Chapter 20: The Battle for Namek Begins! Ginyu Force vs. Saiyans!

Chapter 20: The Battle for Namek Begins! Ginyu Force vs. Saiyans!

Everyone stands ready at the doors as your ship descends on Namek. The black emptiness of space is quickly replaced with the cool green of this planet. All of you begin feeling the energy of the planet and its inhabitants; at least what's left of them. You tighten your fist at the lack of energy on the planet. You can sense which ones have malicious intent or not, and there's barely a handful who's spirit doesn't crave domination. You can immediately pinpoint the strongest signature on the planet.

"You guys feel that?" Yang nearly begins to shake. "That's... so much energy. It's so evil."

"That's... that's Frieza," Turles confirms. "He's still stronger than us. But," Turles looks to you with a smirk. "I think you can beat him with the Kaioken."

You let out a sigh of relief. "Well, looks like this won't be too hard."

"Perhaps," Turles notes. "But make sure to keep your power levels low. Especially you four. They have scouters, they can find us."

With the knowledge that you're stronger than Frieza, you don't bother feeling the rest of the planet. The shuttle shakes a bit as it plants itself firmly on the planet. The door slowly opens allowing natural light and air into the pod. You take a deep breath as you leave the pod, eyes closed.

"I can sense your friends," you say. "And they're almost dead!"

You hover into the air, locking onto their location.

"Then let's go!" Turles speeds ahead.

"Yeah!" Ruby tries to follow, but you block her.

"No, I want you guys to go over there," you point behind them. "You feel those signatures. I think they're Namekians... or at least some good guys. Make sure they're okay."

"But we want to help!" Yang argues.

"We have to help the people here. Please," you keep a calm and serious demeanour. "I'll be fine. Just make sure they are too."

They first hesitate for a moment. It's Ruby who finally responds, "Okay. We'll do it. Come on, team. We have our role!" Ruby turns around and starts flying towards the three signatures.

The other three slowly fly back, keeping their eyes on you. Your smile meets their worry, "I'll be okay. We'll meet up again soon," you turn around and dash forward.

"(Y/N)..." Yang watches you disappear. "You trust us, so I'll trust you," she affirms, turning around and bursting ahead.


Having flown ahead, Turles is the first one to reach the battlefield. The rush of wind soars around everyone on the island, grazing across some of the inclines or rock faces. As he expected, the Ginyu Force – save the eponymous captain – are all here. Guldo, the small green one with a few too many eyes, but thankfully for Turles they're closed. His head is far from his stub of a body, which puts a smile on the Saiyan's face. Guldo has always been too high on himself considering he's the weakest member of the Ginyu Force. Turles just wishes he could've seen him die.

But the other three are still alive, with two merely standing on the sidelines, looking a little surprised at Turles' arrival. A very tall, blue-skinned man with red irises and no pupils to see. His only other notable feature is the brown oval on the top of his head. Turles never knew if that was some piece of armour or actually part of his head.

The one beside him, being far shorter, is Jeice. He has long white hair and red skin with eyes similar to humanoids. He's certainly not the most outrageous looking member of the Ginyu Force, like the captain himself or Guldo, but he's that middle.

The last, the one that's clearly been fighting, is Recoome. He's one of the taller members and the most muscular. His general appearance is similar to the Saiyans or humans. To Turles' surprise, Recoome's hair is closer to a messy mohawk compared to the full head he had before. He's clearly missing a few teeth and his armour is completely destroyed, leaving only ripped bits of his black jumpsuit.

"That's one of the Saiyans, isn't it?" Jeice nudges his giant blue comrade.

"They all look the same to me," Burter shrugs.

"Well, well, another pesky Saiyan here to play," Recoome says, turning away from, what Turles now sees, his fallen comrades.

None of them are dead, and Vegeta is even still on his feet, but clearly in no position to keep fighting.

"Turles, you bastard... where were you?" Vegeta painfully speaks.

"I took a detour. Thought you'd handle it better," he replies with a confidence Vegeta isn't used to.

"You what?" The Prince barks, but he's cut off when another player enters the field.

You land beside Turles, taking in the environment to get an idea of what's happened. With the Saiyans on their last legs and these guys still going, it's obvious they required help. You pat your bag of senzu beans, feeling two.

I'll have to split the beans.

"Kail?" Vegeta sharply whispers. "So Turles brought him along... but why? He's too weak to fight the Ginyu Force."

"Another one?" Burter complains. "I don't think I've ever seen this one. Is that even a Saiyan?

"He has some weird outfit," Jeice remarks.

"Talking from the tights guy," you chuckle, walking towards Recoome.

"What?" Jeice steps forward.

"Kail," Turles slaps his hand on your shoulder. "Let me handle this guy."

You look to Turles, noticing he's just focused on the hulking man before you. With a shrug, you step back and cross your arms. "Alright. But I get to fight those two," you flick your head to the red and blue comet.

"That's fine," Turles marches towards Recoome, cracking his knuckles in anticipation.

"Well, well, Turles. Looking big for your breeches, huh?" Recoome laughs. "You think you can beat me? Huh?" Recoome's power begins to surge.

Vegeta falls to one knee, finding it harder to keep his eyes open. "What are those idiots thinking? No way they can beat the Ginyu Force!"

"Recoome, I'm going to enjoy knocking out the few teeth you have," Turles stops a couple of feet away from the imposing man.

"You Saiyans like to make-"

And at that moment, all the Ginyu Force members shook. Burter and Jeice almost recoil in shock when Turles utterly blitzes Recoome, appearing in front of him and lodging his fist right into Recoome's long cheek. The tallest member's pupils disappear on impact, his body practically goes limp as the force of Turles' punch sends him spiralling into a large rock formation. Recoome bounces off the rock and falls flat on the ground, as immobile as the Saiyans.

"Wha- Recoome is... there's no way!" Jeice's shaky voice manages to say.

"With one punch? No way! Recoome, you're playing with us!" Burter shouts in disbelief.

Parallel to the two Ginyu Force members, Vegeta can barely believe what he just saw. A low-class warrior like Turles managed to defeat Recoome in one blow. He's the one that took down everyone else and nearly killed the prince himself... yet Turles...

Turles lands on the ground and rubs his punching hand. "Cathartic," he says with a devilish smile. "Kail, it's your turn," he crosses his arms and shifts his body to watch the next battle.

"Thought you would've let that drag on, but okay," you shrug. "It's my turn. It's my turn," you happily cheer as you cheerfully hop towards the remaining two enemies. "To think I get to fight some more strong aliens," you stop before them similar to what Turles did to Recoome and roll your shoulders. "Whenever you guys are ready."

The two take a breath, taking note of your power levels.

"Only five thousand?" Jeice whispers into his intercom for only Burter to hear. "It must've been a fluke. Was Recoome that tired out?"

"He had to be. There's no way puny power levels like that could beat us. We're the Ginyu Force!" Jeice rallies his ally.

The two jump to opposite sides of you, clearly wanting a spatial advantage.

"We are the Ginyu Force! And you're facing..." Jeice throws his arms around, moving as if he's dancing. Burter does the same thing, though different movements.

"The Blue Hurricane! Burter!"

"The Red Magma! Jeice!"

The two end in a flamboyant pose that really confuses you. "Is this some sort of etiquette in space? Do I have to pose too?" You pose like a starfish, looking at Turles for confirmation.

"No, you idiot. That's just what these fools do," Turles replies.

"Oh, okay," you return to a normal stance.

"Let's go!" Burter shouts, a blue aura surrounding him before he dashes at you.

Jeice does the same thing, his own body giving off a red aura. The two start zooming past you, leaving trails of their respective colours like streaks in the wind. Over and over they pass you, not attacking at all. You follow them a little confused about their plan. Having two people, you thought they'd just try and overwhelm you right away. Instead, they're just performing like this is a stage show. With that thought in mind, you do think this would be pretty entertaining if circumstances were different.

"Hey, Burter, why isn't he attacking?" Jeice communicates.

"He's probably shaking in his boots like a coward. Trying to bluff us with that puny power level is pointless!" He shouts, making sure you hear that last part.

Vegeta's rage is boiling at this point. Not only did Turles defeat Recooome, who defeated all of them with ease, but now you're not even flinching against the remaining two. But how? How did you two become so powerful so quickly? How are you dominating the Ginyu Force when he, Prince Vegeta, couldn't do a thing!

"So, uh... can I attack now?" You scratch your head. "Ah well, let's start."

"What is he- GAH!" Jeice's momentum is cut short as he bumps into you. "Hey, you weren't there before! How dare you ruin- GAK!"

Your fist snaps at his face, forcing blood out of his nose. He stumbles back, holding the wounded area.

"You really should've attacked instead of talking... or flying around. Hm?" Your eyes dart to the right as you disappear, Burter's kick passing through your afterimage.

"What? He was right there!"

"Now I'm up here!"

"Huh?" The two look up only for an elbow to crush both their faces.

The Red Magma and Blue Hurricane spiral down to the blue grass below, barely managing to recover. They both land on their hands and knees, scurrying to their feet and trying to find you.

"What? Where'd he go?" Burter looks around, the scouter attempting to track you.

"I can't see him," Jeice, too, is frantically scouting for you.

"Hey," the two hear while feeling a tap on their shoulders.

They instantly turn around and punch, hitting each other in the face and stomach.

"Gah, my face again," Jeice covers it with both hands.

Burter rubs his stomach, insulted his partner hit him. "What was that for Jeice?"

"It wasn't my fault!"

You begin laughing, garnering their attention. You're between them and your allies once more, a wide smile on your face with a few tears from the laughter.

"You guys are pretty fun. Shame you're working for the bad guy."

"Kail," Turles shouts, kneeling over Nappa. "His neck is practically broken. Either finish the fight now or give me the senzu beans."

"Oh, sure," you grab the bag and throw it to Turles. "Split the beans in half. It'll still work."

"Got it," Turles nods.

Seeing you're distracted, the two take the opportunity to attack. As soon as their fists seem to connect with the back of your head, you completely disappear.

"What?" They both shout. "How's he doing this?"

"Doing what?" You ask, floating a decent distance away.

"Grr.... YOU'RE NOT FASTER THAN ME!" Burter screams, soaring in and attacking with a lightning-fast onslaught.

Of course, every attack is easily dodged by you with seemingly no effort.

"Considering you can't hit me, I'd say it's clear I'm faster."

"SHUT UP!" He throws a punch only for you to completely disappear.

"Yeah," you say with a load of confidence. "I'm faster."

Burter turns around, bearing witness to you with your arms crossed and a wide smile. "You... you... you can't be a Saiyan! They're all weak!"

"Well, I guess they didn't train as hard as I did. You should try it sometime," you casually advise.

With a stressful scream, Burter unleashes a flurry of Ki blasts that you near invisibly knock towards the water. Sweat slides down Jeice's face as you remain as collected as ever. This juxtaposes Burter, who wildly begins attacking once more.

Jeice muscles tense up as he watches you run circles around Burter.

"He's just five thousand... how is he doing this to us? We're the Ginyu Force!" After his outburst, Jeice rushes in to support Burter.

Even with the four extra limbs, the two can't even land a blow on you.

Meanwhile, Turles has split the senzu beans and is giving them out to his near-dead allies. Their consciousness slowly returns as he approaches Vegeta for the last one.

"It'll heal you."

Vegeta eyes Turles with a venomous glare. "Fine," he roughly grabs the bean out of Turles' hand.

"What happened?" Nappa pushes off the ground and rubs his head.

"I feel..." Kakarot, still lying on the ground, opens and closes his hands. "I feel amazing!"

"Of course you do," Vegeta, too, feels his energy surging from the bean. "We were all nearly dead and now we're back to max. Our power is far greater than it was."

Turles knows that Vegeta isn't exaggerating. He knew everyone's powers before he diverted to find you. With each of them recuperating, their powers have shot through the roof. Vegeta may be even stronger than either you or Turles now. Of course, Turles abandoned his scouter so he doesn't know the exact power level of anyone, but with Vegeta's new base power being so high, you might have to use the Kaioken to match up with him.

Which does call into question your training and if it was worth it. With no training at all, Vegeta has powered up so much using his Saiyan biology alone. Sure, you and Turles did that a bit too, but most of your power was garnered from training. Even the others are significantly more powerful than any of the Ginyu Force members, save for Ginyu himself. While it is something to think on, he shouldn't be so dismissive of this boon. If you're all in the same realm of power, there won't be any obvious weak links. At least in terms of the Saiyans. RWBY doesn't even match Guldo's power, so their effectiveness is still up for question.

"Wait a minute," Raditz gets to his feet. "Is that Kail?"

"Kail?" Kakarot's eyes excitedly search for you. "What's he doing here?"

"Ask Turles," Vegeta crosses his arms, looking down on the low-class Saiyan.

You continue to weave through their attacks until you notice everyone else getting up. You catch both Jeice's foot and Burter's hand as you greet your comrades.

"Hey, guys! Good to see you up! Guess I'll finish this."

"Finish nothing!" Burter shouts, throwing a Ki blast at you.

You disappear, so the blast knocks Jeice a decent distance away. You reappear in front of Burter and spin around, lodging your heel into his neck and throw your foot down, grounding the Blue Hurricane.

The ground shakes and dust takes to the air as Burter meets the cold grass below. As the dust settles, everyone bears witness to a completely incapacitated Burter. Jeice is the only one in denial and shock, seeing his close partner and friend be completely decimated like this. You descend and land beside Burter, assuring that he's still alive.

"Your buddy is still alive," you gaze up at the Red Magma. "I'd probably get him to a-"

An unexpected yellow blast lands beside you, disintegrating Burter's body into dust. You jump to the side a bit, looking back at Vegeta with his arm out.

"Just kill them, idiot!" He shouts, aiming his hand at Jeice.

In a total panic, Jeice turns tail and flies away. "The Captain! I need to get the Captain!" He repeats to himself as he zooms out of sight.

"Tsk, pathetic Kail. All that power and you let one live and the other get away," Vegeta's words are less than insulting to you. "I was a fool to even think you were a Super Saiyan."

"I mean, you killed this poor guy AND you let him get away too," you shrug. "Doesn't sound very 'Super Saiyan' of you, whatever that means," you cross your arms.

"Listen here you twerp," Vegeta marches towards you.

"Stop it," Turles interjects, garnering everyone's attention. "I brought him here to help us fight Frieza, not so you could argue."

Vegeta eyes you up, now knowing that you're strong enough to tussle with the Ginyu Force, it's possible that you can be of some use against Frieza, but...

"I'll endure your presence for now," Vegeta turns away. "But don't think your new power will be of any help. Frieza is still far beyond you."

"You sure about that?" You open and close your fists. "I'm feeling pretty tough."

"Frieza is a monster," Vegeta pivots his leg and turns half his body. "The only way we'll win is if the Dragon Balls grant us immortality. But if Frieza gets them first..." Vegeta shakes his head. "We need to find the last Dragon Ball."

"Frieza isn't at his ship," Turles points out. "So if that's where they're keeping them, we may be able to take them away."

"How did you figure that out? You don't have a scouter," Nappa stomps towards the smaller Saiyan.

"I've learned to sense without those machines," Turles remarks. "But it doesn't matter. Even if Ginyu and Jeice are at the ship, or meet us there, we should be able to win."

"You're not calling the shots, Turles!" Kakarot argues.

"Quiet, weakling," Vegeta barks, which makes Kakarot step back to his brother. "Turles is right. We have no time for petty squabbles. The longer we wait the closer Frieza is to OUR immortality."

The five Saiyans take off with Vegeta in the lead. You ascend in the air and look towards where Frieza's Ki signature is. It's dangerously close to where RWBY went to. You can only hope they'll be okay. With a quiet wish whispered in your mind, you turn around and quickly catch up to the others.


Team RWBY flies over the water and landmasses of Namek, quickly approaching the few Ki signatures they detected earlier.

"I wish we had more time to examine this planet. It looks... peaceful," Weiss looks from side to side.

"It all kinda looks the same to me," Ruby sheepishly. "Is that bad? Am I a bad person?"

"No, it's just an observation," Blake replies. "Besides, we're only seeing this part of the planet. Remnant's continents are diverse enough."

"I'm still just amazed we're on a different planet. Nobody's gonna believe this."

"If we say it's because of (Y/N) they will," Blake snickers. "He's introduced everyone to aliens, Ki, planet destruction, space tyrants," the Faunus shakes her head. "I guess ignorance really can be bliss."

"We'll have to see," Weiss responds. "But we're about there."

The four quickly approach a large, white, oval-like structure sitting atop a thin, jagged rock formation.

"What happens if they think we're bad?" Weiss shouts.

"Then we convince them we're here to help!" Ruby affirms. "We have to help. That's what (Y/N) said. That's what Huntresses do!"

The four land outside of the building, making sure they don't break anything or enter too unexpectedly.

"Hello," Ruby takes the charge, stepping in front of her team. "My name's Ruby Rose! We're here to help you!"

The girls wait in anticipation, feeling three powers within the building. The moment the largest signature starts moving, a section of the wall slowly rises from the bottom. The girls prepare themselves, hoping this will be peaceful. A green figure exits the building, with some loose clothing – white pants, a blue sash acting as a belt, a white scarf, and an open blue vest that falls around his knees. But, to the girls, he just looks exactly like Piccolo.

"You..." He takes his stand between the open door and the girls, keeping his hands behind his back. "All of you... are not part of the darkness."

"That's... good?" Yang raises a brow and smiles.

"The Elder has seen your arrival and your intentions. I do not like you conspiring with those other murderers... but the Elder says to assist you."

"Other... murderers?" Blake sighs. "The Saiyans..."

"Come in, please," the Namekian turns around and enters the doorway.

The girls quickly follow, entering a fairly empty room with a hole in the ceiling. Without saying anything, the Namekian begins ascending to the higher floor. Without hesitation or question, the girls follow him to the higher floor. The first thing their eyes spot is a massive orange ball with a darker single star in the middle. A second after seeing that, they bear witness to a massive Namekian in a chair, which all makes them recoil a bit.

"Whoa, he's massive," Yang blurts out, immediately covering her mouth. "I'm so sorry!"

The four land, spotting a third, smaller Namekian who's a little weary of the aliens. Ruby smiles and waves at him.

"Hey there! I'm Ruby!"

"I'm... I'm Dende," he timidly waves back.

"Greetings, Earthlings," the giant Namekian's booming voice gathers all their attention. "I am the Grand Elder Guru. It is pleasant to meet other species without corruption in their heart."

"Thank you, Grand Elder Guru," Ruby bows her head, once again taking charge of the situation. "If I may, we're here to help defend your people and protect them all."

"That's an admirable goal, child," Guru briefly coughs. "I wish I could assist my people more. All their deaths weigh on me like an ocean. It saddens me that our Dragon Balls, our beacons of hope, are now what draws in such nefarious villains and unnecessary violence."

"A... Dragon Ball? What's that?" Weiss inquires.

"This object behind me," Guru points to the orange ball they took note of before. "When all are gathered and the dragon Porunga is summoned. He will grant three wishes."

"Wishes? A dragon? You gotta be kidding me," Weiss shakes her head.

"Girl, come," the Elder looks to Ruby. "Right here," he lifts his hand beside him.

The young leader follows his instructions and walks beside his chair, under his hand. The large green palm rests on her hair, surprisingly not pushing her down. Guru focuses for a moment, searching all of Ruby's memories, motivations, and relationships.

"So, another Namekian is out there... perhaps there's Dragon Balls there, too."

"We could make wishes on Remnant?" Blake whispers to her blonde friend.


"Wait, you could see all that just by touching my head?" Ruby tries to look past the massive hand.

"I can... I see everything within you, and I wish to help. Please, allow me to unlock your reserves."

"My reserves?" Ruby repeats.

"You have more power within you. Allow me to let it flow."

"I, uh... okay," she shrugs. It's not like she has anything to lose, and if Ruby can become more powerful then it will only help their cause.

The young girl experiences a surge of foreign energy, and then a massive tidal wave of her own. All of her teammates feel this massive increase, also indicated by Ruby's sudden flourishing Aura.

"Whoa, Rubes, you were that strong all this time?" Yang cheers.

"Wow! I feel amazing! I never thought I could be this strong," she looks down at her hands.

"Excuse me, Grand Elder," Blake speaks. "Does that drain you? Is it possible we can all experience that?"

"Of course. If the power is there then I can release it. All of you, come."

And so, one after another, the members of team RWBY allow Guru to rest his hand on their head and break open the floodgates of their potential. Each of them undergoes the same massive power-up that Ruby did, increasing exponentially. With this, they're certainly beyond anything back home. The girls rejoice at this new experience, high fiving or just marvelling themselves. But this increase does allow them to feel a new power approaching.

Everyone in the room feels a massive incoming power.

"Whoa, is that... that's bigger than anything I've ever felt!" Yang steps back, her hands shaking.

"Grand Elder, allow me to intercept," the Namekian speaks.

"No... no, Nail," Guru shakes his head. "My time has come. Please," he reaches for the Dragon Ball and hands it to Nail. "When I pass, the Dragon Balls will cease. I will keep the monster waiting for as long as I can with what little life I have. Dende, Nail, accompany the-" the Elder begins coughing roughly, clearly hurting him. The two other Namekians step forward, but Guru raises his hands to halt them. "Accompany... the humans. Dende, my child, keep them healthy and, perhaps, if you can find the Dragon Balls you can make a wish. But be fast, my children... you must... survive," he quickly begins coughing again.

"Grand Elder Guru, I cannot leave your side!" Nail counters.

"You... will be more help out there than with me. There's a kind-hearted Saiyan here to defend our planet. Help him. Help them. Then, maybe... Piccolo can use his Dragon Balls to bring us back."

"They can bring people back to life?" Weiss says with utter disbelief.

"Indeed," Guru nods. "Now, go. You have little time."

Dende, who's been mostly silent, has tears forming in his eyes. To see the respected and loved Elder Guru willingly give his life to keep them safe and rest his hope in them... it's a lot for a young boy to handle. But when Nail places a hand on his shoulder, giving him a reassuring look, Dende holds his tears.

Guru takes note of this and reflects on everything that's at stake. The Dragon Balls, the power of Frieza's army, and the possibility of the malicious Saiyans betrayal. With a deep, heavy breath Guru comes up with a better idea. All he can do is hope. Piccolo put his trust in the Saiyan here... and even the unexpected sight of Ozpin. Guru, too, will put his trust in them. But from what he's gathered, none of the people from Remnant desire the Dragon Balls, which means.

"Nail... I'd like you to remain behind for a moment. There's something we must discuss."

"Of course, Elder," Nail bows his head. "Please," he turns towards the others, handing off the Dragon Ball to Dende. "Wait for me."

"Of course, Nail."

"It was an honour meeting you, Elder," Ruby bows, to which the rest of her team does the same.

With no delay, everyone but Nail and Guru leaves the white house. Nail keeps his focus on Guru, noting a strange aura coming from the grand Namekian.

"Elder, what do you require?"

"Nail... listen well, my child..."


The entourage of Saiyans barrel through the skies of Namek. Vegeta and his crew already know where the ship is, so your course hasn't wasted a single moment. As you grow closer, you pick up two incoming powers.

"Vegeta!" Turles shouts, feeling the same thing. "Ginyu's coming!"

"Ginyu?" Nappa turns around, still keeping pace. "You gotta be kidding me."

On cue, all of you come to a stop and watch two approaching auras. Within a second, the famed Captain Ginyu and Jeice halt before your group. You pass by the others so you can get a better look at this new opponent.

Captain Ginyu is purple with two black horns on either side of his head. He has similar armour to the Burter and Jeice but has a far more confident feel to him. Though, at the moment, he's clearly angry. You're unsure whether or not the bulging veins on his head are associated with that or just what he normally looks like. By the fierce look in his eye, he's here for blood.

"Which one was it, Jeice?" Ginyu calmly asks.

"Yeah, that one with the weird get-up," Jeice points at you. "And that Turles one! He beat Recoome with one blow!"

With his name spoken, Turles passes by Kakarot to hover at the front with you and Vegeta. The Prince clenches his fist, not wanting to deal with this idiot for too long. But that's when he gets an idea. Seeing how Ginyu and Jeice are focused on you and Turles, Vegeta hovers back into the crowd and whispers loud enough for only his allies to hear.

"Ginyu took the Dragon Balls back to Frieza's ship, and if Frieza isn't there then they're undefended. If we keep the Ginyu Force busy we can steal the Dragon Balls, get them away from Frieza, and use them ourselves."

"Two Saiyans... their powers are far below any of our members," Ginyu notes.

"I thought that was weird too," Jeice nods.

"It's not weird, idiot, it's genius. They're obviously suppressing their power and spiking it when the time is right. It appears these Saiyans are a cut above the rest."

Raditz is visibly upset by this cheap shot. "What did you-"

"Radtiz," Vegeta sharply condemns. "We don't want the attention on us. Turles, you hear it?"

"But what about him?" Turles whispers, focusing ahead so the enemies don't catch wind of anything.

"So you're the leader of all those goofs?" You place your hands on your hips. "That means you must be the strongest... you do look the meanest."

"Gah? What? Meanest! I have a lovely face!" Ginyu becomes a bit flustered.

"Do you? I think you look mean," you shrug. "So, how about we get started. Mean looking and strong. You remind me of when I first met them?" You point over your shoulder at the Saiyans, but that appears to be their cue.

All of them, save Turles, blast off past the Ginyu Force and towards the ship.

"What the?" You watch them disappear in the distance.

"Kail, you should be able to handle Ginyu," Turles flies higher than you. "But be careful, he has a special technique. I don't know what it is, but just keep your guard up!"

Turles had been researching the Ginyu Force's techniques for quite some time, incase a battle like this happened. The only two note worthy abilities to watch out for was Guldo's psychic abilities, a technique that was a well kept secret within the Ginyu Force. Turles hopes that if you're at least aware of it, you may be able to avoid it. With his advice given, Turles flies off to catch up with the other Saiyans.

"Thanks, I guess," you pout. "But why'd you have to leave me? Oh well," you roll your shoulders and focus on the two before you. "Well, let's give this a shot."

"I'll stop them, Captain!" Jeice shouts, readying to take off.

"No!" Ginyu grabs his subordinate. "They'll kill you. We'll deal with this ape first," he looks back at you. "Besides, our other ally should be at the ship. He'll handle the Saiyans."

Another ally?

"Well, then! It looks like Captain Ginyu finally gets to stretch his legs and use his full power! Watch closely, Saiyan, this is a rare occasion."

"Cool," you start descending to some land below.

The Captain follows, leaving Jeice to watch the spectacle from above.

You both land and get into your fighting stances.

"I hope you don't mind if I make this quick. I need to nip your friends in the bud."

"Quick, huh? I can do that," you nod. "Alright, how about we stop talking and get started."

To your surprise, Ginyu completely blitzes behind you and slams his fist into your cheek. You skim across the ground, quickly recovering and pushing off the dirt to get some air. Again, Ginyu appears behind you and kicks. You catch it, spin around and throw him down to the soil below, quickly followed up by a yellow ki blast. Ginyu easily lands on the ground, quickly identifying your follow up attack and knocking it away like it was a softball. The little blast spirals away, landing in the ocean and causing a massive explosion.

The small droplets of water fall in your area for a brief moment. The second it's gone, you both charge forward again. You both throw your fists forward, but only yours lands. He barrels to the ground, dirt, dust and grass erupt from the crater. You quickly follow, throwing a punch into the dust but there's nothing there.


Out of the ground, Ginyu bursts up, completely catching you off guard so he can land a powerful elbow to your jaw, followed by full body spin that mirrors a sort of dance, only for him to swiftly kick you towards a rock formation. You spin through the air, feet slamming against the rocks and crumbling when you spring off them.

You clash once again, flowing into a string of blocking, striking, and dodging that moves you all over your battlefield, eventually stopping over the water when Ginyu hammerfists you towards that ocean. You stop yourself right above the liquid, forcing a small shockwave behind you that blasts all the water around. You smile at the captain while you slowly ascend to his level.

"You're definitely a lot stronger than the others," you stretch your neck, signalling the Captain that you're still taking things easy.

"I'm flattered you believe that my power is so high, but you should hold your applause!"

"Huh?" You raise your brow.

"You think you're the only one who can hide their power?"

"Oh, that's cool!" You aren't too bothered by his statement.

"Now you will see Captain Ginyu's power and style!" He strikes a pose, right leg up, right arm across his chest, and his left arm straight in the air.

"Uh... I hope your power is better than your style cause you look pretty lame," you end with a chuckle.


"Uh..." You rub the back of your head, thinking. "I don't really do poses. Unless the stance after punching you in the face is considered a pose."

Ginyu returns to a standing position and rests his hand on his head, shaking it. "What more can I expect from a Saiyan? At least you can be recognized by the elite Captain Ginyu for being strong, but-"

"Hey, are we gonna keep going or..?"

"Gggr," Ginyu's face takes a red tint. "HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT ME! It's clear you need to be put in your place, so here!" Ginyu's power skyrockets, nearly doubling.

This sudden surge of power catches you off guard, allowing him to burst in and deliver a devastating punch that would've taken your head off six days ago. You curl into a ball, spinning until you stand again. When you look back to Ginyu, a purple aura surrounds him as he's taken a wide stance, one arm back with the other palm open towards you. A large purple blast fires out, near-instantly coming upon you.

"Whoa! HYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Your body flickers out of existence as Ginyu's attack erupts in a massive dome of purple energy and fire. The wind dust from the attack blows back against Ginyu and Jeice, slowly pushing the latter away.

"Whoa, the Captain put a lot into that one. I'm sure he's space dust now!" Jeice cheers with joy.

Ginyu calmly watches as the dust settles and the crater of his attack is visible. He stands up straight and takes a breath, not totally relaxing.

"Great job, Captain!" Jeice shouts. "You really showed him!"

As Ginyu expected, you come down upon him with a bone-shattering knee that he manages to catch and toss you over him. Your body again flickers as you appear in front of him and lodge your fist into his stomach, forcing out saliva, then flick your leg straight up for a kick to the chin. The Captain soars in the air, finding it difficult to recover from your two attacks.

"That's... impossible. He hits so-"

You appear behind him and drive your elbow into his back, shooting him right back down to the ground.

"CAPTAIN!" Jeice shrieks, watching Ginyu's body create a crater upon impact.

You land a few feet away from the crater, waiting for your opponent to get back up. And so, as you thought, Captain Ginyu slowly steps out of the crater with a bit of blood dripping out of his mouth.

"You... what kind of Saiyan are you?"

Jeice's body begins to shiver. If even the Captain is nervous, what does that spell for him? You smile at the Captain with such innocence that juxtaposes your power.

"One from Remnant."

"You... couldn't have more than a hundred thousand... it's impossible."

"A hundred... oh, your power reader things," you tap your ear, mirroring where Ginyu's scouter is. "I don't know what my number would be, but I can show you."

"Heh... hahahahahaha," Ginyu's mood quickly shifts. "I act all hurt and you get cocky. Go ahead. Show me all your power before I put you under my boot."


You take a deep breath, letting your feet spread a little bit before letting your power flow. Ginyu and Jeice's scouters light up in correspondence to your flaring Aura.

Your voice starts deep and quiet, "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa."

Your muscles start to bulk up, your hair whips around and the air swirls as it becomes heavy. Your power starts rising and rising, shooting far past the seventy five thousand it was sitting at before. Ginyu remains confident... until it passes one hundred thousand.

"No... there's no way!" Ginyu shouts, sweat dripping down his face.

Jeice, too, is in awe at what's happening before him.


Clouds around you are either sucked into the vortex of your power or are blown away. The still water of Namek sways, splashing on the shores and breaking apart loose rock. Though you are showing off all this power, you're making sure not to affect the entire planet like you could. If you did, Frieza might make his way here right away, before you're ready. But, if anyone was paying attention, they could certainly pick up the massive influx of power coming off you. But your power keeps rising and rising, getting close to its peak. That only scares the audience you have now.

"A hundred and thirty... a hundred and fourty..." Ginyu's shaky voice reads.

"HYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" You stand up straight, eyes glued to Ginyu as all your power comes to the surface.

"A-A-A hundred and sixty seven thousand! This is impossible!" He slams his hands on his head, just missing the horns.

"This is impossible... it's a bad dream, that's all!" Jeice tries to convince himself.

"You know, I can get higher than that," you say with a cocky smile. "Kaioken," you calmly state before your body is enveloped in red ki.

The two scouters rapidly begin reading your Ki again, quickly skyrocketing to keep track of your power.

"Three hundred and thirty four thousand!" Ginyu slowly backs up, never seeing a power level so high before. He's only heard that Lord Frieza is five hundred and thirty thousand, but he's never seen it, felt it, before. Now he's in the presence of a Saiyan that harbours power beyond anything Captain Ginyu has seen.

"You have to be... you have to..."

"Hehe," your tone of voice, your posture, your face, it's all far more serious than it has been. "Just so you know, I can get a lot higher than this."

With that, you release the Kaioken and return to a goofy nature, laughing at their amazement.

"You're a Super Saiyan! You have to be! But... there's no way! They were myths... but you!" Ginyu's having a mental battle within himself over your very existence. He looks back at you, someone with power perhaps higher than Frieza's. Fear grips his heart like never before.

You... a Super Saiyan.

With (Y/N)'s true power finally shown, it seems the famous Captain Ginyu has met his match. Is it true? Is it possible that (Y/N) has become the Super Saiyan of legend? Does this mean he can topple the ruler Frieza? Find out next time on... LIMITLESS!

Yeah, I know, but I wanted to do it.

I'm cutting this one a little "short" because I want to stretch out the Frieza Saga a little bit. I mean, this isn't really short but I could definitely keep going for a bit longer. But, like I said, I don't want this to end up being only two or three chapters. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it! It's been fun watching Dragon Ball again to write all this. Now, just cause I said that doesn't mean everything is going to be a beat by beat retelling of the show. Trust me, there's going to be some changes coming... well, next chapter! Stick around to see'em!

Anyway, I'll see you next time! I'll make sure to work as hard as I can to get it out soon!

Want to keep up with me? Know what chapter's coming out next and the progress of them? Follow me on Twitter! Twitter . com (slash) Chinsangan

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A special thank you to Patreon supporters: MazMan, Big Genatools, and Ride The Lightning

Thank you guys so much for supporting me! It means the world!

And finally, thank you to the Beta Reader: thenameisntimportant

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