Chapter 19: A Journey of Discover! Onwards to Namek!

Chapter 19: A Journey of Discovery! Onwards to Namek!

Day 1

You and Turles get suited up in the Turtle Hermit outfit. Turles makes himself different by neglecting to wear the blue undershirt, while you keep it on.

"It's been a while since I wore this," you pat your chest. "Pretty cool. I like mine better, though," you look over to the girls, all holding a set. "Why haven't you changed yet?"

"We're not going to change in front of you two!" Weiss barks.

"Ah, okay," you raise your hands. "Turles, wanna go up there and test it out?"

"Of course," Turles tightens the bands on his wrists and shakes his legs, making sure the boots are tight enough.

Turles passes by you and goes upstairs right away. You look over to the girls, all holding a set of clothing in their hands while staring at you. Your head tilts to the side, confused at what they're doing.

"You... haven't changed yet?"

"We weren't going to change in front of you!" Weiss barks.

"Why not? You're not getting naked or anything," you shrug.

"He's not wrong," Yang shrugs, taking off her jacket.

"Yang?" Ruby's voice is unsure.

"It's just him. Besides, do you think he's going to stay here and watch us change or go up and fight that guy."

Your smile lights up the area. "Definitely the fighting!" You nod, turning away and flying up to the next floor. The open hatch closes off, officially separating the two races.

The girls all take their separate locations, stripping down to their underwear.

"I hope nobody is regretting this," Ruby says with a chuckle. "Cause I'm certainly not. Nope. Seeing Remnant all the way down there... seeing... I don't see Remnant anymore," she whines, jogging over to the window.

"Ruby, put your clothes on first," Yang calls out, already having the pants, boots, and undershirt on.

Yang pauses for a moment, looking down at her stomach before coming up with an idea. She quickly undresses again, laying her clothes on the floor before getting to work.

"These have always been comfortable," Blake points out, tightening the belt around her waist. "Perhaps we should keep one of these when we get back."

Weiss bounces in place, now fully clothed as well. "It's good to wear this without that old pervert staring at us," she starts rolling her shoulders. "But what are we going to do down here?"

Save for the serviceable kitchen, closet, bathroom, and mediocre resting station which only has two beds, there isn't anything on the bottom floor to do. There are heavy weights and a ceiling-mounted string, but there's no leisure activities, nothing for the girls to do other than sit around or train. The girls are disappointed in this, but it had to be expected. The journey was intended for you and Turles, which means it was probable the only activities that would transpire are eating, sleeping and training. On top of that, this bottom floor was clearly made for leisure and not actual training. But the girls have to make do.

"Training is the only thing we can do," Yang says as she gets back on her feet, still focused on her project. She's ripped parts of the gi apart – making the pants short shorts and cutting the undershirt and gi down so her midriff is still exposed. Content with her results, Yang quickly dresses. "We all knew that there's going to be some seriously strong people on Namek. We can't be dead weight (Y/N) has to protect."

"Yang's right," Ruby nods, finally getting dressed. The only extra addition to her wardrobe is the cape wrapped around her. Being so far away from home, it's something Ruby won't put away. The leader stands confidently in the center of the room, getting her team's attention. "We have to do everything we can to power up and be useful. We'll do Ki control and when those two are sleeping, we'll do more bam bam," she throws two punches in rhythm with her words. "Training."

"Do you really think they'll let up?" Blake remarks while taking a seat. "With a partner like that, I feel like he'll be going for a while."

"Yeah, I bet his stamina is unlimited," Yang snickers, leaning on her hip. "But I get your point, Blake," Yang takes a seat across from her. "So, image training? Ki control?"

"I would like some image training, if you'd assist," the Faunus smiles at her teammate.

Yang and Blake begin focusing in on each other while Ruby and Weiss are left to themselves. Ruby jogs over to her clothes and grabs Crescent Rose. "I want to do some Ki Control. I wanna amp up Crescent Rose!"

"I'll join you," Weiss passes by Ruby, collecting Myrtenaster. "I want to work on my mixture of glyphs and Ki."

The two girls take position beside each other, Weiss planting the tip of her blade against the ground and summoning a white glyph around her. Ruby takes a deep breath, focusing her Ki around Crescent Rose.


You slingshot yourself over the ladder and land right in front of the entrance. Turles clicks a button, closing off the hatch.

"We don't want to crush your friends, after all," he remarks with annoyance.

"Sorry about that," you chuckle, slowly walking up to him. "I really didn't know they were there."

"They're going to die," he bluntly states. "They could barely handle us when injured. Frieza's Forces are..." Turles throat cuts him off, disgusted at what he's going to say. "They're... stronger than us."

"They are?"

"Well, they were," he clicks a few extra buttons. "Thanks to our biology, all of us have dramatically increased our strength from our battle. Still..." Turles shifts his focus to you, moving his body injunction. "If we arrive on Namek as we are now, we will die."

"Well," you begin stretching your legs. "That won't be a problem, right? Let's get this show going already."

"Hmph... your enthusiasm is something," Turles brings up the settings. "Gravity... must we start with ten?"

"Nah," you shake your head, now loosening up your arms. "I already trained with that before. Let's go twenty."

"Good," Turles raises the settings to twenty-five, just to make things a little more interesting.

The room doesn't give any feedback on the change, but your bodies immediately feel it. Turles falls to one knee whilst you manage to stay on your feet. Both of you are shaking, finding it difficult to even look at each other.

"Whoa... this is so intense," you shakily manage to take a step. "Guess... we won't be fighting right away," you slowly get down to the ground. "We have to adjust." You slam both your hands against the ground and start doing push-ups, counting aloud as you progress.

Turles sees your basic method of adapting and decides to follow his own route. He slowly enters a fighting stance and shakily throws a punch ahead of him. His arm wobbles as he retracts it, and wobbles as he throws it again. Both of you begin sweating already at simple actions that you'd be able to do a million times at any other gravity. But your determination to progress and overcome pushes your Saiyan bodies beyond. The concept of time becomes non-existent to you both. You merely train, hitting ups and downs.

Despite the pool of sweat beneath your tense face, you stay strong and keep pushing your body. Even when you fumble, when you drop a bit, you keep your stance and press on. That is until your hands slip in the sweat and you collide chin first with the ground – your body shaking from the impact.

"Ow," you whine, barely managing to bring your hands up to rub the wounded area. "I ruined... my streak."

"Shuts you up," Turles exhales while throwing sloppy high kicks. "I can barely focus with you yapping the whole time."

"I don't want to lose count," you retort, getting right back to holding yourself up with your left arm. "Eight thousand three hundred and fourty seven... Eight thousand three hundred and fourty eight..."

Turles ignores you and focuses on what he's doing. He's well aware that he's not nearly as strong as you. Despite belittling your use of time, you've adapted better than he has, even if that is only by a little. While training was never something he ever thought of doing, the fact that you jumped from below Kakarot to rivaling Vegeta validates the act for him. If he follows your lead, he may become the strongest Saiyan. That, or share the title with you. Either way, Turles will not allow himself to be left behind.


"How much do you think they'll eat?" Ruby asks while approaching the fridge, tired from her hours of training.

"Depends on how much we have," Yang replies while shadow sparring near the beds.

Ruby opens the fridge and is flabbergasted at the amount of food stored within.

"Whoa... this all looks so tasty!"

Yang leans over to have a gander at what's inside. "Doubt that'll be enough. You know how much (Y/N) eats."

"Well, he'll have to share," Ruby nods her head, grabbing a banana for a snack. "At least we don't have to cook anything. Looks all pre-made."

"You mean, at least we don't have to cook anything."

Ruby turns around, banana in the mouth, and pouts.

"Ifh cwam potualy cuuk!"

Yang chuckles at her sister's jumbled mess of words. She looks to the floor above.

"Wonder how they're doing. I thought (Y/N) would get hungry at this point," Yang shifts her gaze to the remaining members of her team, Blake and Weiss, who're in deep meditation. "I'd like a chance to use that gravity room." Yang exhales, signalling her body to relax. She hops on one of the beds and stretches. "I should rest while I can. I want to be in tip-top shape when it's our turn."


Hours pass as you both manage to adapt surprisingly well. Turles has already begun a routine of punches, kicks, dodges, any movement that can force his body to accept this new gravity and grow from it. You, on the other hand, manage to achieve thirty thousand reps of push-ups – ten for both arms, then ten for each individual arm – and sit-ups.

Turles stops for a second, body extremely fatigued. "You haven't begun fighting."

"I'll get there," you huff on the ground, recovering from your exercises. "Man... I could use a drink. Or food," you slowly get on your feet, moving far easier than you did hours ago. "How long have we been at this?"

Turles, also tired and weighed down by the gravity, steadily approaches the terminal. "Thirteen hours."

"WHAT?" You try to lift your head off the ground, but the gravity and your fatigue make it impossible. "Man... I think this is the longest I've gone without eating." On cue, your stomach grows fiercer than any Grimm could. You start chuckling. "What do you say we take a break? I could probably go for a nap."

"I agree," Turles clicks the machine to return gravity to normal. He hops in place a moment, feeling lighter than ever. "Well, I'm sure this will be fruitful when we're done."

"Yeah," you roll onto your stomach and start crawling towards the hatch. "Food... drink... need sustenance."

"You're a Saiyan, don't be so pathetic."

"I don't even know what you mean," you whine, reaching the hatch and opening it.

Turles watches you crawl in and hears your scream followed by a thud. He shakes his head. "I suppose you don't."

With you gone, Turles lets himself drop to one knee and pant. He didn't want to appear weak in front of you. Why he even cares about it is beyond him. Perhaps because he's always bent his knee and put on a face in front of people stronger than him. Mainly Vegeta, which almost makes the callous Saiyan chuckle. Comparing you to Prince Vegeta would be considered blasphemous, yet the power aspect is there. It's almost crazy for Turles to think of. Sure, you're far from the strongest person he's been around, but the majority of them are so serious and uptight about their immense power. Then there's you, crawling along the floor and crying about feeling hungry.

The Saiyan shakes his head and slowly shuffles towards the hatch. He's also famished, so a good meal and some refreshments will do him well. Turles descends the ladder and witnesses quite a sight.

"Jeez, (Y/N), and here I thought you'd be responsible!" Yang says while hoisting you on her shoulder.

"Train responsibly," Ruby nods her head, arms crossed and very confident.

"Please feed me," the tears stream down your eyes.

"Alright. But we get the gravity room."

"That's fine," Turles replies, garnering everyone's attention. "We're done for now."

"You girls go on," Yang flicks her head towards the ladder. "I'll make sure this meathead gets some food."

"Thank you, blonde goddess of yums," you look up at her, the ceiling light making her hair sparkle. "Your generosity will never be forgotten."

"Oh boy," Yang laughs, turning towards the fridge and taking you along. "We better hurry."

Yang sits you down at the eating area and opens up the fridge, swiftly grabbing a whole ham before throwing it towards you in an arc. She quickly shoots a small ki blast from her hand, enveloping the meat in it and roasting the meal to perfection. It lands before you, steaming and ready to devour. As soon as the succulent smell swirls into your nose, your eyes light up like stars. You tear apart the food like it's nothing, barely giving Yang enough time to set down two drinks and three bowls of soup. You eye the food, then look at her... staring... staring...

"That's all you get. There's a lot of us, you know."

"Hehe," you smile at her, mouth full and eyes closed. "Bokay," you barely say with a full mouth.

Yang can't help but smirk at your admittedly cute appearance – all innocent and happy, eating away like there's not a care in the world. Yang takes a seat, having her own bottle of water to drink. She looks over at Turles, who's already taken a bed to sleep.

"Guess he'll eat later. So," her focus returns to you. "Have fun?"

"Yeah!" You blurt out after engulfing an entire bowl's contents. "This is some of the toughest training I've ever done, and we haven't even started fighting!"

"Really? What've you been doing?"

"Getting used to the gravity. It's like training on King Kai's planet. He had ten times gravity and it took me a while to really get used to it. So Turles and me've kicked it up to twenty five! Hopefully, we can get up to a hundred before we reach there," you gulp down an entire glass of water and slam it on the table, staring blankly for a second."We have to, right?" You look up at Yang, a confident tone that stuns the girl to her core. "These guys are gonna be beyond the Saiyans... maybe even when they were those big monkeys. I promised Piccolo I would help everyone on Namek. I have to be strong enough to do that! Hehe... having to get stronger, thinking about these guys, I'm getting fired up already!"

A smile slowly creeps on Yang's face. "You're incredible, you know that?"

"Huh?" Your face returns to the soft and dumbfounded normal state.

Yang can't help but chuckle at the quick change between serious and silly. She stands up and starts walking towards the ladder. She stops before it, looking over her shoulder to you, who's still puzzled. "I'll train hard too," she gives you a thumbs up and smiles. "And we'll win together."

The brawler jumps to the top of the ladder, landing before it. Weiss, who's at the controls, closes the hatch and fiddles with the settings. "Gravity training... where should we start?"

(Y/N) mentioned training at ten times somewhere while he was away. We're stronger now than he was then... so...

"Let's start at five!" Yang declares.

"Five? What?" Ruby whines.

"(Y/N) was able to do ten when he was weaker. I'm giving you a handicap, sis," the teasing sister winks. "We can't be left behind. We came here because we wanted to help. No way we can slack off now!"

"It would be best to use this room to its fullest. I'm certain (Y/N) and Turles will remove us once they've woken up," Blake remarks, already stretching.

"Well," Weiss hesitantly raises the number to five. "I... guess if that's what we're doing," she takes in a deep breath. "Starting it in three... two... one," she exhales before starting the program.

All of RWBY drops to their knees, already sweating from the pressure.

"I'm... gonna become a pancake," Ruby squeals

"We... can do this!" Yang gets to one knee. "We have to..."

Weiss pulls herself up to the console, turning it down to three. While still overbearing, all the girls manage to handle this gravity far better.

"Why'd you do that?" Yang slowly turns to her friend.

"We'll make our way there. We're only human, after all," Weiss tries moving with her speech, that alone being an exercise. "We have five more days. We'll get up there."

While wanting to make progress, Yang does feel how much easier this is while still pushing her body. The rest of her team is doing the same. Already testing their movement with this immense pressure.

Yang steels herself and finds a corner to train. She starts throwing punches one after another, adding a different kind of kick every ten sets. As the sweat begins to drip, she keeps focused.

(Y/N), you're not going to be fighting alone. I'll have your back, I promise... I'll be strong enough to have your back!


Day 2

You're snoring away while Turles fills his stomach with food. He's far more restrained than you are, having only as much food as he needs. Even if his appetite can surely match your own, he's not as gluttonous as his comrades. With a meal fit for training, Turles gets to his feet and approaches you. As he walks, he notices a stack of supplies that were brought by the girls. Momentarily intrigued, Turles changes course and decides to examine their equipment. He kneels down at the pack, noting a small brown pouch. He picks it up and spreads the seams, revealing a big batch of green beans.

"What are these?"

Turles' ears catch the gravity machine shutting down. He takes the bag and walks towards the hatch, intending on learning what the purpose of these beans are. They're barely suitable for a snack, but it does cross his mind that it may simply be comfort food for one of the girls.

He stops just at the end of the short hallway when the hatch opens. The girls slowly crawl done, bodies shaking from the intense eight-hour workout.

"I'm... never doing that again," Ruby whines, getting off the ladder and falling face first.

"It's a lot," Weiss nods, following her leader. "Come on, dolt," she shakily kneels down to assist Ruby. "Beds are... close..."

As Yang descends, her eyes spot Turles. "Well, I guess we're not as strong as you guys," she painfully laughs. "You went for nearly double our time."

"Of course," Turles rolls his eyes. "Your bodies cannot hope to match a warrior race's," his eyes drift down to the pouch. "I was going to ask you... what are these?" He holds his hand up to show the beans.

"He brought those?" Blake notes, being the last to reach the bottom floor. "I wish we'd known. Those are senzu beans," she answers. "They heal your body completely."

"What?" Turles exclaims. "That... that's how Kail recovered during our battle."

"Got that right," Yang nods. "Doesn't matter how beat up you are, they'll get you to a hundred percent."

"Give me one," Ruby cries out.

"We're going to rest anyway," Weiss sets the scythe wielder on the bed Turles was occupying. "I'm surprised (Y/N) didn't use them earlier."

"I am as well..." Turles stares at them. "Well," he tightens the pouch back up and walks towards the beds. "We'll make use of them today," he stops beside you and kicks you off the bed. "Kail."

"WAH!" You slam against the hull, rolling down and hitting the floor. "Jeez," you rub your ribs. "What did I do?" You notice the girls all here, clothes a little torn and drenched in sweat. "Oh, you gals are done?"

"Yeah," Yang nods, not even worried about your state. She heads right for the bed you were just kicked out of. "Have fun, hot stuff," she lazily waves at you before falling on the bed.

"At least make some room," Blake complains, finding her place beside Yang.

You stand up and roll your shoulders, watching the pairs snuggle into the beds. "Well, I guess we shouldn't waste any time," you look to Turles, smile, then run for the hatch. "Last one there's a smelly Grimm!" You shout, flying up to the next floor.

Turles ignores you, staring at the pouch of Senzu beans. He smirks, knowing a way to work this. He tosses it back towards the corner and follows you to the next floor. You're already at the controls, thankful that they left it at the dial so you don't have to figure how to get there. You look over your shoulder at Turles with a wild smile.

"Twenty-five again?"

"Neither of us can move normally, so yes."

"Cool," you activate the machine. "I hope we can double by tomorrow."

Turles smiles to himself. If he's correct, there won't be a need to train at all. But he needs to demonstrate it to you properly. He feels like just saying it won't work with someone like you.

"Alright," you hop forward and get into a handstand position. "Time for more. One... two... three..."

Turles struggles a little bit with keeping normal. It's clear that both of you have grown significantly in just one day, but the gap between you two still remains. Turles raises his hands and starts a routine of punches and kicks, similar to what he did yesterday.

"When we're warmed up, do you want to try sparring? Twenty-seven..."

"It would be nice to start actually fighting rather than combating my shadow," he remarks.

With a plan in mind, you manage your pushups even faster than you thought possible. Within two hours, you manage your twenty thousand total. You push off the ground and land on your feet, stance wide and smile wider.

"I'm so pumped!" You shout with vigour.

Turles turns around, his gi damp with sweat. He's surprised when you're still fairly dry. You're ahead of him. This gravity will lose its edge on you soon. But Turles won't be behind for long.

"Then why don't you test something out? Like seeing how much more power you have?"

"How so?"

Turles relaxes his body and slowly approaches, obviously plotting something but you're not one to pick up on the obvious.

"Test out your new power, why don't you?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah! I know how!" Your body flares with red ki – the Kaioken – and you put your hands to your side. "I'll see how I can handle my own Kamehameha!"

Turles hides his smirk. He didn't even have to coerce you into doing this. Plus, with you adding the Kaioken on top of it, Turles' power will amplify even higher. As you charge, he starts a plausible sparring routine, inching himself closer to your proximity. You fire the beam, shifting your hands to veer it around the center and back towards you. As it comes around, Turles loses his footing and falls back, turning just a bit to be hit head-on by the blast.

He was not ready for the impact. His eyes instantly go white as pain showers his body. He's never been hit by something so powerful, and it's just about killed him.

"Turles!" You shout, your Kaioken flickering out.

You dash to the console, turning off the gravity then jump to Turles. Blood is pooling out of his mouth while the cloth covering his chest has been obliterated, leaving a blackened impact area.

"Damnit, hold on!" You open the hatch and jump down.

You dart across the room, ignoring the snoring coming from the girls, and grab the bag of Senzu beans. You hurriedly glide across the ground and propel yourself back onto the top floor, landing beside your fallen Saiyan comrade.

"Turles, chew!" You shove the bean in his mouth.

He weakly manages to crush and ingest the bean, recuperating immediately. His eyes gain their black colour as breath fills his lungs. At that moment, you both feel a massive surge in his power. In that one moment, he went from weaker than you were on Remnant to on par with Vegeta at full power.

"Hehehe," he slowly gets to his feet and tightens his fist, basking in this boost. "Look what we can do, Kail," he turns to you. "We don't need to train. Our biology will carry us to absolute power."

"You... did that on purpose, didn't you," you frown as you stand up straight, tying the bean bag up.

"Of course I did. I'm no clumsy fool," he chastises. "Do you not see what we can do?"

"I guess," you shrug. "But that doesn't seem very fun."

"Fun?" He scoffs. "This isn't about fun, Kail. This is about our evolution!"

"Hehe, I may not know much but didn't everyone keep going on about a Warrior Race?"

"So what?" Turles crosses his arms.

"Then shouldn't we get our power from being... well, warriors? Blasting ourselves half to death doesn't seem very warrior to me."

"Tsk, you fool. This is our ticket to defeating Frieza."

"Then blast yourself," you approach the gravity console.

"I can't."

"Why?" You place your hands on the keyboard and gaze over at him.

"We don't grow stronger from self-inflicted wounds."

"Guess you're out of luck then," you end with a childish grin while the gravity display rockets up to twenty-five.

"I don't understand!" Turles throws his hand to the side, not realizing how much easier that was now than before. "Why do you want to keep training when we can simply do this?"

"You want to do it this way, Turles?" You place the beans on the console and step away, squaring off with Turles. You slide your left foot back, tuck in your right arm, and raise the left. "Then I'll hit you as hard as I can. But you better be hitting back."

Turles stares for a moment, completely awestruck. Even without experiencing their culture, you still reject an easy way to gain power. Maybe he's the odd one out. Maybe he's the Saiyan who lacks pride. But you won't go along with his plan willingly. Still, if you two keep beating each other half to death with increased gravity, the same effect will occur. Besides, even Turles wouldn't say that fighting the entire trip is more entertaining than blasting holes in each other's stomachs over and over.

Turles rips off the remnants of his shirt and puts his arms at his side. "Fine then, bring it, Kail," his eyes become fierce.

You both dash at each other, fists slamming together with enough force to shatter a planet. You push your fist right, then spin around and bring your heel down on Turles' cheek. He falters, but tightens his fist and uppercuts you, followed by three punches to the stomach and a final kick. You sling through the air, just about to hit the wall before disappearing and driving your fist into his face.

After a second of no movement, you and Turles vanish from view, but the sounds of your fighting continue to linger on. For hours, you and Turles exchange blows as if you were mortal enemies, but the smile is still there. You'd each get an edge once in a while. A Kamehameha to the back here, a Killdriver there, and senzu beans used only when one person couldn't move anymore.


12 Hours Later...

All of team RWBY have woken up and gotten ready for the hours ahead. They're not even sure what time it is on Remnant, merely relying on their internal clock to dictate what's day and night.

Weiss is the last one to leave the washroom, all showered and geared up in a Gi. Yang and Blake set down breakfast for their team as Ruby sits happily in a chair, humming a happy tune.

"Breakfast, breakfast, yummy yummy pancakes," she whisper sings.

"Delivered by your darling sister," Yang sings along, setting down Ruby's and hers.

"Weiss, you're here," Blake puts it down before sitting with her own plate.

The four girls gather together, all beginning their meals.

"You know, I bet we're the first people on Remnant to have breakfast in space!" Ruby says with rising excitement.

"Yeah, probably," Yang nods, drowning her pancakes and eggs in syrup.

"We have to take a picture!" Ruby shouts, running out of her chair to grab her scroll.

"Are we... really?" Blake looks to her friends.

"Why not," Weiss shrugs. "It could be fun to have more pictures of us."

Ruby appears a little bit away from the table, holding the scroll above her head. Her tongue is poking out the side of her mouth as she readies her plan.

"Are... you planning on dropping it while taking a picture?" Blake tilts her head to the side.


"Why not just put it over there," Blake points to the counter that will deliver a similar angle.

"Because then our messy bed is in view."

"Gives us character," Yang says before gobbling down a pancake.

"Oh fine," Ruby whines, speeding around to the other side and setting her scroll up. "Five seconds! Five seconds!" She jumps on her chair, tipping herself over. "WAH! No, seconds!" Ruby blasts the floor to propel herself up and smile at the scroll. All the girls either full out laugh or barely manage to hold it in. That's what the scroll captures – four girls all enjoying themselves in their own way.

After some more conversation and a good meal in their stomach, the girls prepare for their bottom floor training.

"Still sore from the gravity training," Yang rolls her shoulders. "So we should probably cool off until we use it again."

"I'll be focusing on my Semblance for now," Weiss grabs some vials of Dust and lays them down before her. With a deep breath, her snowflake lights up below her.

"I'll be doing the same," Blake adds, kneeling beside her pack. As she gathers her weapon, her eyes glaze over the Dust vials that were gifted to her by Weiss. They were effective against some Grimm, and Blake will take any advantage when they reach Namek.

Ruby focuses on her scythe again, putting even more time into her Ki integration with Crescent Rose. That leaves Yang on her own, rather sad that she has nobody to at least share some image training with. She's about to start a short routine when the hatch opens up. Her eyes immediately dart over, a little disappointed when it's Turles first, but you follow soon. She's surprised at your states – only fragments of your trousers are left, with Turles practically wearing shorts. Despite that, you're both completely pristine in terms of health.

"I'm so thirsty," you run to the fridge and grab a bottle of water. "Oh, hey Yang!" You wave before drinking the entire bottle in a matter of seconds. "Oh, man," you slam your chest. "That was a bad idea. Went down the wrong hole," you start uncontrollably coughing while desperately clawing at your throat.

"Don't die so pathetically, Kail," Turles says over his shoulder.

The Saiyan notices Weiss standing before some multicoloured vials. He raises a brow and veers towards her.

"Are you coming back, Turles?" You ask so nonchalantly as if you didn't just choke.

"Go ahead for now."

You shrug, quickly heading back to the ladder.

"Hey," Yang calls out. "Do you want someone to train with?"

You look back, clearly looking a little guilty. "I need... I'm sorry, Yang," you bow. "Maybe another time. Right now, I need to train at a hundred percent! I just... well," you rub the back of your neck.

"I get it, I get it," Yang turns around, slamming her hands on the hips. "I've lost your respect as a warrior."

"GAH!" Your colour fades as your mouth drops. "THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!" You squeal.

"Go on, go. Shoo," Yang gestures you away. "I don't even want to see you."

You slowly, sadly, fly yourself out of sight with round eyes that would entice anyone who didn't already know you. The hatch closes, leaving the foreign Saiyan with the girls.

"You two have been improving," Yang notes, being the only one who isn't in the middle of training.

"You can tell?"

"I can sense it," Yang nods, rolling her shoulders.

"Sense it?" Turles is clearly confused. "You... can feel our power levels? Without scouters?"

"Yep," the blonde nods. "Thought you tough guys could do that."

"No..." Turles thinks about this for a moment. "I request that you teach me."

"Request? But I..." Yang crosses her arms and thinks. Though this isn't anything that will increase her power, Ki control is always something they can work on. They aren't like you, or even these Saiyans. They've only started using Ki a year ago while the Saiyans have likely been using it their entire lives. She really can't lose by doing this training. "Alright, I'll help. You can handle your Ki, right?"

"Of course," clearly taking offense to the question.

"Don't sass the person trying to help," Yang fires back. "Now come on," she takes a seat. "I guess you'll be able to pick up on this soon. You sure you want to use your time doing this?"

"Yes," he bluntly replies, taking a seat beside Yang.

"Without... changing clothes?"

"That won't affect my abilities."

"I guess not," Yang centers herself and takes a deep breath. "Now... look into yourself... and then outward. Use your Ki to see."

"How vague," Turles remarks while still following the girl's instructions.

"It's how (Y/N) taught it," she fires back.

"Kail, huh?"

Turles expands his Ki around him, attempting to feel each person inside the ship. He's surprised that none of his entourage has ever thought of sensing Ki. But that's an act born of laziness. They've always had scouters, always been able to track everything with a machine. There was never a need to use their own Ki to find others.

Turles does gain a new perspective from the experience, though. Even if these humans are drastically weaker than him, there are still things to learn. They have knowledge and abilities that he, as the dominant individual, does not have. He won't say it, but that alone grants them a bit of respect in Turles' eyes. Perhaps he'll grow in technique along with power during this trip. Even if this distraction leads to you being stronger than him, it'll add valuable tools to his arsenal that even his fellow Saiyans don't have. Every advantage will help.


Hours Later...

Your body flows easily through the air as you throw punches and kicks in all directions, imagining them hitting faceless opponents. The room is darker, the only lights being from any stars in space and the shining buttons in the center. A prominent 30 displays itself for anyone who wishes to look. After all the training you and Turles have done, even this feels normal. But that doesn't stop your muscles from aching and the sweat building.

You land on the ground, pull your hands in, then fire to balls on either side. They circle around the outside until they collide, morphing into a bigger blast that shoots right at you. Your hands raise to catch it, but it explodes on contact. Your body flings into the smooth wall with a loud THUD followed by ear-piercing screeches as your body slides down to the ground. Your chin is the first thing to touch the floor. It props up your body, leaving you a twitching mess against the wall.

"I... think I'm done..." You throw your hand forward and pull yourself, dragging your nearly naked and very sweaty body across the floor. One exaggerated hand swing at a time, you pull yourself to the console. "Pause..." You slap the console. "Pause..." You slap it again. "Come on," you finally hit the right button, stopping the higher gravity. "Maybe I'll just... just sleep here," you let your hand fall down the console, landing on your hair. Your face relaxes as sleep takes over and your body begins to rest.

It doesn't take long, about seven minutes, before someone comes up to retrieve you. It's Turles, having sensed that your energy dropped dramatically. All of RWBY follows, stepping away from the hatch so Turles can bring you back down.

"Overworked himself," The lone Faunus shakes her head.

"Like a Saiyan," Turles notes.

"Huh," Ruby notes those words. "Well, should we start? Do you want to join us, Turles?"

He stops midway to the hatch and snickers. "I'll pass."

The Saiyan jumps down to the bottom floor, leaving the humans to themselves.

"Why do I feel like he won't be an ally for long," Weiss remarks. "Why did you even help him learn to sense?" She turns to Yang, wrapping her arms around her body.

"Well... we'll need all the help we can get," Yang casually approaches the console and sets it to seven.

"We'll worry about that later!" Ruby rallies the team. "We have to focus on getting stronger!"

"Right," the other three nod.


Day 3

You and Turles have tagged out with the girls after a refreshing rest. The girls take your place, having trained at intense gravity for hours. They aren't Saiyans like you. They don't get exponentially stronger from this training like you two. Of course, they are growing in power but not even close to what your Saiyan biology allows you two.

Equipped with a new Gi, you both ready yourself for even more intense training.

"We're doing it! We're doing it!" You cheerfully jump towards the console. "Fifty times gravity. This is gonna be so much fun!"

"Fun is a word for it," Turles remains still, merely watching your upbeat movements. "Will you please start it."

"Yeah, yeah," you start clicking buttons. "We're on our way! We're gonna hit that one hundred in no time!"

"Try not to skip ahead too fast and kill us."

"I would never!" You smile widely at him before clicking a button, initiating the gravity.

Like before, there's an initial shock to the major change in gravity. You both falter a bit, but not the extent of the first run. As you roll your shoulders and move your body, you note that this doesn't seem as difficult despite the big increase in gravity.

"You notice it too," Turles speaks. "Our bodies are adapting. I don't think it will take as long for us to adjust to this gravity."

"Cool," you nod, throwing a few sloppy punches. "Well, might as well get started," you get down on the ground then kick your feet up, taking a handstand position. Like before, you're going to do basic exercises to get your body used to the gravity.

Turles watches you, remembering that you've done this every time as a warm-up. He takes position a foot away from you and mirrors your movements.

"Hehe, wanna see who can get to ten thousand fastest?" You say between push-ups.

"Just don't be disappointed when you lose, even with that head start," Turles fires back, quickly catching up.

Your friendly rivalry pushes you through the overwhelming gravity. Your focus was all on each other, on winning, and your mind ignored how hard it was to work through. The hours of push-ups, sit-ups, and the eventually sparring was so natural for your bodies that you adapted to this gravity within twelve hours.

Pushing your bodies to the absolute limit then splitting a senzu bean to get right back into it, your thrill of fighting fueled this training to make this one day the most effective training out of the three. The girls could feel your spike in power when they woke up, almost not recognizing you both. Yang, especially, was surprised since she spent a lot of time with Turles the day before. Though it was some time ago, both of you surpassed some of the other Saiyans when they were a Great Ape.

After over a day of their own training and relaxation, the girls are surprised to hear the hatch open and you two descending. Your clothes, once again, are torn to shreds from the ordeal they were put through.

"You two are... early," Weiss says, letting her focus drop which causes her glyphs to disappear.

"I think we've done enough for today," you roll your arms, happier than ever. "We thought-"

"You thought."

"WE THOUGHT it'd be good to train with you guys. Turles mentioned he was practicing sensing and Ki control soooooooooooo, I thought that'd be fun!" You throw your fist in the air.

"YEAH!" Ruby appears beside you, jumping and mimicking your movement.

"I suppose," Blake opens her eyes. "We could learn more from one another."

"I would also like to see how you train," Turles adds, already going for another set of clothes.

"Really?" Yang crosses her arms.

"You've been working on things that weren't your power level. I won't deny I'm curious what that is. But that's for another time. I wish to learn about Ki sensing before we arrive."

"Then let's get started!" You and Ruby cheer.

Your top completely falls off this time, but you don't even notice. At least your pants are mostly intact this time around.

"Plus," you speak alone. "I have something I want to work on too. We can go upstairs to do it!"

With a plan in mind, you all head to the upper floor and sit down in a line. Turles still remembers Yang's teachings so he's focused on perfecting the craft. He can already start to feel the people around him, but it's only when he puts an immense focus on it. From what he was told, you and RWBY can sense things around you like they're nothing, and even can suppress your power level. These are all things Turles would like to learn, especially since Frieza and his army relies on scouters. It would be a great boon to be able to outmaneuver them.

The girls focus on blending their Aura and Ki together while still being able to utilize each individually. While it sounds counter-intuitive, the ability to have them separate one moment then mixed another could be quite fortuitous and potentially critical for what's to come. They all are fully aware they won't be able to reach your level of power by Namek, but if their skills can outsmart the enemy or give you the edge, then at least they've justified their reason being there. If not, then they really are just deadweight you'll have to protect.

All the internal thoughts, all the focus, are disturbed by a massive spike in power. RWBY and Turles' eyes open, looking to you who's basked in a blood-red aura. They notice you're not entirely calm – face twitching, brow furrowing – but your power is staying consistent. In truth, Turles is blown away by this power. He recognizes the move – the Kaioken. From what he saw before and is feeling now, it's amplifying your power tremendously... and it continues to rise.

The colour darkens as your power grows, escalating from double to triple to quadruple, all the way until it hits seven times your regular power. On Remnant, you could barely get to six comfortably. Now you can hit seven without feeling too many negative effects. While the others don't know it, you're both testing how high you can go while also trying to maintain the fluctuating Ki of the Kaioken. Having more power than your body is used to is dangerous, which is why Ki control is so vital with this technique.

The red aura disappears, followed by an exhale. You notice everyone is staring at you, so you cock your head to the side and ask, "What?"

"I've just... never felt something like that before," Weiss admits.

"The pressure is definitely something else," Yang admits. There's a moment of silence before she speaks again. "WHY HAVEN'T YOU TAUGHT US THAT?"

"Oh, hehe," you chuckle, rubbing the back of your head. "I guess that's fair. I did start to teach Tien and them... but," your face drops and you get slightly serious. "I don't think you'd be able to master it before we get there."

"We could start!" Ruby argues.

"No," you shake your head. "Because you may get the fundamentals down and use the technique, but... if you mess up, you'll die."

All of RWBY remembers finding you on the battlefield, muscles convulsing and blood pooling.

"And I know you gals would use it if something happened," you end with a lighthearted chuckle. "I don't want that. I'll teach it to you when we get back."

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's the technique you used when you forced us back on Remnant," Turles speaks.

"Oh, yeah," you shift your gaze to him and nod. "It lets me multiply my power by... I guess however I want. But go too high without the proper control and the Ki will destroy your body. I've been trying to extend how long I can do it," you look forward as if you're lost in thought. "At first I could only do it for a few seconds. When I started, it was really just a heartbeat. But if I can keep it up for maybe a minute? Even thirty seconds would be good. I don't know. It depends on how high I can go when we get there. Looks like seven is my comfort zone right now."

"Seven times your normal power... that's close to our increase as Great Apes," Turles remarks.

"Oh yeah," Ruby crawls behind Turles. "How is it you have your tail? We cut it off."

"Our tails can regrow," Turles calmly explains. "And thanks to the healing pods we have access to, all of us have our tails restored."

"Huh," you bounce from side to side childishly. "I got mine pulled out."

"Why? Your planet doesn't have a full moon."

"He transformed before," Weiss answers. "That same ball you Saiyans used changed him."

Turles' face immediately sharpens towards the white-haired girl. "What?"

Weiss recoils a little bit, not expecting such intensity. "I, uh... he transformed before."

"I don't really remember it," you shake your head.

"I do," Blake whispers.

"That technique is exclusive to Saiyans... else it would have to be taught by one," Turles raises a hand to his chin. "That's... interesting."

"You mean there's another Saiyan on Remnant?" Ruby shuffles back to her spot.

"That or someone has met a Saiyan," Turles calmly answers, still reflecting on this information. "This was before Kakarot arrived?"

"Yes," the four answer.

"I see... that's very interesting. I may return to Remnant and investigate that," he thinks aloud.

"And not destroy anything?" You lean into his face.

"No," Turles pushes you away. "If you help us with Frieza, I'll have no quarrel with you. But this information is unnerving. Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about it now. We should focus on our training," Turles closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

"Makes sense," you follow Turles' lead.

The others, though concerned, agree that it's impossible to act on and time-wasting to think about.


Day 4

Like yesterday, your training at fifty times gravity proves fruitful. You Saiyans manage to completely adapt to the gravity and have another day of improvement. Turles wanted to make sure your bodies build properly, so unfortunately you don't get to kick it up to one hundred just yet. But you cheekily knocked it up by ten, not that either of you noticed. In fact, when you turned everything off for dinner you completely forgot it had been sixty for over five hours.

"I'm surprised you wish to take more breaks," Turles notes, waiting for you by the hatch.

"Well, we're going at a good pace," you approach at a leisurely pace. "Besides, we're gonna run out of beans if we kept up our pace," you end with a wide smile.

"We may need them on Namek," Turles nods, opening the hatch. "Seems you do have a brain."

"Well, how would I live if I didn't," you shake your head, getting to Turles side and bumping him twice on the head. "Silly Turles," you say before jumping down.

The Saiyan remains still, practically insulted by your actions. He swallows his pride and simply jumps down, wanting to forget that ever happened.

As you reach the bottom floor, you smell the grand meal the girls have laid out.

"Dinner is served, master," Yang bows.

"Ew, you really did it," Ruby shivers.

"But of course," Yang stands up straight. "You think Yang Xiao Long backs down from a challenge?" She beats her chest with one fist.

"FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD," you dive forward, flipping and landing on a chair. "I'm ready."

"Of course you are," Weiss sighs.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it," Yang recites.

Blake takes her seat beside Yang. "Would his stomach be considered broken if it never fills?"

As everyone takes their seats, it's clear you and Turles get the most amount of food. Despite being very different from you, Turles has shown to have the same unquenchable appetite. The girls get full after an above-average meal, while a full course is what it qualifies as an appetizer for Saiyans.

"I must admit, this is better dining than I'm accustomed to," Turles says, half-heartedly thanking the girls.

"What do you usually eat in space?" Blake inquires.

Turles rips the meat off some bones, being a little more refined than you but still eating it in one go.

"Life we find on other planets. Animals, bugs, sometimes the inhabitants."

"Eeew." Ruby shivers. "I'm trying to eat."

Turles brushes off the young one. "I remember once we landed on a bug planet that was in some turmoil," Turles starts chuckling. "They tried to capture us... Vegeta said we should play along. We killed and ate their strongest – some big bug thing. We killed their corrupt King and were called heroes."

The girls are actually surprised at his story.

"So you don't destroy everything?" Weiss asks before taking a drink.

"Oh, no," Turles shakes his head. "We blew up the planet as soon as we left. They were pathetic."

The girls all go grey in disappointment. You, on the other hand, keep eating without any real reaction to Turles' story. He notices you're an absent-minded state, crumbs falling on your pants and little bits around your mouth.

"You could try to clean yourself up, Kail. Act like a Saiyan."

"What? You're eating too!"

"Not like a savage."

"You ate people!"

"And people eat animals. Animals eat people. They didn't look like us. Not like you humans."

"What, so Saiyans eat other species?"

"Mm... maybe," Turles shrugs. "I only know what we've done."

"Hey Turles, can I ask you a question?" Ruby innocently looks at him.

He grabs an apple and huffs. "If you wish."

"I notice you talk a lot about Saiyans. But what were other Saiyans like? Are they all like you and the other ones?"

Turles momentarily regrets speaking, but the topic has been on his head for some time now. His fingers continue to grind against each other before his chin while his left arm wraps around his stomach. None of you were expecting him to fall this deeply into thought.

"I suppose it depends who you ask. How old are you, Kail? Eighteen?" He looks to you.

"Yeah," you nod, a noodle dangling out of your mouth.

"Same as Kakarot. We're not much older than you. Nappa is the oldest, and Raditz is the second at twenty-four."

"So?" You tilt your head, not making any connections.

"We're all young. We were children or babies when Planet Vegeta was destroyed. The only one who still remembers our culture is Nappa and Vegeta, though the latter just holds on to his title of prince," Turles brings his left arm around to his mouth and takes a bite of his apple. "Nappa would tell us that we're a race of warriors unequalled in the universe, conquering planets by the dozen and selling them off to rich races that desire them. He'd tell us of his own great battles, how Saiyan women would want to breed with him," Turles can't help but chuckle at that one. "How we were just so dominant..."

You and RWBY remain silent as Turles recounts his tale. Turles is far different than you originally took him for, and especially what RWBY thought of them. They'd only really interacted with Kakarot, and that was when he attacked Beacon. Only Yang has really spoken with Turles, and that was just about training. You spoke to all of them, saw how they addressed each other, you did somewhat see them as how Nappa described. Conquering figures who only wanted to destroy... but there was something more that gnawed at you. This is relieving you of that feeling.

"You've met Nappa, you all have," he returns to his original stance whilst addressing everyone. "He's a brute. Strong, confident, and I respect him immensely. I... feel that he completely believes in what he's saying. But Nappa is an elite warrior, tainted by that life. I don't think he knew anything else than battle. Even the way he speaks on his adventures makes me feel that he spent very little time on Planet Vegeta. Very little time with a group outside his own. He has one view of the Saiyans, and I'm certain it's a corrupted lens he's sharing."

Turles takes a deep breath, readjusting himself. "Ask others who knew the Saiyans and their song has a different tune. The Frieza Force recalls Saiyans as mere 'monkeys' who's bark outmatched their bite. They say so many of us were weak, that we still are weak, and that the fable of a 'Warrior Race' was merely to fan the flames of our ego. Many of our people were small, weak, pathetic. That our so-called powerful warriors were no stronger than our women. Perhaps like you," he looks over at the girls.

"You're calling us weak?" Yang challenges.

"Yes. Don't take it personally, girl," he casually speaks. "In fact," he snickers. "The look in your eyes when I said that. The challenging fire... you remind me of what I imagine a Saiyan woman to be. I've never met one."

"So, what, women were only used for birthing?" Blake asks with slight disgust.

"I don't know," Turles barely shrugs. "Both sides I've heard said they were weak. But most races are weak, men and women alike. You humans and Faunus are no different."

"We beat you guys!" Ruby counters.

"Please," he scoffs. "You needed to fight two against one, and only survived because of what he did," Turles flicks his head towards you. "But, as I said, don't take offense. Your males were there too and were just as weak. And..." He finds it difficult to say. "Your strength has grown. You're likely stronger than the average Saiyan male. So take pride in that."

"Didn't you have a mother? Wouldn't you remember what she was like?" Weiss adds her own question.

"Hmph," Turles chuckles. "Like you, Kail, and like Kakarot, I was sent off as a baby without ever seeing my parents. Raditz says he met his, but can't recall anything about them. It's uncommon for children to remain with their parents if they aren't royalty. But it's irrelevant," Turles eats the rest of the apple whole. "Somewhere in the stories I've been told is the truth. I don't believe everything either side says... but it's all I have. Yet," Turles holds his fist before him, slowly clenching it. "If we're the last of the Saiyans, are we even a proper representation? Or just what Nappa wanted us to be? If we are, we're pathetic." Turles tone descends into a suppressed anger. "How are we supposed to be such elite fighters, such a feared race when we've always been weaker than so many others... Frieza's army, Frieza, his father, his brother, all of them eclipse us, yet I'm supposed to believe that we were so feared," his fist shakes with frustration.

It takes a moment for his rage to settle. He takes a deep breath and gets out of his seat. He has nothing left to say and thus marches off to bed. He doesn't say it, but another thought flows through his head. A reason for paying attention to you. You're untainted by Frieza's army. You're untainted by Nappa's influence. Whether hitting your head as a child or not really change how you grew up is irrelevant to Turles. He has an interest in you, as a Saiyan, and how you act. Even your power has been gained differently from any other Saiyan he knows, and by his knowledge, you're one of the strongest Saiyans to exist. Perhaps you're closer to a true Saiyan than any of his comrades. Perhaps you're just an idiot.


Day 5

You and Turles wake up while the others are asleep. You just grabbed a pillow and slept on the ground, letting the girls all snuggle up together in one bed. You didn't want to disturb Turles after last night. Even you could tell he was irritated and wanted to be left alone. After having a bath and a snack, you both head to the top floor without ever sharing a word. Turles is the first one up, so he approaches the console.

His hand grazes over it as if he's hesitating, and he finally speaks – scarcely above a whisper.



"We're going at one hundred this time."

"I know. I'd complain otherwise," you snicker.

Turles momentarily lets a smile out. "I know. We... I need you to realize how important being one of the last Saiyans is," he finally looks to you. "And what that means for the universe."

"You guys are kinda mean though," you cross your arms. "You tried to blow up my planet."

"You're right," Turles nods. "But I believe that you'll show them something new... especially when we show up with our strength."

"Something new?"

"A new perspective," Turles turns on the gravity.

A dark red tint fills the room as the new gravity envelops the room. Your bodies nearly falter right there under this immense pressure.

"That's... a bigger jump," you huff.

Turles doesn't respond, instead beginning the routine you do. He gets on the ground, one hand behind his back, and starts doing push-ups.

"H-Hey! Wait for me!" You follow suit, not daring to be left behind.

And so your training begins again, with under 48 hours until you reach Namek, every second counts. While the girls rest and get their strength back for their own training, you and Turles do your best to become accustomed to the highest level of gravity. It takes hours of training before either of you can manage to move normally at all. That's all done with your regular workouts along with one to merely get used to the gravity. You and Turles float in the air, spinning round and round like a wheel to work both on your mobility and ability to fly with this pressure.

At the same time, team RWBY has been awake for some hours and has been practising a certain technique that required better Ki control. If you had been more attentive to the energy around you, you'd likely have felt exactly what they're doing. But because you're so focused on your training, it's gone completely past you.

"We got it," Ruby cheers, pulling her hands in. A smile creeps upon her face as she realizes all her team has done the same. "WOOHOO! WE GOT IT! WE GOT IT!" The red caped rose jumps in the air over and over again.

"Seems we did," Weiss huffs and puffs, leaning on her knees. "Pretty... tired now."

"Maybe we should take a break then try again later. Make sure we've really got it," Blake advises.

Ruby's completely in her own world, still cheering about how they've finally managed to achieve the technique.

"Should we make extra for the boys up top?" Yang flicks her chin up.

Weiss approaches the fridge and opens it up. "I highly doubt they'll be taking a break any time soon. We arrive tomorrow, after all," Weiss grabs a few premade meals to heat up.

"Do we think we're ready?" Blake asks aloud.

"We're not as strong as them, but that doesn't mean we're useless!" Yang slams her fists together. "We'll definitely kick some butt and make sure the meatheads up there," she points up. "Don't get too caught up in their fighting."

On cue, the ship starts shaking a bit. The girls stumble a little bit, Weiss being the one that suffers the most when all the food she was holding falls on her head.


You and Turles train harder in this one day than you ever had before. You both know there isn't much time before you reach Namek and if you can't handle the highest gravity then you'll feel like this training was wasted. But after nearly eighteen hours of training with senzu beans sprinkled in, you and Turles are finally able to move around normally. Of course, that means you two have been sparring as if your life depends on it.

For you, it's a fun difference from normal training. You love your friends, but none of them can really get your blood pumping, and the last massive training regiment you had was with King Kai... alone. You find it more fun and effective to train with someone else, and it's clear from the results. You need to make sure that you're strong enough to protect Namek and help the Saiyans. You're still unsure how well you'll match up against Frieza, but you won't know until you try.

As your fists slam into each other's cheeks, your eyes lock. There's a moment where your bodies shake, your muscles tense, but that swiftly goes away as you go limp and fall to the floor. You both hit the ground, panting heavily.

"We're... not done..." Turles huffs.

"I know. I won't rest... until this feels like normal..." Neither of you speak for a little bit, allowing your bodies a moment of recuperation. "You think... we can beat Frieza?"

"Me? No," Turles honestly answers. "You? Maybe."

"What?" You chuckle. "Why?"

"That... Kaioken of yours... even if Frieza is twice as strong, you'll overcome, right?"

"Yeah... I'll have to teach it to you after."


"You said you're gonna come to Remnant, right? We can train some more."

"Don't get buddy-buddy with me, Kail," Turles barks.

This only makes you laugh. "I think... you're a bit late on that one, Turles."

Turles closes his eyes and smirks. "Perhaps..." He whispers. "We've rested long enough."

"You're right," you start getting up. "We can sleep tomorrow," you get into a fighting stance and raise your Ki to the max. "Come on, Turles!" Your body envelopes with the Kaioken. "We're going a hundred percent!"

"RIGHT!" His voice mirrors all the power he releases. "Don't go easy on me!"


Day 6

With hours of sleep under all of your belts and less than an hour before you reach Namek, all of you prepare yourselves for what may come. Everyone has returned to their original outfits, Turles finding it odd to be in his armour again after all the time in the Gi. As he pats himself down, he notices Weiss with the same vials he's seen before. He casually approaches the Heiress and kneels down. She sees him out of the corner of her eyes but doesn't stop what she's doing.

"What're those?"

"These?" Weiss grabs a vial, lightly shaking it.


"Dust. It's..." Weiss places the vial in her satchel and tilts her head at Turles. "Do you really care?"

"Yes. I'd like to know what advantages you have."

"Oh... well... it's something on our planet that I use with my Semblance."

"It requires a Semblance?" Turles asks.

"No. But that depends on what kind they are. Oh, yeah, Blake," she raises her voice so Blake, who's near the beds, will turn around. "I left some Dust by your gear."

"Thank you," the Faunus responds.

"So what kind of effects do they have?" The Saiyan persists.



You stare out the upper floor window, watching as you pass by some planets. You have silent excitement that's easy to see.

"You ready," Yang nudges you from behind before shifting to your side.

"Yeah, I think so," you lift your fist before you and clench it. "I'm pretty surprised how much stronger I am... you too," you smirk at her. "Everyone is."

You and Yang stare out the window, watching a few other planets as you pass. Yang shifts in place, soon bouncing a bit as she tilts her head to see you.

"Do you... can I ask you something?"

"How many times have you asked that?"

"Hey, shush," Yang wags her finger. "I'm serious."

"Okay," you chuckle. "What's up?"

"So... you're super strong now and we can all see it. But, and it's not like I don't believe in you! But... well... what happens if we're not strong enough? If you're not strong enough?"

Your brow furrows as you look back out of the window. You take a deep breath and put a smile back on.

"Then run. You take the ship, get our friends and get back to Remnant."

"What?" Yang steps more into your view, beside the window. "No way we would do that!"

"You would because I'm asking you to," you keep a lighthearted tone but Yang can feel your serious nature. There's no joke here.


You put a finger over her lips, feeling the softness and slight moist texture. "You have to. But try not to worry," you tap her lips before setting your hand down. "I won't lose."

There's a moment of silence, both of you digesting what you've just said.

"But just in case," you turn over.

"Oh shut it, hotshot," Yang turns around, punching your arm and walking away. "Try..." Is the only word she can say for a few steps. She turns around, smiling at you with a little more glimmer in her eyes. "Try not to lose, okay? For me."

"For you?" You begin to nod. "I can do that, I promise. I'd do anything for you."

You don't seem to realize how much those words mean to the blonde. She turns away, not allowing you to see her reaction. "I would too."

You look back out to the window, finally seeing a green planet in the distance.

"Arriving on Planet Namek in... ten minutes," the automated ship voice alerts everyone.

You tighten your brown gauntlets and exhale. "Alright... no matter what we face, we'll all get out of this."

And here we go! Nearly at chapter twenty, look at that! Well, as you can all gather the Frieza Saga will be starting now. You likely noticed that we basically skipped over the first half of the actual arc (Zarbon, Dodoria, searching for the balls, etc.) so the actual arc won't last toooooooooooooo long. But I have plenty that'll happen, don't worry. This section on Namek is gonna be fun. I'm sure you can make some deductions on what'll happen, but I almost guarantee that this arc won't play out exactly how you expect.

But how about I just get started on the next chapter, huh? Might take a weird amount of time cause I want to make sure I'm cross-referencing with the show, timing, etc. but it'll be soon. Heck, this chapter alone turned out way longer than I was expecting. But, hey, I hope you enjoyed and are looking forward to the future! I'll see you next time!

Want to keep up with me? Know what chapter's coming out next and the progress of them? Follow me on Twitter! Twitter . com (slash) Chinsangan

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Advice? Send me a message!

I also have a Pa tr eon, if you want to check that out! Pat reon . com (slash) Chinsangan

My Discord is now open! If you want to join, either check my bio for a link, find it on my Twitter, or message me directly!

A special thank you to Patreon supporters: MazMan, Big Genatools, and Ride The Lightning

Thank you guys so much for supporting me! It means the world!

And finally, thank you to the Beta Reader: thenameisntimportant

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