Chapter 23: The Fallen Prince's Last Request?
Chapter 23: The Fallen Prince's Last Request. The Final Stand of the Warrior Race!
Frieza's presence alone is enough to put nearly everyone at pause. Even having achieved another Zenkai boost, Kakarot's nerves aren't keeping calm. He's seen this monster kill Turles, Nappa, his brother, all Saiyan comrades he's been with for years. No matter how much stronger they've gotten, Frieza's exceeded them at every turn. He's a monster. A freak of nature. Yet despite all logic, despite his body hesitating, Kakarot's will pushes past all of it. His pride as a Saiyan, his need to avenge his comrades, the young Saiyan, with rage beating out of his heart, charges Frieza with everything he has.
"FRIEZA!" He screams, dashing over the disturbed dirt and then the water. The Saiyan pulls his hand back for a hook but, without even seeing it, Frieza delivers a punishing blow that sends Kakarot beaming through multiple islands.
Team RWBY is all but shaking in fear, both from the nearly incomprehensible amount of power Frieza has and how fast his attack was. They know they're outmatched, but it didn't even look like Frieza moved when he hit Kakarot. Their green compatriot, Nail, is hesitant to attack as well. He's furious that Dende was slain by this monster, but he's also well aware of the massive power difference. He couldn't see Frieza's attack either, but he felt the momentary jump in power Frieza had. He doesn't want to say it, but the way it's looking, his planet and race are doomed.
"Oh, do forgive me, monkey," Frieza's deathly calm voice speaks. "It's been quite a long time since I've been in this form. I do hope you haven't perished quite yet," Frieza seemingly teleports from his location to just in front of the recovering Saiyan. "Ah, splendid. You still draw breath," Frieza grabs Kakarot by the back of the neck. "Let's see how long that lasts."
"FRIEZA!" Vegeta shouts with a confident smile. Everyone looks to him, floating over the island that RWBY stands on. "Why're you wasting your time with these worms when you can face your demise right here," he points at himself. "Prince Vegeta, the Super Saiyan!"
Frieza's eyes widen at those words. Meanwhile, everyone has no idea what he's talking about.
"A Super Saiyan? What's that?" Weiss outwardly asks.
"Is it the same as our Super Namekians?" Nail theorizes. "Special warriors that surpass all. Even still," his eyes drift to Slug. "Frieza defeated one of those with ease. I doubt a Super Saiyan would do much better."
"So he's a super strong... Saiyan?" Ruby simplifies. "I guess we're Super Humans cause we're way stronger than everyone else. Super Team RWBY!"
"Glad you can bring some light, sis," Yang shifts focus from Vegeta to Frieza. "I just hope that doesn't go out too soon."
The momentarily surprised Frieza returns to his cool, confident self. "A Super Saiyan? How drole," he flies towards the island, Kakarot still helpless in his arm. "Very well, Vegeta. Since nobody else is laughing I'll humour your joke," he throws Kakarot to the ground, nearby the girls. "Go on. Show me this legendary power of yours."
"Kakarot!" Ruby runs to him and kneels. "Are you okay?"
The Saiyan rubs the back of his neck, trying to catch his breath. "I'm fine," he dismisses the young girl's concerns. "Vegeta... are you really?" He looks up at his prince. "Can you do it?"
With Frieza willing to fight, Vegeta channels his power far beyond what anyone has felt before. His energy surges past Slug, past any of the other Saiyans, past all of Frieza's previous forms. His teeth push against each other with immense force as yellow lightning dances around his body. With his energy gathered, Vegeta releases a final scream as his power plateaus. The girls, Kakarot, and Nail barely manage to keep their balance with Vegeta's massive pressure and blinding light.
You also feel this massive influx of power from the healing chamber.
Whoa, is that really Vegeta? How did he get so strong so quick? Maybe Vegeta can put a stop to Frieza before I'm healed.
Frieza, however, is not phased at all. As the dust settles, Frieza's left unimpressed. "Was that all it was? A childish light show? It would make sense for Saiyans. All spectacle with no substance."
"Think what you want Frieza, but I'll have your head spinning with this new power!" Vegeta declares before charging in.
He throws a hook that Frieza merely speeds away from, but Vegeta chases immediately. "You're not fast enough!" He declares, immediately throwing a barrage of punches and kicks that Frieza finds more irritating than threatening.
"Whoa, he's keeping up with Frieza!" Yang cheers.
"No," Nail shakes his head. "It's as I thought. Frieza's a monster we cannot match."
"Damnit!" Kakarot slams his fist on the ground. "We thought... I..."
"Kakarot?" Ruby whispers.
"We're dead..."
"What's wrong, Frieza?" Vegeta laughs. "You can't even fight back, can you? You're fearing what I can do!" Vegeta spins and roundhouse kicks, which Frieza weaves under but Vegeta thrusts his hand forward and unleashes a purple blast that envelops the emperor. Vegeta stops the attack and flies back, laughing at the smoke cloud Frieza is undoubtedly injured in.
"Look at that, Frieza, I told... you..." As the smoke clears, Frieza is gone. "What? Where did he go? I can't lose him like this. I'm a Super Saiyan! My instincts should be at their peak! So..."
Frieza laughs, drawing attention to him standing on a nearby island. "Now who's head is spinning, Vegeta? Can a 'Super Saiyan'" he mocks the words. "Not keep up? Perhaps my worries were unfounded if this is all a Super Saiyan can do. How sad, after all that boasting," Frieza holds his finger before his mouth and laughs. "I suppose this joke was a funny one, Vegeta."
The Saiyan prince stands in disbelief at what's happening.
I am a Super Saiyan, the strongest warrior in the universe. I should be destroying Frieza. Am I really not one... or is he just beyond even the legend. NO! NO!
"The legends are true, and you'll see! I can't be defeated... I CANNOT BE DEFEATED!" Vegeta's prideful voice screams as his energy surges around him.
He releases a massive yellow blast at his foe, which only makes Frieza chuckle in pity. He speeds out of the way as the blast hits, a massive cloud erupting. Vegeta stares for a moment before realizing where Frieza went. His power surrounds him again as he fires a barrage. "YOU CAN'T RUN!"
Vegeta's blasts follow Frieza as the emperor flies through the sky as if dozens of explosions weren't on his tail. But none of them can hit, and Vegeta's simply firing out as many as he can without focusing. Frieza picks up on that and decides to have a little more fun. He momentarily speeds out of the barrage and in front of Nail, catching everyone off guard.
"Wha-" Nail's cut off as Frieza grabs his neck.
He then blitzes back to the light show, away from where Vegeta was aiming.
"Over here," Frieza taunts.
Without looking, Vegeta turns and fires a massive barrage that all connects to their target. He smiles, finally landing a hit on Frieza but once the dust settles everyone bears witness to Nail's charred, lifeless body.
"Wha- how?" Vegeta flicks his head to where everyone was. "He went there... then..."
"Oh Vegeta," Frieza tosses the Namekian's body aside as if it was nothing, a mere toy in this game.
"NO! NAIL!" Blake screams. "Vegeta... he..."
"No, it was Frieza," Yang clenches her fists. "He's... a monster."
Kakarot watches silently, seeing the hope in Vegeta's eyes slowly fade. But, for one moment, the fire reignites.
"You really are hopeless. Any time I get even slightly serious and you can't keep up," he ends with a snicker. "In truth, I may be regretting letting you kill the Namekian. I'd much rather have the satisfaction of ending their race myself. Alas," the alien shrugs. "I suppose I'll even the number some day. I have grown quite attached to the four hundred and seventy-three."
Frieza's complete disregard for Vegeta as a serious threat only stokes the fire of the prince's anger. His frustration finally bubbles into one last attack. "No... NO!" Vegeta bursts higher into the air. "I AM... I AM!" He stops throwing his hands and feet towards Frieza. "I AM A SUPER SAIYAN!" With every fibre of his being, he fires a purple blast that overtakes the sky with its colour. The blast swirls down to Frieza, but the tyrant doesn't flinch.
"Vegeta, that'll blow up the planet!" Kakarot speaks up.
"WHAT?" The four girls panic.
Hearing that, Frieza finally decides to act. While Namek blowing up would be merely a minor inconvenience for him, everyone else would die. That wouldn't teach any sort of lesson. So, Frieza charges the blast and, with one leg, kicks it right back at Vegeta as if it were a soccer ball. That alone shocks everyone watching, but the Saiyan Prince who has to see his own blast be easily knocked back at him, to feel it breeze past him and leave the atmosphere. He doesn't even bother looking when it explodes into a spectacle of deadly lights. Vegeta just stares down at Frieza, awe-struck.
He put everything, EVERYTHING, into that attack. All his Super Saiyan power and Frieza knocked it away like nothing. He's never seen this before, this massive gap that not even a Super Saiyan can overcome. All this hope he stocked in his allies, in himself, betting his pride on beating Frieza and he's still just nothing in comparison. Fear and frustration fill the Saiyan prince until tears slowly fall from his eyes.
He can't win. Everything he's ever wanted, all his desires are mere specs of dust in the wind compared to the hurricane of Frieza's power. That click in Vegeta's mind shatters his resolve, his will to fight. There's no point anymore.
"Well now, I believe it's only fair if I attack next," Frieza brushes himself off. "Do brace yourself." Frieza puts one shoulder forward as his body adopts a slight glow. He slowly ascends, smiling the entire time at the fool above him. He picks up his speed, charging straight for Vegeta, who does nothing but watch as Frieza slams his head against the prince's chin. Vegeta is flung higher into the air, closely pursued by Frieza who starts spinning forwards until slamming his tail down on the Saiyan, plummeting him into the water. The ruler merely laughs as he descends, landing on a lonely piece of land. Not even a few moments pass when Frieza becomes a touch bored. Instead of waiting for his Saiyan opponent to rise, Frieza uses his power to push the water away, forcing it into a bowl shape around him with Vegeta lying face first in the ground at the center. Spotting his prey, Frieza slowly descends below the water level.
RWBY watches in horror, bodies unable to move as Frieza leaves their line of sight. Kakarot finally manages to get to his feet as Vegeta's cries of pain echo from below. There's no doubt that Vegeta's betrayal is ringing differently with Frieza than anyone else. Normally, Frieza instantly kills someone who's disappointed him, sometimes dragging it out for entertainment. But to this degree? No, Frieza has taken this more personally than Kakarot's ever seen. He's well aware that his own life is forfeit, but it certainly won't be as painful as Vegeta's.
The prince's body suddenly flies out of the hole, followed by Frieza who proceeds to elbow the helpless Vegeta a few times in the stomach, then kicks him towards his fear-stricken friends. Vegeta crashes into the ground close to the girls and his Saiyan comrade, his body shivering from the amount of damage its taken. Bits of his armour are chipped off, there are tears along his jumpsuit, and, of course, the little skin that the girls can see is bruised and bleeding. Let alone the constant blood flow from the Prince's mouth. Frieza proceeds to appear between the group and Vegeta, eyeing the state of his other enemies. Kakarot is the only one with any fight in him, but even that's weighed down by the fear.
Seeing this, Frieza turns around and wraps his tail around Vegeta's neck to lift his limp body before him. He proceeds to slam his fist into the prince's back over and over and over, eliciting a yelp of pain each time.
Kakarot finally decides to try and help, charging at Frieza only for the tyrant to parry his punch and grab his neck.
"I should've known it was you who'd attack. You see that, Vegeta?" He twists his tail so Vegeta's hazy eyes can see his comrade struggling to break free. "You have friends willing to die for you," he tightens his grip on Kakarot's neck. "So touching, it makes me vomit," Frieza throws the low-class Saiyan towards a small rock formation, indenting his body into it. "Now wait patiently, Kakarot. Your time will come soon. Be more like those insects," he tilts his head over to see RWBY. "They know when to stay pu-"
A weak blast hits Frieza's cheek, annoying the graceful ruler. He slowly turns his head back towards Kakarot, palm facing Frieza. "Pathetic," Frieza flicks his arm towards him and fires a similar blast that, on impact, destroys all of Kakarot's armour and ends the Saiyan's life.
RWBY watches in horror as the lifeless body of Kakarot becomes visible through the smoke, eyes glazed over.
"To my knowledge, you creatures have not crossed me. You allied with the Saiyans which is quite the offense," he slams his elbow into Vegeta's back, forcing him to cough up blood. "But it's possible it was forced upon you. You all seemed closer to the Namekians..." Frieza closes his eyes. "I have to say, putting an end to these worthless Saiyans has alleviated my mood quite a bit. Tell me, has your planet ever heard of the Mighty Frieza?" He resumes his red gaze to the girls.
Words can't pass by the lumps in the girls' throats, but the subtle shake of the head by Blake is more than enough to answer.
"I see. Perhaps this is a pleasant moment for us both. I would not like my first introduction to a new planet to be so downcast. I am quite the generous man, after all. Wouldn't you say?" The team doesn't react to this one, save the uncontrollable nervous sweat. "Indeed," Frieza nods his head. "You may have sided with the Saiyans and combated my forces, but with your power levels, I barely see that as an issue. So, return to your planet. Tell them of the Mighty Frieza and his overwhelming kindness, then perhaps I shall pay a visit to your planet and we may form a healthy alliance. I do say these terms are quite generous, do you agree? After all, you have first-hand experience at what happens when you take my good-hearted nature for granted," Frieza slams Vegeta against the ground, raises him up and punches his ribs, breaking a few more. "So, why don't you just..."
No... Kakarot too. Damnit, come on! I need to get out the-
While you're not aware of the sudden green light, you can feel your body pulse at one hundred percent. You throw the rebreather away and burst out of the pod, destroying it and the ceiling above. You fly through the new hole and take a deep breath of Namek's air.
"Wow... I feel so much stronger... it's almost insane," you chuckle, looking down at your arms. "But this isn't any time to sit around. I'm sorry I wasn't there, but I'm coming now!"
Your aura weaves around your body as you seemingly disappear, crossing the planet in an instant to land right behind the girls, eyes sharp on Frieza.
"Run along..." Frieza's voice trails off as he sees you arrive.
The girls turn around, feeling the burst of air that compliments your arrival. All of a sudden their fear and anxieties wash away, replaced with smiles and relief.
"(Y/N)!" They all cheer while running towards you.
"What happened?" Yang immediately asks. "Where've you been?"
"Hehe," you close your eyes and rub the back of your head. "I messed up a bit, but don't worry, I'm here now. You fought your best and I'm proud of you all."
"We did... but..."
"I know," you put your hand on Ruby's shoulder.
For a moment, you look around at all the bodies around you. Nappa, Raditz, Kakarot, Turles, Dende, and Nail. All people who fought to protect your friends, defend Namek, and defeat Frieza. The fact that you could've been here, maybe prevented some of the deaths angers you. But letting that hang over you will only disrupt your fighting sense. And you're certain you'll need everything you have to beat this guy.
"So, why don't you all stay back. I'll take over from here," you pass by Ruby and walk towards Frieza.
Frieza sneers at that comment, now regretting offering these lifeforms their lives. But a fool is a fool, and you will be dealt with like all the others.
"Hey, Yang," you look over your shoulder at her. "Remember what I said on the ship?"
"Tsk... I..."
"Good," you turn back to Frieza.
Frieza, his interest intrigued, tosses Vegeta away to focus on you. The prince, upon hearing your voice, finally starts to click back into the world again. He shakily looks over at you.
"Frieza, huh? You've done a lot of damage here. How about you stop messing with Vegeta and try me on for size," you confidently smirk at him. "I've been looking forward to fighting you."
"K-Kail... you... fool."
"Kail?" Frieza raises a brow, connecting the dots. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's a Saiyan name," Frieza exhales. "And here I thought I was about to be done with you all, yet more Saiyans crawl from the dirt. It would've been smarter for you to flee, Saiyan. The only thing I can offer you now is a swift death... if you kneel before me."
"Tempting," you roll your shoulders, keeping an air of confidence. "But that offer kinda sucks."
"Hm," Frieza squints his eyes, annoyed at your arrogance.
But Vegeta is impressed. Your confidence, your tone, you're like a completely different person. Far beyond what even he could achieve during this battle. And that makes him wonder... is it possible? Could you finally have shattered your limits and become a Super Saiyan?
"Well, care to put that confidence to the test?" Frieza proposes.
In an instant, Frieza appears before you with his leg wound up to attack. But, without moving, you flare the Kaioken for a mere heartbeat and backhand the tyrant's cheek. Frieza's unable to react since he couldn't see it. He's sent twirling back for a short time, yet is easily able to recover himself and land. You lower your fist and walk forward, placing yourself closer to Frieza than Vegeta. The alien ruler rubs his cheek, unamused that you were able to hit him at all.
"Insolent fool," Frieza stands straight and points his finger towards you, firing a barrage of pink beams at your body.
"NO! Move!" Yang shrieks.
Without flinching, you slap the blast out of the way, sending it spiralling towards an uninhabited island.
"That won't work on me, sorry," you lower your hand.
That alone makes Vegeta laugh. "Well... well... it looks like your luck really has run out, Frieza," he hoists himself up with his elbows to glance at the named alien. "Cause now you're really fighting him... a Super Saiyan..." This time, Vegeta's claim holds a bit more merit, but his laughter begins to annoy him. "He'll... defeat you... give you what you've long deserved, aha... ahahaha- GAK!" A pink beam pierces through the prince's chest, causing more blood to spew from his mouth as he reverts to lying completely on the ground again.
"No! Vegeta!" You snarl. "He couldn't even stand! What's wrong with you?"
"Do not blame me for his foolish actions. He should've shut his mouth long ago. Yet on and on, again and again, this foolish Super Saiyan nonsense. It's tiring," Frieza crosses his arms.
"You... you fool, Kail," Vegeta wheezes out. " You're not really a Super Saiyan, are you? Damn it... you child... stop seeing this through your kind-hearted eyes. You must harden your heart... it's the only way... the only- GAK," more blood spews from his mouth.
"Just shut up, Vegeta! You're not gonna make it if you keep talking!"
Vegeta shakily clenches his fist, dragging in the dirt below his fingers. "Kail... please... just listen... listen to me..."
"Still talking?" Frieza crosses his arms. "I'd be impressed with his tenacity if I wasn't sick of his preaching,"
"You need... to know... about my home, our home, Planet Vegeta... It's gone, yes, but not... not because of-" He coughs again. "Because of a meteor... it was... was..." His body tenses, voice cracking. "It was Frieza! He did it! After us Saiyans..." Finally, more tears flow down his face, mixing with some of his blood. "He betrayed us, threw us away and wiped our race from existence... except us. You understand me, Kail? We... you... are all that's left. My father... your father... everyone he slaughtered without mercy." While you and RWBY are invested in this story, in Vegeta's heartfelt words, while Frieza takes pride in his actions. "He was scared... of our numbers, of a Super Saiyan rising. He's terrified... of us... please..." His coughs and sobs mix, weighing on your heart. He raises his hand towards you, unwavering in his speech. "Please... Kail... I beg, I plead of you... kill him... kill Frieza. He has to die... by a Saiyan... please..."
His voice tapers off as his eyes close, his arm falls, and life leaves his body. The winds of Namek blows his spirit away to the afterlife, leaving only his wishes and pride for you to take in.
"Vegeta..." Your voice shakes with anger.You shake your head and kneel down, placing a hand on his shoulder. Your subsequent breaths are hefty, audible to all around you. RWBY is caught off guard by your more calm demeanor and careful movements. But this is a situation like none other, and, like you, realize that you, Kail, are the last living Saiyan. Being a Saiyan isn't something you thought of too much. Even learning that you're an alien was taken in stride thanks to the circumstances that came after it. But it's now, with Vegeta pouring his heart out to you, now, when all your Saiyan brothers have been slain, now, when the tyrant who saw to your race's destruction stands before you with a proud smile, it is now that you fully accept the mantle of Saiyan and the responsibilities that come with it. With a clenched fist, you get to your feet and take a step towards Frieza.
"Listen here, Frieza!" You shout with a powerful tone. "My name is (Y/N)... my name is Kail, a Saiyan raised on Remnant. For the Saiyans, for the Namekians, for every innocent person you've killed I swear on them that I will take you down!"
Frieza chuckles. "Is that so? Well, please, show me just how you'll do that."
"Girls, take the bodies away from here. Right now."
Without a word, they all spread out to gather all the people who fell to fight Frieza. Yang grabs Vegeta, taking a moment to look at you. Her heart is heavy at the prospect of you fighting Frieza. But there's no way you'll back down now. Not after that. She turns away and flies, sweeping Dende with her free arm. All the girls fly far away from the battlefield, making sure it's totally clear for you to fight.
Once you feel they're far enough away, you hop off one foot then push off the ground with another, launching yourself forward at incredible speeds.
"HYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAA!" You throw a punch, which Frieza blocks with a smile.
The island you're on completely shatters from the pressure, resulting in you both dashing away and colliding once more high in the air. Just by blocking his punches, you realize how much of a threat Frieza is. The weight behind them is more than you've ever felt, even when sparring against Piccolo. With that in mind, you do everything you can to not let that monster get a single shot in. The shockwave from your attacks shakes the area around you, turning rock to rubble and kicking up dust all around. Even with the limited vision that soon comes as you both attack again and again, all you need is his Ki.
You throw a punch which Frieza disappears away from. You immediately fly away to avoid his incoming tail. Rest isn't what Frieza's planning to give you, so he quickly pursues while firing a plethora of beams from his eyes, destroying more islands and forcing up massive amounts of water. You spiral around Frieza's blast before spinning around and firing a few of your own. Like you, Frieza weaves through them with expert skill and catches up to you, throwing a solid punch to your cheek. It takes merely a moment for you to recover and land on one of Namek's quickly fading islands. Your mind immediately detects a massive amount of energy, so you flick your head to see Frieza's already incoming blast.
Move, (Y/N)! MOVE NOW!
You swell your Ki for just a moment before bursting off the island mere milliseconds before the attack hits, erupting in a massive mushroom cloud that only feeds the dust already polluting the battlefield.
The girls struggle to keep their balance with all the shockwaves from your attacks. Even being so far away, their land is starting to crack.
"It's... unreal," Blake shakes her head. "I never would've thought... something like this would exist."
"It's like a movie or something," Ruby whispers. She then looks over at the bodies, slowly rolling away. "Hey, we should get these back to the ship. Who knows what'll happen if they stay here."
"Yeah," Weiss nods.
"I'll stay here, just in case," Yang offers. "He may need help."
"Alright, we should manage," Ruby responds, grabbing two of the bodies. "Come on," she says to the others, then looks back to her sister. "We'll be back as soon as we can."
"Yeah!" Yang nods, turning back to the show before her. "Come on, (Y/N). You can do this!"
Just as the girls take off, Frieza's massive blast hits. They're pushed even further with the shockwave, while Yang has to try and keep her place.
"You can't die... please," she struggles to speak through the vibrations.
You stop midair and quickly lock onto Frieza, who's deep in the smoke. Against your predictions, he starts blindly firing beams with no clear target area. A few come close, but none threaten to hit you.
Can he... not sense energy? No, all of them use those scouter thingies. I better keep that in mind.
With the new knowledge in your arsenal, you swoop down into the clouds and try to get closer.
"Hiding is a fool's tactic, Saiyan! Show yourself!" Frieza shouts, still firing where he believes you are.
"If you say so!"
You burst out of the smoke below him, catching the ruler off guard and deliver a devastating uppercut that would easily annihilate a planet several times over. You then grab his tail, spin around a few times and throw him down to the ground, quickly followed by a Kamehameha that slams against his chest and forces him into water. A vibrant concoction of colour, smoke and water emerges from the impact zone, causing yet another mushroom cloud. It's nice that one is finally your doing, if a little sad that you've damaged the planet even more. But if you worried about making a crater or two, this fight would be a lot more difficult. As long as you don't blow up the planet, everything is fair game.
Frieza slowly rises out of the flowing water, a bit irritated you landed such a blow.
"You were robbed of a compliment," Frieza calmly speaks as he reaches your altitude. "If the water had not washed me off I would've had to brush myself off."
"Huh... so?" You puzzledly tilt your head.
"That hasn't been a requirement since I've battled my father," he clarifies.
"Oh, I see. Darn," you snap. "Almost. Guess I'll have to do it again."
Frieza can't help but chuckle. "That opportunity has passed, I'm afraid. You won't get another chance."
"I guess we'll see," you reply with a confident smile.
With a short break in combat, the smoke and dust finally clears to reveal a tattered and broken section of Namek. There are very few intact islands and even fewer that are untouched. Even from a distance, Yang can't believe the carnage this battle has wrought so far. She's never seen anything like it so quickly. As terrible as it sounds, she's glad this fight is here and not on Remnant.
Frieza stretches his neck for a moment then exhales. "You may make the next move, if you wish."
"Oh, hey! That's pretty kind," you slip into a fighting stance. "Then here I-" You burst forward and throw a hook, hitting absolutely nothing. "Come?"
Frieza appears behind you, mid-spin to smack the back of your head with his tail. You plummet down to a fairly intact island, managing to get control of your momentum so you flip backwards, hands planting into the ground so you can push off and land just in front of a cliffside. Frieza flies down, ramping down so he can get to an equal level with you. His right arm is pulled in while his left is flexed out, but as he approaches he pulls the left in too, clenching his fist.
Is he gonna double punch me?
You get ready to move when a sudden solid surface hits you from behind. You look to the side, seeing the rock wall that's forcing you towards him.
He can do that?
With no way of moving backwards, and being pulled towards the incoming tyrant, you have no way of avoiding Frieza's punishing strike to your cheek. The force blows you right through rock and beyond. You skid across the water, run right through another entire island, and bounce off the shore of another. You roll across the grass for a moment, stopping on a small section of just rock.
"Tsk," you shakily get to your feet while feeling a warm liquid on your cheek. "Alright then... gotta be a little more careful..." You wipe the blood off and sense Frieza approaching. You quickly look over at another small incline... which gives you an idea. You jump back, narrowly avoiding Frieza's kick, landing on one knee atop the incline with your palm flat upon it, then leap off it right before Frieza appears.
"Running already? I thought we were just getting started," Frieza patronizes. "Perhaps..." He hops off the hill and lands a short distance away. "I'll give you a more forward approach."
Frieza raises both hands, ripping the ground behind him out from Namek's grasp. Small bits of dust fall back to their home as it's slowly risen above its new controller. Right as it's atop Frieza, you smirk and clench your fist. Suddenly, small explosions fire off from everywhere inside the artificial island, both hitting Frieza and dropping large chunks of rock upon him.
As they fall, you smirk and pull your arm in. "Haha, I did it! Little energy mines."
When your hand touched the surface of Namek, you released dozens of small, potent balls of energy within the soil. It was a gamble whether Frieza would use that piece of land, and you planned to fight in this area a little longer to make sure he did it. But the plan came out a rousing success.
Frieza soon walks out of the dust, small bits of debris and particles build up around his shoulders. When he stops, he looks at it.
"Look at that. Gotta dust yourself off," you snicker. "Guess I did it twice."
Frieza begrudgingly brushes himself off, eyes locked onto you. "Well, Saiyan, it appears you're trying to test my limited patience," the last word is laced with anger.
He bursts forward with a shattering right hook, which you manage to block and repay with a straight punch. Frieza is knocked back for a moment before bursting right back and kicking you in the ribs. You curl into a ball, just above the ground, for a few seconds before flying directly up. Frieza smirks before appearing right above you, standing completely horizontal to look down at you.
"Hello there."
"Bah!" You blurt out. "Different way!" You fly towards the planet, back against it, then circle around.
To play a little more, Frieza lets gravity reorient himself before soaring towards you. Your fists clash over and over across the battlefield. Problems start to arise when Frieza begins landing blows while you can't get past his defences. As you charge each other once more, Frieza blitzes you by thrusting his fist into your stomach, forcing blood to come out.
"The first spurt of many. Are you ready?" Frieza quietly speaks, almost as if he wants to try and hear that.
Frieza follows up with a barrage of blows, ending with his tail wrapping around your foot and throwing you towards the planet. Without letting you drop for a second, Frieza appears below you with his knee out, letting your face bounce off it before he spins and kicks you away. He charges a small, condensed ball of power that he fires off to track you, easily hitting its mark and pushing you along its course. Frieza put extra power into that to gauge how much you've been hiding from him. If you can't break free of that then the Saiyans come to a close there and he's done. But if you do, he's underestimated you.
Meanwhile, you're being pushed by your back, unable to break free of its grasp and fly away. Second by second you move away from the battlefield and closer to detonation.
Time it right, (Y/N)... time it right... KAIOKEN!
With the extra surge of a five times Kaioken, you roll around the ball and quickly dash away, landing on an untouched piece of land as you watch the blast go past the horizon and explode. The pressure and size of the explosion are more than anything you've seen so far. While Frieza's testing you with it, you've now got more of an idea what Frieza's power looks like.
Good thing I wasn't caught in that...but he fired that off so normally. Which means without Kaioken I'm behind...
You pivot your body and look back to the battlefield where Frieza's eying you.
And if that was really casual, he has a lot more power tucked away. Hopefully times ten will be enough.
As the winds of Namek blow by, you feel more of a chill along your skin. You look down and see a whole left section of your gi, just below your pecs up to the shoulder, is gone. Add that to the whole your clothes already had from Slug's attack, and the bruises you've gotten from Frieza winds up making you look pretty roughed up.
Frieza is uninterested in letting you catch your breath, so he seemingly teleports to your island, taking his own place a good distance away.
"That was a good one, Frieza," you roll your shoulders. "I'll have to be a little more careful from now on."
"Oh, indeed, exercise caution so close to your expiry date. Every second counts," Frieza crosses his arms. "Though, I must admit that I'm shocked you were able to escape. You're far from the common trash Planet Vegeta produced. I almost feel like you should be rewarded for being such good fun."
"I'm not going to lie, I'm surprised you're even thinking about a reward. You are still trying to kill me, right? Cause I am going to beat you."
Frieza chuckles at your statement. "Of course, you will try. But, please, do not act as if you know me, Saiyan. I'm a very generous person, when the mood strikes," Frieza crosses his arms and waits. "In fact, I offered those pathetic lifeforms their lives just before you arrived." Your eyes widen a moment, knowing exactly who he's talking about. "But I'm afraid I'll have to retract my offer. Considering they seemed very fond of you... it means they are indeed collaborating with Saiyans. It's good we never settled on an agreement. I'd hate to have my honourable word dragged through the mud by worms."
You grind your teeth, mentally slapping yourself. If only you'd have waited, Team RWBY's safety would have been guaranteed. But then, Vegeta would have been dead before he could spark your Saiyan pride. It doesn't matter. You quickly shake your head, getting rid of any doubt. You're going to beat this guy, so whatever offers he had won't matter when he's six feet under.
"I would say this is a rare occasion for you. Saiyans tend to not put me in that mood, but I find your surprising power to be worthy of praise. In truth, I was beginning to think transforming was for mere spectacle, but you've made the effort well worth it."
"Sorry if I can't find comfort in praise from someone who threatens my friends!"
"Friends, mm? Saiyans were not one to make friends," Frieza thinks back to their very abrasive and uninviting nature. "You are the most surprising Saiyan I've met. So, how about this?"
Frieza tucks in his arms further. "I shan't use my hands for the duration of our fight. How does that sound?"
"Wow, that's quite the claim. So what if you do?"
"Trust me, I won't," Frieza keeps his deceptive pleasantries up. "Now, please, go ahead. The first move is yours."
Yang's knuckles are pale, fists shaking while watching - or doing her best to watch. Everything is so fast that she can only really sense what's going on. But, from what she sees, it seems you're falling behind. She can only hope you have more in reserves. You have to. You can't lose this.
With a quick stretch of your arms and neck, you get back into your fighting stance. "Alright then..." With a slow inhale and exhale, you push off your back leg, right hand touching the ground and releasing a small energy ball, then fly towards him. You spin around and kick, which Frieza leaps above before coming down with his heel. You flip back right as your blast shoots out of the ground, but with Frieza's foot already close he easily kicks it away and pursues.
"That may have caught me off guard, but it's a childish attempt at an attack!"
Your boots slide across the ground before pushing off to get more distance, but Frieza's amped up his speed more than you expected. He's already hovering over you, throwing a barrage of kicks, spinning and straight, that's got you completely on the backheel. Even if you're blocking his attacks, they're slowly breaking through and ruining your balance. Soon enough, one slips by your hand and connects with your face. With a momentary knockback, Frieza slips his tail around your foot and flicks it, forcing your body to follow. As your head jerks towards him, Frieza drives his knee into your face then spins around and slaps you with his tail. You glide across the ground with such pressure that it's shattering beneath you. But your will returns and you manage to whisk yourself along the ground with your hands until you launch yourself towards a rock, land on it, then spring off towards a still, confident Frieza.
As you approach, you subtly kick your Kaioken up to seven for an extra boost, catching Frieza off guard for a mere moment, but not enough to let you land a blow. He weaves through your enhanced punches, a smile on his face accompanied by a chuckle. Slowly but surely he's forcing you to use more of your power, and he's certain there's plenty more to come. But that can be said for him as well.
Left, right, right, left, spin kick, elbow, hook, Frieza dances through them all as if it were a joke, leading you both back into the sky. He ducks under one punch and shoots up, attacking with his head once again. You're whisked up for a second, but you snap away so he can't follow up, but the speed at which you flee isn't enough. He's behind you the entire time, winding up his heel to plunge into your back. You're sent right back down instantly, crashing into the island and forming a small, dusty crater.
Breathing heavily, you push yourself onto one knee while rubbing your back. "Yeah, that one hurt a bit. Darn it, even seven couldn't surprise him." You get back on your feet, the dust now clearing, but Frieza's nowhere in sight. With a deep breath, you focus on his Ki.
His energy is moving so fast... I can't get a read on it.
As if it flickers in your mind, you turn around and blast a rock. From the smoke, Frieza emerges, approaching you with a smile. You wait just a moment, knowing he's gotten used to your pace at seven times. You hold your own and wait for the moment to strike. He may be getting used to your speed, but that means he has become stagnant as well. He believes what he has now is enough for seven, but if you push it to ten it has to catch him by surprise. So, Frieza rushes in, just as you imagined and throws a kick.
Times ten!
Your heart beats as soon as the Kaioken flares, allowing you to throw a devastating straight punch that shakes Frieza's entire body. Spit spews out of his mouth whilst his eyes angrily stay locked on you. You follow up with a strong roundhouse to his lower stomach which pushes him a short distance from you, then you charge above, preparing a sledgehammer. With a new read on your agility, Frieza musters his own power to counteract. He pulls his arm in and springs it right between your incoming arms, connecting with your cheek. He quickly bursts right above you and throws a hook to slam you against the ground.
The tyrant relaxes his body and rubs his cheek, unhappy with being hit.
"Hehe... ehehehe," you shakily get to your feet, a smile with a laugh. "You... used your hands. What's with that? We shook on it... technically."
Though annoyed, Frieza shares in your laugh. "Indeed. Well, let's just say I'm not feeling so nice anymore."
"Aw, that's a shame. If these punches were your nice ones," you stretch your back and exhale. "Well, I'd hate to see your angry ones."
Finally sick of your clothing being loose, you grab hold of your Gi and rip off the top. Your upper body is now completely exposed, but the lower parts of your orange Gi, the ones below your blue sash, remain. So the orange with hints of blue sway over your black pants, and only small rips of your black shirt limply hang with orange above your belt.
Frieza closes his eyes for a moment to contemplate your next move. Your spontaneous bursts of power are becoming irritating, but that's just it. He is beginning to notice that it's only in bursts, which does lend credit to him believing you're holding back on him, and only unleashing portions of it at the right time. Funny, he does the same thing; only Frieza's annoyed when it's done to him.
Frieza clears his throat and opens his eyes. "Saiyan... Kail, was it?"
"I prefer (Y/N)."
"(Y/N)... I am going to commend you one final time. You are perhaps one of the strongest opponents I have ever combated."
"That so?"
"However, I'm afraid I grow weary of this standoff. I believe it's time this comes to a close. Before I do that, though, permit me to ask... what would you say to becoming my underling? It would be a waste to throw away such talent, and I'm in need of a replacement for my lost forces."
"Are... are you serious?" You cock your head to the side. "You really think I'll say yes?"
"No," Frieza bluntly replies. "Unique or not, Saiyans have never been the self-preservation type. But in rejecting my offer, there is only one route for you left... your death."
The tone of his voice, the unwavering confidence, it nearly reminds you of Piccolo and Ozpin if they were homicidal rulers. Where Vegeta's voice had pride and anger, Frieza is cold to the point where a whisper would give you shivers.
"Not to argue since we're on such good terms... but I don't think I'll be dying here."
"Is that so?" Frieza laughs. "While you're far stronger than I thought, that does not mean I'm at a disadvantage. I'm wise to the fact you're holding back, hiding your power, but I don't think that's enough to tip the tables in your favour. I believe you've deduced I'm doing the same, no? Perhaps that's too much to assume from a monkey."
"I have," you nod.
"Well... I'm quite confident that my reserves vastly outweigh yours... so..." Frieza closes his eyes and nods. "Yes, half. A mere half should be more than sufficient to render you space dust."
While you keep your mettle about you, it's hard to feel a little shaken at his words.
"That so, huh? I guess we'll have to see," you slide your foot back and get your hands in position to defend or attack.
With more confidence than blood, Frieza extends his hands to his sides, fingers spread, and slides his right foot behind his left.
"Honestly, I'm almost distraught that you rejected my offer. I might miss you, Saiyan... perhaps, when slaughtering those poor creatures and their planet, I'll remember you as healthy opposition."
Your body can't help but shake at the subtle increase from Frieza. He hasn't shaken the planet, he hasn't howled in a glorious spectacle of power, yet this is the greatest shift in energy you've ever felt in your life. It's horrifying. Your body itself is screaming that this battle has ascended beyond what you're used to. Even lightning begins to crackle only above your location and nowhere else, striking Frieza yet only becoming an intimidating factor rather than a hindrance. And yet, with his threat to your friends and planet, you can't back down now.
While Frieza remains in his stance, you speed towards him... only to feel this shock in your body. Before attacking, you cartwheel back to avoid the fastest Ki blast you've ever bore witness to. You flip right around back on your feet, keeping focused on Frieza yet wondering what happened. It was like your body knew you were in danger before you did. As odd as that was, there's no time to think about it. You have to focus completely on his actions and your own. Now's not the time to lose focus.
As Yang anxiously watches, the rest of her team soar in from behind.
"Everyone's laid down in the ship," Ruby says the moment she lands, walking up beside her sister.
"How's (Y/N)?" Weiss inquires, moving beside Ruby.
"It's... hard to say. He's landed some hits, but as its gone on..." She squeezes her hand. "I think he's losing.
Blake, standing on the other side of Yang, eyes the far away fight. Even with the few scratches Frieza has, you're clearly in worse shape. Besides that, while he's standing very neutral and calm, you're battle ready and nervous. Your body language is all the information she needs.
"Come, on, (Y/N)!" Ruby cheers. "Kick his butt!"
As focused as you are, you can't find an opportunity to attack. Without moving his body, even his eyes, he knows exactly what you're going to do. As you raise one arm a little higher Frieza's eyes glow, signalling an attack.
"It's truly a shame. So much potential."
You finally take the opportunity to attack, appearing right beside him only to be hit by a seemingly invisible elbow. Frieza doesn't follow up; he stands as still as ever, staring forward while you crumble to your knees.
"And Saiyans constantly waste it," Frieza continues, speaking over your grunts of pain. "Vegeta, his father, that rebellious Saiyan Bardock, and all those nuisances who robbed me of my wish. Do you know what they share?" He finally turns towards you, grabbing your neck and pulling you up to his level. "Well, you seem to have a sore throat," he grips tighter, eliciting a sharp grunt. "So I'll tell you. All of them headstrong, all deaf to reason... and all of them dead. Funny," Frieza lightly throws you back so you can try and stand again. "You appear to share two of those qualities."
You stumble back, weakly keeping on your feet. Your stomach is still pulsing with pain from his attack. It's just incredible to you. Not only was his counter attack completely invisible, but he's clearly got way more power than you intended. While not relying on it, you remember Turles talking about your biology. You grow stronger while fighting and after a near-death injury. That has to mean your power has been slowly increasing while fighting, but it's making absolutely no difference.
Was he not bluffing? Is there really just that much of a ga-
Even though you see him before you, his fist meets with your cheek to send you far off the island and over the water. You shake your head and flip around, facing where Frieza was only for his tail to wrap around your neck from behind and pull you into a knee, then spin and throw you towards a more destroyed island. You have absolutely no time to recover, thus you smash into the rocks.
I couldn't... see him...
You slowly push the rocks off you, only to have a shadow cast over your location. Frieza looks down at you, one of Namek's suns shining behind him to darken his visage. The only thing you can see is his beaming red eyes.
"Well, well, you couldn't even keep up with that. Perhaps I gave you too much credit," he places his hands on his hips and shakes his head. "How anticlimactic."
"Tsk," you burst out of the rock and go for a punch, which Frieza easily disappears from and reappears further away.
You try to attack over and over, speeding towards him with a punch or kick. Yet every time is a failure, amplified by Frieza laughing at your pitiful efforts.
"Come now, Saiyan, is that really all you have?" Frieza decides to counter instead of dodge, parrying your punch and responding with an uppercut, then a straight punch in the gut. "Perhaps it's my turn? Would you mind?"
"A... little..." You weakly spout.
"What a shame."
Frieza goes on the offensive, kicking you to the side then appearing in your path and sledgehammering you down, only to then appear below you so you land on his knee, allowing the alien to deliver a right hook. You soar through the air, body writhing in pain from the tyrant's booming blows. Of course, Frieza gives you no quarrel as he blitzes right above you and slaps you to the right with his tail, then appears and hits you to the left. He makes a game of it, using your body to draw various shapes in the air, and there's nothing you can do about it.
"Are you winded at all?" He taunts, finally slapping you right down to the ground.
You crash, unable to stop yourself from hitting the ground. Taking in a few deep breaths, you try to come up with any plan.
At this point, not using the Kaioken isn't an option. I don't know if it'll work, or how my body will react, but I can't keep going like this.
You slowly roll over and push off the ground when the dirt and stone below you start to crack. Before you can even guess, Frieza tunnels out, burying his head into your stomach before backing out, flying around, and elbowing you away. Against his presumptions, you activate the Kaioken times ten and burst right back at him, throwing a wild hook that completely misses. With your extra power, you can see him appear beside you this time, letting you block his first punch but not his follow up kick to your back. You're sent spiralling, out of Kaioken, down to an island. Almost as soon as you hit the ground, you come back with the same red flare, throwing a punch at the emperor only for him to catch it and strike.
The power of the blows sends shockwaves out, destroying the flow of water and threatening to blow the girls back. It's only thanks to Weiss' glyph that they can remain stationary any longer.
At this point, as Frieza chases you down and attacks over and over, the Kaioken is only meant to block whatever you can. But, as Frieza said, he has a lot of reserves left. Even the Kaioken times ten isn't enough to keep you in the game. Not anymore.
Frieza lands his final kick, hurling you back down to an island without any hope of recovery. You bounce off the ground and lay there, trying your best to catch your breath. But at this point, you're debating just lying down.
He's... so powerful. I was excited before, but now... if I can't beat him...
Frieza lands right by your body, looking down at your pathetic form. "You have no one to blame for this but yourself. All this pain... your fault," Frieza kicks you back into the air only to immediately appear above and drive his elbow against your chest, forcing you back to the ground. As soon as you hit and bounce, he extends his tail to grab your neck and throw you across the waters of Namek. He flies overhead, easily keeping up with a speed you can't break free from. "I would appreciate it if you put a little more effort into this. It's not as entertaining when you don't fight BACK!" Frieza crushes your ribs with his foot, forcing you down into the water.
Bubbles flutter from your mouth, being swept away by the swirling liquids around as you plunge deeper and deeper. You lazily sink further down until the sharp pain of no oxygen slams against your chest for attention.
Damnit, air. Need... air! How could I forget that!
You flail your arms around to start swimming up, then remember something.
Wait, Frieza can't sense my Ki. I could try and swim around to-
Frieza dives into the water, stopping right in front of you. Your eyes widen and your body swims back on reaction. Frieza finds this humourous, almost charming. He wasn't lying when he said he'd miss you. Along with being exceptionally strong, you have this foolish energy that's unlike the other Saiyans. Frieza is sure to enjoy beating that energy out of you... slowly.
The tyrant pulls his foot back then, as he swings it, teleports in front of you to slam his foot into your jaw. Not a second later you break out of the water, head tilted back after being hit so hard. Frieza follows up out of the water, casually reaching your level before slapping you back down towards an island.
"Shall we see what's more durable? You or the planet?" He teases, speeding after you.
Right as you hit the ground, Frieza's fist buries into your chest. It's not a sight even the girls can watch. In a mere three hits, the island you were on has turned to dust and you're being thrown to the next one. Over and over, across the battlefield, pieces of Namek are annihilated while you're just trying to keep yourself alive. There's no time to even use the Kaioken to defend yourself. He's far too fast.
"We have to... help him!" Ruby struggles to say under the echoing pressure of Frieza's attacks.
"We... can't even move..." Weiss huffs, doing her best to keep the glyph stable.
Finally, after seven islands, you manage to break free of Frieza's track and fly straight up. Your enemy looks up, unamused and chases. The moment he catches up, he sweeps your feet to ruin your balance then sledgehammers you back down. His tail immediately latches onto your foot and extends, swinging you around until you slam into another one of Namek's islands. You roll across the ground, completely at the mercy of momentum. Soon, you transition to sliding and then stop entirely. Frieza, arms crossed, watches from above as you somehow shakily get on your feet again.
Eyes hazy, you take a gander at your tormentor and smile.
Ozpin and Piccolo have their eyes closed, totally focused on the fight taking place star systems away.
"It's seeming like it," Ozpin calmly responds to his frantic friend. "But let's just see what happens. Saiyans are extremely interesting when under stress like this."
"No, he won't," Ozpin shakes his head. "Do you not see the growing spark in his eyes?"
Despite the racket, Piccolo doesn't waver his attention from the fight. He cares little for Saiyans and even less for Frieza, and he feels frustrated. This is his battle as much as yours. He is the last Namekian, thanks to this monster, just as you're the last Saiyan. Yet his duties subdue him, prevent him from acting. Now you're dying because of that. It's extremely aggravating to Remnant's Guardian.
"You know, (Y/N), I'm very surprised you're even able to stand, let alone give me such a rebellious face."
You shake your head and get back in the game. "What can I say? I'm pretty stubborn."
"Mmm... indeed," the emperor agrees. "I hope you realize what kindness I'm giving you. I could easily decimate this planet if I so wished, yet I waste my time playing with you," Frieza slowly descends to the same plain you're on. "Now... let us continue the game."
Frieza points his right hand at you and fires one small beam at your shoulder. You're blown back, still on your feet, only to be hit by another by your thigh. Left shoulder, left chest, right ribs, left knee, left hip, right shoulder, Frieza's laugh accompanies these overwhelming attacks that push you further and further back.
With the winds not as powerful, the girls can finally move around. Yet they're still awestruck by your screams and Frieza's power.
"We... have to..." Yang's fist shakes.
"What can we do? He's so strong... He's too strong!" Blake quivers.
"He's helped us so much... and here we are doing nothing!" Ruby throws her fist forward. "WE HAVE TO HELP!"
"WAIT!" Weiss shouts, noting that Frieza has stopped and you're motionless. "He's... what's he doing?"
At this point, the pain from Frieza's attacks feels like the norm. Your body doesn't want to feel this excruciating agony anymore. Legs shaking, muscles starting to give out, you exhale once more before you're about to fall...
Then a hand grabs your shoulder.
"What're you doing, Kail?" A harsh voice questions.
"Uh..." You slowly look to your right. "V-Vegeta?"
The Saiyan, standing in his armour, stares at you with disgust. "Here you are, the strongest of our race and you whimper like a coward!"
"I'm... I can't... he's so..."
"You can't," another voice speaks from the other side of you. "But we can."
"Huh? Turles?" You look to your left, where the Saiyan approaches. "You aren't alone in this battle, Kail."
"You have the blood of all us Saiyans!" Nappa slams his fist together, approaching from behind you.
"With all our pride," Kakarot comes from the right, beside Vegeta.
"And all our rage," Raditz enters next to Turles.
"Does that not pulse in your blood?" Vegeta continues. "Do you not feel the fires of a Saiyan bubbling within you. Before you is the man who slaughtered all of us, who's brought us to the brink of extinction! Our fathers... our brothers... our comrades."
"And now, all that's left is you," Nappa speaks, the hardy voice wrapping around you. "You are the final trace of our blood, of our ideals. If Frieza kills you, he'll win. Not just your fight, but the war against our race."
"We wanted to avenge them," Kakarot speaks. "We all wanted to. But we failed. Killed, like every other Saiyan who dared fight for us."
"Because he is scared of a Super Saiyan," Raditz carries the words forward. "A Super Saiyan that will rise from our race and wipe him out."
"So embrace our pain, embrace the Saiyans who's spirit supports you now" Turles cries out.
"ALL OF US!" The five shout together. "YOU ARE THE LAST HOPE OF OUR RACE!" The voices expand, as well as the support behind you. King Vegeta, Bardock, Gine, Tora, Fasha, Shugesh, any and all Saiyans who yearn for Frieza's demise appear behind you. "DO NOT LET US ALL DIE IN VEIN! KAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL!"
"It appears as though you have nothing left to entertain me with," Frieza slowly walks towards you. "But I suppose I shouldn't have expected much more. It appears the Saiyan race ends with quiet breath... how fit-" Namek's winds spiral around you, building up more pressure. "Hm?" He raises a brow.
You lean forward, tightening your body and flaring your Ki. "I HEAR YOU!"
"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Your scream is laced with the roar of a Great Ape, putting small fear in Frieza as he sees a mirage of the beast tower over you. Your white aura swiftly explodes to red, kicking up your power to unprecedented heights, to twenty times!
"Where did-"
"HYAAAAAA!" You burst forward faster than Frieza was prepared for, your fist barreling into his stomach with such ferocity it nearly goes right through. Frieza coughs up blood and saliva, only for you to lean back and kick him into the air.
"KA! ME! HA!" You slam your palms together, little bits of Ki pooling to form a ball, and pursue him.
Frieza recovers, shaking his head and fueling his anger. "You low life monkey!" He throws his hand in your direction and fires a massive pink beam.
"ME!" Your eyes sharpen when you see the pink beam, with the new speed, you dash underneath the beam and fly up behind Frieza, your eyes locked on Frieza with your body still turning. The galactic overlord slowly moves his left hand to react, but...
"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Your body pivots towards Frieza as you let loose the massively amped beam. It collides into Frieza's side, a direct hit, and pushes your opponent towards the planet. His screams are heard all the way as the tip of the beam crushes him between itself and an island. "Tsk... HRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" With everything you have, the beam expands, blowing through the island, under the water, and to the surface of the planet. As soon as it hits, the blue beam expands, blinding colours force the girls to look away as raw Ki, mixed with the water and dust of Namek, swirl and expand into a beautifully destructive show.
You release the Kaioken and Kamehameha, not moving, just breathing. Using the times twenty was a rash decision that you're definitely feeling now, but with a hit like that, you HAD to have done something to Frieza.
You lower your hands to the side, breathing heavily. "That... was for the Saiyans," you say under a whisper, watching the surrounding waters pour into the hole your attack made.
"Whoa, that was so AMAZING!" Ruby screams hopping in place. "HE DID IT! HE DID IT!"
"I didn't even know he had that much in him. His power was way more than before," Weiss adds her two cents.
"He doubled whatever Kaioken he was using before, certainly," Blake nods. "It could've been ten... maybe twenty. I'm not..." Blake's sensing picks something else up. "Oh no..."
"Blake?" Yang looks to her partner.
"Feel it... Frieza's..."
To your dismay, Frieza slowly rises from the water, his chest heaving up and down, his body scratched, bloodied, and stained. Your eyes shake as you watch him ascend.
"Man... I hit him with everything... how is... he..?"
"You... had that power," he whispers to himself. "A Saiyan... with that power... it hurt..." He rises to your level, body shaking with an unearthly rage. "THAT ACTUALLY HURT!" His voice echoes across Namek as he recklessly charges at you.
With your power drained from the previous attack, you can do nothing but get hit by Frieza's headbutt and follow up elbow to the chest. You plummet down to Namek, crashing into some ground and rolling across it for a moment. Your hand shakily gets into position to push up when Frieza slams his knee into your back, flicking the same leg forward to push you off the ground and soar over the grass. He instantly teleports before you, pulling his arm back for a planet shattering blow to your cheek. The sudden change in momentum causes your body to proceed past his arm and flip you right into the ground.
"STUPID!" Frieza kicks your ribs. "SAIYAN!" He slams his heel on your back. "MONKEEEEEEEEEEY!" He throws a stronger kick, knocking you out of the hole you were in and back to grazing across the grass, sliding just before the water's edge. "Not a single person, NO ONE, has damaged my body as you have!"
The power he's put into his attacks tells you all you need to know about Frieza's current frustration. It hurt him, obviously, but not nearly enough to put him down. But if a Kaioken times twenty Kamehameha can't do the job, what can? Especially now that your Ki supply is running dry after that.
Seeing you struggle to even move calms Frieza for a moment. He slowly walks towards you. "Does this mean your pathetic reservoir of strength is dried up? That's the final cry of the Saiyan Race... how pitiful."
You slowly push off the ground and barely manage to keep on your feet.
So... I only have one attack left... alright King Kai, let's see how that Spirit Bomb of yours works.
You set your legs slightly apart and raise both hands in the sky.
Please, planet Namek... the waters, the grass, the trees, insects, anything... lend me your power so I can help your world. Surrounding planets, anything you can spare, please help me rid the universe of this monster.
Frieza stops in place, perplexed by your rather unconventional approach of retaliation. "What... are you doing?"
"What is he doing?" Yang questions. "He's just... standing there with his hands up? You ever seen that before?"
"Beats me," Blake shrugs. "He's not getting any stronger..."
"Wait... what is that?" Weiss points to the sky. "Is that... Ki?"
The rest of the girls follow Weiss' direction, spotting a rather sizable ball of blue and white energy congregating just outside Namek's atmosphere.
"WHOA!" Yang blurts out. "What is that?"
The rest of the team stays silent, not having an answer... until Ruby speaks.
"It's what'll beat Frieza. I'm sure of it!"
Slowly but surely, all living things, even the unbeknownst team RWBY, lend their energy to your trump card. Thankfully, Frieza seems more interested in figuring out why than stopping it. You just hope he'll stay docile for long enough.
"Did you not hear me, you imbecile? I asked what you were doing!" His voice isn't as calm as the first time.
"Oh... you know..." Your voice weighed down by your task. "Getting a... stretch in... do you mind?"
"I'm not sure what you're insulting more, my intelligence or my patience," Frieza squints. "Either way... I'M NO LONGER IN THE MODE FOR JESTS!" Frieza speeds your position and knocks your back with a straight punch, immediately dashing to your back to slap you away with his tail.
You tumble back towards the innards of the island, body wrenching in pain... but you still get back on your feet and raise your arms again. Frieza frowns, finally touching the ground. "I don't understand... your power isn't increasing, you're not... doing anything!"
"Would you rather me be fighting?"
"I'd rather you be grovelling," he quickly retorts.
"Well... maybe after this?"
Frieza clenches his fist. "Talking to me like that... who do you think you are?"
"(Y/N)," you nod.
With the risk of angering him, the time taken speaking is allowing the Spirit Bomb to grow larger and larger. It's expanded beyond the small moon and is swiftly making its way to being a rather competent planet, but it's still not enough. Frieza's unbelievably strong and it's going to take something far larger and denser than any of your training attempts. You just have to hope that you can stall him for long enough.
"So... are you really enjoying this?" You continue the conversation.
"Immensely," Frieza's cold voice is carried through the wind. He intently gazes at you, sending a telekinetic force that flings you backwards.
Not being such a punishing blow to take, you manage to flip around and land on your feet, putting your hands right back up as you slide to a halt.
"W-Well... I learned that you shouldn't... shouldn't indulge in things you enjoy."
Frieza steadily approaches, scoffing at your attempt to judge him. "But why not? What's stopping me?"
"Hehe... when I was a kid, I really liked fish. So I would hunt down three or four fish a day and eat them all. My... my friend told me that if I kept doing that there would be no fish left to eat. So... you know... if you keep beating me up there won't be any me to beat."
"How utterly simplistic," Frieza shakes his head. "But what else would I expect from a monkey? I do agree, however, that I have indulged myself too much in this fight... and your nonsensical arm placement is irritating me. I think this is where our battle comes to an end."
Frieza's body almost seems to distort as he moves in front of you and shoves his fist into your gut with more force than he's used before. You crumble to your knees, holding your stomach whilst coughing up blood. Frieza aims a finger at you, the tip adopting a pink glow.
"Like I said... deaf to reason, headstrong," you look up at Frieza, seeing his sadistic smile and killer attack. "And dead."
Before he can fire his death beam, a foreign fist forces itself on Frieza's cheek. The unexpected attack means Frieza wasn't steady, so he flies off a few yards, crashing into the water.
"(Y/N)!" Yang lands beside you, helping you to your feet. "Whatever you're doing, keep doing it! We'll hold him off."
"DO IT!" Yang makes sure you're standing then places herself between you and where Frieza went. "We can keep him busy for a bit, but we all know he'd kill us with one attack... actually," Yang nervously chuckles. "That punch is probably the only hit I'll land. Just charge your whatever ball thing you got up there! We'll buy you time."
While you don't like your friends fighting Frieza, you can't argue now. Every second is critical in gathering energy for the Spirit Bomb. You raise your hands in the air yet again and focus the energy.
"How long do you think it'll take?" She asks, sweat dropping as Frieza's energy starts to move.
"I... don't know. I need more time."
Frieza bursts out of the water, frantically looking around. "Who dares interfere? What pathetic pest..." He spots Yang, sturdily standing to face him. "Oh, you..." He says with an irritated smile. "I thought you would've scurried away. But I suppose you're too stubborn and stupid to live!"
From the side, Blake swipes in from the side, attempting to slice the emperor. Frieza, now on guard, leans back to avoid it.
"Yet another WORM!" Frieza pulls back his arm to punch, exactly what Blake planned. As soon as Frieza goes to punch, Blake uses her Semblance mixed with Dust, replacing herself with a solid rock formation that traps Frieza's punch.
"What's this?"
The stone figure quickly heats up, becoming red, then explodes. Frieza almost instantly wafts the smoke away, clearly unfazed by the attack. "These are the last-ditch attempts of fools? I HOPE YOU'RE SATISFIED!" Frieza raises his right hand, a purple aura surrounding it... along with a black glyph. Frieza's hand jitters within the glyph, unable to free itself. "These tri-" Another glyph wraps around Frieza's body, locking the free arm against his body.
Weiss has her hand and weapon pointed at Frieza, both Ki and Aura flaring to keep the strength at its peak.
"GGGRRRRR, STOP TOYING WITH ME YOU ANTS!" Frieza fluidly breaks free of Wiess' glyphs only to have something hit him in the back of the neck. He pauses, eye twitching and body shivering as he slowly turns his body to see Ruby aiming down her sniper.
"It appears these ungrateful, insolent pests desire to push me to the very LIMITS of my patience, even after I showed them such grace," his voice is quick and irritated, soon followed by a twisted chuckle. "DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU'RE MOCKING, INSECTS! IF YOU WISH TO DIE THEN SO BE IT! PERISH WITH THIS PLANET!"
Frieza raises a finger to the sky and forms a slowly growing black ball with red electricity cascading around it. His twisted, insane laughter accompanied him the entire time.
"(Y/N), I don't want to rush you, but is it done yet? I don't think we can stall him longer!" Yang nervously pesters.
"I... it's not... enough... it's not enough!"
Still watching from the lookout, both Ozpin and Piccolo recognize that this is the final stroke of battle. However the paint splatters will determine the outcome, and they just so happen to have a personal stake.
"Do you think he'd realize?" Ozpin smirks while raising his hand up, palm to the sky.
"No. He's an idiot," Piccolo does the same.
The spirit energy from the two beings quickly fires off into space, speeding towards your looming Spirit Bomb faster than any ship could fly.
"I'm... I'm sorry, Yang... it can't-" A sudden shock pierces your mind as two massive amounts of energy add to the bomb. "What was, no, it's READY!" You shout. "EVERYONE MOVE!" You throw your hands down to the ground, manipulating the complete Spirit Bomb to quickly break through Namek's atmosphere.
Frieza is none the wiser to the massive incoming attack from above... at least until he feels the unprecedented pressure. He slowly turns his head, spotting the corner of the blast so he turns right around. "WHERE DID THIS COME FROM? IS HE..." A brief flash of you holding your arms up enters his mind. "THIS IS WHAT HE WAS DOING?" Frieza throws his hands forward to catch it, trying to push it back, but it's overpowering him.
"We gotta go!" Weiss and Blake fly away as fast as possible.
Ruby, already pretty far away, still dashes back since the Spirit Bomb is so large.
"(Y/N)! Come on!" Yang flies backwards.
"I... need to make sure..." You struggle speaking. "Come on... GO!" You throw your arms up then back down, giving it even more force.
Frieza desperately tries to push the Spirit Bomb back, but the attack is so dense and powerful that it's pushing the emperor closer and closer to the planet.
"NO... NO! I CAN... PUSH IT... BACK!" Inch by inch, he's closer to Namek, second by second, he's losing the struggle. "N... NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" His grip falls, his power wades, and he's swept up by the Spirit Bomb.
The massive blue ball, having no resistance now, speeds into the planet's surface and explodes. The blast fires up, far past the atmosphere, and the intensity shifts the colours of the planet from green and blue to white and black. Even so far away, Ruby, Weiss, and Blake are engulfed by the intense wind and pressure whipping away from the impact area. The same thing happens to you and Yang to a higher degree. The brawler desperately tries to sway herself towards you, knowing you're completely tapped out. With small bursts, she moves closer and closer while feeling the blowback of such a gale.
"I... GOT YOU!" Yang maneuvers one last time and wraps her arms around your head, pulling you close. "HOLD ON TO ME!"
It seems like hours for everyone as the Spirit Bomb explodes and dissipates, leaving a massive hole in the middle of a near barren ocean. The majority of the islands are either erased or flooded over by the influx of water rushing to fill the changed landmass. Yet, despite what could've absolutely decimated the plant... everything calms down. The relaxing sound of rushing water is all that can be heard now on planet Namek.
The only living soul above the water is Blake, who's not worried at all. The only one who used a significant amount of power was Yang when she hit Frieza, but the rest have plenty of reserves. With her enhanced hearing and Ki sensing, Blake knows that everyone is swiftly swimming to the surface. As she guessed, Ruby is the first to break free, grabbing a small piece of land beside her for support as she coughs.
"Disgusting... I think a fish hit me. I hope it was a fish," the young leader shivers.
The hooded girl perks up, looking over at her Faunus friend. "Blake!" She flies out of the water and meets with her teammate. "Thank goodness you made it. Is everyone else..?"
Blake peeks over her shoulder where Weiss slowly rises out of the water, coughing like her partner did.
"Gross... my clothes are all wet..."
"Weiss!" Ruby shouts, hands around her mouth to amplify the sound. "OVER HERE!"
"I hear you," the heiress retorts, squeezing some water out of her hair. "We're not that far apart."
Weiss reconvenes with her teammates, now leaving two unaccounted for.
"So they're..."
"I can barely sense (Y/N)," Blake says aloud. "He really did use everything he had."
"But... we won, right? Can you sense Frieza? I can't, but you're better at it than me," Weiss squints, trying her best to focus.
Out of the water, washed up on a small piece of land, Yang crawls out, desperately breathing after having to hold it for so long. "Man... you could at least try to lighten yourself up a bit. You're eight thousand pounds of muscle," Yang huffs, throwing her arm out of the water and dragging you onto the shore so you can breathe.
"Do I... weight that much?" You barely whisper.
"No, dummy... I'm just tired... uuuh," Yang lets her body go limp, head landing on your arm as you both try to recover.
"YANG!" Ruby soars in, landing on the ground and quickly pulling on her sister's arm. "Oh, boy, you two are heavy."
"He's heavy," Yang corrects.
"I'm feeling really light," you hazily speak.
With you and Yang now out of the water and the remaining two members of RWBY landing on the island, you all take a moment to decompress. The fighting is done, the pain is over... for everyone but you. Now that you're relaxed, all the hits you took from Frieza are thumping at the surface for you to recognize.
"I can't believe it... I can't believe we're... alive! WE'RE ALIVE!" Yang cheers, staring up at the green skies.
"We're not off the planet ye-" Sudden spikes of power shoot through all of RWBY's minds.
"What are-"
"These powers?"
"What?" Your eyes are half-closed, lazily sweeping between the girls. "It's not Frieza, is it? Please don't be Frieza... my arms are so numb..."
"No..." Blake shakes her head. "It's-"
A white glow surrounds all the girls, briskly stealing them away. You stare forward, really unsure what to think. "Did... I eat something? Are Namek's waters not healthy for me, cause I spent a long time in-"
"-them," Just as you speak, you're teleported to an unknown world. Dark skies, a strange glow behind you, and cold, white stone floors. "I don't see anyone... hello?" You lean your head back only to bask in the glow of a massive, green dragon with devilish red eyes, brown antlers, along with equally green whiskers and hair.
"Did I die?"
"I have granted your second wish," the dragon's booming voice speaks. "State your third."
"It talks... it grants wishes... ehe... ehehehehehehe," you can do nothing but laugh, having no energy to do anything else.
"(Y/N)!" Yang, followed by her teammates, runs to your side. "Are you okay?"
"Are you dead too?"
"He's not okay," Weiss sighs.
"Stay calm, (Y/N)," Ozpin's soothing voice enters your ears. You can feel a hand rest on your shoulder... and a sudden cool feeling emanates from it. "You did well, (Y/N). You won."
"Professor Ozpin? What're you doing... what... are you doing?" Though using the same words, Ruby means something different the second time.
"Oh, you know, secret Headmaster magic," he winks at his student, clearly being coy.
But the technique he does seems to heal all your wounds, restoring your body to full health. You bounce right up, slapping your right peck. "Hey! I feel great! Hahahaha, wow, that Saiyan thing really is something. I can't believe how much stronger I feel."
The girls smile at you, but their eyes drift away when they realize how many people are around, along with the massive dragon whose source is seven orange balls with stars ranging from one to seven. Namekians all around, including Dende, and Nail. But if Ozpin's here...
Then it clicks.
"Wait, we're back on Remnant?" All four blurt out.
Done marvelling at your new power, you take in the sights and recognize Piccolo's lookout. But all the people, mostly the Namekians, are unfamiliar.
That's certainly familiar to you. You turn to the source, spotting all your fallen Saiyan comrades, healthy as you are. Turles runs up to you, followed by the others who're walking.
"It's good to see you," Turles smiles, friendlier than you ever remember.
"Uh, yeah! Wait... you... all of you..."
"They were dead, yes," Ozpin stands at your side. "You can thank Piccolo and Shenron for that being rectified," he gestures towards the dragon and the named Namekian standing before him.
"What is that?" Vegeta gawks. "Those balls... ARE THOSE DRAGON BALLS?"
Almost on cue, seven objects slam around Piccolo's lookout from orbit. Larger than the ones Shenron has spawned from, are another set of Dragon Balls.
"Dragon!" Vegeta proclaims. "You are to make me-"
Piccolo's green hand appears over the Saiyan's mouth, eyes gleaming at him. "You shall not utter another word. By the kindness of Ozpin's heart, I resurrected all of you. But I will not hesitate to undo that wish if you even dare utilize my Dragon Balls for your selfish whims."
Infuriated, Vegeta pushes Piccolo's hand away. "Who do you think you are, Namekian? You shall not stop Prince Vegeta from-"
With a chop quicker than he can see, Piccolo incapacitates Vegeta, letting his body crumble on the floor. Remnant's Guardian pivots to the others, who seem to be prepared for battle. "Do any of you wish the same?"
Sweat dripping from them, they all lower their offence.
"Hey, come on Piccolo!" You get between him and the other Saiyans. "Cut them some slack! Without them, there's no way Frieza would've been beaten!"
"So you did it?" Kakarot reaffirms, hope in his voice.
You turn to the Saiyans, giving a proud smile and thumbs up. "You bet those tails I did! I gotta say," you relax your body, resting your hands on your hips as if Vegeta's sleeping body wasn't right beside your feet. "I really thought I was done for a few times. When the Kaioken didn't work, man, my heart's never beat so fast."
"I am still waiting for your final wish."
Piccolo gazes over at the Namekians, now all gathered around Nail. Though he's never met them before now, he's glad they're safe and happy. But he also knows their planet is not safe. Even if Frieza has been beaten, the word of his defeat will spread and that will bring more of Frieza's army to the planet. He'll have to explain why they have to remain on Remnant after, but for now...
"(Y/N)!" Piccolo gathers your attention. "I promised to train you if you successfully defeated Frieza, and I shall keep to that promise. But... I offer you something more now. This," he gestures to Shenron. "Is Shenron, a dragon who can grant any wish you desire. I use him only in dire situations, and only allow others to use him if they're worthy. For saving Namek, for defeating Frieza, I offer the last wish to you."
"What? A wish?" Ruby perks up. "Whoa, that's super lucky!"
"A wish-granting dragon from magical orbs," Weiss shakes her head. "I know we talked about them on Namek but to see it... it's beautiful, really."
"So what's your wish?" Blake blatantly asks.
"Hey, what about us?" Nappa barks.
Piccolo huffs. "I was not going to revive you, Saiyans," his head slowly shifts to them. "So consider the fact I included your names to be revived repayment for your battle."
"You know..." Raditz coughs. "He... has a point."
"He does, and we weren't the ones who beat Frieza," Turles adds, stepping back to be with his Saiyan brothers. "Kail, what do you want?"
"Uh..." You raise a hand to your chin, slowly thinking harder and harder. "I... don't know. I've never really wanted anything. Um..."
"(Y/N)," Ozpin speaks. "If I may, permit me to make a wish for you."
"Huh?" You respond curiously.
"You may not fully grasp what Shenron can do, but I'm sure my idea will make you quite happy."
"Um... okay. Can I do that, Piccolo?"
"If that's what you wish. Ozpin, what is the wish?"
Ozpin saunters beside Piccolo and whispers in his ear, eliciting a nod from the Guardian. "I see. That can be done," with that, Piccolo approaches Shenron and begins making the wish.
At the same time, Vegeta starts to stir, getting back on his feet. "What... the Namekian..."
"Oh, hey Vegeta!" Your cheerful, loud voice rings in his ears.
He growls. "Shut it, fool... where are the Dragon Balls?"
"Your wish has been granted," Shenron decrees after his eyes shine a brighter red. "Farewell."
The Dragon Balls slowly rise, spinning faster and faster until they fly out in every direction.
While you were distracted by Vegeta, team RWBY heard what the wish was.
"(Y/N)!" Yang shouts. "Maybe... maybe you should go home?"
"Go home? Back to Beacon?"
"No," Blake shakes her head. "Home."
"Home..." You think about it a bit more. "But it..."
"Wait... that..." You open your mind, sensing towards... "No way!" You immediately burst off the lookout and fly away.
"What's got him excited?" Kakarot curiously questions.
"Why don't we find out?" Turles suggests.
"Yes. Get off my lookout," Piccolo sternly speaks.
"I'm going to follow him," Turles says again, flying off the lookout.
Without much arguing, Kakarot, then Raditz, and then Nappa flies after you with RWBY mixed between. Vegeta stubbornly stands still, not really caring what wish could possibly have made you happy. That is until Piccolo stares him down again.
"Fine, you stupid Namekian!" He takes off and follows.
Ozpin walks to Piccolo's side, watching all of Namek's defenders fly off. "You assured all the humans' memories were altered?"
"It was part of the wish, yes."
"I see. Thank you. I'm glad your people are safe."
"For now... but he-"
"I know," Ozpin lets his head droop. "But let's not rob their victory. They need rest, especially if Frieza's family decides to take revenge."
Without realizing everyone is following you, your speed is at its max, quickly leaving everyone in the dust. But they're still able to follow you into the mountainous area past Vale to a small, happy village that's living their daily lives.
You land on the main road, looking around at all the familiar faces that you haven't seen... since... the very thought of it makes your heart sink, yet their smiling faces bring it back up. Everyone smiles at you, if a little worried about your attire.
"Hard training session, (Y/N)?" You hear a joke from a stall.
"You're looking as good as ever!"
As wonderful as it is to see everyone, you immediately start running towards the butcher shop, and that's when RWBY and the Saiyans land.
"What is this disgustingly... happy place?" Vegeta snarls.
"It's his home," Weiss snaps back. "Treat it with respect!"
"I... how dare you speak to me like that, you-"
"Both of you shut up!" Yang sharply whispers. "Not here!"
As you run closer, the front door slides open for Crystal. She steps out into the sun, basking in the rays until she hears the ruckus. You slide to a halt, awestruck that she's here, alive, standing so close.
"Oh... (Y/N), what're you... why don't you have a shirt? Don't tell me you've been going out without clothes on again, I thought we-"
In a flash, you dash at her, wrapping her in a tight yet cozy squeeze as tears run down your eyes.
"Crystal! You're... I'm so happy to see you!" You spin around with her helplessly in your arms, yet she's not too upset by it.
"I, well, I'm happy to see you too!" She hugs you back. "It's been a while, hasn't it? I'm glad you missed me. Hey, dad! Come on out!" Crystal shouts.
"Honey, I told you it's Lucent when in front of the counter. How else am I..." He steps outside and sees you, shirtless, all over his daughter. "Oh... (Y/N), you're back... and without a shirt... hm..."
Without hesitation, you pull Lucent into the hug too, waves of joy flooding over you more than ever.
"Hey, why did- stop tha-"
"Dad! Let him hug you!"
"He... ugh," with Crystal giving him the look he can't say no.
So you keep your family close, almost in disbelief that these two, that all of them are back. RWBY watches with pride, never seeing you so emotional over something that isn't fighting. But it's good to see such a strong fighter having a soft spot. Though, for Yang, she can't help but feel a little jealous for some reason. She does her best to push it aside, seeing as it is awful to feel jealous over this touching moment, but still...
While Vegeta has his arms crossed and looking away, the others are a little more accepting than even they thought they'd be. For some, it could be because you defeated Frieza, for Turles, it's because this may be why you're such a unique, and possibly true, Saiyan, and for Nappa, it reminds him of how he may possibly feel if he ever saw the Saiyans he hasn't seen in so long. Of course, that would be on the inside and not out. There's no way a general like him could show such joy when seeing his comrades.
But for you... it's simply the greatest day of your life. You defeated the strongest guy you've ever gone against AND you get to see your family again. To you, there's nothing better.
And there we go, the Frieza fight is
B-B-But Chinsangan, where is Super Saiyan? Why did Frieza die when he got hit by the same things Goku did to him? Are you just making Kail that overpowered?
Well, overdramatized reader, did I not say things would end up differently? Both for Dragon Ball sagas and RWBY volumes? Well, here's an example! Frieza got hit by both the Kaioken Kamehameha AND the Spirit Bomb, so, in my opinion, he's a goner. Plus, I'm the writer so, you know... that's what I want. But if you want to criticize that, totally okay,
But really, I hope you all enjoyed this Saga as much as I did! We'll be moving into some RWBY-centric stuff next time! And now all the Saiyans are here! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, five more characters to handle, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, I'm not crying you are.
Want to keep up with me? Know what chapter's coming out next and the progress of them? Follow me on Twitter! Twitter . com (slash) Chinsangan
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A special thank you to Patreon supporters: MazMan, Big Genatools, and Ride The Lightning
Thank you guys so much for supporting me! It means the world!
And finally, thank you to the Beta Reader: thenameisntimportant
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