Chapter 22: The Battle Against Terrifying Conquerors!

Chapter22: The Battle Against Terrifying Conquerors! Revel in the Horror of Frieza!

"K... Kakarot?" Raditz shivers at the sight of his brother.

The normally confident Nappa is shaken by this morbid sight. He would normally chastise his Saiyan comrades, but Frieza's unparalleled speed and power would've caught any of them off guard.

"FRIEZA!" Raditz's power flares with his anger. "I'LL KILL YOU!" He zooms in throwing a punch that Frieza easily catches. Raditz's knee quickly tries to make a mark, but it meets the same fate as his fist.

"My, my, Raditz, quite the spark you've got there," the tyrant taunts.

"SHUT UP!" His fist and knee light up in a purple glow before exploding into a cloud of dust.

Swiftly, two bodies fly out of the dust, locked in combat. Raditz does his best to try and even hit Frieza, but all his attacks Frieza casually dodges, even in his bulky form.

Seeing an opportunity, Ruby quickly speeds into the water, having kept her eyes locked on Kakarot's body the whole time. She easily locks onto his fading Ki, grabs him before he lands against the bottom of the lake, and flies out towards Dende, keeping under the water just in case Slug or Frieza catches wind.

Thankfully, Nail has Slug's full attention. Not that he would care anyway.

"Let those morons fight. It'll be nothing compared to a true Namekian brawl!" Slug cracks his knuckles.

"I don't care for your spectacle. You are a plague on our race and must be destroyed," Nail says calmly, tossing aside his blue top. "I, Nail, the last Warrior Namekian, will be your undoing, Slug!"

Yang flies up beside Nail, "We're gonna help," she sharply whispers. "We're going to-"

"Silence," Nail states. "Whispering is pointless. We Namekians have excellent hearing," his eyes remain on Slug. "I will handle this alone. Stay out of this, humans."

"But we can help!"

"Not now, you can't."

Yang is taken back by his outright dismissal of her help, but that won't keep her down. She'll step in if necessary, but perhaps keeping back is best for now. She already knows Slug is far more powerful than her right now. But, still, the three members of RWBY keep close to Nail's battle, hoping the Saiyans can hold their own against Frieza.

And so, with a flash of power from both Namekians, they clash in a spectacle rivalling the others. The two Namekians are even, neither of them managing to land a solid blow on the other. With that, none of the humans can spot a chance to help. Then again, they can barely follow Slug and Nail's quick movements.


The only Saiyan who's realized the Namekians have started fighting is Turles, and even then his attention is split. He's unsure how powerful Slug is and whether Nail and the girls will need help, but at the same time, it's clear Raditz has no chance against Frieza. Despite his angry outburst, Raditz's power is still nothing compared to the transformed Frieza

"Raditz is running out of steam! Vegeta, come help!" Nappa shouts before flying in to support his Saiyan comrade. "You won't be able to handle the mighty Nappa!" His confidence is admirable, but even with him joining Raditz, Frieza seems unfazed.

"The mighty Nappa?" Frieza chuckles. "I would say maggot," Frieza flicks his tail, going right through Nappa's guard and smacking him away. "Is a more appropriate term for you. Speaking of trash," Frieza focuses on Raditz, grabbing both of his hands mid punch.

The Saiyan's anger is still high, so he tries kneeing the overlord. Even when the attacks connect against Frieza's chest, he doesn't flinch. That confident, chilling smirk remains on his face.

"I believe I should take it out," to repay Raditz for his attacks, Frieza knees the long-haired Saiyan.

His eyes go white, his voice cackles as his body is pulled by gravity. But Frieza doesn't agree with gravity's decision. Still holding the Saiyan's hands, he pulls him up and slams his mighty knee into Raditz's chest again, and again, and again. He lets go and grabs the broken Saiyan by the neck.

"What happened to your spark, Raditz?" Frieza starts laughing, looking over at Turles and Vegeta, the latter of which is hesitant to attack. "And you, Vegeta? You were so confident moments ago? Does my power scare you?" Frieza notices Nappa on the ground, slowly getting back up. At breakneck speeds, Frieza descends, his right foot landing on Nappa's head and wrapping around it. He slowly steps down, intentionally not outright killing the Saiyan just to prove a point.

Nappa grits his teeth, wanting to just blow up the earth beneath him but well aware of what that'll do. Raditz is totally out cold, with absolutely no way to protect himself. Any attack that would potentially harm Frieza would kill Raditz. Nappa shakily grabs the foot threatening to crush him and incites Ki, trying to burn Frieza's limb.

"And that's what your might brings, Nappa? A bug bite?" Frieza laughs.

Turles and Vegeta watch with absolute helplessness. It's rare for the Saiyans to be so hesitant to fight, but there's really nothing they can do. Turles especially knows how worthless it is, being practically ten times weaker than his opponent. Frieza is revelling in their fear.

"Perhaps it's time to finish up and move onto a royal event," Frieza's eyes gleen up at the Prince.


Ruby bursts up from the water and lands beside Dende, resting Kakarot beside the young Namekian.

"Back quickly," Ruby chuckles, trying to keep the tone light despite the situation. "Please, heal him too."

Dende hesitates, looking down at one of the invaders. "I... can't," he looks away, knowing he'll be disappointing his new ally. "I just can't."

"What? Why? Do you need time to recover?" Ruby presses down on Kakarot's wound.

"No! He killed my people! Destroyed villages! I can't help someone so evil!" Dende proclaims to the girl.

"I..." Ruby looks down at the dying Saiyan. "I understand. They all came to my planet too, tried to kill my friends and destroy us," Ruby shifts her gaze back to the Namekian, a comforting smile on her face. "But right now we have to rely on them. If we let all the Saiyans die, we're going to lose. At least until my friend, (Y/N), gets here. Please, Dende, I'm begging you. Nail won't be able to beat those two by himself."

The echo of Frieza's laugh reaches their ears, and only Ruby can feel what's happening. "Two of them are dying..." Ruby clenches her free hand. "Dende, please. We all want to beat them. We all want to survive."

"I... f-fine," Dende nods, quickly starting to heal the Saiyan. "But once Frieza is gone I won't do this anymore!"

"I agree," Ruby smiles, leaning off Kakarot so Dende can work his magic.

The young girl flies near the edge of the rock face hiding them, seeing with her own eyes how Frieza is dominating Nappa and Raditz.

"Oh no..."

"What the?" Kakarot's eyes open, seeing Dende right away. "You... healed me?"

"Whoa," Ruby turns around and lets herself fall to the ground. "You feel way stronger!"

"Because I'm a Saiyan," Kakarot gets to his feet and feels the power flowing through him.

Without a second thought, he blasts off and heads towards Frieza.

"Dende," Ruby starts running. "I'm going to bring two more. Don't worry," she turns back to him and gives a thumbs up. "We'll get through this!"


Frieza readies himself to finish off the two Saiyans when Kakarot speeds in, fist drilling into Frieza's stomach. The tall tyrant spins off Nappa and releases Raditz, quickly recovering with a hint of anger.

"Who dares lay their filthy-" His eyes land on Kakarot, standing in front of Raditz and Nappa with a cold gaze. "You? But you were as good as dead!"

"I don't know Frieza," Kakarot rolls his shoulders and gives a smirk. "I'm feeling pretty alive."

In a flash, Kakarot closes the gap between him and Frieza, throwing a punch which the ruler blocks, but is pushed back. Frieza knocks the attack away and goes for his own knee, but Kakarot spins out of the way, elbowing Frieza whilst doing so.

"What the?" Vegeta questions, high in the air. "How is Kakarot even still breathing? Did Turles have-" Vegeta looks over at the named Saiyan. "No, he hasn't moved. Was it the girls? Huh?" Vegeta spots Ruby, grabbing both Nappa and Raditz by the leg and flying away from the battlefield. "What is she doing?" Vegeta follows the girl with his eyes.

"Incredible," Turles watches Kakarot keep pace with Frieza, their battle taking to the sky. "Kakarot's way stronger than he used to be. Seems our biology really does mean more than training. But how did he..." Like Vegeta, Turles gets a glimpse of Ruby dragging the two bulky Saiyans with her, and the Prince being curious about what's happening. "If Nappa and Raditz get a similar boost, I doubt Frieza will be able to survive. That just leaves..."

The two Namekains' fists clash over the skies of their planet, getting farther and farther away from Frieza's fight. Slug crashes against Nail's forearm, Slug catches Nail's elbow, their knees clash, it's a blur of movements that would be difficult for most to follow. Nail manages to get the upper hand with a surprise knee to Slug's jaw, followed by a wound-up slam towards the ground below. Slug twirls, easily regaining his bearings before landing on the blue grass. He immediately dashes back, avoiding Nail's kick. The loose bits of dirt and grass erupt from the impact point, falling like rain around the planet's defender.

Slug slams his hands on the ground to slow himself down, eyes locked on his Namekian foe as Nail speeds towards him. Slug smirks moments before his hand speeds out of the ground, grasping Nail's neck.

"Gotcha," Slug smugly says, pulling Nail towards his open hand, green energy forming.

Nail's stoic nature breaks, showing his worry for the attack. But, from behind, Yang charges in at full power. She spins around, using her gauntlets to gain more momentum, and slams her fist into the side of his head. With the break in focus, Nail is able to break free of Slug's grasp.

"I told you not to interfere!" Nail chastises.

Yang ignores him, throwing her hands forward and firing a yellow blast to keep the pressure on. "Come on, keep fighting!" She screams.

Though he doesn't like her tone, Nail knows that fighting Slug is what's most important. From his position, Nail copies Yang's move and fires off a barrage of blasts at the evil Namekian, fanning the flames and expanding the smoke's reach.

"HYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" A barrier forms around Slug, blocking all their attacks and whips the smoke away.

Nail quickly notices his hands are in the ground again, meaning only one thing.


Slug's green hands break through the ground again and go for his opponents, but a black glyph forms around his wrists, stopping them in their tracks. Weiss, hoisted up on a nearby rock, holds her blade towards his arms.


The Faunus swoops down before Slug, slashing his chest twice with her Ki-fueled blade before leaving a flaming shadow with her semblance that blows up immediately. She flies right above, holding out her free arm and blasting down.

"Come on!" Yang jumps over Slug's arm before dashing towards him.

Nail flies around it, speeding past Yang.

"Well, well, it appears you have some friends," Slug smiles. He opens his mouth and blasts once towards Nail, forcing him to dodge left and away from Yang. Seeing that, he focuses on the girl and releases an even larger, wider blast. Yang tries to divert her course but the blast is too big.

"Ooooh man!" She holds her hand up to block but a presence pushes her aside and takes the attack.

Now on the ground, Yang looks up at the figure within the smoke, slowly becoming visible. Turles waves his hand to disperse the rest before crossing his arms.

"Be more careful," he eyes the girl.

"You're... not fighting with the others."

"They'll be fine. But Kail will be disappointed if I let you fools die here," he says while Yang gets up. "And I don't think the Namekian will focus on that," he smirks, glancing at Nail.

"Hmph, a filthy Saiyan," Slug remarks. "I'm surprised you care for such weak creatures."

"Don't expect to know us," Turles barks back. "But I know you. I sense that you're holding back, and I thought a Saiyan would tip the balance."

Slug smirks, pulling back on his arms, the tension rising in his wrists before they eventually tear off.

"Ew! Why would he do that?" Weiss says to herself, releasing the glyphs.

While his arms return to their original length, Blake retreats with her yellow-haired teammate. Without much issue, Slug flexes his body and reforms both his hands, greenish-yellow liquid dripping off them.

"Whoa, whoa, they can do that?" Yang furiously points.

"We can, yes," Nail calmly responds, still on his own. "Please, stay out of this fight. It is beyond you."

"You too, Namekian," Turles steps forward, approaching his enemy. "Just accept the help."

"I won't from scum like you."

"What was the saying? Beggars can't be choosers?" He recites from the conversations he had with RWBY on the ship.

"Enough talk!" Slug flicks his hand to his sides and summons enough purple balls to hit all the opponents in front of him.

"Spread out!" Turles throws his hand towards the girls before speeding forward.

Slug throws all of them forward, each locking onto someone. Blake and Yang dash back and go their separate ways while Nail goes straight up.

Turles spins around, intertwining his fists and hits it from the right, sending the blast spiralling miles and away. The explosion darkens the air for a split second, leaving a massive dust cloud in its wake. That moment Turles knows the girls will die if that hits them. But with Slug so close, he has to attack. Turles winds up his fist and throws it, only for Slug to catch it and deliver his own counter punch. Turles tumbles across the ground, quickly holding both hands up and firing a flurry of purple homing blasts. Slug flies towards the Saiyan, dodging and spinning through his attacks. That's when Nail takes the opportunity to come in from the side with a kick that drives Slug face-first into the ground. He hovers over Slug for a moment, before flipping back, over Slug's Darkness Star, and fires a two-handed blast that both pushes Nail away but forces Slug's own attack upon him.

At the same time, Yang and Blake have been weaving around the battlefield with Slug's attacks getting closer and closer.

"Weiss, we need some assistance!" Yang screams.

"Got it!" Weiss points her blade towards her allies, summoning glyphs to speed up her friends and slow down the attacks.

"You're a lifesaver!"

"Just get as far away as you can!" The white-haired supporter shouts, keeping herself focused.

Yang and Blake speed away as fast as they can, trying to get distance from everyone. They saw the explosion from Turles', so they can't destroy them so close. As the gap widens, Weiss summons a larger glyph that the blasts slam into. She instantly summons three more, making a box for the explosion to erupt within, which comes as a surprise to her teammates. Sweat drips down her face and her Aura flairs as the intensity of the dense explosion causes havoc within the small space. But, it does weaken, and so too does Weiss. She drops to one knee, taking a few deep breaths.

"Come on Weiss, just a bit more," she whispers to herself.

She notices Yang and Blake speeding towards her and gives them a thumbs up. The two understand and divert their course back to Slug. Weiss is strong, they know that. They need to keep focused on the enemy before them.


Ruby hauls the two massive Saiyans back to Dende, setting them down before falling on her butt.

"Man, they are heavier than they look... and that one's huge," she lazily waves her hand toward Nappa.

Dende, though still uncomfortable with the prospect of healing these monsters, goes through with it anyway. He starts with Raditz, and that's when Vegeta spots it. He sees Raditz's wounds heal, his strength surpass what it once was. When it's done, the long haired Saiyan stands up, surprised that he's still breathing.

"What? The Namekian brat has a healing ability?" Vegeta's focus on this has made him blind to the battle with Frieza, or the fact that Turles has sped off to fight Slug.

Nappa is quickly healed too, getting on his feet. "Wow, looks like this planet has more use than just Dragon Balls," he slams his chest, enjoying his newfound power. "Thanks, squirt. I'll remember that."

"Yes, and you. Thank you," Radtiz nods at Ruby.

"Uh... yeah... no worries. Just don't try and blow up my planet again," she sheepishly brushes off, still a little intimidated by the two men.

Nappa laughs. "I wouldn't worry about that, kid. We'll be in too great of a mood after killing Frieza!"

"Nappa... thank you for helping me," Raditz begrudgingly says without looking the brute in the eye.

"Of course! What would a weakling like you do without me?" His confident tone so natural.

"Um... Shouldn't you go help Kaka... Kakarot?"

"Kakarot's fighting Frieza?" Those words ignite Raditz to take off immediately.

"You should've killed us when you had the chance, Frieza!" Nappa announces while taking off.


Kakarot and Frieza remain fairly even in their brawl, with Vegeta staying as a baffled spectator. With one Zenkai Boost, Kakarot has shot far past the prince and is now going toe to toe with Frieza in his overwhelming form. Vegeta almost feels insulted by this course of events. He, the Prince, outclassed yet again. First on Remnant by humans and low-class scum, again when you returned with Turles and easily dealt with the Ginyu Force, and now Kakarot with Frieza. Every time his power is eclipsed by those beneath him. It infuriates the Prince.

Meanwhile, Kakarot is completely focused on the battle before him. Even he's surprised with his newfound power, but he isn't letting that distract him from the fight. Their stalemate ends when Frieza lands a surprise kick to Kakarot's face, sending the Saiyan barrelling towards the ground. He recovers, spinning towards the ground and letting out a weak blue blast to break his fall. He looks up, bearing witness to a fast-approaching Frieza. Kakarot throws himself back, putting more power into his blue beam as it rises from the ground, cutting through the air and hitting Frieza. Even with a massive explosion, Frieza isn't slowed down at all.

"You pathetic Saiyan!" He shouts, throwing a punch that, even when blocked, locks Kakarot against the ground. "You really believe you could match up to me?" He opens his hand, a pink glow forming. "You Saiyans are nothing but a nuisance!"

Acting quick, Kakarot throws his hand towards Frieza's blast and ignites it himself, forming a large crater where they once were.

Barely fazed by this, Frieza flares his power to blow away all the smoke. "You impudent-"

Kakarot flies in with a powerful, charged haymaker that sends Frieza spiralling away.

"You've underestimated Saiyans for too long, Frieza!" Kakarot quickly pursues his enemy.

Frieza shakes his head, about to steady himself when Kakarot comes down from above with a powerful heel to his gut. The transformed menace puts one hand over top of the other and fires a massive pink and purple beam, increasing his momentum towards the ground. Kakarot focuses everything into his hand, a blue glow forming around it. He throws a blue ball towards Frieza's attack, the two energies colliding.

The pressure from this event spins the winds of Namek, whipping Kakarot's hair around while pushing against the watchful Vegeta. Kakarot keeps his power focused, attempting to overpower Frieza's beam, but his blast is slowly being pushed back.

"No... come on!" Kakarot shouts to himself.

Frieza begins laughing, knowing he'll be winning this encounter soon. But that confidence is blown away when two new energy beams fly in from the sides. These are strong enough to disrupt Frieza's flow and allow Kakarot to win the collision. Frieza is hit by the brunt of all three attacks, igniting a massive explosion that can be seen from outer space.

Kakarot lets out a sigh of relief, quickly spotting Raditz and Nappa approaching.

"Kakarot, that's quite the power you got there!" Nappa slaps his own muscles after stopping. "We were worried about you. Well, mostly Raditz," he coyly looks over to the long-haired Saiyan. "Shouting at Frieza and charging in like a fool."

"Really?" Kakarot eyes his brother for confirmation.

"What does it matter?" Raditz bursts out. "Frieza's not dead. We should focus on that."

"Thanks, brother."

"Just... never mention it!" The elder barks.

As the dust clears, Frieza rises with anger written across his face. The fire of his rage goes wild as he sees Raditz and Nappa, completely healthy.

"What? Now all three of you are back? What's going on?"

"You're facing the tenacity of Saiyans, Frieza," Nappa slams his right fist into the left palm. "The thing you fear!"

"Super Saiyans..." Kakarot chuckles, barely believing it himself.

"No matter what, you're dying by Saiyan hands right now, Frieza!"

On cue, the three Saiyans unleash all their power. Their white auras merge, growing and swelling to something beyond even Frieza. Their bodies gain a hint of the white tint, muscles growing as the Ki surges. In a flash, the three Saiyans charge at Frieza with killer intent. Frieza only manages to block Kakarot while Nappa and Raditz land their two blows. The tyrant's body flips backwards wildly while Nappa pursues it and Raditz unleashes some loose Ki blasts that arc around Nappa and hit Frieza. The behemoth of a Saiyan slaps his hands together and sledgehammers Frieza to the ground.

The alien ruler lands on his feet, frustrated that these impudent Saiyans are overpowering him to this degree. The three Saiyans fire a combination blast once more, but Frieza's pure power mixed with rage blows them all away.

"I do hope you see the reason why I exterminated your race?" Frieza speaks with calm spite. "I do admit, you're far stronger than any other Saiyan I've seen... so I commend you for that. However," his pleasant tone goes deep, his eyes sharpen. "This is becoming annoying. For your efforts, I will reward you all," Frieza tucks his elbows beside him. "And show you what true horror is."

"Talk all you want, Frieza! The three of us can beat you at your full power!"

This makes the wicked ruler chuckle. "Please... this is a mere fraction. Let me show you my third transformation!"


The RWBY gang gather together, standing a bit behind Nail and Turles who're firing rapid-fire Ki blasts where Slug was, ensuring to put maximum pressure on him after he was hit with his own attack.

"We should join in!" Yang says whilst raising her hands.

"No, let them handle it," Ruby quickly shoots down. "We wouldn't be strong enough to help. We should save our Ki."

Yang follows her sister's, her leader's, command and merely keeps her senses ready in case. The girls just hope that Turles and Nail can put down Slug for good. From what they can sense from the other fight, Freiza is still stronger than all the other Saiyans, but the difference is small enough that all four of them can win.

But Slug isn't willing to go down so easily. With an ear-piercing roar, he unleashes a barrier to block all the blasts, along with a shockwave that pushes the smoke back towards his attackers.

"It seems like you intend to piss me off," Slug speaks, breathing a little heavily. His clothes are torn around his shoulder and pants, but nothing too drastic. "But you don't know the extent of a Super Namekian's power!"

"A Super Namekian?" Turles raises a brow, noting the similarity to the Super Saiyan legend.

"Is it possible? Guru told me stories but... we haven't seen a Super Namekian in ages," Nail keeps focused on Slug. "It won't matter. He isn't invincible."

As if it was planned, both Frieza and Slug increase their power at the same time. Slug's is a simple change – his power magnifies immensely, as does his size. Second by second, his muscles, bones, everything grows above the height of Frieza's ship. The girls and Turles immediately make a connection to the Great Ape transformation. Which means he may have some of the same strengths and weaknesses. He'll be stronger, faster, but he'll have more blind spots. Problem is, he was already a tough opponent before. Now...

But for the other Saiyans, they see a radically different transformation. With a fluid red aura surrounding him, Frieza undergoes a dramatic transformation. Three spikes grow out of his back, two larger ones near the top and a third, smaller one below, mimicking a triangle formation. His shoulders sprout out, similar to the armour he wore before. His face also mutates, his mouth ever so slightly coming forward while the back of his head elongates by a foot or so. His black horns disappear, replaced by two sets of white horns, the ones closer to his head are smaller and the ones farther back are longer. The shining purple texture grows across the entirety of his head, becoming his new forehead. With his skull reshaped, it's a lot more compact, his smile nearly going across his entire face. He appears to have lost some height, and his colours remain mostly the same, but it's clear to all who can sense that his power is nothing like it was before. It's grown far beyond even Slug.

Both groups, the Saiyans, and the mixed races, ogle at their opponents' new forms and power.

"You should feel honoured," Frieza's voice is different, less deep but seemingly more snake-like. "You're the first to ever witness this transformation."

Slug's laugh also shows the deepening of his voice. "Well, it looks like you've started your final fight. There's no beating a Super Namekian!"


From your pod, body still healing, you feel the massive increase that both Slug and Frieza undergo.

Oh man, they were so close... I don't even know if I can beat them at full power with Kaioken. Come on, guys, just hold on. I'll be there soon!


"Namekian, you're still in this?" Turles reassures.

"Of course," Nail remains stoic despite the situation.

"Women, stay back," Turles shouts before he and Nail burst off the ground.

The two aliens branch off in different directions to split the giant's attention. Slug doesn't even move as Turles and Nail charge in, a roar behind their punches. They both connect with Slug's cheeks, but it doesn't flinch the Super Namekian in the slightest. With a flex of his muscles, his power erupts like a hurricane, blowing the two fighters back. Slug roars as he points his hands towards both his opponents and extends his hands towards them. Nail manages to swerve around it, but Turles succumbs to Slug's green grip. Nail glides across Slug's arm, charging a blast in his hand.

"Release him, fiend!"

Without skipping a beat, Slug turns his head, large, beady eyes locking on Nail while smiling. He opens his mouth, a yellow tint already there. Nail is caught off-guard, unable to dodge as Slug's massive blast overwhelms the heroic Namekian, forcing him away. Keeping focus on Nail, Slug swings his other arm around, Turles still struggling. He opens it at the last second to slam Turles into Nail, and then keeps the momentum going to crush them against the ground. His hand slowly lifts off and slithers back to its proper proportions.

"Well, well, where'd your confidence go? What about you humans?" He turns his head towards RWBY, who's shocked that their two allies went down as quickly as they did.

"How're we gonna bring them to Dende?" Yang whispers.

"There's no point whispering," Blake says in a regular tone. "Remember, they can hear us."

"Damnit," Yang snaps.

A sudden purple blast hits Slug's cheek, not doing much. Everyone focuses on Turles, one eye closed, armour broken, and breathing heavily. He's standing in front of Nail, who's unconscious.

"That all you got... you big bastard?" He huffs, though his body has been beaten it's clear his spirit is still strong.

"Interesting taunt, Saiyan," Slug turns towards Turles, his heavy steps shaking the ground. "You know, I like you. I'll give you one chance to serve under me."

"Under you, huh?" Turles chuckles. "I politely decline."

"Then you die," Slug raises his palm and fires a Ki bomb.

Turles quickly grabs Nail by the heel and throws him away, quickly blasting off upward to keep Slug's attention away from his allies. Slug does focus on Turles, firing beams out of his mouth the nearly clip the Saiyan multiple times.

"Weiss!" He shouts. "I want the Dust!"

"Dust?" Her mind wanders back to the questions Turles posed on the ship. "But you can't just inject-"

"Just help the Namekian and give me the Dust!" Turles loop-de-loops around Slug's attacks, getting closer to the girls.

"Yang, Blake, we have to help him," Weiss grabs the Dust crystals in her pouch and sets them on the ground. "Ruby, get Nail."

"Already on it!" The leader speeds off, not bothered that Weiss is taking command here.

"We have to distract Slug so Turles can get the Dust," Weiss continues. "Just for a second."

"We can do that," Yang slams her fists together. "Come on, partner!" She takes off.

"Right," Blake quickly follows.

The two girls move around to Slug's back, both hitting the back of his knee with all their might. Even if Slug is infinitely stronger, this catches him off guard and makes him fall.

"Turles, here!" Weiss directs while forming multiple sturdy glyphs around Slug, forming a makeshift coffin. She knows it won't hold him for long, but every second counts.

Ruby lands beside Nail and hoists him up, but notices his injuries are far less severe than Turles'. From her view, he should be the one trying to seek help, especially after learning they get stronger from healing. But this isn't the time for Ruby to be questioning everything. Every second counts, and Nail being at full power is better for everyone. She gets a good grip on him before flying towards Dende's lookout spot.

With his moment secured, Turles speeds to Weiss, landing on his knees and wincing.

"Turles! You're-"

"It doesn't matter," Turles grabs the Dust crystals.

"I told you, that's not how you're supposed to use Dust. It's going to hurt your body the entire time!"

"I know," Turles stares at all the different colours for a moment, coming to terms with what he's about to do. Without any doubt, he stabs two into either leg and the rest into his forearms.

The Dust release their respective colours pulsing through his body, bulking up his entire body. Despite the immense pain, Turles also feels all the power coming with it. Not only that, but his battle-hardened body adapts to the new, unique properties of each crystal. Already knowing what each does thanks to Weiss, he'll be able to master this relatively quickly. But he won't know until he tries. Like Weiss warned him, all the different Dust in his body, combining that with Ki, may end up killing him. But right now he has no other option.

Turles chuckles, taking a deep breath to ignore the pain. He looks towards his caged opponent, as cocky as any Saiyan. "I win."

Seeing Slug burst from the glyphs, and that eruption forcing Weiss to her knees, Turles speeds forward, faster than ever, and charges Slug before he can gain his bearings. The Saiyan circles around Slug's head and punches, unintentionally powering his attack with gravity Dust. The hulking Namekian feels the weight of Turles' fist more than he was prepared for, nearly falling over again.

"You little runt!" Slug attempts to swipe the Saiyan out of the air, but a mix of gravity and lightning Dust makes Turles faster than Slug's used to. He dodges Slug's hand then blasts his forearm, the usual purple Ki now tinted with blue. On contact, ice spreads across Slug's arm, enveloping his entire hand but stopping a bit before his shoulder. Turles dashes right at it, charging through and shattering the massive limb. He immediately turns around and fires a Ki blast, intending to fuel it with fire but instead a gust of wind spirals with the attack. It blows Slug back on impact, knocking the beast off his feet. The intensity of the wind is so much that Yang and Blake are blown back too, but with some quick thinking, Wiess creates some glyphs to slow them down and land her teammates beside her. While surprising, Turles plays it out like that was intended. He crosses his arms, looking down at the Super Namekian.

"And you lose..."


The Saiyans surrounding Frieza can feel the pressure of this new transformation. Even with their new power, it's nothing against this terrifying form. But that doesn't break their spirits in the slightest.

"Well," Nappa smiles while nervous sweat drops slide down from his forehead. "It looks like we're gonna have to put in all our effort."

"Will that even work?" Kakarot whispers.

"We have no choice now," Raditz sighs, shaking his head to rid any negative thoughts. "Let's go then!"

"I'm glad you still all have confidence," Frieza laughs. "Shall we see how long that lasts?"

The three Saiyans charge in, throwing their own punches or kicks. Frieza seems to instantaneously disappear, his movements too fast for the three to track. They all stop dead and look around.

"Does anybody see him?" Nappa calls out.

"No... he's-"

"Too fast?" Frieza confidently finishes.

Hearing him between them, each Saiyan turns around. Frieza's shin snaps into Nappa's neck, sending the bulky Saiyan spiralling away with white eyes.

"Nappa! Damnit!" Raditz throws his two hands before him and fires a white and black blast.

Kakarot is barely able to react and move out of the way, while Frieza's insane speed makes it childs play to avoid. The explosion kicks up fire and dust, separating the two Saiyan brothers.

Kakarot hovers higher in the air, coughing. "Damnit, Raditz, why'd you do that?"

"I think the reason is quite clear, Kakarot," Frieza replies.

The Saiyan turns around, guard up but a nearly invisible blast from Frieza breaks right through and knocks him a few feet back. The damage he took from that alone is substantial, making his body weak and breathing heavily.

Frieza laughs at the faltering Saiyan. While destroying their planet and killing their king was fun, he can't deny how much joy it brings him to watch them crumble before him. But Kakarot still has a little too much defiance left. "Now, now, you looked quite confident when you charged at me before. Would you like to try again?"

Kakarot, despite his weakened state, still charges at Frieza, doing his best to land a blow on the menacing figure. But Frieza leads him round and round, clearly just playing around. He surprises Kakarot by charging first, lodging his knee into the Saiyan's chin. Kakarot falls back a moment, but there's barely a passing second before Frieza continues a flurry of kicks that knock the Saiyan one way, then the other, spin him around, stop him in place, and finally, Frieza flips forward and slams his heel against Kakarot's shoulder, plummeting the Saiyan into a rock formation.

It crumbles around him, but not enough to bury the younger brother. Kakarot, his body broken, can still see the looming conqueror watching from above. It's only for a moment, as Raditz flies out of the thinning dust cloud and charges at Frieza. Without any hesitation, Frieza disappears right as Raditz throws a kick, then appears behind him and fires a blast that breaks through Radtiz's armour. The wild-haired warrior falls like a rock, crashing against the smooth grass with a loud THUD.

"B-Brother..." Kakarot whimpers. "No... damnit..."

Frieza crosses his arms and gazes at the fallen brothers. "It's about time you associated the name Frieza with terror. You Saiyans have always been too big for your breeches, and you need to be put in your place. But which one should be the example? I think killing a brother before the other's very eyes would be quite the shock, wouldn't you say? Or do Saiyans even care for their kin? Vegeta rarely seems to. Look at him," only his eyes shift to the spectator Prince. "Have you decided to join yet, Vegeta? Your comrades are about to die!"

Vegeta doesn't respond, still thinking of what to do. The only option now, with Frieza being so strong, is to have someone put him near death and have the Namekian brat heal him. He'll get more than enough power to fight Frieza. Perhaps even become a Super Saiyan. But he can't do it while Frieza is watching. If Frieza's death and Vegeta's ascension requires one of the low classes to die, then so be it.

"Do what you want with them."

"Hahaha, so cold, Vegeta. And they call me a monster," he returns his focus to the crippled Saiyans. "Very well. How about..." Frieza's eyes drift from one to the other twice. "You!" Frieza points one finger at Kakarot and fires.

The purple tint of the blast illuminates the sky as Frieza's attack speeds towards the trapped Saiyan. But another, yellow blasts swoops in from the side and knocks Frieza's blast off its course, far off into the distance.

Kakarot, Frieza, and Vegeta look over to see Nappa, his neck a little creaked and his breath heavy.

"You dare try to kill someone while the mighty Nappa is still in play?" He taunts.

Without thinking for a moment, Vegeta sees this as his moment to achieve more power. He flies off while Frieza locks onto Nappa.

"You really think you can do anything?" He laughs at the notion.

"Of course," Nappa puts on a pained smile and points at himself. "I am the Great, the Mighty Nappa. Nobody can match up to a Saiyan Elite!"

"Nappa... what're you doing?" Kakarot whispers to himself.

In Nappa's mind, he knows this is a losing battle. But if he can distract Frieza for long enough then perhaps this time will be worth it. He saw Turles power up against the giant Namekian, he knows what Vegeta is planning to do with Namekian child, soon there will be others more capable to fight Frieza. But right now, as Nappa, the oldest, the most experienced, and the great general of the Saiyans... he will take the full force of Frieza's power. Even if Raditz and Kakarot are lower class, their power is beyond any Saiyan he's ever seen. They've earned his respect. If Nappa is the only Saiyan to fall here, and Frieza is killed, it will be worth it.

Nappa puts his right arm forward, sliding his by his ribs while his legs spread. Everything Nappa has left is rising to the surface. "Now face me, Frieza! Face a Saiyan Elite!" His voice is fueled with feigned confidence. "FACE NAPPA!" He opens his mouth and fires a blinding yellow beam that doesn't even make Frieza flinch. It hits directly, exploding in an impressive show that puts most fireworks to shame. But, as Nappa predicted, Frieza is unaffected. The elder Saiyan, with nearly all his power gone, still charges at Frieza.

"What a joke!" The tyrant laughs. "You still have so much confidence, huh? Why don't we replace that with terror?" Frieza snaps two fingers at Nappa, firing a small purple blast that hits Nappa's chest and stops him dead in his tracks. Frieza chuckles, firing two more blasts that go right through Nappa's right thigh and left shoulder. Blood spills out of those spots, but the Saiyan keeps his fire. Seeing that, Frieza rapidly fires the blasts over and over, bruising and penetrating Nappa's body.

"No... NO!" Kakarot tries to push the rocks off him, but he just can't. With Raditz still down, there's nobody to help him. All the Saiyan can do is watch his ally be torn apart by this monster.

Frieza laughs and laughs as Nappa gets closer and closer to death. The fire he's holding onto shrinks and shrinks, the embers cooling. More and more go right through his body. Nappa can't even move any of his limbs at this point. As more blood falls to the clear water below, as more blood sprouts from his mouth like a fountain, the light in his eyes fades. Frieza knows this and stops, sadistically watching as Nappa's lifeless body falls to the ground. It crashes against the coast of a landmass, his lower body below the water while his upper anchors on the ground.

Frieza laughs at the Saiyans corpse, looking back at the two helpless ones. "Well, there's one. I'm almost surprised you ants managed to last this long. Even Slug..." He takes a gander at his pathetic allies' battle, and how poorly he's doing. Frieza spots the three girls of RWBY, together. "It appears he's having more trouble than he thought. Perhaps I should clear out some of the rabble," Frieza opens his palm and fires it at the travellers from Remnant.

The blast is so quick that nobody from RWBY can see it, but Turles knows. Feeling Nappa's demise, he gave them some attention. The girls are dead. There's no way they can protect themselves from that blast. Instinctively, Turles dashes between Frieza's attack and the girls, slamming his feet down to raise some of the rocks around him as a small extra defense. The girls don't even know what happened. There's a sudden explosion beside them, dust everywhere, and they can't feel Turles Ki anymore. The smoke quickly clears, rocks falling around them, with Turles shakily standing before them.

"T-Turles?" Blake's voice shakes.

"You're all... okay?"

The girls can see blood dripping down, staining the grass. He slowly turns around, showing off how damaged he really is. They can't even tell whether the attack is doing more damage to his body or the Dust. He has a massive blast mark on his chest from Frieza, but his body is reacting negatively to the Dust. Around the draining fire crystal, his skin is searing, steam rising off. Around the ice crystal his skin is a pale, blue tint that's clearly frostbite. Even his veins are now showing, swirling with unnatural colours. Yet despite all that, the Saiyan... smiles at the girls.

"Oh my, Turles," Frieza is genuinely surprised by the Saiyan's actions. "I never thought he was one to do that. Shame, I was going to save him for the end. Oh well, the only good Saiyan is a dead Saiyan."

"You'll... have to hope the Namekian can... finish it... aha... ahahaha," his weak laugh gives the girls pause. "Protecting someone else... is that dying like a Saiyan? I... don't know," his eyes trail to the sky. He's not speaking to anyone at this point. "it's... dying in battle. That's pretty... Saiyan... right?"

Turles falls to the ground, his life quickly fleeting.

I protected them, Kail... it's up to you now...

And the last breath leaves Turles body, the second Saiyan to fall in this battle. The girls watch in horror, being reminded of when your villagers were turned to ashes. But even then, they never saw a body limp in front of them. Let alone someone who they grew rather fond of.

"I... Turles..." Weiss whimpers, slowly covering her mouth. "My god... how could this happen?"

"We... we have to focus," Yang shakes her head. "That big... big guy..." Her eyes are still glued to the Saiyan corpse. "We can't..."

Slug gets on his feet, shaking his head. "That damnable Saiyan! I'll tear him apart!"

"Too late, Slug! This is the only help I'll offer you. Deal with the rest of your pests, else I'll kill you myself."

"Grrr," Slug holds his tongue and looks at the girls before him. "Then I'll just turn you to dust!"

Frieza chuckles. "Perhaps I'll make this quick. Kakarot!" He looks down at the black-haired fighter. Despite most of them not being any threat right now, it's clear that their power has astronomically increased since he saw them before Namek. Though he's not worried about a Super Saiyan forming from any of them, Frieza can't help but be worried about this massive boost in such a short time. To make sure that there's no doubt he'll be the victor, the tyrant makes a decision. "I will finish you off in a more refined way. You'll bear witness to my ultimate form. My true form!"

"Tsk... of course... I will."


Ruby lands beside Dende, not even having to say anything for the young healer to know what to do. Especially since it's Nail this time.

"Nail's not very hurt," Dende points out.

"I know... but Turles said to bring him here anyway. I don't know-" Ruby's senses kick in, sensing an influx of energy. Turles' is shooting up while the three Saiyans fighting Frieza are falling.

Ruby clenches her fists, feeling helpless. All she's been doing is jumping between people, making sure they're healed. It's helpful, but so many people are getting hurt and all Ruby can do is fix that, not prevent it. She's well aware this fight is beyond anything she'd ever experience on Remnant. This is way out of her or her team's league. But still... it infuriates her. All she wanted to do as a Huntsman is help people, human or not. And now she's powerless, even after becoming one of the strongest humans in history.

That's when she feels it. Nappa's energy disappears... Turles' energy disappears... Sweat drops down Ruby's face as two people far beyond her have fallen, especially Turles. She may not have known him much, he may have tried to destroy their planet, but the small time they had shown more to him than just a bloodthirsty killer. It gave hints that he, and maybe the others, weren't really so bad. But now two are dead, and two are on the brink.

Dende finishes healing Nail, so the tall Namekian stands back up. "Dende? Thank you, but..." He takes a moment to sense the area. "People are dead... Slug is not. We cannot rest."

Nail quickly takes off, back to the battlefield. Before Ruby can tell Dende about the two other Saiyans, Vegeta hurriedly lands.

"Good, you're here. I need you to blast me," he says to Ruby. "And then you heal me."

"What? That's so sudden-"

"Stop arguing," Vegeta violently grasps her collar. "We don't have time!"


With his mind made up, Frieza starts breaking the shackles of his power. His body shakes, his fists clench, his eyes get red veins around the sides. Unlike the other forms, this transformation appears to be more strenuous for Frieza to undergo. His body glows pink, cracks of raw energy forming around his skin. Dark clouds form around Frieza and the lone island he's taken, the water rages, pieces of the planet crumble under pressure.

Kakarot, now having rested for a spell, manages to throw some of the rocks off him and slowly crawl out of the rubble.


This massive surge in power can be felt by everyone, especially Vegeta. He tightens his grip on Ruby while Dende remains fearful.

"Listen to me, you pathetic little girl. Even you can put me on death's door if I lower my defenses to zero. Do you want Frieza to kill you? Then let me gain the power of a Super Saiyan!"

Ruby can barely comprehend what he's saying. To mortally wound him... she's never done something like that to another person. But in this situation, with the rapidly rising Ki she's sensing, there's barely any choice.

"I... I don't... hurt people like-"

Vegeta slaps her with the back of his gloved hand. "Throw your worthless mercy aside! If you don't do this then we all die! You not hurting me guarantees death for all of us! Is that what you want you stupid, worthless-"

Ruby shakes her head and jumps back, grabbing Crescent Rose. "F-FINE!" She layers her blade with Ki, changing it to a glaive-like state and charges forward. It pierces right through Vegeta, tearing up his innards. The young Huntress-in-Training pulls out her weapon and retracts it, eyes closed to not see what pain she's caused.

"P... Perfect... now... brat..." Vegeta falls to one knee, blood spurting out of his mouth. "Heal... me..."

"Do it, Dende! Others need help. Please!" Ruby's voice cracks out of desperation and stress.

"R-Right!" Dende immediately goes to heal Vegeta while Ruby flies into the air.

She spots Nail who just joined her teammates, along with Frieza transforming and the two Saiyan brothers struggling to stay alive.

"Quickly, Dende! We have to heal the others before he's done!"

Frieza isn't able to move or hear much, but his eyes are still very much usable. He can see the two, weak Saiyans, he can see the battle his partner is engaging in. Nothing will get past him.


Nail lands beside the leaderless RWBY, eyes still glued to Slug despite feeling Frieza's power. He knows that Frieza will be far too much to handle, but if Slug is also in the picture then there's absolutely no chance of victory.

"Nail? You're-"

"I apologize for being incapacitated. Please, leave the rest to me."

"But this guy is way stronger than all of us! He even killed Turles!" Weiss screams, her voice shaky.

While detesting the Saiyans, Nail can tell by Turles' position alone that he fell protecting the girls. He has no pleasant thoughts for any of his comrades, but he can at least acknowledge that Turles may have been a kinder soul. But right now he has an enemy before him.

"But..." Yang slams her fists together, sparking a fire within her. "That means we have to win. We have to! Cause right now," Yang shakes her head and whistles. "I'm ma-"

"GAH!" Slug grabs his ears for a moment in pain, but it doesn't last long. Nail, on the other hand, merely winces.

"What happened?" Yang raises her brow.

"That's it!" Nail quickly rips off his ears while Slug is still in pain. "Whatever you did, do it again! That frequency is irritating to a regular Namekian, but to a giant one like him would be torturous."

"That's... alright then!" Yang smiles, finally getting the upper hand. "You can all whistle, right?"

"Y-Yeah," Weiss nods, trying to get her head back in the fight.

"Let's put him down for good this time. You think we can do what we practiced?" Blake speaks.

"You read my mind, partner!"

The three girls start whistling different tunes, the simple sound ringing in Slug's head.

"Stop! STOOOOOOOOOOOOP!" He frantically shouts while falling to one knee. He looks up, firing in any direction to try and stop the girls, but he never aims where they are.

Without speaking, the three girls coordinate effectively. Blake and Weiss fly up and to either side of him while Yang flies right over and turns to face his back. Nail sees them preparing an attack, so he raises his energy to join.

The three girls, still whistling, extend their hands to the side then maneuver one up and the other down until they're equal, then connect their palms in the middle. Each of them focuses all their energy at that point as they move it to the side of their hip. As their energy focuses, a blue tint surrounds their hands, and that's when Blake and Weiss fire it not at Slug, but Yang. The blonde dragon steadies herself as the two attacks hit her dead on, using up all the Ki she had left for defense. But, through the smoke, her glowing hair and furious red eyes shine through.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Yang fires, her blast using all the energy she has along with double her teammates power.

On his knees and weakened, Slug doesn't even notice the blue beam as it connects with his back. As the weight of Yang's Kamehameha breaks Slug's balance and makes him fall, then Nail speeds in between Slug's body and the ground, unleashing a massive yellow blast that overwhelms Slug's front. With both his sides being hit by attacks and the constantly whistling, Slug finds himself unable to defend in any way.

Yang falls to the ground, only saved by Weiss and Blake supporting her on either side.

"Are you okay? That was really risky."

"It paid off... but I'm done until Dende gets me," she ends with a weak chuckle.

The girls land on the ground, staring at the large dust cloud before them. Nail flies around and takes position with them, smiling. Before saying anything he closes his eyes, flexes a moment, then regenerates his ears.

"I was surprised when you shot at your ally, but I believe I understand why. You have very unique abilities."

"Hehe... if only it was less painful," Yang jokes.

"Dende's over there!" Blake points out, seeing Ruby drop off the boy. "Come on, Yang, let's go!"


Dende finishes healing Vegeta, restoring the wound in his chest. Knowing he's fine, Dende looks to Ruby. "Can you show me to the others?"

"Yeah!" Ruby uses her Semblance to scoop Dende up and bring him over to the Saiyans. She can't help but feel immense pressure and anxiety with Frieza right there, power skyrocketing, but she can't hesitate now. People need her.

Vegeta remains, marvelling at the new power granted by his Saiyan cells. "At last..." He opens and clenches his fists, a smile growing on his face. "At last, I am a Super Saiyan!" The Prince flies over the protective rock and spots Dende now healing Kakarot. "With Kakarot and Raditz receiving similar boosts, maybe they, too, will experience the power of a Super Saiyan. Of course, I'm the first and will be the one to crush Frieza beneath my boot," he laughs. "Come now, Frieza," he focuses on the still transforming foe. "Show me your full strength."

Frieza, too, catches sight of Dende hovering his hands over Kakarot until the Saiyan is in tip-top shape. That's when he realizes exactly how none of the pests fighting him are staying exterminated. That's the moment he knows his first move.

With his wounds healed, Kakarot gets to his feet and nods at Dende. "Thank you. Help my brother."

"Ruby!" Weiss shouts while she and Blake fly Yang over.

"Oh my god, Yang! Please, Dende, heal her first!"

The three girls land closer to Dende, so the young Namekian goes for them.

"Hurry up!" Kakarot pleads. "Get Raditz, Frieza's almost-"

A blind flash explodes from Frieza's location as his bulky skin shatters. Dende is barely able to heal Yang before everyone watches in awe. A sleek silhouette can be seen through the fading smoke, far smaller than the form he was just in. His skin is completely smooth and now mostly white. He keeps the shiny purple spots on his head, shoulders, below his chest, outer forearms and shins. But his eyes, his menacing red eyes are what paralyzes everyone.


Keeping tabs on the entire fight, you're beyond blown away by Frieza's massive jump in power.

Man, what's going on out there? Frieza's power won't stop growing. Come on, already, I need to get out there!


"That's... Frieza's final form?" Ruby asks. "He's... kinda smaller now?"

"A lot less menacing."

"Don't fool yourself," Nail lectures. "His power is beyond anything we've seen," sweat drops down the Namekian's face.

"Quickly, get Raditz!" Kakarot commands, flaring his power. "I'll make sure Frieza's distracted."

To his word, Kakarot charges forward at the sleek ruler. Dende follows Kakarot's word and kneels over Raditz... which makes Frieza smile. He lifts his finger and points, with a calm, "Bang."

In an instant, invisible to nearly everyone, a beam crashes into Dende and Raditz, killing the two instantly. The explosion is what tips everyone off, making everyone, even Kakarot, stop and look.

"Dende, no!" Nail shouts.

"Raditz..." Kakarot's body shakes.

"It was fast," Vegeta says to himself. "But I still saw it. I can follow his movements," he confidently claims.

"Damnit! DAMN ALL OF YOU!" Slug hulking form rises from the smoke, hovering in the air and looking around.

Frieza bears witness to his injured, frustrated form. "You disappoint me, Slug. I leave you with insects and you couldn't even squash them. The only one who died there was of my doing."

"I'll crush them all with my hands alo-"

Frieza fires a thin pink beam at Slug's chest, paralyzing the Super Namekian. "I care not for your empty threats. You spoke of being so powerful, yet the one chance I gave you to prove it was fruitless. I have no need for subordinates who can't swat flies," Frieza opens his palm and smirks. "Why don't I do you a favour and reunite you with your kin?"

"N-NO!" Slug shouts, but his voice is cut off by a massive explosion. This time, there's no falling body. Merely ashes taken by the winds of Namek.

That alone strikes fear in the hearts of RWBY. Though their leader hasn't fought Slug too much, the rest had such a difficult time, even with Nail and Turles helping them. Then Frieza obliterates him in an instant with barely any effort. And for Frieza to just kill a comrade in cold blood.

"Why look so shocked?" The tyrant's tone is as calm as ever. "Now you only have to worry about me. I do say, that's rather generous. Now, shall we move onto the real horror show? I'm sad two will miss out, but I'm sure you can fill them in when you meet in the next world. Now the question is..." He chuckles. "Who shall I send next?"

Thank you all for reading! Yeah, starting out like that. Not typical of me. But, really, I enjoy writing this story so much and it makes me happy people actually like reading it. If they didn't, and everyone just wanted me to do Crimson Shadow, then I would be a sad little Sangan. Especially since I like Dragon Ball astronomically more than RWBY. But, for those who're more RWBY fans, don't worry. Like I said, this story flips between RWBY and Dragon Ball centric arcs. The Frieza Saga is almost done so, very soon, we'll be focused more on Remnant and stuff there. It'll be fun. It's basically a slightly calmer saga before the big DB stuff. Always fun.

I have been enjoying using RWBY for this fight. I mean, there's a lot of differences between the way this fight is going and the anime. Way more characters here... well, there was. Now that Frieza is in his final form... well, I think you can all expect things to be expedited. This is one of those examples of me not just ripping off Dragon Ball one for one. It's very similar, obviously, but I think the Frieza Saga is the only DB saga that will be extremely similar. The others will have a lot more originality, I think.

Anyway, I'll chat with you all next time. Again, I hope you enjoyed and are looking forward to the next chapter! I'll be a ton of fun!

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A special thank you to Patreon supporters: MazMan, Big Genatools, and Ride The Lightning

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And finally, thank you to the Beta Reader: thenameisntimportant

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