layering the blade with Ki once more. "Weiss, back me up."
Ruby shifts her scythe behind her and glides forward, sped up by quickly formed glyphs from the heiress.
Kakarot readies himself, blocking the scythe with his forearm. Despite holding it back, his skin is still cut, he still bleeds.
"Tsk, a weapon?" Kakarot grabs the handle of the scythe and throws the girl away.
Ruby flips and lands on a glyph, busting back at the Saiyan and cutting his chest. Kakarot's eyes widen at the sudden attack. Ruby slides across the ground, her eyes locked on Kakarot the entire time.
"I'm more than a weapon!" Ruby shouts. "Weiss, petal tornado!"
A few dozen glyphs surround Kakarot. Ruby bursts into petals and spins through the glyphs, soaring around Kakarot over and over. With her speed and Weiss' glyph, she creates a faux tornado around the Saiyan. Kakarot keeps looking around, unable to lock onto the girl.
"Is this it?" He shouts before attempting to fly out. As soon as he reaches the edge, Ruby's scythe slashes him and knocks him back down. Kakarot stands back up and sneers.
Before he can say anything, a yellow ball of Ki flies out of the tornado and hits his back. Kakarot turns around only for another one to hit. And another, and another, and another. Within seconds, hundreds of blasts are hurled at the trapped Saiyan. Kakarot falls to one knee, trying his best to knock them all away but he's simply being overwhelmed. The blasts themselves aren't very strong, but the fact there are so many is what's starting to damage him. Kakarot grinds his teeth.
"I won't... be beaten like this!" He shouts while increasing his Ki. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
Both Weiss and Ruby sense the surge of Ki. "Now's our chance!"
"I got it!"
Ruby swirls through the air and lands on a glyph before leaping off, scythe ready to slash.
You fly around the giant ape, barely dodging his intense attacks. It's clear that even Vegeta is fatigued a bit from the battle. Besides that, you feel far stronger than you did when it all started. Thanks to that, you're able to keep pace with Vegeta, though it's impossible to do any real damage to him. The one technique you have would take too long to form.
You hurl over Vegeta's hand and dash at his face. You slam your fist between his eyes and then jump off the snout to get some distance. Vegeta holds his face for a second before growling. He can't believe this is happening. With all the fighting you and the other Saiyans have been doing, you've all been rising in power. But there's no way you could have grown this much without recovering from near death. He never saw you at that point, yet now you're stronger and healthier. It's frustrating and humiliating for the Saiyan Prince. Despite taking on the overwhelming power of the Great Ape, you still overpowered five Saiyans and are still fighting.
Vegeta stares you down, rage boiling up inside him. He's so distracted that he doesn't notice the red blur speed towards his tail and slash it off.
"What?" Vegeta turns around right as his massive tail hits the ground.
Ruby slides across the grass and looks up at you. "Kick his butt, (Y/N)!" Ruby screams. Seconds later, a large explosion erupts from where Ruby once was. "Weiss!" She forms back into a red blur and speeds away.
"No... no!" Vegeta yells as he slowly returns to normal.
You descend to the ground and stand opposite to Vegeta, watching him return to normal. He looks down at his ripped gloves, tightening them into a fist. "I..."
"Vegeta," you shout, getting the Prince's attention. "It's over. Leave this planet... and I'll fight you again another day."
"You will not talk down to me!" He shouts before flying towards you.
You duck under his first punch, sidestep his second, then block his third. Your increase in power and Vegeta's massive fatigue has lessened the gap between you two immensely. At this point, you don't even need the Kaioken. Both you and Vegeta realize this as you go back and forth, blocking and dodging each others' attacks.
Amazing! He's so strong even after all this.
You duck under his punch and land a devastating blow to his stomach. Vegeta sneers and hammer fists your back. You're pushed down to your knees, but you quickly push to the right and avoid a small blast from the Prince. You spin around and land on your right leg, pushing off it and flaring up with the Kaioken. With this speed, you easily blitz Vegeta and claim Vegeta's cheek with your fist. The Prince slides across the ground, unable to recover. You land a few feet away and return to normal, eager to continue the fight.
Vegeta rubs his cheek as he huffs and puffs. Turles, Kakarot, Nappa, and Raditz all land beside Vegeta, some hurt more than others. Your friends all land beside you. They're all hurt to varying extents. Chiaotzu and Tien are fairly okay, Krillin and Yamcha are bloody but standing, Blake is hanging off Yang's shoulder, unable to keep standing on her own, while Ruby and Weiss both have to use their weapons as leverage. Everyone's clothes are tattered and most are bleeding, though team RWBY is injured more so than the others. Still, it's clear they'll fight if they need to. Vegeta looks at his allies, all panting from the fighting. Sure, they're all able to continue battling, but from your immense leap in power and them in their weakened state, it's unlikely they'll survive a five versus nine battle.
"Vegeta, we can-"
"No, we can't," Turles cuts Nappa off. "Vegeta, it's time to go."
"Saiyans don't retreat!" Raditz shouts.
"Would you prefer death?" Turles retorts. "It's over."
Raditz and Nappa both grind their teeth at this potential loss. Vegeta gets to his feet, frustration becoming easily felt by anyone.
"Vegeta," Kakarot repeats.
The Saiyans know that Vegeta is far from happy at the thought of retreat, but he's no fool. This fight... is over. Vegeta hesitantly grabs a controller out of his armour and clicks a few buttons.
"We're... leaving..."
"Shut it, Nappa," the Prince barks. "Because we're going to be back," he looks to you. "And we'll kill you and destroy this pathetic rock!"
"If you can," you reply with a smirk.
The other Saiyans call their own pods. Shame is written across all their faces. Only Kakarot is able to keep his eyes locked with yours.
"You're going to let them leave? Why?" Krillin sharply whispers.
"Because... despite it all," you say at a tone that the Saiyans can here. "I want to fight them again... and win on my own."
"What? That's your excuse?" Yang questions. "They were gonna kill us all! Blow up the planet!"
"Yeah... I know," you snicker. "But... it's what I want... and let's be honest," you look to Yang, locking eyes with her, Blake, Tien, and Chiaotzu. "You can't change my mind with words or fists."
The others remain silent, all waiting for their pods to arrive. It takes less than ten seconds for the five Saiyan pods to land near their owners. Without a word, they enter their pods, defeated.
"Kail," Vegeta shouts. You keep your eyes locked with his while the pod closes. "You will regret this decision."
All the pods close and slowly lift themselves off the ground.
"Heh... maybe," you smile.
The five pods fly off in order, allowing everyone to breath easy. All of RWBY fall on their butts and exhale while the Turtle School's stances relax.
"They were strong... so strong," Yang shakes her head. "We trained so hard, and yet..."
"They weren't at full power either," Tien remarks. "If it wasn't for your battle before..." He tightens his fist. "I need to get stronger."
"How did you manage to fight them off?" Krillin asks.
"I wouldn't have if not for you guys... I was as good as dead," you chuckle, rubbing the back of your head.
"That's not something to laugh at!" Yang punches your leg.
"Ow, hey!" You falter momentarily. "I don't deserve that! I do deserve-"
"Food," everyone answers at once.
"Yeah... wait, how did you know? I haven't been around!"
"It's all you ever want," Yamcha chuckles.
"Because it's good!"
"I believe you deserve all the food you desire," Ozpin says as he approaches you from behind.
"Oh, hey Ozpin!" You wave. "Thanks for sending me to... the place," you say with air quotes. "I wouldn't have won without it."
"You were very lucky... however, you all performed extremely well. I'd venture to say that this entire planet is indebted to you. However, I'll handle the burden. Let's tend to your wounds and have a welcoming party for our friend here," Ozpin smiles at you.
"So... we're getting dinner, right?"
"Yes, we're getting dinner," Ozpin replies, inciting laughter from almost everyone.
Ironwood stands behind Gero, staring at the transmission their drones are collecting.
"We have everyone's DNA, save Beacon's Headmaster, and the battle data from everything as you requested. The drones are coming back now."
"Saiyans," Ironwood scratches his chin. "They said they'll return... Saiyans..." Ironwood places his hand behind his back and walks away. "Good work, Doctor. Your project is now active... but I expect you to keep it discreet."
"Of course, General," Gero says with a devious smile. "I'll take do all that must be done."
"Everything that has to be done," Ironwood nods. "Everything... to defend this planet," he fiddles with his tie. "To stop... the Saiyans."
After giving everyone, save yourself, a senzu bean, you all gather in Beacon's cafeteria. Most of the tables are formed into one giant one with you at the head. There's a small mountain of bowls and plates stacked in the middle. Everyone is just watching as you engulf plate after plate after bowl after cup after plate of food. The others haven't even gotten through one plate or bowl. You slurp down a bowl of soup and toss it in the middle.
"Man, all this is so good! I haven't had a meal like this in forever!" You shout. "Compliments to the chef, truly."
"I'll make sure to do that," Ozpin nods.
"It's good to be back," Ruby cheers. "I can't wait for next year to start!"
"Oh yeah, we're second years now!" You add.
"Well," Ozpin coughs. "Not exactly." The five of you stare at the headmaster, eyes wide. "There's nothing for you to fear, team RWBY. You've earned your second year right. Unfortunately... you, (Y/N)," he focuses on you. "You never completed any of the content necessary for passing. Normally, a student would be reprimanded for this but you have a very good reason for not attending. You still need to learn, however, so... you'll be returning to Beacon as a first year."
"Awww man, I'm not gonna be with them anymore?" You look over at the girls.
"W-Well, we can help you!" Yang adds.
"Yeah, Weiss is really smart," Ruby nods.
"I'm glad someone's giving me the recognition I deserve," Weiss confidently smiles.
"So, I'm back to square one, huh? Alright," you slam your fist into your palm. "First year here I come!"
"Again," Blake adds.
"Again," you nod.
This was so much fun to write. Thank you all so much for supporting Limitless to this point. I know in comparison to my other big stories, twelve chapters isn't much. But still, it's a starting point for greater and grander things. With Volume 1 complete, we approach Volume 2! Each Volume has two sagas, this one having the Remnant and Saiyan Saga. We have a plan to kinda incorporate a RWBY-centric saga and a DB-centric saga. Well, I intended to blend it all together as best I can. We'll just have to see what the future holds! I hope you all enjoyed the first Volume of Limitless! Is there anything you specifically want to see? Any RWBY moments? Dragon Ball moments? Leave them in the review/comments section and maybe I'll just add it in. Of course, I have a huge layout for the future of the story but it's still nice to see what people would want to see. And hey, if you have some mini-arc idea that I like then I'll credit the idea and put it into action! It's just a small way to get you guys involved, somewhat like the OC contest in Crimson Shadow.
Anyway, this is where I go. I hope you all enjoyed and I will see you next time!
Want to keep up with me? Know what chapter's coming out next and the progress of them? Follow me on Twitter! Twitter . com (slash) Chinsangan
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A special thank you to Patreon supporters: Manuel Garcia, James Tubbs, MazMan, MTX and Sassylemons
Extra special thanks to Ride The Lightning and Nicholas X Wright!
Andfinally, thank you to the Beta Reader: thenameisntimportant
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