Chapter 9: Strength of the Warrior Race! Rise to their Power!
Chapter 9: Strength of the Warrior Race! Rise to their Power!
"It's as I said," Piccolo speaks with a harsh tone. "One Saiyan will bring more. I told you that when he first arrived. Now not one, but five are on their way? Killing him as a child would have prevented all of this."
"Piccolo, you're more than a match for the current Saiyans," Ozpin calmly responds, taking a drink before speaking again. "I don't see what the problem is."
"You and I both know the potential of Saiyans. If they're being used by S-"
"That is not our concern at the moment," Ozpin quickly cuts in. "I have assured the safety of our Relic. Between you and I, there's little that can get to it. When the Saiyans come... (Y/N) will fight them. You and I will not get involved – there's no need."
Piccolo turns away, looking out to the sky. "I am the Guardian of Remnant. It is my duty to keep the Relics, Dragon Balls, and people safe. I accepted your war because it affects more than just Remnant... but this? This is your own curiosity that's putting the planet at risk. He barely defeated that Saiyan."
"But you felt it, didn't you? He got stronger... and it wasn't a temporary boost."
"That's why bringing Saiyans here is dangerous. They become stronger... it will lead to destruction."
Ozpin sighs. "Piccolo, I understand where you are coming from. But you must know we need strong allies. You and I are the only people on the planet who can truly stop what's to come. Of course there's... my other associate, but he won't help much. If something were to happen and we were overwhelmed..." Ozpin moves beside Piccolo. "Saiyans have immense potential. We need to nurture him."
The two remain silent for a time, thinking as their eyes wander. The wind rushes through their clothes, forcing Piccolo's long white cape to blow behind Ozpin. The Guardian takes a deep breath, closing his eyes.
"He won't survive the battle."
"I know," Ozpin quickly answers before taking a drink. "I know you won't train him, and I can't for... reasons," he quickly gulps down some more liquid. "However, there's someone who can." Ozpin looks to the sky above. "What do you think? Five? Six months?"
"Mm... yes."
"Then I have some strings to pull," Ozpin turns away and starts walking.
"Ozpin..." Piccolo turns around. The Headmaster stops and waits for his ally to speak. "Do you really think one Saiyan can help?"
Ozpin chuckles. "In aiding him... I believe we'll gain more than just 'one Saiyan.'"
"You sure you're okay?" Yang asks, arms crossed.
"I just can't believe a bean did that," Weiss comments. "Is it infused with some kind of Dust?" Weiss rubs her jaw.
You roll your shoulders and stretch your neck. "Nah, I'm okay," you smile at the four girls. "I actually feel amazing! Better than ever, honestly!" You look down at your hands while you clench them. "It's weird... like, I feel a LOT better. Like I trained for a few weeks or something."
"Only you would think training feels good," Weiss shakes her head.
You hop off your bed and start stretching your legs. "Well, that was fun. I almost didn't win."
"I don't think it was very fun," Ruby remarks. "Someone did die..."
The mood in the room instantly drops, save for your shining presence. You look back and forth between the downcast girls, unsure how to make them feel better. You move your lips to the right as you think, then smile when you come up with an idea.
"I didn't die." The four look at you, clearly showing your attempt didn't work. You cross your arms and tilt your head. "Huh... I thought that would've been a positive... oh, we probably won't have class for the rest of today!" The girls remain silent, still unamused with your comments. "Should I just... go?"
"You should probably stop talking," Blake advises.
"Right," you nod.
"I heard them saying there will be an assembly to talk about it. I imagine you'll be needed there," Weiss speaks. "Since, well..." She shuffles in place before coughing.
"Yeah..." Ruby nods.
"Is it... oh, right," you shift your tail to your side and look at it. "Nothing to worry about," you wave your arm. "I'm gonna go find Ozpin. You guys can stay in my room if you want to. Don't know why you would, but..." You open your door while keeping your eyes on the girls. "I don't know. Options are nice."
You close the door behind you and stand still. "I could have just gone out the window..." You look around the hallway. "It'd be too awkward if I walked back in... so I guess I'm just gonna stroll out," you say before happily sauntering down the hallway. "I haven't done this in a while... where are the stairs?"
You turn a corner right as RWBY leaves your room.
"Why did he think we'd stay there?" Ruby thinks aloud.
"It's not easy to understand him," Weiss shrugs.
"Perhaps there's a method to his madness."
"I think he's just dense," Yang chuckles. "But it works for him."
"Maybe for you," Weiss replies.
"Come on, let's find JNPR and head to the assembly," Ruby plans while she leads her team towards their friends' dorm.
"Yes! Freedom!" You shout, bursting out of the dormitories after twenty minutes of wandering. "Why do they make buildings so complicated? My house was only two rooms! It was simple," you ramble as you walk.
You stop and look towards the innards of Beacon, sensing a large mass of energy signatures. "Oh yeah, the assembly for the dead guy. He shouldn't have tried to fight. That guy was way out of his league. Hm..." You cross your arms and stare at the ground. "Or... if I was a little faster I could have stopped it. Welp, no use beating myself up over it," you throw your hands in the air. "Can't let that bother me!"
RWBY and JNPR watch from a distance as you remain normal, get sad, then go back to being happy.
"And here I thought he was having a moment," Weiss shakes her head.
"Not everyone is brooding and sad, you know," Yang starts walking again. "Come on, we're gonna be late. Hey, (Y/N)!" She waves. "Come on!"
You look over at the group and smile. "Oh, hey! I'm-" You stop and look behind you, towards the entrance to Beacon's grounds "I'm... gonna catch up in a minute. Go on without me!" You shout before running off.
You switch to gliding along the ground to make more distance, passing by statues, buildings, and going over ponds to reach the docks. You spot Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha just starting to fly away.
"Guys!" You shout, soaring into the air to reach them.
The three turn around and smile at your presence.
"Heya, (Y/N)! You look ripe as rain," Yamcha greets.
You stop in front of them, smile as bright as ever. "Don't get all buddy-buddy with me! You were gonna leave without saying goodbye!"
"Tensions are high here," Tien replies. "After you fell unconscious, those girls said you had Senzu Beans, so we weren't worried."
"Yeah, and we were getting weird looks," Krillin meekly says, rubbing his bald head.
You cross your legs mid-air and flip upside down, keeping your eyes in line with Tien and Yamcha. "What do you mean? I don't sense anything weird."
"That's because you still need to learn," Tien responds. "Tensions are high after that fight. Your Saiyan heritage, the death of a student, all this after that incident at your village." You look away, exhaling through your nose. "Things aren't very positive here."
"And that brings the Grimm," Yamcha adds. "It wouldn't be safe for everyone in Vale."
"I know," you nod. "But I didn't ask for it! They dragged me off to Atlas! I didn't even know I was a Saiyan... actually, that made me think of something," you flip yourself around and hover normally in the air. "Kakarot said it took a full moon to change into that ape thing... but I didn't see a moon before that. I saw some ball of energy."
Tien places his hand at his chin. "Which means someone wanted you to transform."
"Whoa, so there are people here who knew about the Saiyans before?" Yamcha scratches his arm. "I'm getting some major goosebumps."
"Hm..." You're lost in thought while the others look between each other. "I guess I have some stuff to think about. I'll stop by so we can all train together again. I have a feeling we're all gonna have to get stronger!"
"I agree," Tien nods.
"Well, we should head back to Master Roshi and tell him how things went. I hope everything works out with you," Krillin pats your shoulder.
"Don't worry, it will. Have a safe flight! I'll see you soon!" You wave before they start to fly off. "Well," you let your arms rest at your side. "Guess I gotta get to that assembly or whatever. I can find Ozpin there and chat with... oh no," you slap your face. "Ozpin's at Atlas! So who's holding the assembly? Ms. Goodwitch, I guess," you shrug.
RWBY and JNPR enter the building where they all gathered on their first day. If only the reason was as positive as back then. The gossip they eight can hear clearly sets this gathering apart.
"...and one of us was killed by that alien."
"A Sayjin? Saiyaman?"
"Saiyan. Turns out that Faunus kid is no Faunus at all."
"Makes sense. He never seemed to be normal."
"Does that mean he'll attack us too?"
"Idiot, he fought off that other one."
"It could be a ruse."
"I was there. He didn't know about that Alien stuff. I don't think he's against us."
"But he didn't kill the other one! Does that mean more will come?"
"It means he wants them to come back!"
"Then why would he fight?"
All these words pass through the two teams' ears as they shuffle into the middle of the room.
"At least not everyone is against him," Ren comments. "But it's clear some questions need to be answered."
"I think he's among those who have questions," Blake crosses her arms. "But it's possible those who are doubtful of him will be the loudest."
"He's an honest person. I'm sure he'll win everyone over," Pyrrha firmly says.
"We'll have his back too," Jaune affirms. "We're his friends, after all."
"Yeah!" Ruby throws her hand in the air. "We should go up there and tell them all!"
"Be my guest," Yang chuckles.
Ruby immediately falls in on herself. "Alone?! No way!"
"That's what I thought."
Ozpin, standing before the mic, clears his throat to get everyone's attention. "Good afternoon," he says with a calm, clear voice. "As you all know, an incident took place earlier today involving some of our students and a foreign invader." This statement erupts some muttering from the crowd. "Yes, yes, we realize that this new information is overwhelming. Nobody could have predicted the existence of other life. But it's important that we all remain focused and calm. Panic, fear, these things bring the Grimm. Our more experienced students know this well, but let this be a perfect lesson for our younger students."
Late as ever, you push open the door during Ozpin's speech. More and more people turn around to face you, hearing about your alien status and your unprecedented battle. You look to Ozpin right away, a confused expression taking over.
He must've taken a fast ship... or I've been out longer than I thought.
You close the door behind you and slowly enter the room, eyes drifting along the crowd who won't stop staring. You rub the back of your head and chuckle, not sure what else to do in this situation.
"I would like you to join me on stage, (Y/N)," Ozpin requests.
"Yeah, sure," you nod before hovering above the crowd and landing beside the Headmaster. "Sorry I was late, I was talking with..." You look back out to the crowd. "Eh, nevermind."
"We will be having a memorial for the brave student who tried to help and was unfortunately killed. He will be remembered and have a place at Beacon's memorial. I asked his team to stay behind after this so I can speak with them. Now," he shifts his body slightly to you. "You were the focal point of this event. Do you have anything to say?"
Ozpin steps out of the way for you to take the stage. You slouch over and narrow your eyes at the Headmaster. You move in front of the mic and stare at the crowd.
"Well... uh, hehe... okay," you take a deep breath. "I don't know anything about Saiyans. Even Kakarot said I had amnesia or something... I'm sorry for bringing him to Beacon and putting everyone in danger... even though I wasn't at Beacon when he came so... ah, whatever. I realize that I'll have to deal with that and I'll do my best to keep you all out of it. I'm, ah, really sorry for everything. I don't know, I'm not too good at speeches," you rub the top of your head, messing up your already messy hair. "I just hope you don't think I'm here to hurt anyone or anything... unless we're training! That part... uh... right, no, none of that," you wave off that train of thought off.
There's an awkward silence that takes over the room. Nobody says anything to you and instead just stare. You look around the room, contorting your face every few seconds to at least do something.
"Wow... I don't know if this is going better or worse than I thought," you whisper.
"So what happens if they come back?" Someone finally speaks.
"That guys said there were more that are stronger!"
"Maybe (Y/N) only fought cause he knew he could win!"
You scratch your head at that one. "You know I barely-"
"How do we know what happened? He could have threatened the witnesses."
You blankly blink twice. "I... there were teachers there too... I told them to leave."
More and more people start arguing, both against you and for you. All you can do is stand on stage and think of some way to calm them down. Ozpin remains silent, watching you.
"So... how will you handle this?" He says to himself.
"I don't think we're safe as long as he's around!"
"Wasn't he taken away to Atlas anyway? He came back because he knew!"
"Hey!" A voice shouts louder than the others. You watch as a fellow classmate, Cardin Winchester, hops on stage to get everyone's attention. "I don't know what you idiots are talking about! If this guy didn't show up we'd all be dead!"
You, RWBY, and plenty of other students are completely taken back that Cardin is taking your side. He hasn't been the nicest to the Faunus students or even some of the meeker humans, like Jaune.
"I don't like you very much," he turns to you.
"We don't talk though."
"But I believe in him. I was there – I saw him put his all into fighting that Kaka guy."
"Yeah!" Ruby hops on the stage too. "He's super-duper nice and..." Ruby stops mid-sentence when she realizes she's in front of the entire student body. "And... uh..."
"He also stopped the White Fang in Vale," Blake speaks up, though she doesn't bother getting on stage. "That's a pretty selfless act, if you ask me."
"I blew up that time," you chuckle. "Listen... I don't know how I can convince people... but I'll do my best to! I'll prove to all of you that I'm on your side, no matter what. I'm a Faunus, I don't care he said. So please," you place your hands at your side and bow to everyone. "Give me a chance to prove myself."
Ozpin smiles at the result and decides its time to intervene. "I believe that's all that needs to be said," he declares, returning to the mic. "(Y/N), I'd like you to be in my office... in an hour."
You stand up straight and nod. "Of course."
"The rest of you I ask to think on what's been said here. I'm sure (Y/N) is eager to work for your trust. You're dismissed. All classes are canceled for the rest of the day."
Ruby quickly jumps off the stage and runs to her friends. Cardin slowly approaches the edge but you place your hand on his chest before he can hop down.
"Hey..." You remove your hand and smile. "I appreciate what you said."
"Don't think on it too hard, monkey... but you saved my life. It's the least I could do."
You snicker. "Next time I'll let you save mine."
And with that, Cardin leaves you and returns to his team. You look back to Ozpin who's talking with the now three-man team.
An hour... okay. I might as well get something to eat... I wonder if I have to get back to Atlas. I'll ask Ozpin about it.
You hop off the stage and walk through the crowd, getting a few stares here and there. You smile at everyone you can, hoping to gain a bit of rapport from such a small act.
"Hey guys," you stop in between RWBY and JNPR. "You want to get some food? I'm super hungry."
"Tell me about it!" Nora nods. "Let's go!" She points towards the door and starts marching out the door.
"Yeah!" You fly over some other people and land beside her, mimicking her movements.
"He's pretty chipper already," Ren comments.
"Yeah... doesn't let things get him down," Yang smirks, leaning on one hip as she watches you and Nora march.
Ozpin's elevator dings before opening, granting you access to the headmaster's quarters. Ozpin looks up from his desk and smiles at you whilst you enter.
"Greetings, (Y/N). I trust everything is going well?"
You shrug, still walking. "I suppose. I got a lot of weird looks while walking here, but I suppose a lot has happened in a short time. Probably doesn't help that I'm still pretty chipper," you end with a chuckle.
"Positivity is always an admirable trait to have. It can be hard to maintain such when it feels like the world around you is crumbling."
You hop over the guest chair and sit in it. "I guess. I had a question for you."
"And I likely have an answer."
"Heh, right. Well, what happened with Atlas? I didn't get you in trouble by flying off, did I?"
Ozpin shakes his head and chuckles. "No, no, of course not. In fact, you solved our little problem."
"I did?" You tilt your head to the side.
"Indeed. From what the professors who were present have said, it seems like the key to your transformation is that tail of yours."
"My tail?" You look to your right where your tail waves. "So... I have to get rid of my tail? Can I do that?"
"Of course," Ozpin nods. "In fact, I can do it for you."
"Oh... huh..." You cross your arms and think for a moment. "Life without my tail..." A quick flash of Lucent and Crystal appear in your mind. "No, I have to," you nod, adopting a determined visage. "I don't want to put anyone in danger. If you can cut off my tail and stop me from transforming then I'll do it."
"A valiant answer, (Y/N). I'll relay that to... well, those who need to know. Consider you pardoned. I won't let them interfere with you anymore."
"Really?" You smile. "Awesome! Now I can train without worry."
"Train? What about school work?"
"Oh," you pause. "Well, of course that too! But if what Kakarot said was true, he's gonna come back with even stronger Saiyans! I need to get a lot stronger if I want to beat them. Man..." You squirm in place, a large smile plastered on your face. "Thinking about it gets me all jittery."
"You're excited?"
"Mhm," you quickly nod. "Thinking about such strong opponents... I don't know what it is, but I feel a fire burning inside me that just rises whenever I think of a tough fight. Plus the training is fun too!"
"Mm..." Ozpin leans back in his chair and presses the tips of his fingers together. "Well... let's take this one step at a time. Stand up," he says while doing the same thing. "We'll deal with your tail problem right now."
"Right," you get on your feet and step back. "Should I... do something?"
"No, no," Ozpin shakes his head as he walks behind you. "It will only take a moment. I'm not quite sure how this will feel."
"Oh?" You cross your arms and stare out the window. "So how will- oh!" You suddenly feel a pull, a quick pain, and a complete loss of balance. "Oh... whoa... this..." You wobble back and forth. "This doesn't feel... oh boy..."
Ozpin steps in front of you, holding your limp tail. "I've got it. You won't have to worry about it anymore."
"Is that so?" You do your best to keep your balance. "What am I... oh this is weird," you mutter before falling on your face, unconscious.
Ozpin chuckles at the sight. "I wasn't sure what would happen if I removed a Saiyan's tail... well," he moves it behind his back and smiles. "Now I know. I'll have Glynda fix your clothes. No need for those holes, after all."
Three Days Later...
"I'm still not used to it," Yang shakes her head while lowering her fists. "It looks so weird."
"I know, right?" You look at your butt, all lonely and tailless. "Thanks for fighting with me these past couple days, by the way," you hop back and get back into your fighting stance. "I could barely walk around properly."
Yang watches as you start throwing coordinated punches and kicks in all directions, pushing your speed and agility to their max to test the feeling.
"You know... I actually have a question."
You stop mid kick, holding it in the air as you look at Yang. "Yeah?"
"That thing you do... the flying and the 'Kamehameha!'" She mimics the movements. "That's not your Semblance, right?"
You lower your leg and places your hands on your hips. "Nope. I learned all that from Master Roshi! It's Ki control!"
"So anyone can learn it?"
You nod. "Pretty sure. That one guy had Aura and Ki so... yeah, I don't think it's limited! Any human..." You pause for a moment. "Well... I guess anyone can learn it. Man, I'm gonna have to refer to myself as a human from now on... that's gonna be so weird," you end with a lighthearted chuckle.
"Do you think..." Yang looks away and twirls her hair a bit. "You could... maybe teach me a bit?"
"About Ki control?" You tilt your head.
"Yeah. If anyone can learn it then can't you teach me?"
"I guess," you cross your arms. "I've never really taught anyone before... yeah, that actually sounds like fun!" You get more into the idea. "After class! We'll meet at seven behind the school! It'll be fun!"
"Yeah, sounds great!" Yang clenches her fist. "You better not go easy on me."
"No way," you shake your head. "You helped me get back into shape so I'll help you learn some Ki control!"
"How do I teach Ki control?" You say to yourself as you march back and forth on the grass. "I never even thought about it. I just sorta do it. What if there are complications between her Aura and Ki?" You spin on your heel and slam your other foot down, locking yourself in place. "Maybe I can-"
"Hey (Y/N)!" Yang greets from behind you.
"GAH!" You jump back and turn around. "Oh," you see Yang walking with the rest of her team. "More people..."
"Yeah!" Ruby throws her hand in the air. "Yang told us you were gonna teach her about that glowy explody stuff and I wanted to learn too!"
"That's such a childish way to explain it," Weiss shakes her head. "But I was interested in learning as well."
"As was I," Blake adds.
"Huh..." You rub the back of your head. "Well, the more the merrier I guess. Alright," you clap your hands. "Let's stop wasting darkness, then. Sit down with me. Come, come," you plop down and pat the ground. Ruby, Yang, and Blake sit down while Weiss takes a few extra seconds thanks to her skirt. "So Ki is... well, we do all have it. You just have to find a way to access it. I don't know how you'll find the difference between Aura and Ki, but... whatever," you shrug. "Let's start with something simple."
You place your hands in front of you and quickly form a glowing ball of yellow Ki. "This is what I want you four to do. It's the first step in controlling your Ki. We'll move onto attacks, flying, strength, speed, and durability. But all that is useless if you can't even do this." You let the Ki dissipate. "Now you four try."
The four girls mimic your stance and start focusing everything on that action. You stand up and start walking behind the girls. You kneel down beside Ruby and place your hands on her shoulders. "Quiet your mind and relax. I can tell you're thinking about it too much."
"Okay!" Ruby mumbles, closing her eyes and taking a breath.
"It's energy deep in yourself. You just have to bring it out. Relax and concentrate. Deep breaths."
The girls shake, they breathe, and they do their best to summon this hidden power within them. You notice some of their Auras are flaring while they try to summon their Ki. You cross your arms and think. "Are you purposefully using your Aura?"
The four stop and look back at you, all shaking their head.
"Well, you are. I'm not sure if that will interrupt it... I know you'll have to get used to merging them both, so I guess it's good to start like this. Okay, make sure your Aura is active while doing this."
"Right," the four respond.
Each of them activates their Aura before concentrating once more. Each focus, each think on ways to draw out this unknown power that was hidden within them for so long. You keep watching each of the four girls as they struggle to form Ki in their hands. You sit down in front and try to think of a way to make this easier.
"Do we feel something? Is there a sign?" Weiss asks, looking up at you while continuing to try.
"Other than the glowing ball in your hands? Well..." You tap your chin. "Think of it as pulling something out of your chest and running it through your hands. You might have to dig deep since your pool of Ki is far less than mine."
And so, the girls continue to try and try and try. Soon enough, teachers start doing their runs to make sure everyone is back in their dorms. Thankfully, you picked a slightly secluded spot. You won't be kicked back to your dorms for at least another twenty minutes. That being said, you'll spend the next twenty minutes just sitting there and watching the girls try. From your observations, Weiss has gotten the closest to forming a ball of Ki. The others are still slightly behind.
"This sucks!" Yang throws her hands in the air.
"That's the third time you've said that," you chuckle. "You just have to relax. Here, I got an idea."
You jump over Yang and land behind her. You sit down and scooch in so your chest is touching her back and your legs slide next to hers.
"Whoa, what-"
You grab her hands and move them into position. "Listen, just take a few deep breaths. You're gonna do it this time."
"I... uh..."
"You're gonna do it, right?"
"Right... yeah, right!"
Yang focuses on her hands once more, feeling your battle-hardened ones covet hers. "Deep breaths... focus... feel that power surge through your hands. Control it. Make it yours."
Yang closes her eyes and lets the energy flow through her. She searches through her body, past her flesh, past her Aura, and touches something she's never felt before. You can feel this spark in her and smile.
"That's it," you whisper. "You've almost got it."
This surging feeling comes to the surface. Her hands feel tingly yet warm. She opens her lilac eyes and sees the glowing yellow ball between her hands.
"Whoa! Hey! HEY! I DID IT! HAHA!" She throws her hands in the air, accidentally throwing the ball. "Ah! Wait!"
"Don't worry, it's not that powerful," you pat her shoulder before standing up. "Alright," you jump in front of them. "Yang actually did it and Weiss is really close. Blake, Ruby, if you need help then ask those two. I want to see all of you be able to form that ball. Yang, I want you to practice and do it whenever. Maybe even with one hand." You raise your hand and smile. "Class dismissed!"
Kakarot's space pod lands on a distant planet, secluded and barren. He exits the pod, mostly healed from the battle. Kakarot takes a few steps away from the pod as it closes, looking around the empty plane.
"Seven months... they'll be here in seven months. Kail..." Kakarot tightens his fist before him. "I will destroy you next time we meet."
"And I wrestled that Beowolf down with my bare hands, forcing the beast into submission with my manly might! Aha!" Professor Port cheers.
"Yeah!" You follow up, totally into the story... the only one into the story.
Everyone else is either sleeping or surprised that someone is even bothering to pay attention to his monotonous stories. Then again, it's you. Everyone knows you're a fighting addict... and an alien. Both go hand in hand at this point. If anyone asked about (Y/N), they'd say those two things. Of course, anyone out of the loop would question the alien bit.
"Excuse me," Ozpin knocks on the door to attract the teacher's attention.
"Ah, Professor Ozpin. A pleasure to see you in my class."
"A pleasure to be here, as always, Peter. If I may, could I borrow young (Y/N) for a spell?"
"Of course. Go on," he gestures you towards the door.
You hop out of your seat and fly over the other students, showing the discretion is still far from your strongest trait. You land beside Ozpin and look up at the gray-haired man.
"What's up?"
The Headmaster chuckles at that introduction. "Follow me. I have something important to discuss."
Ozpin leads you out of the classroom and through the hallways of the building. Nothing is said during this time. The only sound is the tapping of his cane between each of his steps. The silence is almost deafening to you. It's so strange to walk so far yet not say a word. Out of the building, past the grass, the statues, the ponds, and all the way to his tower. Still not a word as you enter the elevator with him.
"So, uh... what's this about? Did I end up getting in trouble with Atlas after all?"
"Oh, no, nothing like that," Ozpin snickers. "I actually am planning a field trip, just for you."
"Just for me? That doesn't sound too safe, Ozpin," you smile widely. "Is it to another cell?"
"No," he shakes his head. "It's for... special training."
"Training?" You hop in front of him, eyes lit up with excitement. "What sort of training? Lifting? Fighting? Do I have to learn some new weapons?"
The elevator dings before letting the door open from the middle. Standing just right of the center is a tall, green man wearing odd clothes.
"Whoa!" You run out of the elevator, sliding in front of Piccolo. "You're green! That's so cool! How did you do that? Are you a Faunus?"
Ozpin chuckles at the sight as he walks closer to the two of you. "This is Piccolo, a very good friend of mind and the Guardian of Remnant."
You look at Ozpin then back to Piccolo, who's clearly annoyed at your curiosity. "Guardian of Remnant? So you're a Huntsman?"
"No," Piccolo responds. "I guard Remnant against far more than mere Grimm."
"More than Grimm?" You tilt your head to the side. "Like what?"
"That's not important right now. You have to prepare for the Saiyans."
You look over at Ozpin. "Saiyans? You know when they're coming?"
"Piccolo and I, yes."
You step back, looking between the two. "How would you know? He didn't say... how..."
"As a Guardian, I look beyond the planet."
"Wait, you're not from Remnant?" You exclaim with surprise.
Piccolo shakes his head, utterly disappointed at the ineptitude of a Saiyan amnesiac. He knows Saiyans aren't the brightest bunch, save for a few, but you're on a whole other level.
"That's not your concern. Your Headmaster has requested me to step back and let you deal with the Saiyan threat."
"You could fight them? Does that mean you're strong? Can we spar?" You get closer and closer with each question.
Piccolo places his hand on your chest and releases a minor shockwave that sends you flying into the wall next to the elevator.
"Ow, ow, ow," you fall off the wall and rub your back.
"Saiyans are of no threat to me... that includes you."
"From what we've gathered," Ozpin grasps your attention once again. "You're the weakest Saiyan alive. If you're to fight them, you need to get very strong very fast."
"And you have a way I can do that?"
Ozpin smirks before nodding. "Indeed. A... college of ours is a very good teacher. I believe you would benefit greatly from his teachings. Think of it as a school trip."
You lean back and forth, stretching your legs. "That sounds like fun. I love learning from new people. Okay, I'm ready!" You hop in place, rolling your shoulders. "Where am I going? Back to Atlas? One of the other Kingdoms?"
"No," Ozpin chuckles. "He..." The Headmaster glances over at Piccolo as he tries to find the world. "Has his own little world, you could say."
You tilt your head and think. "Huh... so, like, a dojo? Or an island like Master Roshi!"
"Something like that," he coyly smiles.
"This isn't a game, (Y/N)," Piccolo steps forward. "You'll be going far away for a long time to train hard. If you aren't strong enough then these Saiyans will kill everyone."
"But I thought you said you could beat them?"
"I... well..."
"Not often I see you tongue-tied," Ozpin remarks.
Piccolo sneers, crossing his arms. "Do you want this fight or not?"
"I do!" You quickly answer. "Don't think I'll be lazy just cause you're strong. If I do all this training and you're stronger..." You smile at him differently – a friendly challenge. "Then I'll just have to get even stronger."
"Hmph, Saiyan battle-lust," Piccolo shakes his head.
"So... do you agree with my plan? You said you wanted to see him beforehand," Ozpin looks to his friend.
Piccolo looks between you and Ozpin. "I'll watch over Remnant while you're gone."
Ozpin smiles, knowing that's the closest thing to approval as you'll get. "It won't take too long," Ozpin affirms, approaching you and placing a hand on your shoulder. "Are you ready?"
You pause for a second. "I do want to talk to RWBY before I go. I was trying to teach them Ki control, so..."
Ozpin eyes Piccolo, hiding a smirk from you. "Is that so..?"
"Yeah. They asked so I thought I'd help them! Could you imagine a bunch of people using Aura and Semblance? I wonder if they'd be stronger than me?"
"Doubtful," Piccolo bluntly answers.
"Very well," Ozpin starts walking to the elevator. "We'll drop by Professor Port's class once again. You'll be gone for some time, so make sure it's a proper farewell," the Headmaster clicks the button and glances over at his ally. "Piccolo?"
"I'll return to my tower, let him know you're coming."
"Perfect," Ozpin smiles. "Come along, (Y/N). You have a big day today."
"Oh, sure," you start walking away then pause. "Oh!" You turn around and bow. "Nice to meet you, Piccolo." You return to normal and run into the elevator.
"Hmph... Saiyans..." Piccolo sneers after the elevator door closes.
You jump back and forth, leaping above the building you're standing in front of. Every time you leave the ground you flip around, kick, and punch - anything to loosen your body. Ozpin patiently waits outside the building, chuckling at your silly actions.
"So, you've been teaching them about Ki control?"
"Yeah!" You shout before jumping in the air again. "I want to make sure they keep up their training!" You land beside him and jump again. "Maybe send them to Master Roshi," you land again. "Why didn't we just take them out of class?"
"Because class is almost over. I would rather not interrupt my students' learning."
You stretch back and forth. "Fair enough. Oh, hey!" You spot a flood of students leaving the building.
Most of them give you a glance, wondering what you're doing with Ozpin. Still, they pass by and leave you be. Soon enough, team RWBY exits the building.
"I was honestly about to fall asleep," Ruby moans, hunched over.
"That class does tend to drag on," Blake agrees.
"Is that..?"
"Heya!" You jump above the crowd and wave at them. "Over here!"
"Oh boy," Weiss shakes her head.
The four girls approach you and are surprised at Ozpin's presence.
"Professor Ozpin, you're still with him?" Yang points out. "Is something wrong?"
"Not at all," he shakes his head. "(Y/N) just wanted to speak with you."
"Yeah," you cut in. "I'm going on a school trip!" You say as enthusiastically as ever. "So I won't be around to keep training you. I wanted you to keep practicing that and, when you're good, maybe Ozpin can shuttle you to Master Roshi?" You lean forward and look into Ozpin's eyes.
"You never mentioned this."
"I know," you snicker. "But I'm asking now. You'd learn more there than from me," you return your attention to the girls, retracting to your normal stance. "I'll be back soon, though, and I expect you four to be super strong!"
"You sure?" Yang smirks. "We might be stronger than you."
You smile right back. "That'd make me even happier! Anyway, we gotta go, right?" You gaze at Ozpin.
"Indeed. Girls, we'll talk about these trips another time. Have a good night."
"Yeah, see ya!" You wave but don't move. "Wait, how are we getting there?"
Ozpin chuckles. "Girls, please turn around."
"Oh..." The four follow orders, all unsure why.
Ozpin places his free hand on your shoulder and taps the ground twice with his cane. A strange sensation fills you as you're suddenly transported from Beacon to a very strange place. It's a large room with few decorations, if any. Before you can look around and analyze it, someone's booming voice catches your attention.
"So this is the Saiyan you spoke of, Ozpin?"
You look ahead of you... and then look up. There's a giant desk hosting an even bigger man. He has red skin, black beard and longer black hair with fairly large horns coming out of his purple hat. Like the hat, his suit shares the purple tint, though his shirt and tie are different, being white and orange respectively.
"Whoa, you're huge!" You point up at him.
The man squints his eyes at you. "What a rude way to introduce yourself."
"He's low on manners, King Yemma," Ozpin bows. "I apologize. But... have you agreed to let him pass?"
"Normally I would reject it immediately... but considering you're standing... I'll allow it."
"I thank you, King Yemma," Ozpin graciously speaks.
"Oh, uh... thank you!" You bow. "So I get to train with the strong guy now?" You whisper.
"Yes," he replies. "Come with me."
You follow Ozpin out of the building.
"So who was that? He looked tough."
"That's King Yemma. If you're lucky, you'll never have to deal with him."
"Why? I didn't know anyone like that existed on Remnant. Even these other guys," you look at two men in suits that're smaller looking versions of Yemma.
Ozpin chuckles. "Well... we're not on Remnant."
"What?" You run a bit in front of him. "Not on Remnant? Where are we?"
"The Otherworld. Heaven."
You stop in place, completely baffled. "He... what? There's... what?"
Ozpin stops and turns around at you. "There's more than just Remnant. You're going to have to get used to it. Now come, you don't have time to dally."
"But... you know? How... what kind of Headmaster are you?"
"An informed one." Ozpin approaches you and places his hand on your shoulder. "Snake Way is unnecessary. I'll bring you there immediately."
Ozpin taps his cane twice once more and teleports you to another place – a planet this time. Your feet land on the grass... followed by your entire body. You crumble to the floor, body shivering.
"What... it's so..." You try to push yourself up but it's no use. "How... are you standing?"
Ozpin walks away. "I'll leave you to that. I have an old friend to talk to."
"H-Hey!" You shout, trying once more to get on your feet. "My body... just feels so... so heavy. What's the gravity here? It's like... my bones are trying to jump ship."
Slowly but surely, you manage to get on one knee. Even then, it's like the weight of the world is on that one knee. You huff, puff, and make a ton of strange sounds as you try to push off that knee and get to your feet.
Ozpin, on the other hand, is traversing the plain as if he's lived with this weight all his life. He approaches a small, circular house with an open door.
"King Kai, are you there?" He shouts.
"King... Kai?" You huff, still stuck on one knee.
You watch as three people walk out of the building. The two that catch you off guard are a small monkey and a grasshopper. The one between the two is a fairly short and stubby character who, following tradition, has a different skin tone. His fairly chubby face is blue, along with his hands. He wears very small glasses that cover his eyes, a hat that has antennae, and a very long coat that's all black with gold rims. Underneath is a redshirt which only shown through the sleeves and a bit on his neck. There's a symbol on his chest, as well.
"Ah, S-"
"Ozpin," he quickly corrects. "That's all I need."
"Right. It's been a while. What brings you and your," he leans on one leg, taking a gander at you struggling to stand. "Friend?"
"I'd like you to train him. He's a Saiyan."
"Oooh, a Saiyan? Well, you know he'll have to tell a joke for me to..." Ozpin squints his eyes. "I... guess I can skip that part. But he'll have to train twice as hard!" He points at Ozpin.
"I believe he'll train even harder than that. He's quite the worker, as you can see," he shifts to face you.
"I'm... standing... stupid... planet!" You get on both feet, legs shaking just from holding yourself up. "You can't stop me!" You take a long, dramatic step towards the two. "I'm... coming..." You take one extremely slow step at a time. "Just... you... wait..."
"You know, the gravity of this planet is ten times that of Remnant," Ozpin shouts. "You better get used to it."
"TEN TIMES?" You scream, stopping in place. "HOW'RE YOU STANDING?"
Ozpin shrugs. "I'm not sure. Must be a Headmaster's secret," he ends with a coy smile.
"That's... not fair!" You mumble, taking another step.
"Alright, I'll train him. But then you'll owe ME a favour."
"Very well," Ozpin bows his head. "I'll be back to pick him up in two hundred and twelve days."
"That's not much time," King Kai rests his hands behind him. "But it'll do. I'll teach him everything I can. He'll be stronger than me when you come back."
"I hope so."
Your huffing and puffing cut the two off. You finally reach them, smiling a bit. "I think... I'm getting used to this gravity."
Ozpin lifts his cane and nudges you, forcing you onto your butt.
"Hey! That's not fair!" You desperately get on your feet. "I... can get back on my feet easier! Gravity... has got nothing on me!"
"Is that so?" He chuckles. "Well, old friend," he turns to King Kai. "I leave him to you. Good luck, (Y/N)."
And with that, Ozpin taps his cane twice and disappears. You look at King Kai and smile with a wide, goofy smile. "So, what's on the agenda, Master?"
Yep, on King Kai's world now! Some people may think the story is moving too fast. We've barely had any major development at the school. Don't worry, we have things planned out. It isn't going to be rushed or anything. Everything will come in time. Remember how it took twenty chapters for Ruby and Slater to get together? Well, imagine Kail and Yang! Nah, I won't be that mean... maybe. We'll see how it goes. As you guys know, I usually put story and events before romance. It's just how I do things. I'm not too worried about when they get together, though I know you guys are. So... just trust me. It'll happen soon enough... probably.
Anyway, that's all for me. I'm having plenty of fun writing Dragon Ball. I have at least... I think 6 Volumes planned, two arcs being in each Volume. So, yeah, I got a ton in store for the future. I hope you all stick around to see it! That's all from me! I'll see you guys next time!
Want to keep up with me? Know what chapter's coming out next and the progress of them? Follow me on Twitter! Twitter . com (slash) Chinsangan
I recently revamped my Patreon to include a few more rewards with a steadier donation price. Things like one-shots, short stories, and full stories are a thing now! Plus there's a Discord reward for a dollar, so that's sort of neat. You can check it out yourself if you're interested. It's completely optional, of course! Pat reon . com (slash) Chinsangan
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Advice? Send me a message! See ya!
A special thank you to Patreon supporters: Manuel Garcia, James Tubbs, MazMan, MTX and Sassylemons
Extra special thanks to Ride The Lightning!
And finally, thank you to the Beta Reader: TheNameIsntImportant
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