Chapter 2: Introduction to Beacon! Show'em what you Got!
Chapter 2:Introduction to Beacon! Show'em what you Got!
The morning sun beams through the glass windows of the building. Some students have already awoken and are preparing for the trials ahead, others are still relaxing in their slumber. You're part of the latter, strewn about in the corner, taking up two beds worth. Your snores disrupt the peace of the building, but nobody bothers to wake you up yet. The students beside you weren't too happy with you considering you spread out so much. Not the best first impression, but you don't even know these people, nor will you remember your unpleasant meeting.
The rumbling of all the students doesn't disturb your sleep in the slightest. It's not until a woman approaches you, her heels echoing through the room.
"Your initiation is in twenty minutes and you have yet to even wake yourself," Glynda scolds you.
Your response is a sharp snore, licking your lips, then moaning as you become comfortable again. Glynda rolls her eyes. She asked politely once, now she'll force you up. With her Semblance, she lifts you up by the head and holds you midair. This still does not wake you. Unwilling to hit a student, even to wake them, Glynda thinks back on advice Ozpin had given for you. How he knew that was anyone's guess. If anything, she assumes Lucent shared some tips with the headmaster, which also means you're a handful to deal with. Nevertheless, she follows through with what she was told. Glynda sets you down gently, steps away, then clears her throat.
"For all students undergoing initiation today, the cafeteria is providing a free meal."
Your eyes burst open as you hop to your feet.
"I remember where that is!"
"Unbelievable," she pinches the bridge of her nose.
You grab your small stash of equipment and run out of the room, leaving many of your fellow initiates behind for the promise of food.
"Oh, right," you look down at yourself, only wearing briefs. "Lucent and Crystal said this wasn't right. I don't want to be kicked out already. Where's a bathroom?" You look around the courtyard for any signs of your desired building.
Luckily, you spot one just across the way. You swiftly glide across the ground and land in front of the building. There are two entrances, each with a different symbol. You, however, don't bother looking at those symbols. You run into the first door you see, ignorant to the existence of another. The room is steamy and warm thanks to the showers.
"Oh, I could use one! I guess I'll set my stuff down here," you place your clothes, pouch, and Power Pole and the nearest bench. "And off with this," you slide down your briefs using your trusty tail, then use that tail to place it on your clothes. "Now... which one is free?"
You follow the separate showers, each having their own door for privacy. You can still spot feet with the opening at the bottom of the door, thus you have to find one with nobody in it. The first line of showers are filled, so you step back and cross your arms.
"Um..." You hear a voice behind you.
You turn around to see a somewhat familiar face. The same blonde haired girl who looked at you funny before you went to sleep. A towel is wrapped around her chest, covering her breasts down to her legs. She's staring at you with curiosity and disgust, but she has yet to scream or attack. You cock your head to the side.
"Hm, strange. Well if we sleep in the same room I guess we shower in the same room," you shrug.
"I don't believe it... he has no idea," Yang whispers to herself.
She can tell you're not lying. She's had many years to see the difference between naïve ignorance and lies, thanks to her sister's antics. You may not be Ruby, but you share a similar posture and tone of voice when speaking.
"He's not trying to peep... and he... evidently has no shame," she says, referring to your exposed lower body. "Well," she sighs. "I guess I'll break it to him. Hey," she raises her voice for you to hear. "This isn't your room, you know? The guys are on the other side."
"Oh, really? That makes sense. Most places I've been it's like that, plus I thought the room was kinda small," you respond as your eyes trail around the area. "Well, thanks for letting me know," you smile at her. "I'll look for the guys' shower room!"
You walk away, leaving Yang to watch.
"I... don't even know what to think. I don't think he'll make it," she shakes her head. "Well, I should get ready too."
Unfortunately, you never got the chance to eat your promised meal. The moment you stepped out of the bathroom you were approached by one of the Professors, a large man with a grey moustache, who lead you to the rest of the initiates.
Now you're forced to wait as everyone readies themselves. Unlike you, they put their weapons in designated lockers for safekeeping. The safest place your weapon could be is at your side. It is interesting for you to see such a diverse cast of people. Before Beacon, you barely spoke with anyone. There were the villagers, though that mostly consisted of Lucent and Crystal. Aside from that, there was your training at Kame House. Master Roshi, Turtle, and another student were the only ones there. Unfortunately the other was killed, so you spent much of your time with your master. Three others came to train under the Turtle Hermit, but you left shortly before they arrived. In total, that's only three people who you ever really made a connection with – who you even really spoke to. Having this plethora of new people is very new to you.
In truth, you do hope to make friends with them eventually. It would be a shame if everyone hated you, but at the same time, you're here to learn and fight. It's not a foreign concept to be alone, anyway. In fact, the thought of so many people is unnerving to you. The thought truly amuses you. You're capable of fighting the largest of Grimm or the toughest of men without breaking a sweat, yet the thought of a crowd gives you shivers.
You stand at the exit of the building with the two teachers, Glynda Goodwitch and Professor Ozpin. You're waiting for the others to finish gearing up and group up outside the building.
"Are you excited? Anxious?" Ozpin asks, approaching you.
"Oh, of course not. Just curious. Well, maybe anxious. I want to get to the action."
"There will be time for that... as long as you balance it with study."
You slouch forward, huffing.
Before you can continue conversing, some of the students exit the building. The first is a young woman who's almost entirely white or light blue. Her white hair is done up in a ponytail, though not centered. An odd fashion choice. The rest is reasonable, being a white and pale blue dress and jacket. One thing you notice is the scar running down her left eye.
"Heya, how'd you get that scar?" You say with a warm smile.
Weiss stares at you, confused.
"Who do you think you are to-"
She's cut off by a loud, rumbling sound coming from your stomach.
"Aaah, man... I really wish I didn't miss breakfast," you whine while holding your stomach.
Weiss shakes her head as she walks past you. You're definitely someone she'll be avoiding from now on.
Others approach your small group, all varying in size and appearance. One you recognize from earlier – the yellow-haired, lilac-eyed woman from the showers. She's accompanied by a smaller girl with black hair complimented with red accents, silver eyes, and attire that consists of black and red. Her hood is an interesting addition to her attire, but also one that could be easily exploited in battle. She's carrying another man whom you've seen before. His casual attire, that being blue jeans and a black hoodie, is overlaid with white armour on his chest and arms. He looks dazed and confused for whatever reason, clearly needing the help of the young woman.
You wave at the blonde woman, to which she hesitantly waves back.
"Who's that, sis?"
"Nobody. Don't worry about it," she quickly dismisses.
"Now that you're all here," Ozpin announces. "We'll be taking Bullheads to the Emerald Forest. Please, follow us."
Glynda aligns each of you with one of the pads stationed along the Cliffside. It's a nice view, but you've been in the forest dozens of times before. It's nothing new. You're in the middle beside a student wearing almost entirely white. She does her best to ignore you despite your small remarks about your growling stomach.
"For years, you have trained to become warriors and today your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest," Ozpin states.
"Now, I'm sure many of you..."
Glynda's words trail off as you stare at the grey-haired man drinking from his mug.
This guy feels so strange. I can't get a read on him. I know I suck at sensing, but at this distance, it should be easy. It's like he's purposefully hiding his power.
The man is speaking, but despite your immense attention towards Ozpin, you aren't listening to a word he's saying. You're squinting, you're thinking. That's all disrupted when you're suddenly sprung off the ground and sent flying into the air, spiraling forward. You immediately catch yourself a few meters off the cliff, holding your position upside down, and look back at the other students who have yet to be launched.
"Hey! What was that?" You complain.
Ozpin and Glynda turn around, curious at who could be speaking from the air. Ozpin, upon seeing you, chuckles.
"Evidently you weren't listening to a thing I said."
Weiss and another girl with red hair are launched next, forcing you to maneuver out of the way.
"Whoa, hey! I'm still here!"
"You shouldn't. I suggest you carry on with your assignment."
The rest of the students are flung passed you, including Jaune he cries as he soars.
"Well, I don't want to be left behind," you say before flying into that general direction.
"Please tell me why you allowed him in. His scores may have excelled in combat but his studie-"
"That is the young man Lucent told us about, remember? A recommendation from a Huntsman like him doesn't happen very often," Ozpin answers before sipping his drink.
Glynda leans on her hip.
"Well, I hope he's true to his word. This one has been nothing but a disappointment."
"I wouldn't jump to conclusions just yet, Glynda," Ozpin counters. "I believe there's more to this student than anyone knows... including him," he finishes into his cup.
All the students land with their own strategies. You, on the other hand, just let yourself fall somewhere in the Emerald Forest. You stop yourself just before hitting the ground to land gently. Unintentionally you stopped yourself a fair distance away from everyone else, leaving you alone. Not that you're worried about that. You're on the ground with... an objective...
"What was I supposed to do here, again?" You rub the back of your head. "Ah well, I'm sure I'll figure it out as I go," you shrug.
You cross your arms and lazily stroll through the Emerald Forest. It's not the first time you've been here, but you haven't been in this section. You also never heard the sounds of gunfire echoing through the trees.
"Must be the other students. Oh, maybe we have to kill the most Grimm," you exclaim. "It would show how capable we are as Huntsmen. Well, I guess I'll just keep walking until I find something or someone."
You begin your stroll through the forest. As you walk you readjust the rope keeping your weapon on your back. It's clear that the entire place is filled with Grimm and the few students you saw on the cliff. With no point in dallying, you lift yourself ever so slightly off the ground and dash forward, whizzing past the trees and over the bushes. You're barely going faster than running speed as to not miss any people or Grimm along your path, but this gives you more mobility and freedom.
You bring yourself to a halt when you spot smoke rising from an area north-east of your location.
"Hm... someone might be in trouble. I should check it out, just in case."
You glide across the ground towards the source of the smoke. With your speed, you make it within seconds and are exposed to a grand spectacle. Beowolves are howling while the trees around them are ablaze.
"Grimm don't shoot fire to my knowledge. Maybe another student was here," you bring your hand to your chin, not caring about the Grimm around you.
The Grimm, however, notice you despite the threat of the fire. You're totally absent-minded to the threat around you... well, not really a threat. One of the beowolves lunge at you, but you simply lean back and drive your knee into its stomach so hard that splits the beast in half. It dissipates before the two halves can hit the ground. You look around at the dozen Beowolves that stay for a fight.
Guessing it's a pack, meaning one is more experienced than the others. If it's been in a fight before...
You uncross your arms as you slide your left leg back. Your right arm tucks in beside your stomach, tightening into a fist, while your left arm is ahead of you – hand parallel to your jaw and fingers slightly curled. Your left foot faces forward while the other shifts right. You've had this stance since you were a child, so you've learned possible flaws and how to counter anyone who attempts to exploit them.
"Well, let's see how it goes," you smile.
You burst off your right foot, charging forward with your right shoulder towards the Grimm ahead of you. You swing your left hand, clobbering its head to dust. You found the perfect amount of strength to defeat simple Grimm a long time ago, so it makes it easier to weed out those immune to blunt force. Once your punch connects, you immediately burst backward, your chest facing the sky as you fly past another one of the Grimm, then crush the Beowolf with your heels. You land on the ground, immediately using a shockwave fist to kill one farther away.
"Man, this isn't that fun," you mumble.
Another Beowolf, this one having more bone armour than the others, jumps at you from behind. You turn around and slam your elbow into its snout. Instead of turning to smoke like the others, it flies back and slams into the closest tree. This catches your attention.
"I see, so you're the elder. I guess I'll have to be a little more creative." You lift your hand towards it and fire a moderately sized yellow blast. It consumes the beast, eradicating it from existence. "Or not, I guess." You sigh. "Really not as fun."
With their leader killed, the few remaining Beowolves flee to fight another day. You cross your arms and watch both the running Beowolves and burning trees.
"I probably shouldn't stay here. Maybe I can find some other students or something."
"It seems almost all the students have partnered up. One seems to be... lost," Glynda reports as she scrolls through hidden cameras.
She and Ozpin focus on the one showing you, standing in the middle of the burning forest watching the Grimm flee.
"It seems he doesn't know what he's doing," Glynda remarks. "How can you put faith into a boy so... inept?"
"An ignorant child, one could say. Is it not our duty to teach him?" Ozpin queries.
"I suppose... his techniques are... interesting. I've never seen someone who can fly and... fire whatever it is those were. Do you know something, Professor Ozpin?"
"Of course not," he blatantly lies. "But I do see potential."
You saunter through the forest, no clear goal in mind. You have no idea what you're supposed to do or where anyone else is. That is until you hear a feminine scream echo across half the forest.
"Huh... that's definitely not something I was expecting to hear. Is this part of the test?" You scratch your head. "Well, I should check it out just inca-"
A Nevermore's screech fills the air, followed by its beating wings. You look up at see the beast soar over you for just a moment.
"Now that's interesting," you smile before bursting off the ground to follow the flying Grimm.
As you catch up to it you notice this Nevermore is an older one than those that normally inhabit the forest. It has light bone armour along its wings, indicating its grown from battle. Shouldn't be a problem for you, however. Before you attack it you notice red and white on the hide of the beast. You speed towards them and keep pace, staring at them with curiosity. They share the same look, though clearly more baffled than curious.
"What're you doing up here?" Ruby shouts.
"I could ask you the same thing!"
"Even he thinks it's a bad idea!" Weiss says towards Ruby.
"Then we'll just jump!" Ruby declares before leaping off the beast.
You watch the young girl pass you by and fall towards a clearing below. You return your gaze to Weiss, who's annoyed at the moment.
"Do... do you want me to fly you down?"
"Obviously!" She screeches.
You move closer to the Nevermore, wrap your hand around Weiss' waist, and descend to the ground. There are some ruins along with students – one of them being chased by a rather large Deathstalker.
"Well, I found people."
"Can you please get me to the ground," Weiss whines.
"Right, right," you nod before increasing your speed.
You land beside the group just before the armoured redhead crashes beside them. You set Weiss down and look to your fellow students.
"Great, the gang's all here. Now we can die together," Yang remarks.
"Not if I can help it," Ruby confidently says before charging at the incoming Deathstalker.
"Ruby, wait!" Yang shouts.
You look back to the Nevermore circling back for another run. With nothing better to do, you burst back into the air towards the black creature. It hovers in midair for a moment then flaps its wings hard, sending a barrage of its feathers at you.
"Gonna take more than that!" You say with a smile, weaving through its attack.
You fail to notice the feather's pinning Ruby and halting Yang, but that's not your concern at the moment. You twirl through the feathers and deliver a heavy blow to the creature's stomach. You quickly follow up with a second punch, then fly upwards for a powerful uppercut, and finish with another punch downwards. The bird spirals into the forest, toppling trees and bushes as it slides to a halt. You wipe your hands in pride.
"Easy enough." You look down at the sight of a Deathstalker's claw stuck in ice. "Are we leaving now?" You shout to everyone.
"Yeah!" Ruby responds, waving to you. "We just have to get th-"
The Nevermore screeches from the forest, angered at your assault.
"Alright, just do what you're doing and I'll follow!"
"Has he grabbed a Relic yet?" Yang cocks her head to the side.
"I didn't see him grab one," Ren adds.
"Guys, we shouldn't waste time. That Deathstalker will break free," Jaune speaks with a hint of fear.
"If he's buying us time then we should use it," Pyrrha says with a nod. "Let's go!"
You fly around the Nevermore, dodging its feathers and attempted chomping. The entire time you're watching the others to make sure they're on the move. Finally, they run past the Deathstalker and into the thicker part of the forest. Once they're a decent distance away, you blitz around the Nevermore and hammerfist onto the Deathstalker. The two Grimm crash along the ground, tearing up grass and dirt as they tumble. You immediately fly towards the forest, descending so you can spot your fellow students. With your speed, you easily catch up to them and join them in running.
"You took care of it by yourself?" Jaune asks with surprise.
"I do it all the time. It's not that bad. You just gotta find out what they're weak to," you respond, keeping your eyes forward.
"What they're weak to?" Jaune repeats with uncertainty.
"Yeah, don't you know?" You ask with a small chuckle. "Grimm evolve as they battle. If they survive a fight they become immune to whatever damaged them."
"Whoa, really?"
"It's true," Pyrrha chimes in. "That's why Huntsmen need to be paired up. If someone with a blade encounters a Grimm immune to that, then they'll need someone to assist them."
"Blunt force, explosives, whatever else," you continue. "But I got something that almost no Grimm has faced, so there's no need to worry!" You say with a confident tone.
"Ehehe... if you say so," he hesitantly agrees.
The group of nine sprints through the forest, hopping over fallen trunks and squishing growing grass. Finally, you reach a clearing of flat plains. Your path is set by two stone structures that have clearly aged. Ahead appears to be a large stone tower that's taken damage over time. Considering the architecture and layout, everything might have been connected for ease of access. The thing that piques your interest the most is a Nevermore soaring over your group.
"Well, I guess that's what I get for leaving it," you say in passing. Suddenly a Deathstalker pushes its way through the trees behind you. "Also my bad."
"What do we do?" Jaune questions.
"Keep running. I let these guys catch up with us so I'll deal with it!"
"That Deathstalker is ancient. I don't think we have the weapons to beat it," Pyrrha points out.
"Trust me, we do," you smirk. "Just keep running! Head for the cliff!"
You launch yourself off the ground, towards the Nevermore. You have to get it out of everyone's way else they'll be stuck.
I'll take'em both out in one shot!
You circle around the Nevermore twice, firing shockwave punches to anger it. The beast unleashes a roar and follows you.
"That's it – now..." You look down to the Deathstalker still in pursuit of the others. "Get down!" You scream to your allies.
You swoop down over them and towards the Grimm. You rev up your speed to render any sort of retaliation useless. You fly past the Deathstalker, grabbing hold of its stinger and dragging it along with you. You match the Nevermore's altitude then start spinning yourself around.
"And a one... and a two... and..!" You throw the Deathstalker right at the Nevermore.
It slams into the bird, provoking a painful screech from both. The students suddenly realize you've moved from in front of the Grimm to behind them, about in their falling trajectory. You lower your hands to your right hip, connecting them by the base of their palms.
"Ka... Me..." The air pressure around the forest increases dramatically, the wind racing faster than before. "Ha... Me..." Your voice echoes through the forest, a raspy tone to it as you focus your power.
"What is he doing?" Weiss questions, but she's quickly cut off.
"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" You throw your hands toward the beasts, unleashing a blinding blue beam of raw power.
The pressure and power released from your hands blows back everything in the immediate area. The stone structures crumble, trees are pushed back, and the students struggle to remain stationary.
"What is that?" Yang shouts.
"He's going to kill us all!" Weiss retorts.
The beam engulfs the two Grimm as it goes, blasting past them and towards the sky.
From the cliff, Professor Ozpin, Glynda, and the others students watch the spectacle. As the other students watch in awe, Ozpin remains unfazed, simply taking a drink.
After the clouds part, the sky shifts colours, and you're satisfied, you stop feeding the Kamehameha. The beam disappears from your hands and well enough the area calms... mostly. Out of the dust, the Nevermore soars towards you.
"What the?" You strafe to the side, avoiding the Nevermore's open maw. "How could... ooooh, wait a second," you turn yourself around and smile at beast's behind. "You're the Nevermore from the other day, aren't you? I didn't kill you with that simple blast. Ah, that makes sense," you cross your arms and nod.
But if it is, that crosses out fists and energy. Which means my next option is...
You look over your shoulder towards the sea line.
"Drown it."
You grab the Power Pole from its scabbard then twirl it in your right hand. You quickly point it just under the Nevermore.
"Power Pole extend!"
The red beam extends at an alarming rate, quickly catching up to the Nevermore. Right when it reaches its stomach, you lift up, catching the Nevermore and directing it however you please. The bird screeches as you lift it over you and towards the ocean. Once it passes over your location, you retract the power pole and speed towards it. Since its off balance, you have no problem reaching its stomach. You burst into its stomach, throwing rapid punches to direct its movement. You keep the beast moving over the Emerald Forest and towards the water. After passing the shoreline, you keep going so you can bury this thing deep. After reaching your intended destination, you deliver a powerful blow downwards, sending the Nevermore towards the water. You blitz it once more, delivering even more blows to its stomach. Soon enough you break the ocean line and delve into the water. With your cheeks filled with air, you persist in punching the Grimm further and further into the sea. The light soon fades from the water, and that's the indication for you to back out. You erupt from the water, hands cupped once more.
"Kamehameha!" You say far quicker than before, releasing a more condensed version of the beam.
It connects with the Nevermore's body, forcing it even farther into the water below.
"You're not gonna come back from this one, friend!" You pointlessly speak out. After a few seconds, you separate your hands and stop the blast. "Should be near the bottom of the ocean at this point. Though it's funny how-"
A sudden explosion causes a rush of water to spurt from your beam's position and all over you. As the water rains down, you're left soaking wet. You look down at yourself and... start laughing.
"Aaah... not as fun as people," you shake your head.
With your enemies defeated, you fly back to the ruined ruins where your fellow students await you. You land beside them, ignoring their shock and amazement.
"So we're going to the cliff, right?"
"You fly... you... do that thing you do... you even punch- who are you?" Yang demands.
"Well, I'm just (Y/N)," you shrug, then proceed to laugh.
"How did you get your weapon to do that," Ruby asks, eying your weapon from behind.
"The Power Pole?" You say, looking over your shoulder at the young girl. "That's just how it is."
"I would suggest we return to the Professors. We've taken up more time than the others," Ren points out.
"He's right. We don't want to get a bad score," Weiss adds.
You turn to the cliffs and start walking.
"Well, better get going then. No point standing around."
Blake and Yang watch as you walk.
"He's a strange one," Blake remarks.
"You think? I've never seen someone do anything like that. It's like he has multiple semblances. Is that possible?"
"I don't think so," Blake shakes her head. "But, who knows. Why don't you ask him that yourself?"
With the Nevermore defeated and the relics collected, all the students report to Ozpin and Glynda for their evaluation. Every pair forms a line to hand in their retrieved artifact. You're at the back of the line alone, which, on its own, makes you raise an eyebrow. Why is everyone in pairs? Where did they get those wooden statues? These questions popped up in your mind more than once, but you decide to ignore it. No point dwelling on something you can't answer.
The line moves rather quickly – Ozpin takes the relic, types something on his scroll, then brings forth the next group. The whole process is done in less than five minutes, leaving you at the very end. Ozpin examines you, immediately recognizing you have neither a relic nor a partner.
"Hm..." Is all he can muster as his fingers tap on his scroll. "That's everyone. Please return to the Bullhead's awaiting you a short distance away. We will have a ceremony in one hour. You are all expected to be there. If you are called on stage you have passed. If not... an airship will be ready to take you back to Vale."
Ozpin turns away from you and walks towards the parked Bullheads. You cross your arms and cock your head to the side.
So... did I not need a thingy? Huh, cool!
The group of students all converge to the multiple Bullheads awaiting them. Each Bullhead accepts eight students into them. You're sat with some of the ones you fought with – Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren. Once everyone is loaded into the vehicles they all take off and back to Beacon.
"Where did you train?" Ren inquires.
You notice him looking at you, meaning you're supposed to answer.
"Oh, uh... on an island with an old man. He taught me the Kamehameha."
"That blue beam you did?" Pyrrha asks for clarification.
"Yeah. It's my best move by far," you say with a wide grin. "Master Roshi was surprised I learned it so fast. It took him decades."
"And how long did it take you?" Jaune asks.
You cross your arms and look at the ceiling.
"Um... a week, I think. I mean, I used it the same day I saw it, but it took me a while to actually get it to that level. That wasn't me going all out, though."
"Really?" Nora exclaims. "So how strong are you! I wanna see."
"He did punch a Nevermore, Nora."
"Psh, I could do that," she waves off.
"Really? Maybe we could have a match sometime," you excitedly offer.
Nora leans forward with a wide, confident smile.
"You're on."
"Hehe, I can't wait. I'm really hoping to find some fun people to fight."
"That's an unorthodox reason to attend Beacon," Ren comments. "Most come to battle Grimm."
"Yeah, Grimm are fine and all, but... like I told Jaune, all you have to do is find their weakness. It's not as fun for me. I..." You lean forward, elbows pressing on your knees. "I like going up against a challenge – something I don't know I'll beat. That's when my heart gets pumping."
"It sounds like you're a born fighter," Pyrrha speaks.
"That's what Master Roshi said too," you chuckle. "But don't worry, I'll take out as many Grimm as I can. You won't have to worry around me!"
"Aaaah," you let out a sigh of relief as you pat your stomach.
You're in the cafeteria, sitting by yourself since there's no room. Sure, people could sit beside you, but the amount of plates you've left fills up the entire table three times over. Others watched in awe as you ate and still don't believe any one person could eat so much. The other students, the ones who took the trial, aren't as surprised as the others. After seeing your Kamehameha, a large appetite is a minuscule thing to gawk at. Though students aren't the only ones who're shocked. The hardworking men and women who provided that food has never worked so hard in their entire career. On one hand, they hate that Ozpin allowed such an order to be made, but they're also somewhat touched that a student adores their cooking that much.
You slip out of your seat and start stretching your legs from side to side.
"Oh yeah, that's better. I feel like I could take on the world right now," you happily declare.
You stand up straight and look around the room for the ones you fought with earlier. You fly over the other tables – which of course raises your mystique for others – and land with your peers.
"How much longer do we have to wait?"
"Did... did you just fly ten feet?" Ruby tilts her head.
"Yeah?" You ask, unsure why the question was posed.
"Why couldn't he have just walked?" The young girl whispers to Jaune.
"I don't know," he shrugs.
"Well, if my scroll is correct, we have to convene at the auditorium in fifteen minutes. Perhaps leaving in five would be best," Weiss calculates.
"Okie dokie. Might as well grab another bowl."
"You're joking," Yang says with a short laugh.
"Food is not a joke," you say in a deathly serious tone. "But I guess bringing back my plates would be polite," you continue in your light-hearted manner.
"I still can't believe you ate that much," Blake speaks.
"Oh, hehe, yeah," you smile at the Faunus girl. "You should have seen how much I ate with Master Roshi. Man... those were the times," your mouth drools at the thought of all the wondrous, delicious food. "I could go for more food..."
"He's not real..."
"Well, I'm gonna wait in the auditorium. That way there's no way I'll be late! It was nice talking to you!" You wave while walking to the door.
"There are some strange people here," Weiss shakes her head.
"Meh," Yang shrugs. "I like him."
"Me too. OH! Maybe you can make pancakes for a contest, Ren!" Nora cheerfully shouts.
"Nope. No way," he immediately dismisses.
"Aww, come on! Why not!"
The table fills with some laughter from Ruby, Pyrrha, and a few others. Weiss keeps to herself, finding the entire situation rather dull.
The initiates, along with some curious seniors, gather in the Auditorium to watch the acceptance. Plenty of teams have gone up and been formed, plenty of students are nervously waiting in the crowd to be called up. You stand to the right, by the stairs. Your arms are crossed and your face is hopeful. You watch as all the teams are formed, ending with team RWBY.
"And finally... you," he looks directly at you. "Come up."
You walk up the small set of stairs, passing RWBY as Ruby and Yang give you a thumbs up. You stand in front of the crowd, beside Ozpin.
"(Y/N), you... utterly failed in your mission."
Your eyes widen and your body jolts back, knocking you off your feet and onto the ground. This gets a laugh from the crowd, but your newfound friends are worried at your rejection.
"You failed to find a partner and failed to retrieve one of the Relics. Everyone in the room achieved at least one of those things." You get back to your feet and rub your head. Your tail is completely soft, visibly showing gloom. "However... as Headmaster there are times where I bend the rules. You have shown excellent combat prowess and situational adaptability. Every so often I find a student like this... sometimes it's later in the year, sometimes it's right away... So, I hereby announce you this year's one-man team. Congratulations."
Your tail perks up just as your smile forms. Most crowd claps for your accomplishment while a few others are jealous that they weren't selected.
"For those who didn't make it... I encourage you to improve your skills and try again next year. For those who did, we will be assigning dorms before dusk. Rest and relax – classes start tomorrow."
You descend the stairs and regroup with teams RWBY and JNPR.
"Looks like we all made it," Ruby happily says.
"And my little sister is the leader. I'm so proud... but you don't get to boss me around," Yang quickly clarifies.
Ruby crosses her arms and raises her chin.
"You'll have to say on my good side, then."
"And you're on your own. I wonder how that will work," Blake says, focusing on you.
"It doesn't matter to me. I'm sure it'll be fun either way," you say, slamming your fist into your hand before you. "And I'll be the best fighter here."
Glynda Goodwitch shows all the students to their rooms, starting from the bottom floor. Each are assigned from top to bottom, and you're in the middle. Halfway through the top floor hallway, RWBY and JNPR are assigned dorms opposite to one another. The rest of the students are assigned dorms along that hallway, then when reaching the small crossroads, Glynda first takes people left then back down to the right. You're the last one to be given a room – the one at the very edge of the top floor. Glynda unlocks the door and allows you access.
"Yours is not as large as the others, but this room is made for a single person." You enter the room behind her and see what she means. The width is about two and a half beds worth, though some of that is taken by an actual bed. "There's a small desk there," she points to the corner where a sturdy metal desk sits. "And besides that, there's the washroom. If something happens to stop functioning please let us know and we'll fix it immediately. In the meantime, there's the public washroom and showers you can use. Your schedule has already been left on your desk, as well as a new scroll. Professor Ozpin deemed it mandatory for you to have one. Take care of it."
You nod.
"No problem! Thank you very much, Professor," you bow to the woman.
"Right... Have a good night," she says before leaving you alone.
You look around the room one last time, taking it the rather bland décor and small space. With a deep breath, you contemplate a truly important question.
"I wonder if the cafeteria is still open..."
And there's chapter 2! To be honest, things will kinda diverge from here. I started this off very RWBY-like, which may have alienated Dragon Ball fans. My apologies for that. This was the best way to start it all off, I find. Remember, this doesn't follow RWBY or Dragon Ball exactly. This'll be its own thing from here on out. I hope you all enjoy the new storyline that's been cooked up! Anyway, that's it for me. I'll see you all soon!
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A special thank you to Patreon supporters: Ride The Lightning, Manuel Garcia
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