Volume 1; Beacon Saga - Chapter 1: Journey of a New Warrior

Volume 1; Beacon Saga – Chapter 1: Journey of a New Warrior, Beacon Academy Here I Come!

It's a beautiful morning for all of Remnant. The sun is beating down to create a warm atmosphere that fills everyone with a certain joy that only the sun could give. For those who live outside the kingdoms, days like these are crucial. It's the best days for farming, best days to hunt or fish for meat, best days to generally get anything done. However, these are still dangerous times for those who need to venture outside any safe zones. Grimm still prowl about the forests, ready to make any human or Faunus their next meal.

Even for Huntsmen, Grimm are a major threat if not dealt with in a group. That simple fact makes it worrisome for regular people to travel on their own. Thankfully, for a small village near Mt. Glenn, they have someone to rely on when they need protection. One of those hopeful civilians travel with a small backpack along the makeshift dirt road to gather food and herbs for their village. It's a lone woman who's holding a small book against her chest as if it was her talisman of safety. There's no true reason to be scared, and she knows these emotions will attract the Grimm instantly, but she can't help but feel fear even on such a beautiful day such as this.

Her nerves jump when she hears something moving through the trees around her. She comes to a complete halt, her eyes frantically scanning all around her to try and find the source of the noise. Perhaps it's just a squirrel or a bird... perhaps it's a bloodthirsty Beowolf. She can't be certain until she sees it, but she won't be calm until she knows. She slowly begins to back up towards the opposite side of the tree line. She keeps her eyes keen on any more movements and her ears open to the smallest noises that could be made. Of course she doesn't hear what's right beside her until it's too late.


"AAAAAAAH!" She screams with the highest pitch she can to mirror the fear in her heart.

She spins around and slaps whatever made the sound, which connects with a satisfying sound that ripples through the forest. When she finally opens her eyes she sees a young boy hanging upside down with a confused look on his face and a red cheek. He's extremely muscular for his age, having more definition than bulk, but still having a good amount of the second. He has two notable features. One is his brown monkey tail that is currently holding him to a branch, and the second is his wild black hair. It's some of the most unique hair she's ever seen for two reasons. One being that it's basically thrown forward with little spiking at the back, but the front more than makes up for it as it goes up and forward in every direction, with two major patches falling somewhat in front of his face. The second curious this is that, for as long as she's remembered, his hair has been the same. No haircuts, no styling, nothing has been done to it and yet it remains as odd as ever. It's funny to see, especially with his silly, confused face.

Despite all that, her cheeks flare up when she sees the lack of clothes on his body. He's only wearing a pair of boxers that are failing their goal in covering the private areas.

"W-What're you doing? You scared me!" She squeals, angrily staring into his eyes that have no real colour – only white and black

You rub your cheek where she slapped you, not because it hurt, but because you're confused.

"What? I just said hi," you smile before tossing yourself off the branch with your tail and landing a small distance from the woman.

You look back at her, smiling. Crystal, one of your friends from the village. She has short, mousey blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Of course she's sporting her typical outfit of a white crop top and blue shorts, but it makes sense for the weather. It is a hot day, and you can't argue while you're wearing nothing but your boxers. Your tails wiggles behind you, not daring to touch the ground as you remain still.

"You know what you did! Besides, you can't just approach a woman like that and expect not to get a reaction," she states.

You look down at yourself, not really seeing a problem considering what you're going to go do. Unsure of her argument, you simply shrug and start walking.

"Well, come on then. I don't want to be late, or else your dad'll get mad at me, and he's really scary when he's angry. He might not feed me!" You shiver at the thought.

Crystal rolls her eyes at your obliviousness but follows anyway. She needs to keep by you no matter what since you're one of the few in the village who can actually take on the Grimm.

Crystal catches up to you and proceeds to follow down the path. You're more or less there, with only less than a minute of walking until you reach your destination, so not much is said in that time between you two until you reach your goal. It's a fairly large pond that branches through multiple paths that eventually lead to a small lake a few kilometers away. That's usually where you can find game like elk, wolves, and occasionally Grimm. But here? Here is where you can find all the fish you could desire. Crystal turns around so you can slip out of your underwear, and returns her gaze the moment she hears a splash.

You keep your eyes open as you descend into the cold water. It's a refreshing change to the warmth above ground, but that's all in the future. Right now you're looking for some fish to feed the entire village for a week. It's the great thing about being in this area – the fish are astoundingly big. Nobody's quite sure why, but it does make for less fish to catch. You don't want to ruin their ecosystem, of course. Speaking of that, you spot a fish come through the bend into the large section of calm water you're inhabiting. These fish are slightly aggressive, so provoking them will result in them attacking you. You have no fear since you've dealt with these fish dozens of times before. You swim closer to the fish, using your tail to give you a little speed boost as you shuffle through the water. The fish takes note of you but continues on its merry way. Its back is to you, which just makes this a whole lot easier.

Meanwhile, Crystal is sitting on the edge of the water, reading her book while she waits for you to be done. She doesn't even finish two pages before she hears a giant splash. She looks to the sky and sees a fish flying towards her location. She swiftly moves out of the way for safety before the fish slams onto the ground a few meters from her previous location. Suddenly a second fish flies out of the water and lands beside the first one. Crystal examines the fish to make sure they're fit for eating. They're definitely big, rivaling a young teenager in size, so there's plenty of meat for the village.

Soon enough you pop out of the water, landing beside your underwear. Crystal makes sure she doesn't take a peek at you since you have yet to put any clothes on. She reaches into her backpack and throws a towel at you. You nab it midair and start drying yourself.

"Thanks, Crystal. So, what'd you think?" You say with a big smile as you dry your legs.

"They're great! I'm still amazed how you catch these things."

You simply chuckle, not really giving her an answer. Once you're dry enough you slip back into your boxers and whistle, signaling the coast is clear. She turns to you, ready to catch the towel. You toss it to her as you approach your catch. You grab the first fish and lift it with one hand, then hold the other with your free hand.

"How do you manage to carry both of those fish with just one hand?" Crystal giggles as you two begin to make your way back to the village.

"Um... I don't know. They just aren't that heavy,"

You start whistling as you two walk back.


It doesn't take an unreasonable amount of time for you two to return to the village. It's fairly crowded with stalls and people wandering between those street vendors. Crystal's father runs the butcher shop, which is why you're helping him out with the food collection. The people of the village are used to seeing you in your boxers from all the times you've gone out to collect food. You two approach the butcher shop but take a detour to use the back entrance. You've always been told if you brought food through the front you wouldn't get any of it. When you enter the building you hear her father at the front of the shop serving a customer, so you just set the fish on a free table for him. You wipe your hands together in satisfaction with your handiwork.

"Alright Crystal, I'll see you guys later. I'm gonna get back in my gi and get some quick training in."

Crystal sighs, but ends up smiling.

"Yeah, just be back in time for some dinner. Wouldn't want you to miss out on any of the fresh catch."

You nod with a big smile plastered on your face.

"Definitely! Well, I'll see you later!" You shout as you run out of the back.

Crystal sighs at your silliness, but she's used to your childish happiness and naivety. Crystal returns her gaze to the back and starts to clean up the small bits of bone or excess meat her father left during a job. Once she cleans the floor her father walks in, looking tired from all his work. He too has a very light tone of hair, but his large build more than makes up for anything. He's got strong arms for cutting and gutting all the meat he deals with, but still somehow has a big round belly to add a few extra pounds to his total.

"Oh, Crystal. I wasn't expecting you back yet." He looks around the room as if he's looking from someone. "Where's (Y/N)?"

"Oh, he ran off already," she smiles, moving her hands behind her back and smiling. "He needed to get some clothes. Also, I think he's scared of you, Lucent," she giggles.

"Hey... its dad back here. Only Lucent when I'm at the counter," he sternly says, though Crystal isn't taking it at all.

"Alright, dad," she smiles.

Lucent places his hands on his hips and sighs.

"Shame, I even needed to speak with the boy. He got a letter..."


You run out of the backroom and immediately jump into the air. With no effort at all, you start flying through the air, soaring over the village towards the mountain. The wind flows against your wild black hair as you fly. It's such a fun experience to glide high over the ground and take a bird's eye view of everything. No matter how amazing the experience is, the main use of it is just to get from point A to point B the fastest. You don't always fly because it's not quite as fun to speed over nature rather than walk through and experience it. Besides, you'd rather put on your gi as quickly as possible so you don't have to make people feel awkward. You don't understand why it's weird, but there's no need to argue it.

Within a minute you make it to your small hut in a small clearing. As you let yourself fall you curl into a ball and spin forward until you land gracefully on your feet. You look to your small hut and walk to it. It's not locked, so you walk in and look for your clothes. They're neatly sitting atop a dresser that only holds your weapon and clothes. You grab your gi and start to put it on. You start by slipping into your loose, black pants. Right away you put on your blue boots with gold trimmings complimented with a red rope above the ankles. You tuck your pants into your boots for reassurance. With your lower body out of the way you grab your black t-shirt and slip it on, letting it fall slightly below your waist. You cover some of it with a very loose, orange gi with a major V-neck that falls a short bit past the black t-shirt, with blue trimmings around them. You throw the right side over the left so you can tie a blue sash around your waist, keeping it all together. To finish your outfit you grab two black wrist guards that reach from your wrist to shortly before your elbow.

You smile at the comfort of being in your regular clothes. Lucent and Crystal got this attire for you for your seventeenth birthday. It was meant to replace your old, ripped up one that took part in dozens of training sessions and Grimm battles. This one fits amazingly and doesn't get in the way of your fighting style. You debate grabbing your weapon, but there's no need to grab the Power Pole for this escapade. You only plan to do a small amount of training then return to the village.

You leave the dresser behind and exit your small hut to return to the beautiful outdoors. You step out of your home, waving your arms back and forth to warm them up. You start lightly bouncing, barely getting a few centimeters off the ground with each jump, getting higher and higher each time. Once you're making regular jumps you leap forward, crouch all the way down, and then zoom into the air at an unparalleled speed, letting out a joyful howl that can't be matched by anyone you know. You fly over the land, letting your arms out to the side so the wind can push against them. As you look ahead you can see the Kingdom of Vale and the prized Beacon Academy. It's far off in the distance, but it wouldn't take you much time to fly over there if you tried. But you're just looking for a good spot to work in some training. Maybe even find a pack of Beowolves or something to take down as a public service.

Of course one of your wishes comes true as you spot a Nevermore flying over the Emerald Forest.

"Seems as though he's taking up my airspace," you comment, flipping upside down and assuming a sitting position. "I suppose it's only fair that I take him down a notch." You chuckle at your own words before bursting towards the Nevermore, leaving a white trail in your wake.

You reach the Nevermore and come to a complete halt, crossing your arms as you hover through the air.

"Excuse me, Mr. Nevermore. I don't think you're very welcome here. Don't you think you could migrate or something?" You shout, hoping it'll just listen to you.

The Nevermore lets out an ear-piercing cry as it changes its course to you. You pout at its lack of compliance, but Grimm were never as understanding as regular animals. Still, Grimm can be a problem, even for you. They're incredibly strong and resilient to most ballistics, but you got something better than bullets.

You let your arms droop to the side, waiting for the Nevermore to attack. It has more bone armour than some other ones you've faced, but it shouldn't be that much of a problem. You quickly shoot yourself up and over the Nevermore so fast that it can't react. You hover over it for a moment then dive down with one leg extended to connect with the Nevermore's back. It starts squawking at your attack, struggling to stay in the air. You easily pass it at its sluggish speed and stop ahead of it. You open one hand and charge your secret weapon up. Your hand becomes the host of a brilliant yellow light that might blind any who aren't prepared. You throw your hand forward, shooting the Ki blast at the Nevermore's face. It explodes on contact, erupting in smoke and black feathers. Mere seconds later the Nevermore drops out of the cloud and falls to the ground.

You nod at your work and fly off. You didn't stay behind to watch it dissipate, but it's unlikely the Nevermore survived that blast. It wasn't the strongest you've ever made, but it still packed more than enough of a punch to take down a creature of Grimm. People always called this power your natural born gift – your semblance. If they're right, you have quite a flexible semblance. Nobody else you know can fly or shoot energy like you can, but maybe it's a Faunus thing. You've never met another Faunus so it may just be that Faunus have more traits and abilities than regular humans.

Thankfully there's no other Grimm in the air so your trip is a smooth flight. You land around the edge where the grass meets the sand. This gives you a beautiful view of the ocean. The sun makes the water sparkle and dance, combination of water, sand and flora fills your nose with a breathtaking scent. You leap forward and gently land on the sand, leaving a boot imprint to mark your arrival. It doesn't really matter since the water usually covers your tracks once you're all done. You approach the water and stop when the waves can hit your boots.

You've trained here hundreds of times throughout your life. You used to bring your book out here and test out all it had to offer. It's been so long that you can't exactly remember how you attained such a book, but it contained skills and techniques that you've been able to master over the years, including your Ki blasts and flying. It was hard to learn something just by reading it, hence why it took you years, but by this time you've learned everything from that book and even manipulated some of those teachings to create your own techniques. You can only imagine how this terrain is still lively, or how many ships you may have disturbed with that same training.

Either way, you're here to practice and that's what you're gonna do. You drift your gaze to the ground then swiftly close your eyes. You focus your energy around yourself to practice basic Ki control. Doing this inadvertently lift the water around you in small globs. The mixture of sand and dirt joins the water in circling you like the moon circling the planet. Your tail wiggles as your power surges through your body. You open your eyes, relaxing your body and Ki; you're ready to start. The water, dirt, and sand around you fall back to their place of origin.

This is very reminiscent of where you used to train with your first teacher, Master Roshi the Turtle Hermit. All it took was the word of mouth from the villagers when you were only ten years old that lead you on a journey to find the Turtle Hermit. That, after two months, led you to an island where Master Roshi resided. You trained under the Turtle Hermit for the required eight months and remained his student for another four years before returning to your home to aid in the village's defense. You still visit Roshi and Turtle every month or so to pay respects to your teacher and show him how much stronger you've become. One of your trump cards was acquired through that man, one you have yet to use against any form of life.

But you still practice it every day in this very spot to make sure you don't get rusty. A proper training ground would be better but there's a certain charm to the natural areas. Training along the shoreline and deep in the forest provides you with some tactical sense that someone wouldn't get from training a dojo or training room. Granted those places have a low chance of a Grimm attacking you or running into a group of raiders, but you consider those run-ins to be improvised training.

But now is the time to fulfill a daily routine. You lock your feet in the ground and take a deep breath in followed by a full exhale. You slide your right foot behind your body and lock your stance.

"Ka..." You connect your palms in front of you. "Me..." The very air around you is sucked into the glowing and growing ball of blue energy being created in your hands. "Ha..." The ball glows even brighter, blinding anyone who dares look at it. "Me..." The blast is ready, your target acquired. "Ha-" You start to throw your hands forward but stop midway.

The blast dissipates as your control of the ki is lost. You urgently turn around and look at every inch of the forest behind you. You could sense... something. No, not sense. You're lackluster in that area and there's no way you would have felt something without intending too. This was a natural reflex – your body stopped itself.

"Hello?" You shout, though not expecting any response. You wait a few seconds for a response but none was given to you. "Maybe I should go somewhere else for training. I kinda got the heebie-jeebies now."

You slowly lift yourself off the ground before bursting into the air and flying across the Emerald Forest.

"I gotta get my mind off that. Oh, I know! Reflex training!"

You push yourself to your maximum speed then dive into the forest. Immediately you almost slam into a tree, but you twirl past it just in time. This threat comes up again and again as you seemingly teleport around each tree, leaving an afterimage for just a moment. Your mind is in constant focus as you take in your surroundings. You have to since your eyes are closed. This is one of your favourite exercises for the thrill and because it works on your aforementioned shoddy sensing ability. This both refines your geographic sensing, but how fast you can make out the environment in your mind and react to it. It's not quite the same as feeling for another human being, but plants and animals have a life force of their own that can be sensed. Granted the energy of a person is far stronger than that of a tree, but the concept still stands.

You reach the other end of the forest, bursting out to hover over the water. You then speed backwards, your back towards the trees now, and repeat the process. To others, this would seem harder than going straight at them, but considering your eyes are closed both times it's merely a matter of moving left or right. At points you completely change your direction, making a sharp right and going somewhere completely off course. You keep this up for about a minute before you decide to stop. You pull in your leg and thrust it forward, kicking a tree right off its stump. You spin around, landing on a tree and springing off towards your now airborne log. With two swift punches, the tree shatters into over a dozen smaller pieces for a fire. You land beside the pile and finally open your eyes.

"Hehe, still got it."


You return to the village with the large pile of wood you collected. Though nobody is in desperate need of firewood, it's always good to collect for those cold nights. You set them down outside Lucent's woodshed, just behind his house, then loop around to the entrance. You knock on the door then wait patiently for a response. Crystal is the one to open the door, happily greeting you with a warm smile.

"Hey, (Y/N). Good to see you clothed," she giggles. "Have fun?"

"Mhm," you nod. "I brought some wood for your dad. I left it by his hut."

You take a moment to smell the air and all the delicious aromas enter your nose. Crystal can tell you're in the mood to chow down.

"Come in. Dad's just done making dinner. In fact, he made extra for you," she says, moving out of the doorway so you can enter. You rush in, quickly taking off your shoes so you can get to eating. Though in a rush, you set your boots in the usual spot and rush to the dinner table. Crystal follows, though more calmly, and takes a seat beside you.

"Is that you, (Y/N)?" Lucent calls out.

"It is, daddy," Crystal replies for you. "And he's really hungry!"

"Like always. Alright, this'll be special for ya."

Lucent comes into the dining area, his arms lined with bowls and plates as if he was a waiter bringing food to a large group. He sets it all down two at a time, then grabs three more bowls for himself and Crystal. There's a plethora of different meats, cows, chickens, and pigs, along with rice, steamed vegetables, plenty of water, everything you could ask for. You eagerly wait for the man to sit down and give you the go-ahead. Once he's seated he bows to his food, honouring whoever, you don't really care. Once he goes for his first bite you dig in, chowing down the first bowl of rice like it's nothing. Lucent and Crystal can't help but be amused no matter how many times they've seen this happen. Before they even get their first bite you're already on your third plate of pork. You drink a cup of water to wash it down then move onto some chicken, rice, and vegetables. Your constant chewing and odd grumbles make for an interesting soundtrack for their meal, but they enjoy it nonetheless.

The empty bowls pile up one after another and in no time you're finished with your dinner, topping it off with the final glass of water. You pat your stomach and let out a satisfied sigh.

"Now that was a dinner. Thanks a ton! What was the occasion? You don't usually make this much."

Just now finishing their dinners, Lucent and Crystal share a proud look. Crystal reaches into her pocket and pulls out a folded letter.

"This came from a courier. It was meant for you," she explains as she hands it to you.

You take the piece of paper from Crystal and open it up to read. Your eyes light up as you read the page.

"Seems you got into Beacon," Crystal happily says.

"AW YEAH!" You shout, throwing your hands into the air. "Can you imagine it? I'm gonna meet people who've been fighting for their whole life! Maybe they'll let me fight the teachers? I can see their moves!" Your mind floods with possibilities.

"Didn't you already meet the Turtle Hermit?" Lucent inquires.

"Of course, but these are new people! When do I go? When does it say?" You ask yourself, reading through it again. "The third... that's less than a week!"

"Three days, to be exact," Lucent speaks. "Curious how your message came so late."

"Maybe they just couldn't find him. He's not the easiest to track down," Crystal giggles.

"That's also true. Well, (Y/N), seems you've got some packing to do."

You nod, getting out of your chair.

"Definitely. Thank you for the meal, Lucent," you clap your hands and bow to him. "It was delicious. I'll make sure to drop by before I go."

Without another word you rush out the door and soar into the sky, heading towards your home.

"How do you think he'll do, dad? You used to be a Huntsman," Crystal inquires.

Lucent leans back in his chair and crosses his arms.

"He's definitely skilled, but I'm unsure he has the discipline yet. Maybe that'll change at Beacon."


Three Days Later

In the end, you really don't have much to bring. You have a few pairs of clothes... which are just duplicates of your current outfit. Other than that the only thing you have is your Power Pole. You didn't have much in your house to begin with which, admittedly, made packing really easy. With a small pouch and your weapon wrapped around your back, you leave your house and look towards the city. You pat your chest to make sure the paper is still there.

"Alright, I better see Crystal and Lucent before I go. Nimbus!" You shout to the sky.

In seconds a speeding yellow cloud parks in front of you, ready to take you anywhere.

"Hey buddy, ready to head out?"

You hop on the Nimbus and fly towards the village. Ever since you learned how to fly your use of the Nimbus is few and far between. It helped during your Turtle School days, but now it's more of a luxury when you're feeling a little tired or lazy. The yellow cloud zooms swoops behind Lucent's house for you to say goodbye.

"I'll be right back, buddy," you say as you leap off and run inside. "Crystal? Lucent? You here?"

The only response you receive is silence. You scratch your head.

"Huh, I thought they'd be around. Maybe they're at the shop?"

You run out the front door, closing it behind you, and sprint to Lucent's shop. It's oddly quiet for midday. Nobody's on the streets, no vendors... it's like a ghost town.

"What happened? Did everyone just take a day off? Go to the beach? No, that's Saturday. There's no fire or ruined buildings so no Grimm."

You reach the butcher shop and, to no surprise, it's completely empty. You rub the back of your head, shaking your unkempt black hair.

"I... guess they forgot? Hm... well, I probably would too. I guess I'll just come back in a few days and let them know how it's going. Nimbus!" Nimbus passes over the buildings and stops beside you. "Alright, I guess we're going. To Vale!"

You hop on the Nimbus and instantly take off, soaring through the sky and over the forest. Vale and Beacon get closer and closer by the second. You grab the slip of paper and double check something which you forgot.

"Alright, am I... yeah, I have to go to a ship. Easy enough."

You pass over the wall and hover over Vale, searching for the docks that bring everyone to Beacon. It's easy to spot since there are four large airships with a flock of people entering them.

"Thanks, Nimbus. I'll call you another time!"

You jump off the yellow cloud and dive towards the docking area. You're loving every second of the adrenaline-fueled ride. Seeing the buildings and people become larger as you fall faster and faster. Your tail waves in the wind along with your clothes. You spin around a few times before flipping forward and slowing yourself down. You come to a gentle landing on the sidewalk, shocking some of the passersby. You pay no mind to them and instead start running to the airship. You slow down when you become part of the massive wave of students entering the various airships.

After what feels like forever, you enter one of the airships. After a few more people enter the hatch closes, signaling you'll be taking off soon. You don't pay much attention to your fellow students and instead decide to step outside for some fresh air and a better view. You've seen Beacon a dozen times but never up close like this. It's definitely bigger than you thought. After about ten minutes the airship finally stops at Beacon and allows the students to disembark. You hop off the top railing and land ahead of everyone, then start running forward.

"So many people, so many buildings! I can't wait to see what everyone can do. Maybe there's someone really strong here!" You gush at the endless wonders and possibilities that are in store for you here. "Now... I think I'm supposed to go to a conference or something?" You scratch your head, looking around the grounds which are now full with other students. "Where am I supposed to go..?"

You cross your arms and tap your muscle, thinking on what to do now. You aimless walk forward with varying speed. You're so in thought that you fail to notice an explosion a short distance behind you. This absence of mind leads to you bumping into a new face. She falls to the ground, yelping at the sudden change. This rattles your mind and brings you back to reality. You look down and see another young Faunus girl. She has long brown hair and brown eyes. She's wearing a uniform that you've seen others wear, so you gather that it's the Beacon uniform. The most noticeable feature of the woman is her long, brown rabbit ears.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to knock you over," you chuckle, offering your hand.

"That's okay. Are you new?"

You pull her onto her feet and release her hand.

"Yeah, I'm not really sure where to go," you admit without shame. "Not used to places like this."

"I'll be happy to help you," she smiles, offering her hand to shake. "My name's Velvet."

"(Y/N)" You respond while shaking your hand.

"Well, (Y/N), do you have your scroll?"

"Scroll?" You cock your head to the side.

Velvet scratches her head.

"You... don't have a scroll?"

You shake your head.

"Those are those glass things, right?

Velvet turns around and starts walking deeper into Beacon's grounds. You follow beside her, taking a gander at all the buildings, décor, and students.

"I see you're a fellow Faunus," Velvet points out, taking a peek at your tail.

"Oh, yeah. Had the tail all my life," you smile.

"It's unique. I've never seen a monkey Faunus have different hair and tail colours."

You scratch your head then shrug.

"I always thought it was normal. I've never seen another monkey Faunus before, so... well, maybe it happens."

"Seems so! Most people here are very welcoming to Faunus. You don't have to worry about discrimination here," Velvet says with a happy tone.

"That's... cool," you apathetically respond. "So you've been here for a while, right? Who's the really strong guys?"

"Oh, um... Yastuhasi is really strong. He's part of my team! The professors here are very impressive too. You'll see everyone's abilities during your time here. There are practice matches between students almost every day."

"That sounds awesome. A lot better than training on my own," you say with excitement.

"So you trained at Signal?"

"Hm? Oh, no, I'm all self-taught!" You say, putting your thumb to your chest. "Well, actually no, that's a lie. I trained with the Turtle Hermit for a while."

Velvet cocks her head to the side.

"The... Turtle Hermit?"

"Yeah, Master Roshi. He's great! I'm sure you'd like him. He'd probably like you too. He's fond of most women, come to think of it," you bring your hand to your chin whilst thinking on it.

"Is he a Huntsman?"

"Oh, no," you shake your head. "He's a martial artist. He taught me and some other students for a long time. It got me used to using my fists instead of my Power Pole," you explain, pointing to your back.

At this point you and Velvet have reached the cafeteria. All the new students have made their way to the meeting grounds. Velvet opens the door, letting you walk in first.

"You're very enthusiastic. It's good to see, some people lose that enthusiasm," she says, closing the door behind her to walk in with you. "But now you... wait..."

In the cafeteria is... the cafeteria. No elaborate setup, no Headmaster, just some students loitering the place before classes. Another young woman waves to Velvet as she approaches. She's easily recognizable by her interesting attire consisting of a cocoa-coloured shirt wrapped in a dark brown waist cincher, yet her stomach is still slightly visible. Her trousers and high-heeled boots are also dark brown. Her many accessories also share a brown theme, though all in different shades. Her eyes are covered by a pair of glasses which, in turn, are slightly obstructed on the left by one wavy strand of dyed hair.

Huh, she wears a lot of stuff.

You cross your arms and cock your head as you look at the girl.

"Velvet, good to see you," she greets, then lays her eyes on you. "Who's this?"

"A new student. He didn't know where to go so I lead him here, but..."

"Yeah, surprised me too," Coco cuts off, knowing what her teammate will say. "They changed up the meeting place this year. It's in the auditorium."

"Oh, no... I'm sorry, (Y/N). I've made you late," she says, lowering her head slightly in shame.

"Don't worry about it, I just need to know where the auditorium is."

Coco pats Velvet's shoulder, getting her attention.

"Fox and Yatsuhasi are over at that table. Why don't you go see them while I direct the new kid?"

Velvet nods in response then passes by Velvet, waving at you before you leave. You wave back, then follow Coco out the door.

"Alright, kid, you gotta go straight, then follow the path to the left. It'll lead you right to the building. And... you better hurry. You're late as it is."

"Okay. Thank you... uh..."

"Coco Adel," she introduces herself. "And you're (Y/N). We can talk another time. Welcome to Beacon."

"Right, thanks! I'll hurry!"

You burst into the air and fly forward, leaving Coco completely dumbfounded.

"He flies... huh," she shrugs. "Never seen that before. Wonder what else this one will do," she speaks to herself, watching you fly forward and follow the left path.

Since you're flying it takes you practically no time to reach the building Coco told you about. You descend, hands to the side, and land a short distance away. The moment your feet touch the ground you start running. Your eagerness and excitement leads you to be a little absent-minded in the power department. You push against the doors with more force than you intended. The doors break off their hinges, glide over the students and slam into the walls on either side of the stage where a grey haired in a black and green suit, along with a blonde haired woman in a white shirt with a black skirt and black-brown stockings stand. All eyes are on you now, making this more awkward than this needed to be.

"I... uh... hehe, sorry."

You bring your hands back, your tail hiding behind your left leg in shame. You have no idea how to justify your actions except to nervously chuckle. The man on stage looks at you with intrigue. He remembers you. It's hard to forget someone with hair like that.

"An... interesting way to enter a room," the woman says with a condescending voice as she waves her wands at the two doors.

She removes them from the walls and puts them back into place as if nothing happened.

"Whoa, that was cool," you smile at the repaired behind you. "I wish I could do it like that."

"As I was saying," she clears her throat. "You will gather in the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow your initiation begins. Be ready... and try not to destroy any Beacon property," this generates a few snickers at your expense. "You are dismissed."

Other students pass you by, remarking your Faunus status and your idiotic entrance. You become one with the crowd as students funnel out of the building.

"The ballroom tonight... well, where's the ballroom? What am I supposed to do in the meantime?" You bring your hand to your chin as you think on these questions. The wave of students break off as they all go their separate ways."I wonder if we're allowed to spar on the grounds? Or training! Can I do my normal training here? Maybe there's a room for it or something. I should have asked these questions," you scold yourself.

"Hello there, young man."

You look to the left and spot the same man who was on stage. He's facing you, his hands planted on his cane.

"Oh, hello," you smile. "You're a teacher, right?"

"Headmaster, actually," Ozpin politely corrects. "But you may call me Professor Ozpin.

"Oh! Uh..." You clap your hands together and bow. "It's an honour to meet you. Thank you for accepting me into your school."

Ozpin is pleasantly surprised at your actions, though he doesn't make it apparent.

"Of course. We're always looking for bright new Huntsmen and Huntresses. I remember your file. Your combat prowess surpassed every student."

You straighten yourself and smile.

"Well, thanks! I've trained a lot and hope I can get even better here. I really wanna see what the others can do. I heard that we spar with each other, is that true?"

"That is true," Ozpin chuckles at your enthusiasm. "Well, it was a pleasure speaking with you. I wish you luck for tomorrow's initiation."

"Thank you! Oh, before you go... where's the ballroom?"


You made sure to spend the rest of the day memorizing Beacon's layout so you wouldn't be tricked once more. But now it's time to rest. All the new students have gathered in the ballroom where they claim a sleeping bag that's been laid out for them. You chose one near the near the corner of the room. You set your pouch and Power Pole against the wall. You were given the opportunity to store the weapon away in a locker, but you decided to keep it with you.

Students all over are speaking with their friends or getting right to bed. You... haven't really made any friends today, at least out of the new batch of students. The only people you talked to were Velvet and Coco at the beginning of the day, minus Professor Ozpin, of course. You're not too bothered by it, however. You sit against the wall, intending to fall asleep like this. Though you're unsure how that'll go when you spot a blonde staring at you with hungry eyes. Thankfully a blonde boy in a onesie distracts her vicious gaze.

"Initiation, huh... shouldn't be too hard," you whisper to yourself whilst closing your eyes. "I'll be sure to ace it!"

So... yeah, new story. Isn't that something? Yes, it's the Dragon Ball x RWBY, Saiyan x Yang story. I've actually wanted to do a Dragon Ball story since my first year of writing. Originally this was going to be Frozen x Dragon Ball but... I don't want to do Frozen.......... I don't want to do Frozen anymore.....

Anyway, I hope you'll like it! I'm really passionate about this one! A few thing you might like to know is that I'm changing stuff up. I know I started it identically to RWBY Volume 1, but I'll be blending the two stories together and... well, kinda making my own thing. It'll have a combined skeleton of both RWBY and Dragon Ball, but with a Chinsangan twist.

"B-B-B-But Chinsangan how are RWBY characters supposed to match up with Dra-"

Yeah, I know, I thought of that. You'll just have to wait and see. But don't worry, Cardin isn't becoming Planet level anytime soon. That's in Volume 5.

So I hope you all stick around and enjoy! For now this and Crimson Shadow will be my only two stories. Maybe in a few months I'll release a third story (whether that will also be RWBY or not I'm unsure) but I'll just be happy with my two. So, I'll see you all later!

PS. The actual cover image is coming soon. The one now is just a placeholder. It is what inspired the Reader's appearance, though.

Want to keep up with me? Know what chapter's coming out next and the progress of them? Follow me on Twitter! Twitter . com (slash) Chinsangan

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Questions? Comments? Concerns? Advice? Send me a message! See ya!

A special thank you to Patreon supporters: Ride The Lightning, Manuel Garcia 

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