Chapter 8: A Shocking Revelation! The Truth is in the Tail!
Chapter 8: A Shocking Revelation! The Truth is in the Tail!
"I can fly faster than this, you know?" You say to Ozpin as you walk around the room.
"Speed isn't what's important. However, you seem a little happier now."
You stop and turn to Ozpin, a smirk on your face. "I guess. As... much as it really sucks that all of this happened, at least I know it was me... and I know why people are angry. Before, I was just confused. Now, I know! But it's hard for me to feel regret since I don't remember doing it. It's weird, right? I should feel bad about doing it... but I don't think I feel that," you look down at your hands, still stained with the blood of a village. "I only feel bad that my friends are dead. Is that bad, Ozpin?"
Ozpin taps on his cane as he comes up with a response. On the one hand, most people would be driven crazy knowing they did something so horrible but can't remember. On the other hand... you're not like everyone else. Your biology prevents you from feeling that way – eases you into apathy for tragedy. Of course, you don't know that so it would be strange.
"No... not for you. Don't worry, (Y/N), we'll figure it out in the end."
Ozpin looks behind him, staring at the clouds they're passing by. Instead of a small Bullhead or oversized Airship, you're escorted in a medium sized cruiser that's mostly used for luxury travel for the rich. Being a headmaster, Ozpin can afford this easily, but it wasn't him who requested it. To his surprise, the council decided to use this. He can only imagine it's meant to keep you calm and relaxed before your confinement.
"I bet you're watching right now, aren't you..." Ozpin whispers, staring out the window.
You stretch in the middle of the room. "Man, I hope it's not gonna be boring there. Do you think they have some tough guys in Atlas?"
"You realize you're there for more serious matters, right? You spoke to the council yourself."
"I know, but still," You slam your fist into your hand. "I hope it doesn't take too long. If we can make sure I don't wreak havoc again then we'll be fine, right? I'll be happy to stop it!" You smile at Ozpin.
"Hm... I'm happy to hear that. Just remember, people in Atlas are a little more... critical than most."
"Oh, okay! So be on my best behavior?"
"Exactly. You are representing Beacon, after all."
"Hm," you cross your arms, perplexed. "I don't think I'm the best example. Well, for fighting I would be!"
"Of course," he chuckles. "Get some rest, it's the middle of the night."
"Hm, okay. My room's down the hall, right?"
"Indeed. Have a good night."
You wave at Ozpin as you open the door. "Mhm, you too!"
Ozpin sighs once you leave. "I don't know how they're going to deal with him. Although... it's not like this is the first time the doctors will be working on things related to him."
Ozpin enters your room where... your sheets are all over the room and while you're spread eagle on the floor with no clothes on. He sighs and follows with a chuckle. Ozpin approaches you, setting his cane beside your head. He waits a few moments to see if you detect his presence and wake up... you don't. Ozpin lifts his cane and slams it down three times.
"GAH!" You burst off the ground and subsequently fly face first into the ceiling.
You land beside Ozpin, bouncing right back to the same position you were in when Ozpin arrived.
"Oh... hi," you greet with a happy tone.
"We'll be arriving soon. I thought you might want some breakfast?" He offers, keeping his eyes strictly on your face.
"You... are a god among men," you say as you flip onto your feet. "So, where is it?"
"We'll discuss that once you bathe and dress."
You look down at your not so private area then back to Ozpin, snickering. "Right, sorry. I'll do that!" You say before running to your personal bathroom.
Ozpin saunters towards the bathroom door, taking a statue-like stance beside it as if he was your guard.
"Did you sleep well?" He says with a louder voice.
"Huh? Yeah, I would say so," you respond before turning on the shower. "I can sleep anywhere but beds are always much more comfy and bouncy. I once slept on Nimbus, though I don't think it likes me doing that."
"It must be atypical for you to have your own dorm surrounded by others. I... was told you preferred to keep to yourself."
"Yeah, I guess," you cheerfully agree, soaping your wild black locks. "Maybe it was better that I did. Hopefully, we can find some way to stop this transformation thing or whatever happened to me," you say in a more serious tone. "I don't wanna put other people in danger just cause I'm around them."
"A noble goal. I'll wait outside for you to finish. We don't have much time to eat, so do hurry."
Of course, you finished showering and nearly ate everything the ship had in storage. Lucky for you Ozpin predicted this and had all that food stocked before departing. Now, you and Ozpin stand at the door as the airship descends upon Atlas. It's very... cold. Not in a temperature sense – though that adds to it. The colours remind you of ice and snow, being white or an icy blue. The buildings, cars, and even citizens adopt this colour scheme to symbolize their association with, and pride for, their Kingdom. It's definitely a change from the carefree Kingdom of Vale that you're used to.
"I think I see why you wanted me to behave. I stick out like a sore thumb," you cross your arms.
Ozpin chuckles to himself. "Indeed. Just remember, nobody here is against you. We all just want to figure out what caused this and how to prevent it. Be as cooperative as possible. And don't worry, they won't do anything too drastic while I'm around."
"Got it," you nod your head.
The ship approaches one of the larger Atlas buildings, slipping into one of the open docking bays. Through the small window on the door, you spot a group of people that seem to consist of the "higher-ups," soldiers, and robots.
"It seems they're taking their security seriously. I told him not to worry," Ozpin shakes his head. "This doesn't make you nervous, does it?" He looks over to you.
"No, it's fine. It's not like people with guns scare me."
"Understandable. Just let me do the talking. Don't speak unless you're spoken to."
"No problem. I'm the best at staying quiet," you confidently say.
Ozpin looks over at you, brow raised and smirk prominent. "Whatever you say," he returns his gaze forward.
The door opens and a ramp slides down for you two traverse on. You let Ozpin take the first step then follow his lead. In front of the grunts stand three men; the first seems to command a presence over the others. It makes sense, too. His face is very strong, his physique superior to the others, and his demeanor very serious and professional. You can already tell he's not fond of you by the sharp look his blue eyes have. That's all from a first glance, of course, but a lot can be taken from that. His hair is mostly black with white accents around the sides, but it's all very clean and touched up. He also dresses in a similar manner to Ozpin, though not a carbon copy. Like most of Atlas, he wears mostly white with his overcoat, glove on the right hand, and suit pants. His gray undercoat hides the potentially blasphemous black sweater, not to mention the red necktie that makes the black almost unnoticeable.
The other two don white lab coats and, to nobody's surprise, white suits under it. The one left is a short, stocky individual with a large, gray moustache and an almost bowl-cut hairstyle. He has a happier tone than the other two, but that might have something to do with the black cat sitting on his shoulder. That could make anyone happy.
The scientist on the right, however, seems less easy going. He's clearly better built than the other scientist and taller too. They do share a similar moustache style but his hair is vastly different. The top of his head is entirely bald but it makes up for that by having long hair going down his back and stopping around his pelvis.
"General Ironwood," Ozpin greets the first man. "It's good to see you. Were we worth such an entourage?" He playfully asks.
"It's for security purposes. Not my call, though I would have made it," he responds. "And this must be the student," he turns his eyes to you.
"Hey! I'm (Y/N)!" You cheerfully greet, placing your hand against your forehead. "Nice to meet you!"
Ozpin sighs, followed by a chuckle. He knew you'd do something like that.
"Mm..." Ironwood eyes you up before responding. "Pleasure to meet you. I assume you know why you're here."
"Yeah," you nod. "I get it. Kinda hope this doesn't take too long, though," you place your hand on your opposite shoulder and roll it. "So I'll be as cooperative as I can."
"Wonderful. These two men beside me," He gestures to his left. "Are Dr. Briefs," then to his right. "And Dr. Gero. They're handpicked by myself and Ozpin."
"Wait, you had a say in it?" You look over at Ozpin.
"Of course," he bluntly responds.
"It's nice to meet you," Dr. Briefs approaches you while Ironwood continues his conversation with Ozpin. "Don't feel nervous about any of this. We really do want to help. What happened sounds mighty scary."
"And interesting," Dr. Gero adds, passing behind Ozpin. "We've already come up with a few tests to perform. It's clear that the trigger was the strange ball that appeared in the air. We're going to try and recreate it's composition to-"
"Now, now, don't overwhelm the boy," Dr. Briefs interrupts. "We'll be talking you through each procedure so you know what's going on."
"Okay, cool. But, uh... what happens if I end up transforming?"
"We have containment measures," Ironwood responds. "No need to worry. Now, shall we proceed?"
The Atlas personnel turn on their heels and head for the far, automatic door that splits from the middle when they get close. You and Ozpin follow behind, keeping yourselves separate from the native people. Though, anyone who saw you could instantly tell you're foreign. As you follow, some of the human soldiers slow down to cover your rear.
"Are they doing that for safety? I don't think anyone would attack us here," you whisper to Ozpin.
He huffs, not bothering to make eye contact. "They're doing that to watch you."
"Oh..." You look back at them. "Hm..."
Your entourage enters a large, white room that's tinted in red thanks to the large light above the room. It's amplified by the massive glass box that takes up the majority of the room. Inside, there's a makeshift bed... and that's it. The rest is empty space for whatever you deem entertaining. You and Ozpin tilt your head in opposite directions.
"Am I back in prison?" You innocently ask.
"Indeed... this is... quite constrictive."
"Don't worry, you won't be locked up in here," Dr. Briefs quickly corrects. "This is just for testing and resting."
"As long as Ozpin is accompanying you, you have access to the building and the city," Ironwood informs. "So, please, don't see this as a containment unit."
"Mm," you cross your arms and keep your head tilted. "It's hard not to. But, whatever, I'll make do. Never had much in my house anyway," you say as you saunter into the glass room. "So... should I stretch and get ready or something?"
"There's no need. We just have to perform a few simple procedures to cross reference. Just take a seat on the bed, get comfortable, and we'll be back with some equipment."
The two doctors set off, taking a portion of the guards with them. You leave Ozpin's side and enter the glass room. You swing your legs, making all your movements over exaggerated to pass the time.
"I could train in here," you say to yourself. "Are you staying here?" You look back at Ozpin.
"No, I'll be watching from another room. They do nothing without my consent."
You shrug at his attempt at reassurance. "Okay, cool. See ya... wait, when's lunch?"
"You just ate," Ozpin chuckles. "Don't worry, you'll be well fed. I'll see you soon, (Y/N)."
"Yep," you wave.
Ozpin and Ironwood leave the room with almost all the remaining guards. One robot and one soldier remain to keep watch on you.
"Do you think this is a new breed of Faunus?" Ironwood theorizes to Ozpin.
"No, not at all," Ozpin immediately disagrees. "We'll have to see what your doctors and scientists come up with." Ozpin turns his head to Ironwood who's hand is at his cheek as he thinks. "Don't stress yourself about this, James."
"How can I not? We don't know how his transformation was stopped, he destroyed four students' Aura like it was nothing... who says that can't happen to experienced Huntsmen? What if he could destroy the city? What if there are more like him tha-"
"James," Ozpin stops and places his hand on Ironwood's shoulder. "Let yourself relax. You have more practical things to worry about."
"What's more practical than defending my Kingdom?"
You kick your legs over and over as you aimlessly stare at your red glass ceiling. It's been ten minutes since they came in with some equipment to take your blood, a sample of your skin and hair, heart rate, brainwaves, all things you really don't get. You are sort of annoyed at the strange white headband they've put on you to constantly monitor some of the previously listed details, but you said you'd be cooperative so you can't complain.
"It's just so... uncomfortable," you mumble, scratching around the band.
"Don't move it," Gero's voice booms through a speaker.
"Right, right, right, sorry."
"Alright, we're going to try and replicate the situation and introduce you to different substances," Briefs clearly explains.
"Okay, so what do I need to do?"
"You were fighting, correct?" Gero once again speaks. "Your heart rate was likely higher as well. So start throwing some punches or whatever you do."
"I can do that," you nod whilst hopping off the bed. "Alright, some training..." You look left and right, up and down, getting a feel for the space available to you.
The doctors, along with Ozpin and Ironwood, watch as you roam around the room.
"What is he doing?" Gero moans.
"He's getting a feel for his surroundings, likely to assure he doesn't break anything around him."
"That room is made of some of our finest material. He won't break it," Ironwood confidently states.
"Is that so?" Ozpin says, amused at the thought.
In a flash, you disappear from their sight.
"What the?" Gero spews, his fingers dancing along the keyboard. "Did he escape? No, there's still a heat signature in there."
"He's moving faster than we can see... and his heart rate has barely risen," Ironwood says with awe. "What is this kid?"
"He's a student of Beacon," Ozpin proudly says, eyes shooting from place to place as he follows your movements. "With a little extra training."
You spin through the air, blocking and redirecting various shadow punches and kicks. You burst back, landing on the ground, then fire a Kamehameha. It speeds across the room, then swoops around and rushes towards you. You stop fueling the beam and catch the brunt of it. You release another yellow wave to counter your blue one, ending in a massive explosion that shakes the entire building and shatters the glass containing you.
You turn to the window, chuckling and rubbing the back of your head.
"Sorry, I guess I went a little too far."
The four stare at you, a mix of confusion, shock, and apathy.
"His heart rate is still relatively normal," Briefs chuckles. "What a kid."
"What a kid? That's-"
"So... what do I do now?" You ask, letting your arm fall to your side.
Ironwood pinches his nose. "Clearly being indoors doesn't suit these kinds of tests. Perhaps finding a suitable location outside would grant us more flexibility."
"We'll need time to set up," Briefs responds, sliding his scroll out of his pocket. "Safety measures, setting up the equipment..."
"We'll need at least a day, sir," Gero finishes.
"Then you best start now," Ironwood nods. Briefs leaves the room, swiping through his scroll to set up everything. Gero remains, shutting down the systems for your room. "Ozpin, I leave him in your care. But... we'll have someone watching too."
"Of course," Ozpin pleasantly nods. "Good day, James. I'll visit you later."
Ozpin turns on his heel and saunters out of the room, his cane in rhythm with his steps. Once he's out and the door closes behind him, Ironwood turns to Gero.
"You gathered his DNA, yes?"
"Of course, sir."
"And the drone?"
Gero's smile slowly grows. "Still on his clothes, sir."
"Good, keep it there. I don't trust this kid, and I want to make sure we're prepared," Ironwood sharpens his gaze, testing Gero's will. "Like... using this towards your project."
"I will make sure to gather all the data I can, sir," he responds as professional as always, but inside he's more excited than he's ever been.
"Hehe, yeah, I didn't mean to," you chuckle. "I didn't know how much that room could handle. I didn't even use that much power anyway."
Ozpin smiles at you before returning his eyes ahead of him. He's taken you into the city to eat while the scientists prepare your next trial. Though you don't notice since you're focused on Ozpin, many of the citizens that you pass give you a dirty look. Maybe because you're a "Faunus," maybe because you're different. Either one is possible, but you don't seem to care so Ozpin will refrain from pointing it out.
"Not many people are accustomed to Ki. In truth, I'm the only Headmaster who has any knowledge about it. It's... taboo, one could say."
"Why? Everyone I've fought who could use it was really strong! People with Aura... I mean," you rub the back of your head and look away. "Not gonna say anything buuuuuut," you cheekily shrug. "It just seems Aura is a bit underwhelming in comparison."
"That's a very ignorant point of view, (Y/N)," Ozpin bluntly answers. "True, perhaps an Aura on its own is inferior, but imagine what would happen if someone combined the two?"
"I fought someone with both... well," you cross your arms. "I guess that's not fair..."
"Perhaps, when this is all over, you'll think on that. You may create an opponent even you cannot defeat."
"Oooh," your eyes glow at the thought. "That'd be cool. Hey, that's not fair! You're giving me ideas that I can't do right away!"
"Patience is a virtue, (Y/N). Get as old as I am and you might realize that."
"You're not that old," you squint your eyes.
Ozpin chuckles. "I suppose that's true, from a certain point of view."
"Listen carefully," Dr. Gero starts, sitting behind protective glass with Dr. Briefs, Ozpin, and Ironwood. "We're going to be exposing you to condensed rays of different Dust to see if that triggers anything."
You look back and forth, checking out the large, silver projectors aimed directly at you. It really blends with the bland arena that you've been situated in. But being on the roof makes it unlikely for you to cause any collateral damage... or, if you transform, you crush everyone beneath you. Kinda makes you worried, honestly.
"Alright, so I need to warm up again?"
"No!" The two doctors respond.
"Oh... okay..."
You cross your arms and look around as the projectors light up. They release a red glow that shines brightly on you, heating everything that it shines on. You shrug at them, signaling that you don't feel anything strange.
"Try looking directly at the light, please," Briefs says through the microphone.
"Gotcha," you nod before looking over at the dish. "Hm... hm..." You lean forward and squint. "Hmmmmmm, nope, nothing," you shake your head.
"Very well, we'll move onto the next one. Get comfortable," Gero says as he shifts in his chair. "We have lots of tests ready."
"Oh boy."
One Week Later...
"I never even thought of it! Kamas that turn into a flamethrower!" The young girl coos, as her team reaches their regular table in the cafeteria. "Aaaah," she lays on the seat, taking up most of the space. "I love it here... aaah, weapons," her starry eyes are lost in an imaginary world of little people and more weapons.
"But you lost," Weiss shakes her head, pushing her partner over so she can sit down. "I don't get why you're so happy."
"If she sees any sort of new weapon she'll get like this. She'll be back with us soon," Yang sits beside Pyrrha on the other side of the table.
"It was a more intense day, that's for sure. Seems like everyone is getting more comfortable sparring with one another," Pyrrha adds.
"Not me. I was going a hundred percent since day one!" Nora cheers.
"The roof can attest to that," Ren adds, to which Nora proudly laughs at.
Everyone starts eating their individual meals, discussing random topics that come to mind.
"It really looks like your training is working, Jaune," Pyrrha pats his shoulder. "You dealt with that Ursa handily the other day."
"And saved Cardin's butt," Yang adds.
"I was just lucky," Jaune shakes his head. "The Ursa was hurt by my sword but not his mace. It could have been the other way around."
"That's why we're the best!" Nora cheers. "We have bullets, explosives, swords, and hammers," she lists off on her fingers. "No way will a Grimm be immune to all of that."
"It's always good to have a backup plan," Weiss agrees, setting her drink down. "It's why Dust comes in handy."
"And why you should know how to use more than one weapon," Yang stares at Ruby.
"That doesn't have to mean hand-to-hand!" She waves her arms.
"Indeed," Ren nods. "Ruby doesn't seem built for it anyway."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Ruby and Yang question.
"Uh..." The boy leans back, getting all the distance he can. "I..."
In the background, another table is having their own conversation. Though most are focused on their own table, Blake's superior hearing and Yang's selective hearing focuses in on it.
"You hear that (Y/N) kid is still gone?"
"Yeah, he went with Ozpin somewhere, right? Probably putting that freak down."
Yang and Blake lock eyes, recognizing that the other hears the same thing.
"It's been a week. At least it's easier to get away with-"
"Hey, shut up."
"Well, I heard he could destroy a city! Creepy kid. Can't believe he was ever let in here."
"Didn't he almost kill team RWBY?"
"Yeah, that's right! Someone spotted them being admitted to the infirmary the same day."
"Thank god they're alive. Would be four less cute girls."
"One's fifteen, man."
"It's only two years!"
"Still... creepy."
Yang, now completely in her own world, stares at the table as her fingers dance across it. She's been keeping it in the back of her head, but the fact that you're still gone worries her – worries all of RWBY. You're a good person, they've seen it, and knowing they may have condemned you to some sort of punishment tortures them. Yang closes her fist, eyes sharpening.
"What're you thinking?" Blake inquires.
"I want to talk to him... or at least know what's going on," Yang gets out of her seat and starts walking. "I'm going to find Ms. Goodwitch."
"Wait," Blake calls out. "I'm coming too. I... owe him."
"Who?" Ruby tilts her head.
"(Y/N)," Yang responds. "I'm going to find out where he is."
"Oooh, count me in!" Ruby hops up. "Come on, Weiss."
"Why am I coming?"
"Because... I'm your leader and I'm asking you to?" She responds with uncertainty.
Weiss raises her brow, clearly not having any of it.
"Because if we contact him you'll look bad if you're the only one not there," Jaune halfheartedly answers.
"Jaune!" Weiss snaps.
"Aaaand that!" Ruby swings her arm. "Come on, bestie!" She grabs Weiss' arm and hauls her away.
"Wait! My food! I wasn't done!" She wails. "I demand you let me go at once you little..."
"Their comradery is superb," Ren comments, watching the four girls leave.
"That's one way to put it," Jaune responds before focusing on his food.
Glynda sits at her desk, papers stacked high on two sides. One is sheets she's gone through and the other is ones she has yet to do. She's usually a busy woman, but trying to do her work and Ozpin's has been fairly taxing on the teacher. If she's not careful, she'll start getting noticeable wrinkles. Stress is a key factor, and her ears pick up something that won't help.
"I told you we should've gone here first, you dunce."
"Well, why wouldn't she have been in Ozpin's office?"
"The answer is in your sentence!"
"Well, she's, like, temporary Ozpin, so..."
"We should make ourselves known, if you two weren't loud enough to accomplish that."
"Just ignore them, Glynda, they'll go away..." She whispers to herself.
"Yeah, she knows we're here," Blake confirms.
Glynda rubs her temples, knowing there's no way to get out of this now. She steps out of her chair and approaches the door. Before the girls outside can even knock, Glynda has swung the door open, her posture straighter than it was when she was alone.
"Ms. Goodwitch, I need to ask you something," Yang starts before Ruby can babble or Weiss can scold. "I want to talk with (Y/N). He's with Ozpin, right? So, I thought maybe you could help us... somehow. Please?"
Glynda's eyes glide from one student to the next. All of them share concern for you, though some are a little more hidden than the others. Glynda lets her hands down and sighs. "Very well, I'll see what I can do. Come in."
"I don't think... this is working," you say on your hands and knees through huffs and puffs. "Just releasing energy is tiring."
Ozpin and the scientists remain on the other side of the glass... glass that was destroyed dozens of times over during the week.
"We've run everything we could've," Dr. Briefs leans back in his chair and taps his arm. "Do you have anything, Gero?"
Ozpin looks at his pocket when he feels his scroll vibrate.
"One moment, gentlemen," he says, taking a few steps away and grabbing the scroll. "Everything alright, Glynda? Do you need anything?"
"Not me. I have a certain team here who'd like to know how (Y/N) is doing."
"A certain team, huh?" Ozpin chuckles. He looks over his shoulder at you getting back up and pumped up. "Very well. (Y/N)!" He shouts.
"Come here a moment."
You fly over the scientists and land beside Ozpin, eyes wide and curious. "Whatcha need?"
Ozpin clicks a button on his scroll then hands it to you. "Oh, it's not for me."
You raise your brow, keeping your eyes on him as you grab the scroll. You look down and see four familiar faces staring back at you.
"You're okay!" Ruby cheers.
"I... am? I mean, I am, yeah, but you guys... I mean, I thought..." You scratch your head as you try to come up with the words.
"We were worried about you," Yang speaks. "We thought something might have happened!"
"It's good to see you alright," Blake nods, her smile warming than usual.
"Yeah, I guess," Weiss crosses her arms.
"But weren't you all mad at me?"
They all shake their head.
"No way! You're way too nice to be mad at," Ruby says.
"Yeah, we wouldn't be mad at something you didn't do," Yang nods. "You're not whatever thing attacked us. You should see it," she chuckles, leaning back on her hip. "Coco's giving everyone crap who talks bad about you."
"Wait, really?" You tilt your head. "Huh," you scratch your chin. "I guess that makes sense. She was really nice."
"So what's happening?" Blake inquires. "It only makes sense you were taken away because of what happened."
"Oh, yeah," you nod. "I'm in Atlas with some smart guys. They've been doing a bunch of tests to see what triggers... whatever happened to me, and then we'll find out how to stop it. I don't want to hurt anyone like that ever again," you adamantly say.
"Ozpin! Could we have a word with you?" Gero calls out.
"Of course. I'll leave you to this," Ozpin says before walking away.
"You shoulda seen it, though," you continue. "The first day I blew up the room and this one guy looked so mad..."
Ozpin stops before the scientists, who've gotten out of their seats to speak with the Headmaster.
"We've been cross-referencing for anything and..." Dr. Briefs looks over at Gero then nods. "His data correlates with the... 'incident' that happened seventeen years ago. Your secret project."
Ozpin humbly chuckles. "I hope neither of you has told anyone else."
"Of course not," Gero sternly confirms. "We would never ruin such a discovery. But... we must know if... if this is the boy who came in the pod."
Ozpin's fingers tap the tip of his cane as he decides how to answer this. Of course, he chooses the easiest one.
"Yes. That's him."
"Then all the data makes sense now," Gero raises one hand to his chin while shifting his gaze to you. "This will only further my- our research."
"We still don't know what caused him to change, but it's clear no Faunus will be replicating it. That's a relief," Briefs says before lighting another cigarette. "Well, not completely. This only confirms that more like him could be on this planet."
"So, Ozpin, what do we do? The trigger could be something completely foreign to us," Gero crosses his arms. "We have nothing left to go on."
"There is that energy he uses – Ki. But..." Briefs trails off.
"It would have to be some specific kind since he used it hundreds of times. If he doesn't know it then we wouldn't."
"So, if we go with the Ki hypothesis... that means there's someone on Remnant that does," Briefs looks at the other two with a fairly serious aura.
"And that's dangerous for everyone," Ozpin finally adds. "Thus, it appears we cannot do anything. I don't know how the Council will react to this, but it's the truth. I'll tell them right away."
Ozpin leaves the two stumped scientists and approaches you once more.
"Your time is up, (Y/N)."
"Aw... well, it was awesome talking to you all again! I'll be back soon!" You give them a thumbs up and smile. "Bet on it!"
"Come back soon! We still haven't had our brawl," Yang confidently smiles.
"You know it's the first thing we'll do," you nod back.
The five of you wave before disconnecting. You hand Ozpin his scroll, unable to contain the smile on your face.
"Seems like you needed that."
"Yeah... I think I did. So, what's next? Some more Dust? Beat up some bigger robots?"
Ozpin sighs. "Unfortunately, we don't know what triggered your transformation. We can't stall forever." He turns away and starts walking. "Return to your quarters. I'll let you know what they decide."
Your shoulders sag as you adopt a perplexed expression. "Oh... okay, I guess."
"But... no, I understand. Yes..." Ozpin slowly paces back and forth as he listens ignorant men shout. "I'll... have him ready for tomorrow. Yes." Ozpin sets his scroll down and sighs. "That... makes things complicated." He steps towards the large window and stares out into the night sky. His focus is absolute as he ponders ways to get you out of this situation... and that focus brings something to his mind. Ozpin smiles at the sky, feeling a signature that will set everything into place. "Piccolo," Ozpin says aloud. "I need you to do something for me..."
Things aren't going the way you thought. You're in chains – hands and legs restrained – with soldiers escorting you and Ozpin to the trial room. Everything feels colder than before. It doesn't bode well for you, but nevertheless, you'll keep smiling.
"I'm sorry, (Y/N). I couldn't convince them otherwise."
"It's fine," you say with a happy tone. "I'll convince them! I'm no bad guy."
"Hm, of course," he nods once. "Just remember, these are men and women with plenty of experience and little patience. You have to choose your words. I'm serious."
"I got it, Ozpin, I promise. It'll all work out."
You finally reach the door and have it opened for you by the guards. Inside is a courtroom with dozens of high ranking men and women of Remnant. Most of them are in suits, all very posh and proper. You'd think they were all from Atlas, but there are people not wearing white so that's a clear giveaway. At the end of the room, there are two tables, one is empty with one seat and the other has five people. Other than that, people are sitting along the sides of the room as if this was some sort of arena for people to fight in. It is, in a sense, but a fight with words and logic instead of fists. Unfortunately, that's not your strong suit.
"I'm supposed to sit there?"
"Yes. I'll be on the sidelines," he places his hand on your shoulder. "Good luck." He remains in place as you walk towards the table. "But I believe you'll need more than luck today." The man looks towards the sky, reaching out to the same feeling as before. "Piccolo... are you ready?"
The skies of Remnant host very little – a few birds, some airships, and the occasional Nevermore attempting to stalk and destroy. Today, though briefly, it's home to something else. An object, moving faster than any airship, cuts through the air and crash lands in the Forest of Forever Fall. The collision decimates the trees and wildlife around it, making its presence known to anyone nearby. The red of the forest is distorted by the brown crater now making its home, but inside that is a white pod with a circular, red window.
Seconds after landing, a section of the pod that hosted the red window slowly opens, revealing a bright light from inside the pod. The being inside grabs hold of the edges as he makes his way out of his transportation. Once out, he stands on the door, stretching his neck after his journey.
A green object, sat on his ear that has a green screen extending to his right eye, begins lighting up.
"It seems Kail has failed. This planet is still riddled with humans." The man hovers high into the air, passing the tree line. "There's a high power level this way," he turns. "That must be him."
"I know that I'm not a threat! I would never hurt anyone without cause," you adamantly declare
"But that fact remains that you're a threat to all of us. Your admittance of ignorance just means we're in even more danger."
"That's- gah!" You turn around, knocking your chair over, and look towards the sky. A drop of sweat forms at your hairline and trails down your cheek. "What... is that?"
"What are you doing? Sit back down."
"No, no," you shake your head. "That's... I've never felt something like that before. It's..." You look down at your chain hands shaking. "It's overwhelming..."
Murmurs arise from the sidelines as they question your reliance and sanity. They feel nothing, yet you're visibly shaken.
"Beacon... it's going to Beacon!" You shout, breaking free of your chains.
"What are you-"
You give them no time as you burst through the ceiling and fly away.
Ozpin watches and smiles.
"Let me know how it goes, will you?"
Three classes worth of students exit a docked airship with Professor Port and Dr. Oobleck leading them. Among that large group of students is team RWBY and JNPR.
"I'm sad dad wasn't there," Ruby says to Yang.
"Yeah, but you got to see all your friends. Plus, checking out the new students was super cool."
"It was an experience seeing the upcoming boys and girls from Vale. It's a refreshing change from Atlas," Weiss adds.
"Too bad I got my butt kicked by some," Jaune sighs.
"You were just going easy on them, silly," Nora slaps Jaune's shoulder. "Encourage the youngins!"
"You knocked two of them out," Ren corrects.
"That was to put them back in place!" She retorts with zero remorse.
Beyond the chatter of the students and the teachers, Blake's ears twitch at a sound growing ever louder.
"Guys... something's coming..." She says with concern, stopping in place and looking towards the direction of the sound.
"What're you talking about?" Yang slides beside Blake and looks the same direction. "I don't see a thing."
As if the world was out to jinx her, a being appears in a flash. He hovers over the docking area, looking around the school grounds.
"The power's gone... what are you trying to pull, Kail?"
His sudden appearance garners the attention of all the students in the area, even the ones who were just passing by.
"Is that... (Y/N)?" Ruby squints.
The man descends upon the grounds of Beacon, firmly placing himself before the two teachers who are now on guard. RWBY and JNPR push their way through the crowd to get a better look at this guy.
"He... does look like (Y/N)," Yang confirms. It's different, though. His hair... and those clothes... who is he?"
Like you, the man has pitch black hair and eyes. Though unlike you, his hair is wilder. It flares out in more directions, but the most notable are the three major strands on the right side of his face, along with his bangs. The left side of his head is smoother, but the back branches out left and right. Though sharing features, his gaze is far sharper and dastardly. What really sets him apart is his apparel. He wears a sort of armour with wide shoulder guards that go far past the actual shoulder, coloured brown. The chest and ribs share a black colour, but the abs share the same brown as the shoulders. All of this has a white accent around the edges. For the lower half, there are three skirt-like pads that cover his crotch and either hip, leaving his back exposed. These share the same brown. On top of that, he dons skin-tight black leggings that cover most of his legs, save for the black, brown, and white boots. The boots share a similar colour scheme to the wrist guards that only expose the fingers. To top it all off, he has a brown tail wrapped around his waist like a belt.
He examines everyone while his green device lights up. "Hmph, none of you will be a problem. Then I will offer you something, humans," he says loud enough for everyone to hear. "If you tell me where Kail is then I'll make sure you're exterminated last."
"Exterminated?" A word that many students repeat with confusion and fear.
"I'm sorry, but threatening our students doesn't make us want to help you," Port says as he and Oobleck put themselves between the mystery man and the students. "Unfortunately, we don't know who this 'Kail' is."
"I see," he huffs. "Then I'll just kill you now," he says with a wide grin as he raises his hand.
A dark yellow glow starts emanating from his left hand, reminding everyone of you.
"Students! MOVE!" Both Oobleck and Port scream.
"HYAAAAA!" A voice from the side shouts.
Everyone, including the invader, looks over to see one of Beacon's fourth years running towards the enemy with his blade ready. He leaps into the air and comes down on him... but it's not enough. The man easily catches the blade with the same, glowing hand. With little effort, he unleashes a devastating blast that disintegrates the boy where he was.
"NO!" Port exclaims.
RWBY all get flashes of the village, of how you killed all of them in the exact same manner. But this time it's just a man who's smiling while doing it.
"Fool," the man says. "I suppose... I'll just destroy this entire place then."
"That's enough!" A voice shouts from the sky.
Everyone looks up to see you coming down from the sky. You land in front of the teachers, making sure his focus is on you.
"(Y/N)!" Yang shouts. "You're back!"
"I left early," you say without looking. "You all need to run. Now, who are you?"
The man sizes you up. "Well, well, you saved me the trouble of searching, Kail."
"Kail?" You repeat. "I don't know what you're talking about, pal. My name's (Y/N)."
"Is that so?" He looks down at your waving tail. "Considering you're here... the habitants are alive... and that broken moon." The man chuckles. "It's not uncommon for children to suffer amnesia. Normally they would be executed for failing but that's not the case for you," he approaches you, stopping barely a foot away. "Tell me, did you hit your head as a child?"
"What? What does that have to do with you?"
"Answer the question," he coldly says.
"You came here and tried to kill all my friends. I don't see a reason for me to answer you," a response that confuses some of the students. Many have done nothing but scold you and your actions, yet here you are ready to save them.
"Then I guess I'll give you a reason. I was never one for mind games anyway," he shrugs. The man approaches you, making sure to keep slow. "My name's Kakarot. I'm a Saiyan from planet Vegeta."
"Another planet?"
"A Saiyan? So... there are aliens?"
"No way, this can't be real. This is all a dream."
"I hope we all wake up, then."
"But that's not all," he wags his finger. "I've come here for you, Kail," he uses that same finger to point at you. "Come to bring you home... to reunite you with your race."
"Tsk," you step back, your powerful stance now crumbling. "My... race? I don't know what you're talking about!"
"Of course you don't. I already deduced that," Kakarot responds with a frown. "I said that it wasn't uncommon amnesia to occur and it's clear you suffer that."
"Students," Port whispers. "We have to go."
"We can't just run!"
"If we don't, we'll turn to dust like him!"
"But... what about (Y/N)?"
"What about him? You heard that Kaka-whatever! He's an alien! A freak."
"Shut it!" Yang's fierce voice whispers. "He saved us. Show some respect. And you!" She takes a step out of the crowd.
"Yang," you sharply whisper. "Stop."
"Why would he be here if he was an alien?"
Kakarot chuckles as he crosses his arms. "That's simple. We Saiyans are powerful warriors, unrivaled in the universe. We use our talents to find hospitable planets and..." He closes his eyes and chuckles. "Evict the previous tenants."
"Evict... you kill them?"
"Of course. With the planet now free, we sell it to any who offer a nice price. This... Remnant was one of those planets. But seeing as your populace is so weak, we sent Kail, a baby. We do that with all pathetic planets."
"I... was sent here to destroy?" Your eyes glaze over as they trail to the ground.
"Of course! Given a few years, and the moon – or what we thought was a suitable moon – you would have wiped out everyone efficiently and survived until we retrieved you."
"This is so messed up."
"We gotta get out of here."
"Students, come on," Oobleck waves, already behind one of the arches.
Kakarot spots the ones attempting to flee and ignores them. He's more surprised that some, over a dozen, decide to stay. He's found you, so others are meaningless.
"Then... why come now? I'm seventeen! A-And what does the moon have to do with it?" You shout.
"So many questions," Kakarot shakes his head. "But I suppose I have to bring you up to speed. It might jog your memory. The moon... well, I didn't expect it to be broken. No matter, the full moon is the source of our power, Kail. It triggers out transformation, thanks to the tails that you, me, and every other Saiyan are born with."
"Transformation," Yang whispers.
"His tail... it was freaking out when he saw that ball," Blake reminds.
"It brings out our truest potential! The Great Ape!" Kakarot tightens his fist before him.
The students still listening freeze.
"An ape? That was in the video!"
"So it was the moon? But he said it was broken!"
"So he changed... cause he's an alien," Blake sighs. "This... it's so much to take in..."
Yang, though behind you, keeps glaring over. She's worried about how you're taking this. It's not just you this time, everyone is hearing your secret... a secret that could break someone, shake who they are to the very core and make them question everything. Such a thing is happening before people who despise you in the first place.
"Students," Port still remains with those who have yet to flee. "We have to go, now. It's not safe here. You all understand that. Leave this to the Huntsmen."
JNPR, RWBY, and the others look to the professor. He's not wrong, staying here means certain death for them... and yet...
"That means... I killed all those people... because of my tail? Because of my race?" You look down at your shaking hands. "The tail... even our hair and eyes," you look up at him. "I... I'm a Saiyan..."
"Yes, you are," Kakarot smiles at the fact he's made some progress. "Now, come back with me, Kail. We need you. You're one of the last Saiyans left in the universe, almost forgotten now... but with you, with our strength at six, we can rule over so much more... and surpass any who stand before us."
"I'll even convince Vegeta to leave you out of this mission. Or perhaps having you kill the people of Remnant could dissociate you from them."
Your eyes widen at those words while everyone else gasps.
"What? You thought we'd leave this place alone? True, it's riddled with those filthy creatures, but with six Saiyans it's of no concern. We'll help you with that memory problem of yours, Kail, and return you to the cold blooded fighter you were born to be." Kakarot approaches you, stopping and offering his hand. "Now... let's go."
"(Y/N)," Yang shakily says. "Come on... don't do this."
"I..." You raise your hand to meet his. "I..." You look up at him, eyes sharp and purposeful. "I'm not Kail!" You open your palm and release a yellow blast that pushes Kakarot back a few feet, but does little else. "My name's (Y/N) and this is my home! I won't let you destroy it!"
Kakarot chuckles, looking down at his chest. "Oh, Kail..." He stands up straight and smiles. "You're lucky then, aren't you? I convinced Vegeta to let me come alone. If I hadn't... he would have killed you. I'm sure you can tell I'm more powerful than you," he says as he reads your power level – 484. "But now... now you're testing my patience."
Kakarot appears before you, slamming his knee into your stomach. Your black eyes almost fade to white at how intense the blow was. He backs up a bit then kicks your ribs, sending you barreling down the walkway.
"(Y/N)!" The students shout.
"I will show you... just what a Saiyan warrior is, you disgraceful, arrogant brat."
It takes a few meters for you to recover, but you slam your hand into the stone and slow yourself down. You grab your chest and cough up some saliva.
I've never been hit so hard... this...
You look up at his confident smirk... and smile back. "This is getting me fired up!" You shout before bursting forward, destroying the concrete blocks that once hosted you.
You fly just above the ground, spinning around and attempting to kick his legs out from under him. He flips over you, forcing you to slam your hand into the ground once again so momentum can spin you around and allow you to kick his face. He blocks the kick then grabs your ankle and throws you into the massive archways. You flip through the air and land on the side of it, burst off immediately and destroying the architecture.
You throw your fist forward, colliding with Kakarot's forearm. The shockwave blasts the concrete away, pushing back the students who have yet to run.
"Go already!" You scream, bouncing back then rushing Kakarot again. "You'll get in the way!" You collide with Kakarot once more, fists clashing in a spectacle of power unprecedented. Everyone starts to get away now, even while they look back at you trying to fight. You're on the defensive almost immediately, barely blocking his attacks. You redirect his left fist but his right leg is too fast to react to. It drives itself into your ribs, weakening your position for him to slam his fist right in your face.
You slide back, doing your best to keep your ground. You raise your hands to block incoming attacks... but nobody's there.
"What the- gak!" You feel an almost overwhelming blow to your back.
Kakarot stands behind you with a cocky smile, his elbow lodged into your back. He knows the pain of that attack, he's been hit by it before.
You wince and jump forward, getting some distance between you and him.
"Are you done with your warm-up?" He crosses his arms. "I can already see you sweating from that brief scuffle. How do you expect to beat me?"
You turn around, wiping some saliva from your mouth. Without a word, you charge forward once more.
"How amusing."
You throw your fists at him, unable to land a single hit. Kakarot chuckles, lazily dodging your attacks you "push" him towards the school. You realize this quickly and attempt to change course. You can't let him get close to the school. Too many people will be hurt. You throw one more punch before jumping off your back leg and fly into the air.
"What's wrong, Kail?" He laughs, quickly following you.
The students run down the path, reaching the school's main area. They're a good distance away now so there's little danger at the moment. Everyone is watching now, even some Huntsmen that were called by Oobleck and Port... yet none of them go in.
"Why aren't you helping?" Yang shouts.
The Huntsmen look to each other and then Yang.
"Ms. Xiao Long," Port speaks. "This battle... I believe this is beyond any of us."
"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Your screams echo through Beacon, dampening everyone's spirits.
"But he needs help! We can't-"
"We'll die," Oobleck bluntly states. "We need to trust in (Y/N)... it's all we can do."
Yang tightens her shaking fist. "Come on..."
Shockwaves erupt in the sky, blowing back the flora nearby and whipping people's clothes and hair. By the screams and grunts, everyone can tell you're losing. You clash, receiving a knee to your stomach. You break off and clash again, taking a haymaker to your cheek. You separate and collide once more, failing to block his hand as he grabs your face with one hand and drives his other fist into your stomach. You cough up blood and saliva into his hand, but Kakarot is unfazed.
"Come on, Kail, show me you're Saiyan spirit!" He shouts, throwing you to the ground and following up with a few small blasts.
They all collide with you, sending you spiraling to the ground in a hail of smoke.
"(Y/N)!" Yang screams, running towards you.
"Yang!" Her teammates shout, following the golden one.
"Weiss, stop her with a glyph!" Blake shouts.
"Right!" Weiss nods, sliding to a stop before throwing one hand forward.
A black glyph appears under Yang, stopping the girl in her tracks.
"What the?"
Kakarot spots the blonde girl stuck in place. He sneers. "You're not part of this," he raises his hand and shoots a purple blast at the girl.
Yang watches in horror, unable to say anything as her death approaches.
"WEISS!" Ruby screams. "LET HER-"
But it's too late. The blast hits Yang, exploding in a spectacle of purple lightning and dust.
"YANG! NO!" Ruby screeches, tears immediately forming in her eyes as she falls to her knees. "No..."
Everyone gapes at the sight. Another student dead and they can't do anything. At least, until the smoke clears. Yang's bright hair becomes visible to all, coveted by you. You're blocking her, shaking at the impact of the intense attack. The front portion of your clothes has fallen on Yang since the blast evaporated the back portion.
"I told you... to run," you say in a dark tone.
"Ah... but-"
You raise your head, locking eyes with Yang. The look in your eye... it reminds her of that look you had some time ago with the poachers. You're serious.
"Run. Away." You stand up straight, exposing your upper body to everyone. "I'm going to beat him."
You turn around and look up at Kakarot. His scouter lights up as it detects your power level.
"Five hundred and thirty..? Hm," he smiles to himself. "Rising to the challenge like a true Saiyan. If I'm not careful he'll catch up to me."
"You're hurt," she reaches out.
"I'll deal with it," you respond before blasting off.
"Yang!" Ruby slides on her knees as she approaches and pulls the blonde into a hug. "I was so scared... I was so scared," she cries into her clothes.
"It's okay, Ruby. I'm here," she hugs her back. "Come on, we have to stay back. He... he'll do it. I have no doubt about that now."
You charge up your fist as you approach him and throw it, colliding with his forearm. You sharpen your eyes and flare your white aura while putting more power into your fist. You manage to push his arm down towards his chest then flick your arm and slam the back of your hand in his face. You follow up by punching his face again with your other arm, then go for a third attack. He catches you by the wrist and headbutts you.
"Don't get cocky, Kail!"
"I can say the same for you!" You shout as you open the hand that he's gripping and release a ki wave to his face.
This loosens his grip on your hand, giving you the chance to break free and nail him with a series of five punches, a knee, and then a hammer fist down to the docks. Kakarot spirals down for a few seconds before recovering and surprising you with an uppercut to the jaw.
The men and women of Beacon watch, or at least do their best to. They can hear what's happening, feel the shockwaves of your attacks, but they can't physically see your battle.
"It's... incredible... he could do that all this time?"
"It's not human."
"Idiot, he's an alien!"
You spin around Kakarot's punch and reach his back, kicking the base of his spine. Kakarot sneers, spinning around and throwing his own fist at you. You do the same, resulting in you both hitting each other at the same time. Though you momentarily hold the punch, his power still overwhelms you. You're forced down diagonally towards the ground. You curl up into a ball until you hit the ground. The moment you feel your feet touch the stone you start backflipping. This also brings you closer to the bystanders who have yet to actually leave.
Kakarot laughs as he swoops in, flying over the ground and closer to you. Your feet dig in as you catch both his hands. The force behind him pushes you even further to the others. You grind your teeth and kick his feet out from under him. That combined with his momentum knocks you both over into a tumble. You roll across the ground a few times until you're on the bottom. You blast him off you and follow up with a few more to force him higher. After recovering from the initial blast Kakarot knocks your following ones away. He watches as you flip back to your feet and rush him again.
"Five hundred and seventy. Still rising despite taking damage."
You engage him once more, a flurry of punches and kicks being launched by both parties. Your eyes are constantly moving to recognize and counter whatever attacks he throws while looking for weak points to attack. Unfortunately, you still can't land a hit. You're at least scratching his face or nicking his leg, but no decisive blows during your scuffles. He's still getting hits in though – a powerful punch to the jaw here, a shattering side kick there. But despite it all, you still throw your punches and fight through the pain.
He kicks you through the arches, the debris landing in the water and tearing the grass. You do the latter as you slide across the ground on your side. You push off but he immediately appears and drives both of his heels into your stomach. Before you're sent away he grabs one of your arms and spins you round and round until he releases you towards the arches once more. You break through the outer once more and slam into the inner. You're about to fall into the water below but Kakarot catches your face and rams it into the cement again. He flies across, leaving a clear trail where your head was. Pieces of the cement bounce against your face, the force of his hand crushing your skull. Kakarot laughs the whole time, enjoying the thrill of the fight. It's been too long since he fought another Saiyan on somewhat equal terms, and even longer since he was the one winning.
He pulls you off, spins around, and throws you through the arch once more. As you soar over the middle path, Kakarot grabs your jaw and pulls you down to it once more, slamming you head first into the concrete floor. He follows up by grabbing your leg to pull you out and blasts you with a large, purple beam that would kill most of the spectators. You bounce along the ground, body smoking and nearly limp. You roll to a natural stop and lay there for a moment.
He's... so strong. I didn't know someone like this was around. A Saiyan...
You open your eyes and look at the sky, your ears not taking any of the noise in.
Can I beat... a Saiyan? Just thinking of it... and how strong he is really gets my heart racing. I'm in a lot of trouble, and yet...
You turn your head to view Kakarot, arms crossed and waiting for you.
It's still... a lot of fun. But I can't win like this... if I lose, my friends will die... everyone on Remnant will die. I can't let my home be destroyed by people... who I brought here.
You roll over and push yourself onto your knees.
I have to hit him with everything at once. One surprise Super Kamehameha. It's the only way.
You get on your feet and finally start to hear everything around you.
"Come on, (Y/N)!"
"You can do it!"
"Kick his alien butt!"
You turn around and see everyone cheering you on. RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, and even students who rejected you. They're all cheering you on, hoping you'll win, wishing you luck. You chuckle and clench your fist.
"Yeah... no way I'll lose. Not with everyone at my back!"
I just gotta find an opening and a place to charge my Kamehameha... I got it!
You jump over the ponds and land on the untouched arch.
"Come on, Kakarot!" You bait as you run across the architecture.
"What game are you playing?" He mumbles as he keeps turning to follow your movements.
You leap over the obstacles and keep running until you hit the end. You jump once again and land at the other end of the path, closer to the docks. Kakarot unfolds his arms and starts flying towards you. You start jumping back a meter or so at a time, your eyes locked on the invader. You try to catch his fist but it goes right past your hand and slams into your face. He follows up with blows to your stomach, face, shoulder, leg, a massive flurry from the Saiyan warrior. He pushes you all the way past the docks and over the lake below Beacon. You duck under Kakarot's hook and bounce your head into his chin. He sneers and hammerfists you down into the lake. You spiral all the way until you crash into the water.
Kakarot crosses his arms and looks down. He watches the water slowly come to a calm... yet you don't surface. "Hmph, you can't stay down there forever. Unless... that's all you've got? I have to say, you're more than I was expecting. Your power level has grown significantly in this one fight... you were nearly six hundred at the end. But you've decided to make an enemy of us. Just remember..." Kakarot lowers his right hand and gathers a surge of energy. "I offered you a place with us. This... is your own doing."
The water's calm breaks as a yellow ball propels out towards Kakarot. He leans back, but at that moment you appear before him, your fist ready to strike. With the energy still gathered, Kakarot throws his hand forward and blasts you... or rather, blasts the afterimage.
He turns around to face the school, but a bright blue glow overwhelms his vision. You're slightly below him, eyes gazing into his with conviction and power. Your hands are already moving from your hip to his chest. There's no time for him to move.
"Over... a thousand?"
The massive beam erupts from his chest, enveloping and pushing him far into the sky. The beam shakes the school grounds, dissipates nearby clouds, and expands far more than any Kamehameha the girls have ever seen before. After a few moments, you stop feeding the Kamehameha. You remain in the air for a few more moments, breathing heavily.
"Alright... I'm done."
Unable to keep yourself conscious, you fall back towards the lake.
"He's falling!" Yang shouts.
"Weiss, speed glyphs!" Ruby shouts, taking a position to run.
"Got it!"
A line of glyphs forms from Ruby to the edge of the docks. The young girl bursts forward in a flurry of rose petals. The young girl reaches the end of the docks and leaps forward, catching you just in time. She flips around and lands on another glyph, using that to jump back to the docks. She slides to a halt, holding you in her arms.
"Oh, you're heavy," she lays you down immediately, keeping her hand on your back to keep you straight.
"We'll help," a mysterious voice says.
Ruby looks up and sees three men descending from the sky. Your eyes slightly open to see the visitors.
"Tien... Krillin... and Yamcha," you smirk. "You... missed the fun."
"No, we saw it," Krillin chuckles. "But we were told not to interfere. He was too strong for us anyway."
"You were amazing. I can't believe the power gap between us," Tien tightens his fist. "I guess that means I'll have to train even harder."
"Yeah... maybe I won't have to do it on my own next time," you chuckle.
The five of you shift your gaze to the wave of people running towards your location. They all huddle around you, asking too many questions and saying so many different things that you can barely keep up with it all.
"So are you really an alien?"
"That was so intense! You were so fast and disappearing and reappearing and... gah, so cool!"
"Did you get beat up on purpose?"
"Are you gonna kill us now?"
"Shut up!"
Your close friends, the rest of RWBY, JNPR, and even Velvet and Coco, move in further than the others.
"You kicked butt out there, (Y/N)," Coco kneels down and pats you on the back.
"Are you okay? You're bleeding... a lot," Velvet points out.
"I'll work on it, hehe," you refrain from moving. "I'm just... really drained, honestly. I could go for some food."
"You deserve a buffet after that," Jaune remarks.
"Oh, uh..." Yang kneels down in front of you. "Thank you. You saved me."
You shrug. "No big deal. Just... when I say run away you should probably listen to me."
Of course, nothing can last. As everyone talks and cheers, another person joins in. They fall from the sky, crashing down on Beacon's docks. Everyone moves back, behind you and the other Turtle School students. Tien, Yamcha, and Krillin stand their ground in front of you. They know you're in no position to fight anymore.
Kakarot rises from the crater, his armour mostly destroyed or stained with blood. He stumbles about before stabilizing himself. Like you, he's fatigued from the battle. That one attack did more than he anticipated, more than he ever thought you could inflict. But Kakarot is no fool. In this weakened state, and with all those people around you, there's no way he'll leave alive if he re-engages.
"Hey," you shout. "You said there were others, right? Other Saiyans?"
"I did... what of it?"
"Are they strong?" You ask, lifting off Ruby and getting on your own two feet, albeit shakily.
"Stronger than me. They'd kill you."
"Hehe... you know... I'd be happy to fight them... and fight you again."
"What are you saying?" Blake quietly scolds.
Kakarot squints his eyes. You got the drop on him, something that won't happen again. You have to know you're weaker than him, and the others are so much stronger. Yet you're staring at him with a smile asking them to come back to fight. Kakarot... ends up chuckling.
"If we come back... we'll eradicate all life on this planet. You realize this?"
"No you won't," you shake your head. "Cause I'll beat you all... and keep my planet safe."
Kakarot doesn't respond to this. He just stares at you for a few moments. He doesn't quite understand why you'd say that, but there's no point in being here anymore. Without another word, Kakarot turns away and flies towards his space pod. You watch him fly away, your smile persisting.
"Alright... now I'm done," you fall back, arms and legs spread as you sleep.
From a distance, high atop Ozpin's tower, Piccolo watches as your friends check if you're okay. His arms are crossed, his expression is as serious as ever, and his cape flows with the wind.
"Hmph," is all he mutters before disappearing.
Alright, so, this one didn't take me as long as I thought it would. To be honest, I didn't REALLY start writing until the tenth or so. I know, it's bad. But, considering everything, I think it's all good. This is definitely the longest chapter of Limitless, and it also builds into the Saiyan Saga! I actually like writing and sorta building my own Dragon Ball world. Some Dragon Ball smarties may have noticed I'm using that idea Toriyama brought up not long ago... or the logic of the TOP... whatever, it's that Saiyans can get stronger mid-fight. Toriyama said it, Vegeta said it (multiple times but in Super, he also says they get stronger mid-fight as well as after near death experiences), and it was HEAVILY shown in the TOP. So, I'm just gonna use it early because it's my story and I can do what I want.
OH! And I can already guess that someone left a comment already before reading this. Yes, your Saiyan name is Kail. Yes, I know Super introduced a Saiyan named Kale (spelled different, mind you) from Universe 6. I made up Kail long before Super brought Kale into the equation. I actually slammed my head against my desk multiple times when I saw the name. Like, please, why take my name? You didn't even spell it in a unique way like I did. It's literally just the food... whatever, I'm not changing it. Kail and Kale are different. Deal with it. I don't even know if I'm going to include that character anyway. Hell, anything to do with other Universes is FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR away so I'm not worried.
Well, that's all for me. See you next time! And if you read Crimson Shadow then I'll see you even sooner!
Want to keep up with me? Know what chapter's coming out next and the progress of them? Follow me on Twitter! Twitter . com (slash) Chinsangan
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Questions? Comments? Concerns? Advice? Send me a message! See ya!
A special thank you to Patreon supporters: Manuel Garcia, James Tubbs, MazMan, MTX, and Sassylemons
Extra special thanks to Ride The Lightning!
And finally, thank you to the Beta Reader: TheNameIsntImportant
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